
2019-2020学年湖南省长沙一中高三(下)月考生物试卷(七)副标题一、单选题(本大题共6小题,共36.0分)1.下列有关真核细胞结构的叙述,错误的是()A. 洋葱根尖细胞无叶绿体,但根尖细胞可培养出含叶绿体的个体B. 破坏低等植物的中心体或高尔基体,均有可能得到染色体数加倍的细胞C. 细胞膜上的蛋白质与物质交换有关,与生物催化作用无关D. 液泡中含有花青素、蛋白质、糖类等物质,可维持细胞渗透压2.下列相关实验中涉及“分离”的叙述正确的是()A. T2噬菌体侵染细菌实验中,离心的目的是将噬菌体的DNA与蛋白质分离B. 植物细胞质壁分离实验中,滴加蔗糖溶液的目的是使细胞质与细胞壁分离C. 植物根尖细胞有丝分裂的实验中,可以观察到同源染色体彼此分离的现象D. 绿叶中色素的提取和分离实验中,色素分离是因为不同色素在层析液中溶解度不同3.下列有关生物变异的叙述,正确的是()A. DNA中碱基对的替换、增添和缺失不一定引起蛋白质结构改变B. 单倍体植株的体细胞中没有同源染色体,不能产生正常配子C. 染色体结构变异都会使染色体上基因的数目和排列顺序改变D. 有性生殖产生的后代具有更大变异性的根本原因是基因突变4.科技工作者在广西发现了可能是现代栽培水稻祖先的万年野生稻,它们不但抗病、抗虫害能力特别强,一穗可达千粒果实,可与近缘栽培水稻杂交产生可育子代,能提高栽培水稻的抗逆性和产量。
下列叙述正确的是()A. 栽培稻与野生稻之间存在生殖隔离B. 人工选择和自然选择决定了水稻进化的方向C. 通过持续的定向选择栽培水稻,其遗传物质可朝着一定方向突变D. 通过近缘杂交的方式改良现有栽培水稻,不改变栽培水稻的基因频率5.下表为适宜浓度的α-萘乙酸(NAA)和赤霉素(GA3)溶液对燕麦胚芽鞘生长的影响,胚芽鞘初始长度2cm,据表分析,下列说法错误的是()该实验的白变量为溶液种类不同,表中“?”处理方式为清水处理B. 若实验用的NAA浓度为m,则改用低于m浓度的NAA时,胚芽鞘长度不一定减少C. NAA与GA3可调节植物基因表达,二者混合使用具有协同作用D. NAA与GA3是由植物产生,由产生部位运输到作用部位且具有微量而高效的特点6.在对某自然保护区内甲、乙两个不同物种的种群数量进行了调查之后,又开展了连续4年的跟踪调查,计算其L值(L=当年末种群个体数量/前一年末种群个体数量),结果如图所示。

湖南省长沙市一中2011届高三月考试卷(七)数 学(理科)长沙市一中高三理科数学备课组组稿 命题人:李湘斌 审题人:赵意扬 (考试范围:高考理科内容(不含选修系列4))本试题卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三部分,共6页。
一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.直线x +y -1=0的倾斜角是( )A.-π4B.π4C.3π4D.π22.“p ∧q 是真命题”是“p ∨q 是真命题”的( ) A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件3.右图是一个几何体的三视图,根据图中数据,可得该几何体的表面积是( )A.9πB.10πC.11πD.12π4.在等差数列{a n }中,已知a 1=2,a 2+a 3=13,则a 4+a 5+a 6等于( ) A.40 B.42 C.43 D.455.设m >0,则直线x +3y +1+m =0与圆x 2+y 2=m 的位置关系是( ) A.相切 B.相交 C.相切或相离 D.相交或相切6.下列函数中,图象的一部分如右图所示的是( )A.y =sin(2x +π6)B.y =sin(2x -π6)C.y =cos(2x +π3)D.y =cos(2x -π6)7.函数y =lg x -9x的零点所在的大致区间是( )A.(6,7)B.(7,8)C.(8,9)D.(9,10)8.设m ∈N *,F (m )表示log 2m 的整数部分,则F (210+1)+F (210+2)+F (210+3)+…+F (211)的值为( )A.10×210B.10×210+1C.10×210+2D.10×210-1二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题5分,共35分,把答案填在答题卡中对应题号后的横线上.9.∫10x 2d x = .10.某工厂生产A 、B 、C 三种不同型号的产品.产品数量之比依次为2∶3∶5,现用分层抽样方法抽出一个容量为n 的样本,已知A 种型号产品共抽取了16件,那么此样本的容量n = .11.如右图所示的算法流程图中,输出S 的值为 .12.设A 、B 为x 轴上两点,点P 的横坐标为2,且|PA|=|PB|,若直线PA 的方程为x -2y +1=0,则直线PB 的方程是 .13.已知双曲线x 2a 2-y 2b2=1(a >0,b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1、F 2,点P 在双曲线的右支上,且|PF 1|=3|PF 2|,则此双曲线的离心率e 的最大值为 .14.在△ABC 中,P 为中线AM 上的一个动点,若|AM |=2,则PA ·(PB +PC )的最小值为 .15.如图,将平面直角坐标系的格点(横、纵坐标均为整数的点)按如下规则标上数字标签:原点处标数字0,点(1,0)处标数字1,点(1,-1)处标数字2,点(0,-1)处标数字3,点(-1,-1)处标数字4,点(-1,0)处标数字5,点(-1,1)处标数字6,点(0,1)处标数字7,…以此类推,①标数字50的格点的坐标为 .②记格点坐标为(m ,n)的点(m 、n 均为正整数)处所标的数字为f(m ,n),若n>m ,则f(m ,n)= .三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 16.(本小题满分12分)已知sin x 2-2cos x2=0.(1)求tan x 的值;(2)求cos 2x2cos (π4+x)·sin x的值.17.(本小题满分12分)某旅游公司为3个旅游团提供甲、乙、丙、丁4条旅游线路,每个旅游团只能任选其中一条线路,不同的旅游团可选相同的旅游线路.(1)求3个旅游团选择3条不同的线路的概率; (2)求选择甲线路旅游团的团数的分布列和期望.如右图,简单组合体ABCDPE ,其底面ABCD 为正方形,PD ⊥平面ABCD ,EC ∥PD ,且PD =2EC.(1)若N 为线段PB 的中点,求证:EN ⊥平面PDB ;(2)若PDAD =2,求平面PBE 与平面ABCD 所成的锐二面角的大小.19.(本小题满分13分)已知函数f(x)=12ax 2+(1-a)x -1-ln x ,a ∈R .(1)若函数在区间(2,4)上存在..单调递增区间,求a 的取值范围; (2)求函数的单调增区间.20.(本小题满分13分)某公园的大型中心花园的边界为椭圆,花园内种植各种花草,为增强观赏性,在椭圆内以其中心为直角顶点且关于中心对称的两个直角三角形内种植名贵花草(如图),并以该直角三角形斜边开辟观赏小道(不计小道的宽度),某园林公司承接了该中心花园的施工建设,在施工时发现,椭圆边界上任意一点到椭圆两焦点距离和为4(单位:百米),且椭圆上点到焦点的最近距离为1(单位:百米).(1)试以椭圆中心为原点建立适当的坐标系,求出该椭圆的标准方程; (2)请计算观赏小道的长度(不计小道宽度)的最大值.顶点在坐标原点,开口向上的抛物线经过A 0(1,1),过A 0作抛物线的切线交x 轴于B 1,过B 1点作x 轴的垂线交抛物线于A 1,过A 1作抛物线的切线交x 轴于B 2,…,过A n (x n ,y n )作抛物线的切线交x 轴于B n +1(x n +1,0)(1)求{x n },{y n }的通项公式;(2)设a n =11+x n +11-x n +1,数列{a n }的前n 项和为T n .求证:T n >2n -12.(3)设b n =1-log 2y n ,若对任意正整数n ,不等式(1+1b 1)(1+1b 2)…(1+1b n)≥a 2n +3成立,求正数a的取值范围.炎德·英才大联考长沙市一中2011届高三月考试卷(七)数 学(理科) 教师用卷长沙市一中高三理科数学备课组组稿 命题人:李湘斌 审题人:赵意扬 (考试范围:高考理科内容(不含选修系列4))本试题卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三部分,共6页。

长沙市一中2011届高三第七次月考语文试卷基础试题2011-02-18 20595d56b7b401017dgv长沙市一中2011届高三第七次月考语文试卷一、语言文字运用(15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中,字形与加点的字读音全都正确的一组是A.僯选繁文缛节rù裙裾jū靡靡之音mǐB.编纂心广体胖páng漩涡xuàn插科打诨hùnC.洗练绠短汲深gěng果脯fǔ犯而不校jiàoD.秸秆犄角之势jǐ症结zhēng以儆效尤jǐng1. C. (僯选——遴选心广体胖pán漩涡xuān犄角之势——掎)2..下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A.12月2日,湖南茶业博览会在省展览馆举行,这次博览会,汇集了君山银针、安化黑茶、古丈毛尖等1万多种名优湘茶,真可谓浩如烟海,应有尽有。

湖南省长沙市一中2014届高三第七次月考语文(2014-02高考语文2014-02-24 0845()长沙市一中2014届高三第七次月考试卷语文命题:长沙市一中高三语文备课组时量:150分钟满分:150分一、语言知识及运用(共15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,每组读音都不相同的一项是()A.漩涡/眩晕呱呱坠地/恬不知耻物阜民丰/芳香馥郁B.生肖/肖像奴颜婢膝/稗官野史一模一样/石膏模具C.绸缪/谬种一应俱全/应接不暇侵蚀公款/博闻强识D.腈纶/根茎踟蹰不前/南橘北枳安步当车/锐不可当2.下列句子中,没有错别字的一句是()A.各种与动物相关的疾病濒繁爆发,促使人类进行反思:我们与这个星球上的各种动物到底是什么关系?该如何相处?B.大地春回,万物复苏,在城里蜇伏了一冬的人们,三五成群到郊外踏青,沉醉在鸟儿欢歌中,流连于烂漫山花间,尽情享受大自然的慷慨馈赠。
4.下列各句中没有语病的一句是()A. 中国并不比一些西方国家发达,仍然成为世界上最早成功研制了甲流疫苗的国家之一,并投入批量生产,不仅是国力问题,说到根本上,还是政府的态度问题。


湖南省长沙市一中2011届高三第七次月考(文数)数 学(文科)长沙市一中高三文科数学备课组组稿 (考试范围:高考文科内容(不含优选法应用))本试题卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三部分,共6页。
一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.复数z =11+2i(i 为虚数单位)所对应的点在( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限2.设集合A =⎩⎨⎧⎭⎬⎫x ⎪⎪x ≤12,m =sin20°,则下列关系中正确的是( ) A.m ⊆A B.m ∉A C.{}m ∈A D. {}A m ⊂≠3.设命题p :∀x ∈R ,|x |≥x ;q :∃x ∈R ,1x=0.则下列判断正确的是( )A.p 假q 真B.p 真q 假C.p 真q 真D.p 假q 假4.下列函数中,既是周期为π的周期函数又是偶函数的是( ) A.y =10x B.y =tan x C.y =sin2x D.y =|cosx|5.某公司2005~2010年的年利润x(单位:百万元)与年广告支出y(单位:百万元)的统计A.利润中位数是16,x 与y 有正线性相关关系B.利润中位数是18,x 与y 有负线性相关关系C.利润中位数是17,x 与y 有正线性相关关系D.利润中位数是17,x 与y 有负线性相关关系6.双曲线x 2a 2-y 2b 2=1(a ,b>0)的渐近线与圆(x -3)2+y 2=3相切,则双曲线的离心率为( )A.62B. 3C.2 3D.6 7.设函数()221log ()x f x a x+=-在区间()0,+∞内有零点,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A.(0,+∞)B.(-∞,1]C.[1,+∞)D.[2,+∞)8.定义{},,min ,,.b a b a b a a b ≥⎧=⎨<⎩设实数x ,y 满足约束条件2211x y ⎧≤⎪⎨≤⎪⎩,则{}m i n 2,-z x y x y =+的取值范围为( )A.[-2,12]B.[-52,-12]C.[-2,3]D.[-3,32]二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题5分,共35分,把答案填在答题卡中对应题号后的横线上.9.在极坐标系中,A (1,π6)、B (2,π2)两点的距离为 .10.设平面向量a =(1,2),b =(-2,y ),若a ∥b ,则||3a +b 等于 .11.一空间几何体的三视图(单位:cm)如图所示,则此几何体的体积是 cm 3.12.若{a n }为等差数列,S n 是其前n 项和.且S 11=22π3,则tan a 6的值为 .13.直线l :x -y =0与椭圆x22+y 2=1相交A 、B 两点,点C 是椭圆上的动点,则△ABC 面积最大值为 .14.直线l :x -3y =0与曲线⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧ϕ=ϕ+=sin 2cos 2:y a x C (φ为参数,a >0)有两个公共点A ,B ,且||AB =2,则实数a 的值为 ;在此条件下,以直角坐标系的原点为极点,x 轴正方向为极轴建立极坐标系,则曲线C 的极坐标方程为 .15.对于三次函数f (x )=ax 3+bx 2+cx +d (a ≠0),定义:设f ″(x )是函数y =f (x )的导数y =f ′(x )的导数,若方程f ″(x )=0有实数解x 0,则称点()x 0,f (x 0)为函数y =f (x )的“拐点”.有同学发现“任何一个三次函数都有“拐点”;任何一个三次函数都有对称中心;且“拐点”就是对称中心.”请你根据这一发现,求:(1)函数f (x )=x 3-3x 2+3x 对称中心为 ;(2)若函数g (x )=13x 3-12x 2+3x -512+1x -12,则g (12011)+g (22011)+g (32011)+g (42011)+…+g (20102011)= . 三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 16.(本小题满分12分)已知函数f (x )=a sin x +b cos(x -π3)的图象经过点(π3,12),(7π6,0).(1)求实数a ,b 的值;(2)求函数f (x )在[0,π]上的单调递增区间.如图:在矩形ABCD中,AB=5,BC=3,沿对角线BD把△ABD折起,使A移到A1点,过点A1作A1O⊥平面BCD,垂足O恰好落在CD上.D;(1)求证:BC⊥A(2)求直线A1B与平面BCD所成角的正弦值.18.(本小题满分12分)某校高一某班的一次数学测试成绩的茎叶图和频率分布直方图都受到不同程度的破坏,但可见部分如下,据此解答如下问题:(1)求分数在[50,60)的频率及全班人数;(2)求分数在[80,90)之间的频数,并计算频率分布直方图中[80,90)间的矩形的高;(3)若要从分数在[80,100]之间的试卷中任取两份分析学生失分情况,在抽取的试卷中,求至少有一份分数在[90,100]之间的概率.工厂生产某种产品,次品率p 与日产量x (万件)间的关系为⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>≤<-=c x c x x p ,320,61,(c 为常数,且0<c <6).已知每生产1件合格产品盈利3元,每出现1件次品亏损1.5元.(1)将日盈利额y (万元)表示为日产量(万件)的函数;(2)为使日盈利额最大,日产量应为多少万件?(注:次品率=次品数产品总数×100%)20.(本小题满分13分)已知f (x )=m x (m 为常数,m >0且m ≠1).设f (a 1),f (a 2),…,f (a n )…(n ∈N )是首项为m 2,公比为m 的等比数列. (1)求证:数列{a n }是等差数列; (2)若b n =a n ·f (a n ),且数列{b n }的前n 项和为S n ,当m =2时,求S n ;(3)若c n =f (a n )lg f (a n ),问是否存在m ,使得数列{c n }中每一项恒小于它后面的项?若存在,求出m 的范围;若不存在,请说明理由.已知动圆G 过点F (32,0),且与直线l :x =-32相切,动圆圆心G 的轨迹为曲线E .曲线E上的两个动点A (x 1,y 1)和B (x 2,y 2).(1)求曲线E 的方程;(2)已知OA ·OB =-9(O 为坐标原点),探究直线AB 是否恒过定点,若过定点,求出定点坐标;若不过,请说明理由.(3)已知线段AB 的垂直平分线交x 轴于点C ,其中x 1≠x 2且x 1+x 2=4.求△ABC 面积的最大值.数 学(文科)教师用卷一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.复数z =11+2i(i 为虚数单位)所对应的点在(D)A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限2.设集合A =⎩⎨⎧⎭⎬⎫x ⎪⎪x ≤12,m =sin20°,则下列关系中正确的是(D) A.m ⊆A B.m ∉A C.{}m ∈A D. {}A m ⊂≠3.设命题p :∀x ∈R ,|x |≥x ;q :∃x ∈R ,1x=0.则下列判断正确的是(B)A.p 假q 真B.p 真q 假C.p 真q 真D.p 假q 假4.下列函数中,既是周期为π的周期函数又是偶函数的是(D) A.y =10x B.y =tan x C.y =sin2x D.y =|cosx|5.某公司2005~2010年的年利润x(单位:百万元)与年广告支出y(单位:百万元)的统计81 A.利润中位数是16,x 与y 有正线性相关关系 B.利润中位数是18,x 与y 有负线性相关关系 C.利润中位数是17,x 与y 有正线性相关关系 D.利润中位数是17,x 与y 有负线性相关关系6.双曲线x 2a 2-y 2b 2=1(a ,b>0)的渐近线与圆(x -3)2+y 2=3相切,则双曲线的离心率为(A)A.62B. 3C.2 3D.6 7.设函数()221log ()x f x a x+=-在区间()0,+∞内有零点,则实数a 的取值范围是(C)[来源:学科网]A.(0,+∞)B.(-∞,1]C.[1,+∞)D.[2,+∞)8.定义{},,min ,,.b a b a b a a b ≥⎧=⎨<⎩设实数x ,y 满足约束条件2211x y ⎧≤⎪⎨≤⎪⎩,则{}m i n 2,-z x y x y =+的取值范围为(D)A.[-2,12]B.[-52,-12]C.[-2,3]D.[-3,32]选择题答题卡二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题5分,共35分,把答案填在答题卡中对应题号后的横线上.9.在极坐标系中,A (1,π6)、B (2,π2).10.设平面向量a =(1,2),b =(-2,y ),若a ∥b ,则||3a +b 等于5.11.一空间几何体的三视图(单位:cm)如图所示,则此几何体的体积是4πcm 3.12.若{a n }为等差数列,S n 是其前n 项和.且S 11=22π3,则tan a 6的值为13.直线l :x -y =0与椭圆x22+y 2=1相交A 、B 两点,点C 是椭圆上的动点,则△ABC 面14.直线l :x -3y =0与曲线⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧ϕ=ϕ+=sin 2cos 2:y a x C (φ为参数,a >0)有两个公共点A ,B ,且||AB =2,则实数a 的值为 2 ;在此条件下,以直角坐标系的原点为极点,x 轴正方向为极轴建立极坐标系,则曲线C 的极坐标方程为 ρ2-4ρcos θ+2=0 .15.对于三次函数f (x )=ax 3+bx 2+cx +d (a ≠0),定义:设f ″(x )是函数y =f (x )的导数y =f ′(x )的导数,若方程f ″(x )=0有实数解x 0,则称点()x 0,f (x 0)为函数y =f (x )的“拐点”.有同学发现“任何一个三次函数都有“拐点”;任何一个三次函数都有对称中心;且“拐点”就是对称中心.”请你根据这一发现,求:(1)函数f (x )=x 3-3x 2+3x 对称中心为 (1,1) ;(2)若函数g (x )=13x 3-12x 2+3x -512+1x -12,则g (12011)+g (22011)+g (32011)+g (42011)+…+g (20102011)= 2010 . 三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 16.(本小题满分12分)已知函数f (x )=a sin x +b cos(x -π3)的图象经过点(π3,12),(7π6,0).(1)求实数a ,b 的值;(2)求函数f (x )在[0,π]上的单调递增区间.解:(1)∵函数f (x )=a sin x +b cos(x -π3)的图象经过点(π3,12),(7π6,0).∴12102b a +=⎨⎪-=⎪⎩,(4分) 解得:a =3,b =-1.(5分)(2)由(1)知:f (x )=3sin x -cos(x -π3)=32sin x -12cos x =sin(x -π6).(9分)由2k π-π2≤x -π6≤2k π+π2,解得2k π-π3≤x ≤2k π+2π3k ∈Z .∵x ∈[0,π],∴x ∈[0,2π3],∴函数f (x )在[0,π]上的单调递增区间为[0,2π3].(12分)17.(本小题满分12分)如图:在矩形ABCD 中,AB =5,BC =3,沿对角线BD 把△ABD 折起,使A 移到A 1点,过点A 1作A 1O ⊥平面BCD ,垂足O 恰好落在CD 上.(1)求证:BC ⊥A 1D ;(2)求直线A 1B 与平面BCD 所成角的正弦值.解:(1)因为A 1O ⊥平面BCD ,BC ⊂平面BCD ,∴BC ⊥A 1O , 因为BC ⊥CD ,A 1O ∩CD =O ,∴BC ⊥面A 1CD . 因为A 1D ⊂面A 1CD ,∴BC ⊥A 1D .(6分)(2)连结BO ,则∠A 1BO 是直线A 1B 与平面BCD 所成的角.因为A 1D ⊥BC ,A 1D ⊥A 1B ,A 1B ∩BC =B ,∴A 1D ⊥面A 1BC .A 1C ⊂面A 1BC ,∴A 1D ⊥A 1C . 在Rt △DA 1C 中,A 1D =3,CD =5,∴A 1C =4.根据S △A 1CD =12A 1D ·A 1C =12A 1O ·CD ,得到A 1O =125,在Rt △A 1OB 中,sin ∠A 1BO =A 1O A 1B =1255=1225.所以直线A 1B 与平面BCD 所成角的正弦值为1225.(12分)18.(本小题满分12分)某校高一某班的一次数学测试成绩的茎叶图和频率分布直方图都受到不同程度的破坏,但可见部分如下,据此解答如下问题:(1)求分数在[50,60)的频率及全班人数;(2)求分数在[80,90)之间的频数,并计算频率分布直方图中[80,90)间的矩形的高;(3)若要从分数在[80,100]之间的试卷中任取两份分析学生失分情况,在抽取的试卷中,求至少有一份分数在[90,100]之间的概率.解:(1)分数在[50,60)的频率为0.008×10=0.08,(2分)由茎叶图知:分数在[50,60)之间的频数为2,所以全班人数为20.08=25,(4分)(2)分数在[80,90)之间的频数为25-2-7-10-2=4;(6分)频率分布直方图中[80,90)间的矩形的高为425÷10=0.016.(8分)(3)将[80,90)之间的4个分数编号为1,2,3,4,[90,100]之间的2个分数编号为5,6, 在[80,100]之间的试卷中任取两份的基本事件为: (1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6), (2,3),(2,4),(2,5),(2,6), (3,4),(3,5),(3,6), (4,5),(4,6),(5,6)共15个,(10分)其中,至少有一个在[90,100]之间的基本事件有9个,故至少有一份分数在[90,100]之间的概率是915=0.6.(12分)19.(本小题满分13分)工厂生产某种产品,次品率p 与日产量x (万件)间的关系为⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧>≤<-=c x c x x p ,320,61,(c 为常数,且0<c <6).已知每生产1件合格产品盈利3元,每出现1件次品亏损1.5元.(1)将日盈利额y (万元)表示为日产量(万件)的函数;(2)为使日盈利额最大,日产量应为多少万件?(注:次品率=次品数产品总数×100%)解:(1)当x >c 时,p =23,y =13·x ·3-23·x ·32=0;(2分)当0<x ≤c 时,p =16-x,∴y =(1-16-x )·x ·3-16-x ·x ·32=32·9x -2x26-x.(4分)∴日盈利额y (万元)与日产量x (万件)的函数关系为23(92)02(6)0 x x x c y x x c ⎧-<≤⎪=-⎨⎪>⎩.(5分)(2)由(1)知,当x >c 时,日盈利额为0. 当0<x ≤c 时,∵y =3(9x -2x 2)2(6-x ),∴y ′=32·(9-4x )(6-x )+(9x -2x 2)(6-x )2=3(x -3)(x -9)(6-x )2,令y ′=0,得x =3或x =9(舍去).∴①当0<c <3时,∵y ′>0,∴y 在区间(0,c ]上单调递增,∴y 最大值=f (c )=3(9c -2c 2)2(6-c ),此时x =c ;②当3≤c <6时,在(0,3)上,y ′>0,在(3,c )上y ′<0, ∴y 在(0,3)上单调递增,在(3,c )上单调递减.∴y 最大值=f (3)=92.综上,若0<c <3,则当日产量为c 万件时,日盈利额最大; 若3≤c <6,则当日产量为3万件时,日盈利额最大.(13分) 20.(本小题满分13分)已知f (x )=m x (m 为常数,m >0且m ≠1).设f (a 1),f (a 2),…,f (a n )…(n ∈N )是首项为m 2,公比为m 的等比数列. (1)求证:数列{a n }是等差数列; (2)若b n =a n ·f (a n ),且数列{b n }的前n 项和为S n ,当m =2时,求S n ;(3)若c n =f (a n )lg f (a n ),问是否存在m ,使得数列{c n }中每一项恒小于它后面的项?若存在,求出m 的范围;若不存在,请说明理由.解:(1)由题意f (a n )=m 2·m n +1,即ma n ,=m n +1. ∴a n =n +1,(2分) ∴a n +1-a n =1,∴数列{a n }是以2为首项,1为公差的等差数列.(4分)(2)由题意b n =a n f (a n )=(n +1)·m n +1,当m =2时,b n =(n +1)·2n +1∴S n =2·22+3·23+4·24+…+(n +1)·2n +1 ①(6分)①式两端同乘以2,得2S n =2·23+3·24+4·25+…+n ·2n +1+(n +1)·2n +2 ② ②-①并整理,得S n =-2·22-23-24-25-…-2n +1+(n +1)·2n +2=-22-(22+23+24+…+2n +1)+(n +1)·2n +2=-22-22(1-2n)1-2+(n +1)·2n +2=-22+22(1-2n )+(n +1)·2n +2=2n +2·n .(9分)(3)由题意c n =f (a n )·lg f (a n )=m n +1·lg m n +1=(n +1)·m n +1·lg m ,要使c n <c n +1对一切n ∈N *成立,即(n +1)·m n +1·lg m <(n +2)·m n +2·lg m ,对一切n ∈N *成立,①当m >1时,lg m >0,所以n +1<m (n +2)对一切n ∈N *恒成立;(11分)②当0<m <1时,lg m <0,所以等价使得n +1n +2>m 对一切n ∈N *成立,因为n +1n +2=1-1n +2的最小值为23,所以0<m <23.综上,当0<m <23或m >1时,数列{c n }中每一项恒小于它后面的项.(13分)21.(本小题满分13分)已知动圆G 过点F (32,0),且与直线l :x =-32相切,动圆圆心G 的轨迹为曲线E .曲线E上的两个动点A (x 1,y 1)和B (x 2,y 2).(1)求曲线E 的方程;(2)已知OA ·OB =-9(O 为坐标原点),探究直线AB 是否恒过定点,若过定点,求出定点坐标;若不过,请说明理由.(3)已知线段AB 的垂直平分线交x 轴于点C ,其中x 1≠x 2且x 1+x 2=4.求△ABC 面积的最大值.解:(1)依题意,圆心G 到定点F (32,0)的距离与到直线l :x =-32的距离相等,∴曲线E是以F (32,0)为焦点,直线l :x =-32为准线的抛物线.∴曲线E 的方程为y 2=6x .(3分)(2)当直线AB 不垂直x 轴时,设直线AB 方程为y =kx +b (k ≠0).由26y kx b y x=+⎧⎨=⎩消去x 得ky 2-6y +6b =0,Δ=36-24kb >0. y 1y 2=6b k ,x 1x 2=y 216·y 226=(y 1y 2)236=b 2k2.OA ·OB =x 1x 2+y 1y 2=b 2k 2+6bk=-9,∴b 2+6kb +9k 2=0,(b +3k )2=0,b =-3k ,满足Δ>0. ∴直线AB 方程为y =kx -3k ,即y =k (x -3), ∴直线AB 恒过定点(3,0).(7分)当直线AB 垂直x 轴时,可推得直线AB 方程为x =3,也过点(3,0). 综上,直线AB 恒过定点(3,0).(8分) (3)设线段AB 的中点为M (x 0,y 0),则x 0=x 1+x 22=2,y 0=y 1+y 22,k AB =y 1-y 2x 1-x 2=y 1-y 2y 216-y 226=6y 1+y 2=3y 0.∴线段AB 的垂直平分线的方程为y -y 0=-y 03(x -2).令y =0,得x =5,故C (5,0)为定点.又直线AB 的方程为y -y 0=3y 0(x -2),与y 2=6x 联立,消去x 得y 2-2y 0y +2y 20-12=0. 由韦达定理得y 1+y 2=2y 0,y 1y 2=2y 20-12.∴|AB |=1+1k 2AB ·|y 1-y 2|=(1+y 209)[(y 1+y 2)2-4y 1y 2] =(1+y 209)[4y 20-4(2y 20-12)]=23(9+y 20)(12-y 20). 又点C 到直线AB 的距离为h =|CM |=9+y 20,∴S △ABC =12|AB |·h =13(9+y 20)2(12-y 20) 令t =9+y 20(t >9),则12-y 20=21-t .设f (t )=(9+y 20)2(12-y 20)=t 2(21-t )=-t 3+21t 2,则f ′(t )=-3t 2+42t =-3t (t -14).当9<t <14时,f ′(t )>0;当t >14时,f ′(t )<0.∴f (t )在(9,14)上单调递增,在(14,+∞)上单调递减.∴当t =14时,[f (t )]max =142×7.故△ABC 面积的最大值为1437.(13分) 注:第(3)问也可由AB 直线方程y =kx +b 及x 1+x 2=4,推出b =3k-2k ,然后转化为求关于k 的函数的最值问题.。

长沙市一中2025届高三月考试卷(二)语文得分:_____________ 本试卷共10页,时量150分钟,满分150分。

湖南省长沙市一中2023——2024学年高三月考试卷(二)语文试卷一、现代文阅读(35分)(一)现代文阅读I(本题共5小题,19分)1. 阅读下面的文字,完成各题。


(B)1.Where does the conversation most likely take place?A.In the library. B.In the bookstore. C. At a department store.(A)2.How did the man feel?A.Extremely anxious.B.Not as nervous as he expected.C.Angry.(B)3.Who is Neal?A. A salesman.B. A waiter.C. An assistant.(C)4.Why was Carl Johnson at hospital?A.Because his wife just had a baby.B.Because he was sick.C.Because he was visiting his daughter.(C)5.What does the man mean?A.His car is in quite good condition.B.He is willing to lend them his car.C.He will take them if he can.第二节(共12题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)听下面4段对话或独白。

湖南省长沙市一中2014届高三第七次月考英语1高考英语2014-02-25 1606()湖南省长沙市一中2014学年高三上学期第七次月考英语试题本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力、语言知识运用、阅读理解和书面表达。
PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION ADirections In this section, you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet.You will hear each conversation TWICE.ExampleWhen will the magazine probably arrive?A. Wednesday.B. Thursday.C. Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11. What does the man think of the price of the ticket?A. He thinks it’s acceptable.B. He thinks it’s too expensive.C. He thinks it’s a little more expensive.2. How long will the man stay in London?A. One week.B. Two weeks.C. Three weeks.Conversation 23. What is the man?A. He is a factory worker.B. He is an office clerk.C. He is a bus driver.4. What does the woman like about these shoes?A. They are fashionable.B. They are strong.C. They are comfortable.Conversation 35. What are they talking about?A. A Christmas party.B. The man’s new hat.C. Mr. Brown.6. How does the woman think the man will look?A. She thinks he will look handsome in it.B. She thinks he will look the strangest in it.C. She thinks he will look funny in it.Conversation 47. Where is Jack calling from?A. The Grand Hotel.B. The airport in Chicago.C. The airport in Los Angeles.8. Why doesn't Jack visit Dorothy at once?A. Because he doesn't want to see Dorothy's parents.B. Because he has to check in first.C. Because he prefers to stay at the airport now.9. What will Jack most probably do tonight?A. He will have dinner at the airport.B. He will have dinner with Dorothy at the hotel.C. He will have dinner with Dorothy's family.Conversation 52014. What day was it yesterday?A. Friday.B. Thursday.C. Monday.11. Why was the woman late for work?A. Because the road was blocked.B. Because she broke the traffic rule and was stopped by a policeman.C. Because there was something wrong with her car.12. What was the worst thing yesterday?A. The woman didn’t meet an important customer.B. Somebody dirtied the new carpet.C. The woman forgot inviting her boss to dinner.Conversation 613. When is the man free these days?A. At weekends.B. In the evening.C. In the afternoon.14. How often does the woman practice?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.15. What do the man and zhe women have in common?A. They are both very busy.B. They both have much free time.C. They are taking training in music.SECTION BDirections In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listencarefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.Topic☆ Which is mor e beneficial, going to boarding schools or 16Arguments in favor of going to boarding schools☆ Boarding school is an ideal place for building up children’s 17 .☆ Children in boarding schools are generally more used to 18 .Arguments against going to boarding schools☆Boarding schools are usually much more expensive.☆Children in boarding schools may develop a(n) 19 toward th ose from other families.☆Going to boarding schools will weaken 20 .PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGESECTION ADirections Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. I have graded only a small part of the pupils’ papers; there are still ______ to grade.A. little moreB. much moreC. few moreD. many more22. I only know there are some new films for children these days. Why don’t you telephone the cinema ______ more details?A. inB. forC. byD. to23. In general, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles _____ who prefer reading articles about learning methods.A. those of thatB. that of thoseC. one of thoseD. one of that24. Why ______ I drive so many miles for a supper if I can easilyfind a restaurant nearby?A. wouldB. mightC. shouldD. could25. So carefully ______ the performance that it went smoothly in the competition.A. have they preparedB. they have preparedC. had they preparedD. they had prepared26. He was so fond of chatting online that every time I saw him he______ in front of his computer.A. would sitB. satC. was sittingD. used to sit27. After the disaster in Haiti, people in the search and rescue teams didn’t think much about their own safety; less ______ about their personal interestsA. they caredB. did they careC. they had caredD. had they cared28. Some of the tigers served as breeding (繁殖) machines, their young often ______ away in boxes before growing up.A. shippedB. were shippingC. shippingD. were shipped29. The subway line ______ in 2014 is sure to greatly relieve the traffic jam in this city.A. to be finishedB. finishedC. having fishedD. finishing30. He offered an incredibly high price for the bid, ______ leaving no chance for anybody else.A. soB. thusC. andD. yet31. As we all know, either the location or the surroundings _______ the value of a house.A. determiningB. determinesC. determinedD. determine32. We should make it a rule ______ leaves the office last shall turn off all the lights and lock thedoor.A. whoeverB. anyoneC. that anyoneD. that whoever33. What we have been doing may not do us much good, but ______ it will benefit us or others, we’ll just stick it out.A. no matterB. howeverC.whether D. although34. The parents are making some changes to their previous education method, of ______ negativeeffect they begin to be aware.A. whoB. whichC. whomD. whose35. He was not expected to do a good job in the contest. Yet ______, he came out first of all the participants.A. strangely enoughB. enough strangelyC. strangeenough D. enough strangeSECTION BDirections For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with word or phrases that best fits the context.I tried to grow a gardenia (栀子花). I had tried everything my mother taught me about caring for houseplants—more light, less water, spraying, even replanting, but 36 seemed to work.I 37 Mom were here now. Mother’s Day was coming up, the second one since her death, and the pain of losing her was still so fresh. There is a Mother’s Day 38 I follow. One wears a red flower if one’s mother is 39 and a white one if she is not. I had hoped that planting a white gardenia, Mom’s favorite flower, would help me through the sorrow of her 40.Mom had a way with all things 41 . My sister and I always joked, “Mom could 42 a telephone pole grow leaves and bear fruit.”Why can’t I? I thought. Still, I couldn’t bear to throw the dead plant away. Instead, I placed it into a dark corner of our bathroom.I didn’t even water it. I just left it there 43 I could deal with it.My husband asked me if I was going to wear a white flower to church that Mother’s Day. “Yes,” I told him, “but I needa 44 gardenia.” I added si lently.Sunday morning I woke up early to get dressed and made for the 45 . Still 46 , I walked to the bathroom. Suddenly I was woken up by a pleasant scent (香味). I pushed the door open and stepped into the bathroom. That morning I knew I would be ready to wear a small white flower for Mom. In that dark corner, 47 as if it had a light of its own, bloomed a perfect white gardenia!36.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something37.A.feel B.believe C.wish D.think1,3,538.A.way B.method C.habit D.tradition1,3,539.A.alive B.healthy C.dead D.ill40.A.passing B.getting C.giving D.dying41.A.white B.blue C.green D.yellow42.A.cause B.make C.use D.allow43.A.when B.until C.while D.if44.A.red B.plastic C.paper D.fresh45.A.market B.school C.church D.office46.A.excited B.angry C.happy D.sleepy47.A.bright B.dark C.large D.smallSECTION CDirections Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.From their beginnings New England towns had a special democratic (民主的) system of government. At a stated time all the citizens would assemble at a town meeting, 48 they would discuss local problems and express opinions freely. They 49 elected the town’sofficials at these gatherings and made decisions about the taxes they would pay and about other community matters. These meetings were usually 50 at the town hall, which was located in the central square.In the eighteenth-century town meetings, only men who owned property and who were church members actually voted, although 51 present was allowed to express their opinions. Later, 52 citizens were allowed to vote. Thus the town meeting became truly democratic. Town meetings are still common in New England communities.In recent years the town meeting idea has 53 widely copied. There are open sessions (会议) 54 this kind on radio and television. Occasionally a meeting of this type is called by a government agencyin 55 to give an opportunity for free and open discussion on current problems and policies.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSIONDirections Read the following three passages. Each passage isfollowed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AThe first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned aroundto find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smilethat lit up her entire being.She said, “Hi, girl! My name is Rose. I’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?”I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel!”“No seriously,” I said. I was curious what may have motivated herto be taking on this challenge at her age.“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon (偶像) and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed (给予) upon her from the other students. She was living it up.At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.“We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only two secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, yo udie!” she said.“There is a huge difference between g rowing older and growing up.If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn 20 years older. If I am 87 years old, and stay in bed for a year, and never do anything, Iwill turn 88. Anybody can grow older. But eve ry minute counts for young men,” she added.“The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Song of Rose”. She challenged each of us to study the lyrics(歌词)and live themout in our daily lives.At the year’s end, Rose finished the college degree she had begunall those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefullyin her sleep.56. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Old friends and old wine are best.B. If you wish good advice, consult an old man.C. Never too old to live your dream.D. You cannot put old heads on young shoulders.57. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined “reveled in” in thepassage?A. Enjoyed.B. Ignored.C. Disliked.D. Praised58. What does Rose want to express by saying “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing”?A. Though we are old, we don’t stop playing.B. If you stop playing, you won’t get old.C. Old people shouldn’t be playing any longer.D. Don’t stop playing, or you’ll becom e old.59. From the passage we can see Rose went to college to ______.A. meet a rich husbandB. get better paidC. realize her dreamD. inspire young people60. In Rose’s opinion, growing up means ______.A. becoming olderB. learning more knowledgeC. becoming more mature C. trying new thingsBSep. 30 I moved into the dormitory today—an ugly building and near a busy main road too. My room is small but quite pleasant. I must get some posters for the walls, though. I met a few fellow students at supper (the food was awful!) They all look much younger than me. They are, of course!Oct. 07 Lectures began last Monday. So far they haven’t been very interesting (except for the man who lectures on drama. He’s first class). Pe rsonally, I’d much rather go to the library and read, but I have to attend ten lectures a week. Those are the ‘rules’! Well, at least you meet people there.Oct. 12 I really don’t like life in the dormitory at all. The food is bad and the students are noisy. They stay up half the night and play games just outside my room. When on earth do they sleep? When dothey work? Besides, I don’t like my room. It’s just like living ina box! It looks even smaller now, with the posters on the wall. I am wondering how long it will be before I can feel as comfortable as I did living in my high school dormitory.Oct. 26 I tried to explain some of my problems to my supervisor today. She listened—but that was about all. ‘You have to go to lectures, you know, Ann,” she told me. “And the dormitory is cheap and convenient.’ ‘Cheap and convenient’! Well, it isn’t ‘cheap’ if you can’t eat the food and it isn’t ‘convenient’ if you can’t sleep at night!Oct. 30 I can’t believe it! Three other students—I met them at a lecture and they’re all about my own age—have invited me to share a flat with them. It’s in an old house and it has its own kitchen, so we can cook for ourselves. And my room—right at the top of the house—is fantastic!Nov. 2014 I moved into my new room last Sunday. I feel really happy. Life is going to be so much more fun from now on!61. The above writing is ______.A. diary entries of a high school student’s spring semesterB. diary entries of a high school student’s fall semesterC. diary entries of a college student’s spring semesterD. diary entries of a college student’s fall semester62. Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer disliked the first dormitory?A. It was messy.B. It was small.C. It was noisy.D. The food was bad.63. Which of the following statements about the writer’s opinions about the teachers is RIGHT?A. She benefited a lot from the talk with the supervisor.B. She didn’t like any of the lectures thereC. She liked the lectures by the drama teacher.D. She found all the lectures were interesting.64. The event happening on Oct.30 can be thought of as a ______.A. nightmare (噩梦)B. turning pointC. lessonD. disappointment65. Which of the following is one of the reasons that the writer likes the new room?A. She will have some seniors help with the studies.B. She doesn’t have to bear terrible dormitory foods.C. She won’t have to go a long way to attend lectures.D. She will pay less rent than she did living in the dorm.。

长沙市一中2024 届高三月考试卷(七)数学试卷一、单项选择题: 本题共8 小题, 每小题5 分, 共40 分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 样本数据15 、13 、12 、31 、29 、23 、43 、19 、17 、38 的中位数为( )(A) 19 (B) 23 (C) 21 (D) 182. 已知集合A = {x''' e x2 −2x ≤ 1}, B = {−1, 0, 1}, 则集合A ∩ B 的非空子集个数为( )(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 8 (D) 73. 已知实部为3 的复数z 满足z · (1 −2i) 为纯虚数, 则|z| = ( )(D) √54. 已知数列{a n } 满足a n = 3n −b (n ∈ N* , b ∈ R), 则“b < 3”是“{|a n |} 是递增数列”的( )(A) 充分不必要条件(B) 必要不充分条件(C) 充要条件(D) 既不充分也不必要条件5. 已知tan θ= 2, 则 sin 2θ= ( )(A) (B) 2 (C) 1 (D)6. 过抛物线E: y2 = 2px (p > 0) 的焦点F 的直线交E 于点A, B , 交E 的准线l 于点C , AD ⊥ l , 点D 为垂足.若F 是AC 的中点, 且|AF | = 3, 则|AB| = ( )(A) 4 (B) 2√3 (C) 3√2 (D) 37. 已知双曲线C: kx2 −y2 = 1 的左焦点为F , P (3m, −4m) (m > 0) 为C 上一点, 且P 与F 关于C 的一条渐近线对称, 则C 的离心率为( )(A) (B) √3 (C) 2 (D)√58. 已知函数f(x) 的定义域为R, 且满足f(x) + f(3 −x) = 4, f(x) 的导函数为g(x), 函数y = g(x −1) 的图象关于点(2, 1) 中心对称, 则f + g(2024) = ( )(A) 3 (B) −3 (C) 1 (D) −1二、多项选择题: 本题共3 小题, 每小题6 分, 共18 分. 在每小题给出的选项中, 有多项符合题目要求, 全部选对的得6 分, 部分选对的得部分分, 有选错的得0 分.9. 已知函数cos 2x + sin 2x, 则( )(A) 函数f (x −关于原点对称(B) 曲线y = f(x) 的对称轴为x = + , k ∈ Z2 cos2 θ + 4 sin2 θ(C) f (x) 在区间单调递减(D) 曲线y = f (x) 在点(0, f (0)) 处的切线方程为2x −2y + 1 = 010. 已知二面角A −CD −B 的大小为, AC ⊥ CD , BD ⊥ CD , 且CD = 1, AC + BD = 2, 则( )(A) △ABD 是钝角三角形(B) 异面直线AD 与BC 可能垂直(C) 线段AB 长度的取值范围是[2, √5) (D) 四面体A −BCD 体积的最大值为11. 甲、乙两同学参加普法知识对抗赛, 规则是每人每次从题库中随机抽取一题回答. 若回答正确, 得 1 分, 答题继续; 若回答错误, 得0 分, 同时换成对方进行下一轮答题. 据经验统计, 甲、乙每次答题正确的概率分别是和 , 且第1 题的顺序由抛掷硬币决定. 设第i 次答题者是甲的概率为P i , 第i 次回答问题结束后中甲的得分是K i , 则( )(A) P2 =(C) P i+1= P i+ P i+ K i−1三、填空题: 本题共3 小题, 每小题5 分, 共15 分.12. (x + 3y)(x −y)8 的展开式中x3 y6 的系数为.13. 已知动点P 在圆M : (x −m + 1)2 + (y −m)2 = 1 上, 动点Q 在曲线y = ln x 上. 若对任意的m ∈ R, |PQ| ≥ n恒成立, 则n 的最大值是.14. 已知正六棱锥的高是底面边长的2√3 倍, 侧棱长为√13, 正六棱柱内接于正六棱锥, 即正六棱柱的所有顶点均在正六棱锥的侧棱或底面上, 则该正六棱柱的外接球表面积的最小值为.四、解答题: 本题共5 小题, 共77 分. 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. 盒中有形状、大小均相同的卡片6 张, 卡片依次标记数字1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3.(1) 若随机一次取出两张卡片, 求这两张卡片标记数字之差为1 的概率;(2) 若每次随机取出两张卡片后不放回, 直到将所有标记数字为2 的卡片全部取出, 记此时盒中剩余的卡片数量X , 求X 的分布列和E(X).16. 如图三棱锥P −ABC 中, PA = BC , AB = PC , AC ⊥ PB.(1) 证明: AB = BC;(2) 若平面PAC ⊥ 平面ABC , AC = √2AB , 求二面角A −PB −C 的余弦值.PA CB17. 已知定义在 (0, π) 上的函数 f (x) = cos 2 x + sin x.(1) 求 f (x) 的极大值点;(2) 证明: 对任意x 4 − x 2 + 1. 18. 已知椭圆的上、下顶点分别为 A(0, 1), B(0, −1), 其右焦点为 F , 且 F #---A -→ · B #---A -→ = F #---A -→ · F #---B -→ .(1) 求椭圆 C 的方程;(2) 若点 P (2, −1), 在直线 BP 上存在两个不同的点 P 1 , P 2 满足 P #---P ---1→ · P #---P ---2→ = P #---B -→2 . 若直线 AP 1 与直线 AP 2 分别交 C 于点 M , N (异于点 A), 证明: P , M , N 三点共线.19. 定义 △ABC 三边长分别为 a, b, c, 则称三元无序数组 (a,b, c) 为三角形数. 记 D 为三角形数的全集, 即 (a,b, c) ∈D.(1) 证明:“ (a,b, c) ∈ D ”是“(√a, √b, √c) ∈ D ”的充分不必要条件;(2) 若锐角 △ABC 内接于圆 O , 且 x O #---A -→ + y O #---B -→ + z O #---C -→ = 0, 设 I = (x,y, z) (x, y, z > 0).① 若 I = (3, 4, 5), 求 S △AOB : S △AOC ;② 证明: I ∈ D.。

高三月考试卷(七)英语命题:长沙市一中高三英语备课组第I卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分听力(共三节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1. Why didn’t Joan come on time for the meeting that morning?A. Because she got up later than usual.B. Because the bus was late.C. Because she forgot the time.2. What's the relationship between the marl and Helen?A. They are friends.B. They are brother and sister.C. They are a couple.3. What do you know about Mary?A. She is tired of teaching.B. She was fired.C. She is changing her job.4. Where are the two speakers going to eat their lunch?A. In a restaurant.B. In the park.C. At home.5. Why does the woman want to live in Peru?A. Because Peru is a beautiful country.B. Because Peruvians arc very friendly.C. Because she is interested in Peruvian food.第二节(共12小题;每小题1. 5分,满分18分)听下面4段对话。

2021届长沙市第一中学高三英语月考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour remarkable inventionsFor more than half a century, the Consumer Electronics Show(CES) has been the place for companies and inventors to display their newest and coolest gadgets.Here are our picks for some of the most interesting and creative inventions.The Sweet Little Rolling RobotSamsung has released Ballie, a tennis-sized robot that can follow you around the house, answer your questions, and entertain your pets. Since it's equipped with a camera, it can keep an eye on your home while you're away. It's like a smart assistant that goes wherever you do, rolling into your bedroom to ring your wake-up alarm, rolling to the kitchen to turn on the toaster and giving you the weather report as you brush your teeth.The Insoles to Pick Up Your PactAny runner knows the right shoes are key to your speed. But Nurvv insoles promise more than mere cushioning. The insoles transmit data to a coaching app, which offers information on your technique and performance. It measures your foot strike and assesses your injury risk. The app then generates personalized workouts to set targets and help you beat your best speeds. Half marathon, here you come!The No-Studio-Needed Yoga ClassCan't keep up your commitment to a yoga studio membership? The Yoganotch personal yoga assistant lets you drop into a virtual class any time you want. Follow along with a set series while 3-D sensors tell you whether you need to straighten your legs a bit more. The idea it that it improves your form while reducing the risk of injury.The Dau-Enhanced GrillWhile working by sight, smell and feel, a chef may appreciate Weber's new Smart Grilling Hub. It can monitor your pork and turkey while an app gives advice about cooking technique and safe temperatures.1. What can the Sweet Little Rolling Robot do?A. Feed your pets.B. Hay tennis with you.C. Take you wherever you want.D. Assist you to do your housework.2. Which of the following is suitable for a runner?A. Ballie.B. Nurvv.C. Yoganotch.D. Smart Grilling Hub.3. What do we know about the Weber’s invention?A. It uses virtual reality.B. It is convenient for cooking.C. It makes meals for you automatically.D. It helps you do well in your yoga exercises.BIt is a question people have been asking for ages. Is there a way to turn back the aging process?For centuries, people have been looking for a “fountain of youth”. The idea is that if you find a magical fountain, and drink from its waters, you will not age.Researchers in New York did not find an actual fountain of youth, but they may have found a way to turn back the aging process. It appears the answer may be hidden right between your eyes, in an area called the hypothalamus (下丘脑). The hypothalamus is part of your brain. It controls important activities within the body.Researchers at New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that hypothalamus neural (神经的) stem cells also influence how fast aging takes place in the body.What are stem cells(干细胞)? They are simple cells that can develop into specialized cells, like blood or skin cells. Stem cells can also repair damaged tissues and organs.Dongsheng Cai is a professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He was the lead researcher in a study on aging in mice. He and his team reported their findings in the journal Nature, Cai explained when hypothalamus function is in decline, particularly the loss of hypothalamus stem cells, and this protection against the aging development is lost. it eventually leads to aging.Using this information, the researchers began trying to activate, or energize, the hypothalamus laboratory mice. They did this by injecting the animals with stem cells, Later, the researchers examined tissues and tested for changes in behavior. They looked for changes in the strength and coordination (协调) of the animals muscles. They also studied the social behavior and cognitive ability of the mice. The researchers say the results show that the treatment slowed aging in the animals, Cai says injecting middle-aged mice with stem cells from younger mice helped the older animals live longer.But these results were just from studying mice in a laboratory. If the mice can live longer, does that mean people could have longer lives? The next step is to see if the anti-aging effects also work in.4. In Paragraph 2 a “fountain of youth” is mentioned to ________.A. introduce the main topicB. show a hidden secret.C. describe scientists researchD. recommend a way to stay young5. Aging takes place in the body when _______.A. stem cells develop into specialized cellsB. there are important activities within the bodyC. hypothalamus neural stem cells fail to protect against agingD. the hypothalamus fails to repair damaged tissues and organs6. What do we know about the researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine from the text?A. They did experiments to see how stem cells work.B. They studied mice to find their connection with humans.C. They have found a possible way to slow the aging progress.D. They have found no changes in mice s behavior during the experiment7. What will the researchers probably do next?A. They will help some animals live longer.B. They will announce the fountain of youth doesn’t existC. They will develop products to help people live a longer life immediatelyD. They will do research to see if what they have found in mice will apply to humans.CWilliam had worked hard to pass the exams to enter high school. When the term began, however, his father told him that there was no money to pay for his school fees because of the summer drought. Still, William wanted to learn.He made the village library his school. One day, he found a book calledUsing Energy. On the book’s cover was a picture of windmills, tall steel towers with blades (叶片) spinning like giant fans. He learned that wind—something of which his hometown had plenty—could produce electricity.He couldn’t help picturing his own windmill in mind, but collecting the parts and tools he needed would take months. In a junkyard, he dug through piles of used metal, old cars, and worn-out tractors, searching for anything that might help him construct his machine. He made four-foot-long blades from plastic pipe, which he melted overa fire, flattened out, and hardened with bamboo poles.Earning some money, he paid a blacksmith to attach the piston (活塞) to the pedal sprocket (踏板链轮) of an old bicycle frame. This would be the axle (轮轴) of the windmill. When the wind blew, the spinning blades would turn the bicycle wheel and spin a small dynamo (发电机), donated by his friend.When he had collected all the parts, William began putting them together. He fixed the blades to the tractor fan he found, using washers (垫圈) he’d made from bottle caps. Next he pushed the fan onto the piston joint to the bicycle frame. With the help of his two best friends, Williambuilt a 16-foot-tall tower from trunks of trees and lifted the ninety-pound windmill to the top.The big moments eventually came. He climbed up the tower and connected two wires that held a small bulb. As the wind whipped around him, the blades began to turn, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The light bulb flickered (闪烁), then flashed to life. The crowd cheered from below. “Wachitabwina (well done)!”William’s machine now powered his house. And the story of the boy who’d built a power-generating windmill to rescue his family from the drought spread across the Internet.8. After readingUsing Energy, what did William decide to do?A. Make use of wind.B. Enter a high school.C. Build a village library.D. Learn to survive a drought.9. According to Para.3, which of the following word can best describe William?A. Humorous.B. Determined.C. Cooperative.D. Friendly.10. What can you learn about William’s machine?A. It was built by villagers.B. It worked at the first attempt.C. It took him years to complete it.D. It was made from metal materials.11. What is the besttitle for the passage?A. Winds Of HopeB. Ideas Worth SpreadingC. Learning from ExperienceD. Windmills for VillagesDAdvertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they're always coming in for criticism. Their critics(批评家)seem to hate them because they have so much money to throw around. Why don’t they stop advertising andreduce the price of their goods? After all, it’s the consumer who pays.The poor old consumer! He'd have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn't create mass markets for products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods is largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement.Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted. It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days. And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements. Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway byelaws while waiting for a train? A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a dull wall or a newspaper full of the incidents and disasters.We must not forget, either, that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programmers is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers. Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price!Another thing we mustn't forget is the “small ads.” What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community! Just about anything can be accomplished through these columns. For instance, you can find a job, buy or sell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in what used to be called the “hatch, match and dispatch” column(栏目) but by far the most fascinating section is the personal or “agony” column. No other item in a newspaper provides such entertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature. It's the best advertisement for advertising there is!12. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Advertisements steal money from our pocketsB. The critics get the wrong idea of advertisements.C. Advertisers perform a useful service to communities.D. Advertisements are everywhere.13. What is the attitude of the author toward advertisements?A. He appreciates the role of advertisements.B. He doubts the effect of advertisements.C. He believes what is said in advertisements.D. He complains too many advertisements in daily life.14. Which of the following is Not True?A. The personal or “agony” column makes us know more about human nature.B. The only purpose of advertising is to sell goods.C. A newspaper will cost us more if there is no advertisement on it.D. Advertisement makes our life color1 ful.15. Whicof the following shows the structure of the passage?( ①=" Paragraph" 1, ②=" paragraph" 2, ③=" paragraph" 3, ④=" paragraph" 4 ⑤=" paragraph" 5)A B.C. D.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

炎德英才长沙市一中2023高三月考语文一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1. 下列命题中,属于“概念明确,比较全面”的是A. 仁者必后B.乐而忘返C.力能载舟D.可为而不为2. 构成介词“自”的字有()A. 至 B 之 C. 兹 D. 日3. 下列句子中,有效字尽字爆的是A. 愿子上元日迎新春B. 猴子穿衣,不成人性C. 汉朝宴尽昭阳殿D. 小船从此逝4. 下列句子中,有俗语成语出现的是A. 山重水复疑无路B. 读书育人,比肩而起C. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻D. 书山有路勤为径5. 现代汉语一词多义的语义变化主要通过()来实现A. 语法化B. 引申化C. 隐喻化D. 同义化6. 下列古典名句中,使用了体裁上的设置手法的是A. 静夜思B. 吹皱一池春水C. 乐府曲辞D. 六国论7. 下列四句中,构因核心在于()A. 月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中B. 苍苍竹林寺,隐隐处处钟C. 山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知D. 向晚意不适,驱车上东山8. 诗人表达情思时,在艺术手法上,常常视对象的位置状况来起到一定的效果,这种手法称之为()A. 修辞B. 诗格C. 构思D.体裁9. 下列四句中,用修辞方法表现叙事艺术效果的是A. 寒鸦栖复惊改行B. 惊起真言百物静C. 雨滴曲柳斜,泥泞塞芦花D. 听雨梦醒时,平静空山秋10. 下列四句中,不是两首唐诗对偶的是()A. 悬钟欲鸣平陆曲B. 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识C. 识途老,将进酒D. 一夜回首明月别,流水落花春去也11. 下列四句中,不是两古训条条对偶的是A. 精诚所至,金石为开B. 路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索C. 洒脱正像牛郎织,坚贞如金乌纱头D. 廉颇老矣,尚能饭否12. 下列四句,没有用明确的修辞方式的是A. 秋风吹又生B. 春花秋月何时了C. 搔首弄姿看D. 忆当时朱颜苍苍二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)13. 诗句“青山依旧在,几度夕阳红”,运用的是()14. “惊起真言百物静”,这是一句()体的诗句。

长沙市一中2024届高三月考试卷七英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Changsha No.1 High School Class of 2024 Senior Three Midterm Exam Paper Seven EnglishListening Comprehension (30%)Part 11. A) The man is attending a concert.2. B) The weather is good for a walk.3. C) The man's car broke down last night.4. A) She went to bed quite early.5. B) The man had better take an umbrella with him.6. C) The woman will pass by a market on her way home.7. A) The woman should hang up the towel.8. B) The woman is on the phone.9. C) The speaker is talking to a group of children.10. A) The woman wants to listen to the speaker's playlist.Part 211. A) Plants can clean the air and reduce stress.12. B) Eating lunch outside can help reduce stress.13. B) Children who spend time outdoors are less stressed.14. C) Sitting by the window can help reduce stress.15. A) %50 of the world's population live in cities.16. B) Urban parks provide only a small amount of greenery.17. A) Urban parks promote community engagement.18. C) Urban parks provide opportunities for physical exercise.19. B) People are moving to cities at an unprecedented rate.20. C) Urban green spaces are good for mental health.Part 3Conversation 121. D) The woman has not completed her assignment yet.22. A) The man is surprised to hear about the assignment.23. B) The man agrees to help the woman with the assignment.24. C) The woman is grateful for the man's offer of help.Conversation 225. B) The woman is studying late for an exam.26. C) The man suggests lending the woman his materials.27. A) The woman has not studied the material yet.28. A) The woman is grateful for the man's help.Part 429. C) Clothes made out of recycled plastic.30. B) Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock.31. B) Air travel makes a significant contribution to carbon emissions.32. A) Reforestation projects in Brazil.33. C) Urban transport emissions in Europe.Reading Comprehension (40%)Part 134. B) The Internet has changed the way we communicate.35. C) The Internet has made it easier for people to stay connected.36. C) People can use online platforms to promote their ideas.37. A) Online petitions can create positive change.38. B) Online platforms allow people to connect with others who share their interests.Part 239. D) Exercising in green spaces can improve mental health.40. C) People who spend more time in nature are less stressed.41. A) Urban green spaces can bring communities together.42. B) People who live near parks are more likely to exercise regularly.Part 343. C) Urban green spaces are beneficial for physical health.44. B) Spend time in nature to improve your mental health.45. D) Walking in green spaces can reduce stress.46. A) Green spaces can provide opportunities for social interaction.Part 447. C) The impact of climate change on our planet.48. B) How our choices can affect the environment.49. A) The importance of individual actions in combating climate change.50. C) The need for governments to take action on climate change.Writing (30%)Question 1Write an article for your school newspaper about the benefits of spending time in nature. Include examples and personal experiences to support your ideas.Question 2You are the leader of an environmental club at your school. Write a proposal to the school administration about the importance of creating more green spaces on campus.Question 3Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the effects of climate change on your community. Include suggestions for how individuals can help combat climate change.Overall, the midterm exam paper seven for the Class of 2024 at Changsha No.1 High School covers a range of topics related to communication, stress reduction, environmental issues, and climate change. Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively in their responses to the listening and reading comprehension sections, as well as in their written assignments. Good luck to all the students taking the exam!篇2Longshan No.1 High School, located in Changsha City, is one of the most prestigious high schools in Hunan Province. Every year, the school organizes monthly exams for the seniors to assess their learning progress and prepare them for the upcoming college entrance examination. In this document, we will take a closer look at the English exam paper for the 2024 Class of Senior Three.The English exam paper consists of four sections: listening, reading, writing, and translation. The listening section includes a variety of questions that test students' ability to understand spoken English, such as multiple-choice questions, sentence completion, and short answer questions. This part of the exam aims to assess students' listening comprehension skills and their ability to extract key information from spoken texts.The reading section of the exam contains a series of passages that cover a range of topics, from literature to science. Students are required to read the texts carefully and answer questions based on the information presented in the passages. This section tests students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and inference skills.The writing section of the exam challenges students to write essays and short answers on given topics. Students are expected to express their ideas clearly and coherently, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar. This part of the exam assesses students' writing skills and their ability to organize and present their thoughts effectively.Finally, the translation section of the exam presents students with English sentences that they need to translate into Chinese.This section tests students' ability to understand and convey the meaning of English sentences accurately in Chinese.Overall, the English exam paper for the 2024 Class of Senior Three at Longshan No.1 High School is designed to assess students' listening, reading, writing, and translation skills. By successfully completing this exam, students will be better prepared for the challenges of the college entrance examination and beyond.篇3Longshan First High School, located in Changsha City, Hunan Province, is one of the top high schools in China. With a rich history and outstanding academic achievements, the school has produced numerous eminent scholars and leaders. The Class of 2024, currently in their senior year, recently took their seventh monthly English examination.The exam comprised four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening section tested students' ability to comprehend spoken English through a variety of dialogues and monologues. The reading section required students to read and analyze complex texts, demonstrating their proficiency in reading comprehension. The writing section challenged studentsto compose a well-organized and coherent essay on a given topic. Finally, the speaking section evaluated students' ability to express themselves fluently and accurately in English.Students prepared rigorously for the exam, studying vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. They also practiced speaking and writing to improve their fluency and coherence. The exam was a culmination of their hard work and dedication throughout the year.After the exam, students reflected on their performance and noted areas for improvement. They discussed ways to enhance their English skills and set goals for the future. Teachers provided feedback and guidance to help students achieve their academic goals.Overall, the Class of 2024 demonstrated their proficiency in English during the seventh monthly exam. Their commitment to excellence and passion for learning will undoubtedly lead them to success in the future. Longshan First High School continues to nurture talented individuals and shape the leaders of tomorrow.。

APhuket, ThailandAs its dry season stretches from November to April with little rain, there are few more reliable destinations for a sunny escape than Phuket in winter. Thailand‟s biggest island is a holiday icon, starting as a backpacker bolt-hole and now a mainstream favorite. Besides blue water, fine beaches, palm trees and massage, the sunsets from Phromthep Cape at the southern tip are marvelous.Alaska, the United StatesAlaska has a natural landscape that seems at times untouched by humanity. Anchorage, the state‟s largest city, has the Dog Race, which alone is worth a trip to see. Head over to the city of Fairb anks to witness the amazing spectacle of Northern Lights. Don‟t forget to explore the incredible Mendenhall Ice Caves, located near the capital of Alaska, Juneau.Lake Baikal, RussiaLake Baikal in Siberia holds the distinction of being the world‟s deepest lake and also for being labeled one of the clearest and oldest lakes known to man. The serenity experienced here during the winter is priceless. Combined with breathtaking views of the frozen lake and sunny skies. Lake Baikal is a hidden diamond unknown to many tourists and foreigners. Ice fishing and ice-skating are popular activities here.Xinjiang, ChinaXinjiang is increasingly attracting visitors for its extraordinary natural beauty and fascinating culture. Near the border of Kirgizstan. Mongolia and Russia, there lies the Kanas Lake, around which lives the Tuwa tribe. The brave ethnic group has a long history and many customs. Hemu village, covered in snow and hidden in forests, is like a fairyland in winter. It was ranked by the China National Geography as one of the six most beautiful villages in the country.21. Which month is the best time for travel in Phuke?A. March.B. May.C. July.D. October.22. Which destination should you go if you like winter games?A. Phuket. Thailand.B. Alaska, the United States.C. Lake Baikal. Russia.D. Xinjiang. China.23. What can you do in Xinjiang, China?A. Watch the Dog Race.B. Know about the culture of the ethnic group.C. Appreciate views of the frozen lake and sunny skies.D. Enjoy blue water, fine beaches, palm trees and massage.BHi, I‟m Therese, a business development manager living in Berlin. Germany. Last month. I managed to read over 100 nonfiction titles in psychology, politics, and leadership. I know it sounds crazy, but I really did.Here‟s how. It started with a bet. A colleague challenged me to read Malcolm Gladwell‟s Outliers: The STORY of SUCCESS in two hours. As determined as I was. I just couldn‟t meet the deadline. I got through the first few chapters relatively quickly but found it impossible to finish the book in the designated 2 hours, so I lost the bet, but it gave me an idea! I needed to find a better way to consume nonfiction books. I found several websites, blogs and apps that transform books into “bite-sized” content. But in the end. I chose the Blinkist app. I wanted to read more nonfiction books—I found it really useful to read the key points from lots of books to help me get a feeling for what‟s an absolute must for m y to-read list!As one of the first services to condense (压缩) nonfiction books into quick reads, the Blinkist app has over 2,500 best-selling nonfiction titles in its library (including Outliers: The STORY of SUCCESS-----the book that defeated me!). To be honest, I was skeptical at first, but I learned some things that put my mind at ease. For example. I learned that in order to produce quality insights from every book, they have over 100 literary experts hard at work. I also loved it that the app has an audio function which allows me to listen to great ideas throughout the day.So, with this cool new friend, I set a fresh goal for myself----to read the key insights from 100 books in just one month. I‟m very competitive like that!24. What motivated the author to try to read many books in a short time?A. A desire.B. A hobby.C. Curiosity.D. A failure of a bet.25. Which of the following can explain the underlined part in Paragraph 2?A. Long.B. Small.C. Eatable.D. Important.26. What do we know about the Blinkist app?A. It is an app for people to listen to stories.B. It serves as an instructor of reading novels.C. It offers abstracts of many nonfiction books.D. It contains thousands of complete nonfiction books.27. What is the author‟s attitude to the app at first?A. Objective.B. Critical.C. Favorable.D. Doubtful.CThe Rwandan government is sending officials across the country to enforce its ban on skin-lightening and bleaching (漂白) products. The African country is leading a campaign against skin bleaching and poor-quality make-up, particularly products that include hydroquinone, a spokesman from the Rwanda Standards Board told CNN.President Paul Kagame sparked discussions on the need to ban the sale of skin “whiteners” on social media in November. In response to a post from a woman calling for the government to crack down on skin bleaching, Kagame said on Twitter that bleaching creams are unhealthy, and he called on the country‟s Ministry of Health and police to control this very quickly”. Government officials and police are now checking markets in the capital, Kigali, and in provinces across the African nation, seizing skin lightening and bleaching products.Last month, the country‟s Standards Board warned the public about the alternative name s for hydroquinone, one of the prohibited ingredients in ordinary commercial cosmetics. “All the ingredients that can help in body bleaching,skin bleaching, are banned,” a government spokesperson told CNN.“We are now putting much effort, like educating people, going around and seizing those ill egalproducts,” Francois Uwinkindi, director of the cancer unit at the Ministry of Health, told R cuters news agency.Rwandan police said they seized more than 5,000 banned bleaching products —including lotions, oils, soaps and sprays—from beauty shops across the country last month. according to local media, New Times.Skin whitening creams are sold in many African countries without restriction, despite increasing push-back from the public and governments on the continent.Skin-lightening products contain chemicals which can cause liver damage, reduce resistance to bacterial and fungal infections, and increase anxiety, depression and psychosis, according to the World Health Organization.Around 25% of women in Mali, 77% of women in Nigeria, and 59% in Togo regularly use skin-lightening products, according to a 2011 report by the World Health Organization Ghana made a ban on skin lightening creams in 2017,following Cote d‟ivoire‟s ban in 2015.28. Why do Rwandan government ban the skin-lightening products?A. Because they do great harm to health.B. Because people easily get addicted to them.C. Because some businessmen sell them illegally.D. Because they don‟t work well enough as expected.29. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Rwandan police arrested some skin-lightening products sellers.B. Skin-lightening lotions, oils, soaps and sprays are allowed to be sold.C. More than half African countries have banned skin-lightening products.D. A woman‟s post stepped up the ban on skin-lightening products in Rwanda.30. How do the chemicals contained in skin-lightening products affect health?A. They cause liver cancer.B. They stimulate the increase of fungal infections.C. They reduce the ability to resist bacterial infections.D. They make people feel anxious and sometimes excited.31. What can be the best title for the passage?A. Dying to be whiteB. Harms of skin lighteningC. Bans on skin-lightening productsD. Skin lightening winning more popularityDThe second experiment on how to grow crops on Mars and moon soil simulant (模拟装置) has given a surprising outcome. As a result of what the researchers of Wageningen University & Research centre in the Netherlands learned from their first experiment, they were able to grow ten different crop species. Tomatoes, peas, rye, garden rocket, radish and garden cress were harvested.A few improvements have been made since the first experiment. Researcher Wieger Wamelink said “We used trays instead of original small pots and added organic material (fresh cut grass) to the Mars and moon soil simulant. This solved the problem we had with watering in the first experiment and also added manure (肥料) to the soils,” In particular the crop growth on the moon soil simulant showed improvement. While in the first moon soil experiment most plants died, in the next round they flourishes, and the researchers could harvest from the same species as on the Mars soil simulantand the Earth potting compost (混合肥料) control.The production of biomass (生物量) on the Mars soil simulant was lower than on Earth control, but it was a minor difference and caused by one of the trays that showed less growth. It was also not statistically different from the Earth control. “That was a real surprise to us.” comments Wamelink. “It shows that the Mars soil simulant has great potential when properly prepared and watered. The biomass growth on the moon soil simulant was less than on both other soils, about half of the biomass. Only the spinach showed poor biomass production.”Although the Wageningen researchers harvested several eatable crops, they did not eat them. Wamelink said. “The soils contain heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury and also a lot of iron. If the components become available for the plants, they may be taken up and find their way into the fruits, making them poisonous. Further research on this is necessary and that is one of the reasons why a crowdfunding (众筹) campaign has been started to finance the third experiment that will be all about food safety.If the crops prove to be safe enough to eat, the funders will be invited for dinner where a …Martian meal‟ will be served that includes the harvested crops; at least for those who dare!”32. What do the researchers gain from the first experiment?A. They can harvest ten crop species.B. They learn what the organic material is.C. They‟re sure that they will succeed next time.D. They learn they have to change the plant containers.33. What do you think is mainly discussed in Para. 3?A. The biomass growth on the moon soil simulant was the worst.B. In spite of some drawbacks, the Mars soil simulant has great potential.C. The reasons why the production of biomass on the Mars soil simulant was lower.D. The production of biomass on the Mars soil simulant is obviously different from that on theEarth control.34. Why didn‟t the researchers eat the products harvested in the experiment?A. What they harvested was not eatable.B. They haven‟t got enough funding support.C. The crops may contain various poisonous substances.D. The production of the crops was lower than that on the Earth control.35. What‟s the specific purpose of the third experiment?A. It aims to make it clear whether the crops are safe enough to be eaten.B. It is to provide the basis for growing crops on Mars and the moon.C. It aims to increase the production of biomass on the Mars soil simulant.D. It aims to find a way to protect the plants from the poisonous environment.第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

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湖南省长沙市一中高三第七次月考试卷物 理命题:长沙市一中高三物理备课组时量:90分钟 满分:120分得分 ________第I 卷选择题(共48分)一、选择题(本题共12个小题,共48分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个 选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得 4分,选对但不全的得 2分,不选或有选错的得0分)1. 一木板竖直地立在车上,车在雨中匀速行进一段给定的时间,木板板面与车前进方 向垂直,其厚度可忽略。
设空间单位体积内的雨点数目处处相等,雨点匀速竖直下 落,则落在木板面上雨点的数量与下列诸因素中无关的因素是 (B ) A .车行进的速度 B .雨点下落的速度 C .木板的面积 D .单位体积中的雨点数2.一物体受到2009个力的作用而静止,已知其中两个力的大小分别为F i =6 N 、F 2=10 N ,若将这两个力的大小保持不变,而将它们的方向反向(其余力的大小及方向保持不 变), 则此时物体所受合力大小可能为 (D ) A . 3 N B . 6 N C . 20 N D . 40 N3.A 、B 两物体以相同的初速度滑到同一粗糙水平面上,若两物体的质量 m A =3m B ,两物体与粗糙水平面间的动摩擦因数相同,则两物体能滑行的最大距离S A 与S B 的关系为(A ) B . S A = 3S BC . S B = 3S A4. 如图所示,a 、b 、c 、d 为斜面上四个点,ab =be = cd ,从a 点正上方的 O 点 以速度 水平抛出一个小球,它落在斜面上b 点•若小球从O 点以速度2水平 抛出,不计空气阻力,则它将落在斜面上的 (A )A . b 与c 之间某一点B . c 点C . c 与d 之间某一点D . d 点A . S A = SB D . S A = 9S B 5.如图所示为大型电子地磅电路图,电源电动势为 E 。
不称物体时,滑片 P 在A 端,P 滑动变阻器接入电路的有效电阻最大,电流最小;称重物时,在压力作用下使滑片下滑,滑动变阻器有效电阻变小,电流变大•这样把电流对应的重力值刻在刻度盘上,就可以读出被称重物的重力值。
若滑动变阻器上A、B间距离为L,最大阻值等于定值电阻R0的阻值,已知两弹簧的总弹力与形变量成正比,比例系数为k,则所称重物的重力G与电流大小I的关系为(电源和电流表的内阻均不计)(A)Ekl A . G = 2kL — IR 0EkLEkL C . G =D . G = kL +IR 0IR 06 . K —介子衰变的方程为 K — ^n — + n 0,其中K —介子和n —介子带负的基元电荷, n 0介子不带电,一个K —介子沿垂直于磁场的方向射入匀强磁场中,其轨迹为圆弧AP ,衰变后产生的n —介子的轨迹为圆弧 PB ,两轨迹在P 点相切,它们的半 径R K -与R n 之比为2: 1 , n 0介子的轨迹未画出.由此可知,n —的动量大小与 n 0的动量大小之比为A . 1 : 1B . 1 : 27.某舞蹈演员练功房的墙壁中间挂一平面镜, 到身后面积为S 的墙壁的完整的像, 到背后墙壁的像的面积为 (D )S11 . 一群处于n = 4激发态的氢原子向低能级跃迁,发出的光垂直照射到一 块三角形玻璃棱镜 AB 面上,能从AC 面出射的光线将照射到一块金属板 上,如图所示,若只考虑经AB 面折射直接射向 AC 面的光线,贝U 下列说 法中正确的是 (ACD )A .这群氢原子能发出 6种不同频率的光子B .经玻璃棱镜后光子的能量将会减小B . G = kL (C )C . 1: 3D . 1: 6站在房间中央的演员正对平面镜刚好能看若该演员退到背靠墙壁处,则她通过平面镜观察 (不考虑观察者自己身体对光线的遮挡)A . 2S&如图所示, 的振(AD )B . S2图甲为某一列简谐横波在动 t = 0.5 s 该 2S 4S D .-39时的波形图,图乙为介质中波的说法正确P 处质点的是A .传播方向沿+x 方向传播 C . P 处质点在5秒内位移为40 m 9. 下 列 关 于 气 (CD )A .只要知道氧气的摩尔体积和阿伏加德罗常数,就可以计算出氧分子的直径B .要使气体分子的平均动能增大,则气体一定要吸收热量C .若将某气体等温压缩,则气体一定放出热量D .若将某气体等压压缩,则单位时间内与容器壁单位面积碰撞的气体分子数增多 10 . 一个下面装有轮子的贮气瓶原来停放在光滑的水平地面上,今打开贮气瓶阀门,气体往外喷出,设喷口面积为 出气体对它的反冲力是( B .波速为16 m/sD . P 处质点在5秒内路程为 的 说 法 正 确10 m 的 是S,气体密度为p ,喷出时的速度为C )2,则贮气瓶受到喷2SC .C •若照射到AC面的光线都不发生全反射,则从n = 4能级直接跃迁到基态发出的光,经棱镜后的偏折角最大D •若照射到金属上的光,只有3种能使金属板发生光电效应,则该金属的逸出功大于氢原子n= 4与n = 2的两个能级之间的能量差12•有两个行星A和B,它们各有一颗靠近表面的卫星a和b,若这两颗卫星的周期相等,由此可知,下列说法中错.误.的是(C)A .行星A和B的密度一定相等B .行星A和B的质量可能相等C .卫星a和b的线速度一定相等D .行星A和B表面的重力加速度之比等于它们的半径之比(忽略行星自转的影响)第I卷答题卡题序123456789101112答案B C A A A C D AD CD C ACD C第U卷选择题(共72分)二、实验题(本题16分)13. (4分)用游标卡尺(游标尺上有50个等分刻度)测定某工件的宽度时,示数如图所示,此工件的宽度为 2.322X IO-2 m.14. (12分)测量某未知电阻R x的阻值,实验室仅提供有以下器材:A .待测电阻R x (阻值约40~50 Q)B .电流表(量程10 mA,内电阻约50 Q)C.电阻箱R (最大值999.9 Q)D .直流电源E (电动势约3 V,内电阻约0.5 Q)E.单刀双掷开关一个,导线若干.(1 )黄同学和苏同学设计的实验电路图分别如图甲和乙所示,你认为应选用乙图完成该实验.(2)李同学将实验器材连接成实验电路,但未完成全部连线,请在下图所示的实物图中用笔画线代替导线,连接成完整的实验电路。
18.(3)按电路图连接成正确的电路后,李同学先将电阻箱 R 的阻值调到最大,将开关 S 掷向b ,调节电阻箱 R ,使电流表的示数为 10 mA ,此时电阻箱示数为 252.6 Q;然后 将开关S 掷向a ,再调节电阻箱R ,使电流表的示数为10 mA ,此时电阻箱示数为 206.4 Q .则待测电阻R x 的阻值为 46.2 Q o 三、计算题(本题共4个小题,共56分) 15. (12分)如图甲所示为体育馆内一质量不计的竖直滑竿,为了研究运动员沿竿的下滑情 况,在竿顶部装有一拉力传感器,可显示竿对天花板拉力的大小。
现有一质量为 50 kg 的运动员从竿上端由静止滑下,滑到竿底端时速度恰好为零。
以运动员开始下滑时刻为 计时起点,传感器显示的拉力随时间变化情况如图乙所示, g 取10m/s 2。
求: (1) 该运动员下滑过程中的最大速度; (2) 滑竿的长度。
解:(1)在t i = 1 s 内,运动员与竿的摩擦力大小为 f i = 300 N ,此过程中运动 员的加速度为a i = mg fl =4 m/s 2 ( 3分)m1 s 末速度最大, =a i t i =4 m/s ( 2分) (2)在1 s 末到3 s 末,运动员与竿的摩擦力大小为f 2=600 N ,此过程中运动员做匀减 速运动,加速度大小为 a 2=g =2 m/s 2 m (2分) 3 s 末速度为 ’= —a 2t 2 = 0(1分)s i = 1a 1t 12= - x 4 x 12m = 2 m(1 分)2 2s 2= — t 2 = 4 m (1 分) 2 s = s i +s 2 = 2+4 = 6 m (2 分)16. (12分)位于竖直平面内的正方形平面线框 abcd ,边长为L ,质量为m ,其总电阻为R , 其下方有一水平匀强磁场区域,其上下边界均水平,两边界间距离等于线框的边长 L , 磁场的磁感应强度为 B ,方向与线框平面垂直,线框从磁场区域上方某处自由下落,线 框恰好能匀速穿过磁场区域。
已知重力加速度为 g ,求: (1) 线框在磁场中运动的速度 v ; (2) 穿过磁场的过程中,线框中产生的热量 Q ; (3) 线框离开磁场区域前运动的总时间 t.解: (1) E= BL (1 分) E = IR (1 分) BIL = mg (1 分) 解得 =瞬 (1分) B L(2) Q = 2mgL (4 分)(3)进入磁场前,运动时间为 t 1=哲 (1分) g B L2B 2L 3 ( 1 分)mgR由③④⑤得D >m 0(1 sin)⑥(1分)qB cos根据⑥式, 越大,D 的值也越大,恰经过金属板边缘进入磁场的微粒 最大,由(1 分)L= 0t ⑨(1 分) 得 tan m =d —⑩(1 分)L 4 由⑥⑨得 最大时D > 8 cm(2分)(16分)如图所示,小物块 A 与B 通过一轻弹簧相连,静止于倾角为9=30。
的光滑斜面上,物块A 与斜面下端的挡板接触。
现将物块C 从长木板上的M 点由静止释放, 运动到N 点时,与物块B 发生无机械能损失的碰撞,碰后C 物块上升的最高点到M 点的距离等于到 N 点距离的3倍,而物块B 向上反弹到最大高度时,物块 A 对 挡板的压力恰好为零,已知物块 A 与B 的质量均为 m ,重力加速度为 g ,弹簧的 劲度系数为k ,弹簧形变始终在弹性限度内, 且上述过程中C 与B 未发生第二次碰 撞.求:在磁场中运动时间为t 2=2L17. mR 2B 2L 3 t =t 1 +t 2=2~2B 2L 2mgR(16分)如图所示,一个质量为 (重力忽略不计),从静止开始经 5=100 V 电压加速后,水平进入两平行金属板间的 (2 分)m = 2.0 x 10-11kg ,电荷量 q = +1.0 x 10-5 C 的带电微粒解:偏转电场中(微粒从两金属板左侧中央位置进入) ,上板带正电,板长 L=20 cm ,两板间距d =15 cm ,微粒离开偏转电场后紧接着进入一个方向垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场区 域,该匀强磁场的磁感应强度B = 0.5 T 。
求:(1) 微粒进入偏转电场时的速度 V 0是多大?(2) 调节偏转电压 U 2,可改变微粒进入磁场时的速度,为使所有进入磁场 的微粒不会由磁场右边界射出,该匀强磁场区域左右边界间的距离 D 至少多大?1 (1)由动能定理-m o =qU 1①(3分)2代入数据解得 0=1 X 104 m/s ②(1分) (2)设微粒进入磁场时速度方向与水平方向成9角,在磁场中运动的轨道半径为 R ,要使微粒不从磁场右边界射出,需满足 D > R (1+sin 9 ) 3(2分)2在磁场中由洛伦兹力提供向心力m — =q B ④ (2分)R 为微粒离开偏转电场时的速度 = __ 0cos ⑤(1 分)ym tan m =-⑦(1 分)ym218.(1) C 物块的质量;(2) C 与B 相碰前运动的时间。