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AT a pet shop, a woman tells the shopkeeper what she wants. After thinking for a moment, he says: 61 "I've got just the thing for you, madam. I'll go get him."

A few seconds later, he returns with a lovely little puppy. "This is a special dog," he tells her. "He can fly." He throws the dog into the air. The puppy begins to float (浮动) beautifully around the shop.

"There is one problem with him, madam. 62 Whenever you say ''my'', he'll eat whatever you've mentioned. Watch. ''My apple''!" The lady watches in surprise as the dog flies over to the shopkeeper and finishes the apple like a horse.

"He's cute, and so unusual. I'll take him," she says, and a few minutes later 63 她和这条小狗已经在回家的路上了. "Darling, look,64 我今天买了一条多么可爱的小狗啊!“ she says to her husband when she gets back home. "He can fly!"

The husband takes a look at the dog, and then says: "Fly eh? Ha! My foot!"

2:—Ambulance(急救),please. —Ambulance.________【小题1】

—I'm in a phone box outside No. 30,Nanjing road. _____________【小题2】

—There,s been an accident. A man has been run over. He ’ s losing a lot of blood. Please send an am-bulance at once. —Is there a doctor there?

—No, there' s only me. The driver didn't stop__________. 【小题3】

—Yes. Don' t move the patient.____________ 【小题4】Keep the patient warm, but don ’ t give him anything to eat or drink. OK?

—Right, please urryt

—Don ’ t worry. ______【小题5】

A. What‘ s the trouble,sir?

B. What can we do for you?

C. Is there anything I can do?

D. Where are you calling from?



1. Don’t ________ ________ _______ (瞧不起) a person only because he has failed in an exam.

2. He’s giving her French lessons _____ _______ _______(交换) her teaching him Chinese.

3. We must ______ our attention _______ efficiency(集中).

4. They were wet to the skin because they _____ ______ ______(遇上) a shower on the way.

5. He has got a big room so he is not too ______ ______(贫穷).

6. Which driver was ______ _______ (负责) for the accident?

7. The picture ______ ______ _______(使我想起) my childhood.

8. They set up a monument ____ ________ _______(纪念) the soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War.




What is "health"? It means that we have healthy bodies, healthy hobbies and healthy lives. 36.It's easy for me to answer what I usually do to keep healthy. I usually read books or newspapers, and listen to music like English country songs.

Do you really want to keep healthy? Here are some suggestions. 37.首先,你应该早睡早起,so you can have a good sleep during the night and listen to the teacher carefully during the day. 38.其次,你最好参加运动, espe cially ball games, like basketball, football and table tennis. Playing sports can make you strong. Third, 39.don't watch TV programs too much except news; don't play computer games for a long time.It's bad for your eyes and it may make you lazy. Fourth, eat less but healthier food. Why don't you eat noodles and rice instead of hamburgers and fried chips? Why don't you drink water and milk instead of coffee and coke? 40.Finally, you should always be happy.The secret is doing something good for others. I hope you can keep healthy and enjoy your life.


1. A: He said, “She left 10 minutes ago.”(改为间接引语)

B: He said that she ________ _________ 10 minutes _________..

2. Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie. (改为同义句)

Tom is so _____ ______ _______ that he never tells a lie.

3. I felt that it was time for me to _________ __________. (采取行动)

4. Why not bring your little brother with you? (改为同义句)

Why _______ ________ bring your brother with you?

5. We must think of ways to ______ wild animals _______ being killed. (阻止)

6. A railway is being built by the workers. (变为主动语态).

The workers ______ _______ a railway.

7. I met Kate in the streetyesterday. (强调划线部分)

It was _______ _______ I met Kate in the street.

8. He is seldom late for school. (改为同义句)

Seldom_______ ________ late for school.

9. _____ ______ these interruptions, the meeting would have finished half an hour ago. (要不是)

10. When did the Roman Empire ______ _______ ________? (形成)




2.他作了一次著名的演讲,以“我有一个梦想”开头。(begin with)

