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ingredients with large molecular weight and late retention time with the speciality
mentioned above.Then,they are analysed quantificationally by gas chromatography.Two
广东硅油共含有3个聚硅氧烷组分系列,每个系列具有不同聚合度的组分,同样, 这3个系列的聚硅氧烷有共同的结构单元一(CH3)Hsio一,只是其封端基团有所不 同。共定性了43个组分,含量占90.9%。通过在相同条件下对正构烷烃系列的测定, 计算了高含氢聚硅氧烷组分的保留指数,并研究了组分的分子量分布。
electronic and electrical,light industry,textile,machinery,construction,traffic and transportation,medical care,health,agriculture,people’S daily life,etc.They have been
hydrogen.containing polysiloxane can be produced by different methods.The boiling point
of high hydrogen.containing polysiloxane with low molecular weight is not very high,SO it
浙江大学理学院 硕士学位论文 聚硅氧烷的合成与分析研究 姓名:王彦琳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:应用及分析化学 指导教师:冯建跃;陈关喜
Leabharlann Baidu摘要
有机硅化合物具有很多独特的性能,如耐高低温、耐候、耐老化、电气绝缘、耐 臭氧、憎水、难燃、生理惰性等。有机硅产品的这些优异性能为其它的有机高分子材 料所不能比拟和替代,因而在航空航天、电子电气、轻工、纺织、机械、建筑、交通 运输、医疗卫生、农业人们日常生活等方面均得到了广泛的应用,已经成为国民经济 中重要而必不可少的新型高分子材料。

Abst ract
Organic.silicon compounds have a lot of unique properties,such as high and low temperature resistance,weatherablity,anti-aging property,electrical insulation property, ozone.resistant performance,hydrophobic property,fireproof property,physiological inert and SO on.Organic.silicon compound cannot be replaced by other organic polymer materials because of these excellent capabilities.They have been widely applied in aerospace,
1、高含氢聚硅氧烷是有机硅化合物中很基础的一大类物质,由于合成方法的不同, 会产生不同种类和含量的高含氢聚硅氧烷分子。研究发现,高含氢聚硅氧烷一般由有 机氢氯硅烷与有机聚硅氧烷共水解平衡得到,产物往往由几种同系物组成。每种同系 物由不同聚合度的含氢聚硅氧烷分子组成,因此成分十分复杂。高含氢聚硅氧烷分子 的质谱图中分子离子峰一般都不明显,而且各个系列组分的离子碎片基本一样,只是 相对丰度有所变化,仅靠质谱图很难对它们进行定性。
有机硅产品种类繁多、并且这类产品在应用时往往是混合物,不需分离提纯,成 分复杂且存在一定的反应性,给分析工作增加了困难,目前尚无较好的聚硅氧烷的定 性定量方法。另一方面,这类产品的性能显然和其化合物种类、含量间有着必然的联 系,对其进行定性定量分析,有利于合成工艺的改良优化。本论文以高含氢聚硅氧烷 和氨烃基聚硅氧烷等两类中低分子量聚硅氧烷为对象,进行了合成和定性定量分析的 研究。
they cannot be distinguished only by their mass spectra·
However,The ingredients with semblable structure in polymethylhydrosiloxanes

product exert some speciality in aspect of retention time of gas chromatography and distribution of content.The ingredients with low molecular weight and early retention time are analyzed by GC/MS and their structure is made sure.Then confirm the structure of
3、本论文的创新点 (1)对于分子量小于1000的聚硅氧烷,研究建立了以较小分子组分的定性结果、
结合同系物质谱碎片断裂规律和碎片保留行为进行较大分子聚硅氧烷组分的定性研究 方法。
(2)对于氨丙基聚硅氧烷,由于许多组分的分子量大于1000时,无法用气质联 用的方法进行定性分析,同时也难以用液质联用ESI直接对组分定性。本论文以气质 联用先对小分子组分进行定性研究,然后结合液质联用的ESI质谱图规律,分子碎片 特征等来研究整个组分的定性,结果令人满意,对高分子化合物的定性分析具有较好 的推广意义。 关键词:有机硅化合物高含氢聚硅氧烷双端氨丙基聚硅氧烷气质联用气相色谱液 质联用
High hydrogen.containing polysiloxane are basic raw materials of organic‘silicon industry.There are very much outgrowth during the production of it.Different high
organic—silicon compounds.In fact,these products are always mixtures when they are in
applied.There is no need to do separation and purification work.There are no good
analytical methods for polysiloxanes at present.On the other hands,there must be some relationshipS between the properties of products and the kinds,contents of them.The qualitative and quantitative analysis of polysiloxanes is good for synthesis technology·High hydrogen.containing polysiloxane and aminoalkylpolysiloxane were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in this thesis.
become an important and indispensable new polymer materials to the national economy·
The variety of breeds and the complexity of ingredients add difficulty to analysis of
些,正因如此,氨烃基聚硅氧烷在实际中有很多的用途。 首先采用气质联用仪对双端氨丙基聚硅氧烷样品进行定性分析,但由于样品的分
子量比较大同时沸点比较高,所以一些组分无法汽化出峰,在总离子流图中看到的只 是部分低分子量的组分。为此又采用液质联用分析的方法,以电喷雾离子源为电离源, 把分子量的扫描上限扩大到了2000,在ESI质谱图中,可以明显地看出该样品的组分 基本呈现正态分布的趋势,相邻两组分的相对分子量刚好差74,这是结构单元一(CH3) 2Sio一的相对质量。共定性了27个组分。
types of high hydrogen·containing polysiloxanes were studied in the thesis.One is named
Jiayi polysiloxane for short,and the other is Guangdong polysiloxane.The results indicate
can be analyzed by GC—MS and GC. It is found that high hydrogen.containing polysiloxane is commonly by hydrosis and
equilibrium of organic hydrochlorosilanes and organic chlorosilanes during the study
that,there are four types of homologs in the sample Jiayi polysiloxane and every type of
以液质联用的ESI质谱图中每个峰的相对丰度为依据,用归一化的方法计算得出 各个组分的大致相对含量,定性定量组分约占样品组分62.5%。
综上所述,本论文研究建立的分析方法操作简单、合理有效、测试时间短,其研 究结果也是令人满意的。本论文的研究思路除了可以用来分析检测各种聚硅氧烷以外, 还可以推广到其它类型的有机硅化合物的分析研究中,具有较好的理论指导意义和实 际生产应用价值。
in polysiloxane are very complex.The molecule-ion in mass spectra of polymethylhydrosiloxanes gained from electron ionization (EI) is obvious commonly, except the cyclohydrosiloxanes of low molecular-weight.The major ions of all types of
本文采用气质联用仪分析了两种高含氢聚硅氧烷(分别简称为嘉义硅油和广东硅 油),解析出低分子量组分的结构,并将同系物区分出来,然后结合组分色谱保留时间 和含量的变化规律和特点推导出较大分子量组分的结构,最后用气相色谱对已定性组 分进行定量分析。结果表明,嘉义硅油样品共含有4个聚硅氧烷组分系列,每个系列 具有不同聚合度的组分,同时,这4个系列的聚硅氧烷有共同的结构单元一(CH3) HSio一,只是其封端基团有所不同。共定性了38个组分,含量占88.4%。
process.The production consists of several types of polymethylhydrosiloxanes,and every
type consists of many homologs of different polymerization degree.Hereby,the ingredients
polymethylhydrosiloxanes are same and only the intensity of major ions has some
difference.The difference becomes smaller with the molecular-weight increasing,SO that