











































论黑色幽默的美学意蕴一. 黑色幽默的起源“黑色幽默”文学产生并盛行于二十世纪六十年代初期的美国,有着极为深刻的社会根源。



二. 黑色幽默的文学特征第一. 即滑稽可笑又令人恐惧的幽默形式:黑色幽默小说的特点“黑色”是指可怕而又滑稽的客观现实,“幽默”是指有自由意志的个性对这种现实所采取的嘲笑态度。


第二. 存在主义式的荒诞观:用荒诞的手法描绘荒诞世界疯狂的本质。


第三. “反英雄”人物与“反小说”的形式“黑色幽默”作家笔下的主人公怀疑、否定传统的价值观,有着众人皆醉我独醒的孤独感,甚至嘲笑自己曾经所尊重、所建树的一切,常常是一些行为乖僻、思想古怪的猥琐人物,被生活扭曲得变态,在现代社会中心灵饱受创伤。

三. 黑色幽默在文学作品中的体现《第22 条军规》小说以二战为背景,故事发生在意大利附近皮亚诺扎岛,岛上驻扎着美国空军的一支轰炸中队。

主人公轰炸手尤索林上尉厌恶战争要求复员回国,但是第22 条军规的存在使他无论如何难以实现自己的愿望,在飞了70 次后他终于明白军规是个圈套,是个骗局,于是驾机向中立国瑞典逃去。


就虚构了“ catch - 22”这一寓言形象,定名“军规”,既使它更具令人畏惧的强制性,又使它跟世界荒诞的极端―战争紧相关联。

而“ catch ”的原意就是陷阱、圈套。




















本科毕业设计(论文)题目: A Brief Study on Black Humor inCatch-22 浅析《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默学院:外语学院专业:英语毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。











作者签名:日期:年月日导师签名:日期:年月日ContentsEnglish Outline (I)Chinese Outline (II)English Abstract (III)Chinese Abstract (IV)Chapter I Introduction (1)Chapter II General Explanation of the Black Humor (1)Chapter III An Brief Introduction to Joseph Heller (2)Chapter IV Black Humor in Catch-22 (6)Chapter V Conclusion (11)Works Cited (12)目录英文提纲 (I)中文提纲 (III)英文摘要 (IV)中文摘要 (V)第一章引言 (1)第二章黑色幽默简介 (1)第三章约瑟夫.海勒简介 (2)第四章黑色幽默在《第二十二条军规》中的体现 (6)第五章结论 (11)参考文献 (12)Thesis statement: This paper makes a tentative analysis of black humor in Joseph Heller’s catch-22 aiming at deepening the reader’s understanding of the black humor and catch-22.Chapter I IntroductionChapter II General Explanation of the Black HumorChapter III Brief Introduction to Joseph Heller3.1 Heller’s Life3.2 Heller’s Writing Style and Works3.3 Heller’s Catch-223.3.1 The Background of Catch-223.3.2 A Gist of the NovelChapter IV Black Humor in c atch-224.1 The Description of Main Characters4.2 The Theme of the Novel4.3 The Structure of the Novel4.4 The Characteristics of the LanguageChapter VI ConclusionWorks Cited论文主旨:本文通过分析约瑟夫.海勒的作品《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默加深读者对这部作品以及黑色幽默的理解。


科 蒜江— 技信恩 — 龙— —
文 艺 传f ff 媒
白 巧 灵
( 河职 业 技 术 学院 , 南 漯河 4 20 ) 漯 河 602
摘 要: 对英美文 学的理性主义和黑色幽默所 包含的哲理进行 了深刻分析, 并以典 型作 品为例深刻揭 示了作品描述 的现象对人类社会发展具 有重要 的现 实意义和警 示作 用。 关键 词 : 性 主义 ; 色幽 默 ; 理 黑 社会 现 实 ; 物化
文化是一个民族 、 一个国家价值观 的综合 对 后 工 业 社会 的 “ 深度 ” “ 心 消 解 ” “ 感 政治 、 无 、中 和 情 经济和社会架构 。 重新复原被捣碎 的玻璃 体现 , 而文学则是文化的载体之一 , 属社会意识 消逝” 现象的一种拯救 。 深刻地揭示了一个后工 谈何容易 ! 现在看来 , 即便是布什政府及布什本 形 态之艺术范畴 。它是以语言为手段塑造形象 业 的“ 荒原 ” 会 , 而 , 对 满 目疮 疾 的后 工 业 人 , 社 然 面 如今不知不觉 中也难以摆脱第 2 2条军规的 来 反映社会生活 、表达作者思想感情 的一种艺 文 明, 他始终保 持着乐观 、 积极 的态度 , 具有一 束缚了。通过第 2 条军规这个象征 , 2 美国士兵 术。 以不同的形式 作体裁) 或风格表 现和再现 种“ 情感信念 ”小说渗透着一种乌托邦情怀 , , 表 看到了美 国社会充满了谋杀和腐败。在现实社 定时期一定地域的社会生 活,表达社会生活 现了一种文学理想主义。 在一个消费至上 、 娱乐 会 中我们 可以看到战争、美 国社会及其 官僚机 和心理活动I l l 。英美文学充满着理性主义 , 乃至 至死、 道德滑坡 的时代 , 贝娄对精神 的关注 、 对 构的荒诞 、 疯狂和不可理喻。 于我们生活的现 对 黑色幽默, 对照人类社会 的当今现实 , 使人们更 精 神家园的追寻和敢 于直 面人类灵 魂的精神 , 实社会何尝不存 在大量的黑色幽默呢。承受高 好的理解认识 人类世界 的行为 ,仍然具有深 刻 以及他开出的救赎方案 ,无不显示了一代文学 房价之痛 的民众 ,在享受着具有国民经济支柱 大 师 的 人 道 主 义关 怀 。 的 现实 意 义 。 产业 地位 的房 地产蓬 勃发展 拉动 的高 速 G P D 1 英美文学 的理性主义 2英 美 文 学 中黑 色幽 默 带来 的“ 乐” 欢 的时候 , “ 也 享受 ” 做房奴的哀 着 荚 美文学 中理 性主 义代 表作 家 索尔 ・ 贝 “ 色 幽默 ” 2 黑 是 0世 纪 6 代 风 行 美 国 的 怨 ,大人 物需要 G 0年 DP装点 门面 ,小人物需要 娄, 其作品充满了对人类社会的理性思考 , 描述 个 现代 主 义小 说 流 派 ,在 二 战 以后 的西 方 文 G P做升迁的理 由,房价下来 了, D D G P就要下 的消费主义和拜金现象的社会根 源、所表现的 坛 上 占有 重 要 的地 位 。 被 称 为 “ 又 绞刑 架 下 的 幽 来 , 这不是黑色幽默吗? 国心理学家斯金纳说 美 消 费社会背景下人们身上所体现 出的物质追求 默 ” “ 难 临 头 的 幽 默 ”1 黑 色幽 默 所 创 立 了 过 , 或 大 1 3 。 人类社会有两种荒唐的现象 : —是机器看来 它以荒诞消解了传统喜 愈来愈像有生命的东西 ,一是生命 有机体越来 和精神追求之间的矛盾 以及 由此导致的精神危 种独特 的情感模式 , 机 。贝娄对后工业 社会人类生存 困境的揭示首 剧 的滑稚 ,以沉痛的无 可奈何的苦笑替代 了传 越像机器 。人类对 机械化 即人的异化 的主要表 先表现为人 的“ 物化” 。更 多的人死于心碎》 日《 则 统 喜剧轻松开怀的笑;以荒诞消解了传 统悲剧 现形式很早就表现出担忧 。黑色幽默是在用特 生动地展现了一幅后工业社会 的消费 图景 , 表 的严肃性 ; 以绝望的渗笑替代了悲剧的痛感 , 大 殊 的笑来唤醒人们 的警惕 ,去思考人生的终极 现了 “ 以消费为灵魂”的后工业社会人们 的生 悲转化为大笑 ;把 人物 的悲剧抗 争精神转化为 意义 ; 希望人们去挽救社会 , 至少在震惊之余可 活, 以及那些异化 了的“ 向度的人”对享乐主 无可奈何 的认命宿命精神 ; 单 , 它用笑来表现悲惨 , 以使人们清 醒地认 识到当时的美国社会现实 。 义 和消费道德观进行 了鞭挞 , 并将 消费主义的 悲惨情结则借荒诞戏谑加以渲泄;这就形成了 乃至世界各个国家今天的社会现实。 批判 提升到了文 化的维度和人文关怀 的高度 。 种不同于传统悲剧和喜剧的新 的艺术情感类 3 论 结 如《 赫索格》 深刻地表现了后工业社会人的异化 型。 它有 悲, 但却是 以笑为悲; 它有笑 , 却是至悲 人类社会已经进入 2 世纪 1 年了,人类 1 0 “ 物化” , 了人与 自我、 感 表现 人与人 、 人与社会、 的笑、 渗烈的笑 。 当时的美国是一个社会物质财 所 面临各类难题一个也没得到解决 , 反而 问题 人与 自然等种种异化“ 物化 ” 关系 。 在他 的笔下 富相对丰富而精神信仰却严重缺失的时代 。社 越来越多 , 诸如环境 、 能源 、 粮食、 乃至战争与和 工业化和城市化的进程让人与 自然的关系变成 会 意识可谓像沸腾的大海 ,狂浪猛作 ,翻浪不 平 问题 。人们也从来没有停止过思索解决问题 了一种消费关系 ,让人的关系失去了亲情 与爱 止 。有文化评论家甚 至把这段时间称为美 国历 的办法 ,回过头来看看英美文学 中的一些经典 情。可以说作品是对这种不再和谐的关 系的一 史 上的荒诞 时期。 这个时期 的美 国人 , 他们都对 作品 , 中的理性主义和灰 色幽默无不早 巳昭 其 种悲悼 。表现了人们对成功( 即名利、 地位) 的追 当前的现实处境和前途命运惶惶 不安 ,浮躁的 示了人类今 天所面临的诸多问题 的答案。只是 逐, 以及 由此造成的悲剧 。在一个由 G P决定 情绪也与 日 D 俱增 。 在这样 的社会背景下 , 作家只 那些 自以为是 的政客们,对这些昭示置若 罔闻 切的时代 , G 以 DP来代表所 谓生产力 , 代表 有通过~种病态 、 自嘲 、 可笑的幽默手法来排除 而已。 战争从来没有停止过 , 何来和平与发展 的 社会进步与否 的时代 ,在一个 以金钱来衡量人 他们 心中的不满 、 愤怒和绝 望。 当今世界仍不太 人类 主题?在利益面前,理性主义成 了人类妄 的价值的时代 , 贝娄小说无疑是一部话剧。 人人 平 , 重新评价黑色幽默小说对唤起人们的 良知 、 想 , 灰色幽默是一种永恒 的长笑。 为 了金钱而活着 , 为了名利而活着 , 快乐吗?媒 提醒人们认 识战争的危害等方面无疑具有重要 参 考文 献 体充斥的是纸醉金迷靡靡之音 ,宣传的是老板 的现 实 意 义 。 【] 1沈莉娟. 学习英美文学的价值和现 实意义m. 明星 , 劳动者成了贫穷和愚昧的代名词 。 这能是 美 国著名作家 约瑟夫 ・ 海勒的 《 2 第 2条军 科 技 咨 询 .0 9 . : 3 24 2o NO1 2 — 4 4 4 进步的标志吗。 每个人仅仅是为 了拉动 G P的 规》 D 是黑色幽默 文学流派的一部经典著作 。 所谓 [】 2籍贯红. 行走在历 史与现 实之 间『 】 州: D. 杭 浙 消费者 , 是影响 G P的一个微小 因子 。贝娄作 “ 2 D 第 2条军规 ” 实际上就是一个圈套 ( th: c c )认 江大学 ,o 98 1 . a 2 o:— O 品揭示 了人 的价值被“ 物化” 恰恰是 当今人类的 为 自己有精神病的军人必须由本人提 出申请停 f] 莹.黑 色幽 默 ” 3周 “ 浅论 U . 0 (6:2 3 . 1 0 93 ) — 3 2 3 悲剧 。他认为科技进步并不一定能给人带来幸 飞 ;但是能够提出 自己有精神病不能飞行的军 【】 4雷红琴. 论黑 色幽默独创 的艺术情感模式Ⅲ. 福和快乐。 贝娄对科技进步与专 家制度 的质疑 , 人又说明你思路清醒 , 不许 停飞。 任你怎样努力 外 国 学研 究 1 9 () 3 4 . 9 81: - 7 4 契合了当今物质丰裕的社会状况下人文精神的 也不可能从它的束缚中摆脱 出来 。“ 军规” 的巧 衰微、 人们 的幸福感 缺失这一现象 。 贝娄还对后 妙之处 就在于它虽不是 白纸黑字 写下的条文 , 工业社会科技的进步 和文 明的演进与文化的衰 但却 又无处不在。 无人清楚 它, 但却无人不感 到 落之问的关系作 出了深刻的反思。儿部小说 邹 它 的存在。 当它化作具体 内容时则 诡诈多端, 可 表现 了他对人类 一些永恒的哲学命题 的思考 , 却没有人能奈何得 了它 。它所描写的场景在现 表达 了他对人类 的前途 、 命运、 道德 、 精神状态 , 实生活巾的体 现就是 当今的阿富汗战争 、伊拉 人生终极 意义等重大问题 的关 注,比如 自我认 克战争等, 战争 的大规模杀伤和破坏 , 把一切都 同、 道德与真理 、 个体与群体等 问题 。贝娄对这 翻 了个 个儿, 希望 的虚妄 、 正义、 道德 的虚伪 , 官 些形而上问题的哲学思考是他对后工业社会 消 僚 政治 的利 己 , 人 的 生 死荣 辱 都 一 览 无 余 。 个 正 费主义和物质主义作 出的回应和反拨 ,也是他 是 美 闰 以 “ 恐 ” 义 发 动 的 战争 摧 毁 了伊 拉 克 反 名 责 任 编辑 : 会 兰 于一一 一 一一一1 2— 8





关键词:英美文学;黑色幽默;艺术价值;赏析[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2013)-2-0-02“黑色幽默”又被称为“绞刑架下的幽默”,作为西方文学作品中的一个十分重要的流派,“黑色幽默”对现代世界文学有着非常深刻而又广泛的影响,主要的代表作品包括《第二十二条军规》、《第五号屠宰场》、《万有引力之虹》以及《等待戈多》等。










美国文学史论文Black humor

美国文学史论文Black humor

美国文学史论文Black humorCharacteristics and Significance of Artistic Form of Black Humor --With Catch-22 as an Example Introduction: Since the 1960s, it has been a disturbing time in American social, political, and artistic life. Social concerns have become intense when information begins to explode from different channels now available such as the mass media, television, computers, and satellites. With a marked change in popular awareness, there appeared a marked change in the nature of things like the ideals of democracy, individualism, and the credibility of the government. People found the boundaries between fact and fiction obscured or no longer existing. This is a period of changes for the American novel. Traditional realistic narrative techniques were inadequate and falsifying in presenting life.A whole new way of writing would have to be found for the novel. And change was inevitable and was already happening at that time. The postmodern novels do not offer little or nothing of an illusion of reality with a consistent point of view or fairly obvious interpretable levels of meaning. The new experience stimulated experimental writing in those decades. Postmodernism made a huge stride forward.1There were the novel of the absurd, metafiction, and avant-gardism. The first one, the novel of the absurd can be explained as novel of black humor. The notion that the universe is absurd, that neither God nor man, nor theology nor philosophy can make sense of the human situation, was already known to American authors. The modern American novels written by Hemingway the end of the forties and throughout the fifties always treated the theme of “an absurd universe.” These authors and the “absurd” novelists of the sixties represent the absurdity theme essentially in traditional novelistic devices, while the postmodernists tend to regard the conventional novel as “literature of exhaustion.” New devices should be found to reflect the new, astonishing and sickening reality. The 1960s and 1970s was a period in which all people had come to sense that absurdity exists on all conceivable levels of life, and it was the “absurd” novelists who discovered a new rhetoric effective enough to voice that feeling in literature. These novelists responded to the call of the time, and presented a vision of absurdity in what 1have been termed “absurdist” techniques. The novelists of the absurd tend to comically or exaggeratedly imitate traditional novelistic devices. They parody other novels, other styles and forms and take them with highly ambiguous attitudes. They thought that truth and reality are multiple, difficult to capture, and uncertain. And they regard the pretension of traditional form to represent reality as illegitimate and misleading. The novelists intend to upset all traditions and deliberately create confusion in the readers so as to push them roughly into the recognition that the absurdity of the universe does not disappear simply because they have come to terms with it. The universe is chaotic, confused. It is a tragic place to live in. The contemporary novelists offer a kind of comedy which was similar to being grotesque. The tragic absurdity of the human condition is often seen in their works as a cosmic joke. They intend to provoke the readers’ response to the blackness of modern life as laughter, or, laughing in face of a tragic situation. Thus, the novelists of the absurd employ device as black humor (black comedy). Instead of laughing at their characters, these authors take them seriously. But if they do laugh at someone of them at times, it is because they feel amused at their attempt to try to create order in their disordered and absurd world. A sense of grief and pain coming through the laughter, a feeling of frustration and being bottled up often comes up. Based on the background materials and some other materials, this paper will try to do some more research and make readers more clear with black humor. In this paper, some of the characteristics and the significance of the form of black humor will be studied. 1. Characteristics of black humor In this part, the author will try to discuss some representative characteristics of the form of black humor. This paper aims at giving some of the characteristics to make readers clearer of the black humor and more familiar with the novel of absurd which uses the form of black humor to present the world. 1.1 Formlessness and Exaggeration If art is the reflection of reality, then, black humor novelists firstly find out formlessness and exaggeration in art. Since the world is incomprehensible and absurd, its presentation is certainly illogical, irrational, like magnification of a microscope, or formlessness technique of a magic mirror. This presents to us the abnormal phenomenon which can not be seen in normal situation, and lead to the effect of 2absurdity. In Catch-22, exaggeration achieved the point of absurdity, with the typical style of black humor. Since the world is absurd, then the true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugliness lost the conventional standards. Joseph Heller put abnormal people and things as normal in writing, making so incredible things reasonable so that all the normal things become ridiculous and the absurd world is full of humor. In the novel, a whale scientist was conscripted for military doctor, what he can do is talking whales with the sick and wounded. Two soldiers who do not know medical science become assistants of doctors. They painted the wounded people’s teeth and toes purple with gentian violet to treat whatever kind of disease without exception. Heller quietly, solemnly presented all the things as normal to the readers. After the readers grasp its true meaning, they could not help the bitter smile. This formlessness and exaggeration is bitter irony to the U.S. military and government agencies’ and b ureaucratic indifference and absurd act on people. It gives readers a strong sense of humor and absurdity, and the characters’ helpless of the fate and the sad life. 1.2 Funny Satire while Writing Tragedy in Comic Ways Another literary technique that the black humor writers often use is funny satire. While presenting the human in ridiculous and strange condition, its narrative tone is cold and indifferent, and even with ridicule and mockery. Such as in Catch-22 Heller’s accurate and detailed description of a soldier as the following: “The soldier in white was encased from head to toe in plaster and gauze. He had two useless legs and two useless arms.” Another passage shows this: “Sewn into the bandages over the insides of both elbows were zippered lips through which he was fed clear fluid from a clear jar. A silent zinc pipe rose from the cement on his groin and was coupled to a slim rubber hose that carried waste from his kidneys and dripped it efficiently into a clear, stoppered jar on the floor. When the jar on the floor was full, the jar feeding his elbow was empty, and the two were simply switched quickly so that the stuff could drip back into him. All they ever really saw of the soldier in white was a frayed black hole over his mouth.” (Heller, Cath-22) With a tone of indifference seems like the description of an antique, the writer 3described details of a person who has been seriously injured out of human-shape, especially the exchange of the two bottles up and down, and description of putting urine as the injection re-injected into his body. It is full of fun, ridicule and satire. The writer made a grotesque, horrible joke, but it is also a provoking joke. 1.3 Narrative in Ways of Fragmentation, Collection of Specimens From the perspective of novel structure, the traditional novel's continued narrative structure disappeared in the black humor writers’ works. Black humor writers generally followed a more fragmented structure, often wrote the novel in scattered fragments. Fragmentation of narrative structure and collection of specimens is the major feature of black humor writers’ works. (Wu Xiaodong, 2004:109). Catch-22 has 42 chapters without a full story, without the traditional novel's beginning, climax and conclusion. It has no considerable continuity between chapters and chapters, and each chapter can be regarded as the first chapter. It likes a puzzle, and no one can decide which one was the “first one”. The writer regarded the real world as irrational, a mess without logic. It is a loud, crazy and chaotic amalgamation, and absurdity is its most fundamental properties, so the writer can arbitrarily arrange a variety of circumstances. Catch-22 can start from any chapter. This strange arrangement of the structure highlighted the novel’s reflection of the absurd reality. 2. Significance of black humor in American Literature In the former part, the author introduced some characteristics of the form of black humor. This part will go on with the significance of black humor. It may be a step following others’ work; however, the author will try to introduce some clear significance of the form of black humor. 2.1 Relationship between Social Consciousness and Social Exists As everyone knows that social consciousness reflects the social exists, the novel reflects the real world from some perspectives. In the novel, the characters and the plot are in chaotic, messy and crazy way, it reflects the chaotic, crazy and fragmented world. 2.2 Anti-war Function of Black humor Novels In the novel, the disaster of the different characters caused by the war can show 4the protagonist’s will to escape from war. In this way, the writer’s aim of protesting against war through the description of the disaster and absurdity of military group can be shown in the novel. After reading the story, readers will be disgusted with the war. So the aim of struggling against war can be achieved through the reading and writing. 2.3 To Arouse People's Awareness of the Ever-changing High-tech In twentieth century, some robots became more and more like human, but some people became more and more like robot. From this, while black humor writers exposing the absurdity and misery of life, the writers also exposed the ever-changing high-tech’s dehumanization of people with writers’ consideration of the relationship between the high-tech and the human’s life. From this perspective, the writers wanted to arouse people’s awareness of the ever-changing high-tech. Conclusion This paper mainly introduces the background of black humor, the characteristics and the significance of it. At the first part, the author gives the readers a brief introduction of the novel of the absurd, which can be named as black humor novel. The two parts following give detailed information of the characteristics and significance of black humor with Catch-22 as an example. 5References: [1] Catch-22 Joseph Heller, [2]阿蒙.从荒诞的嘲讽中透视现实———《第二十二条军规》的艺术情趣[J].西安教育学院学报,2000,(3):48· [3]常文革.黑色幽默的典范———约瑟夫·海勒的《第二十二条军规》[J].长春师范学院学报,2005,(5):108-109. [4]常耀信.美国文学史[M].天津:南开大学出版社,1999. [5]常耀信.美国文学选读[M].天津:南开大学出版社,2001. [6]程陵.《20 世纪外国文学专题》学习指导[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005. [7]郭昌榆.论黑色幽默小说的社会文化背景和哲学蕴含[J].成都大学学报(社科版),1991,(2):43~44· [8]何震.荒诞的存在———《谁怕维吉尼亚吴尔夫》中的存在主义[J].河南广播电视大学学报,2007,(2):19·[9]李公昭.二十世纪美国文学导论[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,2000. [10]梁洪兰.黑色幽默文学的艺术风格[J].鞍山师范学院学报,2005,(2):79·[11]任淑坤.试论《第二十二条军规》中的人物异化[J].河北大学成人教育学院学报,2002,(3):28·[12]汪小林.美国黑色幽默小说研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006. [13]王卓.美国黑色幽默小说与存在主义[J].济南大学学报,2001,(6):62· [14]吴晓东.20 世纪外国文学专题[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2004. [15]徐葆耕.西方文学十五讲[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2003· 6。



摘要: 本文结合英美文学的典型作品,对英美文学作品中的“黑色幽默”做了简单分析,正确认识黑色幽默文学的社会。

















二英美文学作品“黑色幽默”人物塑造表现手法分析1 幽默讽刺手法幽默讽刺是黑色幽默的代表特征。








( V o 1 . 1 5 . No . 1 0 )
浅析英美文学中的理性主义和黑色幽默及 现实意义
陈 丽珠
( 武汉工程大学 , 湖j E武汉 4 3 0 0 7 3 )
[ 摘 要]
随 着我 国经 济的快速发展 , 以及综合 国力的不断提 高, 我 国在 世界 中的地位 也是 更加 重要 , 并且在 全球化 的今
分 她 可 以代表语言 , 甚至要 比语言更加强 烈 , 从 而来塑造某
种形象 , 并且形象深 刻 的来反 映 了当时 的社会状 况 , 从而来 展观作者的内心世界与对这中社会现象 的看法 , 以不 同的风
格或载体在现和反映了特定地域和特定 时期 的社 会状 况 , 来
表 送人 们 的 心 理 活 动 和 社 会 状 况 , 英 美 中 的 文 学 有 着 理 性 的
内琴, 并且 还充满着 黑色幽默 , 与现代社 会的现 实相对照 , 让
人萎清楚的 了解他们 的行为 , 并且 对现代来讲 仍有非常 重要
的 熏义 。

条都是那些光鲜耀 眼的整 天生活 在纸 醉金迷 的生 活 当中的 人们 , 那 些大明星与大 老板 也是他 们宣传 的头 条 , 那 些愚 昧 不懂人情世故 与贫 困的劳动者就成为 了他们经 常的嘲笑者 ,
天良国更是在 不断地与西方的 国家有着经济、 政 治上 的来往 , 而且在文化方 面也 逐渐 的融合 , 所 以我们 要想 更好 的、 快速 的发 展 就应 当对西方的文化有更深一步的 了解 , 本文就是对英美的文学做 了一个 详细的介 绍 , 并 用一 些具有代表性 的作品 , 讲述
了当时的社会 现象怎样影响着人 类的发展 , 以及这 些作 品的现 实意义。

最新 马克·吐温作品中的黑色幽默现象-精品

最新 马克·吐温作品中的黑色幽默现象-精品


































小谈美国文学黑色幽默小谈美国文学黑色幽默一、引言“黑色幽默”一词来自法语“humor noir”,英译为“black humor”,这一术语的创造人是超现实主义者安德列布雷顿。

















绵阳师范学院本科毕业论文On Black Humor in Catch-22题目论《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默姓名胡亮班级2003级11班指导教师高建国讲师专业英语院系名称外国语学院答辩时间2007年6月绵阳师范学院学位委员会办公室制中国·绵阳论《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默学生姓名: 胡亮指导教师: 高建国摘要:《第二十二条军规》是美国“黑色幽默”的经典之作。






关键词:黑色幽默;荒诞;困境On the Black Humor in Catch-22Undergraduate: Hu LiangSupervisor: Gao JianguoAbstract: Catch-22is a typical work of American “black humor”novels. Catch-22 indicates a dilemma from which one is unable to escape. “Bl ack humor” as a school of literature did not occur in the 60s of America by chance. The prominent emotion of black humor is laughing at cruel things with tears. This thesis will analyze the black humor in Catch-22from three aspects, which are the analysis of the absurdity in the novel, the unusual narrative structure and the narrative tone. Through the analysis of the black humor in Catch-22, the thesis will explore the author’s attitude towards the society where he lived in, the profound meaning reflected by black humor and will explain why catch-22 can enter in the general use of American people’s language.Key Words: black humor; absurdity; dilemmaContents1. Introduction (1)1.1 An introduction to black humor (1)1.2 A brief introduction to Catch-22 (1)2. An analysis of black humor in Catch-22 (2)2.1 An analysis of the absurd squadron (2)2.1.1 The absurd men (2)2.1.2 The absurd conversations (4)2.2 An analysis of the unusual narrative structure (5)2.3 An analysis of the narrative tone (6)3. Conclusion (7)Notes (8)Bibliography (9)Acknowledgement (10)1. Introduction1.1 An introduction to black humor“Black humor” occurred by chance as a school of capitalist literature. In 1965, B. J. Friedman collected the works of twelve modern American writers into an anthology naming “black humor” owing to the similarity of their creative intention and techniques. The creative intention of these writers can be described as follows: they loathe the world and feel despair to the world. They use the devices of satire and absurdity with extremely exaggeration to make the readers doubt of everything. The distorted phenomenon is also employed with the purpose of provoking the readers to suspect what is the truth on earth. They aim to reveal that the seemingly impossible matter is in fact occurring in the society. They use the absurd farce to reveal the truth. Soul, morality, truth and civilization are all reversed.The occurrence of “black humor novels” has its social background. The writers who were enlisted in the school of black humor literature were deeply shocked by the unprecedented cruelty of World War Two The war overturned the truth and the lovely life and made people suffer from death and pain. These writers felt that only black humor could be used to express their despairing mood towards the society. Therefore, there were “the theatre of the absurd” in France and the “black humor novels” which described the absurdity of the world around people and the constraint of the outside world in America between the periods of 1950s and 1960s.“Black” refers to the terrible social reality while “humor” refers to cynical laugh at social reality. The reality makes people feel humorous; however, the mood of humor is gloomy and dark. This is a complicated and contradictory feeling. Black humor expresses the resentment and the despair that emerge from the lopsided capitalist social calamity by the generation after World War Two. Laugh at cruel things with tears is the typical mood of black humor.1.2 A brief introduction to Catch-22Joseph Heller, American writer, gained a worldwide fame with his satirical, anti-war novel Catch-22. The novel is partly based on the experiences of Heller, who served as a bombardier in the Army Air Force of the United States during World War Two. Heller was involved in one part of the war in Europe: the attacks on enemy Italy and on occupied France.1During this period, an act of diplomacy reminds the reader of the philosophy of the old man who argued with Nately in Rome, in Chapter 23 of the novel. After the Allies landed on the mainland of Italy in September 1943, Italy capitulated. From then on, theAllies advanced steadily northwards. Rome was freed in June 1944 and Florence in August. This advance was coordinated with Operation Anvil, which penetrated into Southern France. Many of these events were referred to in the novel, for instance, the entry into Rome, the Salerno beachhead, the Gothic Line, the bombing of the bridges at Avignon, Florence, Bologna and Ferrara.Catch-22 was first published in 1961 and was an immediate success, both critically and commercially. The Nation said “Catch-22was the best novel to come out in years”and the New York Herald Tribune considered it as “A wild, moving, shocking, hilarious, raging, exhilarating, giant roller-coaster of a book”.2The whole sales volume has reached eight millions in America within ten years. Now it becomes the bound reading book of students in many colleges of European countries and America.2. An analysis of black humor in Catch-222.1 An analysis of the absurd squadronThe absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world are appeared in the novel. Ordinary characters or situations are usually exaggerated far beyond the limits of normal satire or irony to create a sense of absurdity.Captain John Yossarian, the novel’s protagonist, is a bombardier in the 256th Squadron of the Army Air Force during World War Two. The writer Heller presents a grotesque squadron where the absurdity is normal. General Peckem required all tents in the Mediterranean theater of operations to be pitched along parallel lines with entrances facing back proudly toward the Washington Monument in order to show their patriotism but actually in order to show the momentum of the squadron. Captain Black started the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade. He ordered that the pilot have to sign a loyalty oath to get the map, to receive their flak suits, even to have their haircut. Colonel Korn succeeded with a rule governing the asking of questions. Under his rule, “the only people permitted to ask questions were those who never did.” (p.36) These orders are ridiculous and make the readers feel funny.Mudd who was kept “alive” on the official roster was long dead. Doc Daneeka was still alive but was declared dead. He became the garbage without soul. This is a tragedy out of question. The situations make the readers feel absurd. Heller falsifies the reality and keeps the people from comprehending its absurdity. He offers a kind of comedy that verges on being grotesque. In the meanwhile, he evokes the readers to do some thinking about the cause of absurdity.2.1.1 The absurd menIn such a squadron, the men seem to be insane and abnormal because of their absurd ideas and behaviors. “Colonel Cathcart was dashing and dejected, poised andchagrined.”(p.191) He “was conceited because he was a full colonel with a combat command at the age of only thirty-six; and he was dejected because although he was already thirty-six he was still only a full colonel.”(p.192) He wanted to be a general desperately and raised the number of missions to forty, fifty, sixty and even more missions arbitrarily with the purpose of winning the favour of higher authorities. One officer, Major Major Major, welcomed visitors in his office only when he was out. He became an invisible man in the squadron.Milo as a mess officer formed a syndicate in which everyone in the squadron had a share. Each mess hall offered him a plane and a pilot who was willing to do what he asked. Milo’s plane flew in from everywhere, the pursuit planes, bombers, and cargo ships streaming into the field of Colonel Cathcart. The planes were decorated with flamboyant squadron emblems illustrating such laudable ideals as Courage, Might, Justice, Truth, Liberty, Love, Honor and Patriotism. He contracted with the American military authorities to bomb the German-held highway bridge at Orvieto with the German military authorities to defend the highway bridge at Orvieto with antiaircraft fire against his own attack. In the end, Milo realized a fantastic profit from both halves of his project for just signing his name twice. During such a cruel war, man would die at any time. And the war becomes merely the tool to make money for him. This is extremely satire and absurd. What Heller castigates is the absurdity of not only the military bureaucracy but also the whole capitalist world in which a traitor and a profiteer like Milo.The men with power use sound reasonable words, such as flying for “patriotism”, to keep the pilots flying more and more combat missions. The pilots are not allowed to refuse only if they die, otherwise they would be guilty according to the Air Force rule Catch-22. This rule stipulates the pilots to fly combat missions continuously without asking for relief. If they are insane, they could be grounded. All they have to do is ask, and as soon as they do, they would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. This absurd rule creates a dilemma that keeps the pilots flying missions. This signifies that there is only one way to relief, and that is death. It is just as Yossarian once said that everyone wanted to kill me because they asked me to fly. The pilots suffer the fear of death constantly. Therefore, Hungry Joe screamed when sleeping every night and ended his life in his nightmare eventually. A pilot Nately was dead in battle when the number of flying missions had already risen to eighty. Dunber, Clevinger, Mcwatt and Chief White Halfoat all died or disappeared. Death and absurdity stalk the world. All the pilots have to obey the order of superiors and continue to fly. They are the pitiful creatures of the society.Leon F. Seltzer has made statement about the absurdity in Catch-22 that “the novel’s absurdities--comic and otherwise--operate almost always to expose the alarming inhumanities which pollute our political, social, and economic systems.”3The squadron can be examined as the mirror of the real world.This novel reflects that there is an absurd, ugly, chaotic and corrupt ruling institution in the real society of America. This institution makes the society of America being engaged into a pretty bad mess with its own power and a set of absurd logic, such as catch-22. The institution is likely to completely eliminate the personality and the unrestrained will of American people who are served as the cannon fodder, blind obedient to the institution. This is one of the most absurd factors. The laughter of readers ends in tears when they become aware of pathetic situation of the bomber pilots.2.1.2 The absurd conversationsThe normal sequence of language does not exist in the novel in order to show the absurdity and to generate the intensive effect of black humor. Heller uses a surface illogical language to reflect the depth of the absurdity of the world. In such an absurd and hideous situation, the American people do not have any aware of danger at all. They are wiped out without restriction. They accept the execution. Moreover, they become the accessory of murderer without awareness. Their language also cannot be used to express their idea because of their confusion to the world.The novel proclaims that language could not communicate ideas with others and could not reduce the confusion. Man uses language to proceed thinking, to understand the world and to communicate ideas. However, the normal logic inferences can merely cause the confusion in the novel because of the absurdity and the disorder of the society. The following example can illustrate this point of view very well.“They’re trying to kill me,” Yossarian told him calmly.“No one’s trying to kill you,” Clevinger cried.“Then why are they shooting at me?” Yossarian asked.“They’re shooting at everyone,” Clevinger answered. “They’re trying tokill everyone.”“And what difference does that make?”(p.255)The ambiguity ensuing from these odd responses provokes our laugh. The illogical use of language helps to create an atmosphere of absurdity —a state in which unreal, irrational things happen every day. Nevertheless, while the readers think about the implicit meaning of the dialogue, the concealing sorrow emerges from the absurd atmosphere unwittingly.Furthermore, the pervasion of self-contradictory statements is meaningless in the most part of the novel. “Nately had a bad start. He came from a good family”(p.17); “He did not hate his mother and father, even though they had both been very good to him”(p.13). The writer uses these witty statements that like language games to stir up the readers laugh instinctively. This is largely subconscious reaction that is prompted by what Jerry Palmer terms as the “logic of the absurd”.2.2 An analysis of the unusual narrative structureOne feature of Catch-22is its unusual narrative structure.The most significant aspect of the structure of Catch-22 is its formlessness. It is also a drastic controversial issue among the critics. Some critics holds that its unusual structure is carefully constructed to support the pervasive absurdity and Heller announced that the formless structure of Catch-22was compiled with great efforts while he was present at many interviews. In the novel, time rapidly changes without warning sometimes. Past and present mingle. Heller presents chaos to reveal the disorder of the world.Yossarian is a protagonist as well as a strand character penetrating through the whole novel. A lot of stories and plots are pieced together to compose the novel. Most of the actions take place from spring to winter of 1944, but there are flashbacks to 1942, when Yossarian was in basic training at Lowery Field in Colorado, and to 1943 when he was in cadet training at Santa Ana, California.Events recur. The person who has already died may be alive in later chapters. Snowden had already been told that he was killed over Avignon a week before the decoration of Yossarian and before the Great Siege of Bologna, but at another plot Yossarian was seen taking his rest leave after Bologna when “Snowden was alive then, and Yossarian could tell it was Snowden’s room.” (p.168) The occurring of some events complies with the consciousness of Yossarian. Yossarian’s traumatic recollections of Snowden’s death are seemingly arbitrary episodes. This utterly confusing chronology may be the best way to create an absurd world, which is read like a mind reminiscing about a nightmare of the past. Time stops functioning as a coordinate system. Although many critics are still puzzled by the structure of Catch-22, the most striking feature of the novel is its unusual narrative structure, which has been recognized as a technical innovation.When time is absent, life loses its timely order. “I n a world where life ceases to be rational and orderly, nothing like a sequential development is possible and, consequently, to present it in any logical time sequence would be.”4 The style of the black humor novels is loose and disorderly. Heller composes his work using lots of fragments. The novelsuccessfully confuses the readers through the temporal chaos, the maze of incredible people and incidents from the farce of its early pages to the eventual protest and horror it reveals. The readers feel frustrated when they try to find the regular order of the novel. Heller intends to express that the novel Catch-22 is a metaphor for man finding ways of escaping power control and death, and this undertaking is timeless naturally.2.3 An analysis of the narrative toneHeller describes the painful things using a cool, merciless and trifling tone by contraries to create the effect of black humor. This morbid narrative tone is the main cause that makes humor become dim. The successful application of this kind of tone in Catch-22also becomes a forerunner of that period. This can be illustrated by the following example. While Yossarian stayed at the military hospital, he thought that the military hospital was a safe place where no one dropped down from the airplane “accelerating at the rate of thirty two feet per second to land with a hideous plop on the sidewalk and die disgustingly there in public like an alpaca sack full of hairy strawberry ice cream, bleeding, pick toes awry.”(p.171)To our surprise, there is full of vivid, cruel imagery and scientific cold mood in the description of such a severe scene. It is dread. However, it is just the typical feature of black humor, which treats death as a joke and tries to find proper adjectives to describe the death with completely indifferent attitude. Only if someone feels extremely despair, his attitude towards the cruelty of death reaches to the extent of indifference.In order to generate the effect of irony, Heller introduces an abnormal content to the readers with a normal narration. It provokes the readers to think that what cause Heller use this kind of technique to express his despairing mood. After experiencing the cruelty of the World War Two and the shamed decade to the Americans exemplified by McCarthy, Heller suffers a lot of illusion and hopelessness. He accepts that man existing on earth is just matter. “Drop him out a window and he will fall. Set fire to him and he will burn. Bury him and he will rot like other kinds of garbage. The spirit gone, man is garbage.”(p.450) Their existence seems absurd and meaningless. They are controlled by mysterious force. Yet in fact the force is the endless appetite for power and money of man. The man who has the power and the money play his rights upon the man from the lower class. Heller finds that he can merely struggle against the situation with jokes and derides the absurd situation to comfort him. He is a sensitive man who is the one in a few awakening people while other Americans do not have any aware of danger at all. He places his emotions on Yossarian and uses his acid and nonchalant tone to satirize, tocriticize and to expose the absurd society of America and the hypocritical capitalist society. Therefore, black humor, an ill humor comes out.3. ConclusionThis thesis discusses Catch-22from the point of black humor. To analyze black humor in Catch-22is mainly from three aspects, the absurd squadron, the unusual narrative structure and the narrative tone. Through the analysis of the absurd squadron, the readers know that this is absurd world. The writer applies an unusual narrative structure to reinforce an impression of absurdity of the world. The narrative tone is employed by the writer in order to generate a profound thought on the reason why the world is absurd. Analyzing the black humor in Catch-22makes the readers know the existing problems of American capitalist society in 1950s and explains the reason for the prevalence of black humor novels. From the analysis above, the ultimate conclusion is that the novel is characterized by the combination of comic and tragedy. And treating the absurd reality uses the absurd techniques. The humor in the novel becomes the tool to expose the existing problems in reality.Notes1Nicholas Bayley. The Licensed Edition of York: Catch-22. London: Long man York press,1987: 7.2/topic/catch-22-literature.3/156005.shtml.4Chang, Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature (2nd ed.) [M]. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2003: 480.Bibliography[1] Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms (7th ed.) [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teachingand Research Press, 2004.[2] Chang, Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature (2nd ed.) [M]. Tianjin: Nankai University Press,2003.[3] Hart, James D. & Leininger, Phillip W. The Oxford Companion to American Literature (6th ed.)[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. © Oxford University Press, 2005.[4] High, Peter B. An outline of American Literature [M]. London: Long man, 1986.[5] Rubinstein, Annette T.American Literature Root and Flower significant Poets, Novelists &Dramatists 1755-1955(VolumeⅡ) [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1988.[6] Schulz, Max F. Black humor fiction of the sixties [M].Ohio: Athens, 1973.[7] 钱满素. 海勒的神话[J]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 1983, (9).[8] 石璞. 黑色幽默文学. 西方文论史纲[M]. 成都:四川大学出版社, 1992.[9] 汤永宽. 黑色幽默与第二十二条军规[J]. 武汉: 湖北省外国文学学会, 1981, (3).[10] 王文彬. 再谈黑色幽默和第二十二条军规.学海泛舟[C]. 济南: 山东大学出版社, 2002.[11] 翟士钊. 美国文学选读[M]. 开封: 河南大学出版社, 1999.[12] /156005.shtml[13] /topic/catch-22-literature.AcknowledgmentAt the point of finishing this paper, I’d like to express my sincere thanks to all those who have lent me hands in the course of my writing this paper. First of all, I'd like to take this opportunity to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Gao Jianguo, who has given me so much useful advice on my writing, and has tried his best to improve my paper. Secondly, I’d like to express my gratitude to my classmates who offered me references and information on time. Last but not least, I’d like to thank those leaders, teachers and working staff in Mianyang Normal University and especially those in the School of Foreign Languages. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.Hu Liang。



论黑色幽默小说中的叙事技巧■洪建园 (河南大学外语学院 开封 475001)【摘 要】黑色幽默是英美文学中一种崭新的文学艺术形式,此类文学在叙事技巧、主人公形象塑造以及文学主题思想上常与传统文学存在一些较大的差异,此类文学作品的结局往往是悲惨的,而在事件的叙事表现上,则往往呈现出浓厚的喜剧色彩。



【关键词】黑色幽默作品;英美文学;叙事技巧【中图分类号】I106 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2018)34-0001-02 引言黑色幽默起源于20世纪60年代,是英美文学中常见的一种文学流派。











存在主义和黑色幽默都是产生在二战后的文学流派,它们的许多 作家都是亲身经历了第二次世界大战,深切感受到战争给人类带来的 恐怖和绝望,他们通过描写人物周围世界的荒诞和外界社会对个人的 压抑来宣泄自己。 黑色幽默是以存在主义哲学为思想理论基础的,它 们描写的对象都是周围荒诞的世界。
但黑色幽默与存在主义之间也存在不同。 首先,黑色幽默比存在主义更加消沉、悲观,因为存在主义强调人 们在荒诞的社会中进行自我选择,实现自我价值,而黑色幽默只是嘲 笑荒诞的现实和痛苦的人生,而别无选择的出路。 萨特认为,人在选择自己的行动时是绝对自由的,无论面对什么 样的环境,无论想采取什么样的行动,都是可以自由选择。 有许多人在 行动时总是爱受别人的意志所左右,不能按自己个人的意志作出自由 选择,这就等于丢掉了自己的个性,失去了自我。 这种人就不算是真正 的存在。 存在主义学说正是直面人们迷茫焦虑的心理,充分注重生命 个体的存在,提出了“自由选择”的理论。 这使存在主义成为一种具有 一定的积极意义的生命科学,也是激励人们确认自己的个体存在价值 的人生哲学。 因此,存在主义也是一种关于自由的哲学,强调的是一种 自我选择的自由。 “人是注定要自由的”。 “自由选择”由此构成了存 在主义文学的最重要的概念,是存在主义作家们始终酷爱的主题。 这 是存在主义文学有着鲜明的人本主义色彩,探索的是人类以及个体在 荒诞的世界上的出路和可能性的问题。 存在主义作家们因此常常在创 作中把人物放置于某种极端化的处境之中,让主人公面临具有荒诞性 的两难化局面,最终突出他们的决断和选择。 他们强调的是人类只有 面对极端处境和危机关头,生命的潜在能量和可能性才会得到充分的 发掘。 如果说在存在主义中人们还有可以选择的自由,那么在黑色幽默 中人们所面临的只能是绝望的深渊。 黑色幽默作家嘲笑他们笔下那些 试图从荒诞和混乱的世界找出出路的行为,他们要告诉我们的是不管 人们做什么都是徒然的,所以不如大笑。 《漂浮的剧院》中的拖德最终 对生活作出了一个极端虚无主义的结论, 即人的一切行为都毫无意 义,他既没有理由活着也没理由自杀。 《旅途的终点》的主人公雅各布 在他的唯物主义信念彻底毁灭后,陷入完全绝望的境地。 美国作家弗 里德曼指出,黑色幽默作家“从反面来揭示他们所处(下转第 1054页 )



- 252 -校园英语 /论马克吐温《王子与贫儿》中的黑色幽默郑州成功财经学院/王勃【摘要】在19世纪的后期,著名的美国现实主义作家马克吐温创作了具有浓厚现代主义色彩的《王子与贫儿》。




【关键词】王子与贫儿 黑色幽默 讽刺一、前言黑色幽默最早出现于法国安德烈布勒东所出版的《黑色幽默文集》当中,之后一些作家也逐步开始使用这一名词定义自身的作品。










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[1] 顾瑜.英美文学中“黑色幽默”赏析[J].青年文学家.2013.2.(02):33-34.
[2] 杨兴芳,梁胜明.文学理论教材建设中的现代主义文学[J].社科纵横.2011.12.(12):17-18.
[3] 景虹梅.黑色幽默的喜剧性[J].中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版).2010.4.(04):11-12.。
