
内嵌模块 设置器
出电平,以免电压过大烧毁蓝牙设备或供电不足不能通 信。蓝牙设备需共内正外负的6V~9V的直流电。学院购 买的直流可调电源输出的3V档实际电压为8V左右,所以 便可以用此档给蓝牙供电。
双击内嵌模块内嵌模块 设置器弹出对话框
这里选择蓝牙适配 器或芯片对应的串
进入命令模式后,可以看见其各种设 置的参数,同时也可以对参数进行修 改
2、串口参数设置。此处的设置必须与串 口助手设置成一样,不然即使能通信也不 能获得正常的数据。注意流控一定设置为” 无“,不然无法通信
3、节能参数为蓝牙的一种工作状态,照 图设置就行了。
4、蓝牙地址。此处可以看见与本地蓝牙 连接的蓝牙设备的地址。主设备可以通过 “收索设备”获得与本地蓝牙连接的蓝牙 设备。而从设备只有手动装填蓝牙地址才 可以看见。
如果蓝牙设备处于命令模式或打 开了多个串口助手,此时会显示
此处可以看见打开 了两个串口助手
此处设置与蓝牙相同 的串口参数,单击连 接后就连接好串口了
串口接好搜到数据 后,就可以显示在 此对话框,显示格 式可以根据需求设 置“接收区设置”
要发送的数据显示在此处,单击 发送便可将数据发送出去。请最 好不要按回车键发送,有可能系
请不要经常对蓝牙进行模 式切换,以免影响他的寿 命
参数设置时,请根据图片所示进行设置。 其中注意一以下几点:
1、主从设置。通信时分为主从设备,一 个主设备可以连接多个从设备。但一个从 设备只能连接一个主设备。通信时,至少 有一个主设备一个从设备。如果在主设备 前打钩即为主设备,否则为从设备。图片 设置的从设备,令外一个蓝牙必须设置为 主设备方可通信


使用蓝牙的流程解说明1. 引言蓝牙是一种无线通信技术,用于在短距离范围内传输数据。
2. 设置蓝牙在开始使用蓝牙之前,首先需要确保设备以及蓝牙功能已经启用,并进行合适的设置。
3. 配对蓝牙设备一旦蓝牙已经处于启用状态,我们可以开始配对其他蓝牙设备。
4. 连接蓝牙设备一旦配对成功,我们就可以连接到蓝牙设备上。
5. 数据传输连接成功后,我们可以开始在设备之间传输数据。
6. 断开蓝牙连接在完成蓝牙通信后,我们应该及时断开蓝牙连接,以节省设备的电量。
7. 结论使用蓝牙进行设备之间的通信变得越来越普遍,逐渐渗透到各个领域。
使用蓝牙的流程解说明 (2)

使用蓝牙的流程解说明1. 蓝牙技术简介蓝牙技术是一种无线通信技术,它使用短波无线电信号传送数据,适用于各种设备之间的通信。
2. 使用蓝牙的流程使用蓝牙设备进行通信的流程可以分为以下几个步骤:2.1 打开蓝牙设备在使用蓝牙设备之前,首先需要确保设备的蓝牙功能已经打开。
2.2 搜索可连接的蓝牙设备一旦蓝牙设备功能打开,就可以开始搜索附近可连接的蓝牙设备。
2.3 选择并配对设备在搜索到可连接的蓝牙设备后,可以从列表中选择要连接的设备。
2.4 连接蓝牙设备配对成功后,就可以连接蓝牙设备了。
2.5 使用蓝牙设备进行通信一旦蓝牙设备连接成功,就可以开始使用蓝牙设备进行通信了。
3. 注意事项在使用蓝牙设备时,需要注意以下几点:•确保周围没有过多的干扰源,以确保蓝牙设备的稳定连接;•提前备好相关配对码,以便在配对时使用;•保持蓝牙设备与连接设备的距离在有效范围内;•及时关闭蓝牙设备,以节省电力。
4. 结语蓝牙技术在现代生活中的应用越来越广泛,通过简单的几个步骤,我们可以轻松地连接和使用蓝牙设备进行通信。
HC Serial Bluetooth Products 201104

HC Serial Bluetooth ProductsUser Instructional Manual1 IntroductionHC serial Bluetooth products consist of Bluetooth serial interface module and Bluetooth adapter, such as:(1) Bluetooth serial interface module:Industrial level: HC-03, HC-04(HC-04-M, HC-04-S)Civil level: HC-05, HC-06(HC-06-M, HC-06-S)HC-05-D, HC-06-D (with baseboard, for test and evaluation)(2) Bluetooth adapter:HC-M4HC-M6This document mainly introduces Bluetooth serial module. Bluetooth serial module is used for converting serial port to Bluetooth. These modules have two modes: master and slaver device. The device named after even number is defined to be master or slaver when out of factory and can’t be changed to the other mode. But for the device named after odd number, users can set the work mode (master or slaver) of the device by AT commands.HC-04 specifically includes:Master device: HC-04-M, M=masterSlave device: HC-04-S, S=slaverThe default situation of HC-04 is slave mode. If you need master mode, please state it clearly or place an order for HC-O4-M directly.The naming rule of HC-06 is same.When HC-03 and HC-05 are out of factory, one part of parameters are set for activating the device. The work mode is not set, since user can set the mode of HC-03, HC-05 as they want.The main function of Bluetooth serial module is replacing the serial port line, such as:1. There are two MCUs want to communicate with each other. One connects to Bluetooth master device while the other one connects to slave device. Their connection can be built once the pair is made. This Bluetooth connection is equivalently liked to a serial port line connection including RXD, TXDsignals. And they can use the Bluetooth serial module to communicate with each other.2. When MCU has Bluetooth salve module, it can communicate with Bluetooth adapter of computers and smart phones. Then there is a virtual communicable serial port line between MCU and computer or smart phone.3. The Bluetooth devices in the market mostly are salve devices, such as Bluetooth printer, Bluetooth GPS. So, we can use master module to make pair and communicate with them.Bluetooth Serial module’s operation doesn’t need drive, and can communicate with the other Bluetooth device who has the serial. But communication between two Bluetooth modules requires at least two conditions:(1) The communication must be between master and slave.(2) The password must be correct.However, the two conditions are not sufficient conditions. There are also some other conditions basing on different device model. Detailed information is provided in the following chapters.In the following chapters, we will repeatedly refer to Linvor’s (Formerly known as Guangzhou HC Information Technology Co., Ltd.) material and photos.2 Selection of the ModuleThe Bluetooth serial module named even number is compatible with each other; The salve module is also compatible with each other. In other word, the function of HC-04 and HC-06, HC-03 and HC-05 are mutually compatible with each other. HC-04 and HC-06 are former version that user can’t reset the work mode (master or slave). And only a few AT commands and functions can be used, like reset the name of Bluetooth (only the slaver), reset the password, reset the baud rate and check the version number. The command set of HC-03 and HC-05 are more flexible than HC-04 and HC-06’s. Generally, the Bluetooth of HC-03/HC-05 is recommended for the user.Here are the main factory parameters of HC-05 and HC-06. Pay attention to the differences:HC-05 HC-06 Master and slave mode can be switched Master and slave mode can’t be switched Bluetooth name: HC-05 Bluetooth name: linvorPassword:1234 Password:1234Master role: have no function to remember the lastpaired salve device. It can be made paired to anyslave device. In other words, just set AT+CMODE=1 when out of factory. If you want HC-05 to remember the last paired slave device address like HC-06, you can set AT+CMODE=0 after paired with the other device. Please refer thecommand set of HC-05 for the details.Master role: have paired memory to remember last slave device and only make pair with that device unless KEY (PIN26) is triggered by high level. The default connected PIN26 is low level. Pairing: The master device can not only make pairwith the specified Bluetooth address, likecell-phone, computer adapter, slave device, but also can search and make pair with the slave device automatically. Typical method: On some specific conditions, master device and slave device can make pair with each other automatically. (This is the defaultmethod.)Pairing: Master device search and make pair with the slave device automatically.Typical method: On some specific conditions, master and slave device can make pair with each other automatically.Multi-device communication: There is only point to point communication for modules, but the adapter can communicate with multi-modules.Multi-device communication: There is only point to point communication for modules, but the adapter can communicate with multi-modules. AT Mode 1: After power on, it can enter the ATmode by triggering PIN34 with high level. Thenthe baud rate for setting AT command is equal tothe baud rate in communication, for example:9600.AT mode 2: First set the PIN34 as high level, orwhile on powering the module set the PIN34 to behigh level, the Baud rate used here is 38400 bps.Notice: All AT commands can be operated only AT Mode: Before paired, it is at the AT mode. After paired it’s at transparent communication.when the PIN34 is at high level. Only part of theAT commands can be used if PIN34 doesn’t keepthe high level after entering to the AT mode.Through this kind of designing, set permissions forthe module is left to the user’s external controlcircuit, that makes the application of HC-05 is veryflexible.During the process of communication, the modulecan enter to AT mode by setting PIN34 to be highlevel. By releasing PIN34, the module can go back to communication mode in which user can inquire some information dynamically. For example, toinquire the pairing is finished or not.During the communication mode, the module can’t enter to the AT mode.Default communication baud rate: 9600, 4800-1.3M are settable.Default communication baud rate: 9600, 1200-1.3M are settable. KEY: PIN34, for entering to the AT mode.KEY: PIN26, for master abandons memory. LED1: PIN31, indicator of Bluetooth mode. Slowflicker (1Hz) represents entering to the AT mode2,while fast flicker(2Hz) represents entering to the AT mode1 or during the communication pairing. Double flicker per second represents pairing is finished, the module is communicable. LED2: PIN32, before pairing is at low level, after the pairing is at high level. The using method of master and slaver’s indicator is the same.Notice: The PIN of LED1 and LED2 are connectedwith LED+.LED: The flicker frequency of slave device is 102ms. If master device already has the memory of slave device, the flicker frequency during the pairing is 110ms/s. If not, or master has emptied the memory, then the flicker frequency is 750m/s. After pairing, no matter it’s a master or slave device, the LED PIN is at high level.Notice: The LED PIN connects to LED+ PIN.Consumption: During the pairing, the current is Consumption: During the pairing, the current isfluctuant in the range of 30-40mA. The mean current is about 25mA. After paring, no matter processing communication or not, the current is 8mA. There is no sleep mode. This parameter is same for all the Bluetooth modules. fluctuant in the range of 30-40 m. The mean current is about 25mA. After paring, no matter processing communication or not, the current is 8mA. There is no sleep mode. This parameter is same for all the Bluetooth modules.Reset: PIN11, active if it’s input low level. It can be suspended in using.Reset: PIN11, active if it’s input low level. It can be suspended in using. Level: CivilLevel: CivilThe table above that includes main parameters of two serial modules is a reference for user selection.HC-03/HC-05 serial product is recommended.3. Information of PackageThe PIN definitions of HC-03, HC-04, HC-05 and HC-06 are kind of different, but the package sizeis the same: 28mm * 15mm * 2.35mm.The following figure 1 is a picture of HC-06 and its main PINs. Figure 2 is a picture of HC-05 and its main PINs. Figure 3 is a comparative picture with one coin. Figure 4 is their package size information. When user designs the circuit, you can visit the website of Guangzhou HC Information Technology Co., Ltd. ( ) to download the package library of protle version.Figure 1 HC-06 Figure 2 HC-05Figure 3 Comparative picture with one coinFigure 4 Package size information4. The Using and Testing Method of HC-06 for the First TimeThis chapter will introduce the using method of HC-06 in detail. User can test the module according to this chapter when he or she uses the module at the first time.PINs description:PIN1 UART_TXD , TTL/CMOS level, UART Data outputPIN2 UART_RXD, TTL/COMS level, s UART Data inputPIN11 RESET, the reset PIN of module, inputting low level can reset the module, when the module is in using, this PIN can connect to air.PIN12 VCC, voltage supply for logic, the standard voltage is 3.3V, and can work at 3.0-4.2VPIN13 GND PIN22 GNDPIN24 LED, working mode indicatorSlave device: Before paired, this PIN outputs the period of 102ms square wave. After paired, this PIN outputs high level.Master device: On the condition of having no memory of pairing with a slave device, this PIN outputs the period of 110ms square wave. On the condition of having the memory of pairing with a slave device, this PIN outputs the period of 750ms square wave. After paired, this PIN outputs high level.PIN26 For master device, this PIN is used for emptying information about pairing. After emptying, master device will search slaver randomly, then remember the address of the new got slave device. In the next power on, master device will only search this address.Figure 5 The circuit 1In principle, HC-06 can work when UART_TXD, UART_RXD, VCC and GND are connected. However, for better testing results, connecting LED and KEY are recommended (when testing the master).Where, the 3.3V TXD of MCU connects to HC-06’s UART_RXD, the 3.3V RXD of MCU connects to HC-06’s UART_TXD, and 3.3V power and GND should be connected. Then the minimum system is finished.Note that, the PIN2:UART_RXD of Bluetooth module has no pull-up resistor. If the MCU TXD doesn’t have pull-up function, then user should add a pull-up resistor to the UART_RXD. It may be easy to be ignored.If there are two MCU which connect to master and slave device respectively, then before paired(LED will flicker) user can send AT commands by serial port when the system is power on. Please refer to HC-04 and HC-06’s data sheet for detailed commands. In the last chapter, the command set will be introduced. Please pay attention to that the command of HC-04/HC-06 doesn’t have terminator. For example, consider the call command, sending out AT is already enough, need not add the CRLF (carriage return line feed).If the LED is constant lighting, it indicates the pairing is finished. The two MCUs can communicatewith each other by serial port. User can think there is a serial port line between two MCUs.Figure 6 is the block diagram of Bluetooth baseboard. This kind of circuit can amplify Bluetooth module’s operating voltage to 3.1-6.5V. In this diagram, the J1 port can not only be connected with MCU system of 3.3V and 5V, but also can be connected with computer serial port.Figure 6 The circuit 2(3) AT command testBefore paired, the mode of HC-04 and HC-06 are AT mode.On the condition of 9600N81, OK will be received when user send the two letters AT. Please refer to the last chapter of datasheet for other commands of HC-06. Please pay attention to that sending out AT is already enough, need not add the CRLF (carriage return line feed).The command set of Version V1.4 doesn’t include parity. The version V1.5 and its later version have parity function. Moreover, there are three more commands of V1.5 than V1.4. They are:No parity (default) AT+PNOdd parity AT+POEven parity AT+PEDo not let the sending frequency of AT command of HC-06 exceed 1Hz, because the command ofHC-06 end or not is determined by the time interval.(4) Pairing with adapterUser can refer to the download center of the company’s website for “The Introduction of IVT” that introduces the Bluetooth module makes pair with computer adapter. That document taking HC-06-D for example introduces how the serial module makes pair with the adapter. That method is like to make pairwith cell-phone. But the difference is that cell-phone need a third-party communication software to help.It’s liked the kind of PC serial helper of and the hyper terminal. A software named “PDA serial helper” provided by our company is suitable for WM system. It has been proven that this serial module is supported by many smart phone systems’ Bluetooth, such as, sybian, android, windows mobile and etc.(5) Pairing introductionHC-06 master device has no memory before the first use. If the password is correct, the mater device will make pair with the slave device automatically in the first use. In the following use, the master device will remember the Bluetooth address of the last paired device and search it. The searching won’t stop until the device is found. If master device’s PIN26 is input high level, the device will lose the memory. In that occasion, it’ll search the proper slave device like the first use. Based on this function,the master device can be set to make pair with the specified address or any address by user.(6) Reset new password introductionUser can set a new password for the HC-06 through AT+PINxxxx command. But the new passwordwill become active after discharged all the energy of the module. If the module still has any energy, theold one is still active. In the test, for discharging all the system energy and activating the new password,we can connect the power supply PIN with GND about 20 seconds after the power is cut off. Generally, shutting down the device for 30 minutes also can discharge the energy, if there is no peripheral circuit helps discharge energy. User should make the proper way according to the specific situation.(7) Name introductionIf the device has no name, it’s better that user doesn’t try to change the master device name. The name should be limited in 20 characters.Summary: The character of HC-06: 1 not many command 2 easy for application 3 low price. It’s good for some specific application. HC-04 is very similar with HC-06. Their only one difference is HC-04 is for industry, HC-06 is for civil. Except this, they don’t have difference.The following reference about HC-04 and HC-06 can be downloaded from company website :HC-06 datasheet .pdf (the command set introduction is included)HC-04 datasheet .pdf (the command set introduction is included)IVT BlueSoleil-2.6 (IVT Bluetooth drive test version)Bluetooth FAQ.pdfHC-04-D(HD-06-D)datasheet(English).pdfHC-06-AT command software (test version) (some commands in V1.5 is not supported by V1.4) PCB package of Bluetooth key modules (PCB package lib in protel)IVT software manual.pdf (introduce how to operate the modern and make pairwith Bluetooth module)PDA serial test helper.exe (serial helper used for WM system)5 manual for the first use of HC-05This chapter will introduce how to test and use the HC-05 if it’s the first time for user to operate it.(1) PINs descriptionPIN1 UART_TXD, Bluetooth serial signal sending PIN, can connect with MCU’s RXD PINPIN2 UART_RXD, Bluetooth serial signal receiving PIN, can connect with the MCU’s TXD PIN, there is no pull-up resistor in this PIN. But It needs to be added an eternal pull-up resistor.PIN11 RESET, the reset PIN of module, inputting low level can reset the module, when the module is in using, this PIN can connect to air.PIN12 VCC, voltage supply for logic, the standard voltage is 3.3V, and can work at 3.0-4.2V PIN13 GNDPIN31 LED1, indicator of work mode. Has 3 modes:When the module is supplied power and PIN34 is input high level, PIN31 output 1Hz square wave to make the LED flicker slowly. It indicates that the module is at the AT mode, and the baud rate is 38400;When the module is supplied power and PIN34 is input low level, PIN31 output 2Hz square wave to make the LED flicker quickly. It indicates the module is at the pairable mode. IfPIN34 is input high level, then the module will enter to AT mode, but the output of PIN31 is still 2Hz square wave.After the pairing, PIN31 output 2Hz square ware.Note: if PIN34 keep high level, all the commands in the AT command set can be in application. Otherwise, if just excite PIN34 with high level but not keep, only some command can be used. More information has provided at chapter 2.PIN32 Output terminal. Before paired, it output low level. Once the pair is finished, it output highlevel.PIN34 Mode switch input. If it is input low level, the module is at paired or communication mode. If it’s input high level, the module will enter to AT mode. Even though the module is atcommunication, the module can enter to the AT mode if PIN34 is input high level. Then it will go back to the communication mode if PIN34 is input low level again.(2) Application circuit 1 (connect to the 3.3V system)Figure 7 Application 1(3) Application circuit 2 (connect to 5V serial system or PC serial)Figure 8 Application circuit 2(4) AT command testThis chapter introduces some common commands in use. The detail introduction about HC-05 command is in HC-0305 AT command set.Enter to AT mode:Way1: Supply power to module and input high level to PIN34 at the same time, the module will enter to AT mode with the baud rate-38400.Way2: In the first step, supply power to module; In the second step, input high level to PIN34. Then the module will enter to AT mode with the baud rate-9600. Way1 is recommended.Command structure: all command should end up with “\r\n” (Hex: 0X0D X0A) as the terminator. Ifthe serial helper is installed, user just need enter “ENTER” key at the end of command.Reset the master-slave role command:AT+ROLE=0 ----Set the module to be salve mode. The default mode is salve.AT+ROLE=1 ----Set the module to be master mode.Set memory command:AT+CMODE=1Set the module to make pair with the other random Bluetooth module (Not specified address). The default is this mode.AT+CMODE=1Set the module to make pair with the other Bluetooth module (specified address). If set the module to make pair with random one first, then set the module to make pair with the Bluetooth module has specified address. Then the module will search the last paired module until the module is found.Reset the password commandAT+PSWD=XXXXSet the module pair password. The password must be 4-bits.Reset the baud rateAT+UART== <Param>,<Param2>,<Param3>.More information is provided at HC-0305 command setExample:AT+UART=9600,0,0 ----set the baud rate to be 9600N81Reset the Bluetooth nameAT+NAME=XXXXXSummary:HC-05 has many functions and covers all functions of HC-06. The above commands are the most common ones. Besides this, HC-05 leaves lots of space for user. So HC-05 is better than HC-06 andrecommended. HC-03 is similar with HC-05. The above introduction also suits HC-03 The following reference about HC-03 and HC-05 can be downloaded from company website :HC-03 datasheet .pdf (the command set introduction is included)HC-05 datasheet .pdf (the command set introduction is included)IVT BlueSoleil-2.6 (IVT Bluetooth drive test version)Bluetooth FAQ.pdfPCB package of Bluetooth key modules (PCB package lib in protel)IVT software manual.pdf (introduce how to operate the modern and make pair withBluetooth module)PDA serial test helper.exe (serial helper used for WM system)HC-03/05 Bluetooth serial command set.pdf6. Ordering informationThe website of Guangzhou HC Information Technology Co., Ltd is The contact information is provided at the company website.Order Way: If you want our product, you can give order to the production center of our company directly or order it in Taobao. There is a link to Taobao in our company website.Package: 50 pieces chips in an anti-static blister package. The weight of a module is about 0.9g. The weight of a package is about 50g.Please provide the product’s model when you order:HC-04-M HC-04 master moduleHC-04-S HC-04 slave moduleHC-06-M HC-06 master moduleHC-06-S HC-06 slave moduleHC-03HC-05 HC-03/05 can be preset to be master module or slave module.。
UCLEAR Commander 車用藍牙耳機使用說明書说明书

Bluetooth Headset使用說明書1目錄目錄包裝內容物主機按鍵功能接聽來電配對操作One Touch語音快速撥號簡介One Touch─AndroidOne Touch─iOS支架安裝支架與充電座使用方式充電方式123456 7~9 10~12131415歡迎使用U CLEAR Commander感謝您購買UCLEAR Commander車用藍牙耳機,此耳機專為全球駕駛人士開發的車用藍牙耳機,配合UCLEAR全球獨創「One Touch」藍牙語音播號和快速連接功能,實現免觸碰手機播號通話,準確率可達99.5%以上,使您在駕駛時能完全釋放雙手,專注於路況的同時,也能繼續保持聯繫通話。
車用12V充電器USB充電線耳塞套(L、M、S)Commander主機車用遮陽板專用支架多功能充電插座掛繩透明耳勾說明書2包裝內容物U CLEAR Commander 簡介開/關機接聽/掛斷多功能按鍵LED指示燈降低音量音量增大3主機按鍵功能開機如耳機在車用遮陽板支架或充電插座上時,取出後便自動開機 多功能按鍵長按5秒即可開機關機耳機放回車用遮陽板支架或充電插座上時,置入後便自動關機 多功能按鍵長按5秒即可關機接聽來電4接聽來電如耳機放置於車用遮陽板支架或多功能充電插座上時,將耳機取下 即可接聽電話。
如耳機於關機狀態下,須先長按 2 秒多功能按鍵開機後即可接聽來 電。
結束通話通話過程中短按多功能按鍵即掛斷電話對方掛斷電話即可掛斷電話保留通話接聽新來電當在通話中有新來電時,短按多功能鍵便可接聽新的來電通話,同時保留原有的通話在等待狀態下,在通話當中短按多功能按鍵 便可在兩通話之間轉換。
HC-04蓝牙串口通信模块用户手册 V1.0说明书

无线工作频段为2.4GHz ISM,调制方式是GFSK。
产品尺寸管脚定义HC-04模块适用于贴片焊接,共有16个引脚,板载PCB天线,引脚具体定义如下表:引脚定义I/O方向说明1GND模块公共地2VCC输入电源脚,要求直流3.3V电源,供电电流不小于200mA 3TXD输出UART输出口,3.3V TTL电平4RXD输入,弱上拉UART输入口,3.3V TTL电平5NC悬空6NC悬空7NC悬空8NC悬空9PB1输出模块连线指示,连线前为高电平,连线后输出低电平。
电气特性:参数测试条件参考值工作电压-DC3.0V~3.6V工作电流BLE未连接20mA~60mA变化已连接约22mA SPP未连接20mA~60mA变化已连接约30mA模块参数设置AT指令AT指令用来设置模块的参数,模块在未连线状态下可以进行AT指令操作,连线后进入串口透传模式。
HC-42 蓝牙 5.0 BLE 串口模块用户手册说明书

HC-42蓝牙5.0BLE串口模块用户手册目录一.模块介绍1.1特点简介 (3)1.2基本参数 (3)1.3电气特性 (3)1.4系列产品 (4)二.连接通讯说明2.1模块工作原理简单介绍 (4)2.2模块MCU等设备的连接通讯 (4)2.3模块与手机的连接通讯 (5)三.快速测试3.1参数架与模块连接 (5)3.2通讯测试 (5)四.开发利用4.1模块尺寸和引脚定义 (6)4.2嵌入方式 (7)4.3参考连接电路 (8)五.AT指令5.1模块参数设置AT指令 (9)5.2指令集总 (9)5.3指令说明 (10)六.关于汇承6.1公司简介 (14)软件版本:HC-42V2.02018-06-18硬件版本:V1.02018-01-12更新内容序号更新内容时间1231.1特点简介HC-42蓝牙串口通信模块是新一代的基于Bluetooth Specification V5.0BLE 蓝牙协议的数传模块。
无线工作频段为2.4GHz ISM ,调制方式是GFSK 。
模块最大发射功率为4dBm ,接收灵敏度-96dBm 。
模块大小26.9mm×13mm×2.0mm ,集成了邮票孔封装,可以贴片工艺,很方便嵌入应用系统之内。
1.2基本参数参数名称参数值参数名称参数值型号HC-42模块尺寸26.9X13mm 工作频段 2.4G 空中速率1Mbps/2Mbps 工作电压 1.8~3.6V 天线接口内置PCB 天线工作电流参照1.3表中所述停机电流0.3μA 通讯接口UART接收灵敏度-96dBm@1Mbps 通信电平 1.8~3.6V ,与工作电压一致工作湿度10%~90%发射功率-40~4dBm存储温度-40℃~+85℃参考距离40m/2Mbps (蓝牙5.0)工作温度-25℃~+75℃1.3电气特性数值备注电压特性1.8V~3.6V 若使用纽扣电池,必须保证电压在2.5V 以上参考电流(不包括LED )1.23mA/1.22mA全速广播/全速连接75μA/65uA 低功耗广播/低功耗连接(工作电流随广播间隔变化)0.3μA停机状态注:以上电流数据是基于气温25℃、工作电压3.3V 、出厂默认配置时测得,实际使用可能存在误差。

HCB-300 说明书

简介Bluetooth™ 蓝牙车载免提HCB-300 设计为可在车内使用,并为在驾驶时拨打或接听电话提供了一种安全而便捷的方式。
在使用车载免提式装置之前,请阅读本用户指南的安全有效使用 和有限担保 部分。
附件本车载免提式装置支持使用一系列附件,用以增强您的用户体验:• 高级音乐静音装置 HCE-16 - 用于将声音从话机连接到车载音响扬声器。
• 鹅颈式话筒 HCE-14 - 使话筒更靠近您的嘴。
如果将索尼爱立信话机用于车载免提式装置,则可以使用以下附件:• 专用的车载手机座(例如,用于 K700 的 HCH-38 型)以及天线连接线接头 HCE-12,以获得更好的网络接收效果。
• 点烟器适配器 CLA-11 - 用于为话机充电。
请参阅第 96页的“安装”。
汉世威c ar co m控制面板概述首次使用首次将车载免提式装置与话机一起使用之前,您需要确保:• 正确安装并开启了车载免提式套装组件。
• 在话机上启用了蓝牙功能。
• 已将车载免提式装置添加到话机中的设备列表。

BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK®Models with touchscreenBasic HFL OperationMake and receive phone calls using the vehicle’s audio system, without handling your phone. visit (U.S.) or handsfreelink.ca (Canada) to check phone compatibility.When your iPhone is connected to Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, calls can only be made through Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, not through Bluetooth®HandsFreeLink®.To reduce the potential for driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Stop or pull over to perform the function. Voice commands are also available.HFL ControlsUse the controls to enter information and make selections.Incoming call displayBLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK®Talk Button Tips• When using the Talk button, wait for a beep before saying a command.• To bypass the system prompts, simply press the Talk button again to say your command.• When the Talk button is pressed, all available voice commands are highlighted in yellow.• Speak in a clear, natural voice.• Reduce all background noise.• Close the windows and moonroof.BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK®Models with touchscreenPairing a PhoneTo use hands-free phone and streaming audio functions, you must first pair your phone to the system. This can only be done when the vehicle is stopped. Use the touchscreen to make and enter selections.If there is an active connection to Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, pairing of additional Bluetooth-compatible devices is unavailable and Add Bluetooth Device is grayed out from the Bluetooth Device List screen.1.From the HoMe screen, select Settings.2.Select Phone.3.Select Bluetooth Device List4.Select Add Bluetooth Device.5.oK.6.phone when it appears on the list.If your phone does not appear: Select Phone Not Found and search forHandsFreeLink from your phone.7.when prompted.8.The system asks if you want to enable options:HondaLink Assist: collision notification.Automatic Phone Sync:9.Press BACK to exit the menu.State or local laws may prohibit the operation of handheld electronic devices while operating a vehicle.BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK®Models with touchscreenMaking a CallYou can make a call using several methods.Dialing a NumberEnter a 10-digit phone number to call.Using voice commandsPress the Talk button before you say each command.1.Say “Call by number.”2.Say the phone number. For example,3-1-0-5-5-5-1-2-3-4.”3.The system begins to dial.Using the touchscreenManual operation is limited while the vehicle is moving. voice commands are always available.1.From the HoMe screen, select Phone.2.Select MeNU.3.Select Dial.4.Enter the phone number. Select the green phone icon to call.Storing Speed Dial EntriesStore up to 20 numbers for quick dialing. 1.From the HoMe screen, select Phone.2.Select MeNU.3.Select Speed Dial, then select New entry.4.Select an entry method.5.If desired, you can create a voice tag for thenumber. Follow the prompts.BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK®Using Speed Dial and Call HistoryMake calls quickly using stored speed dial entries or call history numbers. Using voice commandsPress the Talk button before you say each command.1.Say “Dial by name.”2.Say the stored voice tag name. For example,“John Smith.”Using the touchscreen1. From the Home screen, select Phone.2. Scroll through the list to find the entry you wantto call, and select it to call.Using the PhonebookWhen your phone is paired, its entire phonebook can be automatically imported to the system. Automatic Phone Sync must be turned on.Using voice commandsPress the Talk button before you say each command.1. Say “Call by name.”2. Say the phonebook name and phone type. Forexample, “John Smith mobile.”Using the touchscreenManual operation is limited while the vehicle is moving. voice commands are always available.1.From the HoMe screen, select Phone.2.Select MeNU.3.Select Phonebook.4.Scroll through the list to find the name andnumber you want to call, and select it to call.。

10 Bi-Directional Programmable input/output
23 Bi-Directional Programmable input/output
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line Programmable input/output
line Programmable input/output



2. 配置参数:检查微控制器的串口波特率设置,确保与 HC 模块的波特率一致。
默认波特率为 9600bps,可以通过 AT 命令修改。
3.电源供应:为HC模块提供正常的电源供应,电压范围为 3.6V-6V。
二、软件设置1. 初始化串口:在微控制器的代码中,使用适当的函数初始化串口,并确保波特率与 HC 模块一致。
例如,在 C 语言中,可以使用uart_init( 函数进行初始化。
3. 数据传输:使用 HC 模块进行数据传输需要编写相应的代码。
首先,将需要传输的数据发送到 HC 模块的串口。
然后,使用适当的方法从HC 模块接收数据。
例如,在 C 语言中,可以使用 uart_send( 函数将数据发送到 HC 模块,并使用 uart_receive( 函数从 HC 模块接收数据。

BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK® (HFL) BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK® (HFL)Learn how to operate the vehicle’s hands-free calling system.Basic HFL OperationMake and receive phone calls using the vehicle’s audio system, without handling your phone. Visit (US) to check phone compatibility. Canada customers can phone (855)-490-7351 for any HandsFreeLink® related inquiry.To reduce the potential for driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.n HFL Displays and ControlsUse the controls to enter information and make selections.Pick-up button:Press to go directly to the phone menu on the driver information interface, or to answer an incoming call.Hang-up/back button:Press to end a call, go back to the previous command,or cancel a command.Talk button:Press to access Voice Portal.Up/Down buttons:Press to select an item displayed on the phone menu in the Driver Information Interface.ENTER button:Press to call a number listed in the selected item on the phone menu in the Driver Information Interface.Display/Information button:Select the Phone button and press ENTER to display Speed Dial, Call History, or Phonebook on the phone menu in the Driver Information Interface.n Talk Button TipsWhen using the Talk button, wait for the beep before saying a command.The system recognizes commands listed in the Voice Command Index.•When using the Talk button, wait until you hear a beep before speaking.•To bypass the system prompts, simply press the Talk button again to say your command.•Speak in a clear, natural voice.•Reduce all background noise.•Adjust the dashboard vents away from the microphone on the ceiling.•Close the windows and moonroof *1.BLUETOOTH ® HANDSFREELINK ® (HFL)Models with Display AudioPairing a PhoneTo use hands-free phone and streaming audio functions, you must first pair your phone to the system. This can only be done when the vehicle is stopped. If there is an active connection to Apple CarPlay ™ (see Apple CarPlay) or Android Auto ™ (see Android Auto), pairing of additional Bluetooth-compatible devices is unavailable and Add Bluetooth Device is grayed out from the Bluetooth Device List screen.n Pairing the First PhoneModels with Display AudioUse the touchscreen to make and enter selections.BLUETOOTH ® HANDSFREELINK ® (HFL)1.Select Phone.2.Select Yes.3.Make sure your phone is in search or discoverable mode, then select Continue.HFL automatically searches for a Bluetooth ® device.4.Select your phone when it appears on the list.If your phone does not appear, you can select Refresh to search again.If your phone still does not appear,select Phone Not Found and search for Bluetooth ® devices using your phone. From your phone, search for HandsFreeLink ®.5.The system gives you a pairing code on the audio/information screen.Confirm if the pairing code on the screen and your phone match. Thismay vary by phone.Making a CallYou can make calls by inputting any phone number, or by using the imported phonebook, call history, speed dial entries, or redial.n Dialing a NumberModels with Display AudioApplicable laws may prohibit the operation of handheld electronic devices while operating a vehicle.BLUETOOTH ® HANDSFREELINK ® (HFL)1.Go to the Phone Menu screen.2.Select Dial.3.Select a number.Use the keyboard on the touch screen for entering numbers.4.Select the Phone button.Dialing starts automatically.n Using the PhonebookWhen your phone is paired, its phonebook is automatically imported to the system.This method is inoperable while the vehicle is moving.Models with Display Audio1.Go to the Phone Menu screen.2.Select Phonebook.3.Select a name.You can also search by letter. SelectSearch.Use the keyboard on the touch screenfor entering a name, if multiplenumbers exist select a number.4.Select a number.Dialing starts automatically.n Storing Speed Dial EntriesStore up to 20 numbers for quick dialing. To store a speed dial number:Models with Display Audio1.Go to the Phone Menu screen.2.Select Speed Dial.3.Select New Entry.From Import from Call History:Select a number from the call history.From Manual Input:Input the number manually.From Import from Phonebook:Select a number from the connected cell phone’s imported phonebook.4.When the speed dial is successfullystored, you are asked to create a voicetag for the number. Select Yes or No. 5.Select Record, or use Talk button andfollow the prompts to complete the voice tag.BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK® (HFL)n Using Speed DialMake calls quickly using stored speed dial entries or call history numbers.Models with Display Audio1.Go to the Phone Menu screen. Array2.Select Speed Dial.3.Select a number.Dialing starts automatically.。

通过蓝牙技术,可以在手机、电脑、打印机、PDA 等电脑数码设备之间实现高速,传输距离为10米的无线数据通讯。
使用之前一、产品概览1:上一曲 2:多功能键 3:下一曲 4 状态指示灯 5 头戴 6 可伸缩和折叠的头戴 7 右扬声器8 左扬声器 9 麦克风10 Micro USB :充电 11 音量 + :增大音量 12 音量 - :减小音量二、给耳机充电耳机使用内置可充电电池,首次使用耳机前必须给电池充满电。
注意:△配对成功之后,配对设备会相互记住对方,下次使用时无需重新配对;△蓝牙版本低于V2.1的手机会提示输入密匙或PIN码: “0000”。


HC-05 蓝牙模块介绍与配置1.蓝牙介绍图 7-1 产品实物图图7-2引脚对应图HC-05 蓝牙模块的特色:(1)采纳 CSR主流蓝牙芯片,蓝牙 V2.0 协议标准;(2)输入电压 :3.6V--6V,严禁超出 7V;(3)波特率为 1200, 2400,4800,9600,19200,38400, 57600,115200用户可设置;( 4)带连结状态指示灯 ,LED 快闪表示没有蓝牙连结 ;LED 慢闪表示进入AT 命令模式;( 5)板载 3.3V 稳压芯片 ,输入电压直流 3.6V-6V;未配对时 ,电流约30mA(因 LED 灯闪耀 ,电流处于变化状态 );配对成功后 ,电流大概 10mA。
(6)用于 GPS 导航系统,水电煤气抄表系统,工业现场采控系统;(7)能够与蓝牙笔录本电脑、电脑加蓝牙适配器等设施进行无缝连结。
( 8) HC-05 嵌入式蓝牙串口通信模块(以下简称模块)拥有两种工作模式:命令响应工作模式和自动连结工作模式,在自动连结工作模式下模块又可分为主(Master)、从(Slave)和回环( Loopback)三种工作角色。
当模块处于自动连结工作模式时,将自动依据预先设定的方式连结的数据传输;当模块处于命令响应工作模式时能履行下述全部AT 命令,用户可向模块发送各样AT 指令,为模块设定控制参数或公布控制命令。
2.蓝牙配置(1)主要内容所需资料:USB 转TTL 模块(下载器)、HC-05 蓝牙模块一对、串口调试助手。
注意事项:USB 转 TTL 模块(下载器)与HC-05 蓝牙模块的连结方法以下:蓝牙模块USB 转TTL模块RXD TXD <---------><--------->TXDRXDVCC<--------->5VGND<--------->GND注意:交错连结设置步骤进入 AT 指令模式(全部AT 指令都一定换行)设置串口波特率9600,无校验位,无停止位改正蓝牙名称、密码设置蓝牙的主从模式( 1 主 1 从)实现主从模块的绑定(两个模块实现透传)( 2)操作实例A.用杜邦线连结好 USB 转 TTL 模块(下载器)与 HC-05 蓝牙模块(注意交错!!)B.进入 AT 指令模式将下载器与电脑连结,(按住 HC-05 上的复位键,再接通电源,发现指示灯迟缓闪灭,表示进入 AT 指令模式),而且翻开串口助手。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
e 6、关于密码的修改
r HC-06 密码的修改可以通过指令 AT+PINxxxx,但需要注意,通过指令修改成功之后,模块必须
te 彻底放电,新密码才能生效,只要彻底放电之前,旧密码还是有作用的。测试的时候,可以在
断电之后,把电源和地短接 20 秒,整个系统将会彻底放电,新密码生效。一般情况下,如果
is 外围没有彻底放电的设计的设计的话,关机半个小时也是可以彻底放电的,具体情况需要用户
g 7、主机时没有名字的,用户测试的时候不要尝试修改主机的名字,蓝牙名字的长度不要超过 20
e 小结:HC-06 的指令比较少,操作简单,价格便宜,适合用法比较特定的用户,在此不做过
完毕,可以通信 LED2:32 脚,配对前低电平,配对完毕可以通 信为高电平 主从机指示灯用法是一样的。 注意:LED1 和 LED2 引脚外接 LED+脚。 功耗:配对中是 30~40MA 左右,波动,平均电流 是 25MA 左右。配对完毕,不论通信与否,都是 8MA,无休眠模式。该参数所有型号的蓝牙模块 都是一样的。 复位:11 脚,低电平复位,使用时可以悬空
问版本号等几个基本功能,不如 HC-03\HC-05 的灵活和指令集多,一般来说推荐用户使用
HC-03\HC-05 的蓝牙。
下面列举 HC-05 和 HC-06 出厂时的主要参数,注意区别:
图 6 是蓝牙底板的原理图,该原理图的接法可以使蓝牙模块的工作电压扩大为 3.1~6.5V, 此时通过图 6 的 J1 口,可以接入 3.3V 系统的单片机或者 5V 系统的单片机,也可以接入电脑串口。
图6 3、AT 指令测试
HC-04、HC-06 在配对完毕之前,模块就是 AT 模式。 在 9600N81 的情况下,发送 AT 两个字母就会回复 OK,其他指令参考 06 的规格书最后一个章 节,请用户注意,HC-06 的 AT 指令集没有结束符,AT 指令后面不需要加入回车换行等。 V1.4 版本的指令集是不包含奇偶校验设置的,V1.5 版本及以后版本是包含奇偶校验设置的, V1.5 比 V1.4 多出的 3 条指令为:
d 蓝牙串口模块用于把串口转换为蓝牙,这种模块工作的时候分为主机和从机,其中偶数命名 e 的型号出厂时就确定了是从机或者是主机,并无法更改。奇数命名的型号可以用户自己通过 AT r 指令修改模块为主机或者从机。 te HC-04 具体分为:
主机:HC-04-M , M=master
is 从机:HC-04-S , S = slaver
订购时默认为从机,如果需要主机,则订购时说明,或者直接订购 HC-0X-M
g 同样,HC-06 也是一样的命名原则。
因为 HC-03,HC-05 可以用户自由地设定主机或者从机,所以主机或从机只有在出厂时预设参
e 数有意义,用户购买时可以要求出厂参数预设为主或者从。 R 蓝牙串口模块最主要的功能是取代串口线,使用举例如下:
通信过程中令 34 脚为高电平,可以进入 AT 模式,
放开后恢复通信模式,这个功能可以动态查询某 通信过程中无法进入 AT 模式
默认通信波特率:9600,4800~1.3M 可设
默认通信波特率:9600,1200~1.3M 可设
KEY:34 脚,用于进入 AT 状态
波特率使用 38400bps。
AT 模式:配对前就是 AT 模式,配对完毕后透明
n 注意:只有 34 脚保持高电平的时候,才能使用所 通信
U 有的 AT 指令,进入 AT 指令之后 34 脚如果不保
持高电平的话,只能使用部分 AT 指令,这种设
电路,使 05 模块的应用非常灵活。
KEY:26 脚,用于主机放弃记忆
LED1:31 脚,蓝牙状态指示灯,慢闪(1HZ)表 LED:从机闪的频率是 102ms,主机如果已经有 示进入 AT 模式 2;快闪(2HZ)表示进入 AT 模 对从机的记忆,配对中 110ms/s 的频闪,如果 式 1,或者是通信配对中;双闪/秒,表示配对 还没有记忆从机,或者清空了记忆,则是 750m/s
A, 两个单片机,分别接一个蓝牙主机和一个从机,则主机和从机配对之后,相当于一根串口
n 线,包含了 RXD,TXD 两组信号,两个单片机之间可以通过蓝牙串口模块串口通信。 U B,单片机接上蓝牙模块的从机,可以和电脑的蓝牙适配器,智能手机的蓝牙适配器配对通信,
从而单片机和电脑、手机之间虚拟了一根串口线,可以进行串口通信。 C,市面上大多数的蓝牙设备都是使用蓝牙从机的,比如蓝牙打印机,蓝牙 GPS,大部分就是
与 HC-06,HC-03 与 HC-05 在功能上是兼容的。HC-04,HC-06 是比较早的版本,用户不可以自己
切换主机或者从机,AT 指令集很少,包括修改蓝牙名(限于从机),修改密码,修改波特率,询
发送 AT 指令,详细的指令请参考 HC-04 或 HC-06 的规格书,最后一个章节有介绍指令集,需要注 意的是,HC-04\HC-06 的指令没有结束符,比如呼叫指令,只发 AT 两个字母就可以了,不要加上 回车换行符。
如果 LED 常亮了,说明配对完毕,两个单片机之间可以互相串口通信,用户可以认为两个单 片机之间连了一个串口线。 2、蓝牙模块与 5V 单片机串口、电脑串口的接法,如图 6 所示。
AT 模式 1:开机后,再触发 34 脚为高电平可以
g 进入 AT 模式,此时设置 AT 指令使用的波特率和
e 通信时的波特率一样,比如 9600;
AT 模式 2:先令 34 脚为高电平,或者模块上电
R 的同时令 34 脚也为高电平,设置 AT 指令使用的
PIN2 UART_RXD, TTL/COMS 电平,串口接收脚(无上拉,需外加上拉)
PIN11 复位引脚,低电平复位,可以悬空
PIN12 VCC,典型值 3.3V,可以工作于 3.1~4.2V 之间
从机模式的,我们可以使用主机模块和它配对通信。 串口模块的使用,是不需要驱动的,只要是串口就可以接入,配对完毕即可通信,模块与模 块的通信需要至少 2 个条件: 1、 必须是主机与从机之间 2、 必须密码一致 但这两个条件并不是充分条件,还有一些条件是根据不同的型号来确定的,详细资料请参考 后面的各种型号的关于配对的章节。 我们下面的章节叙述中将会多次引用 Linvor(广州汇承信息的前称)的资料和图片。
了,只要主机上电,就会自动地不停地搜索从机,直到找到为止。如果主机的 PIN26 脚被高电
d 就可以配对。用户可以根据这个特性设计主机是该指定地址配对,还是任意地址配对。
e 配对方式:主机可以指定另一方的地址进行配
r 对,另一方包括手机、电脑的适配器、从机,也
te 典型方式:在一定条件下,主从之间自动配对(默
配对方式:主机自动搜索从设备进行配对。 典型方式:在一定条件下,主模块与模块之间只支持点对点通信, 多机通信:模块与模块之间只支持点对点通信,
HC-06 的 AT 指令发送频率最快不要超过 1 次/秒,因为 HC-06 的指令是通过时间间隔来判断
4、蓝牙模块和电脑的适配器配对使用的情况,可以参考公司网站下载中心的“IVT 使用指
南.pdf”,该文档以 HC-06-D 为例,说明了串口模块如何与适配器配对使用的,和手机的配对
推荐使用 HC-03\HC-05 系列产品。
d 虽然 HC-03、HC-04、HC-05、HC-06 引脚定义稍有不同,但使用相同的封装尺寸:28mm * 15 mm e *2.35mm。 r 下面图 1 是 HC-06 图片及主要引脚,图 2 是 HC-05 图片及主要引脚,图 3 是对比图,图 4 是
UnRegiste 下载 protle 版的封装库。
四、首次使用 HC-06 使用及测试方法
本章节将详细介绍 HC-06 的使用方法,当用户第一次拿到模块的时候,可以用这个章节的介
主机:不记忆从机,可以和任意从机配对,也就 是预设了 AT+CMODE=1,如果要和 HC-06 一样记 忆最后配对过的从机,可以配对过之后再使用
d AT+CMODE=0,详情参考 HC-05 的 AT 指令集
主机:记忆最后一次配对过的从机,并只与该 从机配对,直到 KEY(26 脚)高电平触发时放 弃记忆,26 脚默认应该接低电平
UnRegister 1、模块与 3.3V 的单片机串口的接线方法,如图 5 所示。