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Text1. What is it in that old box?

Text2. Who will come to give us a talk?

Text3. How are you going to Washington DC?

Text4. When will the performance start?



Text5.W:May I help you sir?

M:Yes. I’d like to try on some sports jackets. I prefer something like the one I wearing.

T ext6. M: Well, I’d better go home now. It’s been great see you again.

W: Oh, it was nice to see you, too.

Text7. M: The plane will take off at 9:30.

W: So we still have half an hour.

Text8. W: John, why don’t you sit down and take a rest?

M: I will be right there after washing the dishes.

Text9. M: I heard you got full marks in the exam. Congratulations.

W: I’m sure you also did well.

Text10. M: Thanks a lot for offering to return these books to the library for me.

W: Four books? And I have four of my own to take back, too.

Text11. W: Do you mind if I turn the television off?

M: Well, I’m in the middle of watching a program.

Text12.M: Can you tell me what the word means?

W: Don’t you have a dictionary?




M: Hello, Alice! I’m in the park now. I wonder if I could talk to you about our evening party.

W: Of course, Jim! Please go ahead.

M: When do you think id the best time for the party?

W: How about Friday evening? I will be free then.

M: Sounds good. However, I might have something else to do then.

W: Is Saturday evening OK? It is a great time, too.

M: Good. Shall I come to your house to talk about the party tonight?

W: Sorry, I’ll be in the office the whole night. So let’s meet there, shall we?

M: No problem.


W: Hi, Tony. It’s only 7:10. There is still fifty minutes left for the class. Why are you in a hurry? M: We must arrive at s chool twenty minutes earlier. That’s one of our school rules.

W: Anything else?

M: We must wear school uniforms. We aren’t allowed to choose our own clothes.

W: Are you allowed to listen to music in the classroom.

M: No. But we can listen to music outside the classroom.

W: What about reading storybooks?

M: We can only do that after class.


M: Wow, so many nice stamps! You must enjoy collecting them, Annie.

W: Oh, they aren’t mine. All of them belong to my cousin Tony.

M: Tony? Do you mean the boy who used to be lazy?

W: Yes, Bill. Now he is working hard at everything.

M: Amazing!

W: People sure change.

M: That’s true. By the way, are you allowed to collect stamps at home?

W: No, my parents think I should pay more attention to my studies. Even if any friend came to my house, they would be mad.

M: How strict they are!

W: Yeah, but they think they are doing good to me.

M: I think they might need to change their ideas about teenagers.

W: Yes, you’re right. We are not children now. Sometimes they should think about our ideas.


Are you doing anything for Earth Day this year? I think it’s a really good idea. It shows people how they can help the environment. This year we are all going to the Jiufeng Area to do pickup. That means collecting all the trash that people drop, like Coke cans and sweet wrappers and other things like that. We’ll start at 8 am and then pick up litter until about 1 pm. Then we’ll have a huge picnic. It’ll be great. You are supposed to take food and there are places to cook hamburgers and hot dogs and other things. Then we’ll do pickup again until about 3 pm. We’ll have to be very careful to tidy up well after the picnic!
