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开式盐水冷却系统 open brine system
闭式盐水系统 closed brine system
盐水箱 brine bank
盐水混合箱 brine mixing tank
盐水溢流箱 brine return tank
盐水回流箱 brine return tank
盐水膨胀箱 brine balance tank
盐水加热器 brine heater
盐水冷却器 brine cooler
盐水筒 brine drum
盐水集管 brine header
盐水泵 brine pump
盐水喷雾 brine spray
盐水喷淋 brine sparge
蒸汽喷射制冷 steam jet refrigeration
蒸汽喷射制冷机 steam-jet refrigerating machine
蒸发式蒸汽喷射制冷机 evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine
混合式蒸汽喷射制冷机 contact-type steam jet refrigerating machine
蒸汽喷射制冷系统 steam jet refrigerating system
蒸汽喷射器 steam ejector
主喷射器 main ejector
辅助喷射器 auxiliary ejector
喷射系数 jet coefficient
主冷凝器 main condenser
辅助冷凝器 auxiliary condenser
多效蒸发 multieffective evaporation
高位安装 high-level installation
低位安装 low-level installation
高低位安装 high-low-level installation
空气循环制冷 air-cycle refrigeration
空气循环制冷机 air-cycle refrigerating machine
涡轮冷却器 turbine cooler
温降 temperature drops
开式循环 open cycle
闭式循环 closed cycle
除水 water elimination
补气 air supply
回热式空气制冷循环 regenerative air cycle
飞机座舱空调系统 aircraft air-conditioning system
增压式飞机空调系统 "Bootstrap" system
冲压空气 ram air
制冷 refrigeration
蒸发制冷 evaporative refrigeration
沙漠袋 desert bag
制冷机 refrigerating machine
制冷机械 refrigerating machinery
制冷工程 refrigeration engineering
制冷工程承包商 refrigeration contractor
制冷工作者 refrigerationist
制冷工程师 refrigeration engineer
制冷技术员 refrigeration technician
制冷技师 refrigeration technician
制冷技工 refrigeration mechanic
冷藏工人 icer
制冷安装技工 refrigeration installation mechanic
制冷维修技工 refrigeration serviceman
冷藏链 cold chain
制冷与空调维修店 refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop
冷藏 refrigerated prvservation
涡流 swirl
叶片颤振 blade flutter
叶片通过频率 blade passing frequency
喘振 surging
脱流 stall
叶轮反应度(反作用度) impeller reaction
叶轮 impeller
半开式叶轮 unshrouded impeller
闭式叶轮 shrouded impeller
叶片 blade,vane
导流叶片组件 pre-rotary vane assembly
扩压器 diffuser
蜗壳 scroll
滑动 slip
透平压缩机 turbocompressor
离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor
轴流式压缩机 axial flow compressor
刚性轴离心式压缩机 stiff-shaft centrifugal compressor
挠性轴离心式压缩机 flexibleshaft centrifugal compressor
亚音速压缩机 subsonic compressor
超音速压缩机 supersonic compressor
热管 heat pipe
深冷热管 cryogenic heat pipe
低温热管 low temperature heat pipe

中温热管 moderate temperature heat pipe
高温热管 liquid metal heat pipe
管芯 wick
相容性 compatibility
传热极限 heat transport limitation
重力热管 gravity assisted heat pipe
热管换热器 heat pipe exchanger
深冷热管手术器 heat pipe surgery cryoprobe
余热 exhaust heat
低温余热 low temperature exhaust heat
余热制冷 utilizing waste heat for refrigeration
氟利昂透平 freon turbine
氟利昂透平离心式制冷机 centrifugal refrigerating machine driven by freon turbine
动力-制冷循环 power/refrigeration cycle
吸收式制冷机 absorption refrigerating machine
吸收式制冷系统 absorption refrigerating system
间歇式吸收系统 intermittent absoprtion system
连续循环吸收式系统 continuous cycle absorption system
固体吸收式制冷 solid absorption refrigeration
氨-水吸收式制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine
单级氨-水吸收式制冷机 single stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine
多级氨-水吸收式制冷机 multistage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine
双级氨-水吸收式制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage absorption process
双级发生和双级吸收式氨-水制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage generation and absoprtion process
分解 decomposition
水解 hydrolysis
扩散 diffusion
能量增强剂 energy booster
缓蚀剂 anticorrsive
发生不足 incomplete boiling
吸收不足 incomplete absorption
喷淋密度 sprinkle density
溴化锂 lithium bromide
溴化锂水溶液 aqueous solution of lithium bromide
氨水溶液 aqueous solution of ammonia
吸收剂 absorbent,absorbing agent
吸附剂 adsorbent
溶液 solution
浓度 concentration
溶解度 solubility
溶剂 solvent
溶质 solute
浓溶液 rich solution,concentrated solution
稀溶液 weak solution,diluted solution
溶液分压 partial pressure of liquor
吸收 absorption
吸附 adsorption
吸收式制冷 absorption refrigeration
吸附式制冷 adsorption refrigeration
工质对 working substance
热力系数 heat ratio
放气范围 deflation ratio
焓-浓度图 enthalpy concentration chart
溴化锂吸收式制冷机 lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
单效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 single-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
两效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
单筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 one-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
双筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 two-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
三筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 three-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
两级溴化锂吸收式制冷机 two-stage lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机 direct-fired lithiumbormide absorption refrigerating machin

溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组 lithiumbromide absorption water heater chiller
无泵型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine with bubble pump
蒸汽型吸收式制冷机 steam operated absorption refrigerating machine
热水型吸收式制冷机 hot water operated absorption refrigerating machine
发生器 generator
沉浸式发生器 submerged generator
喷淋式发生器 spray-type generator
立式降膜式发生器 vertical falling film generator
直燃式发生器 direct-fired generator
高压发生器 high pressure generator
低压发生器 low pressure generator
吸收器 absorber
喷淋式吸收器 spray absorber
降膜式吸收器 falling film absorber
立式降膜式吸收器 vertical falling film absorber
卧式降膜式吸收器 horizontal falling film absorber
喷淋装置 spray system
溶液换热器 solution heat exchanger
溶晶管 anti-crystallinic pipe
抽气装置 purging system
精馏器 rectifier
屏蔽泵 shield pump
发生器泵 generator pump
吸收器泵 absorber pump
蒸发器泵 evaporator pump
溶液泵 solution pump
氨水泵 aqua-ammonia pump
混合阀 mixing valve

制冷系统 refrigeration system
制冷机 refrigerating machine
机械压缩制冷系统 mechanical compression refrigeration system
蒸气压缩制冷系统 vapour compression refrigeration system
压缩式系统 compression system
压缩机 compressor
制冷压缩机 refrigerating compressor,refrigerant compressor
吸气端 suction end
排气端 discharge end
低压侧 low pressure side
高压侧 high pressure side
蒸发压力 evaporating pressure
吸气压力 suction pressure,back pressure
排气压力 discharge pressure
蒸发温度 evaporating temperature
冷凝压力 condensing pressure
冷凝温度 condensing temperature
吸气温度 suction temperature
回气温度 back temperature
排气温度 discharge temperature
压缩比 compression ratio
双效压缩 dual compression
单级压缩 single-stage compression
双级压缩 compound compression
多级压缩 multistage compression
压缩级 compression stage
低压级 low pressure stage
高压级 high pressure stage
中间压力 intermediate pressure
中间冷却 intercooling
多级膨胀 multistage expansion
湿压缩 wet compression
干压缩 dry compression
制冷系统 refrigerating system
机械制冷系统 mechanical refrigerating system
氟利昂制冷系统 freon refrigerating system
氨制冷系统 ammonia refrigerating system
压缩式制冷系统 compression refrigerating system
单级压缩制冷系统 single-stage compression refrigeration system
双级压缩制冷系统 two-stage compression refrigeration system
多级制冷系统 multistage refrigerating system
复叠式制冷系统 cascade refrigerating system
混合制冷剂复叠系统 mixed refrigerant cascade
集中制冷系统 central refrigerating plant
直接制冷系统 direct refrigeration system

胀供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liqiud direct expansion
重力供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity
液泵供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for evaporator by liquid pump
间接制冷系统 indirect refrigeration system
融霜系统 defrosting system
热气融霜系统 defrosting system by superheated vapour
电热融霜系统 eletrothermal defrosting system
制冷系统故障 breakdown of the refrigerating system
冰堵 freeze-up
冰塞 ice plug
脏堵 filth blockage
油堵 greasy blockage
液击(冲缸、敲缸) slugging
湿行程 wet stroke
镀铜现象 appearance of copper-plating
烧毁 burn-out
倒霜 frost back
制冷机组 refrigerating unit
压缩机组 compressor unit
开启式压缩机组 open type compresssor unit
开启式压缩机 open type compressor
半封闭式压缩机组 semihermetic compressor unit
半封闭式压缩机 semihermetic compressor
全封闭式压缩机组 hermetically sealed compressor unit
全封闭式压缩机 hermetically sealed compressor
压缩冷凝机组 condensing unit
全封闭式压缩冷凝机组 hermetically sealed condensing unit
半封闭式压缩冷凝机组 semihermetically sealed condensing unit
开启式压缩冷凝机组 open type compressor condensing unit
工业用压缩冷凝机组 industrial condensing unit
商业用压缩冷凝机组 commercial condensing unit
整马力压缩冷凝机组 integral horsepower condensing unit
分马力压缩冷凝机组 fractional horsepower condensing unit
跨式制冷机组 straddle refrigerating unit

涡流制冷效应 vortex refrigerating effect
兰克-赫尔胥效应 Ranque-Hilsch effect
涡流管制冷 vortex tube refrigeration
涡流管 vortex tube
兰克管 Ranque tube
膨胀喷嘴 expansion injector
涡流室 vortex device
分离孔板 separation orifice
调节阀 control valve
膨胀压力比 expansion pressure ratio
冷气流分量 cold gas fraction
热气流分量 hot gas fraction
冷却效应 cooling effect
加热效应 heating effect
冷却效率 cooling efficiency磁制冷英语
磁热效应 magnetocaloric effect
磁制冷 magnetic refrigeration
磁制冷机 magnetic refrigerating machine
磁冰箱 magnetic refrigerator

容积式压缩机 positive displacement compressor
往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机) reciprocating compressor
回转式压缩机 rotary compressor
滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor
单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor
滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor
三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor
多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor
滑片 blade
旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor
涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor
涡旋盘 scroll
固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll,fixed scroll
驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll,orbiting scroll

(摇盘式压缩机) swash plate compressor
斜盘 swash plate
摇盘 wobble plate
螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor
单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor
阴转子 female rotor
阳转子 male rotor
主转子 main rotor
闸转子 gate rotor
无油压缩机 oil free compressor
膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor
活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor
单作用压缩机 single acting compressor
双作用压缩机 double acting compressor
双效压缩机 dual effect compressor
双缸压缩机 twin cylinder compressor
闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor
开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor
顺流式压缩机 uniflow compressor
逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor
干活塞式压缩机 dry piston compressor
双级压缩机 compund compressor
多级压缩机 multistage compressor
差动活塞式压缩机 stepped piston compound compressor,differential piston compressor
串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor,dual compressor
截止阀 line valve,stop valve
排气截止阀 discharge line valve
吸气截止阀 suction line valve
部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port
能量调节器 energy regulator
容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve
容量控制器 capacity control
消声器 muffler
联轴节 coupling
曲轴箱 crankcase
曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater
轴封 crankcase seal,shaft seal
填料盒 stuffing box
轴封填料 shaft packing
机械密封 mechanical seal
波纹管密封 bellows seal
转动密封 rotary seal
迷宫密封 labyrinth seal
轴承 bearing
滑动轴承 sleeve bearing
偏心环 eccentric strap
滚珠轴承 ball bearing
滚柱轴承 roller bearing
滚针轴承 needle bearing
止推轴承 thrust bearing
外轴承 pedestal bearing
臼形轴承 footstep bearing
轴承箱 bearing housing
止推盘 thrust collar
偏心销 eccentric pin
曲轴平衡块 crankshaft counterweight,crankshaft balance weight
曲柄轴 crankaxle
偏心轴 eccentric type crankshaft
曲拐轴 crankthrow type crankshaft
连杆 connecting rod
连杆大头 crank pin end
连杆小头 piston pin end
曲轴 crankshaft
主轴颈 main journal
曲柄 crank arm,crank shaft
曲柄销 crank pin
曲拐 crank throw
曲拐机构 crank-toggle
阀盘 valve disc
阀杆 valve stem
阀座 valve seat
阀板 valve plate
阀盖 valve cage
阀罩 valve cover
阀升程限制器 valve lift guard
阀升程 valve lift
阀孔 valve port
吸气口 suction inlet
压缩机气阀 compressor valve
吸气阀 suction valve
排气阀 delivery valve
圆盘阀 disc valve
环片阀 ring plate valve
簧片阀 reed valve
舌状阀 cantilever valve
条状阀 beam valve
提升阀 poppet valve
菌状阀 mushroom valve
杯状阀 tulip valve
缸径 cylinder bore
余隙容积 clearance volume
附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket
活塞排量 swept volume,piston displacement
理论排量 theoretical displacement
实际排量 actual displacement

实际输气量 actual displacement,actual output of gas
气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder
活塞行程容积 piston displacement
气缸 cylinder
气缸体 cylinder block
气缸壁 cylinder wall
水冷套 water cooled jacket
气缸盖(气缸头) cylinder head
安全盖(假盖) safety head
假盖 false head
活塞环 piston ring
气环 sealing ring
刮油环 scraper ring
油环 scrape ring
活塞销 piston pin
活塞 piston
活塞行程 piston stroke
吸气行程 suction stroke
膨胀行程 expansion stroke
压缩行程 compression stroke
排气行程 discharge stroke
升压压缩机 booster compressor
立式压缩机 vertical compressor
卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor
角度式压缩机 angular type compressor
对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor

流量调节 flow regulation
制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control
膨胀阀 expansion valve
节流阀 throttle valve
热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve
热电膨胀阀 thermal electric expansion valve
内平衡热力膨胀阀 internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve
外平衡热力膨胀阀 external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve
外平衡管 external equalizer pipe
内平衡管 internal equalizer pipe
蒸发器阻力损失 pressure drop of evaporator
同工质充注 same material charge
交*充注 cross charge
吸附充注 absorptive charge
气体充注 gas charge
膨胀阀过热度 superheat degree of expansion valve
过热温度调节 superheat temperature regulation
膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity
手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve
自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve
浮球调节阀 float regulation valve
浮球阀 float valve
低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve
高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve
流量调节 flow regualation
制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control
膨胀阀 expansion valve
节流阀 throttle valve
热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve
热电膨胀阀 thermal electric expansion valve
内平衡热力膨胀阀 internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve
外平衡热力膨胀阀 external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve
外平衡管 external equalizer pipe
内平衡管 internal equalizer pipe
蒸发器阻力损失 pressure drop of evaporator
同工质充注 same material charge
交*充注 cross charge
吸附充注 absorptive charge
气体充注 gas charge
膨胀阀过热度 superheat degree of expansion valve
过热温度调节 superheat temperature regulation
膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity
手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve
自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve
浮球调节阀 float regulation valve
浮球阀 float valve
低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve
高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve
恒压膨胀阀 constant pressure expansion valve
能量调节 capacity regulator
单机能量调节 capacity regulation of single unit
卸载能量调节 capacity regu

lation of load drainage
程序指令式能量调节系统 capacity regulation system of program order
电磁阀 solenoid valve
电磁滑阀 magnetic slide valve
三通电磁阀 three way magnetic valve

运行工况 operating conditions
标准性能 standard rating
标准工况 standard condition
空调工况 air conditioning condition
内部条件 internal conditions
外部条件 external conditions
蓄热 accumulation of heat
蓄冷 accumulation of cold
制冰能力 ice-making capacity
热泵用压缩机的供热系数 heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance
容积效率 volumetric efficiency
容积输气量 vulumetric displacement
实际输气量 actual displacement
理论输气量 theoretical displacement
冷凝热量 condenser heat
过冷热量 heat of subcooling
过热热量 superheat
运转工况下的制冷量 rating under working conditions
标准制冷量 standard rating
名义工况 normal conditions
试验工况 test conditions
轴功率 brake power
效率 efficiency
指示效率 indicated efficiency
机械效率 mechanical efficiency
总效率 overall efficiency
制冷系数 coefficient of performance (COP)
制冷压缩机的制冷系数 refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance
热力完善度 thermodynamical perfectness
能效比 energy efficiency ratio (EER)
热泵供热系数 heat-pump coefficient of performance
空调有效显热制冷量 useful sensible heat capacity of air conditioner
空调有效潜热(减湿)制冷量 useful latent heat (dehumidifyying) capacity of air conditioner
空调器有效总制冷量 useful total capacity of air conditioner
制冷剂循环量 circulating mass of refrigerant
制冷剂循环容积 circulating volume of refrigerant
单位压缩功 compress work per mass
示功图 indicator diagram
指示功 indicated work
摩擦功 frictional work
功率 power
摩擦功率 frictional power
指示功率 indicated power
理论功率 idea power
制冷量 refrigerating capacity
总制冷量 gross refrigerating capacity
净制冷量 net refrigerating capacity
单位制冷量 refrigerating capacity per weighing
单位容积制冷量 refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume
制冷系统制冷量 system refrigerating capacity
单位轴功率制冷量 refrigerating effect per shaft power
压缩冷凝机组制冷量 compressor condensing unit refrigerating capacity
制冷压缩机制冷量 refrigerant compressor capacity
蒸发器净制冷量 net cooler refrigerating capacity

试运转 commissioning
吹污 flush
气密性试验 gas-tight test,air-right test
密闭容器 closed container
漏气 air infiltration
放气 air vent
检漏 leak hunting,leak detection
检漏仪 leak detector
卤素灯 halide torch
电子检漏仪 electronic leak detector
真空试验 vacuum test
试验压力 test pressure
工作压力 operating pressure,working pressure
最高工作压力 highest operating pressure

密试验压力 gas-tight test pressure
设计压力 design pressure
平衡压力 balance pressure
充气 aerate,gas charging
制冷剂充注 refrigerant charging
首次充注 initial charge
保护充注 holding charge,service charge
制冷剂不足 lack of refrigerant,under-charge,gas shortage
缺液 starveling
充灌台 charging board
充灌量 charge
充注过多 overcharge
供液过多 overfeeding
制冷剂抽空 pump down of refrigerant
降温试验 pull down test
制冷[功能]试验 refrigeration test
卸载起动 no-load starting,unloaded start
卸载机构 unloader
闪发 flash vaporization,instantaneous vaporization
闪发气体 flash gas
不凝性气体 non condensable gas
气体排除 gas purging,degassing,gasoff
阀针跳动 hammering,needle hammer
阀振荡 hunting of a valve
阀片跳动 valve flutter,valve bounce
短期循环 short-cycling
异常温升 overheating
泄漏 leak
气蚀 cavitation
制冷剂瓶 refrigerant cylinder,gas bottle
检修用瓶 service cylinder,gas bottle
紧急泄放阀 emergency-relief valve
检修阀 service valve
安全阀 pressure relief valve
抽空阀 pump out valve
加油阀 oil charge valve
放油阀 oil drain valve
放空阀 purge valve
充灌阀 charging valve
喷液阀 liquid injection valve

润滑油 lubricant oil
冷冻机油 refrigeration oil
冷冻油 refrigerant oil
凝点 condensation point
闪点 flash point
浊点 cloud point
絮凝点 flock point
流动点 pour point
起泡 foaming
皂化 saponify
油泥 sludge
结碳 carbonization

制冷剂(制冷工质) refrigerant
高温制冷剂 high temperature refrigerant
低压制冷剂 low pressure refrigerant
中温制冷剂 medium temperature refrigerant
中压制冷剂 medium pressure refrigerant
低温制冷剂 low temperature refrigerant
高压制冷剂 high pressure refrigerant
氟利昂 freon
卤化碳制冷剂 halocarbo refrigerant
氟利昂11 freon 11
氟利昂12 freon 12
氟利昂13 freon 13
氟利昂14 freon 14
氟利昂22 freon 22
氟利昂113 freon 113
氟利昂125 freon 125
氟利昂134a freon 134a
氟利昂152a freon 152a
碳氢化合物制冷剂 hydrocarbon refrigerant
甲烷 methane
乙烷 ethane
丙烷 propane
丁烷 butane
异丁烷 isobutane
乙烯 ethylene
无机化合物制冷剂 inorganic compund refrigerant
氨 ammonia
二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
二氧化硫 sulphur dioxide
干冰 dry ice
共沸制冷剂 azeotropic mixture refrigerant
氟里昂500 freon 500
氟里昂501 freon 501
氟里昂502 freon 502
氟里昂503 freon 503
氟里昂504 freon 504
近共沸溶液制冷剂 near azeotropic mixture refrigerant
非共沸溶液制冷剂 nonazeotropic mixture refrigerant

自然通风式冷却塔 atmpspheric cooling tower,natural draught cooling tower
机械通风式冷水塔 mechanical draught cooling tower
吸风式冷水塔 induced draught cooling tower
送风式冷水塔 forced draught cooling tower

水膜式冷水塔 film cooling tower
水滴式冷水塔 drop cooling tower
喷雾式冷水塔 spray cooling tower
拉西环 Rasching rings
温度接近值 approach
水垢 scale
水垢抑制剂 scale inhibitor
藻类 algae
防藻剂 algaecide
淀渣 slime
升压阀 back-up valve
冷水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower
凉水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower
冷却塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower
喷水池 spray pond
干式冷水塔 dry cooling tower

冷凝器 condenser
冷凝液 condensate
空冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser
风冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser
自然对流空冷式冷凝器 natural convecton air-cooled condenser
强制通风式冷凝器 forced draught condenser
冷凝风机 condensate fan
线绕式冷凝器 wire and tube condenser
水冷式冷凝器 water-cooled condenser
沉浸式盘管冷凝器 submerged coil condenser
套管式冷凝器 double pipe condenser
壳管式冷凝器 shell and tube condenser
组合式冷凝器 multishell condenser
卧式壳管式冷凝器 closed shell and tube condenser
卧式冷凝器 closed condenser
立式壳管式冷凝器 open shell and tube condenser
立式冷凝器 open condenser,vertical condenser
壳盘管式冷凝器 shell and coil condenser
分隔式冷凝器 split condenser
淋激式冷凝器 atmospheric condenser
溢流式冷凝器 bleeder-type condenser

制冷装置 refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant
工业制冷装置 industrial refrigerating plant
商业制冷装置 commercial refrigerating plant
中心站房 central station
成套机组 self-contained system
规范安装 code installation
制冷回路 refrigerating circuit
热平衡 heat balance
货物负荷 product load
操作负荷 service load
设计负荷 design load
负荷系数 load factor

制冷 refrigeration
蒸发制冷 evaporative refrigeration
沙漠袋 desert bag
制冷机 refrigerating machine
制冷机械 refrigerating machinery
制冷工程 refrigeration engineering
制冷工程承包商 refrigeration contractor
制冷工作者 refrigerationist
制冷工程师 refrigeration engineer
制冷技术员 refrigeration technician
制冷技师 refrigeration technician
制冷技工 refrigeration mechanic
冷藏工人 icer
制冷安装技工 refrigeration installation mechanic
制冷维修技工 refrigeration serviceman
冷藏链 cold chain
制冷与空调维修店 refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop
冷藏 refrigerated prvservation

热电制冷 thermoelectric refrigeration
温差电制冷 thermoelectric refrigeration
半导体制冷 semiconductor refrigeration
热电效应 thermoelectric effect
塞贝克效应 Seebeck effect
珀尔帖效应 Peltier effect
热电制冷效应 thermoelectric refrigeration effect
汤姆逊效应 Thomson effect
焦耳效应 Joule effect
傅里叶效应 Fourier effect
温差电动势 thermoelectric power
塞贝克系数 Seebeck coefficient

优值系数 figure of merit
热电堆 thermoelectric pile
温差电堆 thermoelectric pile
最佳电流 optimum current
经济电流 economic current
热电半导体 thermoelectric semiconductors
热电材料 thermoelectric material
热电制冷材料 thermoelectric cooling material
n型半导体 n-type semiconductors
p型半导体 p-type semiconductors
半导体制冷器 thermoelectric-refrigerating unit
热电制冷器 thermoelectric refrigerating unit
热电空调器 thermoelectric air conditioner
半导体空调器 thermoelectric air conditioner
半导体恒温器 thermoelectric thermostat
半导体冷饮水器 thermoelectric drinking water cooler
半导体热泵 thermoelectric heat pump
半导体降温机 thermoelectric dehumidifier
低温半导体制冷器 low temperature thermoelectric unit
焊接式半导体制冷器 soldered thermoelectric refrigerating unit
粘接式半导体制冷器 sticky thermoelectric refrigerating unit
嵌装式半导体制冷器 inlaid thermoelectric refrigerating unit
复叠式半导体制冷器 cascade thermoelectric refrigerating unit
医用半导体制冷器 medicine thermoelectric refrigerating unit
