外研版高中英语选修7 module2学案

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选修七Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year学案

一.起点分析:This module is closely related to students life, and the content will arouse students attention to read more, because they may like to know more about the senior year. But in this module there are to many new words , which may be difficult for students in understanding.


1. 知识目标:体会和实践表达意见和想法时的语调;

词汇: settle, elect, suit, rent, attract, consider, develop, upset, ability, activity, tradition, luggage, concept, fortnight, course, keen, innocent, worn, etc.

句型:find +宾语+宾补


It’s a pity that…

be likely to do sth.


2. 技能目标:listening for the main ideas;

Talking about American high school life;

Reading for main ideas;

Writing an article about senior high school life.

3. 情感目标: 通过对比不同的校园文化生活,增强大家对校园生活的热爱,掌握谈论学校生活的技巧。



1. 通过一定的阅读练习,运用恰当的阅读策略,提高逻辑思维能力和对比策略,加强对思维方向的自我控制

2. 运用表达思想的表达法进行对话,并且有意识地运用本模块的各种结构。

3. 通过其他资源进一步了解各国中学生的生活,并能运用所学知识写作。


1.That weekend in Venice was definitely the h_______________ of our trip.

2.The lovers promised to be faithful f_______________.

3.She called in the m_______________ to settle the dispute.

4.It‟s getting very c______________ in the car industry.

5.She stood alone on the e________________ stage.

6.They e_______________ him chairman.

短语:回顾,回忆______________________ 玩的开心__________________________ It‟s a great pity that…___________________ be pleased about _________________________ It‟s clear that … _______________________ take a long vacation ________________________ 词汇知识:

1.settle (v.) 解决; 使平静;定居。(n.) _____________________ 解决;处理;协议settle into/in sth. 安顿下来,习惯于settle oneself 舒服地坐下来settle on/over sth. 栖息在……settle a quarrel/an argument 解决争端

settle down 定居;使安静下来It is settled…现在决定……

reach/achieve a settlement 达成协议


翻译:他们决定定居美国。______________________________________________________ 我在去上海之前一定要把事情处理妥当。_____________________________________ before leaving for Shanghai.

鸟栖息于树枝(branch)上。_____________________________________________________ ●Knowing how long the test will last, the students who finished _________ back and waited

until the end of the exam.

A. settle

B. settled

C. settling

D. to settle

2. elect (v.)选举,推选election (n.) 选举

elect sb to sth. 选举某人进入……

elect sb (as) sth某人当选某个职位,通常只为钱不加任何冠词

elect to do sth 选择做某事

●Three yeas later, Tom was elected __________ monitor of our class.

A. a

B. the

C. /

D. an

3. suit (v.) 合适,适合;(n.) 一套衣服(adj.) suitable合适的,适宜的

suit sb. (fine) 很和某人的意

well/best/ideally suited 非常适合(做某事)

suit yourself 随你的便

区别:fit 指形状、大小适合

match 指大小、色调、形状等的搭配,尤指在品质、颜色、设计等方面相当或搭配。

suit 多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。

●The old shirt doesn‟t ___________ me any longer.

●Choose a computer to ________ your particular needs.

●Her shoes _________ her dress; they look very well together

A. suit

B. fit

C. compare

D. match

4. look back at(on/to) ___________________

e.g. I like to look back on my high school days, which were the happiest in my life.

●Generally speaking, students ________ the teachers, who are knowledgeable and patient.

A. look up to

B. look up

C. look into

D. look though

5. It’s a great pity that…很可惜……

It‟s a pity that Jane and George can‟t make it to the party.

a pity to do sth. 很可惜……

What a pity! 真遗憾!

take pity on 怜悯,同情= have pity on sb.

●--We‟re organizing a party next Saturday, and I‟d like you to come.

--___________! I have another one that day. Thank you just the same.

A. Good luck

B. What a pity

C. Never do it again

D. Well done
