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(2)当钛铝酸钙的加入量为 40wt%时,炼钒反射炉预制件试样 110℃×24h 处理后常温强度以及热震稳定性较好;且随着钛铝酸钙加入量的增加,炼钒反射 炉预制件试样经 1100℃×3h 热处理后的常温强度与高温抗折强度有所降低,但其 抗钒液侵蚀的性能却增强。炼钒反射炉预制件试样中加入钛铝酸钙细粉时的常温 强度、高温抗折强度明显优于加入钛铝酸钙颗粒时;且加入钛铝酸钙粒度小于 1mm 时,炼钒反射炉预制件试样的抗热震稳定性与抗渣侵蚀与渗透性能比加入 大于 1mm 的钛铝酸钙时要好。
(3)在钛铝酸钙的加入量为 40wt%时,钢包底部浇注料试样的体积密度、 常温强度与荷重软化温度较好,且随加入粒度的减小而增大;试样的热震稳定性 则随钛铝酸钙加入量的增大逐渐增强,且加入钛铝酸钙粒度大于 1mm 时,试样 的热震稳定性较好;钛铝酸钙加入量小于 40wt%时,钢包底部浇注料试样抗渣性 能良好,同时加入粒度越小,其抗渣性越好。
(1) As a kind of composite materials, titanium calcium aluminate hold excellent thermal performance with the thermal expansion coefficient of 7.5×10-6/℃ and thermal conductivity coefficient of 2.23W·m-1·K-1 at 1000 ℃ and remarkable usability with the temperature of refractoriness above 1790 ℃ . Calcium alumino-titanate mainly comprised the phases of CaO·6Al2O3, Ca((Al0.84Ti0.16)2)6O19, and a little of CaO·2Al2O3 and CaTiO3.
(2) Vanadium smelting reflection furnace specimens had the improved cold temperature strength and thermal shock resistance after processed under 110℃ for 24h at the content of calcium alumino-titanate was 40wt%. With the content of calcium alumino-titanate increased, the cold temperature and high flexural strength of specimens were reduced, after 1100℃ heat treatment for three hours, while the slag resistance increased. When the vanadium smelting reflection furnace specimens were added calcium alumino-titanate powders, its cold temperature strength and high flexural strength were higher compared to the samples with the additions of calcium alumino-titanate particles. In contrast to the addition with the size of above 1mm, the thermal shock resistance and the slag resistance of specimens are better when the particle size was smaller than 1mm.

钛铁合金是生产链条钢等优质钢、电焊条以及电子、军工产品等的重要原料。 随着钛铁合金产业的不断发展,随之产生的渣也越来越多。废渣的大量堆积不仅 污染环境,而且会造成资源的浪费。
在当今大力倡来自百度文库建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的大背景下,如何处理好 钛铁渣并使之成为一种有用的材料,无疑具有积极的现实意义。
Consequently, to solve the issue on how to deal with the slag effectively is significant to our environment especially on the background of advocating environment- friendly society.
Prof. Zhao Huizhong
Wuhan University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei 430081, P.R.China May, 2016
武汉科技大学 研究生学位论文创新性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下,独立进行 研究所取得的成果。除了文中已经注明引用的内容或属合作研究共同完 成的工作外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作 品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确 方式标明。
分类号 学校代码
学号 密级
学位申请人: 学科专业: 指导教师: 答辩日期:
王立锋 材料科学与工程
赵惠忠 教授 二〇一六年五月
A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in Engineering
This work studied the structure and basic properties of titanium iron slag (calcium alumino-titanate) systematically, and then mainly focused on the investigation of the practical applications for the bottom of the ladle castable and vanadium smelting furnace bricks, separatively. Results were listed as follows:
thermal shock resistance of specimens gradually strengthened with the content of calcium alumino-titanate increased or the added powders with the particle size of above 1mm. The samples shown good slag resistance performance when the content of calcium alumino-titanate was controlled under 40wt%. At the same time, the smaller of the added particle size, the better of the slag resistance.
Study on the Properties and Basic Application of Calcium Alumino-titanate
Master Candidate: Major: Supervisor :
Wang Lifeng Materials Science and Engineering
Keywords: Calcium alumino-titanate; Properties; Vanadium smelting reflection
furnace; Preform; Steel ladle bottom castable
摘要.................................................................................................................................I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 第 1 章 文献综述..........................................................................................................1
(3) The steel ladle bottom castable specimens had a higher bulk density、cold strength and refractoriness under load when the content of calcium alumino-titanate was 40wt%. With the particle size became samller, the bulk density、cold strength and refractoriness under load of specimens shown a tendency of increasement. The
本文主要以钛铁渣(后称钛铝酸钙)为研究对象,系统研究了其结构与基本 性能,在此基础上,进行了钛铝酸钙在炼钒反射炉预制件与钢包底部浇注料的应 用基础研究,研究结果表明:
(1)钛铝酸钙是一种具有良好的热学性能(热膨胀系数 7.5×10-6/℃、1000℃ 导热系数 2.23W·m-1·K-1)与使用性能(耐火度>1790℃)的复相材料,其主要 物相有 CaO·6Al2O3、Ca((Al0.84Ti0.16)2)6O19,且含有少量 CaO·2Al2O3、CaTiO3 物 相。
Ferrotitanium alloy was the vital raw material of high-quality steel, anchor chain steel, electric welding and military products. With the development of titanium ferroalloy industry, the production of slag increased sharply in recent years. As a kind of solid-waste, titanium iron slag would not only pollute the environment but also cause the waste of resources.