
金融体制、融资约束与投资——来自OECD的实证分析R.SemenovDepartment of Economics,University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen(荷兰内梅亨大学,经济学院)这篇论文考查了OECD的11个国家中现金流量对企业投资的影响.我们发现不同国家之间投资对企业内部可获取资金的敏感性具有显著差异,并且银企之间具有明显的紧密关系的国家的敏感性比银企之间具有公平关系的国家的低.同时,我们发现融资约束与整体金融发展指标不存在关系.我们的结论与资本市场信息和激励问题对企业投资具有重要作用这种观点一致,并且紧密的银企关系会减少这些问题从而增加企业获取外部融资的渠道。
然而,经济理论表明市场摩擦,诸如信息不对称和激励问题会使获得外部资本更加昂贵,并且具有盈利投资机会的企业不一定能够获取所需资本.这表明融资要素,例如内部产生资金数量、新债务和权益的可得性,共同决定了企业的投资决策.现今已经有大量考查外部资金可得性对投资决策的影响的实证资料(可参考,例如Fazzari(1998)、 Hoshi(1991)、 Chapman(1996)、Samuel(1998)).大多数研究结果表明金融变量例如现金流量有助于解释企业的投资水平。

1 工程概论1.1 工程专业1.2 工业和技术1.3 现代制造业工程专业1 工程行业是历史上最古老的行业之一。
2 工程一般被定义为理论科学的实际应用,例如物理和数学。
3 从16、17世纪当代初期,量化就已经成为科学知识大爆炸的首要原因之一。
4 从19世纪开始,它的结果的实际而科学的应用已经逐步上升。
5 科学知识迅速膨胀的结果之一就是科学和工程专业的数量的增加。
6 例如,土木工程自身领域之内有如下细分:涉及永久性结构的建筑工程、涉及水或其他液体流动与控制系统的水利工程、涉及供水、净化、排水系统的研究的环境工程。


本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译外文原文题目:Real-time interactive optical micromanipulation of a mixture of high- and low-index particles中文翻译题目:高低折射率微粒混合物的实时交互式光学微操作毕业设计(论文)题目:阵列光镊软件控制系统设计姓名:任有健学院:生命学院班级:06210501指导教师:李勤高低折射率微粒混合物的实时交互式光学微操作Peter John Rodrigo Vincent Ricardo Daria Jesper Glückstad丹麦罗斯基勒DK-4000号,Risø国家实验室光学和等离子研究系jesper.gluckstad@risoe.dkhttp://www.risoe.dk/ofd/competence/ppo.htm摘要:本文论证一种对于胶体的实时交互式光学微操作的方法,胶体中包含两种折射率的微粒,与悬浮介质(0n )相比,分别低于(0L n n <)、高于(0H n n >)悬浮介质的折射率。
我们以实验为基础证实了同时捕获又独立操作悬浮于水(0 1.33n =)中不同尺寸的球形碳酸钠微壳( 1.2L n ≈)和聚苯乙烯微珠( 1.57H n =)的独特性质。
©2004 美国光学学会光学分类与标引体系编码:(140.7010)捕获、(170.4520)光学限制与操作和(230.6120)空间光调制器。
1 引言光带有动量和角动量。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:财务与会计学院年级专业:201*级财务管理姓名:学号:132148***附件: 财务风险管理【Abstract】Although financial risk has increased significantly in recent years risk and risk management are not contemporary issues。
The result of increasingly global markets is that risk may originate with events thousands of miles away that have nothing to do with the domestic market。
Information is available instantaneously which means that change and subsequent market reactions occur very quickly。
The economic climate and markets can be affected very quickly by changes in exchange rates interest rates and commodity prices。
Counterparties can rapidly become problematic。
As a result it is important to ensure financial risks are identified and managed appropriately. Preparation is a key component of risk management。
【Key Words】Financial risk,Risk management,YieldsI. Financial risks arising1.1What Is Risk1.1.1The concept of riskRisk provides the basis for opportunity. The terms risk and exposure have subtle differences in their meaning. Risk refers to the probability of loss while exposure is the possibility of loss although they are often used interchangeably。

毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:信息科学与工程学院专业:软件工程姓名: XXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXX外文出处: Think In Java (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
15.1 机器的标识当然,为了分辨来自别处的一台机器,以及为了保证自己连接的是希望的那台机器,必须有一种机制能独一无二地标识出网络内的每台机器。
IP以两种形式存在着:(1) 大家最熟悉的DNS(域名服务)形式。

外文翻译外文原文CHANGING ROLES OF THE CLIENTS、ARCHITECTSAND CONTRACTORS THROUGH BIMAbstract:Purpose –This paper aims to present a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature and case studies. It seeks to address the necessity for applying BIM and re-organising the processes and roles in hospital building projects. This type of project is complex due to complicated functional and technical requirements, decision making involving a large number of stakeholders, and long-term development processes.Design/methodology/approach–Through desk research and referring to the ongoing European research project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed.Findings –One of the main findings is the identification of the main factors for a successful collaboration using BIM, which can be recognised as “POWER”: product information sharing (P),organisational roles synergy (O), work processes coordination (W), environment for teamwork (E), and reference data consolidation (R).Originality/value –This paper contributes to the actual discussion in science and practice on the changing roles and processes that are required to develop and operate sustainable buildings with the support of integrated ICT frameworks and tools. It presents the state-of-the-art of European research projects and some of the first real cases of BIM application in hospital building projects.Keywords:Europe, Hospitals, The Netherlands, Construction works, Response flexibility, Project planningPaper type :General review1. IntroductionHospital building projects, are of key importance, and involve significant investment, and usually take a long-term development period. Hospital building projects are also very complex due to the complicated requirements regarding hygiene, safety, special equipments, and handling of a large amount of data. The building process is very dynamic and comprises iterative phases and intermediate changes. Many actors with shifting agendas, roles and responsibilities are actively involved, such as: the healthcare institutions, national and local governments, project developers, financial institutions, architects, contractors, advisors, facility managers, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Such building projects are very much influenced, by the healthcare policy, which changes rapidly in response to the medical, societal and technological developments, and varies greatly between countries (World Health Organization, 2000). In The Netherlands, for example, the way a building project in the healthcare sector is organised is undergoing a major reform due to a fundamental change in the Dutch health policy that was introduced in 2008.The rapidly changing context posts a need for a building with flexibility over its lifecycle. In order to incorporate life-cycle considerations in the building design, construction technique, and facility management strategy, a multidisciplinary collaboration is required. Despite the attempt for establishing integrated collaboration, healthcare building projects still faces serious problems in practice, such as: budget overrun, delay, and sub-optimal quality in terms of flexibility, end-user’s dissatisfaction, and energy inefficiency. It is evident that the lack of communication and coordination between the actors involved in the different phases of a building project is among the most important reasons behind these problems. The communication between different stakeholders becomes critical, as each stakeholder possesses different setof skills. As a result, the processes for extraction, interpretation, and communication of complex design information from drawings and documents are often time-consuming and difficult. Advanced visualisation technologies, like 4D planning have tremendous potential to increase the communication efficiency and interpretation ability of the project team members. However, their use as an effective communication tool is still limited and not fully explored. There are also other barriers in the information transfer and integration, for instance: many existing ICT systems do not support the openness of the data and structure that is prerequisite for an effective collaboration between different building actors or disciplines.Building information modelling (BIM) offers an integrated solution to the previously mentioned problems. Therefore, BIM is increasingly used as an ICT support in complex building projects. An effective multidisciplinary collaboration supported by an optimal use of BIM require changing roles of the clients, architects, and contractors; new contractual relationships; and re-organised collaborative processes. Unfortunately, there are still gaps in the practical knowledge on how to manage the building actors to collaborate effectively in their changing roles, and to develop and utilise BIM as an optimal ICT support of the collaboration.This paper presents a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature review and case studies. In the next sections, based on literature and recent findings from European research project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed. Subsequently, through the observation of two ongoing pilot projects in The Netherlands, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors through BIM application are investigated. In conclusion, the critical success factors as well as the main barriers of a successful integrated collaboration using BIM are identified.2. Changing roles through integrated collaboration and life-cycle design approachesA hospital building project involves various actors, roles, and knowledge domains. In The Netherlands, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors in hospital building projects are inevitable due the new healthcare policy. Previously under the Healthcare Institutions Act (WTZi), healthcare institutions were required to obtain both a license and a building permit for new construction projects and major renovations. The permit was issued by the Dutch Ministry of Health. The healthcare institutions were then eligible to receive financial support from the government. Since 2008, new legislation on the management of hospital building projects and real estate has come into force. In this new legislation, a permit for hospital building project under the WTZi is no longer obligatory, nor obtainable (Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2008). This change allows more freedom from the state-directed policy, and respectively, allocates more responsibilities to the healthcare organisations to deal with the financing and management of their real estate. The new policy implies that the healthcare institutions are fully responsible to man age and finance their building projects and real estate. The government’s support for the costs of healthcare facilities will no longer be given separately, but will be included in the fee for healthcare services. This means that healthcare institutions must earn back their investment on real estate through their services. This new policy intends to stimulate sustainable innovations in the design, procurement and management of healthcare buildings, which will contribute to effective and efficient primary healthcare services.The new strategy for building projects and real estate management endorses an integrated collaboration approach. In order to assure the sustainability during construction, use, and maintenance, the end-users, facility managers, contractors and specialist contractors need to be involved in the planning and design processes. The implications of the new strategy are reflected in the changing roles of the building actors and in the new procurement method.In the traditional procurement method, the design, and its details, are developed by the architect, and design engineers. Then, the client (the healthcare institution) sends an application to the Ministry of Healthto obtain an approval on the building permit and the financial support from the government. Following this, a contractor is selected through a tender process that emphasises the search for the lowest-price bidder. During the construction period, changes often take place due to constructability problems of the design and new requirements from the client. Because of the high level of technical complexity, and moreover, decision-making complexities, the whole process from initiation until delivery of a hospital building project can take up to ten years time. After the delivery, the healthcare institution is fully in charge of the operation of the facilities. Redesigns and changes also take place in the use phase to cope with new functions and developments in the medical world.The integrated procurement pictures a new contractual relationship between the parties involved in a building project. Instead of a relationship between the client and architect for design, and the client and contractor for construction, in an integrated procurement the client only holds a contractual relationship with the main party that is responsible for both design and construction. The traditional borders between tasks and occupational groups become blurred since architects, consulting firms, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers all stand on the supply side in the building process while the client on the demand side. Such configuration puts the architect, engineer and contractor in a very different position that influences not only their roles, but also their responsibilities, tasks and communication with the client, the users, the team and other stakeholders.The transition from traditional to integrated procurement method requires a shift of mindset of the parties on both the demand and supply sides. It is essential for the client and contractor to have a fair and open collaboration in which both can optimally use their competencies. The effectiveness of integrated collaboration is also determined by the client’s capacity and strategy to organize innovative tendering procedures.A new challenge emerges in case of positioning an architect in a partnership with the contractor instead of with the client. In case of the architect enters a partnership with the contractor, an important issues is how to ensure the realisation of the architectural values as well as innovative engineering through an efficient construction process. In another case, the architect can stand at the client’s side in a strategic advisory role instead of being the designer. In this case, the architect’s responsibility is translating client’s requirements and wishes into the architectural values to be included in the design specification, and evaluating the contractor’s proposal against this. In any of this new role, the architect holds the responsibilities as stakeholder interest facilitator, custodian of customer value and custodian of design models.The transition from traditional to integrated procurement method also brings consequences in the payment schemes. In the traditional building process, the honorarium for the architect is usually based on a percentage of the project costs; this may simply mean that the more expensive the building is, the higher the honorarium will be. The engineer receives the honorarium based on the complexity of the design and the intensity of the assignment. A highly complex building, which takes a number of redesigns, is usually favourable for the engineers in terms of honorarium. A traditional contractor usually receives the commission based on the tender to construct the building at the lowest price by meeting the minimum specifications given by the client. Extra work due to modifications is charged separately to the client. After the delivery, the contractor is no longer responsible for the long-term use of the building. In the traditional procurement method, all risks are placed with the client.In integrated procurement method, the payment is based on the achieved building performance; thus, the payment is non-adversarial. Since the architect, engineer and contractor have a wider responsibility on the quality of the design and the building, the payment is linked to a measurement system of the functional and technical performance of the building over a certain period of time. The honorarium becomes an incentive to achieve the optimal quality. If the building actors succeed to deliver a higher added-value thatexceed the minimum client’s requirements, they will receive a bonus in accordance to the client’s extra gain. The level of transparency is also improved. Open book accounting is an excellent instrument provided that the stakeholders agree on the information to be shared and to its level of detail (InPro, 2009).Next to the adoption of integrated procurement method, the new real estate strategy for hospital building projects addresses an innovative product development and life-cycle design approaches. A sustainable business case for the investment and exploitation of hospital buildings relies on dynamic life-cycle management that includes considerations and analysis of the market development over time next to the building life-cycle costs (investment/initial cost, operational cost, and logistic cost). Compared to the conventional life-cycle costing method, the dynamic life-cycle management encompasses a shift from focusing only on minimizing the costs to focusing on maximizing the total benefit that can be gained. One of the determining factors for a successful implementation of dynamic life-cycle management is the sustainable design of the building and building components, which means that the design carries sufficient flexibility to accommodate possible changes in the long term (Prins, 1992).Designing based on the principles of life-cycle management affects the role of the architect, as he needs to be well informed about the usage scenarios and related financial arrangements, the changing social and physical environments, and new technologies. Design needs to integrate people activities and business strategies over time. In this context, the architect is required to align the design strategies with the organisational, local and global policies on finance, business operations, health and safety, environment, etc.The combination of process and product innovation, and the changing roles of the building actors can be accommodated by integrated project delivery or IPD (AIA California Council, 2007). IPD is an approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to reduce waste and optimize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication and construction. IPD principles can be applied to a variety of contractual arrangements. IPD teams will usually include members well beyond the basic triad of client, architect, and contractor. At a minimum, though, an Integrated Project should include a tight collaboration between the client, the architect, and the main contractor ultimately responsible for construction of the project, from the early design until the project handover. The key to a successful IPD is assembling a team that is committed to collaborative processes and is capable of working together effectively. IPD is built on collaboration. As a result, it can only be successful if the participants share and apply common values and goals.3. Changing roles through BIM applicationBuilding information model (BIM) comprises ICT frameworks and tools that can support the integrated collaboration based on life-cycle design approach. BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward (National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS, 2007). BIM facilitates time and place independent collaborative working. A basic premise of BIM is collaboration by different stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update or modify information in the BIM to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder. BIM in its ultimate form, as a shared digital representation founded on open standards for interoperability, can become a virtual information model to be handed from the design team to the contractor and subcontractors and then to the client.BIM is not the same as the earlier known computer aided design (CAD). BIM goes further than an application to generate digital (2D or 3D) drawings. BIM is an integrated model in which all process and product information is combined, stored, elaborated, and interactively distributed to all relevant building actors. As a central model for all involved actors throughout the project lifecycle, BIM develops andevolves as the project progresses. Using BIM, the proposed design and engineering solutions can be measured against the client’s requirements and expected building performance. The functionalities of BIM to support the design process extend to multidimensional (nD), including: three-dimensional visualisation and detailing, clash detection, material schedule, planning, cost estimate, production and logistic information, and as-built documents. During the construction process, BIM can support the communication between the building site, the factory and the design office– which is crucial for an effective and efficient prefabrication and assembly processes as well as to prevent or solve problems related to unforeseen errors or modifications. When the building is in use, BIM can be used in combination with the intelligent building systems to provide and maintain up-to-date information of the building performance, including the life-cycle cost.To unleash the full potential of more efficient information exchange in the AEC/FM industry in collaborative working using BIM, both high quality open international standards and high quality implementations of these standards must be in place. The IFC open standard is generally agreed to be of high quality and is widely implemented in software. Unfortunately, the certification process allows poor quality implementations to be certified and essentially renders the certified software useless for any practical usage with IFC. IFC compliant BIM is actually used less than manual drafting for architects and contractors, and show about the same usage for engineers. A recent survey shows that CAD (as a closed-system) is still the major form of technique used in design work (over 60 per cent) while BIM is used in around 20 percent of projects for architects and in around 10 per cent of projects for engineers and contractors.The application of BIM to support an optimal cross-disciplinary and cross-phase collaboration opens a new dimension in the roles and relationships between the building actors. Several most relevant issues are: the new role of a model manager; the agreement on the access right and Intellectual Property Right (IPR); the liability and payment arrangement according to the type of contract and in relation to the integrated procurement; and the use of open international standards.Collaborative working using BIM demands a new expert role of a model manager who possesses ICT as well as construction process know-how (InPro, 2009). The model manager deals with the system as well as with the actors. He provides and maintains technological solutions required for BIM functionalities, manages the information flow, and improves the ICT skills of the stakeholders. The model manager does not take decisions on design and engineering solutions, nor the organisational processes, but his roles in the chain of decision making are focused on:the development of BIM, the definition of the structure and detail level of the model, and the deployment of relevant BIM tools, such as for models checking, merging, and clash detections;the contribution to collaboration methods, especially decision making and communication protocols, task planning, and risk management;and the management of information, in terms of data flow and storage, identification of communication errors, and decision or process (re-)tracking.Regarding the legal and organisational issues, one of the actual questions is: “In what way does the intellectual property right (IPR) in collaborative working using BIM differ from the IPR in a traditional teamwork?”. In terms of combined work, the IPR of each element is at tached to its creator. Although it seems to be a fully integrated design, BIM actually resulted from a combination of works/elements; for instance: the outline of the building design, is created by the architect, the design for the electrical system, is created by the electrical contractor, etc. Thus, in case of BIM as a combined work, the IPR is similar to traditional teamwork. Working with BIM with authorship registration functionalities may actually make it easier to keep track of the IPR.How does collaborative working, using BIM, effect the contractual relationship? On the one hand,collaborative working using BIM does not necessarily change the liability position in the contract nor does it obligate an alliance contract. The General Principles of BIM A ddendum confirms: ‘This does not effectuate or require a restructuring of contractual relationships or shifting of risks between or among the Project Participants other than as specifically required per the Protocol Addendum and its Attachments’ (ConsensusDOCS, 2008). On the other hand, changes in terms of payment schemes can be anticipated. Collaborative processes using BIM will lead to the shifting of activities from to the early design phase. Much, if not all, activities in the detailed engineering and specification phase will be done in the earlier phases. It means that significant payment for the engineering phase, which may count up to 40 per cent of the design cost, can no longer be expected. As engineering work is done concurrently with the design, a new proportion of the payment in the early design phase is necessary.4. Review of ongoing hospital building projects using BIMIn The Netherlands, the changing roles in hospital building projects are part of the strategy, which aims at achieving a sustainable real estate in response to the changing healthcare policy. Referring to literature and previous research, the main factors that influence the success of the changing roles can be concluded as: the implementation of an integrated procurement method and a life-cycle design approach for a sustainable collaborative process; the agreement on the BIM structure and the intellectual rights; and the integration of the role of a model manager. The preceding sections have discussed the conceptual thinking on how to deal with these factors effectively. This current section observes two actual projects and compares the actual practice with the conceptual view respectively.The main issues, which are observed in the case studies, are:the selected procurement method and the roles of the involved parties within this method;the implementation of the life-cycle design approach;the type, structure, and functionalities of BIM used in the project;the openness in data sharing and transfer of the model, and the intended use of BIM in the future; and the roles and tasks of the model manager.The pilot experience of hospital building projects using BIM in the Netherlands can be observed at University Medical Centre St Radboud (further referred as UMC) and Maxima Medical Centre (further referred as MMC). At UMC, the new building project for the Faculty of Dentistry in the city of Nijmegen has been dedicated as a BIM pilot project. At MMC, BIM is used in designing new buildings for Medical Simulation and Mother-and-Child Centre in the city of Veldhoven.The first case is a project at the University Medical Centre (UMC) St Radboud. UMC is more than just a hospital. UMC combines medical services, education and research. More than 8500 staff and 3000 students work at UMC. As a part of the innovative real estate strategy, UMC has considered to use BIM for its building projects. The new development of the Faculty of Dentistry and the surrounding buildings on the Kapittelweg in Nijmegen has been chosen as a pilot project to gather practical knowledge and experience on collaborative processes with BIM support.The main ambition to be achieved through the use of BIM in the building projects at UMC can be summarised as follows:using 3D visualisation to enhance the coordination and communication among the building actors, and the user participation in design;integrating the architectural design with structural analysis, energy analysis, cost estimation, and planning;interactively evaluating the design solutions against the programme of requirements and specifications;reducing redesign/remake costs through clash detection during the design process; andoptimising the management of the facility through the registration of medical installations andequipments, fixed and flexible furniture, product and output specifications, and operational data.The second case is a project at the Maxima Medical Centre (MMC). MMC is a large hospital resulted from a merger between the Diaconessenhuis in Eindhoven and St Joseph Hospital in Veldhoven. Annually the 3,400 staff of MMC provides medical services to more than 450,000 visitors and patients. A large-scaled extension project of the hospital in Veldhoven is a part of its real estate strategy. A medical simulation centre and a women-and-children medical centre are among the most important new facilities within this extension project. The design has been developed using 3D modelling with several functionalities of BIM.The findings from both cases and the analysis are as follows. Both UMC and MMC opted for a traditional procurement method in which the client directly contracted an architect, a structural engineer, and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) consultant in the design team. Once the design and detailed specifications are finished, a tender procedure will follow to select a contractor. Despite the choice for this traditional method, many attempts have been made for a closer and more effective multidisciplinary collaboration. UMC dedicated a relatively long preparation phase with the architect, structural engineer and MEP consultant before the design commenced. This preparation phase was aimed at creating a common vision on the optimal way for collaboration using BIM as an ICT support. Some results of this preparation phase are: a document that defines the common ambition for the project and the collaborative working process and a semi-formal agreement that states the commitment of the building actors for collaboration. Other than UMC, MMC selected an architecture firm with an in-house engineering department. Thus, the collaboration between the architect and structural engineer can take place within the same firm using the same software application.Regarding the life-cycle design approach, the main attention is given on life-cycle costs, maintenance needs, and facility management. Using BIM, both hospitals intend to get a much better insight in these aspects over the life-cycle period. The life-cycle sustainability criteria are included in the assignments for the design teams. Multidisciplinary designers and engineers are asked to collaborate more closely and to interact with the end-users to address life-cycle requirements. However, ensuring the building actors to engage in an integrated collaboration to generate sustainable design solutions that meet the life-cycle performance expectations is still difficult. These actors are contracted through a traditional procurement method. Their tasks are specific, their involvement is rather short-term in a certain project phase, their responsibilities and liabilities are limited, and there is no tangible incentive for integrated collaboration.From the current progress of both projects, it can be observed that the type and structure of BIM relies heavily on the choice for BIM software applications. Revit Architecture and Revit Structure by Autodesk are selected based on the argument that it has been widely used internationally and it is compatible with AutoCAD, a widely known product of the same software manufacturer. The compatibility with AutoCAD is a key consideration at MMC since the drawings of the existing buildings were created with this application. These 2D drawings were then used as the basis to generate a 3D model with the BIM software application. The architectural model generated with Revit Architecture and the structural model generated by Revit Structure can be linked directly. In case of a change in the architectural model, a message will be sent to the structural engineer. He can then adjust the structural model, or propose a change in return to the architect, so that the structural model is always consistent with the architectural one.Despite the attempt of the design team to agree on using the same software application, the MEP consultant is still not capable to use Revit; and therefore, a conversion of the model from and to Revit is still required. Another weakness of this “closed approach”, which is dependent to the use of the same software applications, may appear in the near future when the project further progresses into the construction phase. If the contractor uses another software application, considerable extra work will be needed to make the model creted during the design phase to be compatible for use in the construction phase.。

本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译(附外文原文)系 ( 院 ):信息科学与工程学院课题名称:学生信息管理系统专业(方向):计算机科学与技术(应用)7.1 Enter ActionMappingsThe Model 2 architecture (see chapter 1) encourages us to use servlets and Java- Server Pages in the same application. Under Model 2, we start by calling a servlet.The servlet handles the business logic and directs control to the appropriate pageto complete the response.The web application deployment descriptor (web.xml) lets us map a URL patternto a servlet. This can be a general pattern, like *.do, or a specific path, like saveRecord.do.Some applications implement Model 2 by mapping a servlet to each business operation. This approach works, but many applications involve dozens or hundredsof business operations. Since servlets are multithreaded, instantiating so manyservlets is not the best use of server resources. Servlets are designed to handle anynumber of parallel requests. There is no performance benefit in simply creatingmore and more servlets.The servlet’s primary job is to interact with the container and HTTP. Handlinga business operation is something that a servlet could delegate to another component. Struts does this by having the ActionServlet delegate the business operationto an object. Using a servlet to receive a request and route it to a handler is knownas the Front Controller pattern [Go3].Of course, simply delegating the business operation to another componentdoes not solve the problem of mapping URIs [W3C, URI] to business operations.Our only way of communicating with a web browser is through HTTP requests and URIs. Arranging for a URI to trigger a business operation is an essential part of developing a web application.Meanwhile, in practice many business operations are handled in similar ways.Since Java is multithreaded, we could get better use of our server resources if wecould use the same Action object to handle similar operations. But for this towork, we might need to pass the object a set of configuration parameters to usewith each operation.So what’s the bottom line? To implement Model 2 in an efficient and flexibleway, we need to:Enter ActionMappings 195♉ Route requests for our business operations to a single servlet♉ Determine which business operation is related to the request♉ Load a multithreaded helper object to handle the business operation♉ Pass the helper object the specifics of each request along with any configuration detail used by this operationThis is where ActionMappings come in.7.1.1 The ActionMapping beanAn ActionMapping (org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping) describes howthe framework handles each discrete business operation (or action). In Struts,each ActionMapping is associated with a specific URI through its path property. When a request comes in, the ActionServlet uses the path property to select the corresponding ActionMapping. The set of ActionMapping objects is kept in an ActionMappings collection (org.apache.struts.action.ActionMappings). Originally, the ActionMapping object was used to extend the Action objectrather than the Action class. When used with an Action, a mapping gives a specific Action object additional responsibilities and new functionality. So, it was essentiallyan Action decorator [Go4]. Along the way, the ActionMapping evolved into anobject in its own right and can be used with or without an Action.DEFINITION The intent of the decorator pattern is to attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassingfor extending functionality [Go4].The ActionMappings are usually created through the Struts configuration file.For more about this file, see chapter The ActionMappings catalogThe ActionMappings catalog the business logic available to a Struts application.When a request comes in, the servlet finds its entry in the ActionMappings catalogand pulls the corresponding bean.The ActionServlet uses the ActionMapping bean to decide what to do next. Itmay need to forward control off to another resource. Or it may need to populateand validate an ActionForm bean. At some point, it may have to pass control to an Action object, and when the Action returns, it may have to look up an Action-Forward associated with this mapping.196 CHAPTER 7Designing with ActionMappingsThe ActionMapping works like a routing slip for the servlet. Depending onhow the mapping is filled out, the request could go just about anywhere.The ActionMappings represent the core design of a Struts application. If youwant to figure out how a Struts application works, start with the ActionMappings. Ifyou want to figure out how to write a new Struts application, start with the Action- Mappings. The mappings are at the absolute center of every Struts application.In this chapter, we take a close look at the ActionMapping properties andexplore how they help you design the flow of a Struts application.1.0 vs 1.1 In Struts 1.1, ActionMapping subclasses ActionConfig (org.apache. struts.config.ActionConfig) and adds API methods required forbackward compatibility. ActionMapping is not deprecated, and how thehierarchy will be handled in future releases has not been determined.For now, we refer to the ActionMapping class, but you should note thatin Struts 1.1 all of the action properties are actually defined by the ActionConfigsuper class. The ActionMapping class otherwise works thesame way in both versions.7.2 ActionMapping propertiesTable 7.1 describes the base ActionMapping properties. As with other configuration components, developers may extend ActionMapping to provide additionalproperties.Table 7.1 The base ActionMapping propertiesProperty Descriptionpath The URI path from the request used to select this mapping. (API command) forward The context-relative path of the resource that should serve this request via a forward.Exactly one of the forward, include, or type properties must be specified.orinclude The context-relative path of the resource that should serve this request via aninclude. Exactly one of the forward, include, or type properties must be specified.ortype Optionally specifies a subclass oforg.apache.struts.action.ActionMappingthat should be used when instantiating this mapping.className The fully qualified name of the Action class used by this mapping. SinceStruts 1.1ActionMapping properties 197In the sections that follow, we take a look at each of these properties.7.2.1 The path propertyThe ActionMapping URI, or path, will look to the user like just another file onthe web server. But it does not represent a file. It is a virtual reference to our ActionMapping.Because it is exposed to other systems, the path is not really a logical name, likethose we use with ActionForward. The path can include slashes and an extension—as if it referred to a file system—but they are all just part of a single name.The ActionMappings themselves are a “flat” namespace with no type of internalhierarchy whatsoever. They just happen to use the same characters that we areused to seeing in hierarchical file systems.name The name of the form bean, if any, associated with this action. This is not the classname. It is the logical name used in the form bean configuration.roles The list of security roles that may access this mapping.scope The identifier of the scope (request or session) within which the form bean, if any,associated with this mapping will be created.validate Set to true if the validate method of the form bean (if any) associated with thismapping should be called.input Context-relative path of the input form to which control should be returned ifa validationerror is encountered. This can be any URI: HTML, JSP, VM, or another Action- Mapping.parameter General-purpose configuration parameter that can be used to pass extra informationto the Action selected by this ActionMapping.attribute Name of the request-scope or session-scope attribute under which our form bean isaccessed, if it is other than the bean's specified name.prefix Prefix used to match request parameter names to form bean property names, if any.suffix Suffix used to match request parameter names when populating the properties ofour ActionForm bean, if any.unknown Can be set to true if this mapping should be configured as the default for this application(to handle all requests not handled by another mapping). Only one mappingcan be defined as the default unknown mapping within an application.forwards(s) Block of ActionForwards for this mapping to use, if any.exception(s) Block of ExceptionHandlers for this mapping to use, if any.Table 7.1 The base ActionMapping properties (continued)Property DescriptionSinceStruts 1.1SinceStruts 1.1198 CHAPTER 7Designing with ActionMappingsOf course, it can still be useful to treat your ActionMappings as if they werepart of a hierarchy and group related commands under the same "folder." Theonly restriction is that the names must match whatever pattern is used in the application’s deployment description (web.xml) for the ActionServlet. This is usuallyeither /do/* or *.do, but any similar pattern can be used.If you are working in a team environment, different team members can begiven different ActionMapping namespaces to use. Some people may be workingwith the /customer ActionMappings, others may be working with the /vendor ActionMappings. This may also relate to the Java package hierarchy the team isusing. Since the ActionMapping URIs are logical constructs, they can be organizedin any way that suits your project.With Struts 1.1, these types of namespaces can be promoted to applicationmodules. Each team can work independently on its own module, with its own setof configuration files and presentation pages. Configuring your application to use multiple modules is covered in chapter 4.DEFINITION The web runs on URIs, and most URIs map to physical files. If you want to change the resource, you change the corresponding file. Some URIs, likeStruts actions, are virtual references. They do not have a correspondingfile but are handled by a programming component. To change the resource,we change how the component is programmed. But since thepath is a URI and interacts with other systems outside our control, thepath is not a true logical reference—the name of an ActionForward, forinstance. We can change the name of an ActionForward without consultingother systems. It’s an internal, logical reference. If we change thepath to an ActionMapping, we might need to update other systems thatrefer to the ActionMapping through its public URI.7.2.2 The forward propertyWhen the forward property is specified, the servlet will not pass the request to an Action class but will make a call to RequestDispatcher.forward. Since the operationdoes not use an Action class, it can be used to integrate Struts with otherresources and to prototype systems. The forward, include, and type propertiesare mutually exclusive. (See chapter 6 for more information.)7.2.3 The include propertyWhen the include property is specified, the servlet will not pass the request to an Action class but will make a call to RequestDispatcher.include. The operationActionMapping properties 199does not use an Action class and can be used to integrate Struts with other components. The forward, include, and type properties are mutually exclusive. (Seechapter 6 for more information.)7.2.4 The type propertyMost mappings will specify an Action class type rather than a forward or include.An Action class may be used by more than one mapping. The mappings may specifyform beans, parameters, forwards, or exceptions. The forward, include, andtype properties are mutually exclusive.7.2.5 The className propertyWhen specified, className is the fully qualified Java classname of the ActionMapping subclass that should be used for this object. This allows you to use your own ActionMapping subclass with specialized methods and properties. See alsosection The name propertyThis property specifies the logical name for the form bean, as given in the formbean segment of the Struts configuration file. By default, this is also the name tobe used when placing the form bean in the request or session context. Use theattribute property of this class to specify a different attribute key.7.2.7 The roles propertyThis property is a comma-delimited list of the security role names that are allowed access to this ActionMapping object. By default, the same system that is used with standard container-based security is applied to the list of roles given here. Thismeans you can use action-based security in lieu of specifying URL patterns in the deployment descriptor, or you can use both together.The security check is handled by the processRoles method of the Request- Processor (org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor). By subclassing RequestProcessor, you can also use the roles property with application-based security. See chapter 9 for more about subclassing RequestProcessor.7.2.8 The scope propertyThe ActionForm bean can be stored in the current request or in the session scope (where it will be available to additional requests). While most developers userequest scope for the ActionForm, the framework default is session scope. Tomake request the default, see section 7.4.SinceStruts 1.1SinceStruts 1.1200 CHAPTER 7Designing with ActionMappings7.2.9 The validate propertyAn important step in the lifecycle of an ActionForm is to validate its data before offering it to the business layer. When the validate property for a mapping is true, the ActionServlet will call the ActionForm’s validate method. If validate returns false, the request is forwarded to the resource given by the input property.Often, developers will create a pair of mappings for each data entry form. Onemapping will have validate set to false, so you can create an empty form. Theother has validate set to true and is used to submit the completed form.NOTE Whether or not the ActionForm validate method is called does not relateto the ActionServlet’s validating property. That switch controlshow the Struts configuration file is processed.7.2.10 The input propertyWhen validate is set to true, it is important that a valid path for input be provided. This is where control will pass should the ActionForm validate methodreturn false. Often, this is the address for a presentation page. Sometimes it willbe another Action path (with validate set to false) that is required to generatedata objects needed by the page.NOTE The input path often leads back to the page that submitted the request.While it seems natural for the framework to return the request to whereit originated, this is not a simple task in a web application. A request is oftenpassed from component to component before a response is sent backto the browser. The browser only knows the path it used to retrieve theinput page, which may or may not also be the correct path to use for theinput property. While it may be possible to try and generate a default inputpage based on the HTTP referrer attribute, the Struts designersdeemed that approach unreliable.inputForwardIn Struts 1.0, the ActionMapping input property is always a literal URI. InStruts 1.1, it may optionally be the name of an ActionForward instead. The ActionForward is retrieved and its path property is used as the input property.This can be a global or local ActionForward.To use ActionForwards here instead of literal paths, set the inputForwardattribute on the <controller> element for this module to true:SinceStruts 1.1ActionMapping properties 201<controller inputForward="true">For more about configuring Struts, see chapter 4. For more about ActionForwards,see chapter The parameter propertyThe generic parameter property allows Actions to be configured at runtime. Severalof the standard Struts Actions make use of this property, and the standardScaffold Actions often use it, too. The parameter property may contain a URI, the name of a method, the name of a class, or any other bit of information an Actionmay need at runtime. This flexibility allows some Actions to do double and tripleduty, slashing the number of distinct Action classes an application needs on hand.Within an Action class, the parameter property is retrieved from the mappingpassed to perform:parameter = mapping.getParameter();Multiple parametersWhile multiple parameters are not supported by the standard ActionMappingsclass, there are some easy ways to implement this, including using HttpUtils, a StringTokenizer, or a Properties file (java.util.Properties).HttpUtils. Although deprecated as of the Servlet API 2.3 specification, theHttpUtils package (javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils) provides a static method that parses any string as if it were a query string and returns a Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable):Hashtable parameters = parseQueryString(parameter);The parameter property for your mapping then becomes just another query string, because you might use it elsewhere in the Struts configuration. stringTokenizer. Another simple approach is to delimit the parameters using the token of your choice—such as a comma, colon, or semicolon—and use the StringTokenizer to read them back:StringTokenizer incoming =new StringTokenizer(mapping.getParameter(),";");int i = 0;String[] parameters = new String[incoming.countTokens()]; while (incoming.hasMoreTokens()) {parameters[i++] = incoming.nextToken().trim();}202 CHAPTER 7Designing with ActionMappingsProperties file. While slightly more complicated than the others, another popular approach to providing multiple parameters to an ActionMapping is with a standard Properties files (java.util.Properties). Depending on your needs, the Properties file could be stored in an absolute location in your file system or anywhere on your application’s CLASSPATH.The Commons Scaffold package [ASF, Commons] provides a ResourceUtils package (mons.scaffold.util.ResourceUtils) with methods forloading a Properties file from an absolute location or from your application’s CLASSPATH.7.2.12 The attribute propertyFrom time to time, you may need to store two copies of the same ActionForm inthe same context at the same time. This most often happens when ActionFormsare being stored in the session context as part of a workflow. To keep their names from conflicting, you can use the attribute property to give one ActionForm bean a different name.An alternative approach is to define another ActionForm bean in the configuration, using the same type but under a different name.7.2.13 The prefix and suffix propertiesLike attribute, the prefix and suffix properties can be used to help avoid naming conflicts in your application. When specified, these switches enable aprefix or suffix for the property name, forming an alias when it is populatedfrom the request.If the prefix this was specified, thenthisName=McClanahanbecomes equivalent toname=McClanahanfor the purpose of populating the ActionForm. Either or both parameters would call getName("McClanahan");This does not affect how the properties are written by the tag extensions. It affects how the autopopulation mechanism perceives them in the request.Nested components 2037.2.14 The unknown ActionMappingWhile surfing the Web, most of us have encountered the dreaded 404— page not found message. Most web servers provide some special features for processing requests for unknown pages, so webmasters can steer users in the right direction. Struts offers a similar service for ActionMapping 404s—the unknown ActionMapping. In the Struts configuration file, you can specify one ActionMapping toreceive any requests for an ActionMapping that would not otherwise be matched:<actionname="/debug"forward="/pages/debug.jsp"/>When this option is not set, a request for an ActionMapping that cannot bematched throws400 Invalid path /notHere was requestedNote that by a request for an ActionMapping, we mean a URI that matches the prefix or suffix specified for the servlet (usually /do/* or *.do). Requests for other URI patterns, good or bad, will be handled by other servlets or by the container:/do/notHere (goes to the unknown ActionMapping)/notHere.txt (goes to the container)7.3 Nested componentsThe ActionMapping properties are helpful when it comes to getting an Action torun a business operation. But they tell only part of the story. There is still much todo when the Action returns.An Action may have more than one outcome. We may need to register several ActionForwards so that the Action can take its pick.7.3.1 Local forwardsIn the normal course, an ActionMapping is used to select an Action object to handle the request. The Action returns an ActionForward that indicates which pageshould complete the response.The reason we use ActionForwards is that, in practice, presentation pages areeither often reused or often changed, or both. In either case, it is good practice to encapsulate the page’s location behind a logical name, like “success” or “failure.”The ActionForward object lets us assign a logical name to any given URI.204 CHAPTER 7Designing with ActionMappingsOf course, logical concepts like success or failure are often relative. What represents success to one Action may represent failure to another. Each Action-Mapping can have its own set of local ActionForwards. When the Action asks for a forward (by name), the local set is checked before trying the global forwards. See chapter 6 for more about ActionForwards.Local forwards are usually specified in the Struts configuration file. See chapter4 for details.7.3.2 Local exceptionsMost often, an application’s exception handlers (org.apache.struts.action. ExceptionHandler) can be declared globally. However, if a given ActionMapping needs to handle an exception differently, it can have its own set of local exception handlers that are checked before the global set.Local exceptions are usually specified in the Struts configuration file. Seechapter 4 for details.7.4 Rolling your own ActionMappingWhile ActionMapping provides an impressive array of properties, developers may also provide their own subclass with additional properties or methods. InStruts 1.0, this is configured in the deployment descriptor (web.xml) for the ActionServlet:<init-param><param-name>mapping</param-name><param-value>app.MyActionMapping</param-value></init-param>In Struts 1.1, this is configured in the Struts configuration file as an attribute to the <action-mappings> element:<action-mappings type="app.MyActionMapping">Individual mappings may also be set to use another type through the className attribute:<action className="app.MyActionMapping">For more about configuring Struts, see chapter 4.SinceStruts 1.1Summary 205The framework provides two base ActionMapping classes, shown in table 7.2. They can be selected as the default or used as a base for your own subclasses.The framework default is SessionActionMapping, so scope defaults to session. Subclasses that provide new properties may set them in the Struts configuration using a standard mechanism:<set-property property="myProperty" value="myValue" /> Using this standard mechanism helps developers avoid subclassing the Action- Servlet just to recognize the new properties when it digests the configuration file. This is actually a feature of the Digester that Struts simply inherits.7.5 SummarySun’s Model 2 architecture teaches that servlets and JavaServer Pages should be used together in the same application. The servlets can handle flow control and data acquisition, and the JavaServer Pages can handle the HTML.Struts takes this one step further and delegates much of the flow control anddata acquisition to Action objects. The application then needs only a single servletto act as a traffic cop. All the real work is parceled out to the Actions and theStruts configuration objects.Like servlets, Actions are efficient, multithreaded singletons. A single Actionobject can be handling any number of requests at the same time, optimizing your server’s resources.To get the most use out of your Actions, the ActionMapping object is used as a decorator for the Action object. It gives the Action a URI, or several URIs, and away to pass different configuration settings to an Action depending on which URIis called.In this chapter, we took a close look at the ActionMapping properties andexplained each property’s role in the scheme of things. We also looked at extendingthe standard ActionMapping object with custom properties—just in case yourscheme needs even more things.Table 7.2 The default ActionMapping classesActionMapping Descriptionorg.apache.struts.action.SessionActionMapping Defaults the scope property to sessionorg.apache.struts.action.RequestActionMapping Defaults the scope property to request206 CHAPTER 7Designing with ActionMappingsIn chapter 8, the real fun begins. The configuration objects covered so far aremainly a support system. They help the controller match an incoming requestwith a server-side operation. Now that we have the supporting players, let’s meet the Struts diva: the Action object.7.1 进入ActionMappingModel 2 架构(第1章)鼓励在同一个应用中使用servlet和JSP页面。

计算机外⽂翻译(完整)毕业设计(论⽂)外⽂资料翻译专业:计算机科学与技术姓名:王成明学号:06120186外⽂出处:The History of the Internet附件: 1.外⽂原⽂ 2.外⽂资料翻译译⽂;附件1:外⽂原⽂The History of the InternetThe Beginning - ARPAnetThe Internet started as a project by the US government. The object of the project was to create a means of communications between long distance points, in the event of a nation wide emergency or, more specifically, nuclear war. The project was called ARPAnet, and it is what the Internet started as. Funded specifically for military communication, the engineers responsible for ARPANet had no idea of the possibilities of an "Internet."By definition, an 'Internet' is four or more computers connected by a network.ARPAnet achieved its network by using a protocol called TCP/IP. The basics around this protocol was that if information sent over a network failed to get through on one route, it would find another route to work with, as well as establishing a means for one computer to "talk" to another computer, regardless of whether it was a PC or a Macintosh.By the 80's ARPAnet, just years away from becoming the more well known Internet, had 200 computers. The Defense Department, satisfied with ARPAnets results, decided to fully adopt it into service, and connected many military computers and resources into the network. ARPAnet then had 562 computers on its network. By the year 1984, it had over 1000 computers on its network.In 1986 ARPAnet (supposedly) shut down, but only the organization shut down, and the existing networks still existed between the more than 1000 computers. It shut down due to a failied link up with NSF, who wanted to connect its 5 countywide super computers into ARPAnet.With the funding of NSF, new high speed lines were successfully installed at line speeds of 56k (a normal modem nowadays) through telephone lines in 1988. By that time, there were 28,174 computers on the (by then decided) Internet. In 1989 there were 80,000 computers on it. By 1989, there were290,000.Another network was built to support the incredible number of people joining. It was constructed in 1992.Today - The InternetToday, the Internet has become one of the most important technological advancements in the history of humanity. Everyone wants to get 'on line' to experience the wealth of information of the Internet. Millions of people now use the Internet, and it's predicted that by the year 2003 every single person on the planet will have Internet access. The Internet has truly become a way of life in our time and era, and is evolving so quickly its hard to determine where it will go next, as computer and network technology improve every day.HOW IT WORKS:It's a standard thing. People using the Internet. Shopping, playing games,conversing in virtual Internet environments.The Internet is not a 'thing' itself. The Internet cannot just "crash." It functions the same way as the telephone system, only there is no Internet company that runs the Internet.The Internet is a collection of millioins of computers that are all connected to each other, or have the means to connect to each other. The Internet is just like an office network, only it has millions of computers connected to it.The main thing about how the Internet works is communication. How does a computer in Houston know how to access data on a computer in Tokyo to view a webpage?Internet communication, communication among computers connected to the Internet, is based on a language. This language is called TCP/IP. TCP/IP establishes a language for a computer to access and transmit data over the Internet system.But TCP/IP assumes that there is a physical connecetion between onecomputer and another. This is not usually the case. There would have to be a network wire that went to every computer connected to the Internet, but that would make the Internet impossible to access.The physical connection that is requireed is established by way of modems,phonelines, and other modem cable connections (like cable modems or DSL). Modems on computers read and transmit data over established lines,which could be phonelines or data lines. The actual hard core connections are established among computers called routers.A router is a computer that serves as a traffic controller for information.To explain this better, let's look at how a standard computer might viewa webpage.1. The user's computer dials into an Internet Service Provider (ISP). The ISP might in turn be connected to another ISP, or a straight connection into the Internet backbone.2. The user launches a web browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer and types in an internet location to go to.3. Here's where the tricky part comes in. First, the computer sends data about it's data request to a router. A router is a very high speed powerful computer running special software. The collection of routers in the world make what is called a "backbone," on which all the data on the Internet is transferred. The backbone presently operates at a speed of several gigabytes per-second. Such a speed compared to a normal modem is like comparing the heat of the sun to the heat of an ice-cube.Routers handle data that is going back and forth. A router puts small chunks of data into packages called packets, which function similarly to envelopes. So, when the request for the webpage goes through, it uses TCP/IP protocols to tell the router what to do with the data, where it's going, and overall where the user wants to go.4. The router sends these packets to other routers, eventually leadingto the target computer. It's like whisper down the lane (only the information remains intact).5. When the information reaches the target web server, the webserver then begins to send the web page back. A webserver is the computer where the webpage is stored that is running a program that handles requests for the webpage and sends the webpage to whoever wants to see it.6. The webpage is put in packets, sent through routers, and arrive at the users computer where the user can view the webpage once it is assembled.The packets which contain the data also contain special information that lets routers and other computers know how to reassemble the data in the right order.With millions of web pages, and millions of users, using the Internet is not always easy for a beginning user, especially for someone who is not entirely comfortale with using computers. Below you can find tips tricks and help on how to use main services of the Internet.Before you access webpages, you must have a web browser to actually be able to view the webpages. Most Internet Access Providers provide you with a web browser in the software they usually give to customers; you. The fact that you are viewing this page means that you have a web browser. The top two use browsers are Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Netscape can be found at /doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html and MSIE can be found at /doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html /ie.The fact that you're reading this right now means that you have a web browser.Next you must be familiar with actually using webpages. A webpage is a collection of hyperlinks, images, text, forms, menus, and multimedia. To "navigate" a webpage, simply click the links it provides or follow it's own instructions (like if it has a form you need to use, it will probably instruct you how to use it). Basically, everything about a webpage is made to be self-explanetory. That is the nature of a webpage, to be easily navigatable."Oh no! a 404 error! 'Cannot find web page?'" is a common remark made by new web-users.Sometimes websites have errors. But an error on a website is not the user's fault, of course.A 404 error means that the page you tried to go to does not exist. This could be because the site is still being constructed and the page hasn't been created yet, or because the site author made a typo in the page. There's nothing much to do about a 404 error except for e-mailing the site administrator (of the page you wanted to go to) an telling him/her about the error.A Javascript error is the result of a programming error in the Javascript code of a website. Not all websites utilize Javascript, but many do. Javascript is different from Java, and most browsers now support Javascript. If you are using an old version of a web browser (Netscape 3.0 for example), you might get Javascript errors because sites utilize Javascript versions that your browser does not support. So, you can try getting a newer version of your web browser.E-mail stands for Electronic Mail, and that's what it is. E-mail enables people to send letters, and even files and pictures to each other.To use e-mail, you must have an e-mail client, which is just like a personal post office, since it retrieves and stores e-mail. Secondly, you must have an e-mail account. Most Internet Service Providers provide free e-mail account(s) for free. Some services offer free e-mail, like Hotmail, and Geocities.After configuring your e-mail client with your POP3 and SMTP server address (your e-mail provider will give you that information), you are ready to receive mail.An attachment is a file sent in a letter. If someone sends you an attachment and you don't know who it is, don't run the file, ever. It could be a virus or some other kind of nasty programs. You can't get a virus justby reading e-mail, you'll have to physically execute some form of program for a virus to strike.A signature is a feature of many e-mail programs. A signature is added to the end of every e-mail you send out. You can put a text graphic, your business information, anything you want.Imagine that a computer on the Internet is an island in the sea. The sea is filled with millions of islands. This is the Internet. Imagine an island communicates with other island by sending ships to other islands and receiving ships. The island has ports to accept and send out ships.A computer on the Internet has access nodes called ports. A port is just a symbolic object that allows the computer to operate on a network (or the Internet). This method is similar to the island/ocean symbolism above.Telnet refers to accessing ports on a server directly with a text connection. Almost every kind of Internet function, like accessing web pages,"chatting," and e-mailing is done over a Telnet connection.Telnetting requires a Telnet client. A telnet program comes with the Windows system, so Windows users can access telnet by typing in "telnet" (without the "'s) in the run dialog. Linux has it built into the command line; telnet. A popular telnet program for Macintosh is NCSA telnet.Any server software (web page daemon, chat daemon) can be accessed via telnet, although they are not usually meant to be accessed in such a manner. For instance, it is possible to connect directly to a mail server and check your mail by interfacing with the e-mail server software, but it's easier to use an e-mail client (of course).There are millions of WebPages that come from all over the world, yet how will you know what the address of a page you want is?Search engines save the day. A search engine is a very large website that allows you to search it's own database of websites. For instance, if you wanted to find a website on dogs, you'd search for "dog" or "dogs" or "dog information." Here are a few search-engines.1. Altavista (/doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html ) - Web spider & Indexed2. Yahoo (/doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html ) - Web spider & Indexed Collection3. Excite (/doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html ) - Web spider & Indexed4. Lycos (/doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html ) - Web spider & Indexed5. Metasearch (/doc/bedc387343323968011c9268.html ) - Multiple searchA web spider is a program used by search engines that goes from page to page, following any link it can possibly find. This means that a search engine can literally map out as much of the Internet as it's own time and speed allows for.An indexed collection uses hand-added links. For instance, on Yahoo's site. You can click on Computers & the Internet. Then you can click on Hardware. Then you can click on Modems, etc., and along the way through sections, there are sites available which relate to what section you're in.Metasearch searches many search engines at the same time, finding the top choices from about 10 search engines, making searching a lot more effective.Once you are able to use search engines, you can effectively find the pages you want.With the arrival of networking and multi user systems, security has always been on the mind of system developers and system operators. Since the dawn of AT&T and its phone network, hackers have been known by many, hackers who find ways all the time of breaking into systems. It used to not be that big of a problem, since networking was limited to big corporate companies or government computers who could afford the necessary computer security.The biggest problem now-a-days is personal information. Why should you be careful while making purchases via a website? Let's look at how the internet works, quickly.The user is transferring credit card information to a webpage. Looks safe, right? Not necessarily. As the user submits the information, it is being streamed through a series of computers that make up the Internet backbone.The information is in little chunks, in packages called packets. Here's the problem: While the information is being transferred through this big backbone, what is preventing a "hacker" from intercepting this data stream at one of the backbone points?Big-brother is not watching you if you access a web site, but users should be aware of potential threats while transmitting private information. There are methods of enforcing security, like password protection, an most importantly, encryption.Encryption means scrambling data into a code that can only be unscrambled on the "other end." Browser's like Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer feature encryption support for making on-line transfers. Some encryptions work better than others. The most advanced encryption system is called DES (Data Encryption Standard), and it was adopted by the US Defense Department because it was deemed so difficult to 'crack' that they considered it a security risk if it would fall into another countries hands.A DES uses a single key of information to unlock an entire document. The problem is, there are 75 trillion possible keys to use, so it is a highly difficult system to break. One document was cracked and decoded, but it was a combined effort of14,000 computers networked over the Internet that took a while to do it, so most hackers don't have that many resources available.附件2:外⽂资料翻译译⽂Internet的历史起源——ARPAnetInternet是被美国政府作为⼀项⼯程进⾏开发的。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:电子秤文献、资料英文题目:Electronic Scales文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:专业:姓名:学号:附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

南京理工大学紫金学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系:计算机专业:计算机科学与技术姓名:沈俊男学号: 060601239外文出处: E. Jimenez-Ruiz,R. Berlanga. The Management(用外文写)and Integration of Biomedical[M/OL].Castellon:Spanish Ministry of Education andScience project,2004[2005-09098]./ftp/cs/papers/0609/0609144.pdf附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
关键词:垂直的知识集成、近似查询、本体观点、语义桥接器1.1 医学数据集成问题数据来源的集成已经在数据库社区成为传统的研究课题。

英文原文:Concrete structure reinforcement designSheyanb oⅠWangchenji aⅡⅠFoundation Engineering Co., Ltd. Heilongjiang DongyuⅡHeilongjiang Province, East Building Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. CoalAbstract:structure in the long-term natural environment and under the use environment's function, its function is weaken inevitably gradually, our structural engineering's duty not just must finish the building earlier period the project work, but must be able the science appraisal structure damage objective law and the degree, and adopts the effective method guarantee structure the security use, that the structure reinforcement will become an important work. What may foresee will be the 21st century, the human building also by the concrete structure, the steel structure, the bricking-up structure and so on primarily, the present stage I will think us in the structure reinforcement this aspect research should also take this as the main breakthrough direction.Key word:Concrete structure reinforcement bricking-up structure reinforcement steel structure reinforcement1 Concrete structure reinforcementConcrete structure's reinforcement divides into the direct reinforcement and reinforces two kinds indirectly, when the design may act according to the actual condition and the operation requirements choice being suitable method and the necessary technology.1.1the direct reinforcement's general method1)Enlarges the section reinforcement lawAdds the concretes cast-in-place level in the reinforced concrete member in bending compression zone, may increase the section effective height, the expansion cross sectional area, thus enhances the component right section anti-curved, the oblique section anti-cuts ability and the section rigidity, plays the reinforcement reinforcement the role.In the suitable muscle scope, the concretes change curved the component right section supporting capacity increase along with the area of reinforcement and the intensity enhance. In the original component right section ratio of reinforcement not too high situation, increases the main reinforcement area to be possible to propose the plateau component right section anti-curved supporting capacity effectively. Is pulled in the section the area to add the cast-in-place concrete jacket to increase the component section, through new Canada partial and original component joint work, but enhances the component supporting capacity effectively, improvement normal operational performance.Enlarges the section reinforcement law construction craft simply, compatible, and has the mature design and the construction experience; Is suitable in Liang, the board, the column, the wall and the general structure concretes reinforcement; But scene construction's wet operating time is long, to produces has certain influence with the life, and after reinforcing the building clearance has certain reduction.2) Replacement concretes reinforcement lawThis law's merit with enlarges the method of sections to be close, and after reinforcing, does not affect building's clearance, but similar existence construction wet operating time long shortcoming; Is suitable somewhat low or has concretes carrier's and so on serious defect Liang, column in the compression zone concretes intensity reinforcement.3) the caking outsourcing section reinforcement lawOutside the Baotou Steel Factory reinforcement is wraps in the section or the steel plate is reinforced component's outside, outside the Baotou Steel Factory reinforces reinforced concrete Liang to use the wet outsourcing law generally, namely uses the epoxy resinification to be in the milk and so on methods with to reinforce the section the construction commission to cake a whole, after the reinforcement component, because is pulled with the compressed steel cross sectional area large scale enhancement, therefore right section supporting capacity and section rigidity large scale enhancement.This law also said that the wet outside Baotou Steel Factory reinforcement law, the stress is reliable, the construction is simple, the scene work load is small, but is big with the steel quantity, and uses in above not suitably 600C in the non-protection's situation the high temperature place; Is suitable does not allow in the use obviously to increase the original component section size, but requests to sharpen its bearing capacity large scale the concrete structure reinforcement.4) Sticks the steel reinforcement lawOutside the reinforced concrete member in bending sticks the steel reinforcement is (right section is pulled in the component supporting capacity insufficient sector area, right section compression zone or oblique section) the superficial glue steel plate, like this may enhance is reinforced component's supporting capacity, and constructs conveniently.This law construction is fast, the scene not wet work or only has the plastering and so on few wet works, to produces is small with the life influence, and after reinforcing, is not remarkable to the original structure outward appearance and the original clearance affects, but the reinforcement effect is decided to a great extent by the gummy craft and the operational level; Is suitable in the withstanding static function, and is in the normal humidity environment to bend or the tension member reinforcement.5) Glue fibre reinforcement plastic reinforcement lawOutside pastes the textile fiber reinforcement is pastes with the cementing material the fibre reinforcement compound materials in is reinforced the component to pull the region, causes it with to reinforce the section joint work, achieves sharpens the component bearing capacity the goal. Besides has glues the steel plate similar merit, but also has anticorrosive muddy, bears moistly, does not increase the self-weight of structure nearly, durably, the maintenance cost low status merit, but needs special fire protection processing, is suitable in each kind of stress nature concrete structure component and the general construction.This law's good and bad points with enlarge the method of sections to be close; Is suitable reinforcement which is insufficient in the concrete structure component oblique section supporting capacity, or must exert the crosswise binding force to the compressional member the situation.6) Reeling lawThis law's good and bad points with enlarge the method of sections to be close; Is suitable reinforcement which is insufficient in the concrete structure component oblique section supporting capacity, or must exert the crosswise binding force to the compressional member the situation.7) Fang bolt anchor lawThis law is suitable in the concretes intensity rank is the C20~C60 concretes load-bearing member transformation, the reinforcement; It is not suitable for already the above structure which and the light quality structure makes decent seriously. 1.2The indirect reinforcement's general method1)Pre-stressed reinforcement law(1)Thepre-stressed horizontal tension bar reinforces concretes member in bending,because the pre-stressed and increases the exterior load the combined action, in the tension bar has the axial tension, this strength eccentric transmits on the component through the pole end anchor (, when tension bar and Liang board bottom surface close fitting, tension bar can look for tune together with component, this fashion has partial pressures to transmit directly for component bottom surface), has the eccentric compression function in the component, this function has overcome the bending moment which outside the part the load produces, reduced outside the load effect, thus sharpened component's anti-curved ability. At the same time, because the tension bar passes to component's pressure function, the component crack development can alleviate, the control, the oblique section anti-to cut the supporting capacity also along with it enhancement.As a result of the horizontal lifting stem's function, the original component's section stress characteristic by received bends turned the eccentric compression, therefore, after the reinforcement, component's supporting capacity was mainly decided in bends under the condition the original component's supporting capacity 。

英语原文Intelligent Traffic Light Controlby Marco Wiering The topic I picked for our community project was traffic lights. In a community, people need stop signs and traffic lights to slow down drivers from going too fast. If there were no traffic lights or stop signs, people’s lives would be in danger from drivers going too fast.The urban traffic trends towards the saturation, the rate of increase of the road of big city far lags behind rate of increase of the car.The urban passenger traffic has already become the main part of city traffic day by day and it has used about 80% of the area of road of center district. With the increase of population and industry activity, people's traffic is more and more frequent, which is unavoidable. What means of transportation people adopt produces pressure completely different to city traffic. According to calculating, if it is 1 to adopt the area of road that the public transport needs, bike needs 5-7, car needs 15-25, even to walk is 3 times more than to take public transits. So only by building road can't solve the city traffic problem finally yet. Every large city of the world increases the traffic policy to the first place of the question.For example,according to calculating, when the automobile owning amount of Shanghai reaches 800,000 (outside cars count separately ), if it distributes still as now for example: center district accounts for great proportion, even when several loop-lines and arterial highways have been built up , the traffic cannot be improved more than before and the situation might be even worse. So the traffic policy Shanghai must adopt , or called traffic strategy is that have priority to develop public passenger traffic of city, narrow the scope of using of the bicycle progressively , control the scale of growth of the car traffic in the center district, limit the development of the motorcycle strictly.There are more municipals project under construction in big city. the influence on the traffic is greater.Municipal infrastructure construction is originally a good thing of alleviating the traffic, but in the course of constructing, it unavoidably influence the local traffic. Some road sections are blocked, some change into an one-way lane, thus the vehicle can only take a devious route . The construction makes the road very narrow, forming the bottleneck, which seriously influence the car flow.When having stop signs and traffic lights, people have a tendency to drive slower andlook out for people walking in the middle of streets. To put a traffic light or a stop sign in a community, it takes a lot of work and planning from the community and the city to put one in. It is not cheap to do it either. The community first needs to take a petition around to everyone in the community and have them sign so they can take it to the board when the next city council meeting is. A couple residents will present it to the board, and they will decide weather or not to put it in or not. If not put in a lot of residents might be mad and bad things could happened to that part of the city.When the planning of putting traffic lights and stop signs, you should look at the subdivision plan and figure out where all the buildings and schools are for the protection of students walking and riding home from school. In our plan that we have made, we will need traffic lights next to the school, so people will look out for the students going home. We will need a stop sign next to the park incase kids run out in the street. This will help the protection of the kids having fun. Will need a traffic light separating the mall and the store. This will be the busiest part of the town with people going to the mall and the store. And finally there will need to be a stop sign at the end of the streets so people don’t drive too fast and get in a big accident. If this is down everyone will be safe driving, walking, or riding their bikes.In putting in a traffic light, it takes a lot of planning and money to complete it. A traffic light cost around $40,000 to $125,000 and sometimes more depending on the location. If a business goes in and a traffic light needs to go in, the business or businesses will have to pay some money to pay for it to make sure everyone is safe going from and to that business. Also if there is too many accidents in one particular place in a city, a traffic light will go in to safe people from getting a severe accident and ending their life and maybe someone else’s.The reason I picked this part of our community development report was that traffic is a very important part of a city. If not for traffic lights and stop signs, people’s lives would be in danger every time they walked out their doors. People will be driving extremely fast and people will be hit just trying to have fun with their friends. So having traffic lights and stop signs this will prevent all this from happening.Traffic in a city is very much affected by traffic light controllers. When waiting for a traffic light, the driver looses time and the car uses fuel. Hence, reducing waiting times before traffic lights can save our European society billions of Euros annually. To make traffic light controllers more intelligent, we exploit the emergence of novel technologies such as communication networks and sensor networks, as well as the use of more sophisticated algorithms for setting traffic lights. Intelligent traffic light control does not only mean thattraffic lights are set in order to minimize waiting times of road users, but also that road users receive information about how to drive through a city in order to minimize their waiting times. This means that we are coping with a complex multi-agent system, where communication and coordination play essential roles. Our research has led to a novel system in which traffic light controllers and the behaviour of car drivers are optimized using machine-learning methods.Our idea of setting a traffic light is as follows. Suppose there are a number of cars with their destination address standing before a crossing. All cars communicate to the traffic light their specific place in the queue and their destination address. Now the traffic light has to decide which option (ie, which lanes are to be put on green) is optimal to minimize the long-term average waiting time until all cars have arrived at their destination address. The learning traffic light controllers solve this problem by estimating how long it would take for a car to arrive at its destination address (for which the car may need to pass many different traffic lights) when currently the light would be put on green, and how long it would take if the light would be put on red. The difference between the waiting time for red and the waiting time for green is the gain for the car. Now the traffic light controllers set the lights in such a way to maximize the average gain of all cars standing before the crossing. To estimate the waiting times, we use 'reinforcement learning' which keeps track of the waiting times of individual cars and uses a smart way to compute the long term average waiting times using dynamic programming algorithms. One nice feature is that the system is very fair; it never lets one car wait for a very long time, since then its gain of setting its own light to green becomes very large, and the optimal decision of the traffic light will set his light to green. Furthermore, since we estimate waiting times before traffic lights until the destination of the road user has been reached, the road user can use this information to choose to which next traffic light to go, thereby improving its driving behaviour through a city. Note that we solve the traffic light control problem by using a distributed multi-agent system, where cooperation and coordination are done by communication, learning, and voting mechanisms. To allow for green waves during extremely busy situations, we combine our algorithm with a special bucket algorithm which propagates gains from one traffic light to the next one, inducing stronger voting on the next traffic controller option.We have implemented the 'Green Light District', a traffic simulator in Java in which infrastructures can be edited easily by using the mouse, and different levels of road usage can be simulated. A large number of fixed and learning traffic light controllers have already been tested in the simulator and the resulting average waiting times of cars have been plotted and compared. The results indicate that the learning controllers can reduce average waiting timeswith at least 10% in semi-busy traffic situations, and even much more when high congestion of the traffic occurs.We are currently studying the behaviour of the learning traffic light controllers on many different infrastructures in our simulator. We are also planning to cooperate with other institutes and companies in the Netherlands to apply our system to real world traffic situations. For this, modern technologies such as communicating networks can be brought to use on a very large scale, making the necessary communication between road users and traffic lights possible.中文翻译:智能交通信号灯控制马克·威宁我所选择的社区项目主题是交通灯。

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。
这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。
Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。
图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。
该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。
毕业设计英文 翻译(原文)

编号:毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(原文)院(系):桂林电子科技大学专业:电子信息工程学生姓名: xx学号: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 指导教师单位:桂林电子科技大学姓名: xxxx职称: xx2014年x月xx日Timing on and off power supplyusesThe switching power supply products are widely used in industrial automation and control, military equipment, scientific equipment, LED lighting, industrial equipment,communications equipment,electrical equipment,instrumentation, medical equipment, semiconductor cooling and heating, air purifiers, electronic refrigerator, LCD monitor, LED lighting, communications equipment, audio-visual products, security, computer chassis, digital products and equipment and other fields.IntroductionWith the rapid development of power electronics technology, power electronics equipment and people's work, the relationship of life become increasingly close, and electronic equipment without reliable power, into the 1980s, computer power and the full realization of the switching power supply, the first to complete the computer Power new generation to enter the switching power supply in the 1990s have entered into a variety of electronic, electrical devices, program-controlled switchboards, communications, electronic testing equipment power control equipment, power supply, etc. have been widely used in switching power supply, but also to promote the rapid development of the switching power supply technology .Switching power supply is the use of modern power electronics technology to control the ratio of the switching transistor to turn on and off to maintain a stable output voltage power supply, switching power supply is generally controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM) ICs and switching devices (MOSFET, BJT) composition. Switching power supply and linear power compared to both the cost and growth with the increase of output power, but the two different growth rates. A power point, linear power supply costs, but higher than the switching power supply. With the development of power electronics technology and innovation, making the switching power supply technology to continue to innovate, the turning points of this cost is increasingly move to the low output power side, the switching power supply provides a broad space for development.The direction of its development is the high-frequency switching power supply, high frequency switching power supply miniaturization, and switching power supply into a wider range of application areas, especially in high-tech fields, and promote the miniaturization of high-tech products, light of. In addition, the development and application of the switching power supply in terms of energy conservation, resource conservation and environmental protection are of great significance.classificationModern switching power supply, there are two: one is the DC switching power supply; the other is the AC switching power supply. Introduces only DC switching power supply and its function is poor power quality of the original eco-power (coarse) - such as mains power or battery power, converted to meet the equipment requirements of high-quality DC voltage (Varitronix) . The core of the DC switching power supply DC / DC converter. DC switching power supply classification is dependent on the classification of DC / DC converter. In other words, the classification of the classification of the DC switching power supply and DC/DC converter is the classification of essentially the same, the DC / DC converter is basically a classification of the DC switching power supply.DC /DC converter between the input and output electrical isolation can be divided into two categories: one is isolated called isolated DC/DC converter; the other is not isolated as non-isolated DC / DC converter.Isolated DC / DC converter can also be classified by the number of active power devices. The single tube of DC / DC converter Forward (Forward), Feedback (Feedback) two. The double-barreled double-barreled DC/ DC converter Forward (Double Transistor Forward Converter), twin-tube feedback (Double Transistor Feedback Converter), Push-Pull (Push the Pull Converter) and half-bridge (Half-Bridge Converter) four. Four DC / DC converter is the full-bridge DC / DC converter (Full-Bridge Converter).Non-isolated DC / DC converter, according to the number of active power devices can be divided into single-tube, double pipe, and four three categories. Single tube to a total of six of the DC / DC converter, step-down (Buck) DC / DC converter, step-up (Boost) DC / DC converters, DC / DC converter, boost buck (Buck Boost) device of Cuk the DC / DC converter, the Zeta DC / DC converter and SEPIC, the DC / DC converter. DC / DC converters, the Buck and Boost type DC / DC converter is the basic buck-boost of Cuk, Zeta, SEPIC, type DC / DC converter is derived from a single tube in this six. The twin-tube cascaded double-barreled boost (buck-boost) DC / DC converter DC / DC converter. Four DC / DC converter is used, the full-bridge DC / DC converter (Full-Bridge Converter).Isolated DC / DC converter input and output electrical isolation is usually transformer to achieve the function of the transformer has a transformer, so conducive to the expansion of the converter output range of applications, but also easy to achieve different voltage output , or a variety of the same voltage output.Power switch voltage and current rating, the converter's output power is usually proportional to the number of switch. The more the number of switch, the greater the output power of the DC / DC converter, four type than the two output power is twice as large,single-tube output power of only four 1/4.A combination of non-isolated converters and isolated converters can be a single converter does not have their own characteristics. Energy transmission points, one-way transmission and two-way transmission of two DC / DC converter. DC / DC converter with bi-directional transmission function, either side of the transmission power from the power of lateral load power from the load-lateral side of the transmission power.DC / DC converter can be divided into self-excited and separately controlled. With the positive feedback signal converter to switch to self-sustaining periodic switching converter, called self-excited converter, such as the the Luo Yeer (Royer,) converter is a typical push-pull self-oscillating converter. Controlled DC / DC converter switching device control signal is generated by specialized external control circuit.the switching power supply.People in the field of switching power supply technology side of the development of power electronic devices, while the development of the switching inverter technology, the two promote each other to promote the switching power supply annual growth rate of more than two digits toward the light, small, thin, low-noise, high reliability, the direction of development of anti-jamming. Switching power supply can be divided into AC / DC and DC / DC two categories, AC / AC DC / AC, such as inverters, DC / DC converter is now modular design technology and production processes at home and abroad have already matured and standardization, and has been recognized by the user, but AC / DC modular, its own characteristics make the modular process, encounter more complex technology and manufacturing process. Hereinafter to illustrate the structure and characteristics of the two types of switching power supply.Self-excited: no external signal source can be self-oscillation, completely self-excited to see it as feedback oscillation circuit of a transformer.Separate excitation: entirely dependent on external sustain oscillations, excited used widely in practical applications. According to the excitation signal structure classification; can be divided into pulse-width-modulated and pulse amplitude modulated two pulse width modulated control the width of the signal is frequency, pulse amplitude modulation control signal amplitude between the same effect are the oscillation frequency to maintain within a certain range to achieve the effect of voltage stability. The winding of the transformer can generally be divided into three types, one group is involved in the oscillation of the primary winding, a group of sustained oscillations in the feedback winding, there is a group of load winding. Such as Shanghai is used in household appliances art technological production of switching power supply, 220V AC bridge rectifier, changing to about 300V DC filter added tothe collector of the switch into the transformer for high frequency oscillation, the feedback winding feedback to the base to maintain the circuit oscillating load winding induction signal, the DC voltage by the rectifier, filter, regulator to provide power to the load. Load winding to provide power at the same time, take up the ability to voltage stability, the principle is the voltage output circuit connected to a voltage sampling device to monitor the output voltage changes, and timely feedback to the oscillator circuit to adjust the oscillation frequency, so as to achieve stable voltage purposes, in order to avoid the interference of the circuit, the feedback voltage back to the oscillator circuit with optocoupler isolation.technology developmentsThe high-frequency switching power supply is the direction of its development, high-frequency switching power supply miniaturization, and switching power supply into the broader field of application, especially in high-tech fields, and promote the development and advancement of the switching power supply, an annual more than two-digit growth rate toward the light, small, thin, low noise, high reliability, the direction of the anti-jamming. Switching power supply can be divided into AC / DC and DC / DC two categories, the DC / DC converter is now modular design technology and production processes at home and abroad have already matured and standardized, and has been recognized by the user, but modular AC / DC, because of its own characteristics makes the modular process, encounter more complex technology and manufacturing process. In addition, the development and application of the switching power supply in terms of energy conservation, resource conservation and environmental protection are of great significance.The switching power supply applications in power electronic devices as diodes, IGBT and MOSFET.SCR switching power supply input rectifier circuit and soft start circuit, a small amount of applications, the GTR drive difficult, low switching frequency, gradually replace the IGBT and MOSFET.Direction of development of the switching power supply is a high-frequency, high reliability, low power, low noise, jamming and modular. Small, thin, and the key technology is the high frequency switching power supply light, so foreign major switching power supply manufacturers have committed to synchronize the development of new intelligent components, in particular, is to improve the secondary rectifier loss, and the power of iron Oxygen materials to increase scientific and technological innovation in order to improve the magnetic properties of high frequency and large magnetic flux density (Bs), and capacitor miniaturization is a key technology. SMT technology allows the switching power supply has made considerable progress, the arrangement of the components in the circuit board on bothsides, to ensure that the light of the switching power supply, a small, thin. High-frequency switching power supply is bound to the traditional PWM switching technology innovation, realization of ZVS, ZCS soft-switching technology has become the mainstream technology of the switching power supply, and a substantial increase in the efficiency of the switching power supply. Indicators for high reliability, switching power supply manufacturers in the United States by reducing the operating current, reducing the junction temperature and other measures to reduce the stress of the device, greatly improve the reliability of products.Modularity is the overall trend of switching power supply, distributed power systems can be composed of modular power supply, can be designed to N +1 redundant power system, and the parallel capacity expansion. For this shortcoming of the switching power supply running noise, separate the pursuit of high frequency noise will also increase, while the use of part of the resonant converter circuit technology to achieve high frequency, in theory, but also reduce noise, but some The practical application of the resonant converter technology, there are still technical problems, it is still a lot of work in this field, so that the technology to be practical.Power electronics technology innovation, switching power supply industry has broad prospects for development. To accelerate the pace of development of the switching power supply industry in China, it must take the road of technological innovation, out of joint production and research development path with Chinese characteristics and contribute to the rapid development of China's national economy.Developments and trends of the switching power supply1955 U.S. Royer (Roger) invented the self-oscillating push-pull transistor single-transformer DC-DC converter is the beginning of the high-frequency conversion control circuit 1957 check race Jen, Sen, invented a self-oscillating push-pull dual transformers, 1964, U.S. scientists canceled frequency transformer in series the idea of switching power supply, the power supply to the size and weight of the decline in a fundamental way. 1969 increased due to the pressure of the high-power silicon transistor, diode reverse recovery time shortened and other components to improve, and finally made a 25-kHz switching power supply.At present, the switching power supply to the small, lightweight and high efficiency characteristics are widely used in a variety of computer-oriented terminal equipment, communications equipment, etc. Almost all electronic equipment is indispensable for a rapid development of today's electronic information industry power mode. Bipolar transistor made of 100kHz, 500kHz power MOS-FET made, though already the practical switching power supply is currently available on the market, but its frequency to be further improved. Toimprove the switching frequency, it is necessary to reduce the switching losses, and to reduce the switching losses, the need for high-speed switch components. However, the switching speed will be affected by the distribution of the charge stored in the inductance and capacitance, or diode circuit to produce a surge or noise. This will not only affect the surrounding electronic equipment, but also greatly reduce the reliability of the power supply itself. Which, in order to prevent the switching Kai - closed the voltage surge, RC or LC buffers can be used, and the current surge can be caused by the diode stored charge of amorphous and other core made of magnetic buffer . However, the high frequency more than 1MHz, the resonant circuit to make the switch on the voltage or current through the switch was a sine wave, which can reduce switching losses, but also to control the occurrence of surges. This switch is called the resonant switch. Of this switching power supply is active, you can, in theory, because in this way do not need to greatly improve the switching speed of the switching losses reduced to zero, and the noise is expected to become one of the high-frequency switching power supply The main ways. At present, many countries in the world are committed to several trillion Hz converter utility.the principle of IntroductionThe switching power supply of the process is quite easy to understand, linear power supplies, power transistors operating in the linear mode and linear power, the PWM switching power supply to the power transistor turns on and off state, in both states, on the power transistor V - security product is very small (conduction, low voltage, large current; shutdown, voltage, current) V oltammetric product / power device is power semiconductor devices on the loss.Compared with the linear power supply, the PWM switching power supply more efficient process is achieved by "chopping", that is cut into the amplitude of the input DC voltage equal to the input voltage amplitude of the pulse voltage. The pulse duty cycle is adjusted by the switching power supply controller. Once the input voltage is cut into the AC square wave, its amplitude through the transformer to raise or lower. Number of groups of output voltage can be increased by increasing the number of primary and secondary windings of the transformer. After the last AC waveform after the rectifier filter the DC output voltage.The main purpose of the controller is to maintain the stability of the output voltage, the course of their work is very similar to the linear form of the controller. That is the function blocks of the controller, the voltage reference and error amplifier can be designed the same as the linear regulator. Their difference lies in the error amplifier output (error voltage) in the drive before the power tube to go through a voltage / pulse-width conversion unit.Switching power supply There are two main ways of working: Forward transformand boost transformation. Although they are all part of the layout difference is small, but the course of their work vary greatly, have advantages in specific applications.the circuit schematicThe so-called switching power supply, as the name implies, is a door, a door power through a closed power to stop by, then what is the door, the switching power supply using SCR, some switch, these two component performance is similar, are relying on the base switch control pole (SCR), coupled with the pulse signal to complete the on and off, the pulse signal is half attentive to control the pole voltage increases, the switch or transistor conduction, the filter output voltage of 300V, 220V rectifier conduction, transmitted through the switching transformer secondary through the transformer to the voltage increase or decrease for each circuit work. Oscillation pulse of negative semi-attentive to the power regulator, base, or SCR control voltage lower than the original set voltage power regulator cut-off, 300V power is off, switch the transformer secondary no voltage, then each circuit The required operating voltage, depends on this secondary road rectifier filter capacitor discharge to maintain. Repeat the process until the next pulse cycle is a half weeks when the signal arrival. This switch transformer is called the high-frequency transformer, because the operating frequency is higher than the 50HZ low frequency. Then promote the pulse of the switch or SCR, which requires the oscillator circuit, we know, the transistor has a characteristic, is the base-emitter voltage is 0.65-0.7V is the zoom state, 0.7V These are the saturated hydraulic conductivity state-0.1V-0.3V in the oscillatory state, then the operating point after a good tune, to rely on the deep negative feedback to generate a negative pressure, so that the oscillating tube onset, the frequency of the oscillating tube capacitor charging and discharging of the length of time from the base to determine the oscillation frequency of the output pulse amplitude, and vice versa on the small, which determines the size of the output voltage of the power regulator. Transformer secondary output voltage regulator, usually switching transformer, single around a set of coils, the voltage at its upper end, as the reference voltage after the rectifier filter, then through the optocoupler, this benchmark voltage return to the base of the oscillating tube pole to adjust the level of the oscillation frequency, if the transformer secondary voltage is increased, the sampling coil output voltage increases, the positive feedback voltage obtained through the optocoupler is also increased, this voltage is applied oscillating tube base, so that oscillation frequency is reduced, played a stable secondary output voltage stability, too small do not have to go into detail, nor it is necessary to understand the fine, such a high-power voltage transformer by switching transmission, separated and after the class returned by sampling the voltage from the opto-coupler pass separated after class, so before the mains voltage, and after the classseparation, which is called cold plate, it is safe, transformers before power is independent, which is called switching power supply.the DC / DC conversionDC / DC converter is a fixed DC voltage transformation into a variable DC voltage, also known as the DC chopper. There are two ways of working chopper, one Ts constant pulse width modulation mode, change the ton (General), the second is the frequency modulation, the same ton to change the Ts, (easy to produce interference). Circuit by the following categories:Buck circuit - the step-down chopper, the average output voltage U0 is less than the input voltage Ui, the same polarity.Boost Circuit - step-up chopper, the average output voltage switching power supply schematic U0 is greater than the input voltage Ui, the same polarity.Buck-Boost circuit - buck or boost chopper, the output average voltage U0 is greater than or less than the input voltage Ui, the opposite polarity, the inductance transmission.Cuk circuit - a buck or boost chopper, the output average voltage U0 is greater than or less than the input voltage Ui, the opposite polarity, capacitance transmission.The above-mentioned non-isolated circuit, the isolation circuit forward circuits, feedback circuit, the half-bridge circuit, the full bridge circuit, push-pull circuit. Today's soft-switching technology makes a qualitative leap in the DC / DC the U.S. VICOR company design and manufacture a variety of ECI soft-switching DC / DC converter, the maximum output power 300W, 600W, 800W, etc., the corresponding power density (6.2 , 10,17) W/cm3 efficiency (80-90)%. A the Japanese Nemic Lambda latest using soft-switching technology, high frequency switching power supply module RM Series, its switching frequency (200 to 300) kHz, power density has reached 27W/cm3 with synchronous rectifier (MOSFETs instead of Schottky diodes ), so that the whole circuit efficiency by up to 90%.AC / DC conversionAC / DC conversion will transform AC to DC, the power flow can be bi-directional power flow by the power flow to load known as the "rectification", referred to as "active inverter power flow returned by the load power. AC / DC converter input 50/60Hz AC due must be rectified, filtered, so the volume is relatively large filter capacitor is essential, while experiencing safety standards (such as UL, CCEE, etc.) and EMC Directive restrictions (such as IEC, FCC, CSA) in the AC input side must be added to the EMC filter and use meets the safety standards of the components, thus limiting the miniaturization of the volume of AC / DC power, In addition, due to internal frequency, high voltage, current switching, making the problem difficult to solve EMC also high demands on the internal high-density mountingcircuit design, for the same reason, the high voltage, high current switch makes power supply loss increases, limiting the AC / DC converter modular process, and therefore must be used to power system optimal design method to make it work efficiency to reach a certain level of satisfaction.AC / DC conversion circuit wiring can be divided into half-wave circuit, full-wave circuit. Press the power phase can be divided into single-phase three-phase, multiphase. Can be divided into a quadrant, two quadrant, three quadrants, four-quadrant circuit work quadrant.he selection of the switching power supplySwitching power supply input on the anti-jamming performance, compared to its circuit structure characteristics (multi-level series), the input disturbances, such as surge voltage is difficult to pass on the stability of the output voltage of the technical indicators and linear power have greater advantages, the output voltage stability up to (0.5)%. Switching power supply module as an integrated power electronic devices should be selected。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:汽车变速器设计文献、资料英文题目:Transmission design文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业论文(设计)外文文献翻译汽车变速器设计我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功率比较大,燃油经济性也比较好。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系:电光系专业:电子科学与技术姓名:学号: 080403136外文出处:Structure and function of(用外文写)the MCS-51 series 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
这家公司在1976年引入8位MCS - 48系列单片机后,于1980年又推出了8位高档的MCS - 51系列单片机。
随着INTEL i960系列特别是后来的ARM系列的广泛应用,32位单片机迅速取代16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。

20外⽂⽂献翻译原⽂及译⽂参考样式华北电⼒⼤学科技学院毕业设计(论⽂)附件外⽂⽂献翻译学号: 0819******** 姓名:宗鹏程所在系别:机械⼯程及⾃动化专业班级:机械08K1指导教师:张超原⽂标题:Development of a High-PerformanceMagnetic Gear年⽉⽇⾼性能磁齿轮的发展1摘要:本⽂提出了⼀个⾼性能永磁齿轮的计算和测量结果。
上述分析的永磁齿轮有5.5的传动⽐,并能够提供27 Nm的⼒矩。
经测量,由于较⼤端齿轮传动引起的磁⼒齿轮的扭矩只有16 Nm。
相⽐标准电⽓机器有约10kN m/m的扭矩,装有⾼能量永久磁铁的磁耦有⾮常⾼的单位体积密度的扭矩,变化范围⼤约300–400 kN 。
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南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译教学点:南京信息职业技术学院专业:电子信息工程姓名:陈洁学号: 014910253034外文出处:《 Pci System Architecture 》(用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
4.1 32位PCI 连接器上的64位插卡64位卡允许安装在32位卡插卡连接器上。
4.2 64位插卡如何确定所安装插槽的类型当系统被加电时,复位信号会自动被有效。
在复位期间,系统主板复位逻辑最初有效PCI RST#信号同时供电电源的POWERGOOD 信号被无效。
在POWERGOOD被电源逻辑有效时,系统主板复位逻辑会无效PCI RST#信号。
附件2:外文原文The 64-bit PCI ExtensionThe 64-bit PCI ExtensionThis chapter describes the 64-bit extension that permits masters and targets to perform eight byte transfers during each data phase. It also describes 64-bit addressing used to address memory targets that reside above the 4GB boundary.1.64-bit Ata Transfers and 64-bit Addressing: Seperate CapabilitiesThe PCI specification provides a mechanism that permits a 64-bit bus master to perform 64-bit data transfers with a 64-bit target. At the beginning of a transaction, the 64-bit bus maser automatically senses if the responding target is a 64-bit or a 32-bit device. If it’s a 64-bit device, up to eight bytes(a quadword) may be transferred during each data phase. Assuming a series of 0-wait state data phases, throughput of 264Mbytes/second can be achieved at a bus speed of 33MHz(8 bytes/transfer x 33 million transfers/second) and 528Mbytes/second at66MHz.If the responding target is a 32-bit device, the bus master automatically senses this and steers all data to or from the target over the lower four data paths(AD[31:0]).The specification also defines 64-bit memory addressing capability. This capability is only used to address memory targets that reside above the 4GB address boundary. Both 32-and 64[bit bus masters can perform 64-bit addressing. In addition, memory target(that reside over the 4GB address boundary) that respond to 64-bit addressing can be implemented as either 32-or 64-bit targets.2.64-Bit Extension SignalsIn order to support the 64-bit data transfer capability, the PCI bus implements an additional thirty-nine pins:●REQ64# is asserted by a 64-bit bus master to indicate that is would like to perform64-bit data transfers.REQ64# has the same timing and duration a s the FRAME# signal.The REQ64# signal line must be supplied with a pull up resistor on the system board.REQ64# cannot be permitted to float when a 32-bit bus master is performing a transaction.●ACK64# is asserted by a target in response to REQ64# assertion by the master (if thetarget supports 64-bit data transfers).ACK64# has the same timing and duration as DEVSEL#(but ACK64# must not be asserted unless REQ64# is asserted by the initiator).Like REQ64#,the AcK64# signal line must also be supplied with a pullup resistor on the system board.ACK64# cannot be permitted to float when a 32-bit device si the target of transaction.●AD [63::32] comprise the upper four address/data paths.●C/BE# [7::4] comprise the upper four command/byte enable signals.●PAR64 is the parity bit that provides even parity for the upper four AD paths and theupper four C/BE signal lines.The following sections provide a detailed discussion of 64-bit data master and addressing capability.3.64-bit Cards in 32-bit Add-in ConnectorsA 64-bit card installed in a 32-bit expansion slot automatically only uses the lower half of the bus to perform transfers. This is true because the system board designer connects theREQ64# output pin and the ACK64# input pin on the connector to individual pull-ups on the system board and to nothing else.When a 64-bit bus master is installed in a 32-bit card slot and it initiates a transaction, its assertion of REQ64# is not visible to any of the target. In addition, its ACK64# input is always sampled deasserted (because it’s pulled up on the system board).This forces the bus master to use only the lower part of the bus during the transfer. Furthermore, if the target addressed in the transaction is a 64-bit target, it samples REQ74# deasserted (because it’s pulled up on the system board),forcing it to only utilize the lower half of the bus during the transaction and to disable its ACK64# output.The 64-bit extension signal lines on the card itself cannot be permitted to float when they are not in use. The CMOS input receives on the card would oscillate and draw excessive current, thus violating the “green” aspect of the specification. hen the card is installed in a 32- bit slot, it cannot use the upper half of the bus. The manner in which the card detects the type of slot (REQ64# sampled deasserted at startup time) is described in the next section.4.Pullups Prevent 64-bit Extension from Floating When Not in UseIf the 64-bit extension signals (AD[63::32],C/BE[7::4]# and PAR64 are permitted to float when not in use, the CMOS input buffers on the card will oscillate and draw excessive current. In order to prevent the extension signals to keep them from floating. Because these pull-ups are guaranteed to keep the extension from floating when not in use, 64-bit devices that are embedded on the system board and 64-bit cards installed in 64-bit PCI add-in connectors don’t need to take any special action to keep the extension from floating when they are not using it.The 64-bit extension is not in use under the following circumstance:1.The PCI bus is idle.2. A 32-bit bus master is performing a transaction with a 32-bit target.3. A 32-bit bus master is performing a transaction with a 64-bit target. Upondetecting REQ64# deasserted at the start of the transaction, the target will notuse the upper half of the bus.4. A 64-bit bus master addresses a target to perform 32-bit data transfers (REQ64#deasserted) and the target resides below the 4GB boundary. In this case, theinitiator only uses the lower half of the bus during the address phase(because it’s only generating a 32-bit address).When it discovers the currently-addressedtarget is a 32-bit target(ACK64# not asserted when DEVSEL# asserted),theinitiator ceases to use the upper half at the bus during the data phases.4.1. a 64-bit Card in a 32-bit PCI ConnectorInstallation of a 64-bit card in a 32-bit card connector is permitted. The main(32-bit) portion of the connector contains all of the 32-bit PCI signals, which an extension to the connector contains the 64-bit extension signal(with the exception of REQ64# and ACK64# which are located on the 32-bit portion of the connector).When a 64-bit device is installed in a 32-bit PCI expansion slot, the system board pull-ups on AD[63::32],C/BE#[7::4] and PAR64 are not available to the add-in card. This means that the add-in card’s input buffers that are connected to the extension signal pins will float, oscillate, and draw excessive current.The specification states that the add-in card designer must not solve the problem by supplying pullup resistors on the extension lines on the add-in card. Using this approach would cause problems when the card is installed in a 64-bit expansion slot. There would then be towsets of pullup resistor on these signal line (the ones on the card plus the ones on the system board).If all designer solved the problem in this manner, a machine with multiple 64-bit cards inserted in 64-bit card connectors would have multiple pull-ups on the extension signal, resulting in pullup current overload.The specification provides a method for a 64-b9it card to determine at startup time whether it’s installed in a 32-bit or a 64-bit connector. If the card detects that it is plugged into a 64-bit connector, the pull-ups on the system board will keep the input receives on the card from floating when the extension is not in use. On the other hand, if a y64-bit card detects that it is a 32-bit card connector, the logic on the card must keep the input receives from switching. The specification states that an approach similar to one of the following should be use:●Biasing the input buffer to turning it off.●Actively driving the outputs continually (since they aren’t connected to anything).4.2.How 64-bit Card Determines Type of Slot installed InWhen the system is powered up, the reset signal is automatically asserted. During this period of time, the logic on the system board must assert the REQ64# signal as well as RST#.REQ64# has a single pullup resistor on it and is connected to the REQ64# pin on all 64-bit devices integrated onto the system board and on all 64-bit PCI expansion slot. The specification states that the REQ64# signal line on each 32-bit PCI expansion slot (REQ64# and ACK64# are located on the 32-bit portion of the connector), however, each has its own independent pullup resistor. During reset time, the system board reset logic initially asserts the PCI RST# signal while the POWERGOOD signal from the power supply is deasserted .During the assertion of RST# signal. When POWERGOOD is asserted by the power supply logic, the system board reset logic deasserts the PCI RST# signal. On the trailing-edge of RST# assertion, all 64-bit devices are required to sample the stated of the REQ64# signal.All 64-bit devices that are embedded on the system board or that they are installed in 64-bit expansion slots sample REQ64# asserted on the trailing-edge of RST#. This informs them that they are connected to the extension pull-ups on the system board and need take no special action to keep the extension from floating when not using it.All 64-bit devices that are installed in 32-bit card slot, however detect REQ64# desserted on the trailing-edge of RST#. This informs them that they are not connected to the system board resident pull-ups on the extension signal. The card logic must therefore take responsibility for the state of its own on-card 64-bit extension signal lines. The card must therefore use one of the methods cited in the previous section to prevent excessive current draw by the card’s input receivers.。