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1、【词语辨析】care about/ care for

(1)care about和care for都有“关心、照料”的意思;

(2)二者的区别是care about还指“介意、在乎”,care for指“喜欢、想要”。

(3)一句话记忆:The man whom you care for never cares about what people say.

2、【词语辨析】 excited / exciting



(3)一句话记忆:We were excited to hear the exciting news.

3、【词语辨析】compare to / compare with

(1) compare...with...把…和…比较(常表示同类相比,比较);


(3)例句:——The poets often compare life to a river. ——My English can't compare with his.

4、【词语辨析】 friendly with / friendly to

(1)friendly to指“对……友好/友善”,后可跟人或物;


(3)一句话记忆:He is friendly to the plan and I am not, but we are still friendly with each other.

5、【词语辨析】get in /get on

(1)get in/get on都指“上(车)”但车不同:get in一般指上小汽车,出租车;get on 指上飞机,船,公共汽车,火车,自行车,马等。

(2)一句话记忆:People getting on a bus usually travel slower than those getting in a car.

(3)拓展 get off下车




(3)一句话记忆: I am disappointed to learn the disappointing news.

7、【词语辨析】effect / affect




(4)一句话记忆: Changes affect us andsometimes make an effect on ourlives. 8、【词语辨析】every day / everyday

(1)every day指“每天”,在句中作时间状语;


(3)一句话记忆: I practice everyday English every day.

9、【词语辨析】carry on / carry out

(1)carry on “继续下去,继续开展”;

(2)carry out“开展,执行”。

(3)例子记忆:1)Now we can carry on with our work. 2)He will carry out his plan.

10、【词语辨析】forget doing sth. / forget to do sth

(1)forget doing sth.指“忘记做过某事”;

(2)forget to do sth.指“忘记去做某事”。

(3)一句话记忆:Mary always forgets locking the door, while David forgets to lockit. What a funny and lucky couple they are!

11、【词语辨析】 clothes, clothing,cloth, dress





(5)一句话记忆:The dresses in their clothing stores are different from our clothes.

12、【词语辨析】day after day/day byday

(1)day after day指“日复一日”,强调不变化地重复;

(2)day by day指“一天一天地,逐渐”,强调逐渐变化的过程。

(3)一句话记忆:It was raining day after day thewhole month. Sothe water level in the river was rising day by day.

13、【词语辨析】decide/ make up one'smind


(2)make up one's mind强调“打定主意,下定决心”。

(3)一句话记忆:He decides to move to thecountryside and makes up his mind tolive

a simple life.

14、【词语辨析】deep / deeply


(2)deeply只作副词,用来比喻人在思想上、精神上的“深”,意为“深深地,深切地”。(3)例句记忆:a)We are deeply moved by the deep feeling between them. b)The snow is three feet deep.

15、【词语辨析】call in, call on, callup

(1)call in “召集”;

(2)callon “拜访,访问”;

(3)call up “号召,打电话”。

(3)例句记忆:a)How manyfriends did you call in? b)I'd like to call on you this Sunday. c)She called up a friendjust for a chat.

16、【词语辨析】catch up with/ come upwith

(1)catch up with“赶上”;(2)come up with “提出”。

(3)例句记忆:a)I have to work hard to catch up with the other students.

b)He could not come up with a proper answer.


