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Unit 1


2. How did the Norman Conquest and the Renaissance influence the English vocabulary ?

The transitional period(转型时期)from Old English to Modern English is known as Middle English(ME 1100----1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and culture matters, which influenced English in daily life.

The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English. In the early stage of this period the Renaissance(文艺复兴)brought great change to the vocabulary. The renewed(复兴的)study of Greek in the Renaissance not only led to the borrowing of Greek words indirectly through the medium(媒介)of Latin, but also led to the introduction of some Greek words directly into English vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words,(page 4~5)

3.Enumerate the causes for the rapid growth of neologisms(新词,旧词新意,新词的创造者/使用者)after World WarⅡ. Give four examples for each cause.

①marked progress of science and technology. Example: to blast off(炸掉,炸毁) ,to countdown ,capsule,launching pad

②socio-economic(社会经济), political and cultural changes. Example: roller-hockey ,surfriding,skydiving(跳伞运动),disignated hitter

③the influence from other cultures and languages(page6~7)Example: cosmonaut ,discotheque(小舞厅,迪斯科舞厅),ombudsman(调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员), apartheid(种族隔离).

4.What are the fundamental features of the basic word stock(词库)of the English vocabulary ?

(1). National character(全民通用性):Words of the basic word stock belong to the people as a whole, not to a limited group.

(2). Stability(稳定性):As words in the basic word stock denote the commonest things necessary to life, they are likely to remain unchanged. However, a certain number of Old English words have dropped out of the basic word stock, while new words have joined the rank of basic words, following social and technological changes.

(3). Word-forming ability(构词):Basic words are very active in forming new words.

(4). Ability to form collocations(搭配能力):Basic words combine readily with other words to form habitual expressions and phrases. Since the great majority of the basic word stock are native words, they are

naturally the ones used most frequently in everyday speech and writing.(Page 10 paragraph 4 , 5 ,7 , 8 and Page 11 paragraph 2)

5. What are the characteristics of the English vocabulary as a result of its historical development ?

The historical development of English language shows that English is a heavy borrower; it has adopted words from almost every known language, especially from Latin, French and Greek.(page 18.)

6.Why do we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary?

First, because the native words form the great majority of the basic word stock of the English language. And the basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over a number of epochs. Second, they make up the most familiar, most useful part of the English vocabulary. So we say that native words are the core of the English vocabulary for its importance. (Page 10 paragraph 2, and Page 19 paragraph 2)

7.What do we mean by literary and common words ?

(1) Common or popular words are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life. The great
