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1.–What does he look (像)? –He is of medium height.

2.I hope you’re feeling____________ (更好)soon.

3.He has a good idea to____________ (解决) the problem.

4.I have a piece of______(面包)and some milk for breakfast.

5.Would you mind____________ (关) down the radio?

6.China is a _____________(国家)with a long history.

7.That' s not your classroom, it' s _____________(我们的).

8.They are _________________(友好的)to each other.

9.His uncle is a ___________(科学家). He works in Beijing.

10.Mr Wang’s ____________(办公室)is on the fourth floor.

11.There are many ________(旅行者)at this time of year.

12.This is an _____(空的)box. Could I have a full one, please?

13.It’s __________ (冷)outside. Please put on your coat.

14.Would you mind not making a loud ________(噪音)here?

15. 5. Whose ____________(女儿) are the girls? Mr King's.

16.Don’t ____________(浪费)any water. We should save it.

17.She wants to be an actress when she _________(长大)up.

18.This is one of the most expensive___on the market. (字典)

19.Most business letters are ________(写)in English.

20.Do you________ (同意) with what I say?

21.She hasn’t________ (看见) her pet dog for a week.

22.There is a supermarket near my home. Let’s go ___(购物).

23.Mark got a new bike from his uncle on his _第八)birthday.

24.He often ________ (借)books to us.

25.Of four______(季节), I like autumn best, because it’s coo l.

26.Ruth loves to tell a ____________ (笑话).

27.-Could you please take out the trash? -With _____(乐意).

28.Hi, little boy, don’t _________(爬) the wall. It’s dangerous.

29.His _______________(梦想)is to be a doctor.

30.He enjoys ________(说)English .

31.-When was the telephone ___________(发明)? -In 1876.

32.He is ___________(渴). He wants something to drink.

33.Lucy spoke too_________(快) and I couldn’t follow her.

34.Excuse me , you are not _____(允许)to smoke here.

35.Teachers’ Day is____________ (九月)10th.

36.Nancy is _____(在楼下). Go and find her yourself.

37.-___________(谁的)backpack is this? -Oh, it’s Lily’s.

38.-What do you think of soap operas?-I can’t __(忍受) them..

39.I like soft music. It always makes me_________(轻松的).

40.Julia’s sister is a nurse. She works in a __________(医院) .

41.This question is very ____________(难). I can’t answer it.42.Thank you for giving us so many good ______(建议)。

43.Both of my best friends were born in __________ (十月).

44.-Paul, what day is today? -It is _____________ (星期三).

45.The weather report says that tomorrow will be ____(阴天).

46.The foreign visitors will be ______(能) to come tomorrow.

47.The old lady was ____________ (独自) in the house.

48.Let me wish you a happy _____________(生日).

49.Do you know his home ______________(住址).

50.Birds fly in the _____________ (空中).

51.-What’s your hobby? -I like to ________(收集)shells.

52.Liu Ming is very tall, but Zhang Qiang is quite ______(矮).

53.Smoking is ______________(有害) for your health.

54.I like this film ____________ (最).

55.He lost his book and _____ (借) one from another boy.

56.France is a beautiful country. It’s ___(著名的) for its wine.

57.Alice made a living by ____(她自己) when she was young.

58.–How’s the weather today? –It’s (晴朗的).

59.He showed us all the ________(照片)he took in Australia.

60.My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks _____________ (日语).

61.Shanghai is a __________________(繁忙的) city.

62.He is a __________________(幸运的) dog.

63.Why not go out for a walk in such good ________(天气)?

64.The people in the ____________(村) are richer than before.

65.We (错过)the last bus. So we had to walk home.

66.Talking loudly in the library is i______________(不礼貌).

67.Science is one of my favorite ____(科目). What about you?

68.Please keep ____________ (安静). I' m trying to study.

69.Our classroom is very (脏的) Please clean it at once.

70.He borrowed my pen and didn’t(还) it last week.

71.(除…之外) milk and cheese, we also need vegetables.

72.There are many people in that ____________(市场)

73.Chinese is our first ___________(语言).

74.Those young men are ____________(士兵)

75.He _____(教) us English well, so our English is very good.

76.Walking after supper is good for our ____________(健康)

77.What ____________(别的) can you see in the picture?

78.My bike isn't ___________(坏的), it's OK.

79.We have a class ____________(会议) every week.

80.To many people, the meaning of a name is _____(重要的).

81.They are going shopping ________(一起) tomorrow.

82.Who' s _________(高), Lily or Lucy?

83.Who is the ________(年轻) in your class?
