Oracle ExaData x2-8官方白皮书

2012年8月1 前言............................... 错误!未指定书签。
一Exadata概述....................... 错误!未指定书签。
1Exadata简介....................... 错误!未指定书签。
2Exadata的配置及性能参数 ........... 错误!未指定书签。
二Exadata特性....................... 错误!未指定书签。
1SmartScan(智能扫描).............. 错误!未指定书签。
2StorageIndex(存储索引)........... 错误!未指定书签。
3FlashCache(智能闪存)............. 错误!未指定书签。
5IORM(IO资源管理) ................ 错误!未指定书签。
三Exadata监控....................... 错误!未指定书签。
1Exadata特性监控常用指标 ........... 错误!未指定书签。
2如何查看指标....................... 错误!未指定书签。
四如何应用Exadata................... 错误!未指定书签。
1Exadata参数调整................... 错误!未指定书签。
2在Exadata上开发注意事项........... 错误!未指定书签。
3应用总结........................... 错误!未指定书签。
4Exadata总体总结................... 错误!未指定书签。

信贷 ODS
• 所有的数据库一体机都是相同的
• • • • • 开箱既用的 经过测试的 支持优异的 没有独特的配置问题 与Oracle工程部使用的配置相同
• 可以运行现有的OLTP和数据仓库应用
• 继承了30多年的Oracle数据库能力
• 无需Exadata认证 部署只需几天, 而无需数月
2台 8Core * 8CPU (128核)
2台 1T内存(2T内存) X2-2: 8台 6Core * 2CPU (96核) 8台 96G内存(768G内存)
1 Cisco 以太网交换机 (48口,10Gb/s)
3 InfiniBand 交换机(满 半) 1 (1/4) (36口, 40Gb/s)
支持 OLTP、数据仓库和大集中等不同工作负载
Oracle Exadata X2-2 Oracle Exadata X2-8
• ¼配、半配、满配和多机架
• 满配和多机架
Exadata X2&X8 满配
存储: 高性能:100T 高容量:336T Flash: 14台 * 378G (5.3T) CPU: 14台 6Core * 2CPU (168核) 内存: 14台 * 24G (336G内存) X2-8: 数据库服务器
I/O 吞吐 (磁盘)
I/O 吞吐(flash)
磁盘 IOPS Flash IOPS 数据加载
50,000 1,500,000 12TB/小时

OracleExadata体系笔记Exadata一开始是以一个存储系统形式诞生的,叫做SAGE (Storage Appliance for Grid Environ ments,网格环境存储设备)Exadata原本设计用来解决超大型数据库所存在的普遍性能瓶颈(也就是无法在可接受的时间范围内从磁盘存储系统向数据库服务器传输足够大的数据)Oracle Exadata解决超大型数据库性能问题的两个主要方式:•让传输管道更大(Infin iband)•减少需要传输的数据量(Smart Scan)在了解Exadata的其它方面之前,最应该先了解的是存储节点卸载(offload)处理,所有其它的技术都只是为了支持存储节点的卸载处理。
存储节点卸载处理(Cell Offload Processing):该工作由存储服务器完成,否则就必须在数据库服务器上执行•智能扫描(Smart Scan)•混合列式存储压缩(hybrid columnar compression)•数据文件初始化•RMAN offload智能扫描(Smart Scan):这是存储节点卸载处理中与提高数据仓库/商业智能查询性能最有关的操作•数据文件的初始化•字段投影•存储索引消减•HCC解压缩全表扫描或者全索引快速扫描(Full Scan or Index Fast Scan):为了触发智能扫描,查询优化器选择的必要的访问方式Exadata的组件(整体架构)可以将Exadata划分为两部分,即存储层和数据库层,两层使用infiniband网络来连接infiniband:提供低延时、高宽带的管钱通信链路,也提供链路上的冗余和联结(bonding)数据库层:多个sun服务器组成,运行Oracle 11g R2软件,RAC不是必须的,当通常会配置成一个或者多个RAC集群,使用ASM来管理存储(ASM是必须的)存储层:也是多个sun服务器构成,每个存储服务器12块磁盘,运行Oracle存储服务器软件(cellsrv)数据库层与存储层使用infiniband网络连接,使用iDB协议进行通信iDB协议:iDB用来将请求和请求的元数据(比如查询谓词where)传到存储服务器软件cellsrv中,通过cellsrv软件在存储中进行智能扫描到需要的数据,然后将最终的结果返回给数据库层,所以将大大减少传输到数据库层的数据量当不能进行智能扫描时,cellsrv会返回整个Oracle数据块iDB使用的是RDS协议,这是一种低延时的协议,跳过了内核调用Exadata历史V0:SAGE(网格环境存储设备)--HP的硬件和Oracle软件V1:2008年第一款正式Exadata--HP的硬件和Oracle软件---主要为数据仓库平台V2:2009年,4核,Sun的硬件,Oracle的软件(Oracle此时已经尝试收购Sun公司),采用大容量固态存储X2:X2-2:升级到8台双CPU服务器,6核。
Oracle Spatial 和 Oracle LocatorOracle 技术白皮书

Oracle Spatial 和 Oracle Locator Oracle 技术白皮书2003 年 12 月Oracle Spatial 和 Oracle LocatorOracle 技术白皮书执行概要所有机构都有其未利用的位置数据,如客户地址、资产位置和销售区域等。
Oracle 数据库 10g 为部署企业级的空间信息系统和基于位置的无线服务提供了基础。
Oracle Locator 特性使得每个 Oracle 数据库成为空间数据库,使应用程序开发人员能够快速方便地将位置信息整合到互联网电子商务和无线应用程序及服务中。
此外,Oracle 应用服务器 MapViewer 10g 提供一个 Java 组件,用于绘制地图和查看由 Oracle Spatial 或Locator 管理的地理空间数据。
IDC 调查发现,Oracle 占有空间数据库管理市场 80-90% 的份额1(2002 年 12 月)。
这种空前的市场领导地位归功于 Oracle 的高性能、可伸缩性和易用性 — 这些是部署企业级 GIS、基于位置的服务以及支持位置的电子商务解决方案的基本要素。
利用 Oracle 数据库 10g,Oracle Locator 和 Oracle Spatial 选件达到了新的性能水平,并包括了一个丰富的特性集,这个特性集使得任何应用程序开发人员都能够容易地使用 Oracle 来部署 GIS、电子商务应用程序和基于位置的无线服务。
Oracle Spatial 中的新功能尤其可以满足那些来自国防、关键基础设施和国家安全领域的需求。
本文重点讨论 Oracle Locator 和 Oracle Spatial 在部署基于位置的服务时如何满足复杂的商业和技术需求。

二、Oracle的优势1. 高性能:Oracle数据库具有优化的查询引擎和高效的数据存储结构,可以处理大规模的数据操作,保证系统的高性能和响应速度。
2. 可靠性:Oracle数据库采用了先进的容错和恢复机制,可以防止数据丢失和系统崩溃,并提供了完善的备份和恢复功能。
3. 安全性:Oracle数据库提供了严格的访问控制和权限管理机制,可以保护数据的安全性,防止非法访问和数据泄露。
4. 可扩展性:Oracle数据库支持水平和垂直的扩展,可以根据实际需求进行灵活的扩展和部署,提供高可用性和可伸缩性。
5. 高可用性:Oracle数据库提供了多种高可用性解决方案,如数据复制、故障转移和集群技术,确保系统的持续运行和业务的连续性。
三、Oracle的关键特性1. 数据库安全:Oracle数据库提供了多层次的安全性保护,包括身份验证、访问控制、加密和审计等功能,保障数据的机密性、完整性和可用性。
2. 数据库性能优化:Oracle数据库具有强大的性能优化功能,包括索引优化、查询优化、内存管理和并发控制等,保证系统的高效运行。
3. 数据库管理:Oracle数据库提供了全面的数据库管理工具和功能,包括备份和恢复、性能监控、空间管理和数据迁移等,简化了数据库管理的工作。

ORACLE数据库高级安全功能白皮书ORACLE ADVANCED SECURITY具备加密和数据编辑特性,实现隐私与合规性加密特性∙对数据库列或整个表空间中的应用程序数据加密∙内置加密密钥生命周期管理,配有辅助的密钥轮换∙行业标准算法,包括AES(128、192 和256 位密钥)∙Intel® AES-NI 和Oracle SPARC T系列提供硬件加速∙Oracle Exadata 集成,与Oracle RMAN、ASM、RAC、Advanced Compression、Active Data Guard 和GoldenGate 等数据库技术直接集成编辑特性∙动态编辑,限制应用程序中敏感信息的暴露∙声明式编辑策略,在数据库中集中管理∙多类编辑转换,适用于不同的应用场景∙使用Oracle Enterprise Manager 进行策略管理,与Oracle SQL Developer 直接集成客户收益∙在当前和原有应用程序中保持透明且一致的数据安全性∙高速实现∙易于部署和管理∙完全支持Oracle Multitenant 选件Oracle Database 12c 中包含的Oracle Advanced Security 提供业界领先的加密和数据编辑功能,对于保护敏感应用程序数据至关重要。
Oracle Advanced Security 完全支持Oracle Multitenant 选件,并与Oracle 工程化系统相集成,从而实现无与伦比的性能。
Oracle Advanced Security 概述保护数据需要使用一种纵深防御的方法,其中包括预防、检测和管理控制。
Oracle Advanced Security 预防控制可帮助满足众多的法规要求、防止数据泄露以及保护隐私相关信息。
Oracle Exadata培训课件

主动监控 每日巡检
通过EM/ILOM/命令行检查 Exadata状态
传统方式:所有的数据都需要返回给数据库服务器,网络带宽要求高,所 有的计算在数据库服务器上完成。
Smart scan:只返回符合条件的数据,减少网络带宽,并充分利用了 Cell 上的计算和 IO 资源。
这里有一点要注意,在使用 Smart Scan 时,每个 Cell 返回给 DB Server 的是结果集,而不再是传统的 Block, DB Server 完成结果集的处理,并返回 给客户端。
定期将数据访问量较小的或不在访问的,比较大的表。按时间进行 迁移,迁移出去的数据可以利用Exadata的混合压缩特性进行压缩以充分利用 存储空间,提高查询效率。
命名规范约定 系统标识 对象命名规范 注释规范 性能优化
Exadata一体机&数据库 日常运维培训
Exadata一体机架构概述 Exadata一体机日常管理 数据库安全管理 数据库空间管理 数据库日常开发规范 数据库备份与恢复
硬件架构 软件架构 主要特性
Exadata一体机配置包括: 1、数据库服务器:
Oracle Exadata X8数据库机器白皮书说明书

Wherever Oracle Databases Live and However They Are Consumed, Exadata X8 Delivers Performance in a League of Its OwnBy Mark Peters, Principal Analyst & Practice DirectorJune 2019This ESG White Paper was commissioned by Oracleand is distributed under license from ESG.™Oracle Databases Achieve Unprecedented Speed Running on the New Exadata Database Machine X8 White PaperContentsIntroduction and Executive Summary (3)Databases: Their Market and Their Varied, Voracious Data Demands (3)The Essence of Exadata, X8, and Cloud-enhancement as Desired (5)The Bigger Truth (7)Introduction and Executive SummaryMany things in IT are talked about a lot just because they have to be, while other things are talked about very little because they cannot be. As examples: There are lengthy written guides and web communities based on myriad approaches to system integration because (let’s face it) a lot of IT over many decades has been about trying to make operational round pegs fit application square holes. On the flip side, “unique” is a word that is eschewed by pretty much everyone except for vendor marketing departments because (let’s face this, too) there’s a lot of similarity across many capabilities from much of the vendor community. The journey may vary a tad, but the destination is often similar.Oracle Exadata Database Machine has now stood for a full decade in stark contrast to both these “norms.” As an Oracle Engineered System, the need to talk about integration is essentially precluded; the same engineers who build Oracle Database also ensure the Exadata is a seamless place to run the software. Control of all the IP means Oracle has a controlled and predictable environment in which to run its Database on Exadata, which in turn means it can deliver features that bring additional business value to its customers and enable them to obtain additional operational benefits and financial payback from their Oracle Database investment.And that’s it in a nutshell: Oracle’s justifiable claim to be providing, with Exadata, the best platform for Oracle Database is derived from it having the same DNA across both elements. That commonality helps make it economically attractive, scalable, and secure. It also generates the contrast that Oracle fairly enjoys making when comparing Oracle Database running on Exadata to Oracle Database running on any other vendor’s equipment; the others are constrained to essentially treat Oracle Database like any other application sitting on a VM or running as a process on generic hardware. Exadata delivers incremental business value when combined with Oracle Database, whether in the cloud or on-premises. The arrival of Exadata X8 provides yet another positive turn of the specification—and hence, value—screw, while Exadata turning ten years old is a timely reminder to review the power of the platform in general. It’s a power borne by suitability; and to appreciate that suitability, a quick reminder of the database market and its data needs is warranted. Databases: Their Market and Their Varied, Voracious Data DemandsThe Database MarketDatabases have long served as the lifeline of crucial business applications, and thus are often a foundation of businesses. Contemporary IT—and the world as we understand it—could not function without databases. But exponential data growth, the need to support more database workloads, and the resulting database sprawl have created significant challenges for IT organizations…challenges that are now complicated and extended by the arrival of multiple iterations of the cloud. With most organizations having mandates to adopt the cloud to some extent—database workloads are no exception—they should look to a partner that can not only meet their on-premises requirements, but also provide a path to a cloud that best fits their needs. And for many, getting an identical user and operational experience would be perfect. Moreover, as much as the IT environment has changed, so have the databases themselves…such as Oracle’s latest 19c iteration. These are not the databases of past generations, and so you wouldn’t want to use obsolete approaches of the past to serve them their lifeblood (i.e., data).Database Data: Proliferation, Demands…and the CloudManaging data growth and database size are far and away the greatest challenges organizations face in their current database environments, cited by 48% of respondents in ESG research (see Figure 1).1 Other key aspects of contemporary database environments include:1 Source: ESG Survey, Enterprise Database Trends, January 2017. All ESG research references and charts in this white paper have been taken from this survey, unless otherwise noted.• Additional top challenges are database performance, supporting databases in cloud environments, and the drive for ever-better security and compliance. This is not a pick-and-mix list; users need solutions to all of these problems from their chosen vendor.• If organizations had only one database, life would certainly be easier; but ESG research shows 55% of organizations have more than 25 databases in production, and having hundreds is not at all rare (see Figure 2). These tools support everything from transactional and analytical workloads to the latest machine learning applications, and they can be running everywhere from on-premises through “cloud-adjacent” environments to the cloud.• Often databases are siloed (with their own infrastructure), which compounds the management complexity and leads to inefficient utilization of hardware and software investments.• Maintaining multiple independent environments results in complex and growing security controls/policies, access needs/rules, and patching requirements, and this only adds to the management headaches IT organizations areforced to either suffer through or try to address.Figure 1. Challenges with Database Environment and Supporting InfrastructureSource: Enterprise Strategy Group48%We do not have any challenges Lack of skilled staffCreating test/development environmentsProvisioning infrastructure on-premisesPatch, maintenance and version update processesSupporting new applications and/or usersMeeting security/compliance requirementsSupporting databases in cloud environmentsMeeting database performance requirementsManaging data growth and database sizeIn general, which of the following challenges does your organization have with its current database environment and supporting infrastructure? (Percent of respondents, N=354, three responses accepted)Figure 2. Number of Production Databases DeployedSource: Enterprise Strategy GroupThe sum of the above—complexity and database iteration combined with data growth and the need to share it across and between organizations—is driving a need for consolidation. When ESG last investigated this, 50% of organizations were already consolidating databases, with another 25% planning on it. That consolidation in turn means DBAs must merge multiple workloads onto a given infrastructure, invariably creating more performance issues to be addressed.And this is all before adding in the operational curve ball of the cloud! Database provisioning and consolidation exercises increasingly must acknowledge that the right platform can change over time. Not surprisingly, ESG’s research has found that when evaluating and selecting databases, the most important attributes are that the database be capable of being cloud-based and include the ability to easily scale up and/or down as workloads demand.2The Essence of Exadata, X8, and Cloud-enhancement as DesiredGood news comes in the shape of the “Oracle on Oracle and for Oracle” solution: Exadata. Its value proposition is a piece of cake to convey: It is an optimized platform on which to run Oracle Database. While Oracle Database can run on myriad other systems, the optimal experience is running it on Exadata. It is an Oracle Engineered System that is tuned to be best for Oracle Database and integrates unique value-add features that are unavailable from other vendors. As such, it is not general purpose, nor simply fit-for-purpose: It is purpose-built. Over its decade in the market, Exadata has grown as the—identical everywhere—foundation for on-premises, Oracle Cloud, and Oracle Autonomous Database operations. The company states that Exadata is run by 77% of the Fortune Global 100 (25% of which have also adopted Exadata Cloud Service).This paper is not designed to provide extensive technical details, but suffice it to say Exadata is an ideal database platform that combines scale-out, database-optimized compute, networking, and storage hardware (to deliver both performance and economy) with smart software in the form of both specialized algorithms that can vastly improve all aspects of 2 Source: ESG Brief, Database Purchase Criteria , June 2017.17%Less than 5 5 to 1011 to 2526 to 5051 to 7576 to 100101 to 150151 to 200More than 200Don’t know How many production databases does your organization currently have deployed? (Percent of respondents, N=354)database processing, as well as automated management to optimally handle configuration, updates, and performance.3 Better yet, all the above is true across all workloads, whether they are petabyte-scale data warehouses or business-crucial OLTP applications, and whether they are traditional business applications or next-generation analytics and machine learning. Organizations can confidently consolidate their Oracle Databases and associated workloads onto a single platform born on-premises and then extend to some, or full, public cloud consumption options if desired.With Exadata, Oracle is allowing its users to deliver against the common (but also not commonly well-defined or stable) mandate to leverage the cloud by providing paths to deploy cloud operating models ranging from optimizing on-premises infrastructure before moving to the public cloud,4 through utilizing an on-premises cloud service (Oracle Cloud at Customer) that provides a public cloud experience but with the security and control of an on-premises environment, to a Cloud Adjacent offering,5 and all the way to a public cloud deployment with Exadata Cloud Service or Autonomous Database.Exadata X8As with Exadata in general, this paper is not the place to conduct a lengthy exposition of the new Exadata X8. A few headlines serve to convey the arrival of not only dramatic specification improvements, but also some key functionality:•Speed—Scale-out servers use the improved clock-speed of the latest 24-core Intel processors, as well as NVMe flash, to help Exadata X8 deliver up to 560GB/sec I/O throughput and 6.57M OLTP read IOPS (with 3.5M IOPS at under 250 microseconds). For obvious reasons, Oracle encourages all its prospects to compare its throughput and speed with typical all-flash storage arrays.•Capacity—There are 40% higher capacity 14TB Helium disk drives (the highest capacity at which Oracle’s prerequisite availability targets can be achieved). Additionally, a new Storage Server X8-2 XT expansion unit delivers dramatically less expensive storage for less-accessed, older, or regulatory data, but with all the benefits of Oracle Database storage(e.g., Hybrid Columnar Compression,6 identical operations, and security/encryption). Think of this as seamlesslyconverging the data[base] in addition to converging the infrastructure.•Function—60% more cores in Exadata X8-2 Storage Servers help offload more Oracle Database processing and also improve security by mitigating threats such as “Spectre” and “Meltdown” in silicon, eliminating software overhead.Also, automated, cloud-scale, full-stack performance management and monitoring combines AI and years of real-world performance “triage experience” with best practices to automatically detect performance issues, proactively determine root causes, and address problems without human intervention.Exadata + Oracle Database: ‘Hand in Glove’ and Extended ValueWhile it is impressive and valuable to know about Exadata’s specifications or extensive HA features, what really sets it apart are over 60 Exadata-only features for Oracle Database, such as Fast Node and Cell Death Detection, Automatic ASM Mirror3 In patching alone, for example, organizations can use Exadata to drastically reduce the number of patches. Oracle’s website details a $200B retailer that has reduced its patches 95% p.a. This enabled its IT group to improve productivity, while allowing its DBAs to more easily ensure their infrastructure was up to date and reduce risk.4 The cloud alliance announced in June 2019 between Oracle and Microsoft further demonstrates Oracle’s determination to be a key element in the public cloud world, while acknowledging that it will play to its strengths (such as high-performance Oracle Database) and allow customers to utilize the value of other mega-clouds as appropriate.5 This offering is outlined in the ESG White Paper, The Business Advantages of Cloud Adjacent Oracle Databases on Exadata, published March 2019.6 Hybrid Columnar Compression is an approach to database data compression that utilizes both the database and storage capabilities of Exadata to significantly reduce Oracle Database capacity requirements (10-15X is the norm). Less data handled also improves performance.Reads on IO Error Corruption, Automatic Statistics, and many more. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of delights for IT operations and DBAs to use, which delivers unsurpassed—and genuine—value to Oracle Database users.Extensions to this unique hand-in-glove functionality have continued with the latest Exadata X8, most notably the machine learning that enables Automatic Indexing with Oracle Database 19c. A fully-automated capability based on technology from Oracle Autonomous Database (what Oracle refers to as a “self-driving database”), this improves database performance and eliminates manual index-tuning tasks for critical applications.7 This means that DBAs can simultaneously stop the manual task of creating indexes for applications running on Oracle Database, achieve faster performance, and gain time to focus on more strategic business objectives.Users can also use in-database machine learning without having to move any data. All the algorithms run inside Oracle Database—close to the data—which ensures no production impact. This delivers dramatic performance gains for actions such as the faster scoring and validating of models against the freshest production data.While Oracle can at times display a love for extreme detail, Exadata’s powerful core value makes that largely unnecessary. Simply, it is the most integrated, optimized, flexible, and capable place to run Oracle Databases, with a set of attributes that allow it to cost less, scale better, and be more secure than alternatives. As such, it has become a foundation for Oracle Autonomous Database and Oracle SaaS applications, and the architecturally equivalent stepping stone to Oracle Cloud. The Bigger TruthWhile the term “no brainer” is a tad simplistic and can overlook relevant adjacent factors, it is clear that unique capabilities and user-value are available with Oracle Exadata when it’s used in concert with Oracle Database. That means any Oracle Database user not utilizing Exadata is missing out on some or all of those capabilities and value.As Exadata X8 heralds the second decade for this offering, it has increased its deployment choices alongside Oracle Database to mirror the increasingly hybrid cloud world, and thus offers a congruence of architecture, features, and security wherever and however it is deployed—on-premises or in the cloud. Oracle also continues to add impressive functionality that can translate to not only IT improvements, but also business value; a prime example being the machine learning in Oracle Database 19C to enable auto indexing with Exadata X8.Oracle is not famed for being shy in its own marketing claims; regarding the use of Exadata to run Oracle Database, it likes to say that the combination is “so smart that there’s no second place.” It would be easy to dismiss that as marketing bluster, but it actually deserves consideration; “second place” would suggest vendors competing at the same level…but really Oracle has put Exadata in a league of its own.7 Oracle reports a recent test in which 15 years of manual engineering were compared with what could be done in less than 24 hours with modern machine learning when the Automatic Indexing successfully created two-thirds the number of NetSuite application indexes and also increased database and application performance.All trademark names are property of their respective companies. Information contained in this publication has been obtained by sources TheEnterprise Strategy Group (ESG) considers to be reliable but is not warranted by ESG. This publication may contain opinions of ESG, which are subject to change from time to time. This publication is copyrighted by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. Any reproduction or redistribution of thispublication, in whole or in part, whether in hard-copy format, electronically, or otherwise to persons not authorized to receive it, without the express consent of The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc., is in violation of U.S. copyright law and will be subject to an action for civil damages and, if applicable, criminal prosecution. Should you have any questions, please contact ESG Client Relations at 508.482.0188. ********************** P. 508.482.0188 Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides actionable insight and intelligence to the global IT community.© 2019 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.。
Oracle Exadata Management基础:监控、优化和更多功能说明书

14648 – Oracle Exadata Management Fundamentals: New features for Monitoring, Tuning and MoreDeba Chatterjee : Senior Product Manager, OracleTotal Cloud ControlComplete Lifecycle ManagementIntegrated CloudStack ManagementBusiness-Driven ApplicationManagementSelf-Service IT | Simple and Automated | Business DrivenManagement Challenges Challenges•Reduce deployment cost and errors—rapid time to value•Migrate application while ensuring business continuity•Proactively monitor all components•Maximize availability•Ensure quality of serviceOracle Enterprise Manager Release 12.1•Manages all stages of Exadata lifecycle from deployment to maintenance •Automates deployment reducing cost and effort•Mitigates migration risk•Maximizes performance, availability and service qualityExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationDiscovering Exadata in Enterprise Manager 12.1•Wizard driven guided discovery now significantly faster (10x) than 11g •Exadata Cell and the Infiniband components discovered out-of-the box •Exadata Plug-in bundled for all other targets (viz. KVM, PDU, Cisco Switch)•Option to Discover New DB Machine or rediscover – Add DB Machine MembersInstall Agent on ComputeNodeLaunch Auto DiscoveryAssign Monitoring AgentsComponent Credentials Monitoring PropertiesReviewExadata MonitoringDatabaseStorage ServerInfiniband NetworkKVM, PDU, ILOM, CISCOSWITCHExadata ManagementIntegrated View of Hardware and Software •Hardware view•Schematic of cells, compute nodes andswitches•Hardware components alerts•Software/system view•Performance, availability, usage bydatabases, services, clusters•Software alerts db, cluster, ASM•Topology view of DB systems/clusters•Configuration view•Version summary of all componentsalong with patch recommendationsStorage Cell Management•Storage Cell monitoring andadministration support–Cell Home page andperformance pages–Actions supported: Start/stopCell, verify connectivity, setupSSH•Automatic discovery of Exadatacells•Management by Cell Group–All cells used by a databaseautomatically placed in a group–Cell Group level administrationoperationsStorage Cell Management•Perform Cell Administration tasks–Execute Cellcli commands on a set of cells or all cells •Setup IORM for database targetsInfiniband Network Management•Infiniband network and switches as GC targets–Automatic discovery•Network home page and performance page – Real time and historical•Topology view of Network with switch and port level details •Full monitoring–Alerts (switch generated and EM generated)–Performance metrics–Configuration metrics – detect and notify configuration changes/bestpractice violationsInfiniband Network Management •Perform Infiniband Administration tasks– Enable Port– Disable Port–Clear Performance counters–Clear Error CountersCommon metrics monitored •Power supply failure •Fan failure•Temperature out of rangeMonitoring: ILOM, Cisco Switch, KVMSpecific metrics monitored•Cisco Switch–Configuration change tracking and reporting –Unauthorized SNMP access •Keyboard, Video, Mouse (KVM)–Server connected to KVM added/removed, powered on/offMonitoring: Power Distribution Unit (PDU)•Measures power consumption used by Exadata components and provides early warning of impending thresholds•Monitors electric current being used by equipment connected in Exadata rackExadata Service Dashboards•Service dashboard for executives and business owners •Many components reporting up to one Exadata ServiceExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for Monitoring•Monitoring the Database MachineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationDeploying Applications on Exadata•Migrating applications to Exadata can be a very time consuming•Three step process–Identify which applications to be migrated to Exadata –Create test environment on Exadata–Validate application performanceIdentify Applications Create Test Environments Validate PerformanceDeployment Challenges•Deploying application to Exadata involves multiple changes:–O/S migrations–Storage subsystem changes –Database upgrades–Single database instance to RAC •Proper testing required for risk mitigation.ApplicationsDatabaseStorageOSWillperformance improve?How long will it take?What are therisks?Which apps to consolidate?Consolidation Planner •Target resource utilization and configuration data extracted from Enterprise Managerrepository–CPU, memory, storage, network •Administrator specifies servers andconstraints for workload migration–Physical/virtual servers–Existing/planned servers–Business/technical constraints•Reports detail how consolidated workloads would perform on target serversSecure Test System Deployment•Deploy secure test system by masking sensitive data•Sensitive data never leaves the database•Extensible template library and policies for automation•Sophisticated masking: Condition-based, compound, deterministic •Integrated masking and cloning•Leverage masking templates for common data types •Masking of heterogeneous databases via database gateways •Command line (EMCLI) support for data masking actionsLAST_NAME SSNSALARYSMITH 111—23-1111 60,000 MILLER222-34-134540,000LAST_NAME SSNSALARY AGUILAR 203-33-3234 40,000 BENSON323-22-294360,000ProductionTestValidate Application Performance•SQL Performance Analyzer–SQL unit testing for response time–Identify and tune regressed SQL–Integrated into SQL Tuning Advisor and SQLPlan BaselineReplay WorkloadCapture WorkloadDeploy Replay ClientsCreate Test SystemEnd-to-end testing with real workloads•Database Replay –Load, performance testing for throughput –Remediate application concurrency problems –Integrated with Oracle Application Testing Suite for superior comprehensive testing solution •Seamless integration with Data Masking to preserve data sensitivity complianceExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationIntegration with the Database Performance Page•Drill down fromdatabase Performancepage•Provides compositeview of all healthindicators of a cell orcell group•Helps triage•Load imbalance•ASM relatedproblems•Cell software orhardware failures•Cell configurationissues•Network relatedfailuresBoost Administrator ProductivityEliminate Performance BottlenecksLower IT Management CostsDeliver Higher Quality of Service•Oracle Database 11g’s Automatic Performance Diagnostics helps maximizes Exadata performance •Top-down performance analysis using Automatic Workload Repository•Real-time performance analysis with Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor •Resolve performance issues faster with drill-down root-cause analysis •Classification tree based on Oracle performance tuning expertise •Fully automates database performance diagnosticsAutomatic Workload Repository Snapshots Performance & Management AdvisorsHigh Load SQLRAC IssuesIO / CPU IssuesSelf-Diagnostic Engine (ADDM)•Automatic SQL Tuning–Analyze high-load SQL → tune using SQL Profiles → implement improved SQL plans (optional) •Comprehensive SQL analyses across 6 dimensions: statistics, SQL profiling, index, alternate plan, parallelization and SQL structure•SQL Profiles tunes execution plan without changing SQL text •Enables transparent tuning for packaged applicationsSQL Profiling Statistics Analysis Access Path AnalysisSQL Restructure Analysis Alternative Plan Analysis Parallel Query Analysis Automatic Tuning OptimizerAdministratorComprehensive SQL TuningRecommendationsGather Missing or Stale StatisticsCreate a SQL ProfileAdd Missing Access Structures Modify SQL ConstructsAdopt Alternative Execution PlanCreate Parallel SQL ProfileSQL TuningAdvisorExadata Aware SQL Monitoring •Real time monitoring ofapplication SQL•I/O performance graphs withExadata information–Cell offload efficiency–Cell smart scan•Rich metric data–CPU–I/O requests–I/O throughput–PGA Usage–Temp UsageExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationRoot Cause Analysis of Hardware Problems •Topology View of all Exadata components by– Uses– Used By– System Members– DB Machine Software•Enables out of the box root cause analysis of issues.Defect Diagnostics•Support Workbench–Exadata integrated with Database defect diagnostic framework –Support Workbench provides viewing and packaging of incidents –Correlated packaging from DB through ASM to Exadata•Incident Management–Software and hardware incidents tracked via Incident Console –Track, manage and resolve critical incidents–Hardware alerts (temperature, cell down, power supply, etc.)–Hardware failures come with picture indicating failed part location–Best practice violations automatically alertedConfiguration ManagementEnforce StandardsEliminate DriftAutomated Configuration Management•Enforcement of Exadata configurations using Policies •Detection of configuration drifts and changes–From defined golden standards–Between storage servers and between database machines •Detect database targets that do not have required patchesConfiguration Management Compare between Oracle Database Machines •Gold Image Comparison•Baseline vs. Current•Multiple DB MachinesConfiguration ManagementStorage Cell to Storage Cell• Ability to compare current configuration vs. saved configurations •Within cells•Across multiple cellsAutomating Database Infrastructure Patching Fully Integrated with My Oracle Support•Proactive advisories, recommendations, and analysis–One-off patches, patch set updates, and critical patch updates •Zero downtime for patching•Integrated patch management & deployment automation •Patch intelligence and community•Streamlined conflicts and merge patch process•“Patchmgr", a command line tool, is used to patch the Storage Cells from the Compute Nodes .AnalyzeTestPatchReportProvisionStage•Central Repository for iso images•Unique knowledge base, analysis and how-to-install •Uses plans, profiles and policy based patch management •Track and audit change history•Audit patch and configuration compliance •Protect RPM by blacklisting •Only for use on the Compute NodesOPS Center: OS Patch Management EnhancedMetadataKnowledgeGeneration MachineOPS Center: Firmware Management•Automatically downloads required firmware from Oracle•Run compliance reports to see if the environment is up to date –Take action only if it is the Compute Node•Ops Center uses both Service Processor and OS level APIs to determine disk health–Leverages and installs the hwmgmt daemon–hwmgmt sends event information to Ops Center via the ServiceProcessorMaintainFault Diagnostics: ASR FlowComprehensive Fault Coverage •CPU•Disk controllers •Disks•Flash Cards •Flash modules •InfiniBand •Cards •Memory•System Board •Power supplies •FansCustomer Data CenterOracle Support Services! Fault occursProduct’s auto -diagnosis facility sends SNMP trap to ASR ManagerService Request createdFRU dispatched by Support EngineerFRU replaced by Field EngineerASR Manager SR creation emailnotification to customerFault telemetry securely transmitted to OracleSR routed to Support EngineerCustomerOracle Field EngineerASR ServiceOracle Exadata Database Machine Extreme ROI PlatformFast Predictable PerformanceLowerOngoingCosts Fastest Timeto Value atLowest RiskAutomate testing ofpatches, changes andupgrades whilekeeping data secure Drive down IToperational costs withautomated change andconfiguration mgmtMaximize database performancewith automated diagnostics & tuningOracle Enterprise ManagerProven Solution. Trusted by Customers.Cuts configurationmanagement effort by 90%Replaces manual toolswith automation; savestime by 50%Saves80% time and effortfor managing Databases90% of IT issuesaddressed before theyimpact usersDrives asset utilizationup by 70%Reduces Databasetesting time by 90%Reduces provisioningeffort by 75%Saves $1.9 million withOracle Enterprise ManagerSaves $170,000 per yearwith Oracle EnterpriseManagerDeploys SOAinfrastructure 92%fasterDelivers24/7 uptime withOracle EnterpriseManager Cuts application testingfrom weeks to hoursReduces critical patchingtime by 80%Saves weeks onapplication testing timeEnsures seamless userexperience for50,000,000 usersQuestionsAdditional Oracle Enterprise Manager Sessions Wednesday, October 5, 2011T I M E T I T L E L O C AT I O N10:15 am – 11:15 am Day in the Life of a DBA: Cloud-Ready Management Solutions for Any IT Shop Moscone S, Rm 309Moscone S, Rm 30510:15 am – 11:15 am Oracle Exadata Management Fundamentals: New Features for Monitoring, Tuning, andMoreMoscone S, Rm 30511:45 am – 12:45 am An Inside Look at Oracle Enterprise Manager: New Framework and ArchitectureOverview11:45 am – 12:45 am Make Upgrades Uneventful with Oracle Enterprise Manager and My Oracle Support Moscone S, Rm 30911:45 am – 12:45 am Roadmap to Enterprise Cloud Computing Moscone S, Rm 31011:45 am – 12:45 am SQL Tuning Expert Roundtable Moscone S, Rm 1031:15 pm – 2:15 pm Consolidation Planning and Chargeback: Cloud Implementation Essentials Moscone S, Rm 3091:15 pm – 2:15 pm Scalable, Smarter Monitoring with Oracle Enterprise Manager: Expert Tips Moscone S, Rm 3055:00 pm – 6:00 pm Oracle Enterprise Manager Deployment Best Practices Moscone S, Rm 3055:00 pm – 6:00 pm Oracle Enterprise Manager Upgrade Best Practices Moscone S, Rm 30910:15 am – 11:15 am Day in the Life of a DBA: Cloud-Ready Management Solutions for Any IT Shop Moscone S, Rm 309Oracle Enterprise ManagerDemogrounds and Hands On Labs•For further information, visit the Enterprise Manager Demo Grounds in Moscone West and South–See detailed demos of Enterprise Manager functionality•For hands on practice with Enterprise Manager, visit the Hands On Labs at the Marriott Hotel, Marquis Salon 14 / 15–“Test Drive” (1 hour) and “Grand Tour” Labs featuring OracleEnterprise Manager 12c running Tuesday – ThursdayScan the QR code to getthe latest demos, sessions,hands-on labs, and more !Join the conversation on#em12cJoin us for Enterprise Manager 12c LaunchMonday, Oct 3rd 5:00 p.m., Novellus Theater 47Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rightsreserved.。

Oracle 大数据机X3-2产品概述Oracle大数据机是面向主流企业的大数据解决方案。
它使用 OracleSun 的行业标准硬件和Cloudera’s Distribution including ApacheHadoop 构建,是为大数据负载而设计的,并经过了相应优化。
通过将大数据平台的主要组件集成到单一产品中,Oracle 大数据机提供了一个低成本、可伸缩并享有全面支持的大数据基础架构,不存在定制解决方案的风险。
大数据机使用 Oracle Big Data Connectors 与 Oracle 数据库云服务器和 Oracle 数据库紧密集成,并无缝实现对企业中所有数据(结构化和非结构化)的分析。
●大数据机已专门针对 CDH 进行了优化,以确保性能可伸缩。
大数据机通过预调优的操作系统参数、文件系统设置和 Java VM 配置属性进行配置,以实现最佳性能。
●大数据机还针对 Oracle NoSQL 数据库进行了优化和预配置。
Oracle NoSQL 数据库提供对海量数据的快速低延迟访问。
●使用 Infiniband 构建的大数据机可与 Oracle 所有其他集成设计的系统实现可伸缩互联:不仅包括 Oracle 数据库云服务器和 Oracle 商务智能云服务器,还包括Oracle 中间件云服务器和 Supercluster。
适合的应用环境●大数据分析与BI系统●管理结构化与半结构化数据●与企业现有BI分析系统配合竞争分析●重点突出⏹比传统数据库方案更易于部署、管理和支持;有更高的数据库性能、更高的可靠性和稳定性⏹“按需扩展”的模式⏹全面优化的解决方案●主要竞争对手⏹IBM/EMC/Teradata⏹任何厂商的PC Server+开源Hadoop方案。

Copyright © 2010 Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
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Exadata 数据库一体机X2-2满配
• 8台2CPU(每CPU6核)64位的数据库服务器 • 96 核 (每台服务器12核) • 768 GB内存 (每台服务器96GB) • 对外提供10 GigE(万兆以太网)接口 • 16个10GbE 端口 (每台服务器2个端口 per server) • 14台Exadata存储服务器X2-2 • 高性能600GB SAS磁盘 或者 • 高容量2 TB SAS磁盘 • 3台Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch • 36-port Managed QDR (40Gb/s) switch • 1台专门用于管理的Cisco 以太网交换机 • KVM硬件 • 冗余的Power Distributions Units (PDUs)
<Insert Picture Here>
• 通过提高IOPs20倍来打破随机I/O瓶颈 • 提高用户数据扫描带宽
• Exadata存储索引
• 消除不必要的I/O
• I/O Resource Manager (IORM)
• 按照不同的I/O优先级别使用存储网格, 保证可预知的性能
• 混合列压缩
• 高效的压缩,增加有效的存储空间, 提高用户数据扫描带宽
Oracle Exadata商品说明书

5 Reasons to run your business on Exadata Oracle Exadata is the only platform that delivers optimum database performance and efficiency for mixed data, analytics, and OL TP workloads. With a full range of deployment options, itallows you to run your Oracle Database and data workloads where you want, how youwant —on-premises, in the Oracle Cloud,Cloud at Customer in your data center , or any combination of these models.Here are five top reasons to chooseExadata to run your business.“ ”We chose Oracle Exadata for its integrated hardware and software platform. It costs 31 percent less than products from other vendors, such as IBM and SAP . By running Oracle’s JD Edwards ERP system on Oracle Exadata, we’ve gained a high-performing, reliable, and scalable database platform that enabled us to create daily sales reports 60x faster,introduce products 36x f a ster, enhanceuser satisfaction, increase IT productivity by 40 percent, and reduce operating costs. D. V. Jachak, General Manager, IT, Sai Prasad GroupZheng Tao, Head of IT, Wumart Stores, Inc.By consolidating 92 percent of our IBM servers and four databases onto a single Oracle Exadata Database Machine, we gained an integrated, high-performing private cloudplatform to support e-business growth. We can process online orders 8x faster, and havereduced operating costs by over 100,000 USD per year. “ ”By consolidating 40 disparate databases on Oracle Exadata Database Machine, we boosted sales and production system performance up to 60 percent and cut initial installation costs by 60 percent. We also enhanced IT governance across the organization, and supported 10 billion USD in turnover via business expansion. Akio Yoshizawa, Senior Manager, IT Infrastructure Solutions Department, NSK Network and Systems Co. Ltd.“ “ Ziraat Bank was alwaysunder pressure to optimizeperformance, because anysmall addition to end-of-dayprocessing could negativelyimpact revenue and the bank’sreputation. Oracle Exadata took all the steam off. We decreased the overnight batch window by more than 60 percent, reduced disk usage by 8x and overallsystem utilization from 70percent to 30 percent, whileimproving uptime for our corebanking online transactionprocessing system. Serdar Mutlu, Manager, Database Systems, T.C. Ziraat Bankasi A.Ş.”Anantha Spirama, VP , Systems and Technology, Macy’s“ Applications, databases,and infrastructure all haveto work together in harmony.When we looked at othercloud providers, they offeredthese in pieces. It was up tous to craft a solution. Oracleoffered an integrated solutionfor me. It was a natural choice. Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.。

三、Exadata官方培训教程内容1. Exadata基础知识用户可以通过Exadata基础知识模块来了解Exadata的体系结构、部署模式、管理方式等基本知识。
2. Exadata常规维护用户可以通过Exadata常规维护模块来了解Exadata系统的日常维护工作,如网络维护、存储管理、备份与恢复等操作。
3. Exadata的高级功能用户可以通过Exadata高级功能模块来了解Exadata系统的高级功能,如物理存储优化、数据复制、容灾备份等功能。
四、Exadata官方培训教程的优势1. 实践案例:Exadata官方培训教程提供了大量的案例和应用场景,使用户可以更好地理解Exadata的实际应用和优势。

Oracle 数据库方案白皮书使用 Oracle Database 降低 IT成本目录引言 (1)硬件成本降至原来的1/5 (2)性能提高10 倍 (5)存储成本降至原来的1/10 (7)最高可用性 (10)最大程度提高安全性 (13)DBA 和开发人员工作效率翻番 (14)简化软件组合 (17)用四分之一的时间即可实现商业价值 (18)总结 (20)引言随着业务运营变得更为复杂,对IT 变更的需求也相应增加,同时还必须减轻相关风险。
这就要求如今的IT 专业人员管理更多信息,将这些信息及时提供给用户,并且不断提高服务质量。
在当今的经济形势下,IT 还被赋予了减少预算、从现有投资中获取更大价值的任务。
Oracle Database 11g 第 2 版是获奖的Oracle Database 11g 的第二个版本,是IT 专业人员成功提供更高质量信息、更高效利用IT 预算以及降低数据中心变更风险的基础。
通过将Oracle Database 11g 第2 版部署为数据管理基础,组织可以充分利用这个全球领先数据库的强大功能实现以下目标:•服务器成本降至原来的1/5,•存储需求降至原来的1/10,•任务关键系统性能提高10 倍,•DBA 和开发人员工作效率翻番,•消除数据中心的空闲冗余,以及•简化整体IT 软件组合。
本白皮书介绍Oracle Database 11g 第 2 版的主要功能,这些功能可以帮助IT 专业人员以前所未有的高服务质量和低成本成功提供更多信息。
硬件成本降至原来的1/5“我们的平台由大型机转移到Oracle Real Application Clusters 后,每年可以节省500 多万美元。
”Eugene Park,平台服务高级总监PG&E通过整合降低硬件成本为了满足各种业务需求,大部分数据中心所使用的硬件和软件随着时间的推移都已变得杂乱无章。

为了让更多的用户能够充分利用Exadata的优势,Oracle 公司推出了官方培训教程,本文将对该教程进行详细介绍。
一、培训教程概述Exadata官方培训教程是Oracle Corporation提供的一系列课程,旨在帮助用户全面了解Exadata架构及性能优化,为用户提供建设和管理Exadata环境所需的知识和技能。
二、课程内容与特点1. 基础课程基础课程主要包括以下内容:(1)Exadata架构和优势:介绍Exadata硬件和软件的优势和架构,帮助用户更好地理解Exadata的工作原理和优化方法。
2. 高级课程高级课程主要包括以下内容:(1)Exadata备份恢复:详细介绍Exadata数据库的备份恢复方法,包括备份策略、恢复方式和测试方法等。
3. 相关课程相关课程主要包括以下内容:(1)Oracle Database 12c RAC on Oracle Exadata:介绍如何基于Oracle Database 12c RAC技术在Exadata数据库机上搭建高可用性数据库系统。

Oracle Exadata 存储服务器软件:可防范存储服务器故障
使用Oracle Recovery Manager 来做备份
使用Oracle 闪回技术进行即时恢复

• Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2 8
• Oracle Exadata Storage Server X2-2
• Oracle数据库 11g • Real Application Clusters • Partitioning • Advanced Compression • Advanced Security • Active Data Guard • GoldenGate • Real Application Testing • OLAP • Data Mining • Business Intelligence • Enterprise Manager • Oracle Linux
Oracle电子商务套件 产品白皮书

Oracle 电子商务套件特别版产品白皮书目录Oracle电子商务套件特别版概述 (2)Oracle总帐管理 (Oracle General Ledger) (4)Oracle 应收款管理(Oracle Receivable) (6)Oracle 应付款管理(Oracle Payables) (8)Oracle现金管理(Oracle Cash Management) (11)Oracle采购管理(Oracle Purchasing) (14)Oracle库存管理(Oracle Inventory) (16)Oracle订单及发运管理(Oracle Order Entry/Shipping) (19)免费销售热线: 800-810-0161 Oracle电子商务套件特别版 1■ 预先配置的 Oracle 业务应用程序—财务系统、订单管理系统、采购管理系统、库存管理系统■ 根据成长型企业市场定制,充分利用 Oracle 业界领先的成长型企业市场经验■ 业务控制,决策支持—流程管理;准确、可靠的信息■ 经济实惠,风险低—价格在您可承受的范围内,可成功实施Oracle电子商务套件特别版概述"Oracle电子商务套件特别版"是专门为中国成长型企业量身定制的产品,采用预安装、预配置的方式,由财务系统和分销系统两个核心部分组成,运行于Oracle数据库以及SUN服务器之上,为企业提供了最基本也是最重要的供、销、存和财务管理功能。
"Oracle电子商务套件特别版"把Oracle 全面集成的、已经取得大量成功经验的成熟企业级解决方案扩展到广大成长型企业用户,使他们低成本、低风险、高效率地部署企业应用。
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卓越的性能和可伸缩性,这些应用程序包括联机事务处理 (OLTP) 应用程序、数据仓储 (DW) 应用程序以及混合负载整合应用程 序。数据库云服务器利用 Sun 行业标准的硬件以及 Oracle 智能数 据库和存储软件构建而成,是容纳了软件、服务器和存储的一个 完整优化的套装。数据库云服务器实施起来既简单又快速,能够 处理您最大和最重要的数据库应用程序 — 并且其运行速度通常能 够提高至少10 倍。
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c 全盘管理数据库云服务器,提供对 这种整体设计系统从监视到管理再到后续维护的全面生命周期管理。通过该工 具提供的统一的软硬件视图,您可以查看硬件组件(如计算节点、Exadata 单元 和 InfiniBand 交换机),还可以查看在这些硬件组件上部署运行的软件以及这 些软件对资源的使用情况。DBA 可以从数据库开始向下探查到数据库云服务器 的存储层,以便发现和诊断性能瓶颈或硬件故障等问题。Enterprise Manager 的 无人值守监视功能针对数据库云服务器进行了优化,预先定义了量度和阈值以 便在出现问题时能够及时通知管理员。此外,可自动检测到软硬件事件并记录 维 护 请 求 以 减 少 问 题 解 决 时 间 。 另 外 , 管 理 员 可 以 使 用 Oracle Enterprise Manager 中的 Consolidation Planner 来为不同的数据库云服务器配置确定最佳整 合策略。在 Oracle 数据库云服务器中,管理与系统软硬件经过集成设计可协同 工作,这种集成设计不仅带来了卓越的高性能和高可用性,还简化了管理和整 合工作。 集 Oracle 软件和 Sun 硬件之所长 Oracle 和 Sun 多年以来一直在联手帮助客户应对业务和技术挑战,而数据库云服 务器正是基于双方多年联手工作的成果而构建。如今,Oracle 以统一的方式提供 集成的硬件和软件技术、相关的硬件支持服务。通过将来自 Sun 的领先的行业 标准服务器和存储硬件与 Oracle 软件内在的智能相结合,数据库云服务器提供 业界最高水平的性能、可伸缩性和可靠性,并且以 Oracle 支持服务为后盾。
数据库云服务器 X2-8 主要功能 使用高性能 SAS 磁盘的数据库云服务器 X2-8 全机架
Exadata Storage Server。通过将 SQL 处理工作推移 到 Exadata Storage Server 中来进行,所有磁盘能够 以并行方式工作,减少了对数据库服务器 CPU 的占 用,大幅减少了在存储和数据库服务器之间移动数 据时对带宽的占用。随着数据量成指数持续增长, 传统存储阵列难以高效率处理 TB 级数据,促使数 据通过存储网络来达到高要求的数据库应用程序所 需的性能。Exadata Storage Server 提供了一个高带 宽、大规模并行解决方案,可提供高达 75 GB/秒的 原始 I/O 带宽和高达 1,500,000 次 / 秒的 I/O 操作 (IOPS)。大部分的性能提升都得益于每台 Exadata Storage Server 以及 Oracle 数 据库的存储层中纳入了数据库云服务器智能闪存缓存。
相关服务 Oracle 提供下列服务: 高级客户服务 咨询服务 Oracle 大学课程
闪存内存的平均写入延迟极低,但是其写入速度偶尔会处于较慢的外沿,该外 沿速度可能比平均速度慢一或两个数量级。Exadata 智能日志的构想是,同时向 闪存内存和磁盘控制器缓存执行重做写入操作,只要这两个操作中有一个操作 完成,就结束该次写入。这确实让 Exadata 兼具两者之最佳优势。智能闪存日 志功能不仅提高了用户事务响应速度,而且还因其加快了性能关键的数据库算 法的速度而提高了 IO 密集型负载的整体数据库吞吐量。数据压缩可显著减少大 型数据库占用的存储空间。 Exadata Storage Server 提供了一种非常高级的压缩 功能,称为混合列压缩 (HCC)。混合列压缩可实现最高级别的数据压缩,为企 业节省大量成本并且显著提高性能(由于 I/O 减少)。通常节省 10 倍至 15 倍 的存储空间。 此外,数据库云服务器是世界上最安全的数据库系统。数据库云服务器基于每 个 Oracle 数据库中的高安全性功能而构建,能够查询完全加密的数据库,而开 销接近于零,并且查询速度达到每秒数百 GB。这是通过将解密处理从软件转 移到 Exadata Storage Server 硬件而实现的。 卓越的可伸缩性 数据库云服务器 X2-8 是一个具有 2 台数据库服务器和 14 台 Exadata Storage Server 的全机架系统。每台数据库服务器配有 64 个 Intel CPU 内核(8 个 Intel® Xeon® X7560 八核处理器)和 1 TB 内存。
一个 42U 机架中放置 14 台 Exadata Storage Server,数据库云服务器 X2-8 中集 成了 5.3 TB 的数据库云服务器智能闪存缓存。 我们直接在 Oracle Exadata Storage Server 中实现了智能闪存缓存。数据库云服 务器智能闪存缓存将频繁访问的数据保存在速度极高的闪存存储中,而大多数 数据仍会保存在非常经济的磁盘存储中。该工作自动完成,无需用户进行任何 操作。Oracle 闪存缓存之所以智能,是因为它知道何时不用缓存那些无法重用 或不适于缓存的数据。Oracle 数据库和 Exadata 存储允许用户在数据库表、索 引和段级提供指令,确保将特定数据保存在闪存中。可使用一条简单命令将表 移入或移出闪存,再也不必像在传统存储中对闪存磁盘那样将表移动至不同的 表空间、文件或 LUN。 数据库云服务器智能闪存缓存还有一个用处,那就是它可以降低日志写入 I/O 延迟,从而消除因数据库日志操作而导致的性能瓶颈问题。用户事务提交时间 对日志写入延迟非常敏感。另外,许多性能关键的数据库算法,如空间管理和 索引划分也对日志写入延迟非常敏感。如今,Exadata 存储使用磁盘控制器中带 电池的 DRAM 缓存来加快日志写入速度。写入到磁盘控制器缓存的速度通常很 快,但在磁盘 IO 高峰时段该速度可能减慢。智能闪存日志功能利用 Exadata 存 储中的闪存内存来加快日志写入速度。
事实 每秒能够执行多达 1,500,000 次 数据库 I/O 操作 轻松升级,可满足任意规模应用 程序的需求 通过连接多个数据库云服务器 X28 机架或 Exadata 存储扩展机架 进 行 扩 展 。 只 需 使 用 InfiniBand 线缆进行连接即可连接多达 8 个 机架。使用额外的 InfiniBand 交 换机可以构建更大的配置 针对所有数据库应用程序进行了 优化的预配置系统
为联机事务处理 (OLTP)、数据仓储 (DW) 和整合混合负载提供卓越的性能 Oracle 为托管您所有的数据库应用程序提供了一个完全集成的平台。数据库云 服务器是一个易于部署、现成可用的解决方案,用于托管 Oracle 数据库。由于 可以开箱即用,所以可以省去数据库部署的大部分集成工作和节省大量时间和 金钱。无论是对 OLTP、DW 还是混合应用程序负载,通用部署能为您的数据中 心创造极大的机会,使您的数据中心有机会通过整合实现规模效益。同时,该 方案还实现了性能突破。 驱动数据库云服务器性能优势的独特技术是 Oracle
还配备有 600 GB 高性能 SAS 磁盘或 2 TB 高容量 SAS 磁盘。 数据库云服务器 X2-8 机架是功能极其强大的系统,但是仍然可使用构建块方 法 来 让 数 据 库 云 服 务 器 X2-8 扩 展 到 几 乎 任 意 规 模 。 您 可 以 使 用 集 成 式 InfiniBand 结构连接数据库云服务器 X2-8 机架。在将新的数据库云服务器机架 连接到系统后,系统的存储容量和性能均有提高。由两个数据库云服务器 X2-8 机架构成的系统可提供单机架系统双倍的 I/O 吞吐量和双倍的存储容量。此 时,系统可运行于单系统映像模式,还可进行逻辑划分以便整合多个数据库。 数据库云服务器可轻松实现横向扩展。Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 能 够动态地添加更多的处理能力,而自动存储管理 (ASM) 则可跨 Exadata Storage Server 动态地重新平衡数据,以充分利用每个配置中的所有硬件。 若您的数据库云服务器部署需要更大的存 储容量,则可以使用 Exadata 存储扩展机 架。使用 Exadata 存储扩展机架,您能够增 加数据库云服务器 X2-2 和 X2-8 两种型号 的 Exadata 存储容量和带宽。该设备专为具 有大数据量需求的数据库部署而设计,这 些数据包括:历史数据或存档数据;数据 库云服务器数据的备份和存档;文档、图 像、文件和 XML 数据、 LOB 以及其他大 型非结构化数据。其型号有全机架、半机架和四分之一机架,使用集成式 InfiniBand 结构连接到数据库云服务器,轻松将系统容量扩展至任意大小。扩 展机架的配置极其简单,因为根本不需要配置 LUN 或安装点。数据库中存储 的配置和添加是通过几个简单的命令,数分钟即可完成。ASM 可以在系统联机 状态下动态、自动地在各个 Exadata Storage Server 之间均衡分布数据,在各个 机架之间均匀地分配 I/O 负载,充分利用所有硬件并将扩展机架轻松纳入整体 配置之中。 企业级支持 数据库云服务器 X2-8 内置有完全冗余,支持任务关键型应用程序的高要求。 每个数据库云服务器都包含冗余 InfiniBand 连通性、冗余配电单元 (PDU),其 服务器全部具有可热插拔的电源以实现高可用性。Oracle RAC 可防止数据库服 务器故障,ASM 则提供磁盘镜像来防止磁盘故障。可热插拔组件确保数据库在 服务器和磁盘驱动器出现故障时可正常运行。此外,跨存储服务器进行的数据 镜像可以防止数据丢失或禁止数据的可访问性。
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