最后的莫西干人 电影与小说的对比
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北美殖民地的发展史,实质上就是这样一 部印第安人的血泪史。
Cora (Madeleine Stowe) and her younger sister, Alice (Jodhi May), both recent arrivals to the colonies, are being escorted to their father, Colonel Munro (Maurice Roeves), by a troop of British soldiers. Along the way they are ambushed by a Huron war party led by Magua (Wes Studi), a sinister warrior with a blood vendetta against Munro. Munro's soldiers are wiped out and Cora herself is nearly killed by Magua but is saved at the last moment by Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), a white trapper raised by the Mohican tribe. Hawkeye promises to take Cora and her sister safely to their father, and along the way Cora and the intense Hawkeye fall in love. Together they must survive wilderness, war, and the relentless pursuit of Magua.
He is best remembered as a novelist who wrote numerous sea-stories and the historical novels known as the Leather stocking Tales. Among naval historians his works on early U.S. naval history have been widely received but were sometimes criticized by Cooper's contemporaries. Among his most famous works is the Romantic novel The Last of the Mohicans, often regarded as his masterpiece.
Ⅱ鹰 眼的超人形象
在小说和电影中鹰眼都是 超人的形象每 当众人走 投 无路 的时 刻,他 总 能 及时现身,救人于危难。 不过,影片中的鹰眼形象 更为完美无缺。比如,鹰 眼在小说中曾经在传递情 报时被 敌人捕捉另外,鹰 眼也有凶残的一面,比如 他会用刀刺人已经死亡的 敌人心脏。这些细节虽 然真实可信,但是有损英 雄的“光 辉” 。因此, 编导 在影片 中把 这 些 彻 底删除了。鹰 眼的形 象顿时完美可爱许多。
Uncas, who was at his birth "last of the Mohicans",grew to manhood but was killed in a battle with the Huron warrior Magua. Chingachgook died as an old man in the novel The Pioneers, which makes him the actual "last of the Mohicans," having outlived his son.
Differences between novel and movie
语言艺术 用文学叙述一个故事是通过语言 富有哲学意义的语言哲学更能体现文学作品的深刻内涵 语言的抽象意义也为读者提供了一个广阔的想象空间
造型艺术 电影叙述故事则是通过摄像头 直接的方式把生动的数码效果和特殊的视觉冲击力带给观众 电影的娱乐效果和刺激性效果比文学作品更容易接受。
• Father: Chingachgook
•Son: Uncas
• He is the adoptive father of hawkeye (Natty Bumpoo) • In the novel we can know he become the last Mohican after death of his son (Uncas) • Personality characters: Brave, believe men in different racial can be equally treated.
小说以威廉〃亨利堡司令孟罗上校的两 个女儿科拉和艾丽斯,前往堡垒探望父亲 途中被劫持的经历为主线,展开了在原始 森林中追踪、伏击、战斗等一系列惊险情 节的描写。主人公纳蒂〃邦波,此时已做 了英军的侦察员,并已获得“鹰眼”的绰 号,他和他的老友莫希干族酋长“大蟒蛇” 钦加哥,以及钦加哥的儿子“快腿鹿”恩 卡斯挺身而出,为了救出姐妹俩,和劫持 者展开了一场惊心动魄的斗争,最后以一 场大厮杀而告终。
----Natty Bumppo/ Hawkeye( 鹰眼)
鹰眼,即电影中的(Hawkeye),是库拍的“皮裹腿” 五部小说中的主人翁。作者给他“鹰 眼”的绰号, 是因为他的神射技巧。鹰眼出生白人家庭,由于被 莫希干人收养,接受了印第安人的教育,属于文化层 面的“混血”。他的性格正如他的名字那样:忠 贞和勇敢,聪明和果断。
He attended Yale University for three years Before embarking on his career as a writer he served in the U.S. Navy as a Midshipman which greatly influenced many of his novels and other writings.
鹰眼追求的梦想是能够让天下众 人情同手足,不分 肤色、种族、宗教,人人能够施展才华,享受自然的 生活。他与莫希干人父子结下了深厚的跨种族的友 谊。库泊创作的跨种族的友谊,实际上演变成 十九 世纪美国文学的传统。鹰眼虽然珍 惜跨种族的友谊, 但是他对于跨越 种族的男女爱情却态度暖昧
[1789.9.15 –1851.9.14 ]
a prolific and popular American writer of the early 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature.
作品反映了英法殖民主义者是一切罪恶的根 源。他们为掠夺这片印第安人土地而发动了战 争,他们共同对印第安人实行诈骗、暴虐乃至 骇人听闻的种族灭绝政策。
他们用高价收购印第安人的头皮,用“火水” 和《圣经》麻醉印第安人的斗志,用欺骗和胁 迫要印第安人充当炮灰,恶毒地挑拨印第安各 部落互相残杀,使之同归于尽。 钦加哥原为莫希干族的大酋长,他的部落就 是在白人殖民者的枪炮和奸计下惨遭覆灭的。 他曾向老友邦波伤心地诉说道:
Differences between novel and movie
1.真实的历史背景为基本元素 2.柔和了大量的虚构事件 3.塑造了众多的人物形象 4.主题分别涉及了宗教、家庭、人与自然、跨种族的 友情、爱情等。
1.基本主题为爱情 2.影片的命题立意上有了创新--采用了简化与强化的策略 3.历史背景的差异----满足现代观众的观赏心理 [修改了小说的情节、突出了爱情主题] 4.削弱了Cooper对殖民者对于印第安人罪行的谴责。
Ⅱ. Historical Background
A Narrative of 1757 is a historical novel
The second book of the Leatherstocking Tales pentalogy,The Pathfinder is its sequel. The story is set during the French and England War (the Seven Years' War), when France and Great Britain battled for control of North America. During this war, the French depended on its Native American allies to help fight the more numerous British colonists in the Northeast frontier areas.
Leabharlann Baidu
小说中的鹰眼不赞成跨种族的 男女爱情,认为这种爱情注定要 失败。我们知道鹰眼在这一 点 上成了库泊的传声筒。因为库 泊在其长篇小说中就安排了跨 种族相恋的情人双双灭亡 的结 局。库拍认为他们跨种族相 恋,“理应受罚” ,这流 露出 作者的时代局限性。在当时的 美洲白人社会,反对跨种族的爱 情的观点普遍存在。但是,影片 中的鹰眼不再反对跨种族的 情 爱,事实上,他还“以身作 则”, 带头与混血姑娘柯拉热恋,他反 对跨种族爱情的落后面貌顿时 烟消云散。这当然是电影编导 的功劳,因为他们知道影片中鹰 眼的形象更加符合现代观众的 观赏品位。
Chinkagoo was a fictional character in four of James Fenimore Cooper's five Leatherstocking Tales, including The Last of the Mohicans. Chingachgook was a lone Mohican chief and companion of the series' hero, Natty Bumppo. In The Deerslayer, Chingachgook married Wah-taWah, who bore him a son named Uncas, but died while she was still young.
Differences between novel and movie
“在同钦加哥(Chinkagoo)不朽的友谊中,纳 蒂.班波(Hawkeye)梦想着一个新的社会的开 始....这完完全全是两个男人之间的感情,它超越 了性别、财产、父子情,超越了婚姻和爱情。” ----劳伦斯 小说的精神基础是坚固的友谊 [充满了令人颤栗的进攻、抓捕、逃跑和营救等场面描写] [无坚不摧的友谊主线:Hawkeye和Chinkagoo的友谊 Hawkeye、Cora、Ducan Heywood、Uncas之间的友谊] 电影版本中则强调爱情 Hawkeye与Cora之间的爱情取代了友谊成为了整部作品的灵魂。
“英国人来到这儿之前……我们的部落团结 一致,我们生活得很幸福。盐湖给我们鲜 鱼,森林给我们麋鹿,天空给我们飞鸟, 我们娶了老婆,而老婆又给我们生了孩 子……那些荷兰人登陆后,把火水给了我 的人民,一直到让他们喝得天地也分不 清……后来他们就被迫离开了自己的土地, 一步步被赶离了可爱的河岸,最后落到了 这样的地步:我作为一个首领和大酋长,也 只能从树缝里见到阳光,而一直不能去看 一下自己的祖坟!”
鹰眼的形象最早源自美洲边疆 地区流行的有关布恩的民间传 说。库柏以浪漫主义的手法,广 泛应用富含美洲特色的象征,把 鹰眼的形象塑造成新生的美国 人。鹰眼与“外来的”英国人、 法国人不同,他对美洲的原始荒 野有着极好的“适应性”,因此 他非常强壮.鹰眼与本土的休伦 族人也不同,他身上既有印第安 人对土地的热爱之情,也有自夸 白人文化的欲望。他是一种新 生的“美国人”,库柏的这一神 话流传了近两个世纪 。
Cora (Madeleine Stowe) and her younger sister, Alice (Jodhi May), both recent arrivals to the colonies, are being escorted to their father, Colonel Munro (Maurice Roeves), by a troop of British soldiers. Along the way they are ambushed by a Huron war party led by Magua (Wes Studi), a sinister warrior with a blood vendetta against Munro. Munro's soldiers are wiped out and Cora herself is nearly killed by Magua but is saved at the last moment by Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), a white trapper raised by the Mohican tribe. Hawkeye promises to take Cora and her sister safely to their father, and along the way Cora and the intense Hawkeye fall in love. Together they must survive wilderness, war, and the relentless pursuit of Magua.
He is best remembered as a novelist who wrote numerous sea-stories and the historical novels known as the Leather stocking Tales. Among naval historians his works on early U.S. naval history have been widely received but were sometimes criticized by Cooper's contemporaries. Among his most famous works is the Romantic novel The Last of the Mohicans, often regarded as his masterpiece.
Ⅱ鹰 眼的超人形象
在小说和电影中鹰眼都是 超人的形象每 当众人走 投 无路 的时 刻,他 总 能 及时现身,救人于危难。 不过,影片中的鹰眼形象 更为完美无缺。比如,鹰 眼在小说中曾经在传递情 报时被 敌人捕捉另外,鹰 眼也有凶残的一面,比如 他会用刀刺人已经死亡的 敌人心脏。这些细节虽 然真实可信,但是有损英 雄的“光 辉” 。因此, 编导 在影片 中把 这 些 彻 底删除了。鹰 眼的形 象顿时完美可爱许多。
Uncas, who was at his birth "last of the Mohicans",grew to manhood but was killed in a battle with the Huron warrior Magua. Chingachgook died as an old man in the novel The Pioneers, which makes him the actual "last of the Mohicans," having outlived his son.
Differences between novel and movie
语言艺术 用文学叙述一个故事是通过语言 富有哲学意义的语言哲学更能体现文学作品的深刻内涵 语言的抽象意义也为读者提供了一个广阔的想象空间
造型艺术 电影叙述故事则是通过摄像头 直接的方式把生动的数码效果和特殊的视觉冲击力带给观众 电影的娱乐效果和刺激性效果比文学作品更容易接受。
• Father: Chingachgook
•Son: Uncas
• He is the adoptive father of hawkeye (Natty Bumpoo) • In the novel we can know he become the last Mohican after death of his son (Uncas) • Personality characters: Brave, believe men in different racial can be equally treated.
小说以威廉〃亨利堡司令孟罗上校的两 个女儿科拉和艾丽斯,前往堡垒探望父亲 途中被劫持的经历为主线,展开了在原始 森林中追踪、伏击、战斗等一系列惊险情 节的描写。主人公纳蒂〃邦波,此时已做 了英军的侦察员,并已获得“鹰眼”的绰 号,他和他的老友莫希干族酋长“大蟒蛇” 钦加哥,以及钦加哥的儿子“快腿鹿”恩 卡斯挺身而出,为了救出姐妹俩,和劫持 者展开了一场惊心动魄的斗争,最后以一 场大厮杀而告终。
----Natty Bumppo/ Hawkeye( 鹰眼)
鹰眼,即电影中的(Hawkeye),是库拍的“皮裹腿” 五部小说中的主人翁。作者给他“鹰 眼”的绰号, 是因为他的神射技巧。鹰眼出生白人家庭,由于被 莫希干人收养,接受了印第安人的教育,属于文化层 面的“混血”。他的性格正如他的名字那样:忠 贞和勇敢,聪明和果断。
He attended Yale University for three years Before embarking on his career as a writer he served in the U.S. Navy as a Midshipman which greatly influenced many of his novels and other writings.
鹰眼追求的梦想是能够让天下众 人情同手足,不分 肤色、种族、宗教,人人能够施展才华,享受自然的 生活。他与莫希干人父子结下了深厚的跨种族的友 谊。库泊创作的跨种族的友谊,实际上演变成 十九 世纪美国文学的传统。鹰眼虽然珍 惜跨种族的友谊, 但是他对于跨越 种族的男女爱情却态度暖昧
[1789.9.15 –1851.9.14 ]
a prolific and popular American writer of the early 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature.
作品反映了英法殖民主义者是一切罪恶的根 源。他们为掠夺这片印第安人土地而发动了战 争,他们共同对印第安人实行诈骗、暴虐乃至 骇人听闻的种族灭绝政策。
他们用高价收购印第安人的头皮,用“火水” 和《圣经》麻醉印第安人的斗志,用欺骗和胁 迫要印第安人充当炮灰,恶毒地挑拨印第安各 部落互相残杀,使之同归于尽。 钦加哥原为莫希干族的大酋长,他的部落就 是在白人殖民者的枪炮和奸计下惨遭覆灭的。 他曾向老友邦波伤心地诉说道:
Differences between novel and movie
1.真实的历史背景为基本元素 2.柔和了大量的虚构事件 3.塑造了众多的人物形象 4.主题分别涉及了宗教、家庭、人与自然、跨种族的 友情、爱情等。
1.基本主题为爱情 2.影片的命题立意上有了创新--采用了简化与强化的策略 3.历史背景的差异----满足现代观众的观赏心理 [修改了小说的情节、突出了爱情主题] 4.削弱了Cooper对殖民者对于印第安人罪行的谴责。
Ⅱ. Historical Background
A Narrative of 1757 is a historical novel
The second book of the Leatherstocking Tales pentalogy,The Pathfinder is its sequel. The story is set during the French and England War (the Seven Years' War), when France and Great Britain battled for control of North America. During this war, the French depended on its Native American allies to help fight the more numerous British colonists in the Northeast frontier areas.
Leabharlann Baidu
小说中的鹰眼不赞成跨种族的 男女爱情,认为这种爱情注定要 失败。我们知道鹰眼在这一 点 上成了库泊的传声筒。因为库 泊在其长篇小说中就安排了跨 种族相恋的情人双双灭亡 的结 局。库拍认为他们跨种族相 恋,“理应受罚” ,这流 露出 作者的时代局限性。在当时的 美洲白人社会,反对跨种族的爱 情的观点普遍存在。但是,影片 中的鹰眼不再反对跨种族的 情 爱,事实上,他还“以身作 则”, 带头与混血姑娘柯拉热恋,他反 对跨种族爱情的落后面貌顿时 烟消云散。这当然是电影编导 的功劳,因为他们知道影片中鹰 眼的形象更加符合现代观众的 观赏品位。
Chinkagoo was a fictional character in four of James Fenimore Cooper's five Leatherstocking Tales, including The Last of the Mohicans. Chingachgook was a lone Mohican chief and companion of the series' hero, Natty Bumppo. In The Deerslayer, Chingachgook married Wah-taWah, who bore him a son named Uncas, but died while she was still young.
Differences between novel and movie
“在同钦加哥(Chinkagoo)不朽的友谊中,纳 蒂.班波(Hawkeye)梦想着一个新的社会的开 始....这完完全全是两个男人之间的感情,它超越 了性别、财产、父子情,超越了婚姻和爱情。” ----劳伦斯 小说的精神基础是坚固的友谊 [充满了令人颤栗的进攻、抓捕、逃跑和营救等场面描写] [无坚不摧的友谊主线:Hawkeye和Chinkagoo的友谊 Hawkeye、Cora、Ducan Heywood、Uncas之间的友谊] 电影版本中则强调爱情 Hawkeye与Cora之间的爱情取代了友谊成为了整部作品的灵魂。
“英国人来到这儿之前……我们的部落团结 一致,我们生活得很幸福。盐湖给我们鲜 鱼,森林给我们麋鹿,天空给我们飞鸟, 我们娶了老婆,而老婆又给我们生了孩 子……那些荷兰人登陆后,把火水给了我 的人民,一直到让他们喝得天地也分不 清……后来他们就被迫离开了自己的土地, 一步步被赶离了可爱的河岸,最后落到了 这样的地步:我作为一个首领和大酋长,也 只能从树缝里见到阳光,而一直不能去看 一下自己的祖坟!”
鹰眼的形象最早源自美洲边疆 地区流行的有关布恩的民间传 说。库柏以浪漫主义的手法,广 泛应用富含美洲特色的象征,把 鹰眼的形象塑造成新生的美国 人。鹰眼与“外来的”英国人、 法国人不同,他对美洲的原始荒 野有着极好的“适应性”,因此 他非常强壮.鹰眼与本土的休伦 族人也不同,他身上既有印第安 人对土地的热爱之情,也有自夸 白人文化的欲望。他是一种新 生的“美国人”,库柏的这一神 话流传了近两个世纪 。