chech cifA B 类错误说明




matlab常见错误中英文对照表下面是编译错误代码中英对照错误代码及错误信息错误释义error1:Outofmemory内存溢出error2:Identifierexpected缺标识符error3:Unknownidentifier未定义的标识符error4:Duplicateidentifier重复定义的标识符error5:Syntaxerror语法错误error6:Errorinrealconstant实型常量错误error7:Errorinintegerconstant整型常量错误error8:Stringconstantexceedsline字符串常量超过一行error10:Unexpectedendoffile文件非正常结束error11:Linetoolong行太长error12:Typeidentifierexpected未定义的类型标识符error13:Toomanyopenfiles打开文件太多error14:Invalidfilename无效的文件名error15:Filenotfound文件未找到error16:Diskfull磁盘满error17:Invalidcompilerdirective无效的编译命令error18:Toomanyfiles文件太多error19:Undefinedtypeinpointerdef指针定义中未定义类型error20:Variableidentifierexpected缺变量标识符error21:Errorintype类型错误error22:Structuretoolarge结构类型太长error23:Setbasetypeoutofrange集合基类型越界error24:Filecomponentsmaynotbefilesorobjectsfile分量不能是文件或对象error25:Invalidstringlength无效的字符串长度error26:Typemismatch类型不匹配error27:error27:Invalidsubrangebasetype无效的子界基类型error28:Lowerboundgreaterthanupperbound下界超过上界error29:Ordinaltypeexpected缺有序类型error30:Integerconstantexpected缺整型常量error31:Constantexpected缺常量error32:Integerorrealconstantexpected缺整型或实型常量error33:PointerTypeidentifierexpected缺指针类型标识符error34:Invalidfunctionresulttype无效的函数结果类型error35:Labelidentifierexpected缺标号标识符error36:BEGINexpected缺BEGINerror37:ENDexpected缺ENDerror38:Integerexpressionexpected缺整型表达式error39:Ordinalexpressionexpected缺有序类型表达式error40:Booleanexpressionexpected缺布尔表达式error41:Operandtypesdonotmatch操作数类型不匹配error42:Errorinexpression表达式错误error43:Illegalassignment非法赋值error44:Fieldidentifierexpected缺域标识符error45:Objectfiletoolarge目标文件太大error46:Undefinedexternal未定义的外部过程与函数error47:Invalidobjectfilerecord无效的OBJ文件格式error48:Codesegmenttoolarge代码段太长error49:Datasegmenttoolarge数据段太长error50:DOexpected缺DOerror51:InvalidPUBLICdefinition无效的PUBLIC定义error52:InvalidEXTRNdefinition无效的EXTRN定义error53:ToomanyEXTRNdefinitions太多的EXTRN定义error54:OFexpected缺OFerror55:INTERFACEexpected缺INTERFACEerror56:Invalidrelocatablereference无效的可重定位引用error57:THENexpected缺THENerror58:TOorDOWNTOexpected缺TO或DOWNTOerror59:Undefinedforward提前引用未经定义的说明error61:Invalidtypecast无效的类型转换error62:Divisionbyzero被零除error63:Invalidfiletype无效的文件类型error64:Cannotreadorwritevariablesofthistype不能读写此类型变量error65:Pointervariableexpected缺指针类型变量error66:Stringvariableexpected缺字符串变量error67:Stringexpressionexpected缺字符串表达式error68:Circularunitreference单元UNIT部件循环引用error69:Unitnamemismatch单元名不匹配error70:Unitversionmismatch单元版本不匹配error71:Internalstackoverflow内部堆栈溢出error72:Unitfileformaterror单元文件格式错误error73:IMPLEMENTATIONexpected缺IMPLEMENTATION error74:Constantandcasetypesdonotmatch常量和CASE类型不匹配error75:Recordorobjectvariableexpected缺记录或对象变量error76:Constantoutofrange常量越界error77:Filevariableexpected缺文件变量error78:Pointerexpressionexpected缺指针表达式error79:Integerorrealexpressionexpected缺整型或实型表达式error80:Labelnotwithincurrentblock标号不在当前块内error81:Labelalreadydefined标号已定义error82:Undefinedlabelinprecedingstatementpart在前面未定义标号error83:Invalid@argument无效的@参数error84:UNIT expected缺UNITerror85:";"expected缺“;”error86:":"expected缺“:”error87:","expected缺“,”error88:"("expected缺“(”error89:")"expected缺“)”error90:"="expected缺“=”error91:":="expected缺“:=”error92:"["or"(."Expected缺“[”或“(.”error93:"]"or".)"expected缺“〕”或“.)”error94:"."expected缺“.”error95:".."expected缺“..”error96:Toomanyvariables变量太多error97:InvalidFORcontrolvariable无效的FOR循环控制变量error98:Integervariableexpected缺整型变量error99:Filesandproceduretypesarenotallowedhere该处不允许文件和过程类型error100:Stringlengthmismatch字符串长度不匹配error101:Invalidorderingoffields无效域顺序error102:Stringconstantexpected缺字符串常量error103:Integerorrealvariableexpected缺整型或实型变量error104:Ordinalvariableexpected缺有序类型变量error105:INLINEerrorINLINE错误error106:Characterexpressionexpected缺字符表达式error107:Toomanyrelocationitems重定位项太多error108:Overflowinarithmeticoperation算术运算溢出error112:CASEconstantoutofrangeCASE常量越界error113:Errorinstatement表达式错误error114:Cannotcallaninterruptprocedure不能调用中断过程error116:Mustbein8087modetocompilethis必须在8087模式编译error117:Targetaddressnotfound找不到目标地址error118:Includefilesarenotallowedhere该处不允许INCLUDE文件error119:Noinheritedmethodsareaccessiblehere该处继承方法不可访问error121:Invalidqualifier无效的限定符error122:Invalidvariablereference无效的变量引用error123:Toomanysymbols符号太多error124:Statementparttoolarge语句体太长error126:Filesmustbevarparameters文件必须是变量形参error127:Toomanyconditionalsymbols条件符号太多error128:Misplacedconditionaldirective条件指令错位error129:ENDIFdirectivemissing缺ENDIF指令error130:Errorininitialconditionaldefines初始条件定义错误error131:Headerdoesnotmatchpreviousdefinition和前面定义的过程或函数不匹配error133:Cannotevaluatethisexpression不能计算该表达式error134:Expressionincorrectlyterminated表达式错误结束error135:Invalidformatspecifier无效格式说明符error136:Invalidindirectreference无效的间接引用error137:Structuredvariablesarenotallowedhere该处不允许结构变量error138:CannotevaluatewithoutSystemunit没有System单元不能计算error139:Cannotaccessthissymbol不能存取符号error140:Invalidfloatingpointoperation无效的符号运算error141:Cannotcompileoverlaystomemory不能编译覆盖模块至内存error142:Pointerorproceduralvariableexpected缺指针或过程变量error143:Invalidprocedureorfunctionreference无效的过程或函数调用error144:Cannotoverlaythisunit不能覆盖该单元error146:Fileaccessdenied不允许文件访问error147:Objecttypeexpected缺对象类型error148:Localobjecttypesarenotallowed不允许局部对象类型error149:VIRTUALexpected缺VIRTUALerror150:Methodidentifierexpected缺方法标识符error151:Virtualconstructorsarenotallowed不允许虚构造函数error152:Constructoridentifierexpected缺构造函数标识符error153:Destructoridentifierexpected缺析构函数标识符error154:Failonlyallowedwithinconstructors只能在构造函数内使用Fail标准过程error155:Invalidcombinationofopcodeandoperands操作数与操作符无效组合error156:Memoryreferenceexpected缺内存引用指针error157:Cannotaddorsubtractrelocatablesymbols不能加减可重定位符号error158:Invalidregistercombination无效寄存器组合error159:286/287instructionsarenotenabled未激活286/287指令error160:Invalidsymbolreference无效符号指针error161:Codegenerationerror代码生成错误error162:ASMexpected缺ASMerror166:Procedureorfunctionidentifierexpected缺过程或函数标识符error167:Cannotexportthissymbol不能输出该符号error168:Duplicateexportname外部文件名重复error169:Executablefileheadertoolarge可执行文件头太长error170:Toomanysegments段太多。



1.Report开头部分的Warning和Error信息(因为出现Warning和Error的情况很多,这里主要举一些常见的例子):•  Error部分:只要report的开头部分有Error信息出现,lvs就肯定没有运行成功。





通常标准单元的netlist由foundry提供,是一个单独的cdl或者spice文件;Example1:LVS Netlist Compiler - Errors and Warnings for "LANYANG_FULLCHIP_V11_20060427.CIR"-------------------------------------------------------------Error: No matching ".SUBCKT" statement for "INLX1" at line 2191 in file "lan_yang_dig.cir"Error: No matching ".SUBCKT" statement for "LOGIC0L" at line2192 in file "lan_yang_dig.cir"..................•  Warning部分:warning不会影响lvs的运行,但是经常会导致结果的不正确。



A类错误解释-1CheckCif alerts are listed according to Alert Level for each compound. Responses are in bold.COMPOUND 1ALERT LEVEL APLAT027_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_reflns_theta_full (too) Low ............ 23.26 Deg.A full set of data was collected, however the very high angle data was dominated by noise [I/sigma(I) < 1.0] and was omitted. This arbitrary theta limit is inappropriate for highly disordered structures. It would rule out all macromolecular structures. A limit on data / parameter ratio’s that properly takes into account the number of restraints / constraints and the redundancy of the measurements would be more appropriate. Unfortunately the cifcheck routine does not do this.PLAT113_ALERT_2_A ADDSYM Suggests Possible Pseudo/New Spacegroup . P-1Our compound is chiral (L-Leu-L-Leu-L-Leu was used) and cannot crystallize in acentrosymmetric space group (i.e. P-1)PLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom C1A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.90 oblatPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 6.32 RatioPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.21 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 10.00 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 6.17 RatioPLAT413_ALERT_2_A Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H5PA .. H33E .. 1.86 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_A Short Inter X...Y Contact C14 .. C12P .. 2.23 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_A Short Inter X...Y Contact C14 .. C11P .. 2.28 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. In particular the disordered side-chains are very dynamic and may be considered as a solvent. Short contacts between disordered fragments are to be expected.ALERT LEVEL BTHETM01_ALERT_3_B The value of sine(theta_max)/wavelength is less than 0.575Calculated sin(theta_max)/wavelength = 0.5556See PLAT027_ALERT_3_A, from abovePLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !It may be indicated this would only serves to speed up calculations and artificially improve the redundancy. Failure to merge the data ill not compromise the analysis. Mathematically there should be no difference in the derived results.PLAT111_ALERT_2_B ADDSYM Detects (Pseudo) Centre of Symmetry ..... 100 PerFiSee PLAT113_ALERT_2_A, from abovePLAT213_ALERT_2_B Atom C16A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 4.10 prolaPLAT301_ALERT_3_B Main Residue Disorder ......................... 50.00 Perc.PLAT340_ALERT_3_B Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang (12)These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure ALERT LEVEL CREFNR01_ALERT_3_C Ratio of reflections to parameters is < 8 for anon-centrosymmetric structure, where ZMAX < 18sine(theta)/lambda 0.5556Proportion of unique data used 1.0000Ratio reflections to parameters 6.3713See above response (PLAT 027 ALERT 3A) Checkcif does not properly account for restraints / constraints. The proper data / parameter ratio (including restraints) is > 9.0.PLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT089_ALERT_3_C Poor Data / Parameter Ratio (Zmax .LT. 18) ..... 6.37See REFNR01_ALERT_3_CPLAT154_ALERT_1_C The su's on the Cell Angles are Equal (x 10000) 400 Deg.The su’s are the true valuesPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O2A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.10 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O22A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.90 prolaPLAT220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent O Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 2.80 RatioPLAT241_ALERT_2_C Check High Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C15PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C5PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C6PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C15APLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C32PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36APLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C23PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C14PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C2PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C4PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N21PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C21PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N1PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C3PPLAT302_ALERT_4_C Anion/Solvent Disorder ......................... 33.00 Perc.PLAT309_ALERT_2_C Single Bonded Oxygen (C-O .GT. 1.3 Ang) (22)PLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor >N21 - >H21C ... ?These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. This disorder is greater on attached side-chains.PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (19)Not worthy of a responseCOMPOUND 2ALERT LEVEL APLAT029_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.91The completeness of data is less than the usual 99-100% for this compound, however it is only the very high angle data that is incomplete and above 0.75 angstroms we have 100% coverage. This will always be a problem with area detector data that is not truncated.PLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.75 RatioPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 7.25 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.90 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 8.30 RatioThese alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. Dynamically disordered side-chains (that are tethered to a relatively rigid backbone) may exhibit such unusual ratios.ALERT LEVEL BPLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !It may be indicated this would only serves to speed up calculations and artificially improve the redundancy. Failure to merge the data ill not compromise the analysis. Mathematically there should be no difference in the derived results.PLAT242_ALERT_2_B Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C16These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. Dynamically disordered side-chains (that are tethered to a relatively rigid backbone) may exhibit such unusual ratios.ALERT LEVEL CPLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. SumFormula Strings Differ .... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT063_ALERT_3_C Crystal Probably too Large for Beam Size ....... 0.80 mmLong needle. SADABS will account for the resulting variation in exposed crystal volume.PLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT068_ALERT_1_C Reported F000 Differs from Calcd (or Missing)... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT077_ALERT_4_C Unitcell contains non-integer number of atoms .. ?There are partially occupied water moleculesPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O3 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.10 prolaPLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.41PLAT301_ALERT_3_C Main Residue Disorder ......................... 7.00 Perc.PLAT302_ALERT_4_C Anion/Solvent Disorder ......................... 2.00 Perc.PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) .....PLAT380_ALERT_4_C Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C16PPLAT380_ALERT_4_C Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C26PPLAT480_ALERT_4_C Long H...A H-Bond Reported H21B .. O23 .. 2.63 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure COMPOUND 3ALERT LEVEL ATHETM01_ALERT_3_A The value of sine(theta_max)/wavelength is less than 0.550Calculated sin(theta_max)/wavelength = 0.5262PLAT027_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_reflns_theta_full (too) Low ............ 21.96 Deg.A full set of data was collected, however the very high angle data was poor and was omitted A full set of data was collected, however the very high angle data was dominated by noise[I/sigma(I) < 1.0] and was omitted. This arbitrary theta limit is inappropriate for highly disordered structures. It would rule out all macromolecular structures. A limit on data / parameter ratio’s that properly takes into account the number of restraints / constraints and the redundancy of the measurements would be more appropriate. Unfortunately the cifcheck routine does not do this. PLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O4 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.80 oblatPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 7.60 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 10.00 RatioPLAT413_ALERT_2_A Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H6PB .. H33E .. 1.70 Ang.PLAT413_ALERT_2_A Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H6PC .. H37D .. 1.58 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure (see response to similar alerts above).ALERT LEVEL BRFACR01_ALERT_3_B The value of the weighted R factor is > 0.35Weighted R factor given 0.367We made several attempts to obtain better quality data for this structure however, due to twinning, disorder, poor crystal quality etc. the R2 value is high. This structure wasincluded for comparison with the other 3 similar compounds. We are confidant thestructural characterization is valid.PLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !See response to this alert above.PLAT084_ALERT_2_B High R2 Value .................................. 0.37See RFACR01_ALERT_3_B, from abovePLAT213_ALERT_2_B Atom O1 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 4.70 oblatPLAT242_ALERT_2_B Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C12PLAT242_ALERT_2_B Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C16PLAT301_ALERT_3_B Main Residue Disorder ......................... 50.00 Perc.PLAT340_ALERT_3_B Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang (19)PLAT413_ALERT_2_B Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H6PC .. H37B .. 2.08 Ang.PLAT413_ALERT_2_B Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H23C .. H38E .. 1.98 Ang.PLAT413_ALERT_2_B Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H24A .. H29E .. 2.03 Ang These alerts are generated because there is a largeamount of disorder in the structure (as above)ALERT LEVEL CREFNR01_ALERT_3_C Ratio of reflections to parameters is < 8 for anon-centrosymmetric structure, where ZMAX < 18sine(theta)/lambda 0.5262Proportion of unique data used 1.0000Ratio reflections to parameters 7.8968See REFNR01_ALERT_3_C, for compound 1RFACG01_ALERT_3_C The value of the R factor is > 0.10R factor given 0.129See RFACR01_ALERT_3_B, abovePLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. SumFormula Strings Differ .... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT045_ALERT_1_C Calculated and Reported Z Differ by ............ 0.50 RatioOur reported value of Z should be consistent with thePLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT082_ALERT_2_C High R1 Value .................................. 0.13See RFACR01_ALERT_3_B, abovePLAT089_ALERT_3_C Poor Data / Parameter Ratio (Zmax .LT. 18) ..... 7.90 See REFNR01_ALERT_3_C, for compound 1 PLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O3 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.50 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O21 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.60 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C1 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.40 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C2 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.70 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C15 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.30 prolaPLAT214_ALERT_2_C Atom C26P (Anion/Solvent) ADP max/min Ratio 4.50 oblat PLAT220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent O Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 3.05 RatioPLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C28PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C32APLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36APLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C4PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C24PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N1PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C2PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C3PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C5PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N21PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C22PPLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.86PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.65PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 3.66PLAT318_ALERT_2_C Check Hybridisation of >N23 in Main Residue . ?PLAT380_ALERT_4_C Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C26PPLAT411_ALERT_2_C Short Inter H...H Contact H1PB .. H32B .. 2.11 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (20)PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 2C6 H7 NPLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 3C6 H7 NCOMPOUND 4ALERT LEVEL APLAT029_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.87This may occur with area detector data. The higher angle (less well determined) may not be complete but this alone is not sufficient reason to ignore the data. If we impose a more rigid (lower) high angle cutoff we will achieve 100% coverage. Merging of the Freidel pairs would also push this number well above the arbitrary 0.90 level that triggers this alert.PLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O1 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.10 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O1A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.10 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O22 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.20 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O22A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.20 prolaPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.66 RatioPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.77 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.65 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.50 RatioThese alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure (see above responses to this alert) ALERT LEVEL BPLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !See response to this alert above.PLAT301_ALERT_3_B Main Residue Disorder ......................... 50.00 Perc.PLAT432_ALERT_2_B Short Inter X...Y Contact C34 .. C4P .. 2.94 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure ALERT LEVEL CPLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. SumFormula Strings Differ .... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT045_ALERT_1_C Calculated and Reported Z Differ by ............ 2.00 RatioOur reported Z refers to the number of tripeptide molecules in the unit cell.PLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT068_ALERT_1_C Reported F000 Differs from Calcd (or Missing)... ?See PLAT041_ALERT_1_C, abovePLAT077_ALERT_4_C Unitcell contains non-integer number of atoms .. ?There are partial occupancy water molecules in the structurePLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O23 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.10 prolaPLAT302_ALERT_4_C Anion/Solvent Disorder ......................... 49.00 Perc.PLAT309_ALERT_2_C Single Bonded Oxygen (C-O .GT. 1.3 Ang) ........ O1PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) .....PLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor >N1 - >H1B ... ?PLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor >N1 - >H1C ... ?PLAT432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact C11P .. O1W .. 2.92 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact C11P .. N1A .. 2.98 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact C37 .. C10A .. 3.17 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure(see similar responses above). PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (30)。



关于CIF检测中出现的A,B等类错误的说明,共8 份1-3关于CIF检测中出现的A,B等类错误的说明,共8 份-1般分为8 类,分别为:# _0xx - general # _1xx - cell/symmetry # _2xx - adp-related # _3xx - intra geometry # _4xx - inter geometry # _5xx - coordination geometry # _6xx - void tests# 7xx -various test面我们分几次把问题的简要说明翻译成献给大家,希望能对您有所帮助!_201 检测分子结构主体中各向同性的非氢原子,各向同性在通常的精修中并不常用,只是在处理无序是才用到。

202 检测溶剂分子或阴离子中各向同性的非氢原子211检测主体分子的NPD ADP's 。

检测主体分子中各相异性参数中负值部分212检测溶剂或阴离子分子的NPD ADP's 。

检测溶剂或阴离子分子中各相异性参数中负值部213主体分子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。

_214 溶剂或阴离子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。

_220 检测主体结构非氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) 范围。


太高或太低的值表明原子可能定错(i.e. Br versusAg)_221 检测非主体结构非氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) 范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_222 检测主体结构氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) 范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_223 检测非主体结构氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) 范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_230, _233 : Hirschfield 刚性键检查。




_211 检测主体分子的NPD ADP's 。检测主体分子中各相异性参数中负值部分
_212 检测溶剂或阴离子分子的NPD ADP's 。检测溶剂或阴离子分子中各相异性参数中负值部
_213 主体分子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。
_214 溶剂或阴离子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。
_023 : Check θmax。检测分辨率。当sin (θ)/λ <0.6时,发布警告。
_024 : 检测优化的平均Friedel 对。对于含有比硅轻的原子的MoKa 数据,平均Friedel 对是优先的。SHELXL97 精修中采用MERG 4。
_025 : 检查 h,k,l范围
_026 : 检查弱点,检查2σ以上的独立数据的衍射是否充分
_021 : 检查 观测衍射数目/期望数目的比值 期待数目对应于劳埃群的不对称单元中的数目。对于中心对称的结构,期望币值为小于或等于1.0;对于非中心对称结构则小于2。超过这些数据可能是:对称性消光没有从观测数据中消除或采用过多的数据进行精修
_022 :检测完整度,检测报道的独立衍射点与期望的给定的分辨率
_070 检测原子标签的重复情况Test for duplicate atom labels
_071 检测是否有无法解释的标签
_080 检测最大的漂移/误差 比值 maximum shift/error
_081 检测给出的漂移/误差 比值Test for maximum shift/error given
_412 & _413报告CH3 H-atoms的相互作用,这些氢最好采用理论计算方法获取。



银联⽀付接⼝常见错误总结常见接⼊问题及解答1) 开发过程中,报157错误。


2) ⽹上⽀付后,点提交时,页⾯提⽰:标准数据域不能为空怎么办?答:商户⾃⾏检查各条程序是否按照《NetPayClient ⽤户⼿册》⾥的内容来编写。


提醒商户⾃⾏检查以下重要参数:MerId, OrdId, TransAmt, CuryId, TransDate, TransType,及和这⼏个重要参数有关的所有程序。

典型案例:某公司编程⼈员在编写时输⼊:……<input type=hidden name=”cruyId” value=”156”>……⽽正确的应该为:<input type=hidden name=”curyId” value=”156”>。


3) 商户在测试过程中报“错误500”如何解决?答:该错误为系统错误,属于程序编写错误,测试提交地址和正式提交地址搞混导致。

典型案例:程序编写时输⼊:…………4) 商户出现-109错误怎么办?答:-109错误表⽰加密不成功,可能由多种问题导致。




具体区别如下:接⼝类型2004091620070129发送交易NetPayClient for Java signOrder signNetPayClient for Win32sign signDataNetPayClient for C signOrder signData接收交易NetPayClient for Java verifyTransResponse verifyTransResponseNetPayClient for Win32check checkNetPayClient for C verifyTransResponse verifyTransResponse遇到该错误时,可以⽤2.1中提到的⽅法,为⽤户检查发送代码的情况。



IMSE_DONT_CATCH_=不良实践- 捕获可疑IllegalMonitorStateExceptionBX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_=性能- 基本类型包装之后立刻解包IJU_SETUP_NO_=使用错误- TestCase定义的setUp没有调用super.setUp()TQ_ALWAYS_VALUE_USED_WHERE_NEVER_=使用错误- 某个值使用了注解限制类型,但是这个限制永远不会发生TLW_TWO_LOCK_=多线程错误- 等待两个被持有的锁RV_01_TO_=使用错误- 0至1的随机数被当做整数0NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_=高危- 参数必须非null但是标记为可为nullRV_ABSOLUTE_VALUE_OF_RANDOM_=使用错误- 尝试计算32位随机整数的绝对值EC_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAY_=使用错误- 使用equals()比较不兼容的数组UL_UNRELEASED_LOCK_EXCEPTION_=多线程错误- 方法没有在所有异常路径释放锁SE_NONSTATIC_=不良实践- serialVersionUID不是static的UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_=高危- 无用控制流BC_IMPOSSIBLE_=使用错误- 不可能的转换XSS_REQUEST_PARAMETER_TO_SEND_=安全风险- servlet的反射导致跨站脚本漏洞DM_NEW_FOR_=性能- 仅为了获得一个方法就创建了一个对象OBL_UNSATISFIED_=试验- 方法可能在清理流或资源时失败UW_UNCOND_=多线程错误- 无条件等待DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_=高危- 把null设置给不会用到的局部变量NM_CLASS_NAMING_=类名应该以大写字母开头RC_REF_COMPARISON_BAD_PRACTICE_=使用错误- 怀疑对两个布尔值的引用进行比较MWN_MISMATCHED_=多线程错误- 不匹配的notify()NM_VERY_=错误- 非常容易迷惑的方法名FI_NULLIFY_=不良实践- 空Finalizer禁用了超类的finalizerMTIA_SUSPECT_STRUTS_INSTANCE_=高危- 继承了struts Action的类使用了实例变量DM_STRING_=性能- 方法调用了效率很低的new String(String)构造方法STCAL_INVOKE_ON_STATIC_DATE_FORMAT_=多线程错误- 调用静态DateFormatNP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF_=使用错误- 非虚拟方法调用向非空参数传入了nullFI_=不良实践- 应该删除空的finalizerCD_CIRCULAR_=试验- 类间存在循环引用EC_UNRELATED_=使用错误- 使用equals()比较不同类型EI_EXPOSE_STATIC_=恶意代码漏洞- 把可变对象保存到静态字段中可能会暴露内部静态状态DMI_INVOKING_TOSTRING_ON_ANONYMOUS_=错误- 对数组执行toStringSIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_=性能- 可以重构成一个静态内部类STI_INTERRUPTED_ON_=错误- 在thread实例上调用了静态Thread.interrupted()方法CN_IDIOM_NO_SUPER_=不良实践- clone方法没有调用super.clone()VA_FORMAT_STRING_BAD_=错误用法- 格式化字符串占位符与传入的参数不匹配EQ_DOESNT_OVERRIDE_=高危- 类没有覆盖父类的equals方法BC_IMPOSSIBLE_DOWNCAST_OF_=错误用法- 集合转换为数组元素时发生的类型转换错误SE_NO_SUITABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_=不良实践- 类是可扩展的,但是没有提供无参数的构造方法TQ_EXPLICIT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_VALUE_REACHES_ALWAYS_=错误用法- 数值需要类型标示,但是却标记为未知SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_NEEDS_=性能- 可以筹够成一个静态内部类EQ_CHECK_FOR_OPERAND_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_=不良实践- equals检测不兼容的参数操作RV_RETURN_VALUE_OF_PUTIFABSENT_=错误用法- 忽略了putIfAbsent的返回值,传递给putIfAbsent的值被重用STCAL_INVOKE_ON_STATIC_CALENDAR_=多线程错误- 调用静态CalendarMS_CANNOT_BE_=恶意代码漏洞- 字段不是final的,不能防止恶意代码的攻击IS_INCONSISTENT_=多线程错误- 不一致的同步SE_NO_=不良实践- 类是可序列化的,但是没有定义serialVersionUIDEI_EXPOSE_=恶意代码漏洞- 可能暴露内部实现,通过与可变对象引用协作NM_METHOD_CONSTRUCTOR_=错误用法- 明显的方法/构造方法混淆ICAST_INTEGER_MULTIPLY_CAST_TO_=高危- 整形乘法的结果转换为long型QF_QUESTIONABLE_FOR_=高危- for循环中存在复杂,微妙或者错误的自增DLS_DEAD_STORE_OF_CLASS_=错误用法- 类中保存了无用字符NM_FUTURE_KEYWORD_USED_AS_MEMBER_=不良实践- 使用了未来java版本中成为关键字的标识BC_VACUOUS_=高危- instanceof会一直返回trueINT_VACUOUS_BIT_=高危- 在整形上进行位操作时有一些位上出现空洞NP_NULL_=错误用法- 一个已知的null值被检测它是否是一个类型的实例SIC_THREADLOCAL_DEADLY_=错误用法- 非静态内部类和ThreadLocal的致命结合EQ_=高危- 罕见的equals方法IJU_NO_=错误用法- TestCase没有任何测试EQ_OVERRIDING_EQUALS_NOT_=错误用法- equals方法覆盖了父类的equals可能功能不符XFB_XML_FACTORY_=高危- 方法直接调用了xml接口的一个具体实现SWL_SLEEP_WITH_LOCK_=多线程错误- 方法在获得锁时调用了Thread.sleep()CN_=不良实践- 类实现了Cloneable ,但是没有定义或使用clone方法WA_AWAIT_NOT_IN_=多线程错误- 未在循环中使用的Condition.await()DM_FP_NUMBER_=性能- 方法调用了低效的浮点书构造方法;应该使用静态的valueOf代替SF_SWITCH_NO_=Switch语句中没有包含defaultNP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_FROM_RETURN_=高危- 调用返回返回值可能出现null值NP_CLONE_COULD_RETURN_=不良实践- Clone方法可能返回nullMS_OOI_=恶意代码漏洞- 属性应该从接口中移除并将访问权限设置为包保护DM_BOXED_PRIMITIVE_=性能- 方法使用了装箱的基本类型只为了调用toStringEQ_ABSTRACT_=不良实践- 抽象类定义了协变的equals方法DM_STRING_=性能- 方法调用了String的toString()方法SE_METHOD_MUST_BE_=错误用法- 方法必须是private的为了让序列化正常工作DL_SYNCHRONIZATION_ON_=多线程错误- 在Boolean上使用同步可能导致死锁UWF_UNWRITTEN_=错误用法- 未赋值属性IS2_INCONSISTENT_=多线程错误- 不一致的同步IM_AVERAGE_COMPUTATION_COULD_=高危- 计算平均值可能溢出BIT_SIGNED_CHECK_HIGH_=错误用法- 检查位运算的符号FL_MATH_USING_FLOAT_=错误用法- 方法进行数学运算时使用了浮点数的精度WS_WRITEOBJECT_=多线程错误- 类的writeObject()方法是同步的,但是没有做其他事情RV_RETURN_VALUE_=错误用法- 方法忽略了返回值SQL_NONCONSTANT_STRING_PASSED_TO_=安全风险- 非常量的字符串传递给方法执行SQL语句JCIP_FIELD_ISNT_FINAL_IN_IMMUTABLE_=不良实践- 不可变的类的属性应该是finalAM_CREATES_EMPTY_ZIP_FILE_=不良实践- 创建了一个空的zip文件的入口DM_NEXTINT_VIA_=性能- 使用Random的nextInt方法来获得一个随机整数,而不是nextDouble UI_INHERITANCE_UNSAFE_=不良实践- 如果类被扩展,GetResource的使用可能就是不安全的SIO_SUPERFLUOUS_=错误用法- 不必要的类型检测使用instanceof操作符EQ_OTHER_NO_=错误用法- equals()方法定义,但是没有覆盖equals(Object)USM_USELESS_ABSTRACT_=试验- 抽象方法已经在实现的接口中定义了MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_=高危- 扩展Servlet的类使用了实例变量DM_USELESS_=多线程错误- 使用默认的空run方法创建了一个线程ML_SYNC_ON_UPDATED_=多线程错误- 方法在一个修改了的属性上进行了同步CO_SELF_NO_=不良实践- 协变的compareTo()定义BC_UNCONFIRMED_=高危- 未检查/未证实的类型转换FI_FINALIZER_NULLS_=不良实践- Finalizer空属性BIT_=错误用法- 不兼容的位掩码(BIT_AND)FE_FLOATING_POINT_=高危- 测试浮点数相等TQ_EXPLICIT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_VALUE_REACHES_NEVER_=错误用法- 值不要求有类型标示,但是标记为未知NP_NULL_PARAM_=错误用法- 方法调用把null传递给一个非null参数FB_MISSING_EXPECTED_=试验- findbugs丢失了期待或需要的警告DMI_INVOKING_HASHCODE_ON_=错误用法- 在数组上调用了hashCodeQBA_QUESTIONABLE_BOOLEAN_=错误用法- 方法在布尔表达式中分配了boolean文字SA_FIELD_SELF_=错误用法- 属性自己与自己进行了比较UR_UNINIT_READ_CALLED_FROM_SUPER_=错误用法- 父类的构造方法调用未初始化属性的方法ES_COMPARING_PARAMETER_STRING_WITH_=不良实践- 比较字符串参数使用了== 或!=INT_BAD_COMPARISON_WITH_NONNEGATIVE_=错误用法- 错误比较非负值与负数INT_BAD_COMPARISON_WITH_SIGNED_=错误用法- 错误比较带符号的byteIO_APPENDING_TO_OBJECT_OUTPUT_=错误用法- 尝试向一个对象输出流添加信息FI_MISSING_SUPER_=不良实践- Finalizer没有调用父类的finalizerVA_FORMAT_STRING_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS_=错误用法- 传递了多余实际使用的格式化字符串的参数HE_EQUALS_USE_=不良实践- 类定义了equals(),但使用了Object.hashCode()IJU_BAD_SUITE_=错误用法- TestCase声明了一个错误的suite方法DMI_CONSTANT_DB_=安全风险- 硬编码了数据库密码REC_CATCH_=高危- 捕获了没有抛出的异常PS_PUBLIC_=高危- 类在公用接口中暴露了同步和信号EC_UNRELATED_=错误用法- 调用equals()比较不同的接口类型UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW_NEXT_=错误用法- 执行到下一行的无用流程控制LG_LOST_LOGGER_DUE_TO_WEAK_=试验- OpenJDK中存在潜在的丢失logger的风险,因为弱引用NP_UNWRITTEN_=错误用法- 读取未初始化的属性DMI_UNSUPPORTED_=高危- 调用不支持的方法RCN_REDUNDANT_COMPARISON_OF_NULL_AND_NONNULL_=高危- 重复比较非空值和nullEC_BAD_ARRAY_=错误用法- 调用equals(),与==效果一样EI_EXPOSE_=恶意代码漏洞- 可能通过返回一个可变对象的引用暴露了内部实现NP_DEREFERENCE_OF_READLINE_=高危- 没有判断readLine()的结果是否为空UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_=性能- 从未用到的私有方法NP_NULL_ON_SOME_=错误用法- 可能出现空指针引用NP_EQUALS_SHOULD_HANDLE_NULL_=不良实践- equals()方法没有检测null参数EC_NULL_=错误用法- 使用空参数调用equals()SE_BAD_FIELD_=不良实践- 非序列化值保存在序列化类的实例变量中VO_VOLATILE_REFERENCE_TO_=多线程错误- 数组的volatile引用不会把数组元素也当做volatile来引用NP_SYNC_AND_NULL_CHECK_=多线程错误- 同步和空值检测发生在同一个属性上DM_=不良实践- 方法调用了System.exit(...)RC_REF_=不良实践- 怀疑进行了引用比较SE_NO_SUITABLE_=不良实践- 类是可序列化的,但是父类没有定义无参数构造方法DC_=多线程错误- 可能对属性进行了双重检测DMI_LONG_BITS_TO_DOUBLE_INVOKED_ON_=错误用法- 在int上调用了Double.longBitsToDouble RpC_REPEATED_CONDITIONAL_=错误用法- 重复判断条件WMI_WRONG_MAP_=性能- keySet迭代是低效的,使用entrySet代替DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_=高危- 未用的局部变量INT_BAD_REM_BY_=错误用法- 整数剩余模1RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_=不良实践- 方法忽略异常返回值SA_LOCAL_SELF_=高危- 局部变量的自我赋值MS_SHOULD_BE_=恶意代码漏洞- 属性不是final,但是应该设置成finalSIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_=性能- 应该是一个静态内部类NP_GUARANTEED_=错误用法- null值一定会被调用SE_READ_RESOLVE_MUST_RETURN_=不良实践- readResolve方法必须返回ObjectNP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_=高危- 加载了已知的null值BX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBOXED_TO_PERFORM_=性能- 基本数据被装箱又被拆箱CN_IMPLEMENTS_CLONE_BUT_NOT_=不良实践- 类定义了clone()但没有实现CloneableCO_ABSTRACT_=不良实践- 抽象类定义了协变的compareTo()方法BAC_BAD_APPLET_=试验- 错误的Applet构造方法依赖未初始化的AppletStubEQ_GETCLASS_AND_CLASS_=不良实践- equals方法因为子类失败DB_DUPLICATE_SWITCH_=高危- 在两个switch语句中使用了相同的代码DB_DUPLICATE_=高危- 在两个分支中使用了相同的代码UOE_USE_OBJECT_=试验- 在final类上调用了equals,但是没有覆盖Object的equals方法FI_=不良实践- Finalizer除了调用父类的finalizer以外什么也没做NP_ALWAYS_=错误用法- 调用了null指针DMI_VACUOUS_SELF_COLLECTION_=错误用法- 集合的调用不能被感知DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_IN_=错误用法- 返回语句中的无用的赋值IJU_ASSERT_METHOD_INVOKED_FROM_RUN_=错误用法- 在run方法中的JUnit检验不能报告给JUnitDMI_EMPTY_DB_=安全风险- 空的数据库密码DM_BOOLEAN_=性能- 方法调用了低效的Boolean构造方法;使用Boolean.valueOf(...)代替BC_IMPOSSIBLE_=错误用法- 不可能转型BC_EQUALS_METHOD_SHOULD_WORK_FOR_ALL_=不良实践- Equals方法不应该假设任何有关参数类型的事宜RV_EXCEPTION_NOT_=错误用法- 异常创建后就丢弃了,没有抛出VA_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_PASSED_TO_OBJECT_=错误用法- 基本类型数组传递给一个期待可变对象类型参数的方法LI_LAZY_INIT_UPDATE_=多线程错误- 错误的延迟初始化和更新静态属性SA_FIELD_SELF_=错误用法- 属性自身赋值EQ_ALWAYS_=错误用法- equals方法一直返回falseDMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_=不良实践- Random对象创建后只用了一次NM_CLASS_NOT_=不良实践- Class没有继承Exception,虽然名字像一个异常SA_LOCAL_DOUBLE_=高危- 给局部变量双重赋值NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF_ALL_TARGETS_=错误用法- 方法调用传递null给非空参数(ALL_TARGETS_DANGEROUS)NP_TOSTRING_COULD_RETURN_=不良实践- toString方法可能返回nullBC_BAD_CAST_TO_ABSTRACT_=高危- 转换成抽象集合值得怀疑NM_LCASE_=类定义了hashcode(); 应该是hashCode()吧?RU_INVOKE_=多线程错误- 在线程中调用了run(你的意思是再启动一次么?)DMI_INVOKING_TOSTRING_ON_=错误用法- 调用了数组的toStringNM_METHOD_NAMING_=方法名应该以小写字母开头RCN_REDUNDANT_COMPARISON_TWO_NULL_=高危- 重复比较两个null值SA_LOCAL_SELF_=错误用法- 对一个变量进行无意义的自我计算(比如x & x)MS_MUTABLE_=恶意代码漏洞- 属性是可变的HashtableRV_DONT_JUST_NULL_CHECK_=高危- 方法丢掉了readLine的结果,在检测它是非空之后。



Check cif1 吸收校正问题Info on Absorption Correction Method Missing ... ?解决:将cif文件中的_exptl_absorpt_correction_type ?问号改为multi-scan(一般是改为这个)同时,将cif文件中的_exptl_absorpt_process_details ?问号改为SADABS只改第一项,会出现这样的错误提示:An _exptl_absorpt_correction_type has been givenwithout a literature citation. This should be containedin the exptl_absorpt_process_details field. Absorptioncorrection given as multi-scan2 空间群问题No _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M Given ........ ?解决:在ins或是res中找,titl一栏就是空间群名称,一般没有做过空间群的转换,这里就是了。

最保险的方法是在生成的check cif页面上就有,例如Space group C 2/m 这个绝对不会搞错3 No su's on H-atoms, but refinement reported as . mixed报告中显示对H原子的修正方法是混合模式但没有列出H原子相关的偏差。

解决:将mixed改为constr如果H只是通过Hadd加到C上,而没有H加到游离的氧原子上,则Refine-ls-hydrogen-treatment constr(而不是填写mixed)4Ratio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.72正负残留峰的双值应该接近1,出现这样的错误表明精修不到位,可能还有残余峰。



























Check cif1 吸收校正问题Info on Absorption Correction Method Missing ... ?解决:将cif文件中的_exptl_absorpt_correction_type ?问号改为multi-scan(一般是改为这个)同时,将cif文件中的_exptl_absorpt_process_details ?问号改为SADABS只改第一项,会出现这样的错误提示:An _exptl_absorpt_correction_type has been givenwithout a literature citation. This should be containedin the exptl_absorpt_process_details field. Absorptioncorrection given as multi-scan2 空间群问题No _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M Given ........ ?解决:在ins或是res中找,titl一栏就是空间群名称,一般没有做过空间群的转换,这里就是了。

最保险的方法是在生成的check cif页面上就有,例如Space group C 2/m 这个绝对不会搞错3 No su's on H-atoms, but refinement reported as . mixed报告中显示对H原子的修正方法是混合模式但没有列出H原子相关的偏差。

解决:将mixed改为constr如果H只是通过Hadd加到C上,而没有H加到游离的氧原子上,则Refine-ls-hydrogen-treatment constr(而不是填写mixed)4Ratio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.72正负残留峰的双值应该接近1,出现这样的错误表明精修不到位,可能还有残余峰。










二、不符点的产生原因1. 对信用证条款理解不清:双方对信用证条款的理解存在歧义或误解,导致后续操作出现偏差从而引起不符点的产生。

2. 单证不完整或不准确:货物装运时,由于单证的不完整或不准确,无法满足信用证中规定的条款,导致不符点的产生。

3. 存在规避规定信用证条款的行为:在部分场合下,出口商为规避相关限制或获取更大的利润,往往采用与信用证条款不符合的实际操作方式,进而导致不符点的产生。

4. 银行操作失误:银行在信用证开立、修改、确认装运等过程中存在疏忽或失误,导致不符点的产生。

三、预防措施为了减少信用证项下不符点的发生,需要双方共同采取一系列预防措施:1. 确保对信用证条款的理解一致:在信用证开立和交易等环节,交易双方应互相确认对信用证条款的理解是否一致,以免因理解不同而导致不符点的产生。

2. 确保单证清晰准确:货物装运时,对货物包装单、提单等单证的正确性和准确性进行确认,确保其符合信用证条款的要求。

3. 避免规避条款行为:交易双方需要合法合规经营,避免有违商业道德的行为,防止因规避条款行为而导致不符点的产生。






内容目录:一、受理、录入、承保部分 (1)二、保全部分 (7)三、理赔部分 (11)四、续期部分 (12)五、财务部分 (13)一、受理、录入、承保部分(一)客户建立与维护1、当建立一个新的客户号或进行客户资料修改时,各项信息录入完成后,按回车键,在身份证号处为红色,系统提示:(1)错误提示:“Mod 11总和无效”。







2、当要修改客户资料时,录入选择C和客户号,按回车键,错误提示:“INV ALID FROM COMPANY”。




CheckCif alerts are listed according to Alert Level for each compound. Responses are in bold.COMPOUND 1ALERT LEVEL APLAT027_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_reflns_theta_full (too) Low ............ 23.26 Deg.A full set of data was collected, however the very high angle data was dominated by noise [I/sigma(I) < 1.0] and was omitted. This arbitrary theta limit is inappropriate for highly disordered structures. It would rule out all macromolecular structures. A limit on data / parameter ratio’s that properly takes into account the number of restraints / constraints and the redundancy of the measurements would be more appropriate. Unfortunately the cifcheck routine does not do this.PLAT113_ALERT_2_A ADDSYM Suggests Possible Pseudo/New Spacegroup . P-1Our compound is chiral (L-Leu-L-Leu-L-Leu was used) and cannot crystallize in acentrosymmetric space group (i.e. P-1)PLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom C1A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.90 oblatPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 6.32 RatioPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.21 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 10.00 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 6.17 RatioPLAT413_ALERT_2_A Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H5PA .. H33E .. 1.86 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_A Short Inter X...Y Contact C14 .. C12P .. 2.23 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_A Short Inter X...Y Contact C14 .. C11P .. 2.28 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. In particular the disordered side-chains are very dynamic and may be considered as a solvent. Short contacts between disordered fragments are to be expected.ALERT LEVEL BTHETM01_ALERT_3_B The value of sine(theta_max)/wavelength is less than 0.575Calculated sin(theta_max)/wavelength = 0.5556See PLAT027_ALERT_3_A, from abovePLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !It may be indicated this would only serves to speed up calculations and artificially improve the redundancy. Failure to merge the data ill not compromise the analysis. Mathematically there should be no difference in the derived results.PLAT111_ALERT_2_B ADDSYM Detects (Pseudo) Centre of Symmetry ..... 100 PerFiSee PLAT113_ALERT_2_A, from abovePLAT213_ALERT_2_B Atom C16A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 4.10 prolaPLAT301_ALERT_3_B Main Residue Disorder ......................... 50.00 Perc.PLAT340_ALERT_3_B Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang (12)These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure ALERT LEVEL CREFNR01_ALERT_3_C Ratio of reflections to parameters is < 8 for anon-centrosymmetric structure, where ZMAX < 18sine(theta)/lambda 0.5556Proportion of unique data used 1.0000Ratio reflections to parameters 6.3713See above response (PLAT 027 ALERT 3A) Checkcif does not properly account for restraints / constraints. The proper data / parameter ratio (including restraints) is > 9.0.PLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT089_ALERT_3_C Poor Data / Parameter Ratio (Zmax .LT. 18) ..... 6.37See REFNR01_ALERT_3_CPLAT154_ALERT_1_C The su's on the Cell Angles are Equal (x 10000) 400 Deg.The su’s are the true valuesPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O2A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.10 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O22A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.90 prolaPLAT220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent O Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 2.80 RatioPLAT241_ALERT_2_C Check High Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C15PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C5PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C6PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C15APLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C32PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36APLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C23PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C14PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C2PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C4PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N21PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C21PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N1PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C3PPLAT302_ALERT_4_C Anion/Solvent Disorder ......................... 33.00 Perc.PLAT309_ALERT_2_C Single Bonded Oxygen (C-O .GT. 1.3 Ang) (22)PLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor >N21 - >H21C ... ?These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. This disorder is greater on attached side-chains.PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (19)Not worthy of a responseCOMPOUND 2ALERT LEVEL APLAT029_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.91The completeness of data is less than the usual 99-100% for this compound, however it is only the very high angle data that is incomplete and above 0.75 angstroms we have 100% coverage. This will always be a problem with area detector data that is not truncated.PLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.75 RatioPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 7.25 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.90 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 8.30 RatioThese alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. Dynamically disordered side-chains (that are tethered to a relatively rigid backbone) may exhibit such unusual ratios.ALERT LEVEL BPLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !It may be indicated this would only serves to speed up calculations and artificially improve the redundancy. Failure to merge the data ill not compromise the analysis. Mathematically there should be no difference in the derived results.PLAT242_ALERT_2_B Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C16These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure. Dynamically disordered side-chains (that are tethered to a relatively rigid backbone) may exhibit such unusual ratios.ALERT LEVEL CPLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. SumFormula Strings Differ .... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT063_ALERT_3_C Crystal Probably too Large for Beam Size ....... 0.80 mmLong needle. SADABS will account for the resulting variation in exposed crystal volume.PLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT068_ALERT_1_C Reported F000 Differs from Calcd (or Missing)... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT077_ALERT_4_C Unitcell contains non-integer number of atoms .. ?There are partially occupied water moleculesPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O3 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.10 prolaPLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.41PLAT301_ALERT_3_C Main Residue Disorder ......................... 7.00 Perc.PLAT302_ALERT_4_C Anion/Solvent Disorder ......................... 2.00 Perc.PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O1WPLAT380_ALERT_4_C Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C16PPLAT380_ALERT_4_C Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C26PPLAT480_ALERT_4_C Long H...A H-Bond Reported H21B .. O23 .. 2.63 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure COMPOUND 3ALERT LEVEL ATHETM01_ALERT_3_A The value of sine(theta_max)/wavelength is less than 0.550Calculated sin(theta_max)/wavelength = 0.5262PLAT027_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_reflns_theta_full (too) Low ............ 21.96 Deg.A full set of data was collected, however the very high angle data was poor and was omitted A full set of data was collected, however the very high angle data was dominated by noise[I/sigma(I) < 1.0] and was omitted. This arbitrary theta limit is inappropriate for highly disordered structures. It would rule out all macromolecular structures. A limit on data / parameter ratio’s that properly takes into account the number of restraints / constraints and the redundancy of the measurements would be more appropriate. Unfortunately the cifcheck routine does not do this. PLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O4 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.80 oblatPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 7.60 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 10.00 RatioPLAT413_ALERT_2_A Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H6PB .. H33E .. 1.70 Ang.PLAT413_ALERT_2_A Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H6PC .. H37D .. 1.58 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure (see response to similar alerts above).ALERT LEVEL BRFACR01_ALERT_3_B The value of the weighted R factor is > 0.35Weighted R factor given 0.367We made several attempts to obtain better quality data for this structure however, due to twinning, disorder, poor crystal quality etc. the R2 value is high. This structure wasincluded for comparison with the other 3 similar compounds. We are confidant thestructural characterization is valid.PLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !See response to this alert above.PLAT084_ALERT_2_B High R2 Value .................................. 0.37See RFACR01_ALERT_3_B, from abovePLAT213_ALERT_2_B Atom O1 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 4.70 oblatPLAT242_ALERT_2_B Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C12PLAT242_ALERT_2_B Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C16PLAT301_ALERT_3_B Main Residue Disorder ......................... 50.00 Perc.PLAT340_ALERT_3_B Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang (19)PLAT413_ALERT_2_B Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H6PC .. H37B .. 2.08 Ang.PLAT413_ALERT_2_B Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H23C .. H38E .. 1.98 Ang.PLAT413_ALERT_2_B Short Inter XH3 .. XHn H24A .. H29E .. 2.03 Ang These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure (as above)ALERT LEVEL CREFNR01_ALERT_3_C Ratio of reflections to parameters is < 8 for anon-centrosymmetric structure, where ZMAX < 18sine(theta)/lambda 0.5262Proportion of unique data used 1.0000Ratio reflections to parameters 7.8968See REFNR01_ALERT_3_C, for compound 1RFACG01_ALERT_3_C The value of the R factor is > 0.10R factor given 0.129See RFACR01_ALERT_3_B, abovePLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. SumFormula Strings Differ .... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT045_ALERT_1_C Calculated and Reported Z Differ by ............ 0.50 RatioOur reported value of Z should be consistent with thePLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT082_ALERT_2_C High R1 Value .................................. 0.13See RFACR01_ALERT_3_B, abovePLAT089_ALERT_3_C Poor Data / Parameter Ratio (Zmax .LT. 18) ..... 7.90 See REFNR01_ALERT_3_C, for compound 1PLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O3 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.50 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O21 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.60 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C1 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.40 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C2 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.70 oblatPLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C15 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.30 prolaPLAT214_ALERT_2_C Atom C26P (Anion/Solvent) ADP max/min Ratio 4.50 oblat PLAT220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent O Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 3.05 RatioPLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C28PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C32APLAT242_ALERT_2_C Check Low Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C36APLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C4PPLAT243_ALERT_4_C High 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C24PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N1PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C2PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C3PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C5PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for N21PPLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors for C22PPLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.86PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.65PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 3.66PLAT318_ALERT_2_C Check Hybridisation of >N23 in Main Residue . ?PLAT380_ALERT_4_C Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C26PPLAT411_ALERT_2_C Short Inter H...H Contact H1PB .. H32B .. 2.11 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (20)PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 2C6 H7 NPLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 3C6 H7 NCOMPOUND 4ALERT LEVEL APLAT029_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.87This may occur with area detector data. The higher angle (less well determined) may not be complete but this alone is not sufficient reason to ignore the data. If we impose a more rigid (lower) high angle cutoff we will achieve 100% coverage. Merging of the Freidel pairs would also push this number well above the arbitrary 0.90 level that triggers this alert.PLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O1 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.10 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O1A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.10 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O22 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.20 prolaPLAT213_ALERT_2_A Atom O22A has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 5.20 prolaPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.66 RatioPLAT220_ALERT_2_A Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.77 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.65 RatioPLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 5.50 RatioThese alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure (see above responses to this alert)ALERT LEVEL BPLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLY Indicated . !See response to this alert above.PLAT301_ALERT_3_B Main Residue Disorder ......................... 50.00 Perc.PLAT432_ALERT_2_B Short Inter X...Y Contact C34 .. C4P .. 2.94 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure ALERT LEVEL CPLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Rep. SumFormula Strings Differ .... ?This is because the H atoms from water are not included in the structure but are in theformulaPLAT045_ALERT_1_C Calculated and Reported Z Differ by ............ 2.00 RatioOur reported Z refers to the number of tripeptide molecules in the unit cell.PLAT066_ALERT_1_C Predicted and Reported Transmissions Identical . ?PLAT068_ALERT_1_C Reported F000 Differs from Calcd (or Missing)... ?See PLAT041_ALERT_1_C, abovePLAT077_ALERT_4_C Unitcell contains non-integer number of atoms .. ?There are partial occupancy water molecules in the structurePLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O23 has ADP max/min Ratio ............. 3.10 prolaPLAT302_ALERT_4_C Anion/Solvent Disorder ......................... 49.00 Perc.PLAT309_ALERT_2_C Single Bonded Oxygen (C-O .GT. 1.3 Ang) ........ O1PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O1WPLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor >N1 - >H1B ... ?PLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor >N1 - >H1C ... ?PLAT432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact C11P .. O1W .. 2.92 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact C11P .. N1A .. 2.98 Ang.PLAT432_ALERT_2_C Short Inter X...Y Contact C37 .. C10A .. 3.17 Ang.These alerts are generated because there is a large amount of disorder in the structure(see similar responses above).PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (30)。



1) HTTP Web Server: Item not found exception错误解释:通过HTML操作某个域时(如document.all.input_name.value),这个input_name 必须有对应的域名。


原解释:<input> element added to the form as Pass-thru HTML with no corresponding Notes field of the same name. All text input elements must have the equivalent Notes field!我:通过填写HTML标记里的标志符,或在“其它”里面加上id=input_name或name=input_name 就行了,不过name=input_name有时生效,有时不生效,没总结过``2)Lotus Notes Exception - Note item not found错误解释:如果你的表单有一个已计算的子表单,并且这个子表单与主表单有同名域时,会有这个报错。

原解释:If your form has a Computed Subform and this Subform contains a field with the same name as one on the main form you will see this error.我:字母意思,应该是没找到Note项,MS偶没看懂原文意思,这种情况下,客户端打开时会提示两个表单有同名域,但并不会报错啊。

3)Lotus Notes Exception - A view of that name cannot be found in the specified database 错误解释:@dblookup/column公式中制定的视图不存在,不可达或拼写错误。

chech cifA B 类错误说明.

chech cifA B 类错误说明.

关于CIF检测中出现的A,B等类错误的说明,共8份----1-3关于CIF检测中出现的A,B等类错误的说明,共8份-1一般分为8类,分别为:# _0xx - general# _1xx - cell/symmetry# _2xx - adp-related# _3xx - intra geometry# _4xx - inter geometry# _5xx - coordination geometry# _6xx - void tests# _7xx – various test下面我们分几次把问题的简要说明翻译成献给大家,希望能对您有所帮助!_201 检测分子结构主体中各向同性的非氢原子,各向同性在通常的精修中并不常用,只是在处理无序是才用到。

_202 检测溶剂分子或阴离子中各向同性的非氢原子_211 检测主体分子的NPD ADP's 。

检测主体分子中各相异性参数中负值部分_212 检测溶剂或阴离子分子的NPD ADP's 。

检测溶剂或阴离子分子中各相异性参数中负值部_213 主体分子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。

_214 溶剂或阴离子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。

_220 检测主体结构非氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。


太高或太低的值表明原子可能定错(i.e. Br versus Ag)_221 检测非主体结构非氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_222 检测主体结构氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_223 检测非主体结构氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_230, _233 : Hirschfield 刚性键检查。


check cif Alert 问答

check cif Alert 问答

1.问:在使用checkCIF service进行投稿前检查时,出现了如下的几个alert,想请教该怎么改进。

尤其是两个C类问题!Alert level CPLAT125_ALERT_4_C No _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall Given ....... ? PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 1C16 H24 O3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alertlevel GPLAT199_ALERT_1_G Check the Reported _cell_measurement_temperature 273 K PLAT200_ALERT_1_G Check the Reported _diffrn_ambient_temperature 273 K PLAT380_ALERT_4_G Check Incorrectly? Oriented X(sp2)-Methyl Moiety C18-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ALERTlevel A = In general: serious problem0 ALERT level B = Potentially serious problem2 ALERT level C = Check and explain3 ALERT level G = General alerts; check2 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data0 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient0 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low3 ALERT type4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion0 ALERT type 5 Informative message, checkPLAT125_ALERT_4_C No _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall Given ....... ?答:在CIF文件中加_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall具体如下:1)是加在_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 之后例如:_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 21/c'_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2ybc'2)该符号在checkcif后的网页的左上方找.PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 1C16 H24 O3分子重心不在单胞内, 要平移或对称操作后, 使得大部分原子的分数坐标都在单胞内,即大部分原子的坐标都是正分数,而不是1.xxx或-0.xxxx具体可在.ins中加move 指令或在xp中用sgen.操作完毕后要重新修正到收敛,产生新的.cif.alert G可不理.第一个加上空间群一列第二个ms分子没在单胞内移动2.cif A错误PLAT307_ALERT_2_A Isolated Metal Atom (Unusual !) ................ Pb1_dPLAT307_ALERT_2_A Isolated Metal Atom (Unusual !) ................ Pb1_i 有没有见过这样的A错误A 错误解释This test reports on metal atoms that are not bonded or at coordinationdistance of other atoms. Isolated ions are very unusual (or non-existent ?)解决方案:把重金属删除后,重新再找。




ABSTY02_ALERT_1_C An _exptl_absorpt_correction_type has been given without a literature citation. This should be contained in the _exptl_absorpt_process_details field. Absorption correction given as multi-scan.警告原因:采用了吸收校正,但是没有给出吸收校正细节和参考文献。



CHEMW03_ALERT_2_A ALERT: The ratio of given/expected molecular weight as calculated from the _atom_site* data lies outside。



CRYSC01_ALERT_1_C The word below has not been recognised as a standard identifier.警告原因:cif中使用的单词无法被识别。


CRYSC01_ALERT_1_C No recognised colour has been given for crystal colour.警告原因:晶体颜色描述无法被cif识别。




CIF常见错误及应对策略checkCIF/PLATON reportNo syntax errors found. CIF dictionary Interpreting this report Datablock: 4-926Bond precision:C-C = 0.0104 A Wavelength=0.71073 Cell:a=8.1996(12)b=24.564(4)c=15.512(2) alpha=90beta=95.884(3)gamma=90Calculated ReportedVolume3107.9(8)3107.9(8)Space group P 21/c P2(1)/cHall group-P 2ybc ?Moiety formula C25 H36 B Ir N6 O4, C H2Cl2C25 H36 B Ir N6 O4, C H2Cl2Sum formula C26 H38 B Cl2 Ir N6 O4C26 H38 B Cl2 Ir N6 O4Mr772.55772.53Dx,g cm-3 1.651 1.651Z44Mu (mm-1) 4.509 4.509F0001536.01536.0F000’1532.02h,k,lmax11,34,2111,34,21Nref9072 8739Tmin,Tmax0.258,0.6970.280,0.700Tmin’0.258Correction method= ’MULTI-SCAN’Data completeness= Ratio = 0.963Theta(max)= 30.010R(reflections)= 0.0536( 6904)wR2(reflections)= 0.1269( 8739)S = 1.043Npar= 369The following ALERTS were generated. Each ALERT has the formattest-name_ALERT_alert-type_alert-level.Click on the hyperlinks for more details of the test.Alert level BPLAT366_ALERT_2_B Short? C(sp?)-C(sp?) Bond C53 - C54 ... 1.29 Ang.Author Response: C53-C54 is a eta2-bonded olefin ligand with C(sp2)=C(sp2) disposition.Alert level CABSTM02_ALERT_3_C The ratio of expected to reported Tmax/Tmin(RR) is > 1.10Tmin and Tmax reported: 0.280 0.700Tmin and Tmax expected: 0.250 0.697RR = 1.114Please check that your absorption correction is appropriate.Author Response: The absorption correcttion (SADABS, multi-scan) wasfound to be appropriate, PLATON necessarily overestimates absorptioneffects.PLAT029_ALERT_3_C _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.96Author Response: Due to broad reflections, some of them had to be removedbecause of inacceptable disagreement with equivalents.PLAT220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 2.55 Ratio Author Response: Remote terminations of a Ir complex with higher mobility.PLAT222_ALERT_3_C Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 3.18 Ratio Author Response: Remote terminations of a Ir complex with higher mobility.PLAT232_ALERT_2_C Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Ir - C51 .. 7.22 su Author Response: Moderate data quality in context with desolvation andIr as heavy atom.PLAT342_ALERT_3_C Low Bond Precision on C-C bonds (x 1000) Ang (10)Author Response: Moderate data quality in context with desolvation andIr as heavy atom.PLAT601_ALERT_2_C Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 51.00 A**3 Author Response: The structure contains continuous channels extending atx,0.5,0 and x,0,0.5 along the a-axis. These channels are loosely filled withcomparatively well ordered CH2Cl2. The remaining voids between theCH2Cl2 molecules (51 \%A^3^ per cavity, four equivalent cavities per unitcell) might be suitable to take up further solvent (crystals from CH2Cl2 /pentane), but none was seen in difference Fourier syntheses and squeezingwith program PLATON did not give significant improvement or change.PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (3)0 ALERT level A = In general: serious problem1 ALERT level B = Potentially serious problem8 ALERT level C = Check and explain0 ALERT level G = General alerts; check0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data4 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient4 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low1 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion0 ALERT type 5 Informative message, checkDatablock: 6-897Bond precision:C-C = 0.0086 A Wavelength=0.71073Cell:a=13.7032(12)b=13.9350(12)c=15.1568(14)alpha=90beta=90gamma=90Calculated ReportedVolume2894.3(4)2894.3(4)Space group P 21 21 21 P2(1)2(1)2(Hall group P 2ac 2ab ?Moiety formula C23 H32 B Cl Ir N7 O4C23 H32 B Cl Ir N7 O4Sum formula C23 H32 B Cl Ir N7 O4C23 H32 B Cl Ir N7 O4Mr709.04709.02Dx,g cm-3 1.627 1.627Z44Mu (mm-1) 4.745 4.745F0001400.01400.0F000’1395.42h,k,lmax19,19,2119,19,21Nref4696( 8475)8304Tmin,Tmax0.418,0.5660.330,0.570Tmin’0.063Correction method= ’MULTI-SCAN’Data completeness= 1.77(0.98)Theta(max)= 30.040R(reflections)= 0.0381( 6683)wR2(reflections)= 0.0680( 8304)S = 0.996Npar= 345The following ALERTS were generated. Each ALERT has the formattest-name_ALERT_alert-type_alert-level.Click on the hyperlinks for more details of the test.Alert level APLAT222_ALERT_3_A Large Non-Solvent H Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 6.11 Ratio Author Response: One terminal COOMe group (C54, O58, O59, C510) issomewhat mobile despite low temperature measurement at 173K. This isprobably in context with a solvent content of the crystal largely lost prior toX-ray data collection (see below).Alert level BPLAT220_ALERT_2_B Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 4.21 Ratio Author Response: One terminal COOMe group (C54, O58, O59, C510) issomewhat mobile despite low temperature measurement at 173K. This isprobably in context with a solvent content of the crystal largely lost prior toX-ray data collection (see below).Alert level CPLAT342_ALERT_3_C Low Bond Precision on C-C bonds (x 1000) Ang (9)Author Response: One terminal COOMe group (C54, O58, O59, C510) issomewhat mobile despite low temperature measurement at 173K. This isprobably in context with a solvent content of the crystal largely lost prior toX-ray data collection (see below).PLAT601_ALERT_2_C Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 58.00 A**3 Author Response: The structure was apparently a solvate, crystallized fromdichloromethane / pentane, and has largely lost the solvent prior to X-raymeasurement during transport. 4 separate symmetry equivalent solventcavities of 58.00 A**3 each exist in the unit cell. Application of procedureSQUEEZE (program PLATON) did not bring about a significant improval ofrefinement results and therefore was not retained for the final refinement. Thecompound is therefore considered as a DESOLVATE with no solvent contentgiven in chemical formula and quantities derived thereof.PLAT720_ALERT_4_C Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Label(s) (4)Alert level GREFLT03_ALERT_4_G Please check that the estimate of the number of Friedel pairs is correct. If it is not, please give the correct count in the_publ_section_exptl_refinement section of the submitted CIF.From the CIF: _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 30.04From the CIF: _reflns_number_total 8304Count of symmetry unique reflns 4696Completeness (_total/calc) 176.83%TEST3: Check Friedels for noncentro structureEstimate of Friedel pairs measured 3608Fraction of Friedel pairs measured 0.768Are heavy atom types Z>Si present yesAuthor Response: The estimate ic correct. Note that the compound was aracemate which crystallized in a chiral space group. Absolute configurationis therefore not of importance.1 ALERT level A = In general: serious problem1 ALERT level B = Potentially serious problem3 ALERT level C = Check and explain1 ALERT level G = General alerts; check0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data2 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient2 ALERT type3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low2 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion0 ALERT type 5 Informative message, checkPublication of your CIF in IUCr journalsA basic structural check has been run on your CIF. These basic checks will be run on all CIFs submitted for publication in IUCr journals (Acta Crystallographica, Journal of Applied Crystallography, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation); however, if you intend to submit to Acta Crystallographica Section C or E, you should make sure that full publication checks are run on the final version of your CIF prior to submission.Publication of your CIF in other journalsPlease refer to the Notes for Authors of the relevant journal for any special instructions relating to CIF submission. PLATON version of 09/07/2006; check.def file version of 27/06/2006。




1. 找出系统中存在问题的所有组件,然后逐个检查;
2. 对每个组件,检查其功能,如果有疑问,就将其取出,看看是否有明显的损坏或不正常情况;
3. 对于每一个组件,都要重新安装,测试和诊断,如果发现有故障,就从系统中拆卸出来查看;
4. 在检查完所有可能的部件后,只剩最后一个,就可以断定故障就在这一部件上;
5. 最后,再根据故障部件的特征,进行更加具体的检测,以期确定故障部件的具体原因。


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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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关于CIF检测中出现的A,B等类错误的说明,共8份----1-3关于CIF检测中出现的A,B等类错误的说明,共8份-1一般分为8类,分别为:# _0xx - general# _1xx - cell/symmetry# _2xx - adp-related# _3xx - intra geometry# _4xx - inter geometry# _5xx - coordination geometry# _6xx - void tests# _7xx – various test下面我们分几次把问题的简要说明翻译成献给大家,希望能对您有所帮助!_201 检测分子结构主体中各向同性的非氢原子,各向同性在通常的精修中并不常用,只是在处理无序是才用到。

_202 检测溶剂分子或阴离子中各向同性的非氢原子_211 检测主体分子的NPD ADP's 。

检测主体分子中各相异性参数中负值部分_212 检测溶剂或阴离子分子的NPD ADP's 。

检测溶剂或阴离子分子中各相异性参数中负值部_213 主体分子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。

_214 溶剂或阴离子中ADP maximum/minimum 比例检测,较大的值意味着无序没有处理。

_220 检测主体结构非氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。


太高或太低的值表明原子可能定错(i.e. Br versus Ag)_221 检测非主体结构非氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_222 检测主体结构氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_223 检测非主体结构氢原子Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min)范围。

对比平常之大的比值发出警报_230, _233 : Hirschfield 刚性键检查。



DELREF 技术(e.g.DIFABS, SHELXA, XABS2) 校正的数据通常对含重原子的键有较大的DELU 值_241, _242 检测相对于相邻原子过高或过低的U(eq)值。

原子的U(eq) 值会被拿去与所有非氢原子的平均U(eq)去比较,如果值太大,可能是原子定错了。

_013 : 检测报告与衍射范围和数据的完整度_020 : 检测R(int)。


但是基于非常有限数量的平均数据的R(int) 没什么意义_021 : 检查观测衍射数目/期望数目的比值期待数目对应于劳埃群的不对称单元中的数目。


超过这些数据可能是:对称性消光没有从观测数据中消除或采用过多的数据进行精修_022 :检测完整度,检测报道的独立衍射点与期望的给定的分辨率_023 : Check θmax。


当sin (θ)/λ <0.6时,发布警告。

_024 : 检测优化的平均Friedel 对。

对于含有比硅轻的原子的MoKa 数据,平均Friedel 对是优先的。

SHELXL97 精修中采用MERG 4。

_025 : 检查h,k,l范围_026 : 检查弱点,检查2σ以上的独立数据的衍射是否充分_030 检测精修的消光参数是否有意义,检测它的值是否明显大于相应的s.u。


目前默认值为3.33 s.u_032 检测Flack 参数的S.U._033 检测Flack参数偏离零的程度,即检查绝对构型的正确性。

_040 检查化合物中碳原子上是否有氢原子_041 比较报道的与计算的总分子式Compare the Reported and Calculated Sum Formula_042 比较报道的与计算的残基分子式Compare the reported and Calculated Moiety Formula_043 比较报道的和计算的分子量Compare Reported and Calculated Molecular Weight_044 比较报道的和计算的分子量密度_045 比较报道的和计算的Z值_046 检测报道的Z, MW, D(calc) 是否一致_050 检测给出的mu值_051 测试报道的和计算的mu 的差别。

_052 测试吸收校正方法的条件_053 测试晶体尺寸最小值xtal_dimension_min的条件_054 测试晶体尺寸中间值_055 测试晶体尺寸最大值_056 检测晶体半径Test for specification xtal_radius_057 检测必需的吸收校正Test for absorption correction needed _058 检测规定的最大透过率Tmax_059 检测规定的最小透过率Tmin_060 RR Test_061 RR' Test_062 Rescale Tmin & Tmax_063 测试晶体尺寸最小的一个尺寸应远大于采用的Xray束。


_064 Test for T(max) .GE. T(min)_065 检测(半)经验吸收校正的应用情况est for applicability of (semi-)empirical abs.corr._070 检测原子标签的重复情况Test for duplicate atom labels_071 检测是否有无法解释的标签_080 检测最大的漂移/误差比值maximum shift/error_081 检测给出的漂移/误差比值Test for maximum shift/error given_082 检测合理的R1 值_084 检测合理的R2值R2 一般是基于F2精修出的R1的两倍_086, _087 检测合理的S 值_088 检测合理的Data / parameter 比值(中心对称)_089检测合理的Data / parameter 比值(非中心对称)_095 检测给出的最大残余密度_096 检测给出的最大残余密度_097检测给出的最大残余密度_098检测给出的最小残余密度_099检测给出的小于0的最小残余密度_410, _413 : 检测分子键或分子内短程的H----H相互作用。




短相互作用用1.2A 的范德华半径来表示,对分子间弱相互作用警报发生于距离短于 2.4A。


这种警报对团簇构型很有意义,尤其是当氢原子按照理想位置参与计算时_412 & _413报告CH3 H-atoms的相互作用,这些氢最好采用理论计算方法获取。

_416 : 检测分子内D-H .. H-D 作用。

主要与放错位置的无序有关_417 : 检测分子间D-H .. H-D 作用。

主要与放错位置的无序有关_420 : 检测D-H 没有受体用通常的氢键标准判断,氢键受体必须潜在。

对OH和常见的-NH and -NH2很少有例外。

通常出现的错误是:A common -OH 上氢键指向有误。

._430 : 检测D..A 距离。


_431 : 检测Hl...D 距离,检测与卤素有关的分子间的距离_432 : 检测分子间距离Alert level APLAT031_ALERT_4_A Refined Extinction Parameter within Range ...... 0.00 Sigma--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A lert level BPLAT232_ALERT_2_B Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Zn -- O1 .. 21.64 suPLAT232_ALERT_2_B Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Zn -- O2 .. 12.23 su后两个B类错误可以在-lst文件中BOND的下一行使用如写命令,然后精修:ELMU Zn O1 Zn O2SIMU 0.007 0.001 Zn O1 Zn O2第一个问题在INS文件中把EXTI这行命令删掉再修就可以了Alert level BPLAT230_ALERT_2_B Hirshfeld Test Diff for C4 -- C29 .. 7.42 suPLAT024_ALERT_4_B Merging of Friedel Pairs is STRONGLYIndicated . !第一个错误是由于键长偏差过大造成的。

第二个错误提示精修中加入Merg3或者Merg 4来合并Friedel Paris, 这个你要根据实际情况来确定是否需要进行合并Friedel Paris.精修时还出现Extinction (EXTI) or solvent water (SW AT) correction may be required是什么意思?精修时还出现Extinction (EXTI) or solvent water (SW AT) correction may be required是什么意思?就是需要矫正系统消光在命令部分添加exti命令就可以了!1._diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.90甚么意思?如何修改?谢谢数据完整度不够可以尝试删除高角度数据,看可能达到0.95以上弱弱地问:什么叫高角度数据?如何确定高角度数据?就是theta角比较大的数据,也就是分辨率比较高的数据。





但是也不能删得太厉害,因为分辨率也是有要求的(最最少要达到0.94 Ang)。
