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My name is… My name’s…
this is
Fra Baidu bibliotek
which is
Yes, I am .
Yes, I’m.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it’s.
Yes, they are.
Yes, they’re.
4.表感谢: Thank you/ Thanks/Thank you very much/ a lot. Thank you for helping us./your help. Say thanks to him/ Mary. 当别人无法帮助时: Thank you anyway./Thank you all the same. It’s very nice/kind of you. 感谢回答语:
3.询问来自哪里? be from =come from 他来自哪里?
Where is he from? Where does he come from? 他来自美国。
He comes from America. He is from America.
--What’s this/that in English? ---It’s a/an+单数n. --Is this/that/it a/an+单数n? ---Yes,it is./No, it isn’t. ---What are these/those? ---They’re+复数n ---Are they/these/those+复数n ---Yes,they are./ No, they aren’t.
Not at all. That’s all right/ OK. It’s OK. You are welcome. My pleasure. It’s a / my pleasure. 注意:请说说下面句子的意思: Right . 是的,对。 That’s right! 那是对的。 All right. 好的。好吧。
1.问候 Good morning/ evening/ afternoon/good night/good day. 多用于第一次见面: How do you do?
Nice/ Glad/ Pleased to see/meet you. 回答用:
Nice to meet you, too. Nice talking to/ meeting you. ------常用于谈完话告别时 用于熟人见面时
How are you? Fine/I’m OK/Well, thank you. And you? Hello! Hi!
_a_n__ honor _a_n__ eraser _a_n__ honest boy
_a_n__ ugly duck
6. 请把26个字母按照a, an的用法归类: a ____b___c__d__g__j__k___p__q___t__u__v__w___y__z_
an __a___e__f __h___I__l___m___n___o___r__s___x_____
e.g. ---What is she like?---She is out-going. 2)He/she has short brown hair.
He is tall with blond hair. He is handsome/ strong. 3)My face is round.=I have a round face. Her feet are big.=She has big feet. 4) My sister and I look different. But you look the same. 注意:look可作n. 单复数即可,表示外貌,长相. e.g. have a new look
speak spread stop school escape street
5. a, an的用法
_a_n__ egg
_a_n__ hour
__a__ computer __a__ one-year-old boy
__a__ face __a__ bag __a__unit
2.年级、班级表达法 ---What class/grade+be动词+主语? ---主语+be动词+Class 1(One)+Grade 9(Nine).
如:我在八年级5班 I am in Class 5, Grade 8.(注意回答首字母大写) 划线提问:
What class are you in? 拓展:
1. 48个国际音标
1. P124 清辅音: 浊辅音: 2. 动词过去式ed的发音 清辅音后的发音: __/t_/ _helped kicked 在其它辅音或原音后的发音: _/_d_/_ welcomed cleaned preferred ed 在 /t/ ,/d/ 后发__/_id_/__ collected needed landed congratulated
1.年龄表达法 1)表示某人几岁了:How old+be+主语? 如:---How old are you?
= What’s your age? 我八岁。我是一个八岁的女孩。
---I am eight years old. I am an eight-year-old girl. 2)在某人几岁时:at the age of … 如: 他七岁去上学。
---Who are they? ---They are Maria and Jane ---Is he/she…? ---Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.
---What is your/his telephone number? ---My/His telephone number is…/It’s…
李老师 (男) Mr. Li
Mr. Wang
谢老师(女) Miss Xie
林小姐(未婚) Miss Lin
Mrs. Zhang
许女士 (婚否?) Ms. Xu
总结:Mr. 男士,婚否不限, 意为“先生或老师” Mrs. 已婚,后加夫家姓氏 Miss 称呼老师婚否不限,还可称呼未婚女子 Ms. 不知婚否
have the same look have different looks
How are you feeling today? I’m feeling much better now.
Please say hello to your parents. Please give my best wishes to your parents. All right.
2.告别 Good bye. Bye-bye. See you (later). See you /See you then/later/tomorrow/soon. I am sorry I have to go now. 3. 见面时介绍 ①自我介绍:
3. the 的发音规则: 在元音前发:______ the owl the apple the honest the award 其它的(除在元音前外)发:______ the book the pen the people 4.字母s在词首的发音规则: s后的 p t k tr音一般浊化为 b d g dr
1)---How do you spell it? ---E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser. 2)---Can you spell it,please? ---Yes. M-A-P,map.
8.询问颜色: ---What color is this/that cap? ---It’s+颜色
I’m ... My name is ...I’m a student, I’m from China. ---How do you do? ---How do you do? ---Nice /Glad/Pleased to meet you! ---Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you, too! ②他人介绍:This is... That is ... This is my teacher, Mr. Chen. / That’s my brother, Peter. I’d like you to meet my friend, Bob.
The woman in a white dress is my aunt. 10.描述外貌: 1)---What does she look like?
---She looks like her mom. ---She is tall and she has short brown hair. 注意:---What is sb. like? 主要询问人的性格特征,也可描述外貌。
what is what’s who is who’s where is where’s there is there’s how is how’s he is he’s that is that’s
she is she’s
it is
we are we’re
they are they’re
you are you’re
He went to school at the age of seven. 3)在某人这个年龄时: at one’s age 如:My father began to work at your age. 4)在某人二十/三十几…九十岁时
in one’s twenties/ thirties …/nineties
7. 26个字母 请写出5个元音字母_A__a__E_e___Ii__O_o___U_u_)____ 含/ei/ Aa Hh Jj Kk 含/i:/ Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 含/ai/ Ii Yy 含/əʊ/ Oo 含/ju:/ Qq Uu Ww 含/e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 含/ɑ:/ Rr 注意:元音字母不代表一定要发元音,如u
there are there’re
is not
are not
I am
No, it is not. No, it isn’t. 或No, it’s not.
No, I am not. No, I’m not.只能这样缩写
No, they are not. No, they’re not. 或No, they aren’t.
---What color are these/those pants? ---They are+颜色(purple/blue/light yellow)
9.描述着装:be in 的句型
e.g. The girl is in a yellow dress. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.
图片1: Picture 1 / One; the first picture 102室: Room 102 关于多个地名的表达:
Class 17, Grade 9. Zhangzhou Experimental
School, Fujian, China.
张晶晶 Zhang Jingjing
Wang Fang
欧阳捷宏 Ouyang Jiehong
九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou