中文版白皮书H.264MPEG4 Part 10 White Paper
英语中“WHITE PAPER”和“WHITE BOOK”汉语均译做白皮书。
但两者是有区别的:在英国,“WHITE PAPER”主要指政府发表的短篇幅报告。
而“WHITE BOOK”篇幅较长,内容更为重要和充实,主要是有关重大事务的一种官方报告书。
除英国外,其他国家在使用“WHITE BOOK”和“WHITE PAPER”时,往往未加严格区分。
英国1965年4月用“WHITE BOOK”的形式发表了《关于直布罗陀问题的白皮书》,书名用白皮书,封皮也用白色。
H[1].264_MPEG-4 Part 10 White Paper
© Iain E G Richardson
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H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 : Overview
(current) ME
T Q Reorder
Entropy encode
(1 or 2 previously encoded frames)
பைடு நூலகம்
T-1 Q-1 Reorder Entropy decode
Figure 2-2 AVC Decoder
Encoder (forward path)
An input frame Fn is presented for encoding. The frame is processed in units of a macroblock (corresponding to 16x16 pixels in the original image). Each macroblock is encoded in intra or inter mode. In either case, a prediction macroblock P is formed based on a reconstructed frame. In Intra mode, P is formed from samples in the current frame n that have previously encoded, decoded and reconstructed (uF’n in the Figures; note that the unfiltered samples are used to form P). In Inter mode, P is formed by motion-compensated prediction from one or more reference frame(s). In the Figures, the reference frame is shown as the previous encoded frame F’n-1 ; however, the predicton for each macroblock may be formed from one or two past or future frames (in time order) that have already been encoded and reconstructed. The prediction P is subtracted from the current macroblock to produce a residual or difference macroblock Dn. This is transformed (using a block transform) and quantized to give X, a set of quantized transform coefficients. These coefficients are re-ordered and entropy encoded. The entropyencoded coefficients, together with side information required to decode the macroblock (such as the macroblock prediction mode, quantizer step size, motion vector information describing how the macroblock was motion-compensated, etc) form the compressed bitstream. This is passed to a Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) for transmission or storage. 2.2 Encoder (reconstruction path)
H.264MPEG4中文版白皮书H.264概览1. 引言数字电视和DVD-video的出现使得广播电视和家庭娱乐发生了彻底的变革.越来越多的这些应用成为可能随着视频压缩技术的标准化.MPGE系列的下一个标准,MPEG4,正使得新一代的基于因特网的视频应用成为可能.而现在视频压缩的ITU-T H.263标准被广泛的应用于视频会议系统.MPEG4(视频)和H.263都是基于视频压缩(视频编码)技术的标准(大约从1995年开始).运动图像专家组和视频编码专家组(MPEG和VCEG)致力于开发一个比MPEG4和H.263有更好性能的新标准,有着高品质,低比特视频流的特性一个更好的视频图像压缩方法.新标准"高级视频编码"(A VC)的历史可追溯到7年前.1995年,为了通过电话线传输视频信号而制定的H.263标准定稿以后.ITU-T视频编码专家组(VCEG)就开始工作在两个更深入的发展领域:一个是"短期"的努力去增加H.263的额外特性(制定出标准的版本2),还有一个"长期"的努力,去开发一个适用于低比低率下可视通信的新标准,提供比之前的ITU-T标准更有效,明显更好的视频压缩方法.2001年,ISO运动图像专家组(MPEG)意识到H.26L的潜在优点,就组成了视频联合工作组(JVT),包括MPEG和VCEG的的专家.JVT的主要任务就是将H.26L"模式"草案发展成为一个完全的国际标准.实际上,结果产生了两个标准:ISO MPEG4第10部分和ITU-T H.264. 新标准的官方命名是"高级视频编码"(A VC);然而,旧的命名H.26L和以ITU文档号命名的IH.264[1]更广为人知.2. H.264 编解码器和之前的标准一样(如MPEG1,MPEG2和MPEG4),H.264标准草案并没有明确定义一个编解码器.在一定程度上,标准定义了视频比特流编码和与之相对应的解码方法的语法.然而实际上,一个符合的编码和解码器一般包括如图Figure 2-1 和Figure 2-2中所示的功能模块.同时这些图中所示功能通常是必须的,但编解码器还是可以有相当多的变种.基本的功能模块(预测,传输,量化,熵编码)与之前的标准(MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG4,H.261,H.263)差不多.H.264的最重要的变化是在这些功能模块的实现细节上.编码器包括两个数据流路径.一个"前向"路径(从左到右,以蓝色表示)和一个"重构"路径(从右到左,以洋红色表示).解码器的数据流路径以从右到左的方式表示,以此来说明编码器和解码器之间的相同点.2.1 编码器(前向路径)当一个输入帧Fn被提交编码。
IP Video Doorbell SystemTechnical Paper Ver:1.0IP可视对讲系统技术白皮书设计与规格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
-------LENET Technologies.目录目录 (3)第一章前言 (4)第二章系统介绍 (5)2.1 系统示意图 (5)2.2 系统特色 (5)2.3 功能特点 (7)2.4 关键技术剖析 (10)2.5 数字对讲产品的客户价值 (10)第三章产品介绍 (12)3.1 TCP/IP对讲系统门口机 (12)3.2 TCP/IP对讲系统室内机 (13)3.3典型配置 (13)第四章系统对比 (15)4.1 TCP/IP对讲系统与传统总线制楼宇对讲系统对比 (15)第五章网络架构常识 (16)5.1 概述 (16)5.2 方案设计 (16)5.3 布线产品总体性能要求 (17)5.4 主要设备性能指标 (18)第一章前言随着国民经济的发展,人民生活水平日益提高,一些小区纷纷使用现代通信技术和自动控制技术为小区的服务与管理者提供高效方便的管理、服务手段,为家庭提供安全舒适的居住环境。
(选自《明史》卷一百三十六列传第二十四)16.对下列句子中加点的词语的解释不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.会编类礼书,复留之会:恰巧,适逢B.鲁让曰:袭帕误耳让:谦让,退让C.使者谢过,即令易去谢:认错,道歉D.是年十二月,引疾归引疾:称病辞职17.下列句子中加点的词的意义和用法不相同的一组是( ) (3分)A.纳贡称藩而不奉正朔青取之于蓝而青于蓝B.岛夷乃狡狯如此耶今其智乃反不能及C.鲁复如此,文运其昌乎其皆出于此乎D.以舌为笔者曾得之也以勇气闻于诸侯18.下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.曾鲁小时候博通古今,凡几千年的国家体制人才,制度沿革,没有不能够道出的,他依凭文章才学闻名于当时。
技术白皮书V 6.1所有权声明威速公司拥有此手册内容的全部解释权,本手册中的信息如有变动,恕不另行通知。
本软件中使用的GIPS技术和相关商标为Global IP Sound AB公司版权所有,以下为相关版权声明。
Portions Copyright © 1999-2010 Global IP Sound Inc.All rights reserved.Global IP Sound,GIPS,SoundWare,NetEQ,iPCM,iLBC,GIPS V oiceEngine,and associated design marks and logos are trademarks owned or used under license by Global IP Sound AB,and may be registered in the United States and other countries.Patents and Patents Pending,Global IP Sound Inc.Copyright © 1999-2010 V2 Technology, Inc. 保留所有权利。
前 言内容介绍本书介绍了V2 Conference系统的功能特性、实现方案以及所采用的关键技术等。
本书分为5部分:第一部分:产品概述第二部分:功能特性第三部分:服务器架构第四部分:通信协议第五部分:关键技术读者对象本书适合以下人员阅读:可以是刚接触V2 Conference 会议系统及其操作的人,但应对服务器、通信协议和音视频编码等概念有一定了解。
多媒体信息发布系统技术白皮书目录一、系统概述 (5)二、体系架构 (6)2.1设计目标和理念 (6)2.2系统架构 (6)2.3软硬件部署 (7)三、技术特点 (8)3.1丰富的显示效果 (8)3.1.1 灵活的自定义布局 (8)3.1.2 各种基本控件 (10)3.1.3 布局切换 (10)3.2操作流程 (10)3.2.1 通俗易懂的概念 (10)3.2.2 常规流程 (10)3.2.3 所见即所得的模板编辑 (12)3.2.4 资源更新后显示效果自动更新 (12)3.3可维护性 (12)3.3.1 管理平台对终端的管理 (12)3.3.2 终端的自我维护 (13)3.4可扩展性 (14)3.4.1 系统规模的扩展 (14)3.4.2 行业应用的定制 (14)3.4.3 支持多种终端设备 (15)四、技术指标 (16)4.1硬件指标 (16)4.2软件指标 (17)4.3系统指标 (17)五、多媒体系统设计思想和工作原理 (18)六、多媒体系统主要特点 (21)七、带宽估算 (22)7.1需求分析 (22)7.2网络基本拓扑图: (22)7.3基本服务器 (22)7.4IDC服务器带宽估算: (23)一、系统概述信息时代,人们在接受信息的同时更需要发布信息。
图1-1信息发布系统示意图二、体系架构2.1 设计目标和理念系统在设计的时候,主要的目标是“丰富实用的显示效果”,“方便快捷的操作性”,“高度的系统可靠性”,“灵活的系统可扩展性”。
H.264是ITU-T 的视频编码专家组 (VCEG) 和ISO/IEC 运动图像专家组 (MPEG) 联合制定的新一代视频压缩 标准。 ITU-T是一个代表国际电信联盟协调制定电信标准的部门。 ISO 是指国际标准化组织。 IEC是指国际 电气和相关技术的标准。 H.264是ITU-T所使用的名称, 而ISO/IEC 将其命 电工委员会, 负责制定所有电子、 名为MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC, 因为它代表的是MPEG-4系列标准中的一个新标准。 MPEG-4系列标准包括了 MPEG-4 Part 2等标准, MPEG-4 Part 2是一个应用于基于IP的视频编码器和网络摄像机的标准。 为了解决先前视频压缩标准中存在的不足, H.264的目标是支持: > 高效压缩, 在某一特定的视频质量下, 与采用任何其它视频标准相比, 可以使比特率平均降低 50%。 > 更强大的容错能力, 能够纠正各种网络的传输错误 > 低时延功能, 并能够在更高时延的情况下提供更高质量的图像 > 通过简单的句法规范简化实施 > 精确匹配解码, 严格规定了编码器和解码器如何进行数值计算, 以避免错误累积 此外, H.264 还能够灵活地支持有着不同比特率要求的各种监控应用。 例如, 在娱乐视频应用 (包括广 中, H.264 能够以高时延实现1-10Mbit/ 秒的性能。 而对于电信服务来 播、 卫星电视、 有线电视和 DVD) 说, H.264能够以低时延实现低于1Mbit/ 秒的比特率。
参与制定H.264 标准的联合组织致力于创建一个简单明了的解决方案, 最大限度地限制选项和特性的数 量。 和其它视频标准一样, H.264 标准的一个重要方面是通过类别 (算法特性集) 和等级 (性能等级) 中 提供的功能, 以最佳的方式支持常见应用和通用格式。 H.264 有7个类别, 每个类别都针对某一类特定的应用。 此外, 每个类别都定义了编码器能够使用哪些特 性集, 并限制了解码器在实施方面的复杂性。 网络摄像机和视频编码器最有可能使用的是基准类别, 此类别主要针对计算资源有限的应用。 对于嵌入 在网络视频产品中的实时编码器来说, 在特定的可用性能下, 基准类别最为适用。 此类别能够实现低延 时, 这对监控视频来说是一个很重要的要求, 而且对于支持 PTZ 网络摄像机实现实时的平移 / 倾斜 / 缩放 (PTZ) 控制来说尤为重要。 H.264分为11个功能等级, 对性能、 带宽和内存需求进行了限制。 每个等级都规定了从QCIF 到HDTV 等各种 分辨率所对应的比特率和编码速率 (每秒宏块数) 。 分辨率越高, 要求的等级就越高。
1991-2008中国政府白皮书中英文版网址:/mod3/show_article.asp?id=510760中文版:英文版:•China's National Defense in 2008•China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change•Protection and Development of TibetanCulture•Status Quo of Drug Supervision in China•China's Efforts and Achievements inPromoting the Rule of Law•China's Energy Conditions and Policies•China's Political Party System•The Quality and Safety of Food in China•China's National Defense in 2006•The Development of China’s Undertakings for the Aged•China's Space Activities in 2006•Environmental Protection in China(1996-2005)•China's Peaceful Development Road•Building of Political Democracy in China•China's Endeavors for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation•Gender Equality and Women's Development in China•New Progress in China's Protection of Intellectual Property Rights•China's Progress in Human Rights in 2004•Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in China•China's National Defense in 2004•China's Social Security and Its Policy •Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet •China's Employment Situation and Policies•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2003•China's Policy on Mineral Resources•China's Policy on 'Three Direct Links' Across the Taiwan Straits•China's Non-Proliferation Policy and Measures•China's EU Policy Paper•History and Development of Xinjiang•Ecological Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet•China’s National Defense in 2002•Human Rights Record of the United States in 2001•Tibet's March Toward Modernization•The Development-oriented Poverty Reduction Program for Rural China•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2000•China's Population and Development in the 21st Century•China's Space Activities•China's National Defense in 2000 •Narcotics Control in China•The Development of Tibetan Culture•Fifty Years of Progress in China's Human Rights•National Minorities Policy and Its Practice in China•China's National Defense•The Development of China's MarinePrograms•New Progress in Human Rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region•On Sino-US Trade Balance•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 1996•Environmental Protection in China•Freedom of Religious Belief in China •The Situation of Children in China •The Progress of Human Rights in China •China: Arms Control and Disarmament •Family Planning in China•The Situation of Chinese Women •Intellectual Property Protection in China•The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China•Tibet--Its Ownership And Human Rights Situation•Criminal Reform in China•Human Rights in China。
多媒体智能互动教学软件技术白皮书目录一、产品概述 (3)二、功能特性 (3)1、系统架构 (3)2、音视频功能 (4)3、数据功能 (4)4、课堂管理与控制 (4)三、系统网络原理 (5)1、网络拓扑图 (5)2、说明 (5)3、网络链路模拟 (6)四、通信协议 (6)1、音视频传输协议:HTTP (6)五、关键技术 (6)1、视频编码 (6)2、音频编码(GIPS) (7)3、H.323 (7)六、功能项目 (7)附、技术参数 (8)一、产品概述多媒体智能互动教学软件,可以使人们利用个人电脑、音视频采集设备(摄像头、麦克风等)进行远程教学,可通过白板进行互动,通过广播音视频进行交流。
●服务端支持在Windows XP,Windows7,Windows Server2003,Windows Server0008等系统上使用。
H.264 mpeg-4 part 10 white paper
(1 or 2 previously encoded frames)
T-1 Q-1 Reorder Entropy decode
Figure 2-2 AVC Decoder
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Encoder (forward path)
H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 White Paper Overview of H.264 1. Introduction
H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 : Overview
Broadcast television and home entertainment have been revolutionised by the advent of digital TV and DVD-video. These applications and many more were made possible by the standardisation of video compression technology. The next standard in the MPEG series, MPEG4, is enabling a new generation of internet-based video applications whilst the ITU-T H.263 standard for video compression is now widely used in videoconferencing systems. MPEG4 (Visual) and H.263 are standards that are based on video compression (“video coding”) technology from circa. 1995. The groups responsible for these standards, the Motion Picture Experts Group and the Video Coding Experts Group (MPEG and VCEG) are in the final stages of developing a new standard that promises to significantly outperform MPEG4 and H.263, providing better compression of video images together with a range of features supporting high-quality, low-bitrate streaming video. The history of the new standard, “Advanced Video Coding” (AVC), goes back at least 7 years. After finalising the original H.263 standard for videotelephony in 1995, the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) started work on two further development areas: a “short-term” effort to add extra features to H.263 (resulting in Version 2 of the standard) and a “long-term” effort to develop a new standard for low bitrate visual communications. The long-term effort led to the draft “H.26L” standard, offering significantly better video compression efficiency than previous ITU-T standards. In 2001, the ISO Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) recognised the potential benefits of H.26L and the Joint Video Team (JVT) was formed, including experts from MPEG and VCEG. JVT’s main task is to develop the draft H.26L “model” into a full International Standard. In fact, the outcome will be two identical) standards: ISO MPEG4 Part 10 of MPEG4 and ITU-T H.264. The “official” title of the new standard is Advanced Video Coding (AVC); however, it is widely known by its old working title, H.26L and by its ITU document number, H.264 [1]. 2. H.264 CODEC In common with earlier standards (such as MPEG1, MPEG2 and MPEG4), the H.264 draft standard does not explicitly define a CODEC (enCOder / DECoder pair). Rather, the standard defines the syntax of an encoded video bitstream together with the method of decoding this bitstream. In practice, however, a compliant encoder and decoder are likely to include the functional elements shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. Whilst the functions shown in these Figures are likely to be necessary for compliance, there is scope for considerable variation in the structure of the CODEC. The basic functional elements (prediction, transform, quantization, entropy encoding) are little different from previous standards (MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H.261, H.263); the important changes in H.264 occur in the details of each functional element. The Encoder (Figure 2-1) includes two dataflow paths, a “forward” path (left to right, shown in blue) and a “reconstruction” path (right to left, shown in magenta). The dataflow path in the Decoder (Figure 2-2) is shown from right to left to illustrate the similarities between Encoder and Decoder.
“技术白皮书”加拿大赛科国际有限公司的“白乐洁”系列产品对污水厂淤泥处理的改善方案由麦杜环保工程公司提供(赛科(中国)有限公司翻译)1273 North Service Road East, Unit F2Oakville, OntarioL6H 1A71目录1.0背景 (3)2.0有机废物生物分解原理 (4)2.1 好氧过程 (5)2.2 厌氧/兼氧生物过程 (6)3.0 最优化的有机物固废分解 (8)3.1 赛科白乐洁®如何减少污泥(生物固废) (8)3.1.1 提升水解能力对FOG分解....................................... .. (9)3.1.2 对微生物群体进行内部激活 (9)3.1.3 抑制产生氨和硫化氢的细菌族群 (11)3.1.4 增强生物固废沉降性 (11)3.2 用赛科白乐洁®后治理表现成效 (11)4.0 “HSE”职安健考虑范围 (12)5.0 总结 ............................................................................. ..136.0 参考 (14)数据列表数据2.1 污水处理厂生物反应阶段 (4)数据2.2 好氧环境中生物反应...................... .. (6)数据2.3 厌氧/兼性环境中生物反应 (7)数据3.1 赛科白乐洁对生物族群体反应的影响 (10)表格列表.表格3.1 白乐洁®对沼气池VFA浓度的影响 (10)表格3.2 污水处理厂案例-根据赛科-“白乐洁”处理后结果 (11)231.0 背景生物污水处理厂所用于各类型城市生活污水处理和工业生产过程中的有机污水的处理。
China has always adopted a responsible attitude to actively promoting IPR protection. While adhering to the international rules on IPR protection, China has decided on a level of IPR protection appropriate for its own national situation, and made great efforts to balance the interests among intellectual property creators, users and the general public, so as to create a benign circle for the creation and use of intellectual property.多年来,在全社会的共同努力下,中国保护知识产权取得重大进展。
Major progress has been made on IPR protection in China over the past years thanks to concerted efforts made by people from all walks of life.——建立健全符合国际通行规则、门类比较齐全的法律法规体系。
white paper写法
white paper写法全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:白皮书(White Paper)是用来阐释某一特定问题,提供解决方案或者表达某种观点的一种文体。
中国长城全国产通用产品白皮书目录1.擎天C F520 服务器 (4)2.世恒K F510 台式机 (6)3.嘉翔M F510 一体机 (8)4.笔记本 TF510 (10)5.打印系列 (12)5.1. A260PN打印机 (12)5.2. C260PN 打印机 (14)通用系列1.擎天C F520服务器产品简介擎天C F520 是一款基于国产飞腾处理器、国产中文化 BIOS 和操作系统的服务器。
技术参数支持远程故障诊断系统管理Java GUI 管理界面2.世恒K F510台式机产品简介世恒K F510 是一款面向党政军和重点行业信息化领域开发的长城飞腾桌面台式计算机,基于国产飞腾FT-1500A 四核处理器,搭配国产麒麟操作系统和自主可控安全固件,能满足日常业务需求,为国家信息安全提供保障。
技术参数3.嘉翔M F510一体机产品简介嘉翔M F510 一体机电脑是一款采用 23 英寸全高清宽视角显示屏, 基于国产 FT-1500A 处理器,搭配国产自主固件和银河麒麟操作系统的高效时尚全能型产品。
底座支架采用标准 VESA 设计,可增配悬臂支架,轻松置于墙上或桌面。
技术参数4.笔记本T F510产品简介TF510 笔记本电脑是一款采用窄边框 15.6 英寸全高清显示屏,基于国产FT-1500A 处理器,搭配国产固件和银河麒麟操作系统的豪华美观产品。
该产品选用材质质坚量轻,散热性强,抗压性强,能充分满足3C 产品高度集成化、轻薄化、微型化、抗摔撞及电磁屏蔽和散热的要求,是一款国产化、高性能、时尚、未来集一身的产品。
技术参数5.打印系列5.1.A260PN打印机产品简介长城A260PN 打印机,是一款高速双面黑白激光打印机。
IPFS 白皮书(中文版)
IPFS-可快速索引的版本化的点对点文件系统2018-02-21Juan Benet摘要星际文件系统是一种点对点的分布式文件系统,旨在连接所有有相同的文件系统的计算机设备。
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PrefaceChina is the world’s largest developing country. In its development, it has endeavored to integrate the interests of the Chinese people with people of other countries, providing assistance to the best of its ability to other developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation to support and help other developing countries, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), to reduce poverty and improve livelihood. China has proactively promoted international development and cooperation and played a constructive role in this aspect.When providing foreign assistance, China adheres to the principles of not imposing any political conditions, not interfering in the internal affairs of the recipient countries and fully respecting their right to independently choosing their own paths and models of development. The basic principles China upholds in providing foreign assistance are mutual respect, equality, keeping promise, mutual benefits and win-win.In recent years, China’s foreign assistance has kept growing. The following is an introduction of China’s foreign assistance from 2010 to 2012.I. Developing Foreign Assistance Cause SteadilyThe scale of China’s foreign assist ance kept expanding from 2010 to 2012. Besides complete projects and goods and materials, which were the main forms of China’s foreign assistance, technical cooperation and human resources development cooperation also saw remarkable increases. Asia and Africa were the major recipient areas of China’s foreign assistance. To promote the realization of Millennium Development Goals, China directed most of its assisting funds to low-income developing countries.1. Financial Resources for Foreign AssistanceFrom 2010 to 2012, China appropriated in total 89.34 billion yuan (14.41 billion U.S. dollars) for foreign assistance in three types: grant (aid gratis), interest-free loan and concessional loan.Grant is mainly offered to help recipient countries build small or medium-sized social welfare projects, and to fund human resources development cooperation, technical cooperation, material assistance and emergency humanitarian aid. In the three years, China provided 32.32 billion yuan of grants, accounting for 36.2 percent of the total assistance volume.Interest-free loan is mainly used to help recipient countries construct public facilities and launch projects to improve people’s livelihood. In the three years, China offered 7.26 billion yuan of interest-free loans, taking up 8.1 percent of its foreign assistance volume.Concessional loan is mainly used to help recipient countries undertake manufacturing projects and large and medium-sized infrastructure projects with economic and social benefits, or for the supply of complete plants, machinery and electronic products. In the three years, the concessional loans China provided to other countries amounted to 49.76 billion yuan, or 55.7 percent of its total assistance volume in the same period. Foreign assistance budget is put under the unified management of the Ministry of Finance in line with the budget and final accounts system. Concessional loans are raised by the Export-Import Bank of China on the market. As the loan interest islower than the benchmark interest releas ed by the People’s Bank of China, the difference is made up by the state as financial subsidies.2. Distribution of Foreign AssistanceFrom 2010 to 2012, China provided assistance to 121 countries, including 30 in Asia, 51 in Africa, nine in Oceania, 19 in Latin America and the Caribbean and 12 in Europe. Besides, China also provided assistance to regional organizations such as the African Union (AU).3. Forms of Foreign AssistanceFrom 2010 to 2012, China provided foreign assistance mainly in the following forms: undertaking complete projects, providing goods and materials, conducting technical cooperation and human resources development cooperation, dispatching medical teams and volunteers, offering emergency humanitarian aid, and reducing or exempting the debts of the recipient countries.Complete projects. In total, China undertook the construction of 580 such projects in 80 countries, with infrastructure and agriculture as the focus.Goods and materials. China provided 96 countries and regions with 424 batches of goods and materials, including mainly office supplies, mechanical equipment, inspection equipment, transport vehicles, articles for daily use, medicine and medical devices.Technical cooperation. China completed 170 technical cooperation projects in 61 countries and regions, mainly covering industrial production and management, agricultural planting and breeding, culture and education, sports and physical training, medical and health care, clean energy development, and planning and consultation. Human resources development cooperation. China held 1,951 training sessions for officials and technical personnel and on-the-job academic education programs in China, training a total of 49,148 people from other developing countries.Medical teams. China dispatched 55 teams composed of 3,600 medical personnel to 54 countries to provide stationed or touring medical services, treating nearly seven million patients.Volunteer programs. China sent about 7,000 young volunteers and volunteer Chinese language teachers to over 60 countries.Emergency humanitarian aid. China extended 1.5 billion yuan worth of materials and cash assistance in emergency humanitarian aid to more than 30 countries.Debt relief. China relieved nine LDCs and heavily indebted poor countries, namely, Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Togo, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire and Sudan, from 16 mature interest-free loans totaling 1.42 billion yuan.II. Helping Improve People's LivelihoodOne of the important objectives of China's foreign assistance is to support other developing countries to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of their peoples. China prioritizes supporting other developing countries to develop agriculture, enhance education level, improve medical and health services and build public welfare facilities, and provide emergency humanitarian aid when they suffer severe disasters.1. Promoting Agricultural DevelopmentAgricultural development is crucial to poverty reduction in developing countries. Through establishing agricultural technology demonstration centers, dispatching agricultural experts to provide consultations and conduct technical cooperation, and training technical and managerial personnel on agriculture in other developing countries, China has taken proactive efforts to help other developing countries raise their agricultural productivity to effectively cope with food crises. From 2010 to 2012, China assisted 49 agricultural projects, dispatched over 1,000 agricultural experts to recipient countries, and provided them with a great quantity of machinery, improved varieties of grain, fertilizers and other agricultural materials.Assisting the establishment of agricultural technology demonstration centers. Such centers provide an important platform for China's foreign assistance in agriculture. From 2010 to 2012, China-assisted agricultural demonstration centers were completed in 17 countries, including Benin, Mozambique, Sudan, Liberia, Rwanda, Laos, and East Timor. China passed on advanced and applicable production technologies to local farmers through experiment, demonstration and training. The demonstration center in Liberia promoted hybrid rice and corn planting in areas of nearly 1,000 hectares, and trained over 1,000 local agricultural researchers and farmers. The demonstration center in Rwanda researched, experimented on and demonstrated the adaptability of paddy rice and fungi in the context of the local traditional agriculture, and provided technical training to women's associations, paddy rice growers' associations and other organizations in Rwanda.Dispatching senior agricultural experts and expert teams. Chinese agricultural experts took an active part in the agricultural planning of the recipient countries. The expert team dispatched to Benin provided expertise to the drafting of the country's Agricultural Law and Agricultural Administration Law. The expert teams sent to Botswana and Guinea-Bissau participated in the formulation of the two countries' agricultural development plans. Chinese experts assisted recipient countries in promoting their agricultural development. The expert team helped Lesotho with its application to the World Health Organization for FMD (foot-and-mouth disease) free membership. The expert team to Mauritania assisted the country in drawing up the plan for building its central laboratory for agricultural comprehensive analysis and testing. Chinese experts actively disseminated easy-to-learn agricultural techniques suited to the conditions of recipient countries. The expert team to Botswana promoted the use of plastic mulch incrop production. The expert team to Mali devised and promoted the use of iron harrows as a means of intensive cultivation in the paddy fields.Training technical and managerial personnel on agriculture. Taking the characteristics and actual needs of agricultural development in developing countries into consideration, China provided nearly 300 research and training programs of various forms for almost 7,000 agricultural officials and technicians from the recipient countries. These programs covered a wide range of sectors, including management of crop cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, national policymaking on rural development and poverty reduction, food security, and agricultural cooperation among developing countries, and issues concerning the agricultural chain, such astechnology dissemination and the processing, storage, marketing and distribution of agricultural products.2. Improving the Level of EducationFrom 2010 to 2012, China continuously intensified its efforts of foreign assistance in education by way of constructing and maintaining school buildings, providing teaching facilities, training teachers, offering more government scholarships for foreign students to study in China, and assisting with the development of vocational and technical education, for the purpose of helping other developing countries improve their educational level and support their balanced and equitable development in education.Improving teaching and learning conditions. China assisted over 80 projects in relation to educational facilities, including the construction and maintenance of primary and secondary schools, universities and colleges as well as libraries, and has effectively improved the teaching and learning conditions in the recipient countries. China provided large amounts of free educational facilities and materials to the recipient countries, including computers, teaching tools, stationery and sports equipment, and established university online education networks and distance education systems. In this way, China facilitated the efforts of recipient countries to diversify their means and expand the coverage of education.Training teachers. In the three years, China trained over 1,000 educational officials, principals and faculty members from other developing countries by holding over 30 educational training programs, including those for senior administrators of colleges and universities, for higher education management, for vocational education management, for principals and teachers of primary and secondary schools, and for distance education.Supporting vocational and technical education. Thousands of local people have been trained in the China-assisted Friendship Vocational Training Center in Omdurman. To increase its enrolment, China started the upgrading and expansion project of the center. China took active steps to help the recipient countries develop vocational and technical education. From 2001 to 2012, China dispatched over 400 teachers to Ethiopia to train the local teachers working in agricultural vocational and technical education. A total of 1,800 teachers from agricultural vocational schools and 35,000 agricultural technicians received training.Increasing government scholarships to foreign students. From 2010 to 2012, the Chinese government assisted 76,845 foreign students to study in China. To promote regional development, China has continuously increased government scholarships to African students and augmented assistance for students from the ASEAN countries and the Pacific island countries to help under-developed countries in these regions develop their human resources.3. Improving Medical and Health ServicesMedical and health care is a major field where China directs its foreign assistance. From 2010 to 2012, China helped recipient countries improve their medical and health services, raise their disease control and prevention ability, and enhance their public health capacity by constructing hospitals, providing medicine and medicalequipment, dispatching medical teams, training medical workers and conducting exchanges and cooperation on disease prevention and treatment with other developing countries.Constructing medical facilities and providing free medical equipment. China assisted about 80 construction projects of medical facilities, including general hospitals, mobile hospitals, health centers, specialist clinics, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) centers, which have effectively alleviated the shortage of medical and health facilities in recipient countries. Moreover, China provided them with about 120 batches of medical equipment and medicine, including color Doppler ultrasound machines, CT scanners, automatic biochemical analyzers, maternal and infant monitors, critical surgical instruments, ICU monitors, and MRI scanners as well as drugs against diseases such as malaria and cholera.Dispatching medical teams. China dispatched 55 medical teams with 3,600 medical workers to nearly 120 medical centers in recipient countries. They trained tens of thousands of local medical staff, which has relieved to a certain extent the shortage of medical services in recipient countries. The training was carried out through demonstrations, lectures, technical courses and academic exchanges, covering such topics as the prevention and treatment of malaria, AIDS, schistosomiasis and other infectious diseases, patient care, the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism, as well as the TCM of acupuncture application, naprapathy, health care methods and Chinese medicines. From 2010 to 2012, more than 100 Chinese medical workers were conferred medals by the recipient countries for their outstanding contributions. Carrying out Brightness Trip activities. Brightness Trip program was actively carried out in both governmental and non-governmental channels to help other developing countries in the treatment of eye diseases. From 2003, China started to send medical teams to provide free surgery for patients with eye diseases in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and other Asian countries. In November 2010, a Chinese Brightness Trip medical team arrived in Africa for the first time and carried out operations for over 1,000 cataract patients in countries including Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Sudan.Assisting the prevention and control of infectious diseases. From 2010 to 2012, China provided 60 batches of antimalarial medicine, H1N1 influenza vaccine and cholera vaccine free of charge to other developing countries and held training in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, the expenditure for this purpose accumulating to RMB200 million. In 2007, China and the Comoros launched a cooperation program of treating malaria with an artemisinin compound, an effective antimalarial drug, which helped the Comorian island of Moheli reduce its incidence of malaria by 90%. From 2010 to 2012, while making further progress in Moheli, China started promoting the program on the Comorian island of Anjoyan.4. Building Public Welfare FacilitiesTo support other developing countries in improving their people's livelihood and organizing public activities, China actively assisted the construction of urban and rural public welfare facilities, affordable housing and social activity venues, providedrelevant equipment and materials, and conducted technical cooperation on operation and management.Carrying out well-drilling and water-supply projects. China undertook 29 well-drilling and water-supply projects in other developing countries, and drilled over 600 wells. Despite tough natural conditions and the threat of epidemics and terrorism, senior hydrogeologists and engineering geologists from China helped the recipient countries drill wells and undertake water-supply projects. China helped drill 200 fresh water wells in Kara and Centrale of Togo respectively and 38 wells in Darfur, Sudan and Kator of Juba, South Sudan, all of which were equipped with submersible pumps and generator sets. The China-assisted water-supply project in Zinder, Niger has solved the problem of drinking water for hundreds of thousands of local residents. Improving people's living conditions. China assisted 80 residential housing and affordable housing projects in other developing countries, totaling about 600,000 square meters in floor space. China's architects and engineers gave full consideration to the living habits and environmental features of the recipient countries in both external and interior design, and exercised strict quality control while making efforts to reduce costs, for the purpose of providing comfortable and endurable houses to local residents.Assisting the construction of public facilities. China assisted 86 construction projects of public cultural venues, sports venues, office buildings and conference centers in other developing countries. These projects helped enrich local residents' cultural and recreational life, improve the working conditions of local governments, and create a better cityscape. China assisted the rehabilitation of Sri Lanka's Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, which was a gift from China in the 1970s and took on new dimensions four decades later. China funded the construction of Gabon's 40,000-seat stadium Stade d' Angondje, which hosted the competition final and closing ceremony of the 28th Africa Cup of Nations in 2012. China assisted the construction of the 20,000-square-meter Grand National Theater in Senegal, one of the largest theaters in Africa.5. Humanitarian AidOver the past few years, the world has been frequently hit by severe natural disasters caused by earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and droughts as well as humanitarian crises caused by wars, and many countries have suffered serious casualties and property losses. China has made quick response to the appeals of the international community by providing relief materials or cash aid and dispatching rescue and medical teams as needed, to help the victim countries with disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.Providing emergency relief materials or cash aid. From 2010 to 2012, the Chinese government provided RMB1.2 billion worth of emergency relief materials in some 50 batches, including tents, blankets, emergency lights, generators, fuel oil, food, medicine and water filters, to countries affected by natural disasters or humanitarian crises, such as the earthquake in Haiti, floods in Cambodia, earthquake in Myanmar, floods in Pakistan, hurricane in Cuba, the war in Libya, and the turmoil in Syria. In addition, China provided cash aid totaling RMB300 million.Assisting African countries in coping with the food crisis. In 2011 and 2012, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel were stricken by severe droughts and over 30 million people were faced with a serious food shortage. In 2011, the Chinese government provided on three occasions a total of RMB440 million worth of emergency food aid to the countries of the Horn of Africa, such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and Somali. In 2012, the Chinese government provided RMB70 million worth of emergency food aid to Chad, Mali, Niger and other countries in the Sahel.Supporting post-disaster reconstruction. In 2010, Pakistan was hit by a severe flood rarely seen in history. The Chinese government promptly carried out rescue work in all aspects and through multiple channels, participated in post-flood reconstruction by helping the victims and rebuilding transportation infrastructure as the country requested. China also provided cash aid to support Pakistan government's compensation packages for victims, and undertook the restoration project of the340-kilometer national highway network destroyed in the flood-stricken areas, enabling 150 million people to have access to the traffic network. In March 2012, a series of blasts occurred in the north of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. China assisted the construction of settlements for people displaced from their homes and actively supported reconstruction after the explosions.Helping improve disaster prevention and relief capacity. China helped recipient countries enhance their emergency rescue, disaster prevention and relief capacity by ways of providing materials and training. Over the three years, China provided over 10 batches of rescue vehicles and equipment, and held 30 training programs on disaster prevention and relief for other developing countries, sharing experience with over 700 officials and technicians.III. Promoting Economic and Social DevelopmentChina has actively helped other developing countries in infrastructure construction, and assisted their efforts in strengthening capacity building and trade development. China has also increased the amount of foreign assistance in environmental protection, helping the recipient countries realize economic and social development.1. Improving InfrastructureIn light of the economic development of different countries, China arranges grants (aid gratis), interest-free loans and concessional loans in a well-proportioned manner to help recipient countries with the much needed infrastructure construction. From 2010 to 2012, China helped build 156 economic infrastructure projects. Exploring its advantages in technology, equipment and materials, and human resources, China effectively cut down investment costs for these projects while ensuring quality. Supporting development of transport system. During the three-year period, China assisted the construction of over 70 transport projects, including roads, bridges, airports and ports. For example, China helped build the third section of the Sika Highway that connects Kenya’s capital Nairobi to its economic hub Sika, thus making a contribution to the road network that links up Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Sri Lanka’s Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, built with Chinese assistance, further improves the country’s all-dimensional transport network, and plays a positiverole in promoting links and communication between Sri Lanka and its neighboring areas.Increasing energy supply capacity. China assisted the construction of more than 20 energy projects, including hydropower stations, thermal power plants, power transmission, transformation and distribution grids, and geothermal drilling projects. The Bui Hydropower Station built by China in Ghana boasts the capacity of hydroelectricity generation, farmland irrigation, fisheries development and local tourism. Its completion has not only powered economic and social development in Ghana, but also benefited other areas in Western Africa. The China-assisted power transmission, transformation and distribution grids in Dakar, Senegal now provide power to 150,000 local residents, effectively ensuring power supply to the city, which had been troubled by its ageing grid and sudden blackouts until recently.Promoting the development of information-based societies. China assisted the building of over 60 IT-related projects, including optical cable telecommunication networks, e-government websites, and radio and television frequency modulation transmitters. The telecommunication projects assisted by China in Turkmenistan, Togo and Eritrea provide high-quality and steady telecommunication systems to these countries, and the number of users has grown exponentially. The optical cable transmission networks assisted by China in Cameroon and Tanzania have effectively promoted the application of fiber cables in African nations.2. Strengthening Capacity BuildingBelieving in the ancient Chinese wisdom that “teaching one to fish rather than giving one fish,” China shares its experience and technology with other developing countries through human resources and technical cooperation, as well as through volunteer service, to help other developing countries build their own professional teams and enhance their capacity for independent development.Fast development in human resources cooperation. From 2010 to 2012, China held 1,579 seminars for foreign officials, inviting nearly 40,000 officials from the governments of other developing countries to China. The topics of the seminars covered economics and management, multilateral trade negotiation, politics and diplomacy, public administration, vocational education, and non-governmental organizations. China also held 357 training sessions for about 10,000 technical personnel from other developing countries in the areas of agriculture, health care, telecommunications, industry, environmental protection, disaster relief and prevention, and culture and sports. To help other developing countries improve the ability of their senior management personnel in the public sector, China organized, during the three years, 15 on-the-job academic education programs. Master’s degrees in public administration, education, international relations and international media were granted to 359 officials from 75 developing countries.Extensive technical cooperation. During the three-year period, China sent over 2,000 experts to more than 50 countries to conduct technical cooperation, transfer applicable technique, and help improve these countries’ technical management capacity in agriculture, handcrafts, radio and television, clean energy, and culture and sports. China also dispatched senior planning and consulting experts to other developingcountries to help with the planning of land exploitation, clean energy utilization, river regulation, and economic cooperation. In a technical cooperation program, Chinese experts taught 500 Liberians to weave bamboo and rattan into marketable products. This program has not only created jobs, brought the locals more income and lifted them out of poverty, but also boosted the bamboo and rattan industry in the country. The active role of volunteers. China continued to send volunteers to other developing countries to provide services in language teaching, physical education, computer training, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, agricultural technology, art training, industrial technology, social development and international relief for schools, hospitals, government agencies, farms, and research institutes. A Chinese volunteer to Liberia successfully rescued a newborn with gastroschisis, and was awarded the African Star medal. Volunteers to Ethiopia improved the planting method for melons, and local fruit farmers harvested much more than usual that year; the volunteers also taught the locals to build biogas pits so that they could use clean energy more efficiently.3. Promoting Trade DevelopmentAs an active response to the WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative, China strengthened its assistance in infrastructure construction and production capacity building for other developing countries. China also stepped up zero tariff treatment to these countries, supported their involvement in the multilateral trading system, and provided training for their economic and trade professionals so as to promote the trade development of these countries.Improving trade-related infrastructure. During the three-year period, China assisted the construction of 90 large and medium-sized, trade-related infrastructure projects, effectively improving transportation for foreign trade in the recipient countries and reinforcing their connectivity with other areas. China also provided commodity inspection equipment, transport vehicles and other trade-related supplies and equipment to other developing countries. For example, it provided container inspection equipment to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Egypt, Chad, Cape Verde, Zambia and Serbia, which has helped these countries improve their commodity inspection capacity and customs clearance ability, as well as effectively combat against smuggling.Improving trade-related production capacity. China assisted the construction of a number of trade-related production programs, which have helped improve to a certain degree the production capacity of the recipient countries, so that they can better meet the needs of the market and improve the import-export mix. In December 2011, during the eighth ministerial conference of the WTO, China reached agreement with Benin, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso – the Cotton-4 countries – on a cooperation program in which China provides cotton seeds, farm machinery and fertilizers, shares planting technologies, provides training, and supports local companies for technological upgrading and the expansion of industrial chain, so as to promote the development of the fo ur countries’ cotton industries and foreign trade.Promoting export to China. In an effort to effectively boost export to China from other developing countries, in 2005 China decided to offer zero tariff treatment on。
KIPD-RD-SVR庭审主机技术白皮书XX科达科技XX修订记录目录1.系统概述11.1背景及特点11.2系统遵循的标准和协议21.2.1行业标准21.2.2认证21.2.3硬件标准21.2.4开发标准和协议21.3术语和缩略语22.产品介绍52.1型号及对应软、硬件版本52.2硬件介绍52.3产品规格72.4性能指标72.5庭审主机特点82.6产品特性(功能概述)82.7庭审主机客户端软件简介92.8主要功能——配置工具(SVR庭审配置工具)102.8.1IPC管理102.8.2合成画面管理102.8.3音频矩阵管理102.8.4视频矩阵管理102.8.5中控模块112.8.1指令库112.8.2串口监听联动表112.8.3其他功能112.9主要功能——客户端(SVR庭审主机客户端)122.9.1接入管理122.9.1.1外设接入管理122.9.1.2注册连接122.9.1.3主动连接122.9.1.4远程连接122.9.2连接并打开SVR庭审配置工具132.9.3实时浏览监控132.9.3.1浏览画面风格132.9.3.2前端画面调节132.9.3.3叠加音频检测图形132.9.3.4叠加DVD状态132.9.4合成画面132.9.5视频输出132.9.6录像与回放132.9.6.1硬盘录像132.9.6.2庭审录制配置142.9.6.3客户端录像142.9.6.4单独录制音频文件142.9.6.5录像回放142.9.7刻录142.9.7.1刻录操作142.9.7.2刻录参数152.9.7.3刻录状态提示152.9.8告警152.9.9实时文字语音交流152.9.10用户管理162.9.11维护和管理162.9.12恢复出厂设置172.9.13SVR Media Player 播放器173.系统介绍183.1系统架构183.1.1系统架构图183.2模块介绍193.2.1模块层次图193.2.2简单模块介绍193.3部署方式213.3.1连接多设备部署方式213.3.2连接多媒体主机部署方式224.产品关键技术介绍244.1宏指令编程244.1.1指令分类244.1.2基本指令总表244.1.3宏指令总表264.1.4宏指令编程284.2画面合成284.3刻录294.3.1碟片模式294.3.2数据写入304.3.3刻录容错技术304.3.4双光盘追赶同步刻录314.3.5封盘315.典型功能实现原理介绍316.典型解决方案326.1配置前端326.2配置合成画面336.3配置视频矩阵356.4配置音频矩阵366.5宏指令编程367.二次开发介绍37附录1.推荐配套附属设备38光盘38硬盘38IPC38附录2.相关技术介绍391.系统概述1.1背景及特点数字法庭是提高庭审效率、促进审判工作的公正、公开的现代化法庭的重要工具。
H.264概览1. 引言数字电视和DVD-video的出现使得广播电视和家庭娱乐发生了彻底的变革.越来越多的这些应用成为可能随着视频压缩技术的标准化.MPGE系列的下一个标准,MPEG4,正使得新一代的基于因特网的视频应用成为可能.而现在视频压缩的ITU-T H.263标准被广泛的应用于视频会议系统.MPEG4(视频)和H.263都是基于视频压缩(视频编码)技术的标准(大约从1995年开始).运动图像专家组和视频编码专家组(MPEG和VCEG)致力于开发一个比MPEG4和H.263有更好性能的新标准,有着高品质,低比特视频流的特性一个更好的视频图像压缩方法.新标准"高级视频编码"(A VC)的历史可追溯到7年前.1995年,为了通过电话线传输视频信号而制定的H.263标准定稿以后.ITU-T视频编码专家组(VCEG)就开始工作在两个更深入的发展领域:一个是"短期"的努力去增加H.263的额外特性(制定出标准的版本2),还有一个"长期"的努力,去开发一个适用于低比低率下可视通信的新标准,提供比之前的ITU-T标准更有效,明显更好的视频压缩方法.2001年,ISO运动图像专家组(MPEG)意识到H.26L的潜在优点,就组成了视频联合工作组(JVT),包括MPEG和VCEG的的专家.JVT的主要任务就是将H.26L"模式"草案发展成为一个完全的国际标准.实际上,结果产生了两个标准:ISO MPEG4第10部分和ITU-T H.264. 新标准的官方命名是"高级视频编码"(A VC);然而,旧的命名H.26L和以ITU文档号命名的IH.264[1]更广为人知.2. H.264 编解码器和之前的标准一样(如MPEG1,MPEG2和MPEG4),H.264标准草案并没有明确定义一个编解码器.在一定程度上,标准定义了视频比特流编码和与之相对应的解码方法的语法.然而实际上,一个符合的编码和解码器一般包括如图Figure 2-1 和Figure 2-2中所示的功能模块.同时这些图中所示功能通常是必须的,但编解码器还是可以有相当多的变种.基本的功能模块(预测,传输,量化,熵编码)与之前的标准(MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG4,H.261,H.263)差不多.H.264的最重要的变化是在这些功能模块的实现细节上.编码器包括两个数据流路径.一个"前向"路径(从左到右,以蓝色表示)和一个"重构"路径(从右到左,以洋红色表示).解码器的数据流路径以从右到左的方式表示,以此来说明编码器和解码器之间的相同点.2.1 编码器(前向路径)当一个输入帧Fn被提交编码。
人类似的躯体 头部 眼睛 臂和 足,
行, 一 的
语言 能 它每 走一 到 ,但 行 较高 既 在 地 稳
向前, 自如地转弯
既 在 知的 境中 行,
在小偏差 确 的 境中行走
说机器人 术的发展
是 较快的 原来 能在 小
说和电影中看到的机器人 在 说 经离 们 来 了 那 在
来,机器人的发展 势到 是怎 的呢?
4.1 感知智能 机器人 境的和谐 题................................... 48
4.2 智能 机器人
的和谐 题.................................. 51
4.3 交 智能 机器人 人类的和谐 题.................................. 54
2.3 元
之欲 .................................................................. 26
第 3 章 机器人的成长之路.................................................................. 30
研 对象
标准 组 对 机器人 行了
是一种 自 控 的 和移 能,能
种 的 编程
目前 于对机器人行 的 述中,
小说家 ·艾西莫
在小说 ,机器人 中 立的 机器人 律
西莫 机器人 的
律 law ,程序 规
1. 机器人 得伤害人类, 确保人类 伤害
2. 在 背第一法 的前 ,机器人必 服 人类的
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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H.264概览1. 引言数字电视和DVD-video的出现使得广播电视和家庭娱乐发生了彻底的变革.越来越多的这些应用成为可能随着视频压缩技术的标准化.MPGE系列的下一个标准,MPEG4,正使得新一代的基于因特网的视频应用成为可能.而现在视频压缩的ITU-T H.263标准被广泛的应用于视频会议系统.MPEG4(视频)和H.263都是基于视频压缩(视频编码)技术的标准(大约从1995年开始).运动图像专家组和视频编码专家组(MPEG和VCEG)致力于开发一个比MPEG4和H.263有更好性能的新标准,有着高品质,低比特视频流的特性一个更好的视频图像压缩方法.新标准"高级视频编码"(A VC)的历史可追溯到7年前.1995年,为了通过电话线传输视频信号而制定的H.263标准定稿以后.ITU-T视频编码专家组(VCEG)就开始工作在两个更深入的发展领域:一个是"短期"的努力去增加H.263的额外特性(制定出标准的版本2),还有一个"长期"的努力,去开发一个适用于低比低率下可视通信的新标准,提供比之前的ITU-T标准更有效,明显更好的视频压缩方法.2001年,ISO运动图像专家组(MPEG)意识到H.26L的潜在优点,就组成了视频联合工作组(JVT),包括MPEG和VCEG的的专家.JVT的主要任务就是将H.26L"模式"草案发展成为一个完全的国际标准.实际上,结果产生了两个标准:ISO MPEG4第10部分和ITU-T H.264. 新标准的官方命名是"高级视频编码"(A VC);然而,旧的命名H.26L和以ITU文档号命名的IH.264[1]更广为人知.2. H.264 编解码器和之前的标准一样(如MPEG1,MPEG2和MPEG4),H.264标准草案并没有明确定义一个编解码器.在一定程度上,标准定义了视频比特流编码和与之相对应的解码方法的语法.然而实际上,一个符合的编码和解码器一般包括如图Figure 2-1 和Figure 2-2中所示的功能模块.同时这些图中所示功能通常是必须的,但编解码器还是可以有相当多的变种.基本的功能模块(预测,传输,量化,熵编码)与之前的标准(MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG4,H.261,H.263)差不多.H.264的最重要的变化是在这些功能模块的实现细节上.编码器包括两个数据流路径.一个"前向"路径(从左到右,以蓝色表示)和一个"重构"路径(从右到左,以洋红色表示).解码器的数据流路径以从右到左的方式表示,以此来说明编码器和解码器之间的相同点.2.1 编码器(前向路径)当一个输入帧Fn被提交编码。
2.2 编码器(重建路径)为了编码更进一步的宏块,需通过解码宏块量化系数X来重建一帧。
系数X被重新调整(Q-1)并且进行逆变换(T-1)来产生一个不同的宏块Dn’,这与原始的差异宏块Dn不同;它在量化过程中有了损耗,所以D n’是Dn的一个失真版本。
2.3 解码器解码器从NAL(网络抽象层)接收压缩的比特流。
它们被重新调整并进行逆转换来生成D n’(与编码器中所示的Dn’相同)。
3.参考资料1 ITU-T Rec. H.264 / ISO/IEC 11496-10, “Advanced Video Coding”, Final Committee Draft, Document JVTE022,September 2002帧内宏块预测1.引言联合视频工作组(JVT)正在定案一个新的自然视频图像编码(压缩)标准。
新标准被称为H.264或称作MPEG-4 Part 10、“高级视频编码(AVS)”。
2.4X4亮度块预测模式Figure 1显示在一个QCIF帧中的一个亮度宏块和一个需要进行预测的4X4的亮度块。
基于Figure 2中标识为A-M的采样计算出预测块P。
直流(DC)预测(模式2)根据A-M中的哪些采样可用来修改;其它模式(1-8)或许只能使用在所有预测中用到的采样都可用的情况(除了E,F,G,H 不可用的情况。
Figure 3中的箭头标出了每种模式下预测的方向。
例:对Figure 1中所示的4X4块使用9种预测模式(0-8)计算。
Figure 4显示了每种预测生成的预测块P。
3. 16X16亮度块预测模式16X16亮度块预测模式是一个上述4X4亮度块预测模式的一种替代方法,整个16X16的亮度块可以被预测。
如Figure 5所示:模式0(垂直):从块上部的采样推出(H)。
例:Figure 6 显示了一个左侧和上部采样已经编码的亮度宏块。
预测结果(Figure 7)表明最佳匹配由模式3给出。
4. 8X8色度块预测模式一个宏块的每个8X8的色度分量从之前已编码重构的上部和(或)左侧的色度采样中预测。
色度块的四种预测模式和第3部分中描述(Figure 5所示)的16X16亮度块预测模式非常相似,除了模式号不同:直流(模式0),横向(模式1),垂直(模式2)和平面(模式3)。
例如,如果Figure 8中的之前已经编码的4X4块A和B使用模式2,很可能块C(当前编码块)的最佳预测模式也是模式2。
如果remaining_mode_selector比当前most_probable_mode小,预测模式就设置成remaining_mode_selector; 否则预测模式设置成remaining_mode_selector+1.采用这种方法,remaining_mode_selector只需使用8个值(0到7)来标志当前帧内预测模式(0到8)。
6.参考资料1 ITU-T Rec. H.264 / ISO/IEC 11496-10, “Advanced Video Coding”, Final Committee Draft, Document JVTF100,December 20022 Iain E G Richardson, “H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression”, John Wiley & Sons, to be published late2003P片帧间预测1.引言联合视频工作组(JVT)正在定案一个新的自然视频图像编码(压缩)标准。
新标准[1]被称为H.264或称作MPEG-4 Part 10、“高级视频编码(AVS)”。