高三基础知识天天练 英语课时作业30人教版

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(选修六·Unit 5)


1.—How was Robert's cooking?

—Oh,pretty good.I was quite ________.

A.admired B.interested

C.impressed D.inspired

答案与解析:C be impressed“(对……)印象深刻的”,此处指Robert的厨艺给我留下深刻的印象,符合题意。

2.—Dad,there is a snake at the gate crawling this way.

—Don't ________,boys;there's no danger.

A.afraid B.frighten

C.terrify D.panic

答案与解析:D panic强调受惊吓的程度之深。afraid为形容词;frighten和terrify侧重害怕,但不一定是受惊吓所致。

3.Hearing the news that he won the first in the competition,his voice trembled ________ excitement.

A.for B.in

C.with D.at

答案与解析:C tremble with excitement“因激动而颤抖”,with表示原因。

4.The region which had been relatively calm erupted ________ violence again last week.

A.to B.with

C.at D.into

答案与解析:D erupt into...“突然发生……”。题意:上周,这个一直以来相对平静的地区突然再次发生了暴力事件。

5.As is well known,Dragon Boat Festival and the custom of eating rice dumplings are ________ to us Chinese.

A.typical B.unique

C.alone D.special


6.It is all agreed that a good education doesn't ________ a good job.

A.guarantee B.result

C.depend D.swear


7.To the joy of the parents,their only son is now ________ to achieve his goal.

A.making every effort B.making all effort

C.make an effort D.sparing no efforts

答案与解析:A由now可知应用进行时,排除C项;make every effort to do“努力做某事”。make all efforts to do“努力做某事”;spare no effort to do“不遗余力地做某事”。

8.His lecture was so long and ________ that many people felt ________ and left before it ended.

A.boring; boring B.bored; bored

C.boring; bored D.bored; boring

答案与解析:C boring“无聊的”,常用于修饰物;bored“感到无聊的”,常用于修饰人。

9.—How are you getting along ________?

—Very busy.I always work until ________ into the night.

A.late; lately B.latter; late

C.lately; late D.later; later

答案与解析:C lately相当于recently,意为“最近”;late/deep into the night意为“深夜”,为固定搭配。

10.We students,________ the future of our motherland,should devote all our ________ to our studies to make our dreams come true.

A.compared with; powers

B.comparing to; strengths

C.are compared to; energies

D.compared to; energies

答案与解析:D从句子结构上看,第一个空用分词短语作后置定语,We students与compare存在逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词;第二空energies表示“精力”,而power 与strength均无此意,故D项正确。

11.He's bad-tempered,selfish,and ________ an unpleasant man.

A.somehow B.altogether

C.otherwise D.anyway


12.—I heard one of his ________ paintings was sold at a very high price.

—Yes,a wealthy man bought it for 100,000 dollars;anyway,he is world-famous.

A.valueless B.precious

C.single D.secret

答案与解析:B precious“珍贵的”;valueless“无价值的”;single“单独的”;secret“秘密的”。

13.________ Shanghai you see today is quite ________ different city from what it used to be.

A.The; / B./; the

C.The; a D./; a


14.—Is that 110?A thief is in my house.

—OK,help is ________.

A.in the way B.in its way

C.on the way D.by the way


15.To our great ________,Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A.anxiety B.relief

C.view D.judgment

答案与解析:B anxiety 焦虑;relief 放松,放心;view 观点;judgment 判断。由题干后半句可知选B项。to one's relief“令人如释重负的是”是固定短语。


I was hurrying to our basketball game one morning when Hillary Barnes,the most popular girl,in school,stopped me.“Are you the twin who won the art competition?”she asked.

“No,that's Christine.I'm Katie.”I said.

We were not identical twins;we looked quite different.She could defeat Snow White in a beauty contest!Compared to Christine,I felt like one of Cinderella's stepsisters.

One Saturday Christine gave me a painting lesson because I was always attempting to be artistic too.But I knocked over the vase of flowers,spilling water onto Christine's painting.Instead of becoming angry,though,she turned the whole mess into a dreamy masterpiece(杰作).You could look at it five different ways and see five different things.With this brilliant creation,she won First Prize in the art competition.I really envied her,but I knew it wasn't her fault and I was the one with wild,unmanageable hair and no talent.

Joining Christine's basketball team was my latest effort to be like her.

On the way to the gym,I'd made up my mind to give my best performance in that day's
