
人力资源英文文献以下是一些关于人力资源的英文文献: 1. "Human resource management: A contemporary perspective" by David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins 2. "The practice of human resource management" by Gary Dessler 3. "Strategic human resource management" by John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold 4. "Human resource management in a global context" by International Labour Office 5. "Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment" by Michael A. Zeiss and Gary R. Lichtenstein 6. "Training and development for human resource management" by Gary Dessler 7. "Compensation management for human resource management" by Joseph J. Martocchio 8. "Performance management for human resource management" by Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson 9. "Employee relations: A practical guide" by Carole P. Beaton and Susan M. Keaton 10. "HR from the outside in: Six competitive strategies for attracting, developing, and retaining top talent" by John Boudreau and Peter M. Ramstad 这些文献涵盖了人力资源管理的各个方面,包括招聘、培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理、员工关系等。

中英文对照资料外文翻译文献原文:New Competencies for HRWhat does it take to make it big in HR? What skills and expertise do you need? Since 1988, Dave Ulrich, professor of business administration at the University of Michigan, and his associates have been on a quest to provide the answers. This year, they’ve released an all-new 2007 Human Resource Competency Study (HRCS). The findings and interpretations lay out professional guidance for HR for at least the next few years.“People want to know what set of skills h igh-achieving HR people need to perform even better,” says Ulrich, co-director of the project along with Wayne Brockbank, also a professor of business at the University of Michigan.Conducted under the auspices of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and The RBL Group in Salt Lake City, with regional partners including the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in North America and other institutions in Latin America, Europe, China and Australia, HRCS is the longest-running, most extensive global HR competency study in existence. “In reaching our conclusions, we’ve looked across more than 400 companies and are able to report with statistical accuracy what HR executives say and do,” Ulrich says.“The research continues to demonstr ate the dynamic nature of the human resource management profession,” says SHRM President and CEO Susan R.Meisinger, SPHR. “The findings also highlight what an exciting time it is to be in the profession. We continue to have the ability to really add value to an organization.”“HRCS is foundational work that is really important to HR as a profession,” says Cynthia McCague, senior vice president of the Coca-Cola Co., who participated in the study. “They have created and continue to enhance a framework for t hinking about how HR drives organizational performance.”What’s NewResearchers identified six core competencies that high-performing HR professionals embody. These supersede the five competencies outlined in the 2002 HRCS—the last study published—reflecting the continuing evolution of the HR profession. Each competency is broken out into performance elements.“This is the fifth round, so we can look at past models and compare where the profession is going,” says Evren Esen, survey program manager at SHR M, which provided the sample of HR professionals surveyed in North America. “We can actually see the profession changing. Some core areas remain the same, but others, based on how the raters assess and perceive HR, are new.” (For more information, see “The Competencies and Their Elements,” at right.)To some degree, the new competencies reflect a change in nomenclature or a shuffling of the competency deck. However, there are some key differences.Five years ago, HR’s role in managing culture was embedded within a broader competency. Now its importance merits a competency of its own. Knowledge of technology, a stand-alone competency in 2002, now appears within Business Ally. In other instances, the new competencies carry expectations that promise to change the way HR views its role. For example, the Credible Activist calls for HR to eschew neutrality and to take a stand—to practice the craft “with an attitude.”To put the competencies in perspective, it’s helpful to view them as a three-tier pyramid with Credible Activist at the pinnacle.Credible Activist.This competency is the top indicator in predicting overall outstanding performance, suggesting that mastering it should be a priority. “You’ve got to be good at all of them, but, no question, [this comp etency] is key,” Ulrich says. “But you can’t be a Credible Activist without having all the other competencies. In a sense, it’s the whole package.”“It’s a deal breaker,” agrees Dani Johnson, project manager of the Human Resource Competency Study at The R BL Group in Salt Lake City. “If you don’t come to the table with it, you’re done. It permeates everything you do.”The Credible Activist is at the heart of what it takes to be an effective HR leader. “The best HR people do not hold back; they step forward and advocate for their position,” says Susan Harmansky, SPHR, senior director of domestic restaurant operations for HR at Papa John’s International in Louisville, Ky., and former chair of the Human Resource Certification Institute. “CEOs are not waiting f or HR to come in with options—they want your recommendations; they want you to speak from your position as an expert, similar to what you see from legal or finance executives.”“You don’t want to be credible without being an activist, because essentially you’re worthless to the business,” Johnson says. “People like you, but you have no impact. On the other hand, you don’t want to be an activist without being credible. You can be dangerous in a situation like that.”Below Credible Activist on the pyramid is a cluster of three competencies: Cultural Steward, Talent Manager/Organizational Designer and Strategy Architect.Cultural Steward. HR has always owned culture. But with Sarbanes-Oxley and other regulatory pressures, and CEOs relying more on HR to manage culture, this is the first time it has emerged as an independent competency. Of the six competencies,Cultural Steward is the second highest predictor of performance of both HR professionals and HR departments.Talent Manager/Organizational Designer. Talent management focuses on how individuals enter, move up, across or out of the organization. Organizational design centers on the policies, practices and structure that shape how the organization works. Their linking reflects Ulrich’s belief that HR may be placing too much emphasis on talent acquisition at the expense of organizational design. Talent management will not succeed in the long run without an organizational structure that supports it.Strategy Architect. Strategy Architects are able to recognize business trends and their impact on the business, and to identify potential roadblocks and opportunities. Harmansky, who recently joined Papa John’s, demonstrates how the Strategy Architect competency helps HR contribute to the overall business strategy. “In my first months here, I’m spending a lot of time traveling, going to see stores all over the country. Every time I go to a store, while my counterparts of the management team are talking about [operational aspects], I’m talking to the people who work there. I’m trying to find out what the issues are surrounding people. How do I develop them? I’m looking for my business differentiator on the people side so I can contribute to the strategy.”When Charlease Deathridge, SPHR, HR manager of McKee Foods in Stuarts Draft, Va., identified a potential roadblock to implementing a new management philosophy, she used the Strategy Architect competency. “When we were rolling out ‘lean manufacturing’ principles at our location, we administered an employee satisfaction survey to assess how the workers viewed the new system. The satisfaction scores were lower than ideal. I showed [management] how a negative could become a positive, how we could use the data and follow-up surveys as a strategic tool to demonstrate progre ss.”Anchoring the pyramid at its base are two competencies that Ulrich describes as “table stakes—necessary but not sufficient.” Except in China, where HR is at an earlier stage in professional development and there is great emphasis on transactional activities, these competencies are looked upon as basic skills that everyone must have. There is some disappointing news here. In the United States, respondents rated significantly lower on these competencies than the respondents surveyed in other countries.Business Ally. HR contributes to the success of a business by knowing how it makes money, who the customers are, and why they buy the company’s products and services. For HR professionals to be Business Allies (and Credible Activists and Strategy Architec ts as well), they should be what Ulrich describes as “business literate.” The mantra about understanding the business—how it works, the financials and strategic issues—remains as important today as it did in every iteration of the survey the past 20 years. Yet progress in this area continues to lag.“Even these high performers don’t know the business as well as they should,” Ulrich says. In his travels, he gives HR audiences 10 questions to test their business literacy.Operational Executor. These skills tend to fall into the range of HR activities characterized as transactional or “legacy.” Policies need to be drafted, adapted and implemented. Employees need to be paid, relocated, hired, trained and more. Every function here is essential, but—as with the Business Ally competency—high-performing HR managers seem to view them as less important and score higher on the other competencies. Even some highly effective HR people may be running a risk in paying too little attention to these nuts-and-bolts activities, Ulrich observes.Practical ToolIn conducting debriefings for people who participated in the HRCS, Ulrich observes how delighted they are at the prescriptive nature of the exercise. The individual feedback reports they receive (see “How the Study Was Done”) offer them a road map, and they are highly motivated to follow it.Anyone who has been through a 360-degree appraisal knows that criticism can be jarring. It’s risky to open yourself up to others’ opinions when you don’t have to. Add the prospect of sharing the results with your boss and colleagues who will be rating you, and you may decide to pass. Still, it’s not surprising that highly motivated people like Deathridge jumped at the chance for the free feedback.“All of it is not good,” says Deathridge. “You have to be willing to face up to it. You go home, work it out and say, ‘Why am I getting this bad feedback?’ ”But for Deathridge, the result s mostly confirmed what she already knew. “I believe most people know where they’re weak or strong. For me, it was most helpful to look at how close others’ ratings of me matched with my own assessments. ... There’s so much to learn about what it takes to be a genuine leader, and this study helped a lot.”Deathridge says the individual feedback report she received helped her realize the importance of taking a stand and developing her Credible Activist competency. “There was a situation where I had a line m anager who wanted to discipline someone,” she recalls. “In the past, I wouldn’t have been able to stand up as strongly as I did. I was able to be very clear about how I felt. I told him that he had not done enough to document the performance issue, and that if he wanted to institute discipline it would have to be at the lowest level. In the past, I would have been more deferential and said, ‘Let’s compromise and do it at step two or three.’ But I didn’t do it; I spoke out strongly and held my ground.”This was the second study for Shane Smith, director of HR at Coca-Cola. “I did it for the first time in 2002. Now I’m seeing some traction in the things I’ve beenworking on. I’m pleased to see the consistency with my evaluations of my performance when compare d to my raters.”What It All MeansUlrich believes that HR professionals who would have succeeded 30, 20, even 10 years ago, are not as likely to succeed today. They are expected to play new roles. To do so, they will need the new competencies.Ulrich urges HR to reflect on the new competencies and what they reveal about the future of the HR profession. His message is direct and unforgiving. “Legacy HR work is going, and HR people who don’t change with it will be gone.” Still, he remains optimistic that many in HR are heeding his call. “Twenty percent of HR people will never get it; 20 percent are really top performing. The middle 60 percent are moving in the right direction,” says Ulrich.“Within that 60 percent there are HR professionals who may be at the table but are not contributing fully,” he adds. “That’s the group I want to talk to. ... I want to show them what they need to do to have an impact.”As a start, Ulrich recommends HR professionals consider initiating three conversations. “One is with your business leaders. Review the competencies with them and ask them if you’re doing them. Next, pose the same questions to your HR team. Then, ask yourself whether you really know the business or if you’re glossing on the surface.” Finally, set your priorities. “Our data say: ‘Get working on that Credible Activist!’ ”Robert J. Grossman, a contributing editor of HR Magazine, is a lawyer and a professor of management studies at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.from:Robert J. Grossman , HR Magazine, 2007,06译文:人力资源管理的新型胜任力如何在人力资源管理领域取得更大成功?需要怎样的专业知识和技能?从1988年开始,密歇根大学的商业管理教授Dave Ulrich先生和他的助手们就开始研究这个课题。

关于人力资源管理的外文文献1. Human Resource Management Practices and Workforce Diversity: A ReviewThis article explores the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and workforce diversity. The authors review literature on HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training and development, performance measurement, work design, and employee relations, to examine how these practices influence the success of workforce diversity. The article highlights the need for organizations to adopt effective HRM practices that support diversity and inclusion, in order to maximize the benefits of a diverse workforce.2. The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational PerformanceThis study analyzes the relationship between strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices and organizational performance. The authors examine the impact of SHRM practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits, on key organizational outcomes such as employee retention, productivity, and profitability. The study concludesthat effective SHRM practices are positively associated with organizational performance, and that organizations need to prioritize HRM strategies that support their overall business objectives.3. Managing Human Resources in the Globalizing Economy: Challenges and OpportunitiesThis article explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalizing economy for human resource management. The authors examine how globalization has impacted HRM practices in areas such as recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. The article also highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in managing a diverse global workforce, and the need for HR professionals to adapt to changing business environments to effectively manage human resources.4. The Role of Human Resource Management in Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis study examines the role of HRM in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). The authors analyze the connection between CSR and HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training anddevelopment, and employee relations, to determine how these practices can support and enhance CSR initiatives. The article emphasizes the need for HR professionals to align their practices with CSR goals in order to promote sustainable business practices and social responsibility.5. Employee Engagement and Retention: A Review of the LiteratureThis article reviews literature on the relationship between employee engagement and retention. The authors examine the factors that contribute to employee engagement, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and leadership, and how these factors can impact employee retention. The article also highlights the importance of effective HRM practices in enhancing employee engagement and retention, and provides recommendations for organizations seeking to improve their retention rates through engagement-focused HRM strategies.。
绩效管理 外文翻译 外文文献 中英翻译

绩效管理外文翻译外文文献中英翻译____________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Performance management-how to appraise employee performance AbstractPerformance appraisal is an important content of human resource management in modern enterprises. According to the problems existing at the present stage Chinese enterprise performance evaluation, put forward the improvement measures to improve the performance appraisal. Performance management is the responsibility between managers and employees and improve the communication performance of the ongoing. The partners should understand why they become partners, thereby supporting the work. Performance evaluation is a part of performance management, do not confuse the twoIntroductionChallenges of performance managementReasons to avoid performance management: Manager: reports and program has no meaning; no time; afraid of conflict; feedback and observation. (performance management, prevent problems in investment in time, ensure the managers have the time to do the thing you should do staff: bad experience; what was about to happen no bottom; do not understand the significance of performance management; don't like received criticism. Criterion two, performance management,organizational success: 1 Factors: coordination among units means,towards a common goal; problem, find the problems, find problems or prevent problems; obey the law, be protected by the law; make major decisions, a way of getting information; improve the quality of staff,to make the organization more competitive., performance management of organization,must be useful to managers, the only reason of performance management is to help employees to success. to understand better how to design and what made him act. , the performance management challenge is how to find practical,meaningful ways to finish it, which need thought and wisdom.Performance management is a systemThe performance plan -- starting point of performancemanagement:employees and managers to work together, as employees do what, do what degree of problem identification, understanding.Continuous performance communication: both tracking____________________________________________________________________________________________ progress, find the obstacles that affect performance and process so that the two sides success required information. Communication methods: (1) around were observed;(2)employees; (3) allow employees to work review;Performance diagnosis: to identify individuals, departments and organizational performance by the real reason for the problem of communication and problem solving process.Performance management is a small system in the large system. If you want to get the maximum profit, must complete the performance management process,and not a part of.Performance management and strategic planning, budget,staff ,employee salary incentive system, improve the quality of plans are related. Do the performance management process to do the preparation of 1, there are two key points: with the staff to collect meaningful, to establish the information needed to measurable goals; to do some basic work, so that in the whole process of performance management and employee can fully cooperation. In part, access to information and data of performance management effect is it can help organizations, units and employees towards a direction some "target"information each employee's job description; (2) employee last performance review data and related documents.The performance plan three steps: preparation, meeting, finalize plans. your job, you should do what, how to measure your success, sets threat mosphere and seize the key; to review the relevant information, ask more,talk less; the job duties and specific goal; determine the success criteria; discuss what are the difficulties and need what help; discuss the importance level and authorized to ask problem; 4, note: in the performance management process, should pay attention to communication with staff thought is the action guide, to carry out effective performance communication, we must pay attention to in the thought. All aspects of the performance communication throughout theperformance cycle, plays an important role in any one link in the chain, leaving the performance communication, any unilateral decisions managers will affect the enthusiasm of the staff, performance management. No performance communication there is no performance management. In orderto make the performance management on the right track, truly play its role,enterprises must____________________________________________________________________________________________ put the supervisor and employee performance communication as a priority among priorities to research and development, through the system specification, performance management become competent habit, the habit of employees, to solve the performance problem employees work for dialogue and exchanges, the performance management into effect.Three methods of performance evaluation: Predicament 1, individual performance evaluation --: the best opera actor and amateur orchestra concert.The opera actors play the extreme, but the effect is very bad. No one is isolated,only focus on the individual, can not solve the problem. We call on an individual basis on employee performance evaluation, but if we emphasize individual performance but not the antecedents and consequences and conditions of performance, we do not progress, because we did not find the real reason -- may be because employees can not control things and punish employees, may also be because of the wrong reason 2, regardless of the what way to assess performance, avoid two traps are important: 1) don't do performanceproblems or"always the fault of employees" this hypothesis; 2) without any assessment can give the "why" and "what is happening in the picture". Evaluation is just the beginning, is a further discussion as well as the starting point of diagnosis. Three methods of performance evaluation: 3, 1) rating method:: features, to and behavior project; identify each project performance level gauge and other ways. Advantages: easy tofinish the work of assessment. Disadvantages:forget why do this work;too vague, in the performance plan, prevention,protection and development staff and so did not what role in improving methods:with employees regularly write brief conversation; evaluation; interpretation and evaluation project meaning; together with the staff rating 2)ranking method:forcing staff to compete with each other, havestimulation can be short term, long term may cause internal malicious competition. 3) target and standard evaluation method: Standard: according to the prior and employees a series of established criteria to measure the performance of employees. Advantages: the personal goals and work together to reduce the possibility of target; both sidesdisagree;defect: need more time; text work more; more energy.Communication method and communication technology____________________________________________________________________________________________Way of thinking: the process of performance management is theprocess of communication.Relationship with the staff is not onlyreflected in the behavior on performance management, but also shouldreflect the daily and how successful way of thinking: A, the process of performance management is a complete process together with the staff, not a for staff B, except for some unilateral disciplinary action, performance plan, communication and assessment should adopt a cooperative mode; C, most of the staff, once you understand what they are asked to do things, will try the method can meet the requirements D,performance management is not the purpose of staring past mistakes, clear posibility, but in the problem solving problems and possible e, performance deficit to be clear, the cause of the deficit, whether for personal reasons or the system reason; F, in most cases, if the manager will support staff as their work,so that each employee 2, must set some skills communication skills: Manager here guide employees to participate in the discussion process and understand the process of responsibility. Purpose: don't most probably it did not actually happen. Be prepared to establish a common responsibility and each stage all contribute to the relationship, the target. Clear the common responsibility: to improve the performance is not only the responsibility of the staff. Clear procedures: prevent conflict resolution skills: clear individual responsibility, invites employees to take advice. For the people of the criticism and comments: avoid if you don't listen, you don't know what you talking about,could you be quiet for a while, you read the report in the past did not remarks:avoid such as how many years, you always can't finish the job on time, we have ried that, there is no with the need need making guide guilty intent: to avoid if you really care about theteam, you should work harder; I guess you don't care about this project not appropriate advice and sure: avoid as I know the project is late,but I'm sure you'll catch up; you will do well. You will understand the need,need to unsolicited advice and sure: avoid you must do it; this is the only way; to finish this today, and put it on my desk. A provocative question: Why did you say those who avoid. What you think; is the needto need; what is you get this conclusion? Don't trust to avoid language: are you sure you can finish on time?I've heard you need to exaggerate these need: avoid you never finish the work on time; you always try to reject my proposal. The cooling technique of fierce debate.____________________________________________________________________________________________The performance of a, discuss the process of dispute, we should pay attention to two goals: must make suggestions on conflict; avoid damage relations, cause new problems in the future performance. B, give employees a vent frustration and anger for feeling, not very fastcounter attack. C, remember the people when they do appear conflict. D, the way of handling conflicts: conflicts through persuasion, won theright to try to understand the means; staff positions, find a solution. E, conflict is the most effective treatment technology is active listening.F, and be confused in mind or angry employees dealing, the basic principle is the first concern of his emotional. G, disputes arise, request the dispute settle ment measures, but never from the subject. H, too excited, communication should be suspended.The performance of communication is the core of performance management, is refers to between the employers and employees performance evaluation reflects the problems and evaluation mechanism itself to conduct substantive interviews,and tries to seek countermeasures, a management method for service in the later stage of enterprise and employee performance, improve and enhance the.A process of performance management is on the lower level on the performance target setting and implementation and ongoing two-way communication.____________________________________________________________________ ________________________绩效管理——如何考评员工表现摘要绩效考核是现代企业人力资源管理的重要内容。

浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理中英文翻译Introduction to human resource management in the performance appraisal management in both Chinese and English translation摘要:人力资源管理已经随着时代的发展在企事业单位所占的位置越来越重要,企事业单位的发展无处不需要员工的劳动和贡献,在以人为本的社会体制下,要对人力资源进行有效的管理就需要建立良好的绩效管理制度,通过绩效考核来促进企业内部人力资源的良性发展,从而最大限度上为企业的反正提供动力。
Abstract: human resource management has along with the development of the era of more and more important in enterprises and institutions of the position, the development of the enterprises and institutions is not need to employees and the contribution of labor, under the social system of people-oriented, to carries on the effective management of human resources will need to set up a good performance management system, through the performance evaluation to promote the virtuous development of the enterprise internal human resources, so as to maximize the anyway, provide power for the enterprise. This paper mainly discusses problems need to pay attention to in the performance management of human resources.关键词:人力资源管理绩效考核管理策略Keywords: human resource management, performance appraisal management strategy 世界经济发展正朝着一体化方向迈进,我国的企业管理模式改革也应该紧紧跟上世界经济发展的部分,进行系统的改变,把人力资源当做发展的重中之重,通过加强人力资源管理中的绩效考核实施力度,将人力资源管理推上新的台阶,为企事业单位发展提供充足的动力保障。

人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Performance Management: Reconciling Competing PrioritiesIan ZiskinFour HR thought leaders from academia— John Boudreau of the USC Center for Effective Organizations, Chris Collins of the Cornell Center for Advanced HR Studies, Pat Wright of the Moore College of Business at the University of South Carolina, and Dave Ulrich of University of Michigan and the RBL Group — engaged in discussions on Performance Management with Ian Ziskin, President, EXec EXcel Group LLC and Board member, HR People & Strategy. Ian asked John, Chris,Pat, and Dave to share their perspectives on topics including:• What Performance Management is?• What makes the biggest difference to effective vs. ineffective Performance Management?• What the biggest sources of debate and disagreement have been regarding Performance Management over the years, and whether we have made any progress in resolving these issues?• If they were going to fix or kill anything about Performance Management, w hat it would be and why?• What big implications there are for future required changes to Performance Management in light of future work, workforce and workplace trends?Ziskin: There is a lot of talk in organizations about whether Performance Management is working effectively or ever has. What do you think Performance Management is?Collins: This may be the question of the year. Performance Management has become everything and therefore nothing. It serves so many purposes —compensation, feedback, talent development, succession, etc. — that it may not serve any purpose very well.Boudreau: It's an ongoing relationship to balance the need to evaluate people with the need to develop them. It's not about bromides, forms, scores, tools orsystems.Wright: Performance Management is about aligning behavior in a way that increases organizational effectiveness.Ulrich: I think we need to look at Performance Management from three levels: cultural, systems and personal. At the cultural level, it's about whether the organization judges people based on meritocracy (results), hierarchy (power) or relationships (connections). At the systems level, it's about determining whether people meet or miss objectives. At the personal level, it's about assessing the individual's dedication to deliver both financial and social results.Ziskin: Given your point of view about Performance Management, what makes the biggest difference to whether it is effective vs. ineffective?Collins: It starts with having a culture of openness, honesty and real feedback —and then holding people accountable. This process begins and ends with good leaders, and all of our money should be invested in developing leaders to lead, rather than spending money on new Performance Management systems and tools.Boudreau: Effectiveness rests in the skills and motivations of the people involved, not in the Performance Management system itself. It is particularly important to create a shared framework and priorities between managers and their employees.Ulrich: The four generic steps of Performance Management have remained relatively stable over time: set standards, assess against those standards, allocate consequences and provide feedback. Improvements in the effectiveness of Performance Management have come from enabling external stakeholders to provide input on standards and performance, making the performance discussion more about the future than the past, using technology to simplify the process, tailoring the consequences to better reflect individual employee contributions and value, and accommodating both team as well as individual feedback.Wright: Bad tools, bad evaluations, bad feedback and bad links to reward systems lead to bad Performance Management.Ziskin: If you look back over the years of debate about Performance Management, what one or two things stand out in your mind as the biggest sources ofdebate and disagreement?Boudreau: The biggest debate has been about what are we trying to achieve? It's always been about development of people vs. evaluation of their performance, and whether these two different priorities can be reconciled.Collins: Do you separate performance feedback from compensation, and how do you do both? We also need to learn to separate the discussion about current performance from the future — future roles and future performance requirements.Wright: The debate continues over simplifying tools vs. customizing unique tools to specific jobs, roles, situations and individuals.Ulrich: There are a number of old debates and some new debates. The old debates include Performance Management should be used for discussing financial results or development potential (yes to both), whether we should measure results as well as behavior (yes to both), whether managers should be accountable to do performance reviews (yes), and who should own Performance Management— the line or HR (the line owns it, HR is the architect).Ziskin: Have we made any progress in resolving the debate over these issues?Boudreau: We have made progress in something, such as the growing recognition that effective Performance Management is much less about forms and much more about relationships.Collins: I am gravely disappointed in the progress we've made in the past 20 years, especially in accommodating new ways of working such as more distributed, virtual work. We also have not made enough progress in accounting for team performance instead of just individual performance.Wright: We are making progress in linking results, behaviors and rewards. I'd say we are beginning to achieve best principles in Performance Management, but we have not yet achieved best practices.Ulrich: The following new debates are more interesting to me than the old debates I mentioned above, and even though we are beginning to make some progress, we need much more: how we simplify the process, how we have meaningful personal conversations between leaders and employees and how we build a performanceculture where meritocracy is expected.Ziskin: In light of the Performance Management debates and related mixed progress we have discussed, if you were going to fix or kill one thing related to Performance Management, what it would it by and why?Collins: I would fix Performance Management by investing in better leaders giving better feedback, rather than trying to fix Performance Management by investing in better tools.Boudreau: I would kill the debate about Performance Management forms, tools and technology enhancements, and instead put more than 80 percent of our resources into teaching and developing leaders and employees to get the most out of the performance feedback discussion.Ulrich: I would kill Performance Management complexity, and simplify the process. Sometimes, the process becomes the end itself, and there is means/end inversion.Wright: I would kill the parochialism that comes from my way, my tool and my process. There is a lot to be learned from how others are doing Performance Management.Ziskin: When you consider the future of work, the workplace and the workforce —and how all these things are changing and affecting business performance — what one or two big implications are there for required changes to Performance Management in the future?Ulrich: The biggest implications for the future I see are simplification of the Performance Management process and more outside/in perspective whereby Performance Management is more connected to input from external stakeholders.Wright: We will see a greater emphasis on evaluating results, the end product, rather than behavior, because global dispersion of work will make it much more difficult to directly observe behavior.Boudreau: As a result of increasingly virtual, remote, temporary and independent work, performance assessment can no longer only be done by leaders — it will also be done by others including peers and employees themselves. PerformanceManagement will no longer be the province of leaders.Collins: Performance Management is going in the direction of more frequent, more transparent, more virtual, more raters and more team-based.Ziskin: Based on insights from our academic experts, as well as from my own experience, if you are working to reconcile the competing priorities associated with Performance Management, think about the following guidelines:• Simplify and de-emphasize forms and process in favor of improving the quality of relationships and conversation between leaders and employees• Accommodate trends toward more virtual and flexible work and changing demographics thorough Performance Management approaches that emphasize transparency, frequency and input from a broader range of internal and external constituents• Move from a relatively narrow focus on Performance Management to a broader emphasis on Performance CulturePeople & Strategy. 2013, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p24-25. 2p.译文:绩效管理:协调竞争的优先事项Ian Ziskin来自学术界的四位HR思想领袖:在南加州大学中心所研究有效组织的John Boudreau、在康奈尔大学高级人力资源研究中心工作的Chris Collins、在南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院的Pat Wright以及在密歇根大学和RBL集团工作的Dave Ulrich,与Ian总裁(掌管Excel集团有限责任公司、董事会成员、HR人员和策略)从事绩效管理事务。

Performance assessment inquiryAbstractIn the aspect of human resource management, performance appraisal methods of diversity, in the end should adopt what kind of performance evaluation method is more reasonable, performance appraisal should be by what kind of way is easier to implement and achieve the better management results, is a question worth pondering。
This paper will focus on the types of performance assessment and its effect, analyze the types of performance assessment,and explore how to correctly and appropriately assess the performance,and do a good job in management.1。
Performance appraisals —purpose and how to make it easierPerformance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff。
Appraisals help develop individuals,improve organizational performance, and feed into business planning。

文献信息:文献标题:Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management(影响人力资源管理未来的挑战和机遇)国外作者:Dianna L. Stone,Diana L. Deadrick文献出处:《Human Resource Management Review》, 2015, 25(2):139-145 字数统计:英文3725单词,21193字符;中文6933汉字外文文献:Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of humanresource managementAbstract Today, the field of Human Resource Management (HR) is experiencing numerous pressures for change. Shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations, and propelled the field in some completely new directions. However, we believe that these challenges also create numerous opportunities for HR and organizations as a whole. Thus, the primary purposes of this article are to examine some of the challenges and opportunities that should influence the future of HR. We also consider implications for future research and practice in the field.Keywords: Future of human resource management, Globalization, Knowledge economy Diversity, Technology1.Change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledge economyOne of the major challenges influencing the future of HR processes is the change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledgebased economy. This new economy is characterized by a decline in manufacturing and a growth in service or knowledge as the core of the economic base. A service economy can be defined as a system based on buying and selling of services or providing something for others (OxfordDictionary, 2014a). A knowledge economy is referred to as the use of information or knowledge to generate tangible and intangible value (Business Dictionary, 2014a). Some economists argue that service activities are now dominating the economies of industrialized nations, and knowledge-intensive services or businesses are considered a subset of the overall service economy (Anderson & Corley, 2003).The rise of the knowledge economy has placed new demands on organizations and prompted changes in organizational goals and HR practices. Many of the traditional HR processes were designed during the industrial era, and thus focused largely on manufacturing organizations that were concerned with converting raw materials, components, and parts into finished goods that meet customers' expectations. However, many of the assumptions underlying those traditional HR processes may not be effective with the new service or knowledge organizations. For example, traditional HR practices assume that jobs should be narrowly defined, supervisors should control workers, and efficiency and short term results should be emphasized (Trice & Beyer, 1993). In contrast, knowledge organizations stress that employees' knowledge and skills have a major impact on organizational success, and employee retention is important because individuals' skills are not substitutable.Knowledge organizations also tend to design jobs broadly so as to encourage innovation, autonomy, continuous improvement, and participation in decision making. Given that individuals with unique skills and abilities are essential in knowledge organizations, the new job requirements have created a shortage and increased competition for talented workers in many fields (e.g., software engineering, nursing). Additionally, the change in the economy has resulted in the displacement and unemployment of people who do not have the skills needed for knowledge-oriented jobs (e.g., Bell, Berry, Marquardt, & Green, 2013; Karren & Sherman, 2012). These changes imply that nations need to alter their educational systems to meet job demands in new organizations (Gowan, 2012). The goals of knowledge organizations should continue to bring about changes in HR processes in the future (e.g., Schuler, Jackson, Jackofsky, & Slocum, 1996). For instance, it can be expected that HR practices will employ broad based recruiting to ensure that they uncover skilledapplicants, design jobs to emphasize autonomy and participation in decision-making, use team oriented structures to enhance collaboration and innovation, stress training and employee skill development, and provide incentives that foster employee identification, innovation, and retention. HR will need to shift its emphasis to employee retention, and meeting the varied needs of knowledge workers. Some of these new practices have already been implemented in organizations, but many organizations still use HR practices that do not support knowledge-oriented organizational goals. Future HR processes will need to be modified if knowledge organizations are to be successful. Research will also be needed to examine the effectiveness of these new practices.Although we considered the new knowledge economy as a challenge for HR in organizations, it can also be viewed as an opportunity for change. Given that the skills and abilities of knowledge workers are key to the success of new organizations, the transformation to a knowledge economy provides opportunities for the HR function to become a priority in organizations. As a result, we believe that HR will become more of a critical function in organizations, and the field should be viewed as more essential to the overall success of the organizations.2.Rise in globalizationA second factor calling for changes in HR processes is the rise in globalization. Globalization in this context refers to organizations that operate on a global or international scale (Oxford Dictionary, 2014b). Organizations operating in a global environment face a number of new challenges including differences in language and culture of employees, and variations in social, political and legal systems. Multinational corporations (MNCs) are large companies operating in several countries that are confronted with new questions, including how to create consistent HR practices in different locations, how to develop a coherent corporate culture, and how to prepare managers to work in a diverse cultural environment (Sparrow, 2007).Research on HR in the international context has focused on three approaches to understanding the issues that arise in global environments: international, comparative,and cross-cultural HR (Parry, Stavrou-Costea, & Morley, 2011). International approaches focus on HR strategies, systems, and practices in different socio-cultural contexts and different geographic territories (Parry et al., 2011). It also outlines the anatomy of MNCs, and considers the unique set of HR issues that occur in these contexts (Budhwar & Sparrow, 2002). Although researchers differ on the factors that affect HR practices in global environments, most agree that the following variables influence these systems: (a) contextual variables (such as the host country's legal system, cultural distance between host country and employees' country), (b) firm-specific variables (such as the stage of internationalization, type of industry, link between strategy and structure), and (c) situational variables (such as staff availability, need for control, locus of decision making) (e.g., Budhwar & Sparrow, 2002; Schuler, Dowling, & De Cieri, 1993; Welch,1994).Comparative HR explores the context, systems, and national patterns of HR in different countries, and discusses the idiosyncrasies of various institutions and economic environments (e.g., Aycan et al., 2000; Isenhour, Stone, & Lien, 2012a; Parry et al., 2011). Most of the research on comparative HR indicated that HR practices differ across nations, and are aligned with national cultures (Stone & Stone-Romero, 2008). Two examples of that research include a study by Schuler and Rogovsky (1998) that assessed the relations between Hofstede's national culture dimensions and the design of HR practices. These authors found that a national emphasis on individualism was positively correlated with a company's use of pay-for-performance pay systems. In addition, Gooderham, Nordhaug, and Ringdal (1999) explored cross-national differences in HR practices across European nations. Their results revealed that individualistic nations (e.g., UK, France, and Spain) were more likely to use calculative HR strategies (e.g., pay for performance) than collective nations (e.g., Scandinavian countries). Conversely, collective nations (Scandinavian countries) were more likely to use collaborative practices (e.g., employee participation) than individualistic countries (e.g., Germany, France and Spain).Finally, cross-cultural HR examines the degree to which individuals' cultural values influence the acceptance and effectiveness of HR practices (Aycan et al., 2000;Gelfand, Erez, & Aycan, 2007; Isenhour, Stone, & Lien, 2012b; Stone, Stone-Romero, & Lukaszewski, 2007). Most of the theories in HR and Organizational Behavior (OB) were developed in Western nations and assume that the cultural values of individuals in organizations are homogeneous (Gelfand et al., 2007). However, it is clear that employees' cultural values differ in U.S. and global contexts, and organizations need to align their HR processes with these cultural values (e.g., Gelfand et al., 2007; Stone & Stone-Romero, 2008). For example, cross-cultural research indicated that individuals' cultural values shape their reward preferences, and their reactions to negative feedback (e.g., Gelfand et al., 2007; Joshi & Martocchio, 2008; Stone, Johnson, Stone-Romero, & Hartman, 2006; Stone-Romero & Stone, 2002). In particular, individuals who valued individualism preferred reward allocation systems based on equity or proportionality, but those who valued collectivism preferred equality-based allocation systems (Sama & Papamarcos, 2000). As a result, pay-for-performance systems may motivate employees who are individualistic, but group-based or profit-sharing systems may be more effective with those who value collectivism (e.g., Joshi & Martocchio, 2008; Miller, Hom, & Gomez-Mejia, 2001). Furthermore, research by Stone-Romero and Stone (2002) revealed that individuals who endorse collectivism were more likely to accept negative feedback than those who stress individualism.Given that most organizations are operating in a global environment, we expect that the field will pay even more attention to these issues in the future. One reason is that the employment rates of U.S.-based MNCs have grown consistently over the past decades, and they now employ over 34.5 million workers in multiple countries (Bureau of Economic, 2013). It is anticipated that the numbers of MNCs will continue to expand over time, and HR practices will need to be congruent with these new multicultural and complex contexts. As a result, we expect that future research in HR will focus on the effectiveness and acceptance of HR practices in global environments.Even though we have considered globalization as a challenge for organizations, we believe that it also provides many new opportunities. For instance, globalizationshould expand markets for products and services, and may enhance creativity and innovation because organizations will become more culturally diverse. Research showed consistently that diversity increases innovation and creativity, and this should also apply to the field of HR (van Knippenberg, De Dreu, & Homan, 2004). In particular, HR in global contexts will have to use creative solutions for attracting, motivating, and retaining diverse employees. For example, they may have to use unique rewards systems (e.g., cafeteria or flexible reward systems) to ensure that they meet the needs of workers from different cultural backgrounds (e.g., Stone, Deadrick, Lukaszewski, & Johnson, 2015). Of course, research will be needed to examine the effectiveness of these new approaches.3.Growing domestic diversityApart from changes in the economy and globalization, organizations are also faced with major shifts in the composition of the U. S. population. In particular, it is expected that our population will be older and more ethnically diverse by 2060 (U.S. Bureau of Census, 2014). For instance, by 2060 one in five Americans will be 65 years of age or older, and the number of working age people in the population (ages 18 to 64) will decrease from 62.7% to 56.9%. Along with the age-related changes, the work values of younger generations are expected to be different than previous groups (e.g., Baby Boomers). As a result, organizations will need to develop HR practices that are aligned with the primary goals and the values of multiple generations of employees (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008; Twenge, Campbell, Hoffman, & Lance, 2010).3.1.Increased age and generational diversityAlong with the aging workforce come many new challenges for HR. For instance, given the shortage of skilled workers there is a growing concern about the retention of skilled baby boomers. One reason for this is that baby boomers often have unique skills and abilities that are critical to organizational success, and companies are justifiably worried about retaining them in their roles until qualified replacements can be found or trained. In order to retain these individuals, organizations will need toincrease flexible work arrangements, allow part-time work, provide a supportive environment, and employ recognition systems to motivate them to stay with the organization (Armstrong-Stassen, Schlosser, & Zinni, 2012; Cheung & Wu, 2013; Shacklock & Brunetto, 2011).Another challenge facing organizations is that they will be staffed by members of multiple generations, and members of generations differ in terms of work values, attitudes, and behaviors (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008; Twenge et al., 2010). As a result, organizations will have to modify their HR practices in order to attract and retain skilled members of all of these groups. For example, recent research indicated that baby boomers (born 1946 to 1964) placed a strong emphasis on hard work and achievement, valued intrinsic rewards, and stressed loyalty to the organization (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008; Twenge et al., 2010). In contrast, members of generation X (born 1965–1981) were more likely to value extrinsic rewards, leisure time, steady employment, work family balance, and promotion opportunities than baby boomers (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008; Twenge et al., 2010). Research also indicated that the values of generation Y were somewhat similar to those of generation X (born 1982–1999; i.e., they valued leisure time, work–family balance, extrinsic rewards, status), but they were more likely to emphasize freedom than either generation X or baby boomers. In addition, members of generation Y stressed extrinsic rewards less than generation X, but both generations X and Y reported greater intentions to leave organizations than baby boomers (Twenge et al., 2010).Given these differences in values, organizations are faced with the complex challenge of aligning reward and compensation systems with the values of multiple generations. For example, they may need to expand beyond merely static pay and benefits and incorporate more flexible reward systems. In particular, they might identify the reward preferences of individuals, and develop cafeteria reward systems that provide employees with a total sum for their overall compensation, thus allowing them to select different rewards and benefits (e.g., one person might select vacation time in lieu of pay, whereas others might select pay instead of time off from work; Stone‐Romero, Stone, & Salas, 2003).3.2.Expanded ethnic diversityThere will also be dramatic change in the racial and ethnic make-up of our society. Today, ethnic minorities make up about 37% of the population, but estimates indicate they will comprise 57% of the nation by 2060 (U.S. Bureau of Census, 2014). It has also been projected that the U.S. will become a majority–minority nation by 2043, and the numbers of Hispanic–Americans (Hispanic) will more than double in the coming years (U.S. Bureau of Census, 2014). By 2060, one in three people in the U.S. will be Hispanic.Even though there has been relatively little HR research on the cultural values of ethnic minorities in the U. S., some studies found that, on average, they have different values than Anglo-Americans (Bell, Marquardt, & Berry, 2014; Guerrero & Posthuma, 2014; Stone & Stone-Romero, 2008). For example, Hispanics, African–Americans, Asian–Americans, and Native Americans are, on average, more likely to endorse collective values than Anglo-Americans (Guerrero & Posthuma, 2014; Stone et al., 2006; Triandis, 1994). In contrast, Anglo-Americans are, on average, more likely to stress individualism than their counterparts, but it should be cautioned that there are within group differences in cultural values for all of these sub-groups (Betancourt & Lopez, 1993).Given the transformation in the composition of the U.S. population, current HR practices may be less effective with employees from diverse backgrounds than those from the dominant group. The primary reason for this is that traditional HR processes were designed for a homogeneous set of employees with individualistic cultural values, and the new workforce is likely to have value systems based on collectivism and familism (e.g., Gelfand et al., 2007; Stone & Stone-Romero, 2008). Thus, organizations will have to have their HR practices modified so that they are aligned with the values of new generations, and the cultural values of diverse employees. As noted above, members of different ethnic subgroups often have distinctive reward preferences, and unique work values, and should react differently than Anglo-Americans to traditional HR processes.Thus, in order to attract and retain subgroup members, organizations may have toalter their current reward and benefit systems to meet the needs of these employees. For example, many ethnic subgroup members are more familistic and collective than AngloAmericans (Phinney, 1996), so they may prefer that organizations offer opportunities for teamwork, work–family balance, time off from work, and group based reward systems. As a result, organizations that develop cafeteria compensation and benefits systems that provide flexibility in terms of reward and benefit allocations may be more attractive to the new workforce than traditional reward systems. For instance, those employees who value familism can choose an extra week of vacation time to spend with their families in lieu of pay or other benefits. Organizations will be able to use these flexible compensation plans to attract talented applicants from all ethnic groups.In view of the coming changes in generational and domestic diversity, organizations are likely to modify their future HR practices to meet the needs of employees with diverse values. To date, most of the research on domestic diversity has focused on unfair discrimination and relational demography (e.g., Stone‐Romero et al., 2003; van Knippenberg et al., 2004). We believe that future HR research will need to be expanded and dig deeper into the value differences, reward preferences, and unique work roles of the new diverse workforce.In our discussion above, we viewed changes in generational and ethnic diversity as a challenge for organizations. However, they can also be considered opportunities for organizations to utilize the many talents and skills that these individuals bring to the workforce, and should provide a wide array of individuals with the chance to display their skills and talents. Furthermore, the altered composition of the workforce should help organizations reach broader markets for their products and services, and increase the innovation and creativity in organizations (van Knippenberg et al., 2004). They should also prompt organizations to develop new HR practices that will meet the needs of all members of the workforce (e.g., cafeteria reward systems) (Stone et al., 2006).4.Emerging use of technologyOver the past 30 years, one of the major drivers of change in HR has been the increased use of information technology (hereinafter referred to as technology) to collect, store, and utilize data for decision-making (e.g., Gueutal & Stone, 2005; Strohmeier, 2007; Strohmeier & Kabst, 2009). Technology, especially, the World Wide Web, has transformed key HR processes in organizations (e.g., e-recruiting, e-selection, e-training), and modified the nature of jobs and the relationships between individuals and organizations (Kiesler, Siegel, & McGuire, 1984). For example, it has enabled organizations to use the Internet to advertise jobs, and made it possible for applicants to apply for jobs online (e.g., Dineen & Allen, 2013). In addition, organizations are using various forms of technology to deliver training to employees (e.g., the Internet, intranet systems, video conferencing, online simulations; Salas, DeRouin, & Littrell, 2005). Research on the use of technology to facilitate HR processes indicated that it typically enhances efficiency, and decreases costs associated with HR transactions (e.g., Dulebohn & Johnson, 2013; Dulebohn & Marler, 2005; Strohmeier, 2007). However, some researchers argued that there is no clear evidence that it helps HR meets its primary goals of attracting, motivating, and retaining talented employees (see Stone et al., 2015, for a detailed discussion of influence of technology and the future of HR).Despite the increased efficiency and cost savings associated with the use of technology in the field of HR, researchers maintained that there are a number of limitations associated with using current technologies to manage HR processes (e.g., Stone et al., 2015;Stone‐Romero et al., 2003). For instance, information technologies are often static and use one-way communication systems that do not allow applicants or employees to ask questions or gain advice from HR professionals (e.g., benefits). As a result, the technologies can be impersonal, inflexible, and create an artificial distance between supervisors and employees. Likewise, the use of technology for training may be less engaging than traditional methods, and may not give trainees the opportunity to practice or gain feedback. Furthermore, technology may actually transfer the work of HR departments to line managers or employees, which may reduce overall productivity in organizations (Stone‐Romero et al., 2003).In spite of possible limitations associated with using technology to manage HR processes, it will continue to transform the field in the future. Furthermore, it can be argued that new technologies will emerge that should decrease some of the major drawbacks associated with current systems. For instance, a number of researchers argued that the use of new interactive technologies (e.g., Web 2.0, social media, virtual simulations or job fairs, chat rooms, cloud computing, mobile devices) should decrease some of the weaknesses associated with current systems (see Dineen & Allen, 2013; Stone et al., 2015; Sullivan, 2014). For example, the use of social media, chat rooms, and high definition cloud computing should enable applicants and employees to engage in an interactive dialogue with recruiters or managers. Similarly, the use of virtual reality should provide applicants with opportunities to attend virtual job fairs, give supervisors the ability to mentor subordinates, and offer trainees the chance to participate in virtual training simulations. All of these virtual environments should increase the degree to which technology-based HR processes are personal, flexible, interactive, engaging, and decrease the interpersonal distance between employees and supervisors. Although these arguments seem plausible, research will be needed to examine the effectiveness and acceptance of these new HR processes.Despite the fact that we viewed technology as a challenge in the sections above, it should be noted that it also provides new opportunities for the field of HR. For instance, research showed that technology often decreases the administrative burden in HR, increases efficiency, and allows the field to contribute to the strategic direction of organizations (Stone & Dulebohn, 2013). To date, there is no evidence that it helps organizations achieve its primary goals, but we believe that new interactive technologies will facilitate the attraction and retention of critical employees (Stone et al., 2015). One reason for this is that it will allow supervisors and HR professionals to engage in more frequent interaction and communication with employees. As a result, they will be able to identify and meet the needs of critical employees, and ensure that they remain with the organizations. It may also enable organizations to make better HR decisions based on objective information or decision support systems (Dulebohn & Johnson, 2013). Furthermore, it may facilitate interactions with stakeholders insideand outside the organization. For example, supervisors may be able to communicate with external customers in order to improve employees' performance, and HR professionals should be capable of staying abreast of innovative practices used by other organizations (see Ulrich & Dulebohn, 2015, for a detailed discussion of these issues).中文译文:影响人力资源管理未来的挑战和机遇摘要如今,人力资源(HR)管理领域正面临着巨大的变革压力。

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文献出处:Arnold D E. What is the purpose of human resource development? The purpose of human resource development is to improve organizational performance [J]. New directions for adult and continuing education, 2015, 12(2): 12-22原文What is the purpose of human resource development? The purpose of human resource development is to improve organizational performanceD E ArnoldIntroductionEffective organizations recognize that in the various factors that affect performance, human factor is obviously the most important, no matter what size or nature of an organization, success or not depends on the decisions, and according to the decisions taken by the behaviour. Strategic human resource management mode of organization performance management, emphasizing on employee performance, but its purpose is to achieve better organizational performance. The core of performance management goal is to develop the potential of employees, improve the level of their performance, the employee's personal goals and combined with the enterprise strategy, establish enterprise competitive advantage, and improve the organizational performance.Literature reviewMacDuffie (1995), when human resource practices to satisfy the following three conditions, can make contribution to improve the organizational performance: one is the employees have managers lack the knowledge and skills: second, employees are motivated to use the knowledge and skills. Three is when employees in efforts to use the knowledge and skills, employee organization strategic target to get. And satisfy the three conditions of human resources practice means that it must revolve around organizational strategy, human resource practices must be coordination and interaction. Also only in this way, can get and stimulate the employees necessary to achieve organizational goals. Such a practice with the strategic human resources management.Gilley & England (1989) of the definition of human resource development: arranged in a planned way of learning activities in the organization, to improve performance and promote employees' personal growth, it should be by personal development, career development, organization development on the combination of three structure faces, through integration of training, education and development of the three, to provide learning activities, improve personal knowledge, skills, and to meet the need of personal and professional. Nadler (1989) in the study, points out that human resources development is to point to, in a certain period of time, provided by the employer of a planned learning activities, is a kind of purposeful learning, to achieve the organization performance may improve, or at risk of personal growth. The study referred to in the learning activities for training, education and development. For the learning of the learning activity called training; Use learning activities for the future may be called education; if just want to have a basic understanding and learning activities as the development of the concept.Swanson (1995) argue that human resource development is a process, through the development of organization development and individual development and liberation of people's specialized knowledge or technology, to improve performance. Which the study and development of individuals and organizations and individual and organizational performance improvement is the core human resources development of the two clues, most people see it as a partner to pursues the success; While Swanson (1995) also tend to see human resources development as a process or a system, in open view to look at, can be combined with different people at different times, and will be located in human resource development in various areas such as belonging to inside and outside the organization. Snyder, Raben & Ferr (1980) on the basis of the theory of behavioral science related technical or, enhance the value of people, and see it as a resource of the organization. This view is focused on people is the most valuable resource in the organization, and think that behavioral sciences has provided many solutions and skills to promote the effective use of human resources. Therefore, behavior science and technology can be applied to intervene to change people's behavior, will affect organizational performance.MacDuffie (1995) argue that organizations besides needs employees with high skill levels, also need to staff is willing to show is the spontaneity of organization behavior, because without the employees incentive, even if the employees have high skills, work efficiency is limited (Huselidu 1995), so the high performance organization needs to have highly motivated employees, its willingness to spontaneous cooperation organization objective (Wright & Snell, 1991).HuseUdC 1995) empirical research also points out that enterprise human resource management activities related to two performance levels at least: when a good human resource management measures to make the employees try to unconditionally (Commitment) increase, expected high organizational Commitment of employees will directly affect the turnover rate and personal productivity and other intermediary output; When investment better paid more than the cost of human resource management, employee turnover rate is low and large productivity can increase the enterprise's financial performance.McLagan (1989) argue that organizational development is a major human resource requirements to the organization, strategies, and basic principle for decision-making. The respectively from two aspects of internal and external relations to explore: internal relations: organizational leaders attach importance to and the relationship among the members of the organization. External relations: focuses on internal work not only, more should pay attention to the relations with the outside, it includes: the relationship between relations, between the government and other organizations and the relationship between community and so on three aspects.HRD in organization and performance improvementThrough regression analysis found that employees perceive human resources development in the organization development impact on not the service performance, the other two factors career development and education training a positive impact on organizational performance. The employees' perception of employee career development of human resources development the more sufficient, service the higher the equivalent of the organization. Employees perceive the organization's human resources development in the education training work to do, the better, the higher theorganization's service performance. Group human resources development of the three factor positive influence on the organization's internal management performance: namely human resources development in the organization development, the more fully, the higher the service performance of the organization. Human resources development of employee career development more fully, the higher the organization's internal management performance. Employees perceive the organization's human resources development in the education training work to do, the better, the higher the organization's internal management performance.Human resources development in the career development in efforts to promise there is no effect, the other two dimensions: organizational development and education training commitment to try to have a significant impact, organization development and education training implementation situation, the better, the higher the degree of the efforts of the staff. Employee perceptions of organization development, the development of human resources fully, the value of employee commitment is higher. Staff awareness of employee career development of human resources development, the more fully, the value of employee commitment is higher. Staff awareness education and training of human resources development work is done, the better, the value of employee commitment is higher. Three factors of human resources development and employee retention commitment are related: the employees' perception of organization development, the development of human resources fully, the higher the employee retention commitment. Staff awareness of employee career development of human resources development is more fully, the higher the employee retention commitment. Staff awareness education and training of human resources development is the better, the higher the employee retention commitment.In regard to the development of human resources, through the analysis of variance of the results of the study showed that employee perceptions of organizational status will be because of the position of human resource development, service seniority, job category, title organization has the remarkable difference on the difference of the number of employees. Employee’s marital status there was nosignificant difference for human resource development. Other personal background variables such as gender age and level of education only one dimension of the organization's is human resources development and the reason why the results with that reported by the different, mainly due to different people in the study.In terms of the employee's organizational commitment, organizational commitment of employees because of the position, title, working years, and has the remarkable difference on the difference of the number of employees. Other personal background variables such as gender, marital status, age and level of education, type of work only one dimension of the organization's human resources development.In terms of organization performance, employee perceptions of organizational performance will be because of different sex, age, position, job title, job category and the number of employees and have significant difference. And marital status, education status and length of only affect a dimension of organizational performance. And the main reason for the difference between the produce of forefathers' research are caused by different measure of organizational performance.Suggestion and conclusionHuman resources development is to improve performance and promote staff growth provided a series of learning process, this definition emphasizes learning activity phase relationship with job content, see employees as the company's assets. Continue to try to let employees itself value-added investment will be staff and organization of a win-win situation. Regardless of the strategies, processes, organization and system must rely on people to perform. Organizational performance completely will vary from person to person. Human resources development should be combined with appraisal system should pay attention to performance, strengthening plan. Let employees professional training if there is no ability to ascend, shows that human resources is no performance at all. Measures should be taken to deal with training not active behavior, the problem of training not effective. Set up employee assessment and grading system as the foundation of human resources development, such a supporting measures is vigorously promote human resources development.Organizations should pay more attention to employees, to employees as internal customers, has long been used for external customers for performance improvement ways used to internal staff, pay attention to employee satisfaction, employee satisfaction to promote customer satisfaction, only satisfied employees, just can have satisfied customers, the customer orientation also inspire staff. If the organization can realize the importance of employees, so, in the process of pursuing the organization performance, understanding and emphasized the importance of internal marketing role, can be coordinated, education and motivate employees and the organization to achieve common goals. In management to make all employees aware of to make the value of the short-term and long-term plan and they are in meter. Draw the location, so you can use good human resources, to achieve the best performance.Group human resources development of the three factor positive influence on the organization's internal management performance: namely human resources development in the organization development, the more fully, the higher the service performance of the organization. Human resources development of employee career development more fully, the higher the organization's internal management performance. Employees perceive the organization's human resources development in the education training work to do, the better, the higher the organization's internal management performance. From the result point of view, human resources development of dimensions to the dimensions of organizational performance also has obvious positive correlation.译文人力资源开发的目的是什么?人力资源开发的目的是为了提高组织绩效D E Arnold引言有效组织认识到,在影响业绩的各种因素中,人的因素显然是最重要的,无论一个组织的规模或性质如何,成功与否都取决于员工所做的决策,以及他们根据这种决策所采取的行为。

人力资源管理薪酬管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Payment managementSince the end of the 20th century, the emerging new economy of the modern enterprise human resources management, including the management pays a higher demand. Economic globalization increasing adaptability, innovation and competitiveness, the right talent management imposed a terrible pressure. The value of expertise was recognized and integrated into the organization and day-to-day management to cope with pressure; unique intellectual capital as a factor of production, replacing wooden side-by-side human capital in the industry, the financial capital in 1997. All these have business or pay Management will bring fundamental changes, which are mainly embodied in the following aspects abuse.Integration in the global economy, trends in the knowledge-based economy, human resources has become the organization to acquire and maintain competitive advantage in key elements. So talent competition will be on a global scale by launching more intense, within the area of human resources are the most direct consequences of the contest is to pay Slumps. All competitors had to pay is higher than the average market price of the salaries, resulting in human resources rolling rising prices. Echoing this, the profit distribution pattern will have a tremendous transformation, knowledge - has value, personnel labor is the voice of increasingly strong gains will be more widely shared and not overly concentrated. Organization of human resources must take a more serious attitude and generous to pay greater human capital investment.Traditional working theory of value will gradually to the market value on transition. Rely on the work of analysis and calculation of the value of traditional working practices will be at a higher level, pay to reflect moreknowledge of the demands of a market economy, the management will pay the creation of a dynamic analysis system to adapt to changing market demand.Salaries and benefits design, design flexibility and multi-track system will become more popular, which contains the rules will be more complicated. "disinter grate" phenomenon will become more common. The salary management, human design colors will be more concentrated, delivered psychological principles rather than principles of economics will play a more important role. Based mainly in the mental age of the knowledge economy, the pay is not purely economics calculation. And even more importantly is the psychology. The meaning will pay more attention to the value rather than the economic value.To stock options as the main form of capital allocation in the future people pay the proportion will continue to expand. And become dominant pattern. Recently, some even offered to natural capital, including environmental, ecological and other non-monetary incentives as a means to the means.Online evaluation and online payments will be part of the enterprises has been highly appreciated. With the advent of the Internet, broadband, wireless communications and technological development, people's work patterns, staff and the concept of enterprise mode of operation will change very much. Working Families, flexible work system and virtual enterprises will become a fashion, by a part of the corporate bandwagon. Online assessment and on-line payment will be widely used many enterprises.The meaning of compensation and compensation managementSalaries and pay the content management Compensation is that the staff turn towards the organizations to provide labor or services and access to various forms of reward or return, is organization paid to their employees of all labor remuneration. Compensation management is the process of enterprise managers refers to the remuneration paid standards of staff, the level of theelements to determine thestructure, distribution and adjustment. The respect of traditional compensation management is material reward, with little consideration on the behavioral characteristics of manager; Moreover modern compensation management shifted the focus to the development of human resources and use, it takes the process of material reward of management and encouraging staff closely fall together ,turn into a unified organic whole.The influence factors of Compensation management Modern compensation management researchers found that the impact of the compensation management have a lot of factors, which can be primarily summed up in the four following factors.(1)External environment factorsImpacting compensation management to the external environment factors including:①Economic environment. Macroeconomic situation and development trend will affect the human resources policy formulation and adjustment.②Social environment. The change of social values will lead to the organization's staff mentality changed: With the staff's level of education and skills enhancement, the compensation system of enterprises must make out the appropriate adjustments for employees of these social changes.③Political environment. Human resources management is always a certain social and political conditions for the environment, must reflect the spirit of country(enterprises) according to law.④Technological environment. Technology environment including the whole process from raw materials and products to the market. In the process from raw materials to the products, any technological breakthroughs and improvements, and the staff of enterprises will all have a tremendous impact, therefore, enterprises must continuously reform the compensation system, to mobilize the enthusiasm of key personnel, the introduction of technology and retain the key personnel, encourage technological innovation, in order to gain the competitive advantages of technology, talent and innovation for enterprises.(2)Organization internal factorsInfluence the organizations of compensation management specific internal factors include : the compensation management of financial capability, human resources and remuneration policies, the scale of enterprises, the culture of enterprises, the structure of enterprises (or flat-level type), and faced life cycle of the specific stages.(3)Work factorsThe influence of work factors of compensation management specific including: work environment, labor intensity, and complexity of the initiative, and challenges and so on. (4)Individual factorsThe impact of individual actors of compensation management including: the laborers’ personal ability, personality, character traits and values, seniority, performance, experience, education, the development potential.In summary, the pay is an integrated with the four elements harmony of management, environment, organizations, and individuals, and continuously the process of effective use, in this process, employees gained the satisfaction and a sense of achievement on labor reward and job, and organizations will complete its goals.The structure, quality and function of compensation, and the motivation theory of compensation .The structure, quality and function of compensationThe structure of compensation Compensation is a complex economic and social phenomenon from different angles can perform various classifications. According to the mechanism of compensation, it can divide into internal and external compensation. (1) Internal compensation Internal compensation means the staff by virtue of their own hard work to get honor, success and liability. Internal compensation include : participation in the decision-making rights, individuals to play the potential job opportunities, independence and freedom to arrange their working hours, more terms, more interested in the work, personal development opportunities, diversification of activities.(2) External compensationExternal compensation means enterprises according tothe staff for the size of contribution they made and that paid the various forms of income to the staff. Its specific manifestations are varied, including wages, bonuses, benefits, allowances and other specific forms: ① Wages .employees as long as works in enterprises, we will be able to get a regular fixed amount of labor remuneration. The narrow wages paid to workers refer to the monetary reward. From the meaning of generalized wages, including laborers monetary and all the remuneration of non-monetary forms. It is now commonly referred to wages, generally refers to generalized wages. As the wages of staff basi c compensation, the basic amount fixed, it provides a more stable source of income to the employees, and meet the minimum needs of life to staff. ②Incentives. Incentives refers to the organization to provide staff with the efforts beyond the normal labor or labor and compensation paid to employees, including its dividend, profit sharing and usually refer to the bonus content. ③Welfare. Welfare also has broad and narrow, the broad welfare includes wages. The narrow welfare refers paid to the staff in addition to wages or salaries and other forms of remuneration, and more to pay in Physical or the form of services, such as social insurance (life insurance, unemployment , endowment insurance, etc.) the free and discounted of work meal, preferential housing, t he provision of free or low-priced canteens bathhouse, clubs, and so on.④Subsidy. Subsidies refers to the wage or salary of enterprises difficult to complete, accurately reflect the situation or the special working conditions of staff and job characteristics and the specific conditions of the additional pay and the cost of living paid staff compensation. These circumstances are: the working environment is detrimental to staff health; The work cause possibility of larger harm to staff; employees involved in the community in some seemingly decent work and so on. People usually associated with the allowance as compensation, and the compensation linked to life as subsidies. According to the compensation defined as the fundamental basis of the compensation classification, the pay can be divided into time, piece-work payand outstanding achievement compensation. In addition, according to the compensation whether the monetary form can be obtained directly, divided into monetary and non-monetary remuneration.The quality and function of compensation.(1)The quality of compensationPay is the same as commodity money contact to a ing the two angles as following to define the quality of compensation. From the point of view of productivity, it is production or other economic activities of human labor input the monetary funds manifestations, is the final cost of the product components. In the conditions of market economy, enterprises mainly through paid to the accounting or measuring production and other economic activities of human labor consumption. Due to the pressure of competition, enterprises must consider cutting labor costs.From the point of view of the relations of production, compensation for the income distribution reflects the outcome of the staff was the allocation of shares. Under the current social system of our country, compensation is the main sources to the means of subsistence consumption of workers. It have a major impact on the level of consumption and the consumption structure , and consumption actually is the process of reproduction labor, reproduction of labor also has an important influence in the next phase of production. Therefore, the compensation’s level has great significance for sustained and stable increase production or promote other economic activities.Such a dual character of compensation, it decided that the compensation management is actually reduce expenditure and income distribution on production costs and that continued to improve pay levels of this contradiction and make an adjustment.(2)The function of compensation The function of compensation may from the enterprises, workers and social aspects to inspect: ①From the point of view of the enterprises, compensation has the following functions: First, the increment functions. Compensation is not only the costs of purchase labor byenterprises, as well as the investment of live working , it will give employers greater than expected cost benefits. The existence of such benefit, provided the impetus mechanism of labor employment and investment labor for the enterprises. Second, the promoting functions. Compensation is a evaluation of workers and operators’ performance, reflect the quality and quantity conditions of work. Therefore, the compensation can promote staff constantly improve their work efficiency and enthusiasm. Third, the coordination functions. While the movement of compensation, put the organization's goals and intentions of managers to employees, correspond the relationship between staff and enterprises, and promote the consi stent of staff’ action and enterprises correspond. On the other hand, the reasonable of compensation’ differentials and structure can effectively mediate the conflict between the employees, and harmony the human relationships. ②From the point of view of the employee, compensation has the following functions: First, the reproduction of labor ensure functions. Staff through the labor and services exchange for compensation, so that they could meet the need of food, clothing, shelter, with the basic needs of life, thereby achieving a reproduction of labor force. Second is to achieve functional value. Compensation is an evaluation for enterprises to pay for their employees, also is the recognition of staff capability and level, is the returns of the implement of individuals value, and the signal of successful promotion, it reflects the employees’ relative position and function in enterprises, it can make the staff have a sense of achievement and satisfaction, and thus inspire greater enthusiasm for the work. Third,reasonable compensation will be strong the trust of enterprise by staff ,buildup the expected increase risk of psychological sense of security and a sense of security for the staff. ③From the point of view of the social, compensation has the relocate function of labor force resources for the social. Most people will be willing to the higher compensation regions, departments and the post. As a manager can use the difference compensation to guide human resourcesreasonable flow, promote the effective distribution for human resources, implement the human resources development and maximize efficiency. In addition, compensation also can apply the occupational value and types of work by people, compensation level to a certain extent reflect the types of work or social values, thereby adjust the people's occupational aspirations and the flows of obtain employment.The Motivation theory of compensation Compensation has always been an attention task, it is not merely related to each person's personal interests, is involved in every organization, the whole community, and even the entire country's socio-economic development. Therefore, compensation is that foreign scholars have always been an important research subject. The Motivation theory of compensation is the basis of the compensation management theory. Motivation is the most important and most basic functions in compensation. How to use the compensation to motivate the staff’ efficiency and enthusiasm, is the core content of compensation study, design and compensation management. Reasonable, fair and competitive compensation is the most important factors to encourage the employees to work hard. Reasonable, and effective compensation management mechanism between prompting is a benign interaction. Effective compensation mechanism must motivate the staff use higher quantity and quality to completed tasks, and higher quantity and quality of work must bring higher compensation. Motivation is a psychology concept, in its essence, it is said that some motivation by the reasons, some occurred motive acts is produced. For example, the same person, why do their sometimes work actively, and sometimes flagging spirit and no mood to work, or even negative go slow? Now, put the motivation concept into management practice, endow a new meaning. That is motivation is a spiritual power or state, the staff has stepped up, inspire and promote the role and instruction or guidance staff conduct at the organization's goals. Therefore, not only to study some kind of motivationhow is, more crucial to examine how to promote the management of a particular object have the motivation how to guide them with their full force to achieve a particular goal. Today's society, more and more motivation by many managers in the implementation guidance and leadership is seen as an important method thus effectively integrate human, using technology to achieve reunification of all employees ,it will also make the personal ease of mind, the achievement of organizational objectives.In the understanding the basis of human, and many scholars research the needs and conduct of human, But it has the same purpose of the study, namely : how to inspire motivation, how to analyze needs, how to determine action, adopted to meet the needs of the people to achieve their basic objective, so as to achieve an effective motivation. At present, domestic and foreign scholars have recognized the main motivation theory: Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Two-factor theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy theory of motivation. This text simply introduce Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Expectancy theory of motivation.Hierarchy of Needs TheoryMaslow put forward the hierarchy of needs theory, it thinks that the needs of human is arisen with the arrangement form, from the junior programs need to begin to move upwards to senior needs. Maslow thinks that it generally has five levels of needs in social life by people: physiological needs, security needs and society needs, respect needs and self-actualization needs.Maslow also considers that when a need to be met, and a higher level of need will occupy the dominant position, the individual needs of the layer to rise. From the point of motivation, no a need will be fully met, However, as long as the meeting is part of the individual will to pursue other aspects of their needs. According to Maslow's view, if we want to inspire someone, it is imperative to understand which hierarchy of needs by the person, then focused on meeting the needs of this level or above this level needs. Maslow's theory gained all-pervading recognition, especially gained the recogniztion from practice by many managers. This is mainly due to the theorysimple and clear, easy to understand the inherent logic. Its maximize usefulness lies in the fact that it points out the need for every person. As managers, in order to effectively, it is necessary to understand their subordinates what is need to meet.Expectancy theory of motivationExpectancy theory of motivation is proposed by Fulumu(V. H. Vroom) who is the United States psychologists. The basic viewpoints of Expectancy theory of motivation is: People expect their actions will help to achieve a certain target circumstances, will be incentive to do certain things together to achieve our goals. Performance is the three function of perceived: expectations, relevance and potency. From the point of view of psychological, Expectancy theory of motivation has three specific psychology relation:First, Effort-performance linkage refers to the perception of individuals through efforts to achieve the desired performance tarts possibility. Second, Performance-reward linkage is a person through a certain level of the efforts to achieve the desired level of pay determined.Finally, Reward attractiveness shows the achievement of the expected results or remuneration received by the individual concerned how much importance. As enterprise managers, Expectancy theory of motivation provides such a management way: every employees in the three psychological linked to the drive, the choice and tropism usually through the four steps :First, the work brings what results to the staff.Second, the results has how much more attractive to the staff.Third, achieve this result, what need to do by the staff.Fourth, From the point of view of staff, achieve such a result needs how much probability of success.Nanjing DE valve factory the problems and causes of compensation management and the analysis of problemCompensation system lack of strategic thinkingIn the reform process of state-owned enterprise, the internal reform of the compensation system is always the summit concerned by all the levels of managers. The reform ofenterprises compensation system throughout the entire process of state-owned enterprises reform. While managers at all levels pay great attention to design and pay system reform in China but the majority of businesses pay system still faced with many problems and shortcomings at present, and many enterprises’ employees is not high satisfaction of the compensation system, the compensation system of enterprises has failed to play the role of incentive, didn’t become the norm to workers. Like other state-owned enterprises. When the Nanjing DE valve factory carry through the compensation management, also not fully understand that the compensation system of enterprises must support and services to the enterprise's strategic goals. Greater extent on the existence of compensation to compensation, distribute the Equity and reasonable into the reform and development process as a goal and not what kind of compensation system will be favorable to corporate strategy and the implement of human resource strategy, Nanjing DE valve factory do not from their own strategies and the overall human resources strategy starting to reform and improve the compensation system, and do not foothold in the enterprise business strategy and human resources strategy, according to labor market, Finally formed enterprises compensation management system. Enterprises lack of management experience in professional human resources management sector in the medium and long term development strategy of Research and decomposition to the enterprise, according to the external market and the development of enterprises and work out development strategies that suit the salary management system, lack of study on compensation management. Although enterprises also pay a certain of reform for compensation system in recent years, but these reforms are not from the height of corporate strategy and the enterprise fails to reflect the strategic objectives and positioning.The illogicality structure of compensation, with the disjoint of market level Due to the inference of traditional structure and the traditional concept,the existing compensation structure of enterprise is relatively average, no reasonable began gap, the price of enterprises compensation and labor market detached from the price of labor market, key positions in the compensation level below the external market compensation level and without external competition; And non-key positions in the compensation higher than the market level. The compensation of ordinary workers is higher than the market price. From the exterior, non-key positions ordinary workers of enterprise whose compensation their salary level higher than the average level in society, one side it increases the cost of human and waste the limited financial of enterprises, as ordinary employees in the labor market, especially in the large population of urban areas is a serious oversupply. There is absolutely no need to pay their high compensation, even paid high wages to stimulate all their enthusiasm, but is not worth from the input and output view of the relative efficiency , form the internal, non-critical positions in higher compensation levels, contrast, key positions on the low compensation levels, it will increase the sense of unfairness in key positions, in the important positions of workersThe staff of some key posts and important positions of the enterprise, their compensation were lower than the prices of market compensation. As we all know, the compensation level of enterprises in the talent market, and even the whole society should certainly attractive, In order to attract and retain talent, it can be overcome competitors. For first-rate talent should be given first-class return. If the key employees and the core staff income lower than the standards of social level, external competitiveness will be relatively weak, it will make the enterprises fail to hold the human, and led to serious unreasonable human resource structure in the enterprise. From the circumstances of investigation by us, on the one hand, many employees discontent the existing compensation system in the reflected rewards; On the other hand, there are many staff can not correctly deal with the compensation gap. Staff on the compensation gap issue of love and hate, this bring a bigresistance to the reform of compensation, even though the good idea is hardly to implement.As enterprise managers, are not to break the original pattern, the result is to make the large contribution of staff and Core staff lost their jobs initiative and creativity, even cause the missing of talent in the enterprises.The re-engineering of compensation management system Nanjing DE valve factory .The ideas of design of compensation system in Nanjing DE valve factory Through the design of compensation in Nanjing DE valve factory, which broke the original pattern of the compensation system, re-designing the compensation structure, recycling a compensation, under a new establishment of the guidance of modern theory of incentives, enterprise operations and staff compensation levels closely fall together, combine the income of employees and work performance closely, It will be able to maximize the mobilization of staff enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, strengthen the staff of responsibility and urgency, improve work efficiency, increase performance, make greatest contribution to meet the development goals of enterprise, to adapt the changes in the internal and external environment, protect the long-term stable and healthy development of the new compensation system. During the process of design of compensation system, and strive to achieve the following objectives: Providing a basic ideas and framework for the compensation of distribution to the enterprises, reasonable structure, strong maneuverability; give priority to efficiency and give consideration to fairness; adhere to equal compensation for equal work, embodied rewards; at the same time, appropriate increasing the total compensation, reasonable widening income gaps.The compensation of production quality piecework system of frontline staff(1)Basic ideas There are 195 front-line workers in the factory, such as latheman, miller, planer, grinder, locksmith and so on, their compensation carry out The compensation of piecework system. Compensation qualitypiecework system is designing for the operation staff, operation staff workload can be directly calculated. Therefore it can use the work measure to account their wages. The compensation of piecework system is that in accordance with the quantity production of qualified products or the volume of completed work by staff, according to a prescribed price calculation piece of a kind of compensation.(2) The structure of compensationIts calculation : The compensation of piecework of frontline production staff per month= The compensation of posts standard ×The completion rate of target output × The completion rate of target cost ×quality coefficient + skills wages + allowance. On one hand, take the compensation of posts standard to maintain the basic completion; On the other hand, the employees revenue linked to the personal performance appraisal. Of which: The completion rate of target output target completion rate = actual output of the month / target yield of the month × 100% The completion rate of target cost = actual cost of the month / target cost of the month × 100% Actual cost = the cost of raw materials +the dynamic power of electric power + wages and the cost surcharge + depreciation + other costs. Quality coefficient: its benchmark value is 1, every workshop section for quality records per day, According to the quality coefficient of assess standard to add or button at the end of month, and gain the quality coefficient of the month. Quality coefficien t = 1.00 – the withheld coefficient of the month + the increase coefficient of the month①Established the compensation standards of posts According to the post of technical difficulty, and intensity of work, working conditions and responsibilities for the size to determine the level posts, different levels to determine the different of the compensation standards of posts. ②Determine the compensation of skills The compensation of skills through technical levels to identify and technical level by the technical assessment results to determine. Under the results of technical evaluation, it will be divided into five technical grade. ③Determination the allowances of postsThe monitor and the teacher is。

The Dilemma of Performance AppraisalPeter Prowse and Julie ProwseMeasuring Business Excellence,V ol.13 Iss:4,pp.69 - 77AbstractThis paper deals with the dilemma of managing performance using performance appraisal. The authors will evaluate the historical development of appraisals and argue that the critical area of line management development that was been identified as a critical success factor in appraisals has been ignored in the later literature evaluating the effectiveness of performance through appraisals.This paper willevaluatethe aims and methodsof appraisal, thedifficulties encountered in the appraisalprocess. It also re-evaluates the lack of theoretical development in appraisaland move from he psychological approachesof analysistoamorecritical realisation ofapproaches before re-evaluating the challenge to remove subjectivity and bias in judgement of appraisal.13.1IntroductionThis paper will define and outline performance management and appraisal. It will start by evaluating what form of performance is evaluated, then develop links to the development of different performance traditions (Psychological tradition, Management by Objectives, Motivation and Development).It will outline the historical development of performance management then evaluate high performance strategies using performance appraisal. It will evaluate the continuing issue of subjectivity and ethical dilemmas regarding measurement and assessment of performance. The paper will then examine how organisations measure performance before evaluation of research on some recent trends in performance appraisal.This chapter will evaluate the historical development of performance appraisal from management by objectives (MBO) literature before evaluating the debates between linkages between performance management and appraisal. It will outline the development of individual performance before linking to performance management in organizations. The outcomes of techniques to increase organizational commitment, increase job satisfaction will be critically evaluated. It will further examine the transatlantic debates between literature on efficiency and effectiveness in the North American and the United Kingdom) evidence to evaluate the HRM development and contribution of performance appraisal to individual and organizational performance.13.2 What is Performance Management?The first is sue to discuss is the difficulty of definition of Performance Management. Armstrong and Barron(1998:8) define performance management as: A strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by Improving performance of people who work in them by developing the capabilities of teams And individual performance.13.2.1 Performance AppraisalAppraisal potentially is a key tool in making the most of an organisation’s human resources. The use of appraisal is widespread estimated that 80–90%of organizations in the USA and UK were using appraisal and an increase from 69 to 87% of organisations between 1998 and 2004 reported a formalperformance management system (Armstrong and Baron, 1998:200).There has been little evidence of the evaluation of the effectiveness of appraisal but more on the development in its use. Between 1998 and 2004 a sample from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2007) of 562 firms found 506 were using performance appraisal in UK.What is also vital to emphasise is the rising use of performance appraisal feedback beyond performance for professionals and managers to nearly 95% of workplaces in the 2004 WERS survey (seeTable 13.1).Clearly the use of Appraisals has been the development and extension of appraisals to cover a large proportion of the UK workforce and the coverage of non managerial occupations and the extended use in private and public sectors.13.2.2 The Purpose of AppraisalsThe critical issue is what is the purpose of appraisals and how effective is it ?Researched and used in practice throughout organizations? The purpose of appraisals needs to be clearly identified. Firstly their purpose. Randell (1994) states they are a systematic evaluation of individual performance linked to workplace behaviour and/or specific criteria. Appraisals often take the form of an appraisal interview,usually annual,supported by standardised forms/paperwork.The key objective of appraisal is to provide feedback for performance is provided by the linemanager.The three key questions for quality of feedback:1. What and how are observations on performance made?2. Why and how are they discussed?3. What determines the level of performance in the job?It has been argued by one school of thought that these process cannot be performed effectively unless the line manager of person providing feedback has the interpersonal interviewing skills to providethat feedback to people being appraised. This has been defined as the “Bradford Approach” which places a high priority on appraisal skills development (Randell, 1994). This approach is outlined in Fig. 13.1 whichidentifies the linkages betweeninvolving,developing, rewarding and valuing people at work..13.2.3 Historical Development of AppraisalThe historical development of performance feedback has developed from a range of approaches.Formal observation of individual work performance was reported in Robert Owens’s Scottish factory inNew Lanarkin the early 1800s (Cole, 1925). Owen hung over machines a piece of coloured wood over machines to indicate the Super intendent’s assessment of the previous day’s conduct (white forexcellent, yellow, blue and then black for poor performance).The twentieth centuryled to F.W. Taylor and his measured performance and the scientific management movement (Taylor, 1964). The 1930sTraits Approaches identified personality and performance and used feedback using graphic rating scales, a mixed standard of performance scales noting behaviour in likert scale ratings.This was used to recruit and identify management potential in the field of selection. Later developments to prevent a middle scale from 5 scales then developed into a forced-choice scale which forced the judgement to avoid central ratings.The evaluation also included narrative statements and comments to support the ratings (Mair, 1958).In the 1940s Behavioural Methods were developed. These included Behavioural Anchored Rating Scales (BARS); Behavioural Observation Scales (BOS); Behavioural Evaluation Scales (BES); critical incident;job simulation. All these judgements were used to determine the specific levels of performance criteria to specific issues such as customer service and rated in factors such asexcellent,average orneeds to improve or poor.These ratings are assigned numerical values and added to a statement or narrative comment by the assessor. It would also lead to identify any potential need for training and more importantly to identify talent for careers in linemanagement supervision and future managerial potential.Post1945 developed into the Results-oriented approaches and led to the development of management by objectives (MBO). This provided aims and specific targets to be achievedand with in time frames such as pecific sales, profitability,and deadlines with feedback on previous performance (Wherry, 1957).The deadlines may have required alteration and led to specific performance rankings of staff. It also provided a forced distributionof rankingsof comparative performance and paired comparison ranking of performance and setting and achieving objectives.In the 1960s the developmentof Self-appraisal by discussion led to specific time and opportunity for the appraisee to reflectively evaluate their performance in the discussion and the interview developed into a conversation on a range of topics that the appraise needed to discuss in the interview. Until this period the success of the appraisal was dependent on skill of interviewer.In the 1990s the development of 360-degree appraisal developed where information was sought from a wider range of sources and the feedback was no longer dependent on the manager-subordinate power relationship but included groups appraising the performance of line managers and peer feedback from peer groups on individual performance (Redman and Snape, 1992). The final development of appraisal interviews developed in the 1990s with the emphasis on the linking performance with financial reward which will be discussed later in the paper.13.2.4 Measures of PerformanceThe dilemma of appraisal has always to develop performance measures and the use of appraisal is the key part of this process. Quantitative measure of performance communicated as standards in the business and industry level standards translated to individual performance. The introduction of techniques such as the balanced score card developed by Kaplan and Norton (1992).Performance measures and evaluation included financial, customer evaluation, feedback on internal processes and Learning and Growth. Performance standards also included qualitative measures Which argue that there is an over emphasis on metrics of quantitative approach above the definitions of quality services and total quality management.In terms of performance measures there has been a transformation in literature and a move in the 1990s to the financial rewards linked to the level of performance.The debates will be discussed later in the paper.13.3 Criticism of AppraisalsCritiques of appraisal have continued as appraisal shave increased in use and scope across sectors and occupations. The dominant critique is the management framework using appraisal as an orthodox technique that seeks to remedy the weakness and propose of appraisals as a system to develop performance.This “orthodox” approach argues there are conflicting pur poses of appraisal (Strebler et al, 2001). Appraisal can motivate staff by clarifying objectives and setting clear future objectives with provision for training and development needs to establish the performance objective. These conflicts withassessing past performance and distribution of rewards based on past performance (Bach, 2005:301).Employees are reluctant to confide any limitations and concerns on their current performance as this could impact on their merit related reward or promotion opportunities(Newton and Findley, 1996:43).This conflicts with performance as a continuum as appraisers are challenged with differing roles as both monitors and judges of performance but an understanding counsell or which Randell(1994)argues few manager shave not received the raining to perform.Appraisal Manager’s reluctance to criticise also stems from classic evidence fromMcGregor that managers are reluctant to make an egative judgement on an individual’s performance a sit could be demotivating,leadto accusationsoftheirown supportand contributiontoindividual poor performance and to also avoid interpersonal conflict (McGregor, 1957).One consequence of this avoidance of conflict is to rate all criterion as central and avoid any conflict known as the central tendency.In a study of senior managers by Long neckeretal.(1987),they found organisational politics influenced ratings of 60 senior executives.The findings were that politics involved deliberate attempts by individuals to enhance or protect self-interests when conflicting courses of action are possible and that ratings and decisions were affected by potential sources of bias or inaccuracy in their appraisal ratings (Longeneckeret al., 1987).There are methods of further bias beyond Longenecker’s evidence. The polit ical judgements and they have been distorted further by overrating some clear competencies in performance rather than being critical across all rated competencies known as the halo effect and if some competencies arelower they may prejudice the judgment acrossthe positive reviews known as the horns effect (ACAS, 1996).Some ratings may only cinclude recent events and these are known as the recency effects. In this case only recent events are noted compared to managers gathering and using data throughout the appraisal period .A particular concern is the equity of appraisal for ratings which may be distorted by gender ,ethnicity and the ratings of appraisers themselves .A range of studies in both the US and UK have highlighted subjectivity in terms of gender (Alimo-Metcalf, 1991;White, 1999) and ethnicity of the appraise and appraiser(Geddes and Konrad, 2003). Suggestions and solutions on resolving bias will be reviewed later.The second analysis is the radical critique of appraisal. This is the more critical management literature that argues that appraisal and performance management are about management control(Newton and Findley, 1996;Townley, 1993). It argues that tighter management control over employee behaviour can be achieved by the extension of appraisal to manual workers, professional as means to control. This develops the literature of Foucault using power and surveillance. This literature uses cases in examples of public service control on professionals such a teachers (Healy, 1997) and University professionals(Townley, 1990).This evidence argues the increased control of public services using appraisal as a method of control and that the outcome of managerial objectives ignores the developmental role of appraisal and ratings are awarded for people who accept and embrace the culture and organizational values . However, this literature ignores the employee resistance and the use of professional unions to challenge the attempts to exert control over professionals and staff in the appraisal process (Bach, 2005:306).One of the different issues of removing bias was the use of the test metaphor (Folgeretal.,1992).This was based on the assumption that appraisal ratings were a technical question of assessing “true” performance and there needed to be increased reliability and validity of appraisal as an instrument to develop motivation and performance. The sources of rater bias and errors can be resolvedby improved organisational justice and increasing reliability of appraiser’s judgement.However there were problems such as an assumption that you can state job requirements clearly and the organization is “rational” with objectives that reflect values and that the judgment by appraisers’ are value free from political agendas and personal objectives. Secondly there is the second issue of subjectivity if appraisal ratings where decisions on appraisal are rated by a “political metaphor”(Hart le, 1995).This “political view” argues that a appraisal is often done badly because there is a lack of training for appraisers and appraisers may see the appraisal as a waste of time. This becomes a process which managers have to perform and not as a potential to improve employee performance .Organisations in this context are “political” and the appraisers seek to maintain performance from subordinates and view appraises as internal customers to satisfy. This means managers use appraisal to avoid interpersonal conflict and develop strategies for their own personal advancement and seek a quiet life by avoiding censure from higher managers.This perception means managers also see appraisee seeks good rating and genuine feedback and career development by seeking evidence of combining employee promotion and pay rise.This means appraisal ratings become political judgements and seek to avoid interpersonal conflicts. The approaches of the “test” and “political” metaphors of appraisal are inaccurate and lack objec tivity and judgement of employee performance is inaccurate and accuracy is avoided.The issue is how can organisations resolve this lack of objectivity?13.3.1 Solutions to Lack of Objectivity of AppraisalGrint(1993)argues that the solutions to objectivity lies in part with McGregor’s (1957) classic critique by retraining and removal of “top down” ratings by managers and replacement with multiple rater evaluation which removes bias and the objectivity by upward performance appraisal. The validity of upward appraisal means there moval of subjective appraisal ratings.This approach is also suggested to remove gender bias in appraisal ratings against women in appraisals (Fletcher, 1999). The solution of multiple reporting(internal colleagues, customers and recipients of services) will reduce subjectivity and inequity of appraisal ratings. This argument develops further by the rise in the need to evaluate project teams and increasing levels of teamwork to include peer assessment. The solutions also in theory mean increased closer contact with individual manager and appraises and increasing services linked to customer facing evaluations.However, negative feedback still demotivates and plenty of feedback and explanation by manager who collates feedback rather than judges performance andfail to summarise evaluations.There are however still problems with accuracy of appraisal objectivity asWalker and Smither (1999)5year studyof 252 managers over 5 year period still identified issues with subjective ratings in 360 degree appraisals.There are still issues on the subjectivity of appraisals beyond the areas of lack of training.The contribution of appraisal is strongly related to employee attitudes and strong relationships with job satisfaction(Fletcher and Williams, 1996). The evidence on appraisal still remains positive in terms of reinvigo rating social relationships at work (Townley,1993)and the widespread adoption in large public services in the UK such as the national health Service (NHS)is the valuable contribution to line managers discussion with staff on their past performance, discussing personal development plans and training and development as positive issues.One further concern is the openness of appraisal related to employee reward which we now discuss.13.3.2 Linking Appraisals with Reward ManagementAppraisal and performance management have been inextricably linked to employee reward since the development of strategic human resource management in the 1980s. The early literature on appraisal linked appraisal with employee control (Randell, 1994;Grint, 1993;Townley, 1993, 1999) and discussed the use of performance related reward to appraisals. However therecent literature has substituted the chapter titles employee “appraisal” with “performance management”(Bach, 2005; Storey, 2007) and moved the focus on performance and performance pay and the limits of employee appraisal. The appraisal and performance pay link has developed into debates to three key issues:The first issue is has performance pay related to appraisal grown in use?The second issue is what type of performance do we reward?and the final issue is who judges management standards?The first discussion on influences of growth of performance pay schemes is the assumption that increasing linkage between individual effort and financial reward increases performance levels. This linkage between effort and financial reward increasing levels of performance has proved an increasing trend in the public and private sector (Bevan and Thompson, 1992;Armstrong and Baron, 1998). The drive to increase public sector performance effort and setting of targets may even be inconsistent in the experiences of some organizational settings aimed at achieving long-term targets(Kessler and Purcell, 1992;Marsden, 2007). The development of merit based pay based on performance assessed by a manager is rising in the UK Marsden (2007)reported that the: Use of performance appraisals as a basis for merit pay are used in65 percent of public sector and 69 percent of the private sector employees where appraisal covered all nonmanagerial staff(p.109).Merit pay has also grown in use as in 1998 20% of workplaces used performance related schemes compared to 32% in the same organizations 2004 (Kersley et al., 2006:191). The achievements of satisfactory ratings or above satisfactory performance averages were used as evidence to reward individual performance ratings in the UK Civil Service (Marsden, 2007).Table 13.2 outlines the extent of merit pay in 2004.The second issue is what forms of performance is rewarded. The use of past appraisal ratings as evidence of achieving merit-related payments linked to achieving higher performance was the predominant factor developed in the public services. The evidence on Setting performance targets have been as Kessler (2000:280) reported “inconsistent within organizations and problematic for certain professional or less skilled occupations where goals have not been easily formulated”. There has been inconclusive evidence from organizations on the impact of performance pay and its effectiveness in improving performance. Evidence from a number of individual performance pay schemes report organizations suspending or reviewing them on the grounds that individual performance reward has produced no effect in performance or even demotivates staff(Kessler, 2000:281).More in-depth studies setting performance goals followed by appraisal on how well they were resulted in loss of motivation whilst maintaining productivity and achieved managers using imposing increased performance standards (Marsden and Richardson, 1994). As Randell(1994) had highlighted earlier, the potential objectivity and self-criticism in appraisal reviews become areas that appraisees refuse to acknowledge as weaknesses with appraisers if this leads to a reduction in their merit pay.Objectivity and self reflection for development becomes a weakness that appraises fail to acknowledge as a developmental issue if it reduces their chances of a reduced evaluation that will reduce their merit reward. The review of civil service merit pay (Makinson, 2000)reported from 4major UK Civil Service Agencies and the National Health Service concluded that existing forms of performance pay and performance management had failed to motivate many staff.The conclusions were that employees found individual performance pay divisive and led to reduced willingness to co-operate with management ,citing managerial favorites and manipulation of appraisal scores to lower ratings to save paying rewards to staff (Marsden and French, 1998).This has clear implications on the relationship between line managers and appraises and the demotivational consequences and reduced commitment provide clear evidence of the danger to linking individual performance appraisal to reward in the public services. Employees focus on the issues that gain key performance focus by focusing on specific objectives related to key performance indicators rather than all personal objectives. A study of banking performance pay by Lewis(1998)highlighted imposed targets which were unattainable with a range of 20 performance targets with narrow short term financial orientatated goals. The narrow focus on key targets and neglect of other performance aspects leads to tasks not being delivered.This final issue of judging management standards has already highlighted issues of inequity and bias based on gender (Beyer, 1990; Chen and DiTomasio, 1996; Fletcher, 1999). The suggested solutions to resolved Iscrimination have been proposed as enhanced interpersonal skills training are increased equitable use of 360 degree appraisal as a method to evaluate feedback from colleagues as this reduces the use of the “political metaphor”(Randell, 1994;Fletcher, 1999).On measures linking performance to improvement require a wider approach to enhanced work design and motivation to develop and enhance employee job satisfaction and the design of linkages between effort and performance are significant in the private sector and feedback and awareness in the public sector (Fletcher and Williams, 1996:176). Where rises be in pay were determined by achieving critical rated appraisal objectives, employees are less self critical and open to any developmental needs in a performance review.13.4 ConclusionAs performance appraisal provides a major potential for employee feedback that could link strongly to increasing motivation ,and a opportunity to clarify goals and achieve long term individual performance and career development why does it still suffers from what Randell describes as a muddle and confusion which still surrounds the theory and practice?There are key issues that require resolution and a great deal depends on the extent to which you have a good relationship with your line manager . Barlow(1989)argued `if you get off badly with your first two managers ,you may just as well forget it (p. 515).The evidence on the continued practice of appraisals is that they are still institutionally elaborated systems of management appraisal and development is significant rhetoric in the apparatus of bureaucratic control by managers (Barlow, 1989). In reality the companies create, review, change and even abolish appraisals if they fail to develop and enhance organisational performance(Kessler, 2000). Despite all the criticism and evidence the critics have failed to suggest an alternative for a process that can provide feedback, develop motivation, identify training and potential and evidence that can justify potential career development and justify reward(Hartle, 1997).绩效考核的困境Peter Prowse and Julie Prowse摘要本文旨在用绩效考核方法来解决绩效管理的困境。

人力资源管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文献Human resource management systems (HRMS) have e essential tools for businesses of all sizes。
including small offices with just 20 XXX using HRMS。
firms can improve their efficiency and ce the time and money XXX。
XXX difficult economic times。
XXX of their business。
including human resources.HRIS are packages are designed to address HR needs。
including planning。
employee n access。
XXX the company's current and future HR needs。
businesses can determine which HRMS features will be most useful for their specific needs。
For example。
HRMS can help with recruitment。
performance management。
XXX.Once the planning stage is complete。
businesses XXX This includes automating tasks such as employee data management。
benefits n。
XXX employees。
providing them with access toimportant n such as company policies。

人力资源管理中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Mediating Effects of Psychological Contracts on the Relationship BetweenHuman Resource Systems and Role Behaviors: A Multilevel AnalysisAbstractPurpose The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of the psychological contracts on the relationship between human resource (HR) systems and role behavior.Design/Methodology/Approach Multilevel analyses were conducted on data gathered from 146 knowledge workers and 28 immediate managers in 25 Taiwanese high-tech ?rms.Findings Relational psychological contracts mediated the relationship between commitment-based HR systems and in-role behaviors, as well as organizational citizenship behaviors. Transactional psychological contracts did not signi?cantly mediate these relationships. In addition, the results also indicated that commitment-based HR systems related positively to relational psychological contracts and negatively to transactional psychological contracts.Practical Implications Commitment-based HR systems could elicit a wide range of knowledge workers’ behaviors that are bene?cial to the goals ofthe ?rms. Furthermore ,our ?ndings also provide insight into, how HR systems potentially elicit employees’ role behaviors. Organizations could elicit employees’ in-role behaviors by providing ?nancial and other non-?nancial, but tangible, inducements and facilitate employees’ extra-role behaviors by providing positive experiences, such as respect, commitment, and support.Originality/Value The study is one of the primary studies to empirically examine the mediating effect of psycho-logical contracts on HR systems and employee behaviors. IntroductionHuman Resource (HR) systems create and support employment relationships. Thus, psychological contracts can be treated as employees’ beliefs stemming from the HR system. Furthermore, psychological contracts represent employees’ beliefs about mutual employment obligations.Employees tend to perform what they believe, that is, according to their psychological contracts. Thus, psycho-logical contracts are positively related to employees’ role behaviors, turnover intentions, commitment, and trust. In other words, psychological contracts are not only formulated by HR systems but also in?uence employee behaviors. Consequently, psychological contracts can be viewed as the linking mechanism between HR systems and employee behaviors.In the past decade, most psychological contract research has focused on identifying the components of psychological contracts and the effects of the ful?llment or the violation of psychological contracts by employers. For example, Robinson et al. (1994) found that the components of psychological contracts included expectations of high pay,pay based on the current level of performance, training,long-term job security, and career development. Based on these ?ndings, Robinson and Morrison (1995) further pro-posed that employees are less likely to engage in civic virtue behavior when these expectations were violated. In summary, researchers have con?rmed that violated psychological contracts negatively in?uence employees’ role behaviors while ful?lled psychological contracts have positive in?uences. However, no studies have empirically examined psychological contracts as a linkingmechanism between HR systems and employee behaviors.Accordingly, the goal of this study is to empirically examine psychological contracts as a mediator of the relationship between HR systemsand role behaviors. Our results will provide insights regarding the reason for HR systems having an effect on employees’ role behaviors. Based on these insights, HR practitioners will gain a better under-standing of how to facilitate employees’ role behaviors (e.g.,by offering them speci?c inducements). Subsequently, we provide a brief review of psychological contract research, discuss relationships between HR systems and psychological contracts, and propose psychological contracts as mediators of the HRsystem�Cemployee behavior relationship. HR systems are considered as an organizational level variable, whereas psychological contracts and role behaviors are both considered as individual level variables. Thus, relationships between HR systems and these variables are considered cross-level relationships and will be tested accordingly. Psychological ContractsInitially, a psychological contract was de?ned as an implicit, unwritten agreement between parties to respect eac h other’s norms and mainly used as a framework that referred to the implicitness of the exchange relationship between an employee and his/her employer. It did not acquire construct status until the seminal work of Rousseau in the 1990s. According to Rousseau (1989, 1995), a psycho-logical contract is an individual’s belief regarding the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between employees and employers. Furthermore, psycho-logical contracts include different kinds of mental models or schemas, which employees hold concerning reciprocal obligations in the workplace.In accordance with MacNeil’s (1985) typology of promissory contracts, Rousseau (1990) also categorized psychological contracts into two types: transactional and relational. Based on Rousseau and McLean Parks’ (1993) framework, transactional and relational psychological contracts differ on the following ?ve characteristics: focus ,time frame, stability, scope, and tangibility. Speci?cally, transactional contracts focus on economic terms, have a speci?c duration, are static, narrow in scope, and are easily observable. Relational contracts simultaneously focus on both economic and socio-emotional terms, have an indefinite duration, are dynamic, pervasive in scope, and are subjectively understood.In summary, transactional psychological contracts refer to employment arrangements with short-term exchanges of speci?ed performance terms and relational psychological contracts refer to arrangements with long-term exchanges of non-speci?ed performance terms. Empirical evidence supports notonly the existence of these two different types of psychological contracts,but also the movement between them. For example, Robinson et al.(1994) found that as contracts become less relational, employees perceived their employment arrangements to be more transactional in nature.Hypothesis 1 Commitment-based HR systems will positively relate to relational psychological contracts.In contrast, when an organization applies a low commitment-based HR system, such as narrowly de?ned jobs, limited training efforts, relatively limited bene?ts, and lower wages, employees will perceive that the organization has committed to offer them little to no training or career development. These perceptions will shape employees’transactional psychological contracts, which primarily focus upon the economic aspects of their short-term reciprocal exchange agreement with the organization. Accordingly, we hypothesize that commitment-based HR systems will negatively relate to transactional psychological contracts. Hypothesis 2 Commitment-based HR systems will negatively relate to transactional psychological contracts.The Mediating Effects of Psychological Contracts on the Relationship Between HR Systems and Role Behaviors.Organizations and their employees can be considered as the parties in the social exchange relationships. Based on the organization’s actions, such asHR systems, employees will generate their own perceptions, which in turn will determine their role behaviors in reciprocation to their organizations. Inother words, employees’ perceptions regarding the exchange agreement between themselves and their organizations mediate the relationships between HRsystems and employees’ role behaviors. Consequently, psychological contracts are expected to mediate the relationships between commitment-based HR systems and role behaviors.Role behavior refers to the recurring actions of an individualappropriately inter-correlated with the repetitive activities of others, to yield a predictable outcome. There are two types of role behaviors: in-roleand extra-role behavior. In-role behaviors are those behaviors required or expected within the purview of performing the duties and responsibilities ofan assigned work role (Van Dyne et al. 1995). Since they are required for the work role, employers adopt formal reward systems which provide ?nancial andother non-?nancial, but tangible inducements in exch ange for employees’ in-role behaviors.The exchange of ?nancial and tangible inducements is a key feature of economic exchange (Blau 1964) and, thus, the exchange relationships between commitment-based HR systems and employees’ in-role behaviors could be treated as a kind of economic exchange. In other words, commitment-based HR systems elicit employees’ in-role behaviors by shaping perceptionsregarding the economic terms of the exchange agreement between themselves and their organizations. Since both relational and transactional psychological contracts focus on economic terms of exchange relationships (Rousseau and McLean Parks 1993), employees with transactional or relational psychological contracts will perform in-role behaviors in order to exchange those higher salaries and more extensive bene?ts in commitment-based HR systems. Accordingly, we hypothesize that both relational and transactional psychological contracts will mediate the relationships between commitment-based HR systems and in-role behaviors.Hypothesis 3 Both relational and transactional psychological contracts will mediate the relationships between commitment-based HR systems and in-role behaviors.In contrast, extra-role behaviors, such as organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB), are those behaviors that bene?t the organization and go beyond existing role expectations (Van Dyne et al. 1995). OCBs are not required for the work role, and employers do not formally reward them. Forthis reason, employees perform OCBs to reciprocate only when they have had positive experiences, such as involvement, commitment, and support, with the organization (Organ 1990; Robinson and Morrison 1995).Since commitment-based HR systems are labeled ‘‘commitment maximizers’’ (Arthur 1992, 1994), they are likely to facilitate employees’ OCBs by offering those positive experiences.The reciprocation of these positive experiences is a kind of social exchange (Cropanzano and Mitchell 2021). In other words, to elicit employees’ OCBs, socio-emotional terms need to be in the exchange agreement between employees and their organizations. Since transactional psychological contracts do not focus on socio-emotional terms of exchange relationship (Rousseau and McLean Parks 1993), they are not expected to mediate the HR system�COCBsrelationship. Accordingly, we hypothesize that relational psychological contracts mediate the relationship between commitment-based HR systems and OCBs. MethodsSample and ProcedureThe solid strength of Taiwanese high-tech industries is a critical factor in the global economy (Einhorn 2021).Knowledge workers,such as R&D professionals and engineers, have been viewed as a core human resource for high-tech ?rms, and these ?rms would like to adopt commitment-based HR systems in managing their knowledge workers (Lepak and Snell 2002).Since personal contacts signi?cantly facilitate company access in Chinese societies (Easterby-Smith and Malina 1999), we accessed high-tech companies through personal感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

人力资源专业绩效考核管理方面英文文献及中文翻译Performance assessment inquiryAbstractIn the aspect of human resource management, performance appraisal methods of diversity, in the end should adopt what kind of performance evaluation method is more reasonable, performance appraisal should be by what kind of way is easier to implement and achieve the better management results, is a question worth pondering. This paper will focus on the types of performance assessment and its effect, analyze the types of performance assessment, and explore how to correctly andappropriately assess the performance, and do a good job in management.1.Performance appraisals - purpose and how to make it easierPerformance appraisals are essential for the effective managementand evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance, and feed into business planning. Formal performance appraisals are generally conducted annually for all staff in the organization. His or her line manager appraises each staff member. Directors are appraised by the CEO, who is appraised by the chairman or company owners, depending on the size and structure of the organization.Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards, agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. Staff performance appraisals also establishindividual training needs and enable organizational training needs analysis and planning.Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizationalannual pay and grading reviews, which commonly also coincide with the business planning for the next trading year.Performance appraisals generally review each individual'sperformance against objectives and standards for the trading year,agreed at the previous appraisal meeting. Performance appraisals arealso essential for career and succession planning - for individuals, crucial jobs, and for the organization as a whole.Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behavior development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims, andfostering positive relationships between management and staff.Performance appraisals provide a formal, recorded, regular review ofan individual's performance, and a plan for future development.Job performance appraisals - in whatever form they take - aretherefore vital for managing the performance of people and organizations.Managers and appraises commonly dislike appraisals and try to avoid them. To these people the appraisal is daunting and time-consuming. The process is seen as a difficult administrative chore and emotionally challenging. The annual appraisal is maybe the only time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-onediscussion. No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which then defeats the whole purpose.Appraisals are much easier, and especially more relaxed, if the boss meets each of the team members individually and regularly for one-to-one discussion throughout the year.Meaningful regular discussion about work, career, aims, progress, development, hopes and dreams, life, the universe, the TV, common interests, etc., whatever, makes appraisals so much easier because people then know and trust each other - which reduces all the stress and the uncertainty.Put off discussions and of course they loom very large. So don'twait for the annual appraisal to sit down and talk. The boss or the appraises can instigate this.If you are an employee with a shy boss, then take the lead. If you are a boss who rarely sits down and talks with people - or whose people are not used to talking with their boss - then set about relaxing the atmosphere and improving relationships. Appraisals (and work) all tend to be easier when people communicate well and know each other.So sit down together and talk as often as you can, and then when the actual formal appraisals are due everyone will find the whole process to be far more natural, quick, and easy - and a lot more productive too.2.Appraisals, social responsibility and whole-person developmentThere is increasingly a need for performance appraisals of staff and especiallymanagers, directors and CEO's, to include accountabilities relating to corporate responsibility, represented by various converging corporate responsibility concepts including: the “Triple Bottom Line”; corporate social responsibility (CSR);Sustainability; corporate integrity and ethics; Fair Trade, etc. The organization must decide the extent to which these accountabilities are reflected in job responsibilities, which would then naturally feature accordingly in performance appraisals. More about this aspect of responsibility is in the directors’ job descriptions section.Significantly also, while this appraisal outline is necessarily a formal structure this does not mean that the development discussed with the appraises must be formal and constrained. In fact the opposite applies. Appraisals must address “whole person”development - not just job skills or the skills required for thenext promotion.Appraisals must not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.The UK Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, (consistent with Europe), effective from 1st October 2006, make it particularly important to avoid any comments, judgments, suggestions, questions or decisions which might be perceived by the appraises to be based on age. This means people who are young as well as old. Age, along with other characteristics stated above, is not a lawful basis for assessing andmanaging people, unless proper 'objective justification' can be proven. See the Age Diversity information.When designing or planning and conducting appraisals, seek to help the 'whole-person' to grow in whatever direction they want, not just to identify obviously relevant work skills training. Increasingly, the best employers recognize that growing the 'whole person' promotes positive attitudes, advancement, motivation, and also develops lots of new skills that can be surprisingly relevant to working productively andeffectively in any sort of organization.Developing the whole-person is also an important aspect of modern corporate responsibility, and separately (if you needed a purely business-driven incentive for adopting these principles), whole-person development is a crucial advantage in the employment market, in whichall employers compete to attract the best recruits, andto retain the best staff.Therefore in appraisals, be creative and imaginative in discussing, discovering and agreeing 'whole-person' development that people will respond to, beyond the usual job skill-set, and incorporate this sort of development into the appraisal process. Abraham Maslow recognized this over fifty years ago.If you are an employee and your employer has yet to embrace or even acknowledge these concepts, do them a favor at your own appraisal and suggest they look at these ideas, or maybe mention it at your exitinterview prior to joining a better employer who cares about the people, not just the work.Incidentally the Multiple Intelligences test and VAK Learning Styles test are extremely useful tools for appraisals, before or after, to help people understand their natural potential and strengths and to help managers understand this about their people too. There are a lot of people out there who are in jobs which don't allow them to use and develop their greatest strengths; so the more we can help folk understand their own special potential, and find roles that really fit well, the happier we shall all be.3 .Are performance appraisals still beneficial and appropriateIt is sometimes fashionable in the 'modern age' to dismisstraditional processes such as performance appraisals as being irrelevant or unhelpful. Be very wary however if considering removing appraisals from your own organizational practices. It is likely that the critics of the appraisal process are the people who can't conduct them very well.It's a common human response to want to jettison something that onefinds difficult. Appraisals - in whatever form, and there are various - have been a mainstay of management for decades, for good reasons.Think about everything that performance appraisals can achieve and contribute to when they are properly managed, for example:(1)performance measurement - transparent, short, medium and longterm(2)clarifying, defining, redefining priorities and objectives(3)motivation through agreeing helpful aims and targets(4)motivation though achievement and feedback(5)training needs and learning desires - assessment and agreement(6)identification of personal strengths and direction - including unused hidden strengths(7)career and succession planning - personal and organizational(8)team roles clarification and team building(9)organizational training needs assessment and analysis(10)appraise and manager mutual awareness, understanding and relationship(11)resolving confusions and misunderstandings(12)reinforcing and cascading organizational philosophies, values, aims, strategies, priorities, etc(13)delegation, additional responsibilities, employee growth and development(14)counseling and feedback(15)manager development - all good managers should be able to conduct appraisals well - it's a fundamental process(16)the list goes onPeople have less and less face-to-face time together these days. Performance appraisals offer a way to protect and manage these valuable face-to-face opportunities. My advice is to hold on to and nurture these situations, and if you are under pressure to replace performance appraisals with some sort of (apparently) more efficient and costeffective methods, be very sure that you can safely cover all the aspects of performance and attitudinal development that a well-run performance appraisals system is naturally designed to achieve.There are various ways of conducting performance appraisals, and ideas change over time as to what are the most effective appraisals methods and systems. Some people advocate traditional appraisals and forms; others prefer 360-degree-type appraisals; others suggest using little more than a blank sheet of paper.In fact performance appraisals of all types are effective if theyare conducted properly, and better still if the appraisal process is clearly explained to, agreed by, the people involved.Managers need guidance, training and encouragement in how to conduct appraisals properly. Especially the detractors and the critics. Help anxious managers (and directors) develop and adapt appraisals methods that work for them. Be flexible. There are lots of ways to conduct appraisals, and particularly lots of ways to diffuse apprehension and fear - for managers and appraises alike. Particularly - encourage people to sit down together and review informally and often - this removes much of the pressure for managers and appraises at formal appraisals times. Leaving everything to a single make-or-break discussion once a year is asking for trouble and trepidation.Look out especially for the warning signs of 'negative cascaded attitudes' towards appraisals. This is most often found where a senior manager or director hates conducting appraisals, usually because theyare uncomfortable and inexperienced in conducting them. The senior manager/director typically will be heard to say that appraisals don't work and are a waste of time, which for them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.All that said, performance appraisals that are administered without training (for those who need it), without explanation or consultation, and conducted poorly will be counter-productive and is a waste of everyone's time.Well-prepared and well-conducted performance appraisals provide unique opportunities to help appraise and managers improve and develop, and thereby also the organizations for whom they work.Just like any other process, if performance appraisals aren't working, don't blame the process, ask yourself whether it is being properly trained, explained, agreed and conducted.4. Effective performance appraisalsAside from formal traditional (annual, six-monthly, quarterly, or monthly) performance appraisals, there are many different methods of performance evaluation. The use of any of these methods depends on the purpose of the evaluation, the individual, the assessor, and the environment.The formal annual performance appraisal is generally the over-riding instrument, which gathers together and reviews all other performance data for the previous year.Performance appraisals should be positive experiences. Theappraisals process provides the platform for development and motivation, so organizations should foster a feeling that performance appraisals are positive opportunities, in order to get the best out of the people and the process. In certain organizations, performance appraisals are widely regarded as something rather less welcoming ('blocking sessions' is not an unusual description), which provides a basis only on which to develop fear and resentment, so never, never, never use a staff performance appraisal to handle matters of discipline or admonishment, which should instead be handled via separately arranged meetings.5. Types of performance and aptitude assessments(1)Formal annual performance appraisals(2)Probationary reviews(3)Informal one-to-one review discussions(4)Counseling meetings(5) Observation post(6) Skills or career-related tests(7) Assignment or task to follow the review, including the secondment(8)Assessment Centre, including the observation group exercises, presentations and other tests(9)Communicate with people who investigate the views of others(10) Acts of psychological tests and other assessment(11)Handwriting analysis绩效考核探究摘要在人力资源管理方面,绩效考核的方法多种多样,到底应该采用哪一种绩效考核方法更为合理,绩效考核又应该通过什么样的途径更易于实现并取得更好的管理成效,是一个值得深思的问题。

人力资源管理战略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)人力资源管理战略外文翻译文献原文:The Strategic Role of Human Resource ManagementTyson,S1. Human Resource Management at Work What Is Human Resource ManagementTo understand what human resource management is, we should first review what managers do. Most experts agree that there are five basic functions all managers perform' planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, these functions represent the management process. Some of the specific activities involved in each function include: Planning: Establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans andforecasting―predicting or projecting some future occurrenc e.Organizing: Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments; delegating authority to subordinates; establishing channels of authority and communication; coordinating the work of subordinates. Staffing: Deciding what type of people should be hired; recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees; setting performance standards; compensating employees; evaluating performance; counseling employees; training and developing employees.Leading: Getting others to get the job done; maintaining morale;motivating subordinates.Controlling: Setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or production levels; checking to see how actual performance compares withthese standards; taking corrective action as needed. In this book, we aregoing to focus on one of these functions: the staffing, personnel management,or (as it's usually called today) human resource (HR) management function.Human resource management refers to the practices and policies you need tocarry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job. Theseinclude:Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of each employee's job)Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates Selecting job candidatesOrienting and training new employeesManaging Wages and Salaries (how to compensate employees ) Providingincentives and benefits Appraising performanceWhy Is HR Management Important to All ManagersWhy are these concepts and techniques important to all managers? Perhapsit's easier to answer this by listing some of the personnel mistakes you 人力资源管理战略外文翻译文献don't want to make while managing. For example, you don't want: To hirethe wrong person for the job To experience high turnoverTo find your people not doing their best To waste time with uselessinterviews To have your company taken to court because of your discriminatoryactions To have your company cited under federal occupational safety laws forunsafe practicesTo have some of your employees think their salaries are unfair andinequitable relative to others in the organizationTo allow a lack of training to undermine your department's effectivenessTo commit any unfair labor practicesCarefully studying this book can help you avoid mistakes like these. Moreimportant, it can help ensure that you get results ―through others. Rememberthat you could do everything else right as a manager ― lay brilliant plans,draw clear organization charts, set up modern assembly lines, and usesophis ticated accounting controls ― but still fail as a manager by hiring thewrong people or by not motivating subordinates, for instance).On the other hand, many managers-whether presidents, generals, governors, or supervisors-have been successful even with inadequate plans, organization, or controls. They were successful because they had the knack for hiring the right peoplefor the right jobs and motivating, appraising, and developing them.Remember as you read this book that getting results is the bottom line of managing and that, as a manager, you will have to get these results through people As one company president summed up:\developing industry. I don't think this any longer holds true. I thinkit's the work force and the company's inability to recruit and maintain a good work force that does constitute the bottleneck for production. I don't know of any major project backed by good ideas, vigor, and enthusiasm that has been stopped by a shortage of cash. I do know of industries whose growth has been partly stopped or hampered because they can't maintain an efficient and enthusiastic labor force, and I think this will hold true even more in the future---\At no time in our history has that statement been truer than it is today. As we'll see in a moment, intensified global competition, deregulation, and technical advances have triggered an avalanche of change, one that many firms have not survived. In this environment, the future belongs to those managers who can best manage change; but to manage change they must have committed employees who do their jobs as if they own the company. In this book we'll see that human resource management practices and policies can play a crucial role in fostering such employee commitment and in enabling the firm to better respond to change.人力资源管理战略外文翻译文献2. Line and Staff Aspects of HRMAll managers are, in a sense, HR managers, since they all get involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and training. Yet most firms also have a human resource department with its own human resource manager. How do the duties of this HR manager and his or her staff relate to \duties? Let’s answer this question, starling with a short definition of line versus staff authority. Line versus Staff AuthorityAuthority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. In management, we usually distinguish between lineauthority and staff authority. Line managers are authorized to direct the work of subordinates ― they're always someone's boss. In addition, line managers are in charge of accomplishing the organization's basic goals (Hotel managers and the managers for production and sales are generally line managers, for example. They have direct responsibility for accomplishing the organization's basic goals. They also have the authority to direct the work of their subordinates. ) Staff managers, on the other hand, are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. HR managers are generally staff managers. They are responsible for advising line managers (like those for production and sales) in areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation.Line Managers' Human Resource Management ResponsibilitiesAccording to one expert, 'The direct handling of people is, and always has been, an integral part of every line manager's responsibility, from president down to the lowest-level supervisor.For example, one major company outlines its line supervisors' responsibilities for effective human resource management under the following general headings:Placing the right person on the right jobStarting new employees in the organization (orientation) Training employees for jobs that are new to them Improving the job performance of each person Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth workingrelationships Interpreting the company s policies and procedures Controlling labor costsDeveloping the abilities of each personCreating and maintaining departmental moraleProtecting employees' health and physical conditionIn small organizations, line managers may carry out all these personnel duties unassisted. But as the organization grows, they need the assistance, specialized knowledge, and advice of a separate human resource staff. Human Resource Department's HR Management ResponsibilitiesThe human resource department provides this specialized assistance. In人力资源管理战略外文翻译文献doing so, the HR manager carries out three distinct functions:A line function.First, the HR manager performs a line function bydirecting the activities of the people in his or her own department and in service areas (like the plant cafeteria). In other words, he or she exertsline authority within the personnel department. HR managers are also likely to exert implied authority. This is so because line managers know the HR manager often has access to top management in personnel areas like testing and affirmative action. As a result, HR managers' \authority carries even more weight with supervisors troubled with human resource/personnel problems.A coordinative function. HR managers also function as coordinators of personnel activities, a duty often referred to as functional control. Here the HR manager and department act as \to as sure him (or her) that HR objectives, policies, and procedures (concerning, for example, occupational safety and health) which have been approved and adopted are being consistently carried out by line managers. Staff (service) functions. Serving and assisting line managers is the \the hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing of employees. It also administers the various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on). It assists line managers in their attempts to comply with equal employment and occupational safety laws. And it plays an important role with respect to grievances and labor relations. As part of these service activities, the HR managers land department) also carry out an \providing 'up to date information on current trends and new methods of solving problems. For example, there is much interest today in instituting reengineering programs and in providing career planning for employees. HR managers stay on top of such trends and help their organizations implement the required programs.Cooperative Line and Staff Human Resource Management:An ExampleExactly which HR management activities are carried out by line managers and staff managers? There's no single division of line and staff responsibilities that could be applied across the board in all organizations. But to show you what such a division might look like. This shows some HR responsibilities of line managers and staff managers in five areas: recruitment and selection; training and development; compensation; labor relations; and employee security and safety. For example, in the area of recruiting and hiring it's the line manager’s responsibility to specify thequalifications employees need to fill specific positions. Then the HR staff takes over. They develop sources of qualified applicants and conduct initial screening interviews. They administer the appropriate tests. Then they refer the best applicants to感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

Human resource management more and more drives value. Under the system that economy development mature, human resource management have to match with fight for the best resources performance, if out of character of the manpower form couples out of character of post, the resources performance be not only whole have no, or may have already exhaust. The modern economy stress balance and match, promote management effect and quality vegetable, will human resource match with make balance, the inside contents establish human resource structure frame, use most in keeping with of the person do most in keeping with of work. Establishment human resource terrace is a communication and collection information way, everyone's opinion comprehensive, give up short take long, with processing salary, welfare etc. affair. Human resource most the importance be a training and development, human resource development have to investment at training aspect, with exertive each stratum of human resource potential.人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。

人力资源管理系统中英文资料外文翻译英文原文Vincent R. Ceriello, Christine FreemanJossey-Bass Publishers, 1998Human Resource Management SystemsHuman Resource Management Systems (HRMS) have become one of the most important tools for many businesses. Even the small, 20-person office needs to realize the benefits of using HRMS to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize how much time and money they are wasting on manual human resource management (HRM) tasks until they sit down and inventory their time. HRMS is advancing to become its own information technology (IT) field. It allows companies to cut costs and offer more information to employees in a faster and more efficient way. Especially in difficult economic times, it is critical for companies to become more efficient in every sector of their business; human resources (HR) is no exception.HRIS refers to software packages that address HR needs with respect to planning, employee information access, and employer regulatory compliance. The following text begins with a discussion of human resource planning, followed by human resource management systems.American companies must now operate in a rapidly changing business environment. These changes have important implications for HRM practices. To ensure that management practices support business needs, organizations must continually monitor changing environmental conditions and devise HRM strategies for dealing with them. The procedure used to tie human resource issues to the organization's business needs is called human resource planning. Also known as HR planning, this procedure is defined as the "process of identifying and responding to [organizational needs] …and charting newpolicies, systems, and programs that will assure effective human resource management under changing conditions."Human Resource Management Systems, also called Human Resource modules, is a link between Human resource management and information technology. A Human resource management system provides a single, accurate view of all human resource activities including recruiting, performance management, training and development and also compensation. Human resource management systems reduce the workload of the human resource department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardizing human resource process. Human resource department plays an important role in the smooth running of the company by tracking and analyzing the time keeping and work patterns of the workforce. There are a wide range of applications available to help human resource department in their tasks, making possible the automation of certain tasks and helping in the organization many other tasks.The function of human resource management to large extent is administrative and common to all organizations. Most organizations have formalized selection, evaluation and payroll processes. The function consists of tracking innumerable data of each employee from personal histories, data, skills, capabilities, experiences to payroll records. Organizations began electronically automate many of theses processes by introducing Human resource management systems to reduce the manual workload. Human resource executives depend on internal and external IT professionals to develop and maintain their Human resource management systems due to complexity in programming capabilities and limited technological resources.Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) provide a link between human resource management and information technology.HRMS allow enterprises to automate many aspects of human resource management, with the dual benefits of reducing the workload of the HR department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardising HR processes.The field of human resources is one that is often overlooked in enterprisemanagement. This situation is aided by the fact that an efficient Human Resources department should function without fanfare. For example, when a project team successfully launches a product on time and within budget it is hailed as a great success. When the HR department manages the administration of the enterprise successfully it can go virtually unnoticed –after all, the Human Resources department is simply expected to work, only attracting attention when there are problems.The reality, however, is very different. The HR department plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth running of an enterprise –most importantly by tracking and analysing the timekeeping and work patterns of the workforce, allowing management better information on which to form strategies.The importance of human resources has not gone unnoticed by the software industry. There is now a wide range of applications available to aid the HR department in their tasks, making possible the automation of certain tasks and aiding in the organisation of many others.HRM software systems (from vendors such as Oracle and Ascentis) are broadly defined by the four basic responsibilities of the HR department, and as such typically contain standalone modules to address the needs of each responsibility:Payroll Module: The payroll module greatly reduces the workload of the HR department by automating the payroll process, allowing HR to ensure that payroll functions are completed on time and without errors.At its most basic level the payroll module is supported by the manual entry of timekeeping and attendance data from paper-based timesheets submitted by the workforce. More advanced systems track employee timekeeping through automatic systems, connected to either a ‘clocking in’system or a tracker connected to the desktop computers of the employees.Once attendance data is fed into the system, the payroll module automatically calculates payment amounts and various deductions such as income tax before generating paychecks and employee tax reports.Time and Labour Management Module: The time and labour management module is designed to collate and analyse employee timekeeping information for the purposes of organisational cost accounting.By sourcing data directly from the timekeeping devices and methods used to calculate payroll this module can provide management with valuable data regarding the use of labour resources within the enterprise.Benefit Administration Module: Thebenefit administration module providesHR personnel with the capacity to monitorand manage employee participation in arange of benefit programs. Theseprograms can range from programs relatedto the wellbeing of the workforce (such ashealth insurance and pension schemes) to profit making programs (such as stock option plans and profit sharing).HR Management Module: The HR management module provides a range of HR solutions ranging from analyses of application data through to the basic demographic dataof employees.The management module allows HR personnel to effectively manage the Human Capital Pool (HCP) available within the enterprise, in that it keeps track of the training and development of the workforce and the skills and qualifications of each employee. Advanced HR management modules can also automate the process of application for positions by capturing application data and entering it to a relevant database.Benefits of HRMSWhile these modules each provide benefits to the HR department itself, the applications also aid the enterprise as a whole.HRM systems convert human resources information into a digital format, allowing that information to be added to the knowledge management systems of the enterprise. The result of this is that HR data can be integrated into the larger Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems of the enterprise.In analysing enterprise wide resource usage this data can prove invaluable. Data related to the time usage of the workforce can enhance the decision making abilities of management, allowing the HR department to form an integral aspect of strategy formation for the enterprise as a whole.中文译文人力资源管理系统(HRMS)已成为许多企业的重要的工具之一。

人事管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文献人事管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)英文:Personnel management system development and designBy Dustin Marx SummaryWith the rapid development of computer technology, computer applications in the popularity of business management, personnel management of enterprises using computers is imperative. For medium-sized enterprises, enterprises and efficient use of computer support to complete the daily affairs of labor and personnel management is to adapt to the modern enterprise system, encourage enterprises to labor and personnel management to scientific, standardized, a necessary condition; incomparable advantage of the computer to retrieve managementrapid, easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of personnel management, but also corporate scientific and standardized management, an important condition for integration with the world. Different companies have different human resources management system, which determines the different companies need different personnel management system.choice of development toolsNow, the market can buy a lot of application development products, popular, and dozens. Currently the most popular in our market, the most used, most advanced development tools can be used as enterprise-level products:Microsoft's Visual BasicMicrosoft's Visual CBorland's DelphiJava, etc.In the current market, many application development tools for these, some stressed that the implementation of process flexibility and efficiency of language; and some emphasis on the visual application development tools to bring convenience and efficiency high, each with its own advantages and characteristics, but also to meet the needs of different users. However, the language of the flexibility and convenience tools are inextricably linked, and only a convenient tool, but did not support the language of flexibility, many specialized processing actions will need to spend several times the effort to deal with, so the efficiency of the original advertisedloss of a role in improving the advantage; the contrary, if the language only emphasizes the flexibility of process continued, but no convenient tool for co-ordination will make some very simple interface, even if the deal moves, programmers will be a serious waste of valuable time.As the database system development, Visual Basic is an ideal choice. MIS database is an important enabling technology in the MIS development process, how to choose the database management is an important issue, at present, the database more products, each product has its own characteristics and scope, therefore, the choice of database should consider the characteristics of database applications and application, the system's database language used Visual Basic language, the development tool has many advantages:Visual Basic is a visual, object-oriented and event-driven article by the way of structured high-level programming, can be used to develop the type of Windows environment applications. It is easy to learn, efficient, and powerful, with professional development tools, Windows SDK comparable to, and application developers do not have the C / C + + Programming. In the Visual Basic environment, the use of event-driven programming mechanism, novel-to-use visual design tools, the use of Windows internal application program interface (API) functions, and dynamic-link library (DLL), Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Open Data Access (ODBC) technology, can efficiently and quickly developed a Windows environment, powerful, rich graphical user interface application software system.In general, Visual Basic has the following characteristics:Visual Programming:Traditional programming language design program, are designed by writing code to the user interface, the interface design process do not see the actual display, run the program to be compiled can be observed. If you are not satisfied with the effect of the interface, but also return to the program changes. Sometimes, this programming - Compiler - Change the operation may be repeated several times, greatly affected the efficiency of software development. Visual Basic provides a visual design tool, the complexity of the Windows interface design "package" together, developers do not have a lot of interface design and write code.Just press the screen layout design, using system tools to draw on the screen various "parts", that is, graphical objects, and set the properties of these graphical objects. Visual Basic code automatically generated interface design, programmers need only write the part to achieve functionality of the program code, which can greatly improve the efficiency of program design.Object-oriented programmingVisual Basic 4.0 support for future object-oriented programming, but it is the general object-oriented programming language (C + +) are not identical. In general object-oriented programming language, object code and data from the composition of an abstract concept; and Visual Basic is the application of object-oriented programming methodology (OOP), the programs and data encapsulated as an object and should be given for each object the attributes of the object as something real. Inthe design of objects, without writing to establish and describe each object code, but with the tool to draw the interface, Visual Basic automatically generates the object code and package it. Each object is displayed graphically in the interface are visible. Structured programming languageVisual Basic is based on the BASIC language developed, high-level programming language with sentence structure, similar to the logic of natural language and human thinking. Visual Basic statements easy to understand, its editor supports color code, can automatically check for syntax errors, but also has powerful and flexible to use debugger and compiler.Visual Basic is an interpreted language, enter the code at the same time, decomposition of high-level language interpretation system will be translated into machine instructions the computer can recognize and judge each statement syntax error. Visual Basic procedures in the design process, you can always run the program, and in the whole process a good design, you can compile an executable file (. EXE), from the Visual Basic environment, directly in the Windows environments.Event-driven programming mechanismVisual Basic object through the event to perform the operation. An object may have multiple events, each event are available through a program to respond. For example, the command button is an object, when the user clicks the button, will generate a "click" (CLICK) event, but in the production of the event will execute a program used to implement the specified operation.In the design of large-scale applications using Visual Basic software, without creating a clear beginning and end of the procedure, but the preparation of a number of small subroutines that process. These processes are aimed at different objects, an event triggered by the user to drive the completion of a particular function or procedure called by the generic event-driven process to perform the specified operation, so that programmers can easily and improve efficiency.Access to the databaseVisual Basic has a powerful database management features, the use of data control and database management window, you can directly create or deal with Microsoft Access database format, and provides powerful data storage and retrieval capabilities. At the same time, Visual Basic can also directly edit, and access to other external databases, such as DBASE, FoxPro, Paradox, etc. These database format can be edited and processed using Visual Basic.Visual Basic provides an open data connection, the ODBC functions, can be established through direct access or use the connection and operation of large-scale network database backend such as SQL Server, Oracle and so on. In the application, you can use structured query language SQL data standards, direct access to the server database and provides a simple object-oriented database instructions and multi-userdatabase access locking mechanism and network programming SQL databasestechnology for stand-alone databases running on the SQL network interface to a distributed environment, fast and effective implementation of client / server (client / server) programs.Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)Using Dynamic Data Exchange (Dynamic Data Exchange) technology, an application can dynamically link the data to another application, so that two completely different applications, establish a dynamic data link. When the original data changes, you can automatically update the linked data. Visual Basic provides the programming dynamic data exchange technology, the application program with other Windows applications to create dynamic data exchange between different applications to communicate. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to each application as an object (object), to link different objects (link) up, and then embedded (embed) an application, which can be a sound, image, image, animation, text and other information collection style files.OLE technology is Microsoft's strategic corporate object technology, which the multiple applications into one, as each application for an object linking and embedding, is an application integration technology. Using OLE technology, you can easily build composite documents (compound document), this document from a number of different application objects, each object in the document and linked to the original application, and perform with the original application the same operation. Dynamic link library (DLL)Visual Basic is an advanced programming language, do not have low-level language functions, the operation of the access to the machine hardware is not easy to implement. But it could be dynamic link library technology will C / C + + or assembly language programs to Visual Basic applications, you can call the same function as the internal call functions written in other languages. In addition, the dynamic link library, you can call the Windows application program interface (API) function has the function to achieve SDK.systems research and feasibility analysisResearchBefore the formal development of management information system is necessary for research, the need for mainly the following aspects.(1) to the user's request to conduct a feasibility analysis of the survey results confirm the feasibility of system development.(2) The staff of the new system not all systems researchers, some people process data for its function and no clear understanding of the method. They only work according to their business needs requests, system developers to conduct a detailed survey and analysis to confirm the user's requirements can be achieved through the existingcomputer technology to ensure the development of management information system functions and user submitted required match.(3) the existing business system may be a manual system, it could be used and the computer system, no matter the circumstances, the current system should be investigated in detail the specific circumstances of information processing, functional structure within the system in order to design a reasonable, good new system logic model for the design of the new system to lay the foundation to ensure the quality of the entire system development.In short, the current system is necessary to conduct a detailed investigation, a clear user needs, to ensure the development of new system functions consistent with the user's requirements and avoid a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, the development of the new system is the failure of the tragedy.Overview of Feasibility StudyFeasibility analysis is the user's requirements and system on the basis of research conducted on the development of new systems of social, technical, economic, management, analysis and development of new systems come feasible, not feasible, need to modify , additional investment, the suspension of development, step by step and other programs and conclusions, and finally complete the feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis of the general can be defined as: a feasibility analysis early in the construction of a project study and appraisal of the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive and integrated technical and economic capacity of the investigation to determine whether it is feasible.(1) the feasibility study stage of the work include the following:Objective analysis of whether the new system status and business development needs.② social feasibility analysis:Social feasibility analysis mainly refers to the management information system development is consistent with national law, bad policy, whether we can achieve a good social system and docking.③ technical feasibility analysis:Technical feasibility analysis is based on the new system aims to measure whether they have the required technology, including the number and level of system developers, hardware, software and other application technologies.④ economic feasibility analysisEconomic feasibility analysis is mainly on the development of capital invested in new systems and systems put into use to compare the economic benefits to confirm whether the new system will bring some economic benefits companies.⑤ management feasibility analysis:Management feasibility analysis is to analyze existing enterprise management system and whether the business leaders of modern management awareness and management.Technical feasibility analysisTechnical feasibility analysis includes four aspects: the current technology can support the new systems developed; the new system the number and level of developers, namely, human resources; hardware and software resources.(1) Technical Support:First, the target under the new system, considering the current technology can support the new systems developed. Technology must be discussed here has been widely used, not to be studied or are studying.(2) hardware resources:Development of management information system hardware resources needed to contain the following two aspects:System developers in the management of information systems development process needed computer equipment and related peripheral equipment; management information system used successfully, use the unit should have the computer equipment and related peripherals. Feasibility analysis of the hardware resources, the main consideration for the host computer memory, the type, function, network capacity, security measures and the input / output devices, external storage and data communication networking equipment configuration, function, efficiency, compliance with system solutions and other indicators design requirements, but also consider the computer's performance / price ratio.(3) software resourcesFeasibility of software resources are the main consider the following to meet user requirements:① Select the operating system;② build system choice;③ choice of database management system;④ high-level programming language of choice;⑤ character processing system selection;⑥ application package choice.In the development of this system before, with the center's leadership and the close communication operators, seriously listen to their views and absorb their positive view of the development of the system to a large extent, has some advanced and reasonable .翻译:人事管理系统的开发和设计原作者:Dustin Marx 摘要:随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行。
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人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Performance Management: Reconciling Competing PrioritiesIan ZiskinFour HR thought leaders from academia— John Boudreau of the USC Center for Effective Organizations, Chris Collins of the Cornell Center for Advanced HR Studies, Pat Wright of the Moore College of Business at the University of South Carolina, and Dave Ulrich of University of Michigan and the RBL Group — engaged in discussions on Performance Management with Ian Ziskin, President, EXec EXcel Group LLC and Board member, HR People & Strategy. Ian asked John, Chris,Pat, and Dave to share their perspectives on topics including:• What Performance Management is?• What makes the biggest difference to effective vs. ineffective Performance Management?• What the biggest sources of debate and disagreement have been regarding Performance Management over the years, and whether we have made any progress in resolving these issues?• If they were going to fix or kill anything about Performance Management, w hat it would be and why?• What big implications there are for future required changes to Performance Management in light of future work, workforce and workplace trends?Ziskin: There is a lot of talk in organizations about whether Performance Management is working effectively or ever has. What do you think Performance Management is?Collins: This may be the question of the year. Performance Management has become everything and therefore nothing. It serves so many purposes —compensation, feedback, talent development, succession, etc. — that it may not serve any purpose very well.Boudreau: It's an ongoing relationship to balance the need to evaluate people with the need to develop them. It's not about bromides, forms, scores, tools orsystems.Wright: Performance Management is about aligning behavior in a way that increases organizational effectiveness.Ulrich: I think we need to look at Performance Management from three levels: cultural, systems and personal. At the cultural level, it's about whether the organization judges people based on meritocracy (results), hierarchy (power) or relationships (connections). At the systems level, it's about determining whether people meet or miss objectives. At the personal level, it's about assessing the individual's dedication to deliver both financial and social results.Ziskin: Given your point of view about Performance Management, what makes the biggest difference to whether it is effective vs. ineffective?Collins: It starts with having a culture of openness, honesty and real feedback —and then holding people accountable. This process begins and ends with good leaders, and all of our money should be invested in developing leaders to lead, rather than spending money on new Performance Management systems and tools.Boudreau: Effectiveness rests in the skills and motivations of the people involved, not in the Performance Management system itself. It is particularly important to create a shared framework and priorities between managers and their employees.Ulrich: The four generic steps of Performance Management have remained relatively stable over time: set standards, assess against those standards, allocate consequences and provide feedback. Improvements in the effectiveness of Performance Management have come from enabling external stakeholders to provide input on standards and performance, making the performance discussion more about the future than the past, using technology to simplify the process, tailoring the consequences to better reflect individual employee contributions and value, and accommodating both team as well as individual feedback.Wright: Bad tools, bad evaluations, bad feedback and bad links to reward systems lead to bad Performance Management.Ziskin: If you look back over the years of debate about Performance Management, what one or two things stand out in your mind as the biggest sources ofdebate and disagreement?Boudreau: The biggest debate has been about what are we trying to achieve? It's always been about development of people vs. evaluation of their performance, and whether these two different priorities can be reconciled.Collins: Do you separate performance feedback from compensation, and how do you do both? We also need to learn to separate the discussion about current performance from the future — future roles and future performance requirements.Wright: The debate continues over simplifying tools vs. customizing unique tools to specific jobs, roles, situations and individuals.Ulrich: There are a number of old debates and some new debates. The old debates include Performance Management should be used for discussing financial results or development potential (yes to both), whether we should measure results as well as behavior (yes to both), whether managers should be accountable to do performance reviews (yes), and who should own Performance Management— the line or HR (the line owns it, HR is the architect).Ziskin: Have we made any progress in resolving the debate over these issues?Boudreau: We have made progress in something, such as the growing recognition that effective Performance Management is much less about forms and much more about relationships.Collins: I am gravely disappointed in the progress we've made in the past 20 years, especially in accommodating new ways of working such as more distributed, virtual work. We also have not made enough progress in accounting for team performance instead of just individual performance.Wright: We are making progress in linking results, behaviors and rewards. I'd say we are beginning to achieve best principles in Performance Management, but we have not yet achieved best practices.Ulrich: The following new debates are more interesting to me than the old debates I mentioned above, and even though we are beginning to make some progress, we need much more: how we simplify the process, how we have meaningful personal conversations between leaders and employees and how we build a performanceculture where meritocracy is expected.Ziskin: In light of the Performance Management debates and related mixed progress we have discussed, if you were going to fix or kill one thing related to Performance Management, what it would it by and why?Collins: I would fix Performance Management by investing in better leaders giving better feedback, rather than trying to fix Performance Management by investing in better tools.Boudreau: I would kill the debate about Performance Management forms, tools and technology enhancements, and instead put more than 80 percent of our resources into teaching and developing leaders and employees to get the most out of the performance feedback discussion.Ulrich: I would kill Performance Management complexity, and simplify the process. Sometimes, the process becomes the end itself, and there is means/end inversion.Wright: I would kill the parochialism that comes from my way, my tool and my process. There is a lot to be learned from how others are doing Performance Management.Ziskin: When you consider the future of work, the workplace and the workforce —and how all these things are changing and affecting business performance — what one or two big implications are there for required changes to Performance Management in the future?Ulrich: The biggest implications for the future I see are simplification of the Performance Management process and more outside/in perspective whereby Performance Management is more connected to input from external stakeholders.Wright: We will see a greater emphasis on evaluating results, the end product, rather than behavior, because global dispersion of work will make it much more difficult to directly observe behavior.Boudreau: As a result of increasingly virtual, remote, temporary and independent work, performance assessment can no longer only be done by leaders — it will also be done by others including peers and employees themselves. PerformanceManagement will no longer be the province of leaders.Collins: Performance Management is going in the direction of more frequent, more transparent, more virtual, more raters and more team-based.Ziskin: Based on insights from our academic experts, as well as from my own experience, if you are working to reconcile the competing priorities associated with Performance Management, think about the following guidelines:• Simplify and de-emphasize forms and process in favor of improving the quality of relationships and conversation between leaders and employees• Accommodate trends toward more virtual and flexible work and changing demographics thorough Performance Management approaches that emphasize transparency, frequency and input from a broader range of internal and external constituents• Move from a relatively narrow focus on Performance Management to a broader emphasis on Performance CulturePeople & Strategy. 2013, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p24-25. 2p.译文:绩效管理:协调竞争的优先事项Ian Ziskin来自学术界的四位HR思想领袖:在南加州大学中心所研究有效组织的John Boudreau、在康奈尔大学高级人力资源研究中心工作的Chris Collins、在南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院的Pat Wright以及在密歇根大学和RBL集团工作的Dave Ulrich,与Ian总裁(掌管Excel集团有限责任公司、董事会成员、HR人员和策略)从事绩效管理事务。