【英美概况】【课堂笔记】美国文学american literature

AMERICAN LITERATUREWe shall not cease from explorationAnd the end of all our exploringWill be to arrive where we startedAnd know the place for the first time.T.S. Eliot --- Little GiddingLiterature represents the language of a people, their culture and their tradition. But the reading of literature is more important to us than just a historical or cultural activity. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. When we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays, we may also grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.American literature is a literature that has recorded the stories of a search. Early explorers searched for new lands and new wealth. The puritans searched for a place that would become the ideal community, one of which God would approve. Many Americans travelled across America simply because they were restless and were searching for new experiences and opportunities. These searches can be said to be the “pursuit of happiness” and Americ an literature is the story of that pursuit.Some of the early literature was concerned with life in the cities and on the frontier. It created heroes and characters that epitomised the adventurous, the brave and the strong individual. This literature could be said to have created a history for a country which, in European eyes, had very little history!As the country expanded westwards, some authors questioned some of the beliefs and lifestyle of the established east coast communities. For instance, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a book called ‘Nature’ that questioned whether or not humans needed religion to reach a higher state of spirituality. Henry Thoreau wrote about how important it was for individuals to think for themselves, and claimed that an individua l’s conscience is more important than the demands of society. These ideas caused much controversy and discussion.Other writers of this time were writing about human imagination and emotion, rather than intellect. These novels asked the reader to understand the nature of guilt, pride and emotional repression, and to find meaning in his/her life.After the Civil War (1861-1865) many Americans became discontent with the growing materialism of society, and some writers wrote about the harsher reality which was facing some Americans in their daily lives. For instance, they wrote of poor working conditions, unsympathetic reactions by the community to someone who has committed ‘sin’, and of people findingthemselves trapped in their environment and struggling to find happiness.There were also writers like Emily Dickinson who wrote poems such as this:If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain;If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain,Or help one fainting robinUnto his nest again,I shall not live in vain.The first half of the 20th century saw the emergence of writersc alled “Imagists” whose poems focused on strong, concrete images. An example of this style was T.S.Eliot’s poem called the ‘The Waste Land’. This poem created images for the reader to interpret. Another such writer was E. E. Cumming, who threw away the rules of punctuation, spelling and even changed the way words were placed on the page.In the 1920’s in New York there emerged of a lively, powerful form of African-American music called jazz, and at the same time African-American writers began writing about the black community and their lives. Their writings used the rhythms drawn from their African and slavery. They told the American people not only about the injustices that society inflicted upon blacks, but also about the rich cultural life of the “the new negro” who was proud of his/her racial identity. Two African-American writers of this period were Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen.Mother To Son by Langston HughesWell, son, I'll tell you:Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.It's had tacks in it,And splinters,And boards torn up,And places with no carpet on the floor—Bare.But all the timeI'se been a-climbin' on,And reachin' landin's,And turnin' corners,And sometimes goin' in the darkWhere there ain't been no light.So, boy, don't you turn back.Don't you set down on the steps.'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.Don't you fall now—For I'se still goin', honey,I'se still climbin',And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.Post World War 2 authors started to write about American society in ways that questioned the direction in which society was going. After a short period of conservatism (1940’s and 1950’s), Americans saw a significant change in their culture and lifestyle. It was the period of African-American activism/protest, the feminist movement, the sexual revolution, the peace movement, and, it was a time when many alternative lifestyles were being experimented with. Politically, the world was in the midst of the Cold War between the USA with its political allies and the USSR and communism in general.People who immigrated to America were often said to be pursuing “The American Dream”. The term “The American Dream” represented an ideal. Simply stated, it meant that in America a person could achieve anything if he/she really wanted it enough. In recent history some people started doubting the possibility of this ideal: it seemed that the ideal could not be possible while society was the way that it was. Some people wanted to change society, and said that “The Dream” should be not be so much about economic success but more about personal fulfillment and the development of a just and caring society. People wanted to feel that they had a purpose in society, where they were needed, where they could fulfill their potential and where they could develop as an individual. It can be seen that some writers expressed a sense of hopelessness about achieving “The Dream” in their books and poetry.Richard Coryby Edwin Arlington RobinsonWhenever Richard Cory went downtown,We people on the pavement looked at him:He was a gentleman from sole to crown,Clean favored, and imperially slim.And he was always quietly arrayed,And he was always human when he talked;But still he fluttered pulses when he said, “Good morning,” and he glittered when he walked. And he was rich -- yes, richer than a king,And admirably schooled in every grace:In fine, we thought that he was everythingTo make us wish that we were in his place.So on we worked, and waited for the light,And went without the meat, and cursed the bread, And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,Went home and put a bullet through his head.Books, such as the following, also reflected this era:‘Catch 22’ (Joseph Heller) portrayed war as an absurd exercise for madmen. (1961)‘Death of a Salesman’ (Arthur Miller) is a play about the com mon man pressured by society. He tries to provide for his family but ultimately he fails to achieve what he thinks (and what society thinks) he should achieve. His unfulfilled dreams lead to a tragic ending.‘Native Son’ (Richard Wright) is a novel which has a black hero, whose character has been heavily impacted upon by a violent and cruel society. (1940)‘Catcher in the Rye’ (J.D.Salinger) is a book which portrays, through the eyes of a teenage boy, the hypocrisies of the adult world. The boy feels a sense of hopelessness about his world.Toni Morrison’s poems portrayed strong black women in society, and the struggles of growing up being black in America during the 1960’s and 1970’s.‘America’ (Allen Ginsberg) is a poem of anger and rage. It expresses the feelings of the Beat writers about the state of American culture in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Th e poem rages against the traditional American values of that time.‘The Kitchen God’s Wife’ by Amy Tan (1991) is a novel about her mother, who was born in China but who later, with her American husband, moved to America. The novel shows how the author sees her mother as a slight embarrassment, because of her traditional Chinese behaviour. Her mother tells her the story of her life in China. At the end of the story the young women comes to see her mother in an entirely different way. The love for her mother is still there, but her respect for her is now immense. Amy Tan was born in America and lives with her family.Extra PoemsWhat Fifty Said by Robert Frost (1925) When I was young my teachers were the old.I gave up fire for form till I was cold.I suffered like a metal being cast.I went to school to age to learn the past.Now when I am old my teachers are the young. What can't be molded must be cracked and sprung.I strain at lessons fit to start a suture.I got to school to youth to learn the future.Hey, that's no way to say goodbye by Leonard CohenI loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm, yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,in city and in forest they smiled like me and you, but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,your eyes are soft with sorrow,Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time, walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,your eyes are soft with sorrow,Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm, yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,in city and in forest they smiled like me and you, but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,your eyes are soft with sorrow,Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.So long, Marianne by Leonard CohenCome over to the window, my little darling,I'd like to try to read your palm.I used to think I was some kind of Gypsy boy before I let you take me home.Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we beganto laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again.Well you know that I love to live with you,but you make me forget so very much.I forget to pray for the angelsand then the angels forget to pray for us.Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...We met when we were almost youngdeep in the green lilac park.You held on to me like I was a crucifix,as we went kneeling through the dark.Oh so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...Your letters they all say that you're beside me now. Then why do I feel alone?I'm standing on a ledge and your fine spider web is fastening my ankle to a stone.Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...For now I need your hidden love.I'm cold as a new razor blade.You left when I told you I was curious,I never said that I was brave.Oh so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...Oh, you are really such a pretty one.I see you've gone and changed your name again. And just when I climbed this whole mountainside, to wash my eyelids in the rain!Oh so long, Marianne, it's time that we began ...It Ain’t Me Babe by Bob DylanGo 'way from my window,Leave at your own chosen speed.I'm not the one you want, babe,I'm not the one you need.You say you're lookin' for someone Never weak but always strong,To protect you an' defend you Whether you are right or wrong, Someone to open each and every door, But it ain't me, babe,No, no, no, it ain't me, babe,It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe.Go lightly from the ledge, babe,Go lightly on the ground.I'm not the one you want, babe,I will only let you down.You say you're looking' for someone Who will promise never to part, Someone to close his eyes for you, Someone to close his heart, Someone who will die for you an' more, But it ain't me, babe,No, no, no, it ain't me, babe,It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe.Go melt back into the night, babe, Everything inside is made of stone. There's nothing in here movingAn' anyway I'm not alone.You say you're looking for someone Who'll pick you up each time you fall, To gather flowers constantlyAn' to come each time you call,A lover for your life an' nothing more, But it ain't me, babe,No, no, no, it ain't me, babe,It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe.The Times They Are A-Changing by Bob Dylan Come gather 'round peopleWherever you roamAnd admit that the watersAround you have grownAnd accept it that soonYou'll be drenched to the bone.If your time to youIs worth savin'Then you better start swimmin'Or you'll sink like a stoneFor the times they are a-changin'.Come writers and criticsWho prophesize with your penAnd keep your eyes wideThe chance won't come againAnd don't speak too soonFor the wheel's still in spinAnd there's no tellin' whoThat it's namin'.For the loser nowWill be later to winFor the times they are a-changin'.Come senators, congressmenPlease heed the callDon't stand in the doorwayDon't block up the hallFor he that gets hurtWill be he who has stalled There's a battle outsideAnd it is ragin'.It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your wallsFor the times they are a-changin'. Come mothers and fathers Throughout the landAnd don't criticizeWhat you can't understandYour sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road isRapidly agin'.Please get out of the new oneIf you can't lend your handFor the times they are a-changin'. The line it is drawnThe curse it is castThe slow one nowWill later be fastAs the present nowWill later be pastThe order isRapidly fadin'.And the first one nowWill later be lastFor the times they are a-changin'.Suzanne by Leonard CohenSuzanne takes you down to her place near the river You can hear the boats go byYou can spend the night beside herAnd you know that she's half crazyBut that's why you want to be thereAnd she feeds you tea and orangesThat come all the way fromChinaAnd just when you mean to tell herThat you have no love to give herThen she gets you on her wavelengthAnd she lets the river answerThat you've always been her loverAnd you want to travel with herAnd you want to travel blindAnd you know that she will trust youFor you've touched her perfect body with your mind.And Jesus was a sailorWhen he walked upon the waterAnd he spent a long time watchingFrom his lonely wooden towerAnd when he knew for certainOnly drowning men could see himHe said "All men will be sailors thenUntil the sea shall free them"But he himself was brokenLong before the sky would openForsaken, almost humanHe sank beneath your wisdom like a stoneAnd you want to travel with himAnd you want to travel blindAnd you think maybe you'll trust himFor he's touched your perfect body with his mind. Now Suzanne takes your handAnd she leads you to the riverShe is wearing rags and feathersFrom Salvation Army countersAnd the sun pours down like honeyOn our lady of the harbourAnd she shows you where to lookAmong the garbage and the flowersThere are heroes in the seaweedThere are children in the morningThey are leaning out for loveAnd they will lean that way foreverWhile Suzanne holds the mirrorAnd you want to travel with herAnd you want to travel blindAnd you know that you can trust herFor she's touched your perfect body with her mind.。
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题 (教 育)【圣才出品】

第1章教育1.1 复习笔记I. A Brief Introduction to American EducationII. Elementary EducationIII. Secondary EducationIV. Higher Education—College and University1. General Introduction2. Types of Institutions3. Faculty Members4. Part-time Working and Student’s Organization V. Admission, and Academic Levels1. Admission2. Academic Levels and Academic Calendar3. CreditsVI. Graduate StudyVII. Well-known Universities in America1. Ivy League2. Harvard University3. Yale UniversityVIII. LibrariesI. A Brief Introduction to American Education (美国教育的概况)1. Education has been greatly respected throughout the history of the United States.在美国的历史进程中,教育受到了很高的重视。
2. At the turn of the twentieth century, public education developed more rapidly and more people got the opportunity of going to school.20世纪之交,公共教育发展迅速,越来越多的人得到了受教育的机会。
II. Elementary Education (初等教育)1. Many children begin their school education at the age of six and children usually graduate from high school at the age of 18.很多孩子6岁开始上学,18岁高中毕业。
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题 美国(美国独立战争)【圣才出品】

第2章美国独立战争2.1 复习笔记I. The Sharpening Contradictions between Britain and the Colonies1. The Situation Before 17632. The Stamp Act and the T ownshend Acts3. The Boston Massacre and Committees of Correspondence4. The Boston “Tea Party”and the “Intolerable Acts”II. The Unity of the ColoniesIII. The Fire of Lexington and the Declaration of IndependenceIV. Progress of the WarV. The Significance of the WarVI. The Confederation and the ConstitutionI. The Sharpening Contradictions between Britain and the Colonies (殖民地与英国的尖锐对立)1. The Situation Before 1763 (1763前的状况)Before 1763, the colonial people had to depend much upon England. However, as the colonies grew in population and wealth, they depended less and less on England.1763年前,殖民地人民非常依赖英国。
2. The Stamp Act and the T ownshend Acts (印花税和唐森德税法)(1) The Stamp Acta. In 1765, Stamp Act was made. According to this act stamped paper must be used for all legal documents and other articles.b. The people of the colonies rose to oppose it. Facing so much opposition both in America and in England, the Parliament had to repeal the Stamp Act in 1766.(2) Townshend Actsa. All the goods imported into the country must be taxed.b. In 1770, the T ownshend taxes were all repealed except the tax on tea.(1) 印花税a. 1765年,印花税出台。

英语专业考研资料《英美概况》习题集张奎武版《英美概况》习题集——张奎武版英国部分Part I GeographyI. Multiple Choice1. The total area of the U.K. is _____.A. 211,440B. 244,110C. 241,410D. 242,5342. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.A. WalesB. ScotlandC. England5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century.A. 14thB.15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined asthe Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707B. 1921C. 18017. Psysiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces.A. 13B. 12C. 148. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____.A. the Scottish HighlandsB. WalesC. England9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____.A. north to southB. south to northC. east to west10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. Vale of Eden11. The longest river in Britain is _____.A. SevernB. ClydeC. Bann12. London is situated on the River of _____.A. ParretB. ThamesC. Spey13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Wales14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short.A. North SeaB. English ChannelC. Dee estuary15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. England16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____.A. CotswoldsB. Oxford ClayC. Pennines17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources.A. 50%B. 38%C. 42% 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c n18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694 20. Britain is basically an importer of _____. A. food B. raw materials C. manufactures D. both A and B 21. British farmers produce enough food to supply _____ of the needs of the population. A. 2/3 B. 4/5 C. 1/2 22. Britain’s main cereal crop is _____. A. oats B. corn C. barley D. rye 23. The center of the Britain financial system is _____. A. Bank of England B. Bankof Britain C. Bank of U.K. 24. The three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain include the following except _____. A. the Angles B. the Saxons C. the Picts D. the Jutes 25. “Black Country” refers to _____. A. countryside in England B. an area around Birmingham C. a country in Africa 26. The second largest port in Britain is _____.A. LondonB. BelfastC. Liverpool 27. The capital city of Northern Ireland is _____. A. Cardiff B. Belfast C. Leith 28. Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about _____ B.C. A. 410 B. 750 C. 300 29. The U.K. is rich in the following except _____. A. coal B. iron C. goldD. tin 30. The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _____. A. limitation of immigration B. fall of the birth rate C. fall of death rate D. unemployment 31. The proportion of the English in the whole population is _____. A. 60% B. 80% C. 70% 32. The Queen’s University is in the city of _____.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. Manchester33. The contribution made by the Normans to Britain is the following except _____.A. final unification of EnglandB. foundation of aristocracyC. great administrative progressD. some peculiarities of dialect34. About _____ percent of the population live in cities or towns.A. 80B. 85C. 9035. The land available for farming in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland does not exceed _____ million acres.A. 30B. 25C. 4036. The highest mountain in England is _____.A. Mt. MourneB. Mt. SnowdonC. Mt. Seafell37. The second largest city in England is _____. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nA. GlasgowB. BirminghamC. Manchester 38. The modern Scots and Irish are the descendants of _____. A. Gaels B. Britons C. Anglo-Saxons 39. Scotland occupies the _____ portion of Great Britain. A. southern B. northern C. western 40. By the Act of Union in _____, the name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was adopted. 41. _____ has its own national church and its own system of law. A. Wales B. Northern Ireland C. Scotland 42. The _____ End includes Westminster, St. James’ Palace A. East B. West C. North 43. _____ includes London, the centre of government for the whole nation.A. ScotlandB. Northern IrelandC. WalesD. England II. Fill in the Blanks 1. The U.K. is situated in _____ Europe. 2. The full title of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of _____ _____ and _____ _____. 3. The U.K. consists of England, _____, _____ and Northern Ireland. 4. The largest part of U.K. is _____. 5. The capital of England and of Great Britain is _____. 6. _____ _____ is composed of six Irish counties that elected to remain in the union with Great Britain. 7. The name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was replaced by the present name after the 26 counties of Ireland obtained autonomy in _____. 8. The highest mountain in Britain is _____ _____. 9. The “Backbone of England”refers to the _____. 10. Natural gas was discovered in Britain in the _____ _____. 11. The most important river is the River of _____. 12. The political centre of the Commonwealth is _____. 13. Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in _____ _____. 14. The climate of Britain is moderated by the _____ _____ _____ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude. 15. Britain’s Industrial Revolution took place between _____ and _____.16. The Bank of England was founded in _____.17. The population of the U.K. is more than _____ million.18. Britain is basically an exporter of _____.19. The population of the U.K. consists of the English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the _____.20. In Wales many people speak _____.21. People sing the national anthem in _____.22. The earliest invasion is that by the _____-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.23. The modern _____ and _____ are the descendants of the Gaels of the Celtic tribes.24. The Britons of the Celtic tribes were the forefathers of the modern _____.25. Greater London is made up of 12 _____ London boroughs and _____ Outer London boroughs.26. The International festival of music and the arts is held every year in the city of _____. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c n27. The British national anthem is _____ _____ _____ _____. 28. The U.K. lies to the _____ of France. 29. Westminster, the area of central government administration is situated in the _____ End. 30. River _____ flows through Glasgow. 31. Mt. Seafell stands in _____.32. The source of the River _____ is in the Cotswolds. 33. Thecapital city of Wales is _____. 34. The United Kingdom is rich in _____, iron, tin, copper, lead and silver. III. Define the Following Terms 1. “Backbone of England” 2. Greater London 3. Celts 4. The “Irish Question” IV . Answer the Following Questions 1. What are the major factors influencing the British weather characterized by a moderate temperature and plenty of rainfall?2. Why is United Kingdom said to be a trading nation?3. What are the general characteristics of the British economy? Part II History I. Multiple Choice 1. Julius Caesar invaded Britain _____. A. once B. twice C. three times 2. King Arthur was the king of _____.A. PictsB. CeltsC. ScotsD. Jutes 3. The first “King of the English” was _____. A. Alfred B. Egbert C. Bede D. Ethelred 4. Christianity was introduced into England in the late _____ century. A. 14th B. 8th C. 6th 5. In 1653 _____ was made Lord Protector for life. A. Oliver Cromwell B. Charles I C. William II 6. The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _____ and the Jutes which invaded Britain form the basis of the modern British people.A. SaxonsB. ScotsC. WelshD. Wessex7. The head of the church in Anglo-Saxon times was _____.A. the King of Denmark and NorwayB. the king of EnglandC. Julius CaesarD. the Archbishop of Canterbury8. The _____ invaded England in the earliest time.A. DanesB. IberiansC. RomansD. Celts9. The Vikings who invaded England at the turn of the 8th century came from _____.A. NorwayB. DenmarkC. FranceD. both A and B10. Edward was known as the “_____” because of his reputation for saintliness.A. ConfessorB. ConquerorC. Protector11. Norman Conquest began in _____. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nA. 1016B. 1066C. 1035 12. In history _____ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”. A. John B. Henry I C. Henry II 13. In 1181 Henry II issued the _____ which made it compulsory for every freeman in England to be provided with arms. A. Inquest of Sheriffs B. Assize of Arms C. Doomsday Book 14. Henry Plantagenet, in 1154, established the House of Angevin as _____. A. Henry I B. Henry II C. Henry III 15. Henry II appointed in 1162 _____ Archbishop of Canterbury. A. Thomas Becket B. Stephen Langton C. Simon de Mortfort 16. Charles I was beheaded in _____. A. 1649 B. 1648 C. 1653 17. It was _____ who summoned Model Parliament in 1295.A. Edward IB. Henry IVC. Simon de Montfort 18. The Great Charter contained _____ sets of provisions. A. two B. four C. three 19. The Peasants Uprising in 1381 was led by _____. A. HenryTurner B. Watt Tyler C. Richard 20. The English Church was strictly _____. A. national B. international C. regional 21. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 was in nature a _____. A. coup d’etat B. racial slaughter C. peasant rising 22. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the _____. A. factory of the world B. expansion of markets C. social upheaval 23. The American Revolution (the American War of Independence) broke out in _____ and ended in _____. A. 1775, 1783 B. 1774, 1782 C. 1786, 1784 24. The Battle of Hastings took place in _____. A. 1606 B. 1042 C. 1066 25. The Great Charter was signed by _____ in 1215.A. King Henry IIB. King RichardC. King John 26. In the early 14th century feudalism began to _____ in England. A. grow B. flourishC. declineD. end27. It was _____ who published the book “The Rights of Man”.A. Thomas MoreB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson28. The first Prime Minister was _____.A. WilmintonB. George GrenvilleC. Robert Walpole29. The Parliament of 1265 which is known as the “_____” is considered the “beginning of parliament”.A. All Estates ParliamentB. Model ParliamentC. Long Parliament30. The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known as _____.A. the Wars of RosesB. the Hundred Years’ WarC. Peasant Uprising31. In the first half of 17th century _____ grow rapidly in England.A. feudalismB. capitalismC. Catholicism 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c n32. Prime Minister _____ resisted any reform that could be resisted. A. Palmerston B. Robert Peel C. Gladstone 33. By the end of the Hundred Years’ War only the port of _____ remained under English rule. A. Troyes B. Gascon C. Calais 34. In the 14th century took place the _____, the severest of many plagues in the middle ages. A. Earthquake B. Black Death C. Drought 35. _____ and his followers, known as Lollards, provided ideological preparation for the labour movement of the 14th century. A. John Wycliffe B. Watt Tyler C. Somerset 36. By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of _____ began. A. Tudor B. Lancaster C. Plantagenet 37. In the “_____” of 1388 five lords accused the King’s friends of tre ason under a very expansive definition of crime. A. All Estates parliament B. Merciless Parliament C. Model Parliament 38. In the Wars of the Roses the Lancastrians wire badges of _____ rose. A. white B. red C. pink D. yellow 39. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from _____ to _____. A. 1600, 1604 B. 1640, 1644 C. 1642, 1646 40. William Shakespeare is mainly a _____. A. novelist B. dramatist C. poet 41. In 1689 the “Bill of Rights” was passed. _____ began in England. A. The Constitutional Monarchy B. All Estates Parliament C. House of Lancaster 42. The _____carried on trade relations with Russia and central Asian countries.A. Moscow CompanyB. Eastland CompanyC. East India Company43. _____ started the slave trade in the second part of the 16th century. A. John Hawkins B. Francis Drake C. Diaz 44. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_____”, according to which Henry VIII was declared the head of the English Church. A. the Bill of Rights B. Act of Supremacy C. Act of Settlement 45. Under Elizabeth I _____ was restored, and she was declared “governor” of the church. A. the Roman Church B. the Catholic Church C. the Anglican Church46. In 1337 the hostility between England and _____ resulted in the Hundred Years’ War.A. FranceB. SpainC. Russia47. The religious persecution mainly existed during the reign of _____.A. CromwellB. Charles IC. Henry VIII48. England first became a sea power in the time of _____.A. Henry VIIB. Elizabeth IC. Victoria49. The Industrial Revolution first started in _____.A. the iron industryB. the textile industryC. the coal industry50. From 1688 to 1783 English Parliament was mainly controlled by the party of _____.A. ToryB. WhigC. Labour51. The English Prime Minister during the Second World War was _____. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nA. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. Baldwin 52. At the End of _____ century, the East India Company was formed. A. 15th B. 16th C. 14th 53. The Seven Years War between England and France lasted from _____ to _____. A. 1756, 1763 B. 1713, 1720 C. 1754, 1761 54. In 1689 Parliament passed “_____”, limiting the powers of the crown. A. Habeas Corpus Act B. the Bill of Rights C. Navigation Act 55. _____ contrasted the first successful steam locomotive. A. George Stephenson B. Samuel Crompton C. James Hargreaves 56. The “Peterloo Massacre” took place in _____. A. Birmingham B. Liverpool C. Manchester 57. Between 1911 and 1914 took place the following strikes except _____. A. railway strike B. strike of the postmen C. coal strikeD. strike of the transport 58. The Victorian Age was over the _____ began. A. Edwardian Age B. Georgian Age C. Elizabethan Age 59. The _____ government surrendered to the British invaders and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing in 1842.A. IndianB. QingC. IrishD. Spanish 60. The Great Charter was essentially a _____. A. Culture Movement B. colonial document C. feudal document 61. _____ broke out two years after the Hundred Years’ War with France. A. The Bore War B. The Wars of the Roses C. Queen Anne s’ War 62. The Reformation was a product of _____. A. the Renaissance B. the Chartist Movement C. theHundred Years’ War 63. The greatest dramatist of the English Renaissance was _____. A. Shakespeare B. Milton C. Chaucer D. Bacon 64. The English Revolution marks the beginning of the _____ period of capitalism. A. feudal B. modern C. colonial D. medieval 65. By the _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US. A. Declaratory Act B. Treaty of Paris C. Treaty of Montgomery 66. The Chartist Movement began in _____ and reached its height in _____. A. 1845, 1858 B. 1828, 1835 C. 1839, 184867. In 1840 Britain launched an aggressive war against _____.A. FranceB. IndiaC. ChinaD. America68. _____ formed a coalition government in 1940.A. Winston ChurchillB. Lloyd GeorgeC. Neville Chamberlain69. By the _____ the British dominions became independent states in all but name.A. Statue of WestminsterB. Locarno TreatyC. Disputes Act70. The Fabians Society was founded in 1883, including intellectuals such as _____.A. William Shakespeare & Ben JonsonB. Christopher Marlowe & John MiltonC. G . B. Shaw & H. G . Wells71. Before WWII _____ relied on appeasement of the European dictators to reduce tensions that 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nmight lead to war. A. Neville Chamberlain B. Stanley Baldwin C. Winston Churchill 72. During WWII, Britain, America, France, Soviet Union and other antifascist countries formed a united international alliance which was called _____. A. Locarno Treaty B. Grand Alliance C. Statute of Westminster 73. The first coalition government during WWI was organized when _____ was the Prime Minister. A. Lloyd George B. Herbert Asquith C. Stanley Baldwin 74. When Germany invaded _____ which was neutral, Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August, 1914. A. Austria B. Russia C. Belgium D. Poland II. Fill in the Blanks 1. At about 3000 BC, some of the _____ settled in Britain. 2. About 122 AD, in order to keep back the Picts and Scots, the _____ built Hadrian’s Wall.3. The real Roman conquest began in _____.4. _____ _____’s “Paradise Lost” was published in 1667.5. Beowulf, considered the greatest Old English poem, is assigned to _____ Times.6. _____ was considered the first national hero.7. On Christmas Day 1066 Duke _____ was crowned in Westminster Abbey.8. In history John was nicknamed King of _____.9. John signed the document in 1215, which in history was called the Great Charter or _____ _____.10. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _____ Book. 11. The most famous scholar during Anglo-Saxon Times was _____. 12. The Battle of _____ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England. 13. The Norman Conquest increased the process of _____ which had begun during the Anglo-Saxon Times. 14. Duke William was known in history as William the _____. 15. Along with the Normans came the _____ language. 16. The English parliament originated in the _____ _____.17 The head of the _____ was Archbishop of _____. 18. The _____ _____ in 1688 w as in nature a coup d’etat. 19. The People’sCharter included _____ points such as universal male suffrage.20. The corrupt Qing government surrendered to Britain and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of _____ in 1842.21. After the Crimean War _____ was forced not to fortify Sebastopol.22. The third collection of the poll tax in the early part of 1381 became the fuse of _____ _____ rising.23. The Wars of the Roses broke out between the _____ and the _____.24. The Enclosure Movement began in the _____ century.25. By the treaty of _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.26. In _____ Britain launched the Opium War against China.27. The East India Company formed at the end of the 16th century was one of _____ companies.28. After the Reformation the Roman Catholic Church was _____, the English Church was strictly 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c n_____. 29. Mary I re-established Catholicism and burnt three hundred Protestants, for which she was called “_____” Mary. 30.“Renaissance” means “_____”, i.e. Europe rediscovering its origins in the cultures of ancient Greek and Rome. 31. During the Renaissance, the thinkers who worked for freedom and enlightenment were called “_____”. 32. The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a _____ _____ war. 33. By the beginning of the Tudor reign the manor system was replaced by the _____ system.34. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _____ _____ was defeated by English ships. 35. The greatest English humanist was Sir _____ _____ whose work _____ became a humanistic classic in the world literature. 36. English Renaissance began in _____century. 37. The House of _____ was notorious for its absolutist rule. 38. During the Civil Wars (1642 – 1648) the supporters of Parliament were called _____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____. 39. In 1653 Cromwell was made _____ _____ for life and started his military dictatorship openly. 40. The Seven Years War was ended by the Treaty of _____. 41. The first two parties appeared in England were the _____ and the _____. 42. The basic point of the People’s Charter is _____ _____. 43. In 1764 James Hargreaves invented the _____ _____. 44. From 1863 to the end of the century Britain had been carrying a foreign policy of _____ _____. 45. The Parliament passed the Act of _____ in 1701, excluding James Catholic son from the succession. 46. After Charles I was beheaded in 1649 England was declared a _____. 47. In September 1939 Germany invaded _____, thus Britain and France declared war on Germany. 48. The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the _____ century. 49. The steam engine was invented by _____ _____ in 1769. 50. Samuel Crompton invented the _____ _____ in 1779. 51. Edmund Cartwright invented the _____ _____ in 1785. 52. Upon the completion of the _____ _____ by 1850 England became the workshop of the world.53. In 1868 the first Trade Union Congress met in _____.54. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_____ _____ _____”.55. On the eve of WWI the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and _____ was formed.56. The First World War was an imperialist war as well as a _____ war because it was not confined only to Europe. It lasted _____ years.57. At the _____ _____ _____, the League of Nations was established and the Treaty of Versailles was signed.58. The _____ _____ of 1926 was Austen chamberlain’s chiefclaim to fame as foreign secretary.59. On May 7, 1945, _____ surrendered unconditionally.60. It was _____ _____ who led the country during the “miracle of Dunkirk”. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c n61. When George I began the Houses of Hanover in 1714, the _____ system was established. III. Explain the Following Terms 1. The Norman Conquest 2. The Glorious Revolution 3. The Chartist Movement 4. The Opium War 5. The Hundred Years’ War 6. Black Death IV . Answer the Following Questions 1. What, in your opinion, are the main causes for the slow growth of Britain’s economy since the Second World War? 2. What is the importance Simon de Mortfort hold in British history (with special reference to his role in the creation of the Parliament system)? 3. What importance did King Alfred hold in British history? Part III Culture I. Multiple Choice 1. All children in the UK must, by law, receive a full-time education from the age of _____ to _____. A. 5, 16 B. 6, 17 C. 7, 18 2. In state schools the letters A, B and C are often used to describe “_____” or parallel classes. A. grade B. form C. streams 3. Public schools belong to the category of the _____ schools. A. state B. independent C. local 4. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examination would go to _____ school. A. grammar B. technical C. secondary modern 5. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities dating from _____ and _____. A. 1167, 1284 B. 1234, 1325 C. 1335, 1427 6. There are over _____ universities in Britain.A. thirtyB. fortyC. fifty 7. The two features of Oxford and Cambridge are the college system and the _____.A. records of attendanceB. governing councilC. tutorial system8. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _____ universities.A. oldB. newC. Scottish9. The _____ university offers courses through one of BBC’s television channels and by radio.A. openB. newC. middle aged10. Buckingham University is and _____ university which was established in 1973.A. independentB. openC. old11. The second centre of the British press is in _____.A. LondonB. the Fleet StreetC. Manchester12. In Britain great majority of children attend _____ schools. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nA. stateB. independentC. religious 13. In Britain education at the age from 5 to 16 is _____. A. optional B. compulsory C. self-taught 14. The oldest university in Britain is _____. A. Cambridge B. Edinburgh C. Oxford 15. British newspapers possess the following features except_____. A. freedom of speech B. fast delivery C. monoplied by one of the five large organizationD. no difficulty for independent newspapers to survive 16. The earliest newspaper in Britain is _____. A. Daily Mail B. Daily Telegraphs C. The Times D. Guardian 17. _____ is the oldest Sunday newspaper in Britain. A. Sunday Times B. The Observer C. The people D. News of the World 18. The most humorous magazine is _____. A. New Society B. Private Eye C. Punch D. Spectator 19. In the UK there are about _____ dailies and over _____ weeklies. A. 130, 1000 B. 200, 800 C. 160, 1200 20. There are _____ national daily newspapers which appear every morning except on Sundays. A. nine B. seven C. eight 21. The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph support the _____. A. Liberal Party B. Labour Party C. Conservative Party 22. The Economist, New Statesman, Spectator are _____. A. journals B. daily newspapers C. local papers 23. BBC was founded in _____ and chartered in _____ as an independent public corporation. A. 1922, 1927 B. 1292, 1297 C. 1822, 1827 24. The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. is a _____ news agency. A. public B. governmental C. local D. private 25. The BBC is mainly financed by _____. A. payment from all people who possess TV sets B. the income from advertisementsC. some large corporationsD. British government26. The most famous broadcasting company in Britain is _____.A. British Broadcasting CorporationB. Independent Broadcasting AuthorityC. Reuters27. Reuters was founded in the year of _____.A. 1518B. 1815C. 185128. The new headquarters’ building of _____ is at 85 Fleet Street, London.A. BBCB. the Press Association Ltd. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nC. the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. 29. _____ is regarded as the most English of games. A. Cricket B. Soccer C. Rugger 30. _____ claims the highest popular attendance in Britain. A. Rugby football B. Association football C. Baseball 31. _____ “pools” provide amusement for millions of people who bet on the results of matches. A. Association football B. Baseball C. Cricket 32. The annual _____ championships at Wimbledon, in London, are the most famous in the world. A. hockey B. tennis C. netball 33. _____ racing is chiefly a betting sport. A. Horse B. Boat C. Dog 34. Hurdle or steeplechase racing takes up the winter months, leading to its climax in the Grand National Steeplechase at _____ in March. A. London B. Edinburgh C. Liverpool 35. It was _____ who first revolutionized scientific thought in Britain. A. Francis Bacon B. Thomas Newcomer C. James Watt 36. _____ discovered the circulation of food. A. Francis Glisson B. William Harvey C. George Stephenson 37. The Royal Society was founded in _____ in _____. A. London, 1660 B. Liverpool, 1660 C. London, 1760 38. The Royal Society reached the summit of its prestige in 1703, when _____ became its president. A. Robert Boyle B. Issae Newton C. Francis Bacon 39. James Watt was a great _____ engineer and inventor. A. Irish B. Scottish C. English 40. _____ developed atomic theory in the 18th century. A. John Dalton B. Francis Glisson C. Robert Boyle 41. The minor’s safety lamp was invented by _____.A. Francis BaconB. William HarveyC. Humphy Davy 42. Charles Robert Darwin Developed the theory of _____. A. evolution B. immunology C. virology 43. _____ is considered the father of English poetry. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. John Milton C. John Donne44. Big Ben is the nickname of _____.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Sir Benjamin HallC. the 315-foot Clock Tower45. The British Museum was founded in _____.A. 1659B. 1763C. 175346. The British Museum is financed by _____ funds and is managed by a board of 25 trustees.A. GovernmentB. individualC. local47. You could find the world-famous Speakers’ Corner in _____.A. Great RussellB. Hyde ParkC. Westminster Abbey48. _____ is the biggest and most well-known church in London. 更多资料尽在英语专业论坛w w w .e n g l i s h m .c nA. WhitehallB. St. Paul’s CathedralC. Westminster Abbey 49. _____ is the monarch’s present London home. A. Westminster Palace B. Buckingham Palace C. Whitehall Palace 50. Stratford-on-Avon is the place where _____。
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Part V Political SystemI. Multiple Choice1. The British Monarchy is __C___.A. electiveB. democraticC. hereditary2. The _B____ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people.A. Prime MinisterB. CrownC. Parliament3. The life of Parliament is fixed at _C____ years.A. fourB. sixC. five4. It is the _A____ who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings.A. Prime MinisterB. Lord PresidentC. Speaker5. The following are souces of UK law except _____.A. The Statute LawB. Common LawsC. The European Union LawD. The UK Criminal LawII. Fill in the Blanks1. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II_.2. The vital power lies in the Prime Minister_ and his/her cabinet.3. The British Parliament consists of three elements –the _Crown____, the House of _Lords___, and the House of __Commons___.4. The House of Lords is also called the _Upper____ House, the House of Commons the _Lower____ House.5. The 2 major political parties in the UK are the Conservative_____ party and the Labour party、III. Explain the Following Terms1. The Cabinet2. The Speaker3. Poor LawIV. Answer the Following Questions1. Can you say something about the English Monarchy?2. Which are the major parties in Britain? What are the characteristics of them?美国部分Part I GeographyI. Multiple Choice1. Hawaii is in the ___C__ Ocean.A. AtlanticB. IndianC. Pacific2. The United States today is the _B____ largest country in size in the world.A. thirdB. fifthC. fourth3. Texas, having belonged to _C____, was annexed by the U.S. in 1845.A. FranceB. RussiaC. Mexico4. __A___ of the America’s territory is covered with forests.A. 1/4B. 1/5C. 1/35. There are _B____ river systems in the U.S.A.A. 8B. 3C. 6II. Fill in the blanks1. The United States is situated in the central _part of _North____ America.2. The U.S. is bounded by _Canada____ on the north and by Mexico _____ and the Gulf of Mexico on the south.3. The eastern_____ part is made up of the highlands formed by the Appalachian Range.4. The most important river in the U.S. is the _Mississippi____River Population and states1. About half of the total population is concentrated in the following areas except ___C__.A. Atlantic CoastB. Pacific CoastC. NorthwestD. around the Great LakesE. Gulf of Mexico2. The __B___ were the original inhabitants in America.A. blacksB. IndiansC. Puerto Ricans3. ____B_ part is the most densely populated region in America.A. The southernB. The northeasternC. The western1.Hawaii____ became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959.2. New England is located in the __northeastern___ corner of the country.3. From a geographical point of view, the fifty states are grouped into eight regions.10. The lowest point in the whole of North America is __Death___ _Valley____.11. The world-known __Colorado____ _Valley______ _____ lies in northern Arizona, which is cut by the Colorado River.12. The largest island salt lake in North America is the Great Salt____ Lake.13. The United States includes 50_____ states and a _ federal_____ district, the District of Columbia.14. The Declaration of Independence was first read on July 4th, _1776____.15. The two main tributaries of the __Mississippi_____ River are the Missouri River and the Ohio River.16. The five Great Lakes lie between the boundary of _Canada____ and the United States.17. Through the middle of the country, north and south, runs a line which is known as the __50centimetre_Rainfall_Line_.18. The South region in America has in general, a warm climate. People often call it the “_Sunny __South__”.19. The largest state, _Alaska____, is famous for its glacier, waterfall and ripples.20. There rises the tendency of shifting the centre of industries from the _south____ to the _west_21. The famous _ Wall____ _Street__is known as the financial centre, the symbol of the American monopoly capitalism.22. _ Broadway ____ is the centre of theatres in America.23. The nickname of Pittsburgh is the Iron___ and __Steel_ City.24. _ Chicago_____ is the second largest in population in the U.S.25. The two youngest states are __Alaska_____ in the northeastern part of America and Hawaii_______ in the central Pacific.26. Most of the inhabitants in the U.S. are of ___ European___ origin.27. Negro slaves were first brought to America at the beginning of the _17th _____ century.28. The Death Valley is 85_____ metres below sea level.29. The population of the United States is about _240/256_____ million.30. The Statue of Liberty Island in ____ New___ __York_ harbour.31. _____Pearl___ _Harbour__ _____ is the base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A.32. __Rhode___ _Island is the smallest state in size and the most densely populated state of the U.S.A.33. From a geographical point of view, the fifty states are grouped into __8___ regions.34. The nickname of Houston City is _ Space _City _.35. _ Hawaii_____ became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959.36Mississippi___River _ is the longest and the most important river in the system of Gulf.37. The Library of Congress is in the city of _ Washington ____.38. New England is located in the ___northeastern_____ corner of the country.39. The area of the Pacific coast is known for its growth of fruits, vegetables and wheat, especially in ___California_______.40. The Middle Atlantic Region is marked by its industry. It is often called the __ Industrial____ Northeast.III. Explain the Following Terms1. “The backbone of the continent”2. melting potIV. Answer the Following Questions1. Give a brief presentation of the U.S. economy.2. Why is Detroit famous?P art III CultureI. Multiple Choice1 There are over ___A__ universities, colleges and other institutions in the United States.A. 2,000B. 2,500C. 3,000II. Fill in the Blanks1. American children usually begin their school at the age of __6___.2. An elementary school teacher must have a _ bachelor____ degree of arts witha major in education.3. About ___60__ percent of the high school graduates can be admitted by universities or colleges.4. There are four grades in universities. They are freshmen, sophomore_, junior and senior.6. About _1/4____ of all the colleges and universities are private.7. A department consists of faculty members ranging from full professors to __ instructors____.8. The tuition in a _ private______ college is very high.9. VOA Radio Station is in the city of _ Washington ____.10. VOA now sends news to the whole world in __41___ languages day and night.11. Two-year college were or iginally called “_Junior____ colleges”, but now they are called “__ Community___ colleges”.Part IV Social LifeI. Multiple Choice1. The popular kind of family in America is ___A__ family.A. nucleusB. looseC. largeD. blend2. Americans like the following attitudes except B_____.A. informalityB. personal dignityC. equalityD. franknessE. consideration for others3. Thanksgiving Day is originated in _B____.A. EnglandB. AmericaC. ScotlandD. Canada4. The largest Protestant group in America is known as BA. the Latter-day SaintsB. BaptistsC. MethodistsD. Quakers5. Marriage in America is considered __D___.A. more important to the parentsB. a pure religious affairC. rather burdensomeD. a pure individual matter6. ___B__ American young people live independently after marriage.A. HalfB. MostC. Some7. The rate of divorce in America ranks _C____ in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. firstD. fourth8. The black people usually have _C____ family.A. smallB. middle-sizedC. big9. The “senior citizens” in the social centres refer to ___D__.A. high officialsB. professorsC. presidentD. old people10. The popular foods in America include the following except ___D__.A. hamburgersB. hot dogsC. breadD. rice11. People can usually get cheap meals in the following places except _C____.A. snack barsB. cafeteriasC. big restaurantsD. coffee shops12. Dining customs include the following except _D _.A. being polite to ladiesB. not staying too long after dinnerC. being punctualD. using both hands13. Most Americans are _D____ from different countries.A. blacksB. IndiansC. emigrantsD. immigrants14. BLT in America is a kind of _A____.A. sandwichB. sauceC. butterD. vegetable15. Valentine’s Day falls on _C____.A. July 4thB. March 21stC. February 14th16. On Easter Sunday people usually have lamb and ham as their maigogoymbol of ___A__.A. good luckB. the sacrifice of ChristC. the tomb from which Christ rose17. American Independence Day fall on ___A__.A. the 4th of JulyB. October 31stC. March 20th18. Halloween is a __B___.A. summer festivalB. night-time festivalC. sweethearts’ holidayD. pilgrims holiday19. Over _B____ of all American religious people are Protestants.A. halfB. three fifthsC. two thirds20. In Protestantism there are about ____D_ principal groups.A. 40B. 50C. 60D. 3021. There are two major denominations in America which are the result of native developments. They are the following except _C____.A. Christian ScienceB. MormonismC. UnitariansD. both A and B22. The characteristics of the American religion are the following except __D___.A. wide variety of denominationsB. emphasis on social problemsC. separation of church and stateD. unity among the churches23. In the US about ___A__ of all the property is in the possession of one-tenth of the population.A. halfB. one thirdC. two thirds24. Urban Hermits refer to C_____.A. people who live in the remote placesB. people who live in mountains and forestsC. shopping-bag ladies in big cities25. A hamburger is usually made from _A____.A. beefB. porkC. combination of beef and pork26. In America snack bars and coffee shops are usually __A___.A. cheapB. expensiveC. formal27. The outstanding characteristic of American society is the diversity of _C____.A. climateB. industryC. people28. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as _C____.A. steady datingB. casual datingC. double datingD. blind dating29. The popular American belief is _B____.A. part-time workingB. self-made manC. manual labour30. White-collar workers _____.A. have higher reputationB. get higher payC. may earn less than blue-collar workersD. both A and C31. The black people usually have a __B___ family and 1/3 of which are controlled by women.A. nucleusB. bigC. looseD. middle-sizedII. Fill in the Blanks1. A person who is employed to take care of children for a specific length of time while the parents are out is called a baby sitter2. The rate of divorce in America ranks first in the world.3. A family composed of a father, a mother and two children is considered the nucleus family.4. In order to solve the problem of the loneliness and uselessness for the aged, many communities and church group sponsor social centres which are called _senior citizens____ centres.5. Today over __40___ percent of all married women are active in community affairs.6. A hamburger is a kind of sandwich made with ground beef that is fried and put into a bun.7. A cheese burger is a hamburger with melted _cheese___.8. The coffee without cream or sugar is called _black____ coffee.9. To any black, the old term “_nigger____” by which he is addressed is considered a great insult.10. Because of the existence of the nucleus family some of the old men and women suffered greatly from __loneliness___.11. In the 1960’s the “_new____ _morality____” appeared among young people,such as living together before marriage.12. _Coffee____ is the most popular American drink.13. The most typical and true national holiday in the US is _Thanksgiving____ _Day____.14. Americans have great admiration for the _self-made____ man.15. American children suffer most for their parents’ _divorce____.16. The American’s favourite meat is steak_____.17. The peculiarity of American history made the American spirit of _do-it-yourself____ come into being. This spirit is reflected in many aspects of American life.18. The fact that many citizens take drugs – heroin makes _New____ York_____ the “City of Heroin”.III. Explain the Following Terms1. Thanksgiving Day2. Halloween3. do-it-yourself4. City of HeroinIV. Answer the Following Questions1. What day in the US is the birthday of the nation?2. Who was Martin Luther King?3. What is the meaning of the saying “trick or treat”?4. What does Easter Sunday celebrate?5. What is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the US?Part V Political SystemI. Multiple Choice1. The Judicial Branch is headed by _____.A. the Supreme CourtB. CongressC. President2. The general election in America is held every _____ years.A. 5B. 4C. 6D. 33. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is _____.A. donkeyB. elephantC. eagle4. _____ has the sole right to interpret the Constitution.A. The CabinetB. The Supreme CourtC. PresidentD. Congress5. The symbol of the US Republic Party is _____.A. tigerB. elephantx6. The political system of the US is based on the following except _____.A. federalismB. the constitutional monarchyC. the separation of powersD. respect for the constitutionE. the rule of law7. The US Federal Government is composed of the following except _____.A. the legislativeB. the standing committeeC. the judicialD. the executive8. The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _____.A. the size of the areaB. the size of the populationC. the traditionD. the wealth9. The Democratic Party of America was founded in _____.A. 1845B. 1828C. 178710. There are _____ departments in American Government.A. 13B. 14C. 1511. The law-making or the legislative body in the government is _____.A. the Supreme CourtB. the CongressC. the CabinetD. the president’s committee12. All states in America have the legislative branch of two houses except the state _____.A. NebraskaB. NevadaC. Oregon13. In each state there are about _____ counties on average.A. 30B. 50C. 6014. The members in the Senate must be at least _____ years old and those in the Representative _____ years old.A. 40, 30B. 30, 26C. 30, 2515. The tenure of office of federal judges is _____ years long.A. 8B. for lifeC. 516. The Democratic and the Republican Parties gradually lost their differences after _____.A. 1865B. 1860C. 187017. There are _____ presidential electors for all the states.A. 535B. 100C. 538D. 43518. The Federal Government and the states governments are supposed to _____ each other.A. guideB. controlC. keep independence from19. If the president wants to put a treaty into effect, he has to get the approval by two thirds of the _____.A. SenateB. CabinetC. CongressII. Fill in the Blanks1. Only the ___Supreme Court___ has the right to interpret the constitution.2. There are _435____ voting members in the House of Representatives.3. Each of the fifty states of US elects __2___ senators.4. There are __9___ judges in the Supreme Court of America.5. The first ten amendments added to the constitution in 1791 was called the ____Bill of Rights_ _____ _____.6. The Federal Constitution consists of __7_____ articles and ___26__ amendments.7. The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the government and this is called the “System of __Checks___ and _Balances____”.8. The __ Constitution____ determines the government and divides the power of the government into three branches.9. The official presidential residence is the ___White__ ___House__.10. ___ Impeachment____ is the only way in which the president can legally beremoved from office.11. In 1974 President ___Nixon____ was impeached and he resigned his office before a trial could take place.12. The parties in the US choose all their candidates for election, except for president, as “____primary election_____”.13. In American history ___4__ presidents have been assassinated.14. The president who was first assassinated in 1865 was _Abraham___ Lincoln_____ _____.15. The American Congress is made up of two houses: the _Senate____ and the House of _Congress____.16. In the US the chief function of _Anti____ is to make laws.17. The Democratic Party grew out of the _Federalism____.18. There are __12___ persons in the Jury.19. There are __100___ members in the Senate.20. The head of he House of Representatives is called the __Speaker___.21. According to the Constitution_____, the president should be a citizen born in the US territory.22. The two main parties are the Democratic and the _Republican____ III. Explain the Following Terms1. FBI2. The President-electIV. Answer the Following Questions1. What is the role of the US congress? What is the criticism of the Congress in the American Press?2. What are the main features of the State government?。

第6章美国的电影6.1 复习笔记I. HollywoodII. The Hollywood Walk of FameIII. Beverly HillsIV. “Oscar”and Academy AwardsV. “Golden Globe Awards”and “The HFPA”VI. Some of the Well-known Directors and Film Stars1. Marilyn Monroe2. Elizabeth T aylor3. Julia Roberts4. Steven SpielbergI. Hollywood (好莱坞)1. In 1886, H. H. Wilcox bought an area and his wife then christened it “Hollywood.”1886年,威尔克斯特买了一块地,他的妻子命名为“好莱坞”。
2. In 1911, the Nestor Company opened Hollywood’s first film studio.1911年,内斯特公司创建了好莱坞第一个电影制片厂。
3. In 1985, the Hollywood Boulevard commercial and entertainment district was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places.1985年,好莱坞星光大道正式列为国家历史名胜。
4. Many best known American films have been produced in Hollywood: Gone with the Wind (1940), The Sound of Music (1966), The Godfather (1974), etc.很多著名的美国电影都是好莱坞制作的,包括《飘》(1940),《音乐之声》(1966)和《教父》(1974)等等。

第3章经济3.1 复习笔记I. The Characteristics of the British EconomyII. IndustryIII. AgricultureIV. Trade and Finance1. Trade2. FinanceI. The Characteristics of the British Economy(英国国家经济的特点)1. Britain is one of the world’s most advanced manufacturing and trading nations.2. British agriculture does not produce enough food to meet the country’s basic needs.3. British industry is operated by many different types of firms.4. The British labor force is remarkably homogeneous.1. 英国是世界上最发达的制造业和贸易国家。
2. 英国的农业满足不了国家的基本需求。
3. 英国的工业由很多不同类型的公司操纵。
4. 英国的劳动力是同质的。
II. Industry(工业)1. Most of the industries were concentrated in specialized industrial areas: cotton in eastern Lancashire; wool in the West Riding of Yorkshire; linen in Northern Ireland: ship building on the Clyde, the northeast coast, and Northern Ireland; and iron and steel and chemicals in the north, the Midlands, and South Wales.2. Machine industries were more widely distributed. The specialized manufacturing regions were also the chief coal-mining districts.1. 英国工业较为集中在一些特殊地区:兰开郡东部的棉花区,约克郡西莱丁的羊毛区,北爱尔兰的亚麻区,克莱德河上、东北海岸和北爱尔兰的造船区、英国北部、中部和威尔士南部的钢铁和化学区。

第3章封建制度的衰落3.1 复习笔记I. The First Half of the Hundred Years’ WarII. The Economic Changes and Wat Tyler’s Rising1. The Economic Changes2. Wat Tyler’s RisingIII. The Second Half of the Hundred Years’ WarIV. The Wars of the RosesI. The First Half of the Hundred Years’ War (百年战争的前期)1. T he Hundred Years’ War began in 1337 and ended in 1453. It was a series of wars, with victory now on one side, now on the other.2. T he first half of the Hundred Years’ War saw English loss. Later, black death killed one third of the English people and halted the war.1. 百年战争开始于1337年,结束于1453年。
2. 百年战争的前期,英国处于劣势。
II. The Economic Changes and Wat Tyler’s Rising (经济形势的变化和瓦特·泰勒的起义)1. The Economic Changes (经济形势的变化)(1) Feudalism in England began to decline in the nearly 14th.(2) The vigorous economic progress of the 13th-century petered out early in the 14th century. A natural economy gradually gave way to a money economy.(3) The shortage of labor caused by the Black Death gave a chance for agricultural laborers in villages.(1) 14世纪早期,英国的封建制度开始衰落。

第2章饮食与就餐习惯2.1 复习笔记I. Food and DrinksII. Restaurants and BarsIII. Dining HabitsIV. Dining CustomsI. Food and Drinks (食物和饮料)1. Food (食物)(1) Americans eat meat well-done, rare or medium.(2) Large numbers of immigrants have brought their special ways of cooking to America for years.(3) The main course for the American meals is usually meat, fish or poultry.(4) Ice cream and apple pie can be found anywhere in the United States. Hot dogs and hamburgers are greatly enjoyed by all American children.(1) 美国人吃肉可分全熟、半熟和半生熟。
(2) 大量移民把他们独特的烹饪方式带到美国。
(3) 美国饭的主食通常是肉、鱼或家禽。
(4) 冰淇淋和苹果派在美国随处可见。
2. Drinks (饮料)(1) Coffee and tea are two of the most popular hot drinks.(2) In the United States many people prefer to drink their coffee “black”without cream or sugar.(3) Sometimes “coffee break”is taken among the workers in the middle of the morning or afternoon.(4) There are some other drinks in America which are also popular, such as milk and milk drinks called milkshakes, and fruit juices etc.(1) 咖啡和茶是最受欢迎的热饮料。
《张奎武 英美概况 第4版 笔记和课后习题详解》读书笔记思维导图

笔记 社会
张奎武 政治制度
学习 习惯
பைடு நூலகம்
01 上册(英国)
02 下册(美国、加拿大、 澳大利亚、新西兰)
《英美概况》(张奎武主编,吉林科学技术出版社)一直被用作高等院校英语专业英美概况教材,被许多院 校指定为英语专业考研必读书和学术研究参考书。作为该教材的学习辅导书,全书完全遵循该教材的章目编排, 分为上下册。上册讲英国,下册讲美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰。其中英国和美国分为地理、历史、文化、 社会生活、政治制度等5部分,每部分又按章划分,每章由两节组成:第一节为复习笔记(中英文对照),总结 本章的重点难点;第二节是课后习题详解,提供了教材中每章习题的详细答案。本书具有以下几个方面的特点: 1.梳理章节脉络,浓缩内容精华。每章的复习笔记以该教材为主并结合其他教材对本章的重难点知识进行了整 理,并参考了国内名校名师讲授该教材的课堂笔记,因此,本书的内容几乎浓缩了经典教材的知识精华。2.中 英双语对照,凸显难点要点。本书章节笔记采用了中英文对照的形式,强化对重要难点知识的理解和运用。 3.解析课后习题,提供详尽答案。本书对张奎武主编的《英美概况》(第四版)每章的课后题均进行了详细的 分析和解答,并对相关重要知识点进行了延伸和归纳。
第一部分 英 1
第二部分 英 2
3 第三部分 英

第10章两次世界大战中的英国10.1 复习笔记I. Crisis Before the First World WarII. Britain in the First World WarIII. Aftermath of the WarIV. Depression and AppeasementV. Britain in the Second WorldI. Crisis Before the First World War (一战前的危机)1. The Liberals were returned to power in December 1905.2. The English working-class movement reached new heights with a wave of strikes between 1911 and 1914.3. The old capitalist countries, such as Britain, France, Spain and Portugal, gradually lagged behind.4. The First World War was an imperialist war.1. 1905年11月,工党重新掌权。
2. 1911—1914年,英国的工人运动达到了新的高潮。
3. 老牌资本主义国家英国,法国,西班牙和葡萄牙逐渐落后。
4. 第一次世界大战是帝国主义的战争。
II. Britain in the First World War (一战时的英国)1. England participated in the First World War with national efforts. Millions of soldiers were dead and English people suffered a lot. Although England won the war, the powerful empire was gone.2. The Germans signed an armistice, which came into force on November 11, 1918.1. 英国倾其国力参加一战,士兵伤亡渗重,人民倍受苦难。
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题( 家 庭)【圣才出品】

第1章家庭1.1 复习笔记I. MarriageII. Changing Values and Norms of the British FamilyIII. HousingIV. MealsV. ClothesVI. HouseworkVII. ChildrenI. Marriage (婚姻)1. No child can marry below the age of sixteen. Between sixteen and eighteen the parents’ consent is necessary. But over the age of eighteen the parents’ consent is unnecessary.2. Nowadays it is quite normal for a girl of 16 to go out with a boyfriend.3. For the wedding, many British couples go to church to have the ceremony, no matter whether they are religious or not.4. A British marriage means the beginning of the third family quite distinct from the previous two.1. 16岁以下的孩子不可以结婚。
2. 现在,16岁的女孩约会男孩,很普遍。
3. 很多英国夫妇结婚会去教堂举办仪式,不管他们是否信教。
4. 英国婚姻意味着第三家庭的形成,和之前的家庭有很大的不同。
II. Changing Values and Norms of the British Family (英国家庭变化的价值观和标准) 1. Today people’s views on marriage are changing. Many couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together without getting married. About 40% of children in Britain are born to unmarried parents.2. People are generally getting married at a later age now and many women do not want to have children immediately.1. 现在,英国人的婚姻观正在改变。

第三部分英国文化Ⅰ. Multiple Choices.1. In Britain, the great majority of parents send their children to _____.A. private schoolsB. independent schoolsC. state schoolsD. public schools【答案】C【解析】在英国,公立学校是免费的,93%的学生选择公立学校就读。
2. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 _____.A. can legally receive partly free education.B. can legally receive completely free education.C. cannot receive free education at all.D. cannot receive free education if their parents are rich.【答案】B【解析】英国的现行教育体制中,凡是5到16岁的儿童都有进入学校接受教育的义务,所有的公立学校都是免费的。
3. If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examinationcalled _____.A. General Certificate of Education - Advanced.B. General Certificate of Secondary Education.C. the common entrance examination.D. General National Vocational Qualifications.【答案】A【解析】高级水平测试结业证书GCEA(General Certificate of Education-Advanced)又称A-level exams,中学毕业证书考试结束后,希望继续接受大学教育的学生会进入第六年的中学学习,然后再两年后参加A-level考试。

阐述美国经济制度的基础,如市 场经济、私有制等,以及产业结 构的现状与特点。
探讨美国当前面临的社会问题, 如种族不平等、贫困、犯罪等, 以及政府和社会如何应对这些挑 战。
回答关于美国历史、文化、社会等方面的 简答题,如“简述美国独立战争的背景和 结果”、“分析个人主义在美国文化中的 地位和影响”等。
阐述美国多元文化的特点,以及不同民族在美国社会中的融合过 程。
探讨实用主义哲学对美国文化的影响,以及创新精神在美国科技、 经济等领域中的体现。
分析美国政治体制的特点,包括 总统制、三权分立等,以及权力 结构中的利益集团、政党等因素。
英美在国际事务中的影响力 分析英美在国际组织、全球治理等方面的作用和影响力。
英美外交政策的异同点 比较英美在外交政策制定和实施上的相似性和差异性。
解释英国君主立宪制的基本原则和特 点。
分析美国总统制与英国君主立宪制的 异同点。
过去几十年来,英美两国在文化领域的 交流活动不断增多。例如,英国皇家莎 士比亚剧团和美国百老汇的戏剧合作、 英国国家美术馆和美国大都会艺术博物 馆的艺术交流等。这些活动为两国人民 提供了更多了解和欣赏对方文化的机会。
随着全球化的深入发展,英美两国之间 的文化交流将继续加强。未来,两国可 以在数字创意产业、影视制作、艺术教 育等领域开展更多合作,共同推动世界 文化的繁荣和发展。

第4章政党和选举4.1 复习笔记I. Parties and the two-party system1. The development of two-party system2. The Conservative Party3. The Labour Party4. The Social Democratic Party5. The Liberal Party6. The Communist PartyII. ElectionI. Parties and the two-party system (政党及两党制度)1. The development of two-party system (两党制的发展)(1) The division into two parties grew out of the establishment of a Protestant Church of England in the 16th century.(2)The non-Puritan Anglicans were on the side of the King and Church, which were later called “Tories”, the Puritans were for Parliament and trade, which later refers to “Whigs”. In the 17th century the two-party system began.(3) The Tories did not appear on the political scene until 1760. The Tories andthe Whigs were alternately in power for a long time.(4) In 1860s the Whigs became Liberals. From that time the Liberals and the Conservatives were alternately in office until 1922.(5) The Labour Party was formed by the trade unions, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900.(6) After 1922 the Labour Party gradually replaced the Liberal Party to become one of the two major parties in Great Britain. Now the two parties(Conservative and Labour) are regularly in power by turns.(1) 两党制的发展始于16世纪的新教国教的建立。

张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题(家庭)【圣才出品】第1章家庭1.1 复习笔记I. ImmigrantsII. Nucleus familyIII. Marriage and dateIV. IndependenceV. Situation of senior citizensVI. The position of womenVII. Difference between black and whiteI. Immigrants (移民)1. America has the most immigrants in the world. Of the population of 300 million, more than 16 percent were born in other countries or are the children of at least one foreign born parent.美国有世界上最多的移民。
2. They have different social customs and personal habits.他们有不同的社会风俗和个⼈习惯。
II. Nucleus family (核⼼家庭)In America, a family is usually composed of a father, mother and two children. The family usually lives independently without elders and relatives.在美国,⼀个家庭通常由⽗母和两个孩⼦组成。
III. Marriage and date (婚姻与约会)1. Young people have their own right to deal with their marriages and are independent of their parents.年轻⼈有权决定婚姻,⽗母不⼲涉。

第4章处世态度4.1 复习笔记I. American Social RelationsII. The American Spirit of “Do-It-Yourself”III. A Popular American BeliefI. American Social Relations (美国社会关系)1. America is characterized by much more informality and less social distinction than many other countries.2. Americans care a great deal about equality and they generally do not like to be considered inferior.3. Americans will be pleased when their accomplishments are talked about, but they seem to be accustomed to showing certain modesty in answer to them.4. Social conventions in America are becoming fewer and fewer nowadays. But still America is a country with certain customs that show consciousness of social distinction.5. Clothing in America reflects, to a certain degree, a person’s social position and income, and especially attitudes of the young people towards the society and towards themselves.6. Customs by which a man shows respect for a woman are still popular in America.7. The frankness of admitting certain weaknesses is another characteristic of the American people.1. 美国以不拘礼节,比其他国家较少的社会差异著称。
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题( 体育运动与娱乐)【圣才出品】

第3章体育运动与娱乐3.1 复习笔记I. Sports1. Baseball2. Football3. Ice hockey4. Motor sports5. Other spectator sportsII. Recreation1. Fishing2. Hunting3. Boating4. Swimming5. Skiing6. Tennis7. Golf8. Bowling9. The Olympics10. Other leisure pursuitsI. Sports (体育)The United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of form.美国是个热爱体育的国家。
1. Baseball (棒球)(1) Since the mid-19th century, when baseball was first played as an organized sport, its audiences have grown rapidly.(2) In 1967, when the two major professional leagues—American League and the National League, played baseball, more than 24 million people went to watch the game.(1) 19世纪中期,棒球第一次作为有组织的体育运动出现,观看比赛的观众迅速增长。
(2) 1967年,两个主要的职业联赛—美国联盟和美国棒球联盟吸引了两千四百多万观众观看比赛。
2. Football (足球)(1) Football is most popular in autumn. It is played by almost every college and university in the country.(2) NBA (the National Basketball Association) is the most famous league in America.(3) The NBA comes to its most magnificent period with its brightest star, Michael Jordan who led the Chicago Bulls in winning consecutively three NBAchampions in 1991—1993.(1) 足球在秋天最为流行。
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题 美国(二战前和二战中的美国)【圣才出品】

第6章二战前和二战中的美国6.1 复习笔记I. The False Prosperity in the 1920’sII. The Great Depression of 1929—1933III. Roosevelt’s “New Deal”IV. The Second World War1. The Causes of the War2. Progress of the War3. The Consequences of the War4. The Important Role of America and Roosevelt in the War5. The Founding of the United Nations6. The Communist Party of the U.S. AI. The False Prosperity in the 1920’s (20世纪20年代的虚假繁荣)A temporary peace rose in the 1920’s, and along with it there appeared from 1922 to 1929, an economic prosperity in the U.S. The wealth of the country in 1930 increased fourfold as that in 1900.All this gave a false impression of prosperity.20世纪20年代出现了短暂的和平时期,从1922至1929年,美国经济蓬勃发展。
II. The Great Depression of 1929—1933 (1929年—1933年大萧条)1. In November, 1929, there swept a “Great Crash”. The New York Stock Market failed. Many banks simply closed down.1929年11月,“大崩盘”席卷美国。
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第7章美国文学7.1 复习笔记I. A General IntroductionII. FictionIII. PoetryIV. DramaI. A General Introduction (简要介绍)1. The history of American literature is comparatively short, roughly about 200 years.美国文学的历史很短,大约200年。
2. Many famous writers have earned great fame in the world, such as Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, and Ernest Hemingway.很多著名作家已赫然立于世界文坛之上。
II. Fiction (小说)1. America did not have its fiction until Washington Irving.美国的小说从华盛顿·欧文开始。
2. American contemporary literature has continued to undergo healthy development in producing new forms and new language.美国的现代文学继续健康发展,不断涌现出新的形式和新的语言。
3. In 1990s, American literature takes much newer directions and varieties in quality.20世纪90年代,美国文学呈现出很多新的趋势和种类。
4. There appeared some famous fiction writers in American literature.美国文学史上出现了很多著名的小说家。
(1) Washington Irving (1783—1859) (华盛顿·欧文)①Regarded as the “father of American literature”, Washington Irving was the first American to achieve international literary reputation.②His most famous story “Rip Van Winkle”helps Irving earn great fame in the literary world.①华盛顿·欧文是第一个在国际上享有盛誉的美国作家,被称为“美国文学之父”。
(2) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804—1864) (纳撒尼尔·霍桑)①Hawthorne is a famous American writer in romantic fiction and a pioneer in psychological description.②His most famous novel is The Scarlet Letter.①霍桑是美国浪漫主义小说的著名作家,也是心理描写方面的先驱。
(3) Mark Twain(1835—1910) (马克·吐温)①Mark Twain is an outstanding realistic writer in the history of American literature.②The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered his masterpiece.③Mark Twain is a humorist and he made a great contribution to connecting American folk humor and serious literature.①马克·吐温是美国文学史上杰出的现实主义作家。
(4)Theodore Dreiser(1871—1945) (西奥多·德莱赛)①His earliest novels include Sister Carrie(1910).②The American Tragedy is his masterpiece.①他的早期小说有《嘉莉妹妹》(1910)。
(5)Ernest Hemingway( 1899—1961) (欧内斯特·海明威)①Among the Nobel Prize winners in literature, Hemingway is the most influential both in America and in Europe.②He wrote The Sun Also Rises, Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea which earned him a Nobel Prize.①在诺贝尔文学奖获得者中,海明威是在美国和欧洲最具有影响力的作家。
III. Poetry (诗歌)1. Walt Whitman started the real American poetry. Whitman influenced a number of poets, domestic and abroad, such as Hopkins, Yeats, Eliot, Frost and Pound.沃尔特·惠特曼开始了真正的美国诗歌。
2. During the post-war period, American poetry varied greatly and flourished. Many societies of poetry were established, such as the Beat poets, New York poets, Natural Mysticisms, and black poets.战后,美国诗歌发展多样化。
3. There appeared some famous poets in American literature.美国文学史上出现了一些著名的诗人。
(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807—1882) (亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗)①Henry Wadsworth Longfellow introduced European culture to Americans, and in turn spread American folklore in Europe.②American readers liked his lyrical style and subjects as home, family, nature and religion. He was the most popular poet in the late 19th century America.①亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗把欧洲文学介绍到美国,同时也把美国的民间文学传播到欧洲。
(2) Walt Whitman (1819—1892) (沃尔特·惠特曼)①Whitman is remembered for his poems The Leaves of Grass.②Whitman was one of the great innovators in American literature. He devised free verse, which is a new beginning of American poetry.①惠特曼的代表作是《草叶集》。
(3) Robert Frost (1874—1963) (罗伯特·弗罗斯特)①His famous poems are Mending Wall, The Road Not Taken, etc., and his collection of poems A Boy’s Will.②Frost’s verse became part of a great tradition and he has had a great influence on young poets of several generations.①他的著名诗作有《修墙》,《未选择的路》,他的诗歌集有《一个男孩的意志》。
IV. Drama (戏剧)1. In 1906 there opened the New Theatre in Chicago which marked a welcome to encourage experimental drama.1906年,新剧院在芝加哥成立,标志着鼓励实验性戏剧的开始。
2. After World War I, the plays by O’Neill reflected the upsurge of the American theatres and O’Neill became America’s foremost playwright.一战后,奥尼尔的戏剧反映了美国剧院的高潮,奥尼尔成为美国最重要的戏剧家。
3. There appeared some famous playwrights in American literature.美国文学史上出现了一些著名的戏剧家。