A.O.史密斯 中央热水 手册
防灌风技术,确保室内空气不受污染,安全可靠 特有室外平衡燃烧系统,置身户外,安全放心 自动运行,省时省心。
EMG尺寸表(单位: mm)
舒适热水科技 超大水量,体验更舒适的热水享受 自动恒温技术,全天候享受恒温热水
美国安全标准,全方位保存 微电脑全自动脉冲点火,高效安全 动力强排风装置,有效排除烟气更安全
人性化设计 全自动控制系统,智能自动运行,省时省心。 大屏幕LCD显示,轻触按键,控制便捷
舒适热水科技 超大水量,体验更舒适的热水享受 自动恒温技术,全天候享受恒温热水
A.O.史密斯 中央热水器
选购指南 02
A.O.史密斯超节能家庭中央热水,通过电力驱动热泵加热模块将热量从空气中搬运到 水里,获得同样温度热水,省电一半以上。
高效热泵制/换热系统 热泵加热水温高达65OC,畅想多达129%的源源热水
不受气压波动的影响,采用热敏技术,自动恒 温,365天全天候享受热水。
在实行峰谷电价政策的地区,可设定在低电价的 夜晚加热,而在白天高价时段无电保温运行。
能够自动确认热水器是否处于安全的工作状 态,确认无误后,自动打开或关闭气源。
热别设置定时加热功能,使用起来随意方便,只 要设定好时间,一到家就能有舒适的热水享用。
SEISCOEndless Hot Water�Copyright © 2006 Microtherm, Inc.223 West Airtex, Houston, TX. 77090, Ph:888-296-9293, Fx:281-876-3338, 5-Year Limited Warranty*Features & BenefitsFor Additional Features See Inside PageChamber and PartsHigh Efficiency Compact Design Provides Unlimited Hot Water -Commercial models provideunlimited hot water while operating within their designed gallons per minute range, immediately heating water when a hot water outlet is opened. Seisco models install inside closets, or on almost any wall. Water is only heated on de-mand, virtually eliminating standby heat loss and providing over 99% efficiency.Microprocessor Control -On-board computer logiccontrols temperature through a modified proportional,integral, derivative (PID) control scheme. The control also provides self-diagnostics, signal the need for maintenance in case of a water leak inside the heater, incorporates an optional switch for local on/off power interuption, and intel-ligently controls power distribution to the heating elements while continuously monitoring critical functions in order to shut down the water heater if a failure occurs.PowerShare™ Technology -Patented power dis-tribution control technology utilizes computer algorithms and electronic triacs with patented cooling technology to pulse power on and off to all heating elements resulting in uniform temperature modulation between 1-100% of the element’s range. PowerShare along with constantly flowing water across heating elements ensure that heat-ing elements operate at the lowest possible temperature. When the elements are turned off, low sheath temperature prevents boiling minerals out of the water causing buildup on the heating elements, prolonging element life. Power-Share also eliminates electrical disturbances in the home from the water heater, such as flickering lights.Thermistor Temperature Sensing -Five thermis-tors continuously monitor inlet/outlet water temperature and the water temperature in each heating element cham-ber. Outlet water temperature is factory set to 120°F and is field adjustable between 90-145°F. In addition, water flow is sensed using the same thermistors, eliminating the need for troublesome flow switches.Heating Elements -Industry standard 1 ½” hexhead, direct immersion, heating elements utilizePowerShare technology to help eliminate scale build-up and prolong element life far beyond that of tank type water heaters. If an element fails, a replacement can be purchased from virtually any plumbing distributor.Redundant Safety Features -Two water levelsensors are located at the top of the water heater’s chambers to prevent powering on the heating elements if sufficient water is not detected inside the water heater. In addition, two safety cutoff switches, one manual and one automatic reset, shut down power to the heating elements should an unsafe condition occur.Built-in Leak Detector and Alarm -A switchlocated inside the water heater’s cover along thebottom of the mounting plate activates an alarm when contacted by water.Code Approvals -UL/CUL 499/64, HUD MobileHome, ISRAEL, NOM, and NEC. Hydrostatically tested to 300 psi.*Limited Warranty-See written warranty for details.Two & Four Chamber Models ShownSEISCOEndless Hot Water�Copyright © 2006 Microtherm, Inc. Do You Know?223 West Airtex, Houston, TX. 77090, Ph:888-296-9293, Fx:281-876-3338, 934567821181213141516171110Cold Water InletHot Water OutletHeating ElementsMicroprocessorThermistor Temperature SensorsSafety Cutoff SwitchesTemperature Control KnobOff Peak Control ConnectionWater Leak DetectorCleanout PlatesLED Indicator LightSpeakerService ButtonPower LugsTriacs3/4” Conduit ConnectionsNon-Ferrous Water PassagesHeavy Gauge Steel MountingPanelFour Chamber Design-Inside View... the majority of stan-dard tank type commercialelectric water heaters usesurface mounted thermostatsfor temperature sensing...Seisco models use thermis-tors immersed in the waterfor more accurate tempera-ture control.... most standard tank typecommercial electric waterheaters are limited to 12KWmaximum input, one 6KWelement located in the topof th tank, and one 6KWelment located in the bottomof the tank. At maximuminput, their recovery is reallynot equivalent to 12KW/hourbecause the top heating ele-ment turns off as soon as thetop 1/3 of the tank reachesthe set point of the upperthermostat...Seisco modelsalways perform up to 100%of their rated KW input.... most tank type commer-cial electric water heatershave a 3-year warranty...Seisco models include a 5-year warranty.... most tank type commer-cial electric water heatershave standby heat loss of ap-proximately 2-3% per hour...Seisco virtually eliminatesheat loss, conserving fueland saving money on waterheating.181414149817161615151515110105551347121165653333214SEISCOEndless Hot Water�Do You Know?223 West Airtex, Houston, TX. 77090, Ph:888-296-9293, Fx:281-876-3338, MICROAdditional Features & BenefitsService Button/LED Light/Speaker-While on the phone with a Microtherm technician, the service agent pushes a service button in order to activate an audible diagnostic sequence. The service agent can also diagnose a problem through observing an LED that indicates service issues through a series of flashes.Rust and Corrosion Resistant Engineering Composite Material- All water passages are constructed of a high temperature resistant DuPont® resin. Grades of the same resin family, but with lower properties, are so strong that they are used as the “header” for automobile radiators. Ability to resist extreme temperature changes far above those found inside Seisco models and superior chemical resistance make DuPont’s engineering composite material the ideal material for Seisco’s commercial tankless electric water heaters. Continuous Venting Design-As water is heated, dissolved gases are released. Tiny bypass air passages at the top of each water chamber allow air and dissolved gases to exit unnoticed through the hot water outlet as hot water is being used.Optional Demand Side Management Connection- Allows connec-tion of an on/off control to the water heater (specify this option when ordering). Cleanout Plates-Should sediment such as sand or silt from the water supply accumulate inside the water chambers, removable plates sealed with reusable gaskets allow access for cleaning without disconnecting wires or removing the heating module and control board.¾” Non-Ferrous Inlet/Outlet Connections-Factory installed ¾” MNPT thermoplastic nipples allow easy plumbing connections and eliminate the need for dielectric fittingsHeavy Gauge Steel Mounting Panel-Modular water passages, the control board, and other components are assembled and then mounted to a heavy gauge steel back panel that includes four tabs with rubber feet for mounting the unit to the wall. A decorative plastic cover encloses all components.¾” Electrical Conduit Connection-Standard ¾” electrical conduit connections allow fast wiring of the water heater.... large commercial elec-tric tank type water heaters sequentially step heating elements on at 100% of full power to avoid flickering lights and electrical distur-bances... Seisco models, even when installed in multiples, use PowerShare technology to modulate power to the heating elements from 1-100% of full power, elimina-teing electrical disturbances. ... due to space constraints in most commercial instal-lations, it is usually improb-able that more than four commercial electric tank type water heates can be plumbed together... Seisco’s compact design allows more units to be manifolded together in the same amount of space occupied by just one commercial electric tank type water heater.... the cost of professionally replacing a heating element in a commercial electric tank type water heater can easily exceed $150... Seisco reduces the cost of repairs by prolonging element life and eliminating a large tank to drain as part of the service call.... Seisco models can be used with one or more manifolded commercial storage tank(s) to provide hot water for a large hot water demand over a short periof of time.Copyright © 2006 Microtherm, Inc.SEISCOEndless Hot Water�Copyright © 2006 Microtherm, Inc.223 West Airtex, Houston, TX. 77090, Ph:888-296-9293, Fx:281-876-3338, Suggested Written SpecificationCommercial electric water heater(s) shall be Seisco tankless water heater model _______ as manufactured by Microtherm, or an approved equal and shall have a 5-year limited warranty* when installed in a commercial application. Heater(s) shall have a rated input of _____ KW at ____ Volts. Electrical control of the heater must be accomplished using an integrated microprocessor that employs a proportional/integral/derivative (PID) control scheme using thermistors for sensing temperature and flow. Heating elements must use PowerShare technology to simultaneously vary KW input across all heating elements from 1% to maximum input. Stepping individual elements on and off at full power is not acceptable. Flow switches that restrict the flow of water in any way are not acceptable. (Optioinal-Heater(s) shall include an electrical connection for demand side control). Heater(s) shall include dual water level sensors, high limit control via the microprocessor, and dual high limit cutoff switches, one manualthe status of all monitored functions. Heater(s) shall have a built-in water leak detector. All water passages must be constructed of a high temperature resistant DuPont ® resin. Clean-cut access for removing sediment must be provided without removing plumbing connections or exposing electrical components of the water heater. Heater(s) must be UL/CUL 499, CSA, NSF , HUD Mobile Home, ISRAEL, NOM, and NEC approved.CA 12/05 R1*Limited Warranty-See written warranty for details.*Limited Warranty-See written warranty for details.Recovery (gpm & gph) @ Temperature Rise (F)*Depth: Not Shown On Drawing **Optional: 1-60 amp. breaker, ***Optional: 2-60 amp. breakers. All models are 99+% efficient.Written specifications subject to change without notice.。
● 对于本热水器的非正确安装,艾欧史密斯公司恕不承担任何责任。
● 对热水器进行任何维护保养和维修前,请务必断开电源。
● 热水器可能导致严重烫伤。
● 如果热水器受到无水干烧系统产生蒸汽或不正常的热水,任何部件被水浸泡,应由合格的专业人员检查或修理后方可再使用。
● 对于配有电源线的热水器,若电源软线损坏,必须由制造厂维修部门和专业人员前来更换。
● 热水器配有泄压安全阀,为了使用安全,不可私自改动其安装位置,严禁堵塞其出口。
警告 : 电源插座必须有可靠接地才能通电使用,严禁在无可靠接地的情况下使用热水器产品特点一、高效双温控系统:!史密斯电热水器具有独特的双温控,双加热系统,使史密斯热水器具有快速升温的特点,但决不会让您承受双倍的加热功率。
对于 ees 普通功率到( 3800w 以下),上下电热棒在恒温控制下不会同时工作,使用同样的大功率可以快速得到您所需要的热水。
它通过了美国“ ul 标准”的 10 万次疲劳寿命实验,是当今最有效的抗锈蚀、防结垢的热水器内胆之一。
≥50cm 建议距离 建议距离≥ ≥5cm 最小距离 最小距离≥
建议距离 ≥50cm 建议距离≥ ≥25cm 最小距离 最小距离≥
最小距离 ≥50cm 最小距离≥
不建议将此机器装于密闭空间中。 如果安装在密闭空间的话,务必保 证机器正面距前墙25cm以上,且正 面所对应的墙面上必须开一个面积 ²的孔 。 不小于0.39m 0.39m²
长按“定时”键 “定时开”和定时开机小时 和分钟同时闪烁 10秒 之内 按“∧”或“∨”键
“定时关”与时间 数据闪烁
再按“定时” 键
分钟数字值增加30或减少30 ,小时数字随分钟设置相应 增加或减小。 再按“定时” ,退出定时设定
节能模块 —毛细管 节能模块— 毛细管
毛细管的主要作用是对系统高压侧的高 温高压液态制冷剂进行节流,降温降压 ,毛细管外需包裹阻尼块,作用是:降 噪,减震。 影响因素:系统清洁度和干燥度。所以 要注意防止毛细管的“脏堵”和“冰堵”。
风机、过滤器 风机、过滤器
风机主要是为了强制空气与蒸发 器传热管内制冷剂进行换热,保 证换热器迎面风速和所需风量, 提高换热效果,以此提高机组的 运行效率(如右图)。 过滤器的主要作用是有效去除热 泵系统中的杂质,保证系统的清 洁干净,它一般安装在毛细管的 进口处(如右图),有效防止毛 细管的“脏堵”。
QC:从空气中吸收的热量 W :热泵装置的输入功率 QH:释放到水中的热量
QC + W = QH
史密斯热水器说明书1. 简介史密斯热水器是一种高效、节能的热水器,为用户提供舒适的热水浴和洗涤体验。
2. 安装2.1 安全事项在安装史密斯热水器之前,请务必阅读以下安全事项,并确保您理解并遵守它们:•在安装过程中,务必关掉供电电源并断开所有电源线。
2.2 安装步骤请按照以下步骤安装史密斯热水器:1.选择一个合适的安装位置,确保垂直壁面能够承受热水器的重量。
3. 操作3.1 开关机史密斯热水器配有方便的开关机按钮,您可以按下“开”按钮来打开热水器,按下“关”按钮来关闭热水器。
3.2 温度调节您可以通过旋转调节器来控制热水器的水温。
3.3 定时功能史密斯热水器还配有定时功能,您可以设置热水器在特定时间段内进行加热。
4. 维护4.1 清洁定期清洁热水器可以确保其正常运行和延长使用寿命。
4.2 检查定期检查热水器的工作状态可以及时发现和解决问题。
4.3 维修如果您在使用热水器时遇到问题,请不要自己拆卸或修理热水器。
史密斯使用说明、使用注意事项:1. 本热水器的出水温度较高,不能直接用于洗涤,必须安装混水阀,掺混冷水后使用,以免烫伤。
2. 本热水器需要的最小供气压力:天然气1100Pa (11Omm K柱);液化气为2500Pa(250mm K柱);人工煤气为800Pa (80mm水柱)。
热水器不得在大于3550Pa (355mπ水柱)的供气压力下运行。
3. 在正常情况下,热水器的温控器在出厂时已全部调整好了,用户也可根据实际需要由专业人员调整。
、热水器的启动1 、首先卸下控制器门,然后插上电源插头,打开热水器的电源开关,电源指示灯亮。
2、开机:按控制面板上“ ON/OFF”键,进入开机状态,几秒种后就可以听到放电针的放电声,加热指示灯亮(控制面板与控制器门内分别都亮,第一次点火时。
3 、时钟设定按“时钟设定”键进入时钟设定状态(字符闪烁),按“ V或“ 键设定小时,设定范围为“1-12 ”,再按“时钟设定”键可设定分钟,按其它键(不包括“↑”或键)或再按“时钟设定”键,或停止按键5秒后确认当前设置。
设定范围为“ 45-65 C”(图11)5、定时加热:按“定时设定”键进入定时设定状态,按“↑”或“J”键先设定“定时开时间”,(设定范围为“ 1-24”)再按“定时设定”可设定“定时关时间” ,按其它键或停止 5 秒后确认当前设置。
�PS安全系统,瞬间自动三级断电,更彻底的安全保护 �防水型户外设计,安全省心 �18重系统安全保护
压 缩 机 水 箱 加 热 模 式 冷 媒 智 能 化 转子式热泵专用压缩机,保 证热泵模式下能将水箱温度 加热到65 ℃ 。 金圭特护系统
2、智能 �AES自适应节能系统
精确判断您的用水习惯,适时自动预先加热。 非用水时段,中温保温,减少热量散失。 产品培训与应用中心
实时显示热水量,热水水量随时一目了然,真正享受畅 快洗浴!
�泵循环集成控制 独有泵循环面板操作集成设 计,实现在家轻松掌控循环 泵启停、定时、设定循环热 水的水温。
建议距离≥50cm 最小距离≥5cm 最小距离≥50cm
3、热水循环(满足即开热水的需求) 循环泵的选择:1、建议选择普通机械循环泵。 2、建议水泵功率在100w以内,一定不得超过200w,建议扬程2-3m, 水泵流量<1m³/h。(推荐品牌:格兰富、威乐等知名品牌。)
加热指 示灯
风扇 MAX 增容指示灯 MAX增容指示灯
1、加热模式 HPI-50A热水器具备两种加热方式:节能加热模式和电加热模式; 机器默认节能加热模式。
热泵单独工作(环境温度较高) 节能加热模式 电加热模式 度下降到10℃左右) 风扇亮
热泵和1kw下加热棒一起工作 (环境温 风扇和加热指示灯同时亮 下棒(1kw+2kw)工作 热泵和1kw下加热棒一起工作 下棒(1kw+2kw)工作
AO史密斯落地热泵HPI A培训
Product Training & Application Center省电一半以上家庭中央热水热水HPI-50A HPI-50A HPI-50A销售培训销售培训课程目标工作原理产品卖点功能规格设计应用工作原理热泵模块工作原理图Q C + W = Q HQ C :从空气中吸收的热量W :热泵装置的输入功率Q H :释放到水中的热量高温低温热泵Q CWQ H�介质在制冷系统中循环流动的动力来源就是靠电能驱动的压缩机;�在向热泵输入电能时,热泵就能够将空气中的热量Qc Qc ““泵”到需要加热的水中; �输入的电能除去一部分损耗后,剩下的QH 也会传递到被加热的水中。
能耗与传热量的关系�COP 是一个比值,其计算公式为COP=QH /W ;�COP ,又称性能系数,是衡量热泵产品运行经济性的重要参数,通过热泵产品的COP 可以直观的看出其省电的程度(运行经济性);�HPI 超级节能模块的工作实质上利用的就是热泵的原理,所以COP 同样可以用来衡量该产品的节能性。
HPI-50A 的COP 为3.5测试条件:环境干测试条件:环境干//湿球温度湿球温度20/1520/1520/15℃℃,进水温度进水温度1515 ℃,加热终止温度55 ℃“COP COP”” 的概念整机结构1蒸发器2毛细管3压缩机4过滤器5上加热棒(3KW)6金圭盘管(冷凝器)7下加热棒(单棒双功率2+1KW)8阳极棒9风机132946758产品卖点高能效整体式热泵制热,省电一半以上,获得多达130%的源源热水。
高效制/换热系统,加热水温高达65℃,畅享多达的源源热水130%130%的源源热水热泵节能模块加热混水热水量对照表品牌热水容积加热温度热水量增加多至A.O.A.O.史密斯史密斯180L 65 65 ℃℃130%其他品牌180L 55 55 ℃℃(实验条件:初始水温(实验条件:初始水温232323±±2 2 ℃℃ ,出水温度,出水温度404040±±1 1 ℃℃ )数据来源:江苏省产品质量监督检验研究院检验报告金圭特护内胆美国专利号6303183超长强力阳极棒金圭特护加热棒专利号:ZL200510037670.1金圭特护系统金圭层晶间渗透层钢板层稀有元素整体式设计�无需为安装预留外机、铜管的空间,使建筑外观更显整洁与美观。
APW Wyott CCW MK VII 热水泵操作说明书
Phone:+1Fax:+1(307)637-8071Toll Free:+1(800)752-0863Website: E-mail:*****************(307)634-5801INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSINTENDED FOR OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD USEModels:CCW MK VII -120V (43593-01)CCW MK VII -240V (43593-25)RCCW MK VII -120V (43593-90)LCCW MK VII -120V (43593-00)RLCCW MK VII -120V (43593-95)RLCCW MK VII -220V/240V (43593-20)P/N 88828-079/05HEATED PUMP/DISPENSERSAPW WYOTTP .O.Box 1829Cheyenne,WY 82003This equipment has been engineered to provide you with year-round dependable service when used according to the instructions in this manual and standard commercial kitchen practices.RIMPORTANT FOR FUTURE REFERENCEPlease complete this information and retain this manual for the life of the equipment.For Warranty Service and/or Parts,this information is required.Model NumberSerial NumberDate Purchasedtakes pride in the design and quality of our products.When used as intended and with proper care and maintenance,you will experience years of reliable operation from this equipment.To ensure best results,it is important that you read and follow the instructions in this manual carefully.Installation and start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read,understands and follows these instruction.If you have questions concerning the installation,operation,maintenance or service of this product,write Technical Service Department APW/Wyott Foodservice Equipment Company,P .O.Box 1829,Cheyenne,WY 82003.Before installing and operating this equipment be sure everyone involved in its operation are fully trained and are aware of all precautions.Accidents and problems can result by a failure to follow fundamental rules and precautions.The following words and symbols,found in this manual,alert you to hazards to the operator,service personnel or the equipment.The words are defined as follows:APW Wyott SAFETY PRECAUTIONSIMMEDIATELY INSPECT FOR SHIPPING DAMAGEAll containers should be examined for damage before and during unloading.The freight carrier has assumed responsibility for its safe transit and delivery.If equipment is received damaged,either apparent or concealed,a claim must be made with the delivering carrier.A)Apparent damage or loss must be noted on the freight bill at the time of delivery.It must then be signed by the carrier representative (Driver).If this is not done,the carrier may refuse the claim.The carrier can supply the necessary forms.B)Concealed damage or loss if not apparent until after equipment is uncrated,a request for inspection must be made to the carrier within 15days.The carrier should arrange an inspection.Be certain to hold all contents and packaging material.Installation and start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read,understands and follows these instructions.CONTENTSSafety Precautions 2General Information 3Cleaning The Dispenser 4Cleaning The Pump 4Sanitizing Guidelines5Parts Lists w/Exploded Views 6Warranty7GENERAL INFORMATIONGeneral InstallationGeneral Operation Instructions General Cleaning Instructions General Troubleshooting1.Always clean equipment thoroughly before first use.(See general cleaning instructions.)2.Check rating label for your model designation &electrical rating.3.For best results,use stainless steel counter tops.4.Attach legs to units,if needed.1.All foodservice equipment should be operated by trained personnel.2.Do not allow your customers to come in contact with any surface labeled "CAUTION HOT".3.Where applicable,never pour cold water Into dry heated units.4.Where applicable,do not cook,warm or hold food directly in liner pans (well)pans.Alwaysuse steam table pans/insets,etc..5.NEVER hold food below 140°F.1.NEVER clean any electrical unit by Immersing it in water.Turn unit off and allow to cool downbefore surface cleaning.2.Always clean equipment thoroughly before first use.Clean unit daily.Except where noted oncharts:Use warm,soapy d cleansers &PLASTIC scouring pads may be used to remove baked-on food and water scale on metal units.3.Unplug electrical units before cleaning or servicing.All service should be performed by anAPW WYOTT authorized service agency.Always ask &check:1.Is the unit connected to a live power source.2.Check circuit breaker.3.Is power switch on?4.Check rating label.Are you operating unit on proper voltage?.If the above checks out and you still have problems,call anAPW WYOTT authorized service agency.OperatingNOTE 1.Clean the dispenser and pump according to the cleaning instructions before using the first time.2.This dispenser Is Intended for heating food by the double-boiler method.Product purchased in a No.10size can may be heated in the original can.Be sure to remove the top first.If contents of No.10can are not to be completely used in a day,the optional stainless container,Part No.43593-50is recommended.This container will not rust as the commercial can does.Putting food directly Into the dispenser is not recommended as It might scorch and stick.In addition,the pump suction tube will be about 11/8"short of the bottom.3.Put 21/2cups of water Into the pot (do not overfill)making certain the spider (16)is in place before putting in either the can or the container of food.4.Plug power cord Into appropriate,grounded outlet.:Increase or decrease the temperature as required;the settings are In approximately 12°F increments,a value.which will change slightly with ambient temperature and voltage.If a specific temperature Is required,use a product thermometer.After setting,allow 30minutes for temperature to stabilize.Stirring will speed stabilizing.Remember,thick materials such as cheese or fudge conduct heat poorly.If the dispenser steams noticeably,the temperature setting should be reduced.CLEANING THE DISPENSERCLEANING THE PUMPNOTE:Warning:Refer to the pump Instructions for cleaning the pump.1.The outer shell of the dispenser is stainless steel.Wipe itwith a clean,damp cloth and mild detergent.Avoid abrasive cleaners which can damage the stainless steel finish.Do not immerse the heated dispenser in water or damage to the electrical parts or shock hazard could occur.2.Wash the inside of the dispenser with detergent and water,but DO NOT IMMERSE.Rinse well but avoid spraying water in control knob opening or around the lighted display.3.Prepare a sanitizing solution according to the Sanitizing.Guidelines.Place the solution Into the container for about 10minutes.Pour it out and allow the dispenser to air dry.Do not touch the Inside of the container after sanitizing it.Clean the pump daily according to the following instructions.Note the way the pump comes apart,so you can reassemble it In reverse order.1.Remove the spout plug (10)with its O-ring (11).2.While holding the pump with lid upright,(as it is on the warmer),unscrew,counterclockwise,the retaining nut (3)and lift out the knob (1),piston rod (2),seal (4),O-ring (5)and spacer (32).3.While still upright,lift off pot cover (19)and thread It over the spout.4.Still upright,remove plug (8)with its O-ring (9).5.Tip the pump body weldment (22)to remove balls (7)and spring (6).6.Exercising care not to nick or scratch any surface,separate the seal and O-rings,(4),(5),(9),and (11),from the mating steel parts.7.Wash all parts thoroughly in detergent and water using the brush provided;rinse in hot water.Wash seal and O-rings separately from metal parts to avoid damage to the soft seal and O-ring surfaces.Avery small nick can cause a large leak.8.Reassemble the pump and lid using reverse procedure.Be sure to replace the spring tang down.9.Prepare a sanitizing solution and pump It through the pump,dispensing at least1/2cup ofsanitizer.10.Allow the sanitizer to stand in the pump for about10minutes,then drain It from the pump andcontainer.Allow them to air dry.CAUTION:Do not touch the Insides of the container or pump with your hands after sanitizing.SANITIZING GUIDELINESSanitize the heated dispenser at least once each day using the following four-step procedure:1.Wash with detergent2.Rinse with warm water3.Sanitize with an approved sanitizer(specifications below)4.Allow to air drySome local health departments have a list of approved brand food equipment sanltlzers.That list can help you choose an acceptable sanitizer for this machine.If your health department does not have the list,you may acquire one from the State of Wisconsin,by writing to:State of WisconsinDivision of HealthDept.of Health and Social Services P.O.Box309Madison,WI53701When preparing the sanitizing solution,make sure It contains the chemical compound,Quaternary Ammonium("Quat").Following the manufacturer's label Instructions,prepare the solution with a minimum concentration of200parts per million(PPM).NOTE:Do not use chlorine-based sanitlzers because they may damage the plastic parts.Do not use Iodine-based sanltlzers because they may discolor the plastic parts and disflavorthe product.Phone:+1Fax:+1(307)637-8071Toll Free:+1(800)752-0863Website: E-mail:*****************(307)634-5801APW WYOTTP .O.Box 1829Cheyenne,WY 82003R。
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用户必读 .................................................................................................................................... 1 外观特征(附图) ...................................................................................................................... 2 规格参数(附表) ...................................................................................................................... 2 安全特征 ................................................................................................................................... 3 双极跳高温极限 ........................................................................................................................ 3 温度压力安全.阀................................................................................................................................ 3 三极断电保护装置 .................................................................................................................... 3 产品特点 .................................................................................................................................. 3 省电加热........................................................................................................................................ 3 电子控制器 ................................................................................................................................. 3 有线遥控器 .................................................................................................................................. 4 金圭特护内胆 .............................................................................................................................. 4 阳极棒保护 .................................................................................................................................. 4 高效节能保温隔热层 .................................................................................................... 4 安装说明 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 热水器水箱安装 .......................................................................................................................... 4 水管连接 ................................................................................................................................... 5 冷凝管连接 ................................................................................................................................ 5 控制盒连接 ................................................................................................................................ 5 电源接线 ..................................................................................................................................... 5 充水 ............................................................................................................................................. 5 使用说明 ...................................................................................................................................... 6 电子控制器的使用与设置................................................................................................ 6 漏电检测 .......................................................................................................................................... 8 温度压力安全阀的功能检测 .................................................................................................................. 8 保养说明 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 保养 ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 故障检修(附表)................................................................................................................................... 10 接线图 ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 注意 ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 装箱单 ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 保修服务规定 .................................................................................................................... 13