
二、活动目的1. 提高学生的英语口语水平,增强学生的自信心和表达能力。
2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的跨文化交际意识。
三、活动主题“Speak Out, Shine On!”(畅所欲言,闪耀光芒!)四、活动时间[具体时间]五、活动地点[具体地点]六、参赛对象全校学生七、比赛形式1. 初赛:自我介绍和主题演讲。
每位选手进行 1 分钟的自我介绍,然后根据给定的主题进行 2 分钟的演讲。
2. 复赛:即兴演讲和问答环节。
每位选手现场抽取一个主题,进行 2 分钟的即兴演讲,然后回答评委提出的问题。
3. 决赛:情景对话和才艺展示。
然后,每位选手进行 2 分钟的才艺展示,如唱歌、朗诵、表演等。
八、比赛规则1. 参赛选手必须在规定的时间内完成演讲,超时将被扣分。
2. 演讲内容必须紧扣主题,积极向上,不得涉及政治、宗教、色情等敏感话题。
3. 评委将根据选手的语音语调、流利程度、内容丰富度、表现力等方面进行评分。
4. 比赛过程中,选手不得使用任何电子设备或参考资料。
九、奖项设置1. 一等奖 1 名,二等奖 2 名,三等奖 3 名,优秀奖若干名。
2. 获奖选手将获得荣誉证书和奖品。
十、活动宣传1. 在学校宣传栏张贴比赛海报。
2. 在学校官网和公众号发布比赛通知。
3. 组织班级宣传,鼓励学生积极参与。
十一、活动预算1. 奖品费用:[具体金额]2. 宣传费用:[具体金额]3. 其他费用:[具体金额]十二、活动组织与安排1. 活动策划组:负责活动的策划和组织工作。
2. 评委组:由英语教师和外教组成,负责比赛的评分工作。
英语角策划书 (2)

英语角策划书1. 项目背景英语角是一个为学生提供英语交流和学习机会的活动,旨在提高学生的英语口语表达能力和沟通能力。
2. 活动目标•提供一个以英语为交流语言的互动平台,帮助学生在实际情境中练习英语口语。
3. 活动内容英语角活动将在每周的特定时间和地点举行,面向全校所有感兴趣的学生。
活动内容包括但不限于:3.1 主题讨论每次活动将设立一个特定主题,如旅行、食物、文化等。
3.2 角色扮演角色扮演是英语角活动中的另一项重要内容。
3.3 语言游戏为了增加活动的趣味性和互动性,我们将在英语角活动中设置一些语言游戏。
4. 活动组织4.1 时间和地点英语角活动将在每周三晚上7点至8点在学校图书馆一楼的自习室进行。
4.2 参与方式所有对英语感兴趣的学生都可以参加英语角活动。

三、备考内容1. 听力:精听历年真题、听新闻、听英语电影等,提高听力理解能力。
2. 阅读:阅读英语文章、小说、新闻等,提高阅读理解能力和阅读速度。
3. 写作:背诵范文、写作文、批改作文等,提高写作水平。
4. 语法:系统学习语法知识,掌握重点语法点。
5. 词汇:背诵专四词汇,扩大词汇量。
四、备考资料1. 历年真题:购买历年专四真题,进行模拟考试和练习。
2. 听力材料:英语新闻、英语电影、英语歌曲等。
3. 阅读材料:英语文章、小说、新闻等。
4. 写作范文:背诵优秀的英语作文范文。
5. 语法书籍:系统学习语法知识的书籍。
6. 词汇书籍:专四词汇书。
五、备考计划1. 基础阶段(现在-6 月)背诵专四词汇,扩大词汇量。
2. 强化阶段(7-8 月)继续背诵词汇,巩固语法知识。
3. 冲刺阶段(9-10 月)复习重点知识点,查漏补缺。
4. 考前阶段(11-12 月)调整心态,保持良好状态。
六、备考方法1. 制定计划:根据自己的实际情况制定合理的备考计划,合理分配时间,确保每个科目都有足够的复习时间。

英语策划活动作文模板英文回答:Event Planning An Essential Guide。
Event planning is a multifaceted and challenging profession that requires a combination of creativity, organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work effectively under pressure. Whether you are planning a small intimate gathering or a large-scale corporate event, following a structured approach will help ensure that your event runs smoothly and successfully.1. Define Your Objectives。
The first step in planning any event is to clearly define your objectives. What are you trying to achieve with this event? Are you looking to raise awareness, generate leads, build relationships, or launch a new product? Once you know your objectives, you can tailor your event plan tosupport them.2. Set a Budget。
Next, you need to set a budget for your event. Thiswill include expenses such as venue rental, catering, entertainment, and marketing materials. Be realistic about how much you can spend, and make sure to stick to your budget.3. Choose a Date and Venue。

英语策划书范文4篇Model English planning book编订:JinTai College英语策划书范文4篇小泰温馨提示:策划书是对某个未来的活动或者事件进行策划,是目标规划的文字书及实现目标的指路灯。
英语角策划书 (3)

英语角策划书1. 策划目的本次英语角策划旨在提供一个机会,让学生们在轻松的环境中练习口语表达和沟通能力,提高他们的英语水平。
2. 活动形式和时间本次英语角将采取线下活动的形式,每周举办一次,活动时间为每周三下午4点至6点。
3. 活动内容3.1 主题演讲每次英语角活动中,我们将邀请一位学生作为主题演讲嘉宾,分享他们的学习经验、旅行经历或者其他与英语相关的主题。
3.2 分组交流在主题演讲之后,我们将参与者分成小组进行交流。
3.3 游戏和趣味活动为了增加活动的趣味性和互动性,我们将安排一些简单的英语游戏和趣味活动。
4. 参与者招募我们将通过学校的网络平台、社交媒体和海报等渠道来宣传和招募参与者。
5. 志愿者招募为了确保活动的顺利进行,我们需要一些志愿者来帮助组织和管理。
6. 活动推广为了让更多的学生了解我们的英语角活动,我们将通过以下方式进行推广:•在学校的官方网站上发布活动通知和介绍;•利用社交媒体平台(如微信公众号、QQ群等)发布活动信息;•制作海报并张贴在校园内的明显位置。
7. 预算和资源本次英语角活动的主要费用将用于购买游戏和活动所需的道具。

英语专业学习规划范文3篇Learning planning model for English Majors英语专业学习规划范文3篇前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。

策划的英文作文模板范文英文:As a professional event planner, I always start my planning process by identifying the client's needs and expectations. This involves having a detailed discussionwith the client to understand their vision and goals forthe event. Once I have a clear understanding of their requirements, I start working on the event design and theme.One of the key aspects of event planning is budgeting.I always make sure to set a realistic budget and allocate funds accordingly. This involves negotiating with vendors and suppliers to get the best deals without compromising on quality.Another important factor is time management. I create a detailed timeline for the event and make sure that alltasks are completed on schedule. This includes coordinating with the venue, vendors, and other stakeholders to ensurethat everything runs smoothly on the day of the event.Furthermore, I always keep communication channels open with the client throughout the planning process. This ensures that they are updated on the progress of the event and can provide feedback and suggestions as needed.In summary, event planning requires a combination of creativity, organization, and communication skills. By understanding the client's needs, setting a realistic budget, managing time effectively, and maintaining open communication, I am able to create successful and memorable events.中文:作为一名专业的活动策划师,我总是从确定客户的需求和期望开始我的策划过程。


活动策划方案英文Event Name: Spring Fling CarnivalObjectives:1. To create a fun and entertaining event for the local community.2. To raise funds for a local charity or cause.3. To provide a platform for local businesses and vendors to showcase their products and services.Event Overview:The Spring Fling Carnival is a family-friendly event that aims to bring the community together for a day of fun, games, and entertainment. The event will feature carnival games, food stalls, live music, and various other attractions. The event will be open to the public and will be held at a local park or community center.Target Audience:The target audience for the event includes families, young adults, and children from the local community. The event aims to attract a diverse audience and provide entertainment for people of all ages.Date and Venue:The event will be held on Saturday, May 15th at the local community park. The park provides a spacious and scenic outdoor venue that is perfect for the carnival atmosphere. The event will be held from 10 am to 6 pm to accommodate families and individuals throughout the day.Budget:The budget for the event is estimated at $10,000. This includes expenses for venue rental, permits, entertainment, marketing materials, and other miscellaneous costs. The event aims to raise funds through sponsorships, vendor fees, and donations to cover these expenses.Event Activities and Attractions:Carnival Games:The event will feature a variety of carnival games such as ring toss, balloon darts, and a dunk tank. Participants can purchase tickets to play the games and win prizes.Food Stalls:Local food vendors will be invited to set up stalls at the event, offering a range of delicious food and beverages. The food stalls will provide an opportunity for local businesses to showcase their products and contribute to the overall atmosphere of the event.Live Music and Entertainment:A stage will be set up for live performances by local bands and artists throughout the day. Additionally, there will be a program of entertainment, including jugglers, stilt walkers, and balloon artists to keep the crowd entertained.Kids Zone:A dedicated area will be set up with activities and attractions specifically for children, including face painting, craft activities, and a bouncy castle.Marketplace:Local artisans and businesses will have the opportunity to set up stalls to showcase and sell their products. This will provide an opportunity for local businesses to promote their products and services to a wider audience.Fundraising Initiatives:The event will incorporate various fundraising activities such as a raffle, silent auction, and donation stations to raise funds for a local charity or cause. The chosen charity will be highlighted throughout the event, and all proceeds will be donated to support their cause.Marketing and Promotion:The event will be promoted through a combination of online and offline marketing strategies, including social media, local newspapers, and community flyers. The event will also collaborate with local businesses and organizations to spread the word and generate interest.Sponsorship Opportunities:The event will seek sponsorship from local businesses and organizations to support the event. Sponsorship packages will include various promotional opportunities such as logo placement, advertising, and on-site recognition.Volunteer Recruitment:The event will recruit volunteers from the local community to assist with various aspects of the event, including setup, coordination, and running of activities. Volunteers will be provided with training and support to ensure the smooth running of the event. Conclusion:The Spring Fling Carnival aims to bring the community together for a day of fun and entertainment while also supporting a local charity or cause. With a range of activities and attractions, the event aims to appeal to a wide audience and provide an opportunity for local businesses and vendors to showcase their products. Through effective marketing, sponsorship, and volunteer recruitment, the event aims to be a successful and enjoyable day for all involved.。

策划活动方案模板范文英语I. Executive SummaryWe are pleased to present this event planning proposal for [Event Name]. This proposal outlines our comprehensive plan for organizing and executing the event, including all necessary details and logistics required for the success of the event.II. ObjectiveOur objective for [Event Name] is to create an engaging and memorable experience for the attendees while achieving the client's goals and objectives. We aim to deliver an event that will leave a lasting impression on all attendees and exceed their expectations.III. Event DetailsDate: [Event Date]Time: [Event Time]Location: [Event Location]Theme: [Event Theme]IV. Target AudienceThe target audience for [Event Name] includes [Description of target audience]. We will focus our event plan and marketing strategies towards reaching this specific demographic and ensuring their attendance and engagement.V. Event Plan1. Pre-Eventa) Concept Development: Work closely with the client to identify and develop a unique and engaging concept for the event.b) Budgeting: Prepare a detailed budget plan outlining anticipated expenses and revenue streams to ensure financial viability and profitability.c) Venue Selection: Identify and secure a suitable venue that aligns with the event theme and can accommodate the expected number of attendees.d) Event Website and Registration: Create a user-friendly event website that provides detailed information about the event and allows attendees to register and purchase tickets online.e) Marketing and Promotion: Develop a comprehensive marketing and promotion strategy to create awareness and drive attendance. This may include social media marketing, emailmarketing, online advertisements, and partnerships with relevant influencers or organizations.2. Event Executiona) Program Development: Create a detailed program that includes a schedule of events, keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, and performances.b) Vendor and Sponsor Management: Identify and secure sponsors and vendors that align with the event theme and provide value to the attendees. Manage relationships with sponsors and vendors throughout the planning and execution process.c) Logistics and Operations: Coordinate all logistical details including audio-visual requirements, seating arrangements, transportation, catering, and event signage.d) Onsite Staffing: Recruit and train a team of professional and enthusiastic staff members to ensure smooth operations and attendee satisfaction during the event.e) Attendee Engagement: Implement strategies to maximize attendee engagement and interaction during the event, such as interactive sessions, networking opportunities, and gamification.f) Risk Management: Develop a comprehensive risk management plan to identify and mitigate potential risks and issues that may arise during the event.3. Post-Eventa) Follow-up and Evaluation: Conduct a post-event evaluation to gauge the success of the event and gather feedback from attendees. Use this feedback to improve future events and build stronger relationships with attendees.b) Post-Event Marketing: Leverage the success of the event to further promote the client's brand or future events through media coverage, testimonials, and social media engagement. VI. BudgetProvide a detailed budget outlining anticipated expenses and potential revenue streams. This should include a breakdown of costs for venue rental, marketing expenses, staff wages, food and beverage, audio-visual equipment, and any other relevant expenses.VII. ConclusionIn conclusion, this event planning proposal outlines our comprehensive approach to organizing and executing [Event Name]. With our expertise and attention to detail, we are confident in our ability to deliver an unforgettable event that surpasses the client's expectations. We look forward to the opportunity to work together and create a successful and memorable experience for all attendees.。


文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!举办活动的英语范文通用19篇举办活动的英语范文第一篇As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three”was held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th.Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teahcers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspring speeches,besides which,students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much.In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaXed and refreshed.Therefore with the pressure gone, I think they will do well in the eXamination.举办活动的英语范文第二篇一、指导思想通过举办校园英语节,营造浓厚的英语交际氛围,让学生感受英语,应用英语。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如策划方案、建议书、合同协议、条据书信、报告总结、讲话稿、演讲稿、工作计划、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic model essays, such as planning plans, proposals, contract agreements, clauses and letters, report summaries, speech drafts, speech drafts, work plans, essays, other sample essays, etc. I want to know Different format and writing styles of sample essays, stay tuned!英文策划书(4篇)一、活动主题英文才艺show二、活动时间初赛:xx年三月二十号晚决赛:xx年三月二十四号晚三、活动地点初赛:待定决赛:待定四、策划主办单位山东师范大学化学院社团部英语吧社团五、活动目的及意义为了繁荣校园文化,展示学子风采,激发同学们学习英语的积极性及热情,培养同学们对英语的兴趣,使大家在兴趣中参加活动,在活动中增长英语知识,从而提高英语能力,英语吧给同学们创造了这样一个趣味性平台,从多种途径学习英语,同时也为英语爱好者提供一个相互认识、交流和同台竞技的机会,让大家更好的展现和丰富自我,进而展示当代大学生的风采。

英语活动策划书英语活动策划书精选4篇(一)Title: English Language Enrichment ProgramI. Introduction:English Language Enrichment Program is designed to provide learners with a fun and interactive environment to enhance their English language skills. Through a variety of engaging activities, participants will have the opportunity to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English.II. Objectives:1. To improve learners' English speaking and listening skills.2. To enhance learners' reading and writing abilities in English.3. To foster a positive attitude towards learning English.4. To develop learners' confidence in using English.III. Target Audience:The English Language Enrichment Program is suitable for learners of all ages and proficiency levels. It can be tailored for students in schools, employees in the workplace, or community members who want to improve their English language skills.IV. Program Activities:1. Speaking Activities:a) Role-plays: Participants will engage in various role-play scenarios to practice real-life conversational skills.b) Debates and Discussions: Participants will discuss and debate on relevant topics to improve their spoken English and critical thinking abilities.c) Presentations: Participants will prepare and deliver short presentations on topicsof interest to enhance their speaking and presentation skills.2. Listening Activities:a) Listening Comprehension Exercises: Participants will listen to audio clips or watch videos and answer questions to improve their listening skills.b) Short Films and TED Talks: Participants will watch short films and TED Talks in English, followed by discussions to enhance their listening comprehension and discussion skills.3. Reading Activities:a) Reading Circles: Participants will be divided into small groups to read and discuss English books or articles, promoting reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.b) Reading Quizzes: Participants will participate in quizzes based on English literary works or news articles to evaluate their reading comprehension abilities.c) Book Club: Participants will read a selected English book together and meet regularly to discuss their thoughts and insights.4. Writing Activities:a) Creative Writing: Participants will engage in creative writing exercises, such as writing short stories or poems, to enhance their writing skills and self-expression.b) Letter Writing: Participants will learn the art of writing formal and informal letters in English.c) Blogging: Participants will create personal blogs in English, expressing their thoughts on various topics and receiving feedback from other participants.V. Program Duration and Schedule:The English Language Enrichment Program can be organized as a week-long intensive course, a series of workshops, or as ongoing sessions spread out over a period of time. The duration and schedule can be tailored to the needs and availability of the participants.VI. Resources Required:1. Audiovisual equipment (projector, speakers, etc.)2. Whiteboard or flip chart with markers3. English language textbooks, novels, and reading materials4. Writing supplies (pens, papers, etc.)5. Computer or laptop with internet access for online activitiesVII. Evaluation:1. Pre and post-program assessments to measure participants' language improvement.2. Participant feedback surveys to assess satisfaction and gather suggestions for improvement.3. Observation of participants' engagement, interaction, and progress throughout the program.VIII. Budget:Provide an estimated budget for the necessary resources, materials, and facilitator fees, if applicable.IX. Conclusion:The English Language Enrichment Program aims to create a supportive and stimulating environment for learners to enhance their English language skills. By incorporating various activities that cater to different learning styles, participants will have an enjoyable experience while improving their proficiency in the English language.英语活动策划书精选4篇(二)英语活动方案:1. 英语演讲比赛:组织学生参加英语演讲比赛,鼓励他们展示自己的口语表达能力,并选出优秀演讲者进行颁奖。

关于活动策划方案范文英语IntroductionEvent planning refers to the process of managing and organizing various types of events, such as conferences, trade shows, weddings, and festivals. It involves tasks such as defining the event goals, creating a budget, selecting a venue, coordinating with suppliers, and marketing the event. This proposal outlines an event planning strategy for a charity gala event.ObjectivesThe main objective of the charity gala event is to raise funds for a nonprofit organization. In addition to this, the event aims to create awareness about the organization and its mission, attract potential donors, and provide an enjoyable experience for all attendees. The event will be a formal black-tie affair, targeting high-net-worth individuals, business leaders, and philanthropists.Planning Process1. Define Event Goals: The first step in planning the charity gala event is to clearly define the goals. This includes determining the amount of funds to be raised, the target number of attendees, and the message to be conveyed through the event.2. Create a Budget: A comprehensive budget is essential for successful event planning. The budget should include all expenses, such as venue rental, catering, entertainment, decorations, marketing, and staff costs. It should also take into account the expected revenue from ticket sales and sponsorships.3. Select a Venue: The next step is to select a suitable venue for the charity gala event. Factors to consider when choosing a venue include location, capacity, amenities, and cost. It is important to book the venue well in advance to ensure availability.4. Coordinate with Suppliers: In order to execute the event smoothly, it is necessary to coordinate with various suppliers, such as caterers, entertainment providers, decorators, and audio-visual technicians. Contracts should be negotiated and signed to establish clear expectations and deadlines.5. Develop a Marketing Plan: Effective marketing is crucial for attracting attendees and promoting the event. The marketing plan should include strategies for advertising, social media promotion, email campaigns, and public relations. It should target potential donors, sponsors, and the general public.6. Create a Program: The event program should be carefully designed to engage attendees and convey the organization's mission. It should include a schedule of activities, speeches, fundraising activities, and entertainment. It is important to keep the program balanced and paced appropriately for the duration of the event.7. Organize Event Logistics: Attention to detail is key when it comes to organizing event logistics. This includes arranging transportation, parking, registration, seating, signage, and audio-visual equipment. A detailed event timeline should be developed and shared with all stakeholders to ensure smooth execution.8. Recruit and Train Volunteers: Volunteers are essential for the success of any event. A team of dedicated volunteers should be recruited and trained to assist with various tasks, such as event setup, registration, ushering, and fundraising activities. Clear instructions and responsibilities should be provided to ensure a cohesive team effort.9. Follow-up and Evaluation: After the event, it is important to follow up with attendees, sponsors, and donors to express gratitude and provide updates on the impact of their contribution. Additionally, an evaluation should be conducted to assess the success of the event and identify areas for improvement in future events.ConclusionIn conclusion, effective event planning requires a systematic approach and attention to detail. This proposal outlines a comprehensive strategy for planning a charity gala event, with the objective of raising funds for a nonprofit organization. By following the steps outlined in this proposal, the event will have a higher chance of success and make a meaningful impact in the community.。

英语策划书4篇范文英语策划书4篇范文一. 活动目的:为繁荣我校同学们的校园文化生活,激发大家对英语学习的兴趣与参与度,广大英语学习爱好者提供自我展示的平台,展示青春风貌,营造一个和谐,青春的校园环境。
二、活动主题“Fly The Dream” 英文歌唱、放飞梦想三、组织单位主办单位:某大外国语学院团委承办单位:某大外语协会协办单位:外国语学院学生会四、活动时间海选:XX年10月23日——10月26日决赛:XX年10月29日五.活动地点海选在小木屋,决赛在后教学楼大厅草坪六.参赛对象某大全体学生七.具体要求1 选手于10月21日至22日(本周一至周二)报名参赛,将参赛曲目报至本班英语课代表处,然后由各段英语组组长汇总后,交到高二刘惠老师处。
2歌曲类型必须为英文歌曲;时间为3到5分钟;必须为正规伴奏音乐,伴奏音乐内不可有原唱音,违者分数为零;3 演唱形式:可单人或多人组合4 海选阶段人数不限,进入决赛人数待定。
比赛评分标准(满分为10分)1 英文发音流畅40%2 音色技巧30%3 精神面貌20%4 台风,创意10%“Fly The Dream”英文歌大赛评分表序号英文发音流畅(4分)音色技巧(3分)精神面貌(2分)台风和创意(1分)总分(10分)要求:1 语音语调准确、歌词清晰、发音地道。
2 曲调把握准确,音高控制得当,歌曲流畅。
3 整体服装外形统一,与歌曲搭配得当;精神饱满,姿态自然大方。
4 台风新颖、有创意,能以适当的表演方式呈现歌曲的意境与旋律。

英文谈判计划书Negotiation is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in both professional and personal relationships. Effective negotiation can help achieve mutually beneficial agreements and solve conflicts efficiently. In today's globalized world, being able to negotiate effectively across different cultures and languages is essential for success. 谈判是一个至关重要的技能,在专业和个人关系中都扮演着重要的角色。
When entering a negotiation, it is crucial to prepare thoroughly and understand the objectives of all parties involved. By conducting research on the other party's interests, priorities, and potential concerns, you can tailor your approach to meet their needs and increase the chances of reaching a successful agreement. 在进行谈判时,充分准备并了解所有参与方的目标至关重要。
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宣传部出海报、拍照。 文艺部申请话筒、文艺节目。 十、经费预算 200 元。 十一、突发情况视情况而定。 十二、活动细则 成员签到时拿号码牌。 主持人介绍到场嘉宾、活动意义及活动流程。表演方式多种可说、可唱、可 演,按每个人抽取到的号码轮流上台表演,每个人表演结束后,评委给予打分。 邀请系主任对本次活动进行总结。 合影留念。 清理会场。 附评委评分细则参照
活动主题 “iDream” 英语梦想秀 活动时间 XX 年 4 月至 5 月 活动地点 大学生活动中心 活动对象 湖南中医药大学全日制在校学生 活动流程策划 本次活动为期一个月,分为以下三个阶段 (1)初赛:节Байду номын сангаас确定(4 月 16 日-4 月 29 日)
①各院学生会文娱部长组织、确定各院节目 双语综艺类节目 【具体演绎形 式不限,可以为英文歌曲 、英语脱口秀、配音(可参考英语趣配音 APP)、英语 话剧、英语歌剧、小语种类节目等,不能全部以同一种形式,每院选出节目(团 体和个人)至少 2 个】
最佳人气奖1名(校级证书) 最佳表演奖1名(校级证书)
位选手做好准备。 (5)比赛应有图片、文总结,档案保存。 十四、讲课内容小学、初中、高中课本 十五、比赛规则及流程 1、进入复赛的 30 名选手经抽签分为 5 组 2、由英语俱乐部指定材料,每位选手 3~5 分钟进行展示,每组结束后由评委
点评打分,每组得分排名后三位的选手将被淘汰。 3、最后共 15 名选手进入决赛 十六、活动流程 1、由主持人致开场白 2、由英语俱乐部介绍比赛规则 3、英语俱乐部致辞
评分方式去掉一个最高分,一个最低分,取其余分数平均分。 比赛评分标准(满分为 10 分) 1 英文发音流畅 40%2 音色技巧 30% 3 精神面貌 20%4 台风,创意 10% “Fly The Dream”英文歌大赛评分表 序号 英文发音流畅(4 分) 音色技巧 (3 分) 精神面貌 (2 分)
十、主持人及要求赵知韬 张馨月 主持人应熟习比赛流程,能机动、灵活的协调现场气氛。 十一、活动彩排 为使讲课大赛顺利进行,于 x 日(x 号)下午 xx 点进行彩排,要求各选手、 学生、学生干部、英语俱乐部成员准时到场。 十二、活动经费由外联部提供 十三、注意事项 (1)比赛前一天,所有选手走台,熟悉场地。 (2)比赛当天,所有工作人员提前 1 小时入场,检查设备,摆放主席台必 需品。 (3)提前半小时,派专人引导选手入场 。同时播放轻快音乐,营造轻松气 氛。 (4)比赛前,由主持人介绍比赛规则。前一位选手上台比赛时应通知下一
2、嘉 宾待定 3、观 众各班亲友团 七、所需物资 1、制作幻灯片 2、话筒 x 个,选手牌,嘉宾及评委牌 3、音响 4、水 5、证书(一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖4名) 八、活动宣传班级制作宣传海报及校内宣传。 九、选手要求选手需遵循比赛规则,保持纪律。形象气质佳能展现我系大学 生精神风貌。
(2)复赛(4 月 29 日)
4 月 16 日-4 月 27 日,各院文娱部组织各院自行进行节目排
练。4 月 29 日,进行校级审核,选出优秀节目,给予意见.
将于 4 月 30 日通知各院结果,并出海报告知全校.
(3)拉票(4 月 30 日-5 月 5 日) 4 月 30 日-4 月 5 日之间,我们将通过平台进行拉票活 动。根据微博投票确 定最具人气节目,并按百分比折算成分数算到决赛成绩. (4) 发放决赛之夜门票(待定) 每支进入决赛的演员将会有 3 张门票,其他门票将分发到各个学院。 (5) 梦幻角逐(决赛之夜)(5 月 12 日)(待定) 5 月 12 日晚进行湖南中医药大学英语梦想秀决赛暨颁奖典礼 奖项设置 一等奖 1 名 (校级证书+奖金) 二等奖 2 名 (校级证书+奖金) 三等奖 3 名 (校级证书+奖金) 优胜奖 4 名 (校级证书)
③初选的节目附上一份电子稿附件,标明作品名、所属学 院 、班级、参赛 人数及姓名;若为个人作品,则写上姓名。对于节目要做一个简单的介绍。在 29 号中午 12 点半于 2603 交于负责人欧阳星鑫,联系电话 187 7409 1927。
④4 月 27 日之前,各院评选出优秀节目(每院 2 个节目)。
决赛 XX 年 10 月 29 日 五.活动地点 海选在小木屋,决赛在后教学楼大厅草坪 六.参赛对象 某大全体学生 七.具体要求 1 选手于 10 月 21 日至 22 日(本周一至周二)报名参赛,将参赛曲目报至 本班英语课代表处,然后由各段英语组组长汇总后,交到高二刘惠老师处。 2 歌曲类型必须为英文歌曲;时间为 3 到 5 分钟;必须为正规伴奏音乐,伴 奏音乐内不可有原唱音,违者分数为零; 3 演唱形式 可单人或多人组合 4 海选阶段人数不限,进入决赛人数待定。
XX-09-13 大学英语系讲课大赛复赛 一、活动时间10月末~11月初 二、活动地点教室 三、承办单位英语俱乐部 四、活动对象08级英语系全体同学 五、活动目的 为营造良好上进的学习氛围,增强创新意识,丰富学生的课余生活,通过学 习,交流,掌握更加丰富的教学方式和手段,更好的栽培学生和更好的服务于教 育事业。 六、嘉宾及评审团 1、评 委待定
礼仪形象 言行举止 参与态度 介绍方式 细节方面 表演节目特色、创新 “iDream”英语梦想秀活动策划书 活动背景 大学是一个能够让梦想放飞的地方,你若有梦想、有才艺、有表现欲,本次 举办的《英语梦想秀》就给你这样一个放飞梦想的平台! 举办这次活动,在给大家一个展现自我平台的同时,也能提高全校同学学习 英语的积极性,培养更多的双语人才。
英语脱口秀大赛策划书 一、活动目的及意义 我校作为一所综合性大学,在努力提高学生学习成绩的同时,也在努力提高 同学们的综合素质,丰富同学们的课余生活也是其中的一项重要内容。为了加强 同学们之间的沟通了解,彼此之间更多的接触,相互合作,共同进步,共创我院 的和谐美丽校园,我部将与各部门合作,举行英语脱口秀活动。 二、活动主题 show 出自我,表现你自己。 三、主办单位人文科学系。 四、策划承办单位院学生会。 五、活动地点校内报告厅。 活动时间暂定。 六、活动对象全体同学们。
评委 张瑜 张春虹 刘凯张颖 王晓静 韩舒贾航杨文 李晶晶 总分老师乔娜 颁奖嘉宾蒲红伟校长陈平校长范幸福主任娄耀卿段长 音响 白龙老师 组织学生入场牛彬老师;马志宪老师 摄像李红林老师 审批人陈平校长 如果你是一位热爱音乐的新人,如果你是一位拥有梦想的青年,如果你是一 位敢于挑战的勇者,如果你有一定的歌唱实力......那么,站出来吧!舞动青春旋律, 酷炫自我风采。这里,就是你放飞希望的平台;这里,就是你人生加分的舞台! 本活动最终解释权归某大外国语学院团委所有。 某大外国语学院团委
七、邀请嘉宾院团委柳从林老师、系主任刘光老师、系辅导员张敏老师、徐 曦老师、林卫华老师、陈娅玲老师、陈小云老师。
八、活动流程 7:00 入场 7:10 主持人开场白,介绍到场嘉宾。 7:15 比赛开始,各成员围绕本次活动的主题自由上台发言,每人三分钟。 9:30 颁奖、总结。 9:45 比赛结束 10:00 清理会场。 九、工作安排 学习部工作部门负责人联系方式策划、全程负责、音乐收集、竞赛题目收集、 购买礼品、布置会场、发放奖品、主持人一名。 劳务部号码牌制作、包装礼品、抬水、搬椅子、布置会场、清理会场。
一. 活动目的 为繁荣我校同学们的校园文化生活,激发大家对英语学习的兴趣与参与度, 广大英语学习爱好者提供自我展示的平台,展示青春风貌,营造一个和谐,青春 的校园环境。展示新时代高中生富有激情的风貌,全面展现某大学生特有的精神 面貌。 二、活动主题 “Fly The Dream” 英文歌唱、放飞梦想 三、组织单位 主办单位某大外国语学院团委 承办单位某大外语协会 协办单位外国语学院学生会 四、活动时间 海选 XX 年 10 月 23 日——10 月 26 日
台风和创意 (1 分) 总分 (10 分) 要求 1 语音语调准确、歌词清晰、发音地道。 2 曲调把握准确,音高控制得当,歌曲流畅。 3 整体服装外形统一,与歌曲搭配得当;精神饱满,姿态自然大方。 4 台风新颖、有创意,能以适当的表演方式呈现歌曲的意境与旋律。 八.奖项设计 特等奖一名
一等奖两名 二等奖三名 三等奖待定 九.前期工作安排 活动宣传,以海报,宣传板形式宣传 十.具体分工 总策划 张春虹 策划组 外国语学院(张春虹,刘凯,李琳,何燕,刘惠)学生会 宣传组 学生会 执行组 学生会 主持人 待定
4、选手代表讲话 5、主持人宣布比赛正式开始,选手入场 比赛结束后主持人致结束语 十七、评分标准 发音标准,内容丰富,肢体语言,讲课生动,逻辑思维强,精神面貌好,应 变能力强,与学生交流多,有课堂凝聚力。 十八、活动意义 此次讲课大赛的成功举办,不仅丰富了我们的课余生活、锻炼了我们的综合 能力,也为渤海学院的校园文化添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。 十九、特别鸣谢 赞助商(待定)、评委嘉宾及场地借用 二十、活动总结