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1.Several weeks had gone by ________ I realized the painting was missing.

A.as B.since C.when D.before

2.______the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.





3.______ the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctica Circle, ______he never saw land.

A.Until, while B.Since, and C.Not until, but D.Although, yet 4.Modern science has found that _______ one is using chopsticks, over 30 joints and over 50 muscles are used, which is a favorable stimulation to the brain.

A.since B.although C.unless D.while

5.Was it in the beautiful park ___was located at the foot of the mountain ___we first met our foreign teacher?

A.which; where B.which; that C.which; which D.that; where

6.He had his camera ready ________ he saw something that would make a good picture. A.even if B.if only

C.in case D.so that

7._________he is an adult now, he is still like a child.

A.Now that B.As though

C.As soon as D.Even though

8.______ Mr Johnson _______his wife enjoy tennis.

A.Either, or B.Both, and C.Not only, but also D.neither, nor

9.He was about to tell me the secret _______ someone patted me on the shoulder.

A.that B.which

C.when D.until

10.When faced with danger, don’t pan ic, ______ you will find a solution.

A.or B.but C.so D.and

11.If you don’t understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people

_______ you figure it out.

A.because B.though

C.until D.since

12.Although alcohol is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm______consumed in large quantities.

A.even if B.once C.While D.unless

13.I was taught to sit quietly in class and not to speak______ someone asked me a question. A.When B.unless C.because D.if

14.The secretary made a note of it _____ she should forget.

A.in order that B.in case

C.so that D.ever when

15.No sooner had the lecture come to an end ______ the crowds of students poured out of the stadium.

A.when B.until C.so that D.than

16.Well-educated employees can undertake most common jobs easily, ________ the efficiency of the society is guaranteed.

A.so that B.even if C.in that D.as if 17.Incredible ________ it was, it was true.

A.although B.though C.even though D.despite

18.________ the sales figure of the new range of products is relatively small, the potential market is large.

A.Unless B.After C.Since D.While

19.He missed the worst of the traffic this morning, ______ he set out before 6 o’clock.

A.but B.so

C.for D.or

20.My parents don’t mind what job I do _____ I am happy.

A.even though B.as soon as C.as long as D.as though 21.The doctor shares his phone number with the patients ________ they need medical assistance. A.if only B.as if C.even though D.in case

22.You’d better get it prepared ahead of time just ____ something unexpected happens.

A.as if B.in case C.even though D.as long as 23.One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away ________ my daughter heard cries for help.

A.after B.while C.since D.when

24.I'll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately. A.In case B.As if

C.Even though D.Now that

25.Why not stay at home ______ the road is so slippery after the heavy snow?

A.in case B.as long as

C.now that D.even if






