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第I卷( 三部分共85分)











is quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause _____heavy pressure on _____whole society in near future.

A. a; a

B. a; the

C. the; a D the, \

22. What impressed me most in 2008 was the success of Shenzhou VII and China’s

becoming the third nation to send a man into space, all our Chinese are proud.

A. of which

B. for which

C. of that

D. for it

23. ---Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now

---Thank you. ______.

A. It couldn’t be better

B. Of course you can

C. If you like

D. It’s up to you

24. The birds, ______ by the presence of the scientists, disappeared really quickly again.

A. frightened

B. being frightened

C. have been frightened

D. were frightened

25. Steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didn’t ______ him at all.

A. serve

B. meet

C. satisfy

D. suit

26. There’s no doubt ______ the famous professor will come to give us a lecture.

A. if

B. that

C. what

D. whether

27. We had been told that under no circumstances ______ the telephone in the office

for personal affairs.

A. may we use

B. we may use

C. we could use

D. did we use

28. As is recorded in history, silkworms (蚕) were first raised by a woman in _________ is today

Hebei Province.

A. where

B. the place

C. which

D. what

29. In Beijing volunteers were making use of every minute to ________ their foreign languages

because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.

A. polish up

B. take up

C. put up

D. make up

30. They carried out an assessment of the project this morning and the results will

be assessed


A. on time

B. after time

C. before time

D. over time

31. ______ that he has no qualifications in education management, the man plans to

gain the necessary skills by taking a part-time course.

A. To concern

B. To be concerned

C. Concerning

D. Concerned

32. Everybody present at the meeting agreed to stick to the ______ that everyone

should be treated fairly.

A. purpose

B. ambition

C. principle

D. level

33. Mary stood still in front of a mirror, ___________ on her mouth.

A. her eyes fixed

B. and her eyes fixed

C. and her eyes fixing

D. her eyes fixing

strongly _____ your decision to go abroad at this time of danger. It is not a wise decision.

A. approve

B. insist

C. oppose

D. appreciate

35. The visitor asked to have his picture taken ________ stood the famous tower.

A. where

B. at which

C. that

D. when



Your friends might be in Australia or maybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away. Life has 36 for millions of teenagers across the world who now make friends online. 37 you use chat rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are 38 of a virtual community (虚拟社区).

"I rarely talk with my parents or grandparents, 39 I talk a lot with my old friends on QQ," said Fox's Shadow, the online nickname (网名) used by a Senior 2 girl in China. "Eighty per cent of my classmates use QQ 40 school."

QQ is the biggest messaging 41 in China. A record 4 million people used it one Saturday night in October, 42 to Tencent, the company which developed QQ.

And Fox's Shadow might well have been one of them. "I log in (登陆) on Friday nights, and Saturdays or Sundays when I feel 43 . I usually 44 about 10 hours chatting online every week," she said. "But I rarely talk with 45 , especially boys or men."
