
T. Tronco (Ed.): New Network Architectures, SCI 297, pp. 1–11. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 A Brief History of the InternetTania Regina TroncoCPqD Foundation, Rodovia Campinas Mogi-Mirim, km 118,5,Campinas – São Paulo, CEP 13096-902, Brazil tania@.brAbstract. This chapter introduces a brief history review of Internet with focus on its original conception. It’s important to remember such initial ideas because they were the basis of Internet architecture, they are still at the core of today’s Internet and they can be helpful to rethink new design requirements nowadays. Hence, we start by the initial packet-based network protocols and their evolution to TCP/IP. 1 IntroductionThe Internet architecture concept was conceived at the end of the 60´s by ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) during the Cold War, when the United States and Soviet Union were preparing for an eventual military confrontation. At that time, the U.S. military created an underground network of cables and equip-ments intended to survive a nuclear attack. This network was named ARPANET and its design consisted of a number of requirements such as:•Data should be moved through leased lines to avoid problems with in-terruptions of the telephone system; •The information to be transmitted should be broken into segments of fixed length (packets) instead of being a continuous stream and •The network should be totally decentralized, without a single node in the control of the network, yielding reliability and robustness.ARPANET was opened to universities after the end of arms race and a key re-quirement was added to the network project:•Communication between computers, called hosts, should be done through devices called Interface Message Processor (IMP), as shown in Fig. 1.The IMP function was to receive messages from a host and break them in packets. These packets should pass from IMP to IMP through the network until the destina-tion IMP, which should pass them to the destination host.The network consisted of the interconnection of these IMPs through the leased lines supplied by telephonic companies. The first IMP was built by the companyTronco2 T.R.Fig. 1 A Typical Section of ARPANET (adapted from [1])BBN (Bolt Beraneck and Newman) from Cambridge in 1976. The report No. 1822of BBN [2] contains the specifications for the interconnection of a host and anIMP. According to this report, for each regular message, the host specified a desti-nation, composed of three parameters: IMP, host and handling type. These pa-rameters specified uniquely a connection between source and destination host. Thehandling type was used to specify characteristics of the connection, such as prior-ity or non-priority of transmission. The messages should be sent to the destinationin the same order that were transmitted by the source and, for each regular mes-sage, the host also specified a 12 bit identifier to be used with the destination ofthe message, forming a message-id, in order to retransmit them in case of thenetwork failure.The first IMP was installed at University of California (UCLA), in Los Ange-les, followed by SRI (Stanford Research Institute), University of California inSanta Barbara and University of Utah, 4 points in total. The first ARPANETtransmission was made between UCLA and SRI in Mento Park, California in1969. In the same year, the first RFC (Request for Comments) was published;RFC3 defined the RFC series for ARPANET and later, the Internet.2 Decade of the 70´sAfter installing some IMPs in a network, the objective of DARPA was to stan-dardize the ARPANET network interface to allow more DARPA sites to join theA Brief History of the Internet 3 network. To achieve this, the first standard networking protocol was developed in December 1970, namely Network Control Protocol (NCP) [4].2.1 Network Control Protocol OperationThe NCP operation consisted of store-and-forward messages from a sending host to a receiving host. After a host sent a message, it was prohibited from sending another message until receives a RFMN (Request-for-Next-Message). This se-quence of requests made a connection. A connection linked two processes be-tween a sending and a receiving host.The primary function of the NCP was to establish connections and release con-nections. In order to send control commands to establish and release connections between the hosts, one particular link, designated as the control link, was estab-lished between each pair of host.Each host had its internal naming scheme, often incompatible with other hosts. Then, an intermediate name space, named socket, was created in NCP to prevent using this internal name scheme. Each host was responsible for mapping its inner process identifiers into sockets as shown in shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2 A Typical Socket (adapted from [4])A socket specifies one connection endpoint and is determined by three numbers:• A user number (24 bits) composed by:o 8-bit for home host number,o16 bits to identify him at that host.• A host number (8 bits)•An AEN (Another Eight-bit Number) composed by:o 1 bit that indicate a receive host (=0) or a send host (=1);o7 bits – that provide a population of 128 sockets for each used number at each host.When a user tried to log into a host, her user number was used to tag all the proc-esses created in that host, producing a sort of virtual network.4 T.R.TroncoBy the end of 1971, there were fifteen sites attached into ARPANET usingNCP [10] as follows:•Bolt Baranek and Newman (BBN)•Carnegie Mellon University•Case Western Reserve University•Harvard University•Lincoln Laboratories•Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)•NASA at AMES•RAND Corporation•Stanford Research Institute (SRI)•Stanford University•System Development Corporation•University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)•University of California of Santa Barbara•University of Illinois at Urbana•University of UTAHAt this time, BBN also developed an electronic mail program for ARPANET thatquickly became the most popular application on the ARPANET [11]. The e-mailprogram specified the destination address as username@hostname, where user-name was the same used to login in the host.At the end of the seventies, there were about 200 hosts connected to ARPA-NET [11]. The NCP was becoming inefficient to connect different packet switch-ing networks because individual networks could differ in their implementationslike the heterogeneous addressing schemes, the different maximum size for thedata, the different time delays for accepting, delivering, and transporting data andso on. In May 1974, Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf published a paper entitled “AProtocol for Packet Network Intercommunication” on IEEE Transaction on Com-munication [3], proposing a new protocol to support the sharing resources betweendifferent packet switching networks. This protocol was named TCP (TransmissionControl Protocol).According to [3], for both economic and technical considerations, it was con-venient that all the differences between networks could be resolved by simple andreliable interface. This interconnection should also preserve intact the internal op-eration of each individual network. This interface was named Gateway.Fig. 3 illustrates two network interconnected by one gateways.The gateway was divided into two parts; each one associated with its own net-work and its function was understand the source and destination host addressesand insert this information in a standard format in every packet. For this operation,an internetwork header was added to the local header of the packet by the sourcehost, as illustrated in Fig. 4.A Brief History of the Internet 5Fig. 3 Internetworking by Gateway (adapted from [3])Fig. 4 Internetwork Header (adapted from [3])The internetwork header contained the standardized source and destination ad-dresses. The next two fields in the header provided a sequence number and a byte count used to properly sequence the packets upon delivery to the destination and also enabling the gateways to detect fault conditions. The flag field was used to The gateway does not modify the information, only forwarded the header check sum along the path.2.2 TCPThe TCP protocol specified by Cerf and Kahn [3] had the function of promoting the transmission and acceptance of messages of processes that wanted to commu-nicate. To implement this function, TCP first broke the process messages into segments according to a maximum transmission size. This action was called frag-mentation and was done in such a way that the destination process was able to re-assemble the fragmented segments. On the transmission side, the TCP multiplexed together segments from different processes and produced packets for delivery to the packet switches. On the reception side, the TCP accepted the packets sequence from the packet switches, demultiplexed and reassembled the segments to the des-tination processes.This system introduced the notion of ports and TCP address. A port was used to designate a message stream associated with a process. A TCP address was used to routing and delivery packets from diverse processes to the suitable destination host. The original TCP address format is shown in Fig. 5.6 T.R.TroncoFig. 5 TCP Address Format (adapted from [3])The use of 8 bits for network identification (ID) allowed up to 256 distinct net-works. At that time, this address field seemed enough for the future. The TCPidentifier field permitted up to 65 536 distinct TCP be addressed. As each packetpassed through the gateway, it observed the destination network ID to determinethe packet route. If the destination network was connected to the gateway, thelower 16 bits of the TCP address were used to produce a local TCP address in thedestination network. On the other hand, if the destination network was not con-nected to the gateway, the upper 8 bits was used to select the next gateway.In order to send a TCP message, a process settled the information to be trans-mitted in its own address space, inserted network/host/port addresses of the trans-mitter and receiver in a transmit control block (TCB), and transmitted it. At thereceiving side, the TCP examined the source and destination port addresses anddecided whether accepted or reject the request. If the request was rejected, it mere-ly transmitted a release indicating that the destination port address was unknownor inaccessible. On the other hand, if the request was accepted, the sending and re-ceiving ports were associated and the connection was established. After it, TCPstarted the transmission of the packets and waited for the acknowledgements car-ried in the reverse direction of the communication. If no acknowledgement for aparticular packet was received, the TCP retransmitted the packet.Aftertime, a window strategy to flow control of sent and received packets alsowas proposed by Cerf and Kahn [3], as shown in Fig. 6.Fig. 6 Window Strategy (adapted from [3])Supposing that the sequence number field in the internetwork header permitspacket sequence numbers to range from 0 to n – 1, the sender could not transmitmore than w bytes without receiving an acknowledgment. The w bytes werenamed a window (see Fig. 6). On timeout, the sender retransmits the unacknow-ledged bytes. Once acknowledgment was received, the sender’s left window edgeadvanced over the acknowledged.A Brief History of the Internet 7After the development of fundamental characteristics of TCP, the next chal-lenge of DARPA was running TCP on multiple hardware platforms and making experiments to determine optimal parameters for the protocol. In 1977, the ARPA research program included important players in this development such as: BBN, DCEC, ISI, MIT, SRI, UCLA and some prototypes of TCP/IP were implemented.2.3 EthernetAt the same time, the development of the first concepts of new computer network-ing technology for local area networks (LANs) named Ethernet. This technology technologies.The Ethernet idea began on May 22, 1973, when Bob Metcalfe (then at the Xe-rox Palo Alto Research Center, PARC, in California) wrote a memo describing the Ethernet network system he had invented for interconnecting advanced computer workstations, making it possible to send data to one another and to high-speed la-ser printers (see Fig. 7). The seminal article: "Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switch-ing for Local Computer Networks" was published by Robert M. Metcalfe and David R. Boggs in [6].Robert Metcalfe got the idea for the Ethernet protocol when he read a 1970 computer conference paper by Norman Abramson of the University of Hawaii about the packet radio system called ALOHANET linking the Hawaiian Islands. At the end of 1972, the ALOHANET was connected to ARPANET by satellite given a pass to the development of the Internet.Each node in ALOHANET sent out its messages in streams of separate packets of information. If it did not get an acknowledgment back for some packets becauseFig. 7 Robert Metcalfe picture and his famous Ethernet first drawing(adapted from [4])8 T.R.Troncotwo radios were broadcasting at the same time, then the missing packets were con-sidered “lost in the ether”. The word ether was used to denote the propagationmedium that could be used by any type of machine, in analogy to the materialbelieved by the physicists to fill in the free space enabling the electromagneticpropagation.When a packet was lost in the ether, the node would re-broadcast them afterwaiting a random interval of time. Because of this randomness, problems with col-lisions were quickly resolved except under very high traffic loads. On average, thenetwork rarely had to retry more than once or twice to get all the packets to thedestination, which was more efficient than trying to implement a complex coordi-nation system to prevent collisions in the first place. The original 10 Mbps Ether-net standard was first published in the next decade by the DEC-Intel-Xerox (DIX)vendor consortium.3 Decade of the 80´sAfter testing three increasingly better versions: TCPv1, TCPv2, a split into TCPv3and IPv3, finally in 1981, TCP (Transmission Control protocol) v4 and IP (Inter-net Protocol) v4, posted in RFC 791 [7] and RFC 793 [9], respectively, becamestable. This version is still in use on the Internet today.In 1982, an Internet Gateway, to route internet packets based on TCPv4/IPv4,developed by BBN, was standardized in RFC 823 [5]. TCPv4/IPv4 became a stan-dard for DARPA and, in January, 1983, the ARPANET protocol switched fromNCP to TCP/IP. This date is considered the date of the birth of the Internet [11]. In1985, Dan Lynch and the IAB (Internet Architecture Board) realized a workshopfor the computer industry to become TCP/IP a commercial standard and promotethe development of networking products.3.1 Internet ProtocolThe IPv4 implements two basic functions: fragmentation and addressing. Frag-packet" networks.The addressing is used to forward Internet packets toward their destinations.The Internet protocol treats each Internet packet as an independent entity. Thereare no connections or logical circuit establishment. So, the Internet protocol doesnot provide a reliable communication facility, only hop-by-hop forwarding ofpackets. There is no error control for the information, only a header checksum anderrors detected in the header are reported via the Internet Control Message Proto-col (ICMP) [8].The Internet transmission occurs when an application program via transportprotocols sends a request on its local router (gateway) to send data as a packetthought the Internet (see Fig. 8). The Internet router prepares the packet headerand attaches it to the data. The router determines a local network address andsends the packet to the local network interface. The local network interface createsA Brief History of the Internet 9 a local network header, attaches it to the packet and sends it to the local network. The packet is forward hop-by-hop through the network until the local network where the destination host is located. At each hop, the router examines the header and determines the next hop based on the destination address. At the destination router, the packet is sent to the destination host, via transport protocol socket to the application.Fig. 8 Internet Forwarding Packets (adapted from [3])3.2 Ethernet ProtocolThe first Ethernet standard was entitled “The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specifications” and was published in 1980 by the DIX vendor consortium. It contained the specifications of both the operation of Ethernet and the single media system based on thick coaxial cable.Ethernet is by definition a broadcast protocol where any signal can be received by all hosts. The packets from the network layer are transmitted over an Ethernet by encapsulating them in a frame format as shown in Fig. 9.Fig. 9 Ethernet FrameThe fields of this frame are described as follow:Preamble: is a sequence of 8 bytes, each set to “10101010” and used to syn-chronize receiver before actual data is sent;Addresses•48-bit unicast address assigned to each adapter, named MAC (Me-dium Access Control) Address•Broadcast address: all bits set to 1•Multicast: first bit is set to 1Type field: is used to determine which higher level protocol the frame should be delivered toBody: contains up to 1500 bytes of data10 T.R.TroncoWhen the Ethernet standard was published, a new effort led by the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to develop open network standardswas also getting underway. The IEEE standard was created under the direction ofthe IEEE Local and Metropolitan Networks (LAN/MAN) Standards Committee,which identifies all the standards it develops with the number 802. There have beena number of networking standards published in the 802 branch of the IEEE, includ-ing the 802.3 Ethernet and 802.5 Token Ring standards. The IEEE 802.3 committeetook up the network system described in the original DIX standard and used it asthe basis for an IEEE standard. The IEEE standard was first published in 1985 withthe title IEEE 802.3 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection(CSMA/CD). Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to listen the line before sending data:•If the line is idle (no carrier sensed), it sends packet immediately;•If line is busy (carrier sensed), it wait until idle and transmit packetimmediately;•If collision is detected, it stops sending and try again later.After the publication of the original IEEE 802.3 standard for thick Ethernet, thenext development in Ethernet media was the thin coaxial Ethernet variety, inspiredby technology first marketed by the 3Com Corporation. When the IEEE 802.3committee standardized the thin Ethernet technology, they gave it the shorthandidentifier of 10BASE2. Following the development of thin coaxial Ethernet cameseveral new media varieties, including the twisted-pair and fiber optic varieties forthe 10 Mbps system. Next, the 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet system was developed,which also included several varieties of twisted-pair and fiber optic media sys-tems. Most recently, the Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet systems weredeveloped and 100 Gigabit Ethernet is in development. These systems were alldeveloped as supplements to the IEEE Ethernet standard.3.3 Evolution of InternetIn 1985, the National Science Foundation (NSF) launched a network to connectacademic researchers to supercomputer centers to provide very high-speed com-puting resources for the research community. This network was named NSFNETand one of its project design premises was to use ARPANET's TCP/IP protocol. In1986, the NSFNET was connected to ARPANET and these backbones formingwhat today is known as Internet. At the end of this decade, NSFNET became defacto the backbone of the Internet and the ARPANET was ended (Stewart 2000).Also in this period, the World Wide Web (WWW) system was created by TimBerners-Lee [1] to run in the Internet and provide graphical user interfaces andhypertext links between different addresses.In 1991, the Internet became commercially exploited and new backbones werebuilt to offer services of communications. This fact became Internet completelydecentralized, without a central coordination, difficult architectural changes. In1995, the NSFNET was officially dissolved, although, retained a core researchA Brief History of the Internet 11 network called the Very High Speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS), which formed the basis for the Internet2 project [10].Since 1995, the Internet continues growing; more and more people use it to be connected, find information, create business, and share information. The Internet is now an essential part of our lives.References1.Berners-Lee: Information Management: A Proposal, CERN (1989),/History/1989/proposal.html(accessed March 2010)2.Bolt, Beranek, Newman: Report No. 1822: Specification for the Interconnection of ahost and an IMP (1976)3.Cerf, V., Kahn, R.: A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication. IEEE Trans-actions on Communication 22(5) (1974)4.Cocker, S., Carr, S., Cerf, V.: RFC 33 New Host-Host Protocol (1970)5.Hinden, R., Shelzer, A.: RFC 823 DARPA Internet gateway (1982)6.Metcalfe, R., Boggs, D.: Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local ComputerNetworks. Communications of the ACM 19(5), 395–404 (1976),/classics/apr96/ (accessed March 2010)7.Postel, J.: RFC 791 Internet Protocol (1981)8.Postel, J.: RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (1981)9.Postel, J.: RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol (1981)10.Stewart, B.: Living Internet (2000),/i/i.htm11.Wladrop, M.: Darpa and the Internet Revolution. DARPA 78-85 (2008),/Docs/Internet_Development_200807180909255.pdf (accessed March 2010)。

参考资料:ARPANet /view/196838.htm
NSFNet /view/536896.htm

ARP代后期,军事通信的需要 冷战高峰,20世纪50年代后期,军事通信的需要 1960年左右,兰德公司Paul Baran分布式交换系统的提出 1960年左右,兰德公司Paul Baran分布式交换系统的提出 ARPA高级研究项目局的成立 ARPA高级研究项目局的成立 1967年,Larry Roberts将注意力转移到网络技术,建议建 1967年,Larry Roberts将注意力转移到网络技术,建议建 立分组交换网络。此时,英国NPL已实现并证实分组交换 立分组交换网络。此时,英国NPL已实现并证实分组交换 可以正确工作。 ARPA与BBN公司共建ARPANET网络 ARPA与BBN公司共建ARPANET网络 1974年,Cerf 1974年,Cerf 和 Karn发明TCP/IP模型和协议 Karn发明TCP/IP模型和协议 TCP/IP集成到了Berkeley UNIX操作系统中 TCP/IP集成到了Berkeley UNIX操作系统中 20世纪80年代,DNS建立 20世纪80年代,DNS建立
• 20年代70年代后期,NSF建立了NSFNET,全 20年代70年代后期,NSF建立了NSFNET,全
部采用了TCP/IP,成为第一个TCP/IP广域网 部采用了TCP/IP,成为第一个TCP/IP广域网 • ANS接管NSFNET,提供商业服务 ANS接管NSFNET,提供商业服务 • NSF出资建立NAP,以允许区域网络可以选 NSF出资建立NAP,以允许区域网络可以选 择骨干运营商
• 1983年1月1日,tcp/ip成为ARPANET上唯 1983年 日,tcp/ip成为ARPANET上唯
一协议 • NSFNET和ARPANET互联 NSFNET和ARPANET互联 • 20世纪80年代中期,开始称网络的集合为 20世纪80年代中期,开始称网络的集合为 互联网,后来成为Internet. 互联网,后来成为Internet.

• 1950年,美国军方在本国境内北部与 加拿大境内建立了一个地面防空系统,叫 赛其(SAGE)系统,这个系统由通信线路 连接,一端是计算机,另一端是一个终端 设备,还不是计算机。所以这个系统还称 不上是真正的互联网,只能算是个互联网 的雏形,但是这是个大胆的尝试为之后互 联网的发展奠定了良好的基础。



1986年,美国国家自然科学基金会利用TCP/IP 协议组建了一个新的网络即国家科学基金会网络NSFNET。
1989年,ARPANET 解散,同时,NSFNET对公众开放。
因特网的发展 史

Internet的最早起源于美国国防部高级研究计划署DARPA(Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency)的前身ARPAnet,该网于1969年投入使用。
其中最引人注目的是美国国家科学基金会ASF(National Science Foundation)建立的NSFnet。
1990年9月,由Merit,IBM和MCI公司联合建立了一个非盈利的组织―先进网络科学公司ANS(Advanced Network &Science Inc.)。

1986年美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation,简称NSF)资助建成了基于TCP/IP技术的 主干网NSFNET,并于1989年改名为Internet向公众开 放。从此世界上第一个互联网产生,并迅速连接到世 界各地。 国家科学基金网络(美国NSF网络)取代阿帕网成为主干 网(1986-1995) NSFNET介绍:国立科学基金会网络 (NSFNET) 在1985 年成立,是一个通用的研究性网络,是真正的互联网 NSF网络的主要参与者是哪些? 大学、研究机构、科技界,主要用于学术研究。
世界上第一台计算机 1946年2月世界上第一台电子计算机在美国的 宾夕法尼亚大学诞生。占地170平方米,重30 吨,每小时耗电30万千瓦,是一个庞然大物。
建立的时间 做出的贡献
1969年 实现了计算机的互 联 、TCP/I计算机中心之间 的互联
物联网就是物物相连的互联网。 这有两层意思: 其一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是 在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络; 其二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物品与物 品之间,进行信息交换和通信,也就是物物相 息。 相关技术:智能感知、识别技术与普适计算等 通信感知技术
因特网的发展 云计算
通用顶级域名(gTLD, General Top Level Domain)
Internet 历史

Internet 历史因特网的提出60年代中期,正处于冷战的高潮,美国国防部(DoD)认为利用电路交换网来支持核战时的命令和控制信息传输,因为,线路或者交换机的故障可能导致整个网络的瘫痪,导致信息传输的中断,因此希望能够建立一种高冗余、可迂回的新网络来满足要求。
1968年10月,美国国防部高级计划局(DARPA)和麻省坎布里奇(剑桥)的BBN公司(Bolt,Beranet,Newman of Cambridge,MA)签订合同,研制适合计算机通信的网络。
网络的多样化促使DARPA开始研究网络互连技术,1980年左右,DARPA开始致力于"The Interneting Project"(互连网技术)的研究,其研究的成果被简称为Internet,即我们现在提到的因特网。

互联网或者互联网络(interconnection network),在港台等地多被译作网际网路,与英文里的“internet”同义,即是“联接网络的网络”,可以是任何分离的实体网络之集合,这些网络以一组通用的协定相连,形成逻辑上的单一网络。
1986年,美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation,NSF)建立了大学之间互联的骨干网络NSFnet,这是因特网历史上重要的一步。
Followed by the opening of the network to commercial interests in 1995.互联网中成功接入的比较重要的其他网络包括Usenet、Bitnet和多种商用X.25网络。

因特网的发展史1. 互联网的诞生•1969年,美国国防部的高级研究计划局(ARPA)启动了一个名为ARPANET的计划,旨在建立一种能够在不同计算机之间共享信息的通信网络。
2. 互联网的商业化•1983年,ARPANET采用了TCP/IP协议,将其由实验性网络转变为通用的互联网。
•1991年,互联网在全球范围内开放商业使用,万维网(World Wide Web)的概念提出。
3. 互联网的普及与扩展•2000年,互联网泡沫破灭,许多互联网公司破产,但互联网的发展没有停止。
4. 互联网的创新与未来•2014年,物联网的概念提出,各种智能设备之间通过互联网互相连接和交互。

到1972年时,ARPANET网上的网点数已经达到40个,这40个网点彼此之间可以发送小文本文件(当时称这种文件为电子邮件,也就是我们现在的E- mail)和利用文件传输协议发送大文本文件,包括数据文件(即现在Internet中的FTP),同时也发现了通过把一台电脑模拟成另一台远程电脑的一个终端而使用远程电脑上的资源的方法,这种方法被称为Telnet。

1983年,ARPAnet的全部计算机完成了向TCP/IP的转换,并在UNIX (BSD4.1)上实现了TCP/IP。
ARPAnet 在技术上最大的贡献就是TCP/IP协议的开发和应用。
1986年,NSFnet 替代ARPAnet成为因特网的主干网。

互联网的起源 1、时间பைடு நூலகம் 2、internet的前身:
内容 机构名称
两 第一封电子邮件
个 (时间:
件 我国最高域名“cn”注册登记
云计算 云是网络、互联网的一种比喻说 法。过去在图中往往用云来表示电信网, 后来也用来表示互联网和底层基础设施的 抽象。狭义云计算指IT基础设施的交付和 使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的 方式获得所需资源

20世纪80年代初∙ 1984年美国思科(Cisco)电子公司开发出第一款路由器[1][1]第一代路由器特点:集中转发,总线交换。
原理:网络接口卡与中心处理器(CPU )之间通过内部总线相连,CPU 负责所有事务处理,包括路由收集、转发处理、设备治理等。
缺点:总线和CPU 的负载过重,整体性能受限。
20世纪80年代中后期∙ 1986年全球第一款多协议路由器诞生[1][1]第二代路由器特点:集中+分布转发,接口模块化,总线交换。
原理:就在网络接口卡上进行一些智能化处理,由于网络用户通常只会访问少数的几个地方,因此可以考虑把少数常用的路由信息采用Cache 技术保留在业务接口卡上,这样大多数报文就可以直接通过业务板Cache 的路由表进行转发,以减少对总线和CPU 的需求。
对于Cache 中不能找到的报文送交CPU 处理。
缺点:随着IP 网络的迅猛发展,网络用户的访问面拓宽,总线和CUP 的超载问题再次出现,路由器接口数量不足。
20世纪90年代初∙ 宽带路由器[1][1]第三代路由器特点:分布转发,总线交换。
缺点:随着网络媒体的发展,端口交换速度明显乏力,QoS 保证、路由查找、二层帧头的剥离/添加等复杂操作难以实现。
20世纪90年代中后期∙ 分布式路由器[1][1]第四代路由器特点:ASIC (专用集成电路)分布转发,网络交换。
另外在交换网上采用了CrossBar 或共享内存的方式解决了内部交换的问题。
这样,路由器的性能达到千兆比特,即早期的千兆交换式路由器(Gigabit Switch Router ,GSR )。

因特网的发展史因特网的过去和未来一、简述因特网的发展史随着1946 年世界上第一台电子计算机问世后的十多年时间内,由于价格很昂贵,电脑数量极少。
ARPAnet 不仅进行了租用线互联的分组交换技术研究,而且做了无线、卫星网的分组交换技术研究-其结果导致了TCP/IP 问世。
1977-1979 年,ARPAnet 推出了目前形式的TCP/IP 体系结构和协议。
1980 年前后,ARPAnet 上的所有计算机开始了TCP/IP 协议的转换工作,并以ARPAnet 为主干网建立了初期的因特网。
1983 年,ARPAnet 的全部计算机完成了向TCP/IP 的转换,并在UNIX(BSD4.1)上实现了TCP/IP。
ARPAnet 在技术上最大的贡献就是TCP/IP 协议的开发和应用。
1985 年,美国国家科学基金组织NSF 采用TCP/IP 协议将分布在美国各地的6 个为科研教育服务的超级计算机中心互联,并支持地区网络,形成NSFnet。
1986 年,NSFnet 替代ARPAnet 成为因特网的主干网。
1988 年因特网开始对外开放。
1991 月,在连通因特网的计算机中,商业用户首次超过了学术界用户,这是因特网发展史上的一个里程碑,从此因特网成长速度一发不可收拾。
二、我国因特网的发展史1.因特网的阶段性发展我国因特网发展史可以大略地划分为三个阶段:第一阶段为1987-1993 年,也是研究试验阶段。

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T H E E N D 15、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2020年9月上午9时10分20.9.409:10September 4, 2020
16、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。2020年9月4日星期五9时10分31秒09:10:314 September 2020
互联网诞生于1969年,具体生日日期却有两大派 别:“9月2日派”认为克兰罗克 (L.Kleinrock)教授实现了两部电脑的连接, 即阿帕网的诞生;而“10月29日派”则强调 只有两台主机之间实现了通讯,才算是互联网 的真正“生日”,我们认同后者。
因特网起源于阿帕网,阿帕网加州大学洛杉矶分 校(UCLA)第一节点与斯坦福研究院(SRI) 第二节点的连通,实现了分组交换网络的远程 通讯,才是互联网正式诞生的标志,当时准确 的时间是1969年10月29日22点30分。
• 17、一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣。上午9时10分31秒上午9时10分09:10:3120.9.4
• 13、志不立,天下无可成之事。20.9.420.9.409:10:3109:10:31September 4, 2020
• 14、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.
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The development of Internet history
ARPAnet, the network in 1969 put into use. In 1968, ARPA ARPAnet network project . In 1972, ARPAnet at the first International Conference on computer background communication for the first time to meet with the public, and validated the feasibility of packet switching technology, the modern computer network, ARPAnet became the symbol of the birth of. In 1980, ARPA investment TCP / IP to UNIX ( BSD4.1 version ) of the kernel, in version BSD4.2, TCP / IP protocol that became UNIX operating system standard communication module. In 1982, Internet by ARPAnet, MILNET and several other computer network merger. In 1983, ARPAnet split into two parts: ARPAnet and pure military MILNET. In 1986, NSF established a six Super Computer Center, in order to make the country 's scientists, engineers were able to share these super computer facilities, NSF established its own based on TCP / IP protocols of computer network NSFnet. The success of the NSFnet in 1990 June completely replaced ARPAnet as a Internet trunk network.
Internet Web is the fastest growing application, the user from less than 4000000 in 1994 to 10000000 in 1995. Web number of stations from 1995 to thirty thousand.
1980年,ARPA投资把TCP/IP 加进UNIX(BSD4.1版本)的内核中,在BSD4.2版本以后,TCP/IP协议即成为UNIX操作系统的标准通信模块。
1982年,Internet由ARPAnet,MILNET等几个计算机网络合并而成. 1983年,ARPAnet分裂为两部分:ARPAnet和纯军事用的MILNET。
这一成功使得NSFnet 于1990年6月彻底取代了ARPAnet而成为Internet的主干网。