文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]英语语言学练习题I ∙ MatChingMatCh each Of the following terms in COlUmn A With One Of th©appropria te defi nit ions in COlUnIn B.COlUmn A1. displacement 10. motivation 19.blending2. IangUe 11.arbitrariness 20. CUItUre3. SUPraSegmentaI PetenCe 21. lea:Tningfeature 13. broad Strategies4. deep Strueture transcription 22.SeIeCtiOnaI5. PrediCatiOn 14.morphology restrictionsanalysis 15. CategOry 23.PhraSe Structure 6. idiolect 16. errors rules7・ Pidgin POnential 24.CUItUre8. IniStakeS analysis CIiffUSiOn9. interlanguage 18. COntextCOlUmn BA.LearnerS t independent SyStem Of the SeCOnd language, WhiChis Of neither the native IangUage nor the SeCOnd language, but a COntinUUnI Or approximation from his native IangUage to the target IangUage・9B.Learner, S attitudes and affective State Or Iearning drive,having a Strong impact On his efforts n Iearning a SeCOnelIangUage・21C.The rules that SPeCify the COnStituents Of SyntaCticCategories・ 23D.ThrOUgh COnlmUniCatiOnJ SOme el emen ts Of CUltUre A enter CUltUreB and become Part Of CUltUre B. 24E. A PerSOnaI dialect Of an individual SPeaker that COmbineSelements regarding regional, social, gender, and age VariatiOnS・6F. A SPeCiaI IangUage Variety that mixes Or blends IangUageS andit is USed by PeOPIe WhO SPeak different IangUageS for restricted PUrPOSeS SUCh as trading・7G.The kind Of analysis WhiCh involves the breaking down OfPrediCatiOnS into their COnStitUents ------- arguments andPrediCateS・ 5H.They refer to COnStraintS Orl What IeXiCaI items Can go WithWhat Others・22I.The StrUCture formed by the XP rule in accordance With the head' SSUbCategOriZatiOn PrOPertieS・ 4J. K. L. M. N. O.P. Q. R. S.T . U .V .W .X.The PhOnemiC features that OCCUr above the IeVeI Of the Segments. 3The StUdy Of the internal StrUCtUre Of WOrdSJ and the rules that govern the rule Of WOrd formation.The abstract IingUiStiCSPeeCh COnImUnity. 2 LangUage Can be USed immediate SitUatiOnS distinctive features Learner? S conscious,14SyStenl Shared by all the members Of arefer to COnteXtS removed from the theSPeaker・ It is One Of thehuman IangUage・ 1goal-oriented and PrObIenI-SOIVing basedtoOfOfefforts to achieve Iearning efficiency・10The total Way Of Iife Of a people, including the PatternS Of belief, CUStOmSJ ObjeCts, InStitUtions, IangUage that CharaCteriZeS the Iife Of 20The COnImOn knowledge Shared by both the 18techniques, and thehuman COnlmUnity.SPeaker and hearer.The Way Of WOrd formation by WhiCh new WOrdS may be formed by COmbining PartS Of Other WOrdS・ 19A group Of IingUiStic items WhiCh fulfill the Same Or SinliIar functions in a PartiCUIar language, SUCh as a sentence, a noun PhraSe Or a Verb・ 15A Way PrOPOSeCl by the StrUCtUraI SemantiCiStS to analyze WOrd meaning・ ThiS approach believes that the meaning Of a WOrd Can be dissected into meaning COmPOnents. 17The ideal USer, S knowledge Of the rules Of his IangUage・12 One Of the PrOPertieS Of human IangUage・ It means that there is no IOgiCal COnneCtiOn between meanings and SOUndS・ 11 A Way to transcribe SPeeCh SOUndS With letter-symbols only.13They reflect gaps In a Iearner, S knowledge Of the target IangUageJ not Self-COrrigibIe・16They reflect OCCaSiOnaI IaPSeS in PerfOrmanCe・ 8II ・ BIank-filling.FilI in the following blanks With a word, WhOSe initial Ietter has been given.1."A rose by any Other name WOUld SmelI as SWeet・” ThiSQUOtatiOn is a good illustration Of the a _______ nature OfIangUage・ Arbitrary2.The description Of a IangUage at SOme POint Of time inhistory is a SynChrOniC study; the description Of a IangUage as it ChangeS through time IS a d _________ StUdy. DiaChrOniC3.ChOmSky defines C _____ as the ideal user" S knowledge Of therules Of his language, and PerfOrmanCe the actual realization Of this knowledge in IingUiStic COmmUniCatiOrι. COmPetenCe4.In the PrOdUCtiOn Of VOWeIS the air Streain COlning from theIUngS meets With no o _____ ・ ThiS marks the essentialCIifferenCe between VOWeIS and COnSOnantS・ ObStrUCtiOn5.The different PhOneS that Can represent a PhOneme inCIifferent PhOnetiC environments are Called the a ______ Of the PhOneme・ AlIOPhOne6.AlIOPhOneS Of the Same PhOneme Cannot OCCUr in the SamePhOnetiC environment・ They are Said to be in C ______CIiStribUtiO n. COmPIeme nt ary7・ When pitch, Stress and SOUncl Iength are tied to the SentenCe rather than the WOrCl in ISOIation, they are COlIeCtiVeIy known as i ___________ ・IntOnation8.The m ____ Unit Of meaning is traditionally CalIed morpheme・MinimUln9.I ___ morphemes are bound morphemes that are for the mostPart PUreIy grammatical markers, Signifying SUCh COnCePtS astense, number, CaSe and SO OrL InfIeCtiOnal10.PhraSeS that are formed Of more than One WOrd USUalIyCOntain three elements: head, SPeCifierJ and C ______ ・COmPlement11.COnCerning the StUdy Of meaning, COnCePtUaIiSt VieW holdsthat there IS no direct Iink between a IingUiStiC form and What it refers to; rather, in the interpretation Of meaning they are Iinked through the mediation Of C ________________ in the mind・COnCePt12.The SenSe relation between U animaI n and U dog v is CalIeclh ___ ・ hyponymy13.P ___ refers to the PhenOmenOn that the Same WOrd may have aSet Of CIifferent meanings・ POIySemy14.What essentially distinguishes Semantics and PragmatiCS isWhether in the StUdy Of meaning the C _______ Of USe is takeninto COnSideratiOn. COntext15.S ___ refers to the IingUiStic Variety CharaCteriStiC Of aPartiCUIar SOCiaI ClaSS・ SOCiOIeCt16.WHO is an a ____ derived from the initials Of "World HeaIthOrganization v・ ACronynI17.ACCOrding to HalIiday, IangUage VarieS as its function VarieS: itCIifferS in different SitUatiOnS・ The type OfIangUage WhiCh IS SeIeCted as appropriate to the type OfSitUatiOn is a r _____ ・ RegiSter18. In CrOSS-CUItUral CommUniCation, SOme elements Of CUltUre Aenter CUltUre B and become Part Of CUItUre B, thus bringing aboUt the PhenOmenOn Of CUltUraI d ____________ ・ DiffUSiOn19. WhiIe the first IangUage is acquired S ______ J the SeCOnd Orforeign IangUage is more COnImOnIy Iearned COnSCiOUSIy ・SUbCOnSCiOUSIy20. LangUage a ______ refers to a natural ability forSeCOnd IangUage ・ ACqUiSition21. VibratiOn Of VOCaI COrdS results in a QUaIity OfSOUndS CalIed U V ________ " , WhiCh is a feature Of and SOme COnSOnantS in EngIiSh ・ VOiCe22. The PhOnenIiC features that OCCUr above the IeVeI Segment are CalIed S ____ features ・ SUPraSegmentaI23. MOrPhOIOgy refers to the StUdy Of the internal StrUCtUre Of WOrdSand rules for WOrel f ・ FOrnlatiOn24. The minimal Unit Of meaning is traditionally CalIed m ________ ・MOrPheme25. The SenSe relation between "autumn" and U fall n is CalIeclS ___ ・ SynOnym26. H ___ refers to the PhenOmenOn that WOrdS having differentmeanings have the Same form, i ・ e. J different WOrdS areidentiCaI in SOUnd Or SPelIingJ Or in both. HOmOnymy27. In daily COnlmUniCation, PeOPIe do not always ObSerVe the fourmaxims Of the CO-OPeratiVe PrinCiPIe ・ COnVerSatiOnaIi ___ WOUld arise When the maxims are flouted ・ Implicature28. SARS is an a ____ derived from the initials Of U SeVere ACUteReSPiratOry SynClrOme M ・ Ac:TOnym29. I ___ is a PerSOnaI CIiaIeCt Of an individual SPeaker thatCOmbineS elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age VariatiOnS ・ IdiOIeCt30. RP, the ShOrt form Of "R ______ PrOnUnCiatiOn n refers to thePartiCUIar Way Of PrOnOUnCing Standard EngIiSh ・ ReCeiVedIlL MUItiPle ChOiCe ・ChOOSe the best answer to the following items ・1. ___ is COnSidered to be the father Of modern IingUiStiCS ・A. N ・ ChOmSkyB. F. de SaUSSUreC. LeOnarCi BIOOInfieldD. M. A. K. Halliday2・ In the SCOPe Of IingUiStics, _____ form the Part Of IangUageWhiCh IinkS together the SOUnd Pattern and meaning ・ SPeeCh all VOWeISOf theA. morphology and SyntaXB. PhOnetiCS and semanticsC. SemantiCS and SyntaX D ・ mo:TPhOlOgy and SemantiCSStUdieS the SOUndS from the hearer , S POint Of view, i ・ e. , how the SOUndS are PerCeiVed by the hearer ・A ・ auditory PhOnetiCS B. acoustic PhOnetics C. articulatory PhOneticsWhiCh Of the following WOrdS begins With a velar voiced StOP A.godB. bossC. COCkD. dog WhiCh Of the following WOrdS ends With a dentaL voiceless friestive _A. roseB. WaVeC. ClOthD. massage WhiCh Of the following WOrdS COrItains a back, open andunrounded VOWel _inflectional morphemes except ___ ・A. PaintSB. PaiIIterC.Painted D. Painting WhiCh Of the following WOrdS has more than three morphemesA.PSyChOPhySiCS B. boyfriends C. forefather D.undesirabilityThe Pair Of WOrdS "dead and alive ,t is CalIed ______ ・A. gradable antonymsB. relational OPPOSiteS C ∙comp 1 ©mentary BntonyinSWhiCh Pair Of the following WOrdS Can be Categorized asStyliStiC SynOnymS __A. torch & flashlightB. die & deceaseC. amaze & astoundD. IUggage & baggageX : JOhn has given UP SmOking ・Y: JOhrl USed to SmOke ・The SenSe relation between the above SentenCeS is _____ 3.4.5. 6. 7. & 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.A. god WhiCh Of A. [h] WhiCh OfB. boot the following B. Ek] the following B. kill, D. taskSOUnd _____D . T?FC. WaIk is NOt a Velar C. [g] is NOt a IninimaI Pair ____ PilI C. peak, pig,D. meat, Seat is an OPerl CIaSS WOrdS ____ C. the D. theyA. bat, bite WhiCh Of the following A ・ emailB. but The Underlined morphemes in the following belong to theA・X βntails Y B. X PreSUPPOSeS YC. X is SynOnymOUS With YD. X is InCOnSiStent With Y X: My father has been to LOndOn.Y: My father has been to UK.The SenSe relation between the above SentenCeS is _______A. X entails YB. X PreSUPPOSeS YC. X is SynOnymOUS With YD. X is inconsistent With Y16. When We ViOlate any Of the maxims Of CO-OPeratiVe PrinCipie,OUr IangUage Inight become _____ ・A. impoliteB. incorrectC. indirect D ・ UnClea:T17. ACCOrding to SearI t S CIaSSifiCatiOn Of SPeeCh acts, WhiChOf the following is an instance Of CIireCtiVeS ______A. I fire you!B. YOUr money Or your life!C. I'm SOrry for the mess I have made ・D ・ I have never Seen the man before ・imitation and habit formation ______ ・A. Th © behaviorist viewB. The InnatiSt VieWC. The interactionist VieWD. The COgrlitive theory23. WhiCh Of the following SentenCeS is an example OfOVergeneraliZatiOn _____ ・A. Jane told me to give UP SmOking ・B. Jane asked me to give UP SmOking ・C. Jane advised me to give UP SmOking ・D ∙ Jane suggested me to give UP smoking.24. WhiCh Of the following hypotheses is PUt forth by Dr.KraShen ____ ・A. CritiCaI PeriOd HyPOtheSiSB. InPUt HyPOtheSiSC. LangUage ACqUiSitiOn DeViCe HyPOthesisD. Sapir- WhOrf HyPOthesis25. WhO among the following IingUiSts PUt forward CO-OPeratiVethe following WOrdS is B. CraSh 18. WhiCh Of A ∙ t ΓΘΘ bang 19. The WOrd A. blend 20. WhiCh OfCIiPPing A. memo B. motel C. quake 21. ACCOrding to HalIiday, mode Of discourseOf COnImUniCatiOn. A. SUbjeCt B. role 22. WhiCh Of the following U KOdak n is a(n) _ B. COined WOrd entirely arbitraryC. tyPewriterD.C. CIiPPeel WOrd D ・ acronym the following WOrdS is NOt formed by means OfD. gym refersto theC. SitUation theories Of IangUage acquisition Iearning is SimPIy amatter Of D ∙ meansPrinCiPIeSA. PaUI GriCe B ・ JOhn SearIe C. KraShenA. X entails YB. X PreSUPPOSeS YD. LeeCh26. WhiCh Of the following IingUiStS is the initiator Oftransformational generative grammarA. F. de SaUSSUreB. N. ChOmSkyC. G ・ LeeCh D ・ M ・A. K. HaIIiday27. When a ______ COmeS to be adopted by a POPUIatiOn as itsPrimary IangUage and Children Iearn it as their first language, it becomes __________________ ・B. A. CreOIe ・・・ Pidgin B.pidgin... CreOleC. C. regional dialect ・・・ SOCiOIeCtD.SOCiOIeCt ・・・ regional dialect28. ___ StUdieS the SOUndS from the SPeaker , S POint Of view,i. e ・, how a SPeaker USeS his SPeeCh OrganS to articulate SPeeCh SOUndS ・A. AUCIitOry PhOnetiCSB. ACOUStiC PhOnetiCS C ∙ Articulatory phon ©tics29. We know the Verb "put" requires an NP followed by a PP OrAdV ・ Thus, the PrOCeSS Of PUtting WOrdS Of the Same IeXiCaI CategOry into SmalIer CIaSSeS according to their SyntaCtiC CharaCteriStiC IS CalIeel ______ ・A. CategOriZatiOn B ∙ SUbCategorizationC. SyntaCtiC CategOrieS D ・ COOrdinatiOn30. WhiCh Of the following WOrdS COntainS a front, ClOSe andUnrOUnded VOWeI ___A. badB. bed C ∙ beat D ・ but31. The UnderIined morphemes in the following belong to the33. The Pair Of WOrdS U borrow and Iend M is CalIed __________A. gradable antonyms B ∙ rβlational opposites C.COmPIementary antonyms34. WhiCh Pair Of the following WOrdS Can be CategOriZed asCOlIOCatiOnaI SynOnymS _____A. torch & flashlight B ∙ Pretty & handsomeC. amaze & astoundD. IUggage & baggage35. X: My SiSter WilI SOOn be divorced ・derivational morphemes A ∙ faster B. Writer32. WhiCh Of the following A. email B. but except ____ ・ C. IOVeIy D. ConVerSiOn is an OPerl CIaSS WOrdS____ C. the D. theyA. PaUI GriCe B ・ JOhn SearIe C. KraShenA. X entails YB. X PreSUPPOSeS YY: My SiSter IS a married WOlnan.The SenSe relation between the above SentenCeS is ________C. X is SynOnymOUS With Y D・ X is inconsistent With Y36.X: JOhn married a blond heiress・Y: JOhn married a blond・The SentenCe relation between X and Y is _______A. X entails YB. X PreSUPPOSeS YC. X is SynOnymOUS With Y D・ X is COntradiCtOry With Y37.ACCOrding to SearI t S CIaSSifiCation Of SPeeCh acts, WhiChOf the following is NOt an instance Of directiVeS _______A.OPen the window!B.YOUr money Or your Iife!C.WOUId you Iike to go to the PiCniC With USD.I have never seen the man before.38.The WOrd "brunch” is a(n) _______ ・A∙ blend B. COined WOrd C. CIiPPed WOrel D・ acronym39.ACCOrding to HalIiday, field Of discourse refers to the OfCOmmUniCatiOn.A. SUbjeCt B・ role C. SitUatiOn D・ means40.There are different tyPeS Of affixes Or morphemes・ The affix "ed"in the WOrcl "learned" is known as a( n)A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morpheme D・ free form41.WhiCh Of the following theories Of IangUage acquisitionholds that human beings are biologically PrOgranlmed for IangUage and that the IangUage develops in the Child just as Otherbiological functions SUCh as WaIking ____________ ・A. The behaviorist VieWB∙ The innatist VieWC.The interactionist VieWD.The COgnitiVe theory42.The OPening between the VOCaI COrdS is SOmetimes referred toas ___ ■A. glottisB. VOCaI CaVityC. PharynXD. UVUIa43.WhiCh Of the following hypotheses is PUt forward by EriCLenneberg ___ ・A.ClritiCaI PeriOd HyPOthesisB.InPUt HyPOthesisngUage ACqUiSitiOn DeViCe HyPOtheSiSD.SaPir-WhOrf HyPOtheSiS44.MOrPhemeS that represent tense, number, gender and CaSe areCalIed ___ morpheme・A. infleCtiOnal B . free C. bound D. derivational45.There are ____ morphemes in the WOrd denationalizationA. threeB. four C∙ five D. SiXC. StatiCD. genetiCalIy transmitted47・ PitCh Variation is known as ____ When its Patterns areimposed On SentenCeS ・ A. intonation B. ton © C. PrOnUnCiatiOn D. VOiCe48. WhiCh One is different from the OtherS according to mannersOf articulation A. [z] 49. 21. WhiCh PIaCeS Of A. [n] B. [w] C. [e] D. [v]One is different from the OtherS according toarticulationB. [m]C. [b]D. [p]30. WhiCh VOWeI is CIifferent from the OtherS according to theCharaCteriStiCS Of VOWeISA. [i:] B ・[u] C. [e] D. [i]51. What kind Of SOUndS Can We make When the VOCaI COrdS areVibratingA. VOiCeleSSB. VoicedC. GlOttai StOPD.COnSOnant32. When a ChiId USeS U mummy n to refer to any WOmanJ mostPrObabIy his "mummy” means ___________ ・A. + HUmanB. + HUman + AdUItC. + HUman + AdUlt - MaIe D ・ + HUman + AClUIt 一 MaIe + Parent33. The UtteranCe "We're already WOrking 25 hours a day, eightdays a Week ・"ObViOUSIy ViOIateS the maxim Of _________ ・A. QUaIity B ∙ quantity C. relation D ・ manner34. The Pair Of WOrdS U nOrth n and U SOUth n is _____________ ・A. gradable OPPOSiteSB. relational OPPOSitesC. co-hyponymsD. SynOnymS35. W hiCh Of the following SentenCeS is NoT an example Of cross-associationA. Other / anotherB. InUCh / manyC. StaIagmite / StaIagtite D ∙ bow / bow36. _____ describes Whether a PrOPOSitiOn is true Or false ・A. TrUthB. TrUth ValUeC. Truth COndition D ・ FaISehOOel37. "John Sent Mary a POSt Card ・"is a CaSe OfA. One 一PlaCe PreeIiCatiOnB. two-place PrediCatiOnC. thτθθ-place predication D ・ no 一PIaCe PrediCatiOn58. ,,John killed BilI but BilI didn' t die" is a( n)A. entailmentB. PreSUPPOSitionC. anomaly D ・ COntradiCtiOn59. ____ refers to the PrOCeSS Whereby a WOrd is ShOrtenedWithOUt a Change in the meaning and in the Part Of SPeeCh ・46. LangUage isA. instinctiveB. non —instinctive60.A. BIenCIing B. Back-formation C. CIiPPing D. COnVerSiOn61.W hiCh Of the following aspects is NOT the COre Of the StUdy Ofgeneral IingUiStiCSA. SOUndB. StructureC. meaningD. applicationΓV. TrUe Of false judgment∙JUdge Whether the following Stat©ments are true Or false. Write T in the corresponding brack©t for a true Statement and F for a false one∙1.LingUiStiCS StUdieS IangUageS in general, but not anyPartiCUIar language, e. g・ English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, etc. T2.MOdern IingUiStics regards the Written IangUage as the natural OrPrimary medium Of human IangUage・ F3.In narrow transcription, We transcribe the SPeeCh SOUndS WithIetter-SymbOIS OnIy WhiIe in broad transcription We transcribe the SPeeCh SOUndS With Ietter-SymbOIS together With the CIiaCritiCS・T4.By diachronic StUdy We mean to StUdy the ChangeS and development OfIangUage・ TPIete homonyms are Often brought into being by coincidence. T6.Of the three PhOnetics branches, the IOngeSt established one, andUntiI recently the most highly developed, is acoustic PhOnetiCS・ F 7・ The meaning Of the WOrd U SeaI M in the SentenCe "the SeaI COUld not be found v CannOt be determined UnIeSS the COnteXt in WhICh theSentenCe OCCUrS is restored・ T8.An InnatiSt VieW Of IangUage acquisition holds that human beingsare biologically PrOgranImecl for IangUage・ T9.ACCOrCIing to CO-OPeratiVe PrinCipie, the COnVerSatiOnaIPartiCiPantS have to StriCtly ObSerVe the four maxims, SO that the COnVerSatiOn Can go On SUCCeSSfUlly. F10.T he Same WOrd may Stir UP different association In PeOPIe Underdifferent CUItUraI background・ T11.A ChiId WhO enters a foreign IangUage SPeeCh COmmUnity by the ageOf three Or four Can Iearn the new IangUage WithOUt the trace Of an accent・ T12.In COmmUniCatiOn it WilI never be the CaSe that What is grammaticalis not acceptable, and What is UngranlmatiCaI may not beinappropriate. F13.MOdern IingUiStics is mostly descriptive・ T14.SinCe there is no IOgiCaI COnneCtion between meanings and SOUnds,IangUage is absolUtely arbitrary. F13.VOWeIS may be distinguished as front, Central and back according tothe manner Of articulation. F16.APPIied IingUiStiCS is the application Of IingUiStIC PrinCiPIeS andtheories to IangUage teaching and Iearning・ F17.A PhOnOIOgiCaI feature Of the EngIiSh COmPOUndS IS that the StreSSOf the WOrCl always falls On the first element, and the SeCOnCl element receives SeCOndary StreSS・ F18.AlI the affixes belong to bound morphemes・ T19.A POIySenIiC WOrd is the result Of the evolution Of the Primarymeaning Of the WOrd・ T20.ACCOrCIing to the innatist VieW Of IangUage acquisition, OnIy Whenthe IangUage is modified and adjusted to the IeVeI Of Children t S COmPrehenSion, do they PrOCeSS and internalize the IangUage ItemS・F21.When a Child acquires his mother tongue, he also acquires a1anguage-specific CUItUre and becomes SOCiaIiZed In Certain WayS・T22.ACCOrCIing to Austin, the PerfOrmatiVe UtteranCe IS USed toPerfOriII an action, it also has truth VaIUe・ F23.Children Can Iearn their native IangUage WelI WheneVer they Startand WhateVer kinds Of IangUage SamPIeS they receive・ F24.DUaIity is One Of the CharaCteriStiCS Of human IangUage・ It refersto the fact that IangUage has two IeVelS Of StrUCtUreS: the SyStem Of SOUndS and the SyStenI Of meanings・ T25.LingUiStiC forms having the Same SenSe may have CIifferentreferences in different SitUatiOnS WhiIe IingUiStic forms With the Same reference always have the Same SenSe・ FV. Give a ShOrt answer to each Of the following quβstiOns∙1.SenSe and reference are two terms Often encountered in the StUdy OfWOrd meaning・ What are they and how are they related to each Other P662.ACCOrcIing to HalIiday, What is register What are the SOCiaIVariabIeS that determine the register P117-1183.What are the main features Of human IangUage that essentially makeit different from Other animal COnImUniCation SyStems P8- 94.GiVe a brief illustration to the U SemantiC triangle n SUggeSted byOgden and RiChardS・ P63~64VL ESSay question.1.ACCOrding to AUStin, What are the three acts a PerSOn is POSSibIyPerfOrnling WhiIe making an UtteranCe GiVe an example toillustrate this P80-822.What are the four maxims Of the CP IlIUSt:Tate With examples howflouting these maxims gives rise to COnVerSational ImplicatureP85-883.PIeaSe ObSerVe the following SentenCeS: all Of them are IIOt WelIformed・ What rules does each Of the following SentenCeS ViOIate And What are the two aspects in terms Of Sentence meaning PIeaSe IlIUStrate briefly.1)He ated the Cake yesterday.2)We WilI gone to Beijing tomorrow.3)The table intended to marry the Chair・4)My favorite fruit is red PearS・Pleas© take a IOOk at the seetion 5.5. 2 (page 73) to thefirst ParagraPh On page 74∙1.The meaning Of SentenCe is not the SUm total Of the meanings Ofall ItS COmPOnentS・ And it includes both grammatical meaning and Semantic meaning・2.The grammatical meaning Of a SentenCe refers to itsgrammaticality, WhiCh is governed by the grammatical rules Of the IangUage・ Any ViOlatiOn Can result in mistakes, making a SentenCe UnaCCePtable・SUCh as SentenCe 1) has a WrOng WOrd "ated” and 2) has U WilI gone,,;3.BUt grammatically WelI-formed SentenCeS Can StilI beUnaCCePtabIe because Whether a Sentence is SemantiCalIy meaningful is decided by rules CalIeel SeIeCtiOnaI restrictions, in Otherwords, COnStraints On What IeXiCaI items Can go With What others・SOme SerItences may be grammatically WelI-formed, yet they may not be SemantiCalIy meaningful because they COntain WOrdS WhiCh are not SUPPOSed to go together・ For example, as We Can find inSentence 3) and 4), no table WOUId intend to marry the ChairUnIeSS in a children1 S StOry and there is no red PearS USUalIy in the WOrIcl・ Therefore, SOme SeIeCtiOnaI restrictions have been ViOIa ted.。
一、单项选择题1.The manager would rather his daughter _____ in the same company.DA、would not workB、will not workC、does not workD、did not work2.Mike promised to keep me ______ how our business was going on.BA、informedB、informed ofC、to be informedD、to be informed of3.I have no objection ______ for a hike on the mountains with Cynthia.CA、to goB、goingC、to goingD、of going4.____ a teacher in our college, it is necessary to have at least a master’s degree.AA、To becomeB、One becomesC、Becoming ofD、Who becomes5.All the task ______ ahead of time, we planned to go on holiday for a week.DA、had fulfilledB、having fulfilledC、were fulfilledD、having been fulfilled6.Not until the game had begun ______ the sports ground.AA、did Peter arrive atB、Peter arrived atC、didn’t Peter arrive atD、Peter didn’t arrive at7.I didn’t send out my application form last week, but I ________.DA、had toB、might have toC、have hadD、should have8.I will give the ticket to _______ wants to have it.BA、whomeverB、whoeverC、some oneD、anyone9.The reason _______ I did not go to the lecture yesterday was that I had something important to do.DA、whichB、for thatC、becauseD、why10.Be careful with those explosives _______ end up killing ourselves.CA、then we won’tB、but we won’tC、or we willD、and we will11.The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours ____ last night.CA、at lengthB、in fullC、on endD、in time12.I don’t play basketball any more, _________ when I was a child.AA、but I used toB、I used toC、but I used to doD、I used to do13.Living here at the top of the mountain with no one else near, the old man must be very ____. DA、onlyB、aloneC、loneD、lonely14.I can’t read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They are too____.AA、faintB、foggyC、transparentD、misty15. A highly organized system of irrigation is ____ Chinese agriculture.AA、typical ofB、consistent withC、famous forD、subject to16.Jack is very ____ about wines.BA、awareB、knowledgeableC、learnedD、informed17.As for Ann, I am not sure about her ____ in Italian.AA、fluencyB、clarityC、coherenceD、excellency18.It was _____ that we went for a picnic in the country.CA、such nic e a dayB、such nice dayC、so nice a dayD、so nice day19.By the end of next month I ______ here for five years.DA、will workB、have been workingC、have workedD、will have been working20.Much research _______ into the possible causes of the disease in the past few years.AA、has been doneB、was doneC、have been doneD、were done21.The teacher told us that we didn’t have to _____ every new word we ran into when reading. CA、look overB、look throughC、look upD、look into22.When he wrote to his father that he wanted to ____ his education and get married, his father cut off his allowance.AA、give upB、give outC、give inD、give away23.His speech was warmly received. It was several minutes before the applause _______.AA、died downB、died ofC、died outD、died off24.Mr. Zhang makes _____ a point to keep up with the latest development in his field.CA、thisB、thatC、itD、these25.In many countries now seat belts are _____ for the driver and front seat passengers at least.。
最新 2019 英语语言学期末试题练习+ 答案Ⅰ. MatchingMatch each of the following terms in Column A with one of the appropriate definitionsin Column B.Column A1.最新 2019英语8.mistakes17.语言学期末试题9.interlanguage18.context练习 +答案10.motivation19.blendingngue11.arbitrariness20.culture3.suprasegmental feature12.21.learning strategies4.deep structure13.broad transcription22.selectional restrictions5.predication analysis14.morphology23.phrase structure rules6.idiolect15.category24.culture diffusion7.pidgin16.errors最新 2019 英语语言学期末试题练习+ 答案A. Learners ’ indepentdesystem of the second language, which is of neither the nativelanguage nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his nativelanguage to the target language. 9B.Learner ’ s attitudes and affective state or learning drive, having a strong impact on hisefforts n learning a second language. 21C.The rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories. 23D.24E. 6F. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people whospeak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 7G.The kind of analysis which involves the breaking down of predications into their constituents----- arguments and predicates. 5H. They refer to constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.22I. The structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’ s propertiessubcategorization.4J.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments. 3K.The study of the internal structure of words , and the rules that govern the rule of word formation. 14L. 2nguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.It is one of the distinctive features of human language. 1N.Learner ’conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency. 10O.20P.18Q. .19R. A group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language,such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 15S.17T.The ideal user’ s knowledge of the rules of his language12.U.One of the properties of human language. It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. 11V. A way to transcribe speech sounds with letter-symbols only. 13W. They reflect gaps in a learner’ s knowledge of the target,languagenotself-corrigible.16X. They reflect occasional lapses in performance. 8Ⅱ.Blank-filling.Fill in the following blanks with a word , whose initial letter has been given.1. “ A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This quotation is a good illustration of thea____ nature of language. Arbitrary2.The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study; thedescription of a language as it changes through time is a d____ study. Diachronic3.Chomsky defines c____ as the ideal user Competence’4._. This marks the essential difference between vowels and consonants. Obstruction5.The different phones that can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments arecalled the a____ of the phoneme.Allophone6.Allophones of the same phoneme cannot occur in the same phonetic environment. Theyare said to be in c____ distribution.7.When pitch , stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation,they are collectively known as i____. Intonation8. The m____ unit of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.Minimum9.I____ morphemes are bound morphemes that are for the most part purely grammaticalmarkers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on. Inflectional10.Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain three elements: head,specifier , and c____. Complement11.Concerning the study of meaning ,conceptualist view holds that there is no direct linkbetween a linguistic form and what it refers to; rather , in the interpretation of meaning theyare linked through the mediation of c____ in the mind. concept12. The sense relation between“ animal” and“ dog” hyponymyiscalled____.13.P____ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a set of different meanings.Polysemy14.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaningthe c____ of use is taken into consideration. Context15.S____ refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.Sociolect16.WHO is an a____ derived from the initials o f “ World Health Organization Acronym”.17.According to Halliday , language varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations.The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a r____.Register18.Diffusion19.Subconsciouslynguage a______ refers to a natural ability for learning a second language. Acquisition21.Vibration of vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called”, which is a “vfeature of all vowels and some consonants in English. V oice22.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are called s____ features.Suprasegmental23.Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and rules for word f____.Formation24.The minimal unit of meaning is traditionally called m____. Morpheme25.The sense relation between autumn”“ and fall“” is calleds____. Synonym26. H____ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form,i.e. , different words are identical in sound or spelling , or in both. Homonymy27.Implicature28.SARS is an a____ derived from the initials of “ SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome ”. Acronym29.I____ is a personal dialect of an indi Idiolect30. RP, the short form of“ R____ Pronunciation” refers to the particular way of pronouncingstandard English. ReceivedⅢ .Multiple choice.Choose the best answer to the following items.1.____ is considered to be the father of modern linguistics.A. N. ChomskyB. F. de SaussureC. Leonard BloomfieldD. M. A. K. Halliday2.In the scope of linguistics , ____ form the part of language which links together the soundpattern and meaning.A. morphology and syntaxB. phonetics and semanticsC. semantics and syntaxD. morphology and semantics3.____ studies the sounds from the hearer’,s point.e.,of howview the sounds are perceivedby the hearer.A. auditory phoneticsB. acoustic phoneticsC. articulatory phonetics4.Which of the following words begins with a velar voiced stop? ____A. godB. bossC. cockD. dog5.Which of the following words ends with a dental, voiceless fricative? ____A. roseB. waveC. clothD. massage6.Which of the following words contains a back,open and unrounded vowel? ____A. godB. bootC. walkD. task7.Which of the following is Not a velar sound? _____A. [h]B. [k]C. [g]D. [?]8.Which of the following is Not a minimal pair?____A. bat , biteB. kill , pillC. peak, pig,D. meat, seat9.Which of the following is an open class words?____A. emailB. butC. theD. they10.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to the inflectional morphemes except____.A. paintsB. painterC. paintedD. painting11.Which of the following words has more than three morphemes? ____A. psychophysicsB. boyfriendsC. forefatherD. undesirability12.The pair of words“ dead and alive” is called ____.A. gradable antonymsB. relational opposites13.Which pair of the following words can be categorized as stylistic synonyms?____A. torch & flashlightB. die & deceaseC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage14.X: John has given up smoking.Y:John used to smoke.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y15.X: My father has been to London.Y:My father has been to UK.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y16.A. impoliteB. incorrectC. indirectD. unclear17.According to Searl ’ s classification of speech, actswhich of the following is an instance ofdirectives? ____A.I fire you!B.Your money or your life!C.I ’ m sorry for the mess I have made.D.I have never seen the man before.18.Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. crashC. typewriterD. bang19.The word “ Kodak ” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym20.Which of the following words is Not formed by means of clipping?_____A. memoB. motelC. quakeD. gym21.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means22.Which of the following theories of language acquisition believes that language learning issimply a matter of imitation and habit formation? ____.A. The behaviorist viewB. The innatist viewC. The interactionist viewD. The cognitive theory23.Which of the following sentences is an example of overgeneralization? ____.A.Jane told me to give up smoking.B.Jane asked me to give up smoking.C.Jane advised me to give up smoking.D.Jane suggested me to give up smoking.24.Which of the following hypotheses is put forth by Dr. Krashen? ____.A.Critical Period HypothesisB. Input Hypothesisnguage Acquisition Device HypothesisD. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis25.Who among the following linguists put forward Co-operative Principles?A.Paul GriceB. John SearleC. KrashenD. Leech26.Which of the following linguists is the initiator of transformational generative grammar?A. F. de SaussureB. N. ChomskyC. G. LeechD. M. A. K. Halliday27..B. A. creole... pidgin B. pidgin... creoleC. C. regional dialect... sociolectD. sociolect ... regional dialect28.____ studies the sounds from the speaker’,s point.e.,ofhowviewa speaker uses his speechorgans to articulate speech sounds.A. Auditory phoneticsB. Acoustic phoneticsC. Articulatory phonetics29.We know the verb “put ”requires an NP followed by a PP or Adv,. theThusprocess ofputting words of the same lexical category into smaller classes according to their syntacticcharacteristic is called.A. categorization B . subcategorizationC. syntactic categoriesD. coordination30. Which of the following words contains a front , close and unrounded vowel? ____A. badB. bedC. beatD. but31.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to the derivational morphemes except____.A . faster B. writer C. lovely D. conversion32.Which of the following is an open class words?____A. emailB. butC. theD. they33.The pair of words borrow“ and lend ” is called ___.A. gradable antonyms B . relational opposites34.Which pair of the following words can be categorized as collocational synonyms?____A. torch & flashlightB. pretty & handsomeC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage35.X: My sister will soon be divorced.Y: My sister is a married woman.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y36.X: John married a blond heiress.Y:John married a blond.The sentence relation between X and Y is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is contradictory with Y37. According to Searl’ s classification of speech,actswhich of the following is Not an instanceof directives? ____A. Open the window!B. Your money or your life!C. Would you like to go to the picnic with us?D.I have never seen the man before.38.The word “ brunch ” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym39.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means40.There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed" in the word "learned" isknown as a( n)A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form41.Which of the following theories of language acquisition holds that human beings are biologicallyprogrammed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking? ____.A.The behaviorist viewB.The innatist viewC.The interactionist viewD.The cognitive theory42. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as.A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula43.Which of the following hypotheses is put forward by Eric Lenneberg? ____.A. Critical Period HypothesisB.Input Hypothesisnguage Acquisition Device HypothesisD.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis44.Morphemes that represent tense, number, gender and case are called ____morpheme.A. inflectional B .free C. bound D. derivational45. There are ____ morphemes in the word denationalization?A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. sixnguage isA. instinctiveB. non-instinctiveC. staticD. genetically transmitted47.Pitch variation is known as ____ when its patterns are imposed on sentences.A. intonationB. toneC. pronunciationD. voice48.Which one is different from the others according to manners of articulation?A.[z]B.[w]C.[e]D.[v]49.21. Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation?A. [n]B.[m]C.[b]D. [p]50.Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. [i:]B. [u]C. [e]D. [i]51.What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?A.VoicelessB. VoicedC. Glottal stopD. Consonant52. When a child uses “ mummy” to refer to any woman ,most probably his “ mummy”means.A. + HumanB. + Human + AdultC. + Human + Adult–MaleD. + Human + Adult - Male + Parent53.The utterance "We're already working 25 hours a day , eight days a week." obviously violatesthe maxim of ______.A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner54.The pair of words“ north ” and“ south ” is ___.A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. co-hyponymsD. synonyms55.Which of the following sentences is NOT an example of cross-association?A. other / anotherB. much / manyC. stalagmite / stalagtiteD. bow / bow56.describes whether a proposition is true or false.A. TruthB. Truth valueC. Truth conditionD. Falsehood57."John sent Mary a post card." is a case ofA. one-place predicationB. two-place predicationC. three-place predicationD. no-place predication58."John killed Bill but Bill didn't die" is a( n)A. entailmentB. presuppositionC. anomalyD. contradiction59.refers to the process whereby a word is shortened without a change in the meaning and in thepart of speech.A. BlendingB. Back-formationC. ClippingD. Conversion60.Which of the following aspects is NOT the core of the study of general linguistics?A. soundB. structureC. meaningD. applicationⅣ.True of false judgment.Judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write T in the correspondingbracket for a true statement and F for a false one.1.Linguistics studies languages in general , but not any particular language , e.g. English ,Chinese, Arabic , and Latin , etc. T2.Modern linguistics regards the written language as the natural or primary medium ofhuman language. F3.In narrow transcription , we transcribe the speech sounds with letter-symbols only while inbroad transcription we transcribe the speech sounds with letter-symbols together with thediacritics. T4.By diachronic study we mean to study the changes and development of language. T5.T6.Of the three phonetics branches , the longest established one , and until recently the mosthighly developed , is acoustic phonetics. F7.The meaning of the word “ seal in”the sentence “ theseal could not be found ”cannot bedetermined unless the context in which the sentence occurs is restored. T8.An Innatist view of language acquisition holds that human beings are biologically programmedfor language. T9.According to co-operative principle , the conversational participants have to strictly observethe four maxims , so that the conversation can go on successfully. F10.The same word may stir up different association in people under different cultural background.T11.T12. F13.Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive. T14. Since there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds , language is absolutelyarbitrary. F15.Vowels may be distinguished as front,central and back according to the manner of articulation.F16.Applied linguistics is the application of linguistic principles and theories to languageteaching and learning. F17. F18.All the affixes belong to bound morphemes. T19.A polysemic word is the result of the evolution of the primary meaning of the word. T20. According to the innatist view of language acquisition,only when the language is modifiedand adjusted to the level of children F’21.T22.According to Austin , the performative utterance is used to perform an action, it also has truthvalue. F23.Children can learn their native language well whenever they start and whatever kinds oflanguage samples they receive. F24.Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refers to the fact that languagehas two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the system of meanings. T25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situationswhile linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense. FⅤ.Give a short answer to each of the following questions.1.Sense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of word meaning. Whatare they and how are they related to each other? P662.According to Halliday , what is register? What are the social variables that determine theregister? P117-1183.P8-94. Give a brief illustration to the“ semantic triangle” suggestedcharsby.P63Ogden-64 and Ri Ⅵ. Essay question.1.According to Austin , what are the three acts a person is possibly performing while making anutterance? Give an example to illustrate this? P80-822.What are the four maxims of the CP? Illustrate with examples how flouting these maxims givesrise to conversational implicature? P85-883.Please observe the following sentences; all of them are not well formed. What rules does eachof the following sentences violate? And what are the two aspects in terms of sentence meaning?Please illustrate briefly.1)He ated the cake yesterday.2)We will gone to Beijing tomorrow.3)The table intended to marry the chair.4)My favorite fruit is red pears.Please take a look at the section 5.5.2 (page 73) to the first paragraph on page 74.1.The meaning of sentence And it includes both grammatical meaning and semantic meaning.2.The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality , which is governed by thegrammatical rules of the language. Any violation can result in mistakes , making a sentenceunacceptable. Such as sentence 1) has a wrong word “ated”and 2) has “will gone ”;3.But grammatically well-formed sentences can still be unacceptable because whether asentence is semantically meaningful is decided by rules called selectional restrictions , in other words, constraints on what lexical items can go with what others. Some sentences may be grammatically well-formed , yet they may not be semantically meaningful because they contain words which are not supposed to go together. For example, as we can find in sentence 3) and4), no table would intend to marry the chair unless in a children ’s story and there is no redpears usually in the world. Therefore , some selectional restrictions have been violated.。
每小题3分,共60分)1.The pair of words “lend”and “borrow”are ___.()A.gradable oppositesB.relational oppositesC.co-hyponymsD.synonyms2.The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar .( )A.Jacob GrimmB.Rasmus RaskC.Franz BoppD.Sir William Jones3.A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( )A.unusualB.something to be fearedC.abnormalD.natural4.__produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense,often as unintelligible.( )A.Broca's aphasicB.The linguistic deprivationC.The damage on the angular gyrusD.Wernicke's aphasic5.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night” as “light”.This shows:.( )A.They cannot pronounce/n/B.Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongueC.The teachers do not have a good teaching methodD.They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds6.A word with several meanings is called __word.( )A.a polysemousB.a synonymousC.an abnormalD.a multiple7.The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?”is __.()rmativeB.phaticC.directiveD.performative8.The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in __ and vocabulary.( )ageB.grammarC.pronunciationD.structure9.__deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space.( )A.Linguistic geographyB.LexicologyC.LexicographyD.Sociolinguistics10.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.()A.+animate,+male,+human,-adultB.+animate,+male,+human,+adultC.+animate,-male,+human,-adultD.+animate,-male,+human,+adult11.The famous quotation from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet” ‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’ well illustrates _______.()A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of languageC.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication12.Of the following sound combinations, only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )A.kiblB.bkilC.ilkbD.ilbk13.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula "S→NP VP".()A.hierarchicalB.linearC.tree diagramD.vertical14.It is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.( )A.Case ConditionB.parameterC.Adjacent ConditionD.Adjacent Parameter15.Predication analysis is a way to analyze _______ meaning.A.phonemeB.wordC.phraseD.sentence16.According to Searle,those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.( )misivesB.directivesC.expressivesD.declaratives17.The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.A.synchronicB.diachronicparativeD.historical comparative18.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+last name, _______,and kin term.A.title+first nameB.title+titleC.title aloneD.first name+last name+titlenguage and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as "subvocal speech," and speech as "_______".( )A.vocal thoughtB.subvocal thoughtC.covert thoughtD.overt thought20.Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child languageacquisition?_______.( )nguage acquisition is a process of habit formationnguage acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsC.Children are born with an innate ability to acquire languageD.Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use二、判断说明题(判断下列各小题,正确的在题后括号内写“T”,错的写“F”,并说明理由。
[资料]-英语语言学期末考试试卷及答案---副本5. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked”is a(n) __________ morpheme.A. derivationalB.inflectionalC. freeD.word-forming6. WH-movement is __________ in Englishwhich changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.A. obligatoryB.optionalC. selectionalD.arbitrary7. Naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, was proposed by _________.A. GriceB.PlatoC. SaussureD.Ogden and Richards8. “John married a blond heiress.”__________ “John married a blond.”A. is synonymous withB. isinconsistent withC. entailsD.presupposes9. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basicunit is called _______, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. A. utterance B.referenceC. predicationD.morpheme10. In Austin’s speech act theory, ___________is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.A. a perlocutionary actB. alocutionary actC. a constative actD. anillocutionary act第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of thefollowing statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. P___________ relates the study of language to psychology. It aims to answer such questions as how the human mind works when people use language.12. A d_________ study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.13. Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. At the lower level, there is a structure of meaningless sounds, which can be combined into a large number of meaningful units at the higher level. This design feature is called d___________. 14. The articulatory apparatus of a human being is contained in three important areas: the pharyngeal cavity, the o_________ cavity and the nasal cavity.15. The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called l_____________.16. S_____________ features such as stress, tone and intonation can influence the interpretation of meaning.17. Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinite length, due to their r_________ properties.18. H__________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.19. Some important missions of historical linguists are to identify and classify families of related languages in a genealogical family tree, and to reconstruct the p____________, the original form of a language family that has ceased to exist.20. In Sociolinguistics, speakers are treated as members of social groups. The social group isolated for any given study is called thespeech c___________.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%×10=20%)( ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection betweenwords and what these words actually referto.( ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can begeneralized into the study of anotherlanguage.( ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in Englishbecause English, unlike Chinese, is atypical tone language.( ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit tothe number of sentences native speakers ofthat language are able to produce andcomprehend.( ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in ourmind’s eye every time we come across alinguistic symbol.( ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Goodmorning!” can be restored to “I wish you agood morning.”( ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the sameregional dialect may speak differentlybecause of a number of social factors. ( ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English isnot as systematic as standard English. ( ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capableof acquiring any human languagespontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%×10=30%)31. parole:32. broad transcription:33. allophones:34. phrase structure rules:35. context36. Historical Linguistics:37. standard language:38. linguistic taboo:39. acculturation:40. care-taker speech:V. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to thesystematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition and give your examples.42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the major periods in its historical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.参考答案第一部分选择题I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1. A2. D3. C4. C5.B6. A7. B8.C 9. C 10. D第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)11. Psycholinguistics12. diachronic13. duality14. oral15. lateralization16. Suprasegmental17. recursive18. Homonymy19. protolanguage20. communityIII. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%X10=20%)( T ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( T ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection betweenwords and what these words actually referto.( F ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can begeneralized into the study of anotherlanguage.( F ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in Englishbecause English, unlike Chinese, is atypical tone language.( T ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit tothe number of sentences native speakers ofthat language are able to produce andcomprehend.( F ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in ourmind’s eye every time we come across alinguistic symbol.( F ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Goodmorning!” can be restored to “I wish you agood morning.”( T ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the sameregional dialect may speak differentlybecause of a number of social factors.( F ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English isnot as systematic as standard English.( T ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capableof acquiring any human languagespontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%X10=30%)31. parole: It refers to the realization of languein actual use. It is concrete and varies with context.32. Broad transcription is the transcription withletter symbols only. It is the transcription normally used in dictionaries and teaching textbooks.33. Allophones are the different phones thatrepresent a phoneme in different phonetic environments.34. Phrase structure rules are the rewrite ruleswhich allow for the possible combination of words to form phrases and sentences.35. Context is generally considered asconstituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.36. Historical linguistics studies languagechange ( or historical development of language).37. Standard language is a superposed, sociallyprestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media and taught in educational institutions.38. Linguistic taboo refers to a word orexpression that is prohibited by the “polite”society from general use.39. Acculturation is a process of adapting to theculture and value system of the secondlanguage community.40. It is simple and modified speech used byparents, baby-sitter, etc. when they talk to young children who are acquiring their native language.V. Answer the following questions. (10%X2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to thesystematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition and give your examples.1) Mother tongue interference2) interlingual interference3) Overgeneralization42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the major periods in its historical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.Major periods: Old English (449-1100)Middle English (1100-1500)Modern English (1500-present)Historical events: The old English period began with the invasion of the British Isles by English-speaking Anglo-Saxons from Europe, and ended with the arrival of Norman French invaders historically known as the Norman Conquest. The Middle English period is distinguished from the Old English period by the Norman Conquest. The European renaissance movement marked the beginning of the Modern English period.。
语言学试题及答案英文1. 语言学是一门研究什么领域的学科?A. 人类语言B. 人类行为C. 人类文化D. 人类心理答案:A2. 请列举至少三种语言的类型。
3. 什么是音位学?A. 研究语言中意义的学科B. 研究语言中语法结构的学科C. 研究语言中声音系统的学科D. 研究语言中词汇的学科答案:C4. 下列哪项是语言学研究的主要分支?A. 社会语言学B. 物理化学C. 植物学D. 经济学答案:A5. 请解释“语言变异”的含义。
6. 什么是语用学?A. 研究语言如何被使用的学科B. 研究语言如何被创造的学科C. 研究语言如何被理解的学科D. 研究语言如何被翻译的学科答案:A7. 请列举两种语言的书写系统。
8. 什么是语言的同化?A. 一种语言逐渐被另一种语言所替代B. 一种语言的词汇被另一种语言的词汇所替代C. 一种语言的语法结构被另一种语言的语法结构所替代D. 一种语言的发音系统被另一种语言的发音系统所替代答案:A9. 语言学中的“语料库”是什么?A. 语言学家收集的大量语言数据B. 语言学家进行实验的实验室C. 语言学家进行教学的教室D. 语言学家进行研究的图书馆答案:A10. 下列哪个术语与语言的演变无关?A. 语言演化B. 语言变迁C. 语言接触D. 语言创造答案:D。
英语语言学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "phoneme" in linguistics refers to:A. A single speech soundB. A combination of two speech soundsC. A set of speech sounds that can be exchanged without changing the meaning of a wordD. The pronunciation of a word in a particular dialect答案:C2. Which of the following is an example of "synchronic" analysis?A. Studying how a language has changed over timeB. Studying a language at a single point in timeC. Comparing two languages from different language familiesD. Analyzing the grammar of a dead language答案:B3. The "active voice" in English is characterized by:A. The subject of the sentence performs the actionB. The subject of the sentence receives the actionC. The use of passive constructionsD. The absence of a subject in the sentence答案:A4. Which of the following sentence structures is considered "inverse"?A. Subject-Verb-ObjectB. Object-Subject-VerbC. Verb-Object-SubjectD. Subject-Object-Verb答案:B5. The process of "creolization" results in the formation of:A. A pidginB. A dialectC. A creoleD. A standard language答案:C6. In English, the word "run" can function as:a. A nounb. A verbc. An adjectived. All of the above答案:D7. The term "register" refers to:A. The highest pitch a voice can reachB. A dialect used by a particular social groupC. The level of formality in language useD. A type of linguistic accent答案:C8. The "universal grammar" hypothesis was proposed by:A. Noam ChomskyB. B.F. SkinnerC. Ferdinand de SaussureD. Edward Sapir答案:A9. The "allophone" of the English phoneme /p/ in the word "spin" is:A. Aspirated [pʰ]B. Unaspirated [p]C. Voiced [b]D. Voiceless [p]答案:A10. The linguistic concept of "polysemy" refers to:A. The use of a single word to express multiple meaningsB. The use of multiple words to express a single meaningC. The change in meaning of a word over timeD. The complete replacement of one word by another答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The study of language in relation to the brain and the nervous system is known as __________.答案:neurolinguistics2. A(n) __________ is a word that has a meaning and stands alone, typically consisting of a single morpheme.3. The __________ of a word is the set of words that are used together with it and influence its meaning.4. In linguistics, __________ refers to the smallest unit of meaning in a language.5. The __________ is the standard form of a verb that is typically used when conjugating the verb in the present tense.6. A(n) __________ is a word that is formed from a root word and one or more affixes.7. The __________ is the study of the historical developmentof languages.8. The __________ is the systematic study of the structureand function of words.9. The __________ is the study of the way in which languages change over time due to contact with other languages.10. The __________ is the branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of a language and how they function in a system ofcommunication.三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 描述语音学中的“最小对立对”概念,并给出一个英语例子。
英语语言学2021年12月期末考试试卷(1)一、单选题(共20题,40分)1、When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing a _______.A、 Perlocutionary actB、 Locutionary actC、 Illocutionary actD、 None of the above正确答案: C解析:考察言外行为-表达说话者的真实意图2、__________belongs to the closed-class words.A、 CanB、 TableC、 GoD、 means正确答案: A解析:考察词汇的分类3、The structural approach to the analysis of language was started by the Swiss linguist ________ in the beginning of the twentieth century.A、 SaussureB、 ChomskyC、 HallidayD、 Fillmore正确答案: A解析:考察结构主义学派的代表人物4、The two words petrol and gasoline are__________.__A、 dialectal synonymsB、 stylistic synonymsC、 synonyms that differ in their emotive meaningD、 collocative synonyms正确答案: A5、Speech Act Theory was first proposed by _______.A、 John AustinB、 Jane AustinC、 John SearleD、 John Firth正确答案: A解析:考察言语行为理论的首倡者6、In English, if a word begins with a [l] or a [r], then the next sound must be a vowel. This is a ________.A、 Sequential ruleB、 Assimilation ruleC、 Deletion ruleD、 Grammar rule正确答案: A解析:考察序列规则-英语语音响亮程度依次为:元音,无擦通音,鼻音,摩擦音,爆破音。
语言学概论期末考试试卷及答案XXXn One: Fill in the blanks (15 points in total。
1 point for each blank)nguage system has gender and sex.2.Phoneme is the smallest unit of sound that has a n in a specific language or dialect。
divided from a ic perspective.3.XXX can lead to the XXX.4.XXX psycholinguistics are semantics and syntax。
which can also be XXX linguistics.5.XXX.6.XXX。
and can also include XXX。
etc.n Two: Multiple Choice ns (10 points in total。
1 point for each n)1.Speech is (B) a system of XXX.2.XXX (B) general linguistics.3.Vowel [o] is (C) a high back XXX.4.The phenomenon of "辛苦" [in k u] in Mandarin being read as [i k u] is (A) n.5."Swimming" is a (D) phrase.6.Among the following grammatical devices。
syntax is (C) n.7.XXX (B) XXX.8.The basic ns for the emergence。
existence and development of language are (C) the need for social n activities.9.XXXXXX (B) XXX.10.XXX of "狗" in Chinese and "dog" in English shows that(A) word meaning reflects the XXX.n Three: ns (16 points in total。
英语语言学试题(9)语言学试题及参考答案I. Directions : Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1. Linguistics is the scientific study of __________.A. a particular languageB. the English languageC. human languages in generalD. the system of a particular language2. The consonant [f] in English can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features: __________.A. voiceless, bilabial, stopB. voiceless, labiodental, fricativeC. voiced, bilabial, stopD. voiced, labiodental, fricative3. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed" in the word "learned" is known as a(n) __________.A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form4. In the phrase structure rule "S→NP VP", the arrow can be read as __________.A. is equal toB. consists ofC. hasD. generates5. "I bought some roses" __________ "I bought some flowers".A. entailsB. presupposesC. is inconsistent withD. is synonymous with6. Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of __________.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner7. Changes in a language are changes in the grammar of the speakers of the language. This means that phonemes, __________, words and grammatical rules may be borrowed, added, lost or altered.A. phrasesB. sentencesC. morphemesD. utterances8. In a speech community people have something in common __________a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it.A. sociallyB. linguisticallyC. culturallyD. pragmatically9. Which of the major mental functions listed below is not under the control of the left hemisphere in most people? __________.A. language and speechB. visual and spatial skillsC. reading and writingD. analytic reasoning10. In general, the __________ stage begins roughly in the second half of the child's second year.A. babblingB. one-wordC. two-wordD. multiwordⅡ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. As the first step of their scientific investigation of language, linguists have to observe and collect linguistic f before they can do anything else.12. Phonological rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called s rules.13. An independent unit of meaning that can be used freely by itself is called a f___________ morpheme.14. A c sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word, such as "and", "but", "or".15. The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrases, and sentences is called s .16. In making conversation, the general principle that all participants are expected to observe is called the C principle proposed by J. Grice.17. In addition to social changes, one of the most pervasive sources of language change seems to be the continual process of cultural t across generations.18. Language itself is not sexist, but its use may reflect the s attitude connoted in the language that is sexist.19. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regardthought as "s speech," and speech as "overt thought." In such a case, speaking and thinking take place simultaneously.20. I is the language that a learner constructs at a given stage of SLA.Ⅲ. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false , you must explain why you think so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%)21. ( ) An important difference between traditional grammarians and modern linguists in their study of language is that the former tended to over-emphasize the written form of language and encourage people to imitate the "best authors" for language usage.22. ( ) In classifying the English consonants and vowels, the same criteria can be applied.23. ( ) We can always tell by the words a compound contains what it means because the meaning of a compound is always the sum of the meanings of its parts.24. ( ) Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences and sentences with infinite length, due to their recursive properites.25. ( ) The conceptualist view of meaning holds that there is no direct link between a symbol and reference, i.e. between language and thought.26. ( ) Of the views concerning the study of semantics, the contextual view, which places the study of meaning in the context in which language is used, is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense.27. ( ) In first language acquisition children's grammar models exactly after the grammar of adult language.28. ( ) The sentences "He crazy" and "He be sick all the time" are both acceptable in Black English vernacular because copula deletion and habitual be are two famous features of Black English.29. ( ) Speakers of different languages are capable of distinguishing and recognizing experiences of the same objective world according to their respective different linguistic coding system.30. ( ) Instruction and correction are key factors in child language development.Ⅳ. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration. (3%×10=30%)31. synchronic linguistics32. displacement33. a minimal pair34. derivational affixes35. syntax36. language transfer37. hyponymy38. sentence meaning39. lingua franca40. cerebral cortexⅤ. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Explain sociological triggers for language change by giving a typical example in the history of English.42. Explain briefly the four main individual learner factors that affect a learner's acquisition ofa second language.参考答案一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、C2、B3、C4、B5、A6、C7、C8、B9、B 10、C二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)11、 facts 12、sequential 13、free 14、coordinate 15、semantics16、Cooperative 17、transmission 18、social 19、subvocal 20、Interlanguage三、判断改错题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)21、(T)22、(F)As there is an essential difference between the consonants and the vowels, i.e. there is some kind of obstruction of air in the production of the former, but there is not in the production of the latter, it is impossible to use the same criteria in their classification.23、(F)We cannot always tell by the words a compound contains what it means because the meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meaning of its parts.24、(T)25、(F)The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a symbol and its referent, i.e. between language and the real world; rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.26、(T)27、(F)In first language acquisition children's grammar never models exactly after the grammar of adult language, because children usually construct their personal grammars by themselves and generalize rules from the linguistic information they hear.28、(T)29、(T)30、(F)Instruction and correction are not key factors in child language development. Linguists have found that for the vast majority of children, language development occurs spontaneously and requires littleconscious instruction. Instruction and correction just play a minor role.四、名词解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)31、Linguistics that studies language at one particular point of time, e.g. the study of the kind of English used during Shakespeare's time.32、One of the major defining features of human language. Human language is not restricted by the 'here' and 'now' as animal communication is; we can virtually talk about anything we want, including what happened in the past, what is going to happen in the future, what is not existent in the immediate surroundings and even what we imagine.33、A pair of sound combinations which are identical in every way except one sound, e.g. /pit/ and /bit/.34、Affixes added to an existing form to create a new word ,e.g. in-,-er 35、Syntax is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language, and it consists of a set of rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences.36、Language transfer is a phenomenon that L2 learners subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in their learning process.37、Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more specific word and a more general, more inclusive word. The former is included in the latter. For example, a cat is a hyponym of animal.38、Sentence meaning refers to the intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication. It is abstract and decontextualized. For example, semantic analysis of the sentence meaning of "The bag is heavy" results in the one-place predication BAG (BEING HEA VY).39、A lingua franca is a variety of language that serves as a medium of communication among groups of people of diverse linguistic backgrounds. For this reason, a lingua franca must be an agree-upon "common tongue" used by people thrown into social contact for various purposes, such as for social or commercial purposes.40、Cerebral cortex is the outside surface of the brain, the decision-making organ of the body, receiving messages from all sensory organs and initiating all voluntary actions. Many of the cognitive abilities that distinguish humans from other mammals, such as sophisticated reasoning, linguistic skills, and musical ability, are believed to reside in the cortex.五、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)41、Sociological triggers for language change refer to such radical socio-political changes as wars, invasions, occupation, colonialization, and language planning and standardization policies.A typical example in the history of English is the Norman Conquest, a military event that marked the dawning of the Middle English period. This means that Middle English began with the arrival of the Norman French invaders in English under William the Conqueror in 1066. And for about a century and a half after the Norman Conquest, French remained as the language of the ruling class, as far as literature and administration were concerned. So Middle English was deeply influenced by Norman French in vocabulary and grammar. For example, such terms as "army," "court," "defense," "faith," "prison" and "tax" came from the language of the French rulers.评分标准:满分10分,其中定义占3分,典型例子占5分,例词占2分。
有答案的第一部分选择题I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decidewhich one of the four choices best completes the statement and put theletter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior,it is said to be ___.A、prescriptiveB、sociolinguisticC、descriptiveD、psycholinguistic2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.A、mouthB、lipsC、tongueD、vocal cords3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___.A、bound morphemeB、bound formC、inflectional morphemeD、free morpheme4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word thatintroduces the embedded clause.A、coordinatorB、particleC、prepositionD、subordinator主从连词5、"Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."A、is synonymous withB、is inconsistent withC、entailsD、presupposes6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___.A、semanticsB、pragmaticsC、sociolinguisticsD、psycholinguistics7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization泛化.A、elaborationB、simplification精简C、external borrowingD、internal borrowing8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.A、Lingua franca通用语B、CreoleC、PidginD、Standard language标准语言9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ .A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus 角回B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortexC、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neuronsD、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconcious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.A、learningB、competenceC、performanceD、acquisition第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change theletter given. (1%×10=10%)11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user'sk of the rules of his language.12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b .13、M is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.14、A s is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a completestatement, question or command.15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under allcircumstances are called c synonyms.16、The illocutionary point of r is to commit the speaker tosomething's being the case, to the truth of what has been said.17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c .18、Wherever the standard language can use a contraction (he+is→he's), Black English can d the form of "be".19、The basic essentials of the first language are acquired in the short period from about age two to puberty, which is called the c period for first language acquisition.20、As a type of linguistic system in 12 learning, i is a product of L2 training, mother tongue intereference, overgeneralization of the target language rules, and learning and communicative strategies of the learner.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true orfalse. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of eachstatement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why youthink so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%)()21、In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons.()22、Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in bothChinese and English.()23、The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. Thisindicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meaningsof its components.()24、Syntactic categories refer to sentences (S) and clauses (C) only.()25、Dialectal synonyms can often be found in differentregional dialectssuch as British English and American English but cannot be found withinthe variety itself, for example, within British English or AmericanEnglish.()26、Only when a maxim under Cooperative Principle is blatantly violatedand the hearer knows that it is being violated do conversationalimplicatures arise.()27、The territory in which the Indo-European languages are mainly spokentoday also includes languages that are not Indo-European.()28、In most bilingual communities, two languages have the same in speechsituations known as domains.()29、According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,speakers' perceptions determine language and pattern their way of life.()30、All normal children have equal ability to acquire their firstlanguage.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples forillustration. (3%×10=30%)31、duality32、diachronic linguistics33、broad transcription34、morphological rules35、phrase structure rule36、relational opposites37、componential analysis38、context39、euphemism40、brain lateralizationV. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41、Explain how the inventory of sounds can change, giving some examples inEnglish for illustration.42、Briefly discuss the individual factors which affect the acquisition ofa second language.英语语言学试题(2)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。
英语语言学期末试题练习 答案
![英语语言学期末试题练习 答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/05575e7a0912a21614792972.png)
英语语言学练习题Ⅰ. MatchingMatch each of the following terms in Column A with one of the appropriate definitions in Column B.Column A1.displacementngue3.suprasegmentalfeature4.deep structure5.predicationanalysis6.idiolect7.pidgin8.mistakes9.interlanguage 10.motivation11.arbitrarinesspetence13.broadtranscription14.morphology15.category16.errorsponentialanalysis18.context19.blending20.culture21.learningstrategies22.selectionalrestrictions23.phrase structurerules24.culturediffusionColumn BA.Learners’ independent system of the second language, which isof neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native language to the targetlanguage. 9B.Learner’s atti tudes and affective state or learning drive,having a strong impact on his efforts n learning a second language.21C.The rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories.23D.Through communication, some elements of culture A enter cultureB and become part of culture B. 24E. A personal dialect of an individual speaker that combineselements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.6F. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and itis used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 7G.The kind of analysis which involves the breaking down ofpredications into their constituents---- arguments and predicates. 5H.They refer to constraints on what lexical items can go with whatothers. 22I.The structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’ssubcategorization properties. 4J.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments.3K.The study of the internal structure of words, and the rules that govern the rule of word formation. 14L.The abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 2nguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. It is one of the distinctive features of human language. 1N.Learner’s conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency. 10O.The total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. 20P.The common knowledge shared by both the speaker and hearer. 18Q.The way of word formation by which new words may be formed by combining parts of other words. 19R. A group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language, such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 15S. A way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. This approach believes that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components. 17T.The ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. 12 U.One of the properties of human language. It means that there isno logical connection between meanings and sounds. 11V. A way to transcribe speech sounds with letter-symbols only. 13W.They reflec t gaps in a learner’s knowledge of the target language, not self-corrigible. 16X.They reflect occasional lapses in performance. 8Ⅱ.Blank-filling.Fill in the following blanks with a word, whose initial letter has been given.1.“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This quotationis a good illustration of the a____ nature of language.Arbitrary2.The description of a language at some point of time in historyis a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a d____ study. Diachronic3.Chomsky defines c____ as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rulesof his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Competence4.In the production of vowels the air stream coming from the lungsmeets with no o____. This marks the essential difference between vowels and consonants. Obstruction5.The different phones that can represent a phoneme in differentphonetic environments are called the a____ of the phoneme.Allophone6.Allophones of the same phoneme cannot occur in the same phoneticenvironment. They are said to be in c____ distribution.Complementary7.When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentencerather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i____. Intonation8.The m____ unit of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.Minimum9.I____ morphemes are bound morphemes that are for the most partpurely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on. Inflectional10.Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually containthree elements: head, specifier, and c____. Complement11.Concerning the study of meaning, conceptualist view holds thatthere is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to; rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of c____ in the mind. concept12.The sense relation between “animal” and “dog” is called h____.hyponymy13.P____ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a setof different meanings. Polysemy14.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics iswhether in the study of meaning the c____ of use is taken into consideration. Context15.S____ refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of aparticular social class. Sociolect16.WHO is an a____ derived from the initials of “World HealthOrganization”. Acronym17.According to Halliday, language varies as its function varies;it differs in different situations. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a r____.Register18.In cross-cultural communication, some elements of culture Aenter culture B and become part of culture B, thus bringing about the phenomenon of cultural d____. Diffusion19.While the first language is acquired s____, the second or foreignlanguage is more commonly learned consciously. Subconsciouslynguage a______ refers to a natural ability for learning asecond language. Acquisition21.Vibration of vocal cords results in a quality of speech soundscalled “v”, which is a feature of all vowels and some consonants in English. Voice22.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segmentare called s____ features. Suprasegmental23.Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of wordsand rules for word f____. Formation24.The minimal unit of meaning is traditionally called m____.Morpheme25.The sense relation between “autumn” and “fall” is calleds____. Synonym26.H____ refers to the phenomenon that words having differentmeanings have the same form, . , different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both. Homonymy27.In daily communication, people do not always observe the fourmaxims of the co-operative principle. Conversational i____ would arise when the maxims are flouted. Implicature28.SARS is an a____ derived from the initials of “Severe AcuteRespiratory Syndrome”. Acronym29.I____ is a personal dialect of an individual speaker thatcombines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations. Idiolect30.RP, the sh ort form of “R____ Pronunciation” refers to theparticular way of pronouncing standard English. ReceivedⅢ.Multiple choice.Choose the best answer to the following items.1.____ is considered to be the father of modern linguistics.A. N. ChomskyB. F. de SaussureC. Leonard BloomfieldD. M. A. K. Halliday2.In the scope of linguistics, ____ form the part of language whichlinks together the sound pattern and meaning.A. morphology and syntaxB. phonetics andsemanticsC. semantics and syntaxD. morphology andsemantics3.____ studies the sounds from the hearer’s point of view, ., howthe sounds are perceived by the hearer.A. auditory phoneticsB. acoustic phoneticsC. articulatoryphonetics4.Which of the following words begins with a velar voiced stop?____A. godB. bossC. cockD. dog5.Which of the following words ends with a dental, voicelessfricative? ____A. roseB. waveC. clothD. massage6.Which of the following words contains a back, open and unroundedvowel? ____A. godB. bootC. walkD. task7.Which of the following is Not a velar sound? _____A. [h]B. [k]C. [g]D. [?]8.Which of the following is Not a minimal pair?____A. bat, biteB. kill, pillC. peak, pig,D. meat, seat9.Which of the following is an open class words?____A. emailB. butC. theD. they10.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to theinflectional morphemes except ____.A. paintsB. painterC. paintedD. painting11.Which of the following words has more than three morphemes? ____A. psychophysicsB. boyfriendsC. forefatherD.undesirability12.The pair of words “dead and alive” is called ____.A.gradable antonymsB. relational oppositesC.complementary antonyms13.Which pair of the following words can be categorized as stylisticsynonyms?____A. torch & flashlightB. die & deceaseC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage14.X: John has given up smoking.Y: John used to smoke.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y15.X: My father has been to London.Y: My father has been to UK.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y16.When we violate any of the maxims of Co-operative Principle, ourlanguage might become ____.A. impoliteB. incorrectC. indirectD. unclear17.According to Searl’s classification of speech acts, which ofthe following is an instance of directives? ____A.I fire you!B.Your money or your life!C.I’m sorry for the mes s I have made.D.I have never seen the man before.18.Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. crashC. typewriterD. bang19.The word “Kodak” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym20.Which of the following words is Not formed by means ofclipping?_____A. memoB. motelC. quakeD. gym21.According to Halliday, mode of discourse refers to the _____ ofcommunication.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means22.Which of the following theories of language acquisition believesthat language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation? ____.A.The behaviorist viewB. The innatist viewC. The interactionist viewD. The cognitive theory23.Which of the following sentences is an example ofovergeneralization? ____.A.Jane told me to give up smoking.B.Jane asked me to give up smoking.C.Jane advised me to give up smoking.D.Jane suggested me to give up smoking.24.Which of the following hypotheses is put forth by Dr. Krashen?____.A.Critical Period HypothesisB. InputHypothesisC. Language Acquisition Device HypothesisD. Sapir-WhorfHypothesis25.Who among the following linguists put forward Co-operativePrinciples?A.Paul GriceB. John SearleC. KrashenD. Leech26.Which of the following linguists is the initiator oftransformational generative grammar?A. F. de SaussureB. N. ChomskyC. G. LeechD. M. A.K. Halliday27.When a ______ comes to be adopted by a population as its primarylanguage and children learn it as their first language, itbecomes .B. A. creole... pidgin B. pidgin...creoleC. C. regional dialect... sociolectD.sociolect ... regional dialect28.____ studies the sounds from the speaker’s point of view, .,how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate speech sounds.A. Auditory phoneticsB. Acoustic phoneticsC. Articulatoryphonetics29.We know the verb “put” requires an NP followed by a PP or Adv.Thus, the process of putting words of the same lexical categoryinto smaller classes according to their syntactic characteristic is called .A. categorizationB. subcategorizationC. syntactic categoriesD. coordination30.Which of the following words contains a front, close andunrounded vowel? ____A. badB. bedC. beatD. but31.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to thederivational morphemes except ____.A. fasterB. writerC. lovelyD. conversion32.Which of the following is an open class words?____A. emailB. butC. theD. they33.The pair of words “borrow and lend” is called ____.A.gradable antonymsB. relational oppositesC.complementary antonyms34.Which pair of the following words can be categorized ascollocational synonyms?____A. torch & flashlightB. pretty & handsomeC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage35.X: My sister will soon be divorced.Y: My sister is a married woman.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y36.X: John married a blond heiress.Y: John married a blond.The sentence relation between X and Y is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is contradictory with Y37.According to Searl’s classification of speech acts, which ofthe following is Not an instance of directives? ____A. Open the window!B. Your money or your life!C. Would you like to go to the picnic with us?D. I have never seen the man before.38.The word “brunch” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym39.According to Halliday, field of discourse refers to the _____of communication.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means40.There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed"in the word "learned" is known as a( n)A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form41.Which of the following theories of language acquisition holdsthat human beings are biologically programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking? ____.A. The behaviorist viewB.The innatist viewC.The interactionist viewD.The cognitive theory42.The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred toas .A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula43.Which of the following hypotheses is put forward by EricLenneberg? ____.A. Critical Period HypothesisB.Input Hypothesisnguage Acquisition Device HypothesisD.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis44.Morphemes that represent tense, number, gender and case arecalled ____morpheme.A. inflectional B .free C. bound D. derivational45.There are ____ morphemes in the word denationalization?A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. sixnguage isA. instinctiveB. non-instinctiveC. staticD. genetically transmitted47.Pitch variation is known as ____ when its patterns are imposedon sentences.A. intonationB. toneC. pronunciationD. voice48.Which one is different from the others according to manners ofarticulation?A. [z]B.[w]C.[e]D.[v]49.21. Which one is different from the others according to placesof articulation?A. [n]B. [m]C. [b]D. [p]50.Which vowel is different from the others according to thecharacteristics of vowels?A. [i:]B. [u]C. [e]D. [i]51.What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords arevibrating?A. VoicelessB. VoicedC. Glottal stopD.Consonant52.When a child uses “mummy” to refer to any woman, most probablyhis “mummy” means .A. + HumanB. + Human + AdultC. + Human + Adult – MaleD. + Human + Adult - Male + Parent53.The utterance "We're already working 25 hours a day, eight daysa week." obviously violates the maxim of ______.A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner54.The pair of words “north” and “south” is ___.A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. co-hyponymsD. synonyms55.Which of the following sentences is NOT an example ofcross-association?A. other / anotherB. much / manyC. stalagmite / stalagtiteD. bow / bow56. describes whether a proposition is true or false.A. TruthB. Truth valueC. Truth conditionD. Falsehood57."John sent Mary a post card." is a case ofA. one-place predicationB. two-place predicationC. three-place predicationD. no-place predication58."John killed Bill but Bill didn't die" is a( n)A. entailmentB. presuppositionC. anomalyD. contradiction59. refers to the process whereby a word is shortened withouta change in the meaning and in the part of speech.60.A. Blending B. Back-formation C. Clipping D. Conversion61.Which of the following aspects is NOT the core of the study ofgeneral linguistics?A. soundB. structureC. meaningD. applicationⅣ.True of false judgment.Judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write T in the corresponding bracket for a true statement and F for a false one.1.Linguistics studies languages in general, but not any particularlanguage, . English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, etc. T2.Modern linguistics regards the written language as the naturalor primary medium of human language. F3.In narrow transcription, we transcribe the speech sounds withletter-symbols only while in broad transcription we transcribe the speech sounds with letter-symbols together with the diacritics. T4.By diachronic study we mean to study the changes and developmentof language. Tplete homonyms are often brought into being by coincidence.T6.Of the three phonetics branches, the longest established one, anduntil recently the most highly developed, is acoustic phonetics.F7.The meaning of the word “seal” in the sentence “the seal couldnot be found” cannot be determined unless the context in which the sentence occurs is restored. T8.An Innatist view of language acquisition holds that human beingsare biologically programmed for language. T9.According to co-operative principle, the conversationalparticipants have to strictly observe the four maxims, so that the conversation can go on successfully. F10.The same word may stir up different association in people underdifferent cultural background. T11.A child who enters a foreign language speech community by the ageof three or four can learn the new language without the trace of an accent. T12.In communication it will never be the case that what isgrammatical is not acceptable, and what is ungrammatical may not be inappropriate. F13.Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive. T14.Since there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds,language is absolutely arbitrary. F15.Vowels may be distinguished as front, central and back accordingto the manner of articulation. F16.Applied linguistics is the application of linguistic principlesand theories to language teaching and learning. F17.A phonological feature of the English compounds is that the stressof the word always falls on the first element, and the second element receives secondary stress. F18.All the affixes belong to bound morphemes. T19.A polysemic word is the result of the evolution of the primarymeaning of the word. T20.According to the innatist view of language acquisition, only whenthe language is modified and adjusted to the level of children’s comprehension, do they process and internalize the language items.F21.When a child acquires his mother tongue, he also acquires alanguage-specific culture and becomes socialized in certain ways.T22.According to Austin, the performative utterance is used toperform an action, it also has truth value. F23.Children can learn their native language well whenever they startand whatever kinds of language samples they receive. F24.Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refersto the fact that language has two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the system of meanings. T25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have differentreferences in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense. FⅤ.Give a short answer to e ach of the following questions.1.Sense and reference are two terms often encountered in the studyof word meaning. What are they and how are they related to each other? P662.According to Halliday, what is register? What are the socialvariables that determine the register? P117-1183.What are the main features of human language that essentially makeit different from other animal communication systems? P8-94.Give a brief illustration to the “semantic triangle” suggestedby Ogden andⅥ. Essay question.1.According to Austin, what are the three acts a person is possiblyperforming while making an utterance? Give an example to illustrate this? P80-822.What are the four maxims of the CP? Illustrate with examples howflouting these maxims gives rise to conversational implicature?P85-883.Please observe the following sentences; all of them are not wellformed. What rules does each of the following sentences violate?And what are the two aspects in terms of sentence meaning? Please illustrate briefly.1) He ated the cake yesterday.2) We will gone to Beijing tomorrow.3) The table intended to marry the chair.4) My favorite fruit is red pears.Please take a look at the section (page 73) to the first paragraph on page 74.1. The meaning of sentence is not the sum total of the meaningsof all its components. And it includes both grammatical meaning and semantic meaning.2. The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality, which is governed by the grammatical rules of the language. Any violation can result in mistakes, making a sentence unacceptable. Such as sentence 1) has a wrong word “ated” and 2) has “will gone”;3. But grammatically well-formed sentences can still be unacceptable because whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is decided by rules called selectional restrictions, in other words, constraints on what lexical items can go with what others. Some sentences may be grammatically well-formed, yet they may not be semantically meaningful because they contain words which are not supposed to go together. For example, as we can find in sentence 3) and 4), no table would intend to marry the chair unless in a children’s story and there is no red pears usually in the world. Therefore, some selectional restrictions have been violated.。
广东技术师范学院2010—2011学年度第 1 学期期末考查试卷科 目:语言学概论A 卷考试形式:闭卷 考试时间: 90分钟 系别、班级:外国语学院英师/译/商08级 班 姓名: __ 学号: __I. Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Write T or F on your ANSWER SHEET. (每小题1.5分, 总计15分) 1. Phoneme is the smallest meaning-bearing unit.2. In word classification, invariable words are those whose membership is fixed or limited.3. Language can be defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for humancommunication. 4. Syntax is a branch of linguistics, which studies the internal structure of words and the rules bywhich words are formed.. 5. For complementary antonyms, the denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other. 6. Broadening is a process to extend or elevate the meaning from its originally specific sense to arelatively general one. 7. Cardinal vowels provide a reference frame for vowel description.8. A grammatically well-formed sentence can always have semantic meaning.9. NASALIZATION is an instances of ASSIMILATION, a process by which one sound takes onsome or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound. 10. Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics which studies the ways in which context contributes tomeaning.II. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and write the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET. (每小题2分, 总计20分)11._________ means that linguistic messages may refer to things remote in time and space, or both, fromthe site of the communication.a. Dualityb. Displacementc. Creativityd. Arbitrariness12._____ deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced.a. Acoustic phoneticsb. Articulatory phoneticsc. Segmental phonologyd. Suprasegmental phonology13.____ refers to the way in which a particular verb changes for tense, person, or number.a. Affixationb. Inflectionc. Derivationd. Compounding14.Clause can also be classified into FINITE and NON-FINITE clauses, the latter including thetraditional infinitive phrase, participial phrase, and gerundial phrase. Which of the underlined part is a non-finite clause?a.That John will be defeated is impossible.b.For John to be defeated is impossible.c.John’s defeat is impossible.d.That John will get defeated is impossible.15.Which one is the correct description of the consonant / b /?a. voiced bilabial plosiveb. voiced labiodental frictivec. voiced alveolar plosived. voiced alveolar frictive16.Choose the word that contains a rounded vowel.a. mapb. herdc. sleepd. fruit17.In Ogden & Richards’s Semantic triangle, they argue that the relation between a word and a thing itrefers to is not direct. It’s mediated by _______.a. referenceb. conceptc. meaningd. mind18.Choose the pair of words which are gradables.a. old/youngb. male/femalec. top/bottomd. grandparent/grandchildnguages using tones are called TONE LANGUAGES, of which _________ is one.a. Englishb. Chinesec. Japanesed. German20.____________ has been widely accepted as the forefather of modern linguistics.a. Chomskyb. Bloomfieldc. Saussured. John LyonsIII. Define the following terms. Write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. (每小题5分,Array总计25分)21.stem22.open syllable23.constituent24.linguistics25.synonymyIV. Analysis. Write the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (40分)26.Voice or voicing is a term used in phonetics and phonology to characterize speech sounds,with sounds described as either voiceless (unvoiced) or voiced. Describe the properties ofvoicing.( 5分)27.Explain the differences in producing a consonant and a vowel. ( 5分)28.In grammar, the case of a noun or pronoun is a change in form that indicates itsgrammatical function in a phrase, clause, or sentence. Does English have cases? If yes,just list them with examples to show that. ( 5分)29.Translate the following logical forms into English, where a=Ann, b=Bill, c=Carol, L=love,and x and y are variables which may be translated as “someone”, “anyone” or “everyone”depending on the quantifier: ( 5分)a) L(a, b) & ~L(a, c)b) ~ x (L (c, x ))30.Consider the following English words containing the phoneme /ɡ/. ( 10分)[ləɡw un] [bræɡ] [iɡər] [ɡɑn][ɡw oʊt] [ɡæf] [frɑɡ] [ɡaʊn][ɡloʊ] [ɡis] [æŋɡər] [ɡwɔɪɾər][ɡw us] [ɡeɪt] [ɡʌɾər] [ɡreɪd](a) List the allophones of /g/.(b) State in words the environment in which each allophone is found.(c) Write a phonological rule for /g/, listing one allophone as "elsewhere".31.The following sentence is ambiguous. The phrase “in the car”could be being used (a) to indicatewhere the biting took place or (b) to specify that it was the man in the car that was bitten. How would the tree diagram for each differ?: ( 10分)The dog bit the man in the car.广东技术师范学院2010—2011学年度第1学期期末考查试卷科 目:语言学概论 A 卷(答题卷)考试形式:闭卷 考试时间: 90分钟系别、班级: 姓名: 学号:I. 每小题1.5分, 总计15分II. 每小题2分, 总计20分III. 每小题5分, 总计25分 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.IV. 每小题5-10分, 总计40分26. dog bit the man in the car (10分)2010—2011学年度第1学期期末考查试卷科目:语言学概论A卷(参考答案及评分标准)考试形式:闭卷考试时间: 90分钟系别、班级:姓名:学号:I. 每小题1.5分, 总计15分1----5 FFTFF 6----10 TTFTTII. 每小题2分, 总计20分11—15 BBBBA 16----20 DBABCIII. 每小题5分, 总计25分21.Stem is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affixcan be added.22. A syllable that has no coda is called an open syllable.23. A constituent is a word or a group of words that functions as a single unit within ahierarchical structure.24.Linguistics is the branch of learning which studies the languages of any and all humansocieties.25.Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaningIV. 每小题5-10分, 总计40分26. A voiced sound is a sound made as the vocal cords vibrate, as opposed to a voicelesssound, where the vocal cords are relaxed.(5分)27.Consonants are created by stopped or obstructed air flow through the mouth. V owelsare created through unobstructed air flow through the mouth.(5分)28.Cases are idetifiable in Enlish but only pronouns have corresponding forms. They are:nominative case/subjective case, e.g. I, we, or heaccusative case/objective case, e.g. me, us, or himgenitive case/possessive case, e.g. my, our, his, or John’s (5分)29.a) Bill loves Ann, but Carol doesn’t love Ann. (2分)b) Not everyone loves Carol. (3分)30.(a) [g], [ɡw] (2分)(b) [ɡw] only occurs in front of [u], [o], [ɔ]; [g] occurs elswhere. (3分)(c) /g/ [ɡw] / __ [u, o, ɔ] (5分)[g] elswhere.31.The dog bit the man in the car (10分)SNP VPDet N V NPDet N’N PPP NPDet NThe dog bit the man in the carSNP VPDet N VP PPV NP P NPDet N Det N The dog bit the man in the car。
有答案的第一部分选择题41、Explain how the inventory of sounds can change, giving some examples inEnglish for illustration.42、Briefly discuss the individual factors which affect the acquisition ofa second language.英语语言学试题(2)五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences.(1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible.(2)He saw young men and women present.(3)They were surprised at the president's appointment.the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix twoexamples.re-un-anti-super--wise-itis-ize-age英语语言学试题(3)!Ⅴ.Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%)with examples the three notions of phone, phoneme and allophone, and also how they are related.英语语言学试题(5)五、论述题(第41、42小题各7分,第43小题6分,共20分)41. Under what conditions will two sounds be assigned to the same phoneme?42. For the following sentence, draw a tree diagram to reveal its underlying structure.The girl ate the orange.43. Study the passage taken from Shakespeare’s HAMLET below carefully and identify every difference in expression between Elizabethan and Modern English that is evident.King: Where is Polonius?Hamlet: In heaven, Send thither to see.If your messenger find him not there,seek him i’ the other place yourself.But indeed, if you find him not withinthis month, you shall nose him as yougo up the stairs into the lobby.Act IV, Scene iii英语语言学试题(6)41. The phonological features that occur above the level of individual sounds are called suprasegmental features. Discuss the main suprasegmental features, illustrating with exampleshow they function in the distinction of meaning.42. Explain and give examples to show in what way componential analysis is similar to the analysis of phonemes into distinctive features.英语语言学试题(7)《五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)1. Comment on the following conversation in terms of Grice’s Cooperative Principle:A: Where’ve you been?B: Out.2. Analyse the following words and show how many morphemes each of them contains:specialize , indisputable, individualistic, downfall, unexceptionableness, ungentlemanliness(每个语素0. 5分)英语语言学试题(8)语言学试题)do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the constituent relationship among linguistic elements Support your statement with examples.the process of language perception, comprehension and production英语语言学试题(9){语言学试题及参考答案41. Explain sociological triggers for language change by giving a typical example in the history of English.42. Explain briefly the four main individual learner factors that affect a learner's acquisition of a second language.(语言学试题参考答案一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)二、1、C 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、D三、6、B 7、B 8、C 9、A 10、D四、五、二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)六、七、11、knowledge八、12、bilabial九、13、morphology十、14、sentence十一、15、complete十二、16、representatives十三、17、coinage十四、18、delete十五、19、critical十六、20、interlanguage十七、十八、三、判断改错题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)十九、二十、21、F二十一、Actually modern linguistics lays more emphasis on the spoken form of language than the written form for a number of reasons.二十二、二十三、22、F二十四、Voicing distinguishes meaning in English but not in Chinese.二十五、二十六、23、F二十七、The meaning of some compound words has nothing to do with the sum total of the meanings of their components, such as the compound "redcoat".二十八、二十九、24、F三十、Apart from S and C, they also refer to a word, or aphrase that performs a particular grammatical function.三十一、三十二、25、F三十三、Dialectal synonyms can often be found not only in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but also within the variety itself. For example, within British English, "girl" is called "lassie" in Scottish dialect, and "liquor" is called "whishey" in Irish dialect.三十四、三十五、26、T三十六、三十七、27、T三十八、三十九、28、F四十、They have a fairly clear fairly clear functional differentiation, . one language may be used in some domains, other language in other domains.四十一、四十二、29、F四十三、The true statement is "According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, language determinesspeakers' perceptions and patterns their way of life"四十四、四十五、30、T四十六、四十七、四、名词解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)四十八、四十九、31、One of the major defining features of human language. Human language consists of two levels. At the lower level, there are a limited number of sounds which are meaningless while at the higher level there are an unlimited number of combinations of these sounds. It is also known as double articulation.五十、五十一、32、Linguistics that studies language over a period of time, also known as historical linguistics, study of the Chinese language since the end of the Qing dynasty up to the present.五十二、五十三、33、A way to transcribe speech sounds. The basic principle is to use one letter to indicate one sound. It is generally used in dictionaries and language teachingtextbooks.五十四、五十五、34、The rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of stem to form a new word, can be added toa noun to form an adjective.五十六、五十七、35、a rewrite rule that allows for the possible combinations of words to form phrases and sentences五十八、五十九、36、Relational opposites, a kind of antonyms, refer to pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items. For example, "husband" and "wife", "father" and "son" etc.六十、六十一、37、Componential analysis is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. The approach is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. For example, the word "man" is analyzed as comprising of +HUMAN,+ADULT,+ANIMATE,+MALE.六十二、六十三、38、Context is regarded as constituted by all kindsof knowledge assumed to be shared by the speaker and the hearer, For example, the knowledge of the language used and the knowledge of the world, including the general knowledge about the world and the specific knowledge about the situation in which linguistic communication is taking place.六十四、六十五、39、A euphemism is a mild, indirect or less offensive word or expression that replaces a taboo word or serves to avoid more direct wording that might be harsh, unpleasantly direct, or offensive, . "pass away" for "die".六十六、六十七、40、Brain lateralization refers to the localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain. For example, the right hemisphere processes stimuli more holistically and the left hemisphere more analytically. In most people, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language, while the right hemisphere controls visual and spatial skills.六十八、六十九、五、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)七十、七十一、41、The inventory of sounds can change, and sound changes include changes in vowel sounds, sound loss, sound addition, and sound movement.七十二、1) Vowel sound change: English has undergone the systematic and regular change in the vowel sounds, known as the Great Vowel shift which occurred at the end of the Middle English period and which involved seven long, or tense vowels. These changes led to one of the major discrepancies between the phonemic representations of words and morphemes, . between pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English, /fi:v/(Middle English)→/faiv/(Modern English)七十三、2) Sound loss: Sounds can change by the loss of phonemes. In the history of English the velar fricative /x/ was lost. This sound existed in Old English, so "night" was pronounced as /nixt/, but in Modern English, its pronunciation is /nait/.七十四、3) Sound addition: Sound addition includes the gain or insertion of a sound. For example, the word leisure was borrowed from French, so the phoneme /3/ was added to the inventory of English sounds. A change that involvesthe insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle ofa word is known as epenthesis,七十五、4) Sound movement: Sound change as a result of sound movement known as metathesis involves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments. Metathesis is less common, but it does exist. In some dialects of English, for example, the word ask is pronounced / ks/. Also, bridd ("bird") is an Old English word. When metathesis occurred to this word, the movement of /r/ sound to the right of the vowel sound resulted in its Modern English counterpart "bird".七十六、评分标准:满分为10分,总论及四小点各占2分。
英语语言学练习题Ⅰ. MatchingMatch each of the following terms in Column A with one of the appropriate definitions in Column B.Column A1.displacementngue3.suprasegmentalfeature4.deep structure5.predicationanalysis6.idiolect7.pidgin8.mistakes9.interlanguage 10.motivation11.arbitrarinesspetence13.broadtranscription14.morphology15.category16.errorsponentialanalysis18.context19.blending20.culture21.learningstrategies22.selectionalrestrictions23.phrase structurerules24.culturediffusionColumn BA.Learners’ independent system of the second language, which isof neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native language to the target language. 9B.Learner’s attitudes and affective state or learning drive,having a strong impact on his efforts n learning a second language.21C.The rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories.23D.Through communication, some elements of culture A enter cultureB and become part of culture B. 24E. A personal dialect of an individual speaker that combineselements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.6F. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and itis used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 7G.The kind of analysis which involves the breaking down ofpredications into their constituents---- arguments and predicates. 5H.They refer to constraints on what lexical items can go with whatothers. 22I.The structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’ssubcategorization properties. 4J.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments.3K.The study of the internal structure of words, and the rules that govern the rule of word formation. 14L.The abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 2nguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. It is one of the distinctive features of human language. 1N.Learner’s conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency. 10O.The total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. 20P.The common knowledge shared by both the speaker and hearer. 18 Q.The way of word formation by which new words may be formed by combining parts of other words. 19R. A group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language, such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 15S. A way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. This approach believes that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components. 17T.The ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. 12 U.One of the properties of human language. It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. 11V. A way to transcribe speech sounds with letter-symbols only. 13 W.They reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge of the target language, not self-corrigible. 16X.They reflect occasional lapses in performance. 8Ⅱ.Blank-filling.Fill in the following blanks with a word, whose initial letter has been given.1.“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This quotationis a good illustration of the a____ nature of language.Arbitrary2.The description of a language at some point of time in historyis a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a d____ study. Diachronic3.Chomsky defines c____ as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rulesof his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Competence4.In the production of vowels the air stream coming from the lungsmeets with no o____. This marks the essential difference between vowels and consonants. Obstruction5.The different phones that can represent a phoneme in differentphonetic environments are called the a____ of the phoneme.Allophone6.Allophones of the same phoneme cannot occur in the same phoneticenvironment. They are said to be in c____ distribution.Complementary7.When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentencerather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i____. Intonation8.The m____ unit of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.Minimum9.I____ morphemes are bound morphemes that are for the most partpurely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on. Inflectional10.Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually containthree elements: head, specifier, and c____. Complement11.Concerning the study of meaning, conceptualist view holds thatthere is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to; rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of c____ in the mind. concept12.The sense relation between “animal” and “dog” is called h____.hyponymy13.P____ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a setof different meanings. Polysemy14.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics iswhether in the study of meaning the c____ of use is taken into consideration. Context15.S____ refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of aparticular social class. Sociolect16.WHO is an a____ derived from the initials of “World HealthOrganization”. Acronym17.According to Halliday, language varies as its function varies;it differs in different situations. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a r____.Register18.In cross-cultural communication, some elements of culture Aenter culture B and become part of culture B, thus bringing about the phenomenon of cultural d____. Diffusion19.While the first language is acquired s____, the second or foreignlanguage is more commonly learned consciously. Subconsciously nguage a______ refers to a natural ability for learning asecond language. Acquisition21.Vibration of vocal cords results in a quality of speech soundscalled “v”, which is a feature of all vowels and some consonants in English. Voice22.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segmentare called s____ features. Suprasegmental23.Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of wordsand rules for word f____. Formation24.The minimal unit of meaning is traditionally called m____.Morpheme25.The sense relation between “autumn” and “fall” is calleds____. Synonym26.H____ refers to the phenomenon that words having differentmeanings have the same form, i.e. , different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both. Homonymy27.In daily communication, people do not always observe the fourmaxims of the co-operative principle. Conversational i____ would arise when the maxims are flouted. Implicature28.SARS is an a____ derived from the initials of “Severe AcuteRespiratory Syndrome”. Acronym29.I____ is a personal dialect of an individual speaker thatcombines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations. Idiolect30.RP, the short form of “R____ Pronunciation” refers to theparticular way of pronouncing standard English. ReceivedⅢ.Multiple choice.Choose the best answer to the following items.1.____ is considered to be the father of modern linguistics.A. N. ChomskyB. F. de SaussureC. Leonard BloomfieldD. M. A. K. Halliday2.In the scope of linguistics, ____ form the part of language whichlinks together the sound pattern and meaning.A. morphology and syntaxB. phonetics andsemanticsC. semantics and syntaxD. morphology andsemantics3.____ studies the sounds from the hearer’s point of view, i.e.,how the sounds are perceived by the hearer.A. auditory phoneticsB. acoustic phoneticsC. articulatoryphonetics4.Which of the following words begins with a velar voiced stop____A. godB. bossC. cockD. dog5.Which of the following words ends with a dental, voicelessfricative ____A. roseB. waveC. clothD. massage6.Which of the following words contains a back, open and unroundedvowel ____A. godB. bootC. walkD. task7.Which of the following is Not a velar sound _____A. [h]B. [k]C. [g]D. [ ]8.Which of the following is Not a minimal pair____A. bat, biteB. kill, pillC. peak, pig,D. meat, seat9.Which of the following is an open class words____A. emailB. butC. theD. they10.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to theinflectional morphemes except ____.A. paintsB. painterC. paintedD. painting11.Which of the following words has more than three morphemes ____A. psychophysicsB. boyfriendsC. forefatherD.undesirability12.The pair of words “dead and alive” is called ____.A.gradable antonymsB. relational oppositesC.complementary antonyms13.Which pair of the following words can be categorized as stylisticsynonyms____A. torch & flashlightB. die & deceaseC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage14.X: John has given up smoking.Y: John used to smoke.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y15.X: My father has been to London.Y: My father has been to UK.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y16.When we violate any of the maxims of Co-operative Principle, ourlanguage might become ____.A. impoliteB. incorrectC. indirectD. unclear17.According to Searl’s classification of speech acts, which ofthe following is an instance of directives ____A.I fire youB.Your money or your lifeC.I’m sorry for the mess I have made.D.I have never seen the man before.18.Which of the following words is entirely arbitraryA. treeB. crashC. typewriterD. bang19.The word “Kodak” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym20.Which of the following words is Not formed by means ofclipping_____A. memoB. motelC. quakeD. gym21.According to Halliday, mode of discourse refers to the _____ ofcommunication.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means22.Which of the following theories of language acquisition believesthat language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habitformation ____.A.The behaviorist viewB. The innatist viewC. The interactionist viewD. The cognitive theory23.Which of the following sentences is an example ofovergeneralization ____.A.Jane told me to give up smoking.B.Jane asked me to give up smoking.C.Jane advised me to give up smoking.D.Jane suggested me to give up smoking.24.Which of the following hypotheses is put forth by Dr. Krashen____.A.Critical Period HypothesisB. InputHypothesisC. Language Acquisition Device HypothesisD. Sapir-WhorfHypothesis25.Who among the following linguists put forward Co-operativePrinciplesA.Paul GriceB. John SearleC. KrashenD. Leech26.Which of the following linguists is the initiator oftransformational generative grammarA. F. de SaussureB. N. ChomskyC. G. LeechD. M. A.K. Halliday27.When a ______ comes to be adopted by a population as its primarylanguage and children learn it as their first language, itbecomes .B. A. creole... pidgin B. pidgin...creoleC. C. regional dialect... sociolectD.sociolect ... regional dialect28.____ studies the sounds from the speaker’s point of view, i.e.,how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate speech sounds.A. Auditory phoneticsB. Acoustic phoneticsC. Articulatoryphonetics29.We know the verb “put” requires an NP followed by a PP or Adv.Thus, the process of putting words of the same lexical category into smaller classes according to their syntactic characteristic is called .A. categorizationB. subcategorizationC. syntactic categoriesD. coordination30.Which of the following words contains a front, close andunrounded vowel ____A. badB. bedC. beatD. but31.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to thederivational morphemes except ____.A. fasterB. writerC. lovelyD. conversion32.Which of the following is an open class words____A. emailB. butC. theD. they33.The pair of words “borrow and lend” is called ____.A.gradable antonymsB. relational oppositesC.complementary antonyms34.Which pair of the following words can be categorized ascollocational synonyms____A. torch & flashlightB. pretty & handsomeC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage35.X: My sister will soon be divorced.Y: My sister is a married woman.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y36.X: John married a blond heiress.Y: John married a blond.The sentence relation between X and Y is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is contradictory with Y37.According to Searl’s classification of speech acts, which ofthe following is Not an instance of directives ____A. Open the windowB. Your money or your lifeC. Would you like to go to the picnic with usD. I have never seen the man before.38.The word “brunch” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym39.According to Halliday, field of discourse refers to the _____of communication.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means40.There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed"in the word "learned" is known as a( n)A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form41.Which of the following theories of language acquisition holdsthat human beings are biologically programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking ____.A. The behaviorist viewB.The innatist viewC.The interactionist viewD.The cognitive theory42.The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred toas .A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula43.Which of the following hypotheses is put forward by EricLenneberg ____.A. Critical Period HypothesisB.Input Hypothesisnguage Acquisition Device HypothesisD.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis44.Morphemes that represent tense, number, gender and case arecalled ____morpheme.A. inflectional B .free C. bound D. derivational45.There are ____ morphemes in the word denationalizationA. threeB. fourC. fiveD. sixnguage isA. instinctiveB. non-instinctiveC. staticD. genetically transmitted47.Pitch variation is known as ____ when its patterns are imposedon sentences.A. intonationB. toneC. pronunciationD. voice48.Which one is different from the others according to manners ofarticulationA. [z]B.[w]C.[e]D.[v]49.21. Which one is different from the others according to placesof articulationA. [n]B. [m]C. [b]D. [p]50.Which vowel is different from the others according to thecharacteristics of vowelsA. [i:]B. [u]C. [e]D. [i]51.What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibratingA. VoicelessB. VoicedC. Glottal stopD.Consonant52.When a child uses “mummy” to refer to any woman, most probablyhis “mummy” means .A. + HumanB. + Human + AdultC. + Human + Adult – MaleD. + Human + Adult - Male + Parent53.The utterance "We're already working 25 hours a day, eight daysa week." obviously violates the maxim of ______.A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner54.The pair of words “north” and “south” is ___.A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. co-hyponymsD. synonyms55.Which of the following sentences is NOT an example ofcross-associationA. other / anotherB. much / manyC. stalagmite / stalagtiteD. bow / bow56. describes whether a proposition is true or false.A. TruthB. Truth valueC. Truth conditionD. Falsehood57."John sent Mary a post card." is a case ofA. one-place predicationB. two-place predicationC. three-place predicationD. no-place predication58."John killed Bill but Bill didn't die" is a( n)A. entailmentB. presuppositionC. anomalyD. contradiction59. refers to the process whereby a word is shortened withouta change in the meaning and in the part of speech.60.A. Blending B. Back-formation C. Clipping D. Conversion61.Which of the following aspects is NOT the core of the study ofgeneral linguisticsA. soundB. structureC. meaningD. applicationⅣ.True of false judgment.Judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write T in the corresponding bracket for a true statement and F for a false one.1.Linguistics studies languages in general, but not any particularlanguage, e.g. English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, etc. T 2.Modern linguistics regards the written language as the naturalor primary medium of human language. F3.In narrow transcription, we transcribe the speech sounds withletter-symbols only while in broad transcription we transcribethe speech sounds with letter-symbols together with the diacritics. T4.By diachronic study we mean to study the changes and developmentof language. Tplete homonyms are often brought into being by coincidence.T6.Of the three phonetics branches, the longest established one, anduntil recently the most highly developed, is acoustic phonetics.F7.The meaning of the word “seal” in the sentence “the seal couldnot be found” cannot be determined unless the context in which the sentence occurs is restored. T8.An Innatist view of language acquisition holds that human beingsare biologically programmed for language. T9.According to co-operative principle, the conversationalparticipants have to strictly observe the four maxims, so that the conversation can go on successfully. F10.The same word may stir up different association in people underdifferent cultural background. T11.A child who enters a foreign language speech community by the ageof three or four can learn the new language without the trace of an accent. T12.In communication it will never be the case that what isgrammatical is not acceptable, and what is ungrammatical may not be inappropriate. F13.Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive. T14.Since there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds,language is absolutely arbitrary. F15.Vowels may be distinguished as front, central and back accordingto the manner of articulation. F16.Applied linguistics is the application of linguistic principlesand theories to language teaching and learning. F17.A phonological feature of the English compounds is that the stressof the word always falls on the first element, and the second element receives secondary stress. F18.All the affixes belong to bound morphemes. T19.A polysemic word is the result of the evolution of the primarymeaning of the word. T20.According to the innatist view of language acquisition, only whenthe language is modified and adjusted to the level of children’s comprehension, do they process and internalize the language items.F21.When a child acquires his mother tongue, he also acquires alanguage-specific culture and becomes socialized in certain ways.T22.According to Austin, the performative utterance is used toperform an action, it also has truth value. F23.Children can learn their native language well whenever they startand whatever kinds of language samples they receive. F24.Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refersto the fact that language has two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the system of meanings. T25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have differentreferences in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense. FⅤ.Give a short answer to e ach of the following questions.1.Sense and reference are two terms often encountered in the studyof word meaning. What are they and how are they related to each other P662.According to Halliday, what is register What are the socialvariables that determine the register P117-1183.What are the main features of human language that essentially makeit different from other animal communication systems P8-94.Give a brief illustration to the “semantic triangle” suggestedby Ogden and Richards.P63-64Ⅵ. Essay question.1.According to Austin, what are the three acts a person is possiblyperforming while making an utterance Give an example to illustrate this P80-822.What are the four maxims of the CP Illustrate with examples howflouting these maxims gives rise to conversational implicature P85-883.Please observe the following sentences; all of them are not wellformed. What rules does each of the following sentences violate And what are the two aspects in terms of sentence meaning Please illustrate briefly.1) He ated the cake yesterday.2) We will gone to Beijing tomorrow.3) The table intended to marry the chair.4) My favorite fruit is red pears.Please take a look at the section 5.5.2 (page 73) to the first paragraph on page 74.1. The meaning of sentence is not the sum total of the meaningsof all its components. And it includes both grammatical meaningand semantic meaning.2. The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality, which is governed by the grammatical rules of the language. Any violation can result in mistakes, making a sentence unacceptable. Such as sentence 1) has a wrong word “ated” and2) has “will gone”;3. But grammatically well-formed sentences can still be unacceptable because whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is decided by rules called selectional restrictions, in other words, constraints on what lexical items can go with what others. Some sentences may be grammatically well-formed, yet they may not be semantically meaningful because they contain words which are not supposed to go together. For example, as we can find in sentence 3) and 4), no table would intend to marry the chair unless in a children’s story and there is no red pears usually in the world. Therefore, some selectional restrictions have been violated.。
台州学院____学年第____学期_____级英语专业《英语语言学概论》期末试卷A卷(闭卷)姓名__________班级___________学号_____________题型I II III IV V VI VII总分分值10102010102020100得分I.Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F).(10points,1 point each)1.Articulatory Phonetics studies the physical properties of speech sounds.2.Adjectives belong to open class words.3.John Austin made the distinction between a constative and a performative.4.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study ofmeaning the context of use is considered.5.English is a typical intonation language.6.Phones in complementary distribution should be assigned to the same phoneme.7.Pragmatics treats the meaning of language as something intrinsic and inherent.8.There are words of more or less the same meaning used in different regionaldialects.9.Transformations are the rules which can change the meaning of sentence.10.Sense and reference are two different notions of semantics,and they are related toeach other.II.Fill in the following blanks.(10points,1point each)1.The word“and”is a c____________conjunction.2.Linguistic c__________is a native speaker’s linguistic knowledge of his language.3.The relationship between the sound and the meaning of a word is a________.4.A m________is the smallest linguistic unit that carries meaning.5.A sentence is formed by phonological rules,m______rules,syntactic rules andsemantic rules.6.The most recognizable difference between American English and British English arein p________and vocabulary.7.Speech v________refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker ora group of speakers.8.P____refers to the realization of langue in actual use.9.Linguistics is generally defined as the s____study of language.10.As a type of linguistic system in L2learning,i_______is a product of L2training,mother tongue interference,overgeneralization of the target language rules,and learning and communicative strategies of the learner..III.Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.(20points,1point each) 1.Which of the following branch of linguistics takes the inner structure of word as its main object of study?A.Phonetics.B.Semantics.C.Morphology.D.Sociolinguistics.2.________refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules,used as a medium of communication.A.DialectB.IdiolectC.PidginD.Register3.Which of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop?A.[w].B.[m].C.[b].D.[p].4.The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called ________.A.hyponymyB.synonymyC.polysemyD.homonymy5.Which of the following words is NOT formed by blending?A.Smog.B.Botel.C.Brunch.D.Edit.6.What phonetic feature distinguishes the[p]in please and the[p]in speak?A.VoicingB.AspirationC.RoundnessD.Nasality7.The word boyguard is a______.pound wordplex wordC.derivational wordD.free morpheme8.All words contain a_________.A.rootB.bound morphemeC.prefixD.suffix9.Of the following sound combinations,only______is permissible.A.kiblB.hkilC.ilkbD.ilbk10.Where is the primary stress of the word phonology?A.pho.B.no.C.lo.D.gy.11.Conventionally a________is put in slashes.A.allophoneB.phoneC.phonemeD.morpheme12.The plural affix in the word tables is a(n)_______.A.inflectional suffixB.derivational suffixC.free morphemeD.rootnguage is tool of communication.The symbol“highway closed”serves___.A.an expressive functionB.an informative functionC.a performative functionD.a persuasive function14.Which of the following groups of words is a minimal pair?A.but/pubB.wet/whichC.cool/curlD.fail/find15.Whorf believed that speakers of different languages perceive and experienced the world differently,that is relative to their linguistic background,hence the notion of ______________.A.linguistic determinationB.linguistic relativismC.linguistic nativismD.linguistic behaviorism16.What are the dual structures of language?A.Sounds and letters.B.Sounds and meaning.C.Letters and meaning.D.Sounds and symbols.17.The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is_______.A.lexicalB.morphemicC.grammaticalD.semantic18.According to Krashen______refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communication.A.learningpetenceC.performanceD.acquisition19.Which of the following is one of the core branches of linguistics?A.Phonology.B.Psycho-linguistics.C.Sociolinguistics.D.Anthropology.20.The relationship between“flower”and“tulip”is_________.A.homonymyB.hyponymyC.polysemyD.synonymyIV.Translate the following linguistic terms:(10points,1point each)A.From English to ChineseB.From Chinese to English1.acoustic phonetics 6.应用语言学2.closed class words7.格语法ponential analysis8.积极迁移4.distinctive features9.历史语言学5.Critical Period Hypothesis10.声调语言V.Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence by applying TG Grammar.(10 points)The man saw a horse.VI.Answer the following questions briefly.(20points)1.Define phoneme.(4points)2.Explain complementary distribution with an example.(5points)3.What are the four criteria for classifying English vowels.(4points)4.Analyze the following conversation by applying the Cooperative Principles.(7points)A:Teheran is in Turkey,isn’t it,teacher?B:And London is in France,I suppose.VII.Do the following analysis.(20points)1.Write the one proper description from the list under B for the underlined part of each word in A.(5points,1point each)A B(1)terroriz ed a.free root(2)un civil ized b.bound root(3)terror ize c.inflectional suffix(4)luke warm d.derivational suffix(5)im possible e.inflectional prefixf.derivational prefix2.Consider the following sentences in Swahili,and anwer the questions:(15points) mtu amelala The man has slept.mtu analala The man is sleeping.mtu atalala The man will sleep.watu wamelala The men have slept.watu wanalala The men are sleeping.watu watalala The men will sleep.visu vinaanguka The knives are falling.kikapu kimeanguka The basket has fallen.watoto watafika The children will arrive.1)toto in Swahili means______in English.2)The meaning of the morpheme wa-in Swahili is_______.3)______in Swahili means“sleep”in English.4)Translate mtoto anaanguka into English.5)Translate vikapu vimefika into English.台州学院______学年第_____学期_____级___专业《英语语言学概论》期末试卷A卷(闭卷)答题卷姓名__________班级___________学号_____________题型I II III IV V VI VII总分分值10102010102020100得分I.Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F).(10points,1 point each)12345678910II.Fill in the following blanks.(10points,1point each)1._________2.__________3.__________4._________5._________6._________7.___________8.___________9._________10._________III.Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.(20points,1point each) 1234567891011121314151617181920IV.Translate the following linguistic terms:(10points,1point each)1._________________ 6.________________2._________________7._________________3.________________8._________________4._________________9._________________5.__________________10.________________V.Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence by applying TG grammar.(10 points)The man saw a horse.VI.Answer the following questions.(20points)1._____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________4._____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ VII.Do the following analysis.(20points)1.(1)________(2)_________(3)________(4)_______(5)________2.(1)_______________(2)_______________(3)_______________(4)_______________(5)_______________台州学院_____学年第___学期___级____专业《英语语言学概论》期末试卷A卷(闭卷)参考答案及评分说明I.Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F).(10points,1 point each)12345678910F T T T T F F T F T II.Fill in the following blanks.(10points,1point each)1.coordinatepetence3.arbitrary4.morpheme5.morphological6.pronunciation7.variety8.performance9.scientific10.interlanguage III.Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.(20points,1point each) 1234567891011121314151617181920 C C D D D B A A A B C A B C B B C D A B IV.Translate the following linguistic terms:(10points,1point each)1.声学语音学 6.applied linguistics2.封闭词类7.case grammar3.成分分析8.positive transfer4.区别性特征9.historical linguistics5.临界期假说10.tone languageV.Draw a tree diagram for the sentence by applying TG Grammar.(10points)SNP Infl VPDet N pst V NPDet Nthe man saw a horseVI.Answer the following questions.(20points)1.A contrastive phonological segment whose phonetic realizations are predictable by rules.(4points)(or:A phoneme is a phonological unit;it is a unit that is of distinctive value.)2.The situation in which phones never occur in the same phonetic environment.(4 points)e.g.[p]and[p h]never occur in the same position.(1point)3.the position of the tongue in the mouth(1point),the openness of the mouth(1point), the shape of the lips(1point),and the length of the vowels.(1point)4.According to the Cooperative Principle,the participants of the conversation should obey the four maxims of the principle:the maxim of quantity,the maxim of quality,the maxim of relation,the maxim of manner.(2points)In this conversation,B’s reply deliberately violated the maxim of quality,(2points)because B wanted A to infer the information that Teheran is not in Turkey.The main purpose of B is to let A know that it is absurd to make such a mistake.(3points)VII.Do the following analysis.(20points)1.(1)c(2)a(3)d(4)b(5)f(1point each)2.1)child(2points)2)human,plural(3points)3)lala(2points)4)The child is falling.(4points)5)The baskets have arrived.(4points)11。
human communication.
A. unnatural
B. artificial
C. superficial
D. arbitrary
3. We are born with the ability to acquire language,
A. and the details of any language system are genetically
two levels. At the lower level, there is a structure of meaningless
sounds, which can be combined into a large number of
meaningful units at the higher level. This design feature is called
1. Saussure’s distinction and Chomsky’s are very similar, but they
differ in that
A. Saussure took a sociological view of language while Chomsky
第二部分 非选择题
II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following
statements with one word, the first letter of which is already
given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and
[资料]-英语语言学期末考试试卷及答案---副本5. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked”is a(n) __________ morpheme.A. derivationalB.inflectionalC. freeD.word-forming6. WH-movement is __________ in Englishwhich changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.A. obligatoryB.optionalC. selectionalD.arbitrary7. Naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, was proposed by _________.A. GriceB.PlatoC. SaussureD.Ogden and Richards8. “John married a blond heiress.”__________ “John married a blond.”A. is synonymous withB. isinconsistent withC. entailsD.presupposes9. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basicunit is called _______, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. A. utterance B.referenceC. predicationD.morpheme10. In Austin’s speech act theory, ___________is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.A. a perlocutionary actB. alocutionary actC. a constative actD. anillocutionary act第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of thefollowing statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. P___________ relates the study of language to psychology. It aims to answer such questions as how the human mind works when people use language.12. A d_________ study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.13. Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. At the lower level, there is a structure of meaningless sounds, which can be combined into a large number of meaningful units at the higher level. This design feature is called d___________. 14. The articulatory apparatus of a human being is contained in three important areas: the pharyngeal cavity, the o_________ cavity and the nasal cavity.15. The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called l_____________.16. S_____________ features such as stress, tone and intonation can influence the interpretation of meaning.17. Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinite length, due to their r_________ properties.18. H__________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.19. Some important missions of historical linguists are to identify and classify families of related languages in a genealogical family tree, and to reconstruct the p____________, the original form of a language family that has ceased to exist.20. In Sociolinguistics, speakers are treated as members of social groups. The social group isolated for any given study is called thespeech c___________.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%×10=20%)( ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection betweenwords and what these words actually referto.( ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can begeneralized into the study of anotherlanguage.( ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in Englishbecause English, unlike Chinese, is atypical tone language.( ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit tothe number of sentences native speakers ofthat language are able to produce andcomprehend.( ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in ourmind’s eye every time we come across alinguistic symbol.( ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Goodmorning!” can be restored to “I wish you agood morning.”( ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the sameregional dialect may speak differentlybecause of a number of social factors. ( ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English isnot as systematic as standard English. ( ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capableof acquiring any human languagespontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%×10=30%)31. parole:32. broad transcription:33. allophones:34. phrase structure rules:35. context36. Historical Linguistics:37. standard language:38. linguistic taboo:39. acculturation:40. care-taker speech:V. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to thesystematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition and give your examples.42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the major periods in its historical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.参考答案第一部分选择题I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1. A2. D3. C4. C5.B6. A7. B8.C 9. C 10. D第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)11. Psycholinguistics12. diachronic13. duality14. oral15. lateralization16. Suprasegmental17. recursive18. Homonymy19. protolanguage20. communityIII. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%X10=20%)( T ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( T ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection betweenwords and what these words actually referto.( F ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can begeneralized into the study of anotherlanguage.( F ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in Englishbecause English, unlike Chinese, is atypical tone language.( T ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit tothe number of sentences native speakers ofthat language are able to produce andcomprehend.( F ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in ourmind’s eye every time we come across alinguistic symbol.( F ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Goodmorning!” can be restored to “I wish you agood morning.”( T ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the sameregional dialect may speak differentlybecause of a number of social factors.( F ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English isnot as systematic as standard English.( T ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capableof acquiring any human languagespontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%X10=30%)31. parole: It refers to the realization of languein actual use. It is concrete and varies with context.32. Broad transcription is the transcription withletter symbols only. It is the transcription normally used in dictionaries and teaching textbooks.33. Allophones are the different phones thatrepresent a phoneme in different phonetic environments.34. Phrase structure rules are the rewrite ruleswhich allow for the possible combination of words to form phrases and sentences.35. Context is generally considered asconstituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.36. Historical linguistics studies languagechange ( or historical development of language).37. Standard language is a superposed, sociallyprestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media and taught in educational institutions.38. Linguistic taboo refers to a word orexpression that is prohibited by the “polite”society from general use.39. Acculturation is a process of adapting to theculture and value system of the secondlanguage community.40. It is simple and modified speech used byparents, baby-sitter, etc. when they talk to young children who are acquiring their native language.V. Answer the following questions. (10%X2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to thesystematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition and give your examples.1) Mother tongue interference2) interlingual interference3) Overgeneralization42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the major periods in its historical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.Major periods: Old English (449-1100)Middle English (1100-1500)Modern English (1500-present)Historical events: The old English period began with the invasion of the British Isles by English-speaking Anglo-Saxons from Europe, and ended with the arrival of Norman French invaders historically known as the Norman Conquest. The Middle English period is distinguished from the Old English period by the Norman Conquest. The European renaissance movement marked the beginning of the Modern English period.。
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英语语言学期末考试试卷第一部分选择题I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%X10=20%)1. Saussure’s distinction and Chomsky’s are very similar, but they differ in that ____________.A. Saussure took a sociological view of language while Chomsky took a psychological pointof viewB. Saussure took a psychological view of language while Chomsky took a sociological pointof viewC. Saussure took a pragmatic view of language while Chomsky took a semantic point of viewD. Saussure took a structural view of language while Chomsky took a pragmatic point of view2. Language is a system of ____________ vocal symbols used for human communication.A. unnaturalB. artificialC. superficialD. arbitrary3. We are born with the ability to acquire language, _______________.A. and the details of any language system are genetically transmittedB. therefore, we needn’t learn the details of our mother tongueC. but the details of language have to be learnt.D. and the details are acquired by instinct4. A(n)________ is a phonological unit of distinctive value. It is a collection of distinctivephonetic features.A. phoneB. allophoneC. phonemeD. sound5. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked” is a(n) __________ morpheme.A. derivationalB. inflectionalC. freeD. word-forming6. WH-movement is __________ in English which changes a sentence from affirmative tointerrogative.A. obligatoryB. optionalC. selectionalD. arbitrary7. Naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, was proposed by _________.A. GriceB. PlatoC. SaussureD. Ogden and Richards8. “John married a blond heiress.”__________ “John married a blond.”A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes9. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called _______, which is the abstraction ofthe meaning of a sentence.A. utteranceB. referenceC. predicationD. morpheme10. In Austin’s speech act theory, ___________ is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; itis the act performed in saying something.A. a perlocutionary actB. a locutionary actC. a constative actD. an illocutionary act第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. P___________ relates the study of language to psychology. It aims to answer such questionsas how the human mind works when people use language.12. A d_________ study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.13. Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. At the lower level,there is a structure of meaningless sounds, which can be combined into a large number of meaningful units at the higher level. This design feature is called d___________.14. The articulatory apparatus of a human being is contained in three important areas: thepharyngeal cavity, the o_________ cavity and the nasal cavity.15. The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain iscalled l_____________.16. S_____________ features such as stress, tone and intonation can influence the interpretationof meaning.17. Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinitelength, due to their r_________ properties.18. H__________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings are identical insound or spelling, or in both.19. Some important missions of historical linguists are to identify and classify families of relatedlanguages in a genealogical family tree, and to reconstruct the p____________, the original form of a language family that has ceased to exist.20. In Sociolinguistics, speakers are treated as members of social groups. The social groupisolated for any given study is called the speech c___________.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%×10=20%)( ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between words and what these words actually refer to.( ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can be generalized into the study of another language.( ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in English because English, unlike Chinese, is a typical tone language.( ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce andcomprehend.( ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in our mind’s eye every time we come across a linguistic symbol.( ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Good morning!” can be restored to “I wish you a good morning.”( ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the same regional dialect may speak differently because of a number of social factors.( ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English is not as systematic as standard English.( ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%×10=30%)31. parole:32. broad transcription:33. allophones:34. phrase structure rules:35. context36. Historical Linguistics:37. standard language:38. linguistic taboo:39. acculturation:40. care-taker speech:V. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to the systematic occurrence of errors in second languageacquisition and give your examples.42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the majorperiods in its historical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.参考答案第一部分选择题I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1. A2. D3. C4. C5.B6. A7. B8. C9. C 10. D第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. Psycholinguistics12. diachronic13. duality14. oral15. lateralization16. Suprasegmental17. recursive18. Homonymy19. protolanguage20. communityIII. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%X10=20%)( T ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( T ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between words and what these words actually refer to.( F ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can be generalized into the study of another language.( F ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in English because English, unlike Chinese, is a typical tone language.( T ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce andcomprehend.( F ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in our mind’s eye every time we come across a linguistic symbol.( F ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Good morning!” can be restored to “I wish you a good morning.”( T ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the same regional dialect may speak differently because of a number of social factors.( F ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English is not as systematic as standard English.( T ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%X10=30%)31. parole: It refers to the realization of langue in actual use. It is concrete and varies with context.32. Broad transcription is the transcription with letter symbols only. It is the transcription normallyused in dictionaries and teaching textbooks.33. Allophones are the different phones that represent a phoneme in different phoneticenvironments.34. Phrase structure rules are the rewrite rules which allow for the possible combination of wordsto form phrases and sentences.35. Context is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and thehearer.36. Historical linguistics studies language change ( or historical development of language).37. Standard language is a superposed, socially prestigious dialect of language. It is the languageemployed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media and taught in educational institutions.38. Linguistic taboo refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite” society fromgeneral use.39. Acculturation is a process of adapting to the culture and value system of the second languagecommunity.40. It is simple and modified speech used by parents, baby-sitter, etc. when they talk to youngchildren who are acquiring their native language.V. Answer the following questions. (10%X2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to the systematic occurrence of errors in second languageacquisition and give your examples.1) Mother tongue interference2) interlingual interference3) Overgeneralization42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the majorperiods in its historical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.Major periods: Old English (449-1100)Middle English (1100-1500)Modern English (1500-present)Historical events: The old English period began with the invasion of the British Isles by English-speaking Anglo-Saxons from Europe, and ended with the arrival of Norman French invaders historically known as the Norman Conquest. The Middle English period is distinguished from the Old English period by the Norman Conquest. The European renaissance movement marked the beginning of the Modern English period.。