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Two twos are four. (基数词作主语)

The first is better than the second. (序数词作主语)

She was the third to arrive. (序数词作表语)

We three failed the English exam. (基数词作同位语)

I hate riding two on a bike. (基数词作状语)

When did youfirst meet him? (序数词作状语)


1. 基数词的构成

(1) 1-12 为独立单词,分别用one,two,three,four,five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,eleven, twelve 表示;13-19 以后缀-teen 结尾,分别用thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 表示;20-90 以后缀-ty结尾,分别用twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety 表示。

(2) 百-hundred、千-thousand、百万-million、十亿-bil1ion、兆trillion


43→forty-three 21→twenty-one

(4) 百位与十位之间用and 连接。

637→six hundred and thirty-seven

(5 )四位以上数字的读法

1, 234,567,890

billion, million, thousand, hundred

读成one bi1lion, two hundred and thirty-four million,five hundred and sixty-seventhousand, eight hundred and ninety

2. 基数词的用法


two hundred teachers two dozen (of) eggs

five score (of) students three score and ten years

(2) 基数词在表示"好几十、成百上千、成千上万"等不确定的数字,与of 连用时,要使用复数形式。

dozens/scores of time hundreds of students

thousands of birds tens ofthousands of ants

millions of people

(3)"基数词+名词(+形容词)" "基数词+名词-ed"都可以构成复合形容词,作前置定语。基数词,名词和形容词中间要用连字符,名词要用单数形式。

a five-hundred-word composition

a ten-storeyed building

a ten-year-old girl (=a girl ten years old)

a five-meter-wide road (=a road five meters wide)

(4) 基数词表示年代。

2002 年two thousand and two

1989 年nineteen eighty-nine (=nineteen hundred and eighty-nine)

1980's(1980s) nineteen eighties

73A.D.(A.D.73) seventy-three A.D.

345B.C.(B.C.345) three forty-five B.C.(=three hundred and forty-five B.C.)

(5) 基数词表示时刻。

1) 12 小时计时制

在12 小时计时制中,整点后用o'clock ,也可不用。表示上午时间用"a.. m./am/ A.M.",表示下午时间用"p.m/pm/P.M."。


6:00 six (o'clock)

9:25 nine twenty-five a.m.

12:30 twelve thirty p.m.


用past/after (过),to/of ( 差)也可以表示时刻"过"或"差"的时间一般限定在30分钟以内。

9:25 twenty-five past/after nine a.m.

12:30 thirty past/after twelve (=half past/after twelve)

7:45 fifteen to/of eight (=a quarter to/of eight)

2) 24 小时计时制

在24 小时计时制中,时刻后用hours 表示。

零点zero hours (=zero hour, O hundred hours)

09:00(0900) O nine hours (=O nine hundred hours)

18:00(1800) eighteen hundred hours

13:45(1345) thirteen forty-five hours

(6) 基数词表示书页、住所、房间、教室,电话号码等。

第3 页Page three (=P.3)

Room 301 Room three O one

电话2839096 two eight three, nine 0 nine, six


2+3=5 Two plus/and three is/are/equals/is equal to/makes/make five. 10-4=6 Ten minus four is six.

Four from ten leaves/is six.

7x3=21 Seven times/multiplied by three is twenty-one.

Seven threes is twenty-one.

9÷3=3 Nine divided by three is three.

(8) 基数词表示人的大概年龄,用于"in +one's+基数词复数"结构中。He died in his sixties.

She is still in her early/middle/late twenties.

He is in his early/late teens.
