拼词达人(Spelling Bee)PPT(扫盲版)

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校区决赛规则: 当评委念出一个英语单词,选手要把这个单词的字 母在30秒内(铃响即止)准确无误地口头拼出来,最 后正确读出单词来。 在规定的30秒之内,选手可以进行思考并在纸板上 打草稿。 选手可以重新拼读单词,但已念出的字母或字母顺 序不可更改。 选手如果拼读错误,则当即淘汰出局,并回到观众 席就坐;如果正确,则在一旁等待进入下一轮比赛。
• 班级初赛以笔试的形式于期中考试(4月28 日)中进行。 • 参赛群体:校本部13级所有学生 • 形式:期中考试卷中将特设词汇考察部分, 从比赛的单词范围( 699四级Байду номын сангаас汇.doc )中 抽取25个单词来考察。学生根据词性和中文 释义拼写单词。 示例: • 题目:c _ _ _ _ _ _ v. 消耗,耗尽 • 答案:consume
• 1. You will hear the pronunciation of the word. • 2. Please spell the word correctly. • 3. If you’re not sure, you can ask for some help.
• Now in America, the bee is held in late May and/or early June of each year.
improve spelling increase vocabularies
correct English usage
Useful sentences
What is a spelling bee?
It is a spelling competition among people, especially school students, for spelling out English words.
The “bee” in spelling bee means a meeting of many people for a particular activity.
• The National Spelling Bee in the U.S. was formed in 1925 as a consolidation of numerous local spelling bees. Since then, the spelling bee has been held every year except for 1943-1945 due to World War II. • The Spelling Bee has spread to many countries in Asia, Africa, Australia and so on.
In a spelling bee, you may ask: • May I have the definition please? • Could you use it in a sentence please? • Could I please have the language of origin?
选手如果对该词不能确定或完全没有印象,他可 以采取一定策略: 用英语要求评委对这个词进行重读,但是评委对 同一个单词的重读次数最多不超过3遍。 Could you repeat the word please? May I have the word again? 用英语询问这个词的词性。 What is the part of speech? 用英语询问这个词的中文释义,但是整场决赛中 同一位选手请求评委告知中文释义的次数不得超 过3次。 May I have the Chinese translation please?