英文版装箱单packing list

Unit 5 Packing List 装箱单概述:出口企业不仅在出口报关时需要提供装箱单、重量单,信用证往往也将之作为结汇单据。
实际上,装箱单、重量单和尺码单(Packing List, Weight List and Measurement List)是商业发票的一种补充单据,是商品的不同包装规格条件,不同花色和不同重量逐一分别详细列表说明的一种单据。
装箱单(Packing list)又称花色码单或包装单,是标明出口货物的包装形式、规格、数量、毛重、净重、体积的一种单据。
重量单是按照装货重量(Shipping Weight)成交的货物,在装运时出口人须向进口人提供的重量证明书。
若按照卸货重量(Delivered Weight/Landed Weight)成交的货物,如果货物有缺量时,进口商也必须提出重量证明书,他才可以向出口商、轮船公司或保险公司提出索赔。

单证英语:箱单范例中英文对照装箱单(又称货物明细单)packing list(一)概述装箱单是发票的补充单据,它列明了信用证(或合同)中买卖双方约定的有关包装事宜的细节,便于国外买方在货物到达目的港时供海关检查和核对货物,通常可以将其有关内容加列在商业发票上,但是在信用证有明确要求时,就必须严格按信用证约定制作。
(二)装箱单的格式与说明·装箱单(packing list):在中文"装箱单"上方的空白处填写出单人的中文名称地址,"装箱单"下方的英文可根据要求自行变换。
在某些情况下也可不填,或填写"to whom it may concern"(致有关人)。
·发票号(invoice no.):填发票号码。
·运输标志(marks and numbers):又称唛头,是出口货物包装上的装运标记和号码。
·包装种类和件数、货物描述(number and kind of packages, description of goods):填写货物及包装的详细资料,包括:货物名称、规格、数量和包装说明等内容。

合同装箱单英文版模板Contract Packing List Template。
A contract packing list is an essential document in the shipping and logistics industry. It provides a detailed breakdown of the contents of a shipment, including the quantity, weight, and description of each item. This information is crucial for customs clearance, inventory management, and tracking the movement of goods from the point of origin to the final destination.In this article, we will discuss the importance of a contract packing list, the key elements that should be included in the document, and provide a template that can be used as a starting point for creating your own packing list.Importance of a Contract Packing List。
A contract packing list serves several importantpurposes in the shipping and logistics process. First and foremost, it provides a comprehensive record of the items being shipped, which is essential for customs clearance and compliance with import/export regulations. Customsofficials use the packing list to verify the contents of a shipment and ensure that all items are properly declared and accounted for.In addition to its role in customs clearance, a packing list is also an important tool for inventory management. By providing a detailed breakdown of the contents of a shipment, the packing list allows the recipient to quickly and accurately reconcile the items received with the items that were ordered. This helps to prevent errors and discrepancies in the inventory, which can lead to costly delays and disruptions in the supply chain.Furthermore, a packing list is a valuable source of information for tracking the movement of goods from the point of origin to the final destination. By including details such as the quantity, weight, and description of each item, the packing list provides a clear record of thecontents of the shipment at each stage of the shipping process. This information is essential for monitoring the progress of the shipment, identifying any potential issues or delays, and ensuring that the goods are delivered in a timely and efficient manner.Key Elements of a Contract Packing List。

装箱单(packinglist)装箱单(packing list)一、装箱单的含义与作用装箱单(Packing List or Packing Specification)又称包装单、码单,是用以说明货物包装细节的清单。
其主要内容和缮制方法如下:1、出口企业名称和地址(Exporter’s Name and Address)出口企业的名称、地址应与发票同项内容一致,缮制方法相同。
2、单据名称(Name of Document)单据名称通常用英文粗体标出。
常见的英文名称有:Packing List (Note),Packing Specifications,Specifications。
5、唛头(Shipping Mark)与发票的唛头相一致。
6、品名和规格(Name of Commodity and Specifications)品名和规格必须与信用证的描述相符。
规格包括商品规格和包装规格,例如,Packed in polythenebags of 3 kgs each, and then in inner box, 20boxes to a carton。

装箱单英文版本范文Here's a sample of a packing list in an informal and conversational English style, with each paragraph maintaining independence in language and tone:Alright, let's get started with the packing list. First up, you've got five boxes of electronics those fancy laptops and tablets you ordered. They're all safely bubble-wrapped and ready to go.Next, there's a crate filled with books. Classics, novels, and a few cookbooks too. They're stacked neatly and I've even used some tissue paper to protect the corners.Moving on, we have a box labeled "kitchenware". It's full of pots, pans, and those cute ceramic cups you wanted. I've made sure everything's wrapped in soft cloth to avoid any scratches.Over here, you'll find two big boxes marked "clothes".I've separated your shirts, pants, and accessories into different sections for easy unpacking. Oh, and don't forget those cozy sweaters for the colder months.Lastly, I've packed a small box with personal itemslike your toothbrush, favorite perfume, and those special photos. I know they're not heavy, but they're pretty important, so I've made sure they're well-protected.That's it for the packing list. Everything's accounted for and ready to ship. Just let me know if there's anything else you need.。