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1 The difference was ________ cross the river. (B.how to )
2 — Let’s have a party in our department.— _________ (.B.Good idea)
3— I wonder if I could take a few days off work.
—_______ . (C.Why, what’s the matter with you)
4.As we were leaving, we saw the ________ man and his friends entering. (C.red-haired )
5.The shop offers products that range ________ inexpensive to very expensive. (B.from )
6.— These are the pictures we took during this trip.— _____ !(A.Oh, what beautiful pictures they are)
7.It is necessary that everything ________ ready by 6: 00 p.m. (A.be)
8.Tom as well as two of his classmates ________ invited to the party. (A.was )
9.According to ________ they have told me, they should return within about one week. (C.what )
10— Where shall we go this weekend?— ________ . (C.What about having a drive to the country)
11 She glanced shyly ________ him and then lowered her eyes. ( A.at )
12. ; ; ; ; ; ; </span></span></span>I&rsquo;d rather you ___ say anything about it for the time being. </o:p></font></span></font></p> (C.didn’t)
13.Only last week I called at ________ . (B.my aunt’s )
14 — Do you know what day is today? — _____ . (A.Today is Wednesday)
15.I’m very interested ________ plants, animals and geography. (D.in )
16.The lake shone ________ glass in the moonlight and she _______ it very much.(C.like, liked )
17.I have no idea ________ he has said about the matter. ( C.what )
18 —I have never been to a Chinese village, have you?
— _ . (B.No, I haven’t either)
19 — My mother is ill. Could I leave tomorrow?
—___ . (C.No problem. Please do)
20.There are scientific ways ________ which man solves problems. (A. in )
21.Just for today, I’m not going to insist that everything I do ________ perfect. (C.be)
22 He was willing to do all ________ he could to help his friends. (B.that)
23.At no time during his speech ________ that he would make another film soon.(C.did he mention )
24 She has ________ all her debts. (C.paid off )
25.The hostess ________ until the guests were seated. (D.didn’t sit down)
26 — I left my umbrella in my room. Wait while I go back to get it.
— ________ . (C.Don’t bother, it will clear up by noon )
27 — I lost my money.— _________ . (D.Oh, you should have been more careful) 28.If I ________ you, I ________ that job. (B.were, would take )
29.A friend of mine, after 10 years of stud

ying ballet, succeeded _____ becoming a dancer. (A.in)
30 With her yellow hair, Jane is ________ girl as a fairy. (A.as beautiful a)
31.The teacher had no idea ________ these two students argued about. (B.what)
32.; ; Mercury freezes if it is cooled to ________ .</font></span></p>
; ; </span></font></font></span></p>
;</p> (D.too low a temperature)
33.He gave ________ answer as I did. (D.the same)
34 The new employee finished the report and ________ .(A.turned it in)
35.We are looking forward to ________ the Great Wall again. (B.visiting )
36 — When will the performance begin?— ________ . (C.In one hour)
37. I ________ for two hours but nobody has arrived yet. (D.have been waiting)
38. He walked into the office and shook hands with a smiling man ________ Mr. Black.(d)
39. ________ , he bought his wife a present. (B.On his way home )
40.John had six eggs. Mary added three, so now they all _____ to nine. (C.added up )
41. — What date is it today?— ________ . ( D.It’s March 6)
42. — Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause you.— _______ . ( B.Never mind)
43. — Why are you so restless? — _______ . (D.I just can’t help feeling worried)
44. — I like collecting stamps, what about you? — _______ .(A.So do I)
45. — I feel nervous about the exams. — _______ . (B.Take it easy)
46. — I’ve got a raise for my salary.— _______ ! ( A.Congratulations )
47. All you have to do is to let us ________ as soon as possible in writing. (D.know)
48. Last year the temperature ________ by 10 percent. (D.rose)
49. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth
of the total ______ for living expenses. (B.available)
50. — Which do you prefer, wine or sprites? — ________ .(D. I’d like to have a little wine first)
51. We decided to see the film ________ Friday night. So I rang to book the tickets. (B.on )
52. In terms of the rank of position, an associate professor is ________ to a professor. (C.inferior)
53. He was __ sad at the bad news that he could hardly say a word. (B.so)
54. The students will take winter vacation ________ in February.(C.some time )
55. When you leave, don’t forget __ off the light. (A.to turn )
56. You cannot be ______ careful when you drive a car. (C.too)
57. He walked into the office and shook hands with a smiling man ________ Mr. Black.(d)
58. — I have never been to a Chinese village, have you? — ________ . (B.No, I haven’t either)
59.She intended to make teaching her ________ . (A.profession)
60.The child ________ cold if he had pu

t on more clothes. (C.wouldn’t have caught )
61.It isn’t watch. I left mine at home. (A.my)
62.A friend of mine, after 10 years of studying ballet, succeeded ________ becoming a dancer.(A.in)
63.She didn’t like to ________ the hotel bedroom with a stranger. (A.share)
64.— Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the library? — _____ .(A.Sorry, I'm a stranger here, you see)
65.You’d better ________ your luggage in case you have missed something. (D.check out)
66.— Take a seat here, Mr. Brown. Let’s try the food. — ____ .(B.Thank you. Oh, the dishes look so nice)
67.— I’d like to cash this check, please.— ________ ?(A.What kind of notes do you want)
68.Health depends ________ good food, fresh air and enough sleep. (D.on)
69.Sam enjoys ____ stamps, and now he has 226 of them.(D.collecting)
70.You must go that street to get to the park. (B.across )
71. — Do you mind if I smoke here?— _________ . (B.No, certainly not)
72. ________ I don’t want to have anything to do with it. (C.For my part )
73. ________ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.(B.Published)
74.It is vital that enough money ______ to fund the project. (A.be collected )
75 Any mistake, even ________ one, would cause a great loss. (A.the smallest )
76.Every man in the country has the right to live where he wants to, ______ the color of his skin.
(D.regardless of )
77. — They said they were going to invite us on their daughter’s birthday. — ________ .
(C. That’s great. I’ll look forward to it)
78. It is necessary that ________ before 10 o&rsquo;clock</st1:time>. ( C. she return home )
79. When it ________ table-tennis, you can never defeat him. ( D. comes)
80. All things ________ the trip will have to be called off. ( A. considered )
81. That story you have just told ________ me of the experience I once had. (B. reminds)
82. We ____ advertisements everywhere that they become largely invisible.(D.get used to seeing)
83. When class began, we stopped ___ to the teacher carefully. (D .to listen )
84. The girl was heard ___ the piano in the next door. ( B. to play )
85. He did not speak ________ he thought it over. ( D. until )
86. Any mistake, even ________ one, would cause a great loss. (A. the smallest )
87.The old man lives __, but she never feels ___. (B. alone ... lonely )
88.Thank you for __ my grandpa when I was away. (A .looking after )
89. Meal was ready. We stopped ________. ( B. talking )
90 Guangzhou is the most beautiful place ________ I have ever visited. (B. that )
91. I’m busy now, so I do not have ______ time as before to spend on my stamps. (C. as much )
92. I will tell them the news a

s soon as they ___ back. (B. come)
93. I am ________ Florida on business. (B. on my way to )
94 — I wonder if I could take a few days off work. — ____ .(C.Why, what’s the matter with you)
95. — Good afternoon. I’m going to invite some friends to dinner. Please reserve a table for six at about eight this evening. — ________ . ( D.I see, I’ll make the reservation at once )
96. — Please show me your library card. — ________ . ( D. Here you are )
97. — What’s the problem? — ________ .
(A.I have a meeting now. Do you mind if we postpone it to a later time)
98. — That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much. — ________ . (D .My pleasure )
99.. — Is he very strict with you? — ________ . (A. Yeah. He seldom smiles )
100.— I lost my money. — _________ . (D. Oh, you should have been more careful)
101.— Could I leave a message?
— ________ . (C.Sure. Go ahead, please )
102. We were _ to leave before the train started. (D.anxious_)
103.He was sure to be successful, for he had always succeeded _whatever he tried. (C.in)
104.According to some scientists, there are twelve huge plates that the outer surface of the earth. (A.make out)
105.Rosa likes music is quiet and gentle. (B.that)
106. Today, the forests have almost gone, people must ___ down too many trees.
(D.be stopped from cutting)
107. —— How long will it take to arrive in Australia?
—— ________ . (C.Two hours)
108. — Doctor, what’s the matter with me?.
— _______ . (D.Nothing serious. You look fine)
109. — Come on. Let’s try the Chinese food.
— ________ .( C.Mm… it’s so delicious)
110. —— ________ ?
—— I have a headache, a sore throat and I’m feeling rather weak.
(B.What’s the matter with you)
111. — I think you should learn a second language.
— _______ . (D.Yes, so do I)
112.; ; ; ; ; ; </span></span></span>Compared this ________ that, you will see which is better.</o:p></font></span></font></p>
;</p> (C.with)
113.The Smiths decided to _____ a boy and a girl though they already had three children. (D.adopt)
114. Many stores are full ________ customers at weekends.. (A.of)
115.Gina was born 1999. She is old enough to go to school. (D.in)
116. I’m different from my twin sister. I love dancing, __ she is interested in reading. (C.but )
117.________ I can’t understand is ________ she wants to change her mind. (A.What…why )
118.I haven’t seen her she left Guangzhou. (C.since)
119.— I’ve got a raise for my salary.
? — _______ !( A.Congratulations)
120. ?? — Don’t you think that’s expensive?
???? ?— ________ .( A.Not at all. That’s the best price in town?)
121. ?? By the end of May 2000, she ______

__ in China for five years. (A.will have stayed)
122. ?;?;?;?;?; </span></span></span>One should stick to ________ one has begun.</o:p></font></span></font></p> (D.whatever)
123. He raised his arm to ________ his face from the blow. (B.protect)
124. She was terribly hungry. She had eaten ________ the whole day.( D.little)
125. let&rsquo;sput our heads together and find a solution ________ the difficulty. (A.to)
126. ?? — May I ask you a question?
 — _______ .( B.Yes, please)
127. — Shall we go to the swimming pool?
 — ________ . (A.But I’d rather stay at home)
128、That story you have just told __ B.reminds me of the experience I once had.
129、Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _ A.capacity
130、— Could you recommend a secretary for me?
— ( C.I think Susan is a suitable person __)_____ .
131、— They said they were going to invite us on their daughter’s birthday.
__( C.That’s great. I’ll look forward to it)
132、— Could I speak to Jane please?
 —( A. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number )
133、Despite __( A.wanting)__ to see him again, she refused to reply to his letter.
134、— Good evening, madam. Would you like to sit here?
_( D.I’d like to. Have a menu, please?_)___ .
135、In the past few years the school _( C.has spent ) much money on its labs.
136、I had a lot of trouble ________ the car ________ this morning.( C.getting... started )
137、—— How long will it take to arrive in Australia?
—— ________ .( C.Two hours)
138、By the end of May 2000, she _( A.will have stayed ) in China for five years.
139、— I wonder if it is possible for us to arrange a meeting this week?
_______ .(A.I’m afraid I can’t make it this week)
140、— Where shall we go this weekend?
________ .( C.What about having a drive to the country)
141、 — Which is not your favourite subject, Sandy?
— Football, Mr. Smith.
— Football isn’t a subject, Sandy. It’s a game.
— ___ D.No wonder I dislike it_____
142. — OK. Does next Tuesday suit you? .
— ___ D.Yes, it’s fine with me____ .
143. — I like collecting stamps, what about you?
— ____ A.So do I___ .
144.— Well, I’m really attracted by the beautiful city.
— ____ B.Really? What impresses you most_____ ?
145. We decided to see the film __ B.on __ Friday night. So I rang to book the tickets.
146. According to ____ C.what ____ they have told me, they should return within about one week.
147. ______ B.On his way home __ , he bought his wife a present.
148. At no time during his speech _ C.did he mention _ that he would make another film soon.
149. In terms of the rank of position, an associate professor is ________ to a professor.
150. By the

end of May 2000, she __ A.will have stayed __ in China for five years.
151. — The pollution is becoming more and more serious. I’m really worried about it.
— __ C.I feel at a loss what to do _ .
152. The new employee finished the report and ________ .A.turned it in
153. ? — I’ve got a raise for my salary.
?— _______ ! A.Congratulations
154. — Well, I’m really attracted by the beautiful city.— _________. ? B Really? What impresses you most
155. ? — What’s the problem?— ________ .A.I have a meeting now. Do you mind if we postpone it to a later time
156. Just for today, I’m not going to insist that everything I do ________ perfect. C.
157 The teacher had no idea ________ these two students argued about. B.what
158. We were ________ to leave before the train started. D.anxiou
159.;?;?;?;?;?; </span></span></span>The directors have a meeting every Friday, ________ there is nothing to discuss.</o:p></font></span></font></p> ;?;?;?;?;?; </span></span></span>The directors have a meeting every Friday, ________ there is nothing to discuss.</o:p></font></span></font></p> C.unles
160. He ___ two thousand trees since 1985. 答案:D
161. It isn’t watch. I left mine at home. A.my
162. Every man in the country has the right to live where he wants to, ______ the color of his skin.
D.regardless of
?163. — Which is not your favourite subject, Sandy?
— Football, Mr. Smith.
— Football isn’t a subject, Sandy. It’s a game.
— ________ . D.No wonder I dislike
164. — I like collecting stamps, what about you? —?_______ . A.So do I
165. — The pollution is becoming more and more serious. I’m really worried about it. C.I feel at a loss what to do
166. If I ________ you, I ________ that job. B.were, would take
167. John had six eggs. Mary added three, so now they all _____ to nine. C.added u
168. The difference was ________ cross the river. B.how to
169.She has ________ all her debts. C.paid off

170.I’d like to cash this check, please.(A.What kind of notes do you want)
171.I feel nervous about the exams.(B.Take it easy)
172.Which do you prefer, wine or sprites?(D. I’d like to have a little wine first)
173.Take a seat here, Mr. Brown. Let’s try the food.(B.Thank you. Oh, the dishes look so nice)
174.Let’s have a party in our department.(B.Good idea)
175.How much is your new bike?(A.It costs me $ 200)
176. Could I speak to Jane please?(A. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number)
177. Would you do me a favour?(C.I’m glad to)
178.Please show me your library card.(D.Here you are)
179.It is necessary that everything ________ ready by 6: 00 p.m.(A.be)
180.The hostess ________ until the guests were seated.( D.didn’t sit down)
181.A friend of mine, after 10 years of studying ballet, succeeded ________ becoming a dancer.

182.Just for today, I’m not going to insist that everything I do ________ perfect.(C.be)
183.She glanced shyly ________ him and then lowered her eyes.(A.at)
184.All things ________ the trip will have to be called off.(A.considered)
185.All you have to do is to let us ________ as soon as possible in writing.(D.know)
186.________ what to do, the woman telephoned the police.(B.Not knowing)

(1)No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if people read correctly the signs around, they can tell __1__ the weather will be like?the following day?or two.
For many centuries people have studied the weather?and tries to __2__ weather forecasting. Sometimes distant objects __3__ hills?and tall trees don’t seem to be very clear. This is a __4__ of much water vapor in the __5__?and therefore rain will probably come.
If some birds fly high, fine weather is coming, but if they fly near the ground, rainy?or stormy weather is __6__ the way. It is probably because of the insects which they are hunting __7__ they fly very low.
If a fog appears in the morning just about sunrise, then the day will be warm. Instead, if a fog appears in the evening, the next day will bring wet __8__. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.
Most of the __9__ sayings have been made by people who have used their __10__?and brains to make weather forecasting.
(C B D B A D A B A C)

(2)Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.
Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely? 1 the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90 per cent of all persona? 2 .
Most Americans are able to buy cars. The average price of a? 3 made car was $2,500 in 1950, $2,740 in 1960 and up to $4,750 in 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about? 4 their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the average family increased from 1950 to 1975? 5 than the price of cars. For this reason purchasing a new car takes a smaller? 6 of a family’s total earning today.
In 1951 proportionally it took 8.1 months an average family’s? 7 to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car needed 8.3 months of a family’s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 __8 income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.
The? 9 of the automobile extends throughout the economy as the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money? 10 their cars running than on any other item.
(1 C、replaced 2 D、travel 3.D、recentl

y 4.D、improving 5 C、faster
6. A、part 7 A、income 8.A、months 9. C、influence 10. C、keeping )

 (3)Many people like to keep dogs as their pets. But do you know dogs were wild animals long, long ago?
The? 1 wild dogs were trained by? 2 in Europe about 10,000 years ago. These first “dogs” were not like? 3 we have now. They may have been small wolves. These dogs often came near humans to? 4 some food. Some of the young dogs were adopted (收养) by people and grew up with them.
Human believed the? 5 were a help to them in many ways. The dogs helped to hunt. They could smell and hear danger? 6 people could. They helped keep people? 7 on cold nights. So it was? 8 to raise the dogs.
Now, there are many different kinds of dogs? 9 they may look quite different from each other. Since those early days, humans and dogs have always been together. We should? 10 them from now on because they are really our friends.
(A C B A D C B D B C)

(4)The United States is a land of many cultures. Its people have come from different homelands and have? 1 their own customs from all parts of the world. Although they live and work in a modern,? 2 society, they want to preserve their traditions and pass them? 3 to their children. So, in their daily lives, many Americans continue to speak their native language as well as English. They cook traditional foods. They practice their own religion and have their own way of thinking? 4 life and death. In addition, they set aside time to celebrate the important occasions of their native culture? 5 special ceremonies.
Every part of the United States has special celebrations, depending on the particular national groups that live in the area. In Hawaii, America’s island state in the Pacific Ocean, there are? 6 people of Asian ancestry. Many of these Asians are of Japanese, Chinese, or Polynesian? 7 . Immigrants from China and Japan arrived in Hawaii in great numbers during the past century. The early Polynesians came to Hawaii from South Pacific islands more than a thousand years? 8 any other people. The Asians left rich traditions for their? 9 to follow. Today, Hawaiians honor the memory of their ancestors? 10 special feasts and festivals.
(A D D A C B A A C D)

 (5)The country and the city each have advantages and disadvantages. People in the country live in more beautiful? _1_ . They enjoy peace and quiet, and can do their work at their own? 2_? because no one is in a hurry .? 3_ , they live in larger, more comfortable houses, and their neighbors are more friendly, and ready to help them when they read it.? 4_their life can be boring, and they may be? 5 , a long way from the nearest town, which is a serious problem if they are ill or have to take children to school.
The city,? 6 _, has all the services the country? 7 _, but it also has a lot of disadvantages.? 8 , citie

s are often ugly and polluted.? 9 _, they not only have bad air but are also noisy.? 10 , everyone is always in a hurry, and this means that people have no time to get to know each other and make friends.
(C A B D D B C A B C)

(6)Cars are an important part of life in the United States. __1__ most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor he doesn’t really poor __2__ he has a car.
There are three main reasons the car became so popular in the United States. __3__ of all the country is huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable and?? _4 _ form of transportation. With a car people can go any place without spending a lot of money.
The second reason cars are popular is the fact __5__ the United States never developed a satisfied and inexpensive form of public __6__. Ling-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is good system of air-service __7__ planes. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.
The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is __8__ really made cars popular. Americans don’t like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don’t like to have to __9__ an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule their time. And this is the freedom that Americans want __10__ to have.
(A B A C B D A B A B ) (1 A、without a car 2 B、when 3.A、first 4.C、cheapest 5.B、that
6.D、transportation 7.A、providing 8.B、what 9.A、follow 10B、most )

?? (7)Yesterday was my friend Kyra’s birthday. He invited me his birthday party. Another friend, Guy, had offered to take me to the party by car.
Well, I was getting dressed? 1 ?Guy rang and said he was ill, so I decided to go by train. Unluckily, while I was talking? 2 ? the phone, the cat walked over my clean shirt, so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was? 3 ? leaving.
As I was walking to the station it started snowing and I got very cold. I just 4? a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train finally arrived I was frozen! I was so cold and tired that during the journey I? 5 ? and I missed my station.
Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk? 6 to Kyra’s. I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was? 7? ?. Luckily I found a? 8? ? and telephoned for a taxi. When I finally arrived at Kyra’s house it was? 9? ? midnight and people was going home. What a? 10 evening!
(B A C D B C D A B C)

(8) A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They? 1 the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. After they sleep for six or seven? 2 , they wake up again. It sounds very strange, doesn’t it?
Sleep puzzles science all the time.? 3 and doctors would like to talk abou

t why one can’t fall asleep. They are not so sure? 4 causes sleep.
You will sleep the best both? 5 you are in good health and when you don’t too much or too little. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are? 6 , too. They advise against two in one bed.
Strange things? 7 during sleep. For example, you often move during your sleep. You would feel? 8 if you didn’t move. You also? 9 . Part of your brain is still? 10 when you dream.
Don’t worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were finished while their writers were dreaming.
 B B A D B C A B D C
(1. B、turn off 2. B、hours 3 A、Scientists 4. D、what 5. B、when
 6 C、important 7. A、happen 8 B、tired 9. D、dream 10. C、awake )

 (9)Once you accept an invitation, it’s better not to change your? 1 . Americans arrange the table and food for the number of guests they have invited.
Americans are? 2 about time. But they do not except you to come “on time”, rather 15 minutes later than the time specified. For instance,? 3 you are invited to come at six, the host will expect you no earlier? 4 that time and probably no later than fifteen minutes after six.
It is an American custom to show guests? 5 the house, but they do not expect you to touch everything you see. If you are interested? 6 something you see, you should ask for permission to touch it.
7 the table, conversation is general, but you should comment about how good the food is. If you? 8 don’t like the food, you may say something about how nice it looks or ask how it is prepared. Except? 9 a very formal occasion, it is all right to help yourself to more food. Don’t wait to be helped every time you finish something. If you truly want something, don’t say “No” for the? 10 of politeness.
(C C C B A D D A B D)

(10)A few months ago, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith had a big problem. He had a chance to get a promotion at work. Naturally, she wanted him to get it. She wanted him to? 1 his best and to make a really good impression at work. She worked very hard to? 2 his clothes look clean, but in spite of all her work, she could never get his shirts? 3 white as she wanted them to be.
Then one day, a good friend happened to visit Mrs. Smith. She? 4 her how to solve the problem. “I’d advise you to use new Miracle Gleem! 5 much better than ordinary laundry detergents,” she said.
6 Mrs. Smith took her friend’s advice. Now Mr. Smith’s shirts are as? 7 as he wants them to be and his company wants him to be their new? 8 manager. And now Mrs. Smith wants him to get an even better job. She wants him to? 9 president of the company. She knows he can do it,? 10 the help of the Gleem.
(D B D B B C D A B C )

1. (

开头)Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between a writer and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame……
What if? I would keep putting my dream to test (even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure). This is the shadow-land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.
1. The passage is meant to ___A____
(A、 warn young people of the hardship that a successful writer has to experience)
2. What can be concluded from the passage? D (D、The chances for writers to become successful are small.)
3. Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first years of his writing career? B
( B、He hadn’t seen a change for the better.)
4. In “…people who died wondering”, “who” refers to those ___B___ .( B、who regret giving up their career halfway)
5. “Shadow-land” in the last sentence refers to ____C__ .(C、the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reached)

2.(开头)Students can travel in the United States without spending too much money if they follow these suggestions.
A travel agent can give you information on special economy fares for trains, buses and planes. Think about hiking or biking for a part of your trip, too. You’ll not only save money, but you’ll also see a lot more of the country……
(结尾)For dinner you can get the names of good, cheap restaurants from travel guides or friends.
1. The passage tells students ____C__ . ( C、how to use less money while traveling)
2. To see more of the country, you’d better travel __D____ . ( D、by bike)
3. If you want to share rides with others, you can get information ____B__ . ( B、from school administrators)
4. According to the passage, staying at youth hostels is ____A__ . ( A、cheap)
5. To save money, you can ___C___ . (C、take some food with you)

3(开头)In many stories on TV and in science-fiction books, men travel to faraway stars. They have quick, easy journeys. But so far, men have been able to reach only the earth’s own moon……
(结尾)The star closest to our sun is Alpha Centauri. It is more than four light-years away. If one traveled at the speed of light, he could make a round trip to Alpha Centauri in nine years. But, even at that speed, he could not reach Alcaid (北斗星) in the handle of the Big Dipper. A one-way journey to Alcaid would take almost 200 years.
1. In this passage the words “closest to our sun” means the star ____B____ . ( B、Alpha Centauri)
2. A one-way journey to Alcaid would take ___C_____ . ( C、almost 200 years)
3. Why do we measure the distance in light-years instead of miles? B
( B、Using light- years reduced the number of figures used.)
4. If a stone

moved at the speed of light, it ___A_____ ( A、would weigh twice more than it is motionless)
5. This story is mainly about _____B___ . (B、the problems of traveling to faraway stars)

4(开头)If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking. (结尾)If you fully use the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than what you are capable of.
1. The author ____D____ .( D、warns you not to confuse defeat with fail)
2. Defeat is valuable ___C____ .( C、because it provides the guide and encouragement to success)
3. What does the author know? __B_____ .(B、he knows the factor making for success)
4. The person who was able to analyze the defeat is likely ____C___ .( C、to achieve success)
5. What does the author advise one to do with the power which defeat gives? One should __A_____ .( A、explore it)

5.(开头)Today a pilot is totally dependent on what the air traffic controller on the ground tells him. He can not see enough to be safe. Flightwatch is an instrument intended to help him.
(结尾)Technically, the system will be quite complex. Computers will be necessary on the ground and in each aircraft to enable flightwatch to collect data about the planes’ courses and to calculate the distances between planes. But such small computers are now quite cheap, simple and reliable.

1. A pilot is dependent on __C__ for his safe flight(.C. the command of the air controller on the ground)
2. ___C_______ can help the pilot to keep contact with the air traffic controller. (C. flightwatch)
3. The flightwatch is __A______ to use. (A. quite simple)
4. the main components of the flightwatch are ___A_______. (A. a screen and certain computers)
5. The computers are _____C____. (C. small )

6.(开头)For most people, life is easier and more comfortable than ever before.
(结尾)But all this freedom and affluence have had an unforeseen and in some respects a devastating effect on marriage. ( DCDDD)
6. In the U.S. , families are becoming _____. D. freer
7. Why are women able to achieve economic independence? _______

C. Because they are free away from drudgery.
8. Hard housework was taken away by ______. D. modern equipment
9. Which of the following statements is not true according to the text? _______.
D. Women prefer to be bachelors.
10.The text implies that the author __.(D. greatly worries about the bond of marriage)

7.(开头)Ever since I was very small, I have had the sense that I ought to be somewhere else. I remember watching trains flash by and wishing I was on board. I remember going to the airport with my parents when I was 13 and reading the destinations(结尾)It turns

out that when my younger self thought of taking wing, she wanted only to let her spirit soar. Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the real destinations, and the journey too. They are home. CACA 第5题选C或者D都可以
11. What did the writer do as a curious child? _______ (C. She read all kinds of books. )
12. How does the author feel about travel today? ___(A. She doesn’t like it very much. )
13. What did the author learn from books as a child? ______
(C. About the outside world as well as her own self. )
14. We can infer from the passage that when traveling by air, the author spends most of her time on the way _____. ( A. reading books )
15. In this passage the author mainly talks about _____.
(C. the benefits of reading )

8.(开头)Museums are places where collections of objects are preserved and displayed.
(结尾)What is to be gained from visiting museums? Museums exhibits can teach us about the world in which we live-----the materials it is made of, the trees and plants that cover it, and the animals that have lived on it since its beginning. We can learn about the activities of man-----hi**ory and development and his accomplishments in arts and crafts.
1. The first paragraph deals with______. ( A. what museums preserves )
2. Which statement is not true?
(C. Museums preserve and display only things found in nature. )
3. Where do objects at museums usually come from?
(B. From art dealers and private collectors. )
4. The large museums accept______. ( C. only objects that meet their high standards )
5. The last paragraph is about_____. ( D. museum collections from other lands )

9.(开头)Cars of 2000 will travel the nation’s highways in never-before-dreams-of safety, comfort
(结尾)The inevitable problems of maritime regulations, severe weather conditions, and running out of fuel in remote areas all will require new concepts of operation, servicing, and vehicle regulation. CCABB
6. The author believes that cars of the future____(C. will use columns of air instead of wheels )
7. Cars of the future will run_____ (C. much more smoothly )
8. The car without wheels has been called a “flying car” because_____
(A. it travels a few inches above the ground )
9. Where is a wheel-less car least fit to travel? (B. over rough country roads )
10. Wheel-less cars will_____ (B. create new traffic problems )

10.(开头)Reading newspapers has become an important part of everybody’s life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning.
(结尾)Today newspapers in English have the largest number of readers in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily or 21st Century. Also they bring us more and more information with Internet. (BCBAD)
1. People read newspapers in order to .( B. meet their o

wn different needs )
2. From the passage we can see that when people get newspapers.
(C. not everyone reads all the pages)
3. News papers have so many pages because . (B. people enjoy reading something different )
4. Newspapers are the most popular in the world. (A. in English )
5. According to the passage, besides newspapers, people also get information from . (D. Internet )

11.(开头)Why don’t birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now they’re beginning to fill in the blanks.
(结尾)But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they apparently find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it’s too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to find their way. (BC C DB )
11. The reasons why birds don’t get lost on long flights __.
 (B. have only recently been discovered )
12. During daylight hours, birds _________. (C. use sun for guidance )
13. By “his outdoor cousins” the author means _________. (C. doves under the natural sky )
14. The experiment with the dove indicated that _________.
(D. some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at night )
15. In total darkness, doves _________. (B. don’t know which way to fly )

 12.(开头)Japan is made up of chain of islands that lie off the coast of Asia. People came to live in Japan from the nearby countries of China and Korea. From these older countries, the Japanese borrowed ideas, inventions and habits.
 (结尾)Things change when they come to Japan. …..There are few flowers in Japanese gardens. But the gardens are green during all seasons because they have many evergreens. Japanese gardens have a different kind of beauty.

 1. In this passage the words “just as it is here” means _______ .
 B、just as it is in the United States
 2. Why do the Japanese change the things they borrow? B、They try to make them better.
 3. From this passage we can see that __ . B、Japanese gardens are full of life all the year round
 4. The first paragraph tells us that ____ . A、people from many countries came to live in Japan
 5. Which of the following is not true? A、The Japanese invented the habit of drink tea.
 13.(开头)Someday in the future we may not need to have money in our pockets.
 (结尾)Is there something even easier to use than credit cards? ……Everyone’s thumbprint will be in the computers. It will be very difficult to lose our thumbprints. It will be difficult for someone to steal it or make one like it.
 1.The word “currency” most probably means _______ . B、paper money
 2. According to the passage, we all need _______ . D、some kind of money
 3. Our thumbprints may be used in the future becau

se ___ .C、every thumbprint is different
4. Which one of the following gives the main idea of the second paragraph?
B、Currency may not be more of a problem than credit cards.
 5.Which of the following statements is not true? B、There are no problems with currency.

14.(开头)A travel agent can give you information on special economy fares for trains, buses and planes. Think about hiking or biking for a part of your trip, too. You’ll not only save money, but you’ll also see a lot more of the country.
(结尾)supermarkets or at roadside stands and have a picnic for lunch. For dinner you can get the names of good, cheap restaurants from travel guides or friends.
1. The passage tells students ____C__ .
C、how to use less money while traveling
2. To see more of the country, you’d better travel __D____ .D、by bike
3. If you want to share rides with others, you can get information __B__ .
B、from school administrators
4. According to the passage, staying at youth hostels is ____A__ .A、cheap
5. To save money, you can ___C___ .C、take some food with you

15.Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without feeling ashamed, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing else can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended. It is this same reaction that should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you fully use the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than what you are capable of.
1. The author __D___ .(D、warns you not to confuse defeat with fail)
2. Defeat is valuable _C__ .(C、because it provides the guide and encouragement to success)
3. What does the author know? __B_____ .(B、he knows the factor making for success)
4. The person who was able to analyze the defeat is likely __C___ .(C、to achieve success)
5. What does the author advise one to do with the power which defeat gives? One should __A_____ .
(A、explore it)
16.(开头)If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (1876—1947)
Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be good time to take a long vacation from thinking!
1. Huntington based his conclusions on D .(D. above of the all)
2. Huntington decided that climate and temperature have C .(C. some effect on most person’s intelligence)
3. One possible reason why spring is the best season for thinking is that A .

 A. all nature, including man, is growing then
4. The two best seasons for thinking seem to be D . ( D. spring and fall)
5. According to the passage, any vacation from thinking should be taken C . (C. during the summer)
17.(开头)Good children must be good students at school. They should work hard at all subjects and do what is given to them on time.
(结尾)If any disagreement occurs, good children should try to iron out the disagreement by listening to the parents’ opinions. They never take it for granted that they are always in the right. On the contary, good children learn quickly by listening to others.
6. The most suitable title for this passage would be C ( C. What Good Children Should Be)
7. One important ability good children are supposed to develop is A . ( A. to think independently)
8. Good children should C . ( C. consider something of their own interests)
9. When there is disagreement between parents and children, good children should try to B . ( B. please their parents with something good)
10. In the last paragraph, the sentence “They never take it for granted that they are always in the right” means they never A . (A. believe that they are always right)
(18)(开头)People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in another.
(结尾)So, what should you do if you are on a visit in another country? Well, just do in Rome as the Romans do. You can ask the native people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them.
11. According to the passage, making noises when you have liquid food isn’t bad manners in B . ( B. Japan)
12. C is bad manners in Britain. (C. Having soup directly with a bowl)
13. From the passage, we can infer that B .(B. Japanese people all make noises when drinking)
14. “Do in Rome as the Romans do” means A . (A. do as the native people do)
15. The passage mainly tells us B . (B. some different table manners)
1. 经常进行户外运动会是你身体健康,心情愉悦。 Doing sports often will make your body very healthy.
2. 如果你想早点起床的话,最好现在就睡觉。 If you want to get up earlier,you’d berrer go to bed now
3. 一般地说,人们都认为金钱是能带来幸福的。
Generally speaking,people thing money can bring you happiness.
4. 现在越来越多的人都在学习英语了。Now more and more people learn English
5. 大城市总是会给人们带来了诸多机遇。
An international city alwes has brought people many opportunities
6. 中国是一个人口众多的国家。 China is a populous country
7. 他一直在努力地寻找一份理想的工作。 In the past years,he has been trying to look for an ideal job
8. 只要你不断地努力,就一

定会成功。As long as you continue to work, will be successful.
9. 无论做什么事情,信心对成功是非常重要的。
It is important to build confidence if you wang to be successful.
8. 队员们抽签决定谁先上场。
The members of the team drew lots to decide who would play first..
It is said that the area was well advanced in agriculture as early as 2000 years ago.
10.在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的。(get one’s hands on)
In those days I would read everything I could get my hands on as long as it was written in English.
The function of an ATM is to allow people to take out money from their bank account with a special card whether the bank is open or closed.
If you apply for a job, you should be ready for an interview in which you often have to answer some difficult questions.
I asked her several times. but she refused to respond to my question
14.在西方,人们常常邮购商品,这可以节省许多时间。(send away for)
In the West, people often send away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time.
Even if you are one of the best students in class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.
He had traveled around the world for three years. but whenever he went. he missed his country.
If you stay up late working every night, your health will surely be affected..
6.我想要些有关你们ABI 型计算机的资料。

1. We are happy to work with you.
2. The students and their teachers introduce themselves to each other.
3. There are not many new employees in this joint-ventured corporation.
4. She showed us many beautiful postcards.
5. Mr. Chen is quite busy now with his work.
6. I would like to get some information about your ABI computers.
7. I want to book a ticket on the 2nd October flight from London to Beijing.
8. You have called a wrong number.
9. This is a small town and it has quite narrow streets.
10. May I have a larger size one? This jacket is a bit tight.
11. This silk shawl reminds me of China.
12. We have different sorts of sweaters with different colours.
13. Can I pay by my credit card? Sorry, we only take cash.
14. This skirt suits me, but I don’t like its colour.
15. You better buy these things in a supermarket. The prices there are reasonable.
16. People often stayed at home during the festivals or holidays in the past.
17. It is an ideal place to have a party.
18. What she said sounds reasonable.
19. I prefer to spend my holidays in some foreign countries.
20. We will appreciate it very much if you could arrange an appointment for us.

6. Jane 打字比 Anne快,但比较马虎。
1. Everything is ready for you there.
2. I was born in the north. Then my family moved to a city in the south.
3. I’d like to learn about Beijing Opera from you.
4. Medical stude

nts in Japan have to study for seven years in university.
5. Please fill in your nationality in this blank.
6. They are holding a shoe exhibition next week.
7. Jane types faster than Anne, but less carefully.
8. We’ll have to work about an hour’s overtime.
9. I’m afraid I will have to go straight from work.
10. The World Trade Centre used to be the highest building in the world.
11. Air travel is an everyday experience these days because it’s so fast.
12. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
13. The park has 30 different facilities of international
14. A package tour is a kind of travel programme that travel agents arrange in advance for travelers.
15. Many stores will have various items on sale during
holiday seasons.
16. With the coupons, you can save some money when you buy books.
17. The sales girl wrapped the glass bowl up in a nice-looking way.
18. Entertainment is also found in America’s many shopping malls.
19. There are lots of wonderful smells, too-fried onions, coffee and fresh bread.
20. The nice-looking lady seems in her thirties.
(一)My Opinions on English Study (我对英语学习的看法)
Many people like English and hate it at the same time. They like it because it is useful at school, at employment market and on travels abroad. Even some retired people would like to learn a little English because their sons or daughters are studying or working in the English speaking countries. They hate English because it is too difficult to learn. Many people can’t communicate with English native speakers after about ten years’ English study from primary school to university.
Many people’s frustration in English study may be due to too scattered total study time. Let’s compare the efficiency of heating a kettle of water in winter with that of English study. If we turn down the fire to the minimum when a kettle of water is being heated in winter, the heating effect will be close to the cooling effect, efficiency of the heating is very poor. If the fire has been turned off from time to time before the water boils, the water is always unboiled water. If the total time you spend in learning English is too scattered, or the study stops from time to time before you master it, the English study efficiency is certainly very poor.

(二)A Job I Like (我喜欢的工作)
It is well known that job is very important in our life. Nobody can live without it. My dream job is to become a teacher.
There are many reasons that I dream to be a teacher. First, teachers can teach others knowledge; Second, teachers are always very good; Third, teachers always have a young mind.
Above all, it is very important for us to have a dream job. Only in this way can you have a happy and colorful life. I wish everyone can have a good job.

(三)The Life I Want to Live(我想过的生活)下面二选一
There are many reasons explain that I select the big city. Firstly, I think that live in the big city is helpful for the development of individual. The economic development in the big city is better than in the small one. In the big city, the possibility of success is more than in the small city. Live there, there are better, larger companies to offer the opportunities of the development to us. With the development of the economy and the civilization in the world, in the 21st century, knowledge and information will be more important. In the big city, I can get them rapidly then utilize them quickly. For us, the big city is the place near the dream
 Second, I think I can live more convenient in the big city. If I live in the small city, maybe there is nothing what I want or I could buy it far from where I live. On the other hand, I can buy anything I want and needn’t run very far in the big city. The traffic is more convenient and there are various traffic tools and I can spend the lest time to arrive where I want. It is helpful for person’s communication and social contact.
 The last reason is that, I like play. In the big city there are the best facilities. Small city is suit for relax and the big city is suit for entertainment.
 So I prefer to live in the big city.
I like to live in countryside,living in a big city will lower one's life span while living in a small town will make me very happy.Also I can not have a life like living in the country,but I of cause will have a good time together with those birds,those flowers and big trees.
I can do whatever I want to do,no matter when I want to go out I will just do it.Camparing to life in the city with the same amount of money ,I can have a better life in the countryside as the goods there are always cheaper than that of the city.Maybe with 500 rmb I can live for three months rather than one month in the city.
The environment surrounding you in the city is not so satisfactory,people seeing each other will just smile at each other when coming across each other,on the contrary,if you live in a town ,the people there will let you know what is hospitality and what is the true harmony.They will talk to you whenever they see you and invite you to their homes to have diner,you just hard to turn them down.
SO in a word ,I individual like living in countryside much better.

(四)What Can Car Bring Us?
1. 汽车能带来的好处
2. 汽车能带来的麻烦
3. 你的看法
Nowadays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car - if he or she can afford it. Having a car of your own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains, and you can drop off the children at school on the way. Moreover, it also means that you can enjoy the weekends and holidays better, because with a car you can g
