开户申请表CLIENT REQUEST FORM以下*表示必须填写,中英文皆可个人基本信息(Details)姓*(Family Name*): _______________________ 生日*(Date of Birth*):___________________________ 名*(First Name*): ______________________ 证件类型*(License*):___________________________性别*(Gender*): _______________________证件号码*(No.*)_______________________________婚姻状况*(Marital Status)_________________国籍*(Country of Citizenship*)__________________________ 联系信息(Contact Detials)居住地址*(Residentail Address*)_________________邮政编码*(ZIP/Postal Code*)______________________ 邮寄地址*(Mailing Address*)____________________邮政编码*(ZIP/Postal Code*)__________________ 电子邮件*(Email Address*)_____________________移动电话*(Mobile Phone*)_____________________ 紧急联系人*(Emergency Contact*)_______________联系人电话*(Contact Phone*)__________________ 电话:区号+号码*(Telephone*)__________________工作信息(Employment Details)公司名称*(Name of Employer/Business*)______________ 职务/职位*(Position/Designation*)____________ 年收入$/¥*[Annual Salary(Gross) *]________________工作年数*(Years of Service*)_______________ 银行信息(Banking Details)账号*(Account Number*)______________________账号姓名*(Account Name*)_______________________ 银行名称*(Bank Name*)______________________________________________________________________ 城市*(City*)_______________________________州/省*(State/Province*)___________________________ 投资经历和财务信息(Investing Experence and Financial Information)您是否有过金融投资的经历?(Do you have any experience in Financial?)□股票(Stock)□期货(Futures)□外汇宝(Foreign Exchange)□保证金(Caution Money)推荐与代理信息(Referral and Agent Detials)您是从何种渠道了解到我们的服务?(Where did you leam about our service?)您预计的开户资金为?(How much do you intend to open initially?)If you were referredby an agent please specify the identity of the person or entity that referred you to us(optional)(如您经代理人推荐,请您说明向您推荐的人或实体)____________________________________________ 声明和协议(Statements and Agreements)□I Agree(我同意)风险披露协议Risk Disclosure Agreement选择“我同意”表明您已阅读并理解“风险披露声明”所阐述的有关货币交易的风险。
Page 13
商业模式 技术模式 经营模式 管理模式 资本模式
经营转型 德银外汇
德意志银行承诺为每位客户在外汇市场创 造优势:
➢低至2点子的买卖差价 ➢与外汇市场的第一价格提供者直接交易 ➢存取德意志银行研究及图表的特别权利 ➢在任何市场条件下获得国际水平的交易执行 ➢每天24小时的实时串流报价 ➢34种可选择的货币对 ➢开立账户只须5,000美元或2,500英镑
网上银行 外汇安全
德银采用加密技术,认证协定及 防火墙装置来保护所有客户的交 易资料和纪录。德银利用后备系 统和应变计划,以减低因系统故 障对客户带来的影响。一旦服务 器出现问题,所有持仓,止损订 单及交易纪录均储存到我们的后 备系统,所有指令仍然继续生效, 直至客户自行取消为止。
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商业模式 技术模式 经营模式 管理模式 资本模式
经营转型 德银外汇
德意志银行为全球外 汇市场的第一外汇交 易银行,客户经德银 外汇作交易享有世界 外汇市场优越待遇及 可获得最贴近银行同 业间优惠报价和服务。
德银外汇是由德意志 银行所提供的网上外 汇交易服务,可与最 具流通量的卓越国际 银行-德意志银行进行
商业模式 技术模式 经营模式 管理模式 资本模式
战略目标 目标客户
收入和利润 核心业务
----私人客户与资产管理 ----企业与投资银行
Page 7
商业模式 安全技术 经营模式 管理模式 资本模式
证件号码 联系方式
□日本人 外国人(□定住/永住 □外交人员 □观光
□技能 □留学生 □企业内转勤 □其他 ) ____________
工作单位 所在行业
□企业/组织管理层 □公务员 □个体工商业 □主妇 □无职业/退休 □企业/组织职员 □兼职/短期用工/小时工 □学生 □其他
□密码信封 号码: 经确认,密码信封完好无损
客户确认 (预留印鉴)
客户确认 (预留印鉴)
收到 公元 日期
收到 公元 日期
为阻断和消除与反社会势力的关系,本行与警察厅、金融厅持续取得联系和合作,积极采取征得 如下同意的措施,敬请合作!
致 中国银行股份有限公司
人民币 ATM 取现: 万元 消费: 万元(取现、消费合计 0~3 万元)
□是 □否 美国人士是指美国国籍或美国绿卡持有者或在美国长期逗留的外国人(未选或多选默认为否) 在天美,国累长计期方逗式留是的当外年国每人一需天满算足一以天下,两去个年条每件一中天的算一三个分之:1一、天公,历前年年内每待一满天1算83六天分以之上一;天2、。公历年内待满 31 天以上,并在三年内累计超过 183
□ 輸入決済金等の外貨支払に充当
□ 投資(□ 為替差益 □ 高金利)
投资(外汇买卖收益 高利息)
□ その他(其他)____________
Q5:為替リスクの仕組みについてはご存知ですか? 您是否知晓外币兑换的风险构成?
□ 知っている。 □ 職業上、為替を扱うため □ 為替リスク商品の経験がある
- 姓名:(填写申请人的全名)
- 性别:(填写申请人的性别)
- 出生日期:(填写申请人的出生日期)
- 国籍:(填写申请人的国籍)
- 身份证号码:(填写申请人的身份证号码)
- 家庭住址:(填写申请人的详细家庭住址)
- 联系(填写申请人的联系电话)
- 卡类型:家庭主妇生活费卡
- 银行名称:(填写开户银行的名称)
- 开户支行:(填写开户行的支行名称)
- 卡号:(填写银行卡的卡号)
- 账户余额:(填写目前银行卡的账户余额)
- 姓名:(填写开户责任人的全名)
- 联系(填写开户责任人的联系电话)
- 职务:(填写开户责任人的职务)
- 身份证复印件:(将相关身份证复印件放入文档附件)
- 家庭住址证明:(将相关证明文件复印件放入文档附件)
精品银行结算账户开户资料明细表1、基本存款账户、一般存款账户、专用存款账户的开户资料2、临时存款账户的开户资料附件一银行结算账户相关证明文件明细表1、基本存款账户证明文件:2、专用存款账户证明文件:授权委托书银行:兹授权 同志(身份证号码: )代表本人为我单位在贵行办理(□账户开立 □账户变更 □账户撤销 □印鉴预留 □印鉴变更 □印鉴挂失)其他(必须注明具体委托事项): 手续,本人承诺所提供证明材料真实有效,该代理人在办理上述授权事项时所产生的民事责任由本单位承担。
授权单位(行政公章): 法定代表人(签章):签发日期: 年 月 日附:法定代表人、被授权人身份证复印件法定代表人(或单位负责人)身份证复印件粘贴处 :(正面) (反面)说明: 1、授权委托事项要填写清楚,涂改无效;2、将此委托书提交开户行作为证明。
德商德意志银行 Deutsche Bank
德商德意志銀行Deutsche Bank開戶同意書(簡稱AOC)此致:亞洲德意志銀行之各相關分行或附屬機構(即開戶所在㆞之相關帳戶)(各相關分行或附屬機構,以㆘簡稱「本行」)。
申請㆟(以㆘簡稱「客戶」)在隨時與本行取得確認或同意㆘,得於任何管轄區域內以任何幣別,向本行申請開立任何帳戶 (包括各類分支帳戶、儲蓄/活期存款帳戶、支票存款帳戶、信託帳戶以及/或定期存款帳戶)。
请仔细阅读并保留:自费留学德国自保金账户开立流程工作时间:北京和上海分行周一至周五,上午9:30 – 11:30 (公共假期除外);广州分行周一、三、五,上午9:30 – 11:30 (公共假期除外)受德国大使馆委托,我行协助中国留学生在德国开立带有冻结条款的自保金账户,并开具存款证明供自费赴德留学生用于申请签证。
一、 申请开户所需资料:1.申请开户者本人需凭入学通知书、护照和身份证原件及入学通知书、护照和身份证的清晰复印件到我行递交亲 自填写的开户申请表格。
) 2.未满18周岁申请开户者,申请开户时需父母双方陪同前来,需另外填写监护人表格。
3. 另有二页表格,需由留学生本人带往德国,在当地开户银行填写,并交给开户行存档。
4. 我行会把您的开户申请文件寄往德国,未经我行确认及盖章直接寄往德国的申请表格均无效。
二、手续费(学生资料录入本行系统并向学生提供个人编号后此项费用不予退款) :请开户者将人民币现金850元 ( 含国际快递费及分行手续费)交纳至我行以下帐户:1. 北京分行开户者需携带本人身份证原件至营业柜台购汇缴纳开户手续费。
(团体开户手续费缴纳事宜请另行联系我行) 2. 广州分行收款单位: 德意志银行(中国)有限公司广州分行帐号: 44001580514053001010开户银行: 中国建设银行广州天河城支行开户银行地址:广州市天河路208号天河城广场首层103A3.上海分行开户者请将开户手续费交至营业柜台三、自保金汇款方式及存款证明取得程序:1.开户者在我行递交申请表格并取得个人编号后,即可由本人或亲属将保证金从任何一家可办理境外汇款业务的银行电汇至我行开立在德意志银行法兰克福总行的学生总帐户中。
汇款详细路径如下:-北京分行开户者收款银行名称:Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt H.O. (SWIFT:DEUTDEFF) Bank Code:50070010收款银行地址:Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany收款人名称:Deutsche Bank (China) Student BJ 收款人帐号:951272401IBAN: DE64500700100951272401汇款附言:开户人姓名(拼音):____________ 个人编号(REFERENCE NUMBER): (9位数组成)-广州分行开户者收款银行名称:Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt H.O. (SWIFT:DEUTDEFF) Bank Code:50070010收款银行地址:Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany收款人名称:Deutsche Bank (China) Student GZ 收款人帐号:951234401IBAN: DE41500700240951234401汇款附言:开户人姓名(拼音):____________ 个人编号(REFERENCE NUMBER): (9位数组成)-上海分行开户者收款银行名称:Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt H.O. (SWIFT:DEUTDEFF) Bank Code:50070010收款银行地址:Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany收款人名称:Deutsche Bank (China) Student SH 收款人帐号:951263301IBAN: DE68500700240951263301汇款附言:开户人姓名(拼音):____________ 个人编号(REFERENCE NUMBER): (9位数组成)* 请注意:(1) 个人编号不是账号。
德意志银行(中国)有限公司 赴德留学保证金账户开立常见问题
赴德留学保证金账户开立常见问题一 . 开户1. 开户申请可否由亲属或朋友代办?答:不可以代办。
3. 从德意志银行中文网站()上自行下载的开户表格可以用来开户吗? 答:可以,从该网站上下载的表格可自行打印填写用于开户。
4. 去德国留学的时间不满一年或获得部分奖学金的如何办理开户手续?答:留学时间不满一年或有部分奖学金的留学生,请在跟签证使馆确认所需冻结条款的前提下,除基本开户材料外还需携带奖学金证明的原件及复印件(适用于有部分奖学金的开户申请者)。
1.Deutsche Bank(德意志银行)德国最大的银行,不仅在德国,在世界各地包括北京都设有分行。
4.Postbank德国邮局的银行,有实体店面,取钱方便,只要有邮局的地方,就可以免费取钱,而且全德9000多个Cash Group的取款机也可以免费取钱,有免费的网上银行和电话银行服务。
Giro plus转账账户,月入1000欧的情况下免管理费,否则月费5,9欧,他家Tagesgeldkonto(商品名Postbank SparCard 3000 plus direkt)利息1,7%,每月动用2000欧无需通知银行,超出部分需要提前3个月通知.信用卡第一年免费,以后每年22欧。
问:什么是APS认证?答:“APS” Akademische Prüfstelle (APS) 是德国政府派驻北京的官方办事机构。
德国大使馆和德国大学均将是否通过APS 验证作为签发学习签证和入学通知的必要条件。
问:APS认证审核所需材料有哪些?答:审核所需资料如下:一般国内申请人需要递交如下申请材料一套:1. 银行汇款收据的复印件2. 审核申请表(填写完整并贴上近期2寸证件照片)3. 申请人身份证复印件(如有护照,也需提供护照复印件)4. 小学毕业证书的复印件(无需公证)5. 初中毕业证书的复印件(无需公证)6. 高中毕业证书的翻译公证件7. 高考成绩证明(即大学录取花名册)的翻译公证件8. 大学在读证明的翻译公证件(在读生提供,见注释1)9. 大学毕业证书的翻译公证件(毕业生提供)10. 学士学位证书的翻译公证件(毕业生提供,见注释2)11. 大学成绩单的翻译公证件一份,复印件一份(见注释3)12. 德语和/或英语学时证明复印件,或申请人自学德/英语的学时数说明(无需公证)13. 其他更高一级的学历材料翻译公证书(如有请提供)留德签证手续十几大要点1.审核证书我就不多说了,别的版块有.最近常问的就是换证书的事.如果你没毕业,在读,而你去了德国要转专业,最好把APS换成8个学期的.如果说最近补审核要等到秋季,可以一边办签证一边换证书.因为你可以拿着审核部的那份说明去给德国的高校,当你在那边要转专业的时候.但前提是你获得了8个学期的APS.至于怎样换,寒武然已经给大家把那封邮件给粘出来了.2.如果有APS证书,最好是通过审核部来递.因为减少了面签的几率,减少了个人因素的影响.3.接着是ZU.最近的情况是,报语言班的一定要缴费证明,或者分班考试的收费证明,如果没有就得有校方的说明,说明是去了再交钱.书面原件最好,扫描打印的也行,邮件的完整打印也行4.再有,所谓的大学联系信.就是说(有条件的)你通过预科或者语言班考试就能进入大学学习;(无条件的)递交完整的语言材料,既通过了DSH或者DAF考试的.直接入学.不是邮件里提到入学两个字就可以的.如果邮件里说要你补充其他的材料或者限制的话,这样的ZU是不行的.希望大家不要抱侥幸心理,在邮递上折腾时间5.按照APS给出的要求排放文件顺序,是原件在上面,复印件在下面,然后按顺序排放.原件都会在递交审核部后第一时间退回.如果是当面递交,则当场退回.通过猫猫递交的,则有他递交完后给大家寄回.大使馆不要的.递交签证的地方就在当初审核的地方.只是不是那个玻璃门进去.北京,上海辖区的因为没有那EMS的钱,所以退还原件或者退材料是用挂号信.6.关于面签的,只知道尽快提前预约.最近很高峰,还有就是带上你尽可能有的公证件和复印件.因为面签的人为因素,你不知道他确切的想要看什么,什么才是最能让他信服的.APS网上的那些是基本的.我说的除此以外的7.申请表的21项填NEIN,NO,或者自己的专业.在德停留时间根据自己学习的学制一般加上一两年,如果是五年的那种就填五年或者六年,时间太长了不好.填学校地址的地方,注意有的是填学校的地址,有的是填学校的名字.教你填申请表的文件里有说明.在置顶贴里.如果已婚或者去过德国,都要如实的填上.切记欺骗,不被查出来算走运,查出来就永远别想入境.而且本身填那些也不会有什么影响.除非你的留学动机写得有移民倾向.8.猫猫哥办的是私立保险educare 24和公立保险HMK.两者的区别就是用途不一样.公立的是上大学办的,私立的是其他用途干的.费用不同,保险范围不同.如果找猫猫办,当天要,加102 块钱.在保险版块填表发至邮箱,收猫猫寄来的材料,其他的都不用填,签个字就行,再寄回去,就可以拿到自己的保险单.\9.对了,申请入境时间一般是距离德国那边注册或者考试时间6周.如果没有的一般按照月初来给你推6周.当然不必掐死6周,因为签证除了材料更多的就是人为的因素.这个是谁都无法预计的10.记得在申请表的最后一页写上自己的电话号码,三份都要.简历和留学动机分两页写,怎么写其他帖子有详细介绍了.签名可以两页都签,可以只签最后一页.简历注意时间的连贯.动机注意要简单明了,注意不要千篇一律,因为申请的人多了,是没有谁有那精力去看你前面的口水话的.直入主题,各个方面都写清楚.千万别写得有移民倾向. 11.然后是保证金.现在已经没有了北京上海的区别,一律7920.最少7716,但是你得保证别人口了手续费里面还得剩下这些.现在基本不存在补汇的情况了吧?除非不关注这事的人,那就没办法了.开户必须在北京,上海,广州,这三处的德意志银行办理.开户850,不包括邮寄证明的费用.开户的帖子在置顶里有.汇款可以在任何一家有外汇业务的银行办理,无论当地异地.区别就是跨行,或者异地手续费.到目前为止,浦发手续费160,那边扣费12欧;建设的到了那边不扣钱.其实大家都是要出去的人了,问人办事的能力应该有.建议大家打电话问问银行具体的费用.因为甚至有的时候同家不同分行采取的优惠不同.问专业人事总比问论坛里的学生好. 12.至于换人民币还是欧元,还是上百度或者狗狗上查查区别.那上面的答案会让你更清楚.实在不行就问银行.也要问清现钞和现汇的不同待遇.因为不同的银行,有的这两个没区别,有的有区别.毕竟你是在人家那办事,得问别人熟悉门路的13.资金证明自取一般是3天.邮寄我的是一个星期吧.这个就不好说了,不确定因素多. 14.准备好以上材料就可以递签了.审核部周一周三受理递签,周五统一寄出去德国的材料.材料在路上走一周到你填的学校地址所在的外管局.所以要催签应该至少在24天之后向外管局询问,其他的,就是把散开的,同样的文件订起来,比如简历和留学动机.。
file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/各国大银行名录-开立信用证必需.txt
file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/各国大银行名录-开立信用证必需.txt
阿比国民银行 Abbey National 英国 巴克莱银行 Barclays Bank PLC. 英国 巴黎国民银行 Banque Nationale de Paris 法国 巴西银行 Banco Do Brasil 巴西 大和银行 Daiwa Bank 日? 大通曼哈顿银行 Chase Manhattan Bank 美国 德累斯顿银行 Dresdner Bank 德国 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank 德国 第一劝业银行 Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank 日本 第一洲际银行 First Interstate Bancorp 美国 东海银行 Tokai Bank 日本 东京银行 Bank of Tokyo 日本 都灵圣保罗银行 Istituto Bancario SanPaolo Di Torino 意大利 多伦多自治领银行 Toronto-Dominion Bank 加拿大 富士银行 Fuji Bank 日本 国民劳动银行 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 意大利 国民西敏寺银行 National Westminster Bank PLC. 英国 荷兰农业合作社中央银行 Cooperatieve Centrale Raifferssen-Boerenleenbank 荷兰 荷兰通用银行 Algemene Bank Nederland 荷兰 花旗银行 Citibank 美国 汉华实业银行 Manufacturers Hanover Corp. 美国 汇丰银行 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 香港 加拿大帝国商业银行 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大 加拿大皇家银行 Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大 劳埃德银行 Lloyds Bank PLC. 英国 里昂信贷银行 Credit Lyonnais 法国 伦巴省储蓄银行 Cassa Di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde 意大利 梅隆国民银行 Mellon National Corp. 美国 美洲银行(全称"美洲银行国民信托储蓄会") Bank America Corp( "Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associations") 美国 米兰银行 Midland Bank 英国 摩根保证信托银行 Morgan Guaranty Trust Corp. of New York 美国 纽约化学银行 Chemical New York Corp. 美国 纽约银行家信托公司 Bankers Trust New York Corp. 美国 农业信贷国民银行 de Caisse Nationale Credit Agricole 法国 日本兴业银行 Industrial Bank of Japan 日本 瑞士联合银行 Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士 瑞士信贷银行 Credit Suisse 瑞士 瑞士银行公司 Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士 三和银行 Sanwa Bank 日本 三井银行 Mitsui Bank 日本 三菱银行 Mitsubishi Bank 日本 太平洋安全银行 Security Pacific Corp 美国 西德意志地方银行 Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 德国 西太平洋银行公司 Westpac Banking Corp. 澳大利亚 西亚那银行 Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena 意大利 意大利商业银行 Banca Commerciale Italiana 意大利 意大利信贷银行 Credito Italiano 意大利 芝加哥第一国民银行 First Chicago Corp. 美国 中国银行 Bank of China 中国 住友信托银行 Sumitomo Trust & Banking 日本 石家庄贷款 回答采纳率:37.2% 2009-12-30 13:18 中国:中央人民银行 美国:美国联邦储备委员会 英国:英格兰银行Argentina(阿根廷): Banco Central de la Republica Argentina阿根廷共和国中央银行 Armenia(亚美尼亚): Central Bank of Armenia亚美尼亚中央银行 Aruba(阿鲁巴): Centrale Bank van Aruba阿鲁巴中央银行 Australia(澳大利亚): Reserve Bank of Australia澳大利亚储备银行 Austria(奥地利): Oesterreichische Nationalbank奥地利国民银行 Bahrain(巴林): Bahrain Monetary Agency巴林货币署 Belgium(比利时): Nationale Bank van Belgie - Banque Nationale de Belgique比利时国民银行 Benin(贝宁): Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest西非国家银行 Bolivia(玻利维亚): Banco Central de Bolivia 玻利维亚中央银行 Bosnia(波斯尼亚): Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那中央银行 Brazil(巴西): Banco Central do Brasil巴西中央银行 Bulgaria(保加利亚): Bulgarian National Bank保加利亚国民银行 Burkina Faso(布基纳法索): Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest西非国家银行 Canada(加拿大): Bank of Canada加拿大银行 Chile(智利): Banco Central de Chile智利中央银行
以下授权内容如下:一、授权事项1. 允许(姓名)代表本人向贵银行申请开设外币账户。
2. 允许(姓名)代表本人提供开户所需的全部文件和资料,包括但不限于身份证明、工作证明、收入证明等。
3. 允许(姓名)代表本人签署开户申请表、账户管理协议等相关文件。
4. 允许(姓名)代表本人办理账户的激活、转账、汇款、结算等业务。
5. 允许(姓名)代表本人接受贵银行关于账户管理的通知、提醒和服务。
三、授权撤销1. 在授权期限内,本人可随时书面通知贵银行撤销本授权书。
2. 一旦撤销授权,本授权书立即失效,贵银行应立即停止执行本授权书授权的事项。
四、责任承担1. 本授权书授权(姓名)代表本人办理外币账户开户事宜,本人对授权人代表本人办理的账户及账户内的资金承担全部责任。
2. 授权人代表本人办理账户时,如因授权人提供虚假信息、文件或违反相关法律法规导致账户出现风险,本人将承担相应的法律责任。
五、其他1. 本授权书一式两份,本人和授权人各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
2. 本授权书未尽事宜,按照我国相关法律法规及贵银行的规定执行。
特此授权!授权人:(签名)附件:1. 授权人身份证复印件2. 授权人委托授权书注:请授权人仔细阅读本授权书,确保理解所有内容,如有疑问,请及时咨询贵银行。
2018-2019-德意志银行销户,委托书-实用word文档 (13页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==德意志银行销户,委托书篇一:德意志银行的面试指南Getting StartedWhat you need to know, where do you begin and how do you focus yourjob search?Firstly you'll want to do a little research on the industry and think about whether a career in an investment bank is right for you.. Takea look at the "how to prepare" article in this section for some research tips. For certain, you shouldn't go into banking just forthe money, the lifestyle is to demanding. To do well and excel inthis world, you will need to really enjoy the work itself as well as the rewards.You begin your job search, and, from what you've heard so far, you want to give investment banking a shot. But there's one small problem: You're not exactly sure what an investment bank does, so convincing the recruiter you're perfect for the job is going to be a challenge.Investment Banking isn’t one specific service or function. It's an umbrella term for a range of activities. At Deutsche Bank these activities are grouped into divisions and each division has opportunities for graduates. Research these areas thoroughly before making your decision.To do this firstly you need to talk to people working in investment banks. You can do this by attending presentations and other events. A listing of the global Deutsche Bank presentations can be found in'Events'. When you go to presentations make sure you talk to the business representatives, ask them questions and make an impression.At university, the best sources of information are people who have spent a summer internship at an investment bank. Your alumni networkshould also be useful. Read lots of career guides and profiles in the 'Meet our People' section is an excellent source of information.Competition is fierce and you'll need to be resourceful and persistent. Doing a summer internship in an investment bank is the best possible way of finding the right fit for you, as well as being that all important foot in the door.And once you've have talked to all the people you can and read as much information as possible you're ready to prepare for the online application.Our ProcessThe Deutsche Bank Recruiting ProcessDeutsche Bank’s rec ruiting process is designed to help us identify and hire the very best people available in the fairest manner possible. If you want to work for us, and you havethe right capabilities and experience, you will find that our process will give you a chance that is equal to those of all others we consider for positions.However, we also ask you to consider your application carefully. Your career choice is incredibly important and there are many industries and employers to consider. Before accepting our offer we want you to be sure that you feel as excited about working for us as we are about having you join Deutsche Bank.Although the precise timeline, number of steps, and evaluationprocess varies somewhat across our global organization and many divisions, the common elements for most positions at Deutsche Bank include:Step one: the online applicationStep two: in-person interview(s)Step three: job offerThe Online ApplicationThe first step in Deutsche Bank抯 recruiting process is our online application form (available through our website at /careers). All applicants to Deutsche Bank must complete our online application form,regardless of whether or not you attend a school at which we recruit. When you complete the form, you will be asked to indicate your job and regional preferences. You will also be asked to share information about your background and relevant experiences. This is your opportunity to make the case for why you would be an outstanding employee for Deutsche Bank.On our side, recruiters review every online application that we receive. After they抳e reviewed your online application our recruiters will contact you to let you know whether you’ve been selected to proceed to step two of the interview process.The Interview ProcessIf you successfully pass the initial evaluation based upon your online application, you will be invited to interview with a member of our recruiting team. Depending on your geographical location and whether we are recruiting on your campus, we will conduct the interview on campus, in an arranged location (for example, a hotel), or in a Deutsche Bank office. Deutsche Bank targets and recruits for region-specific jobs at a number of key schools in a variety of regions around the world.The interview process typically consists of one to three rounds of interviews, and can also include quantitative tests, language tests, and case studies. However, the specifics of the process vary depending on the region and the position. For instance, the process for undergraduate candidates for full-time Global Markets Analyst positions in Australia consists of three rounds of interviews and a series of aptitude tests, while the process for full-time Global Corporate Finance Associate positions in the U.K. consists of two face-to-face interviews followed by a 揝uper Saturday?series offinal-round interviews inLondon.Please check the recruiting details page for the region where you want to work for more details.Decision ProcessesOur recruiters will contact you after each stage of the process tolet you know our decision. If you have not selected to move forward, the contact will be via e-mail. If you are selected to move forward to the next step, we will typically call you. We call all candidateswho reach the final round of interviews to let them know whether they will be receiving a job offer.If we don’t select you to interview with us, we will leave your application open until all potential opportunities within your desired position/region are filled in order to ensure you have maximum opportunity for selection.It is also possible that a recruiter may pass your application to another division if it appears that you would better fit a different position in Deutsche Bank. If the recruiter who receives your forwarded application wishes to proceed with you, we will contact you to set up an interview. If all programs for that region/division are filled, you will receive an email notification that your application has been closed.When to ApplyThe application timetable varies by region and by position. For example, we accept applications for U.K. summer and full-time Associate and Analyst positions starting on September 1, while we accept applications for positions in Germany year-round.Please check the description of that regional position for details on timetables.On line ApplicationsWhat do you look for in candidate resumes/CVs?Our online application is the only method of application we accept條evels the resume/CV field to a consistent format that helps us to most effectively review and evaluate your qualifications. But just because our form is standardized, doesn’t mean we want cookie-cutter responses. Look for ways you can differentiate yourself.· Targe t your responses to the role you like. Looking to work in our Hong Kong office? Tell us why you will be a good fit. Have youlived/worked in Hong Kong? Do you speak Mandarin? Tell us, we want to know.· Point to specific ways your experience uniquely quali fies you. If you want to work in Corporate Finance tell us about some of the analysis you conducted at a previous job or for a class project. Wantto work in Private Banking? Demonstrate that you are not only a quant jock but also a very competent relationship manager.· If you are receiving your first university degree and don’t have much work experience, talk about your technical skills, your extra-curricular and leadership roles, and relevant projects you completedin school.· Make your responses concise. This isn’t an essay exam.· Feel free to use bullets and brief factual statements.What are immediate turn-offs on a resume/CV? Turn-ons?If you spell our company name wrong and admittedly, it is easy to do not expect a call. In fact, spelling errors of any type will be taken very seriously. Avoid anything that smacks of a generic or blanket approach. You抎 be surprised how many obvious cut and paste errorswe receive: "I want to work for XYZ Investment Company because Instead, demonstrate with real facts that you have done your homework, and give us examples of why you and Deutsche Bank are a good match.Additionally, while we want to know who you are and what you’ve done, we have to review hundreds of resumes/CVs every year. Being concise and direct demonstrates your professionalism.Tips for Maximizing Your Deutsche Bank Online Job ApplicationDeutsche Bank’s hiring process has been established to accomplishtwo objectives: to help us find and hire the best possible candidates, and to make sure that we evaluate every candidate fairly. With the number of applications we receive each day this is no small task.The very first step of our process centers around the online application, available through our website. Every candidate who applies to us must fill out our online application form. While this may seem like a burden, we believe that it is our best way to provide all candidates with a level playing field. Moreover, real people on our team review every application we receive.No doubt you抳e filled out several online applications already and are familiar with the questions and process. However, we receive and review thousands of applications ourselves, so let us offer you a few tips about how to give yourself the best chance of securing an interview with Deutsche Bank.Know What to ExpectWe can at least try to help you as much as possible with the Deutsche Bank application! Below is a pdf example of our online aplication form. We have put it here to give you the option of familiarising yourself with the form before you start the formal application process. This pdf is a guide only - it may vary from the online version you select in My Application.In order to apply to Deutsche Bank you must go via My Application which will take you to our online application database. Here you will be taken through steps to select a region, program and division. Once you have submitted your application you will receive a link via email to your own personal virtual centre where you can track the process of your application and sign up for an interview.Example application formDon’t Miss the BoatThe online application form is the only gateway to our interview process ?so you really must fill it out if you wish to be considered for a position. You should also carefully note the application dates and timelines which are listed throughout our website. Unfortunately, given the volume of applications we receive, we just cannot extend our deadlines.In order to make sure you get the process rolling, you may want to start your application now. When you enter the application, you will be asked whether you are a new candidate? (Setting up yourapplication for the first time) or a returning candidate?(updating your application or tracking your progress). Unlike some other online applications, our system allows you to start the application and then come back and change it until you feel ready to submit it. Once you have submitted your information, you will also be able to track the progress of your application online.What You will Find OnlineOnce you go to the application form itself, you will be asked to indicate the country and the type of position for which you are applying. We offer two options -- the Analyst application (typically undergraduate or postgraduate degree backgrounds) and the Associate application (typically MBA graduates with some work experience).The Analyst application can take anywhere from 5-40 minutes to complete depending upon which region you are applying to. The application allows you to discuss your experiences outside of immediate work experience. We strongly encourage candidates for the Analyst program to explore the online application process before submitting their applications. As you go through this aspect of the website, you will find helpful tools such as FAQs, deadlines, and preparation tips that may help you fill out the application.The application process is shorter for Associate candidates the form typically takes about five minutes to complete. You simply input your contact information and attach your CV/ resume.What Happens NextWithin 24 hours after submitting your online application, you will receive an e-mail from Deutsche Bank confirming our receipt of the application. Next, Deutsche Bank recruiters篇二:不差钱的德意志银行(1)“不差钱的德意志银行”-----小差错导致大损失雷曼兄弟破产背后的十分钟201X年9月15日上午10点,拥有158年历史的美国第四大投资银行—雷曼兄弟公司向法院申请破产保护,消息转瞬间传遍地球的各个角落。
英文开户合同范本Bank Account Opening AgreementThis Bank Account Opening Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer"), with the following terms and conditions:Article 1: Party InformationThe Bank:Name: ____________________Address: ____________________Contact Person: ____________________Telephone: ____________________The Customer:Name: ____________________Address: ____________________Contact Person: ____________________Telephone: ____________________Article 2: Type of AccountThe Customer hereby applies to open a ____________________ account (hereinafter referred to as the "Account") with the Bank.Article 3: Purpose of AccountThe Account shall be used solely for the purposes specified by the Customer and shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and policies of the Bank.Article 4: Management of the Account1. The Bank shall exercise reasonable care in the management of the Account in accordance with its standard operating procedures.2. The Customer shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords, PINs, or other security measures associated with the Account.3. The Bank shall not be liable for any losses resulting from the Customer's failure to comply with the security measures or the Customer's negligent or intentional disclosure of account information.Article 5: Deposits and Withdrawals1. The Customer may deposit funds into the Account in accordance with the Bank's procedures.2. Withdrawals from the Account shall be made in accordance with the Bank's procedures and subject to the availability of sufficient funds in the Account.3. The Bank reserves the right to reject deposits or withdrawals if it suspects any fraudulent or illegal activity.Article 6: Interest1. Interest shall accrue on the balance in the Account in accordance with the Bank's interest rate policies and procedures.2. Interest payments shall be made at such times and in such manner as determined by the Bank.Article 7: Fees and ChargesThe Customer shall pay all fees and charges imposed by the Bank for the provision of services related to the Account in accordance with the Bank's fee schedule.Article 8: Termination of the Agreement1. This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, provided that written notice is given to the other party.2. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Bank shall close the Account and transfer any remaining balance to the Customer in accordance with the Bank's procedures.Article 9: Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through friendly consultation between the parties. If no agreement can be reached through consultation, the dispute shall be submitted to ____________________ (specify the court or arbitration institution) for resolution.Article 10: Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of ____________________.Article 11: Miscellaneous1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters set forth herein and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings between the parties.2. This Agreement may be amended only by a written agreement executed by both parties.The Bank and the Customer have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound by its provisions.The Bank:Signature: ____________________Date: ____________________The Customer:Signature: ____________________Date: ____________________。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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German Money Laundering Act (GwG)
In accordance with the German Anti-Money Laundering Act (GwG), all customers are obliged to voluntarily and immediately notify the bank of changes which occur during the business relationship to their personal data or beneficial ownership to be determined pursuant to this Act (§ 4 (6) and § 6 (2) No. 1 Anti-Money Laundering Act). Details on trustors and beneficial owners:
(59) Deutsche Bank (China) Student SH (59) IBAN: DE63 5007 0010 0951 2633 01 (70) ) ____________ (REFERENCE NUMBER) (9
(2) Bonn 9,020 2 (3) 8,040 9,640 200
Business or other investor2 VAT ID No.
Note on statutory VAT:
For the fees charged for services, the cash account/securities account agreement, plus the account settlement/account statement, together form the invoice for VAT purposes. If no VAT is shown separately and no express reference is made to VAT being included in the invoiced amount, the services invoiced are bank or financial services exempt from VAT. VAT ID No. for Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG, 60262 Frankfurt: DE811907980 3
I am acting for my own account.
I would like become a customer of Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG and acquire products under the customer number indicated above. The following agreements shall apply to the business relationship: Inclusion of business conditions: The business relationship is governed by the bank’s General Business Conditions. In addition, special conditions apply for individual business relationships containing deviations from or supplements to the bank’s General Business Conditions; these consist in particular of conditions for joint accounts, for the use of account statement printers, for cheques, for payment transfers, for direct debits, for permitted overdrafts, for Deutsche Bank debit cards, for savings accounts, for credit cards, for tax-related entries within the scope of the taxation of capital gains and special conditions for securities transactions. Copies of the individual sets of conditions can be obtained from the bank’s branches or at www.deutsche-bank.de/start. These will be handed out or sent by post upon request. Current account agreement, accounting period: The accounts are kept as ongoing current accounts, unless a deviating regulation exists. Unless otherwise agreed, the bank issues a periodic account balance statement for current accounts at the end of each quarter. The legal effects of a periodic account balance statement and the duties to examine its contents and, where applicable, to raise objections are regulated in Section 7 of the General Business Conditions. Cash account and securities account notifications: Unless otherwise agreed, all accounts opened under the customer master number specified above are designated for the account statement printer. Any notifications which cannot be retrieved using the account statement printer will be sent to the dispatch address agreed above.
/ 30 – 11 30 – 11 30 30
: : 44001580514053001010 : 208 3. 201A
: (57) Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt H.O., Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany (SWIFT DEUTDEFF)
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. 6 9 6
W u c h e n g
R o r d
House no.
0 3 0 0 0 6
T a
i y u a n
P . R . C h
n a
Tax-relevant information
Bank account for private assets
Opening of a bank account/ blocked account for foreign students
Formular zurücksetzen
Branch number 1
Customer number
Personal details of account holder
(59) Deutsche Bank (China) Student BJ (59) IBAN: DE64 5007 0010 0951 2724 01 (70) ) ____________ (REFERENCE NUMBER) (9
Frankfurt, Germany
(57) Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt H.O., Taunusanlage 12, 60325 (SWIFT DEUTDEFF)
Copy for the Bank
2 | 4
Opening of a bank account/ blocked account for foreign students
Branch number 5
Customer number
Declarations of consent Consent to transfer data to SCHUFA (German General Credit Protection Agency) (applies to current accounts only)
8 040 Karlsruhe )
1. (010) 59698181 (010) 59695710
2. 020 85104000 208 3. 021 20802800
(020) 85104019/85104029 22 02-03 510620
Account holder First name/s Surname Maiden name Date of birth Marital status Nationality Profession Single Place of birth Other Ms./Mrs. Mr. Title