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2. I am a _________ about the parcel because it has n't arrived.

3. It is r ____ for him to come to school at 7 am./ ____________ has a debate attracted so much media attention.

4. You will i ___________ your health by smoking too much./ In the accident, his left leg was

___ . It?s reported that the accide nt caused two deaths and many ___ .

5. No pains, no gains and Time is money are p __________________ .

6. He was __________ (队长)of the football team for five years.

7. I have a ________ because there is a cavity in one of my teeth.

8. They are _______ childre n because they don't have eno ugh to eat.

9. It was _________ to admit that I was wrong.

10. We are ________ home.

11. The doctor said the child's temperature was ___________ .

Part III根据首字母写单词

Part III : Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words and phrases.

of fat, sugar or sweets. So I n ever have to ________ . I very ________ get colds, __________ I had a bad cold and a bit of fever last week, but that ?s because I was so _________ that I played football in the rain. I?m very fit because I take a lot of ______ . I don ? often ___________ things like flu either, but two years ago, I __________ my arm while _________ football. The injury was quite __________ .

Now you can see from ____ I?ve said, I?m a __________ kind of boy, but there is one thing I have to tell you. I?m _________ about football. I?m ___________ o f the class team at school and I?m also a

________ of the Senior High team, ______________ this, I make sure I have a good diet.

Part W、根据所给词汇复述课文

1. Para.1: make sure…eat

healthily …fruit …vegetables…diet //have fish …fat or sugar//sweets…

have a sweet tooth would rather fruit …//heavy …diet …anything like that.

2. Para.2: healthy //rarely get colds…cold …fever last week…stupid …rain //don? often …flu //last

week …got flu …but …take…exercise…fit//Two years ago …broke …injury …painful …


必修二Module One导学案

1. begi n with

2. have /catch/get a cold

3. have a toothache /headache /sore throat

4. keep fit

5. make up on e?s mind

6. keep

ahead of time 10. have a sweet tooth 11. as a result 12. describe on eself as 13. pick up14. be crazy about15. for free16. take exercise 17. be connected with18. have a

temperature/fever19. be/go on a diet










Part I:词形转化1.health n:

3. injure v.


…away 7. as a matter of fact 8. make sure /certain ^develop a healthy l

Nowadays, some stude nts don ? have a proper d ___ . R _______ d o they have breakfast. They like to

eat u ___________ s nacks(零食), which is bad for them. As a proverb goes, healthy mind in a healthy

body. The bad habit results in poor grades, which causes their parents ?a _________ . That ?s to say, their

pare nts are a ________ about their health. In order not to i _______ your pare nts ?feeli ngs, you should

.Only by doing this, can you retur n to n ______ life and keep f _______ .


Part I : Read Zhou Kai(1), answer the following questions:

1. Why is Zhou Kai ? mother anxious?

2. What does she thi nk will happe n?

3. What does she ask him to do?

4. Fill in the blanks: Zhou Kai ? mother looked at him _________ when she saw him _______ towards the

front door without a jacket ____ . When his mother asked him where he was going, he an swered he was

going to the park __ play football. ______ (hear) this, his mother was surprised as it was raining the n.


was sure that Zhou Kai would _____ a bad cold. However, Zhou Kai didn ? listen. He just put on a

jacket _____ h is mother had told him to.


______ adj, __________ a dv,

________ n. 4.pain n. _

n. 7. breathe v

_______ n. 10.insuranee n. ___________ 12.normal adj: _____ (反义词)adj

Part II :选词填空(注意词形变化) _______ (反义词).2. wealthy adj. ______ n.

_______ adj. 5. rare adj : ______________ adv. 6. head n.

8.fit adj. _ (汉意),v: __ (汉意)9.eye v.

______ v. 11. anxious adj: ______________ n _______ adv

My n ame is Zhou Kai and I thi nk I have a h ____ lifestyle. My Mother gives me lots of fresh

Zhou Kai (2)。
