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大仲马有句名言:“历史是什么?是我用来挂小说的钉子。” 《三个火枪手》正是挂在1625年到1628年这段法国历史的钉 子上的一部优秀小说。
当时,以天主教为主的法国开始了宗教改革,由此,新教 势力日益强大,并占据了不少城市,形成国中有国的局面。为 了法国的统一和政权的巩固,1625年,红衣主教亲自指挥军队 攻下了新教的最后一个堡垒——拉罗舍尔城,从此剥夺了新教 的政治特权。 这段历史是当时法国重大的政治事件,本书以它为背景, 却不拘泥于历史,把历史中出现的事件和人物加以升华,演化 成了一部波澜壮阔、激动人心的文学巨著。
• life
Early life Career Family
• works
Main works Three musketeers
Early life
Alexandre Dumas was born in Villers-cotterets,France. Dumas’ grandfather was a French nobleman .He married Cesette Dumas, a Haitian slave. Their son,ThomasAlexandre Dumas, then a general in Napoleon's army, fell out of favor and the family was impoverished when Dumas was born. Thomas died in 1806. His widow was unable to provide her son with much of an education, but Dumas read everything he could obtain. His mother's stories of his father's bravery during the years of Napoleon inspired Dumas' vivid imagination for adventure. Although poor, the family had their father's distinguished reputation and aristocratic position. In 1822, after the restoration of the monarchy, 20-year old Alexandre Dumas moved to Paris.
On 1 February 1840 he married actress Ida Ferrier, but continued with his numerous liaisons with other women, fathering at least four illegitimate children. One of those children, a son named after him, whose mother was Marie, a dressmaker, would follow in his footsteps, also becoming a successful novelist and playwright. Because of their same name and occupation, the father is often referred to as Alexandre Dumas, père, and the son as Alexandre Dumas, fils.
Main works
Three musketeers
It's "one for all and all for one!" as D'Artagnan and his three pals follow a course of swashbuckling intrigue and adventure in 17thcentry France. The Three Musketeers is the most famous of Alexandre Dumas’s historical novels and one of the most popular adventure novels ever written. Dumas’s swashbuckling epic chronicles the adventures of d’Artagnan, a brash young man from the countryside who journeys to Paris in 1625 hoping to become a musketeer and guard to King Louis XIII. Before long, he finds treachery and court intrigue— and also three boon companions, the daring swordsmen Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Together the four strive heroically to defend the honor of their queen against the powerful Cardinal Richelieu and the seductive spy Milady.
• 小仲马是大仲马贫困时和一名女裁缝卡特琳· 拉 贝(Marie-Catherine Labay)的私生子,大仲 马成名后,混迹于上流社会,将他们母子抛弃 掉,直到小仲马七岁时,大仲马终于良心发现, 从法律上承认了这个儿子,虽然大仲马仍担负 着拉贝的生活费用,但是他始终没有承认拉贝 是他的妻子。小仲马善于写戏剧,其中《茶花 女》等为代表作。 • 我最得意的作品就是“小仲马”。 • “我从我的梦想中汲取题材,我的儿子从现实 中汲取题材;我闭着眼睛写作,我的儿子睁着 眼睛写作;我绘画,他照相。”
Important characters
• • • • • • • • • • • 1.Musketeers Athos(阿托斯) Aramis(阿拉密斯) Porthos (波尔多斯) d‘Artagnan(达达尼昂) 2. Antagonists(反派角色) Cardinal Richelieu(红衣主教黎塞留) Milady de Winter (米莱迪) 3.others Louis XIII of France (路易十三) Queen Anne of Austria(王后安娜)
大仲马于1844年写就《三个火枪手》,并于 当年的3至7月间在巴黎《世纪》报纸上连载。 该小说以路易十三时期的法国宫廷为背景, 描述年轻的男主人公达达尼昂远离家乡,来 到巴黎,在国家的火枪队实现自己的人生理 想的故事。达达尼昂和阿多斯、波尔多斯、 阿拉密斯三个火枪手结成生死之交,四人卷 入了国王路易十三、首相黎赛留及其党羽展 开了惊心动魄的较量。该小说是世界文学史 上歌颂男性之间友谊为数不多的作品之一。 阿多斯、波尔多斯、阿拉密斯和达达尼昂是 忠诚的朋友,他们意气相投,合作默契,相 互之间可以为对方付出生命。“人人为我, 我为人人”是他们的箴言。他们是友谊、青 春、胆略的象征。在刀光剑影中,大仲马的 火枪手传奇演绎着善良与邪恶,忠诚与背叛 的永恒主题。
While in Paris, Dumas began writing for magazines and plays for the theater. His first play, Henry III and His Court, was produced in 1829, and was met with acclaim. The next year his second play, Christine, was equally popular, and he was financially able to write full-time. After writing more successful plays, he turned his efforts to novels. Although attracted to an extravagant lifestyle, and always spending more than he earned, Dumas proved to be an astute marketer. Since newspapers wanted many serial novels, in 1838 Dumas rewrote one of his plays to create his first serial novel, titled Le Capitaine Paul.
• Dumas’s plays were considered as pioneers of Romantic theater in France. • Most of his works are set in real historical background, and they are also characterized by unexpected plots, clear organization as well as witty dialogues.
"My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro, and my great-grandfather a monkey. You see, Sir, my family starts where yours ends.
我的父亲是个克里奥尔人,我的祖父是个黑人,我 的曾祖父是个猴子,我的家就是在你家搬走的地方 发源的
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas was a French writer, best known for his historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. Many of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo(《基督山伯爵》), The Three Musketeers(《三个火枪手》),Twenty Years After(《二十年后》). He also wrote plays and magazine articles and was a prolific correspondent.
Dumas' writing earned him a great deal of money, but Dumas was frequently insolvent as a result of spending lavishly on women and sumptuous living. The large party he built was often filled with strangers and acquaintances taking advantage of his generosity.
• 大仲马虽然只有过一次婚姻,但一生女人无数.他说:" 我有多个情妇是出于人道主义考虑.如果我只有一个 女人,那么不用一周时间,她就会死去. 大仲马68岁时 停止写作,他并非厌倦了创作,而是因为他爱上了一个 美国女演员阿达.孟肯.风流了一辈子的大仲马认定,光 彩照人的阿达就是他此生的归宿.他要在有限的人生 里享受一下真正的爱情.不幸的是,阿达在一次拍戏时 从飞驰的马上掉下来摔死了.埋葬了自己的心上人之 后,喝得酩酊大醉的大仲马在晴空下打着一把蓝色的 雨伞,来到儿子小仲马家里,一坐下就大声说:"我的孩 子,我是到你这儿等死的." 半月以后,大仲马去世.