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对话一 A : Today is not very cold. You could put on this thin sweater. B: Ok. It’s very kind of you.
对话二 A : I’m afraid My shirt is not fit of the necktie. B: Yes. May be the blue one is better. A: Let me have a try. Look! B: Perfect. This suit and the white shirt look very good.
对话三 A: Here is a menu, sir. B: Thank you. We’re in a hurry. What can you serve quickly? A: Let me see. Yes, today’s special lunch would be served quickly. B: What is today’s special? A: we have cabbage, cucumber, potato, tomato and coffee or tea. B: Well, we’ll take them. A: Yes, sir.
香槟 champagne
牛奶 milk
7. 餐具 tool :
筷子 chopstick
盘子 plate
杯子 cup
碗 bowl
刀 knife
叉 fork 玻璃杯 glass
勺子 spoon
碟 dish
壶 pot
8. 料:
糖 sugar
盐 salt
调料 seasoning
醋 vinegar
脂肪 fat 酱油 sauce
制服 uniform
衬衫 shirt 斗篷 cloak
上衣 blouse
6. 手套 Gloves 领带 necktie 7. 布料: 棉布 Cotton 丝绸 silk 羊毛 wool 8. 薄 Thin 厚 thick
尼龙 nylon
毛发 hair
皮 fur
9. It is cold, and you’d better put on your coat.
对话三 A: Your uniform is dirty. You’d better to wash it. B: You are right. My uniform is made of cotton. It will be easy to wash it.
第三部分 食物,食品 food
1. 早餐 Breakfast 午饭 lunch 晚餐 dinner
16. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 17. See you later.
待会儿见。 18. I have to go now. 我必须走了。
对话一 A : Hi, how are you? B: Fine, thanks. And you? A : I’m fine too.
对话二 A : Hello, my name is Wang Ming. What’s your name? B: My name is Peter Smith. Nice to meet you. A : Nice to meet you too.
有人问你, "Come on, have a drink with us." 他绝不是要你跟他们一起喝可乐的意思, 而是要你跟他们一起 喝酒啦! 20. Are you ready to order or just a minute? 你们准备好了吗? 还是要再等一会? 通常饮料上桌之后, 大伙都还要花点时间研究一下菜单, 如果侍者看你们大概都差不多了, 他就会过来问 你们, Are you ready to order or just a minute? 如果是已经准备好要点餐了, 就直接跟她说你想吃什么, 如 果大家还要再研究研究, 则可以跟侍者说 Just a minute. 或是 Wait a few more minutes. 请他等一下, 他会 说 OK. I’ll be back. (好, 那我等下再来.)
第二部分 衣服,着装 clothing
1. Hat 帽子
2. 上衣:
外套 Coat
夹克 jacket 毛衣 sweater 羊毛衣 cardigan
睡衣 pajamas
3. 裤子 Trouser 连衣裙 dress
短裙 skirt
4. 鞋子 Shoes
袜子 sock
靴子 boot
5. 西服 Suit
外面很冷,你最好穿上外套。 10. The room is warm, and you could take off your jacket. 屋子里很暖和,你可以脱掉你的夹克衫。 11. My trousers is dirty. Tonight I want to clean them. 我的裤子脏了,今晚我打算洗洗它。 12 . Please put your hat over there. 请把帽子放在那儿。 13. Mr. Wang’s gloves are broken. Could you please help him to changes a new pair. 王先生的手套破了,你能帮他换付新的吗? 14. I notice your sweater is made of wool. 我注意到你的毛衣是纯羊毛的。 15. My wife bought me this shirt last mouth. 这件衬衫是上月我妻子给我买的。 16. My colleague gave me the necktie as my birthday present. 这条领带是我同事买给我的生日礼物。
桔子 orange
梨 pear 葡萄 grape
柠檬 lemon
西瓜 watermelon
( 樱桃 cherries 李子 plum 菠萝 pineapple
瓜 melon)
6. 饮料 Drink:
啤酒 beer
咖啡 coffee
葡萄酒 wine
白酒 alcohol 矿泉水 mineral water 果汁 fruit juice
11. I’m glad to see you. 很高兴见到你。(认识的人见面) 12. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 13. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 14. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 15. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。
调味品 dressing
9. 味道 taste :
香料 flavor
甜的 sweet
咸的 salty
辣的 hot
香辣的 spicy 苦的 bitter
酸的 sour
10. This way, please. 请这边走! 11. Help yourself! 请不要客气,尽管吃! 12. Yes, please! /No, thanks! 好的,来点吧! 谢谢,不用了! 13. What would you like to eat? 你们想吃点什么? 14. It is delicious. 太好吃了! 15. I prefer noodles. 我喜欢面条! 16. My favorite fruit is lemon. 我最喜欢的水果是柠檬!
黄瓜 cucumber
莴苣 lettuce
菠菜 spinach
芹菜 celery
茄子 egg plant
豆角 string beans
虾 shrimp
土豆 potato 西红柿 tomato 奶油玉米 corn in cream 长
5. 水果 Fruit :
苹果 apple
香蕉 banana
桃子 beach
6. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 7. How are you? 你好吗? 8. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 9. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 10. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。(第一次见面)
17. Do you like to go out eating? 想不想出去吃呢? 外国人吃东西一般说 go to eat , go out eating 或是 eat out 而不会说 go to dinner, go for lunch, 也就是不需 特地说中餐或是晚餐.所以只要说 I just went out eating, 而不会说 I just went to dinner. 如果要强调是去吃 午餐或晚餐的话, 一般就直接说 lunch 或是 dinner. 例如人家问你, "Where did you go?" 你就可以答说 "lunch." 18. There is a Deli over there. Do you like it? 那里有一家 Deli (餐厅), 你喜不喜欢呢? 19. What do you like to drink? 想要喝什么? 在外国, 吃饭时都会点一大杯饮料, 所以侍者一定会先问你 What do you like to drink. 也有人会这么说, Can I get you something to drink?. 一般餐厅都会提供的有 Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Iced Tea, 以及 Lemonade 等. 如果什么都不要, 就说 Just water. 值得注意的是, 在一般的速食店提到 drink 都是指 soft drink 而言. 但是一般人说到 have a drink 时, 他们多半指的是 alcoholic, 也就是含酒精的饮料.所以如果
2. 主食 food
面条 Noodle 米饭 rice 蛋糕 cake 面包 bread 饺子 dumplings
3. 肉类 Meat :
牛肉 beef
羊肉 mutton 猪肉 pork
鱼 fish
鸡肉 chicken
4. 蔬菜 Vegetable:
胡萝卜 carrot
洋葱 onion
卷心菜 cabbage
对话三 A : Good morning, Mr. Smith. B: Good morning Mr. Wang. I’m glad to see you. A : I’m glad too see you again.
A : Hi, how about your colleague? B: He is very well.Leabharlann BaiduThanks. A : It’s all right. I have to go now. B: See you!
对话一 A: What time do you start serving breakfast? B: We serve breakfast from seven thirty to nine in the dining room.
对话二 A: Good morning, Chinese breakfast, please. B: What would you like to drink? A: I’ll have noodle, a boiled egg and orange juice. B: How many minutes would you like your egg boiled? A: Eight minutes, please. B: What kind of noodle would you like? A: Just with water. B: Ok. Please wait for a moment.
Greetings 问候语
1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? 4. I'm Kathy King. My name is Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。 5. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗?