GMP质量风险管理程序(含表格)GMP质量风险管理程序1 目的建立质量风险管理规程,规范产品生命周期中质量风险的评估、控制、沟通、审核的操作行为,降低产品的质量风险。
2 范围适用于整个产品生命周期中所有存在风险、需要风险管理的情形。
3 责任生产、质量管理人员及所有相关人员。
由QA对风险事件进行编号,编号方式为:QRA YY- XX,YY为两位年号,XX为两位年度流水号,并发放编号后的《质量风险评估表》(见附页)到风险管理小组,同时在《质量风险项目台账》(见附页)上进行登记。
Guide operators to deal with the process of things, and require them to be familiar with the details of safety technology and be able to complete things after special training.药品经营的质量风险管理规程正式版药品经营的质量风险管理规程正式版下载提示:此操作规程资料适用于指导操作人员处理某件事情的流程和主要的行动方向,并要求参加施工的人员,熟知本工种的安全技术细节和经过专门训练,合格的情况下完成列表中的每个操作事项。
目标- 确保药品制造和销售操作符合国家法规和行业要求;- 确保药品质量符合相关标准和规范;- 建立可持续发展和持续改进的风险管理体系;- 提高患者满意度。
流程1. 风险评估- 在药品研发和生产过程中,开展风险评估,识别和评估可能对药品质量产生影响的因素和活动;- 利用科学的方法和工具,评估与不同风险相关的可能性和严重性;- 对评估出的风险进行分类和排序,确定关键风险。
2. 风险控制- 根据风险评估结果,制定相应的风险控制方案;- 针对关键风险开展风险控制措施,确保每项控制措施的有效性和可操作性;- 建立风险控制档案,记录风险控制措施的执行情况。
3. 风险监测- 对关键风险进行监测,定期进行风险评估和控制措施的效果评价;- 利用统计分析和监测数据,及时发现和纠正潜在风险;- 建立风险监测记录,确保监测数据的完整性和可追溯性。
4. 培训和沟通- 开展药品质量风险管理培训,提高员工的风险意识和操作技能;- 建立内部沟通机制,及时分享风险信息和控制措施;- 定期组织质量会议,评估和改进风险管理控制程序。
5. 持续改进- 建立持续改进机制,利用风险评估和监测的结果,推动药品质量风险管理的不断改进;- 随着科学技术和法规的发展,及时更新和修订风险管理控制程序;- 建立反馈机制,鼓励员工提出改进建议并进行评估和实施。
ich-Q10(中英⽂对照)P HARMACEUTICAL Q UALITYS YSTEM Q10制药质量体系Q10Current Step 4 version dated 4 June 2008 当前版本,2008年6⽉4⽇,第4步TABLE OF CONTENTS⽬录1. PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY SYSTEM1.制药质量体系1.1 Introduction 1.1绪论1.2 Scope 1.2范围1.3 R elationship of ICH Q10 to Regional GMP Requirements, ISO Standards and ICH Q7. 1.3ICHQ10与地⽅GMP要求,ISO标准与ICHQ7之间的关系1.4 Relationship of ICH Q10 to RegulatoryApproaches1.4ICHQ10与法规⽅法间的关系1.5 ICH Q10 Objectives 1.5ICHQ10⽬的1.5.1 Achieve Product Realization 1.5.1产品实现1.5.2 Establish and Maintain a State of Control 1.5.2控制状态的建⽴和实现1.5.3 Facilitate Continual Improvement 1.5.3 持续改进1.6 Enablers: Knowledge Management and QualityRisk Management1.6⽀持者:知识管理和质量风险管理1.6.1 Knowledge Management 1.6.1知识管理1.6.2 Quality Risk Management 1.6.2质量风险管理1.7 Design and Content Considerations 1.7设计和内容⽅⾯的考虑1.8 Quality Manual 1.8质量⼿册2. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY2.管理职责2.1 Management Commitment 2.1管理承诺2.2 Quality Policy 2.2质量⽅针2.3 Quality Planning 2.3质量策划2.4 Resource Management 2.4资源管理2.5 Internal Communication 2.5内部沟通2.6 Management Review 2.6管理评审2.7 Management of Outsourced Activities andPurchased Materials2.7外包活动和物料采购的管理2.8 Management of Change in Product Ownership 2.8产品所有权变更管理3. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT OFPROCESS PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCTQUALITY3.⼯艺性能和产品质量的持续改进3.1 L ifecycle Stage Goals 3.1⽣命周期阶段⽬标3.1.1 Pharmaceutical Development 3.1.1物料研发3.1.2 Technology Transfer 3.1.2技术转移3.1.3 Commercial Manufacturing 3.1.3商业化⽣产3.1.4 Product Discontinuation 3.1.4产品终⽌3.2 Pharmaceutical Quality System Elements 3.2制药质量体系原理3.2.1 Process Performance and Product QualityMonitoring System3.2.1⼯艺性能和产品质量监控体系3.2.2 Corrective Action and Preventive Action(CAPA) System3.2.2纠正预防体系3.2.3 Change Management System 3.2.3变更管理体系3.2.4 Management Review of ProcessPerformance and Product Quality3.2.4⼯艺性能和产品质量的管理评审4. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT OF THEPHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY SYSTEM4.制药质量体系的持续改进4.1 M anagement Review of the PharmaceuticalQuality System4.1制药质量体系的管理评审4.2 Monitoring of Internal and External FactorsImpacting the Pharmaceutical Quality System4.2制药质量体系的内外部影响因素的监控4.3 O utcomes of Management Review andMonitoring4.3管理评审和监控成果5. GLOSSARY5.术语Annex 1:Potential Opportunities to Enhance Science and Risk Based Regulatory Approaches 附件1:基于法规⽅法对科学和风险进⾏改进的潜在机会Annex 2:Diagram of the ICH Q10 PharmaceuticalQuality System Model附件2:ICH Q10 制药质量体系模型图P HARMACEUTICAL Q UALITY S YSTEM制药质量体系1. PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY SYSTEM1.制药质量体系1.1 Introduction 1.1绪论This document establishes a new ICH tripartite guideline describing a model for an effective quality management system for the pharmaceutical industry, referred to as the Pharmaceutical Quality System. Throughout this guideline, the term “pharmaceutical quality system” re fers to the ICH Q10 model.本⽂确⽴了新的ICH三⽅指南,叙述了制药⼯业有效质量管理体系的⼀个模型,被称之为制药质量体系。
Figure 1:典型质量风险管理过程简介
-验收控制图(see ISO 7966)
-带警戒限的均值控制图(see ISO 7873)
-管制图(see ISO 7871)
-常规控制图(see ISO 8258)
Q9—质量风险管理目录1 介绍2 范围3 质量风险管理的原则4 常规的质量风险管理程序4.1 职责4.2 质量风险管理流程启动4.3 风险评估4.4 风险控制4.5 风险通报4.6 风险回顾5 风险管理方法学6 质量风险管理在企业和管理机构的应用7 定义8 参考资料附件I 风险管理的方法和工具I 1基本风险管理简明方法I 2失败模式与影响分析(FMEA)I 3失败模式、影响及关键点分析(FMECA)I 4过失树状分析(FTA)I 5危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)I 6危害操作分析(HAZOP)I 7初步危害源分析(PHA)I 8风险分级和筛选I 9辅助的数理统计工具附件II进行质量风险管理的潜在机会II 1 全面质量管理中的质量风险管理II 2 政府管理中的质量风险管理II 3 研发中的质量风险管理II 4 厂房、设备和设施的质量风险管理II 5 物料管理中的质量风险管理II 6 生产中的质量风险管理II 7 实验室控制和稳定性研究中的质量风险管理II 8 包装和贴签中的质量风险管理质量风险管理1 介绍风险管理的理念已被有效地运用到经济和政府管理的众多领域和部门中,如金融、保险、职业安全、公共健康、和药物警戒(pharmacovigilance)等。
3) Introduction 介绍
Among the essential elements of a well established Quality Management System (QMS), deviation handling plays a key role in assuring quality in products and by contributing to continuous improvement. Manufacturers are expected to “establish processes and define appropriate controls for measurement and analysis to identify nonconformities and potential non-conformities; defining when and how corrections, corrective actions, or preventive actions should be undertaken. These actions should be commensurate with the significance or risk of the nonconformity or potential nonconformity” (7).
This guidance document is in line with International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) documents like ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System, ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management, and with WHO, FDA and EU requirements. It also incorporates the experience of experts and auditors in the field.
I.1 基本风险管理简易方法
I.2 Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)
中华人民共和国药品管理法 英语产品质量标准管理规程
中华人民共和国药品管理法英语产品质量标准管理规程IntroductionThe Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (DAL) serves as a legal framework for drug managementin the country. It aims to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs, protect public health, and promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry. The English version of the Product Quality Standard Management Regulation (PQSMR) provides explicit guidelines for implementing the DAL and improving the quality of drugs in China.Overview of PQSMRThe PQSMR sets forth comprehensive standards and regulations for the quality management of drugs in China. It establishes the principles and methods for determining the quality standards of drugs, including their composition, purity, and stability. The PQSMR also mandates the use of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as part of quality assurance in the production, testing, and marketing of drugs.Quality Control SystemThe PQSMR requires pharmaceutical companies to establish a comprehensive quality control system that involves all aspects of drug production, from raw materials to final products. The system must meet the requirements of GMP and ensure the quality and safety of drugs. It should also include measures for preventing and correcting any potential quality failures, such as production defects or mislabeling.Quality StandardsThe PQSMR sets out quality standards for drugs, including their identity, purity, potency, and stability. It lists specific tests and methods for assessing these attributes, such as chromatographic analysis, mass spectrometry, or spectrophotometry. The PQSMR also sets time limits for drug expiry and storage conditions to maintain their efficacy and safety.Drug RegistrationThe PQSMR requires all new drugs and changes to previously approved drugs to undergo registration with the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). The registration process includes toxicological and pharmacological evaluations, clinical trials, and quality tests to determine the safety, efficacy, and quality of the drug. The PQSMR also provides guidelines for post-market surveillance, risk management, and recalls of drugs to ensure their continued safety and efficacy.EnforcementThe PQSMR stipulates penalties for drug manufacturers and distributors who violate the regulations and/or fail to meet quality standards. The penalties may range from fines to revocation of production licenses or criminal prosecution. The PQSMR also establishes standards for quality inspection and certification of drugs, to prevent the entry of substandard drugs into the market.ConclusionIn conclusion, the PQSMR plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of drugs in China and protecting public health. It establishes standards forquality control, testing, registration, and enforcement,which help improve the quality of drugs produced and marketed in China. The application of these standards can help boost the development of the pharmaceutical industry, bolster public trust in domestically produced drugs, and promote international trade in Chinese drugs.。
中英文-PDA TR54 药品和生物制品生产操作的质量风险管理实施
1.0 Introduction1.0 引言This technical report provides detailed guidance for the application and implementation of quality risk management (QRM) principles throughout the product lifecycle. The report emphasizes QRM application during commercial manufacturing and integrating QRM into the Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS). Companion documents provide detailed examples of characteristic operations and how QRM principles and tools can be applied for biotechnology and sterile manufacturing of APIs, drug product (liquids and solids) manufacturing, packaging and labeling (e.g., PDA Technical Report No.44).这本技术报告通过产品的生命周期提供了应用和贯彻质量风险管理的详细指导。
QRM is integral to an effective Pharmaceutical Quality System. Per ICH QlO, Pharmaceutical Quality System, QRM is an "enabler" (along with knowledge management) that can provide a proactive (while also supporting a reactive) approach to identifying, scientifically evaluating, and controlling potential risks to product quality and patient safety. QRM facilitates continual improvement of process performance and product quality throughout the product lifecycle (1).质量风险管理对于一个有效的制药质量体系是必须的。
PIC/S关于质量风险管理方法学中文译稿1. Introduction 介绍Since a couple of years Quality Risk Management (or QRM) has become a mandatory regulatory requirement towards healthcare organizations either they are active in the sectors of Medical Devices* or in Pharmaceuticals†.多年以来,质量风险管理已经成为对医疗卫生机构强制性的管理要求,无论他们是医疗器械部门还是制药部门。
The ICH-Q9 guideline concerning Quality Risk Management in thepharmaceutical field (active substances and medicinal products) was adopted by the European Union and PIC/S‡ in Annex 20 of the EU and PIC/S GMP Guides. It is gradually being applied by drug manufacturers in particular as regards sections 1.5 and 1.6 of part I of the aforementioned§.ICH-Q9指南侧重于制药领域(活性成分和药物)的质量风险管理,曾被欧盟、PIC/S 在EU 、PIC/S 的GMP指南附录20中采用,尤其是一些药品生产商正在逐渐地使用这项指南,这部分可参考上文的第一部分的1.5和1.6的内容。
1.5 Quality risk management is a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the medicinal product. It can be applied both proactively and retrospectively.1.5 质量风险管理是一套为了评估,控制,沟通和回顾药品质量的风险的系统性流程,既可以用于前瞻预测,也可以用于事后回顾。
人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会议一致性指南文件(草案)质量风险管理Q9ICH 指导委员会2005年3月22日发布供ICH进程第二步磋商讨论在ICH进程第二步阶段,ICH指导委员会将把合适的ICH专家工作组同意后的一致性指南文件(草案)递交给ICH三方(欧盟,日本和美国)药政管理当局,根据所在国家或地区的程序征求内部和外部的意见。
质 量 风 险 管 理一致性指南文件(草案)ICH进程第二阶段,于2005年3月22日公布征求各方意见目 录1. 绪论12. 范围13. 质量风险管理的原则24. 质量风险管理的基本程序2 4.1 责任3 4.2 启动质量风险管理程序3 4.3 风险评估3 4.4 风险控制4 4.5 风险交流54.6 风险审查55. 风险管理工具5 5.1 常用风险评估简易方法6 5.2 非正式风险管理6 5.3 危害分析和关键控制点6 5.4 危害和可操作性分析(HAZOP)7 5.5 失败模式和影响分析(FMEA)7 5.6 失败模式,影响和危害度分析(FMECA)8 5.7 故障树分析(FTA)8 5.8 预先危害分析(PHA)8 5.9 风险排序和过滤95.10 支持性统计工具96. 质量风险管理与工业和法规操作的融合107. 定义118. 参考文献13 Annex I: 进行质量风险管理的可能机会14 1.1 质量风险管理作为质量管理整体的一部分14 1.2 质量风险管理作为法规运行的一部分14 1.3 质量风险管理作为开发的一部分15 1.4 车间,设备和公共系统的质量风险管理16ICH Draft Consensus Guideline Q9 Quality Risk Management1.5 质量风险管理作为物料管理的一部分17 1.6 质量风险管理作为生产的一部分18 1.7 质量风险管理作为实验室控制和稳定性研究的一部分18 1.8 质量风险管理作为包装和贴签的一部分18 1.9 质量风险管理作为持续改进的一部分19质量风险管理1. 绪论风险管理原则被有效地应用于多个商业和政府领域中,包括财务,保险,职业安全,公共健康,药物警戒以及这些行业的主管部门。
The Quality Risk Management Procedure is established to define, evaluate and control potential risks to product quality, and to help to avoid adverse quality issues or accidents so as to assure patient benefit.2.范围Scope适用于公司质量体系内的质量风险管理。
This procedure applies to quality risk management of Gosun quality system.3. 责任Responsibilities3.1所有人员职责:按本规程执行质量风险评估,准备文件。
It is the responsibility of all personnel conducting Quality Risk Assessment and preparing the documents to adhere to this procedure.3.2质量风险管理组长Team leader of quality risk management3.2.1负责协调跨职能和部门的质量风险管理。
Take responsibility for coordinating quality risk management across various functions and departments of the organization.3.2.2确保质量风险管理程序按本SOP规定执行,并且有充足的资源可用。
20100731 欧盟API GMP 中英文对照 CX 20110112
EUROPEAN COMMISSION 欧盟委员会ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY DIRECTORATE-GENERAL 企业与工业管理局Consumer goods 消费品Pharmaceuticals 药品Brussels, 03 February 2010 布鲁塞尔2010.02.03ENTR/F/2/AM/an D(2010) 3374EudraLex(European Union Law On drug regulatory affairs)欧盟药品法规The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union欧盟医药产品管理规则Volume 4卷4Good Manufacturing Practice良好生产规范Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use人用和兽用医药产品Part II: Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials 第二部分:作为起始物料的原料药的基本要求Table of Contents目录1 Introduction1简介1.1 Objective1.1目的1.2 Regulatory Applicability1.2法规适用性1.3 Scope1.3范围2 Quality Management2质量管理2.1 Principles2.1原则2.2 Quality Risk Management2.2质量风险管理2.3 Responsibilities of the Quality Unit(s) 2.3质量部门的职责2.4 Responsibility for Production Activities 2.4生产活动的职责2.5 Internal Audits (Self-Inspection)2.5内部审计(自检)2.6 Product Quality Review2.6产品质量回顾3 Personnel3 人员3.1 Personnel Qualifications3.1 人员资质3.2 Personnel Hygiene3.2 人员卫生3.3 Consultants3.3 顾问4 Buildings and Facilities4 厂房设施4.1 Design and Construction4.1 设计和建造4.2 Utilities4.2 公用工程4.3 Water4.3 水4.4 Containment4.4 限制4.5 Lighting4.5 照明4.6 Sewage and Refuse4.6 废水废物4.7 Sanitation and Maintenance4.7 公共卫生及保养5 Process Equipment5 工艺设备5.1 Design and Construction5.1 设计和建造5.2 Equipment Maintenance and Cleaning5.2 设备的保养和清洁5.3 Calibration5.3 校验5.4 Computerized Systems5.4 计算机系统6 Documentation and Records6 文件和记录6.1 Documentation System and Specifications6.1 文件系统与规格标准6.2 Equipment Cleaning and Use Record6.2 设备清洁和使用记录6.3 Records of Raw Materials, Intermediates, API Labelling and Packaging Materials 6.3 原料、中间产品、原料药的标签和包装材料的记录6.4 Master Production Instructions (Master Production and Control Records)6.4 生产指令(生产和控制记录)6.5 Batch Production Records (Batch Production and Control Records)6.5批生产记录(批生产和控制记录)6.6 Laboratory Control Records6.6 实验室控制记录(批检验记录)6.7 Batch Production Record Review6.7批生产记录审核7 Materials Management7 物料管理7.1 General Controls7.1 控制通则7.2 Receipt and Quarantine7.2 接受和待检7.3 Sampling and Testing of Incoming Production Materials7.3 到货物料的取样和检测7.4 Storage7.4 贮存7.5 Re-evaluation7.5 再评估8 Production and In-Process Controls8 生产和过程控制8.1 Production Operations8.1 生产操作8.2 Time Limits8.2 时间限制8.3 In-process Sampling and Controls8.3 中控取样和控制8.4 Blending Batches of Intermediates or APIs8.4 中间产品和原料药的混批8.5 Contamination Control8.5 污染控制9 Packaging and Identification Labelling of APIs and Intermediates 9 中间产品和原料药的包装和贴签9.1 General9.1 总则9.2 Packaging Materials9.2 包装材料9.3 Label Issuance and Control9.3 标签放行和控制9.4 Packaging and Labelling Operations9.4 包装和贴签操作10 Storage and Distribution10 贮存和销售10.1 Warehousing Procedures10.1 入库程序10.2 Distribution Procedures10.2 销售程序11 Laboratory Controls11 实验室控制11.1 General Controls11.1 控制通则11.2 Testing of Intermediates and APIs11.2 中间产品和原料药的检测11.3 Validation of Analytical Procedures11.3 分析方法的验证11.4 Certificates of Analysis11.4 分析报告11.5 Stability Monitoring of APIs11.5 原料药的稳定性监测11.6 Expiry and Retest Dating11.6 失效和复检日期11.7 Reserve/Retention Samples11.7 留样12 Validation12 验证12.1 Validation Policy12.1 验证方针12.2 Validation Documentation12.2 验证文件12.3 Qualification12.3 确认12.4 Approaches to Process Validation12.4 工艺验证方法12.5 Process Validation Program12.5 工艺验证计划12.6 Periodic Review of Validated Systems12.6 验证系统的定期审核12.7 Cleaning Validation12.7 清洁验证12.8 Validation of Analytical Methods12.8 分析方法验证13 Change Control13 变更控制14 Rejection and Reuse of Materials14 物料的拒收和再利用14.1 Rejection14.1 拒收14.2 Reprocessing14.2 返工14.3 Reworking14.3 重新加工14.4 Recovery of Materials and Solvents14.4 物料和溶剂的回收利用14.5 Returns14.5 退回15 Complaints and Recalls15 投诉和召回16 Contract Manufacturers (including Laboratories)16 合同生产企业(包含实验室)17 Agents, Brokers, Traders, Distributors, Repackers, and Relabellers 17 代理商、经纪商、贸易商、经销商、重新包装商和重新贴签商17.1 Applicability17.1 适用性17.2 Traceability of Distributed APIs and Intermediates17.2 已销售中间产品和原料药的追踪17.3 Quality Management17.3 质量管理17.4 Repackaging, Relabelling and Holding of APIs and Intermediates 17.4 中间产品和原料药的重新包装、重新贴签和处理17.5 Stability17.5 稳定性17.6 Transfer of Information17.6 信息的传输17.7 Handling of Complaints and Recalls17.7 投诉和召回的处理17.8 Handling of Returns17.8 退货的处理18 Specific Guidance for APIs Manufactured by Cell Culture/Fermentation 18 用于细胞培养/发酵而得原料药的特殊指南18.1 General18.1 总则18.2 Cell Bank Maintenance and Recordkeeping18.2 细胞库的维护和记录保存18.3 Cell Culture/Fermentation18.3 细胞培养/发酵18.4 Harvesting, Isolation, and Purification18.4 收获、分离和精制18.5 Viral Removal/Inactivation Steps18.5 病毒除去/灭火步骤19 APIs for Use in Clinical Trials19 用于临床试验的原料药19.1 General19.1 总则19.2 Quality19.2 质量19.3 Equipment and Facilities19.3 设备设施19.4 Control of Raw Materials19.4 原料的控制19.5 Production19.5 生产19.6 Validation19.6 验证19.7 Changes19.7 变更19.8 Laboratory Controls19.8 实验室控制19.9 Documentation19.9 文件20 Glossary20 词汇表1 Introduction1 介绍This guideline was published in November 2000 as Annex 18 to the GMP Guide reflecting the EU’s agreement to ICH Q7A and has been used by manufacturers and GMP inspectorates on a voluntary basis. Article 46 (f) of Directive 2001/83/EC and Article 50 (f) of Directive 2001/82/EC; as amended by Directives 2004/27/EC and 2004/28/EC respectively, place new obligations on manufacturing authorisation holders to use only active substances that have been manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice for starting materials. The directives go on to say that the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice for active substances are to be adopted as detailed guidelines. Member States have agreed that the text of former Annex 18 should form the basis of the detailed guidelines to create Part II of the GMP Guide.本指南已经在2000年11月以GMP指南附录18的形式公布过,它反应了欧盟对ICH Q7A的认可以,该指南已经被生产商和GMP检查员在自愿的原则下所使用。
Training 培训
Conclusions 结论
Glossary 术语
References 文献
10. Acknowledgements 致谢
1) Purpose 目的
The aim of this guidance document is to contribute to the understanding of a quality risk management approach in the handling of deviations from a practical perspective as per WHO expectations on the matter. This proposal does not have the intent to be prescriptive in any way.
Deviation Handling and Quality Risk Management
A note for guidance for the manufacture of prequalified vaccines for supply to United Nations agencies
5.1.5 Purpose of Quality Risk Management 质量风险管理的目
XXX有限公司质量管理体系程序文件风险和机遇识别应对控制程序(中英文版)Risk and opportunity recognition control program风险和机遇识别应对控制程序Risk and opportunity recognition control program1、目的 purpose为建立风险和机遇的应对措施,明确包括风险应对措施风险规避、风险降低和风险接受在内的操作要求,建立全面的风险和机遇管理措施和内部控制的建设,增强抗风险能力,并为在质量管理体系中纳入和应用这些措施及评价这些措施的有效性提供操作指导。
In order to establish the risk and opportunity response measures, including risk management measures, risk reduction and risk acceptance, the operational requirements, including risk avoidance, risk reduction and risk acceptance, should be clearly defined, and comprehensive risk and opportunity management measures and internal control should be established. Enhance risk tolerance and provide operational guidance for incorporating and applying these measures and evaluating their effectiveness in the quality management system.2、范围 Scope本程序适用于在公司质量管理体系活动中应对风险和机遇的方法及要求的控制提供操作依据,这些活动包括:This procedure applies to the control of methods and requirements to address risks and opportunities in the quality management system activities of the company. These activities include:1)业务开发、市场调查及客户满意度测评过程的风险和机遇管理;Risk and opportunity management in business development, market research and customer satisfaction assessment process;2)产品的设计开发、设计开发的变更控制过程的风险和机遇管理;Product design and development, design and development of change control process risk and opportunity management;3)供应商评审和采购控制过程的风险和机遇管理;Risk and opportunity management of supplier review and procurement control process;4)生产过程的风险和机遇管理;Risk and opportunity management in the process of production;5)过程检验和监视测量设备的管理过程的风险和机遇管理;Process inspection and monitoring measurement equipment management process risk and opportunity management;6)设备和工装夹具的维护和保养管理过程的风险和机遇管理;Risk and opportunity management of equipment and fixture maintenance and maintenance process;7)不合格品的处置及纠正预防措施的执行和验证过程的风险和机遇管理;Management of risks and opportunities in the handling of nonconforming products and the implementation of corrective and preventive actions and verification process;8)持续改进过程的风险和机遇管理; Risk and opportunity management of continuous improvement process;9)当适用时,也可适用于对公司管理过程中应对风险和机遇的控制提供操作指南。
药品质量风险操作程序 2010 GMP
6.2风险管理程序6.2.1风险管理的前提6.2.1.1确定问题或有关风险的疑问,包括确认风险可能性的相关假设。 质管部牵头收集与所评估的风险相关的可能性危险、危害或对人体健康的影响的有关背景资料和数据。 根据存在的主要风险的性质确定必要的资源。 确定如何使用这些信息,评估和结论。 根据具体的问题,由质管部负责组织建立风险管理流程,包括详细的时间计划。
6.2.3 风险控制:包括作出决策来降低和/或接受风险。
药品质量风险管理程序药品质量风险管理程序1 制定⽬的为规范公司的质量风险管理,对可能影响到最终药品质量的风险因素进⾏确定、评估和控制,保证最终的药品质量,指导公司规避质量事故或药害事件的发⽣,科学规避风险,保护患者的切⾝利益,特制定本规程。
2 适⽤范围适⽤于公司质量管理体系内的质量风险管理。
3 职责要求所有有关⼈员负责按本规程要求执⾏质量风险评估,准备⽂件;质量风险管理⼩组组长负责协调跨职能和部门的质量风险管理,确保质量风险管理按本规程执⾏,并且有充⾜的资源可⽤;企业质量负责⼈负责批准《质量风险评估表》及关闭风险管理程序;质量部负责审核在药品⽣命周期内对其质量风险进⾏评估、控制、沟通和审核的系统化过程,负责质量风险实施过程的监测,负责确保药品质量风险最⼩化措施的有效实施。
4 规程内容4.1 定义、缩略语及常⽤公式4.1.1 危害:对健康造成的伤害,包括可能由药品质量(安全性、有效性、质量)损失或可⽤性问题所导致的危害。
4.1.2 危害源:潜在的危害来源。
4.1.3 风险R(risk):是指危害发⽣的可能性及危害严重性的组合。
4.1.4 质量风险管理QRM(quality risk management):是在整个药品⽣命周期中采⽤前瞻或回顾的⽅式,对质量风险进⾏评估、控制、沟通、审核的系统过程。
4.1.5 可能性P(probability):有害事件发⽣的频率或可能性。
4.1.6 可检测性D(detectabiliy):发现或确定危险存在、出现或事实的能⼒。
4.1.7 严重性S(severity):对于某个危险因素可能结果的度量。
4.1.8 风险评估:是指对风险进⾏识别、分析并评价,确定风险事件、风险类别或类型,辨识风险的来源和风险特点,以及预测风险带来的伤害影响模式。
4.1.9 风险控制:在充分进⾏了风险分析的基础上,针对风险起因制定预防措施,减低风险⾄可接受程度。
4.1.10 风险评审:对风险控制措施及风险控制结果进⾏评定,确认风险管理结果是否达到预期⽬的,是否对风险进⾏了有效的控制。
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The Quality Risk Management Procedure is established to define, evaluate and control potential risks to product quality, and to help to avoid adverse quality issues or accidents so as to assure patient benefit.2.范围Scope适用于公司质量体系内的质量风险管理。
This procedure applies to quality risk management of Gosun quality system.3. 责任Responsibilities3.1所有人员职责:按本规程执行质量风险评估,准备文件。
It is the responsibility of all personnel conducting Quality Risk Assessment and preparing the documents to adhere to this procedure.3.2质量风险管理组长Team leader of quality risk management3.2.1负责协调跨职能和部门的质量风险管理。
Take responsibility for coordinating quality risk management across various functions and departments of the organization.3.2.2确保质量风险管理程序按本SOP规定执行,并且有充足的资源可用。
Assure that the quality risk management process as defined in this SOP is followed and that adequate resources are available.3.3质量受权人:负责批准《质量风险评估表》及关闭风险管理程序。
The Qualified Person: approve < Quality risk assessment sheet > and closing of a risk management process.3.4 QA办:负责审核在产品生命周期内对其质量风险进行评估、控制、信息交流和回顾评审的系统化过程。
QA Office: review the systematic process of evaluation, control, communication and review of quality risks during the life circle of products.4. 引用标准及文件References《药品生产质量管理规范(现行版)》<China Good Manufacture Practice > (current )EU GMP 指南Volume 4<EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use(V olume 4)>ICH Q95. 内容Contents5.1定义Definition5.1.1可测定性:发现或测定危险源存在的能力Detectability - the ability to discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of a hazard.5.1.2危害:对健康的伤害,包括产品质量缺陷或可获得性造成的伤害Harm - damage to health, including the damage that can occur from loss of product quality or availability.5.1.3危险源:潜在的危害来源。
Hazard - the potential source of harm.5.1.4质量风险管理:一套系统的程序,用于药物产品生命周期中的风险评估、控制、信息交流以及回顾。
Quality risk management - a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the drug (medicinal) product across the product life cycle.5.1.5可能性:有害事件发生的频率或可能性。
Likelihood - frequency or probability of the adverse event occurring.5.1.6严重性:对危险源可能造成的后果的衡量Severity - A measure of the possible consequences of a hazard.5.1.7风险评估:对可能造成系统故障的原因进行仔细检查,以便做出合理可行的决策,减少或者预防故障的发生。
Risk Assessment - A careful examination of what could cause failure of the system so that decisions can be made about what is reasonably practicable to reduce or prevent malfunctions.5.2质量风险管理程序的适用范围包括并不局限于以下情况:This quality risk management procedure applies but not limited to the following issues:5.2.1确定洁净房间和洁净空气设施的监控位置。
Defining environmental monitoring positions of clean room and HV AC systems;5.2.2设定生产的标准和工艺参数。
Establishing limits and parameters of manufacturing process;5.2.3评估变更影响。
Evaluating effect of changes;5.2.4确定偏差调查和纠正措施的程度。
Determining levels of deviation investigations and correction actions;5.2.5评估工艺的薄弱和高风险区。
Evaluating and defining weakness and high-risk issues of manufacturing process.5.3质量风险管理流程Quality Risk Management Process5.4启动质量风险管理程序Initiating a Quality Risk Management Process.5.4.1执行以下步骤,启动并计划质量风险管理程序。
A quality risk management process is planned and initiated as follows:确定风险项目Define the risk question确定难题或风险问题,包括对相关潜在风险的设想。
Define the problem and/or risk question, including pertinent assumptions identifying the potential for risk. Quality risk assessments begin with a well-defined problem description or risk question.组建质量风险管理小组Organize a quality risk management team由难题或风险问题部门负责人或其指定的人员担任组长,风险管理小组的成员应该至少包括该难题或风险问题部门的成员及QA人员。
The person in charge of or the person designated by the person in charge of the department which possesses the problem or risk question is designated as the leader of quality risk management team, and personnel engaged in the department which possesses the problem or risk question QA personnel should be involved in the quality risk management team at least. Experts of other relevant department might be involved in the team, where necessary.风险管理小组组长,搜集潜在危险源、危害或风险评估相关的人员健康影响的背景资料或数据,并向风险管理小组的成员讲解整个项目的情况,帮助风险管理小组成员了解整个项目。
The leader of quality risk management team assembles background information and/or data on the potential hazard, harm or human health impact relevant to the risk assessment and explains the program to team members to help them get to know this program.风险管理小组成员依据自己的专业,使用5.6中介绍的质量风险管理方法,找到该项目中可能存在的影响到产品质量的危险源,并对这些危险源进行分析讨论,确认各类危险源对最终产品质量影响的严重性,风险管理小组组长根据最后的风险分析的结果,起草《质量风险评估表》(编号:G04.016- R1)。