
Chapter I1.主观题2.How did the Norman Conquest and the Renaissance influence the English vocabulary ?The transitional period(转型时期)from Old English to Modern English is known as Middle English(ME 1100----1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and culture matters, which influenced English in daily life.The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English. In the early stage of this period the Renaissance(文艺复兴)brought great change to the vocabulary. The renewed(复兴的)study of Greek in the Renaissance not only led to the borrowing of Greek words indirectly through the medium(媒介)of Latin, but also led to the introduction of some Greek words directly into English vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words,(page 4~5)3.Enumerate the causes for the rapid growth of neologisms(新词,旧词新意,新词的创造者/使用者)after World WarⅡ. Give four examples for each cause.①marked progress of science and technology. Example: to blast off(炸掉,炸毁) ,to countdown ,capsule, launching pad②socio-economic(社会经济), political and cultural changes. Example: roller-hockey ,surf-riding, skydiving(跳伞运动), designated hitter③the influence from other cultures and languages(page6~7)Example: cosmonaut ,discotheque(小舞厅,迪斯科舞厅),ombudsman(调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员), apartheid(种族隔离).4.What are the fundamental features of the basic word stock(词库)of the English vocabulary ?(1). National character(全民通用性):Words of the basic word stock belong to the people as a whole, not to a limited group.(2). Stability(稳定性):As words in the basic word stock denote the commonest things necessary to life, they are likely to remain unchanged. However, a certain number of Old English words have dropped out of the basic word stock, while new words have joined the rank of basic words, following social and technological changes.(3). Word-forming ability(构词):Basic words are very active in forming new words.(4). Ability to form collocations(搭配能力):Basic words combine readily with other words to form habitual expressions and phrases.Since the great majority of the basic word stock are native words, they are naturally the ones used most frequently in everyday speech and writing.(Page 10 paragraph 4 , 5 ,7 , 8 and Page 11 paragraph 2)5.What are the characteristics of the English vocabulary as a result of its historical development ?The historical development of English language shows that English is a heavy borrower; it has adopted words from almost every known language, especially from Latin, French and Greek.(page 18.)6.Why do we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary?First, because the native words form the great majority of the basic word stock of the English language. And the basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over a number of epochs.Second, they make up the most familiar, most useful part of the English vocabulary. So we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary for its importance. (Page 10 paragraph 2, and Page 19 paragraph 2)7.What do we mean by literary and common words ?(1) Common or popular words are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life. The great majority of English words are common words . The core of the common words is the basic word stock. They are stylistically (在文体上) neutral , and hence they are appropriate in both formal and informal writing and speech. (Page 11 paragraph 6)(2) Literary words are chiefly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated(升高的,提高的,崇高的)style, in official documents, or in formal speeches. They are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.(Page 12 paragraph 1)Chapter 2Q1:Explain the following terms and provide example:a.Morphemic 形位b.Allomorph 形位变体c.free and bound morphemicd.hybrid 混合词Morphemic: the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. Example: nation (page21 ,paragraph2, line 1) Allomorph:any of the variant forms of a morphemic as conditioned by position oradjoining sounds. Example: books, pigs.( page22 , paragraph 3, line 4)Free morphemic: one that can be uttered alone with meaning. Example: man,read,faith (page23 , paragraph2, line 1 To2 )Bound morphemic: cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance表达; it must appear with at least one other morphemic. Example: unkind (page23 , paragraph2, line4) Hybrid: a word made up of elements form two or more different language. Example: goddess, rewrite.( page27 , paragraph2, line 4)Q2. What are the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes? P26页第4段开头P29页第4自然段末尾Inflectional affixes (屈折词缀)are related to grammar only. Derivational affixes (派生词缀)are subdivided into prefixes and suffixes, which are related to the formation of new words. Roots, prefixes前缀and suffixes后缀. are the building blocks with which words are formed.The number of derivational affixes, although limited, is much larger than that of inflectional affixes.Q3:In what two ways are derivational affixes 派生词缀classified? p26 Derivational affixes are classified in prefixes 前缀and suffixes后缀.Q4:How are words classified on the morphemic(语素的)level? P29 paragraph 5 On the morphemic level, words can be classified into simple, complex and compound words(复合词).Chapter IIIⅠExplain1、(p32)Word-formation rules:The rules of word-formation define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words2、Root, stem and base. Analyze the word denationalized into root, base and stem. Denationalized①Root:nation②stem:denationalize③base:nationalizedⅡCompounding1、What are the relative criteria of a compound?(p35-p36)①Orthographic criterion②Phonological criterion③Semantic criterionⅢDerivation1、What is derivation?(p42-p43)Derivation is a word- formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix, or suffix, or both to an already existing word.2、What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation?Prefixation is the addition of a prefix to the base. Prefixes modify the meaning of the base, but they do not generally alter its word-class. Every prefix has a specific meaning of its own; prefixes are therefore classified according to their meanings.Suffixation refers to the addition of a suffix to the base. Suffixes frequently alter theword-class of the base. Therefore, suffixes are classified according to the class of word they form into noun-forming suffixes, verb-forming suffixes, etc(p66)3、How are the major living prefixes classified? Give a few examples to illustrate each kind.(P44)The major living prefixes are classified into the following eight categories by their meaning :1) negative prefixes (un- , non- , in- , dis- , a- ). eg , unhappy ,nonhero , injustice ,disadvantage , atypical )2) reversative or privative prefixes (un - , de - , dis -). eg , unwrap , decentralize ,disunite3) pejorative prefixes ( mis - , mal - , pseudo - ) .eg. mistrust , maltreat, pseudo-science4) prefixes of degree or size ( arch - , super - , out - , sub - , over - , under - , hyper - , ultra - , mini - ) eg, archbishop,supercurrent hyperactive, outlive , ultra-conservative 5) prefixes of attitude ( co - , counter - , antic - , pro - ) eg, cooperation, anti-nuclear ,pro-student , counterpart6) locative prefixes ( super-, sub- ,inter- , trans- ) eg. Subarctic , superacid, transcode7) prefixes of time and order ( fore - ,pre - , post - , ex - , re - ) forehead , reconsider ,prereading , post-war8) number prefixes ( uni - / mono - , bi - / di - , multi - / poly -) multi-purpose , monocle , bi-media4、How can you form deverbal nouns, denominal nouns, deadjective verbs, and denominal adjectives by suffixation?(P50)answer:1)deverbal noun suffixes: verb-noun suffixes , such as –er in writer , -eein employee, -ation in exploitation and –ment in development .2) denominal noun suffixes : noun –noun suffixes , such as –hood in boyhood , - ship in scholarship , - let in booklet , and –dom in stardom .3) deadjective verb suffixes : adjective – verb suffixes , such as –ify in simplify , - ize in modernize , and –en in quicken4) denominal adjective suffixes: noun – adjective suffixes, such as –full in helpful, -less in limitless, -y in silky and –ish in foolish.5、Give the meaning of the following words and analyze the structure of each word:(P51)answer: 1) a driver means a person who drives2) a lighter means a machine used for lightering3) a gardener means a person who garden4) a New Yorker means a person from New York5) a villager means inhabitant of village6) a diner is‘a dining carriage on a train‘7) a lifer is‘slang. A person sentenced to imprisonment for life8) a dresser meansAnalyze : as for 1、2、3 ,affixed to a verb ,the suffix forms agent nouns with the meaning of ‗ one who performs an action ‘as for 4、5 ,this affix may also be joined to the means of cities , countries , and to other place names . as for 6、7、8 colloquial and slangy .ⅣConversion1、what is the difference between conversion(此类转化法)and suffixation(加后缀)?(P55 介绍conversion的第一段):Conversion is a word-formation process whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero-derivation.e.g. bottle (n. ) ---- bottle ( v. ), buy (v. ) ---- buy ( n.), tutor ( n. ) ---- tutor ( v. )(例子也可以举其他的如attack)(P49 介绍Suffixation的第一段):Suffixation: It's the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or a combining form to the base, and usually changing the word-class of the base.e.g.boy n. + -ish -- boyish adj. boy n. +hood -- boyhood n.2、In a conversion pair, how can you determine which of the two is the base and which the derived word(派生词)?(P56 中间三个例子)•The base is derivation by zero suffix.Spy –a deverbal noun without suffix, meaning one who spies.•The derived word is derivation by suffixWirter---a deverbal noun with "-er" suffix,meaning one who writes3、Illustrate the axiom(原理),"The actual grammatical classification of any word is pendent upon its use."(P57最后一段)Notice how the word-class of round varies in accordance with its use in the following sentence:i.e. The second round(n)(回合)was exciting. Any round(adj)(圆的)plate will do.Some drivers round(v)(绕行)coners too rapidly.The sound goes round and round(phrase). (旋转)The above examples tell us a very important fact: because word order(词序)is more fixed in Modern English than ever before, the function shifts within sentence structures are possible without causing any confusion in intelligibility(可懂度,可理解性).『这一段可不要』4、Why is the conversion from noun to verb the most productive process of conversion?(58—59页)First in contemporary English, there is a tendency o f ―a preponderance of nouns aver verb‖.Second, there are only a few verb-forming affixes in English. They are be-, en-, -ify, -ize and –en.5、What are the major semantic types under noun to verb conversion?(a)“to put in/on N”(b)“to give N, to provide N”(c)“to deprive of N; or to remove the object denoted by the noun from something”(d)“To….with N”(e)“To{be/ act as}N with respect to…”(1)verbs from human nouns(2)verbs from animal nouns(3)verbs from inanimate nouns(f)“To {make/change}…into N”(g)“To {send/go}by N”(1)mail(2)bicycle(h)“To spend the period of time denoted by N”6、Why is the poor an example of partial conversion?(62页)It is used as noun when preceded by the definite article; yet the converted noun takes on only some of the features of the noun; i.e. It does not take plural and genitive inflection, nor can it be preceded by determiners like a, this, my, etc.8、Pick out the converted words in the sentences below and state(1)the word-classof the converted words and their meanings; (2)to what word-class the base of each of the converted words belongs:(1)They are going to summer in Guilin.the converted word: summer(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:避暑;过夏天the base of the word of the word-class belongs: summer(n.)(2)They hurrahed his wonderful performance.the converted word: hurrah(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:欢呼,叫好,为----喝彩the base of the word of the word-class belongs: hurrah(n.)(3)You have to round your lips in order to make the sound/u:/.the converted word: round(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:弄圆,使---成圆形the base of the word of the word-class belongs: round(n.)(4)They are great sillies.the converted word: silly(n.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:傻瓜the base of the word of the word-class belongs: silly(adj.)(5)She dusted the furniture every morning.the converted word: dust(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning: 拂去灰尘the base of the word of the word-class belongs: dust(n.)(6) It is a good buy.the converted word: buy(n.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:购买,买卖;所购的物品the base of the word of the word-class belongs: buy(v.)Chapter4I. Explain the following terms and provide examples.1. Initialism:Initialism is a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, atechnical term, or a phrase;an initialism is pronounced letter by letter.2. Acronym:Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc.3. Blend:Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms.4. Front and back clipping:The process of clipping involves the deletion of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form.Back clipping may occur at the end of the word. This is the most common type of clipping.Front clipping occurs at the beginning of the word.5. back-formation:Back-formation is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language.6. Reduplication:Reduplication is a minor type of word-formation by which a compound word is createdby the repetition(1)of one word like go-go; (2)of two almost identical words with a change in the vowel‘s such as ping-pong; (3)of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants, as in teenyweeny.Chapter V1.How are the sound and meaning of most words related? Give examples toillustrate your point. (P93)Most English words are conventional(常规的), arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic(内在的,固有的)relation between the sound-symbol and its sense.e.g. house ( English)maison ( French)fangzi ( Chinese)dom ( Russian)casa ( Spanish)A more convincing evidence of the conventional and arbitrary nature of the connection between sound-symbol(声音符号)and meaning can also be illustrated by a set of homophones(同音异义词): write, right, and rite(仪式,礼拜式). They are pronounced the same but convey different meanings.2.What do we mean by phonetic motivation? (P94和PPT)Words motivated phonetically are called echoic words(拟声词)or onomatopoeic words, whose pronunciation suggests the meaning. They show a close relation of name to sense whereas non-echoic words don‘t show any such relationship.Onomatopoeic words(拟声词)can be divided into primary Onomatopoeia(直接拟声)and secondary Onomatopoeia(间接拟声).Primary Onomatopoeia means the imitation of sound by sound. Secondary Onomatopoeia means that certain sounds and sound-sequences are associated with certain senses in an expressive relationship.3.Quote a short poem or passage that shows the literary effect of onomatopoeic words. (P94倒数第二行)“The ice was here, the ice was there,The ice was all around;It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,Like noises in a swound!‖5.What is meant by grammatical meaning?(P96~97)Grammatical meaning(词法意义) consists of word-class(词类)and inflectional paradigm(词形变化)。

…2012级(1)班Chaper1 The Basic Concepts Of Words and Vocabularyof the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. ______is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock. Stability national character2. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except_______ .words3. According to the origins of the words, English words can be classified into…_______ .words and functional words words and borrowed wordswords and dialectal words words and dialectal words4. Borrowings can be divided into________., semantic loans, translationloans, denizenswords, notional words, form words, content words, portmanteau words, acronyms, initializes, compounds, converted words and clipped words-5. Apart from the characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features, namely_________.and stability in style and high frequency in useand polysemy and arbitrariness6.The word beaver(meaning“girl”)is_______ .dialectal word archaism7. AIDS as a nonbasic word is_______ .archaismwords include the following word classes except_______ .^9. Vocabulary can refer to the following except_______ .total number of the words in alanguagethe words used in a particular historical periodthe words of a given dialectwords a person knowsis a loan word from_______ .【11. _______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock.words B. Frenchwords words wordshumor is_______ .translation loan semantic loan denizen alienand numerals are semantically_______ and have limited_______ .;use and stability ;collocability and stability;use and productivity ;productivity andcollectabilityis_______ .(archaism,words fall into functional words and content words.frequency formation16. The symbolic connection between sound and meaning is almost always_______ .17. _______ are loan words that have become assimilated in English.A.Denizens loans loans, which means “police”,is a(n) _______ word.[19. Wherein which means “in what”is a(n)word. _______difference between sound and form due to all the following except _______. phonemes than lettersB. stabilization of spelling by printingof spelling by early scribesof pronunciationthe following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book\1. Lexicology is a branch of linguisticsstudying the origins and_______ of words .2. A word is a minimal free form of language that has a given sound, meaning and_______ function.3. In spite of the differences between sound and form,at least_______ percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patternsthe words in language make up its_______ .word stock is the foundations of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and form the common core of the language.,begin is a native word.7. _______ vocabulary include cant,jargon and argot.8. There is no_______ relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself.{9. _______ are the basic units of sentences.10. Early borrowings are mostly_______ whereas later loan words remain foreign in sound and spelling.whether the following statements are true or false( ) word can be defined in different ways from different points of view.( ) no circumstances can sound and meaning be intrinsically related.( ) introduction of printing press resulted in a lot more differences betweensound and form.( ) words a person can use in speaking and writing form his active vocabulary. ( ) principles by which to classify words are usage, notion and origin.(( ) words are more popular than foreign words.( ) words enjoy the same features as the basic word stock and more.( )(meaning “old”)is an instance of archaism.( ) a loan word known as an alien.( ) time no see is a case of translation loan.a term for each of the following definitions.1.Sub-standard words often used on informal occasions.( )2.Specialized vocabulary common in certain professions.( )3.>4.Words used by sub-culturegroups, particularly by understood society.( )5.Words that have clear notions.( )6.Words of Anglo-Saxon origin.( )7.Words borrowed by way of translation. ( )8.Old words with new meanings.( )9.Words which have become assimilated.( )10.Native forms whose meanings are borrowed.( )11.Words essential to native speakers’ daily communication.( ):the following questions .Your answers should be clear and short.1.What is the relationship between sound and meaning2.Why are there so many differences between sound and form3.What are the criteria for classification of words4.What are the characteristics of the basic word and word stock[Answers](eighty) 10assimilated!2. Fwords words loans loan word stockV.1.The relationship is almost always arbitrary and conventional ana there is nological connection between sound and meaning.2.There are four major reasons.(1)The internal reason:the English alphabet wasadopted from the Romans,which have more phonemes than letters,so there is nota separate letter to represent each sound.(2)Pronunciation has changed morerapidly than spelling.(3)The spelling forms were changed by the early scribes to make theeir writing more recognizable.(4)Borrowing.3.There are mainly there criteria for may fall into:the basic word stock andnonbasic vocabulary by use frequency;content words and functional words by notion;native words and borrowed words by prigin.4.The basic word stock has five charecteristic:(1)all nationalcharacter,(2)stability,(3)productivi-ty,(4)polysemy,(5)productivity.)Chapter2 The Development Of the English Vocabularyof the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.It is assumed that the world has 3000 languages, which can be grouped intoroughly_______ language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.2. The following languages all belong to the Eastern set except_______ .3. In the Eastern set,Armenian and_______ are the sole modern languages in the two respective families.(language does not belong to the Italic.early inhabitants of the British Isles spoke_______ .Germanic speakers took permanent control of the land that was later called_______ (the land of Angles).English has a vocabulary of about 50000 to 60000 words,which is entirely Germanic with only a few borrowings from_______ and Scandinavian.·influx of French words into English did not occur until after_______ .the Middle English period,the three main dialects of the land were Northern, _______ and Midland.10. _______ is the chief ancestor of Modern English,not Southern.Norman Conquest started a continual flow of_______ words into English.*is an_______ dialect,as its name implies, and intelligible to Northerner and Southerners alike.number of_______ words that poured into English was unbelievably great and covered every realm of culture and society in the Middle English period.English regained social status in Middle English period,those imposer spoke French;those who were literate read and wrote _______ ;those who could educate their children taught them in _______ ;and any young man who sought to earn his living as a scribe learned_______ or_______ .;French;Latin;French ;French;French;English;French;Latin;French ;French;Greek;French…the early period of modern English,Europe saw a new upsurge in learning ancient Greek and Roman classic,which is known in history as the_______ .the beginning of the 20th century, particularly after World War II,although borrowing remains channel of English vocabulary expansion,more words are created by_______ .Anglo-Saxon in the Old English period was almost a “_______ ”language,which created new words from its own compound elements with few foreign words.one scholar notes,old English was characterized by “_______ endings”,Middle English by “leveled endings”,and Modern English by “_______ endings”.;lost ;full ;pure ;lost—English which was a_______ language has evolved to the present_______ language.;synthetic ;analytic;analytic ;syntheticall the foreign languages from which we have borrowed words,Latin ,Greek,French,and_______ stand out as the major contributors.the Pre-Anglo-Saxon period,the words borrowed naturally from reflected the new experience in_______ and _______ .;economy ;agriculture ;shrinethe Old English period,borrowings from Latin came in because of the introduction of Christianity,such as, _______ and _______ .…;candle ;sack ;shrine ;circlecenturies were especially prolific in Latin borrowingsunder the influence of Renaissance.and 13th and 14th and15th and 16thlate borrowings from Latin still retain their Latin of the following was borrowed in the Modern English periodB . Focusof the following does not come from Greekis from_______ and tatami is from_______ .:;African ;Japanese ;Turkish ;JapaneseEnglish vocabulary develops through_______ .,analogyand ,semantic and borrowing,archaisms,and semantic change,denizens and argotof the following contemporary English vocabulary is from the rapid growth of science and technologysuit belt jacketsScandinavian languages:Norwegian,Swedish,Danish,and Icelandic,constitute the_______ branch of the Germanic group.^archaic or_______ words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary though insignificant.II.Decide whether the following statements are true or false.( ) is more closed related to German than French.( ) languages refer to Icelandic,Norwegian,Danish,and Swedish( ) English was a highly infected language.( ) early Middle English period,English,Latin,and Celtic existed side by side. ( ) introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of Modern English period."( ) English is considered to be an analytic language.( ) four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin,French,Scandinavian and Italian.( ) modern times,borrowing brings less than percent of modern English vocabulary. ( ) three major factors that promote the growth of modern English vocabulary are advances in science and technology,influence of foreign cultures and languages. ( ) most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is creation of new words by means of word-formation.( ) English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.( ) English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings.the following terms.1.,2.the Indo-European Language Family3.Old English4.foreign elements5.creation6.semantic changefollowing answers should be clear and short1.Why did Middle become the chief ancestor of Modern English2.What are the characteristics of Modern English3.、4.What are the reasons for the growth of contemporary English vocabulary5.What are the general characteristics of the world-wide appeal of Englishand comment on the following.1.Soft drinks and minerals sold here.Tell what“soft drink” and “mineral” mean respectively and explain why they take on those meanings in modern American English.2.“Moon”was originally written as “moan”and the pronuncia tions of the twowords are different,too .Explain the reasons for the change in spelling and pronunciation.AnswersI./II.III.1.The Indo-European Language Family is made up of most languages of Europe,theNear East,and to the geographical distribution,these languages fall into ten principal groups,belonging to two sets,namely an Eastern set and a Western Eastern set consists of:Balto-Slavic,Indo-Iranian,AmericanandAlbanian; the Western set comprises:Celtic,Italic, Hellenic, Germanic, Hittite and Tocharian.2.Old English grew out of the Anglo-Saxon,which has a vocabulary of about 50000to 60000 vocabulary is almost monogamous and entirely Geomantic with only a few borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.3.English vocabulary owes most of its words to foreign words borrowed from otherlanguages are known as foreign elements in the English vocabulary.4.Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existingmaterials,namely roots,affixes and other modern times,this is the most important way of vocabularyexpansion.5.Semantic change refers to an old form whichtakes on a new meaning to meet thenew does not increase the number of word forms but create many new usage of the existing words.IV.1. There are several reasons:(1)The midland included London,which was then the capital of England,naturally the political,economical and cultural center.(2)Two great writers Wycliffe and Chaucer employed the Midland dialect in their writings.(3)Midland is an intermediate dialect,as its name implies,and intelligible to Northerners and Southerners alike,whereas these speakers could not often understand each other using their own dialects respectively.(4)When Caxton introduced the printing press in 1477, the printerspatronized theMidland dialect, and any English man who wanted to be published had to write in that dialect.2. Modern English has a huge vocabulary of different elements. Most of the words have actually been borrowed from other languages. Word endings are mostly lost with just a few exceptions.3. Generally there are three main sources of new words:the rapid development of modern science and technology;social,economic and political changes;the influenceof other cultures and languages.4. The more obvious and striking features are summed up as follows:(1)receptivity, adaptability and heterogeneity;(2)simplicity of inflection(3)relatively fixed word-order.V.1.(1) “soft drink” means “carbonated drinks” and “mineral” means “mineralwater” in present American English.(2)“soft drink” means “non-alcoholic beverage” and “mineral” means “ore”in British English, but these words no longer have such meanings in present British English.(3) American English has revived the old meaning of “soft drink” and that of“mineral”. This is because it is easy to understand and remember.2. (1) “Mona” is an early borrowed word but the original form did not conform to the English way of pronunciation and spelling.(2) In later development, the word became well assimilated into English languages.(3) At present “mona”is written as “moon”, conforming to the English way of pronunciation and spelling.。

Chapter11.What is the definition of a word?A word may be defined as a fundamental unit of speech and a minimum free form,with a unit of sound and meaning (both lexical and grammatical meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function.ment on the connection between sound of meaning.There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional. E.g. “woman” means “Frau”in German, “Femme” in French and “Funv” in Chinese. On the other hand, the same sound /rait/ can mean right, rite and write, though denoting different things, yet have the same sound.3.What is the difference between meaning and concept?A concept is the base of the meaning of a word. A word is used to label a concept.It acts as the symbol for that concept, usually referring to something in general, but not something in particular. When someone says “chair” to you, and you know it because you have the concept of chair in mind which shows the characteristics shared by all the objects you call chair. While the meaning of word referring two aspects: denotation and connotation. Denotation is the process by which the word refers to the referent like a “dog” is “canine quadruped”. And connotation refers to the emotional aspect of a word. In this way, “dog” is “friend, helper” etc.4.Analyze the following lexical groups and state through what languages they cameinto English.cake, knife, crop, egg, ill, husband Danishhonour, court, chivalry, heritage, literature, architecture Frenchcarouse, plunder, zinc dock, quarts, cobalt Germangenius, stratum, inertia, memorandum, formula, area Latinpedestal, cornice, cupola, sonata, fresco, colonnade Italianplaza, mulatto, embargo, armada, galleon, anchovy Spanishsultan, roc, yashmak, ghoul, harem, sheikh Arabicsampan, liche, ketchup, kaolin, loquat, typhoon Chinesesteppe, troika, commissar, intelligentsia, pogrom, czar Russiangeometry, gymnastics, tragedy, philology, prologue, myth GreekChapter21.Explain the following terms:morpheme: The morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into small forms. 1: nation; 2: national; 3: nationalize allomorph: an allomorph is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. e.g. the allomorphs –ion/tion/sion/ation are the positional variants of the same suffix; the inflectional morpheme –s has a number of allomorphs in different sound context like /s/ in books, /z/ in dogs, /iz/ in horses bound morpheme:The morphemes cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words. They are usually found in derived words.e.g. recollection (re+collect+ion), collect is free morpheme and re- and –ion arebound morphemesfree morpheme: the morphemes have complete meaning and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. e.g. cat, walktransparent words: words that consist of more than one morphemes and can be segmented into parts are called transparent words. e.g. workable (work-able), salesman (sales+man)opaque words: words that are formed by one content morpheme only and cannpt be analyzed into parts are called opaque words. e.g. glove, hand2.Explain the meanings of the prefixes in the following wordsa stir, -- in motion; in excited activitya whir, -- whirring(a-acting as a role of participle as a predictive)anti-Marketeer, -- an opponent of Great Britain’s entry into the European Common Marketanti-theatre, -- the theatre that lacks most of the traditional features of the theatre (oppose to something or an action/have no features of traditional things)de plane, -- get out of an airplane after it landsde nationalize, -- deprive…of national rights or status(de- to remove/to leave)dis ambiguate, -- rid… of ambiguitydis adapt, -- make … unable to adapt(dis- remove/on the contrary of something)eco cide, -- the destruction of the earth’s ecology through the uncontrolled use of pollutantseco catastrophe, -- a catastrophe resulting from the uncontrolled use of pollutants (eco- something or action related to ecology)meg ajet, -- a jet airplane larger and faster than a jumbo jet (a jet airplane with a passenger capacity of about 500 people and a freight capacity of about 200 tons) (meg- large, great)mini-budget, -- temporary budget(mini- miniature or minor)non-committed, -- not revealing one’s positionnon novel, -- lacking the usual characteristics of a conventional novel(non-not/lack of convention/sham)out smart, -- overcome by cunning or smartnessout headline, -- outshine…by making the headlines(out- outside/outward/better, greater, more than)super secret, -- top-secretsuper tax – an additional tax(super- above, over, beyond)3.Explain the meanngs of the suffixes in the following wordscine rama, -- a form of cinema film projected on a wide-curved screencircus ama, -- a large-scale show of acrobats, trained animal, clowns(-rama/ama – panorama/large-scale)merito crat – a member of a ruling class in society consisting of those who are most talented or have the highest intellectEuro crat– a staff member of the administrative commission of the European Common Market(-crat – participant/supporter)interview ee – a person who is interviewedconfer ee – a person who participates in a conferenceescap ee – a person who has escapedblackmail ee – a person who is blackmailed(-ee – initiator/the recipient of an action)racket eer – a person who obtains money illegallyrocket eer – an expert in roketrymarket eer – a person employed in marketing(-eer – one who operates, deals with something)second-guess er – a person who uses hindsight in criticizing or advising someone topsid er – a top-ranking person(-er – a person related to something/some action)anchorman ese – a style of language or diction used by an anchormanengineer ese – the sublanguage used by engineers and techniciansJohnson ese – a style of language used by Johnsoncabl ese -- a style of language peculiar to a telegram(-ese – belonging to/originating in)smok eteria – a cigarette, cigar and pipe storeroad ete r ia – roadside restaurant(-eteria – low-end/manage on a small scale)Chomsk ian – Chomsky’sWoolf ian – a style of language used by Virginia Woolf(-ian – belonging to/relating to; typical of/resembling)hawk ish -- warlikenarrow ish – somewhat narrow(-ish – like/relating to)consumer ism– an economic policy that emphasizes consumption, the theory or practice of protecting consumer’s interestsnuclear ism – emphasis on nuclear weapons as a deterrent to war or as a means of attaining political and social goals(-ism means doctrine or point of view)golf itis – addiction to or preoccupation with golfprofessor itis – obsession with the idea of becoming a professor(-itis – excessively obsessed with something)beat nik – one of the Beat Generationprotest nik – a person who protests against conventions and traditional values(-nik means a person who does or is connected with something)dope ster – a person who analyses or predicts trends as in politics or sportshuck ster – a person who is engaged in advertising, esp. for radio and television (-ster – a person who…)figure wise – in terms of figuresweather wise – in terms of weather, skilled in predicting weather(-wise – in terms of)4.make a semantic analysis of the relationship between noun attributes and the wordsthey qualifyanxiety neurosis—neurosis caused by anxietysoap suds—suds produced by soapmosquito net—net used for protection against mosquitoesfire squad—squad which prevents the spread of a firefertility site—site which induces fertilityinfluenza virus—virus which causes influenzabattle fatigue—fatigue caused by a battlebrick mason—a person who lays brick or stoneguest conductor—conductor who appears or performs on a program by special invitationinterceptor plane—a fast-climbing military airplane used in fighting off attacks by enemy planesejector seat—a seat designed to be ejected with its occupant from an airplane in an emergency, another expression for ejection seatdonor blood—donor’s bloodvoter enthusiasm—voters’ enthusiasmsurface vessel—vessel which moves on the surfacerecovery helicopter—helicopter used for getting back astronauts who have splashed downinvestment money—money set apart for investmentrejection slip—a form or note from a publisher, rejecting a work submitted for possible publicationexport reject—something that has been rejected by export standards5.paraphrase the underlined words in the following sentences1)Italian newspapers attack earthquake relief organization.=organization of relief work2)Britain is helping with a feasibility study for rice growing.=a study to determine the feasibility of a project or program3)Eight men were accused of gifts conspiracy.=the act of working together secretly to use gifts as bribes4)If the journals are not approved, the distribution of all future issues will be heldup for inspection by the smut hounds.=censors with eyes for porns6.Explain the term “conversion”. Pick out examples of conversion in the sentencesbelow to illustrate your explanation.Conversion: Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. These words are new only in a grammatical sense. The most productive is between nouns and verbs.1)So she believed me and doctored my battered face, pleased that she could beuseful.=applied medicine to2)The train was telescoped as a result of the collision=became shorter by crushing with one part sliding over another3)We cannot mandate a solution to inflation.=work out a solution by issuing an authoritative order4) A team of experts at Columbia is now cataloguing the tapes and indexing thetranscripts, which will be available for scholarly research.=making a catalogue of=making and index of5)There will be a repeat of this programme next week.=a rebroadcast6)Heart transplants began ten years ago. Why have British doctors done only foursince then?=instances of transplanting7)In his choice of diction he has a taste for the quaint and the picturesque.=something quaint=something picturesque8)The correspondent tried to get an interview with the condemned.=the person who has been convicted9)…he preferred moderns like Miro and Klee.=modern painters10)John has taken on some heavies before.=big shots11)The television drearies the ball game.=makes dreary12)The President was sketchiest in broad-brushing his goals in foreign policy.=describing in broad outlinement on the formation of the words given belowback formation—a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed affix. It is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation.donate←donation; helicopt←helicopter; automate←automation;spring-clean←spring-cleaning; pettifog←pettifogger; sight-read←sight-reading;enthuse←enthusiasm; chain-react←chain reaction8.Explain the formation of the following blends and translate them into Chineseblending—the word formation by combing parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.slurb: slum+suburb 城郊贫民区educrat: education+bureaucrat 教育机构的官员或代表Airveyor: air+conveyor 气压输送器Glideriter: glide+writer 滑写笔programmatic: program+automatic 能自动安排程序和计划的narcoma: narcotic+coma 用麻醉剂引起的昏睡slumlord: slum+landlord 贫民区房地产主slurch: slink+lurch 鬼鬼祟祟地徘徊reprography: reproduction+photography 原稿影印本mascon: mass+concentration 质量密集,指月球表面下层高密度物质的集中glassphalt: glass+asphalt 作铺路用的玻璃颗粒物peekture: peek+picture 色情影片9.Write out in full the following shortened wordsEEC=European Economic CommunityOPEC=Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesSLAM=supersonic low altitude missile; strategic low altitude mssileEDV AC=electronic discrete variable automatic computerGEM=ground effect machineNSC=National Security CouncilERDA=Energy Research and Development Administrationdyno=dynamic; aggro=aggressiveness; chute=parachute; pro=professional;memo=memorandum; fridge=refrigerator; narc=narcotic agent or detective;frag: fragmentation grenade; frat=fraternity10.Pick out all the shortenings from the following sentences and explain them inChinese1)Several super chains have the same headache problems. (supermarket 超级市场)2)Overall, I think the Feds have done a good job. (Federal Agencies 美国各联邦机构)3)The announcement that Vance was going to State was greeted with delight bysenior officials in the department. (the State Department 美国国务院)4)They resisted Defense contracts. (the Defense Department 美国国防部)5)It is the current Administration that has brought Ervin into full bloom as aliberation leader on the Hill. (Capitol Hill 美国国会)6)“All the resorts are controlled from Washington. The Penta—You know,” hewhispered. (the Pentagon 美国五角大楼,指美国国防部的办公大楼,泛指美国国防部)Chapter31.What does onomatopoeic motivation mean? Does it contradict the statement thatthere is no natural connection between sound and meaning?Onomatopoeic motivation means defining the principle of motivation by sound.Facts have proved this argument to be valid. Words that convey the same meaning have different phonological forms in different languages – (for example, English meat / mi:t /,Chinese ròu. Alternatively, the same phonological forms may convey different meanings - for example, sight, site, cite.)2.Give the words denoting sounds produced by the animals enumerated below:the ape gibber; the ass bray; the snake hiss; the horse neigh/snort; the duck quack;the pig squeal/grunt; the raven croak; the lark warble; the hound ; the lamb bleat;the mouse squeak; the dove coo; the cricket; the wolf; the puppy yelp; the thrush whistle; the tiger roar; the bull bellow; the eagle scream; the elephant; the fly buzz;the monkey; the kitten mew/purr; the frog croak; the owl hoot/screech; the ox3.What does semantic motivation mean?Semantic motivation means that motivation is based on semantic factors4.Give examples to show the difference between synecdoche and metonymy.Synecdoche means using a part for a whole an individual for a class, a material fora thing or the reverse of any of these. e.g. bread for food; Beijing for ChinaMetonymy is the device in which we name soothing by one of its attributes. e.g.crown for king; white house for the president.ment on the formation of the following italicized words by analogy:daymare←nightmare; off-the-job←on the job; Big Government←Big Brother;brawn drain (the emigration of laborers, athletes, etc. to countries that offer better jobs or opportunities)←brain drain (the emigration of scientists, scholars, etc. to countries that offer better jobs or opportunities); earthrise (a view of the earth from the moon or from a spacecraft orbiting about the moon, in which the earth seems tobe rising above the moon’s horizon) ←sunrise; Planetokhod (a vehicle designed by Soviet scientists for scientific exploration of the Planets), and Marokhod (a vehicle designed by Soviet scientists for scientific exploration on Mars) ←Lunokhod (a vehicle designed by Soviet scientists for scientific exploration on the lunar surface);daylighting←moonlighting; workaholic←alcoholic; out of a home, out of a society←out of a job; without-it←with-it (fashionably up-to-date)6.Match the scrambled clues with the names or terms given in the left-hand column.They are grouped by tens.Ishmael: outcast driven into the wildernessCirce: enchantress who turned Odysseus’men into swineAdonis: the beau ideal of masculine beauty (yes, beauty)Don Juan: No. I wolf in literature.Mrs. Grundy: self-appointed female policer of conventional proprieties, what Will Hays was to Hollywood.Munchausen: fertile, resourceful and ingenious liar on the grand scale.Thersites: champion grumbler and seditionist in the Greek camp before Troy.Tartuffe: worldly pseudo-pious hypocrite, supposedly satirizing JesuitsBumble: fussy, pompous, self-important small time dignitaryShylock: wanted his pound of flesh as penalty interest on loanPolonius: long-winded self-appointed Nestor, full of wise sawsBobadil: thrasonical soldier, captain or betterRodomontade: loud-mouthed ranting, from the speech habits of an Ariosto characterBraggadocio: fancy boasting, named from a character in the Faerie QueeneBabbitt: jovial Rotarian, apostle of business cultureFrankenstein: Doctor of that name who brought his robot monster to life (no the monster)Pecksniff: unctuous hypocrite, prating of benevolence; won’t give more than a quarterNestor: the wisest old Greek councilor at Troy; silver tonguedSinbad: the most famous sailor before PopeyeAli Baba: buddy of the forty thievesLothario: No.2 wolf in literatureChapter41.What is meant by binary analysis?It means componential analysis of a word attempting as far as possible to treat components in terms of binary opposites. e.g. between [Female] and [Male], [Animate] and [Inanimate] etc.2. a. Characterize the following lexical items, using the three binary semantic features:[+-Male], [+-Adult], [+-Human]man, [+Male], [+Adult], [+Human]woman, [-Male], [+Adult], [+Human]boy, [+Male], [-Adult], [+Human]girl, [-Male], [-Adult], [+Human]bullock, [+Male], [-Adult], [-Human]cow [-Male], [+Adult], [-Human]b. Characterize the following lexical items, using the six binary semantic features:[+-Animate], [+-Live], [+-Concrete], [+-Vegetative], [+-Trunked], [+-Leafed]tree, [-Animate], [+Live], [+Concrete], [+Vegetative], [+Trunked],pine, [-Animate], [+Live], [+Concrete], [+Vegetative], [+Trunked], [-Leafed]plant [-Animate], [+Live], [+Concrete], [+Vegetative], [+Trunked],3.Give examples to show the distinction between verbs in dynamic use and stativeuse.1)Dynamic verbs can appear in imperative sentences but stative ones cannot.Kick the ball!Persuade him to leave!X Own the house.X Resemble your father.2)Dynamic verbs may take the so-called progressive aspect but stative ones cannot.The girl is kicking the ball.The girl is persuading him to leave.X The patron is owning the house.X The girl is resembling her father.3)Dynamic verbs can appear in a number of embedded sentences in which stativeones cannot.I told the girl to kick the ball.I told the girl to persuade him to leave.X I told the girl to own the house.X I told the girl to resemble her father.Chapter 51.How have the following words become specialized in meaning?dialectics: argumentative reasoning by question and answer→Marxist theory based on the principle that an idea or an event is a unity of oppositesfable: any tale→a story made up to teach a lessonmyth: any kind of story→usually referring to one dealing with a god or semi-divine being in one of the mythologies of the world.stink: any odor→an unpleasant smellpraise: meant “set a value on something good or bad” →applies to something good predicament: any situation→a difficult situationhound: any dog→usually a hunting dogfruit: a product or something enjoyed→the ripened reproductive body of a seed planthangar: a shed→a shelter for aircraftgarage: any safe place→a building for housing carsvoyage: a trip or journey→a journey by sea or waterhospital: a place for shelter or entertainment of travellers→a health facility where patients receive treatmentteam: family or offspring→a cooperative unitarsenal: a house of industry→a building where arms are made or stored2.Trace the process of generalization of meaning of the words given below:scene: tent or covered place→the visual percept of a regionjournal: daily or a village law → any periodical publicationinoculate: “furnish with eyes or buds as in grafting” → graftingeconomy: “household management” →influence: “a flowing in” of some powerful substance form the stars to menpicture: something paintedvaccinate: “cows” → applies to any substance for preventive inoculationlayman: not a member of the clergy → a person who does not belong to a particular professionlarder: a storehouse for baconbribery: scraps 残羹剩饭, leavings 剩余物, lumps of bread given to beggars3.Analyze the process of radiation of the polysemic word “action”For a lawyer, “action” will naturally mean “legal action”; for the soldier it will meana military operation, without any need for a qualifying epithet4.How have the following words become degraded in meaning?villain: a man who worked on a farm →a wicked or evil personclown: a peasant or farmer →a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior wench: a country girl →a girl or young woman who worked as a servant or served people food or drink.caitiff: a variant captive →cowardly and despicable personsilly: happy → foolishcunning: learned →marked by skill in deceptioncounterfeit: to imitate/copy → to make a imitation of money, pictures, etc. in order to deceivelust: pleasure → a strong sexual desirelewd: not a member of the clergy → referring to sex in a rude and offensive way illicit: unallowed →contrary to or forbidden by law5.Describe the process of elevation of meaning of the following words:steward: the keeper or warden of the sty → one who manages or administers an establishmentmarshall: groom or horse-servant → a title of honorjanitor: a porter of door-keeper → a person whose job is to take care of a building.cathedral: seat → designate the seat or throne of a bishopshrewd: w icked/malicious → clever at understanding an making judgements abouta situationkeen: sharp/cutting → clevershrine: a box → a place where people come to worship because it is connected toa holy person or eventboudoir: a place to pout or sulk in →a lady's bedroom or private sitting roomdean: a leader of ten →a man who is the senior member of a groupnice: ignorant →pleasant or pleasing in nature or appearancebutler: bottle-servant →a manservant (usually the head servant of a household) who has charge of wines and the table6.What is meant by transference of meaning? Explain the meanings of the italicizedwords in the following sentences:1)To Kate, calculating and cold, the most important thing was power.shrewd or cunning, esp. in a selfish way2)They treated the captives with calculated cruelty.deliberately planned or intended3)The music was inspiring.arousing a feeling of power to do good4)He gave an inspired performance of the piano concerto.creative; outstanding5)His lecture was informative and stimulating.instructive; educational6)The success of English teaching depends on a teacher’s informed choice ofmethodology.intelligent (informed choice meaning the choice based on possession of much knowledge)Chapter61.expand: amplify (放大声音等); magnify (放大;扩大,【显微镜】); inflate (价格飞涨;通货膨胀); dilate (使膨胀My pupil dilated when you turn off the light.);distend (使膨胀His face has distended after being bitten by a mosquito.)contract (收缩,收减): compress (压缩The bags are much smaller after being compressed.); condense (压缩,精炼We condense all kinds of herbs into pill form.); deflate (放气,使缩小After a few days, the balloon deflates.); constrict (约束,妨碍The rope constricts her movement.); diminish (减少,降低This is terrible! Our profits are still diminishing. Why!)2.go forward: advance, progress, proceedgo backward: re cede, re treat, re tirego in: invade, penetrate, intrudego out: emerge, issue, discharge3.buoyancy,浮力elasticity, The elasticity of a material or substance is its ability to return to its original shape, size, and condition after it has been stretched. 弹性(物理)flexibility: easily bent or shaped, the quality of being adaptable or variablee.g. I was amazed at the elasticity of his little steel trout rod鳟鱼竿.We may capsize倾覆(特指船) but will not sink because the tanks under the seats provide plenty of buoyancy.4.duplicate 复制,使加倍impersonate 扮演,模仿e.g. He intended to steal a uniform and impersonate the local policeman.There is so much traffic that they will have to duplicate the railway line.5.crevasse (a large, deep crack in thick ice or rock); crevice (a narrow crack or gap,especially in a rock)incredible, incredulous怀疑的;不轻信的respectively, respectfullystationary固定的;静止的, stationery文具;信纸e.g. All the stationery we need for our work is supplied by the schoolYou should remember that the building is a war memorial and speak more respectfully.The car was stationary when it was struck by the railway engine.The explorer found himself suspended at the end of a rope far down in a crevasse.A pavilion and a swimming pool are to be built at the girls’ and boys’ schoolsrespectively.The number of careless drivers we saw was incredible.I have dropped some money into a crevice between these paving stones.They boy’s mother was incredulous when we told her of the success.6.Give some examples to distinguish between three different types of antonyms:contraries相对性反义词: wide—narrow, old—young, big—smallcomplementaries互补反义词: dead—alive, boy—girl, brother—sisterconversives换位反义词buy—sell, borrow—lend, give—receive7.antonyms:discrete离散的—grouped; dour阴沉的,严厉的,顽强的,不爱讲话的—gay, vilify诽谤,轻视—sing the praises of, polemic 好争论的—apologetic,concise简洁的—wordy, adroit—awkward, fortuitous偶然的意外的—designed, cogent强有力的—unconvincing, assuage平息;缓和;减轻—aggravate,recondite深奥的;隐藏的;默默无闻的—obviousjoyous—melancholy, tranquility宁静,平静—tumult骚动,disciple门徒,信徒—renegade叛徒, cajole—antagonize使敌对(protagonist主角)tenuous纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的—stoutChapter71.What is the difference between syntagmatic association and paradigmaticassociation?Words association can be handled in terms of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between words. Sets of elements which can be substituted one for another in a given context are said to be in paradigmatic relationship; elements which combine to form a larger unit are said to be in syntagmatic relationship.Take the following two sentences as an example to illustrate it:The cat is on the mat.The dog is on the mat.If we consider “The cat is on the mat”, we could talk of a syntagmatic relationbetween cat and mat; but if we compare this with “The dog is on the mat” we havea paradigmatic relation between cat and dog.2.What is meant by “mutual expectancy of words”?“mutual expectancy of words” is a expression proposed by Firth referring to co-occurrence which means the permitted syntagmatic combination of words. For instance, “ass” usually co-occur with the adjectives like “silly, stupid, awful” etc.as “You silly ass.”Chapter81.set in来了,到来A soft sea breeze set in at midnight.see through识破,看穿He is wise enough to see through all these fine pretensions.set aside留出;驳回,撤销;不顾He set aside all objections and granted (同意允许) my request.run out用完耗尽The land is cropped and not manured (施肥), it will run out.hold over 延期;以…威胁The judge said he would hold over your case until the next sitting of the court.hold up: remains stable, doesn't get worse, stays the sameIf the weather holds up, I suggest we go out on a picnic.fall through落空,失败As neither of us would give in, the bargain fell through.run away with轻易获得;偷走;同……私奔He lets his feelings run away with his judgement.put in for申请He meant to put in for a share of the profits.pull down摧毁,推翻,使下跌One is not sorry to see the proud pulled down.draw back拉开;收回;退却;使保持距离He will draw back from what he has promised. 他将不履行诺言。

Unit 11.主观题2. How did the Norman Conquest and the Renaissanceinfluence the English vocabulary ?The transitional period(转型时期) from Old English to Modern English is known as Middle English(ME ), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and culture matters, whichinfluenced English in daily life.The English language from 1500 to the present is calledModern English. In the early stage of this period theRenaissance(文艺复兴) brought great change to the vocabulary. The renewed(复兴的) study of Greek in the Renaissance not only led to the borrowing of Greek words indirectly through the medium(媒介) of Latin, but alsoled to the introduction of some Greek words directly intoEnglish vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words,(page 4~5)the causes for the rapid growth of neologisms(新词,旧词新意,新词的创造者/使用者) after World War Ⅱ. Give fourexamples for each cause.① marked progress of science and technology. Example: to blast off(炸掉,炸毁) ,to countdown ,capsule,launching pad② socio-economic(社会经济), political and cultural changes. Example:roller-hockey ,surfriding,skydiving(跳伞运动),disignated hitter③ the influence from other cultures and languages(page6~7)Example:cosmonaut ,discotheque(小舞厅,迪斯科舞厅),ombudsman (调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员), apartheid(种族隔离).are the fundamental features of the basic word stock(词库)of the English vocabulary ?(1). National character(全民通用性):Words of the basic word stock belong to the people as a whole, not to a limited group.(2). Stability(稳定性):As words in the basic word stock denote the commonest things necessary to life, they are likely toremain unchanged. However, a certain number of Old Englishwords have dropped out of the basic word stock, while new words have joined the rank of basic words, following social and technological changes.(3). Word-forming ability(构词):Basic words are very activein forming new words.(4). Ability to form collocations(搭配能力):Basic words combine readily with other words to form habitual expressionsand phrases.Since the great majority of the basic word stock are nativewords, they are naturally the ones used most frequently ineveryday speech and writing.(Page 10 paragraph 4 , 5 ,7 , 8 and Page 11 paragraph 2)5. What are the characteristics of the English vocabulary asa result of its historical development ?The historical development of English language shows that English is a heavy borrower; it has adopted words from almostevery known language, especially from Latin, French and Greek.(page 18.)do we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary?First, because the native words form the great majority of the basic word stock of the English language. And the basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over a number of epochs.Second, they make up the most familiar, most useful partof the English vocabulary. So we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary for its importance.(Page 10 paragraph 2, and Page 19 paragraph 2)do we mean by literary and common words ?(1) Common or popular words are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life. The great majority of English words are common words . The core of the common words is the basic word stock. They are stylistically (在文体上) neutral , and hence they are appropriate in both formal and informal writing and speech. (Page 11 paragraph 6)(2) Literary words are chiefly used in writing, especiallyin books written in a more elevated(升高的,提高的,崇高的) style, in official documents, or in formal speeches. They are comparatively seldom used in ordinaryconversation.(Page 12 paragraph 1)Chapter 2Q1:Explain the following terms and provide example:a.Morphemic 形位b.Allomorph 形位变体c.free and bound morphemicd. hybrid 混合词Morphemic: the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. Example: nation (page21 ,paragraph2, line 1)Allomorph: any of the variant forms of a morphemic as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. Example: books,pigs.( page22 , paragraph 3, line 4)Free morphemic: one that can be uttered alone with meaning. Example: man,read, faith (page23 , paragraph2, line 1 To2 ) Bound morphemic: cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance 表达; it must appear with at least one other morphemic. Example: unkind (page23 , paragraph2, line4)Hybrid: a word made up of elements form two or more different language. Example: goddess, rewrite.( page27 , paragraph2,line 4)Q2. What are the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes?P26页第4段开头 P29页第4自然段末尾Inflectional affixes (屈折词缀)are related to grammar only. Derivational affixes(派生词缀) are subdivided into prefixes and suffixes, which are related to the formation of new words. Roots, prefixes前缀 and suffixes后缀. are the building blocks with which words are formed.The number of derivational affixes, although limited, is muchlarger than that of inflectional affixes.Q3:In what two ways are derivational affixes 派生词缀classified? p26Derivational affixes are classified in prefixes 前缀and suffixes后缀.Q4:How a re words classified on the morphemic(语素的) level? P29 paragraph 5On the morphemic level, words can be classified into simple,complex and compound words(复合词).Chapter IIIⅠ Explain1、 (p32)Word-formation rules: The rules of word-formation define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words2、Root, stem and base. Analyze the word denationalized into root, base and stem.Denationalized①Root:nation②stem:denationalize③base:nationalizedⅡ Compounding1、What are the relative criteria of a compound?(p35-p36)①Orthographic criterion② Phonological criterion③ Semantic criterionⅢ Derivation1、What is derivation?(p42-p43)Derivation is a word- formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix, or suffix,or both to an already existing word.2、What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation?Prefixation is the addition of a prefixto the base. Prefixes modify the meaning of the base, but they do not generallyalter its word-class. Every prefix hasa specific meaning of its own; prefixesare therefore classified according totheir meanings.Suffixation refers to the addition of asuffix to the base. Suffixes frequently alter the word-class of the base. Therefore, suffixes are classified according to the class of word they form into noun-forming suffixes, verb-forming suffixes, etc(p66)3、How are the major living prefixes classified? Give a few examples to illustrate each kind.(P44) The major living prefixes are classified into the following eight categories by their meaning :1)negative prefixes (un- , non- , in- ,dis- , a- ). eg , unhappy ,nonhero ,injustice ,disadvantage , atypical )2) reversative or privative prefixes (un - , de - , dis -). eg , unwrap , decentralize ,disunite3) prejorative prefixes ( mis - , mal - , pseudo - ) .eg. mistrust , maltreat,pseudo-science4) prefixes of degree or size ( arch - , super - , out - , sub - , over - , under - , hyper - , ultra - , mini - ) eg, archbishop,supercurrent hyperactive, outlive , ultra-conservative5) prefixes of attitude ( co - , counter- , antic - , pro - ) eg, cooperation,anti-nuclear , pro-student ,counterpart6) locative prefixes ( super-, sub- ,inter- , trans- ) eg. Subarctic , superacid, transcode7) prefixes of time and order ( fore - ,pre - , post - , ex - , re - ) forehead , reconsider ,prereading , post-war8) number prefixes ( uni - / mono - , bi- / di - , multi - / poly -) multi-purpose , monocle , bi-media4、How can you form deverbal nouns, denominal nouns, deadjective verbs, and denominal adjectives by suffixation?(P50)answer:1)deverbal noun suffixes: verb-noun suffixes , such as –er in writer , -ee in employee, -ation in exploitation and –ment in development .2) denominal noun suffixes : noun –nounsuffixes , such as –hood in boyhood ,- ship in scholarship , - let in booklet , and –dom in stardom .3) deadjective verb suffixes : adjective –verb suffixes , such as –ify in simplify , - ize in modernize , and –en in quicken4) denominal adjective suffixes: noun –adjective suffixes, such as –full in helpful, -less in limitless, -y in silky and –ish in foolish.5、Give the meaning of the following words and analyze the structure of each word:(P51)answer: 1) a driver means a person who drives2) a lighter means a machine used for lightering3) a gardener means a person who garden4) a New Yorker means a person from New York5) a villager means inhabitant of village6) a diner is‘ a dining carriage on a train’7) a lifer is‘ slang. A person sentenced to imprisonment for life8) a dresser meansAnalyse : as for 1、2、3 ,affixed to averb ,the suffix forms agent nouns withthe meaning of ‘ one who performs an action ’ as for 4、5 , this affix may also be joined to the means of cities , countries , and to other place names .as for 6、7、8 colloquial and slangy .Ⅳ Conversion1、what is the difference betweenconversion(此类转化法) and suffixation (加后缀)?(P55 介绍conversion的第一段 ):Conversion is a word-formation processwhereby a word of a certain word-classis shifted into a word of anotherword-class without the addition of anaffix. It is also calledzero-derivation.. bottle (n. ) ---- bottle ( v. ), buy(v. ) ---- buy ( n.), tutor ( n. ) ----tutor ( v. )(例子也可以举其他的如attack)(P49 介绍Suffixation的第一段):Suffixation: It's the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or a combiningform to the base, and usually changingthe word-class of the n. + -ish -- boyish adj. boy n. +hood -- boyhood n.2、In a conversion pair, how can you determine which of the two is the baseand which the derived word(派生词)?(P56 中间三个例子)?The base is derivation by zero suffix. Spy –a deverbal noun without suffix,meaning one who spies.?The derived word is derivation bysuffixWirter---a deverbal noun with "-er" suffix,meaning one who writes3、Illustrate the axiom(原理),"The actual grammatical classification ofany word is pendent upon its use."(P57最后一段)Notice how the word-class of round varies in accordance with itsuse in the following sentence:. The second round(n)(回合)was exciting. Any round(adj)(圆的)plate will do.Some drivers round(v)(绕行)coners too rapidly.The sound goes round andround(phrase). (旋转)The above examples tell us a very important fact: because word order(词序) is more fixed in Modern English thanever before, the function shifts within sentence structures are possiblewithout causing any confusion inintelligibility(可懂度,可理解性).『这一段可不要』4、Why i s the conversion from noun to verb the most productive process of conversion?(58—59页)First in contemporary English, there is a tendency of “a preponderance of nouns aver verb”.Second, there are only a few verb-forming affixes in English. Theyare be-, en-, -ify, -ize and –en.5、What are the major semantic typesunder noun to verb conversion?(a)“to put in/on N”(b)“to give N, to provide N”(c)“to deprive of N; or to remove the object denoted by the noun fromsomething”(d)“To….with N”(e)“To{be/ act as}N with respectto…”(1)verbs from human nouns(2)verbs from animal nouns(3)verbs from inanimate nouns(f)“To {make/change}…into N”(g)“To {send/go}by N”(1)mail(2)bicycle(h)“To spend the period of time denoted by N”6、Why i s the poor an example of partialconversion?(62页)It is used as noun when preceded by the definite article; yet the converted noun takes on only some ofthe features of the noun; . It doesnot take plural and genitiveinflection, nor can it be preceded bydeterminers like a, this, my, etc.8、Pick out the converted words in thesentences below and state(1)theword-class of the converted words and their meanings; (2)to what word-class the base of each of theconverted words belongs:(1)They are going to summer i n Guilin.the converted word:summer(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:避暑;过夏天the base of the word of the word-class belongs: summer(n.)(2)They hurrahed his wonderful performance.the converted word: hurrah(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:欢呼,叫好,为----喝彩the base of the word of theword-class belongs: hurrah(n.)(3)You have to round your lips in order to make the sound/u:/.the converted word: round(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:弄圆,使---成圆形the base of the word of the word-class belongs: round(n.)(4)They are great sillies.the converted word: silly(n.)the word-class of it: conversion meaning:傻瓜the base of the word of the word-class belongs: silly(adj.)(5)She dusted the furniture every morning.the converted word: dust(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning: 拂去灰尘the base of the word of the word-class belongs: dust(n.)(6) It is a good buy.the converted word: buy(n.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:购买,买卖;所购的物品the base of the word of the word-class belongs: buy(v.)Chapter41. Initialism:Initialism is a type of shortening, using thefirst letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase;an initialism is pronounced letter by letter.2. Acronym:Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc.3. Blend:Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new w ord is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in itsfull form or both of which are not in their fullforms.4. Front and back clipping:The process of clipping involves the deletion of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form.Back clipping may occur at the end of the word.This is the most common type of clipping.Front clipping occurs at the beginning of theword.5. back-formation:Back-formation is a term used to refer to a typeof word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix froma longer form already present in the language.6. Reduplication:Reduplication is a minor type of word-formationby which a compound word is created by the repetition(1)of one word like go-go; (2)of twoalmost identical words with a change in the vowel’s such as ping-pong; (3)of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants, as in teenyweeny.Chapter Vare the sound and meaning of most words related? Give examples to illustrate your point. (P93)Most English words are conventional(常规的), arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic(内在的,固有的) relation between thesound-symbol and its sense.. house ( English)maison ( French)fangzi ( Chinese)dom ( Russian)casa ( Spanish)A more convincing evidence of the conventional and arbitrary nature of the connection between sound-symbol(声音符号)and meaning can also be illustrated by a set of homophones(同音异义词): write, right, and rite(仪式,礼拜式). They are pronounced the same but convey different meanings.do we mean by phonetic motivation? (P94和PPT)Words motivated phonetically are called echoic words(拟声词) or onomatopoeic words, whose pronunciation suggests the meaning. They show a close relation of name to sense whereas non-echoic words don’t show any such relationship.Onomatopoeic words(拟声词) can be divided into primary Onomatopoeia(直接拟声)and secondary Onomatopoeia(间接拟声).Primary Onomatopoeia means the imitation of sound by sound. Secondary Onomatopoeiameans that certain sounds and sound-sequences are associated with certain senses in an expressive relationship.a short poem or passage that shows the literary effect of onomatopoeic words. (P94倒数第二行)“The ice was here, the ice was there,The ice was all around;It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,Like noises in a swound!”is meant by grammatical meaning?(P96~97)Grammatical meaning(词法意义) consists of word-class (词类) and inflectional paradigm(词形变化)。

第一章1.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.2. V ocabulary refers to the sum total of all the words in a language. In other words, vocabulary is composed of words and words make up vocabulary. If we compare vocabulary to a family, words are family members.3. Sound is the physical aspect of a word and meaning is what the sound refers to. Sound and meaning are not intrinsically related and their collection is arbitrary and conventional. For example, tree/tri:/ means 树in English because the English-speaking people have agreed to do so just as Chinese people use/shù/(树) to refer to the same thing. This explains why people of different languages use different sounds to express the same concept. However, in the same languages, the same sound can denote different meanings, e.g. /rait/ can mean right, rite, and write.4. There are generally four major causes of the differences between sound and form.⑴There are more phonemes than letters in English, so there is no way to use one letter to represent one phoneme.⑵The stabilization of spelling by printing, which breaks the synchronized change of sound and spelling. ⑶influence of the work of scribes, who deliberately changed the spelling of words and ⑷borrowing, which introduces many words which are against English rules of pronunciation and spelling.5 .Early scribes changed the spelling of many words while copying things for others because the original spelling forms in cursive writing were difficult for people to recognize, such as sum, cum, wuman, munk and so on. Later, the letter u with vertical lines was replaced with o, resulting in the current spelling forms like some, come, woman, monk. The changed spelling forms are more distinguishable to readers.6. Words of the basic word stock form the common core of the English language. They are the words essential to native speakers’ daily communication. Such words are characterized by all national character, stability, polysemy, productivity and collocability.7. a. loose woman b. fellow c. pistol d. great e. cowardf. fightg. policeh. drunki. womanj. girl8. haply = perhaps albeit= althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke= alsosmooth= truth morn= morningtroth= pledge ere= beforequoth = said hallowed= holybillow= wave/ the sea bade= bid9. Neologisms refer to newly-coined words or old words with new meanings. For example, euro(欧元),e-book(电子书),SARS(非典), netizen (网民), are newly-coined words. Words like mouse(鼠标),web(网络),space shuttle(航天飞机) etc. are old words which have acquired new meanings.10. By notion, words fall into content words and functional words. Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverds and numerals, which have clear notions; whereas functional words are void of notions but are mainly used to connect content words into sentences. Content words are numerous and changing all the time, while functional words are small in number and stable. But functional words have much higher frequency in use than content words.11. Native words form a small portion of the English vocabulary, but they make up the mainstream of the basic word-stock which belongs to the common core of the English language. Compared with most loan-words, native words are mostly essential to native speakers’ daily communication and enjoy a much higher frequency in actual use.12. Denizens Aliens Translation loans Semantic loanskettle confrere chopsticks dreamdie pro patria black humourskirt parvenu long time no seewall Wunderkind typhoonhusband Mikado第二章1. The Indo-Europe Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of the languages of Europe , the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European Language Family have different degrees of influence on English vocabulary . A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2.Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic (Lithuanian,Prussian, Polish, Slavenian, Russian, Bulgarian) Indo-Iranian (Hindi, Perian)Celtic (Breton, Scottish, Irish)Italic(Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Roumanian)Hellenic(Greek)Germanic(English, Swedish, German, Norweigian, Icelangic, Danish, Dutch)3.The vocabularies of the three periods differ greatly from one anther. OldEnglish has (1) a small vocabulary (50 000—60 000), (2) a small number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian only and (3) the words full of endings. Middle English has (1) a comparatively large vocabulary, (2) a tremendous number of foreign words from French and Latin and (3) word endings leveled. Modern English has (1) a huge and heterogeneous vocabulary, (2) tremendous borrowings and (3) words with lost endings.Y es, we can divide the developments in other ways, for example, Old English period can be called Anglo-Saxon period. And Middle English might start from 1066, the time of Norman Conquest. But in doing so, the logical continuation of thee three phases of the original division is lost.4. It is receptivity and adaptability of the English language that make it possible for English to borrow heavily from other major languages of the world, so that the English vocabulary eventually has become heterogeneous.5. The popularity of English lies in the fact that English is ready to borrow from other languages and to adapt itself to new situations and new developments, that it has accepted elements from all other major languages and that it has simple reflection and a relatively fixed word order. All these make the language comparatively easy to learn and to use.6. course human events necessary peopledissolve political connected assume powersseparate equal station nature entitle decentrespect opinions requires declare causes impelseparationFrom the words picked out, we can see that most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What we left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.7. Latin borrowing can be divided into four phase: (1)Pre-Anglo-Saxon period,(2)Old English period, (3) middle English period and(4) Modern English period. Borrowings in the first period are mainly common words such as wall, wine, kettle and so on; words borrowed in the second period are mainly religious terms such as candle, nun, church; the third period saw word borrowed often via French such as frustrate, history, infancy and so on and in the forth period Words borrowed from Latin are usually abstract formal terms like status ,nucleus , minimum. 8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek +Latin ]Falsehood [Latin +English ] pacifist [Latin +Greek ]Saxophone [German +Greek ] heirloom [French +English ]Joss house [Portuguese +English ] television [Greek + Latin ]9. amateur (late) finace (late)Empire (late) peace (early)Courage (early) garage (late)Judgement (early) chair (early)Chaise (late) grace (early)Servant (early) routine (late)Jealous (early) savate (late)Genre (late) gender (early)Debut (late) morale (late)State (early) chez (late)Ballet (late)10. Jes persen’s comment reveals the importance of Scandinavian words in English. Just as people cannot live without bread and eggs, so English language cannot operate properly without Scandinavian words.11. allegro f . 轻快Alto i. 女低音Andante j 行板Crescendo b.渐强Diminuendo g. 渐弱Forte e.强Largo d.缓慢Piano h. 轻Pianoforte a.轻转慢Soprano c.女高音12. cherub(Hebrew)chipmunk(American Indian )Chocolate(Mexican ) coolie(Hindi)Cotton (Arabic) jubilee (Greek)Lasso (Spanish) loot (Hindi)Sabbath (Hebrew) shampoo (Hindi)Snorkel (German) tamale (Mexican)Tepee (American) tulip (Turkish)V oodoo (African) kibitz (German)Wok (Chinese) sauerbraten (German)13. a.alligator b.lococ.rodeod..bonanzae.igloof.blitzkriegg.wigwam h.canoei.hurricane j.boomerangk.poncho14. the characteristics of the contemporary vocabulary can be summarized as follows: (1) the vocabulary is huge in size and heterogeneous; (2) it has tremendous borrowings from all other major languages of the world; (3) the words have lost their endings; (4) it is growing swiftly by means of word-formation because of the development of science and technology, social, economic and political changes and influence of other cultures and languages.15. the major modes of vocabulary development of contemporary arecreation, that is by means of word-formation; semantic change, adding new meanings to old words; borrowing words from other language and revival of old-fashioned words, which has a insignificant role.第三章1.a.morpheme b.allomorphc.bound morphemed.free morphemee.affixf.inflectional affixg.derivational affix h.rooti.stem j.base2. inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end of words to denote grammatical concepts such as –s(-es), -ed, -ing and –est (to show superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are prefixes and suffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-, un-, -tion, -er, -ness and so on.Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts, including inflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words (prepositions, pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and Was; lexical morphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixes and suffixes3. Individualisticindividualist + ic [stem , base]individual + ist [stem, base ]individu + al [stem, base ]in + dividu [root, stem, base ]undesirablesun +desirable [stem, base ]desir + able [root, stem, base ]free morpheme =free root4. morpheme{Bound rootbound morpheme { inflectional affixaffix{ prefixderivational affix {suffix第四章Enumerate the three important means of word formation and explain their respective role in the expansion of English vocabulary.The three means of word formation are affixation ,which creates 30% to 40% of the total number of new words ;compounding ,which brings 28%to 30% of all the new words.;and conversion ,which provides English with 26% of the new words.Affixation1.Affixation,also called derivation,is the formation of new words by adding affixes to stems.Affixation Includes prefixation and suffixation according to the types of Affixes used to forms new words.2.Prefixation is to create new words by adding prefixes to base while suffixation makes new words by adding suffixes to base.3.Generally speaking,prefixes do not change part of speech of base but only modify their meaning whereas suffixes do change part of speech but seldom modify the meaning of bases.4.The best way to classify prefixes is on the basis of meaning because prefixes only change the meaning of bases in general.5. non-smoker incapable impractical disobey insecurity irrelevant immature inability/disability unofficially unwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernize memorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizeb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. to fattenf. falsify/hardeng. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompounding1. The three criteria are(1)stress pattern, that is, stress in a compound falls on the first element but on the second in a free phrase, e.g. '- -(compound), - ' -(free phrase);(2)meaning, that is, the meanings of a compound is usually not the combination of the meaning of thecomponent parts, but the free phrase is, e.g. hot line(compound: busy line),hot potato(free phrase: potato which is hot);(3)grammatical unity, that is, the different elements form a grammatical unit, which does not allow internal change, e.g. easy chair(compound: a special arm chair),easier chair(free phrase: a less easy chair).However, every rule has expectations. The same is true of the criteria. Three are examples against each of the three rules.2. heartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V.-er] baking powder [ adv+n.]far- reaching [Adv+v.-ing] dog-tired [adv + adj]lion-hearted [adv + n.-ed] love-sick [adv + adj]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ adj+ n]on-coming [adv+v] tax-free [adv +adj]light-blue [adj + adj] goings-on [V +adv]Whereas conversation is the derivation of new words by adding zero affixes, such as single(adj.)→single(v.).3. There are two ways to form verb compounds. For example, first name (v. from first name)and honeymoon (v. from honeymoon)are words created by means of conversion: words such as proofread (v. from proofreading)and chain-smoke (v. from chain smoker)are formed by means of backformation.4.well-bred 有教养的well-behaved 守规矩的culture-bound 含文化的homebound 回家的needle work 针织品homework 家庭作业praiseworthy 值得表扬的respectworthy 值得尊敬的bar-woman 吧女sportswoman 女运动员nationwide 全国的college-wide 全校的clear-minded 头脑清晰的strong-minded 意志坚强的military-style 军事风格的newstyle 新款self-control 自制self-respect 自尊budget-related 有预算的politics-related 与政治相关的water-proof 防水fire-proof 防火once-fashionable 曾经流行的once-powerful 曾经强大的news-film 新闻片news-letter 时事通讯mock-attack 演习mock-sadness 假悲伤sister-in-law 嫂/弟媳妇father-in-law 岳父/公公home-baked 自家烤的home-produced 自制的half-way 半途的/半路的half-done 半生不熟的ever-lasting 永久的ever-green 常青的age-conscious 年龄敏感的status-conscious 身份敏感的campus-based 以校园为基地的market-based 基于市场的Conversion1.conversion is the formation of new words by turning words of one partof speech to those of another part of speech. The term functional shift reveals the actual function of conversion,i.e.change of the functions of words.the term zero-derivation approaches conversion from the perspective of derivation because it is a way of deriving new words by adding zero affixes,hence zero derivation.2.Although both are called derivation ,suffixation is the derivation of new words by adding suffixes to bases,such as simple (adj.)→simplify(v.)G.modernizing h.sterilize7. a.employees b.politician c.participantsD.waitress e.conductor f.teacherG.pianist h.examinee,examiner8.trans-=across:transcontinental,trans-world9.Mono-=one:monorail,monoculture10.Super-=over,above:superstructure,supernatural11.Auto-=self:autobiography,automobile12.Sub-=below:subculture,subconscious13.Mal-=bad,badly:malpractice,malnutrition14.Mini-=little,small:minicrisis,miniwar15.Pre-=before:prehistorical,preelection16.Ex-=former:ex-teacher,ex-filmer3 The classes most frequently involved in conversation are nouns and verbs.4 V erbs converted to nouns usually are related to the original verbs in six different ways.The new nouns converted from verbs refer to (1)state of mind or sensation,e.g .desire(state of desiring); (2) event or activity ,e.g.swim (the activity of swimming );(3) result of the action,e.g. buy (the result of buying);(4) doer of the action,e.g.bore (the person whom bores); (5) tool or instrument ,e,g, paper (doing something with paper ) and (6) place,e.g. turn(the place of turning).Nouns converted to verbs are generally related to the original nouns in sever different ways . The new verbs usually mean (1) to put in or on the noun,e. g. peel (to remove the peel from );(4) to do with the noun,e.g. Shoulder (to do something with shoulder); (5) to be or act as the noun,e. g. tutor (to be the tutor) ;(6) to make or change into the noun, e.g. cash (7) to send or go by the noun ,e. g. ship (to send by ship).5.When adjectives are converted into nouns ,some are completely changed ,thus known as full conversation, and others are partially changed ,thus known as partial conversion.Adjectives which are fully converted can achieve a full noun status, i. e. having all the characteristics of nouns .That means they can take a / an shorts ,finals.Adjectives which are partially converted still keep adjective features.They should always be used with the ,and they cannot take -s/-esto show plural forms.Moreover ,the words can have comparative or superlative degrees: the poor ,the poorer ,the young, the very unfortunate.6.The changes occasionally involved are (1) change of spelling accompanied by pronunciation ,e. G. Life/laIf/→live/liv/ , breath /breɚ/→breathe /br i:ỏ/ and blood /blʌd/→ bleed / bli:d/ ;(2) change of pronunciation and stress ,e. g. use . n /ju :s / → use v. / ju:z / and permit n. /'p :mit/→ v. /p 'mit / and so on.7.a .stomach 【n.→v.】 b. Room 【n.→ v.】c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel)汽车旅馆humint (hum an + int elligence) 情报advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics) 广告统计学psywarrior (psy chological warrior) 心理战专家hoverport (hover craft + port) 气垫船码头chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) 海峡隧道hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) 高保真音响cinemactress (cinem a + actress) 女电影演员Clippingcopter (heli copter) front clippingdorm (dorm itory) back clippinglab (lab oratory) back clippingprefab (pref abricated house) phrase clippinggas (gas oline) back clippingprof (prof essor) back clippingscope (tele scope) front clippingchamp (champ ion) back clippingsarge (serge ant) back clippingmike (mic rophone) back clippingad (ad vertisement) back clippingtec (de tec tive) front and back clippingAcronymy1.Y es, there is a difference between them. The difference lies in theformation and pronunciation. Initialisms are formations pronounced letter by letter, e.g. UFO(unidentified flying object), BBC(B ritish B roadcasting C orporation), VIP(very important person) and acronyms are formed to conform to the rule of spelling and pronunciation, that is, the words look and sound like ordinary words, e.g. AIDS/eidz/(acquired immune deficiency syndrome), MAD(mutually assured destruction), radar(radio detecting and ranging).2. kg =k ilogram ft=f oot cf =c onfercm=c entimeter $=d ollar ibid = i bidemetc. = e t cetera VIP=v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC=O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountriesTOEFL=t est of E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SAL T b. radar c. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonar h. G-manBackformation1.It is true that both are means of making new words by removing theend part of the words . But they have differences . For aback-formed word , what is removed is the supposed suffix ,e.g.auth------author , donate------donation , loaf-----loafer , the forms–-or,--ion , --er coincide with the their suffixes . For back clipping , however , what is removed is usually different from the existingsuffixes ,e.g. ad------advertisement , gas-------gasoline ,exam------examination , etc.se (laser)escalate(escalator)Babysit (babysitter) peeve (peevish) Orate (orator) commute(commuter)Communization of proper namesa.Tantalize -------Tantalus : to tease or torment by keeping sth. wantedout of reachb.Argus-eyed--------Argus : to be extremely watchfulc.narcissim--------Narcissus : excessive admiration of oneself or one’sappearanced.sabotage-------Sabots : (1) to destroy or damage deliberately(2) deliberate damage ordestructione. martinet--------Martinet : strict /stern (military) trainerf . yahoo-------Y ahoo : a lout or ruffiang. Shylock--------Shylock : a ruthless money lenderh. hovering-------Hoover : cleaning by using a vacuum cleaner。

【Chapter 1】7.tart: loose woman bloke: fellowgat: pistol swell: greatchicken: coward blue: fightsmoky: police full: drunkdame: woman beaver: girl8. haply = perhaps albeit = althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke = alsosooth = truth morn = morningtroth = pledge ere = beforequoth = said hallowed = holybillow = wave/ the sea bade = bid12.Denizens Aliens Translation loans Semantic loanskettle die wall skirt husband confrerepro patriaWunderkindmikadoparvenuchopsticktyphoonblack humourlong time no seedream【Chapter 4】Affixation5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. fattenf. falsifyg. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompoundingheartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V] baking powder [ V +adv]far- reaching [V + Adv] dog-tired [adv + a]lion-hearted [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ a + n]on-coming [V +adv] tax-free [adv +a]light-blue [a + a] goings-on [V +adv]4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bound/homeboundneedle work/homework praiseworthy/respectworthybar-woman/sportswoman nation-wide/college-wideclear-minded/strong-minded military-style/newstyleself-control/self-respect budget-related/politics-relatedwater-proof/fire-proof once-fashionable/once-powerfulnews-film/news-letter mock-attack/mock-sadnesssister-in-law/father-in-law home-baked/home-producedhalf-way/half-done ever-lasting/ever-greenage-conscious/status-conscious campus-based/market-basedConversion7. a. stomach [n → v] b. room [n → v]c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. fam iliar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel)humint (hum an + int elligence) advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics) psywarrior (psy chological warrior) hoverport (hover craft + port) chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) cinemactress (cinem a + actress) Clippingcopter (heli copter) dorm (dorm itory)lab (lab oratory) prefab (pref abricated house)gas (gas oline) prof (prof essor)scope (tele scope) champ (champ ion)sarge (serge ant) mike (mic rophone)ad (ad vertisement) tec (de tec tive)Acronymy2. kg = k ilo g ram ft = f oo t cf = c on f ercm = c enti m eter $ = dollaribid = ibid em etc. = et c eteraVIP = v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC = O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountriesTOEFL = t eaching o f E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SALT b. radar c. AIDS d. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-man Backformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa. tantalize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyed—Argusc. narcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage—sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hoovering—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Uncle Tommism—Uncle Tom6. apes—b birds—acattle—m cricket—ndoves—c foxes—jgeese—k sheep—fwolves—g monkeys—epigs—l hyenas—hturkeys—d swans—i9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear power might have allthe positive associations with “atomic”, such as “benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery, science,knowledge”, etc.10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative)fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive)mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)11.No Appreciative Neutral Pejorative1 particular fastidious/fussy2 critical fault-finding/picky3 style/vogue fad4 artful cunning/sly5 unstable fickle/capricious6 developing underdeveloped/ backward7 encourage/ promote instigate8 group clique/gang14. bull [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]cow [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]calf [-HUMAN +MALE -ADULT +BOVINE]rooster [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]hen [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]chicken [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]-HUMANbull cow calf +BOVINErooster hen chicken +GALLINE+MALE -MALE +ADULTPolysemy4.a piece of timbertabledining table council tablefood served at the table; meal supplied by the week or monthcouncilors;committee;directors of acompany boardHomonymy4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “haveenough money for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair ofhomonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.)( 2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3) arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took off his legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “laid down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3. avaricious: greedycourteously: politelyemancipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedremainder: residueinnocent: sinlessobstacle: obstructionvexation: annoyance5. a. identifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishment j. silentk. impressive l. evaporate6. run move spinturn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-gee c. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficientg. fatigued, children h. tired, kidsi. declined j. refused k. rancidl. addled m. Penalties n. fineso. rebuked p. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. stingy/ selfish h. simplef. significant/sensible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. smoothj. slipshod/ slovenly/ sloppyk. sleepiness/ sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashioned b. completelyc. moistured. speciale. essentialf. similarityg. innocent h. rigidi. loosen j. clarityk. deserted l. fruitfulm. peremptory n. depressedo. indifferent7. a. feed—starve, cold-fever b. wisdom—folliesc. haste—leisured. penny—pound, wise—foolishe. speech—silencef. absence—presenceg. admonish—praise i. wise men—foolsh. young—old private—public saint—devilj. mind—body k. foul—fairl. danger—security m. deliberate--promptn. children—parents o. bully—cowardp. head—tail8.right—wrong single—returndry—sweet hard—easystrong—faint rough—calmlight —dark cold —warm high —low/deep Hyponymy3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solid meat: pork, beef, mutton go: run, fly, walk 4. profession workplacesurgeon: clinic, hospital plumber: house, building lawyer: office, law courts mechanic: garage photographer: studio foreman: worksite, factory5.6. In Sentence 1, got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are general and convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago , which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1. In 3, it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4, which can be described as subordinates. Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed . The difference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms , none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse . Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and others are subordinates. These terms have no difference in style or affective meaning.BEDROOM mattress dressing gownclothes pyjamas carpetrug mirror comb hairbrush pillows sheetsblanketsleepersdressing tablewardrob bed4. 1) extension 2) extension3) narrowing 4) degradation5) elevation 6) narrowing7) extension 8) extension9) narrowing 10) elevation11) narrowing 12) degradation13) degradation 14) degradation5. a. associated transferb. abstract to concretec. abstract to concreted. abstract to concretee. abstract to concretef. abstract of concreteg. associated transferh. associated transferi. synesthesiaj. synesthesia6. a. objective b. subjective, objectivec. objectived. subjectivee. subjectivef. subjectiveg. subjective h. subjective, objective7. a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policemang. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toilet j. fat personk. unemployed mother2. a. to repairb. measurement and determination of one’s positionc. predicamentd. injectiona. a single complete dividing part (of a rocket)b. the theatre or acting as a professionc. a particular point or period in a process of developmentd. to plan, arrange and carry outa. interchange and discussion of ideas, esp. for mutual understanding orharmonyb. conversationc. a written conversation (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymb. explanation/ definitionc. antonymd. examplee. relevant detailsf. relevant detailsg. relevant details4. a. stop people drinkingstop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stonesc. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visitingpaying a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane’s weddingf. a weapon that can fly over long distance and that it explodes when it h its thething it aims atan object that is thrown at somebody in order to hurt him6. a—2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f—8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. stand out againstb. approve ofc. get … over withd. looking intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut down …to8. a cool cat = a really calm personblow one's stack = lose control over oneselffly off the handle = become excessively angrywhat's more = furthermoreget away with = commit an illegitimate act without penaltyof course = naturallyget on = get oldpepper and salt = grey (hair)make up for = compensate forlost time = time wastedtake it easy = relax, not worryget up = rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of = manage or look afterlike a breeze = without effort or easilytime off = time for restget it made = be successfulthis is it = be in a position or place, or have possession of an objectbeyond which more of the same is unnecessarySam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks…Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is beginning to turn grey, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early.He manages his frankfurter dispensary without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. “Well, it's the old story of the stitch in t ime,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard saying: “Too many cooks,better let me.”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discerning his finger still very large in every pie— so much so that there often seemed less pie than finger.have a finger in the pied. I’m thinking of putting up a “Silence is golden” placard in his office. Nobody can hearthemselves think.Speech is silver, silence is golden.e. They four had one likeness: their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in themiddle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them extensively nevertheless, together with other equally suspect evidence,because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make his bricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather wheeling and dealingwaifs and strays town and gowntop and tail time after timerules and regulations rise and fallrags and tatters puff and blowpick and shovel peace and quietover and above one and onlyoff and on neck and neckshoulder to shoulder moan and groanmilk and water man and beast11. a. 好奇伤身。

《英语词汇学教程》参考答案Chapter 1 1. 1. The The three three definitions definitions agree agree that that lexicology lexicology studies studies words. words. Y et, Y et, they they have have different different focuses. focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions use different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon. 2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door. (2) You boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o ‘clock. (3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting. 3. (1) w hen it follows ‗when it follows ‗-t‘ and ‗-d‘, it is pronounced as [id]; (2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t]; (3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d]. 4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of ―tree treeǁǁ. (2)They represent the forms of the verb ―fly flyǁǁ and have a common meaning. (3)They belong to a lexical field of ‗telephone communication ‘. (4)They (4)They are are synonyms, synonyms, related related to to human human visual visual perception. perception. Specifically, Specifically, they they denote denote various various kinds of ―looking lookingǁǁ. 5. (a) ‗blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black) ; ‗blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in colour (the primary stress in on black); ‗greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black), ‗White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). 0 (b) black ‗board: any board which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); black ‗bird: bird: any any bird bird which which is is black black in in colour colour (both (both words words receive receive primary primary stress); stress); grey grey ‗‗hound: hound: any any hound that is grey in colour (both words receive primary stress); ‗white ‗house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress). 6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words. 7. (a) The ‗bull bull‘‘ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal. (b) ‗Take the bull by the horn ‘ is an idiom, meaning ‗(having the courage to) deal with someone or something directly. (c) (c) ‗‗Like Like a a bull bull in in a a china china shop shop‘‘ is is an an idiom, idiom, meaning meaning doing doing something something with with too too much much enthusiasm or too quickly or carelessly in a way that may damage things or upset someone. (d) A ‗bull market ‘ is one where prices rise fast because there is a lot of buying of shares in anticipation of profits. 8. cup, mug, glass, tumbler, tankard, goblet, bowl, beaker, wineglass, beer glass, sherry glass They can be organized in a number of ways, for example, by the drinks the vessel is used for. Non-alcoholic: glass, tumbler, cup, mug, beaker, bowl Beer: beer glass, tankard Wine: wineglass, goblet Spirits: sherry glass Chapter 2 1. Lexeme is an abstract linguistic unit with different variants, for example, sing as against sang, sung. Morpheme is the ultimate grammatical constituent, the smallest meaningful unit of language. For example, m oralizers moralizers is an English word composed of four morphemes: moral +lize +er +s . Any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance is called a morph, such as cat, chair , -ing, -s , etc. , etc. Allomorphs are the alternate phonetic forms of the same morpheme, for example, [t], [d] and [id] are allomorphs of the past tense morpheme in English. 2. quick-ly, down-stair-s, four-th, poison-ous, weak-en, world-wide, inter-nation-al-ly, in-ject, pro-trude 3. island, surname, disclose, duckling, cranberry, reading, poets, flavourfulness, famous, subvert 4. (a) [ ə] (b)[ -ai] 5. (1) –‗–‗s, -s (2) -est, -s (3) –ing (4) –ed 6. The connotations are as follows: (1) slang, carrying the connotation of reluctance, (2)informal, carrying the connotation that the speaker speaker is is speaking speaking to to a a child, child, (3) (3) beastie beastie is is used used to to a a small small animal animal in in Scotland, Scotland, carrying carrying the the connotation of disgust, (4) carrying the connotation of formalness, (5) carrying the connotation of light-heartedness. 7. { -əm; ~- n; ~- n; ~-i: ~-s; ~-z; ~-iz} 8. court: polysemy dart: polysemy fleet: homonymy jam: homonymy pad: homonymy steep: homonymy stem: homonymy stuff: polysemy watch: polysemy 9. (1)(1)——(f), (2)(2)——(g), (3)(3)——(c), (4)(4)——(e), (5)(5)——(a), (6)(6)——(d), (7)(7)——(b) 10.(1) unpractical (2) break (3) impractical (4) rout (5) pedals (6) Route(7) raze Chapter 3 1. The history of English can be divided into four periods: the Old, Middle, Early middle and Modern English periods. In Old English period, there is a frequent use of coinages known as ‗kennings kennings‘‘, which refers to to vivid vivid figurative figurative descriptions descriptions often often involving involving compounds. compounds. The The absence absence of of a a wide-ranging wide-ranging vocabulary vocabulary of of loanwords loanwords force force people people to to rely rely more more on on word-formation word-formation processes processes based based on on native elements. The latter period of Old English was characterized by the introduction of a number number of of ‗‗loan loan translations translations‘‘. . Grammatical Grammatical relationships relationships in in Old Old English English were were expressed expressed by by the use of inflectional endings. And Old English is believed to contain about 24,000 different lexical items. In In Middle Middle English English period, period, English English grammar grammar and and vocabulary vocabulary changed changed greatly. greatly. In In grammar, grammar, English English changed changed from from a a highly highly inflected inflected language language to to an an analytic analytic language. language. In In vocabulary vocabulary English was characterized by the loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the addition of thousands of words from French and Latin. In In Early Early Modern Modern English English period, period, English English vocabulary vocabulary grew grew very very fast fast through through extensive extensive borrowing and expansion of word-formation patterns. And there were a great many semantic changes, as old words acquire new meanings. Modern Modern English English is is characterized characterized with with three three main main features features of of unprecedented unprecedented growth growth of of scientific vocabulary, the assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language, and the emergence of other varieties known as ‗New Englishes ‘. 2. appeareth appeareth in in (a) (a) becomes becomes appeared appeared in in (b), (b), and and dreame dreame becomes becomes dream. dream. The The passive passive were were departed departed becomes becomes the the active active had had gone. gone. With With the the change change of of word word forms, forms, (b) (b) looks looks simple simple morphologically. 3. barf: American slang kerchief: French mutton: French cadaver: Latin goober: Kongo leviathan: Latin ginseng: Chinese taffy: North American kimono: Japanese whisky: Irish caddy: Malay sphere: Latin algebra: Arabic giraffe: African 4. train: train: meaning meaning changed changed from from the the trailing trailing part part of of a a gown gown to to a a wide wide range range of of extended extended meanings. deer: meaning narrowed from ‗beast ‘ or ‗animal ‘ to ‗a particular kind of animal ‘knight: meaning ameliorated from ‗boy, manservant ’ to ‗a man in the UK who has been given an honor of knighthood ‘meat: meaning narrowed down from ‗food ‘ to ‗the edible flesh of animals and the edible part of fruit ‘. hose: meaning extended from ‗leg covering ‘ to ‗a long tube for carrying water ‘. 5. sell: specialized hound: specialized starve: specialized wife: specialized loaf: specialized 6. American English British English Fall Autumn candy sweet corn Maize semester term apartment flat Dresser Dressing table Street car Tram car Chapter 4 1. read+-i+-ness dis-+courage+-ing kind+heart+-ed un-+doubt+-ed+-ly stock+room+-s pre-+pack+-age+-ed 2. book: books(n.); books(v.), booking, booked forget: forgets, forgot, forgotten short: shortter, shortest snap: snaps, snapping, snapped take: takes, taking, took, taken goose: geese heavy: heavier, heaviest 3. –ish: meaning ‗having the nature of , like ‘de-: meaning ‗the opposite of ‘-ify: meaning ‗make, become ‘-dom: means ‗the state of ‘il-(im-/in-): meaning ‗the opposite of, not ‘-able: meaning ‗that can or must be ‘ mis-: meaning ‗wrongly or badly ‘-sion(-tion):meaning ‗the state/process of ‘pre-: meaning ‗prior to ‘-ment: meaning ‗the action of ‘re-: meaning ‗again again‘‘under-: meaning ‗not enough ‘-al: meaning ‗the process or state of ‘4. a. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N ǁ structure, in which adjectives are are used used to to modify modify nouns nouns ‗‗line, line, line, line, neck, neck, room room‘‘. . Hotline Hotline means means ‗‗a telephone telephone number number that that people people can can call call for for information information‘‘. . Mainline Mainline means means ‗‗an an important important railway railway line line between between two two cities cities‘‘. Redneck means ‗a person from the southern US ‘. Darkroom means ‗a room with very little in it, used for developing photographs ‘. b. b. They They are are endocentric endocentric compounds. compounds. They They have have the the ――N N + + N ‘ structure. structure. Bookshelf Bookshelf means means ‗‗a shelf for keeping books ‘. Breadbasket means ‗a container for serving bread ‘. Mailbox means ‗a a box box for for putting putting letters letters in in when when they they delivered delivered to to a a house house‘‘. . Wineglass Wineglass means means ‗‗a a glass glass for for drinking wine ‘. c. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N ‘ structure. Letterhead means ‗the head of a letter (i.e. the name and address of an organization printed at the top of a letter)‘. Roadside means ‗the area at the side of a road ‘. Keyhole means ‗the hole in a lock for putting the key in ‘. Hilltop means ‗the top of a hill ‘. d. They are exocentric compounds. Dropout means ‗a person who leaves school before they have finished their studies. Go-between means ‗a person who takes messages between people ‘. Turnout means ‗the number of people who come to an event event‘‘. Standby means ‗a person or thing that can always be used if needed ‘. e. e. They They are are endocentric endocentric compounds. compounds. They They have have the the ――Adj Adj + + N-ed N-edǁǁ structure, structure, in in which which adjectives are used to modify the N-ed. f. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + Adj ǁ structure, meaning As Adj As N. 5. in-: not, the opposite of en-: to put into the condition of dis-: not, the opposite of un-: not, the opposite of inter-: between, among mis-: wrongly or badly over-: too much re-: again post-: after 6. a. a young dog; piglet b. a female editor; hostess c. a place for booking tickets; refinery d. one who is kicked; trainee e. the state of being put up; output 7. unbelievable: un- (prefix), -able (suffix) inexhaustible: in- (prefix), -ible(suffix) multinational: multi (prefix)-, -al(suffix) teleshopping: tele- (prefix), -ing (suffix) 8. a. Initialism b. Blending c. Compounding d. conversion 9. a. compounding, affixation b. compounding, affixation c. compounding, shortening d. compounding, affixation 10. a. consumable, comprehensible, exchangeable, permissible b. absorbent, assistant, different, participant c. constructor, liar, beggar, editor, developer d. elementary, stationary, brewery, mockery Chapter 5 1. (a) connotation (b) formality (c) dialect (d) connotation 2. water rainwater, brine, tap water, mineral water, spring water, purified water, aerated water, ………….. .. 3. (a) keeping (b) feeling of admiration or respect 4. (a) hyponymy (b) meronymy 5. (a) light beer, strong beer (b) heavy coffee, strong coffee, weak coffee 6. amateur —dabbler, funny funny——ridiculous, occupation occupation——profession, small small——little, famous famous——renowned, fiction fiction——fable, smell smell——scent 7. These words refer to different kinds of pictures or diagrams. Drawing: picture or diagram made with a pen, pencil, or crayon. Cartoon refers to ‗an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine ‘. Diagram Diagram refers refers to to a a simple simple drawing drawing using using lines lines to to explain explain where where something something is, is, how how something something works, etc. Illustration refers to a drawing or picture in a book, magazine etc. to explain something. Sketch refers to a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details. 8.(a) gradable (b) non-gradable, reversive (c) gradable (d) non-gradable, reversive (e) gradable (f) non-gradable 9.(a) antonym (b) hyponymy (c) antonym (d) synonymy (e) meronymy Chapter 6 1. 1) literal expression 2) idiom 3) literal expression 4) idiom 5) idiom 6) literal expression 2. 1) die 2) something that makes a place less attractive 3) suddenly realize or understand something 4) make one‘s friends disappoint 5) continue to argue something that has already been decided and is not important 6) react quickly so as to get an advantage 3. 1) gradually reduce the amount of time, money, etc. 2) give support and encouragement to someone in a game, competition, etc 3) give something to the person it belongs to 4) annoy 5) fail because a part is weak or incorrect 6) try to find out the facts about something 7) live under the rule of someone 8) talk to someone in order to find out his opinions, ideas, feelings etc. 9) give someone a warning or secret information about something Chapter 7 1.General dictionaries include all of the elements of a lexicon, including meanings, pronunciations, usages, and histories of the words of their language. Specialized dictionaries are restricted to one variety or to one type of entryword. 2.They are different in that different media are used. Print dictionaries do not use electric power and can be used in all kinds of light. Electronic dictionaries are easy to carry. . 3.Open to discussion. 4.Open to discussion. 5.(a) symbolise is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or (b) symbol of sth is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in situation; symbol for sth is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in science, mathematics and music (a)/sim/sim‘‘bɔlik/ and /sim‘ba:lik/ (b)represent (c)2 (d)Yes. We know that form the label [VN] and the examples. Chapter 8 1.vertically challenged—short sanitation engineer—garbage collector women‘‘s toilet ladies‘‘ cloak room—womenethnic cleansing--genocide ladies2.(1)They differ in connotation. Politician implies disapproval while statesman implies approval. (2)They differ in connotation. Inexpensive sounds indirect. implies approval. (3) They differ in connotation. flatter implies disapproval, while praise i mplies approval. scholar is neutral. (4) They differ in connotation. pedant implies disapproval, s cholar3.(1) buttocks — buns (2) nonsense — bullshit (3) prison — can (4) cocaine — coke 4.(a).Turn off the lights, please.(b) Would you please turn off the lights? 5. Answers vary from person to person. 6. (1) on a formal occasion. (2) when the speaker is seeing a friend off (3) when the speaker is angry and wants the addressee to leave (4) when the speaker is talking with a close friend. 7. gateway, firewall, virus, bookmark, address, DOS, cyberspace, profiler, browser, login 8. They differ in the terms they used, as they are different jargons. Chapter 9 1. knife: an object with a sharp blade for cutting things clothes: things we wear to keep our bodies warm; building: a structure made of a strong material, having roof, walls, windows, and doors 2. She attacked every weak point in my argument. He withdrew his offensive remarks. I hit back at his criticism. She produced several illustrations to buttress her argument. I braced myself for the onslaught. 3. The suffix–ee is typically attached to a verb meaning ‗one who is the object of the verb ‘. This meaning meaning is is considered considered as as the the core core meaning meaning of of the the form. form. So, So, trainee means means ‗‗one one who who is is being being trained ‘. But the background knowledge associated with the verb may modulate the meaning of the suffix. Suffix –ee in standee moves away from the core meaning and is deprived of the ‗object ‘ meaning. So ‗standee ‘ means ‗one who stands ‘. 4. 4. In In ‗‗good good baby baby ‘, , ‗‗good ‘ means means ‗‗well-behaved, well-behaved, not not causing causing trouble trouble ‘; ; in in ‗‗good good parent parent ‘, , ‗‗good ‘ means ‗kind, generous, considerate, etc .‘5. (1) is used to show sad feelings while (2) is used as an apology. 。

英语词汇学课本习题答案Unit 1Check Y our UnderstandingState whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.a. Fb. Fc. Fd. Fe. TIn-Class Activities1. The word ―wor d‖is diverse in terms of its meaning. Consider its usages in the following contexts:a. May I say a word about that?b. Actions speak louder than words.c. She has kept her word.d. Finally the general gave the word to retreat.e. Let me know if you get word of my wife.f. Word has it they‘re divorcing.ASK:(1) What does ―word‖ mean in each of the contexts?a. Something he would talk aboutb. things that are said, contrasted with things that are donec. the promise one has maded. spoken command or signale. informationf. piece of news; message(2) Do you know of any other usages the word ―word‖ has?2.ASK:(1) Can you summarize the five criteria introduced by David Crystal here?Potential pause :The pause , which happens when you say a sentence, will tend to fallbetween words, and not within words.Indivisibility: The extra items will be added between the words and not within them.Minimal free forms: the smallest units of speech that can meaningfully stand on their own. Phonetic boundaries: It issometimes possible to tell from the sound of a word where it begins or ends.Semantic units: each word in a sentence has a clear meaning.(2) Do you think these criteria are questionable in any way? Can they be applied to theidentification of zi, the rough Chinese equivalent of the English ―word‖?No, as the above analysis explained. No , they cannot. For example, 流连and 蹒跚,they are danchuci(单纯词) which cannot be analyzed independently.3.ASK:(1) Suppose we want to know what are the ten most frequently used English words. What are they, as far as you can tell? How about Chinese?The, of ,to, and, a, in, is, it, you, that的、⼀、是、在、了、不、和、有、⼤、着(2) Are there any similarities and differences between the ten most frequently used words inEnglish and those in Chinese?They are basically functional words. Both have possessive word,(of, 的) number words(a,⼀), copula words(is, 是), conjunctions(and, 和) and localizers(in, 在).; English has the definite article the and several pronouns, you , that and it which are absent in Chinese.4. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, there is no intrinsic relation between the form of a word and what it stands for. In other words, words are arbitrary (i.e. not motivated) in terms of meaning designation. However, there seem to be abundant cases in natural languages that defy this generalization. For example, onomatopoeic words seem to exist in all the languages known to us. To a lesser degree, the meaning of some words can be partly deduced from their components. For example, ―sl-― is highly suggestive of the meaning of the words that contain it, such as ―slide‖, ―slip‖, and ―slush‖. ASK:(1)Babble, bang, grunt, splash; 噼啪、嗡嗡、滴滴哒、吱嘎吱No, these words are only a small part of English or Chinese vocabulary(2)Football and handball concern the body part which take the ball from one place to another, and basketball is named after a basket into which the ball is put in the begging stage of the game. (3)People have bodily embedded knowledge to infer these motivations of such usage. The first example concerns the metaphor and second metonymy(4) Do you know other types of words or usages that are motivated in one way or another?Some figurative usages are also highly motivated. For example: Necessity is the mother of invention.5. British English (BE for short) and American English (AE for short) are two major varieties of the English language.Though they have fundamental similarities in terms of grammar and vocabulary, they also differ substantially in many ways. On the vocabulary level, several distinct distinctions are found. First, there are differences in the pronunciation of some words, mostly in the vowel sounds, as illustrated in the following table:Some consonants are also pronounced differently. Particularly, in BE,the letter r before a consonant is not pronounced, but that at the end of a word is pronounced if the next word beginswith a vowel, e.g., cart /k: t/, door /d :/, but a member of /? memb??f /; in AE, the letter r is pronounced in all positions.Secondly, BE and AE differ in the spelling of some words. Usually, the AE variants are simpler than their British counterparts, as manifested below.A further noticeable difference relates to the lexical meaning of some words. For instance, ―bill‖ means ―bank note‖ in AE but ―a demand for payment of a debt‖ in BE.ASK:(1) Can you supply more words that are pronounced differently in British English and AmericanEnglishhalf, advance, advantage, after, answer, ask, glance, glass, grasp(2) Do you know of any grammatical differences between British English and American English? In American English we say ―graduate from school‖; while in British English, we say ―leave school‖. In American English, it has ―put up price‖, while in British English, it is ―raise price‖(3) Are there special words for which AE and BE have very distinctive spellings?For Chinese characters―博览会‖, British English has ―fair‖ while American English usees trade show. ― Life and elevator‖ , and ―autumn and fall‖ are more examples.(4) Can you find more examples of the same words with different meanings in AE and BE?one billion/ first floor/ pantsone billion(Brit) the number 1000000000000 万亿之数(US) the number 1000000000⼗亿之数first floorIn British English the floor of a building at street level is the ground floor and the floor above that is the first floor.In US English the street-level floor is the first floor and the one above is the second floorPants(Brit) men's underpants; women's or children's knickers(US) trousers6. The following excerpt comes from Barack Obama‘s speech on Father‘s Day, June 15, 2008. Read it carefully, and pay special attention to his choice of words.The first is setting an example of excellence for our children — because if we want to set high expectations for them, we‘ve got to set high expectations for ourselves. It‘s great if you have a job; it‘s even better if you have a college degree. It‘s a wonderful thing if you are married and living in a home with your children, but don‘t just sit in the house and watch ―Sports Center‖ all weekend long. That‘s why so many children are growing up in front of the television. As fathers and parents,we‘ve got to spend more time with them, and help them with their homework, and replace the video game or the remote control with a book once in a while. That‘s how we build that foundation…..The second thing we need to do as fathers is pass along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but empathy —the ability to stand in somebody else‘s shoes;to look at the world through their eyes. Sometimes it‘s so easy to get caught up in ―us,‖ that we forget about our obligations to one another. There‘s a culture in our society that says remembering these obligations is somehow soft —that we can‘t show weakness, and so therefore we can‘t show kindness……And the final lesson we must learn as fathers is also the greatest gift we can pass on to our children —and that is the gift of hope.…I‘m not talking about an idle hope that‘s little more than blind optimism or willful ignorance of the problems we face. I‘m talking about hope as that spirit inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better is waiting for us if we‘re willing to work for it and fight for it. If we are willing to believe.ASK:(1) How does Obama distinguish ―empathy‖ from ―sympathy‖?Empathy means Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings.The ability to stand in somebody else‘s shoesSympathy is defined as feeling of pity and sorrow (for sb.)(2) Why does Obama bother to define ―hope‖– a familiar word to all?Hope, according to Obama, is som ething better is waiting for us if we‘re willing to work for it and fight for it. If we are willing to believe. He differentiates hope from what is blind optimism or willful ignorance of the problems we face(3) What other lexical choices impress you deeply as well?―As fathers and parents‖, why not as fathers and mothers,Open to discussionPost-Class Tasks1. What characteristics do functional words have?Read the following excerpt from George W. Bush‘s Farewell Address in 2009 and underline the functional words used in it.Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.2. How do you understand receptive and productive lexical knowledge? Use your own examplesto illustrate their differences. Which type of vocabulary is probably the largest for a language user, reading vocabulary, writing vocabulary, listening vocabulary, or speaking vocabulary? Give one reason that convinces you most.For example, we learn that ―word‖can be used to refer to ―rumor‖, and we know it means ―rumor‖ in the sentence ―The word is that he's left the country.(据说他已经离开这个国家了).‖But actually, we will not write the sentence, esp., say the sentence in daily conversations. By this example, we show that receptive lexical knowledge concerns what you learned and productive lexical knowledge concerns what you would put into practice. Reading vocabulary may be the largest type of vocabulary, because you may recognize the meaning of a word without using it in daily exchanges or in academic writing. 3. Is lexical competence the same thing as productive lexical knowledge? How do you understand the two concepts on the basis of the discussion in Pre-Class Reading?No, lexical competence covers a larger scope that that of productive lexical knowledge.4. Can we say lexicology is the scientific study of the words in a language? How important is the notion of word equivalent? Read the following excerpt from Barrack Obama‘s V ictory Speech in 2008 and underline the word equivalents. What types of word equivalents are contained in this passage?So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but eachother.Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity thathas poisoned our politics for so long.Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values ofself-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has wona great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination toheal the divides that have held back our progress.Language is composed of not just individual words, but also word equivalents, such as word groups (or compound words), chunks such as idioms, formulaic sequences, and so. The latter is attracting more and more scholarly attention these days. Thus, lexicology is more precisely defined as the scientific study of the words and word equivalents in a language.5. Identical systems of stress and rhythm are used by BE and AE. There are, however, a few words that have their stress on a different syllable. Write out the specific pronunciations of the following words:OmittedUnit 2Check Y our UnderstandingState whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.a. Fb. Fc. Fd. Fe. FIn-Class Activities1.(1) How are the three allomorphs conditioned by their adjoining sounds?S is pronounced as [s] [z and [iz]] when it is respectively attached to a voiceless consonant, a voiced consonant or a vowel, and any words ending with s, z or pronouncing as [s] or [z].(2) Does the plurality morpheme have other allomorphs apart from those mentioned above?Y es, for example,the plural form of sheep remains unchanged, and man has its plural form realized as ―men‖.(3) What about the allomorphs of the morpheme for the past tense in English?The usual allomorphs of the morpheme of the past tense may be realized as [t], [d] and [id]2. In English, there are quite a few prefixes that connote negation. They include a-, un-, in- (ir-, il-), dis-, mis-, non-, de-, and the like.symmetry→asymmetrytypical→atypicalforgettable →unforgettabletie→untiearticulate →inarticulate,discreet →indiscreetmature →immature,partial →impartiallegal →illegallegible →illegiblerelevant →irrelevantreverent →irreverentlike→dislikeable→disableuse →misuselead →misleadsense →nonsensecommercial→noncommercialform→deformconstruction→deconstruction(2) How would you distinguish between un- and non- in terms of their meaning and use? Can weprefix un- to adjectives like ―tall‖, ―ill‖, and ―black‖? Why or why not?Un- is usually prefixed before transitive verbs, such as tie →untie, nouns, such as and adjectives, such asemployment→unemployment. Non- is often put before adjectives, such as essential→non-essential, and nouns, such as existence→non-existence. Both of the usage are possible because the word followed the above two prefixes has no ready-made acronyms in English lexical system.3.ASK:(1) Could we cut ―unwomanly‖ into ―unwoman‖ and ―-ly‖?No. unwoman is not a word in English. Un- is usually put before an abstract uncountable noun. (2) Can you analyze the morphological structure of the word ―inaccessibility‖?inaccessibilityinaccessible -ityin- accessibleaccess -ible(3) According to some feminists, words like ―history‖ and ―human‖ encode sex inequality. Do youagree?These words may connate sex inequality at first sight. But, In fact, we go too far if we hold this notion in mind. Both words have been part of our culture.4.ASK:(1) What are the words in the pictures that stem from conversion?Stop, bin, wear, suit(2) Are they instances of partial conversion or complete conversion?complete conversions5.ASK:(1) What words undergo shortening here? What is the full form of PM (or sometimes p.m.)?Tue Tuesday, Sun Sunday, post meridiem.(2) Do you know how the month names are shortened in English?1⽉January Jan 2⽉February Feb 3⽉March Mar. 4⽉April Apr. 5⽉May May 6⽉June Jun. 7⽉July Jul. 8⽉August Aug. 9⽉September Sept. 10⽉October Oct. 11⽉November Nov. 12⽉December Dec.6.ASK:(1) Can you provide more examples instantiating analogy?Marathon--telethon/talkathon, hamburger--shrimpburger-(2) Is this process of word formation also found in Chinese? Support your answer with evidence.⽆微不⾄-⽆胃不治;其乐⽆穷-棋乐⽆穷7.(1) What semantic relation holds the two lexemes together in each case?a. flu virus: A caused Bb. safety line :B ensures Ac. night bird: A is the usual time when B is actived. spoon-feeding: A is one of the ways to realize B.e. potato pancake: A is the ingredient of Bf. man-made: B is realize by Ag toilet seat: B is part A.(2) Does ―safety line‖ mean the same as ―safe line‖? Can you come up with similar compounds? NO, the former means that line can keep one safe, whereas the latter means the line is safe.(Y ou can touch it)Security guard and secure guardPost-Class T asks1. Supply the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.a.D;b.B;c. D;d. C;e. A;f. D2. Learners need to be able to recognize word parts in words. Read the example and break up the following words into meaningful parts. (e.g. unhappiness -- un/happi/ness)a. intangibilityb. unevenlyin/tangible/ity un/even/lyc. friendlinessd. notwithstandingfriend/ly/ness not/with/stand/inge. overseasf. minimalistover/sea/s minim/al/istg. immigration h. Psychologistimmi/grate/ion psych/ology/isti. occurrences j. assumptionoc/cur/rence as/sumpt/ion3. Study the following Security Tips collected from an American Holliday Inn and exemplify the various processes of word formation with words from the passage.Safe: conversionCheck-out: CompositionDead: conversionV aluable: conversion4. What kinds of adjectives undergo partial conversion? What kinds of verbs often undergo complete conversion?Adjectives like ―poor‖, ―rich‖, ―fat‖, ―sick‖, ―wounded‖, ―deaf‖, ―mute‖, ―Chinese‖, ―Danish‖, ―best‖, ―most‖,―least‖, ―latest‖, ―accused‖, ―condemned‖, (for) ―good‖, ―thick‖ (and) ―thin‖, etc. undergo partial conversion; stop, pause, halt, look, rest, check, try, taste, smell, etc, often undergo complete conversion.5. Some affixes have not only lexical meanings but affective meanings as well. Some personal nouns formed by the suffix –ling, for example, have derogatory meanings,as in hireling, weakling; some personal nouns taking the suffix –ish are also derogatory, as in mannish, womanish and bookish. Can you provide more examples suffixed with –ling and –ish that are negative in attitude?Prince/princelingUnder/underlingWorld/worldingChild/childishSelf/selfishFool/foolish6. Read the following piece of news. What are the acronyms or initialisms used in this passage? What are their full forms?Obama brings hope for warmer relations to TurkeyANKARA, Turkey – U.S. President Barack Obama is reaching out to Turkey to help him wind down the Iraq war and bring stability to the Middle East. He is also counting on the only Muslim member of NATO to remain a steadfast ally in the Afghanistan conflict.Obama's visit is being closely watched by an Islamic world that harbored deep distrust of his predecessor, George W. Bush.Obama was spending two days in Turkey as he wrapped up an event-packed, eight-day international trip that also saw stops in Britain, France, Germany and the Czech Republic.In his inaugural address in January, Obama pledged to reach out to the Muslim world.At a luncheon Sunday for leaders of the European Union's 27 nations in Prague, he said the West should seek greater cooperation and closer ties with Islamic nations. He suggested one way was by allowing Turkey to join the European Union — a contentious subject for some European countries. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said after Obama's remarks that the decision was the EU's to make, not Washington's.Americans remain unsure of what to make of Islam even as most people in the U.S.think Obama should seek better relations with the Muslim world, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. About 55 percent of Americans say they lack a good, basic understanding of the religion, the poll found, and 48 percent have an unfavorableview of it.Obama's trip to Turkey, his final scheduled country visit, ties together themes of earlier stops. He attended the Group of 20 economic summit in London, celebrated NATO's 60th anniversary in Strasbourg, France, and on Saturday visited the Czech Republic, which included a summit of European Union leaders in Prague.Turkey is a member of both the G-20 and NATO and is trying to get into the EU with the help of the U.S.Acronyms: NATOInitialisms: EU, ABC, U.S.Unit 3Keys to the exercises in Check Your Understandinga. False;b. False;c. True;d. False;e. FalseKeys to the exercises in In-class Activities1.(1) Y es. There is some difference between the words ―clean‖and ―cleanly‖in the sentences in Group A. In Sentence A-a,―clean‖ means ―completely‖, while in Sentence A-b, ―cleanly‖ means ―easily‖.(2) Y es. There is some difference between the words ―clean‖and ―cleanly‖in the sentences in Group A. In Sentence A-a,―clean‖ means ―completely‖, while in Sentence A-b, ―cleanly‖ means ―easily‖.(3) The words ―high‖ and ―highly‖ cannot be used interchangeably in the two sentences in GroupC. In Sentence C-a, ―high‖ is an adjective and fuctions as the complement, while in Sentence C-b, ―highly‖ is an adverb and functions as the modifier.(4) a1. I felt pretty nervous going into the exam, but after I got started I loosened up some.a2. The woman chairing the meeting speaks prettily.b1. When he saw her, he stopped dead in his tracks.b2. I'm deadly serious. This isn't a game!c1. Someone left the back door wide open.c2. These laws were widely regarded as too strict.2.(1) a. The old man smiled his refusal to the young man request.b. He lived a long life and died a natural death.(2) a. 每听完⼀个笑话,那个⽼⼈都咯咯地笑出他的喜悦之情。

Unit 1Check Y our UnderstandingState whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.a. Fb. Fc. Fd. Fe. TIn-Class Activities1. The word ―wor d‖is diverse in terms of its meaning. Consider its usages in the following contexts:a. May I say a word about that?b. Actions speak louder than words.c. She has kept her word.d. Finally the general gave the word to retreat.e. Let me know if you get word of my wife.f. Word has it they‘re divorcing.ASK:(1) What does ―word‖ mean in each of the contexts?a. Something he would talk aboutb. things that are said, contrasted with things that are donec. the promise one has maded. spoken command or signale. informationf. piece of news; message(2) Do you know of any other usages the word ―word‖ has?2.ASK:(1) Can you summarize the five criteria introduced by David Crystal here?Potential pause :The pause , which happens when you say a sentence, will tend to fallbetween words, and not within words.Indivisibility: The extra items will be added between the words and not within them.Minimal free forms: the smallest units of speech that can meaningfully stand on their own. Phonetic boundaries: It is sometimes possible to tell from the sound of a word where it begins or ends.Semantic units: each word in a sentence has a clear meaning.(2) Do you think these criteria are questionable in any way? Can they be applied to theidentification of zi, the rough Chinese equivalent of the English ―word‖?No, as the above analysis explained. No , they cannot. For example, 流连and 蹒跚,they are danchuci(单纯词) which cannot be analyzed independently.3.ASK:(1) Suppose we want to know what are the ten most frequently used English words. What are they, as far as you can tell? How about Chinese?The, of ,to, and, a, in, is, it, you, that的、一、是、在、了、不、和、有、大、着(2) Are there any similarities and differences between the ten most frequently used words inEnglish and those in Chinese?They are basically functional words. Both have possessive word,(of, 的) number words(a,一), copula words(is, 是), conjunctions(and, 和) and localizers(in, 在).; English has the definite article the and several pronouns, you , that and it which are absent in Chinese.4. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, there is no intrinsic relation between the form of a word and what it stands for. In other words, words are arbitrary (i.e. not motivated) in terms of meaning designation. However, there seem to be abundant cases in natural languages that defy this generalization. For example, onomatopoeic words seem to exist in all the languages known to us. To a lesser degree, the meaning of some words can be partly deduced from their components. For example, ―sl-― is highly suggestive of the meaning of the words that contain it, such as ―slide‖, ―slip‖, and ―slush‖.ASK:(1)Babble, bang, grunt, splash; 噼啪、嗡嗡、滴滴哒、吱嘎吱No, these words are only a small part of English or Chinese vocabulary(2)Football and handball concern the body part which take the ball from one place to another, and basketball is named after a basket into which the ball is put in the begging stage of the game. (3)People have bodily embedded knowledge to infer these motivations of such usage. The first example concerns the metaphor and second metonymy(4) Do you know other types of words or usages that are motivated in one way or another?Some figurative usages are also highly motivated. For example: Necessity is the mother of invention.5. British English (BE for short) and American English (AE for short) are two major varieties of the English language.Though they have fundamental similarities in terms of grammar and vocabulary, they also differ substantially in many ways. On the vocabulary level, several distinct distinctions are found. First, there are differences in the pronunciation of some words, mostly in the vowel sounds, as illustrated in the following table:Some consonants are also pronounced differently. Particularly, in BE,the letter r before a consonant is not pronounced, but that at the end of a word is pronounced if the next word beginswith a vowel, e.g., cart /k: t/, door /d :/, but a member of /☜ memb☜☜f /; in AE, the letter r is pronounced in all positions.Secondly, BE and AE differ in the spelling of some words. Usually, the AE variants are simpler than their British counterparts, as manifested below.A further noticeable difference relates to the lexical meaning of some words. For instance, ―bill‖ means ―bank note‖ in AE but ―a demand for payment of a debt‖ in BE.ASK:(1) Can you supply more words that are pronounced differently in British English and AmericanEnglishhalf, advance, advantage, after, answer, ask, glance, glass, grasp(2) Do you know of any grammatical differences between British English and American English? In American English we say ―graduate from school‖; while in British English, we say ―leave school‖. In American English, it has ―put up price‖, while in British English, it is ―raise price‖(3) Are there special words for which AE and BE have very distinctive spellings?For Chinese characters―博览会‖, British English has ―fair‖ while American English usees trade show. ― Life and elevator‖ , and ―autumn and fall‖ are more examples.(4) Can you find more examples of the same words with different meanings in AE and BE?one billion/ first floor/ pantsone billion(Brit) the number 1000000000000 万亿之数(US) the number 1000000000十亿之数first floorIn British English the floor of a building at street level is the ground floor and the floor above that is the first floor.In US English the street-level floor is the first floor and the one above is the second floorPants(Brit) men's underpants; women's or children's knickers(US) trousers6. The following excerpt comes from Barack Obama‘s speech on Father‘s Day, June 15, 2008. Read it carefully, and pay special attention to his choice of words.The first is setting an example of excellence for our children — because if we want to set high expectations for them, we‘ve got to set high expectations for ourselves. It‘s great if you have a job; it‘s even better if you have a college degree. It‘s a wonderful thing if you are married and living in a home with your children, but don‘t just sit in the house and watch ―Sports Center‖ all weekend long. That‘s why so many children are growing up in front of the television. As fathers and parents, we‘ve got to spend more time with them, and help them with their homework, and replace the video game or the remote control with a book once in a while. That‘s how we build that foundation…..The second thing we need to do as fathers is pass along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but empathy —the ability to stand in somebody else‘s shoes;to look at the world through their eyes. Sometimes it‘s so easy to get caught up in ―us,‖ that we forget about our obligations to one another. There‘s a culture in our society that says remembering these obligations is somehow soft —that we can‘t show weakness, and so therefore we can‘t show kindness……And the final lesson we must learn as fathers is also the greatest gift we can pass on to our children —and that is the gift of hope.…I‘m not talking about an idle hope that‘s little more than blind optimism or willful ignorance of the problems we face. I‘m talking about hope as that spirit inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better is waiting for us if we‘re willing to work for it and fight for it. If we are willing to believe.ASK:(1) How does Obama distinguish ―empathy‖ from ―sympathy‖?Empathy means Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings.The ability to stand in somebody else‘s shoesSympathy is defined as feeling of pity and sorrow (for sb.)(2) Why does Obama bother to define ―hope‖– a familiar word to all?Hope, according to Obama, is som ething better is waiting for us if we‘re willing to work for it and fight for it. If we are willing to believe. He differentiates hope from what is blind optimism or willful ignorance of the problems we face(3) What other lexical choices impress you deeply as well?―As fathers and parents‖, why not as fathers and mothers,Open to discussionPost-Class Tasks1. What characteristics do functional words have?Read the following excerpt from George W. Bush‘s Farewell Address in 2009 and underline the functional words used in it.Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.2. How do you understand receptive and productive lexical knowledge? Use your own examplesto illustrate their differences. Which type of vocabulary is probably the largest for a language user, reading vocabulary, writing vocabulary, listening vocabulary, or speaking vocabulary? Give one reason that convinces you most.For example, we learn that ―word‖can be used to refer to ―rumor‖, and we know it means ―rumor‖ in the sentence ―The word is that he's left the country.(据说他已经离开这个国家了).‖But actually, we will not write the sentence, esp., say the sentence in daily conversations. By this example, we show that receptive lexical knowledge concerns what you learned and productive lexical knowledge concerns what you would put into practice. Reading vocabulary may be the largest type of vocabulary, because you may recognize the meaning of a word without using it in daily exchanges or in academic writing.3. Is lexical competence the same thing as productive lexical knowledge? How do you understand the two concepts on the basis of the discussion in Pre-Class Reading?No, lexical competence covers a larger scope that that of productive lexical knowledge.4. Can we say lexicology is the scientific study of the words in a language? How important is the notion of word equivalent? Read the following excerpt from Barrack Obama‘s V ictory Speech in 2008 and underline the word equivalents. What types of word equivalents are contained in this passage?So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but eachother.Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity thathas poisoned our politics for so long.Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values ofself-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has wona great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination toheal the divides that have held back our progress.Language is composed of not just individual words, but also word equivalents, such as word groups (or compound words), chunks such as idioms, formulaic sequences, and so. The latter is attracting more and more scholarly attention these days. Thus, lexicology is more precisely defined as the scientific study of the words and word equivalents in a language.5. Identical systems of stress and rhythm are used by BE and AE. There are, however, a few words that have their stress on a different syllable. Write out the specific pronunciations of the following words:OmittedUnit 2Check Y our UnderstandingState whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.a. Fb. Fc. Fd. Fe. FIn-Class Activities1.(1) How are the three allomorphs conditioned by their adjoining sounds?S is pronounced as [s] [z and [iz]] when it is respectively attached to a voiceless consonant, a voiced consonant or a vowel, and any words ending with s, z or pronouncing as [s] or [z].(2) Does the plurality morpheme have other allomorphs apart from those mentioned above?Y es, for example,the plural form of sheep remains unchanged, and man has its plural form realized as ―men‖.(3) What about the allomorphs of the morpheme for the past tense in English?The usual allomorphs of the morpheme of the past tense may be realized as [t], [d] and [id]2. In English, there are quite a few prefixes that connote negation. They include a-, un-, in- (ir-, il-), dis-, mis-, non-, de-, and the like.symmetry→asymmetrytypical→atypicalforgettable →unforgettabletie→untiearticulate →inarticulate,discreet →indiscreetmature →immature,partial →impartiallegal →illegallegible →illegiblerelevant →irrelevantreverent →irreverentlike→dislikeable→disableuse →misuselead →misleadsense →nonsensecommercial→noncommercialform→deformconstruction→deconstruction(2) How would you distinguish between un- and non- in terms of their meaning and use? Can weprefix un- to adjectives like ―tall‖, ―ill‖, and ―black‖? Why or why not?Un- is usually prefixed before transitive verbs, such as tie →untie, nouns, such as and adjectives, such as employment→unemployment. Non- is often put before adjectives, such as essential→non-essential, and nouns, such as existence→non-existence. Both of the usage are possible because the word followed the above two prefixes has no ready-made acronyms in English lexical system.3.ASK:(1) Could we cut ―unwomanly‖ into ―unwoman‖ and ―-ly‖?No. unwoman is not a word in English. Un- is usually put before an abstract uncountable noun. (2) Can you analyze the morphological structure of the word ―inaccessibility‖?inaccessibilityinaccessible -ityin- accessibleaccess -ible(3) According to some feminists, words like ―history‖ and ―human‖ encode sex inequality. Do youagree?These words may connate sex inequality at first sight. But, In fact, we go too far if we hold this notion in mind. Both words have been part of our culture.4.ASK:(1) What are the words in the pictures that stem from conversion?Stop, bin, wear, suit(2) Are they instances of partial conversion or complete conversion?complete conversions5.ASK:(1) What words undergo shortening here? What is the full form of PM (or sometimes p.m.)?Tue Tuesday, Sun Sunday, post meridiem.(2) Do you know how the month names are shortened in English?1月January Jan 2月February Feb 3月March Mar. 4月April Apr. 5月May May 6月June Jun. 7月July Jul. 8月August Aug. 9月September Sept. 10月October Oct. 11月November Nov. 12月December Dec.6.ASK:(1) Can you provide more examples instantiating analogy?Marathon--telethon/talkathon, hamburger--shrimpburger-(2) Is this process of word formation also found in Chinese? Support your answer with evidence.无微不至-无胃不治;其乐无穷-棋乐无穷7.(1) What semantic relation holds the two lexemes together in each case?a. flu virus: A caused Bb. safety line :B ensures Ac. night bird: A is the usual time when B is actived. spoon-feeding: A is one of the ways to realize B.e. potato pancake: A is the ingredient of Bf. man-made: B is realize by Ag toilet seat: B is part A.(2) Does ―safety line‖ mean the same as ―safe line‖? Can you come up with similar compounds? NO, the former means that line can keep one safe, whereas the latter means the line is safe.(Y ou can touch it)Security guard and secure guardPost-Class T asks1. Supply the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.a.D;b.B;c. D;d. C;e. A;f. D2. Learners need to be able to recognize word parts in words. Read the example and break up the following words into meaningful parts. (e.g. unhappiness -- un/happi/ness)a. intangibilityb. unevenlyin/tangible/ity un/even/lyc. friendlinessd. notwithstandingfriend/ly/ness not/with/stand/inge. overseasf. minimalistover/sea/s minim/al/istg. immigration h. Psychologistimmi/grate/ion psych/ology/isti. occurrences j. assumptionoc/cur/rence as/sumpt/ion3. Study the following Security Tips collected from an American Holliday Inn and exemplify the various processes of word formation with words from the passage.Safe: conversionCheck-out: CompositionDead: conversionV aluable: conversion4. What kinds of adjectives undergo partial conversion? What kinds of verbs often undergo complete conversion?Adjectives like ―poor‖, ―rich‖, ―fat‖, ―sick‖, ―wounded‖, ―deaf‖, ―mute‖, ―Chinese‖, ―Danish‖, ―best‖, ―most‖, ―least‖, ―latest‖, ―accused‖, ―condemned‖, (for) ―good‖, ―thick‖ (and) ―thin‖, etc. undergo partial conversion; stop, pause, halt, look, rest, check, try, taste, smell, etc, often undergo complete conversion.5. Some affixes have not only lexical meanings but affective meanings as well. Some personal nouns formed by the suffix –ling, for example, have derogatory meanings,as in hireling, weakling; some personal nouns taking the suffix –ish are also derogatory, as in mannish, womanish and bookish. Can you provide more examples suffixed with –ling and –ish that are negative in attitude?Prince/princelingUnder/underlingWorld/worldingChild/childishSelf/selfishFool/foolish6. Read the following piece of news. What are the acronyms or initialisms used in this passage? What are their full forms?Obama brings hope for warmer relations to TurkeyANKARA, Turkey – U.S. President Barack Obama is reaching out to Turkey to help him wind down the Iraq war and bring stability to the Middle East. He is also counting on the only Muslim member of NATO to remain a steadfast ally in the Afghanistan conflict.Obama's visit is being closely watched by an Islamic world that harbored deep distrust of his predecessor, George W. Bush.Obama was spending two days in Turkey as he wrapped up an event-packed, eight-day international trip that also saw stops in Britain, France, Germany and the Czech Republic.In his inaugural address in January, Obama pledged to reach out to the Muslim world.At a luncheon Sunday for leaders of the European Union's 27 nations in Prague, he said the West should seek greater cooperation and closer ties with Islamic nations. He suggested one way was by allowing Turkey to join the European Union — a contentious subject for some European countries. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said after Obama's remarks that the decision was the EU's to make, not Washington's.Americans remain unsure of what to make of Islam even as most people in the U.S.think Obama should seek better relations with the Muslim world, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. About 55 percent of Americans say they lack a good, basic understanding of the religion, the poll found, and 48 percent have an unfavorableview of it.Obama's trip to Turkey, his final scheduled country visit, ties together themes of earlier stops. He attended the Group of 20 economic summit in London, celebrated NATO's 60th anniversary in Strasbourg, France, and on Saturday visited the Czech Republic, which included a summit of European Union leaders in Prague.Turkey is a member of both the G-20 and NATO and is trying to get into the EU with the help of the U.S.Acronyms: NATOInitialisms: EU, ABC, U.S.Unit 3Keys to the exercises in Check Your Understandinga. False;b. False;c. True;d. False;e. FalseKeys to the exercises in In-class Activities1.(1) Y es. There is some difference between the words ―clean‖and ―cleanly‖in the sentences in Group A. In Sentence A-a, ―clean‖ means ―completely‖, while in Sentence A-b, ―cleanly‖ means ―easily‖.(2) Y es. There is some difference between the words ―clean‖and ―cleanly‖in the sentences in Group A. In Sentence A-a, ―clean‖ means ―completely‖, while in Sentence A-b, ―cleanly‖ means ―easily‖.(3) The words ―high‖ and ―highly‖ cannot be used interchangeably in the two sentences in GroupC. In Sentence C-a, ―high‖ is an adjective and fuctions as the complement, while in Sentence C-b, ―highly‖ is an adverb and functions as the modifier.(4) a1. I felt pretty nervous going into the exam, but after I got started I loosened up some.a2. The woman chairing the meeting speaks prettily.b1. When he saw her, he stopped dead in his tracks.b2. I'm deadly serious. This isn't a game!c1. Someone left the back door wide open.c2. These laws were widely regarded as too strict.2.(1) a. The old man smiled his refusal to the young man request.b. He lived a long life and died a natural death.(2) a. 每听完一个笑话,那个老人都咯咯地笑出他的喜悦之情。

《英语词汇学教程》重点练习题参考答案P22练习一:写出下列定义所表示的名称1.morpheme2.root3.free form4.bound morpheme5.affix6.prefix7.suffix8.inflectional affix9.derivationpounding练习二:写出下列各组单词中共同的粘着词根,并指出其词源及语义:1.acou- (Greek) 听2.aer- (Greek) 空气3.ag-, ac- (Latin) 做4.agr- (Latin) 土地5.alt- (Latin) 高6.am-, amor- (Latin) 爱7.ample- (Latin) 充足8.ann- (Latin) 年9.anthrop- (Greek) 人类10.aqu- (Latin) 水11.arch- (Greek) 首要12.astr- (Greek) 星13.atmo- (Greek) 气体14.aud- (Latin) 听15.auto- (Greek) 自己16.bar- (Greek) 压力17.bathy- (Greek) 深海的18.biblio- (Greek) 书籍19.bio- (Greek) 生命20.bre- (L) 简短P49练习一:以所列的单词为第一个成分,根据定义写出复合名词:A. 1. greenbelt 2. greengrocer 3. greenhorn 4, greenroomB. 1. handbad 2. handbook 3. handbrake 4. handrailC. 1. aftercare 2. aftereffect 3. aftertaste 4. afterthoughtD. 1. sleeping bag 2. sleeping car 3. sleeping pill 4. sleeping partnerE. 1. running mate 2. running hand 3. running head 4. running boardF. 1. washbasin 2. washboard 3. washerwoman 4. washclothG. 1. sunburn 2. sunburst 3. sunset 4. sunshineH. 1. breakdown 2. break-in 3. breakthrough 4. breakupI. 1. outbreak 2. outcry 3. outlay 4. outletP52练习三:找出下列句子中的复合形容词:1.farfetched2.newborn3.heart-beat4.built-in5.clothes-washing6.dust-laden7.oncoming8.fair-minded,good-hearted9.self-evident10.grown-upP35练习五:填入适当的后缀形式。

《英语词汇学教程》(2004 年版)练习答案Chapter 17. Choose the standard meaning from the list on the right to match each of the slang words on the left.a. tart: loose womanb. bloke: fellowc. gat: pistold. swell: greate. chicken: cowardf. blue: fightg. smoky: policeh. full: drunki. dame: womanj. beaver: girl8. Give the modern equivalents for the following archaic words.haply = perhapsalbeit = althoughmethinks = it seems to meeke = alsosooth = truthmorn = morningtroth = pledgeere = beforequoth = saidhallowed = holybillow = wave / the seabade = bid12. Categorize the following borrowed words into denizens, aliens, translation loans, and semantic loans.Denizens: kettle, die, wall, skirt, husbandAliens: confrere, pro patria, Wunderkind, mikado, parvenuTranslation loans: chopstick, typhoon, black humour, long time no seeSemantic loans: dreamChapter 21. Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family?The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2. Make a tree diagram to show the family relations of the modern languages given below.Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic Germanic Roumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishLithuanian Persian Scottish French SwedishPrussian Irish Italian GermanPolish Portuguese NorweigianSlavenian IcelandicRussian DanishBulgarian Dutch6. Here is a text chosen from the Declaration of Independence.“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”Pick out all the words of Greek or Latin origin from the text and see of what origin are the words left. What insight does this exercise give you with reference to the borrowings from Greek and Latin?“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.8. Tell the different elements that make up the following hybrids.eventful [Latin + English]falsehood [ Latin + English]saxophone [German + Greek]joss house [ Portuguese + English]hydroplane [Greek + Latin]pacifist [Latin + Greek]heirloom [ French + English]television [Greek + Latin]9. Put the following French loan words into two groups, one being early borrowings and the other late ones.amateur (late)finacé (late)empire (early)peace (E)courage (E)garage (L)judgement (E)chair (E)chaise (L)grace (E)servant (E)routine (L)jealous (E)savaté (L)genre (L)gender (E)début (L)morale (L)state (E)chez (L)ballet (L)11. Match the Italian musical terms with the proper definitons.allegro, f. in fast tempo轻快andante, j. in moderate tempo行板diminuendo, g. decreasing in volume渐弱largo, d. in a slow stately manner缓慢pianoforte, a. soft and loud轻转强alto, i. lowest singing boice for woman女低音crescendo, b. increasing in volume渐强forte, e. loud强piano, h. soft轻soprano, c. highest singing voice for women女高音12. Look up these words in a dictionary to determine the language from which eachhas been borrowed.cherub (Hebrew)coolie (Hindi)lasso (Sp)shampoo (Indian)tepee (Am Ind)kibitz (G)chipmunk (Am Ind)cotton (Arab)loot (Hindi)snorkel (G)tulip (Turk)wok (Ch)chocolate (Mex)jubilee (Gr)Sabbath (Heb)tamale (Mex)voodoo (Afr)sauerbraten (G)13. Here is a menu of loan words from various sources. Choose a word to fill in each space.a. A crocodile much resembles an _____ in appearance.b. “To give up a young lady like that,” said Andy. “A man would have to be plumb _____.c. There was a big increase this summer in the number of competitors in calf roping at the annual _____ held in Three Forks.d. This duke ranch we have developed has done well so far, but it promises next year to be a real _____ , enough to make us all rich.e. Some Eskimos build a winter shelter from snow called an _____.f. The Germans perfected a type of motorized attack in the Second World War that they called a _____.g. The Algonquin Indian in eastern and central North America lived in a domed shelter they called a _____.h. Columbus in 1493 used a Carib Indian word _____ to describe the small boats the native used.i. In the West Indies the local name fro a violent tropical cyclone is a _____.j. The Australian aborigines use a throwing stick that they call a _____.k. “Look like rain, boy,” sang out Luke. “Better get out your _____.”a. alligatorb. lococ. rodeod. bonanzae. igloof. blitzkriegg. wigwamh. canoei. hurricanej. boomerang k. panchosChapter 31. Write the term in the blanks accoding to the definitions.a. a minimal meaningful unit of a language ( )b. one of the variants that realize a morpheme ( )c. a moepheme that occurs with at least one other morpheme ( )d. a morpheme that can stand alone ( )e. a morpheme attached to a base, stem or root ( )f. an affix that indicates grammatical relationships ( )g. an affix that forms new words with a base, stem or root ( )h. what ratains of a word after the removal of all affies ( )i. that part of a word that can take inflectional affixes ( )j. a form to which affixes of any kind can be added ( )a. morphemeb. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. informational affixg. derivational affixh. rooti. stemj. base3. individualisticindividualist + ic [stem, base]individual + ist [stem, base]individu + al [stem, base]in + dividu [root, stem, base]undesirablesun + desirable [stem, base]desir + able [root, stem, base]4. Organize the following terms in a tree diagram to show their logical relationships. affix morphemederivational affix free rootbound root inflectional affixprefix free morphemebound morpheme suffixmorpheme – free morpheme = free root-- bound morpheme – bound root-- affix – inflectional affix-- derivational affix – prefix-- suffixChapter 4Affixation5. Form negatives with each of the following words by using one of these prefixes dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-.non-smoker disobey immature unwillingness illogical non-athletic incapable insecurity inability/disability illegal disloyal unofficially disagreement inconvenient impractical irrelevant6. Turn the following nouns and adjectives into verbs with –en, -ify, -ize and then choose them to fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow.harden memorize deepen lengthen fatten horrify falsify glorify intensify sympathize modernize apologize sterilize beautifya. apologizedb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. fattenf. falsifyg. memorizingh. Sterilize7. Each of the following sentences contains a word printed in italics. Complete the sentence by using this word to form a noun to refer to a person.a. If you are employed by a company, you are one of its _____.b. A _____ is someone whose job is politics.c. The _____ in a discussion are the people who participate in it.d. A woman who works as a _____ does the same job as a waiter.e. The person who conducts an orchestra or choir is called the _____.f. Your _____ is the person who teaches you.g. A _____ is someone who earns their living by playing the piano.h. If someone examnines you, you are the _____ and he or she is the _____.a. employeeb. politicianc. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianisth. examinee/examiner8. Match Colume A with Colume B and give two examples for each.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldtrans-world mono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompounding2. Analyse the following compound words and explain their internal grammatical relationship.heartbeat [S + V]movie-goer [place + V]far- reaching [V + Adv]lion-hearted [adv + a]boyfriend [S + complement]snap decision [V + O]on-coming [V +adv]brainwashing [V + O]baking powder [ V +adv]dog-tired [adv + a]love-sick [adv + a]peace-loving [V +O]easy chair [ a + n]tax-free [adv +a]light-blue [a + a]goings-on [V +adv]4. Form compounds using the following either as the first or the second element of the compound as indicated and translate the words into Chinese.well-bred / well-behaved, needle work / homework, bar-woman / sportswoman, clear-minded / strong-minded, self-control / self-respect, water-proof / fire-proof, news-film / news-letter, sister-in-law / father-in-law, half-way / half-done, age-conscious / status-conscious, culture-bound / homebound, praiseworthy / respectworthy, nation-wide / college-wide, military-style / newstyle, budget-related / politics-related, once-fashionable / once-powerful, mock-attack / mock-sadness, home-baked / home-produced, ever-lasting / ever-green, campus-based / market-basedConversion7. Pick out the words which you think are converted in the following sentences and tellhow they are converted.a. We can’t stomach such an insult.b. Robert Acheson roomed right next to me.c. he wolfed down his lunchd. There is no come and go with her.e. I’m one of his familiars.f. Poor innocents!g. She flatted her last note.h. The engineers ahed and ouched at the new machines.i. Come to the fire and have a warm.j. Is Bill Jackson a has-been or a might-have-been?k. He Hamleted at the chance and then he regretted for it.l. These shoes were an excellent buy.m. He turned his head and smoothed back the hair over one temple.a. stomach [n → v]b. room [n → v]c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah / ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been / might-have-been [finite v → n] k. Hamlet [prope r n → v]l. buy [v → n] m. smooth [a → v]BlendingAnalyse the blends and translate them into Chinese.motel (motor + hotel) 汽车旅馆humint (human + intelligence) 谍报advertisetics (advertisement + statistics) 广告统计学psywarrior (psychological warrior) 心理战专家hoverport (hovercraft + port) 气垫船码头chunnel (channel + tunnel) 海峡隧道hi-fi (high + fidelity) 高保真录音设备cinemactress (cinema + actress) 电影女演员ClippingRestore the full forms of the following words and see how these clipped words are formed.copter (helicopter)ab (laboratory)gas (gasoline)scope (telescope)sarge (sergeant)ad (advertisement)dorm (dormitory)prefab (prefabricated house)prof (professor)champ (champion)mike (microphone)tec (detective)Acronymy2. What do the short forms stand for?kg = kilogramcm = centimeteribid = ibidemft = foot$ = dollaretc. = et ceteracf = conferVIP = very important personOPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesTOEFL = teaching of English as a foreign language3. Choose a word from the list to fill in each of the blanks.a. There was a wide coverage of the _____ talks in the press.b. There are enemy aircraft on the _____ screen.c. _____ is still an incurable disease.d. If one knows _____ language, one will find it easy to learn how to use computers.e. _____ has long been applied to surgery in medicine.f. _____ is an international agency of the United Nations which is concerned with improving health standards and services throughout the world.g. Passive _____ listens for noises emanating from a submarine.h. The person who works for the Federal Bureau of Investigation is called a _____.a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-man Backformation2. Give the original words from which the following words are back-formed.lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper NamesStudy the following sentences and pick out the words which used to be proper names and explain the meanings in relation to their origins.a. tantalize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyed—Argusc. narcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage—sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hoovering—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Uncle Tommism—Uncle TomChapter 56. Match the words in Colume A with those in Colume B.A Bapes—bcattle—mdoves—cgeese—kwolves—gpigs—lturkeys—dbirds—acricket—nfoxes—jsheep—fmonkeys—ehyenas—hswans—i9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear power might have all the positive associations with “atomic”, such as “benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery, science, knowledge”, etc.10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative)fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive)mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (negative)11. No Appreciative Neutral Pejorative1 particular fastidious / fussy2 critical fault-finding / picky3 style/vogue fad4 artful cunning / sly5 unstable fickle / capricious6 developing underdeveloped / backward7 encourage / promote instigate8 group clique / gang14. bull [– HUMAN + MALE + ADULT + BOVINE]cow [– HUMAN – MALE + ADULT + BOVINE]calf [– HUMAN + MALE - ADULT + BOVINE]rooster [– HUMAN + MALE + ADULT + GALLINE]hen [– HUMAN – MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]chicken [– HUMAN + MALE + ADULT + GALLINE]– HUMANbull cow calf +BOVINErooster hen chicken +GALLINE+ MALE – MALE + ADULTChapter 6Polysemyboarda piece of timbertabledining table council tablefood served at the table; councilors; committee;meal supplied by the week or month directors of a companyHomonymy4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “have enough money for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair of homonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.) (2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. Ona cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3) Arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took off his legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he“laid down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3. avaricious: greedycourteously: politelyemancipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedremainder: residueinnocent: sinlessobstacle: obstruction vexation: annoyance5. a. identifiableb. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestigeh. perspirei. accomplishmentj. silentk. impressivel. evaporate6. run move spinturn whirl roll7. a. steadb. gee-geec. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficientg. fatigued, childrenh. tired, kidsi. declinedj. refusedk. rancidl. addledm. Penaltiesn. fineso. rebukedp. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar / sameb. safec. sharp / smartd. sende. stingy / selfishf. significant / sensibleg. skeptical / suspicioush. simplei. surej. slipshod / slovenly / sloppy k. sleepiness / sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob / scowl6. a. old-fashionedb. completelyc. moistured. speciale. essentialf. similarityg. innocenth. rigidi. loosenj. clarityk. desertedl. fruitfulm. peremptoryn. depressedo. indifferent7. a. feed—starve, cold-feverb. wisdom—folliesc. haste—leisured. penny—pound, wise—foolishe. speech—silencef. absence—presenceg. admonish—praiseh. young—oldi. wise men—fools saint—devil j. mind—bodyk. foul—fairl. danger—securitym. deliberate--promptn. children—parentso. bully—cowardp. head—tail8. right—wrongdry—sweetstrong—faintlight—darkhigh—low / deep private—publicsingle—returnhard—easyrough—calmcold—warm3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solidmeat: pork, beef, muttongo: run, fly, walk4. profession workplacesurgeon: clinic, hospitalplumber: house, buildinglawyer: office, law courtsmechanic: garagephotographer: studioforeman: worksite, factory5.BEDROOMrug, sleepers, carpet, bed wardrob dressing tablemattress dressing gown mirrorpillows pyjamas combsheets clothes hairbrushblanket6. In Sentence 1, got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are general and convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1.In 3, it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4, which can be described as subordinates. Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed. The difference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms, none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse. Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and others are subordinates. These terms have no difference in style or affective meaning.Chapter 74. 1) extension2) extension3) narrowing4) degradation5) elevation6) narrowing7) extension8) extension9) narrowing10) elevation11) narrowing12) degradation13) degradation14) degradation5. a. associated transferb. abstract to concretec. abstract to concreted. ab s tract to concretee. abstract to concretef. abstract of concreteg. associated transferh. associated transferi. synesthesiaj. synesthesia6. a. objectiveb. subjective, objectivec. objectived. subjectivee. subjectivef. subjectiveg. subjectiveh. subjective, objective7. a. dieb. graveyardc. bedlam 疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policemang. stupid pupilh. poor peoplei. toiletj. fat personk. unemployed mother。

英语词汇学教程课后练习题含答案1. 填空题单选题1.My sister is flirting with a man _______ her father.–☐ like–☐ resembling–☒ unlike–☐ beyond2.She always tells me that she is proud of her _______ family.–☐ physical–☐ biological–☐ imaginary–☒ adopted3.The actor’s performance in the movie is _______ incredible.–☒ absolutely–☐ barely–☐ partly–☐ relatively多选题1.The following words can all mean ‘people’, which one(s)is/are the most formal?–☐ folks–☒ populace–☐ crowd–☒ citizens2.Which of the following words can mean both ‘friendly’ and‘creepy’ depending on the context?–☒ charming–☐ mundane–☐ thrifty–☐ clueless3.Which word shows ‘seclusion’, ‘retreat’, ‘privacy’,and ‘withdrawal’ at the same time?–☐ sacrifice–☐ obedience–☒ seclusion–☒ retreat2. 辨析题选择合适的单词或者词组填写下列空格1.He couldn’t _______ the time he had wasted in his youth. Hetried to make it up by working harder.2.The candidate promised to _______ healthcare, education, andsecurity for the citizens if he were elected.3.Don’t _______ the importance of speaking a foreign languagefluently, it can bring you many benefits.答案1.retrieve2.provide3.underestimate3. 翻译题将下列句子翻译成英语 1. 那个女士是一位伟大的母亲,她时刻为孩子们着想。
英语词汇学 英语词汇学习题1及答案

试题一第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket。
In Old English there was _______ agreement between sound form.A。
moreB. littleC。
gradual2.Both LDCE and CCELD are _______。
general dictionariesB. monolingual dictionariesC. both A and BD。
neither A and B3。
The word ”MINISKIRT" is _______。
morphologically motivatedB. etymologically motivatedC. semantically motivatedD. none of the above4。
The most important way of vocabulary development in present—day English is _______。
semantic changeC。
creation of new wordsD. all the above5。
Generalization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become ________.A。
expandedC. elevatedD。

2012级(1)班Chaper1 The Basic Concepts Of Words and Vocabularyof the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. ______is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock. Stability national character2. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except_______ .words3. According to the origins of the words, English words can be classified into _______ .words and functional words words and borrowed wordswords and dialectal words words and dialectal words4. Borrowings can be divided into________., semantic loans, translationloans, denizenswords, notional words, form words, content words, portmanteau words, acronyms, initializes, compounds, converted words and clipped words5. Apart from the characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features, namely_________.and stability in style and high frequency in useand polysemy and arbitrariness6.The word beaver(meaning“girl”)is_______ .dialectal word archaism7. AIDS as a nonbasic word is_______ .archaismwords include the following word classes except_______ .9. Vocabulary can refer to the following except_______ .total number of the words in alanguagethe words used in a particular historical periodthe words of a given dialectwords a person knowsis a loan word from_______ .11. _______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock.words B. Frenchwords words wordshumor is_______ .translation loan semantic loan denizen alienand numerals are semantically_______ and have limited_______ .;use and stability ;collocability and stability;use and productivity ;productivity andcollectabilityis_______ .archaism,words fall into functional words and content words.frequency formation16. The symbolic connection between sound and meaning is almost always_______ .17. _______ are loan words that have become assimilated in English.A.Denizens loans loans, which means “police”,is a(n) _______ word.19. Wherein which means “in what”is a(n)word. _______difference between sound and form due to all the following except _______. phonemes than lettersB. stabilization of spelling by printingof spelling by early scribesof pronunciationthe following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book1. Lexicology is a branch of linguisticsstudying the origins and_______ of words .2. A word is a minimal free form of language that has a given sound, meaning and_______ function.3. In spite of the differences between sound and form,at least_______ percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patternsthe words in language make up its_______ .word stock is the foundations of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and form the common core of the language.,begin is a native word.7. _______ vocabulary include cant,jargon and argot.8. There is no_______ relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself.9. _______ are the basic units of sentences.10. Early borrowings are mostly_______ whereas later loan words remain foreign in sound and spelling.whether the following statements are true or false( ) word can be defined in different ways from different points of view.( ) no circumstances can sound and meaning be intrinsically related.( ) introduction of printing press resulted in a lot more differences between sound and form.( ) words a person can use in speaking and writing form his active vocabulary. ( ) principles by which to classify words are usage, notion and origin.( ) words are more popular than foreign words.( ) words enjoy the same features as the basic word stock and more.( )(meaning “old”)is an instance of archaism.( ) a loan word known as an alien.( ) time no see is a case of translation loan.a term for each of the following definitions.1.Sub-standard words often used on informal occasions.( )2.Specialized vocabulary common in certain professions.( )3.Words used by sub-culturegroups, particularly by understood society.( )4.Words that have clear notions.( )5.Words of Anglo-Saxon origin.( )6.Words borrowed by way of translation. ( )7.Old words with new meanings.( )8.Words which have become assimilated.( )9.Native forms whose meanings are borrowed.( )10.Words essential to native speakers’ daily communication.( )the following questions .Your answers should be clear and short.1.What is the relationship between sound and meaning2.Why are there so many differences between sound and form3.What are the criteria for classification of words4.What are the characteristics of the basic word and word stock[Answers](eighty) 10assimilated2. Fwords words loans loan word stockV.1.The relationship is almost always arbitrary and conventional ana there is nological connection between sound and meaning.2.There are four major reasons.(1)The internal reason:the English alphabet wasadopted from the Romans,which have more phonemes than letters,so there is nota separate letter to represent each sound.(2)Pronunciation has changed morerapidly than spelling.(3)The spelling forms were changed by the early scribes to make theeir writing more recognizable.(4)Borrowing.3.There are mainly there criteria for may fall into:the basic word stock andnonbasic vocabulary by use frequency;content words and functional words by notion;native words and borrowed words by prigin.4.The basic word stock has five charecteristic:(1)all nationalcharacter,(2)stability,(3)productivi-ty,(4)polysemy,(5)productivity.Chapter2 The Development Of the English Vocabularyof the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.It is assumed that the world has 3000 languages, which can be grouped intoroughly_______ language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.2. The following languages all belong to the Eastern set except_______ .3. In the Eastern set,Armenian and_______ are the sole modern languages in the two respective families.language does not belong to the Italic.early inhabitants of the British Isles spoke_______ .Germanic speakers took permanent control of the land that was later called_______ (the land of Angles).English has a vocabulary of about 50000 to 60000 words,which is entirely Germanic with only a few borrowings from_______ and Scandinavian.influx of French words into English did not occur until after_______ .the Middle English period,the three main dialects of the land were Northern, _______ and Midland.10. _______ is the chief ancestor of Modern English,not Southern.Norman Conquest started a continual flow of_______ words into English.is an_______ dialect,as its name implies, and intelligible to Northerner and Southerners alike.number of_______ words that poured into English was unbelievably great and covered every realm of culture and society in the Middle English period.English regained social status in Middle English period,those imposer spoke French;those who were literate read and wrote _______ ;those who could educate their children taught them in _______ ;and any young man who sought to earn his living as a scribe learned_______ or_______ .;French;Latin;French ;French;French;English;French;Latin;French ;French;Greek;Frenchthe early period of modern English,Europe saw a new upsurge in learning ancient Greek and Roman classic,which is known in history as the_______ .the beginning of the 20th century, particularly after World War II,although borrowing remains channel of English vocabulary expansion,more words are created by_______ .Anglo-Saxon in the Old English period was almost a “_______ ”language,which created new words from its own compound elements with few foreign words.one scholar notes,old English was characterized by “_______ endings”,MiddleEnglish by “leveled endings”,and Modern English by “_______ endings”.;lost ;full ;pure ;lostEnglish which was a_______ language has evolved to the present_______ language.;synthetic ;analytic;analytic ;syntheticall the foreign languages from which we have borrowed words,Latin ,Greek,French,and_______ stand out as the major contributors.the Pre-Anglo-Saxon period,the words borrowed naturally from reflected the new experience in_______ and _______ .;economy ;agriculture ;shrinethe Old English period,borrowings from Latin came in because of the introduction of Christianity,such as, _______ and _______ .;candle ;sack ;shrine ;circlecenturies were especially prolific in Latin borrowingsunder the influence of Renaissance.and 13th and 14th and15th and 16thlate borrowings from Latin still retain their Latin of the following was borrowed in the Modern English periodB . Focusof the following does not come from Greekis from_______ and tatami is from_______ .;African ;Japanese ;Turkish ;JapaneseEnglish vocabulary develops through_______ .,analogyand ,semantic and borrowing,archaisms,and semantic change,denizens and argotof the following contemporary English vocabulary is from the rapid growth of science and technologysuit belt jacketsScandinavian languages:Norwegian,Swedish,Danish,and Icelandic,constitute the_______ branch of the Germanic group.archaic or_______ words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary though insignificant.II.Decide whether the following statements are true or false.( ) is more closed related to German than French.( ) languages refer to Icelandic,Norwegian,Danish,and Swedish( ) English was a highly infected language.( ) early Middle English period,English,Latin,and Celtic existed side by side. ( ) introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of Modern English period.( ) English is considered to be an analytic language.( ) four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin,French,Scandinavian and Italian.( ) modern times,borrowing brings less than percent of modern English vocabulary. ( ) three major factors that promote the growth of modern English vocabulary are advances in science and technology,influence of foreign cultures and languages. ( ) most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is creation of new words by means of word-formation.( ) English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.( ) English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings.the following terms.1.the Indo-European Language Family2.Old English3.foreign elements4.creation5.semantic changefollowing answers should be clear and short1.Why did Middle become the chief ancestor of Modern English2.What are the characteristics of Modern English3.What are the reasons for the growth of contemporary English vocabulary4.What are the general characteristics of the world-wide appeal of Englishand comment on the following.1.Soft drinks and minerals sold here.Tell what“soft drink” and “mineral” mean respectively and explain why they take on those meanings in modern American English.2.“Moon”was originally written as “moan”and the pronuncia tions of the twowords are different,too .Explain the reasons for the change in spelling and pronunciation.AnswersI.II.III.1.The Indo-European Language Family is made up of most languages of Europe,theNear East,and to the geographical distribution,these languages fall into ten principal groups,belonging to two sets,namely an Eastern set and a Western Eastern set consists of:Balto-Slavic,Indo-Iranian,AmericanandAlbanian; the Western set comprises:Celtic,Italic, Hellenic, Germanic, Hittite and Tocharian.2.Old English grew out of the Anglo-Saxon,which has a vocabulary of about 50000to 60000 vocabulary is almost monogamous and entirely Geomantic with only a few borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.3.English vocabulary owes most of its words to foreign words borrowed from otherlanguages are known as foreign elements in the English vocabulary.4.Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existingmaterials,namely roots,affixes and other modern times,this is the most important way of vocabularyexpansion.5.Semantic change refers to an old form whichtakes on a new meaning to meet thenew does not increase the number of word forms but create many new usage of the existing words.IV.1. There are several reasons:(1)The midland included London,which was then the capital of England,naturally the political,economical and cultural center.(2)Two great writers Wycliffe and Chaucer employed the Midland dialect in their writings.(3)Midland is an intermediate dialect,as its name implies,and intelligible to Northerners and Southerners alike,whereas these speakers could not often understand each other using their own dialects respectively.(4)When Caxton introduced the printing press in 1477, the printerspatronized the Midland dialect, and any English man who wanted to be published had to write in that dialect.2. Modern English has a huge vocabulary of different elements. Most of the words have actually been borrowed from other languages. Word endings are mostly lost with just a few exceptions.3. Generally there are three main sources of new words:the rapid development of modern science and technology;social,economic and political changes;the influenceof other cultures and languages.4. The more obvious and striking features are summed up as follows:(1)receptivity, adaptability and heterogeneity;(2)simplicity of inflection(3)relatively fixed word-order.V.1.(1) “soft drink” means “carbonated drinks” and “mineral” means “mineralwater” in present American English.(2)“soft drink” means “non-alcoholic beverage” and “mineral” means “ore”in British English, but these words no longer have such meanings in present British English.(3) American English has revived the old meaning of “soft drink” and that of“mineral”. This is because it is easy to understand and remember.2. (1) “Mona” is an early borrowed word but the original form did not conform to the English way of pronunciation and spelling.(2) In later development, the word became well assimilated into English languages.(3) At present “mona”is written as “moon”, conforming to the English way of pronunciation and spelling.。

第一章word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.2. Vocabulary refers to the sum total of all the words ina language. In other words, vocabulary is composed of words and words make up vocabulary. If we compare vocabulary to a family, words are family members.3. Sound is the physical aspect of a word and meaning is what the sound refers to. Sound and meaning are not intrinsically related and their collection is arbitrary and conventional. For example, tree/tri:/ means 树in English because the English-speaking people have agreed to do so just as Chinese people use/shù/(树) to refer to the same thing. This explains why people of different languages use different sounds to express the same concept. However, in the same languages, the same sound can denote different meanings, . /rait/ can mean right, rite, and write.4. There are generally four major causes of the differences between sound and form.⑴There are more phonemes than letters in English, so there is no way to use one letter to represent one phoneme.⑵The stabilization of spelling by printing, which breaks the synchronized change of sound and spelling.⑶influence of the work of scribes, who deliberately changedthe spelling of words an d ⑷borrowing, which introduces many words which are against English rules of pronunciation and spelling.5 .Early scribes changed the spelling of many words while copying things for others because the original spelling formsin cursive writing were difficult for people to recognize, suchas sum, cum, wuman, munk and so on. Later, the letter u with vertical lines was replaced with o, resulting in the current spelling forms like some, come, woman, monk. The changed spelling forms are more distinguishable to readers.6. Words of the basic word stock form the common core ofthe English language. They are the words essential to native speakers’ daily communication. Such words are characterizedby all national character, stability, polysemy, productivityand collocability.7. a. loose woman b. fellow c. pistol d. greate. cowardf. fightg. policeh. drunki. womanj. girl8. haply = perhaps albeit= althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke= alsosmooth= truth morn= morningtroth= pledge ere= beforequoth = said hallowed= holybillow= wave/ the sea bade= bid9. Neologisms refer to newly-coined words or old words with new meanings. For example, euro(欧元),e-book(电子书),SARS(非典), netizen(网民), are newly-coined words. Words like mouse(鼠标),web(网络),space shuttle(航天飞机) etc. are old words which have acquired new meanings.10. By notion, words fall into content words and functional words. Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverds and numerals, which have clear notions; whereas functional words are void of notions but are mainly used to connect content words into sentences. Content words are numerous and changing all the time, while functional words are small in number and stable. But functional words have much higher frequency in use than content words.11. Native words form a small portion of the Englishvocabulary, but they make up the mainstream of the basic word-stock which belongs to the common core of the English language. Compared with most loan-words, native words are mostly essential to native speakers’ daily communication and enjoy a much higher frequency in actual use.12. Denizens Aliens Translation loans Semantic loanskettle confrere chopsticks dreamdie pro patria black humourskirt parvenu long time no seewall Wunderkind typhoonhusband Mikado第二章1. The Indo-Europe Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of the languages of Europe , the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European Language Family have different degrees of influence on English vocabulary . A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.Language FamilyBalto-Slavic (Lithuanian,Prussian, Polish, Slavenian, Russian, Bulgarian)Indo-Iranian (Hindi, Perian)Celtic (Breton, Scottish, Irish)Italic(Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Roumanian)Hellenic(Greek)Germanic(English, Swedish, German, Norweigian, Icelangic, Danish, Dutch)vocabularies of the three periods differ greatly from one anther. OldEnglish has (1) a small vocabulary (50 000—60 000), (2) a small number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian only and (3) the words full of endings. Middle English has (1) a comparatively large vocabulary, (2) a tremendous number of foreign words from French and Latin and (3) word endings leveled. Modern English has (1) a huge and heterogeneous vocabulary, (2) tremendous borrowings and (3) words with lost endings.Yes, we can divide the developments in other ways, for example, Old English period can be called Anglo-Saxon period. And Middle English might start from 1066, the time of NormanConquest. But in doing so, the logical continuation of thee three phases of the original division is lost.4. It is receptivity and adaptability of the English language that make it possible for English to borrow heavilyfrom other major languages of the world, so that the English vocabulary eventually has become heterogeneous.5. The popularity of English lies in the fact that English is ready to borrow from other languages and to adaptitself to new situations and new developments, that it has accepted elements from all other major languages and that ithas simple reflection and a relatively fixed word order. All these make the language comparatively easy to learn and to use.6. course human events necessarypeople dissolve political connected assume powers separate equal station nature entitle decent respect opinions requiresdeclare causes impel separationFrom the words picked out, we can see that most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What we leftare mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latinplay a very important part in the English vocabulary.7. Latin borrowing can be divided into four phase: (1)Pre-Anglo-Saxon period,(2)Old English period, (3) middle English period and(4) Modern English period. Borrowings in the first period are mainly common words such as wall, wine, kettle and so on; words borrowed in the second period are mainly religious terms such as candle, nun, church; the third period saw word borrowed often via French such as frustrate, history, infancy and so on and in the forth period Words borrowed from Latin are usually abstract formal terms like status ,nucleus , minimum.8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek +Latin ]Falsehood [Latin +English ] pacifist [Latin +Greek ]Saxophone [German +Greek ] heirloom [French +English ]Joss house [Portuguese +English ] television [Greek + Latin ]9. amateur (late) finace (late)Empire (late) peace (early)Courage (early) garage (late)Judgement (early) chair (early)Chaise (late) grace (early)Servant (early) routine (late)Jealous (early) savate (late)Genre (late) gender (early)Debut (late) morale (late)State (early) chez (late)Ballet (late)10. Jespersen’s comment reveals the importance of Scandinavian words in English. Just as people cannot live without bread and eggs, so English language cannot operate properly without Scandinavian words.11. allegro f . 轻快Alto i. 女低音Andante j 行板Crescendo b.渐强Diminuendo g. 渐弱Forte e.强Largo d.缓慢Piano h. 轻Pianoforte a.轻转慢Soprano c.女高音12. cherub(Hebrew) chipmunk(American Indian )Chocolate(Mexican ) coolie(Hindi)Cotton (Arabic) jubilee (Greek)Lasso (Spanish) loot (Hindi)Sabbath (Hebrew) shampoo (Hindi)Snorkel (German) tamale (Mexican)Tepee (American) tulip (Turkish)Voodoo (African) kibitz (German)Wok (Chinese) sauerbraten (German)13.d..bonanza14. the characteristics of the contemporary vocabulary can be summarized as follows: (1) the vocabulary is huge in size and heterogeneous; (2) it has tremendous borrowings from all other major languages of the world; (3) the words have lost their endings; (4) it is growing swiftly by means of word-formation because of the development of science and technology, social, economic and political changes and influence of other cultures and languages.15. the major modes of vocabulary development of contemporary are creation, that is by means of word-formation; semantic change, adding new meanings to old words; borrowing words from other language and revival of old-fashioned words, which has a insignificant role.第三章morpheme morphemeaffixaffix2. inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end of words to denote grammatical concepts such as –s(-es), -ed, -ing and –est (to show superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are prefixes and suffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-, un-, -tion, -er, -ness and so on.Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts, including inflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words (prepositions, pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and Was;lexical morphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixes and suffixes3. Individualisticindividualist + ic [stem , base]individual + ist [stem, base ]individu + al [stem, base ]in + dividu [root, stem, base ]undesirablesun +desirable [stem, base ]desir + able [root, stem, base ]free morpheme =free root4. morpheme{Bound rootbound morpheme { inflectional affixaffix { prefixderivational affix {suffix第四章Enumerate the three important means of word formation and explain their respective role in the expansion of Englishvocabulary.The three means of word formation are affixation ,which creates 30% to 40% of the total number of new words ;compounding ,which brings 28% to 30% of all the new words.;and conversion ,which provides English with 26% of the new words.Affixation1.Affixation,also called derivation,is the formation of new words by adding affixes to Includes prefixation and suffixation according to the types of Affixes used to forms new words.2.Prefixation is to create new words by adding prefixes to base while suffixation makes new words by adding suffixes to base.3.Generally speaking,prefixes do not change part of speech of base but only modify their meaning whereas suffixes do change part of speech but seldom modify the meaning of bases.4.The best way to classify prefixes is on the basis of meaning because prefixes only change the meaning of bases in general.5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreementillogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizeb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. to fattenf. falsify/hardeng. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c.participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompounding1. The three criteria are(1)stress pattern, that is, stress in a compound falls on the first element but on the second in a free phrase, . '- -(compound), - ' -(free phrase);(2)meaning, that is, the meanings of a compound is usually not the combination of the meaning of the component parts, but the free phrase is, . hot line(compound: busy line),hot potato(free phrase: potato which is hot);(3)grammatical unity, that is, the different elements form a grammatical unit, which does not allow internal change, . easy chair(compound: a special arm chair),easier chair(free phrase: a less easy chair).However, every rule has expectations. The same is true of the criteria. Three are examples against each of the three rules.2. heartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + ] baking powder [ adv+n.]far- reaching [Adv+] dog-tired [adv + adj]lion-hearted [adv + ] love-sick [adv + adj]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ adj+ n]on-coming [adv+v] tax-free [adv +adj]light-blue [adj + adj] goings-on [V +adv] Whereas conversation is the derivation of new words by adding zero affixes, such as single(adj.)→single(v.).3. There are two ways to form verb compounds. For example, first name (v. from first name)and honeymoon (v. from honeymoon) are words created by means of conversion: words such as proofread (v. from proofreading)and chain-smoke (v. from chain smoker) are formed by means of backformation.有教养的 well-behaved 守规矩的culture-bound 含文化的 homebound 回家的needle work 针织品 homework 家庭作业 praiseworthy 值得表扬的 respectworthy 值得尊敬的 bar-woman 吧女 sportswoman 女运动员nationwide 全国的 college-wide 全校的clear-minded 头脑清晰的 strong-minded 意志坚强的military-style 军事风格的 newstyle 新款self-control 自制 self-respect 自尊budget-related 有预算的 politics-related 与政治相关的water-proof 防水 fire-proof 防火once-fashionable 曾经流行的 once-powerful 曾经强大的news-film 新闻片 news-letter 时事通讯mock-attack 演习 mock-sadness 假悲伤sister-in-law 嫂/弟媳妇 father-in-law 岳父/公公home-baked 自家烤的 home-produced 自制的half-way 半途的/半路的 half-done 半生不熟的ever-lasting 永久的 ever-green 常青的age-conscious 年龄敏感的 status-conscious 身份敏感的campus-based 以校园为基地的 market-based 基于市场的Conversion1.conversion is the formation of new words by turning words of one part of speech to those of another part of speech. The term functional shift reveals the actual function of conversion, of the functions of term zero-derivation approaches conversion from the perspective of derivation because it is a way of deriving new words by adding zero affixes,hence zero derivation.2.Although both are called derivation ,suffixation is the derivation of new words by adding suffixes to bases,such as simple (adj.)→simplify(v.)7.,examiner8.trans-=across:transcontinental,trans-world9.Mono-=one:monorail,monoculture10.Super-=over,above:superstructure,supernatural11.Auto-=self:autobiography,automobile12.Sub-=below:subculture,subconscious13.Mal-=bad,badly:malpractice,malnutrition14.Mini-=little,small:minicrisis,miniwar15.Pre-=before:prehistorical,preelection16.Ex-=former:ex-teacher,ex-filmer3 The classes most frequently involved in conversation are nouns and verbs.4 Verbs converted to nouns usually are related to the original verbs in six different new nouns converted from verbsrefer to (1)state of mind or sensation, .desire(state of desiring); (2) event or activity , (the activity of swimming );(3) result of the action,. buy (the result of buying);(4) doer of the action, (the person whom bores); (5) tool or instrument ,e,g, paper (doing something with paper ) and (6) place,. turn(the place of turning).Nouns converted to verbs are generally related to the original nouns in sever different ways . The new verbs usually mean (1) to put in or on the noun,e. g. peel (to remove the peel from );(4) to do with the noun,. Shoulder (to do something with shoulder); (5) to be or act as the noun,e. g. tutor (to be the tutor) ;(6) to make or change into the noun, . cash (7) to send or go by the noun ,e. g. ship (to send by ship).5.When adjectives are converted into nouns ,some are completely changed ,thus known as full conversation, and others are partially changed ,thus known as partial which are fully converted can achieve a full noun status, i. e. having all the characteristics of nouns .That means they can take a / an shorts , which are partially converted still keep adjective should always be used with the ,and they cannot take -s/-es to show plural ,the words can have comparative or superlative degrees: the poor ,the poorer ,the young, the very unfortunate.6.The changes occasionally involved are (1) change of spelling accompanied by pronunciation ,e. G. Life/laIf/→live/liv/ , breath /breɚ/→breathe /bri:ỏ/ and blood /blʌd/→ bleed / bli:d/ ;(2) cha nge of pronunciation and stress ,e. g. use . n /ju :s / → use v. / ju:z / and permit n. /'p :mit/→ v. /p 'mit / and so on.7.a .stomach 【n.→v.】 b. Room 【n.→ v.】c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. fla t [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel) 汽车旅馆humint (hum an + int elligence) 情报advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics) 广告统计学psywarrior (psy chological warrior) 心理战专家hoverport (hover craft + port) 气垫船码头chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) 海峡隧道hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) 高保真音响cinemactress (cinem a + actress) 女电影演员Clippingcopter (heli copter) front clippingdorm (dorm itory) back clippinglab (lab oratory) back clippingprefab (pref abricated house) phrase clippinggas (gas oline) back clippingprof (prof essor) back clippingscope (tele scope) front clippingchamp (champ ion) back clippingsarge (serge ant) back clippingmike (mic rophone) back clippingad (ad vertisement) back clippingtec (de tec tive) front and back clippingAcronymy1. Yes, there is a difference between them. Thedifference lies in the formation and pronunciation.Initialisms are formations pronounced letter by letter, .UFO(unidentified flying object), BBC(B ritishB roadcastingC orporation), VIP(very important person)and acronyms are formed to conform to the rule of spelling and pronunciation, that is, the words look and sound like ordinary words, . AIDS/eidz/(acquired immune deficiency syndrome), MAD(mutually assured destruction), radar(radio detecting and ranging).2. kg =k ilogram ft=f oot cf =c onfercm=c entimeter $=d ollar ibid = i bidemetc. = e t cetera VIP=v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC=O rganization of P etroleumE xporting C ountriesTOEFL=t est of E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SALT b. radar c. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonar h. G-manBackformation1.It is true that both are means of making new words by removing the end part of the words . But they havedifferences . For a back-formed word , what is removed is the supposed suffix ,. auth------author ,donate------donation , loaf-----loafer , the forms–-or,--ion , --er coincide with the their suffixes . For back clipping , however , what is removed is usuallydifferent from the existing suffixes ,.ad------advertisement , gas-------gasoline ,exam------examination , etc.se (laser)escalate(escalator)Babysit (babysitter) peeve (peevish)Orate (orator) commute (commuter)Communization of proper namesa.Tantalize -------Tantalus : to tease or torment bykeeping sth. wanted out of reachb.Argus-eyed--------Argus : to be extremely watchfulc.narcissim--------Narcissus : excessive admiration ofoneself or one’s appearanced.sabotage-------Sabots : (1) to destroy or damagedeliberately(2) deliberatedamage or destructione. martinet--------Martinet : strict /stern (military) trainerf . yahoo-------Yahoo : a lout or ruffiang. Shylock--------Shylock : a ruthless money lenderh. hovering-------Hoover : cleaning by using a vacuumcleaner。

《英语词汇学》课后练习英语词汇学一、单项选择题1. According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.A. soundsB. meaningC. formD. function【正确答案】 B2. A word is a ______ that stands for something else in the world.A. symbolB. systemC. structureD. pattern【正确答案】 A3. We consider that the written form of a natural language is the written record of the ______ form.A. writerB. practicalC. oralD. grammatical【正确答案】 C4. In spite of the differences, at least ______ percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns.A. sixtyB. seventyC. eightyD. ninety【正确答案】 C5. Words may fall into content words and functional words by ______.A. use frequencyB. notionC. originD. stability【正确答案】 B6. Among the feature of words of the basic word stock, ______ is the most important one that may differentiate words of common use from all others.A. all national characterB. stabilityC. productivityD. collocability【正确答案】 A7. ______ belong to the sub-standard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words.A. JargonsB. SlangsC. ArgotsD. Dialectal words【正确答案】 B8. Native words in English are words brought to Britain in the ______ century by some German tribes.A. eighthB. seventhC. fifthD. sixth【正确答案】 C9. Which of the following words isn’t the alien?A. decorB. bazaarC. shiftD. emir【正确答案】 C10. _______ are words or forms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use.A. ArchaismsB. SlangC. ArgotD. Dialectal words【正确答案】 A11. The Indo-European language family accordingly fall into _______ principle groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set and Western set.A. eightB. sixC. fiveD. several【正确答案】 A。

英语词汇学第四版课后答案1、———Must I return the book you lent me to you now? ——No, you( ). You can keep it for another few days. [单选题] *A.can’tB. shouldn'tC. mustn'tD. don, t have to(正确答案)2、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way3、She _______ so much _______ her mother. [单选题] *A. looks; like(正确答案)B. looks; forC. looks; afterD. looks forwards; to4、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] *A. big enough(正确答案)B. enough bigC. very smallD. very big5、How lovely a day,()? [单选题] *A. doesn't itB. isn't it(正确答案)C.shouldn't itD.hasn't it6、—Tony, it’s cold outside. ______ wear a jacket?—OK, mom.()[单选题] *A. Why not(正确答案)B. Why don’tC. Why did youD. Why do you7、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like8、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care9、Study hard, ______ you won’t pass the exam. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. butD. if10、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth11、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *A.take(正确答案)B.takingC.tookD.to take12、Boys and girls, please _______ your favorite book here and show it to us next class. [单选题] *A. bring(正确答案)B. sellC. buyD. take13、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you14、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)15、Was()that I saw last night at the concert? [单选题] *A. it you(正确答案)B. not youC. youD. that yourself16、The()majority of the members were against the idea. [单选题] *A. substantialB. enormousC. considerable(正确答案)D. overwhelming17、Amy and her best friend often ______ books together.()[单选题] *A. read(正确答案)B. readsC. is readingD. to read18、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told19、In winter, animals have a hard time_____anything to eat. [单选题] *A.to findB.finding(正确答案)C.foundD.to finding20、Before leaving the village, he visited the old house _____ he spent his childhood. [单选题] *A in which(正确答案)B. whichC. to whichD at which21、I think ______ time with my friends is fun for me.()[单选题] *A. spendB. spendC. spending(正确答案)D. spent22、During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ ameal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. [单选题] *A. shareB. to share(正确答案)C. having sharedD. shared23、He _______ getting up early. [单选题] *A. used toB. is used to(正确答案)C. is usedD. is used for24、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's25、Although the story is written for children, it can be read by adult, _____. [单选题] *A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. too(正确答案)26、67.—What can I do for you?—I'm looking at that dress.It looks nice.May I ________?[单选题] *A.hold it onB.try it on(正确答案)C.take it offD.get it off27、You should take the medicine after you read the _______. [单选题] *A. linesB. wordsC. instructions(正确答案)D. suggestions28、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] *A. put upB. put onC. put away(正确答案)D. put down29、This message is _______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised(正确答案)D. surprised; surprising30、The Spring Festival is on the way.Many shops have _______ huge posters with the word sales. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put onC. put outD. put off。

《英语词汇学》课程习题集一、单选题1. The word “humorousness” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. The word “nationalize” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four3. The word “decoding” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four4. Which of the following forms is not an allomorph of the morpheme “in-”?A. ig-B. ir-C. il-D. im-5. Which of the following forms does not contain an allomorph of the inflectional morpheme of plurality?A. booksB. pigsC. horsesD. expense6. According to ______, there is an intrinsic correspondence between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists7. According to ______ , there is not a logical connection between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists8. Most English words are _________ symbols.A. definiteB. arbitraryC. infiniteD. hereditary9. From the point of view of ________, a direct connection between the symbol and its sense can be readily observed in a small group of words.A. nationalismB. anthropologyC. linguisticsD. motivation10. Words motivated phonetically are called _________ words.A. onomatopoeicB. similarC. naturalD. symbolic11. In the sentence “John was asked to spy the enemy”, “spy” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym12. In the sentence “John was doctored by Mr. Smith in the hospital”, “doctor” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym13.In the sentence “John was asked to get into the office after a two-hour wait”, “wait”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym14. In the sentence “John decided to nurse his sister himself”, “nurse” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym15.In the sentence “John was asked to leave after his three-day stay in the town”, “stay”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym16. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational and inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix17. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix18. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix19. Any root or stem can be termed as a _______.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix20.A _______ is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix21. The wo rd “wife” used to mean “woman”, now it means “married woman esp. in relation to her husband”. The word has undergone a sort of semantic change called _____.A. elevationB. degenerationC. extensionD. restriction22.The word “holiday” used to mean “holy day, a day of religious significance”, and now it refers to “day of recreation, when no work is done”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation23.The word “salary” used to mean “a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt”, and now it refers to “fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to person doing other than manual work”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation24.The word “starve” used to mean “to die”, and now it refers to “to die of hunger”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation25.The word “shrewd” used to mean “evil, bad, wicked”, and now it refers to “clever or sharp in practical affairs”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation26. The Renaissance brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD27. French brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD28. The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as _________.A. Ancient EnglishB. Primordial EnglishC. Contemporary EnglishD. Middle English29. The English language from 1500 AD to the present is called ________ .A. Ancient EnglishB. Old EnglishC. Middle EnglishD. Modern English30. Which of the following is not a phase in the development of the English language?A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Contemporary English31.The word “tear”meaning “the drop of salty water from the eye”and the word “tear”meaning “to pull sharply apart” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words32. The word “lead” meaning “guide or take, esp. by going in front, etc.” and the word “lead”meaning “an easily melted metal of a dull bluish-grey color” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words33. The word “lie” meaning “make a statement that one knows to be untrue” and the word “lie”meaning “put oneself flat on a horizontal surface” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words34. The word “base” meaning “the thing or part on which something rests” and the word “base”meaning “having or showing little or no honour, courage or decency”are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words35. The word “son” meaning “one’s male child” and the word “sun” meaning “a star that is the basis of the solar system and that sustains life on Earth, being the source of heat and light” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words36. When a word has a range of different meanings, it belongs to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. antonymyD. polysemy37. When many pairs or groups of words which are different in meaning are pronounced alike or spelled alike, or both, such words belong to the words of ________.A. antonymyB. synonymyC. homonymyD. polysemy38.When words are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called ________ .A. homophonesB. homographsC.homoformsD. homogenes39. ________ is the most common cause of homophones.A. semantic divergenceB. phonetic convergenceC. shorteningD. foreign influence40. When words are involved in the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is included in the latter, the words belong to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy41.We can use “a silver lining” for “every cloud has a silver lining”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. additionC. abbreviationD. extension42.We can use “pull an unhappy face” for “pull a long face”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension43.We can use “see too many trees, but not the forest” for “cannot see the wood for the trees”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. omissionC. abbreviationD. extension44.We can use “come of marriage age” for “come of age”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension45. What is the rhetoric style illustrated by the idiom “neck and neck”?A. comparisonB. rhymeC. alliterationD. repetition46. _______ is the central factor in a word describing what it is.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning47. _______ consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. grammatical meaningD. lexical meaning48. _______ refers to the emotional association which a word suggests in one’s mind.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning49._______ is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning50. _______ is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning二、名词解释题51. proverbabsolute synonym52. function wordsonomatopoeic words53. homonymydegradation54. metaphorprefixation55. polysemyelevation of meaning三、Word-building processes56. IOC VIP fire-proof ad auto plane CIA BBC ID record-breaking raindrop newscast brunch botel motel beautility champ dorm steamboat honeybee57. sit-in TB phone shoulder-high bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom gym taxi memo vet TEFL SALT dropout setback UN OPEC crystal-clear58.round-the-clock NATO sci-fi telex proof-reader schoolboy chute bus copter PE ASEAN NASA TOEFL air-conditioning lion’s share dozer plane airtel faction lunarnaut59.sea-green flowerbed VOA bike fridge medicare Motown hi-fi tec scope quake NBC EPA UNESCO H-bomb air-tight silkworm peace-loving slimnastics docudrama60.morning person ROM CD flu brunch travelog workaholic motel telex nark pop biz math VCR sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting ABC RAM四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. First VersionEven since I was a CHILD, I have wanted to go on the stage and be an ACTRESS, like my elder sister. She is less PRETTY than I am and I hoped that if I was LUCKY, I, too, would have the chance to PERFORM three or four times a week at our little local theatre.Second VersionEver since my ____, I have wanted to go on the stage and ____, like my elder sister. I am ____ than she is, and I hoped that with ____, I, too, would have the chance to give ____ three or four times a week at our little local theatre.62. First Version“You should be CONFIDENT. You are ABLE to do it,” she told me, “but you may not have the PATIENCE. It takes a lot of hard work to be SUCCEESSFUL. You can ACHIEVE anything if you stick to it.”Second Version“You should have _____ in yourself. You’ve got the _____ to do it,” she told me, “but you may be too ____. It takes a lot of hard work to ____. You can make any ____ if you stick to it.”63. First VersionThen she would DESCRIBE in DETAIL of her CONFUSION and embarrassment when the man who was DIRECTING the play told her that she spoke and MOVE too slowly in one scene. Second VersionThen she would give me a ____ ____ of how _____ and embarrassed she’d been when the ____ of the play told her that her speech and ____ were too slow in one scene.64. First VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after HESITATING for a moment, say “WELCOME!” to and old woman who was ENTERING from the other side. “But take CARE because the stage is SLIPPERY,” he said.Second VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after a moment’s ____, to ____ an old woman who was making her ____ from the other side. “But be ____ not to ____,” he said.65. First VersionThere was no DOUBT that the stage was very slippery, but she would PROBABL Y have reached the other side SAFEL Y if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was in FASHION that year, and tumbled right off the stage, to the ASTONISHMENT of the audience.Second VersionThe stage was ____ very slippery, but it’s ____ that she would have reached the other side in ____ if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was ____ that year, and tumbled right off the stage. The audience was ____.五、简答题(略)……答案一、单选题1. C2. C3. C4. A5. D6. A7. D8. B9. D10. A11. C12. C13. C14. C15. C16. A17. C18. B19. C20. B21. D22. A23. A24. B25. D26. B27. A28. D29. D30. D31. C32. C33. B34. B35. A36. D37. C38. A39. B40. A41. C42. B43. A44. D45. D46. A47. C48. B49. C50. D二、名词解释题51. proverb: it is a well-known, supposedly wise saying usually in simple language expressinga fact or a truth which deals with everyday experience.e.g. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. / The early bird catches the worm.absolute synonyms: two words that are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings.e.g. word-formation and word-building or spirants and fricatives.52. function words: short words such as prepositions, conjunctions and so on. They don’t have much lexical meaning and serve grammatically more than anything else. They are in contrast to content words, which have independent lexical meaning and used to name objects, actions, states and so on. e.g. in, on and from.onomatopoeic words: They are the words imitating the sounds or sounding like natural sounds.e.g. cuckoo, tick, bang.53.homonymy: It is the relationship between words in the pairs which, though different in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike or both.e.g. lead (to guide) / lead (a gray metal), tear (drop of salty water coming from the eye) / tear (pull sharply to pieces), bear / baredegradation: It means that words once respectable or neutral shift to a less respectable even degraded meaning.e.g. genteel, terrific, accident54. metaphor: It is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity.e.g. the teeth of a saw, a shower of stones, the tongue of a shoeprefixation: It is the word-formation process by the addition of a word element before an already existing word.e.g. multimedia, inconvenience, antiart55. polysemy: If a word has got more than two meanings, then it belongs to words of polysemy.e.g. rich, full, getelevation of meaning: Elevation is the process where words go uphill, shifting from words showing disrespectable meaning to better meaning. e.g. craftsman, shrewd三、Word-building processes56. compounding: fire-proof record-breaking raindrop steamboat honeybee acronymy: CIA IOC VIP BBC IDclipping: ad auto champ dorm planeblending: newscast brunch botel motel beautility57. compounding: sit-in dropout setback shoulder-high crystal-clearacronymy: TB UN OPEC TEFL SALTclipping: phone gym taxi memo vetblending: bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom58. compounding: round-the-clock air-conditioning proof-reader schoolboy lion’s share acronymy: NATO PE ASEAN NASA TOEFLclipping: chute bus copter dozer planeblending: sci-fi telex airtel faction lunarnaut59. compounding: sea-green flowerbed air-tight silkworm peace-lovingacronymy: VOA NBC EPA UNESCO H-bombclipping: bike fridge tec scope quakeblending: slimnastics docudrama medicare Motown hi-fi60. compounding: morning person sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting acronymy: ROM CD VCR ABC RAMclipping: flu nark pop biz mathblending: brunch travelog workaholic motel telex四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. 1. childhood 2. act 3. prettier 4. luck 5. performances62. 1. confidence 2. ability 3. impatient 4. succeed 5. achievement63. 1. detailed 2. description 3. confused 4. director 5. movement64. 1. hesitation 2. welcome 3. entrance 4. careful 5. slip65. 1. undoubtedly 2. probable 3. safety 4. fashionable 5. astonished五、简答题(略)……。

实用英语词汇学课后练习答案张华1.Explain briefly the two methods of the study of lexicology.There are two main approaches which are used to study English lexicology. One is a synchronic approach and the other is a diachronie approach. A synchronic approach shows that words can be studied at a point in time, disregarding whatever changes might be taking place, while a diachronic approach indicates that words can be considered historically, with emphases on the origin and changes in form and meaning.2.What is a word?Word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. The definition of a word will cover the following points:a) a minimal free form of a languageb) a sound unityc) a unit of meaningd) a form that can function alone in a sentence3.What is vocabulary?All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. V ocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language.4.Explain briefly transparent words and opaque words.How the majority of words were formed cannot be explained. These words arecalled opaque words, such as whose axe, book, table, and work .Only a minorityof words can be explained . They are words whose meaning is determined is from the meaning of their components. Such as cuckoo, ping-pong, motherland, and blackbird.5.How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loan-words?Words can be divided into native words and loan words according to their origin. Native words are Anglo-Saxon words still retained in Modern English, while loan words are word taken from different foreign languages. Native words cannot compare with loan-words in number, but have a more important role in the language.4. Why do we say “English is a heavy borrower?”English owes 80% of its vocabulary to other languages. That is to say English has borrowed 80 percent of its vocabulary from other languages. In fact, the English vocabulary contains words from all the major languages of the world. No other language of the world has borrowed so heavily. Therefore, the na me “heavy borrower”best describes the characteristic of the English vocabulary.5.Enumerate the major modes of modern vocabulary development.Modern Enlish vocabulary develops through three channels:creation,semanticchange, and borroeing.(1)Creation refers to the formation of new words by using existing materials,namely roots, affixes, and other elements.(2)Semantic change means an old form, which takes on a new meaning to meet the new ,such as mouse and web.(3)Borrowing has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary, particulary in earlier times.Borrowed words constitute mere ly six to seven percent of all new words.21.Both initialism and acronyms are ...explain them withexample.Initialism is a word formed initial letters and pronounced letter by letter while acronym is a word fromed from initial letters bu t pronounced as a normal sord. BBC,GMT,WHO,ISBN,FBI are all initialisms and SARS,ROM,UNESCO are acronyms.Why Should a Chinese Student of English S tudy English LexicologyLexicology is an important part which we should not neglect it. Otherwise, our English is not English because we cannot write it down or spell it. Don't you think it is iridous if we put the lexicology aside? T ake my experience for example, then you can realize that how essential the lexicology is.During my senior lifetime, I just studied the dumb English, I never recite the new words, even pay much attention to the lexicology, in my opinion, lexicology is empty and above me a lot. What I care about is the right answers for reading.Gradually, i found i was wrong,I had lost the functional thing like the building without the basically construction. As the time goes by, my English lever keeps falling down, eventually got it that it is time to focus on the lexicology. Generally speaking, the Chinese students of English are poor in the English firstly, so, that means we must pay great attention on it.6.Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family?The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help usunderstand English words better and use them more appropriately.22.How Word-formation Has Benefited Me in English Vocabulary Learning?The importance of vocabulary in English learning. V ocabulary is the foundation of all languages skills and is the rather afflicting part that English learners may come across in the first place. The situation of the vocabulary learning and the approaches to improve. The rules of word-formation are terribly powerful to form new words, it pretty necessary and helpful for us to have a good command of word-formation in order to help students with both the understanding and memorizing of English vocabulary. Why Should a Student of English Lexicology Study Sense Relations?V ocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and meaning. Comparatively speaking, the meaning is even more unstable than the form. Almost every word we use today has a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century ago; and a century ago it had a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century before that.How Do Y ou Account for the Semantic Change in Living Language?Semantic change is a change in one of the meanings of a word. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that words of one time period mean quite different things to the same words as spoken in a previous time. Moreover, two words derived from the same original may develop in very distinct ways: cognates across languages often look very similar but meanentirely different things.Semantic change is not to be confused with etymology, another field in diachronic linguistics; etymology is the scientific study of word origin, while semantic change deals with the development of sense. In fact, semantic change is one of the factors that need to be taken under consideration, in order to evaluate a proposed etymology.State the roles of “context”(陈述语境的作用)Context means the total environment in which the word appears; when we speak of context, however, we most often mean the sentence context, or discourse or text because they are where a word normally acquires its meaning. Without context, there is no way to determine the very sense of the word that the speaker intends to convey; while with context, there is generally no danger of misinterpretation, for meaning lives in context and context definesWhy Is the Study of Dictionary Necessary in Lexicology?First ,it will help his personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power . second ,it will give him a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable him to organize ,classify and store words more effectively .third, it will gradually raise his awareness of meaning and usages of words ,and enable him to use words more accurately and appropriately. fourth, it will improve his skills of using reference books and raise his problem-solving ability and efficiency of individual study .and at last ,it will improve his receptive and productive skills in language processing as will as language production.18 Why is the study of the dictionary necessary in lexicology?a dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical orderthe words of English, with information as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning, usage, rules of grammar, and in some, their etymology. It is closely related to lexicology, which deals with the same problems; the form, meaning, usage and origins of vocabulary units. Therefore, their similarities form the reason to study dictionaries.why is etymology helpful in vocabulary learningEtymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. By an extension, the term "etymology (of a word)" means the origin of a particular word. For languages with a long written history, etymologists make use of texts in these languages and texts about the languages to gather knowledge about how words were used during earlier periods of their history and when they entered the languages in question. Etymologists also apply the methods of comparative linguistics to reconstruct information about languages that are too old for any direct information to be available.。
现代词汇学 答案及英文课本

第一章词的概述Exercises answerChapter 1Ⅵ.All the words belong to the native stock.Ⅴ1. from Danish2. from French3. from German4. from Latin5. from Italian6. from Spanish7. from Arabic8. from Chinese9. from Russian10. from Greek英语参考资料Chapter 1A General Survey of a WordⅠ. Definition of a wordAristotle defined a word as the smallest significant unit of speech - a definition which held sway until recently. Modern methods of analysis have discovered semantic units below the word level. A new term is therefore needed to denote the smallest significant element of speech; in contemporary linguistic theory it is known as a morpheme.Bloomfield distinguishes between two types of linguistic forms: free forms and bound forms. Free forms can stand by themselves and sometimes act as a complete utterance whereas bound forms cannot. For example, the word nicely contains the free form nice, and the bound form -ly. The former can occur as an independent unit and even as a sentence (What about the other film? - Nice). But the suffix -ly cannot stand by itself, to say nothing of acting as a complete utterance. According to Bloomfield, a word is a minimal free form.Lexicology deals by definition with words and wordforming morphemes, that is to say, with significant units. It follows that these elements must be investigated in their form and in their meaning.Therefore, from the lexicological point of view, a word is a combination of form (phonological) and meaning (lexical and grammatical). In addition, a word acts as a structural unit of a sentence.Ⅱ. Sound and meaningThe Naturalists have argued that the origin of language lies in onomatopoeia, that people began talking by creating iconic signs to imitate the sounds heard around them in nature. They maintain that there is a natural connection between sound and meaning. The Conventionalists, on the other hand, hold that the relations between sound and meaning are conventional and arbitrary. Facts have proved this argument to be valid. Words that convey the same meaning have different phonological forms in different languages - for example, English meat / mi:t /,Chinese ròu. Alternatively, the same phonological forms may convey different meanings - for example, sight, site, cite.Ⅲ. Meaning and conceptMeaning is closely related to a concept. A concept is the base of the meaning of a word. A word is used to label a concept. It acts as the symbol for that concept. The concept is abstracted from the person, thing, relationship, idea, event, and so on, that we are thinking about. We call this the referent. The word labels the concept, which is abstracted from the referent; the word denotes the referent, but does not label it. This approach to meaning can be diagrammed as follows:word - concept - referentThe formula shows that the word refers to the referent through a concept.A concept is an abstraction from things of the same kind.When someone says "chair" to you, how do you know it is a chair? It is simply because it shows certain characteristics shared by all the objects you call chairs. You have abstracted these characteristics from your experience of chairs, and from what you have learned about chairs. From this it can be deduced that a concept refers to something in general, but not something in particular. A word, however, can refer to both, as is shown in the following two sentences:...some have begun to realize that the automobile is a mixed blessing.The automobile was stalled in a snowstorm.The word "automobile" in the first sentence refers to something in general whereas the word in the second sentence refers to a specific one.There are two aspects to the meaning of a word: denotation and connotation. The process by which the word refers to the referent is called"denotation". For example, the denotation of "dog" is "canine quadruped". The denotative meaning of a word usually refers to the dictionary definition of a word. As opposed to denotation, connotation refers to the emotional aspect of a word. For example, the connotation of "dog" might include "friend", "helper", "competition", etc.Ⅳ. Lexical item and vocabularyA unit of vocabulary is generally referred to as a lexical item.A complete inventory of the lexical items of a language constitutes that language's dictionary. In New Horizons in Linguistics, John Lyons points out that "Lexical items are often referred to, loosely, as words."The term vocabulary usually refers to a complete inventory of the words in a language. But it may also refer to the words and phrases used in the variants of a language, such as dialect, register, terminology, etc. The vocabulary can be divided into active vocabulary and passive vocabulary: the former refers to lexical items which a person uses; the latter to words which he understands.The English vocabulary is characterized by a mixture of native words and borrowed words. Most of the native words are of Anglo-Saxon origin. They form the basic word stock of the English language. In the native stock we find words denoting the commonest things necessary for life, natural phenomena, divisions of the year, parts of the body, animals, foodstuffs, trees, fruits, human activity and other words denoting the most indispensable things. The native stock also includes auxiliary and modal verbs, pronouns, most numerals, prepositions and conjunctions. Though small in number, these words play no small part in linguistic performance and communication.Borrowed words, usually known as loan-words, refer to linguistic forms taken over by one language or dialect from another.The English vocabulary has replenished itself by continually taking over words from other languages over the centuries. The adoption of foreign words into the English language began even before the English came to England. The Germanic people, of which the Angles and Saxons formed a part, had long before this event been in contact with the civilization of Rome. Words of Latin origin denoting objects belonging to that civilization (wine, butter, cheese, inch, mile, mint, etc.) gradually found their way into the English language.When the English were settled in England, they continued to borrow words from Latin, especially after Roman Christianity was introduced into the island in the sixth and seventh centuries. A considerable number of Latin words, chiefly signifying things connected with religion or the services of the church, were adopted into the English language. Among those which are still part of the language are bishop,candle, creed, font, mass, monk, priest and a great many others.To the Danes and Northmen the English vocabulary also owes a great deal. From these settlers, English adopted a surprising number of words of Scandinavian origin that belong to the core-vocabulary today: they (them, their), both, ill, die, egg, knife, low, skill, take, till, though, want, etc.The Norman Conquest in 1066 introduced a large number of French words into the English vocabulary. French adoptions were found in almost every section of the vocabulary: law (justice, evidence, pardon...), warfare (conquer, victory, archer...), religion (grace, repent, sacrifice...), architecture (castle, pillar, tower...), finance (pay, rent, ransom...), rank (baron, master, prince...), clothing (collar, mantle, vestment...), food (dinner, feast, sauce...) and many others. As an indication of the tremendous influx of French words, we may note that, discounting proper names, there are 39 words of French origin in the first 43 lines of the Prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.The revival of art and literature based on ancient Greek learning, known as the Renaissance in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, opened up a new source from which the English vocabulary could be enriched. English has borrowed many words from Greek through the medium of Latin and a smaller number direct, such as rhapsody, crisis, topic, pathos, stigma, coma, tonic, cosmos, dogma. From Greek also comes a wide range of learned affixes, such as bio-, chrono-, geo-, hydro-, logo-, auto-, hemi-, hetero-, homo-, mono-, neo-, epi-, meta-, para-, -ism, -ise, -logy, -graph, -phile, -meter, -gram and many others.From the sixteenth century onward, there was a great increase in the number of languages from which English adopted words. French continued to provide a considerable number of new words, for example, trophy, vase, moustache, unique, attic, soup. The Italian element was particularly strong in the fields of art, music and literature, for example, model, sonnet, opera, vista, soprano, quartet. There was also a Spanish element in English, for example, sherry, potato, cargo, parade, cigar. German, Portuguese and Dutch were also fertile sources of loan words, for example, dock, carouse, plunder, zinc, quarts (German); flamingo, cobra, caste, buffallo, pagoda (Portuguses); booze, wainscot, tackle, buoy, skipper, dock (Dutch).At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, with a growth of international trade and the urge to colonize and dominate the unknown world, English made a number of direct adoptions from languages spoken outside Europe. Some examples are: sultan, sheikh, ghoul, roc (Arabic); boomerang, billabong, wombat, dingo (Australian); lichi, sampan, typhoon, ketchup (Chinese); shibboleth, kibbutz (Hebrew); schmozze, schmaltz (Yiddish); shah, divan, shawl, caravan (Persian); caften, yoghourt, kiosk, bosh (Turkish); bwana, safari (Swahili); hara-kiri. tycoon, kamikaze,judo (Japanese); guru, pundit, swami, pukka (Hindustani); proa, amok, raffia, sarong (Indonesian); rouble, czar, troika, commissar (Russian).Since the end of the Second World War, still more loanwords have been incorporated into the English vocabulary, for example, haute cuisine, discotheque, engagé (French), sushi (Japanese); gulag, apparatchik (Russian); mao tai (Chinese); favela (Portuguese); autostrada (Italian); autopista (Spanish); hamam (Arabic) and many others.In the present century it should be observed that English has created many words out of Latin and Greek elements, especially in the fields of science and technology, such as aerodyne, ambivert, androgen, antibiotic, astronaut, auto-visual, autolysis, barysphere, cacogenics, callipyous, chromosome, cartology, cryotron, cyclorama, dendrochronology, dromophobia, hypnotherapy, hypothermia, isotope... Because the lexical sources of Latin and Greek are treated as if they belonged to English, many neologisms combine elements from different sources: aqualung, television, microgroove, sonobuoy, etc. Although all these Latin-and Greek-derived words are distinctly learned or technical, they do not seem foreign, and are very different in this respect from the recent loanwords from living languages, such as montage, angst, cappuccino, sputnik, etc. Thus, for the Modern English period a distinction must be made between the adoptions from living languages and the formations derived from the two classical languages.第二章词的结构和词的构成方式练习答案Chapter 2Ⅲ:astir = in motion; in excited activityawhir = whirringanti-Marketeer = an opponent of Great Britain's entry into the European Common Marketanti-theatre = the theatre that lacks most of the traditional features of the theatredeplane = get out of an airplane after it landsdenationalize = deprive...of national rights or statusdisambiguate = rid...of ambiguitydisadapt = make...unable to adaptecocide = the destruction of the earth's ecology through the uncontrolled use of pollutantsecocatastrophe = a catastrophe (a large-scale disaster) resulting from the uncontrolled use of pollutantsmegajet = a jet airplane larger and faster than a jumbo jet (a jet airplane with a passenger capacity of about 500 people and a freight capacity of about 200 tons)mini-budget = temporary budgetnon-committed = not revealing one's positionnonnovel = lacking the usual characteristics of a conventional noveloutsmart = overcome by cunning or clevernessoutheadline = outshine...by making the headlinessupersecret = top-secretsupertax = an additional taxⅣ.cinerama = a form of cinema film projected on a wide-curved screencircusama = a large-scale show of acrobats, trained animals, clownsmeritocrat = a member of a ruling class in society consisting of those who are most talented or have the highest intellect Eurocrat = a staff member of the administrative commission of the European Common Marketinterviewee = a person who is interviewedconferee = a person who participates in a conferenceescapee = a person who has escapedblackmailee = a person who is blackmailedracketeer = a person who obtains money illegallyrocketeer = an expert in rocketrysecond-guesser = a person who uses hindsight in criticizing or advising someonetopsider = a top-ranking personanchormanese = a style of language or diction used by an anchorman (a newscaster who coordinates the reports broadcast from various sources; a moderator of a discussion group as on radio or television)engineerese = the sublanguage used by engineers and techniciansJohnsonese = a style of language used by Johnsoncablese = a style of language peculiar to a telegramsmoketeria = a cigarette, cigar and pipe storeroadeteria = roadside restaurantChomskian = Chomsky'sWoolfian = a style of language used by Virginia Woolfhawkish = warlikenarrowish = somewhat narrowconsumerism = an economic policy that emphasizes consumption, the theory or practice of protecting consumers' interests nuclearism = emphasis on nuclear weapons as a deterrent to war or as a means of attaining political and social goalsgolfitis = addiction to or preoccupation with golfprofessoritis = obsession with the idea of becoming a professor beatnik = one of the Beat Generation (-nik meaning a person who does or is connected with something)protestnik = a person who protests against conventions and traditional valuesdopester = a person who analyses or predicts trends as in politics or sportshuckster = a person who is engaged in advertising, esp. for radio and televisionfigurewise = in terms of figuresweatherwise = in terms of weather, skilled in predicting weatherⅤ.soap suds = suds produced by soapmosquito net = net used for protection against mosquitoesfire squad = squad which prevents the spread of a firefertility site = site which induces fertilityinfluenza virus = virus which causes influenzabattle fatigue = fatigue caused by a battlebrick mason = a person who lays brick or stoneguest conductor = corductor who appears or performs on a program by special invitationinterceptor plane = a fast-climbing military airplane used in fighting off attacks by enemy planesejector seat = a seat designed to be ejected with its occupant from an airplane in an emergency, another expression for ejection seat donor blood = donors' bloodvoter enthusiasm = voters' enthusiasmsurface vessel = vessel which moves on the surfacerecovery helicopter = helicopter used for getting back (recovering) astronauts who have splashed downinvestment money = money set apart for investmentrejection slip = a form or note from a publisher, rejecting a work submitted for possible publicationexport reject = something that has been rejected by export standardsⅥ.1. relief organization = organization of relief work2. feasibility study = a study to determine the feasibility ofa project or program3. gifts conspiracy = the act of working together secretly to use gifts as bribes4. smut hounds = censors with eyes for pornsⅦ.1. doctored = applied medicine to2. was telescoped = became shorter by crushing with one part sliding over another3. mandate a solution = work out a solution by issuing an authoritative order4. cataloguing = making a catalogue of; indexing = making an index of5. a repeat = a rebroadcast6. transplants = instances of transplanting7. the quaint = something quaint; the picturesque = something picturesque8. the condemned = the person who has been convicted9. moderns = modern painters10. heavies = big shots11. drearies = makes dreary (dull)12. broad-brushing = describing in broad outlineⅧ.donate < donation helicopt < helicopterautomate < automation spring-clean < spring-cleaningpettifog < pettifogger sight-read < sight-readingenthuse < enthusiasm chain-react < chain reactionⅨ.slurb: slum + suburb (城郊贫民区)educrat: education + bureaucrat (教育机构的官员或代表)Airveyor: air + conveyor (气压输送器)Glideriter: glide + writer (滑写笔)programmatic: program + automatic(能自动安排程序和计划的)narcoma: narcotic + coma (用麻醉剂引起的昏睡)slumlord: slum + landlord (贫民区房地产主)slurch: slink + lurch (鬼鬼祟祟地徘徊)reprography: reproduction + photography (原稿[如手稿或有版权的资料]影印本)mascon: mass + concentration (质量密集,指月球表面下层高密度物质的集中)glassphalt: glass + asphalt (作辅路用的玻璃颗粒物)peekture: peek + picture (色情影片)Ⅹ.EEC = European Economic CommunityOPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesSLAM = supersonic low altitude missile; strategic low altitude missileEDVAC = electronic discrete variable automatic computerGEM = ground effect machineNSC = National Security CouncilERDA = Energy Research and Development Administrationdyno = dynamicaggro = aggressivenesschute = parachutepro = professionalmemo = memorandumfridge = refrigeratornarc = narcotic agent or detectivefrag = fragmentation grenadefrat = fraternityⅪ.1. super = supermarket (自动售货商场)2. the Feds = Federal Agencies (美国各联邦机构)3. State = the State Department (美国国务院)4. Defense = the Defense Department (美国国防部)5. the Hill = Capitol Hill (指美国国会)6. the Penta = the Pentagon (美国五角大楼,指美国国防部的办公大楼,泛指美国国防部)英语参考资料Chapter 2Morphological Structure and Word-FormationⅠ. The component parts of a wordAs has been stated earlier, a morpheme is the minimal significant element. It is also the smallest unit of grammatical analysis. It can have or show a grammatical function. For example, -s shows plural in cats, locks and hopes; -ment shows noun form in movement, establishment and atonement; -ed shows past tense in walked, showed, tried.Words are composed of morphemes. Some words are formed by one morpheme, such as log, clerk, soldier, and others are formed by two ormore morphemes, such as lovely (love + -ly), unacceptable (un-, accept, -able).Ⅱ. Content morphemes, grammatical morphemes and allomorphsContent morphemes known as free morphems are those that may constitute words by themselves: cat, walk, kind, teach. Grammatical morphemes known as bound morphems are those that must appear with at least one other morpheme, either bound or free: cat + s, walk + ing, un + kind, teach + er. Sometimes words consist of two content morphems: lighthouse, housework.Grammatical morphemes may also be called affixes; affixes are segments that are added to a root. In English, this root is usually a free morpheme - for example, the word "acceptable" is formed by root accept and adjective marker -able. But in some cases this root is a bound morpheme - for example, the word "audience" consists of bound root audi- and noun marker -ence.Many morphemes have semantic meaning attached to them. Certainly all free morphemes do: dog, horse, room, house. Bound morphemes, however, may not. The plural marker -s and the past tense marker -d/-ed by themselves have no semantic meaning, they contain only grammatical meaning. The same applies to the suffixestion and -ise: -tion may be used to form a noun and -ise to form a verb.According to Stephem Ullmann, words that are formed by one content morpheme only and cannot be analysed into parts are called opaque words: axe, glove. Words that consist of more than one morphemes and can be segmented into parts are called transparent words: workable (work + -able), doorman (door + man).A morpheme is a linguistic abstraction; it is a concept. It needs to be represented in certain phonological and orthographical forms. These forms are called morphs. It can be found that the same functional unit varies in form from one context to another: thus the terminal -(e)s of cats, dogs, horses has the regular meaning "more than one", yet has three different phonological forms: /-s, -z, -iz/. The three forms are the variants of the same morpheme -s. They are called allomorphs.Ⅲ. Methods of word-formation1. AffixationThe process by which words are formed by adding affixes to a root is called affixation. English affixes can be divided into prefixes and suffixes. Affixes that come before the root are called prefixes; those that come after the root are called suffixes. Most prefixes, when added to words, effect a change in meaning, but without converting oneword-class to another (natural - unnatural, like - dislike). Some prefixeshave the effect of converting one word-class to another (force - enforce, rich - enrich). Some suffixes, when added to words, can transform one word-class into another (laugh - laughable, willing - willingness); others merely modify without converting (cartoon - cartoonist, stat - starlet).Some of the most important productive prefixes are; anti- (anti-war, anti-European, anti-hero, anti-novel); de- (deplane, detrain, debug, deemphasize); dis- (disincentive, disbenefit, disinflation, disambiguate); mini- (miniskirt. miniboom); non- (nonaddict, nonnovel); out- (outsmart, outheadline); pre- (predigest, prenatal); re- (rethink, repaper); un- (unconventional, unrich, unperson, unbook).Some of the most productive suffixes are: -able (available, favourable); -age (breakage, shrinkage); -crat (technocrat, Eurocrat); -ee (interviewee, evacuee, retiree, escapee); -eer (racketeer, profiteer); -er (footballer, preschooler, second-guesser, marathoner); -ese (Johnsonese, Carlylese, engineerese, anchormanese); -ian (Dickensian, Chomskian); -ish (dovish, hawkish); -ism (computerism, consumerism); -ize (finalize, denuclearize), -itis (golfitis, jazzitis); -nik (beatnik, protestnik); -wise (weatherwise, figurewise); -y (tasty, splashy, goosey, brainy).2. ConversionConversion means using a form that represents one part of speech as another part of speech without changing the form of the word. In effect, a zero affix is added: for example, someone who knows he can say "The lights gleam in the night", uses "gleam" as a noun as in a sentence like "I can see the gleam in the night." A similar process may create verbs out of adjectives: "I made thy desk clean" - "I cleaned the desk" and nouns out of verbs:" I looked out of the window" - "I took a look out of the window." The process of creating new words without adding any affixes is also called zeroderivation.3. Compounding (Composition)Compounding is a process of word-formation by which two independent words are put together to make one word. Words formed by compounding are called compounds. Compounds must be carefully distinguished from free phrases. The former typically have a single stress (a 'greenhouse) whereas the latter have a two-stress pattern of a normal syntactic group (a 'green 'house). A compound occurs as an inseparable semantic unit that differs in meaning from a free phrase. A greenhouse means "a building made of glass, in which the temperature and humidity can be regulated for the cultivation of delicate or out-of-season plants". and the colour of the greenhouse is not necessarily green. A compound does not allow modification of the first element as a free phrase does (a very green house). In other words, no adverb can be used to modify the first element of a compound. The first element of a compound is not allowed tobe turned into an adjective in the comparative degree, but this rule does not apply to a free phrase (a greener house).4. Back-formationBack-formation is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed affix. It is also known as a reverse derivation. This means that a derived form has preceded the word from which (formally speaking) it is derived. Thus editor entered the language before edit, automation before automate, enthusiasm before enthuse.5. Abbreviation (Shortening)A. Clipped wordsClipped words are those created by clipping part of a word, leaving only a piece of the old word. The shortening may occur at the beginning of the word (telephone → phone, helicopter → copter); at the end of the word (modern → mod, professional → pro); at both ends of the word (detective → tec, refrigerator → fridge). The clippe d form is normally regarded as informal.B. InitialismsInitialisms are words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as letters: IMF / 'ai em 'ef / = International Monetary Fund; IOC / 'ai au 'si: / = International Olympic Committee; C.O.D. / 'si: au 'di: / = cash on delivery.C. AcronymsAcronyms are words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as words: NATO / 'neitau / = North Atlantic Treaty Organization; SALT / so:lt / = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.6. BlendingAnother source of word formation which creates a word by combining parts of other words is called blending: smog, brunch, twirl, smaze, chortle, sprig. Each of these is made up of the first part of one word and the second part of another: smoke + fog = smog; breakfast + lunch = brunch; twist + whirl = twirl; smoke + haze = smaze; chuckle + snort = chortle. Words formed by blending are known as blends or portmanteaus.Blends are popularly supposed to have originated with Lewis Carroll, but the word "gingerly" goes all the way back to "ginger" crossed with Middle English "genitor", akin to "gentle" and "genteel". Blends originally occurred as humourous coinages. But with the passage of time, blending has become one of the important processes of word-formation and provided a considerable number of new words for contemporary English: carbecue (car + barbecue); plugola (plug + payola); memcon (memorandum + conversation); comsat (communications + satellite); mascon (mass + concentration); helicox (helium + oxygen); stagflation, (stagnation + inflation); reprography (reproduction + photography) and many others.。
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Unit 11.主观题2. How did the Norman Conquest and the Renaissance influence the English vocabulary ?The transitional period(转型时期)from Old English to Modern English is known as Middle English(ME 1100----1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and culture matters, which influenced English in daily life.The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English. In the early stage of this period the Renaissance(文艺复兴)brought great change to the vocabulary. The renewed(复兴的)study of Greek in the Renaissance not only led to the borrowing of Greek words indirectly through the medium(媒介)of Latin, but also led to the introduction of some Greek words directly into English vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words,(page 4~5)3.Enumerate the causes for the rapid growth of neologisms(新词,旧词新意,新词的创造者/使用者)after World WarⅡ. Give four examples for each cause.①marked progress of science and technology. Example: to blast off(炸掉,炸毁) ,to countdown ,capsule,launching pad②socio-economic(社会经济), political and cultural changes. Example: roller-hockey ,surfriding,skydiving(跳伞运动),disignated hitter③the influence from other cultures and languages(page6~7)Example: cosmonaut ,discotheque(小舞厅,迪斯科舞厅),ombudsman(调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员), apartheid(种族隔离).4.What are the fundamental features of the basic word stock(词库)of the English vocabulary ?(1). National character(全民通用性):Words of the basic word stock belong to the people as a whole, not to a limited group.(2). Stability(稳定性):As words in the basic word stock denote the commonest things necessary to life, they are likely to remain unchanged. However, a certain number of Old English words have dropped out of the basic word stock, while new words have joined the rank of basic words, following social and technological changes.(3). Word-forming ability(构词):Basic words are very active in forming new words.(4). Ability to form collocations(搭配能力):Basic words combine readily with other words to form habitual expressions and phrases. Since the great majority of the basic word stock are native words, they arenaturally the ones used most frequently in everyday speech and writing.(Page 10 paragraph 4 , 5 ,7 , 8 and Page 11 paragraph 2)5. What are the characteristics of the English vocabulary as a result of its historical development ?The historical development of English language shows that English is a heavy borrower; it has adopted words from almost every known language, especially from Latin, French and Greek.(page 18.)6.Why do we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary?First, because the native words form the great majority of the basic word stock of the English language. And the basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over a number of epochs. Second, they make up the most familiar, most useful part of the English vocabulary. So we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary for its importance. (Page 10 paragraph 2, and Page 19 paragraph 2)7.What do we mean by literary and common words ?(1) Common or popular words are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life. The greatmajority of English words are common words . The core of the common words is the basic word stock. They are stylistically (在文体上) neutral , and hence they are appropriate in both formal and informal writing and speech. (Page 11 paragraph 6)(2) Literary words are chiefly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated(升高的,提高的,崇高的)style, in official documents, or in formal speeches. They are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.(Page 12 paragraph 1)Chapter 2Q1:Explain the following terms and provide example:a.Morphemic 形位b.Allomorph 形位变体c.free and bound morphemicd.hybrid 混合词Morphemic: the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. Example: nation (page21 ,paragraph2, line 1)Allomorph: any of the variant forms of a morphemic as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. Example: books, pigs.( page22 , paragraph3, line 4)Free morphemic: one that can be uttered alone with meaning. Example: man,read,faith (page23 , paragraph2, line 1 To2 )Bound morphemic: cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance表达; it must appear with at least one other morphemic. Example: unkind (page23 , paragraph2, line4)Hybrid: a word made up of elements form two or more different language. Example: goddess, rewrite.( page27 , paragraph2, line 4)Q2. What are the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes? P26页第4段开头P29页第4自然段末尾Inflectional affixes (屈折词缀)are related to grammar only. Derivational affixes(派生词缀)are subdivided into prefixes and suffixes, which are related to the formation of new words. Roots, prefixes前缀and suffixes 后缀. are the building blocks with which words are formed.The number of derivational affixes, although limited, is much larger than that of inflectional affixes.Q3:In what two ways are derivational affixes 派生词缀classified? p26Derivational affixes are classified in prefixes 前缀and suffixes后缀.Q4:How are words classified on the morphemic(语素的)level? P29 paragraph 5On the morphemic level, words can be classified into simple, complex and compound words(复合词).Chapter IIIⅠExplain1、(p32)Word-formation rules: The rules of word-formation define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words2、Root, stem and base. Analyze the word denationalized into root, base and stem. Denationalized①Root:nation②stem:denationalize③base:nationalizedⅡCompounding1、What are the relative criteria of a compound?(p35-p36)①Orthographic criterion②Phonological criterion③Semantic criterionⅢDerivation1、What is derivation?(p42-p43)Derivation is a word- formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix, or suffix, or both to an already existing word.2、What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation?Prefixation is the addition of a prefix to the base. Prefixes modify the meaning of the base, but they do not generally alter its word-class. Every prefix has a specific meaning of its own; prefixes are therefore classified according to their meanings.Suffixation refers to the addition of a suffix tothe base. Suffixes frequently alter the word-class of the base. Therefore, suffixes are classified according to the class of word they form into noun-forming suffixes, verb-forming suffixes, etc(p66)3、How are the major living prefixes classified? Give a few examples to illustrate each kind. (P44)The major living prefixes are classified into the following eight categories by their meaning :1)negative prefixes (un- , non- , in- , dis- , a- ). eg , unhappy ,nonhero , injustice ,disadvantage , atypical )2) reversative or privative prefixes (un - , de - , dis -). eg , unwrap , decentralize ,disunite3) prejorative prefixes ( mis - , mal - , pseudo - ) .eg. mistrust , maltreat, pseudo-science4) prefixes of degree or size ( arch - , super - , out - , sub - , over - , under - , hyper - , ultra - , mini - ) eg, archbishop,supercurrenthyperactive, outlive , ultra-conservative5) prefixes of attitude ( co - , counter - , antic - ,pro - ) eg, cooperation, anti-nuclear , pro-student , counterpart6) locative prefixes ( super-, sub- ,inter- , trans- ) eg. Subarctic , superacid, transcode 7) prefixes of time and order ( fore - ,pre - , post - , ex - , re - ) forehead , reconsider ,prereading , post-war8) number prefixes ( uni - / mono - , bi - / di - , multi - / poly -) multi-purpose , monocle , bi-media4、How can you form deverbal nouns, denominal nouns, deadjective verbs, and denominal adjectives by suffixation?(P50)answer:1)deverbal noun suffixes: verb-noun suffixes , such as –er in writer , -ee in employee, -ation in exploitation and –ment in development .2) denominal noun suffixes : noun –noun suffixes , such as –hood in boyhood , - ship inscholarship , - let in booklet , and –dom in stardom .3) deadjective verb suffixes : adjective – verb suffixes , such as –ify in simplify , - ize in modernize , and –en in quicken4) denominal adjective suffixes: noun –adjective suffixes, such as –full in helpful, -less in limitless, -y in silky and –ish in foolish.5、Give the meaning of the following words and analyze the structure of each word:(P51)answer: 1) a driver means a person who drives2) a lighter means a machine used for lightering3) a gardener means a person who garden4) a New Yorker means a person from New York5) a villager means inhabitant of village6) a diner is‘a dining carriage on a train’7) a lifer is‘slang. A person sentenced toimprisonment for life8) a dresser meansAnalyse : as for 1、2、3 ,affixed to a verb ,the suffix forms agent nouns with the meaning of ‘ one who performs an action ’as for 4、5 ,this affix may also be joined to the means of cities , countries , and to other place names . as for 6、7、8 colloquial and slangy .ⅣConversion1、what is the difference between conversion (此类转化法)and suffixation(加后缀)? (P55 介绍conversion的第一段):Conversion is a word-formation process whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero-derivation.e.g. bottle (n. ) ---- bottle ( v. ), buy (v. ) ---- buy ( n.), tutor ( n. ) ---- tutor ( v. )(例子也可以举其他的如attack)(P49 介绍Suffixation的第一段):Suffixation: It's the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or a combining form to the base, and usually changing the word-class of the base.e.g.boy n. + -ish -- boyish adj. boy n. +hood -- boyhood n.2、In a conversion pair, how can you determine which of the two is the base and which the derived word(派生词)?(P56 中间三个例子)•The base is derivation by zero suffix.Spy –a deverbal noun without suffix, meaning one who spies.•The derived word is derivation by suffix Wirter---a deverbal noun with "-er" suffix,meaning one who writes3、Illustrate the axiom(原理),"The actual grammatical classification of any word is pendent upon its use."(P57最后一段)Notice how the word-class ofround varies in accordance with its use in the following sentence:i.e. The second round(n)(回合)was exciting. Any round(adj)(圆的)plate will do.Some drivers round(v)(绕行)coners too rapidly.The sound goes round andround(phrase). (旋转)The above examples tell us a very important fact: because word order(词序)is more fixed in Modern English than ever before, the function shifts within sentence structures are possible without causing any confusion in intelligibility(可懂度,可理解性).『这一段可不要』4、Why is the conversion from noun to verb the most productive process of conversion? (58—59页)First in contemporary English, there is a tendency o f “a preponderance of nouns aver verb”.Second, there are only a fewverb-forming affixes in English. They are be-, en-, -ify, -ize and –en.5、What are the major semantic types undernoun to verb conversion?(a)“to put in/on N”(b)“to give N, to provide N”(c)“to deprive of N; or to remove the object denoted by the noun from something”(d)“To….with N”(e)“To{be/ act as}N with respect to…”(1)verbs from human nouns(2)verbs from animal nouns(3)verbs from inanimate nouns(f)“To {make/change}…into N”(g)“To {send/go}by N”(1)mail(2)bicycle(h)“To spend the period of time denoted by N”6、Why is the poor an example of partialconversion?(62页)It is used as noun when preceded by the definite article; yet the converted noun takes on only some of the features of the noun; i.e. It does not take plural and genitive inflection, nor can it be preceded by determiners like a, this, my, etc.8、Pick out the converted words in thesentences below and state(1)the word-class of the converted words and their meanings;(2)to what word-class the base of each ofthe converted words belongs:(1)They are going to summer in Guilin.the converted word:summer(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:避暑;过夏天the base of the word of the word-class belongs: summer(n.)(2)They hurrahed his wonderfulperformance.the converted word: hurrah(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:欢呼,叫好,为----喝彩the base of the word of the word-class belongs: hurrah(n.)(3)You have to round your lips in order to make the sound/u:/.the converted word: round(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:弄圆,使---成圆形the base of the word of the word-class belongs: round(n.)(4)They are great sillies.the converted word: silly(n.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:傻瓜the base of the word of the word-class belongs: silly(adj.)(5)She dusted the furniture every morning.the converted word: dust(v.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning: 拂去灰尘the base of the word of the word-class belongs: dust(n.)(6) It is a good buy.the converted word: buy(n.)the word-class of it: conversionmeaning:购买,买卖;所购的物品the base of the word of the word-class belongs: buy(v.)Chapter41. Initialism:Initialism is a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or aphrase;an initialism is pronounced letter by letter.2. Acronym:Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc.3. Blend:Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms.4. Front and back clipping:The process of clipping involves the deletion of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form.Back clipping may occur at the end of the word. This is the most common type of clipping.Front clipping occurs at the beginning of the word.5. back-formation:Back-formation is a term used to refer to a type ofword-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language.6. Reduplication:Reduplication is a minor type of word-formation by which a compound word is created by the repetition(1)of one word like go-go; (2)of two almost identical words with a change in the vowel’s such as ping-pong; (3)of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants, as in teenyweeny.Chapter V1.How are the sound and meaning of most words related?Give examples to illustrate your point. (P93)Most English words are conventional(常规的), arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic(内在的,固有的)relation between the sound-symbol and its sense.e.g. house ( English)maison ( French)fangzi ( Chinese)dom ( Russian)casa ( Spanish)A more convincing evidence of the conventional and arbitrary nature of the connection between sound-symbol(声音符号)and meaning can also be illustrated by a set of homophones(同音异义词): write, right, and rite(仪式,礼拜式). They are pronounced the same but convey different meanings.2.What do we mean by phonetic motivation? (P94和PPT)Words motivated phonetically are called echoic words(拟声词)or onomatopoeic words, whose pronunciation suggests the meaning. They show a close relation of name to sense whereas non-echoic words don’t show any such relationship. Onomatopoeic words(拟声词)can be divided into primary Onomatopoeia(直接拟声)and secondary Onomatopoeia (间接拟声).Primary Onomatopoeia means the imitation of sound by sound. Secondary Onomatopoeia means that certain sounds and sound-sequences are associated with certain senses in an expressive relationship.3.Quote a short poem or passage that shows the literary effect ofonomatopoeic words. (P94倒数第二行)“The ice was here, the ice was there,The ice was all around;It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,Like noises in a swound!”5.What is meant by grammatical meaning?(P96~97)Grammatical meaning(词法意义) consists of word-class(词类)and inflectional paradigm(词形变化)。