附件2 饲料添加剂生产许可申请书企业承诺书一、申报材料真实性承诺(一)本企业对《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》、《饲料和饲料添加剂生产许可管理办法》及其相关要求已经充分理解。
法定代表人(负责人)签名(企业公章)年月日生产许可证编号:饲料添加剂生产许可申请书企业名称:(公章)联系人:联系方式:申请事项:设立□续展□增加或更换生产线□增加产品品种□迁址□申报日期:年月日中华人民共和国农业部制二〇一二年表1 企业基本情况表2 产品基本情况表3 生产设备明细表(生产线)表4 检验仪器明细表表5 主要管理技术人员及特有工种人员登记表注1:“证书”指与企业签订了全日制用工劳动合同的管理人员、技术人员的职称证书、最高学历证书以及特有工种人员的职业资格证书。
附件3 混合型饲料添加剂生产许可申请书企业承诺书一、申报材料真实性承诺(一)本企业对《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》、《饲料和饲料添加剂生产许可管理办法》和《混合型饲料添加剂生产企业许可条件》及其相关要求已经充分理解。
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5 / 5。
进口饲料、饲料添加剂申报指南Application Guidelines for Registration of Imported Feeds and FeedAdditivesNational Feed Industry OfficeApril, 2004Address: National Feed Industry Office, Ministry of AgricultureNo.11, Nongzhanguan Nanli, Beijing, P.R.of China. 100026Tel: 8610-64192831Fax: 8610-64192869IntroductionFeeds and Feed Additives Administration Regulation and Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives specify that foreign enterprises shall apply to the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China (MOA) to obtain product registration license for their feed and feed additive products if they are to be place on the market for the first time within the territory of the People's Republic of China. For those feeds and feed additives with no registration license, they are not allowed to be sold or used in the territory of China. In the practice of application, we found that some producers and distributors are unfamiliar with China’s feed regulations, hence resulting in materials submitted in the applications being inadequate or presentations unclear. This Application Guidelines was then compiled to hopefully promote smooth registration procedures for imported feeds and feed additives.CONTENTS1 Scope and Coverage for Registration2 Common Terminology for Feed Industry3 Procedures of Application for licenses of imported feeds and feed additives3.1 Asking for Application Form and Category of Required Materials3.2 Application3.3 Appraisal of the Application Materials3.4 Product Inspection3.5 License Issuing3.6 Inquiries of registration License4 Application Form and Required Materials4.1 Format Requirement for Application Materials4.2 Filling in Application Form4.3 Contents of Required Materials4.4 Additional Information for Pet Food and Aquaculture Feed4.5 Related Regulations and Interpretation for License Application5 Sample Requirements6 Application for Re-registration6.1 Asking for Re-registration Form6.2 Required Materials for Re-registration6.3 Related Regulations for Re-registrationAppendix:1. Application Form for Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives2. A Sample of the Application Form3. Flowchart of Appraisal of imported Feeds and Feed Additives4. A Sample of Chinese Label5. Product Classification6. Application Materials for Appraisal of Imported Products7. Re-registration Form for Imported Feeds and Feed AdditivesApplication Guidelines forRegistration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives1 Scope and Coverage for RegistrationFeeds and feed additives to be imported to the P.R. of China.2 Common Terminology for Feed Industry (See GB10647- 89)2.1 Feedstuff (Single Feed)Feedstuff originated from only one kind of animal, plant, microbial or mineral source.2.1.1 Energy FeedFeedstuff with less than 18% crude fiber and less than 20% crude protein on dry matter basis.2.1.2 Protein FeedFeedstuff with less than 18% crude fiber and 20% or more crude protein on dry matter basis. 2.2 Complete FeedCompound feed which can meet the nutrition requirements from raised animals (except of water).2.3 Concentrate FeedMixture of protein ingredients, trace minerals, vitamins and non-nutritional feed additives according to a certain formula.2.4 Concentrate SupplementCompound feed mixed at a certain formula with many kinds of feed ingredients to supplement nutrition for herbivorous animals fed on roughage (dry, fresh or silage).2.5 Additive PremixPremix of more than two kinds of feed additives with carriers or diluents at a certain formula. 2.6 Compound PremixPremix of two or more kinds of feed additives in the category of trace minerals, vitamins, amino acids and non-nutritional feed additives with carriers or diluents at a certain formula.2.7 Feed AdditiveMinor or trace ingredients added during feed processing, production or utilization. They were categorized into nutritive and non-nutritive feed additives.2.7.1 Nutritive AdditiveTrace or minor substance to supplement nutrition in feed2.7.2 Non-nutritive AdditiveMinor or trace substance added in the feed to ensure or improve feed quality, promote animal production, ensure animal health and improve feed utilization efficiency.a. Anti-oxidant:Additive added to prevent or delay oxidation or damage of some active ingredients in the feed.b. Preservative:Additive added to prevent or inhibit fermentation or decaying of feed.c. Mould inhibitor:Additives added to prevent mold growth in the feed.d. Flavor enhancement:Additives added in the feed to improve feed palatability and animal appetite.e. Color pigment:Additives added to improve color of animal products or feed.f. Binder:Additive added in the feed to improve molding capacity of mash feed or anti-shape damaging capacity of pellet feed.2.7.3 See Appendix 5 for examples of different products.3 Procedures of Application for Licenses of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives (See Appendix 3 for Flow Chart)3.1Asking for Application Form and Category of Required Materials3.1.1 These documents can be acquired from National Feed Industry Office (NFIO).3.1.2 Downloaded from (Application Documents at left bottom section on home page).3.2 ApplicationAn Applicant shall submit original copy of application materials to NFIO. Application materials include Application Form for Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives(see Appendix 1) and Materials Required for Submission.3.3 Appraisal of the Application MaterialsNFIO shall complete the appraisal of the application materials within 15 working days and inform the applicant of the appraisal result.a. If application materials do not meet requirements, NFIO shall inform the applicant via fax to make supplements or corrections. Application shall not be accepted unless required materials are supplemented or corrected in line with related regulations.Documents that fail to meet requirements will not be accepted.b. If application materials meet requirements, NFIO shall inform the applicant in a Note of Acceptance to send a copy of application documents, samples, Note of Acceptance and test fees (charged by test items) to MOA Feed Quality Inspection Center (FQIC) specified in the Note for product quality inspection.3.4 Product InspectionFQIC shall submit test results to NFIO.a. If a product is qualified, FQIC shall prepare and submit a test report to NFIO.b. If the product is not qualified, FQIC shall inform the applicant to submit samples for a second test. And if the second test still fail, this product shall not be registered in the P. R. of China.FQIC shall not release test report to the applicant and the applicant shall not request the report or its copies.3.5 License IssuingQualified Feeds and Feed additives shall be submitted to MOA for Appraisal. Once approved by MOA, a license will be issued.3.5.1 NFIO will inform the applicant about the date for releasing the license or failure of any product to be registered.3.5.2 The applicant shall pay registration fee of RMB 8300 yuan (remittance, cash or check is acceptable except for USD cash) to Department of Finance of MOA upon obtaining the license. 3.6 Inquiries of registration LicenseThe approval of registration will be announced on MOA Bulletin and also on the web site: . An applicant can inquire about commodity name, manufacturer and registration number of any approved product.4 Application Form and Required Materials Required4.1 Format requirement for application materialsa. One set of original application materials and a copy of it shall be submitted for each product.b. The application materials shall be in both Chinese and English, with Chinese version coming first.c. The English version shall be printed on formal stationery paper heading with manufacturer’s name and with signature or seals.d. The Chinese translation of the application materials shall be the same with the English version, and unrelated information about the products shall not be submitted.e. If materials submitted by the manufacturer are not in English, they shall be translated intoEnglish and Chinese.f. Application materials in Chinese shall be printed with A4 paper, in #4 or small#4 fonts.There’s no specific limitations for the English version.g. Application Form shall be on the first page of the whole set of application materials, whichshall be bounded in durable document folders.4.2 Filling in Application Form (Please see Appendix 2 for the Sample)4.2.1 Commodity nameImported feed and feed additives marketed in the P. R. of China shall have a Chinese name, which shall be defined according to GB/T 10647 Standard. A product shall be named after its real nature, instead of a simple translation of the English pronunciation.4.2.2 Common nameIt means a name that can reflect the nature of a feed and feed additive.4.2.3 Product classification (See Appendix 5)Refer to Common Terminology In Feed Industry (See Section 2).4.2.4 AppearanceIt means color, shape (mash, pellet, crystal and block) and physical properties (e.g. odor, solidity or liquidity)4.2.5 Major and minor ingredients and their contentsSpecification for key nutrition should be filled in the blank under “key ingredient and content”.Other items such as specification of hygiene and heavy metal shall be filled in under “other ingredient and content”.4.2.6 Manufacturer’s name and addressDetailed name and address of the manufacturer shall be filled in as exactly the same as indicated in the free sale certificate, except thata. An applicant is a group company:Name of the producer shall be given, though the group company, to which the producer is affiliated, shall be registered as the applicant. If the group company produces a same product in different countries, this product shall be registered by each of the producers in these countries before being exported to China. If the group company has several plants in different regions in one country, then this product shall also be registered by each of these plants, i.e., one license for one plant or one product. If there’s no specific name for a plant, it can be specified as “xxx plant” under “xxx group company”.b. An applicant places an order with another manufacturer for processing. The actual manufacturer should be filled in “manufacturer column” (co-manufacturer), and the consigner shall be filled in “applicant column”. Co-manufacturing contract or verification letter to the consigner by the co-manufacturer (printed on letterhead paper of the co-manufacturer, and signed by responsible person or properly stamped) is required to verify that the product is co-manufactured with the requirement from the consigner. Co-manufacturer is responsible for the production and the consigner for the sales of the product.c. An applicant is registering for fish meal. When the manufacturer applies, themanufacturer’s name and address shall be given under the columns of “manufacturer” and “applicant”. In this circumstance, distributor has nothing to do with the application.When the first distributor applies, the name and address of the first distributor shall be filled in the column of “applicant”. Under such circumstances, names and addresses of all theproducers shall be given in the one of “manufacturer”. Extra pages can be used if the space is not enough. (Distributors shall submit a list of producers with whom it has relations in fish meal trade, including producers’ name s and addresses). An original copy of application materials is needed only from one of the producers (see 4.3.1-4.3.9).4.2.7 Name and address of applicanta. For most products, manufacturers are the applicants.b. When a group company is an applicant, the plant manufacturing the product shall submit a letter (original and in English) to explain its relationship with the group company.c. When the first distributor is the applicant (only for fish meal), the plant shall submit a letter to explain that the distributor has been authorized to market the fish meal in the P. R. of China.4.2.8 AgencyName, telephone and fax numbers, as well address of the agency shall be provided.4.2.9 Signature and dateDocuments shall be signed by a person authorized by the applicant.4.3 Contents of required materials4.3.1 Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) approved by country or region of origin and materials for registration in other countriesCFS is a certificate that proves production and sales are permitted in a country of origin. CFS is issued by an official department that is in charge of manufacturing of feed or the product itself to certify that the producer is legal in manufacturing the product. CFS also certifies that the product can be safely used as feed or feed additive, and free to sell and export without limitations in and from the country of origin. Name and detailed address of the producer shall be provided in the certificate.If a country of origin is not English speaking, CFS, health certificate or official stamp, which is not in English, shall be notarized by the Chinese embassies in the country. Other application materials are not required for notarization.Chambers of commerce, associations or official notarization departments have no authorities to issue CFS for any products other than fish meal from Peru and Chile.It is operational to provide a copy of an import license once obtained in other countries.4.3.2 Origin, composition and manufacturing method4.3.2.1 OriginInformation about the origin shall be provided, either of animal, plant or basic chemicals for the synthetic process. Ingredient compositionComposition or effective ingredients shall be explained, including chemical structure, if there’s any, and detailed name of raw material. For plants and microbes, their names shall be detailed down to genus and strains. Manufacturing methodIt includes processing flowchart and literal explanation.Processing flowchart should be logical in describing technical conditions and methods for the key steps. Explanation shall focus on the control indicators for major steps and the whole process of quality control.For microbial products, name, origin and culture media ingredients of the strain shall be additionally provided.4.3.3 Quality Standard, Testing Method, Quality Testing Report and Health Certificate4.3.3.1 Quality StandardA producer shall apply with national standard, industrial standard or standard within the company.The quality standard covers appearance, sense perception, physi-chemical and hygiene indexes.Appearance and sense perception: color, smell and physical appearance.Physi-chemical index: Specification for key nutrition and processing quality of the product shall be provided with ceiling and bottom levels.Hygiene index: limitation for safe usage of toxins, harmful substances or pathogenic microbes of natural, secondary and exogenous sources. These include heavy metals (Pb, As, Hg, Cd), fluorine, nitrite (for fish meal only, calculated as NaNO2) and pathogenic microbes (salmonella, total bacteria count, molds and aflatoxin B1) Testing MethodsTesting methods shall be provided for key nutrition and hygienic conditions. Standard code is needed if the testing methods follow the international practice. For example, with national, AOAC and ISO standards, only standard code is needed for such nutrition as crude protein, crude fat, moisture, crude fiber and crude ash. Otherwise, some more information shall be provided like detailed steps of testing, reagents and concentrations, instruments and calculation methods. Quality testing reporta.For animal origin protein feed (such as fish meal, meat and bone meal, whey, etc.), a genuine and legal testing report shall be issued by department concerned in the country of origin.b. For other feed and feed additives, a testing reports issued by the producer is acceptable. It is required that the sample used for testing shall be in the same batch with the one to be registered. Moreover, all quality indicators shall be included in the testing report. Health certificatea. For fish meal, it shall be certified that no animal origin protein or fat other than fish meal is contained in the product.b. For meat and bone meal (MBM), it is to certify that what origin it is from (such as MBM originated from cattle, pig, or chicken) and that all raw materials are from healthy animals from non-epidemic areas.c. For whey, it is to certify that the fresh milk is supplied by healthy animals and no animal origin protein or fat other than dairy products is contained in the product.d. For fat type product, it is to certify that no dioxin exists in the product.e. Health certificate is a must for a product originated from epidemic areas and suspected of animal origin.f. In other cases, no health certificate is required.4.3.4 Label and trademark4.3.4.1 A label in original and Chinese is required.a. Original label includes the picture and literal explanation on an imported package. A Photo of the label is also acceptable.b. For feed and feed additives to be marketed within the territory of China, a label in Chinese shall be required according to Feed Label Standard (GB 10648-1999). (See appendix 4) TrademarkA trademark is necessary, only if the product has been registered in China.4.3.5 Application scope, method and dosageIt means coverage of animals, dosage and notices for using different kinds of feed products. 4.3.6 Package, storage conditions and shelf lifePackaging materials and net weight for each package shall be specified.Storage requirements cover location, conditions and ways of storage.Shelf life means the valid period since the date of production.4.3.7 Providing reports on safety evaluation and stability testing when necessaryThey are only necessary for the feed additives marked with “*” in No. 318 MOA Announcement and those products not listed in this Announcement.4.3.8 Report on feed efficiency and status of extensiona. Report on feed efficiency (i.e. trial feeding reports) and status of extension in other countries or regions are required for imported feed additives to be registered.b. It is not necessary for animal origin feeds permitted by China, such as fish meal, meat and bone meal, whey, fish oil, pet food and aquaculture feed.4.3.9 Letter of authorizationAn applicant shall submit a letter from the producer authorizing the applicant to register the product. No such document is required if the producer register by itself.4.4 Additional information about pet food, aquaculture feed and feed for ornamental fishes4.4.1 The application materials shall be separated respectively for cat food and dog food, and also for dry food and canned food. It means one set of application materials shall be prepared for each categories of dry cat food, canned cat food, dry dog food, and canned dog food. It also is the same case with the registration licenses.4.4.2 For ornamental fish (cat and dog) feed, application materials shall be submitted based on different breeds and ages. For instance, the materials shall be listed in the order of seedling carp, parr carp and matured carp; and in the case of golden fish, it shall be in the order of seedling golden fish, parr golden fish and matured golden fish.4.4.3 For the items mentioned in Section4.3.1-4.3.9. , the materials provided shall be different for the compound feeds of different varieties, with different tastes or for animals at different ages. Of course, some of the items are exempt from that, such as the free sale certificate, manufacturing method and testing methods.4.4.4 For the compound feeds with the same ingredients and of the same quality, but with different pellet size, it is required to describe in the manuals the reasonable sizes for animals at different ages.4.4.5 For the compound feeds of the same quality, but with different colors and tastes, it is required to specify the names of pigments and flavors added in the products.4.4.6 An sample for testing shall be of the same type with the one submitted for registration.A certain amount of testing fee will be collected based on different series of products. Additional 200 USD will be charged for one more taste or shape of the same series.4.5Related regulations and interpretations for license application4.5.1 There are 191 kinds of feed and feed additives that have been approved for use by China. Please see No. 318 MOA Announcement for details.4.5.2 There’s no requirements for a producer of any approved animal origin feed to submit the materials mentioned in Section 4.3.7 and 4.3.8. For instance, protein feeds like fish meal, meat and bone meal, compound feeds like aquaculture feed and pet food, and energy feeds like fish oil and animal fat.4.5.3 For feeds and feed additives that have not been approved or registered by their countries or origins of origin, trial feeding and safety evaluation must be conducted when applied for registration in China. The applicants will cover all the expenditures for the trials and evaluation. (Please see Article 8 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives)4.5.4 For feeds and feed additives that have been approved by exporting countries, while not approved for use in China, trial feeding and, if necessary, safety evaluation shall be conductedwhen they are imported by China. Both plans and implementer of the trial or evaluation shall be examined and approved by MOA. The applicants will cover all the expenditures for the trials and evaluation. (Please see Article 9 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives).4.5.5 For an imported feed or feed additive with complete application materials and qualified testing results, a license will be issued once upon the approval by the MOA. A product subjective to Article 8 and 9 will receive a license from the MOA after the results of trial feeding and safety evaluation are submitted for consideration of the China National Feed Appraisal Committee. (Please see Article 11 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives).4.5.6 For a feed or feed additive that has been approved for production and use in its country of origin, but not in China, its applicant is required to submit application materials according to the requirements from the Category of Application Materials for Appraisal of Imported Products(See Appendix 6). The National Feed Appraisal Committee will organize experts concerned to review these materials.5 Sample RequirementsThe registration of each product requires three samples originated from different batches of raw materials. Each sample shall weigh no less than 200 grams in solidity or 200 ml in liquidity. A testing report for the sample shall be enclosed in the application materials.6 Re-registration6.1 Asking for application form for Re-registration (See Appendix 7)6.1.1 The form is available from NFIO.6.1.2 It can also be downloaded from (See Application Materials at the bottom to the left of the home page)6.2 Requirements for the application materialsTwo copies of the previous license;Two copies of application forms for re-registration (printed in both Chinese and English);Two copies of quality standard specification and manuals;One original copy of authorization letter;and re-registration fee of RMB 4150 yuan for each product.6.2.1 Letter of authorizationA letter shall be submitted by a producer to authorize its distributor, partner or representative to re-register its product on behalf of the producer.No letter of authorization is required in case that a producer or its branch or representative office in China conducts the procedures of re-registration.6.3 Regulations for re-registration6.3.1 The license of registration for imported feeds and feed additives is valid for five years. If a product continues to be marketed within the territory of China after its license expires, re-registration shall be applied within 6 months before the expiry date of the previous license. (See Article 14 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives)6.3.2 For a feed or feed additive that are not re-registered on time or not qualified in the sample test for once, its samples shall be submitted for reexamination. A producer whose license has been suspended, however, has no chance for re-registration. (See Article 16 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives).6.3.3 Re-registration is not available for any feed or feed additive that has been suspended for production or use in its country or region of origin, or that has failed to pass through the sample test for twice successively in China. (See Article 17 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives).6.3.4 A feed or feed additive that has been changed in its producer’s address, quality standard, formula or application scope, shall be re-registered in time. (See Article 18 of Administrative Measures for the Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed Additives).*Applicant: Companies or individuals that apply for registration in MOA. They can be branch company, representative office, distributor, partner or authorized individuals of the producer or applying companies.Appendix 1进口饲料和饲料添加剂申请表Application Form for Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed AdditivesAppendix 2: A Sample of Application Form进口饲料和饲料添加剂申请表Application Form for Registration of Imported Feeds and Feed AdditivesAppendix 3进口饲料和饲料添加剂审批流程图Flowchart of Appraisal of Imported Feeds and Feed AdditivesAppendix 4 A sample of Chinese Labels进口饲料级乳清粉Imported Feed-Grade Whey许可证号:外饲准字200( )号 License Number: Foreign Registration 200 ( )1、本产品符合饲料卫生标准This product is in compliance with feed hygienic standard2、产品成分分析保证值 Product guaranteed analysis specification3Ingredients composition:This product is spray dried with pure whey4、产品标准编号:本产品符合加拿大XXXX 标准。
2 名词解释2.1 新饲料、新饲料添加剂:是指我国研制、尚未批准使用的单-饲料和饲料添加剂。
2.2 创新型新饲料、新饲料添加剂:是指在我国境内研究、创制的,国外尚无报导的单一饲料及饲料添加剂。
2.3 国外批准生产、销售的产品:是指在其它国家己批准生产、销售,国内研制、尚未批准使用的单一饲料及饲料添加剂(受专利保护的产品除外)。
2.4 移植型新饲料、新饲料添加剂:是指已在我国境内其它行业使用,首次应用于饲料的单一饲料及饲料添加剂。
3 申报程序3.1 申报新产品的单位(生产者或研制者),到全国饲料工作办公室(以下简称全国饲料办)或全国饲料评审委员会办公室(以下简称评审办)索取申请表和申报材料项目表,也可从网上下载()。
3.2 填写申请表,并按要求准备申报材料。
3.3 申报单位(生产者或研制者)到所在省(市)级饲料管理部门备案,由省(市)级饲料管理部门在申请表上盖章。
3.4 申报单位(生产者或研制者)将申请表和全套申报材料一式三份报送全国饲料办,由全国饲料办盖章接收,并将全套申报材料转交评审办进行形式审查。
3.5 形式审查后,申报材料完整的,评审办做出受理决定并通知申请单位(生产者或研制者)。
3.6 被受理产品,评审办组织专家预审并将预审意见反馈申请单位(生产者或研制者)。
仔猪供给量已连续5个月恢复性增 长,预示7月份以后可出栏的商品
生猪养殖用地、抵押贷款试点和环 评等政策措施,尽快将补助资金兑 现到场到户。三是进一步加强指导
该负责人表示,6月份以来猪肉 肥猪将会逐步增加,猪肉市场供应 服务。指导生猪规模养殖场改善基
猪存栏连续5个月增长。三是补栏 效控制后的消费增长,上涨压力可 头。一是进一步抓好责任落实。近期
该负责人表示,今年以来,生猪 增养势头好。新冠肺炎疫情稳定控 能会更大。另外,南方部分地区强降 农业农村部将联合发展改革委等部
生产持续加快恢复,新建猪场多,补 制后,种猪和仔猪调运量逐月增加。 雨对生猪生产及产品调运产生了一 门开展生猪稳产保供工作和相关政
贡一任網强:一羌更一 % :.03)1785888123 E-mail:95746341 l@
涨,供需两方面都在增加,但消费增 加更快。从供应方面看,3月份以来, 生猪出栏量连续4个月环比增长,
其中6月份出栏量比5月增长 6.5%,比2月增长36.7%。今年前5 个月进口猪肉172.4万吨,同比增长 146.2%。从消费方面看,随着新冠肺
炎疫情得到有效控制,餐饮业恢复 经营,工厂复工,学校复课,猪肉消
计比去年增加100万吨以上,禽肉 产量增加120万吨以上。综合分析, 三季度之后猪肉供应紧张的局面将 逐步缓解,下半年猪肉市场供应总 体是有保障的。
该负责人表示,猪肉是重要的 民生产品,农业农村部按照党中央、 国务院决策部署,把恢复生猪生产 作为今年农业农村工作的重大任
快形成产能。通过龙头企业带动、财 政资金扶持、实用技术培训等多途 径支持中小养殖场户加快补栏增 养。四是毫不松懈抓好非洲猪瘟防. 控。继续严防严控.,落实落细常态化 防控措施,继续开展重点区域和场 点全覆盖入场采样检测,强化出栏 检疫、•屠宰监管和病死猪无害化处 理等措施,阻断疫情传播渠道。
法定代表人(负责人)签名(企业公章)年月日生产许可证编号:单一饲料生产许可申请书企业名称:(公章)联系人:联系方式:申请事项:设立□续展□增加或更换生产线□增加产品品种□迁址□申报日期:年月日中华人民共和国农业部制二〇一二年表1 企业基本情况表2 产品基本情况表3 生产设备明细表(生产线)表4 检验仪器明细表表5 主要管理技术人员及特有工种人员登记表注1:“证书”指与企业签订了全日制用工劳动合同的管理人员、技术人员的职称证书、最高学历证书以及特有工种人员的职业资格证书。
生产许可证编号:浓缩饲料、配合饲料、精料补充料生产许可申请书产品类别:浓缩饲料□配合饲料□精料补充料□企业名称:(公章)联系人:联系方式:申请事项:设立□续展□增加或更换生产线□增加产品类别□增加产品系列□迁址□申报日期:年月日中华人民共和国农业部制二〇一二年表1 企业基本情况表2 产品基本情况表3 生产设备明细表表4 检验仪器明细表表5 主要管理技术人员及特有工种人员登记表特有工种人员已经参加鉴定且成绩合格,但尚未取得农业部职业技能鉴定机构颁发的职业资格证书的,在“获证书时间、种类及编号”一栏填写考试成绩。
申报日期:2020 年X 月XX 日
表1 企业基本情况
表2 产品基本情况
表3 生产设备明细表(生产线)
表4 检验仪器明细表
表5 主要管理技术人员及特有工种人员登记表
饲料 商品名
主要 成分
(动物名称及 生育阶段)
产 作用
品 说 用量 明
1、自由销售证(需驻中国的越南领事馆认证)Certificate of Free sales
2、GMP 或ISO 证书(公证件)或第三方检测报告
3、产品成分证明(盖公司鲜章)Composition and guaranted Analysis
4、产品功能说明(盖公司鲜章)Product Efficacy
5、产品分析单(盖公司鲜章)Certificate of Analysis
显示所有成分,每个成分的含量, 颜色,味道,颗粒/ 粉末/ 液体,检测方法
除了基本的内容,还要加上:功用,用量,主要成分,含量,外观(颜色,颗粒/ 粉末/ 液体,味道),厂家名称,厂家地址,联系电话,MADE IN CHINA 7、产品信息(盖公司鲜章)Product Information
具体申请内容如下:1. 对我们公司的绿色饲料产品进行审批,核发绿色通道饲料销售证书,以便我们能够在市场上更好地推广和销售绿色饲料。
2. 为我们公司的绿色饲料产品提供优惠政策,如减免税收、补贴等,以降低养殖户的使用成本,提高绿色饲料的市场竞争力。
3. 加大对我们公司的宣传力度,通过各种渠道宣传我们的绿色饲料产品,提高养殖户对我们公司的认知度和信任度。
4. 为我们公司提供技术支持,如在饲料配方、生产工艺等方面的指导和建议,以帮助我们公司不断提高产品质量和环保性能。
3.有关饲料的事项,在填写前应当与南通特洛菲饲料科技有限公司技术部(QQ:1036 76 1036)充分交流后填写,如果有不清楚或不确定之处,应当咨询清楚。
因此,填写订购单后请做以下两方面的工作:(1) 认真逐一核查。
(2) 认真回顾科研设计对饲料的要求确定是否有其他需要补充说明的事项。