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目的对500例小儿体内微量元素的检测结果进行分析,以了解小儿体内微量元素含量,为针对性予以补充提供依据。方法选取500例小儿作为研究对象,对小儿进行采血,采取80 μL末梢血,为检测钙、铁、镁、铜、锌等微量元素在小儿体内的含量,在40 μL的末梢血中加入BH-5100型专用稀释液,用BH-5100五元素分析仪进行检测。结果5个月~1岁的小儿具有贫血貌的占97.6%;2~3岁的小儿具有贫血貌的小儿占91.4%;4~6岁的小儿具有贫血貌的小儿占66.0%;而7~13岁只有65.2%的儿童具有贫血貌。出现贫血貌的小儿中,5个月~1岁与2~3岁的明显高于4~6岁和7~13岁的,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。不同年龄段的小儿重,体内除铜,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)外,微量元素锌、铁、钙、镁比较,含量差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),具有可比性。结论微量元素在人体中发挥着重要的作用,而小儿正处于生长发育的关键时刻,体内微量元素的含量容易缺乏,导致生长痛、贫血等临床症状的发生,了解小儿体内微量元素含量,并及时进行补充,利于小儿成长。


Investigation and Analysis of Detection of Trace Elements in Children of 500 cases

ZHANG Wan-qin

Pediatrics,Zhongshan Hospital Qingpu Branch,Shanghai,201700 China

[Abstract] Objective 500 cases of trace elements in the results of investigation and analysis,In order to understand the content of trace elements in children,to provide the basis for the targeted. Methods 500 cases of children as the object of study,in children with blood,take 80 mu l of peripheral blood,for detection of calcium,iron,magnesium,copper,zinc and other trace elements in children in the content,in the peripheral blood of 40 mu l join BH-5100 type special diluent for,with BH-5100 five elements analysis instrument were detected. Results Five months to one year old children with anemia Maung (97.6%);2~3 years old children have the appearance of anemia in children was 91.4%;4~6 years old children have the appearance of anemia in children occupied 66.0%;and 7 to 13 years old only 65.2% of children with anemia appearance. The emergence of anemia in children,5 months to 1 years and 2 to 3 years old was higher than that of 4~6 and 7~13 years old,two groups of P<0.05,comparable. Children of different ages,in copper (P>0.05),comparison of trace elements of zinc,iron,calcium,magnesium,statistically significant differences in the content of (P<0.05),comparable.Conclusion Trace elements in the human body plays an important role,and children are in the growth and development of the critical moment,the content of trace elements in the body to lack,resulting in growth pain,anemia and other symptoms occur,understand the

contents of trace elements in vivo in children,and timely supplement,conducive to the growth of children.

[Key words] Children;Trace elements;Detection;Analysis

人体内有多种微量元素存在,约50多种,尽管这些微量元素的含量微乎其微,却在人体内发挥着重大的作用,与人们的健康息息相关。微量元素摄入过量、不足、不平衡等都会给人体在不同程度上带来异常。而儿童正处于人的一生中生长发育最旺盛的时期,快速的生长发育则会消耗掉体内的营养成分,微量元素是其必需的营养成分[1]。该文对500例小儿进行微量元素检测的调查分析,现报道如下。1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

对所有纳入研究的小儿进行取血,取血的过程按照严格的规范操作,采取80 μL末梢血,检测钙、铁、镁、铜、锌等微量元素在小儿体内的含量,使用BH-5100五元素分析仪,将40 μL末梢血加入BH-5100型专用稀释液中[2]。

1.3 疗效评定标准


2 结果

2.1 不同年龄组小儿微量元素检测结果异常情况比较


2.2 不同年龄段小儿体内微量元素含量缺失情况比较

