Oracle PeopleSoft HCM简介




• 个人信息详细资料 • 员工能力差距分析
• 劳动力组成分析 • 基于工作周期、服
务周期的岗位调配 分析
• 根据市场情况分析 薪酬差距
• 根据组织战略制定 薪酬模型
• 留才计划
• 人员配置差异分析 • 培训后的成本效益
分析 • 最佳招聘途径分析
• 事前筛选 • 关键字查询 • 测验、评鉴 • 背景调查 • 面试日程安排 • 在线面试评估 • 在线审核
- 薪资/考勤 - 培训/发展 - 能力管理
最佳招聘途 径分析
搜索 甄选 评估 录用
维护候选人状态 维护状态产生原因
搜索 甄选 供职 录用
•薪酬分析 •允许与内部薪酬数据进行比对分析
•候选人数据直接导入员工数据表: •人力资源 •薪酬 •福利 •培训
•新员工检查列表 •审批,等等
帮助HR跟踪核查新员 工的手续是否齐全
帮助平安分析在时间最 节约的情况下效果最好
人员规划 绩效考核
支持各流派的素质模 型的信息存储和维护。 可以帮助平安跟踪和 分析员工的成长记录。



世界著名人力资源软件peoplesoft简介PeopleSoft公M J由DavcDuilleld和K-enMarris创建于1937年,总部设于羌国加州的普莱臣«(Pleasanton)®.2,1,1 PeopleSoft 平自Peopl凸o"系统采用四层的B/S结构的系统构架,毎个层次的功能互相既相对独立又梢苴关联・具荷良好的票统平台的W菲容性利模块功能的町扩展性恋,其中:第一层为数据屋层,无论是目前居于业界主流的Oracle敌据库管理平台・还是用户广为使用的Microsoft的SQL Server数掘库诗理平台・乃至经典的在UNIX开放平台下支持的数据库管理平台DBN PeopleSofi系统都能够具有很好的兼容fL从而使將基于Peopksoft平台研茨人力资源锌理系统的企业无需购买或集成专用的数据库管理平台.保证了所研发的人力资源管理系统能够充分利用企业原有的数据信息资源旳.第二层为业务功能逻辑氐PeopleSoft系统所支持的人力資源官理系统的业务功能模块*工作流裡阳•模块功能粗件乃至篩分开源的程厚代码均髡装在该业务功能逻拆层中.井M People 还提供「标准的、规范化的和便捷的访问接口和撫作界面,从両大大地方便了基于该业务功能逻無层的面向典体的实际曲户需求所需完成的功能设il■和业播配置口穷外Peoplesoil 拥有自乃祂特的可视化系统开发工具一PnpkTg皿它能满足实际系统中用户所禺的相莫功能和用户界面的个性化需求°为了进一步提高系统的1*容性和系统的扩展性,PeopleSoft系统提供了适用于系统开发工具(Jaw或00标准化接J 沏开发过程屮幼态的功能调试和性能的修改+乃至数抵的进一步共字和冇效传输枇供了可靠的、可存的技术保证第三层为传输层*利用该传输层所提供的功能・A:SF PeopleSoft^开发中可以使用Weblogic我者Webloeic^Tuxedo作为数据传输的中间层纽件・通过对所需传输的大僦数据包进行有效的压缩和编码,达到提髙所研制的人力资源管理系统中网络传输的性能大大减少了系统的响应时间,有效提高了所研制的人力谨源骨理系统的整体运行效举创.第四层为界面浏览器层.PeopleSoft系统的系统架构是-•个经典的B/S架构,因此无需安装任何的客户端应用程序包,相关的人力资源管理系统的各类用户句是以基于Iniemct 平台采用通用的界面浏览器來直接访问和操作授权的人力资源管理系统功能模块,采用该层技术所研制的人力资源管理系统的用户界面风格统具有良好的用户友好性.上述模式不但方便了所研制的人力资源管理系统的用户完成日常的业务操作,而且在以后人力资源管理系统升级或作必要的维护性修改时,人力资源管理系统所有的客户端均无需进行相应的系统配逞修改,从而大大地降低了所研制的人力资源管理系统的运营和维护的技术成本冏.H前为业界广为认可的PeopleSoft系统无疑是十分完关的,不论是其功能的兼容性,还足其性能的杨宦性,乃至其二次开发的便捷性査国内外主流人力资源管理系统的技术集成方案和硏发模式上都顒具优势。

peoplesoft hrms产品安装说明

peoplesoft hrms产品安装说明

PeopleSoft HRMS产品安装说明1、整体规划:PeopleSoft系统中存在几个Server的概念,File Server,Database Server,Application Server,Batch Server,Web Server。

其中:File Server是指存放PeopleSoft文件的服务器,这些文件可能会包括PeopleSoft报表程序,脚本,数据文件,报表工具等等。

在安装PeopleTools或者PeopleSoft HRMS的时候会提示你安装file server。

Database Server无需过多说明了。

可以选择使用Oracle、SQL Server、DB2等。

Application Server是指PeopleSoft的应用服务器,可以使用BEA的Tuxedo或者IBM的WebSphere。

安装PeopleTools的时候会有提示你安装App Server。

Batch Server是指用来处理PeopleSoft进程的服务器,主要是一些报表进程或者数据处理进程。

安装PeopleTools的时候会有提示你安装App Server。

Web Server无需过多说明了。

2、我的安装环境:应用程序:PeopleSoft HRMS 8.9 with Multi-Language PackPeopleTools:8.46数据库:Oracle 9.2Web Server:BEA Weblogic 8.1App Server:BEA Tuxedo 8.1说明:Oracle网站提供安装文件的免费下载,需要注意的是PeopleTools8.46只支持Oracle9i以上版本。

3、建议首先安装Web Server。




需要说明的是由于我选择了Weblogic,所以我需要另外安装BEA的Tuxedo,用来支持PS的Application Server的工作。








甲骨文公司PeopleSoftEnterprise副总裁兼总经理DorisWong 说:“我们的承诺是,延长客户已有投资的寿命,客户只须逐步添加投资,PeopleSoftEnterprise人力资本管理Array.0的上市兑现了这一承诺。







初步认识PeopleSoft系统 – 菜单与权限
用户A 用户B 用户C
华润集团人力资源项目 9
初步认识PeopleSoft系统 – 个性化内容(1)
华润集团人力资源项目 10
初步认识PeopleSoft系统 – 个性化内容(2)
华润集团人力资源项目 11
初步认识PeopleSoft系统 – 个性化内容(3)
华润集团人力资源项目 6
初步认识PeopleSoft系统 – 登录系统
• 在浏览器(如IE)的地址栏输入上页中的培训环境地址 • 选择登录语言:简体中文 • 输入用户名/密码,点击“登录”进入系统
华润集团人力资源项目 7
初步认识PeopleSoft系统 – 主菜单
华润集团人力资源项目 8
华润集团人力资源项目 4
• 如果下载Excel表格时,出现“文件长度为0”无法下载的情况,请按下图修改浏览器配置:
华润集团人力资源项目 5
• 培训环境链接 • 环境的链接是: • 不能使用浏览器的前进后退按钮 • 系统跟后台数据库有交互,而浏览器的前进后退按钮会导致数据过期而出现用户期望之 外的结果。如果后退,使用系统中页面下方的确定或者取消按钮。 • 使用新窗口功能进行多窗口同时操作 • 如果需要同时操作多个功能页面,点击页面右上角的新窗口链接,系统会跳出一个新的 窗口,可以使用这个窗口到其他功能页面,同时使用。 • 避免窗口因空闲时间过长而过期退出 • 如果长时间不使用系统,一个页面过期退出,其他页面都会过期退出。因此需注意系统 提出的会话过期对话框,点击对话框中的确定按钮会阻止会话过期。



PeopleSoft 得优质整合应用方案包括人力资源管理HRMS,客户关系管理CRM,财务管理,企业绩效管理及入口网络解决方案、HCM主要分coreHR,Global Payroll,Eperformance,Recruitment等HCM在关于组织机构设置方面提供了集合ID,业务单位,公司,地点,部门、部门树功能,一般得组织机构管理得需要应该都能完全满足了。











其中,树名称必须就是“DEPT_SECURITY”字样,在写死得代码中已经默认树名称使用此名称;结构ID选择department,系统还提供了其她结构ID,例如POSITION、SUCCESSION等,在项目中很少用;生效日期就是HCM时间轴得实现形式,对于每个时段都就是通过生效日期表达得,下一件事得生效日期-1默认为此事件技术日期,与SAPHCM时间段不同得实现形式,相比较还就是PS 比较简便。

Oracle PeopleSoft Inventory Management 说明书

Oracle PeopleSoft Inventory Management 说明书

PeopleSoft Inventory ManagementOracle’s PeopleSoft Inventory Management is the cornerstone of your supply chain business processes of Inventory Management, order-to-cash, and procure-to-pay. All business operations are unique. Organizations need the flexibility to control and track inventory that supports the company’s business processes. PeopleSoft Inventory enables organizations to increase inventory accuracy and customer service levels and, at the same time, to reduce carrying and labor costs, and inventory write-offs. PeopleSoft Inventory helps organizations make faster, more accurate decisions, which is critical in today’s complex global inventory environments.K E Y F E A T U R E S•Create unlimited and flexible business units to reflect distribution and material storage entities.•Use a multi-level storage structure to provide flexibility and simplify transaction processing.•Track real-time item quantities. •Provide ability to drive inventory balances negative and reconcile discrepancies.•Perform cycle counts with or without interrupting warehouse operations. •Track cumulative and unit cost information at the item level on a real-time basis.•Manage and maintain lots based on a set of lot control parameters, such as expiration date, lot creation date, and lot status.•Cross-dock incoming receipts to outgoing shipments to save steps and cut lead times.•Perform financial sanctions screening by validating customer names and addresses with a variety of national and international security lists provided by download from a US Government website. Item ManagementPeopleSoft Inventory enables organizations to capture and maintain complete records of on-hand items. Organizations can maintain common sets of item data across the enterprise or specific to a business entity. Item attributes, such as physical dimension, size, item family and group, and utilization types, can be recorded for each inventory business unit. If it is important to the organization, routings for approval can be enabled for newly added items using workflow processing. Support of various units of measure to convert among stocking, ordering, and shipping transactions is also available. A time-saving feature provided in Inventory is the ability to copy items within and across business units using the Item Template capability.Item TemplatesCompanies need to maintain their item masters to align to changes in item catalogs or changes in the organization. Item templates provide the ability to add or change item groups using configurable Item templates. The configurable Item templates specify the default item attribute values to be used in add or change activities. Users specify the variable item information, such as item and description, and then can update the item master in just a few steps.•Perform paperless picking and shipping using radio frequency devices.•Defer depletions until you are ready to deplete inventory and invoice. •Automate PAR inventory assignment, tracking, and replenishment.•Work through various inventory-related activities with various workbench capabilities: Fulfillment Workbench, Shortage Workbench, Pegging Workbench, and Freight Management and Shipment Planning Workbench. •Integrate with third-party freight rating systems, sophisticated warehouse management systems, and mobile devices.K E Y B E N E F I T S•Flexible and comprehensive inventory management system.•Immediate access to relevant inventory information.•Swift and informed decision making capability. Comprehensive Inventory Control, Management, Reporting, and ReconciliationPeopleSoft Inventory offers multiple physical account features to accurately and efficiently track and reconcile the physical location of items. Organizations can calculate the ABC classifications based on configurable rules and perform cycle counts by ABC classification. Wall-to-wall and cycle counts can be performed using automated data collection devices that interface with the PeopleSoft Inventory module.PeopleSoft Inventory has comprehensive costing and valuation management to support and maintain costing information quickly and easily, and it uses this information to calculate appropriate inventory valuations. Organizations are able to support multiple, simultaneous inventory valuation methods. Integration with other PeopleSoft products allows organizations to recognize and record cost variances and to generate inventory-related accounting lines for all inventory transactions.PeopleSoft Inventory supports powerful lot and serial control tracking capabilities to maximize efficiency. Allocation to specific lots during order entry is supported, as well as viewing the quantity available and quantity previously allocated for each item and lot combination. Flexibility in specifying sorting criteria for lots when picking is also provided; picking uses earliest lot expiration date (first expired, first out) or earliest lot creation date (first in, first out). The flexibility in serialization control allows tracking of material by serial number from the time of receipt or from the time of shipment.Putaway and Cross-DockingPeopleSoft Inventory enables organizations to match the method and structure of precisely storing and processing inventory. Review and selection of alternate putaway plans is provided based on multiple criteria: find an existing item location, default putaway, fixed picking, empty bin, and more. Inventory managers can use capacity checking by size, weight, or both for material putaway or single item storage if an item must be stored by itself.Order Pegging, Reservations, Backorder Management, and FulfillmentOrganizations need to know if they can deliver on time to both internal and external customers, and this needs to be done in the most cost-efficient manner. Using PeopleSoft Inventory, users can strategically track and manage all demand requirements to maximize customer service levels. Given the appropriate security capabilities, users can peg incoming supply to demand. Users can also access available-to-promise information and monitor unfulfilled demand and material receipts that can be considered as a source of supply. Users can reserve stock by using reservation lead days and order priority or use powerful reservations andR E L A T E D P R O D U C T SThe following products support Oracle PeopleSoft Inventory Management:•PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management•PeopleSoft Order Management •PeopleSoft Purchasing •PeopleSoft Cost Management •PeopleSoft ProjectsR E L A T E D S E R V I C E SThe following services support Oracle PeopleSoft Inventory Management: •Update Subscription Services •Product Support Services •Professional Services backorder rules to reserve stock to internal and external orders. Management of both internal and external stock requests (demand) from PeopleSoft Order Management, Purchasing, and Asset Lifecycle Management is enabled with both automatic and manual fulfillment rules. PeopleSoft Inventory enables the fulfillment of all demand, regardless of source, using the fulfillment and shortage workbenches. Streamlining fulfillment operations is easy with the rules-based fulfillment engine, which has powerful but flexible rules taking orders from one fulfillment state to another (that is, unfulfilled to picked or reserved to shipped). Users can increase warehouse efficiencies using in-stock movements and decrease the associated paperwork and cost. In addition, the route and load planning capabilities enable pickers to group order lines for efficient picking, packing, and shipping.Integration to Shipment Planning and Freight Rating vendors allows calculations for estimated shipping and load weight and volume to help manage truck loads and to apply freight and miscellaneous charges for customer orders.Supply and Demand WorkCenter and DashboardWorkCenters accelerate the rate at which users can accomplish their day-to-day jobs. WorkCenters consolidate and centralize access to relevant data and provide visibility, using alerts and dashboard analytics, to the work that needs to be completed by the user community. User productivity increases by allowing them to do their jobs efficiently, removing bottlenecks, and providing them the right information at the right time. Operational users in all organizations perform different ta s ks on a daily basis that require them to access various parts of multiple applications quickly. WorkCenters are configurable by organization and role, so users can personalize their menu access to how they work.Figure 1. Supply and Demand WorkCenter- A central location to perform tasksTransfer Order ManagementPeopleSoft Inventory enables swift intra-enterprise materials movement. Users are able to create interunit material transfer orders independent of order processing and purchasing functions. The Inventory design accommodates both simple interunit transfers and complex intercompany transfers that require arms length sales between entities. Organizations also have the option of transferring stock between business units at a specific predetermined or manually entered cost, at a certain cost markup, or at zero cost.Stock and Location ReplenishmentInventory managers need to know when supply items are getting low. With powerful automation capabilities and intuitive data screens, users can easily replenish materials with PeopleSoft Inventory. Replenishment r e q uisitions can be generated based on current stocking levels, economic order quantity, or reorder point. The module provides the flexibility to use ad hoc requisitioning for backorder management and to track reorder point based on multiple criteria.Consigned Inventory from Suppliers and Vendor-Managed Inventory for CustomersWhether the organization has Supplier inventory on premise or the inventory is at the customer’s site, PeopleSoft Inventory offers solutions to manage both scenarios. Stock tracking of Inventory owned by the organization or by its Suppliers can be tracked and, upon consumption, automatically trigger payment. Sell-side Vendor Managed Inventory allows tracking of inventory at a customer’s site using delivered integration points to monitor usage and status. The module provides the capability to automatically replenish customer on-site inventory with the flexibility of invoicing them upon shipment (non-consigned) or upon usage (consigned).PAR Inventory and Material Usage and Reconciliation PeopleSoft Inventory enables organizations to establish stock locations that can be replenished without tracking on-hand quantities and material movement transactions. This is common in hospital environments for supply carts or closets. Additionally, the module provides tools for capturing and tracking material usage from locations and receipt of goods into locations. When locations need replenishment, users can run a process of replenishment by PAR location or by PAR location group.O R A C L E D A T A S H E E TC O N T A C T U SFor more information about PeopleSoft Inventory Management, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1to speak to an Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/oracle /oracle /oracle Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and。



目标管理 Oracle HCM Cloud目标管理提供组织一个最好的跟踪和管理组织与个人目标的解决方案。同时 Oracle HCM Cloud目标管理与人才管理的整体流程紧密地集成在一起。 Oracle HCM Cloud目标管理可以在组织的不同层级上设定和跟踪各种目标。支持正在进行的整 年绩效考核面谈。业务领导传达高层的目标计划,员工和经理可以基于此设立目标并同组织的目 标保持一致。个人发展计划可以让员工跟踪自己的个人成长和职业生涯发展。 员工间的协同平台可以共享目标,同时协同工具平台套件可以连接目标到共享的工作空间。 Oracle HCM Cloud目标管理可以和Oracle HCM Cloud绩效管理无缝地集成,从而能够在特定期 间评估和查看目标的达成情况。
人才盘点 Oracle HCM Cloud人才盘点模块通过使用人才概要提供最完整和集成的人才盘点解决方案。人 才盘点可以供管理层和HR专员评价人才,定位风险区域,开拓上升通道,且降低人才流失风险, 预估宏观组织变化趋势,评估人才详细情况,例如人才潜力和流失风险。
竞赛管理 通过竞赛管理,可以将个人的动机和行为和业务成果有效关联,通过运行竞赛,让员工能更好地 完成工作任务,通过建立一种有趣的工作方式来完成最终业务目标
作为全球最为专业的人力资本解决方案提供商, Oracle公司一直致力于研发全球最为完整、最 为开放及最易集成的解决方案。只有Oracle能够提供全面、专业、完整的人才管理云解决方案, 只有Oracle能够覆盖包括核心人力资源管理、全球薪酬管理、社交寻源、招聘与报到管理、绩效 管理、目标管理、人才盘点、继任计划、培训与学习发展、竞赛管理、声誉管理、社交络等从基 础人力资源管理到专业人才发展的完整的解决方案。



人力资源管理整体方案简介2007年1月目录1甲骨文公司介绍和产品理念 (4)1.1甲骨文公司介绍 (4)1.2PeopleSoft产品理念 (4)2PEOPLESOFT人力资源管理解决方案特点和概况 (8)2.1PeopleSoft人力资源管理方案特点 (8)2.2PeopleSoft人力资源管理方案概述 (9)3PEOPLESOFT人力资源管理系统模块内容简介 (10)3.1人力资源数据集成所涉及的模快: (11)3.1.1灵活的组织机构管理 (11)3.1.2组织机构图维护 (11)3.1.3职位管理 (11)3.1.4灵活的管理体系 (12)3.1.5人力资源档案管理 (12)3.2薪资管理和监督 (12)3.2.1薪资计划管理 (12)3.2.2PeopleSoft薪资管理 (13)3.3人力资源管理 (14)3.3.1招聘管理 (14)3.3.2员工能力管理 (15)3.3.3培训预算及管理 (16)3.3.4职业生涯发展及接班人计划 (16)3.3.5绩效管理 (17)3.3.6外派管理 (18)3.3.7员工关系管理 (18)3.3.8PeopleSoft eCompensation 电子薪酬 (19)3.3.9PeopleSoft eCompensation电子薪酬(经理) (19)3.3.10PeopleSoft eDevelopment电子发展 (20)3.3.11PeopleSoft eProfile电子档案 (21)3.3.12PeopleSofteProfile电子档案(经理) (21)3.3.13PeopleSoft eRecruit电子招聘 (22)3.3.14PeopleSoft eRecruit电子招聘(经理) (23)3.4其他高端的系统模块 (24)3.4.1HRMS Warehouse人力资源数据仓库 (24)3.4.2Workforce Scorecard人力资源平衡记分卡 (25)3.4.3Workforce Reward 人力资源报酬 (26)3.4.4Workforce Planning人力资源规划 (27)3.4.5PeopleSoft人力资源门户 (29)1 甲骨文公司介绍和产品理念1.1 甲骨文公司介绍甲骨文成立于1977年. 总部设在Redwood Shores, 遍布145个国家地区。



人力资源管理整体方案简介2007年1月目录1甲骨文公司介绍和产品理念 (4)1.1甲骨文公司介绍 (4)1.2PeopleSoft产品理念 (4)2PEOPLESOFT人力资源管理解决方案特点和概况 (8)2.1PeopleSoft人力资源管理方案特点 (8)2.2PeopleSoft人力资源管理方案概述 (9)3PEOPLESOFT人力资源管理系统模块内容简介 (10)3.1人力资源数据集成所涉及的模快: (11)3.1.1灵活的组织机构管理 (11)3.1.2组织机构图维护 (11)3.1.3职位管理 (11)3.1.4灵活的管理体系 (12)3.1.5人力资源档案管理 (12)3.2薪资管理和监督 (12)3.2.1薪资计划管理 (12)3.2.2PeopleSoft薪资管理 (13)3.3人力资源管理 (14)3.3.1招聘管理 (14)3.3.2员工能力管理 (15)3.3.3培训预算及管理 (16)3.3.4职业生涯发展及接班人计划 (16)3.3.5绩效管理 (17)3.3.6外派管理 (18)3.3.7员工关系管理 (18)3.3.8PeopleSoft eCompensation 电子薪酬 (19)3.3.9PeopleSoft eCompensation电子薪酬(经理) (19)3.3.10PeopleSoft eDevelopment电子发展 (20)3.3.11PeopleSoft eProfile电子档案 (21)3.3.12PeopleSofteProfile电子档案(经理) (21)3.3.13PeopleSoft eRecruit电子招聘 (22)3.3.14PeopleSoft eRecruit电子招聘(经理) (23)3.4其他高端的系统模块 (24)3.4.1HRMS Warehouse人力资源数据仓库 (24)3.4.2Workforce Scorecard人力资源平衡记分卡 (25)3.4.3Workforce Reward 人力资源报酬 (26)3.4.4Workforce Planning人力资源规划 (27)3.4.5PeopleSoft人力资源门户 (29)1 甲骨文公司介绍和产品理念1.1 甲骨文公司介绍甲骨文成立于1977年. 总部设在Redwood Shores, 遍布145个国家地区。

Oracle PeopleSoft 企业人才招募管理器用户指南说明书

Oracle PeopleSoft 企业人才招募管理器用户指南说明书

TALENT ACQUISITIONEdit and generate recruiting letters onlineConfigurable Message and text Catalogs. Using these delivered tools, you can change instructional online text, button labels, and links to reflect your organization’s unique needs.Robust Screening Questionnaires. New disqualification questions allow you to automatically eliminate unqualified candidates upfront avoiding costly manual records reviews. Open ended questions capture candidate’s detailed responses and allow raters scoring for inclusion in screening calculations. Additional new features allow for controlling question order as well as randomization of questions and or responses for a more secured setting.Manage applicant page provides complete view of applicant information.∙Applicant lists. Many recruiters like to maintain informal applicant lists.Users can create an applicant list from search results or other criteria andmodify the contents over time. From an applicant list, recruiters can addcontact notes, route applicants to others for review and send correspondence to applicants – all without associating them to a specific job opening.∙Contact Management. Recruiters and managers have the ability to track notes and correspondence with applicants by associating them with the candidaterecord.IntegrationThe ability to integrate with specialized vendors is a key need for Recruiting Solutions. Using the Open Integration Framework, you can integrate with any third-party provider you choose.∙Resume Management. You can choose from numerous extraction tools and third-party vendors. The resume management process also allows applicants to validate their information after it is entered into the system.∙Background Checks. Customers may use their preferred background check provider, integrating selected vendors into the business process flow through the open integration framework.∙Tax Credit Verification. You can choose your preferred vendor to complete appropriate tax credit verification and reporting.∙Job Posting Management. Leverage integration to facilitate posting toindividual job boards or job board aggregators to streamline posting processand monitor results.∙Pre-employment Assessments. Assess your applicants and or employeesthrough integrations with your preferred validated assessment vendor.Copyright © 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.。

PeopleSoft HCM和SAP自助服务比较

PeopleSoft HCM和SAP自助服务比较
报价体系 数据库 产品报价 模块单价*员工数 赠送Oracle数据库 模块 核心人事 绩效 薪酬 自助服务 技术开发平台 问题和建议 • • • • • • • 员工数 5000 5000 5000 5000 ---用户数 不限 不限 不限 不限 不限
模块单价*员工数 + 用户单价*用户数 + 自助 用户单价 * 自助用户数 软件总价12%左右 模块 核心包:核心人事、 招聘、绩效 薪酬 第三方自助服务产品 技术开发平台 员工数 5000 5000 ------用户数 约20-30 约20-30 ---不详
SAP报价中是否提供了足够的用户数支持需求书中要求的92个关键用户的法律要求 SAP报价中是否提供的是SAP原厂的自助服务以及5000个自助服务用户的法律要求 SAP是否为实施商自助服务产品提供质量保证的法律要求 SAP是否为实施商自助服务产品提供升级补丁 SAP是够为实施商自助服务产品提供数据库和Web等软件平台 SAP报价中是否包括了数据库软件 SAP绩效模块在没有自助服务的情况下如何实现员工经理之间的绩效沟通
申请休假 个人绩效考核
技术原理 软件原厂商在产品设计时,采 用统一技术平台,按照自助服
在软件产品之外,由实施供应商在人力资源数据库的基础上, 自行开发的,单独的功能,通过数据库技术直接获取和访问
务风格开发和测试的产品功能。 人力资源数据。 技术/实施风险 已经经过原厂商测试和大量用 户实际应用测试,风险较小。 没有经过软件原厂商的测试,原则上对于单纯数据展示性质 的自助服务风险较小,对于需要数据回写到人力资源数据库 的,风险较大。对于绩效等大量应用自助服务的业务功能, 实际上等于作废原厂功能重写,容易引起项目延误。 采购成本 维护成本 软件成本高,实施费用低 统一技术平台,单一团队即可 维护。 系统升级 升级补丁已经包括对自助服务 的升级 其他 软件成本低,实施成本高 除软件自带技术平台外,还需要掌握外挂的技术平台,维护 麻烦。 升级补丁只针对软件原厂功能,外挂自助服务功能需要用户 自行开发升级。对于回写数据的功能,可能有灾难性后果。 对于大量应用自助服务的功能,例如绩效,外挂式自助服务 无异于自行开发整个绩效模块。



Peoplesoft Enterprise 电子绩效管理通过采用有效的人才管理实践来赢得竞争优势是企业长期不变的关注重点,这将帮助它们有效地应对各种业务挑战,包括由于绩效最佳者和关键领导者退休而造成的损失、劳动力人口构成的改变以及与管理多代人、吸引和雇用Y 一代劳动力和期望创建绩效驱动的文化相关的挑战。



最佳实践Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise 电子绩效管理软件是一个集成的解决方案,旨在以一个清晰但灵活的流程实现人才管理最佳实践,从而提升员工敬业度,提供战略性劳动力洞察力,并帮助企业实现关键的企业目标。










Peoplesoft HCM项目 AE程序技术总结

Peoplesoft HCM项目 AE程序技术总结

概述在Peoplesoft系统里AE(Application Engine)程序是比较核心的技术,本文将结合我在上海日立上项目的情况,对AE程序进行总结。


然后会来讲述AE 程序的运行方式以及如何来调试和管理AE程序,最后会对一个具体AE开发实例进行介绍并且对遇到问题进行总结。

一、概要1. 对AE程序的理解AE程序是PeopleTools的组成部分之一,用于开发、测试和运行对PeopleSoft数据库进行的后台SQL 处理程序,主要负责与数据库进行的大量复杂的SQL交互任务,如币种换算、更新员工工龄工资等。


它的开发是在后台开发工具Application Designer里进行的。







它包含了两个组件,一个是设计工具,用来定义我们的AE程序,另外一个则是运行环境,来运行和检测我们的AE 程序。


Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Data Masking快速启动数据册说明书

Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Data Masking快速启动数据册说明书

KEY FEATURES∙People – Leverage the experience of Oracle Consulting database and security experts∙Process – practical and proven rapid start services focused on ‘just enough, just in time’ and actionable plans∙Portfolio – a portfolio of database security solutions based upon Oracle best practicesKEY BENEFITS∙Reduce risk and increase compliance by focusing on the database, where key intellectual property (IP), financial, and regulated (PCI, HIPAA, PII, etc.) data resides∙On-site experts understand regulatory requirements and the complete Oracle security portfolioORACLE DATABASE SECURITY∙Oracle Audit Vault – automates the consolidation and monitoring of audit data from Oracle and non-Oracle databases∙Oracle Data Masking – obfuscates sensitive (financial, HIPAA, PII, PCI, IP etc.) data outside the production environment∙Oracle Database Firewall – monitors and protects your Oracle and non-Oracle database traffic∙Oracle Database Vault – increases the security of existing applications and addresses regulatory requirements for separation-of-duties, least privilege, and other preventive controls to ensure data integrity and data privacy∙Oracle Advanced Security: Transparent Data Encryption and Redaction –enable encrypting and redacting (display masking) of personally identifiable information (PII) to comply with privacy and regulatory mandates with the challenge of making critical business data available to users while ensuring that internal and external access to this data is tightly monitored and secured. The rapid evolution of security threats and compliance requirements makes this even more challenging.Oracle Rapid Start for Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Data Masking helps you rapidly secure the information at the heart of your enterprise – the database. This service enables organizations to understand how to reduce this risk by irreversibly replacing sensitive data with fictitious yet realistic data in non-production environments so that production data can be shared safely in compliance with corporate and government regulations.Oracle Rapid Start for Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Data MaskingOracle Consulting security experts can help you choose and implement the right solutions to secure your unique database environment. Our goal is to help you achieve a successful, short and long term strategy and deployment that secures your most valuable information while ensuring compliance with key regulatory requirements, reduce risk and implementation time.This service is a low cost, fixed scope one week offering designed to implement a pre-defined masking template for PeopleSoft HCM 9.1. Activities include product installation in sandbox environment, enablement workshop and demonstration of functionality. At the conclusion of this interactive service, you will have access to an operational Database Security component in a sandbox environment, as well as the knowledge and direction you need to fully implement the Oracle Database Masking solution in your organization.This service will provide your organization with the following:∙Pilot installation and setup of the Data Masking template PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 Package solution based on a predefined template & scope∙The template is compatible with Oracle Enterprise Manager 12C∙Enterprise database security architecture discovery and review∙Audit reporting and compliance requirements discovery and review∙Access to an Oracle Database Security consultant with an in-depth understanding of database security concepts∙On-site interactive delivery with rapid deployment into a sandbox environmentMajor Deliverables∙Workshops and pilot implementation: Half-day requirements gathering and security assessment workshops will be led by our security professionals in addition to deployingWHY ORACLE CONSULTING∙Leading Expertise: Oracle's security experts have depth and breadth across the Oracle Security stack∙Broad Coverage: lifecycle services across the Oracle product footprint∙Global Scale: 13,000 Oracle experts in 145 countries, serving 20+ million users∙Unified Methodology: Based on industry standards, high quality results across complex projects∙Flexible Delivery: Onsite, offsite, and offshore, along with innovative solutions such as Expert Services and Architecture ServicesRELATED SERVICESAssessment ServicesOracle Consulting provides assessment services to help with architecture development, performance tuning, or pre-production launch reviews of:∙Oracle Audit Vault∙Oracle Data Masking∙Oracle Database Firewall∙Oracle Database VaultRapid Start ServicesOracle Consulting provides rapid start services to help with architecture development, performance tuning, or pre-production launch reviews of:∙Oracle Audit Vault∙Oracle Data Masking∙Oracle Database Firewall∙Oracle Database VaultAdvisory ServicesOracle Consulting provides expert planning guidance and implementation guidance for:∙Oracle Audit Vault∙Oracle Data Masking∙Oracle Database Firewall∙Oracle Database Vaulta pilot implementation together with customer’s IT and security teams.∙Deployment and Demonstration: Implement Data Masking for PeopleSoft/HCM 9.1 solution within one dedicated database environment based on your specificrequirements. Demonstrate an example of subsetting for PeopleSoft / HCM 9.1database∙Deployment Plan and Project Documentation: This documentation will describe in detail the deployment architecture and lay out a detailed roadmap for enterprise level data masking & subsetting database security implementation.∙Presentation and Roadmap: The Oracle consultant presents findings in-person to a limited audience (determined prior to the engagement) at your facility.Additional deliverables will be provided that are specific to each solution. For example, for Database Firewall:∙Sample Reports and Security Policy: Based on the specific audit/security requirements and captured database traffic, we create a set of specific customizedreports and security policies to demonstrate the implementation of database security fora selected database environment.Optional ServicesOracle Advisory Service for Data Security: Provides expert planning guidance and implementation best practices. Our team of engineers works closely with you to assess your current environment and document actionable recommendations for a successful strategy and implementation. The Oracle Advisory Service for Data Security is tailored to your business requirements, time to value objectives and long-term strategic vision.Key Activities:∙Map business requirements to Oracle Data Security core features and evaluatebusiness continuity requirements and goals∙Plan application rationalization∙Provide application and database integration strategies∙Apply Oracle Data Security implementation best practices∙Deliver Oracle Data Security operational readiness recommendations summaryExtension service: A continuation of the Oracle Advisory Service for Data Security leveraging the Oracle Architect as a trusted advisor through the full lifecycle with continuation of design planning through implementation and deployment.How We Are DifferentThe Oracle Consulting team is focused exclusively on Oracle Technologies, and we have the experts that others turn to for leading practices in Oracle hardware and software implementations. We know how to best optimize your investment in Oracle products and can provide your business with tightly integrated, comprehensive, superior services throughout your ownership experience.As part of the Oracle Consulting team, our Oracle Enterprise Architects have proven experience in managing complex IT initiatives, in addition to broad deep expertise across Oracle’s portfolio. Oracle takes a practical, approach to Enterprise Architecture and usesglobal best practices to help customers realize a faster return on IT investments.Getting StartedLeverage Oracle’s metho ds, tools, and extensive experience with customer implementations across diverse industries and geographies. Tight integration across Consulting, Development, Support, Education, and Global Delivery puts the entire Oracle team behind your success. To learn more, contact your local Oracle Consulting representative, or visit/consulting.Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed throughX/Open Company, Ltd.。

Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer 用户指南

Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer 用户指南

eopleSoft Spotlight SeriesPeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide ComposerFeature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo:Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesFeature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo:Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesFeature OverviewPurpose•Improves deployment and management of activity guides in HCM.•Simplifies template creation and maintenance.•Provides a location to initiate activity guides and track progress.Feature Overview (continued)Benefits•Separate technical and functional setup.•Easy-to-follow process for functional users to build activity guide templates.•Delivered templates for OnBoarding and Life Event functionality.•Centralized location for initiating and monitoring activity guide instances.Feature Overview (continued) Components•Categories•TemplatesUtilities•My Activity Guides page •Template assignment •Contextual dataFeature Overview (continued) Components•Categories•TemplatesUtilities•My Activity Guides page •Template assignment •Contextual dataFeature Overview (continued) Components•Categories•TemplatesUtilities•My Activity Guides page •Template assignment •Contextual dataFeature Overview (continued) Components•Categories•TemplatesUtilities•My Activity Guides page •Template assignment •Contextual dataFeature Overview (continued) Components•Categories•TemplatesUtilities•My Activity Guides page •Template assignment •Contextual dataFeature Overview (continued) Components•Categories•TemplatesUtilities•My Activity Guides page •Template assignment •Contextual dataPeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer TopicsFeature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo:Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesSetting Up CategoriesCategories•Contain all technical components needed to create templates.•Defined once to support multiple templates.•Pre-delivered for OnBoarding and Life Event processes.•Delivered categories can be cloned or updated.•Effective-dating of categories.Setting Up Categories (continued) Category PageNavigation: Set Up HCM > Common Definitions> Activity Guide Composer > Activity Guide UtilitiesSetting Up Categories (continued) Images PageSetting Up Categories (continued) Steps PageSetting Up Categories (continued) Steps Page (continued)Navigation: Set Up HCM > Common Definitions> Activity Guide Composer > Activity Guide UtilitiesPeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer TopicsFeature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo: Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesDemo: Creating an Activity Guide Template•Create an activity guide template for the employee OnBoarding process.PeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer TopicsFeature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo:Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesSetting Up Template Assignment Template Assignment•Assigns templates to users based on rules.•Built to support OnBoarding functionality originally. •Rules are defined using search key fields.Delivered setup for OnBoarding.•Test page is available to validate rules.Navigation: Set Up HCM > Common Definitions> Activity Guide Composer > Activity Guide UtilitiesSetting Up Template Assignment (continued) Defining Template Assignment RulesSetting Up Template Assignment (continued)Feature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo: Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesPeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer TopicsDemo: Starting an Activity Guide•Initiate an activity guide as an end user using the template previously created.Page textGroup stepRequired stepPeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer TopicsFeature OverviewSetting Up CategoriesDemo: Creating an Activity Guide TemplateSetting Up Template AssignmentDemo: Starting an Activity Guide InstanceAdditional ResourcesAdditional ResourcesTo Find More InformationPeopleSoft Information Portal at •PeopleSoft Online Help for–Activity Guide Composer (HCM)–Developing and Deploying Activity Guides (PeopleTools)•PeopleSoft Video Channel -PeopleSoft HCM (Human Resources): PeopleSoft Activity Guide ComposerOracle University at •9.2 Update Image 23 TOI: PeopleSoft HCM Activity Guide Composer Framework Functional Overview。

Peoplesoft HCM 组织架构管理

Peoplesoft HCM 组织架构管理

03 2500-3500
04 3000-4000
01 1600-2100
02 1900-2500
03 2300-3000
04 2800-3500
4-9 薪酬管理体系 – 薪资计划(Salary Plan)
4-10 薪酬管理体系 – 薪等(Salary Grade)
4-6 职位管理体系 – 从按人的管理到按职位的管理
职位即岗位(position),它是指在一个特定的企业组织中、在一个特定的时间内由 、一 个特定的人担负的一个或数个任务所组成。简单地讲职位是指企业的某个员工需要完成的一 个或一组任务。
企业内部的职责分工, 加强HR其他方面的管理
9级 1人 6级 2人 9级 1人
根据理文组织架构现状,业务部门后续工作事项 1. 整理理文造纸所有的公司、部门、地点信息 2. 整理理文造纸所有公司的职务类别、职务、职位数据,分析并制
定出一套规范的职务、职位体系。 3. 制定薪资计划与薪等体系。并建立与职位体系的关系。晋升标准
4-8 薪酬管理体系 – 薪资计划 – 多样化的薪酬计划
▪ 最基本的薪酬体系应该描述每个薪等的薪资范围。 ▪ 通过多种薪酬计划构成的体系,能够鼓励员工在自己适合的范围内发展。



总结:客观的说标准的SAP和PeopleSoft功能上来看,SAP在中国特色信息上更为完善。但项目执行过程中, 由于这部分比重比较小,因此影响并不大。而一般客户的需求主要集中在后三项里面,其工作量的大小并不取 决于系统,而是用户和系统之间的差异,或者用户接受系统标准功能的程度。由于SAP客户化非常复杂,一旦 出现差异,用户只能选择接受系统,被动的造成客户化少的结果。在一些大型项目中,由于客户无法放弃自己 的需求,客户化开发的工作量反而非常大。因此SAP在销售过程中应当尽量强调最佳实践,项目过程中严禁客 户化,尽量让用户放弃这部分需求。
SAP HR项目过程中涉及的定制化内容通常包括以下三个方面:
• 屏幕定制 • 屏幕用户出口 • 功能增强
解释: 在标准屏幕的基础上 通过定制增加客户需 要的字段和相应内容。
CE v6.3
SAP HR相关的定制化内容(引用自SAP团队项目文档)
SAP HR项目过程中涉及的定制化内容通常包括以下三个方面:
CE v6.3
PeopleSoft HCM和SAP HR客户化内容分析 – 报表和接口
SAP提供了客户使用的查询工具,能够满足最基 本的查询需求。复杂报表需要进行ABAP客户化 开发。
PeopleSoft提供了基于浏览器的Query查询工 具,较SAP工具更为灵活。复杂报表需要进 行PeopleCode开发。
CE v6.3
PeopleSoft HCM和SAP HR客户化内容分析 – 工作流
根据企业制定的业务流程,通过工作流 来实现申请、审批和执行的过程管理。 例如:员工本人提出离职,需要经过三 级经理审批,然后到HR部门审批执行。 如果经理提出辞退员工,则需要三级经 理以及本部门的分管领导审批。
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中国外运集海、陆、空货运、仓储码头服务、快递、船务代理及货运代理 业务为一体,为广大客户提供综合物流服务,其业务主要由所属子公司(含控 股)实行专业经营。在营运实践中,培育和形成了综合物流所必须的全程方案 设计、组织、协调、管理等综合服务能力。公司拥有齐全、结构均衡的战略资 产。其中,自营码头吞吐能力达 33543300 吨;运作船舶 98 艘,总运载量达 61 万吨;集装箱堆场 89 个,面积 1872650 平方米;仓库 374 座,仓储面积 1677618 平方米,在北京、广州、成都、上海、沈阳及南京设有货物分拨中心; 营运车辆 2949 辆,35569 载重吨;铁路专用线 8 条。公司注重一体化营销体 系和标准化业务操作平台的建设,建立起分工协作的一体化经营模式,打造了 以海陆空货运体系为支撑、以战略资产为依托的一体化综合物流服务平台。
华北电网有限公司 北京国华电力有限责任公司 北京京能热电股份有限公司 中石油东方地球物理勘探公司 安东石油
上海通用汽车公司 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司 东风汽车股份有限公司 广州本田汽车有限公司 广州丰田汽车股份有限公司 一汽丰田汽车有限公司 吉利汽车
中国中钢集团公司 华菱湘潭钢铁有限公司 广东韶钢松山股份有限公司 日照钢铁有限公司 上海宝钢设备维修检测公司
1983 年,华润将所管理的下属机构经重组转为以股权为纽带的公司,在 此基础上成立了华润(集团)有限公司。此后华润的业务由总代理贸易转向自 营,并通过一系列实业化投资,推动企业逐步发展成为在香港和内地颇具影响 力的、以实业化为核心的企业集团。
华润集团下设 7 大战略业务单元、21 家一级利润中心,有实体企业 1,200 多家,在职员工 33.8 万人。华润在香港拥有 5 家上市公司。其中,华润创业、 华润电力、华润置地位列香港恒生指数成份股,成为华润旗下“蓝筹三杰”。 华润集团是全球 500 强企业之一,在《财富》全球 500 强排名中位列 2010 年 第 346 位。
长城计算机股份有限公司 河南新飞电器有限公司 青岛啤酒 青岛来佛士造船 大长江摩托 五羊本田摩托 天津南桥油脂 中冶赛迪工程设计有限公司 西安北方光电有限公司 烟台欣和味达美食品有限公司 上海广电股份有限公司 中山信诺粘合制品有限公司 上海光明乳业股份有限公司 屈臣氏蒸馏水 美特斯邦威集团有限公司 天津田歌纺织公司 京卫药业集团 大连冶金轴承集团公司 常德卷烟厂
9.2 人力资源管理挑战
9.3 人力资本管理解决方案 9.4 项目应用价值
10、 十二五规划对人才管理的要求及 Oracle 解决方案简 介
5、 Oracle HCM(人力资本管理解决方案)在中国区部 分应用列表
中国华润集团 中外运长航集团 山东电力集团 港中旅 中旅集团 中国再保险集团 中油国际工程有限责任公司 中国移动通信集团 中国联合网络通信有限公司 华能国际电力股份有限公司 国华电力股份有限公司 中国航天科工集团 中国国际航空股份有限公司 中国东方航空股份有限公司 中国外运集团 中国烟草集团 中国宝钢集团
7.2 人力资本管理项目概览 7.3 人力资本管理挑战
7.4 综合性集团人力资本管理解决方案 7.5 应用价值
8、 中国平安集团案例介绍
8.1 公司简介 中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司(以下简称“中国平安”,“公司”,
“集团”)于 1988 年诞生于深圳蛇口,是中国第一家股份制保险企业,至今 已发展成为融保险、银行、投资等金融业务为一体的整合、紧密、多元的综合
9、 中外股份有限公司
9.1 公司简介 中国外运股份有限公司(简称“中国外运”)成立于 2002 年 11 月 20 日,
并于 2003 年 2 月 13 日在香港成功上市,是中国外运长航集团有限公司(简称 “中国外运长航”)控股的 H 股公司。它注入了集团在香港、广东、福建、上 海、浙江、江苏、湖北、连云港、重庆、江西、安徽、山东、天津、辽宁等国 内发展迅速的沿海、沿江地区和其它战略性地区的核心业务、优良资产和专业 化的员工队伍,承继了集团公司 50 余年从事物流运输服务所积累的丰富经验、 强大稳固的客户基础和享誉全球物流运输界的品牌,成为中国外运长航发展综 合物流的旗舰。截至 2010 年底,公司共有员工 24431 名,公司总资产达 251 亿元人民币,净资产达 94 亿元人民币。
群邑传媒 广州白云机场 深圳航空城实业有限公司 上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公 司 中建国际 中建八局
阿海珐中国 百胜(中国)投资有限公司 惠普(HP) IBM 阿尔斯通 戴姆勒*克莱斯勒 斯奈德电气 康宁光缆 通用汽车 思科 博士伦 汇丰银行 德克士 辉瑞制药 默克制药 阿利斯康 德意志银行 瑞银集团 安泰集团(ING) 汇丰集团 纬创集团 法尔曼化妆品 劲永(PQI) 液化空气集团 戴尔电脑中国有限公司 上海日立电器有限公司 康明斯中国有限公司 松下电工(中国)有限公司 LG电子中国有限公司 法国上海欧尚超市公司 瑞士诺华海外投资有限公司
7、 华润集团案例介绍
7.1 公司介绍 华润(集团)有限公司(以下简称“华润”或“华润集团”)是一家在香
港注册和运营的多元化控股企业集团,其前身是 1938 年于香港成立的“联和 行”,1948 年更名为华润公司,1952 年隶属关系由中共中央办公厅变为中央 贸易部(现为商务部),2003 年归属国务院国有资产监督管理委员会直接管理, 被列为国有重点骨干企业。
金融服务集团。公司为香港联合交易所主板及上海证券交易所两地上市公司, 股票代码分别为 2318 和 601318。
中国平安的企业使命是:对股东负责,资产增值,稳定回报;对客户负责, 服务至上,诚信保障;对员工负责,生涯规划,安居乐业;对社会负责,回馈 社会,建设国家。中国平安倡导以价值最大化为导向,以追求卓越为过程,做 品德高尚和有价值的人,形成了“诚实、信任、进取、成就”的个人价值观, 和“团结、活力、学习、创新”的团队价值观。集团贯彻“竞争、激励、淘汰” 三大机制,执行“差异、专业、领先、长远”的经营理念。
国家开发投资公司 安利中国 百胜中国 中国神华集团神东煤田 天狮集团 光汇石油 方正集团 链家地产 时代地产 梅花生物集团 红星美凯龙 锦江集团 四达时代 广西永凯实业集团 深圳大鹏液化气集团 诺华制药(中国)有限公司 北京医药集团互联网/软件在线网络技术有限公司教育/大学
中国平安的愿景是以保险、银行、投资三大业务为支柱,谋求企业的长期、 稳定、健康发展,为企业各相关利益主体创造持续增长的价值,成为国际领先 的综合金融服务集团和百年老店。
中国平安通过旗下各专业子公司及事业部,即保险系列的中国平安人寿保 险股份有限公司(平安人寿)、中国平安财产保险股份有限公司(平安产险)、 平安养老保险股份有限公司(平安养老险)、平安健康保险股份有限公司(平 安健康险);银行系列的深圳发展银行股份有限公司(深发展)、平安银行股份 有限公司(平安银行)、平安产险信用保证保险事业部(平安小额消费信贷); 投资系列的平安信托有限责任公司(平安信托)、平安证券有限责任公司(平 安证券)及中国平安证券(香港)有限公司(平安证券(香港))、平安资产管 理有限责任公司(平安资产管理)及中国平安资产管理(香港)有限公司(平 安资产管理(香港))、平安期货有限公司(平安期货)、平安大华基金管理有 限公司(平安大华)等,通过多渠道分销网络,以统一的品牌向超过 6,000 万 客户提供保险、银行、投资等全方位、个性化的金融产品和服务。
东大正保教育集团 中国航天信息股份有限公司 上海宝信软件股份有限公司 海辉集团 阿里巴巴集团 北京完美时空网络技术有限公司
华为技术有限公司 艾默生网络能源有限公司 中国航天技术进出口集团公司 迈普通信技术有限公司 UT斯达康通讯有限公司 亚信科技(中国)有限公司 上海朝华科技有限责任公司华友 世纪 迪信通集团 北方红外光学公司 趋势科技 富通天地电脑有限公司
6、 近年来部分 Oracle 人力资本管理解决方案综合性集 团企业案例概览
客户名称 华润集团
中国平安集团 中外运股份有限公司 华侨城集团 山东电力集团 上海通用汽车集团 阿里巴巴集团
性质/行业 综合性集团企业、国资委下属
综合性集团企业、金融业 集团企业、国资委下属 综合性集团企业、国资委下属 集团企业、国资委下属 集团企业、制造业 集团企业、高科技集团
中国科学院 中国政法大学 清华大学经管学院 中欧国际工商学院 西南财经大学 知金教育 新东方教育科技集团
广州地铁总公司 航天信息股份有限公司 AMT咨询 英美烟草 中华电信 中国经济信息网 通用技术股份有限公司 瑞安房产集团 顺丰速运集团 京港地铁 文思创新
中国太平洋保险集团 中国保险(控股)集团 国家投资开发银行 交通银行上海分行 深圳证券交易所 广东广发证券股份有限公司 深圳金融电子结算中心 民生人寿 都邦保险 安邦保险 民生银行 华夏银行 深圳发展银行 兴业银行 南京银行 吉林银行 国家开发银行 生命人寿
中国平安拥有约 48.9 万名寿险销售人员及 15 万余名正式雇员,各级各类 分支机构及营销服务部门超过 4400 个。截至 2011 年 9 月 30 日,集团总资产 达 21,894.06 亿元,归属母公司股东的权益为人民币 1,211.32 亿元。从保费 收入来衡量,平安寿险为中国第二大寿险公司,平安产险为中国第二大产险公 司。
中国平安在 2011 年《福布斯》“全球上市公司 2000 强”排名中名列第 147 名,同时荣登《金融时报》“全球 500 强”第 107 位,名列《财富》杂志
“全球领先企业 500 强”第 328 名,并成为入选该榜单的中国内地非国有企业 第一。
8.2 人力资本管理的挑战与解决方案
8.3 应用价值
1、 Oracle PeopleSoft HCM(人力资本管理解决方案) 设计理念