Rexroth变频器 Fe系列 简易手册说明书

The Drive & Control CompanyRexroth变频器Fe系列简易手册版本04R912004816Bosch Rexroth AG更改过程出版颁发日期备注DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IN01-ZH-P2013年6月第一版DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IN02-ZH-P2013年11月增加了新功能DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IN03-ZH-P2014年11月增加了新功能DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IN04-ZH-P2014年12月固件升级关于此文档该《简易手册》基于产品《使用手册》,《使用手册》包含产品的详细数据。
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参考文档如需其他类型或语言的文档, 请联系当地代理商或访问以下网址/fe版权© 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司 2014该文档以及其中的数据、技术规格和其它信息均为博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司的专有财产。
RS-a892fbc73b3b8d410a6846a500c72470-4-zh-CN-5Bosch Rexroth AG目录目录页数1 结构安装 (1)1.1 目视检查 (1)1.2 环境条件 (1)1.3 安装条件 (2)1.4 外型尺寸 (3)2 电气安装 (7)2.1 电缆规格 (7)2.2 主回路端子 (12)2.3 控制信号端口的连接 (15)3 参数设置 (20)3.1 操作面板 (20)3.2 启动 (21)3.3 操作说明 (22)3.4 参数列表 (22)4 故障指示 (42)DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IN04-ZH-P IBosch Rexroth AGII DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IN04-ZH-P1 结构安装1.1 目视检查打开变频器包装后, 请进行目视检查。

Electric Drivesand Controls Hydraulics Linear Motion andAssembly Technologies Pneumatics ServiceRexroth Fv变频器R912004817版本02简易手册Bosch Rexroth AG更改过程出版颁发日期备注DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN01-ZH-P2013年6月第一版DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-ZH-P2014年2月增加了新功能关于此文档该《简易手册》基于产品《使用手册》,《使用手册》包含产品的详细数据。
参考文档如需其他类型或语言的文档,请联系当地代理商或访问以下网址/fv版权© 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司 2014该文档以及其中的数据、技术规格和其它信息均为博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司的专有财产。
RS-e33bb6b630945a4d0a6846a5018ae8cb-2-zh-CN-6Bosch Rexroth AG目录目录页数1 结构安装 (1)1.1 目视检查 (1)1.2 环境条件 (1)1.3 安装条件 (2)1.4 外型尺寸 (3)2 电气安装 (7)2.1 电缆规格 (7)2.2 主回路端子 (12)2.3 控制信号端口的连接 (13)3 设置参数 (18)3.1 操作面板 (18)3.2 起动 (18)3.3 操作指导 (20)3.4 参数列表 (21)4 故障指示 (41)DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-ZH-P IBosch Rexroth AGII DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-ZH-P1 结构安装1.1 目视检查打开变频器包装后,请进行目视检查。

b-0 运行参数选择2:高级运行及应用参数
b-1 频率输入通道选择2:外部电压信号1
b-2 频率数字设定设定下限频率
b-3运行命令通道选择2:外部端子(键盘STOP有效) b-4 转向控制0:与设定方向一致
b-5 上限频率50Hz
b-6 负载电机额定频率50Hz
b-7 负载电机额定电压380V
b-8 加速时间30s~50s
b-9 减速时间30s~50s
b-10 加、减速方式0:直线
L-0 V/F曲线类型选择0:恒转距曲线
L-17 停机方式0:减速
L-27 VI1输入下限电压0.8V
L-28 VI2输入上限电压实际手柄输入上限电压
L-47 输入端子1功能选择1:多段速控制端子1(X1) L-54 模拟输出(AM)设定0:输出频率/3:电机转速
L-55 频率输出(AO)设定1:电机电流
L-56 AM输出增益0.50~2.00
L-57 AO输出增益0.10~5.00
L-58 AO输出通道选择3:0~20mA/4:4~20mA
L-59 OC1输出设定0:变频器运转中
L-60 OC2输出设定23:电机反向运行中
L-61 继电器输出功能18:故障状态及过热过载限流运行中*H-14 多段数频率1 35Hz
Convo 变频器选型手册说明书

Convo变频器选型手册u FSCS01u FSCG05u FSCP05博世力士乐 (西安) 电子传动与控制有限公司2产品采用高性能功率模块,确保设备运行稳定可靠;高速微电脑芯片配以高效的专业控制软件,保证设备始终运行在最佳状态;壳体和配件由数控设备自动完成加工,美观坚固;引入ISO9001质量体系,最大化消除质量隐患,承诺提供给客户最优的产品。
Convo 在解决变频器各种应用问题方面是您强大的合作伙伴。
3公司介绍博世力士乐 (西安) 电子传动与控制有限公司致力于在中国工控传动领域发展,这也是博世力士乐未来在中国工控传动领域成功的重要保证。
博世力士乐 (西安) 电子传动与控制有限公司是德国博世集团的全资子公司。
博世力士乐,The Drive & Control Company,独一无二。
4节能目前Convo系列变频器在中国区域内应用于众多行业,如纺织、印染、冶金、电力、石油、化工、建筑楼宇、市政、建材、机床等,其应用节能率在风机、水泵行业尤其突出,另外在球磨机、空压机、注塑机、压铸机等专用设备上也非常明显,节能率最高可达到60 %。
5系列产品技术指标Convo6FSCS01 (CVF-S1)系列变频器精巧、实惠、灵活、可靠多功能单相变频器单相220 V 0.4...2.2 kW产品特点精巧n专注单相小功率n紧凑设计,节省安装空间实惠n高性价比,内置PID控制,内置制动单元n高利用率,面板可拆卸,多机切换使用灵活n16段速运行,特有摆频功能n5路可编程数字输入,3路专属数字输入n支持脉冲输入 (0...10 kHz) ,自带调速电位器n可通过面板延长轻松实现远程控制可靠n卓越品质来自博世标准生产系统n保护完善 (缺相、短路、过流、过压、欠压、过载、过热等)n电路板增强涂层,防尘防腐蚀行业应用机床行业u研磨机u磨床u线切割机纺织印染u纺纱机u整定机u染布机塑料行业u网套机暖通空调u风机u水泵u压缩机u玻璃研磨机械玻璃行业u玻璃研磨机械其他设备u陶瓷送粉机u传送带u医疗离心机u游戏机7丰富的市场经验,可靠的品质保证FSCS01系列均通过博世标准生产系统,蕴含多年的市场品质保证。

11.2 Explanation of All Function GroupsBasic function group explanation (b group)[b00]=0: Digital panel RUN/STOP control, associated setting [b02], [b16], [b17][b02] decides frequency setting channel; [b16], [b17] decide Acc./Dec. time.When [b02]=0~9 and 11,12, the operation direction is determined bySF/SR-COM;SF-COM close: forward; SR-COM close: reverse.If the SF, SR close or open at the same time, the converter does not run evenpressing RUN.If the SF, SR close or open at the same time, the converter stops even withoutpressing STOP.When [b02]=10, the operation direction will be decided by the set voltage of theconverter, not by the SF/SR.[b00]=1: UP/Down increase/decrease control, associated setting [E37]Digital panel RUN disabled, digital panel STOP enabled.Operation mode is decided by the circuit given by [E37] .When “R UN” is enabled, close X1-COM, output frequency increases; close X2-COM, output frequency decreases.increase the frequency by “” and decrease the frequency by “ ”.Single press: add/subtract 0.01Hz every time; continuous press: first add/subtract0.01Hz every time. When the time span is over 2s, the changing rate is decidedby Acc/Dec time.If X1, X2 are defined with other functions, [b00] can not be set as 1.Host Computer Control RUN/STOP and Running Direction[b00]=1, giving the initial value of the frequency, also can set the frequency directly with this function code.[b00]=2/3, is the frequency setting source of the 0-phase speed.[b00]=2: External terminals (including multi-phase terminals) control, associated [E37] setting; P-group parameters; STOP enabled.RUN disabled, STOP enabled.The source of operation mode and command are decided by the given circuit from [E37]=0,1, 2.The multi-phase speed 0~7 is selected by the binary combination of terminals X3, X2, X1-COM. The multi-phase speed holding time isdecided by the continuous combination duration of X3, X2, X1-COM; the running direction is decided by the given circuit from [E37]; frequency Acc./Dec. time is decided by P-group parameters.Press the RUN or close SF-COM to start; press the STOP or close SR-COM to stop.For the phase that has no relation to programming, set the function code of the holding time as OFF; for the phase related to programming, set the function code of holding time and the P-group parameters like the frequency, the running direction, Acc./Dec. etc.RUN disabled, STOP enabledThe operation mode is decided by the given circuit from [E37].When X3-COM is closed, the frequency is set by the external signal; the action of [b02] =0~2 is the same as [b02]=5; other values of [b02] are set normally.When X3-COM is open, the frequency is set by the potentiometer on the panel.[b00]=4: External terminal; internal/externl frequency source is switched by X3; STOP enabled; associated setting, [b02] If X1, X2, X3 are defined with other functions, [b00] can not be set as 2; The default input of the occupied terminal X is 0.[b00]=5: RUN/STOP is controlled by the host computer; STOP enabled; associated settings, [H08], [H09], [H10], [H11].The host computer controls the RUN/STOP and the running direction; STOP enabled.[b00]=6:RUN/STOP is controlled by the host computer; STOP disabled. associated settings, [H08], [H09], [H10].The host computer controls the RUN/STOP and the running direction; STOP disabled.[b00]=3: Embedded PLC control; associated setting, P-group parametersInput current 4-20mA+10V Panel potentiometer control 0-5VDC Analog voltage control 0-10VDC· [b02]=10, input the -10V~+10V analog signal by terminal VRC, at the same time, input voltage determines the running direction. When the input signal is “+”, it represents forward; otherwise it represents rever se. [b02]=5, 6, 9,10, set jumper JP5 2-3.· A-, set jumper Jp2 as 1-2.When [b02]=11, the [E25]=4/5 disabled.In this mode, set [b40] properly, making sure the [b40] setting value and the corresponding Max.Given frequency of [b30] curve.· [b02]=12, the frequency setting is determined by the host computer. In this option, please set the function codes [H08], [H09], [H10] , [H11] properly.Note: See also in Chapter 14.1, the operation and setting diagram.Setting the Max. output frequency of the frequency converter. .The rated frequency of the motor is set based on the nameplate content.The rated voltage of the load motor is set based on the nameplate content.OFF: The user-defined V/F curve mode, at the same time, shows the hidden function code [b07]~[b13].It is the Min. frequency that motor allows. This function sets the Min. frequency of user-defined V/F curve.It is the Min. voltage that motor allows. It is a percentage of the base voltage. This function sets the Min.voltage of the user-defined V/F curve.The middle frequency 1 of the user-defined V/F curve.The corresponding voltage of the middle frequency 1 (Mf1) of the user-defined V/F curve, is a percentageThe middle frequency 2 of the user-defined V/F curve.The corresponding voltage of the middle frequency 2 (Mf2) of the user defined V/F curve.The corresponding voltage of the highest frequency (HF) of the user-defined V/F curve, range: 0~120%BV.· automatically the V/F output voltage at the set value even the voltage of the power supply which connects to the input of the frequency converter varies.It has to be mentioned that the output voltag e can not be hig her that the input voltag e of the frequency converter even the constant voltage control is on.When this parameter is set OFF, the constant voltage control function is disabled and the output voltage will be proportional to the input voltage.General V/F curve settings are as follows:(a) General applicationH-0~H-15 constant torque characteristicP-00~P-15 square rate decreased torqueParameter setting description of fan and pump typesH curve, P curve voltage(C) User-defined V/F curve[b06]=oFF, can be defined the following V/Fcurve by [b03]- [b05], [b07]~[b13].[b13] HV [b05] BV [b08] LLV[b07][b09][b04][b11][b03]According to the requirements of the load motor, the following common use V/F curves are available.BVMF1MF2MF2BVMV1LLVConstant torque curveFan, pump energy saving curve MF2BVLLV MV MF1MF2BVHV High startup torque curveVariable frequency motor with increased voltage, higher than the frequency requirement[b15] Acc./Dec. curve modeAcc timeDec timeAcc timeDec timeThe selection of b15 also decides the curve mode of JOG Acc./Dec.[b16] Acceleration timeWhen the programmable mode is disabled (b 3), it represents the output frequency increasing time from 0.00Hz to HF .When the programmable mode is enabled (b=3) and the operation is under multi-phase 0, it represents the output frequency increasing time from 0.00Hz to the frequency command [b01].[b17] Deceleration timeWhen the programmable mode is disabled (b 3), it represents the output frequency decreasing time from HF to 0.00Hz.When the programmable mode is enabled (b=3) and the operation is under multi-phase 0, it represents the output frequency decreasing time from the frequency command [b01] to 0.00Hz. (1) Programmable operation disabled ([b00]3)· This parameter is used to set the delay time between the deceleration, stop and the start of reversed acceleration when the motor rotating speed changes. The parameter should be set according to load inertia, and Acc./Dec. time.(2) Programmable operation enabled ([b00] =3)TimeOutput frequency· When the forward and reverse signals are input simultaneously, the motor will decelerate and stop. When “0.0s” is set, the reverse operation is forbidden and only the forward operation is allowed.Output frequencyReversedForward· Electronic thermal relay setting value (%)=(motor rated current /frequency converter rated current) ×100%. When single motor is connected to single converter, overload relay needs not to be connected externally, and set the parameter according to motor characteristic.· When driving several motors or motor rated current is lower than the set value Et, the motor is not protected actively. In that case, please equip each motor with thermal protection relay.· As the figure of overload protection reverse time-limit shows, for general series: 150% rated current for 1 minute, 110% rated current for 1 hour.· If it is not set as OFF, the range is “50~110%”.frequency and over excitation of the motor can also be avoided while it is running without load.In the real operation, the voltage increase percentage is decided by the frequency converter based on the present output frequency and the load current.[b19] should be increased step by step. Too big value of the parameter may cause over current ofthe motor or enable the Auto Current Limit function. If it is not set as “oFF”, the setting range is “1~10%”. · When “oFF” is set effective, the automatic torque increase function is disabled; when other values are set, the values are the percentag e of the increased voltag e at 0 output frequency, rated current. This parameter is to improve the torque characteristic when the motor is running at low frequency. With that function, the output voltag e of the frequency converter can be adjusted· UF is the Max. frequency which the frequency converter outputs during steady running.· LF is the Min. frequency which the frequency converters outputs during steady running.· When the input frequency command is lower than the set value of the lower limit frequency (LF), the frequency converter has two working modes:[b23]=0, the output frequency is decreased directly from the lower limit frequency to 0.00Hz; the hysteresis frequency width needs to be set in order to prevent frequency converter from the frequency RUN/STOP around the lower limit frequency.[b23]=1, the frequency converter is kept running at the lower limit frequency.General series[b26] defines the time constant of the first inertia to conduct the first inertia filter of the analoginput reference sig nal. The big g er the time constant, the more obvious the restraining effect, but the slower the response. [b26] is also the filter time constant of FB channel.Reference frequency signal is filtered and amplified, and then its relationship with the set frequency is determined by the Curve (defined by [b27]~[b30]), which is shown in the right hand figure.compensation, and decrease the slip so that the motor can run at the rated current and the speed is close to the synchronous speed. Consumer will set slip frequency compensation according to load. Customers can use the slip frequency compensation according to the load situation.Note: when using the slip frequency compensation, [H35]must be disabled, [H35]=0.00.Note: If the compensation is set too big, the motorspeed will exceed the synchronous speed. In this case: Upper limit frequency=output frequency + K ×slipfrequency [b31].K is associated with load current and is not bigger than 1.· The relationship between frequency source and frequency setting is shown in the next figure, when VRC,+I pulse or panel potentiometer are set as open-loop frequency setting channels.· Using analog signal (0~5V, 0~10V, 4~20mA, panel potentiometer 0~5V) and pulse frequency to set frequency, outputfrequency can be set freely by setting [b25] and [b27], [b 28],[b29], [b30].The motor has two stop modes: Deceleration stop and inertia slide stop.[b34]=0: Inertia stop disabled, deceleration stop active.[b34]=1~3: external terminals X1,X2 or X3-COM are closed to realize inertia slip stop with. When other stop orders are set, deceleration stop is active.[b34]=4: inertia slide stop.If the setting is 1~3, when the selected terminal and the COM terminal are closed during operation,the converter will be stopped in inertia stop mode immediately and F.r .on will be displayed at the same time as the external terminals are closed. Once the terminals and COM are open, the output accelerates again from 0.00H to the set frequency. If there is stop signal, but the selected terminal and the COM open, then the motor decelerates to stop. If X1, X2 or X3 have alreadybeen defined with other functions, then the [b34] does not show the corresponding parameter in order to avoid repeated definition ofterminals.[b32] This function could regulate starting torque characteristic with torque compensation, but if the setvalue is too big, over current may happen.[b33] Start up hold time is the running holding time with the start up frequency.If the running frequency is lower than start up frequency, the output frequency is the start up frequency.After the holding time of the start up frequency, the output frequency will be decreased to the running· [b35]=0: Cannot carry on the Jog operation.· [b35]=1~3: Selection terminals X1~X3 as the jog operation signal input terminals, close is enabled. When the jog operation signal and the operation signal are enabled at the same time, then the jog operation is effective.Jog operation is forbidden in the programmable mode.Jog operation acceleration time[b37] is time for frequency increase from 0.00Hz to HF. Jog operation deceleration time [b38] is time for frequency decrease from HF to 0.00Hz.When the Jog operation stops, if the jog operation frequency is higher than the set operation frequency, then decrease the frequency to the set frequency according to the Jog deceleration time.If the Jog frequency is lower than the operation frequency, then increase the frequency to the set frequency according to the normal acceleration time. Three common modes of Jog.· When [b02]=11, this functional code provides [b30] value corresponding to external input pulse frequency. (200.0kHz).· When [b02]=11, [E24]=0, [E25]=4 or 5 (PI control), this functional code provides the biggest engineering value corresponding to feedback pulse frequency.The jog operation at the operation frequency as 0.00HzAccelerate frequency increase speed by jog operationThe jog operation at frequency lower than the operation frequency· When [b00]=0, [b02]=0 or [b00]=1 or [b00]=2, [b02]=0, if [b42]=1, then the present set frequency will be saved in function code [b01] before the system power is off. After the power is on nextExtended function group description (E group )This function is used to prevent from load mechanic vibration (noise) and resonance etc; Three skip frequencies can be set in the range of 0.00Hz-HF;Set the range of skip frequency to 0.00Hz when the skip frequency function is not used;This function is inactive during acceleration and deceleration;The function is suitable for any frequency setting selected by [b02].· A 0~20mA DC ammeter or a 0~10V DC voltmeter can be connected between FM1 or FM2 and GND to monitor the inverter output frequency, output voltage or output current.· When 2-3 of JP3 is shorted, the output of FM2 is 0-10V, please connect the voltmeter or cymometer with full range of 10V and impedance of 10K .· When 1~2 of JP4 is shorted, the output of FM1 is 0~20mA, please connect the ammeter or frequency indicator with the full range of 20mA.[E04]=0: output frequency, when the output reaches HF, terminal FM1 outputs 20mA or 10V; [E04]=1: output voltage, when the output reaches AC 500V, terminal FM1 outputs 20mA or 10V;[E04]=2: output current, when the output reaches 2 times of rated current, terminal FM1 outputs 20mA or 10V;[E04]=3: PI feed-back signal [E05] adjusts the FM gain.· When 2~3 of JP3 is shorted, FM2 outputs 0~10v; when 1~2 of JP3 is shorted, FM2 outputs 0~20mA. The output and gain of FM2 are selected by [E06] and [E07] respectively.20mA· DO pulse frequency output range: 0 ~ [E10].[E09] =0 output frequency, when the output reaches HF, DO outputs [E10] kHz.[E09] =1 output voltage, when the output reaches 500V, DO outputs [E10] kHz.[E09] =2 output current, when the output reaches rated current, DO outputs ([E10]/2) kHz.When output frequency exceeds [E11], the digital output “Frequency level detection 1” (FDT1) is active till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E11]-[E12].When output frequency exceeds [E13], the digital output “Frequency level detection 2” (FDT2) isactive till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E13]-[E14].Frequency arrival detectionOutput frequencyFrequency leveldetection FDT1/2Delay frequencyTimeFrequency leveldetection FDT1/2TimearrivalE1612345678910111213141516171819202122232425RunFDT1FDT2FARReservedUnder voltageOver loadReserved0 speed(less than starting frequency)EMSLower voltageAuto current limit actionFaultProgramable program operationProgramable program operation overOne phase operation overOCOVForwardReverse0 speed (including stop)BrakingAccelerationDecelerationFan activeReservedOpen collectoroutputOUT1Open collectoroutputOUT2Relay RyoutputSelectionE17 E18SettingrangeFactory settingFactory settingFactory setting612Power supply[E16], [E17], [E18] setting description:0: RunWhen the frequency converter has output, OUT or Ry is active.1: FDT1When the output frequency is higher than frequency level [E11], OUT or Ry is active till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E11]-[E12].2: FDT2When the output frequency is higher than frequency level [E13], OUT or Ry is active till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E13]-[E14].3: FARWhen the output frequency is in the range of ±[E15], OUT or Ry is active.4: Reserved5: Under voltageWhen the frequency converter detects the input voltage is too low, OUT or Ry is active.6: Over load (OL)When the frequency converter detects overload, OUT or Ry is active.7: Reserved8: Output frequency 0 speed (less than starting frequency)When the output frequency of the frequency converter is lower than the operation frequency [b32], OUT or Ry is active.9: EMSWhen the terminal EMS is closed and [E32]=0, [E33]=1, OUT or Ry is active.10: Lower voltage (BUS voltage is lower than 90% of rated voltage)When the frequency converter detects the DC bus voltag e is lower than 90% of the rated value, OUT or Ry is active.11: Auto current limit function is active.When the auto current limit function is active, OUT or Ry is active.12: FaultWhen the frequency converter detects fault, OUT or Ry is active.13: Programable program in operation ([b00]=3)When the programable program of the frequency converter is in auto operation, OUT or Ry is active. 14: Programable program operation ([b00]=3) is completed.When the programable program auto operation of the frequency converter ([b00]=3) is completed, OUT or Ry is active.15: One phase of the programable program operation ([b00]=3) is completed.When the programable ([b00]=3) is in auto operation, OUT or Ry active time is 0.5 secretary. For each phase.16: Over currentWhen the frequency converter is under over current protection at the steady state stall or the acceleration stall, OUT or Ry is active; associated parameters, [E19] and [E20].17: Over voltage stallWhen the frequency converter is under over-voltage stall protection, OUT or Ry is active; associated parameter, [H25].18: ForwardWhen the frequency converter operates forward, OUT or Ry is active.19: ReverseWhen the frequency converter operates reverse, OUT or Ry is active.20: 0 speed (including stop)21: BrakingWhen the output frequency is less than the starting frequency setting [b32] and stops, OUT or Ry is active.22: AccelerationWhen the output frequency of the frequency converter is in acceleration, OUT or Ry is active.23: DecelerationWhen inverter output frequency is in deceleration, OUT or Ry action24: Fan actionWhen the inverter's fan is in work, OUT or Ry actionThe stall OC prevention level during acceleration [E20] can be set between 50~200% of the rated current of the frequency converter. When oFF is set, this function is inactive.Shown as the figure below, the frequency stops increasing once the output current is higher than the stall OC level [E20] during acceleration; the frequency will continue increasing if the output current decreases, in this way, the stall OC is prevented. As a result, this makes the actual Acc. time longer than the set value.Note: The disabled, [H33]=OFF. If the non-trip control [H33]=ON, then set [E19]=OFF , [E20]=OFF.Output frequencyOutput currentShown as the figure below, when running under the set frequency , once the current is higher than the stall OC level, the frequency converter will decrease the output frequency automatically to control the output current below the stall OC level.The stall OC prevention level [E19] can be set between 50~200% of the rated current of the frequency converter. If oFF is set, this function is inactive· The first function of display coefficients A and B is to transform the output frequency of thefrequency converter to the corresponding value of physical variable in engineering application, which will be shown on the digital panel.In the d group of the digital panel, “oUtF”=output frequency *A+B “SEtF”= set frequency *A+BIf [E22], and [E23] are as default, “oUtF” and “SEtF” show the actual output frequency and set frequency respectively.The second function of coefficient A and coefficient B is to display the given and the feedback variables when PI function embedded in the frequency converter is selected to control the motor with close-loop.Coefficient A [E22]: Corresponding value of physical variable in engineering application to the Max. analog given or feedback variable (e.g.:5V).Coefficient B [E23]: Min. analog giving or feedback (e.g.: 0V) corresponding to project physical quantity· The PI function embedded in the frequency converter detects the sensor feedback of the control object, and compare it with the given value. If difference exists, it will be reduced to or to be 0 by the PI adjustment function. This function applies to flow, pressure, temperature, rotatingl speed controls, etc.· PI mode selection, [E24]=0: PI is not selected; 1: Forward; 2: ReverseThis function can select the forward or the revere action of the PI adjustment output, therefore the motor rotating speed can be increased or decreased according to the PI adjustment output. can cause .[E25]=5· Setting range of proportional gain [E26]: 0.00~99.99 timesThe bigger the proportional gain, the faster the response, the easier oscillation may occur.Setting range of integral time constant [E27]: 0.10~60.0s.The bigger the integral time constant, the slower the response; and the less capability to control the external disturbance, but the better the stability.The smaller the integral time constant, the faster the response, the smaller the oscillation.Only using proportional adjustment, deviation can not be eliminated. PI control is used toremove the steady state deviation in the close loop system. If the integral time constant is too big, the response to the fast changing deviation will be slow. The P adjustment can be used alone for the load system with internal component.· Simplified adjustment method of PI parameters:(1) [E26] (P)- increase value in the case of no oscillation.(2) [E27] (I)- reduce value in the case of no oscillation.[E25]=0, 1[E25]=2, 3[E25]=4[E25]=5· [E37]=2, the terminal X selected by [E30] combined with the input by the SF or SR, the self-holding is effective.[E30]=0: “Self-holding selection” is disabled.[E32]=0: Inertia sliding stop is also called free wheel stop. Alarm output selection is allowed.[E33]=0: is the non alarm state. In the valid duration of EMS input, the band brake and other machinery may be used in coordination. The display of “EMS” will disappear after awhile.[E33]=1: is the alarm state, the stop command when external abnormality exists. “EMS” will be displayed all the time till fault reset or STOP reset and then the frequency is allowed tobe operated again. The alarm signal can be output by OUT/Ry when setting [E16]=9,[E17]=9, [E18]=9.[E32]=1: Decelerates to stop according to the present set deceleration time without “EMS”displayed. The alarm state is not allowed to be set, which is invalid even[E32] =1.The low voltage protection is a kind of fault prevention measure when the voltage of the power supply is lower than 10% of the rated voltage. The motor will work based on the different setting of [ E34 ].The under voltage protection is when the voltage of the power supply is lower than 20% of the rated voltage, the frequency converter will block the output immediately and the motor will do the free wheel stop with P.OFF displayed.If [ E35 ] =1, the alarm state will be displayed till the voltage of the power supply increases up to 90% of the rated voltage, then the alarm state will be reset.The alarm signal can be output by OUT1, OUT2, when setting [E16]=5, [E17]=5, [E18]=5.[E37]=1,Operation on/stop, reverse/forward mode SF-COM close: operation SF-COM open: stop SR-COM close: reverse SR-COM open: forward[E 37]=2, With auto-protection function to the button operation [E30] selects one of X1, X2, X3 as the stop terminal SF-COM close: forwardSR-COM close: reverse X1~X3-COM open: stopWhen the frequency converter is under the forward (reverse) operation, press the reverse[E37]=1SRCOMSFforward/stopreverse action/stop[E37]=0, Forward/stop, reverse/stop modeSF-COM close: forward SR-COM close: reverse SF, SR close or open at the same time: stopWhen the operation is controlled by the digital panel ([b00]=0/3) and without stop signal, if[E36]=1, the frequency converter will start automatically without pressing RUN after the power is on; if [E36]=0, press RUN to start the frequency converter.When other operation commands are selected, if [E36]=1, the frequency converter will start immediately when there is an operation command (e.g., SF-COM close) after the power is on; if [E36]=0, even there is an operation command when power is on, the frequency converter will not start. The operation command has to be cancelled and set again (SF-COM “OPEN”and “Close” again).· [E39] is the fault retry waiting time of the frequency converter after the fault appears and [E38] is set effective ([E38] is not 0).· [E40] is the Max. allowed retry times of the frequency converter after power is on.[E45] setting the upper coefficient for close loopPI adjustment[E46] setting the lower coefficient for close loop PI adjust.In the PI adjustment process, shown as the chart: when the feedback>=Feedback upper limit (t1 point), it exits PI, reduces the output frequency according to Dec. time to the lower limit ([b23]=1) or 0.00Hz ([b23]=0);when feedback<lower (t2 point), it will be in PI process again.Feedback upper value=[E22][E45]/100Feedback lower value=[E22][E46]/100/。
力士乐VLC系列小型PLC 选型手册说明书

力士乐VLC系列小型PLC 选型手册2产品简介VLC 2000系列小型PLC是博世力士乐为中国市场量身定制的一款工业自动化控制类产品,本产品以丰富的功能、卓越的性能、灵活的扩展性以及优异的品质,给用户提供优秀的控制解决方案。
VLC 2000系列PLC产品最大可以扩展32个模块,具备最大512点数字量、128路模拟量通道的控制能力,可同时处理最多32个PID运算,最多能够扩展到5个通讯口,基于强大的逻辑控制和数据处理能力,并且具有丰富的运动控制能力,可以广泛的应用于印刷包装、纺织、电子产品制造、机床、暖通空调、建筑智能化等多个行业。
VFC 5610HMI执行器3技术参数4丰富的通讯► 标配RS232通讯口,作为编程口使用,同时也可直接连接HMI 。
►通过选件卡可以扩展RS232/RS485/CANopen 接口。
► 支持标准的Modbus RTU/ASCII 协议,同时也支持客户自定义自由通讯协议。
强大的功能► 灵活易用的通讯应用,可以通过表格配置方式代替冗长的通讯及效验指令。
► 强大的高速计数性能,单机最多8路高速计数,支持单相计数模式、计数 加方向模式、AB 相计数模式。
► 丰富的中断控制,最多支持16路外部中断,8种定时中断。
► 单机最多36点的输入脉冲捕捉功能。
► 丰富强大的计时器功能,支持0.01 s ,0.1 s 及1 s 的普通定时器,同时具 有0.1 mS 的高速定时功能。
► 高速脉宽调制输出,支持最多4通道的高精度脉宽调制控制,最高控制精 度可以达到0.1 %。
► 丰富的高速脉冲输出功能,可以进行两轴直线插补控制,以及最多独立4 轴的运动控制。
► 齐全的扩展模块种类,具备多种规格的DI/DO, AI/AO 以及通讯扩展。
► 功能丰富的PID 控制指令,具有专门的温度控制PID 指令,通用PID 指令简 单易用。
优异的品质► 所有PCB 版均采用镀金板,且表面重点区域进行三防涂层处理。
伺服驱动器 Fv 变频器说明书

Instruction Manual (Quick Start)Electric Drives and ControlsPneumatics ServiceLinear Motion andAssembly TechnologiesHydraulicsRexroth Frequency Converter FvR912004885Edition 03Bosch Rexroth AGRecord of RevisionEdition Release Date Notes DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-EN-P2014.02First releaseDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P2014.07Added encoder adapt-er informationAbout this DocumentationThis Instruction Manual (Quick Start) is derived from the Instruction Manual which includes the product data in details.Never work with or control the product before reading through the Safety In-structions in the standard delivery and the safety related chapter in the Instruc-tion Manual.ReferenceFor documentations available in other type or language, please consult your lo-cal sales partner or check /fv.Copyright© Bosch Rexroth (Xi'an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd. 2014This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth (Xi'an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties with-out its consent.LiabilityThe specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu-mentation and the availability of the product.RS-04650518eab9641b0a6846a50052ba5d-2-en-US-4Bosch Rexroth AGTable of ContentsTable of ContentsPage 1 Mechanical Installation (1)1.1 Visual Check (1)1.2 Ambient Conditions (1)1.3 Installation Conditions (2)1.4 Dimensions (3)2 Electric Installation (7)2.1 Cable Specifications (7)2.2 Power Terminals (12)2.3 Interface Connection for Signals (13)3 Parameter Settings (22)3.1 Operating Panel (22)3.2 Start-up (22)3.3 Operating Descriptions (24)3.4 Parameters (25)4 Error Indication (31)DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P IBosch Rexroth AGII DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P1 Mechanical Installation1.1 Visual CheckAfter unpacking the frequency converter, perform a thorough visual check.Check the following:●Has the right device been supplied?●Is the device damaged?●Check the case for transport damage such as scratches, cracks or dents.If you find a deviation from one of the above points, please contact your Bosch Rexroth sales partner.1.2 Ambient ConditionsIf it is to function perfectly, the frequency converter must be installed in an envi-ronment matching the data provided below.①Tab. 1-1: Ambient conditionsBosch Rexroth AG Mechanical InstallationDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P 1/351.3 Installation ConditionsDepending on rating, the frequency converters are available in different sizes. In order not to affect device cooling, the frequency converter must always be in-stalled upright. For perfect heat dissipation, the minimum installation spacingabove and below the devices shown in the drawing must be observed.Fig. 1-1:Installation conditions●The frequency converter shown above is Frame 1. The minimum installation spacing stated applies to Frame 1 to Frame 7.●Frequency Converter Fv has no side ventilation hole, which ena-bles parallel mounting of Fv with zero distance.●If one frequency converter is arranged above another, make sure the upper limit of air temperature into the inlet is not exceeded (see chapter 1 "Mechanical Installation" on page 1). A baffle plate is recommended between the frequency converters to prevent the rising hot air being drawn into the upper converter if the up-per limit of air temperature is exceeded.Bosch Rexroth AGMechanical Installation2/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-PBosch Rexroth AGMechanical Installation 1.4 DimensionsTab. 1-2: DimensionsDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P3/35Fig. 1-2: Frame 1, 2, 3Bosch Rexroth AGMechanical Installation4/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-PFig. 1-3: Frame 4, 5Bosch Rexroth AG Mechanical InstallationDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P5/35Bosch Rexroth AGMechanical InstallationFig. 1-4: Frame 6, 76/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P2 Electric Installation2.1 Cable Specifications2.1.1 Connecting to the MainsDepending on rating, the frequency converters are available in different sizes.For the device to function perfectly, flexible cables with corresponding wire end sleeves must be used during the electric installation. The fuses, cable cross-sec-tions and tightening torques required for the mounting screws are listed below.Tab. 2-1: Recommended cable dimensions_input side_international without USA/Canada1.Input Side and Output Side: The dimensioning is based on thesupply voltage of 3P 380 VAC.2.For screw torque information, please refer to the following ta-bles.Tab. 2-2: Recommended cable dimensions_input side_USA/Canada①: For 22K0 (22 kW) frequency converters, only the copper 75 ℃and above AWG6 cable can be used.②: The cables connecting to PE terminal should assemble the UL cer-tificated wire connector which has suitable rating for wire gauge!2.1.2 Connecting to the MotorTab. 2-3: Recommended cable dimensions_output side①: Installation Mode E ②: Installation Mode B2③: The cables connecting to PE terminal should assemble the UL cer-tificated wire connector which has suitable rating for wire gauge!2.1.3 Signal ConnectionThe following requirements apply for the signal connection wiring:●flexible cables with wire end sleeves●cable cross-section: 0.3...0.75 mm2●cable length: max. 20 m●analog inputs ±10 V, VR1, VR2, VR3, +I and GND: use shielded cables●analog inputs +I and GND: to eliminate interference from external influences,connect +I and GND on the transducer with a 22 nF capacitor (50 V) and run the signal cable two or three times through a ferrite ring.2.1.4 Overview of Electric ConnectionsFig. 2-1: Circuit diagram2.2 Power TerminalsThe table below describes the symbols on the frequency converter's power con-nection terminals and their function.Tab. 2-4: Power terminals descriptionDepending on size, the position and order of the power terminals on the individ-ual frequency converter may differ. Refer to the graphics below for the exact connection terminal position and sequence:0K40...15K0Fig. 2-2: Frame 1, 2, 318K5...90K0Fig. 2-3: Frame 4, 5, 6, 72.3 Interface Connection for Signals2.3.1 Jumper WiringFig. 2-4: Jumper descriptionShown are factory defaults.2.3.2 NPN/PNP Jumper SW1Fig. 2-5: NPN/PNP jumper SW1The factory default for the jumper is NPN (Jumper contact at 1-3,4-6).The jumper SW1 determines:1.The internal 24 V power supply or an external 24 V power supply is usedfor the inputs.2.The inputs are activated by connection of 24 V to an input (PNP / active in-put) or connection of 0 V to an input (NPN / passive input).Modes and signal inputs:The jumper SW1 can switch between 0 V (NPN / passive input) and +24 V (PNP / active input) inputs, respective external +24 V power supply is also available, which improves the flexibility of signal input mode.2.3.3Encoder Signal SelectionDefault position:1-2Fig. 2-6: Encoder signal selection jumper JP5Encoder input signals are set by jumper JP5:Position 1-2: 5 V encoder power supply is provided by PGP2.Position 2-3: 12 V encoder power supply is provided by PGP2.Tab. 2-5: Encoder wiring descriptionFig. 2-7: Encoder wiring 1 (6)Fig. 2-8: Encoder wiring 7 (12)Electric Installation2.3.4 Encoder AdapterThe Function of Encoder AdapterThe encoder adapter is used to improve the precision of speed sampling when +12 V or +24 V supply voltage is used for the encoder, no matter internal or ex-ternal supply.Encoder Adapter DimensionsEncoder Adapter TerminalsFig. 2-10: Encoder adapter IN and OUT terminalsOUT (Used to connect with CPU board of the frequency converter)Tab. 2-6: Encoder adapter IN and OUT terminals descriptionSwitches down (by default)Supports 24 V power supply, corresponding to PGP1-COMSwitches up Supports 12 V power supply, corresponding to PGP2-COM Fig. 2-11: Encoder adapter DIP terminalsElectric Installation2.3.5 Control circuit terminals (Description/function)Control circuit terminals figureFig. 2-12:Control circuit terminals_1Fig. 2-13:Control circuit terminals_2Fig. 2-14: Control circuit terminals_3Electric InstallationElectric InstallationControl circuit terminals descriptionTab. 2-7: Control circuit terminals descriptionBefore switching on the frequency converter, the removed contact covers and case front have to be refitted.Electric Installation3 Parameter Settings3.1 Operating PanelWhen setting parameters, the integrated operating panel is used for all naviga-tion, data input and modification and to display all operating parameters and pa-rameter values. The diagram below shows the operating panel and the functionof the individual operating elements.Fig. 3-1: Fv operating panel3.2 Start-upThe diagram below shows the standard start-up procedure for the frequency converter.●White boxes: check whether all the work listed has been performed correctly before beginning the start-up●Light grey boxes: start-up (described on the following pages)●Dark grey boxes: to prevent damage, proceed as is described after the start-upParameter SettingsParameter SettingsFig. 3-2: Start-up procedureParameter Settings3.3 Operating DescriptionsNavigation and parameter settings3.3.1 ArrayOperation mode descriptionFig. 3-3:3.4 Parameters3.4.1 Description of Attribute Symbols in Parameter TablesTab. 3-1: Parameter attributes and descriptionsCode: means function / parameter code, written in bx.xx, Sx.xx,Ex.xx and Hx.xx.Value of function / parameter code: written in [bx.xx], [Sx.xx],[Ex.xx] and [Hx.xx].Default: values that correspond to the factory default upon initializa-tion at 50 Hz.Attrb.: means attribute.3.4.2 Quick Start ParametersAccess & motor nameplate parametersParameter SettingsParameter SettingsStart-up parametersE0.09 setting range:0: k1 × VR11: k2 × VR22: k3 × (+I)3: k1 × VR1 + k2 × VR24: k1 × VR1 + k3 × (+I)5: k2 × VR2 + k3 × (+I)6: k1 × VR1 (only valid for -10...+10 V forward / reverse control) 7: k4 × VR3Bosch Rexroth AGParameter Settings Input / Output terminal functionsDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P27/35Bosch Rexroth AGParameter SettingsE0.00...E0.08 setting range:0: Inactive (allows multiple selection)1: Multi-speed control 12: Multi-speed control 23: Multi-speed control 34: Multi-speed control 45: Acceleration/deceleration time 16: Acceleration/deceleration time 27: 3-wire control8: Freewheel to stop9: Frequency increment Up10: Frequency decrement Down11: Set frequency to 012: Reserved13: Activate shutdown DC brake14: Switch between operating panel and digital inputs control15: Logic control deactivated16: Logic control paused17: Switch between speed and torque control18: Switch between VR1 analog reference and +I analog reference19: External error N.O. contact input20: External error N.C. contact input21: External Reset input22: Activate communication control23: Torque limit set by VR1 enabled24: Torque limit set by VR2 enabled25: Forward jogging26: Reverse jogging27: Process PID deactivated28: Speed limit set by VR1 enabled29: Speed limit set by VR2 enabledE1.00...E1.02 setting range:0: Frequency converter is ready to run1: Frequency converter is running2: DC brake active28/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P3: Frequency converter runs at zero speed4. Frequency/speed arrival signal5. Frequency level detection signal (FDT1)6. Frequency level detection signal (FDT2)7: Logic control phase completed8: 8: Under voltage stop9: Frequency converter over load pre-warning 1 10: Motor over load pre-warning11: Over torque12: Frequency converter in error13: Error auto reset signal output14: Frequency converter over load pre-warning 2Bosch Rexroth AG Parameter SettingsDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P29/35Bosch Rexroth AGParameter SettingsError message and diagnosis0: No error record1: Over current at constant speed (O.C.-1)2: Over current during acceleration (O.C.-2)3: Over current during deceleration (O.C.-3)4: Over voltage at constant speed (O.E.-1)5: Over voltage during acceleration (O.E.-2)6: Over voltage during deceleration (O.E.-3)7: Frequency converter over load (O.L.-1)8: Motor over load (O.L.-2); 9: CPU read/write error (R.E.)10: Operating panel read/write error (KEY-)11: External device error (E.-St)12: Communication error (R.S.)13: Circuit disconnection (C.F.)14: Pulse encoder speed detection error (PULS)15: Motor overheat (M.O.H.); 16: EMI error (CPU-)17: Short circuit (S.C.) ;18: Reserved19: L1, L2, L3 input phase loss (IPH.L)20: U, V, W output phase loss (OPH.L)21: Frequency converter overheat (C.O.H.)22: Parameter setting error (PRSE)23: Parameter auto-tuning error (TUNE)24: Frequency converter over load pre-warning 2 (O.L.-3)30/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-PBosch Rexroth AGError Indication 4 Error IndicationDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P31/35Bosch Rexroth AGError Indication32/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-PBosch Rexroth AGError IndicationDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-P33/35Bosch Rexroth AGError IndicationTab. 4-1: Error types and solutions34/35DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-PBosch Rexroth AG NotesDOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN03-EN-PBosch Rexroth (Xi’an)Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd.No. 3999, Shangji Road,Economic and Technological Development Zone, 710021 Xi’an, P.R. China Phone +49 9352 40 5060Fax +49 9352 18 4941***************************。
Danfoss VLT FC 300变频器设计指南说明书

目錄!如何閱讀本設計指南 (5)"如何閱讀本設計指南 (5)"認證 (5)"符號 (6)"縮寫 (6)"定義 (7)"功率因數 (10)!FC300簡介 (11)"處置說明 (11)"軟體版本 (11)"CE符合性和標誌 (12)"涉及的內容 (12)"Danfoss VLT變頻器和CE標誌 (12)"符合EMC指令(89/336/EEC) (13)"空氣濕度 (13)"腐蝕性環境 (13)"振動和衝擊 (13)"控制原理 (14)"FC300控制功能 (15)"FC301與FC302控制原理的比較 (16)"VVC plus中的控制結構 (17)"無感測器磁通向量的控制結構(限FC302) (18)"馬達回授磁通量的控制結構 (19)"VVC+模式下的內部電流控制 (19)"操作器控制(Hand On)和遠端控制(Auto On) (20)"設定值處理 (23)"設定值和回授的比例率 (24)"零周圍的無效帶 (24)"轉速PID控制器 (29)"以下參數係與轉速控制有關 (29)"製程PID控制器 (33)"Ziegler Nichols微調方式 (37)"關於EMC干擾的一般問題 (39)"EMC測試結果(干擾、耐受性) (40)"需要的符合等級 (41)"EMC耐受性 (41)"電氣絕緣(PELV) (43)"對地漏電電流 (44)"煞車電阻的選擇 (45)"透過煞車功能進行控制 (47)"機械煞車的控制 (48)"智慧邏輯控制器 (49)"極端運轉條件 (50)"馬達熱保護 (50)"安全停機操作(僅限FC302) (50)!FC300選擇 (53)"電氣資料 (53)"一般規格 (58)"效率 (63)"噪音 (64)"馬達尖峰電壓 (64)"根據環境溫度降低額定值-數據在≤7.5kW時有效 (65)"根據氣壓降低額定值 (65)"低速運行時降低額定值 (65)"為安裝長的馬達纜線或大橫截面積的馬達纜線降低額定值 (65)"與溫度相關的載波頻率 (66)"機械尺寸 (67)"選項和配件 (68)"在插槽B中的安裝選項模組 (68)"一般用途輸入輸出模組MCB101 (68)"編碼器選配裝置MCB102 (70)"解析器選項MCB103 (71)"繼電器選配裝置MCB105 (73)"24V備用電源選項MCB107(選項D) (76)"煞車電阻器 (77)"LCP遠端安裝組件 (77)"IP21/IP4X/TYPE1外殼組件 (77)"IP21/Type1外殼組件 (77)"LC濾波器 (78)!如何訂購 (79)"變頻器訂貨代碼查詢軟體 (79)"訂購單類型代碼 (79)"訂購編號 (81)!如何安裝 (87)"機械安裝 (87)"配件包≤7.5kW (87)"機械安裝的安全要求 (89)"現場安裝 (89)"電氣安裝 (90)"移除額外電纜的擋板 (90)"主電源連接與接地 (90)"馬達連接 (92)"馬達電纜線 (94)"馬達電纜線的電氣安裝 (94)"保險絲 (95)"控制端子的進手 (97)"控制端子(FC301) (97)"電氣安裝、控制端子 (98)"基本配線範例 (98)"電氣安裝,控制電纜線 (99)"開關S201、S202和S801 (100)"最終的設定及測試 (101)"安全停機安裝(僅限FC302) (103)"安全停機試運轉測試 (104)"其他連接 (105)"負載共償 (105)"負載共償電纜線的安裝 (105)"煞車連接選項 (105)"繼電器連接 (106)"繼電器輸出 (107)"馬達並聯 (108)"馬達轉動方向 (108)"馬達熱保護 (108)"煞車電纜線的安裝 (108)"RS485總線的連接 (109)"如何將一部個人電腦連接至FC300 (109)"FC300Software Dialogue (110)"高電壓測試 (111)"安全接地的連接 (111)"電氣安裝-EMC預防措施 (111)"使用符合EMC規範的電纜線 (113)"有遮罩/有保護層的控制電纜線的接地 (114)"主電源干擾/諧波 (115)"殘餘電流器 (115)!應用範例 (117)"啟動/停機 (117)"脈衝啟動/停機 (117)"電位器設定值 (118)"編碼器連接 (118)"編碼器轉向 (118)"閉迴路變頻器系統 (119)"轉矩極限和停機的程式設定 (120)"馬達自動調諧(AMA) (120)"Smart Logic Control程式設定 (121)!如何進行程式設定 (123)"圖形化和數值化FC300LCP操作控制器 (123)"如何在圖形化LCP操作控制器上編寫程式 (123)"參數設定的快速傳輸 (126)"顯示模式 (127)"顯示模式-讀數選擇 (127)"參數設定 (128)"Quick Menu(快速表單)鍵功能 (128)"主設定表單模式 (129)"參數選擇 (130)"更改數據 (130)"更改文字值 (130)"更改一組數字型數據值 (131)"數字型數據值的無段可變式更改 (131)"以步進方式更改資料值 (132)"讀取和程式設定索引參數 (132)"如何在數值化LCP操作控制器上進行程式設定 (133)"操作器控制按鍵 (134)"初始化成為出廠設定 (135)"參數選擇-FC300 (136)"參數:操作和顯示 (137)"參數:負載和馬達 (144)"參數:煞車 (154)"參數:設定值/加減速 (157)"參數:限制/警告 (165)"參數:數位輸入/輸出 (169)"參數:類比輸入/輸出 (179)"參數:控制器 (184)"參數:通訊和選項 (187)"參數:Profibus (191)"參數:CAN Fieldbus (196)"智慧邏輯控制器 (200)"特殊功能 (209)"變頻器資訊 (212)"數據讀出 (217)"馬達回授選項 (222)"參數清單 (224)"協議 (241)"電報通信 (241)"電報結構 (241)"數據字元(位元組) (243)"製程字組 (248)"與FC描述檔對應的控制字組(CTW) (249)"根據FC描述檔對應的狀態字組(STW) (252)"根據PROFIdrive描述檔的控制字組(CTW) (254)"根據PROFIdrive描述檔對應的狀態字組(STW) (257)"串列通訊設定值 (259)"目前的輸出頻率 (260)"範例1:控制變頻器和讀取參數 (260)"範例2:僅用於控制變頻器 (261)"讀取參數的說明元素 (261)"其他文字 (266)!疑難排解 (267)"警告/警報訊息 (267)!Index (273)"如何閱讀本設計指南本設計指南將介紹有關FC300的所有內容。

我公司目前所经营产品有:一、工业传动(变频器、触摸屏、PLC):欧美产品:1、博世力士乐(授权);2、西班牙PE产品(授权);3、芬兰伟肯(VACON);4、ABB系列;5、施耐德系列;6、西门子;7、艾默生; 8、罗克韦尔(AB); 9、丹佛斯;日韩产品:1、富士机电;2、安川机电;3、三菱机电;4、三肯系列;5、松下机电6、欧姆龙国内产品:1、正弦;2、四方;3、英威腾;4、西驰;5、雷诺尔6、台达;7、台安;8、海利浦;9、欧瑞; 10、富凌二、工控机:研华、研祥、凌华等三、传感器、电力仪表、流量计、变送器、执行器、阀门、线缆等四、谐波综合治理、油田节能装置改造、高、低压变频软起成套柜及控制系统设计、安装、施工,自动化工程等。
Rexroth (博世力士乐)Fe 变频器使用说明书

3 重要的使用说明............................................................ 27
正确的使用............................................................................. 27
DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IB09-ZH-P Rexroth Fe 变频器
Bosch Rexroth AG
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5
安全说明的使用和传递.................................................................. 22 安全使用要求.......................................................................... 22 使用不当引发的危险.................................................................... 23 针对特殊危险的说明..................................................................... 23 与电气元件和外壳接触的防护............................................................ 23 保护性特低压防止电击.................................................................. 24 危险动作的防护........................................................................ 24 在操作和安装期间对磁场和电磁场的防护.................................................. 25 与高温部件接触的防护.................................................................. 25 搬运与安装时的防护.................................................................... 25
博世力士乐 变频器选型手册说明书

功率范围从0.75 kW...90 kW 。
简单易用、功能强大,适用于各种机械类负载和通用设备应用:u 物料输送u 塑料机械(挤出机、吹瓶机)u 印刷、包装机械u 纺织机械u 空压机u 机床Fv高性能闭环矢量型变频器,V/f 、SVC 、FOC 三种控制方式,适用于各种复杂应用和高要求场合;功率范围从0.4 kW...90 kW 。
强大的功能和卓越的性能,适用于各种复杂环境下的应用:u 印刷、包装机械u 塑料、橡胶机械u 离心机u 纺织机械u 提升设备Fe增强型V/f 通用变频器, G/P 两种型号可选、用户自定义V/f 曲线更加节能。
0.75...160 kW 为壁挂机,185 kW...315 kW 为柜机。
简单易用、品质可靠,成为通用自动化的最佳选择:u 风机、水泵u 物料传输u 机床u 空压机u 搅拌4Fe 变频器Fe 是博世力士乐率先推出的一款通用型变频器。
功率范围从0.75 kW...315 kW ;G/P 两种型号,应用灵活;15 kW 及以下内置制动单元,无须外配;高过载能力,满足重载应用。
博世力士乐 CVF-MN3 系列迷你型单相小功率变频调速器使用说明书

欢迎选用本公司的其它系列变频调速器:CVF - G3/G2 系列通用型变频调速器CVF - P3/P2 系列风机、水泵专用型变频调速器CVF - ZS 系列注塑机专用型变频调速器CVF - ZC 系列注塑一体化柜机CVF - LS1 系列拉丝机专用型变频调速器CVF - LY1 系列络筒机/印花机专用型变频调速器CVF - S1 系列单相小功率变频调速器CVF - V1 系列高性能矢量型变频调速器目录Array1. 注意事项 ........................................1.1 安全注意事项...............................1.2 使用范围...................................1.3 使用注意事项...............................1.4 报废注意事项...............................2.购入检查及变频器的型号与规格....................2.1 购入检查...................................2.2 变频器型号说明.............................2.3 变频器的铭牌数据...........................2.4 系列型号说明...............................2.5 产品技术指标及规格..........................3.变频器的安装....................................3.1 安装环境要求...............................3.2 安装方向与空间.............................3.3 盖板的拆卸和安装............................3.4 变频器的安装尺寸............................4.变频器的配线....................................4.1 配线注意事项...............................4.2 控制回路端子...............................4.3 主回路端子台配线图.........................4.4 推荐使用电器规格............................4.5 系统配线图 ................................4.6 变频器的基本配线图.........................5.面板操作........................................5.1 名词术语说明...............................5.2 面板布局...................................5.3 面板功能说明...............................5.4 键盘操作方法...............................6.变频器的运行....................................6.1 变频器的初始设置...........................6.2 变频器的简单运行...........................7.功能参数一览表...................................7.1 基本运行参数(b参数)......................7.2 中级运行参数(L参数)......................7.3 高级运行参数(H参数).....................7.4 状态监控参数一览表..........................8. 功能详细说明 ....................................8.1 基本运行参数(b参数).....................8.2 中级运行参数(L参数).....................8.3 高级运行参数(H参数).....................9. 故障诊断与对策 ..................................9.1 保护功能及对策.............................9.2 故障记录查询...............................9.3 故障复位...................................10. 维护与保养 .....................................10.1 日常检查与保养.............................10.2 易损部件的检查与更换.......................10.3 存放及保修.................................11. 使用范例 .......................................11.1 面板控制起、停,面板电位器设置频率..........11.2 外部控制方式、外部电压设定频率..............11.3 多段速运行、外部控制方式...................11.4 可编程多段速控制...........................11.5 多台变频器的连动运行(群组控制)...........附录RS485通讯协议.......................................1. 注意事项为确保您的人身、设备及财产的安全,在使用变频器之前,请您务必阅读本章内容,并在以后的搬运、安装、运行、调试与检修过程中遵照执行。
Rexroth (博世力士乐)EFC 3600 变频器使用说明书

Bosch Rexroth AG目录目录页数1 使用手册简介 (1)2 电气传动和控制设备的安全说明 (2)2.1 术语定义 (2)2.2 警示词和安全提示符号说明 (3)2.3 总则 (4)2.3.1 安全说明的使用和传递 (4)2.3.2 安全使用要求 (4)2.3.3 使用不当引发的危险 (5)2.4 针对特殊危险的说明 (5)2.4.1 与电气元件和外壳接触的防护 (5)2.4.2 保护性特低压防止电击 (6)2.4.3 危险动作的防护 (6)2.4.4 在操作和安装期间对磁场和电磁场的防护 (7)2.4.5 与高温部件接触的防护 (7)2.4.6 搬运与安装时的防护 (8)3 重要的使用说明 (9)3.1 正确的使用 (9)3.2 不正确的使用 (9)4 供货与保存 (10)4.1 产品识别 (10)4.1.1 检查外包装箱铭牌信息 (10)4.1.2 检查机身铭牌信息 (11)4.1.3 检查机器外观 (11)4.2 供货范围 (12)4.3 设备的运输 (13)4.4 设备的存放 (13)5 安装与配线 (14)5.1 EFC 3600变频器外型 (14)5.2 EFC 3600尺寸 (16)5.3 EFC 3600安装 (17)5.4 标准配线图 (20)5.5 主回路配线注意事项 (21)5.6 主回路基本配线图 (22)Bosch Rexroth AG目录页数5.7 主回路端子 (23)5.8 主回路端子说明 (23)5.9 熔断器和电缆规格 (24)5.9.1 选择标准 (24)5.9.2 推荐电缆规格 (25)5.9.3 熔断器设计推荐 (26)5.10 主回路配线步骤 (26)5.11 内置EMC滤波器接地螺钉的移除 (27)5.12 控制回路配线注意事项 (28)5.13 控制回路端子 (28)5.14 控制回路端子说明 (29)5.15 数字输入NPN/PNP开关SW (30)5.16 NPN/PNP模式 (31)5.17 模拟输入端子(+10V, Vr1, GND, +I) (32)5.18 控制回路配线推荐 (32)5.19 控制回路配线步骤 (33)6 操作面板 (34)6.1 操作面板图示及说明 (34)6.2 数码管显示 (34)6.3 LED指示灯 (35)6.4 菜单结构 (36)6.5 操作方式说明 (37)6.6 操作示例 (37)7 试运行 (38)7.1 试运行前的检查和准备 (38)7.2 试运行过程 (39)7.3 基本运行参数快捷设定 (40)7.4 恢复为出厂参数 (41)7.5 试运行中简单故障的对策 (41)8 参数设置 (42)8.1 b0组:系统参数 (42)8.1.1 密码及访问控制参数 (42)8.1.2 系统配置参数 (44)8.1.3 变频器配置参数 (45)8.1.4 监视显示参数 (46)8.1.5 系统信息参数 (48)Bosch Rexroth AG目录页数8.2 b1组:基本参数 (49)8.2.1 基本运行控制参数 (49)8.2.2 加/减速控制参数 (55)8.2.3 起动配置参数 (57)8.2.4 停机配置参数 (60)8.3 S0组:V/F控制参数 (63)8.3.1 V/F曲线参数 (63)8.3.2 增强V/F控制参数 (66)8.3.3 无跳闸控制参数 (70)8.4 S2组:电机参数 (72)8.4.1 电机铭牌参数 (72)8.4.2 电机物理数据参数 (73)8.4.3 电机热保护参数 (74)8.5 S3组:运行参数 (76)8.5.1 点动参数 (76)8.5.2 跳跃频率参数 (77)8.5.3 掉电再起动参数 (78)8.5.4 制动斩波器控制参数 (79)8.5.5 其它运行控制参数 (80)8.6 E0组:输入端子参数 (82)8.6.1 多功能开关量输入端子参数 (82)8.6.2 模拟输入通道增益参数 (88)8.6.3 模拟输入滤波时间参数 (88)8.6.4 模拟输入曲线配置参数 (88)8.7 E1组:输出端子参数 (91)8.7.1 多功能输出端子参数 (91)8.7.2 频率检测参数 (94)8.7.3 过载预保护参数 (95)8.7.4 外部信号计数器参数 (96)8.7.5 模拟输出端子参数 (97)8.8 E2组:多段速和简易PLC (98)8.8.1 加/减速时间2、3和4 (98)8.8.2 多段速频率参数 (98)8.8.3 简易PLC基本控制参数 (100)8.8.4 简易PLC阶段控制参数 (101)8.9 E3组:PID功能 (103)8.9.1 PID基本配置参数 (103)8.9.2 PID控制参数 (104)Bosch Rexroth AG目录页数8.10 E4组:保护与故障参数 (107)8.10.1 保护配置参数 (107)8.10.2 故障复位参数 (112)8.10.3 故障代码存储参数 (113)8.10.4 最近一次故障时系统状态 (113)8.11 H0组:通讯参数 (114)9 诊断 (116)9.1 起动设备时的诊断 (116)9.2 参数备份时的诊断 (116)9.3 下电/电压暂降诊断 (117)9.3.1 停机状态 (117)9.3.2 运行状态 (117)9.4 警告诊断 (117)9.5 故障诊断 (118)9.5.1 故障说明与解决方案 (118)9.5.2 故障时变频器的响应 (127)9.5.3 清除故障信息 (127)9.5.4 故障存储器 (127)9.5.5 故障自动复位 (127)10 技术数据 (128)10.1 一般技术参数 (128)10.2 电气参数 (130)10.3 电气参数的降额 (130)10.3.1 降额与环境温度 (130)10.3.2 降额与电源电压 (131)10.3.3 降额与输出电流 (131)11 电磁兼容性(EMC) (132)11.1 EMC要求 (132)11.1.1 概述 (132)11.1.2 驱动系统的抗干扰度 (132)11.1.3 驱动系统的辐射 (135)11.2 确保满足EMC要求 (138)11.3 EMC设计与安装措施 (140)11.3.1 具有驱动控制器的设备符合EMC要求的设计准则 (140)11.3.2 在设施和控制柜内的EMC-优化安装 (141)11.3.3 根据干扰区域典型分布安装控制柜 (143)Bosch Rexroth AG目录页数11.3.4 控制柜的无干扰区域(A区域)的设计和安装 (144)11.3.5 控制柜易受干扰区域(B区域)的设计和安装 (145)11.3.6 控制柜极易受干扰区域的设计和安装(C区域) (146)11.3.7 接地连接 (146)11.3.8 安装信号线路和电缆 (147)11.3.9 继电器、接触器、开关、扼流圈、感应负载的无线电干扰抑制的常规措施 14812 附件 (149)12.1 输入电抗器 (149)12.1.1 输入电抗器选型 (149)12.1.2 尺寸 (149)12.1.3 电气数据 (153)12.2 EMC滤波器 (154)12.2.1 EMC滤波器的作用 (154)12.2.2 EMC滤波器选型 (154)12.2.3 技术数据 (154)12.3 制动电阻 (159)12.3.1 制动电阻简介 (159)12.3.2 制动电阻选型 (160)12.3.3 铝壳制动电阻 (162)12.4 输出电抗器 (164)12.4.1 输出电抗器选型 (164)12.4.2 尺寸 (165)12.4.3 电气数据 (167)12.5 通讯附件 (167)12.5.1 RS485/RS232接口适配器 (167)12.5.2 接口适配器连接电缆 (167)12.6 控制柜安装附件 (167)12.6.1 控制柜安装托盘 (167)12.6.2 控制柜安装用操作面板连接电缆 (170)12.7 屏蔽电缆连接附件 (170)13 通讯协议 (172)13.1 简介 (172)13.2 ModBus通讯协议 (172)13.2.1 协议说明 (172)13.2.2 ModBus接口方式 (174)13.2.3 协议功能和信息格式 (175)13.2.4 通讯映射寄存器地址分布 (182)Bosch Rexroth AG目录页数13.2.5 ModBus通讯控制示例 (185)13.2.6 注意事项 (185)13.2.7 通讯网络组建 (186)13.3 PROFIBUS通讯协议 (187)13.3.1 PROFIBUS简介 (187)13.3.2 PROFIBUS功能 (187)13.3.3 PROFIBUS接口方式 (188)13.3.4 PROFIBUS链路电缆的要求 (188)13.3.5 通讯速率与电缆的关系 (189)13.3.6 EMC措施 (189)13.3.7 周期性数据通讯 (190)13.3.8 通讯参数配置 (195)14 维护 (196)14.1 安全说明 (196)14.2 日常检查 (196)14.3 定期检查 (197)14.4 操作面板的拆卸与安装 (198)14.5 风扇的拆卸与安装 (200)15 服务和支持 (202)16 环境保护与废弃物处理 (203)16.1 环境保护 (203)16.2 废弃物处理 (203)17 附录 (204)17.1 附录一:缩写 (204)17.2 附录二:参数列表 (204)17.2.1 参数表“属性”栏标记符号说明 (204)17.2.2 b0组-系统参数 (205)17.2.3 b1组-基本参数 (207)17.2.4 S0组-V/F控制参数 (210)17.2.5 S2组-电机参数 (212)17.2.6 S3组-运行参数 (213)17.2.7 E0组-输入端子参数 (215)17.2.8 E1组-输出端子参数 (217)17.2.9 E2组-多段速和简易PLC (219)17.2.10 E3组-PID功能 (221)目录页数17.2.11 E4组-保护与故障参数 (222)17.2.12 H0组-通讯参数 (224)17.2.13 d组-监视参数 (225)17.3 附录三:类型编码 (226)17.3.1 EFC 3600变频器类型编码 (226)17.3.2 EFC 3600变频器功能模块类型编码 (227)17.3.3 EFC 3600变频器附件类型编码 (228)17.4 附录四:认证 (235)17.4.1 CE (235)17.4.2 UL (236)17.4.3 RCM (237)索引 (239)使用手册简介1 使用手册简介对应用、机器和安装的不当操作将导致人身伤害或财产损失!在没有阅读、完全理解产品使用手册之前,请不要试图安装或操作该设备!如果您需要其他语言的使用手册,请与您的Bosch Rexroth分销商取得联系。

⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。
点击Open project打开一个现有工程。
点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。
点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。
其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。

⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。
点击Open project打开一个现有工程。
点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。
点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。
其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。

0.0 ~5.0秒
0.0 ~6000秒
0.0 ~6000秒
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矢量型变频器 Fv:
在保持技术领先的同时,我们还不断迎接各种新的挑战;在世界 80 多个国家,公司拥有大约 35,000 名员工。
力士乐为用户提供传动、控制与运动技术领域所需要的全套产品和服务:电气驱动与控制f f 工业液压f f 行走机械液压f f 线性技术f f 组装技术f f 气动技术
f f 作为一家公司,博世力士乐有着 200 多年的悠久历史和传统。
作为 Robert Bosch GmbH 的一家全资子公司,我们已成为活跃于世界各地的这家技术集团的一部分。
有了集成式操作面板,用户就能方便而快捷地操作变频器 Fv 。
利用清晰而直观的菜单结构,方便而快捷地实现工程设计过程f--从一开始起,这就是研制变频器 Fv 的主要目标。
多种控制模式(V/F. SVC, FOC)全方位的应用。
f f 液晶显示屏
f f 状态监测功能。
可选的嵌入式 PROFIBUS 适配器
f f 化。
15kW 及以下功率内置制动滤波器
f f 易于更换风扇
f f 风扇,而无需使用额外工具。
f f 操作面板具有参数复制功能利用操作面板,可以在
f f 变频器之间复制参数。
可选的集成式C3 EMC 滤波器
f f 选项。
变频器 Fv -
5变频器 Fv -
变频器 Fv -功能
7变频器 Fv -
71 520 CN/2010-12–A2–HW © Bosch Rexroth AG 2010
邮编: 200120
电话: (86-21) 3866 6000传真: (86-21) 3866 6111
电话: 024 - 2398 2425
传真: 024 - 2398 2425 * 810
电话: 0755 - 8633 7334
传真: 0755 - 8609 6150
电话: 010 - 8785 1395
传真: 010 - 6782 7597博世力士乐(西安)
电话: 028 - 6196 0469
传真: 028 - 6196 0469
电话: 0531 - 8185 1200 * 605
传真: 0531 - 8185 1200 * 609
电话: 027 - 5148 0737
传真: 027 - 5148 0737
电话: 029 - 8655 5100
传真: 029 - 8655 5105。