大学英语作文:大学的第一年The First Year in College

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大学英语作文:大学的第一年The First

Year in College

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【篇一】大学的第一年The First Year in College

Going to college is an exciting thing for me, because I have been studying so hard to realize this dream. Before I went to the campus, I had good imagination about the college life. But the first year in the college makes me recognize the campus life.上大学对于我来说是一件很兴奋的事情,因为我是如此的努力学习来实现这个理想。在我去到大学校园前,我对大学生活有着美好的想象。但是在大学的第一年让我从新认识了校园生活。The first year in college, I spend a lot of time in studying. Before I went to college, I thought the college life would be very easy and I just could do whatever I want. But I did not expect that I still needed to pay so much attention on study. Everybody around me went to the library and I would be very guilty if I played. So college life was not that easy.在大学的第一年,我花了很多时间在学习方面。在我上大学前,我以为大学生活会很轻松,我能为所欲为。但是我没有预料到我仍然需要花那么多时间来学习。

在我身边的每个人都去去图书馆,如果我玩耍的话,很有罪恶感。所以大学生活并没有那么轻松。When I lived far away from my home, I was so free, I enjoyed the freedom so much. My parents always kept their eyes on me, so I couldn’t be myself when I lived with them. Living in the dormitory, I could stay up and join the activities at night. It is the young guy’s right.当我住得离家远,我很自由,我很享受这样的自由。我的父母总是盯着我,和他住在一起,我无法做真正的自己。住在宿舍里,我能熬夜,在夜间出去活动。这是年轻人的权利。Though the first year in college isn’t that easy for me, I still enjoy the campus life. 虽然在大学的第一年对我来说不轻松,但是我很喜欢大学校园的生活。

【篇二】电影能植入广告吗?Can Advertisements Be Showed In the Movie?

Today, when we see the movie, we can a lot of advertisements are implanted into the movies, the audience feels angry about it, because they don’t want to see these advertisements, they buy the tickets for seeing the good movie, while the producers are agreed to put the ads into the movie, both the audience and producers have their reasons.今天,当我们看电影的时候,可以看到很多广告被植入到电影里,观众对此很生气,因为他们不想要看到广告,他们买票是为了看到好的电影,然而制片人却同意把广告放进电影里,观众和制片人都有他们的

理由。For the audience, they hate to see the advertisements in the movie, because they think the advertisements have nothing to do with the plots, they don’t want to see the extra factors. What’s more, people get tired of the ads, because the ads are exaggerating and try to persuade people to buy the products. After seeing these advertisements all the time, people feel tired.对于观众来说,他们讨厌看到广告在电影里,因为他们觉得广告和电影剧情没有联系,他们不想要看到电影的额外因素。而且,人们厌倦了电影,因为电影夸大事实,尝试着说服人们去买产品。在看了广告那么长的时间后,人们真的厌倦了。While for the producers, they argue that it is reasonable for the advertisements to be showed in the movie, these ads do not affect the plot, they need the sponsors to give the money, so they can have enough money to make the movie.然而对于制片人来讲,他们辩论说广告出现在电影里是合理的,这些广告并不影响剧情,他们也需要赞助商来投资钱,这样他们才有足够的钱来制作电影。In my opinion, advertisements should not be showed in the movie, they ruin the sense of beauty in the movie, people have the right to enjoy the pure movie.在我看来,广告不应该出现在电影里,它们毁了电影的美感,人们有权利来享受干净的电影。

【篇三】传销的诱惑The Temptation of Pyramid Selling

Many years ago, a popular word comes to people’s ears,
