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Add up

Add up these numbers and you will get the result.

have got to, have to

I’ve got to go now.

be concerned about

Her family are concerned about her safety.

Go through

You really don’t understand what we went through last year.

set down 放下;写下

he set down what he had seen in that foreign country.

A series of

A series of rainy days kept me indoors for a whole week.

Crazy about\

\She is crazy about dancing because she wants to become a dancer.

Something/nothing to do

The decision made by my sister and me was nothing to do with you.

Calm down.

Calm down, don’t get yourself too excited.

On purpose

I know you did that on purpose.

Happen to do

I happen to find him yesterday in the street.

In order to

He sent her a letter in order to apologize.

At dusk

The lake looks especially beautiful at dusk,

Face to face

I need to talk to you face to face.

No longer

I am no longer your friend after you hurt me so much.

Suffer from

The poor child suffers from heavy cold.

Be tired of

I am tired of talking all day and doing nothing.

Pack up

Now pack your things up and leave.

Get along with

I get along with my roommates very well.

Fall in love with

The boy falls in love with the girl.

Join in

He never joins in our discussions.

Because of

Many people get ill because of the cold weather.

Come up

He came up and introduced himself.

Base on

The story is based on fact.

At present

At present I am satisfied with the my friends.

Make use of

Don’t throw it away; try to make use of it somehow.

Such as

I like all kinds of music, such as pop music,

classic music

Play a part in

Parents always play an important part in children’s education.

Give in

He is very stubborn, he will not give in.

Be fond of

My grandpa is very fond of my sister.

Care about

The only thing he cares about is money.

Persuade sb to do sth.

I think I can persuade her to change her mind. \

Change one’s mind

Even if

I will not change my mind even if you say so.

Make up one’s mind

I’ve already made up my mind to study hard this year.

As usual

Let starting from the reading part as usual.

At midnight

At midnight there is no one in the street.

Right away

I’ll give him a call right away.

As if

She went to bed as usual as if nothing had happened.

At an end

The war is at an end now.
