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1、—Hello, Joan.

—Kate. Glad to see you.

A.Hi B.Hello

C.Good morning D.How do you do

2、—Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine.

—. You look well too.

A.Great B.Thanks C.Oh, no D.Not at all

3、—How are you! Jane?

A.How are you, Mary? B.Fine, thanks, and you?

C.All is right. D.That's good.

4、—How do you do?


A.Very well, thank you. B.Why, yes. I'm fine.

C.How do you do? D.What about you?

5、—How's everything with you?


A.Fine, thanks B.It's all right

C.Thank very much D.I'm very well

6、—How's your work going?

A.Not too well, I'm afraid.

B.Quite good. What about you?

C.Fine, how are you, then?

D.Well, thanks a lot.

7、—Did you have a good summer holiday?

—Yes, thanks. Kate?

—She's OK, thanks.

A.what's is B.How is

C.What's wrong D.and

8、—Glad to meet you again. How are you?

—I'm just .(老样子)

A.my old self B.old myself

C.myself old D.as old myself

9、—It's nice to see you in New York. How's your family?

—. My wife asked me to say hello to you.

A.It's very well B.They are fine

C.That's all right D.They are good

10、—How's the young man?


A.He's twenty B.He's a doctor

C.He's much better D.He's David

11、—How on with your new job these days?

—Not bad.

A.do you get B.did you get

C.are you getting D.have you getting

12、—Hello, Kate! Fancy meeting you here! Working again, are you?

—Yes, , if I want to pass the exams.

A.I've got to B.no other way

C.I must do D.I have on way

13、In the evening you meet your foreign teacher walking towards the reataurant, you should say .

A.Good evening.

B.Good night.

C.Hello. Have you had your supper?

D.Hi! Going to dinner.


1、—Hi, Tom, this is my friend John.

A.Nice to meet you. B.How are you?

C.Hi, Tom, I'm John. D.Are you Tom?

2、—Let me introduce myself. I'm Albert.


A.With a pleasure B.It's my pleasure

C.I'm very pleased D.Pleased to meet you

3、When you are introduced to someone, you should say

A.I'm getting on well B.I love you very much

C.Fine, thank you. D.How do you do?

4、—Have you met my girl friend, Susan? Susan, this is Li.

A.Glad to meet you. B.Thank you.

C.How are you? D.Welcome home.

5、—Please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, director of the department.


A.I haven't seen you before.

B.Haven't we met before?

C.I've heard so much about you.

D.How do you do?

6、If Mr. Baker is here, will please make to me?

A.you, yourself know B.you, you know

C.he, us know D.he, himself know

7、Let's give him a .

A.warm welcome B.warming welcome

C.warmly welcome D.warm welcoming


1、—It's five o'clock already, I must be going.

—Well, come again you are free.
