小说的要素 英文 ppt课件
Characterization is the process by which a writer makes the character seem real to the reader.
Methods of Characterization :
1.Direct: “he was an old man..” (The Old Man and the Sea) 2.Own Words and Actions 3.Reaction of other Characters 4.Physical appearance 5.Own thoughts
Falling Action or
the conclusion of a plot’s conflicts and complications. The resolution follows the climax in the plot.
a person or animals or objects presented in a dramatic or narrative work
A static character does not change throughout the work, and the reader’s knowledge of that character does not grow, whereas a dynamic character undergoes some kind of change because of the action in the plot. A flat character embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that can be readily described in a brief summary. They are not psychologically complex characters and therefore are readily accessible to readers.
小说的要素 英文(课堂PPT)
![小说的要素 英文(课堂PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ceaec4a7b8f67c1cfad6b890.png)
is the central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work. A theme provides a unifying point around which the plot, characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and other elements of a work are organized. It is important not to mistake the theme for the actual subject of the work; the theme refers to the abstract concept that is made concrete through the images, characterization, and action of the text.
A hero or heroine, often called the PROTAGONIST, is the central character who engages the reader’s interest and
empathy(同感,共鸣 ).
The ANTAGONIST is the character, force, or collection of forces that stand directly opposed to the protagonist and gives rise to the conflict of the story.
Falling Action or RESOLUTION
the conclusion of a plot’s conflicts and complications. The resolution follows the climax in the plot.
Elements of Fiction - A Brief IntroductionA. Primary Elements: Plot, Character, Theme, Points of View, Symbol, SettingB. Se co nd ary Ele m e nts: Im ag e ry, Iro ny, Style & To ne, Exp o sitio n1. Plot - the sequence of events or incidents of which the story is composed/the arrangement of events that make up a story/the complete pattern or design of the work.A. Conflict is a clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills.a.Person against person.b.Pe rso n ag ainst e nviro nm e nt - e xte rnal fo rce, p hysical nature, so cie ty,or "fate."c.Pe rso n against herself/himself - conflict with some element in her/his own nature; maybe physical, mental, emotional, or moral.d.Pe rso n ag ainst Go d-Gre e k m ytho lo g y.B. Artistic Unity - essential to a good plot; nothing irrelevant that does not contribute to the total meaning; nothing that is there only for its own sake or itsown excitement.C. Plot Manipulation and Fabulation - a good plot should not have any unjustified or unexpected turns or twists, no false leads, and no deliberate and m isle ad ing info rm atio n; fab ulatio n is the intro d uctio n o f the fab ulo us o r unre alisticor gothic elements in an otherwise realistic setting.D. Story Ending: In a Happy Ending the stereotypical expectation is that the protagonist must solve all the problems, defeat the villain, win the girl, and live happily everafter. Unfortunately, many real life situations have unhappy endings; for the writers of serious fiction, the unhappy endings are more likely to raise significant issues concerning life and living.E. Type s o f Plo t:a. Trag e d y(no b le)b. Comedy(less great/noble)c. Romance(less great/noble)d. Satire (used to teach lesson or present a point of viewF. Use o f Plo t:a. The structure of its actionsb. Order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd…c. To create(The author uses actions as a painter uses paints to create)d. To achieve particular words to create certain effect2. CharacterA. Direct Presentation - author tells us straight out, by exposition or analysis, o r thro ug h ano the r characte r.B. Ind irect Presentatio n - autho r sho ws us the character in actio n; the read erinfers what a character is like from what she/he thinks, or says, or does. These are also called dramatized characters and they are generally consistent (in behavior), motivated (convincing), and plausible (lifelike).C. Character Types - a Flat character is known by one or two traits; a Round character is complex and many-sided; a Stock character is a stereotyped character (a m ad scientist, the ab sent-m ind ed p ro fesso r, the cruel m o ther-in-law); a Staticcharacter remains the same fro m the beginning o f the plot to the end; and a Dynamic (developing) character undergoes permanent change. This change must be a. within the possibilities o f the character; b. sufficiently m o tivate d; and c. allowed sufficient time for change.D. Protagonist and Antagonist - the protagonist is the central ch aracte r,sympathetic or unsympathetic. The forces working against her/him, whether persons, things, conventions o f so cie ty, or traits o f their own ch aracte r, are the antagonists.3. Theme - the controlling idea or central insight. It can be 1. a revelation of human character; 2. may be stated briefly or at great length; and 3. a theme is not the "moral" of the story.A. A theme must be expressible in the form o f a statement - not "motherhood" but "Motherhood sometimes has more frustration than reward."B. A theme must be stated as a generalization about life; names of characters or specific situations in the plot are not to be used when stating a theme.C. A the m e m ust no t b e a g e ne ralizatio n larg e r than is justifie d b y the te rm s o fthe sto ry.D. A theme is the central and unifying concept of the story. It must adhere to the following requirements:1. It must account for all the major details of the story.2. It must not be contradicted by any detail of the story.3. It must not rely on supposed facts - facts not actually stated or clearly implied by the story.E. There is no one way of stating the theme of a story.F. Any statem ent that red uces a them e to so m e fam iliar saying, ap ho rism, o r cliché sho u ld b e avo id e d. Do n o t u se "A stitch in tim e save s n in e," "Yo u can't ju d g e a book by its cover, " "Fish and guests smell in three days," and so on.。
小说的分类 英语ppt
![小说的分类 英语ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/515a76d20975f46526d3e10b.png)
• Novella (中篇小说)
• Short story (短篇小说)
• Mini-story (微型小说)
• 长篇小说 长篇小说字数最为不定,字数差距最大。有十几万
字的(这算是长篇小说字数的底线了),更有上百万字甚至几百 万字的长篇小说。如此长篇小说还可分为小长篇(一般的在十几 万到三十万字间),中长篇(一般的是五六十万字),大长篇( 一般要在八十万字以上),超长篇(一般的要达到一百五十万字 )巨长篇(往往是几百万字数的,像二百多万字,三百多万字甚 至过五百万字的)。
4. In terms of language form 按 语言形式分
• classical novel 文言小说,古典小说 • vernacular novel 白话小说 • ...
• 1.《搜神记》、《世说新语》、《唐代传 奇》、《剪灯新话》、《聊斋志异》等
• 2. “三言二拍”
• 冯梦龙《喻世名言》《警世通言》《醒世 恒言》
• ...
• 《麦琪的礼物》——欧·亨利 • 《丈夫支出帐本中的一页》——马克·吐温 • 《永远的门》——邵宝健 • 《喂——出来》——星新一
2. In terms of the content 按 内容分
• history novel 历史小说 • modern novel 现代小说 • science novel 科幻小说 • detective novel 侦探小说,公案小说 • errant novel 武侠小说 • romance novel 言情小说 • romantic novel 传奇小说
小说的分类 英语ppt
![小说的分类 英语ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a5283831376baf1ffc4fadeb.png)
《漂亮朋友》、《羊脂球》、 《项链》、《我的叔叔于 勒》——莫泊桑(法) 《变色龙》、《小公务员之 死》 ——契诃夫(俄) 《警察与赞美诗》、《带家 具出租的房间》、《麦琪的 礼物》、《最后一片叶 子》——欧· 亨利(美)
• Bel Ami / Ball of Fat / Neclace / Mon Oncle Jules---Guy de Maupassant • The Death of Civil Servant/Chameleon--Аnton chekhov • The Cop and the Anthem / The Furnished Room / The Gift of the Magi / The Last Leaf--- O. Henry
老人与海》——海明 《透明的红罗卜》、 威(美) 《野种》、《你的行 《鸳之死》——维尔 为使我们恐惧》—— 加(意大利) 莫言
《摩罗诗力说》、《文化偏 至论》、《域外小说集》、 《狂人日记》——鲁迅 《班主任》——刘心武 《月蚀》——李国文 《棋王》——阿城
• • • • 《麦琪的礼物》——欧· 亨利 《丈夫支出帐本中的一页》——马克· 吐温 《永远的门》——邵宝健 《喂——出来》——星新一
2. In terms of the content 按 内容分
• • • • • • • history novel 历史小说 modern novel 现代小说 science novel 科幻小说 detective novel 侦探小说,公案小说 errant novel 武侠小说 romance novel 言情小说 romantic novel 传奇小说
Round characters are more complex than flat or stock characters, and often display the inconsistencies and internal conflicts found in most real people. They are more fully developed, and therefore are harder to summarize. Journey to the West
The Elements of Fiction
Fiction refers to any imaginary work portraying characters and events
Elements of fiction
Classification of fiction : novel, novelette, short story. Short short story.
The setting is the physical and social context in which the action of a story occurs. The major elements of setting are the time, the place, and the social environment that frames the characters. Setting can be used to evoke a mood or atmosphere that will prepare the reader for what is to come. Sometimes, writers choose a particular setting because of traditional associations with that setting that are closely related to the action of a story.
小说的要素 英文ppt
![小说的要素 英文ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/db93c8b983c4bb4cf7ecd1c2.png)
is the central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work. A theme provides a unifying point around which the plot, characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and other elements of a work are organized. It is important not to mistake the theme for the actual subject of the work; the theme refers to the abstract concept that is made concrete through the images, characterization, and action of the text.
The Elements of Fiction
Fiction refers to any imaginary work portraying characters and
Elements of fiction
Classification of fiction : novel, novelette, short story. Short short story.
A hero or heroine, often called the PROTAGONIST, is the central character who engages the reader’s interest and
empathy(同感,共鸣 ).
The characters in the novel are rich and colorful, with fantastic and thrilling plots and humorous and vivid language.
By reading the Harry Potter series, one can gain an understanding of the modern magical world and fantasy literary styles, while also enhancing the cultivation of imagination and creativity.
Read activity
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading techniques to understand the text
Expand vocabulary
Make a note of new words and phrases and try to use them in your own writing or conversation
Novel Reading and Cultural Background
The diverse history of Europe, with its many countries and languages, has created a rich tapestry of cultural influences that are reflected in its literature and art
查尔斯·狄更斯的一部经典小说,讲述了 孤儿奥利弗在伦敦的艰苦生活,语言适 中,文学价值高,适合中级读者深入阅 读。
查尔斯·狄更斯的历史小说,以法国大革 命为背景,描绘了两个城市的命运和人物 之间的爱恨情仇,情节丰富,语言优美, 适合中级读者提高阅读技巧。
描述主角从青少年到成年期的 转变,以及他们如何面对和克
探讨人性的优点、缺点和复杂 性,以及人们如何在不同的情 境下展现不同的性格特点。
关注社会不公、贫困、种族歧 视等现实问题,通过故事引发
描述人与人之间的情感纽带, 包括亲情、友情和爱情,以及 它们在不同情境下的表现。
03 英语小说中的语言和修辞
英语小说通常使用广泛、多样的词汇 和复杂的语法结构,以表达丰富细腻 的思想感情和描绘复杂多变的人物形 象。
英语小说通常具有鲜明的地域色彩和 历史背景,通过语言表现了不同地区 和时代的特点,使读者能够更好地理 解作品的主题和背景。
英语小说中通常包含着作者对人生、 道德和价值的思考,对读者有启示作 用。
许多英语小说都探讨了道德和价值观 的问题,反映了作者对人类行为和道 德判断的理解。通过阅读这些小说, 读者可以思考自己的价值观和道德观 念,并从中获得启示。
从16世纪到20世纪,英语小说经历了文艺复兴、启蒙运动、浪漫主义、现实主 义、现代主义等多个文学流派的演变,逐渐成为世界文学的重要分支。
Activity for Class
• In groups, make a list of 3-4 stories you know.
• Compare the setting in these stories: which stories have more description in terms of setting, which story has less?
What is there to learn about “setting”?
• Elements of Setting • Functions of Setting • Importance of Setting
Elements of Setting
• Setting: the circumstances that the writer designs for his story, which at its most fundamental sense, includes time and place.
• Time of day • Time of year • Historical or cultural time frame
• Question for class discussion: • Why is the historical or cultural time
frame important? Illustrate your point with an example from a story you know.
Question for Class Discussion
• Recall a story you have read, and describe the setting (time and place) in that story. What impresses you about the setting in the story?
小说要素(Factors of Fiction)美国文学
![小说要素(Factors of Fiction)美国文学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e4f1494e2e3f5727a5e962cc.png)
小说是以刻画人物为中心,通过完 整的故事情节和具体的环境描写来 反映社会生活的一种文学体裁。.
• 小说有三个要素:人物、故事情节、环境 (自然环境和社会环境)。
• 人物是小说的核心 • 情节是小说的骨架 • 环境是小说的依托
• 主要手段是塑造人物形象 • 小说中的人物,称为典型人物.可以通过人 物的外貌、动作,语言,心理,神态进行 描写 ; • 环境包括自然环境和社会环境 ; • 故事情节包括 开端,发展,高潮,结局.
Байду номын сангаас 代表作品
• 代表作品:小说《黑猫》、《厄舍府的倒 塌》,诗《乌鸦》
• 爱伦· 坡、安布鲁斯.布尔斯(1842~ 1914?)和H.P.洛夫克拉夫特(1890~ 1937)并称为美国三大恐怖小说家
Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.爱伦.坡
• • • • • • • 国籍:美国 出生地:波士顿 出生日期:1809年1月19日 逝世日期:1849年10月7日 职业:诗人,小说家,评论家 毕业院校:弗吉尼亚大学 主要成就:侦探小说、恐怖小说、效果论、
• 侦探小说(detective story)鼻祖、科幻小说 (science fiction)先驱之一、恐怖小说(horror fiction)大师、短篇哥特小说巅峰、象征主义 (symbolism)先驱之一,唯美主义 (aestheticism)者。
• This novel shows us the cruelty and crime of London. Oliver Twist, the hero, is a poor orphan(孤儿). He lived in a life filled with taunts (嘲笑). Nobody loved him. With visions of his future, he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was coming, but he was wrong, a group of thieves were waiting for him.
depiction of mental and physical cruelty
was so unusually stark.In the d
half of the 19th century, Charlotte
Brontë's Jane Eyre was considered the
best of the Brontë sisters' works, but
Vivien Leigh
Clark Gable
现在我发现自己活 在一个 比死还要痛苦的世界,一个 无我容身之 处的世界
You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy 你把自 己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根 本不会让你幸福的东西 12
小说的分类 英语pptPPT 课件
![小说的分类 英语pptPPT 课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c1262f6fa216147917112890.png)
4. In terms of language form 按 语言形式分
• classical novel 文言小说,古典小说 • vernacular novel 白话小说 • ...
• 1.《搜神记》、《世说新语》、《唐代传 奇》、《剪灯新话》、《聊斋志异》等
• 2. “三言二拍”
• 冯梦龙《喻世名言》《警世通言》《醒世 恒言》
• 《麦琪的礼物》——欧·亨利 • 《丈夫支出帐本中的一页》——马克·吐温 • 《永远的门》——邵宝健 • 《喂——出来》——星新一
2. In terms of the content 按 内容分
• history novel 历史小说 • modern novel 现代小说 • science novel 科幻小说 • detective novel 侦探小说,公案小说 • errant novel 武侠小说 • romance novel 言情小说 • romantic novel 传奇小说
网游小说 (新时代的产物,源于网络游戏)
小说的分类 英语ppt
![小说的分类 英语ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a5283831376baf1ffc4fadeb.png)
• Bel Ami / Ball of Fat / Neclace / Mon Oncle Jules---Guy de Maupassant • The Death of Civil Servant/Chameleon--Аnton chekhov • The Cop and the Anthem / The Furnished Room / The Gift of the Magi / The Last Leaf--- O. Henry
• 中篇小说
• 短篇小说 篇幅在几千到两万多字的小说会被划归短篇小说。 • 微型小说 一般认为小小说的篇幅应在两千字以下
古代: 《三国演义》——罗贯中 《水浒传》——施耐庵 《红楼梦》——曹雪芹 《西游记》——吴承恩 现代: 《蛙》——莫言 《平凡的世界》——路遥 《白鹿原》——陈忠实 《长恨歌》——王安忆
• 《水浒传》、《三国演义》等 • 《狂人日记》、《腐蚀》、《少年维特之 烦恼》(The Sorrows of Young Werther)等 • 《少年维特之烦恼》、《新爱洛绮丝》等 • 《童年》、《在人间》、《我的大学》等
4. In terms of language form 按 语言形式分
Classification of Novel
却未 在与 枝群 头芳 独同 欢温 笑暖
• Novel refers to one of the four literary genres • 小说(Novel) :是指在语言文学艺术序列中和散文、诗歌、 戏剧并列的一种文学创作体裁。是指以叙述事物 小说创 作手法,营造典型性为审美特征的文学创作体裁。
《战争与和平》、《安娜· 卡列 尼娜》、《复活》——列夫· 尼 古拉耶维奇· 托尔斯泰(俄) 《双城记》——查尔斯· 狄更斯 《飘》——玛格丽特· 米切尔 《鲁滨孙漂流记》——笛福 《大卫· 科波菲尔》——狄更斯 《茶花女》——小仲马 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》—— 尼· 奥斯特洛夫斯基
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Some flat characters are recognized as stock characters; they embody stereotypes such as the “dumb blonde” or the “mean stepfather.” They become types rather than individuals.
小说的要素 英文
• Plot • Symbolism
• Character • Theme
• Setting • Irony
• Point of View • Tone and Style
小说的要素 英文
An author’s selection and arrangement of incidents in a story to shape the action and give the story a particular focus.
Characterization is the process by which a writer makes the character seem real to the reader.
Methods of Characterization :
1.Direct: “he was an old man..” (The Old Man and the Sea) 2.Own Words and Actions 3.Reaction of other Characters 4.Physical appearance 5.Own thoughts
Round characters are more complex than flat or stock characters, and often display the inconsistencies and internal conflicts found in most real people. They are more fully developed, and therefore are harder to summarize. Journey to the West
小说的要素 英文
The setting is the physical and social context in which the action of a story occurs. The major elements of setting are the time, the place, and the social environment that frames the characters. Setting can be used to evoke a mood or atmosphere that will prepare the reader for what is to come. Sometimes, writers choose a particular setting because of traditional associations with that setting that are closely related to the action of a story.
Hale Waihona Puke A static character does not change throughout the work, and the reader’s knowledge of that character does not grow, whereas a dynamic character undergoes some kind of change because of the action in the plot. A flat character embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that can be readily described in a brief summary. They are not psychologically complex characters and therefore are readily accessible to readers.
小说的要素 英文
Fiction refers to any imaginary work portraying characters and
Elements of fiction
Classification of fiction : novel, novelette, short story. Short short story.
小说的要素 英文
The ANTAGONIST is the character, force, or collection of forces that stand directly opposed to the protagonist and gives rise to the conflict of the story.
Discussions of plot include not just what happens, but also how and why things happen the way they do.
小说的要素 英文
• Rising Action • Climax • Falling Action
小说的要素 英文
the conclusion of a plot’s conflicts and complications. The resolution follows the climax in the plot.
小说的要素 英文
a person or animals or objects presented in a dramatic or narrative work
小说的要素 英文
Complication(s) creates some sort of conflict for the protagonist (the main character).
小说的要素 英文
the moment of greatest emotional tension in a narrative, usually marking a turning point in the plot at which the rising action reverses to become the falling action.