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Design features of language①Arbitrariness(任意性)refers to the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning。

(sounds and meanings)②Duality(二层性):The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization。

③Productivity/creativity(创造性):Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users。

④Displacement(移位性):Human Languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at moment of communication. (p7)3.Functions of language① Informative(信息功能):to give information about facts。

语言学概论自学考试 知识点总结 详细版

语言学概论自学考试 知识点总结 详细版
















4.语言的谱系分类是个层级系统,从大到小分别是:P53语系——语族——(语支)——语言——方言——次方言(土语)5.“语言”和“言语”P54 【名/简】“语言”—说话使用的工具(比如英语、汉语)。

















一、填空1、语言学的最初的发源地有三个:古代中国的小学传统语文学——文字学、训诂学、音韵学,古印度的语言学——梵语,古希腊-罗马的语言学.2、信息传递的五个阶段:编码、发送、传递、接收、解码.3、语言研究的角度:生理学、物理学、心理学4、从自然属性出发、针对所有人类语言的语音研究,属于语言学的研究;从社会属性出发、针对语音在某一个具体语言的系统中起什么作用的研究,属于音系学的研究.5、严式标音音素标音宽式标音音位标音6、语音四要素:音高、音强、音长、音质7、一般将语法分成词法和句法.词法包括词的构造、变化和分类等.句法包括词组的构成、句子的构成、句子成分和句子类型等.8、语言的形态分类:1孤立语词根语2黏着语3屈折语4多式综合语9、汉藏语系:汉、侗台、苗瑶和藏缅四个语族10、渐变性和不平衡性是语言演变的两大特点.11、词汇包括基本词汇和一般词汇,全民常用,稳固,有构词能力可以说是基本词汇的词的主要特点.12、派生意义产生的途径就是一般所说的引申.引申大体上可以分成隐喻和换喻两种方式.13、反义词分为极性反义词和互补反义词.二、简答1、语言的社会功能语言的社会功能体现在语言是人类最重要的交通工具.1、语言的信息传递功能.语言是一种社会现象,和人类社会有紧密的联系.语言是组成社会的一个不可缺少的因素.语言的社会功能中最基本的是信息传递功能.这一功能体现在语言上就是内容的表达.语言所能传递的信息可以没有穷尽,信息内容可以跨越时空.语言是人类社会信息传递第一性的、最基本的手段.在信息传递过程中,人们还可以借助语言之外的其他形式,如文字、旗语、信号灯等,但他们大多是语言或文字的再编码系统,自身有较大的局限性.2、语言的人际互动功能.语言的社会功能的另一个重要方面是建立或保持某种社会关联,这可称为语言的人际互动功能.互动包括两个方面:一个是说话者在话语中表达自己的情感、态度、意图;另一方面这些又对受话者施加了影响,得到相应的语言或行动上的反馈,从而达到某种实际效果.2、语言和言语的区别和联系一、区别.1、定义:言语是个人说话的行为和结果.语言是从言语中概括出来被社会所公认的一套语音、词汇和语法的规则的总和.2、语言系统是社会共有的交际工具,因而是稳定的,具有相对静止的状态;言语是人们运用这个工具进行交际的过程和结果,是自由结合的,具有运动状态.3语言是社会的,言语是个人的.语言是个系统,是社会共有的交际工具,社会因素是语言的本质因素.言语是人们运用这个工具说和写的过程和结果,因此,除了具有社会因素外,还具有个人因素.二、联系.1言语是第一性的,语言是第二性的,语言存在于言语当中,言语是语言的存在形式.2语言是抽象的规则,言语是语言具体的运用.3语言来源于言语,又反过来作用于言语.3、符号和征候区别1 征候——事物本身的特征,和本体具有因果关系的自然联系.“础润而雨,月晕而风”,桂花飘香——桂花开放,鼻塞、发烧——感冒.2符号是一个社会全体成员共同约定用来表示某种意义的记号、标记.包括形式和意义两个方面的要素,是一定的形式和一定的内容的统一体,二者缺一不可.符号的形式和意义之间没有本质上的、自然属性上的必然联系.4、语言符号的特征(1)、任意性.也叫约定俗成性,是指作为符号系统的成员,单个语言符号的语音形式和意义之间没有自然属性上的必然联系,只有社会约定的关系.语言符号最突出的特点就是它的音义结合的任意性.2、线条性.是指语言符号在使用中是以符号序列的形式出现,符号只能一个跟着一个依次出现,在时间的线条上绵延,不能在空间的面上铺开.3、强制性.符号一旦进入交际,也就是某一语音形式与某一意义结合起来,表示某一特定的现实现象以后,它对使用的人来说就有强制性.如果不经过重新约定而擅自变更,就必然会受到社会的拒绝.4、渐变性:是指语言结构系统只能按照量变到质变的规律逐渐地变化采取渐变的而不是突变的方式.5、参差性,是指语言结构系统的各要素发展的速度是不整齐的.非基本词汇及其语义发展得最快,语音变化较慢,最慢是语法.5、语言符号的层级体系:语言的符号不是互不相干的一盘散沙,而是有组织、有条理的系统.语言是一种分层装置,这种装置靠组合和替换来运转.这个装置的最重要的特点就是分层.语言中的各种单位相互间紧密联系,彼此依存,组成一个系统.语言系统是由音位、语素、词、词组、句子等结构单位组成的一种层级体系.分二层:底层和上层.语言的底层是一套音位,一种语言的音位数目虽然只有几十个,却能构成数目众多的组合.这些组合为语言符号准备了形式的部分.语言的上层是音义结合的符号和符号的序列,这一层又分若干级.第一级是语素,第二级是由语素构成的词,第三级是由词构成的句子.词和句子都是符号的序列.6、语素的分类根据不同的标准,语素可以分为不同的类型.1根据能否单独出现,可以将语素分为自由语素和粘着语素.能单独出现的,也就是在言语活动中能够独立运用的,是自由语素.自由语素又叫成词语素.凡是不能够单独出现的语素叫做粘着语素. 2根据语素在词中的不同作用把它分成词根、词缀、词尾三类.词缀又分为前缀,中缀和后缀.3词根和词缀具有构词功能,是构词语素,二者合称词干.4词尾只能改变一个词的形式,不改变原来的词类、不构成新词的语素,它的作用是表示一种语法关系,因此又叫变词语素、屈折语素.7、判定文字系统产生的条件.第一,具有数量足够多的与某种语言里的语素或词相对应的小图形,这些小图形可以按这种语言的音读出来;第二,这些小图形可以重复使用而所表达的音义不变;第三,这些小图形的排列规则足以反映这种语言说话时语素或词的排列次序,小图形排列的顺序不同,所反映的语言单位的排列次序也就不同,表达的意思也因此不同.三、名词解释1、语音:即语言的声音,它是由人的发音器官发出,负载着一定语言意义的语言的物质外壳,语言依靠语音实现它的社会交际性.世界上任何一种语言都是有声语言.2、音素:是人类语言从音质角度划分出来的最小的线性的语音单位.3、音位:是具体语言或方言中区别意义的最小的语音单位.4、国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,原义是“国际语音字母”简称IPA,由国际语音协会制定.1888年,由英国的斯维斯特倡议,由法国的帕西和英国的琼斯等人完成,发表在语音教师上.5、属于同一个音位的不同相语音形式,就是这个音位的音位变体.6、自由变体:是指出现在相同语音环境中而不能区别意义的两个或几个音素,也就是处于“互混”关系的音素.例如,在武汉方言中,声母l n不分,“脑”发成nau或lau都可以,当地人清楚而不会引起歧义.由于它们之间的互换是自由的,没有条件,因此成为“自由变体”.7、条件变体:指的是属于同一音位具有互补关系且语音相似的一组音素.一个音位的条件变体分别出现在不同的语音环境中,而且在语音上相似.这些变体虽然同属于一个音位,但由于受语音条件限制,一般不能换用.例如/a/音位中的变体A a,a往往自成一个音节或单独跟声母组合,a出现在u后面或舌根鼻韵母前面.这些音素不出现在相同的语音环境中,而是有条件的出现在不同的环境中,因此称为“条件变体”.8、以音素为材料,从音质的角度出发所划分出来的、以音质为语音形式的音位,是音质音位.9、以音高、音重、音长等非音质单位为语音形式而形成的音位称为非音质音位.包括调位、重位和时位三种.10、区别特征:具体语言中具有区别音位作用的发音特征,叫做该音位的区别特征.11、聚合群:具有同一区别特征的各个音位构成一个聚合群.聚合群之间具有平行、对称的结构特点.12、语流音变:在连续的语流中,某些语音成分受到语音环境的影响而发生的临时性变化,叫做语流音变.常见的语流音变现象主要有同化、异化、弱化、脱落、增音和换位等.13、语素:是语言中音义结合的最小的单位.14、形态:是指词与词组合时词的形式上发生的变化,是表达语法意义的重要手段.又称“形态变化”、“词形变化”.包括附加词尾、内部屈折和异根等方面.15、语法范畴:在词的范围内,相同语法意义的归类叫语法范畴.常见的语法范畴主要有性、数、格、体、时、人称、态、级等.16、语法意义:语法意义与词汇意义相对而言,指词进入语法组合之后由语法结构所赋予的词义之外的意义.也就是从词的变化、组合中体现出来的各种关系意义叫语法意义.17、语法形式:是语法意义的表达形式.18、语法手段:对语法形式加以概括所形成的类型叫语法手段.19、句法同义:几种句子格式表示相同或相近的结构意义,叫做句法同义.20、句法多义:是指同一个句法组合具有两种或两种以上的结构意义.21、表音文字,又叫做“拼音文字”或“字母文字”,它们的最小文字单位―字符只表示语言符号的音,而不表示语言符号的意义.22、音位文字:有的字符表元音,有的字符表辅音,字符可以记录语言中所有的音位.如拉丁字母.英文就是使用拉丁字母作为字符的音位文字.23、音节文字:字符表示语言中的音节.如日本的假名.24、意音文字则是有的字符提示语言符号的音,有的字符只提示语言符号的意义.提示音的字符叫做声符,与音无关只与意义有关的字符叫做义符.汉文是典型的意音文字.25、社会方言:是社会内部不同性别、年龄、职业、阶级、阶层的人们在语言使用上表现出来的一些变异,是言语社团的一种标志.26、地域方言:与社会语言不同,是同一个民族语言的地域分支.27、亲属语言:从同一种语言分化出来的几种独立的语言,彼此有同源关系.28、谱系分类:根据语言是否来自同一语言的分化及分化的辈分等级而对语言做出的分类.29、借词:即外来词,指语音形式和意义都借自外民族语言的词.30、语言替换:语言换用也称“语言替代”或“语言融合”,是不同民族在长期接触或融合过程中产生的一种语言现象.指的是一个民族的全体或部分成员放弃使用本民族语言而转用另一民族语言的现象.31、底层:在语言替换的过程中,换用的强势语言会留下被替换语言的痕迹,这类痕迹通常被称为语言的底层.表现有两点,一个是被替代语言社团的一些特殊发音习惯,另一个是地名.32、语言的混合:指的是来源于不同语言的成分混合在一起,从而产生一种同这些语言都不相同的新的交际工具的现象.它是语言接触的一种非常特殊的语言现象.语言混合现象主要有两种:洋泾浜和克里奥耳语.33、洋泾浜:又称皮钦语,是两种或几种语言在一定社会条件下因互相接触而产生的混杂语言.最早是17世纪以后殖民地、半殖民地的通商口岸常见的一种语言现象,是当地人在同外来殖民者打交道过程中学来的一种变形外语,是彼此在语言上妥协而产生的一种能使双方勉强沟通的临时性交际工具.34、克里奥耳Creole又称混合语,是作为某个社会群体的母语来使用的、由两种或多种语言混合而成的语言.克里奥耳语也是一种洋泾浜语.不同的是:洋泾浜语是一定场合下使用的一种特殊语言,没有人把它当作母语来学习和使用;克里奥耳语是某一社会的主要交际工具,可作为母语或第一语言来学习和使用.35、词义的概括性:词义对现实现象的反映是概括的反映.概括是词义的一个重要特点. 三种重要表现:一般性、模糊性和全民性.36、词的这种有历史可查的最初的意义叫做本义.37、由本义衍生出来的意义叫做派生意义.38、离开上下文,一般人首先想到的的意义叫做中心意义.39、语境:语境的含义有三个方面.首先是指话语的物理语境,又叫做“言谈现场”.物理语境指话语的说话者/受话者、说话当时的时空及其这一时空中的所有存在.话语需要与言谈现场的说话者、受话者以及说话时空及其存在正确地关联,才能准确地传递和被理解.40、言语行为:言语行为可以分为三个环节,分别是言内行为、言外行为和言后行为.所谓言内行为,指说话人运用语言结构规则说出有意义的话语的行为;言外行为是指说话人的话语要达到的目的和意图;言后行为是说话人说出话语后达到的结果.。



CHAPUTER11 Definition of language<1>human speech; the ability to communicate by this means; a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for expression of such a system<2>any means of expressing or communicating, as gestures, signs, or animal sounds; a special set of symbols, letters, numerals, rules, etc. used for the transmission of information, as ina computer; …2 Design feature of languageArbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacementArbitrariness: arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning, arbitrariness at syntactic level, arbitrariness and conventionDuality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.Creativity means language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. Displacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, event and concepts which are not present at the moment of communication.3 Functions of languageInformative, interpersonal function, performative, emotive function, phatic communion, recreational function, metalingual function.4 Definition of linguisticsLinguistic is usually defined as the science of language or, alternatively, as the scientific study of language ,linguistic is a rich and exciting field.5 Main branches of linguisticsPhonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,(填空了解大意即可)6 Psycholinguistics investigates the interrelation of language and mind, in processing and producing utterances in language acquisition for example.7 Sociolinguistics is an umbrella term which covers a variety of different interests in language and society, including the social functions of language and the social characteristics of its users.8 Descriptive vs. prescriptiveThe first is a prescriptive a command, while the second is a descriptive statement. The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are.9 synchronic vs. diachronicA synchronic description takes a fixed instant as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind. Saussure’s diachronic linguistics is the study of language th rough the course of its history.10 Competence and performanceA language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence. And performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.Chapter21 The difference between phonetics语音学and phonology音系学The former studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. The latter is the study of the sound patterns an sound system of languages. It aim to “discover the principle that govern the way sounds are org that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, andexplain the variations that occur.”2 What is consonant辅音?Consonants are produced “by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible frict ion.”3 what is coarticulation协同发音?When simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved, this process is called coarticulation.4 what is phoneme音位?Phoneme refers to a “unit of explicit sound contrast” the existence of a minimal pair automatically grant phonemic status to the sounds responsible for the contrasts.5 what are minimal pairsMinimal pairs are pairs of words that except for one phenomic difference sound alike. The one phenome difference can make a significant difference in meaning between two words.6 what is allphone音位变体?To bring out the “phonetic” difference, an aspirated sound is transcribed with a rise after the sound, such variants of a phoneme are called allphone.7 what is assimilation同化现象?A process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.8 what is suprasegmentals超音段特征?Suprasegmental features are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments. The principal suprasegmentals are syllable, stress tone, and intonation.Chapter31 Definition of morpheme语素?Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in terms of the relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.2 free morpheme: those that may occur alone , that is, those that may make up words by themselves, are free morpheme.Bound morpheme: those that cannot occur alone and must appear at least with another morpheme are called bound morpheme.Chapter41 The three branches of syntactic句法?Positional relations; relations of substitutability; relations of co-occurrence.2 what is IC analysis?To dismantle a grammatical construction in the three nodes of tree is called immediate constituent analysis.3 category范畴: The term category in some approaches refers to classes and functions in its narrow sense, and we are talking about the grammatical categories in the second sense. Agreement一致关系: May be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another, shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category.Conjoining连接: Refers to the process where one clause is coordinated or conjoined with another Embedding嵌入: Embedding refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence in syntactic subordination.Chapter51 what is the referential theory指称论?The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory.2 hyponymy上下义关系:Relationship of inclusion is relationship between the specific and the general meanings of the words. The former included the latter, e. g.” sheep” is included in “animal” the former is subordinate, the latter is superordinate.3 what is componential analysis成分分析法?The conceptual meaning can be broken down into its minimal distinctive components which are known as semantic features. Such analysis is called componential analysis.Chapter61 what is cognition认知?The process involved in knowing, or the act of knowing, which in its completeness includes perception and judgment. Cognition includes all processes of consciousness by which knowledge is accumulated, such as perceiving, recognizing, conceiving, and reasoning. Put differently, cognition is an experience of knowing that can be distinguished from an experience of feeling or willing. It is one of the only words that refers to the brain as well as to the mind.2 what is psycholinguistics and its six subject of research?Psycholinguistics is the study of psychological aspects of language; t usually studies he psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language.The six subject:acquisition习得; comprehension理解; production产生; disorders障碍; language and thought语言和思维; neurocognition神经认知3 what is cognitive linguistics认知语言学?Cognitive linguistics is a newly established approach to the study of language that emerged in the 1970s as a reaction against the dominant generative paradigm which pursues an autonomous view of language, which is based on human experiences of the word and the way they perceive and conceptualize the world.4 what is construal识解?Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways trough specificity, different mental scanning, directionality, vantage point, figure-ground segregation etc 5 categorization范畴化and its three levels?Categorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences.Three level: basic level基本层次范畴; superordinate level 上位范畴and subordinate level下属层次范畴Basic level: the categories at basic level are those that are most culturally salient and are required to fulfill our cognitive needs the best.Superordinate level: superordinate categories are the most general ones. The members of a superordinate category do not have enough features in common to conjure up a common gestalt at this level.Subordinate level: they have clearly identifiable gestalts and lots of individual specific features. At this level we perceive the difference between the members of the basic level categories.6 what is image schema意象图式?Mark Johnson proposes image schemas. He defines an image schema as a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interaction and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. For example, a center-periphery schema-a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and degrees of distance from the core: the structure of apple, an individual’s perceptual sphere…7 what is metaphor隐喻and its three categories.Metaphor involves comparison of two concepts in that one is construed in terms of the other. Three categories: ontological metaphor实体隐喻; structural metaphor结构隐喻and orientional metaphor 方位隐喻7 what is metonymy转喻?Metonymy, in the cognitive literature, is defined as a cognitive process in which the vehicle provides mental access to the target with in the same domain.Chapter71 speech community语境: It is a group of people who share a set of norms and expectations regarding the use of language.2 what is sapir-whorf hypothesis萨皮尔-沃尔夫假设?In linguistics, the sapir-whorf hypothesis postulates a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speak and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it, which is known as SWH.3 why do we need to teach culture in our own language classroom.A to get student familiar with cultural differences;B to help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the member of the target culture will;C to emphasize the inseparability of understanding language and understanding culture through various classroom practices.4 what is woman register女子英语文体?WR in language takes on the following features:A woman use more “fancy” color terms such as “mauve” and “beige”.B woman use less powerful curse words.C woman use more intensifiers such as “terrible” and“awful”.D woman use more tag questions.F woman use more statement questions like ”dinner will be ready at seven o’clock” with a rising intonation at the end.G woman’s linguistic behavior is more indirect and, hence, more polite than men’s.5 what is sociolinguistic?Sociolinguistics, as a interdisciplinary study of language use, attempts to show the relationship between language and society. In this discipline we have two important thing to think about: structural things and their use in sociocultural context.Chapter81 what is the speech act theory言语行为理论?This is the first major theory in the study of language in use, which organized with the oxford philosopher John Langshaw Austin.2 what is performantives施为句?Some sentences cannot be said to be true or false, the uttering of these sentences is , or is a part of , the doing of man action . so they are called performatives.3 what is the theory of the locutionary act行事行为理论?Locutionary act发话行为: it is the basic linguistic action of voicing, a meaningful sequence of words. It is by means of locutionary acts that one succeeds in expressing information or doing other things with words.Illocutionary act 行事行为:可译为言外之意,无具体含义,需举例。































语言学考试要点 考试重点

语言学考试要点 考试重点

Chapter 1 Introduction1. What is linguistics? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2.The scope of linguistics:(1 ). phonetics 语音学;phonology 音位学;morphology 形态学;syntax 句法学;pragmatics 语用学(2). sociolinguistics 社会语言学;psycholinguistics 心理语言学;applied linguistics应用语言学3.Some important distinction in linguistics(1)Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描述性与规定性①If a linguistics study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use,it is said to be descriptive;②If the linguistics study aims to lay down rules for” correct and standard” behaviorin using language, . to tell people what they should say and what they should notsay, it is said to be prescriptive.(2)Synchronic vs. diachronic 共时性与历时性①A synchronic description takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, thepresent) as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind.②Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history.(2)Langue & parole 语言与会话①Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of aspeech community.②Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use.(4)Competence and performance 语言能力与语言运用①A language user's unconscious knowledge about the system of rules is called hislinguistic competence.②Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.(5)speech and writing 语言与文字Speech and writing are the two major media of communication.(6)traditional grammar and modern linguistic 传统语法与现代语言学4.Definition of language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Language is a system, ., elements of language are combined according to rules.Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistics symbol and what the symbol stands.Language is vocal because the primary medium for all languages is sound.The term “human” in the definition is meant to specify that language is human-specific.5.Design features of language6.(1) Arbitrariness 任意性refers to the forms of linguistic signs bear no naturalrelationship to their meaning. (sounds and meanings)(2) Productivity(creativity)能产性Language is productive in that it makes possible theconstruction and interpretation of new signals by its users.(3) duality双重性The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of theprimary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.(4) displacement移位性Human Languages enable their users to symbolize objects, eventsand concepts which are not present (in time and space) at moment of communication.(5)cultural transmission 文化传承性7.Functions of language(1) referential (to convey message and information),(2) poetic (to indulge in language for its own sake),(3) emotive (to express attitudes, feelings and emotions),(4) conative (to persuade and influence others through commands and requests),(5) phatic (to establish communion with others)(6) metalingual (to clear up intentions and meanings).①Informative(信息功能): to give information about facts. (ideational)②Interpersonal(人际功能): to establish and maintain social status in a society.(age,sex, language, background, accent, status)③Performative(施为功能) : language is used to do things, to perform certain actions.(name, promise, apologize, sorry, declare)④. Emotive/Expressive (情感功能): to express feelings and attitudes of the speaker.⑤Phatic communion(寒暄交流) : to use small and meaningless expressions to establisha comfortable relationship or maintain social contact between people without any factualcontent. (health, weather)⑥Recreational function(娱乐): the use of language for sheer joy. (lyrics, poetry)⑦Metalingual function(元语言功能): to talk about language itself.8.9.Chapter 2 Phonology1.Phonetics(语音学)is the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with allthe sounds that occur in the world’s languages.Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.2.Orthographic representation of speech sounds:broad transcription(宽式标音)and narrow transcription(严式标音)A broad transcription(宽式标音)is the transcription with letter-symbols only.A narrow transcription(严式标音)is a transcription with letter symbols together withdiacritics.3.Phonology(音位学)is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages.4.The differences between phonetics and phonology:(语音的正字表征)①Both are concerned with the same aspect of language----the speech sounds. But theydiffer in their approach and focus.②Phonetics is of general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all humanlanguages; it aims to answer questions like: how they are produced, how they differ fromeach other, what phonetic features they have, how they can be classified, etc.③Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.5.Phone(音素), phoneme(音位), allophone(音位变体)A phone---- a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce duringlinguistic communication are all phones.A phoneme---- is a phonological unit; it is a unit of distinctive value; an abstract unit, not aparticular sound, but it is represented by a certain phone in certain phonetic context6.Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair.(音位对立,互补分布,最小对立体)7.Some rules of phonology(音位学规则)Sequential rules 序列规则Assimilation rule 同化规则Deletion rule省略规则8.Suprasegmental features (超音段特征):stress重音,tone音调,intonation语调9.10.Chapter 3 Morphology1.Classification of words(1)Variable vs. invariable words:可变词类和不可变词类Variable words: One could find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word forms; on the other hand, part of the word remains constant follow, follows, following, followed; mat, matsInvariable words: those words such as since, when, seldom, through, hello. They do not have inflective endings.(2)Grammatical words vs. lexical words:语法词类和词汇词类Grammatical words: express grammatical meanings, such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronounsLexical words: have lexical meanings, those which refer to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.(3)Closed-class words vs. open-class words:封闭词类和开放词类Closed-class: a word whose membership is fixed or limited. New members are not regularly added. Pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.Open-class: A word whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbsGrammatical---lexical words closed-class---open-class words2.Morphere(词素):the minimal meaningful unit of language.3.Linguistics use the term morphology to refer the part of the grammar that is concerned withword formation and word structure.4.Free morpheme & bound morpheme(自由语素和黏着语素)A morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a free morpheme; a morpheme thatmust be attached to another one is a bound morpheme.5.The variant forms of a morpheme are called its allomorphs.(词素变体)6.Inflectional affix & derivational affix(屈折词缀和派生词缀)pound: those words that consist of more than one free morphemes, the way to join twoseparate words to produce a single form.In compounds, the lexical morphemes can be of different word classes.pounds can be further divided into two kinds:the endocentric compound (向心复合词) the exocentric compound(离心复合词)9.Endocentric: one element serves as the head, the relationship of “a kind of”; eg self-control:a kind of control armchair: a kind of chair10.Exocentric: there is no head, so not a relationship of “a kind of something”, egscarecrow: not a kind of crow breakneck: not a kind of neck11.Chapter 4 Syntax1.What is Syntax (句法)?Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences. 句法就是研究语言的不同成分组成句子的规则2.Syntactic relations can be analyzed into three kinds:relations of position 位置关系relations of substitutability 替代关系relations of co-occurrence 同现关系3.4.5.Chapter 5 Semantics1.What is Semantics?Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.语义学是研究单词、短语和句子的意义的学科2.The conceptualist view①The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form andwhat it refers to . between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.②This is illustrated by the classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested byOgden and Richard.Thought/reference/conceptSymbol/form referencentword/phrase/sentence③The symbol or form refers to the linguistic elements (words and phrases);Thereferent refers to the object in the world of experience;Thought or reference refers to concept.The symbol or a word signifies things by virtue of the concept associated with theform of the word in the minds of the speaker; and the concept looked at from thispoint of view is the meaning of the word.3.The contextualismMeaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context—elements closely linked with language behavior. Two types of contexts are recognized:Situational context: spatiotemporal situationLinguistic context: the probability of a word’s co-occurrence or collocation.4.BehaviorismBehaviorists attempted to define meaning as “the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer”.5.Lexical meaningSense and reference are both concerned with the study of word meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning.Sense---- is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextualized. It is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are interested in.Reference----what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.6.Major sense relations(1)Synonymy 同义词①Dialect synonymy 方言同义词②Stylistic synonymy 文体同义词③Synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning④Collocational synonyms⑤Semantically different synonyms(2)Antonym 反义词①Gradable antonyms 等级反义词②Complementary antonyms 互补反义词③Relational opposites 关系反义词(3)Polysemy 一词多义(4)Homonymy 同形异义词(5)Hyponymy 上下义关系①Superordinate 上义词②Hyponyms下义词ponential analysis 成分分析法——a way of analyze lexical meaningIt is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning.The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.8.。



What is language?“ Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.”System: linguistic elements are arranged systematically, rather than randomly.Arbitrary: e.g. bookSymbolic: people use the sounds or vocal forms to symbolize what they wish to refer to.V ocal: language is primarily vocal, rather than writtenHuman-specific:Design features of language语言的本质特征Arbitrariness (任意性)Saussure: the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning, even with onomatopoeic words:The dog barks bow wow in English but “汪汪汪”in Chinese. Onomatopoeia: words that sound like the sounds they describeDuality (二重性)Language consists of two levels of structures. The lower (secondary) level is a definite set of meaningless sounds which combine to form meaningful units (morphemes, words, such as he, left) which constitute a higher (primary) level.Productivity or Creativity (创造性)Because of duality the human speaker is able to combine the basic linguistic units to form an infinite set of sentences, most of which are never before produced or heard.Words can be used in new ways to mean new things, and can be instantly understood by people who have never come across that usage before.Displacement(移位性)One can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. In other words, one can refer to real and unreal things, things of the past, of the present, of the future.Our language enables us to communicate about things that do not exist or do not yet exist.e.g. A dog cannot tell people that its master will be home in a few days.Cultural transmission(文化传递性)Language is culturally transmitted. It cannot be transmitted through heredity.e.g. a person learns to speak is a cultural one other than a genetic one like the dog’s barking system.e.g. a Chinese baby born and brought up in Londonan English child brought up in BeijingInterchangeability(互换性)It refers to that man can both produce and receive message.One can be a speaker or a hearerSpecialization (专门性)It refers to the fact that man does not have a total physical involvement in the act of communicationFunction of language(语言功能)Phatic function/communion(寒暄功能)Language is used to establish an atmosphere or maintain social contact between the speaker and the hearer.e.g. Greetings, farewell and commentsDirective function (指令功能Language is used to get the hearer to do something. Most imperative sentences are of this function.e.g. open the doorInformative function(信息功能)Language is used to tell something, to give information, or to reason things out.Declarative sentences:e.g. I saw her yesterday on the streetInterrogative function (疑问功能)Language is used to ask for information from others.All questions expecting replies serve this function.e.g. what’s your name?what time is it now?Expressive function(表达功能)Language is used to reveal the speaker’s attitudes and feelings.e.g. Oh, my God!Evocative function(唤起功能)Language is used to create certain feelings in the hearers.e.g. Jokes, advertising, and propagandaPerfomative function(施为功能)Language is used to do things or to perform acts.e.g. I now pronounce you husband and wife.Descriptive and prescriptive grammars (描写式和规定式语法)Descriptive grammars attempt to tell what is in the language, while prescriptive grammars tell people what should be in the language.As traditional grammars tried to lay down rules, they are often called prescriptive. Most modern linguistics is descriptive.e.g. A: who is that?B: It’s me. / It’s I.Synchronic and diachronic linguistics (共时与历时语言学)When we study language at one particular time, it is called synchronic linguistics. When we study language developments through time, it is called diachronic or historical linguistics.Synchronic linguistics focuses on the state of language at any point in history while diachronic linguistics focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.Langue and parole (语言与言语F. de Saussure make an important distinction between langue and parole.Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. Parole refers to particular realizations of langue.Langue is the social, conventional side of language, while parole is individualized speech.Competence and performance (语言能力和语言应用)According to Chomsky, competence refers to the knowledge that native speakers have of their language as a system of abstract formal relations, while performance refers to their actual linguistic behavior, that is, the actual use of this knowledge.Chapter 2 The Sounds of LanguagePhoneticsThe study of the speech sounds that occur in all human languages is called phonetics. The study of sounds can be divided into three main areas: Articulatory Phonetics; Acoustic Phonetics; Perceptual or Auditory PhoneticsClassification of English speech soundsSpeech sounds of all languages are broadly classified into vowels and consonants.V owels: there is no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips.Consonants: we are making it difficult or impossible for the air to pass through the mouth.ConsonantsEnglish consonant can be classified according to the manner of articulation and the place of articulation.The manner of articulation: it refers to the type of stricture involved in the production of a consonant (the particular way the airstream is obstructed).The place of articulation: it refers to the involvement of the articulators in the production of a particular consonant (where the airstream is most obstructed).The manner of articulationPlosives /stops (爆破音)——/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/Fricatives (摩擦音)——/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /θ/, /ð/, /∫/, /ʒ/, /h/Affricates (破擦音) —— /t∫/, /dʒ/Liquids (流音)——/l/, /r/Nasals (鼻音)——/m/, /n/, /ŋ/Glides (median approximants) (滑音)——/j/, /w/The place of articulationBilabials (双唇音): /p/, /b/, /m/, /w/ Labiodentals (唇齿音): /f/, /v/Dentals (齿音): /θ/, /ð/Alveolars (齿龈音):/t/, /d/, /n/, /s/, /z/, /r/, /l/Palatals (上颚音): /j/, /∫/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /t∫/Velars (软腭音): /k/, /g/, /ŋ/Glottal (声门音,喉音): /h/Phonology (音系学/音位学)Phonology is the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language.Minimal pairs 最小对立体Minimal pairs: are pairs of words which differ from each other only by one sound (occurs in the same place).Minimal sets 最小对立体集Minimal sets: when a group of words can be differentiated each one from the others, by changing one phoneme (always in the same position), then we have a minimal set.On the vowel phonemese.g. feat, fit, fate, fat, fought, footOn the consonantse.g. big, pig, rig, fig, dig, wigSuprasegmentals (超语段音位学)Suprasegmental features refers to the phonemic features that occur above the level of sound segment. The major suprasegmental features in english include word stress, sentence stress, tone, and intonation. STRESS TONE INTONATION。



最新语言学基础知识常考点1. 语言与其要素- 语言的定义:语言是人类交流和表达思想的工具,通过语言可以传递信息、表达感情和展示文化。

- 语言的要素:语音、语法、词汇、语义和语用是语言的基本要素。

2. 语音学- 语音学的研究对象:语音学研究的是语言中声音的产生、传播和感知。

- 国际音标:国际音标是一种标记语音的符号系统,用于记录各种语音音素。

- 语音特征:音调、音长、音位和音素是语音学中常考的重点。

3. 语法学- 语法学的定义:语法学是研究语言的句子结构、词类和句类等方面的学科。

- 句子的成分:句子由主语、谓语、宾语和其他修饰成分组成。

- 句类的分类:陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句是常见的句类。

4. 词汇学- 词汇学的研究内容:词的构成、词义和词的使用是词汇学的主要研究内容。

- 词类:名词、动词、形容词和副词是常见的词类。

- 词汇资源:词典、同义词、反义词和词根是扩展词汇资源的重要工具。

5. 语义学- 语义学的定义:语义学研究的是词、短语和句子的意义。

- 词义的关系:近义词、反义词和义原关系是词义上常考的要点。

- 上下文与语义:词义可以根据上下文的不同产生细微的变化。

6. 语用学- 语用学的研究内容:语用学研究的是语言在实际交际中的使用规律。

- 言语行为:陈述、疑问、命令和请求等是常见的言语行为类型。

- 礼貌原则:在交际过程中,遵循礼貌原则可以提高交际效果。


> 请注意:以上内容为总结和概述,更详细、准确的语言学知识需要参考相关教材和权威资料。



语言学概论(考试重点归纳)语言学概论目录第一章语言和语言学 (3)第二章语言的物质载体——语音 (6)第三章语言的建筑材料——语汇 (10)第四章语言的结构规则——语法 (13)第五章语言的表达内容——语义 (19)第六章语言的运用特点——语用 (22)第七章语言的书写符号——文字 (25)第八章语言的发展和演变 (27)第九章语言的获得和学习 (30)第十章语言与文学写作 (32)第十一章语言与民族文化 (34)第十二章语言与科学技术 (36)第一章语言和语言学第一节认识人类的语言一、语言的性质和类型P491.只有人类才有语言P49(1)内容更多(2)用处更大:①交际功能②标志功能③记录功能④思维功能⑤认知功能(3)能够创造2.语言和民族、国家的关系P51(简答)“语言”最初是与“民族”直接相连的,至今也是最直观和最容易识别的民族标志,同时也是国家的标志,但是只有全面了解从古到今的“语言”、“民族”之间,“民族”和“国家”之间错综复杂的关系,才能对“语言、民族、国家”三者之间做出更加符合客观事实的结论。













Chapter 1 Linguistics定义Language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.▲Language distinguishes human beings from animals because it is far more sophisticated than any animal communication system.Linguistics: the scientific study of human languages.It studies not just one language of any one society, but the language of all humanbeings.★注:语言学研究的是所有人类的语言,并不是局限于如英语等某一门语言。

Language is vocal1) The primary medium for all languages is sound.2) Writing systems came into being much later than the spoken forms.Word is the smallest unit that can be used, by itself, as a complete utterance.词是能够独立构成一个完整语句的最小单位Design features 语言的定义特征Design features: the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human language distinguishable from languages of animals. (定义填空题)▲语言的四个Design features 也是区别人类语言好动物语言的特征A、Arbitrariness 任意性There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.语言形式的符号与所表示的意义无天然的联系。

语言学概论 期末重点.

语言学概论 期末重点.













































Chapter 1 Introduction1. What is linguistics? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2. The scope of linguistics:(1 ). phonetics 语音学;phonology 音位学;morphology 形态学;syntax 句法学;pragmatics 语用学(2). sociolinguistics 社会语言学;psycholinguistics 心理语言学;applied linguistics 应用语言学3. Some important distinction in linguistics(1) Descriptive vs. prescriptive描述性与规定性①If a linguistics study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use,it is said to be descriptive;②If the linguistics study aims to lay down rules for”correct and standard”behaviorin using language, i.e. to tell people what they should say and what they shouldnot say, it is said to be prescriptive.(2)Synchronic vs. diachronic共时性与历时性①A synchronicdescription takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, thepresent) as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind.②Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history.(2) Langue & parole 语言与会话①Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of aspeech community.②Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use.(4)Competence and performance 语言能力与语言运用①A language user's unconsciousknowledge about the system of rules is called hislinguistic competence.②Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.(5)speech and writing 语言与文字Speech and writing are the two major media of communication.(6)traditional grammar and modern linguistic 传统语法与现代语言学4. Definition of language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Language is a system, i.e., elements of language are combined according to rules.Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistics symbol and what the symbol stands.Language is vocal because the primary medium for all languages is sound.The term “human”in the definition is meant to specify that language is hum-asnpecific.5. Design features of language6. (1) Arbitrariness 任意性refers to the forms of linguistic signs bear no naturalrelationship to their meaning. (sounds and meanings)(2) Productivity(creativity) 能产性Language is productive in that it makes possible theconstruction and interpretation of new signals by its users.(3) duality 双重性The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of theprimary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levelshas its own principles of organization.(4) displacement 移位性Human Languages enable their users to symbolize objects, eventsand concepts which are not present (in time and space) at moment of communication.(5)cultural transmission 文化传承性7. Functions of language(1) referential (to convey message and information),(2) poetic (to indulge in language for its own sake),(3) emotive (to express attitudes, feelings and emotions),(4) conative (to persuade and influence others through commands and requests),(5) phatic (to establish communion with others)(6) metalingual (to clear up intentions and meanings).①Informative( 信息功能): to give information about facts. (ideational)②Interpersonal( 人际功能): to establish and maintain social status in a society.(age,sex, language, background, accent, status)③Performative( 施为功能) : language is used to do things, to perform certain actions.(name, promise, apologize, sorry, declare)④. Emotive/Expressive (情感功能): to express feelings and attitudes of the speaker.⑤Phatic communion( 寒暄交流) : to use small and meaningless expressions to establisha comfortable relationship or maintain social contact between people without any factualcontent. (health, weather)⑥Recreational function( 娱乐): the use of language for sheer joy. (lyrics, poetry)⑦Metalingual function( 元语言功能): to talk about language itself.8.9.Chapter 2 Phonology1. Phonetics(语音学)is the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with allthe sounds that occur in the world ’lasnguages. Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.2. Orthographic representation of speech sounds:broad transcription (宽式标音)and narrow transcription (严式标音)A broad transcription (宽式标音)is the transcription with letter-symbols only.A narrow transcription (严式标音)is a transcription with letter symbols together withdiacritics.3. Phonology(音位学)is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages.4.The differences between phonetics and phonology(: 语音的正字表征)①Both are concerned with the same aspect of language----the speech sounds. But theydiffer in their approach and focus.②Phonetics is of general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all humanlanguages; it aims to answer questions like: how they are produced, how they differ fromeach other, what phonetic features they have, how they can be classified, etc. ③Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.10. Phone(音素), phoneme(音位), allophone(音位变体)A phone---- a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce duringlinguistic communication are all phones.A phoneme---- is a phonological unit; it is a unit of distinctive value; an abstract unit, not aparticular sound, but it is represented by a certain phone in certain phonetic context11. Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair. (音位对立,互补分布,最小对立体)12. Some rules of phonology(音位学规则)Sequential rules 序列规则Assimilation rule 同化规则Deletion rule 省略规则13. Suprasegmental features (超音段特征):stress重音,tone 音调,intonation 语调14.15.Chapter 3 Morphology5.Classification of words(1)Variable vs. invariable words: 可变词类和不可变词类Variable words: One could find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word forms; on the other hand, part of the word remains constant follow, follows, following, followed; mat, matsInvariable words: those words such as since, when, seldom, through, hello . They do not have inflective endings.(2)Grammatical words vs. lexical words: 语法词类和词汇词类Grammatical words: express grammatical meanings, such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronounsLexical words: have lexical meanings, those which refer to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.(3)Closed-class words vs. open-class words:封闭词类和开放词类Closed-class: a word whose membership is fixed or limited. New members are not regularly added. Pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.Open-class: A word whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbsGrammatical---lexical words closed-class---open-class words6. Morphere( 词素):the minimal meaningful unit of language.7. Linguistics use the term morphology to refer the part of the grammar that is concerned withword formation and word structure.8. Free morpheme & bound morpheme( 自由语素和黏着语素)A morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a free morpheme; a morpheme thatmust be attached to another one is a bound morpheme.9. The variant forms of a morpheme are called its allomorphs.( 词素变体)10. Inflectional affix & derivational affix(屈折词缀和派生词缀)11. Compound: those words that consist of more than one free morphemes, the way to join twoseparate words to produce a single form. In compounds, the lexical morphemes can be ofdifferent word classes.16. Compounds can be further divided into two kinds:the endocentric compound ( 向心复合词) the exocentric compound( 离心复合词)17. Endocentric : one element serves as the head, the relationship of sel“f-c a o n k t i r n o d l:of ”; ega kind of control armchair: a kind of chair18. Exocentric: there is no head, so not a relationship of “akind of something ”e,gscarecrow: not a kind of crow breakneck: not a kind of neck19.Chapter 4 Syntax12. What is Syntax (句法)?Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined toform sentences. 句法就是研究语言的不同成分组成句子的规则13. Syntactic relations can be analyzed into three kinds:relations of position 位置关系relations of substitutability 替代关系relations of co-occurrence 同现关系14.15.16.Chapter 5 Semantics1. What is Semantics?Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences. 语义学是研究单词、短语和句子的意义的学科2.The conceptualist view①The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form andwhat it refers to (i.e. between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation ofmeaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.②This is illustrated by the classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested byOgden and Richard.Thought/reference/conceptSymbol/form referencentword/phrase/sentence③The symbol or form refers to the linguistic elements (words and phrases);Thereferent refers to the object in the world of experience;Thought or reference refers to concept.The symbol or a word signifies things by virtue of the concept associated with theform of the word in the minds of the speaker; and the concept looked at from thispoint of view is the meaning of the word.20. The contextualismMeaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context —elements closely linkedwith language behavior. Two types of contexts are recognized:Situational context: spatiotemporal situationLinguistic context: the probability of a word -occurrence ’o r csoclloocation.21. BehaviorismBehaviorists attempted to define meaning as the situation“in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer ”.22. Lexical meaningSense and reference are both concerned with the study of word meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning.Sense---- is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextualized. It is the aspect ofmeaning dictionary compilers are interested in.Reference----what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.23. Major sense relations(1)Synonymy 同义词①Dialect synonymy 方言同义词②Stylistic synonymy 文体同义词③Synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning④Collocational synonyms⑤Semantically different synonyms(2)Antonym 反义词①Gradable antonyms 等级反义词②Complementary antonyms 互补反义词③Relational opposites 关系反义词(3)Polysemy 一词多义(4)Homonymy 同形异义词(5)Hyponymy 上下义关系①Superordinate 上义词②Hyponyms 下义词24. Componential analysis 成分分析法—— a way of analyze lexical meaningIt is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.25.26.。













二、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每题1分)1、下列关于“语言”和“言语”的表述中,不正确的一项是【】A.语言是社会的,言语是个人的B.语言是主要的,言语是从属的C.语言是抽象的,言语是具体的D.语言是书面的,言语是口头的答案:D2、下列关于一般语汇总体特点的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.构词能力强B.使用范围窄C.产生历史长D. 大多很稳定答案:B 解析:根据词在语汇系统中的重要程度,可以分为基本语汇和非基本语汇(一般语汇)两大类。


3、区分“单纯词”和“合成词”所依据的是【】A.词的音节数量B.词的语素数量C.词的音形关系D.词的地位用途4、语法规则的“系统性”是指【】A.对语言的结构和成分进行类的概括B.相同规则可在一个结构里重复使用C.语法规则之间可以相互推导和解释D.语法规则的发展变化过程十分缓慢答案:C 解析:ABD三项分别对应的是语法规则的“抽象性”、“递归性”、“稳定性”。

5、语音的四个物理要素中,区别不同的意义起着最为重要的作用的是【】A、音高B、音强C、音长D、音色6、元音和辅音本质区别是【】A、元音的发音可以延长,辅音不可以B、元音发音响亮,辅音不响亮C、元音发音时气流不受阻,辅音一定受阻D、发元音时,发音器官的各个部分均衡紧张;辅音则不然7、[ε]的发音特征是【】A、舌面前高不圆唇B、舌面后高不圆唇C、舌面前半高不圆唇D、舌面前半低不圆唇8、下列关于语义民族性的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.词义上的民族特点并不明显B.词的多义化不受民族特点的制约C.不同的民族语言在词的理性意义上并无差异D.不同的民族语言在词的非理性意义上会有所不同答案:D解析:不同民族对客观事物的认识不同,因而语义的民族特点也不同,词的多义化也会受制约,非理性意义也会有所不同,比如汉语中“狗”字常含贬义,像“走狗”;可在英语里,“dog”常含褒义,像“a lucky dog”(幸运儿)。

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语言学重点Semantics1. Sense relation between sentences(简答、语料分析)A.X is synonymous with YX: He was a bachelor all his life. Y: He never married all his life.B.X is inconsistent with YX: John is married Y: John is a bachelorC.X entails YX: A boy had broken the window Y: A child had broken the window.D.X presuppose YX: John’s bike needs repairing Y: John has a bikeE.X is a contradictionX: John is neither alive nor deadF.X is semantically anomalousX: The table has had intentions Y: The golf kicked him.2. Sentence Meaning: Katz’s Semantic Theory(essay question)I. Structure of the theory and its aims{Grammatical classification}dictionary (semantic markers) Katz’s theory semant ic informationProjection rules [distinguishers]Universally applicable metalanguageⅡKatz’s dictionary--2 types of semantic information--(semantic markers)语义标记: which are the links binding the vocabulary together and are responsible for the lexical relations;--[distinguisher] 辨义成分: the word-specific semantic information that identifies the lexical items.Ⅲprojection rules--projection rules: to give rules showing how the meanings of lexical items build up into the meaning of phrases and phrases up to sentences.amalgamation process (合并)--PR use trees to structure the amalgamation of word meaning into phrase meaning and phrase meaning into sentence meaning.selection restrictions--AS the PR successively amalgamate readings, the selection restrictions will limit the final output.3. Referential theory (简答)①Linguistic symbols stand for things, the linguistic symbol(word) and the things they refer to are not related directly, the linguistic symbol and the things it stand for are arbitrary. Different linguistic symbols are used in different languages to refer to the same thing. For example, they are related via concept. For the speaker and listener to reach mutual understanding, they have to have the same concept of the target things.②There is a direct relation between linguistic symbol and the concept becauselinguistic symbol symbolizes concept, and linguistic symbol can express concept.③there is a direct relation between things and the concept because concepts are abstract mental representation of the things the physical or imaginary world.4 Proposition:def: the unit of meaning which constitutes the subject-matter of a statement in the form of simple declarative sentence.5. Propositional logic:def: the study of truth conditions for propositions, that is, how the truth of composite proposition is determined by the truth value of its constituent propositions and the connections between them.6. truth value: def: a sentence’s being true or false is called its truth value7. truth value table(简答,给出子命题求复合命题,根据子命题真假判断复合命Pragmatics1.Pragmatics: the study of the use of the language in communication, particularlythe relationship between sentences and the contexts and the situations in which they are used.2. Speech Act Theory put forward by Austen and Searle(简答, 语料分析)2.1 Austin’s 3-part distinction of speech actSpeech actin utterance as a functional unit in communication. According Austin, an utterance performs 3 acts simultaneously---locutionary act: ~is the saying of something, which is meaningful and can be understood.---illocutionary act: ~ is the using the utterance to perform a function.---perlocutionary act: the results or effects that are produced by means of saying.2.2 Searle's 2-part distinction theoryAccording Searle, each utterance has two meanings:---propositional meaning: the basic literal meaning an utterance bears, which is conveyed by particular words and structure which an utterance contains.---illocutionary force: the intended effects the utterance or written text has on its listener or reader.--5 types of illocutionary forces(语料分析)1)assertives: sentences that commit the speaker to the truth of something.I guess he had got it.I think the film is moving.2)directive: try to get the listener to do somethingplease give me some advice.My shoes have worn out.3)commissive: committing the speaker to do something.May I help you with the case?4) Expressive: expressing the speaker’s psychological state about something.Congratulations!Thanks.5)declarative: bringing about immediate change in the existing state of affairs.Y ou are fired.Class is over.3.the Cooperative Principle(put forward by Paul Grice).Function/object---CP was theory is an attempt at explaining how a hearer gets from what is said to what is meant, that is, from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning, conversational implicature, as called by Grice.---In conversational interaction, people work on the assumption that a certain set of rules is in operation unless they receive indications to the contrary. Grice calls this set of rules Cooperative Principle.---make your conversational contribution as such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.合作原则和合作准则的关系---According to this principle, we interpret lang. on the assumption that its sender is obeying CP. And CP is specified as 4 maxims called "cooperative maxims" to help establish what that conversational implicature might be. 遵循原则:quantity, quality, relation, manner4. characteristics of conversational implicatureA. calculabilitythe same words may convey very different implicatures in different circumstances. However, the implicature conveyed in a particular situation is not random. It is possible to spell out the steps a hearer goes though in order to calculate the intended implicature.B.cancellability/ defeasibility--an implicature can be cancelled, which allows the speaker to imply something and then deny that implicature.C.non-detachability--an implicature is attached to the semantic content of what’s said, not to the lin guistic form.--no matter how much you reword an utterance, the implicature remains.D.non-conventionalitythe same words can carry different implicatures on different occasions.4.flouting of maxims1) Quantity(adequate)A. make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange)B. do not make your contribution more informative than is required.2) Quality(be true)Try to make your contribution one that is trueA.Do not say what you believe to be falseB.Do not say what for which your lack adequate evidence.3) RelationBe relevant4)Manner(be clear)Be perspicuousA.Avoid obscurity of expressionB.Avoid ambiguity.5.Relevance Theory put forward by Sperber & Wilson (essay question)the notion of relevance--the notion of relevance is defined by two notions: cognitive effects and processing effort.--cognitive effectscognitive effects result from an interaction of new and old information; cognitive effects can be achieved by:1)n ewly presented information may combine with an existing assumption to yield contextual implication. New information is relevant in any context in which it has context implicatures, and that the more contextual implicatures it has, the more relevant it will be.2) newly presented information may strengthen existing assumption. New information is relevant in any context in which it strengthens an existing assumption, and that the more assumption it strengthens, the more relevant it will be.3)newly presented information may contradict or eliminate an existing assumption. New information is relevant in any context in which it contradicts, and leads to the elimination of an existing assumption; the more assumption it eliminates, and the stronger they were, the more relevant it will be.a.Conclusion:new information derived from external stimuli (utterance, sound, sights), or from internal representation (thoughts memories) is relevant to an individual if it yields cognitive effects (combining with existing assumptions to yield contextual implication, contradicting or eliminating an existing assumption, or strengthening an existing assumption).--processing effortDef: processing effort is the mental effort needed to parse an utterance, decide what proposition it is intended to express, and work out its intended cognitive effects in that context.Conclusion: 关联和认知效果的关系relevance of an input to an individual1) other things being equal, the greater the cognitive effects, the greater the relevance.2) other things being equal, the smaller the processing effort to derivethose cognitive effects, the greater the relevance.--In processing information people try to balance cost and rewards—they automatically process each new piece of information in a context where it yields maximal cognitive effects for a minimal processing effort.6. Two principles of relevance--they govern cognition and communication1)cognitive principle of relevance(hearer)Human cognition tends to be geared to the maximization of relevance.2)communicative principle of relevance(speaker)Every act of ostensive(显示的)communication communicates a presumption of its own optimal (最佳的the best that is possible)relevance.Language and Cognition1.psycholinguistics:Def: the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language.2.internal lexicon:Def: The organization of word knowledge in permanent memory is called internal lexicon.3. cohort model--The cohort model in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics is a model of lexical retrieval first proposed by William Marslen-Wilson in the late 1980s.According to the model, when a person hears speech segments real-time, each speech segment "activates" every word in the lexicon that begins with that segment, and as more segments are added, more words are ruled out, until only one word is left that still matches the input.--spoken word recognition is realized in 3 stages:1)---generating a word initial cohort: a set of lexical candidates is activated on thebase of an acoustic-phonetic analysis of the input in a strict bottom -up fashion.This set of lexical candidates is called word initial cohort.---auditory lexical retrieval begins with the first one or two speech segments, or phonemes, reach the hearer's ear, at which time the mental lexicon activates every possible word that begins with that speech segment.2)the selection stage---As more speech segments enter the ear and stimulate more neurons, causing the competitors that no longer match the input to be "kicked out" or to decrease in activation.--items that are very similar to the signal remain strongly activated, while others will drop off, thus some of the initial candidates in the cohort will progressively eliminated.3)elimination takes place in one of the two ways:--the context of a spoken sentence narrows the initial cohort--The activated cohort will continue to monitor the incoming part of the word.---as more of the phonological information of the word comes in, the cohort narrows down progressively, These processes continue until an instant, called the recognition point,[5]at which only one word remains activated and all competitors have been kicked out. And the word is recognized.4)finally the recognized word is fit into the connected discourse.4. parsingDef: The first step in understanding a sentence. It is a procedure to assign elements of the sentence surface structure to linguistic categories. This procedure is called ~5. Processing steps in word access (Levelt, et al., 1999)1)Conceptualization: to decide the notion/ concept to express.2) To select a word that corresponds to the chosen concept: the speak first select alemma (a syntactic word unit). Several lemmas may be activated competitively at once. Only one lemma is selected as soon as its activation level exceeds the summed activation of all competitors. A checking mechanism ascertains that the selected lemma maps onto the intended concept.3) Morpho-phonological encoding: morphemes corresponding to the selected lemmaare retrieved. The phonological form of the word is generated. First these are decomposed individual segments [p, b, i] or groups of segments (eg., [st] ),which are later syllabified and assigned stress.4) Generation of a phonetic representation: specifying the articulatory gestures to becarried out and their timing.6. . Generation of sentences in spoken language productionGeneration of sentences involves roughly the following steps:Conceptual preparation—deciding what to say--A global planning is generated and then elaborated until a representation of lexical concepts (the message) is reached.Linguistic planning--linguistic planning started using the message as input. Linguistic planning is initiated as soon as the first few lexical concepts are selected, and the rest is prepared later, either during the speech or between parts of the utterance.Generating syntactic structureTwo distinct processes are involved:--functional planning processes: to assign grammatical functions (subject, verb, object, etc.) to lemmas (plan the grammatical functions that the lemmas plays). These processes rely largely on information from message level and syntactic properties of the retrieved lemmas.--positional encoding: to use the lemmas retrieved and their function to generate syntactic structures that capture the dependencies among constituents and their order. Building phonological forms--phonological segments and stress patterns for each word are retrieved from internal lexicon.Conceptual Metaphor Theory1.DomainDef: domain is the basic unit of cognitive organization in CMT2.W orking mechanism of metaphor—cross-domain mappingmapping (映射) from a source domain to a target domain.Metaphor is a fixed pattern of conceptual correspondences across the two conceptual domains, metaphor represents the systematic correspondence or entailments between the source domain and the target domain.。
