2020高考英语一轮复习同步攻关 Unit 1 Art学案 选修6

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Unit 1 Art


Task: How do you think of success?

Foolish people with all their other thoughts,

Have this one too:They are always getting ready

To live, but never living.

Your success will start when you begin to pursue it. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to know all of the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is. Don't procrastinate(拖延) when faced with difficult problems. Break your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward taking action. You can make something happen right now. Divide your big

plan into small steps and take that first step right away.

Everyone who ever got where they are had to begin where they were. Your big opportunity is where you are right now.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it.


1. A collection of rare book is on e__________(展览) at the city library.

2. He lost all his p__________(财产) in the fire.

3. As a husband, he is very f__________(忠诚) to her wife.

4. The salesman was a__________(上进心强的) and he worked very hard.

5. A by a wealthy family, the orphan received very good education.

6. The hunter put up his gun __________ (瞄准)at the bird in the tree and fired.

7. It's r (可笑的)to argue about such things.

8. He felt sorry to know that there was no __________(特定的) medicine for his disease.

9. Henry's devotion to charity and his strong will to help gain him national r (名誉).

10. Do be careful when removing this vase because it is

f .


2. possessions

3. faithful

4. aggressive

5. Adopted

6. aiming

7. ridiculous 8. specific

9. reputation 10. fragile


1. concentrate__________ 集中……于

2. __________ coincidence巧合地

3. __________ great deal 大量

4. __________ the other hand另一方面

5. __________the flesh 活着的;本人

6. __________ worth 值得(做……);有……的价值

7. appeal __________ 对……有吸引力

8. lead __________ 导致

9. __________ the late 19th century 在19世纪晚期

10. have a preference __________偏爱

11. be allergic __________ 对……过敏


2. by

3. a

4. on

5. in

6. be

7. to

8. to

9. in 10. for

11. to

1. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD.(P1)

2. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(P2)

3. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.(P2)

① aim n. & v.


(1) She went to London with the aim of finding a job.

(2) He took aim at the bird,fired and missed it.

(3) I drove fast,aiming for / at catching the last bus.

(4) The hunter aimed at the lion and fired.


A.目标,目的 (n.)

B. 瞄准 (n.)

C. 瞄准,对准 (v.)

D. 意欲,旨在 (v.)

(1) A (2) B (3) D (4) C

① aim n. & v.


without aim 漫无目的地

with the aim of 以期……,意在……

achieve one's aim 达到目的

miss one‘s aim 希望落空,失败

take aim at 向……瞄准
