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由此可见,此时动词多为除了do以外其它动词,并且不定 式在句子中多为动词的宾语或状语,小品词to不能省略
1 The children dreamed of nothing but going to the zoo 这孩子就是盼着要到动物园去
2. The man is always talking of nothing but painting. 这男人都不谈,只是绘画.
警察搜查整个房间想得到证据,除了在抽屉里找 到两本书之外,一无所获.
9.There was nothing to be seen but a few lights 除了几盏灯之外,没有什么可看.
10.Don’t have him for a friend ;he is nothing but aபைடு நூலகம்criminal 不要把他当朋友,他只是个罪犯.
自从我们到达以后,你只会发牢骚 We could do nothing but wait 我们只是等待 The girl did nothing but cry 那女孩只会哭
Nothing but 详细用法精品讲解 (强调语意 ,省略,修饰作用)
“But at that hour there is nothing to do but watch television , which I do until after midnight
5.A hundred years ago ,Shanghai was nothing but a small unknown district
She will want nothing but solitude ,and you 除了你以外,她不想和任何人在一起 6.Nothing but a miracle can save him 只有奇
接动词不定式 用nothing but这个短语来达到强调肯定之目的
,“译为除了…以外.什么也不干.”只是…的意思 ;其用法是: A: nothing but +不带to 的动词不定式 He did nothing but laugh 他只是笑
You have done nothing but grumble ever since we arrived
当but 后接动名词短语时 句子常用 “S+V+ Prep ,+ nothing but “(主语+动词+介词++ nothing but句型 )这时句中动名词通常被视为省略了介词的宾语.
综上所述;我们结论是.由于我们认为but后通常被视 为省略了与前一个句子相同的主语和谓语,这与英语 的写作简约原则相符合。But在词类上应属于连词(有 的语法学家认为有时为介词)
7. Nothing but doubts can prevent you from succeeding 只有疑虑才能阻碍你成功
8.The police search the whole room for the proof, nothing but two books was found in the drawer
have done nothing but you did grumble
ever since we arrived.
B nothing but +带to 的动词不定式
1.They desired nothing but to enjoy the present moment
他们除了目前享乐之外,什么都不希望. 2.He wanted nothing but to stay at home 他除了呆在家
她的一生只是大不幸接踵而来,但她从未失去勇气. We have heard nothing but moans all day 我们整天都听到呻吟声
She could see nothing but his head and his knees 她只能看到他的头和他的膝盖
He has nothing but his clothes on his back 除了他身体衣服意外,一无所有
此时此刻,除了看电视别无它事可干,也 就只好一直看到下半夜.
在这种情况下,句子动词常以及其层折形 式并且nothing but后通常省略了主语和起 强调动词did(对过去行为的强调)或do /does (对现在行为的强调) 这种用法的did ; do / does 要重读,例如1和2分别可以改为 He did nothing but he did laugh ; You
nothingbut详细用法精 品讲解
接名词,有加强名词的语意作用,常译为“除了….之外 ,没有什么”“仅仅” “只是”
Her life has been nothing but disaster upon disaster but her courage never fails
11.He is nothing but a student 他只是个学生
Nothing but 后接名词的例如俯拾即是,但是 Nothing but后接名词时,我们认为实是 but后省 略主语和谓语,比如例如例句3,我们可以改写为 :She could see nothing but she could see his head and his knees. 有比例如11,可以改写为He is nothing but he is a student .我们在上面提到 nothing but语义作用为加强语气.因此nothing but 实意为only
在这种情况下,句中重复部分都从文省略,使文句简洁; 上面两句可以分别改为
They desired nothing but they desired to enjoy the present moment
He wanted nothing but he wanted to stay at home