由之前的对最简单的欢迎词和欢送词的模棱两可,到如今的易如反掌,用之自如,难道这不就是一种进步吗? 诚然,自己有时也会不够重视开点小差,这当然是应该改正的。
二、实训目的与意义1. 提高学生的英语听说读写能力,使学生具备良好的英语沟通技巧。
2. 培养学生的旅游专业知识,使学生熟悉旅游行业的基本业务流程。
3. 增强学生的团队合作意识,提高学生的综合素质。
4. 为学生提供实习机会,让学生在实践中检验所学知识,提高就业竞争力。
三、实训内容与方法1. 实训内容(1)旅游英语口语实训:包括导游词讲解、旅游咨询、酒店预订等场景模拟。
2. 实训方法(1)课堂讲授:由专业教师讲解旅游英语基础知识,引导学生掌握基本词汇、语法和表达。
四、实训成果与收获1. 学生英语水平得到提高,具备良好的英语沟通技巧。
2. 学生熟悉旅游行业的基本业务流程,掌握旅游英语专业知识。
3. 学生团队合作意识增强,综合素质得到提高。
4. 学生在实践活动中积累了丰富的经验,提高了就业竞争力。
五、实训不足与改进建议1. 不足之处(1)部分学生英语基础薄弱,实训过程中存在一定困难。
2. 改进建议(1)加强英语基础教学,提高学生的英语水平。
旅游英语教学小结第一篇:旅游英语教学小结旅游英语教学小结英汉系xxx 时间飞逝,很快一个学期就要接近尾声了,这个学期对于刚走上教师岗位的我来说意义非凡。
二、实习收获1. 提升了专业素养通过实习,我深刻认识到旅游英语专业的重要性。
2. 锻炼了团队协作能力在实习中,我与团队成员合作完成了多个项目。
3. 增强了问题解决能力在实习中,我经常面临各种复杂的问题和挑战。
三、实习心得体会1. 学会主动沟通在与客户接触的过程中,我意识到主动沟通的重要性。
2. 做事认真负责在实习过程中,我时刻保持对工作的认真负责态度。
3. 不断学习和提升实习只是学习的开始,我深刻意识到自己还有很多需要学习和提升的地方。
课程结业报告课程名称:涉外旅游英语文化教程学号:08091201姓名:习琴芳老师:韩娇阳2011年6月12日Part one: a brief introduction of the course This book focuses on brief introduction of global culture tourism and uniqueness of different countries. It has six chapters, each of which can be divided into three parts: brief introduction, culture and tourism.1.Chapter one introduce the tourism and culture of Asia.Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres. Itcovers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.9% of its land area) and with approximately 4 billion people, it hosts 60% of the world's current human population. During the 20th century Asia's population nearly quadrupled. Asia is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of Eurasia—with the western portion of the latter occupied by Europe—located to the east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains and south of the Caucasus Mountains (or the Kuma-Manych Depression and the Caspian and Black Seas.It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asia—a toponym dating back to classicalantiquity—is more a cultural concept incorporating a number of regions and peoples than a homogeneous physical entity (seeSubregions of Asia, Asian people). The wealth of Asia differsvery widely among and within its regions, due to its vast size and huge range of different ethnic groups, cultures, environments,historical ties and government systems. Asia has been thehistorical birthplace of all major world religions.2 Chapter two introduce the tourism and culture of EuropeEurope is the sixth largest continent in size and the third largest in population. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the south, Asia to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the West. Europe is a wealthy continent and is the center of the West and Western Democracy. Europe has been the home to some of the earth’s greatest civilizations from Ancient Greece to the Roman Empire. It is also the home to the birth of democracy. Europe has also been the central point two of the biggest wars in modern history: WWI and WWII. Recently Europe has united under the common union called the European Union. This union allows independent European countries to have a single currency and to combine their economic and military power. Europe is the world’s second-smallest continent in terms of area, covering about 10,180.000 square kilometers or 2%of the earth’s surface. It hosts a large number of sovereign states, whose precise amount depends on the underlying definition ofEurope’s border, as well as on the in-or exclusive of semi-recognized states. Of all European countries, Russia is the largest by both area and population, while the Vatican is the smallest. Europe is the third most populous continent after Asia and Africa with a population of 710,000,000 or about 11% of the world’s population. However, Europe’s border and population are in dispute, as the term continent can refer to a cultural and political distinction or physiographic one.3 Chapter three introduce the tourism and culture of AfricaAfrica is the world's second-largest and second most-populous continent, after Asia. At about 30.2 million km² (11.7 million sq mi) including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area. With 1.0 billion people (as of 2009, see table) in 61 territories, it accounts for about 14.72% of the world's human population. The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, both the Suez Canal and the Red Sea along the Sinai Peninsula to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The continent has 54 sovereign states, including Madagascar and various island groups. Africa, particularly central Eastern Africa, is widely regarded within the scientific community to be the origin of humans and the Hominidae clade (great apes), as evidenced by the discovery of the earliest hominids and their ancestors, as well as later ones that havebeen dated to around seven million years ago – including Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Australopithecus africanus, A. afarensis, Homo erectus, H. habilis and H. ergaster – with the earliest Homo sapiens (modern human) found in Ethiopia being dated to circa 200,000 years ago.Africa straddles the equator and encompasses numerous climate areas; it is the only continent to stretch from the northern temperate to southern temperate zones. The African expected economic growth rate is at about 5.0% for 2010 and 5.5% in 20114 Chapter four introduce the tourism and culture of North AmericaNorth America is the third largest continent in area and the fourtj ranked in population. It is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the south by the Caribbean Sea, and on the west by the North Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of 9,355,000square miles. As of July 2008, its population was estimated at nearly 529million people.North America occupies the northern portion of the landmass generally referred to as the New World, the Western Hemisphere, the Americas, or simply America. Northern America’s only land connection is to South America at the narrow Isthmus of Panama. According to some authorities, North America begins not at the Isthmus of Panama but at the narrows central America as asubcontinent or region of Northern America.The continent is filled with history, culture, tourist attraction, and activities, a vacation to America offers tourists the opportunity to experience several cultures and explore a wide variety of sights and activities. The major two countries of Northern America; the United States and Canada offer hundreds of exciting tourist locations.5 chapter five introduce the tourism and culture of South AmericaSouth America is the fourth largest continent in size and the fifth largest in population. It is located primarily n the southern hemisphere, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The geography of South America is dominated by the Ands Mountain Range and the Amazon River.Prior to European colonization, the Incan Civilization was a dominant force in South America. In the 1500’s, Spain and Portugal colonized much of South America. The colonies gained independence in the 1800’s with the help of leaders such as Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. As a result, much of South America still speaks Spanish and Portuguese is the primary language of Brazil.6 Chapter six introduce the tourism and culture of Oceania Oceania is a region centered on the islands of the tropical PacificOcean. Conceptions of what constitutes Oceania range from the coral atolls and volcanic islands of the South Pacific (ethnologically divided into the subregions of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia) to the entire insular region between Asia and the Americas, including Australasia and the Malay Archipelago. The term is sometimes used more specifically to denote a continent comprising Australia and proximate islands, or biogeographically as a synonym for either the Australasian ecozone (Wallacea and Australasia) or the Pacific ecozone (Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia apart either from New Zealand or from mainland New Guine.Part 2 thoughts after the course—cultural globalizationAfter learning this course, I know that different country has its specialty. With the development of globalization, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People from different country have a lot of chances to interact with each other. There may be some conflictions because they have different culture. In this aspect people should be tolerant to each other. Here comes the necessity of learning different culture in the world. When we try to keep our own culture, we can also learn good things from others and keep the bad side away. As globalization is not only an economic phenomenon, a multivariate approach to measuring globalization is the recent indexcalculated by the Swiss think tank KOF. The index measures the three main dimensions of globalization: economic, social, and political. In addition to three indices measuring these dimensions, an overall index of globalization and sub-indices referring to actual economic flows, economic restrictions, data on personal contact, data on information flows, and data on cultural proximity is calculated. Data is available on a yearly basis for 122 countries, as detailed in Dreher, Gaston and Martens. According to the index, the world's most globalized country is Belgium, followed by Austria, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Among all kinds of globalization, cultural globalization is very important as it can change the mind of thinking. Cultural Globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values across national borders. This process is marked by the spread of commodities and ideologies, which become standardized around the world. Mass consumption serves as a facilitator between different people and cultures around the globe as a result of the exponential growth of the human population. Through technological advancement, culture has been moving beyond borders and boundaries, transforming through locations the shared meanings of culture. Through the process of sharing the ideas and values of one culture to another ultimately leads to an inter-connectedness between various populations fromdiverse cultures. According to Inda and Rosaldo, globalization refers to the intensification of connections within the global, regional, and local level. These aspects of social life contain multidimensional processes that are quite complex. To better understand the complexity of culture, Stuart Hall defines it as the process of sharing meanings in society. Culture used to be confined to local regions in premodern society, but technological advances now allow us to tear down the barriers of time and space. Today in modern society cultures move freely from the most remote areas in the world to the biggest cities. Acculturation or the mixing of cultures in modern society is commonly seen in many countries from the West. The domination of a culture over another can be referred to as colonial imperialism; which greatly impacts our understanding of globalization. Cultural globalization thus modifies the meaning given to a representation by a particular culture, and gives it the dominant cultures' own meaning. Jan Nederveen Pieterse believes that globalization should be viewed as a long term historical process.[3] He conceived globalization as a human integration and hybridization, arguing that it is possible to detect cultural mixing across continents and regions back many centuries. These ideas refer to the movement of religious practices, language and culture brought by Spanish colonization of the Americas. This, however contrastwith many economist and sociologist, who trace the origins of globalization to capitalism as well as modernity, which have been facilitated through technological advances. One of the dominant perspectives of globalization, asserts that this is a process of the transfiguration of worldwide diversity into a pandemic westernized consumer culture. [4] Many critics argue that through the dominance of American culture influencing the entire world, this will ultimately result in the end of cultural diversity. This has been associated with the destruction of cultural identities, dominated by a homogenized and westernized, consumer culture. The global influence of American products, businesses and culture upon other countries around the world has been referred to as Americanization. This influence is represented through that of American-based Television programs which are rebroadcasted throughout the world. Major American companies such as McDonalds and Coca-Cola have played a major role in the in the spread of American culture across the globe. Terms such as Coca-colonization have been coined to refer to the dominance of American products in foreign countries, which some critics of globalization view as a threat to the cultural identity of such foreign nations. Another perspective, regards globalization as a process of hybridization on which cultural mixture and adaptation continuously transform and renew cultural forms. Asanthropologist Roy Wagner has argued; cultures are continually changing and being recreated as part of an ongoing process. In particular cultures are being informed through various internal pressures and influences. However culture is also shaped by external forces, thus indicating that this is not a homogenous discrete and bounded entities; rather cultures overlap as well as draw from other traditions.Part 3 suggestionsAs I expect this course to be very funny, because the teacher taught us to be relax when we first attended this course. And I really enjoy myself when the teacher showed us a video about Spain. It gave me a really deep impression. Later on there are fewer chance to do such kind of things. Most of my classmates like it not only because of relaxing but also we learn something from it.。
旅游英语期末小组总结汇报Traveling English Final Group Summary ReportIntroduction:As a group, we have collaborated and researched the importance of English in the tourism industry. Our objective was to understand how English language skills are essential for both tourists and tourism professionals. During this process, we explored various topics such as language barriers, importance of English proficiency, and tips for effective communication. This report aims to summarize our research findings and provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of English in the realm of tourism.Body:1. Language Barriers:During our research, we discovered that language barriers can be a significant challenge for tourists in foreign countries. Communicating with locals, seeking directions, and understanding important information become difficult without a common language. English, being a lingua franca, serves as a bridge between tourists and locals, overcoming these language barriers and allowing for smoother interactions.2. Importance of English Proficiency for Tourists:English proficiency plays a vital role in empowering tourists tonavigate through different countries. It allows them to communicate with locals, understand travel information, and feel more confident and secure during their journeys. Our research highlighted that tourists with better English skills have more enriching experiences, as they can connect with locals, share cultural insights, and delve deeper into the local culture.3. Importance of English Proficiency for Tourism Professionals:English proficiency is equally crucial for professionals working in the tourism industry. It enables them to communicate effectively with tourists, understand their needs, and provide high-quality services. Our research revealed that professionals proficient in English have higher chances of career advancement, as they are more capable of interacting with international tourists and handling diverse situations.4. Tips for Effective Communication:Based on our research, we compiled a list of tips for effective communication in English while traveling:a) Learning Basic Phrases: Tourists can start with learning basic phrases like greetings, directions, and common questions. This helps in daily interactions and makes tourists more confident in their conversations.b) Using Language Translation Apps: We found that language translation apps can be valuable tools for immediate translation needs. They can help bridge communication gaps and facilitateconversations with locals.c) Seeking English-Speaking Assistance: Tourists can approach tour guides, hotel staff, or other professionals who are proficient in English for assistance. This ensures better understanding and minimizes misunderstandings and miscommunication.d) Practicing Active Listening: We emphasized the importance of active listening for both tourists and professionals. It helps in understanding different accents, cultural nuances, and avoids misunderstandings.e) Being Open and Respectful: A key takeaway from our research was the importance of being open-minded and respectful when communicating in English. This fosters positive interactions and creates a welcoming atmosphere for both parties.Conclusion:In conclusion, our research highlights the significance of English in the tourism industry. It helps overcome language barriers for both tourists and professionals. English proficiency ensures smoother communication, enhances travel experiences, and opens doors to diverse opportunities within the industry. By following the tips for effective communication, tourists can navigate foreign countries with ease, establish connections with locals, and create unforgettable memories. We believe that a strong command of English is essential for anyone involved in the tourism industry to thrive and succeed in this globalized world.。
(人文艺术系) 2022年12月2日下午1:00,旅行社管理系13级涉外旅游专业的30名学生在系主任刘梅芝、专业指导老师李雪琴、系教务干事邓月和辅导员李骅的带领下,到万达皇冠假日酒店进行了为期半天的专业体验学习。
(人文艺术系)篇三:旅游英语结课报告河北科技师范学院《旅游英语》课程实习报告院(系):工商管理学院专业:旅游管理班级:1302姓名:王玉丽旅行社实习报告一实习目的1.完成学校统一要求的参与社会实践活动的任务2. 提高自己的导游服务技能,处理好与同事的人际关系,做一个优秀的导游和团队人员。
3. 通过实习真正意义上接触社会以此来增加生活阅历,更加深入的了解社会,为即将步入社会的自己打下良好的基础4. 旅游业近几年得到了高速的发展,在高速发展的同时也出现了一系列的问题,有问题就有机会,通过对旅游行业的不断了解,找到创业的机会。
旅游英语授课总结(精选五篇)第一篇:旅游英语授课总结高职高专英语(1)授课小结一.教材名称:《英语1》(高职高专版第二版)二.出版单位:高等教育出版社,教育部《英语》教材编写组编三.教材编排模式:(5部分)1.Reading2.Writing3.Listening4.Situational Dialogues5.Home Reading四.课程内容Unit 1 Travel ArrangementsUnit 2 Receiving GuestsUnit 3 Chinese FoodUnit 4 Touring CitiesUnit 5 Chinese Ancient ArchitectureUnit 6 Chinese GardensUnit 7 Chinese ReligionsUnit 8 Recreational ActivitiesUnit 9 Colorful FolkloreUnit 10 Touring MountainsUnit 11 Water TourUnit 12 Shopping in ChinaUnit 13 Chinese Arts and CraftsUnit 14 Farewell五.使用专业:酒店管理六.授课小结(1)作业布置情况:作业完全根据课后练习布置。
公司于20xx年03月通过iso 9001;20xx年05月通过iso 14001 ,公司以先进的企业经营理念,持续改进品质和管理,满足客户需求作为企业开展的动力,立足于国际市场。
As a student, the experience of traveling has not only broadened my horizons but also improved my English skills. Here's a summary of whatI've learned and enjoyed during my travels.Firstly, I've realized the importance of basic travel phrases. From asking for directions to ordering food, knowing essential vocabulary and phrases made my trips smoother. For instance, "Excuse me, where is the nearest bathroom?" or "Could you please recommend a good restaurant?" These phrases not only helped me communicate effectively but also made me feel more confident in new environments.One of the most exciting aspects of traveling is meeting people from different cultures. Engaging in conversations with locals and fellow travelers has been a fantastic way to practice my English. I've learned to use more advanced grammar structures and expanded my vocabulary. For example, discussing local customs or traditions often led to conversations about history, politics, and social issues. These discussions have not only improved my language skills but also given me a deeper understanding of the world.Traveling has also taught me the value of listening. When you're in a foreign country, you need to be an active listener to understand the nuances of the language and culture. I've learned to pay attention to intonation, body language, and context, which has greatly enhanced my communication skills. For instance, understanding the difference between "I'm fine" and "I'm not fine" in a foreign language can be crucial, especially in emergency situations.Another significant aspect of travel English is learning to navigate using English. Whether it's reading maps, using public transportation, or finding attractions, being able to understand and follow instructions in English is invaluable. This skill has not only made my travels easier but has also helped me become more independent.Moreover, traveling has encouraged me to be more creative with my language use. When I don't know a word or phrase, I often have to think on my feet and come up with alternatives. This has improved my problem-solving skills and made me more adaptable in conversations.However, traveling has also highlighted the areas where I need to improve. I've noticed that my pronunciation can sometimes be off, which affects my ability to be understood. Therefore, I've started focusing more on phonetics and practicing pronunciation exercises to enhance my speaking skills.In addition to practical language skills, traveling has also taught me about patience and perseverance. There have been moments when I felt frustrated or overwhelmed, but I've learned to stay calm and find solutions. This resilience has not only helped me in language learning but has also made me a more well-rounded individual.In conclusion, traveling has been a transformative experience for me as a student. It has not only improved my English skills but has also enriched my life with new experiences and friendships. As I continue to explore the world, I look forward to further enhancing my language abilities and embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with it.。
1. 实用旅游英语词汇和短语:课程中强调了旅游相关的词汇和短语的学习和运用,包括预订酒店、机票和旅游景点门票等方面的词汇,以及问路、点菜和购物等日常交流所需的短语。
2. 旅游常用句型和表达:课程中介绍了旅游中常用的句型和表达,如问路、询问时间、表达喜好和建议等。
3. 旅游文化与风俗习惯:课程中重视培养学生对不同国家和地区的旅游文化和风俗习惯的了解。
4. 旅游问答和对话模拟:课程中进行了大量的问答和对话模拟,以帮助学生熟悉不同场景下的旅游交流。
5. 阅读和听力训练:课程中设计了丰富多样的阅读和听力训练,包括阅读旅游指南和游记,以及听取旅游广告和导游介绍等。
实训总结报告旅游英语作文I recently completed a travel English training program, and I must say it was an eye-opening experience. The program not only improved my language skills, but also broadened my understanding of different cultures and customs. It was an unforgettable journey that I will cherish for a lifetime.During the training, I had the opportunity to practice my English speaking skills with native speakers, which was both challenging and rewarding. I also learned a lot of practical travel-related vocabulary and phrases that will be very useful for my future trips abroad. The program really helped me gain confidence in communicating with people from different backgrounds.One of the most interesting parts of the training was learning about the cultural differences and customs of various countries. It was fascinating to see how different cultures approach things like greetings, dining etiquette,and social interactions. I believe that understanding these cultural nuances is essential for being a respectful and considerate traveler.The program also included some practical tips for traveling, such as how to book flights and hotels, how to ask for directions, and how to handle common travel issues. These skills will definitely come in handy for my next trip, and I feel much more prepared to navigate the challenges of traveling in English-speaking countries.Overall, the travel English training program was a valuable experience that not only improved my language skills, but also gave me a deeper appreciation for the diversity of the world. I can't wait to put my new knowledge and skills to the test on my next adventure!。
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河北科技师范学院《旅游英语》课程实习报告院(系):工商管理学院专业:旅游管理班级: 1302姓名:王玉丽旅行社实习报告一实习目的1.完成学校统一要求的参与社会实践活动的任务2. 提高自己的导游服务技能,处理好与同事的人际关系,做一个优秀的导游和团队人员。
3. 通过实习真正意义上接触社会以此来增加生活阅历,更加深入的了解社会,为即将步入社会的自己打下良好的基础4. 旅游业近几年得到了高速的发展,在高速发展的同时也出现了一系列的问题,有问题就有机会,通过对旅游行业的不断了解,找到创业的机会。
6. 向旅行社的管理人员多学习一下管理经验。
二实习内容1. 了解旅游地的内外交通、旅游地的环境保护等。
2. 了解旅行社的服务规程及管理要领.。
3. 了解旅行社的性质,经营业务与管理模式。
当我实习期满离开旅行社前,老板对我工作的认可和对我认真工作的表扬让我感到了极大的快乐!Travel agency practice report一Internship purpose1. Complete the school uniform requirements mission to participate in social practice activities2. To improve their tour guide service skills, deal with interpersonal relationship with colleagues, doing a good tour guide and team members.3. Through the internship in the true sense touch society in order to increase the life experience, more in-depth understanding of the society, to step into society to lay a good foundation for yourself4. Tourism obtained high speed development in recent years, in the high speed development as well as a series of problems, there are problems will have the opportunity, through the understanding of tourism industry, find business opportunities.5. Through the opening at the travel agency practice concrete more deeply understand the entire working process of the travel agency industry, exercises oneself have digestive theoretical knowledge application.6. To travel agency managers learn more management experience.二The internship contents1. Understanding of tourism destination, both inside and outside traffic, environmental protection of tourist sites.2. The main point. Knowledge of travel agency service and management.3. To understand the nature of the travel agency, business and management mode.4. As a local guide work guide's personnel:(1) the tourists earnestly shuttle service on this site;(2) in strict accordance with the reception plan to determine the tour schedule, arrange tourist accommodation, sightseeing, shopping, entertainment and other activities;(3) the enthusiasm to do a good job of guide, and actively introduce to the tourists and dissemination of Chinese culture;(4) to properly handle travel related services in terms of collaboration, carefully deal with tourists of all kinds of problems;(5) the maintenance of the personal and property safety of tourists, to do a good job of accident prevention and safety tips.三Internship units is introducedCyts Tours travel agency is one of the travel agency of qinhuangdao earlier. Has been fully payattention to return to society and the cultivation of talents. Students over the years has been to "create brand, service satisfaction in a special" to the club for, with "sincere, trustworthy, and against the foresight, safety" for the purpose of the service, enthusiasm for the new and old customer service. With advanced management concept and management system, has a group of skilled, knowledgeable and experienced management and sales team and well-trained and excellent in service. Main business: Chinese citizens domestic tourism, outbound tourism, Hong Kong and Macao tourism, inbound tourism, conference tourism, leisure tourism, folk tourism, etc. Travel agency since its inception, always pay attention to credibility and quality of service, has won the customers at home and abroad and tourism administrative departments of praise.The travel agency has always been adhering to the spirit of enterprise and professional excellence of management attitude, rooted in the tourist destination, history, geography and local conditions and customs, carefully planning each trip, depth of promoting tourism concept; With a comprehensive quality management system, fundamentally guarantee customer has free choice to the journey, feel the happiness四Internship report textDuring the internship, I am very honored to travel agency for internship, during the work from the desk clerk to guide each accumulated many experiences in different work and harvest very much. For this internship, I worked as an intern last year hotel is a long time after the internship, my internship aims to from the practice in the investigation of professional knowledge, combining knowledge and practice, in practice, improve their overall quality, to lay the foundation for future work. I usually is to sell when the tourist route, in the process of practice constantly find my own shortcomings, to increase their own experience of tour and tour guide service skills, improve their communication ability, in a real working environment, self-understanding, temper, exercise state of mind, overcome difficulties and setbacks, appeared in the process of practice truly integrating theory with practice. Followed by and consulting work, is responsible for the reception of the work I first is to fully understand the lines of our travel agency launched, such as what's the schedule of your route, accommodation, transportation, visit scenic spots, and pay attention to matters, and so on. Then slowly understand the content of business skilled, attended the making of the company's new line of products. As a rookie, of course, to do some other trivial work is our responsibility, though it is but I still learned a lot in the simple work, know as a tourism staff no matter in what kind of work is to learn to care to have a strong sense of responsibility. Internship, all the work I have come into contact with a lot of new and more learned to grope for the guest's psychology, also summarizes some experience, know when visitors come should do service with a smile, targeted to introduce visitors to tourism products, in the process of service be sincereattitude to really put yourself in for visitors, these work experience after graduation to me really step into social work will have a greater impact and help.五The harvest in the process of internshipIn the interior of the travel agency work, I not only contact the front desk clerk the reception work, also contact the travel agency internal operation, to a certain extent, to the operation of tourism market were fully understanding and learning, I also had been as a guide of tour to travel. Moreover from my daily management of travel agencies and the observation, in the help of learned subjects such as the deep understanding of management and human resources management, further improving the system of their knowledge and improve their own management capacity. Today this would require a professional technology and comprehensive ability in the talent market to realize their needs, complement each other, make up and further study, for I later no matter in study or life has a great help.(一) ReceptionTalking with guests in the reception work, in the talk when travel, behaviour and so on to the appropriate points. Because the guest's first impression of you is very important, how to let customers trust you in a short time and then work in your team is a good premise. I think, the first to have to smile, let a guest feel a kind of feeling; The second is to introduce circuit to keep to the position of the guest, its good; The third is to hang out on introduction of local consumption to explain to the guest in time, customs, condition and matters needing attention, etc. More important is to keep standing on the Angle of the guest for their sake, they will think we are really very understanding them, for their dedication to service. In short, to the reception and service work, not only to grasp the line process but also to understand grope for the guest's psychological skills, etc. In much the tour reception work represents the image of the travel agency. Due to the comprehensive tourism product has a strong, reception process is the process of the service implementation, so the reception work is a comprehensive very strong work. Because of the tourism product is firstAfter the purchase, consumption, in order to ensure the quality of travel agency, make the guest satisfaction customer satisfaction, all travel agency service process according to the specification, standard, only in this way can make the reception work can go smoothly, so, have very strong normative reception work. Contains the understanding of the cultural tourism activities, and the thirst for knowledge, it has the high culture objectively requires reception work, reception work is the main part of the tour reception service, tour guide reception services not only to help, take care of the guest's journey of life, more important is to spread in the process of interpretation of the culture, so, with strong cultural reception work. Is due to the reception work independently, thereceptionist and guest is two-way communication.(二)Meter adjustableIn the travel agency, bear the brunt of the adjustment to become one of the image. It is done in travel agencies, the implementation of the scheme of total scheduling, commander in chief, the general design. "In charge" in detail, and plan the work has strong professional, autonomy, and flexibility. As if the "communications" is the buyer on hard, meter is the "master chef", with their hands to "sour, sweet, bitter, hemp, spicy, salty" of different flavor modulation out to meet the needs of different groups "taste", really need certain skills. So, the personnel to improve the work efficiency, avoid mistakes should be paid attention to the following issues:1, The first is human.Meter investigators in speech and answer the phone should be polite, courteous, modest, concise, agility, generous, considerate, caring each other, give a person the sense of intimacy, the spring breeze stroke. Every call, every every quotation, each specification confirmation, full of feelings, in order to reflect your sincerity of cooperation, express your confidence, show your strength. Writing letters and official documents to standardization, literally to clean bright beautiful, clear, concise, accurate, in order to win the good opinion of each other, in order to win trust and cooperation each other. A good project personnel, must be a colorful "window" to show this travel agency.2, And then the streamline.Gauge the personnel must carefully read each other from the reception plan. Focus is whether the specific time, number, number of occupancy, single and double rooms, whether children account for bed and breakfast, how government tax to pay. Arrived at the correct time of the big traffic and arrival port, found problems in the verification timely notify the other party, make changes quickly. Also, to the staff for ethnic or religious believers, any special requirements on food, in order to inform the restaurant. If found to have birthday at a local tourists, remember to send him a birthday cake to celebrate. If any increase or decrease in the number, to timely exchange for vehicles. Streamline is the core of the standardization, standardization of prelude, is the foundation of the programming.3, Again is considerate.A "five" (reservation, booking tickets, for cars, tour guides, set meal) is the main task of the personnel. Although things multifarious, but the personnel must always be soberly aware, item by item. To be patient, and pay special attention to two words: the first word is "fast", answer the other question is more than 24 hours, can solve the immediate solution. Have to race against time, quick action. The second word is "must", which is accurate, business-like, no sooner said thandone, of your "no", do not chop and change. In answering inquiries, want to use certain words, yes or not, "yes" to do, what to do with "no". Don't be ambiguous, it is not. Otherwise it is hard to let the customer trust, lack of security, and perhaps the business was "yellow".4, There is diversification.Group of a group is not easy, often to do is to low quality and better price, meter investigators often play a big role in it. As a result, investigators want to ground circuit for several sets of different prices, so as to adapt to the needs of different visitors, and have the reasonable profit space. Personnel with customer "bargain" is a gauge of common, there are multiple solutions, a variety of means, plan adjustment can succeed in the "variable". Can't stick to "a game", plan more, carefully, to complete, you can only be "blocked, have means to resist", even though, I have pat answers.5, The last is better educated.Meter investigators should has the normal operation of the conventional methods, namely also is good at learning, always willing to study in a timely manner to master the changing new trends, new information, in order to improve the level of operation, willing to work hard learning new working method, ongoing charging "self", in order to faster, more accurate, higher, stronger. If you want to master the price fluctuations hotels; Land, sea and air price adjustment, the change of the flight; Local new sights, new lines, not by "listen to a somebody else say," could not only on the phone asked, should pay attention to the on-the-spot investigation. Only grasp the detailed and accurate materials, can play a calm and answer up, ensure smooth homework quickly.(三)The tour guideEven a simple as a tour guide, also be more hard work. A few weeks before the main thing is familiar with every line to the travel agency and a day at the new guide may be going to take some of the tour group, so I will not only went over his former tour guide knowledge, also accumulated some experience. In the process, the key is to be familiar with the tour guide business knowledge. Back commentaries, back to the place, it is important to remember in heart. But also not like to recite the text rote learning, also must want to have fun, to expand the knowledge chain, can be a variety of related knowledge to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study. Over the next few week of time is to own independent take some to xibaipo, guishan, pale mountain tour, etc. As to the number of times increases, the less the newness, repeated work will be a little more, it is more a guide of patience and skill, I perseverance down and no complain call tired, so a month down to get the leadership and colleagues's consistent high praise. In my spare time I also can give their batteries, read some books. Tourist guide tour is not an easy thing, not only must have the skilled tour guide knowledge, rich interesting topic, a variety of entertainment projects, must graspto eat, live, travel, tour, shopping, entertainment, the whole operation process. To have the ability to deal with occasional events flexibly and good psychological quality.六·Internship experience and experienceThrough a travel agency internship, I learned that talent service industry need not only to have certain professional knowledge, more important is to understand how people skills and with people, as well as to the travel agency customer's patience and sense of responsibility, I feel learned in school during the period of theoretical knowledge and their work in practice is not a concept, let's learn the reason why I think this is the school summer vacation, let us to further consolidate and understand the classroom knowledge, cultivate and improve our ability to integrate theory with practice, I think practice is important in tourism management theory with practice, improve the investigation and study, we observed problems, the ability to analyze and solve problems and methods, training college students in the social survival and ability.Practice of more than two months with multiple Tours, which not only make their own professional skills improved, increased the tourism experience of tour, also make oneself more real realized work suantiankula. When my intern period before leaving the travel agency boss recognition of my work and work hard for me praise made me feel great happiness!。