Translation of Chinese Idioms
中文习语种类很多,包括谚语、惯用语以及 歇后语等。 谚语的特点是:比喻生动,寓意深刻,用词 精炼,讲究对仗和韵律,朗朗上口,如:一 瓶子水不响,半瓶子水乱晃。 惯用语是口头上常用的洗练、含蓄的语言, 比书面语更具含蓄讽刺、生动形象的比喻性, 如门外汉、风凉话、说曹操曹操就到。 歇后语是中国百姓中广为流传的一种特殊语 言形式,生动形象、诙谐幽默。一般由两部 分组成,前半截为形象的比喻,后半截是前 面比喻的解释、说明。如:哑巴吃黄连—— 有苦说不出。
“我们这是梅香拜把子——都是奴才啊!” We’re all birds of a feather--- all slaves here.
构和文化背景的缘故,不但没有对应的英 文谚语可以套译,而且硬行直译反而会使 译文读者不知所云,或使译文牵强附会。 此时最好使用意译的方法,以帮助译文读 者更好地理解原文。
可是她心中却想:咱骑着毛驴看唱本——走 着瞧吧,看究竟是啥原因。 But she was still thinking to herself: “Let’s wait and see what the reason for it turns out to be in the end.” 我在家里呢,是灯草拐杖,做不得柱(主) 的。 My position in the family doesn’t permit me to make a decision individually.
风凉话 Irresponsible and sarcastic remarks (不能译为cold words) 炒冷饭 Dish up the same old stuff (不能译为fry the cold rice) 寻短见 Commit suicide or take one’s own life. (不能 译为look for a short view)
课堂互动1: 翻译下列习语(参考译文)
7.We still love each other very much, but we fight like cat and dog.
谚语翻译 补充练习
8 A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
14He knows most that speaks least. /Who knows most says least.
5 A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.
9A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.
【译】一首伟大的诗篇犹如一泓清泉,不断喷吐出智慧 和快乐的水花。
10 Justice has long arms.
1. They that know nothing fear nothing.
2. Too wise to live long.
3. Courtesy costs nothing.
课堂互动1: 翻译下列习语(参考译文)
11 A word is enough to the wise.
Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors恻隐之心,仁之端也;羞恶之心,义之端也;辞让之心,礼之端也;是非之心,智之端也。
The feeling of commiseration is the principle of benevolence. The feeling of shame and dislike is the principle of righteousness .The feeling of modesty and complaisance is the principle of propriety. The feeling of approving and disapproving is the principle of knowledge. Men have these four principles just as they have their four limbs.没有义务的地方,就没有权利Where there is no obligation there is no right.人类文明史也是一部同疾病和灾难的斗争史。
习近平The history of human civilization is one of fighting diseases and tiding over disasters. The virus does not respect borders. Nor is race or nationality relevant in the face of the disease. Confronted countries have tackled the virus head on. Around the world, people have looked out for each synergy in the fight against COVID-19.富而可求也;虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之。
“知人知面不知心”•“You can know a man’s face but not his heart.”杨宪益•“Appearances certainly are deceptive!” Howks霍克斯•水中捞月•to catch the moon in the water /to make an impractical attempt•fish in the air;•cry for the moon;•plough the sands;• a wild goose chase•胸有成竹•直译:Before an artist can draw a bamboo, he must have the image in his mind •意译:to have a well-thought-out plan before doing sth.•意义相等的英语成语:to have a card up one’s sleeve剖腹藏珠Penny wise and pound foolish声东击西To shout in the east and strike in the west刻骨铭心To be engraved on one’s heart and bones眉飞色舞to beam with joy粗枝大叶To be crude and careless无孔不入To take advantage of every weakness竭泽而渔Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs打草惊蛇Wake a sleeping dog井底之蛙To be like a frog at the bottom of a well调虎离山To lure the tiger from the mountain口蜜腹剑To be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted纸醉金迷(a life of) luxury and dissipation开门见山To come straight to the point单枪匹马To be single-handed in doing sth大张旗鼓On a large and spectacular scale海阔天空(to talk) at random易如反掌As easy as falling off a log玩火自焚Try in one’s own grease挥金如土To spend money like water掌上明珠The apple of one’s eye对牛弹琴Cast pearls before swine守口如瓶Keep a still tongue in one’s head雪中送炭Help a lame dog over a title画蛇添足Paint the lily小题大做Make a mountain out of a molehill赴汤蹈火Go through fire and water洗心革面Turn over a new leaf七上八下At sixes and sevens横行霸道Throw one’s weight about大发雷霆Blow one’s top过河拆桥Kick down the ladder•左右为难Between the devil and the deep sea•进退维谷Stick in the mud•骑虎难下Between the horns of a dilemma•左支右绌Between two fires•不上不下In a fix dilemma/ quandary/ predicament•无所适从Hold a wolf by the ears莫衷一是• 1. An Apple of Discord 争斗之源;祸根• 2. the Heel of Achilles / the Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害• 3. Helen of Troy• 4.The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细• 5.Greek Gift(s) 阴谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心• 6. Win/Gain Laurels获得荣誉;赢得声望•7. Under the Rose秘密地; 私下得; 暗中•8.Adam's Apple喉结孟母三迁moving one’s home for the desired environment for the education of one’s children •邯郸学步to imitate awkwardly•班女之才talented•百步穿杨extremely good at shooting•伯乐相马as capable as Bo Le in discovering talents•东施效颦imitate awkwardly•负荆请罪making an active apology•惊弓之鸟a deadly frightened person•劳燕分飞be separated•杞人忧天groundless worry•绕梁三日(of a song) so excellent as to let the audience feel it lingering for a long time •塞翁失马a loss may turn out to be a blessing•相濡以沫to help each other in the time of need;•(of an aging couple or a couple in general) to help each other in their remaining life or life in general•一饭千金to cherish others’ kindness at heart and repay it•初生牛犊不怕虎•New-born calves make little of tigers•Young people are fearless•明枪易躲,暗箭难防It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.•城门失火,殃及池鱼A fire on the city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat.•路遥知马力,日久见人心。
中英习语解释性翻译或形象具体互译一、以《浮生六记》为例1.一灯如豆…The light of a rapeseed oil lamp was then burning as small as a pea.2. 但李诗宛如姑射仙子,有一种落花流水之趣,令人可爱。
…but Li Po’s poems have the wayward charm of a nymph. His lines come naturally like dropping petals and flowing waters, and are so much lovelier for their spontaneity.3. 兼之玉碎香埋,不堪回首矣。
… and the woman I loved is dead, like broken jade and buried incense. How sad indeed to look back upon these things.4. 芸初缄默,喜听余议论。
Yun was at first very quiet and loved to hear me talk, but I gradually taught her the art of conversation as one leads a cricket with a blade of grass. She then learned the art of conversation.5.……有女名憨园。
She had a girl by the name of Hanyuan, who was a very sweet young maiden, still in her teens. Her eyes looked“like an autumn lake that cooled one by its cold splendor”.【2】二、Double-way: literal translation; borrowing; paraphrase1.过街老鼠(直译)like a rat crossing the street(意译) the object of universal condemnation; a bad man hated by everybody2.门庭若市(直译) the courtyard is like a market.(意译)a much visited house; a busy town; bustling; crowded3.望梅止渴(直译)to gaze at plums to quench one’s thirst(意译)to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies (illusion); imagined satisfaction; a Barmecide (《一千零一夜》中一个口惠而实不至的人物)feast.4.危如累卵(直译)as dangerous as a pile of eggs(意译)hazardous in the extreme; great insecurity; in a precarious condition; at stake, at risk; at hazard; in peril; in danger; perilous; risky; critical...5.山雨欲来风满楼(直译)The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains.(意译)A turbulent situation foretells a big event; Coming events cast their shadows before.6.树倒猢狲散(直译)When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.(意译)Members run away when the family (constitution) falls; when an influential person fallsfrom power, his hangers-on disperse; Rats leave a sinking ship.7. 三个臭皮匠顶得上诸葛亮(直译)Three cobbers with their wits combined equal ZhuGeliang the master mind.(意译) eamwork; Brainstorming; Many hands make light work.; Two heads are better than one. (拙译) wits combined are wits of great mind; Wits combined are wits that satisfy;8. 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后(直译)The mantis stalks the cicada but behind them lurks the oriole (金莺;黄莺儿).(意译) Be careful about the hidden/implicit\potential risks; hazards;9. 比上不足,比下有余(直译)worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst; better off than the worst and worse off than the best;(意译)fairly well-off; fairly contented life;10. 不以物喜,不以己悲(直译)not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses;(意译)take one’s personal gains lightly; to be philosophical about; be open-minded;11. 金无足赤,人无完人(直译) Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect;(意译)Human beings are human beings三、形象—具体1. 哭得泪人似的A.The child was in floods of tears.B.Be drenched in tearsC.He became a wretch of tearsD.While Mother was feeling so wrought, the slightest cross word or ill-judgedremark could reduce her to tears.当母亲感到过分劳累紧张时,哪怕是听到一点点令人生气的话或不妥之词,都会使她伤心得落下泪来。
汉译英 习语翻译
Features of Idioms
5、习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。 习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。 利用韵脚:狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心;一招鲜,吃遍天;良药苦口利于病,忠言逆 利用韵脚 耳利于行; A friend in need is a friend indeed. East or west, home is best. Man proposes, God disposes. Health is better than wealth. Beggars should not be choosers. fair and square; high and dry; wear and tear. 利用双声: 利用双声:八面玲珑,聪明伶俐,慷慨激昂,明媚灿烂 Alliteration: as blind as a bat, as busy as a bee, as clear as crystal, as dead as a doornail, as cool as a cucumber, as red as a rose, as proud as a peacock, at sixes and sevens, spick and span, then and there through thick and thin tit for tat neither fish, flesh or fowl Care killed the cat. Money makes the mare to go. Many men, many minds. Speech is silver (silvern), silence is golden.
一年之计在于春 一箭双雕 趁热打铁 一个巴掌拍不响
例如温家宝总理在纽约演讲时就引用了一句古诗“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”(I will ascend 1the mountain's dominant peak—to have a commanding view all in a sweep;在哈佛大学的演讲中引用了“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”(Everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country、“衙斋卧听萧萧竹,疑是人间疾苦声”(The rustling of bamboo outside my d oor sounds like the moaning of the needy poor;迎接外宾时人们常会说“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”(It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar。
Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.2.搬石头砸自己的脚。
例 句
闰土来了⋯项上套一个明晃晃的银项圈,这可见他 的父亲十分爱他,怕他死去,所以在神佛面前许下 心愿,用圈子将他套住了。(鲁迅《故乡》)
Run-tu had come ⋯ a gleaming silver necklet round his neck, showing that his father doted on him and, fearing he might die, had made a pledge with the gods and Buddhas, using the necklet as a talisman.
她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又把它咽了下去。 She was afraid of being snubbed,so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.
套 用
有的英语谚语和汉语谚语在内容和形式上都 相符合,双方不但有相同的意义和修辞色彩, 并且有相同或大体相同的形象比喻,在英译 汉时我们遇到这种情况,不妨直截了当地套 用汉语的同义谚语,这样既保留了谚语的形, 又传达了谚语的神。 Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。
千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。 The gift itself maybe as insignificant as a goose feather,but sent from afar,“conveys deep feelings.
他是不到黄河不死心。 He would not stop until he reached the Yellow River---to give up until his hope has gone.
你要爱他(她),不值什么,我拿平儿换了他 (她)来好不好?那薛老大也是“吃着碗里瞧 着锅里”的„„
为了要适汉地把外国语言中的习语忠实地翻译出来,有经验的翻译工作者一般采取下列几种方法:1直译法----就是按照文字的字面意思直接翻译过来,例如汉语中外国人看起来示但深明其义,而且的“纸老虎”直译成“paper tiger”,觉得很是传神,所以现已成为正式的英美民族语言。
另外,我们口中由“走狗”译成为“running dog”.的“丢脸”也被直译为“lose face”,于中国热而大为外国人欢迎的“功夫”音译成“kung fu”等也算是直译法的一种。
我们说“火上加油”,walls have ears”,两者也完全一样。
英国人则说”to add fuel to the flame”,3意译法——有些习语无法直译,也无法找到同义的习语借用,则只好采用意译的方法来对待.例如汉语中的”落花流水”用来表示被。
“乌烟瘴气“形打得大败之意,译成英文便是“to bi shattered to pieces”容情形混乱不堪,可用“chaos”来表达。
例如“铜墙铁壁”可译成“wall of bronz l” 已经足够,街谈巷议“在意义上也是实在无须说成”wall pf klckopper and iron”.”便可以了。
A· A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 一着不慎,满盘皆输.· All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的未必都是金子。
· A child is better unborn than untaught. 养不教,父之过。
· Art is long, life is short. 生命短暂,艺术长存。
· A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真情。
· Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。
· A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。
· An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。
· All covet, all lose. 样样垂涎,样样失落。
· A good winter brings a good summer. 瑞雪兆丰年。
· All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。
· A small leak will sink a great ship. 千里之堤溃于蚁穴。
· All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。
· A baker's wife may bite of a bun, a brewer's wife may bite of a tun.近水楼台先得月。
· A short cut is often a wrong cut.欲速则不达。
明枪易躲,暗箭难防It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.城门失火,殃及池鱼A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat.路遥知马力,日久见人心As a long road tests a horse’s strength, so a long task proves a pers on’s heart.初生牛犊不怕虎New-born calves make little of tigers.口蜜腹剑to be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted声东击西to shout in the east and strike in the west刻骨铭心to be engraved on one’s heart and bones引狼入室to lead a wolf into the house〔cf. to set the wolf to keep the sheep)打落水狗to beat the dog in the water重见天日to see the daylight again百川归海All rivers flow into the sea.画饼充饥to draw cakes to allay hunger所以这纨虽青春丧偶,且处在膏梁锦绣之中,竟如“槁木死灰〞一般,一概不问。
〔?红楼梦?〕So this young widow living in the lap of luxury was no better off than withered wood or cold ashes, taking no interest in the outside world.他一家子在这儿,他的房子、地在这儿,他跑?跑得了和尚跑不了庙。
居安思危 be prepared for danger in times of safety
敬而远之 at a respectful distance give a wide berth to 井水不犯河水 one should care his own business
井底之蛙 a person with a very limited outlook 精益求精 keep improving 精神饱满 in fine feather as fresh as paint be red-blooded
Translate the sentences on your sheet.
First,write down the Chinese , meaning of each underlined idioms. Then, translate the whole sentence.
1. 集邮集币其乐无穷.(collect) 集邮集币其乐无穷.( 其乐无穷.( ) 2. 由于粗心大意,汤姆错过了这个机会. 由于粗心大意 汤姆错过了这个机会. 粗心大意, )(98高考 (miss)( 高考) )( 高考) 3. 依我看,要做这个实验简直是天方夜 依我看,要做这个实验简直是天方夜 谭. (it) 4. 科学家们投身工作时常常废寝忘食. 科学家们投身工作时常常废寝忘食 废寝忘食. (devote) 5. 政府费了九牛二虎之力维护生态平衡. 政府费了九牛二虎之力维护生态平衡. 费了九牛二虎之力维护生态平衡 (balance) 6. 尽管他俩是双胞胎,但性格截然不同, 尽管他俩是双胞胎,但性格截然不同 截然不同, 各有千秋. 各有千秋.(despite)
简而言之 at a word to sum up cut a long story short in short to conclude 最后(一句话) 最后(一句话) make the story short 情不自禁 let oneself go can't help doing... cannot help oneself
laugh in one’s face 当面嘲笑 lay sth to heart 把某事放在心上 have pity on sb. 同情某人 • To show one’s cards摊牌 • golden age黄金时代 • Kill two birds with one stone. • 一石二鸟,一举两得
• • • • •
dig one‘s own自掘坟墓 a thorn in the flesh 肉中刺、眼中钉 Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。 The open-door policy 门户开放政策 the most-favoured-nation clause 最惠 国条款 • the position-of-strength policy 实力地 位政策 • shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交 • Easy come easy go.来的容易去的快
• • •
用直译法翻译习语,既可以保留习语具有 的民族、地方、历史等色彩,又有助于不 断地从外国引进一些新鲜生动的词语、句 法结构和表达方法等,从而丰富译文的语言。 例如: 1) Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated. 希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时是武装到 牙齿的,可是不过几年,就被彻底打败了。 这里的习语"armed to the teeth"形象生动, 一直都译为"武装到牙齿",已用得很习惯 了;如意译为"全副武装",语气反而变弱。
• 由于习语具有这些特点,翻译时就要尽量保持 这些特点。译者除了忠实地表达原文习语的意 义外,还应尽可能保持原文习语的形象比喻、 丰富联想、修辞效果以及其民族、地方特色等。 习语不仅大量出现在文艺作品里,在政治和科 学论文中也同样经常遇到。习语翻译的好坏对 整个译文的质量有直接的影响。因此,如何处 理习语是翻译中的一个极为重要的问题。从广 义上讲,习语包括俗语(colloquialisms)、谚 语(proverbs)、俚语(slang expressions)、成语 (set phrases) 、歇后语(enigmatic folk similes) 、典故(allusions)、格言(sayings)、 惯用语等。首先介绍英语习语及其翻译。
1. 就下列范围写谚语,每组至少要写出2-3条
4) education Teaching others teaches yourself. 教学相长。 A child’s back must be bent while it is young. 修树须趁早,育人要趁小。 Better unborn than unbred. 与其不管教,不如莫生育。 Like teacher, like pupil. 严师有高徒。 Think more, and you’ll become wiser. 多思出智慧。
17.An American in 《华都舞影》(影片名)
18.The Arrival
19.At First Sight 《真情难舍》(影片名)
20.Attack Force Z 《Z字特攻队》(影片名)
16 返回章重点退出
A. 加油站
B. 服务站
17.shake a wicked leg
A. 跳舞
B. 扭动了一下残废的腿
A. 瞎子
B. 睡觉
19.side-wheeler/ southpaw
A. 车辆侧轮
B. 左撇子
20.soft soap
A. 拍马屁
B. 香皂
正确答案:16A 17A 18B 19B 20A
1. 就下列范围写谚语,每组至少要写出2-3条
Moderation in all things.
Lesson 8 习语的翻译
III. Translation of idioms
1. Corresponding idioms There are some English idioms corresponding to ready-made idioms both in meaning and in structure. Such idioms can be turned into corresponding Chinese ones and vice versa. 1) In ancient times if a man’s eye was put out by his enemy, he might get revenge by putting his enemy’s eye out. This was the rule of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.. 2) You pretended that you were helping them out of their difficulty, but actually you are pouring oil on the fire and making matters worse. 3) If it is a wet summer the firm making mackintoshes will find good markets, if there is a heat wave there will be a special big demand for bathing suits, if we have shares in both we need not feel unduly anxious about the weather, for what we lose on the swings we shall gain on the roundabouts. 4) Wall has ears. 5) a bolt from the blue
四字词语、俗语的翻译汉语英语汉语英语……的一分子be part of / be a member of 报平安inform sb. of one’s safety ……的原因是……the reason why … is that … 被困于be stuck / trapped / strandedin挨家挨户from door to door 闭口不谈say nothing爱不释手can’t bear putting sth. down 弊多利少do more harm than good爱莫能助be powerless to help 别无选择have no choice but to do安然无恙be safe and sound 宾至如归feel at home熬夜stay up late 彬彬有礼be polite跋山涉水travel over mountains andwaters 濒临灭绝be threatened withextinction百听不厌be worth listening to ahundred times博览群书sb. be widely / well read半途而废give up halfway 不辞而别leaving without sayinggoodbye饱受……之苦suffer a lot from 不辞辛苦take great pains to do / taketrouble to do sth.保持生态平衡keep the balance of nature 不得而知remain unknown不辜负live up to 短期致富become rich in a short time 不计其数be countless 对……期望过高expect too much of不假思索without hesitation 对……有信心have confidence in / beconfident of不流利的英语broken English 耳边风go in at one ear and out theother不眠之夜sleepless night 耳目一新feel refreshing不胜感激sb1. would appreciate it(very much) if sb2. would/could do sth.二手车used car / second-hand car不速之客unexpected guests 发表评论comment (v.) on / give one’scomment (n.) on不惜一切代价at all costs 反之亦然vice versa不遗余力spare no effort to do sth. /make every effort to do sth. 放学后补课have extra classes afterschool不折不扣completely 非常乐于be only too glad to do sth. 不知所措be at a loss / at sea 非常重视lay / place / put greatemphasis on不足为外人道也between you and me 废寝忘食neglect sleep and meals采取行动/措施take action / measures 费九牛二虎之力with a lot of difficulty畅所欲言express oneself freely 分道扬镳go in different directions畅销书best-seller 奋不顾身have no thought for one’sown safety彻夜难眠stay awake all night 奋力追求梦想pursue one’s dreamsearnestly沉默寡言with few words 付出代价do sth. at (great) cost pay (ahigh) price for呈现新貌take on a new look 付诸实施put into practice充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to 负债累累be in heavy debt充分利用make full use of 高度赞扬speak highly of抽出时间set aside some time 高薪工作high-paid job愁眉不展be worried about 各行各业all walks of life出尔反尔break one’s promise 给出答复give sb. a reply出国进修go abroad for further study 跟上……步伐keep pace with出乎意料out of one’s expectation /unexpectedly更不要说let alone出事地点the scene of the accident 鼓足勇气screw up / get up one’scourage吹毛求疵be particular about / findfault with 固执己见stick to one’s opinionstubbornly吹嘘boast about 刮目相看look at sb. with new eyes 从……判断judging from / by 关心生活质量be concerned about the lifequality从失败中吸取教训learn a lesson from one’sfailure光天化日in broad daylight粗略了解get a rough idea of 归根结底after all粗心大意be careless to do 归咎blame sb. for sth. / blamesth. on sb.错失良机miss the golden chance 毫不费力without any difficulty /without effort / effortlessly 打从心底里from the bottom of one’sheart号召call on sb. to do sth.打破记录break the records 合胃口to one’s taste大失所望be greatly disappointed with 合作cooperate with大相径庭/截然不同be totally different 忽然大笑burst out laughing / burstinto laughter代代相传pass down from generationto generation 化险为夷succeed in turning dangerinto safety代替replace A with B / substituteA for B欢欣鼓舞be happy and encouraged淡泊名利be not interested in fameand health缓解压力relieve pressure / stress导致(原因)lead to / cause /bring about / result in(结果)焕然一新take on a new look低碳生活low-carbon life 灰心lose heart抵御……的诱惑resist the t emptation of … 回心转意change one’s mind鼎力相助do whatever one can to help 昏迷不醒remain unconscious独居老人old people who live alone 活在……阴影中live in the shadow of独立思考think independently 获悉on hearing读懂心思read one’s thoughts 积极参加take an active part in纪念in memory of 满腔热情的enthusiastic家喻户晓be known to everyhousehold盲目blindly价廉物美be cheap and have goodquality没有……可能be free from尖子生top student 每况愈下go from bad to worse坚持不懈/孜孜不倦persevere in doing sth. 梦寐以求one has always beendreaming of坚如磐石as solid as a rock 密友/闺蜜close / intimate friends坚守岗位stick to one’s post 名副其实/不负盛名live up to one’s reputation 艰苦奋斗(n.)hard work 名胜古迹places of interest andhistorical sites减轻负担relieve sb. of sth. 明辨是非distinguish right fromwrong佼佼者outstanding people 冥思苦想think hard节约用水save water 默默无闻without attracting publicattention劫富济贫rob the rich to help the poor 谋生earn one’s living竭尽所能/全力以赴do / try one’s best to do 某人兴奋的不能自已be too excited to calmoneself down解乏recover from tiredness 某人一无是处sb. be good for nothing介入/卷入be involved in 目不转睛keep one’s eyes fixed on金科玉律golden rule 目光短浅的be short-sighted筋疲力尽be tired out / be worn out /be exhausted难以言表more than one can say进入视野come into one’s sight 年纪相仿about one’s age经受时间的考验stand the test of time 蹑手蹑脚be on one’s tiptoe / tiptoe(v.)惊讶不已be amazed / surprised at 宁死不屈would rather die than giveup精力充沛energetically 抛开分歧put aside one’s differences 精神食粮spiritual food / food forthought陪伴keep … company就……而言in terms of 配角 a minor part就业困难have difficulty in finding ajob碰见/不期而遇come across / bump into举世瞩目attract worldwide attention 偏远山区remote mountain(ous) area聚精会神/全神贯注focus / concentrate (one’smind) on 拼搏strive for sth. / strive to dosth.绝佳机会offer … an excellent chance 平白无故for no reason开/闭幕式opening / closing ceremony 迫不及待can hardly wait to do开夜车burn the midnight oil 旗鼓相当be equal to科学进步(n.)the advance / progress ofscience千篇一律follow the same pattern克服暂时困难overcome the temporarydifficulty 千载难逢的机会 a rare / once-in-a-lifetimechance空气污染air pollution 牵着鼻子走lead sb. by the nose 拉上窗帘draw the curtains 翘首以盼look forward to来龙去脉the whole story of 惬意agreeable / pleasant劳逸结合keep the balance betweenwork and relaxation 情不自禁can’t help doing / can’t helpbut do老大不小sb. be no longer a child 区分/分辨tell A and B老老少少the old and the young /people of all ages 取得成就make (great) achievementsin冷不丁suddenly 取得进步make progress in理论联系实际combine theory withpractice取悦听众please the audience力所能及sth. one is able to do 全神贯注/沉湎于be absorbed / buried / lost in 立竿见影have an immediate effect 冉冉升起rise slowly流连忘返be so absorbed in … as toforget to go back home 热泪盈眶with one’s eyes filled withtears沦落be reduced to 热烈讨论/辩论(n.) a heated discussion / debate 落伍be left behind / beout-of-date热心肠be warm-hearted旅游景点places of interest / scenicspots忍俊不禁can’t help laughing略胜一筹be a little better than 忍无可忍can no longer put up with 认为理所应当,天经地义take sth. for granted / take itfor granted that体检have a medical exam任何时刻at any moment 听从……的指挥follow the instructions of荣幸之至it’s a great honor for sb. todo sth. 停播sth. be banned from beingbroadcast容光焕发light up 通知某人某事inform sb. of sth.如果你方便的话if (it is) convenient for you 同甘共苦share joys and sorrows /share happiness and sadness 入乡随俗follow the local customs 同心协力joint / combined efforts三番两次repeatedly / again and again/ time and (time) again /over and over (again) 突然想到sth. suddenly occurred to /struck / dawned on sb. = itsuddenly occurred to /struck / dawned on sb. that三心两意be absent-minded 突然想到(主意等)come up with三言两语in a few words 玩忽职守neglect one’s duty山高林密high mountains and thickforests婉言谢绝decline善解人意的be thoughtful / considerate 万万没想到it never occurred to sb. that伸懒腰stretch oneself 忘得一干二净forget all about身心健康(n.)physical and mental health 为国争光win honor for one’s ownmotherland深表同情have great sympathy for 为纪念in honor / memory of深受……欢迎/青睐be very popular with /among为所欲为do whatever one wants生来具有be born with sth. 违反交通规则be against the traffic rules /regulations生效come into effect 未经允许without one’s permission失之交臂miss 我行我素behave in one’s own way实施犯罪commit a crime 无济于事it’s no use doing sth.实施援救carry out the rescue 无家可归be homeless世界万物everything in the world 无论……也不为过cannot … too …事半功倍be able to achieve twice theresult with half the effort无亲无故with no relative or friend事与愿违contrary to one’sexpectation 毋庸置疑undoubtedly / there is nodoubt that视而不见turn a blind eye to 误认mistake … for … 收效甚微don’t have much result 息息相关be closely related to 首位不呼应the beginning doesn’t agreewith the end喜极而泣weep for joy受益匪浅sb. can benefit a lot fromsth. / sth. be of great benefitto sb. / sth. be beneficial tosb. / sth. bring great benefitsto sb. 下定决心be determined to do sth. /make up one’s mind to dosth.熟悉sth. be familiar to sb. / sb. befamiliar with sth.献身于devote … to①…束手无策be at a loss what to do 享有盛誉enjoy a high reputation死里逃生/九死一生narrowly escape death 向……伸出援助之手lend / give sb. a helpinghand四面八方in all directions 向全世界展示其独特的魅力show one’s unique charm to the whole world随心所欲do as one pleases 销售经理sales manager随着生活水平的提高with the improvement ofliving standards心烦意乱upset逃之夭夭run away without beingnoticed欣喜若狂be wild with joy提高学习效率improve one’s learningefficiency信守诺言keep one’s promise 提供offer sb. sth. / offer sth. tosb. / provide sb. with sth. /provide sth. for sb. / supplysb. with sth. / supply sth. to形成come into beingsb.兴高采烈/士气高涨be in high spirits 与……和睦相处live together in peace / livewith others in harmony /live a harmonious life withothers兴趣相投share the same hobby 寓教于乐combine education withentertainment雄心勃勃be ambitious 圆满成功achieve a complete success 羞愧不已be / feel ashamed of 圆梦make one’s dream cometrue / realize one’s dream袖手旁观stand by 远不尽如人意be far from satisfactory虚度年华waste time / play around /fool around在高峰时刻during the rush hours学榜样follow one’s example 在公共场所随地吐痰spit in public places延年益寿live a longer life 在古代in ancient times严于律己be strict with oneself 在国内外at home and abroad言而无信fail to keep one’s promise 在校园里on campus言行不一action doesn’t agree withone’s words 早日统一be united as soon aspossible眼下now 早睡早起keep early hours一见钟情fall in love with … at firstsight造福子孙后代benefit future generations一票难求it’s difficult to get even asingle ticket 择优录取… be selected among thebest一视同仁treat … alike 乍一看at first sight一无所获gain nothing 展示才华show one’s talent一无所知/孤陋寡闻be ignorant of 掌上明珠the apple of one’s eye一五一十地word by word 肇事司机the driver who causes theaccident一心一意/全心全意heart and soul /whole-heartedly 正要/在做某事时,……发生be about to do sth. whenbe doing sth. when一意孤行keep on doing sth.stubbornly 只计个人得失consider one’s own gainsand losses医护人员doctors and nurses 只身一人alone依赖、指望depend on / rely on / counton / look to知之甚少know little about依依惜别say goodbye to each otherunwillingly肢体语言body language 以……为代价at the cost of 指日可待be in sight以旧换新exchange the old thing forthe new one 至关重要it is important / vital / ofgreat importance to do sth.异口同声with one voice 致力于commit oneself to 意见不一can’t agree on sth. 置之不理take no notice of 意识到realize / be aware / 中意be in favor ofconscious of意志坚强strong-minded 众口难调it’s hard to please all因果cause and effect 众望所归as most people had expected重蹈覆辙repeat the same mistake因人而异differ / vary from person toperson银装素裹sp. be covered with snow 重要时刻 a critical moment引人入胜be attractive 周游世界travel around the world印象深刻impress sb. deeply / have a逐渐意识到come to realizedeep impression on sb.永恒的enduring / everlasting 祝身体健康、万事如意wish sb. good health andluck in everything优于/劣于be superior / inferior to 状况好/坏be in good / poor condition 忧心忡忡be anxious about 追赶时尚follow the fashion / trend由于缺乏for lack of 自食其力stand on one’s own feet /earn one’s own living有可能be likely to / it is likely that 总而言之in a word有能力做某事be capable of doing sth. 总经理general manager有条不紊/井然有序be in good order 走上了……生涯follow a … career有些睡意sb. be sleepy 做出结论arrive at / draw / reach /come to a conclusion有助于contribute to 做贡献make contributions to /contribute … to做义工do voluntary work / volunteer (v.) to。
1. 铁石心肠cruel and unrelenting2. 置死地于后生 a v igorous and manly exertion3. 千秋功业a great unde rtaking of lasting importance4. 安居乐业liv e in peace and w ork happily5. 骨肉分离family separation6. 各得其所be prope rly prov ided for7. 众议纷纭disagree on8. 岁月不居,来日苦短Time does not stay is brief is the day.9. 夜长梦多A long delay may mean trouble.10. 时不我与Time and tide w ait for no man.11. 依时顺势keep up w ith the tide12. 日渐没落being pushed out of business13. 鹬蚌相争play A off against B14. 浩然之气noble spirit15. 凤毛麟角a rarity of the rarities16. 望而生畏stand in aw e before17. 敬而远之keep respectfully aloof from18. 众矢之的in the do ck19. 毫无瓜葛be div orced from20. 尔虞我诈sheer cunning and falsehood21. 备受推崇be rew arded and respected22. 善有善报,恶有恶报the good inev itably is successful and the bad inev itably punished23. 其乐融融sw eetness and light24. 义无反顾feel obliged to25. 物美价廉attractiv e in price and quality26. 源源不断keep flow ing in a steady stream27. 滚滚不息pour into28. 福祉w ell-being29. 精华quintessence30. 阴霾specter31. 势不两立pit sth against sth32. 打折扣w ear thin / w ater dow n33. 大展宏图score big points34. 重整旗鼓shock sth ba ck to life35. 不谋而合coincide w ith36. 染指dip one’s f inger in37. 博大精深both extensiv e and profound38. 源远流长long-standing and w ell-established39. 诸子百家the masters’ hundred schools40. 天下为公A ll under heav en are equal.41. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责Ev er y body is responsible for the fate of his co untry.42. 吃苦耐劳bear hardships43. 勤俭持家frugality in household management44. 尊师重教respect tea chers and v alue education45. 当务之急highest prio rity46. 遭受重创take a heavy toll47. 先见之明pre scient mov e48. 奇园古宅exotic gardens and old mansions49. 衣食住行clothing, food, shelter a nd transpo rtation50. 信誓旦旦be poised to。