
会计学毕业论文外文翻译and Countermeasure of Accounting CausesInformation DistortionHuang Xian LingSchool of Management South-Central University For Nationalities , PR.China, 430074Abstract: In recent years, the accounting information distortion hasaffected social economy order. This article mainly discusses on the causesand countermeasure of accounting information distortion in China.Keywords: Accounting Information Distortion Causes Countermeasure1 IntroductionIn recent years, it happens sometimes that the accounting information distort. It will affect information users such asinvestors and creditors correctly judge and deicide the management of enterprise, result in the national macroeconomic regulation and control and the microscopic policy-making fault, and affect the social economy order normally operate. This article mainly discusses on the causes and countermeasure of accounting information distortion in China.2 The reason of the accounting information distortionThere arevarious reasons of accounting information distortion: the enterprise internal factor and also exterior factor; the objective reason and alsothe subjective reason. Summarily, it mainly has following several points:2.1 The limitation of accountant laws and regulations systemTheaccounting guide line and business accounting system are all the basic standards of accounting work, the concrete prescribe of businessaccounting principles, the accounting service processing method and the accounting information disclosure method and so on. As the basic standardsof accounting work, the limitation of the accounting guide line and business accounting system is reason of accounting information distortion.It mainly displays in: First, the inherent estimate and the specialized judgment of the accounting guide line and business accounting system willcause the accounting information distortion. Second, the flexibility of accounting method may cause the accounting information distortion. Third,the hysteretic quality of the accounting guide line and businessaccounting system will also cause the accounting informationdistortion2.2 The accountancy faultThe accountancy fault refers tounconsciousness fault made in the accountancy as a result of the fault of measure, confirmation, record, report and so on. The accountancy faultis also an important reason of accounting information distortion. It mainly displays in: 1. Understood and applied the accounting guide line and and business business business accounting accounting accounting system system system mistakenly mistakenly mistakenly will will will lead lead lead accounting accountinginformation distortion. In the accounting guide line and businessaccounting system, certain economic work or the phenomenon calculationis compares principled, which calls for appropriate calculation method by purse bearer specialized analysis. If the purse bearer is not certainabout the accounting guide line and business accounting system, he will not account economic work correctly, and then it becomes possible to makedistorted accounting information 2. Unconsciousness fault made in the accountancy leads to accounting information distortion. Even if the accountant can understand and grasp accounting guide line and business accounting system accurately, some mistakes unavoidably in the work willmistake ofcause the accounting information distortion. Such as theaccount category, accountant miscalculation, miss record the business occurred2. 3 Occupational ethics deviatingAccountant occupational ethicsdeviating from the norm refers to accountant lack or lose the professional standard. Since reform and opening-up, the reform of accountant has filledwith vitality and vigor and obtained the huge achievement in our country.But at the same time, original accountant standards encounter serious destruction or the denial by a certain extent, gradually lose restraint of 481 accountant. And form accountant occupational ethics standardauthority losing. In practical work, some accountants fail to resist enticement or the instruction of higher authority, and intentionally manufacture the distorting accounting information seeking the benefit2.4 The imperfect government mechanismAt present, our country has practicedthe market economy system, but in the reality, dislocation mechanism thatthe government manage enterprise extremely was still prevails, andgovernment's behavior was not according to the market economy rule. The government manages enterprise directly in many place, as a result it always leads to a complexion that the leader of enterprise “revolving around government”. Some local government manages the lead leader er ofenterprise by target inspection, responsibility audit, rewards theexcellent and punishes the inferior. But the head of enterprise hide theprofit when getting good benefit, and forge the profit when not achieve the goal in order to go through a strategic pass. As the matter stands, the accounting information inevitably distorts3. The Countermeasure of Accounting Information DistortionThe accounting information is thepublic public product product product and and and influence influence influence widespread, widespread, widespread, the the the user user user of of of which which which is ismultitudinous. Currently, accounting information distortion is tooserious to harness. Generally speaking, it will be resolved from followingseveral aspects:3.1 Standard accounting guide line and strengthen the construction of accounting systemWhen the country formulates accountant criterion andrelated laws and regulations, it should be comprehensively, necessary, prompt and feasibility as possible as we can, normalize the using of uncertainty wording, and gradually accord to international accounting system. When choosing accountant processing method, we should identicallyuse the most effective method as possible as we can, and clear about thesituation and the elastic sector of each processing method. Consummatingthe accounting method, stopping up loophole of the accounting informationdistorts. At the same time, enhancing enterprise internal control systemconstruction, displaying system restraint mechanism, reducing theopportunity of uncertainty and fuzziness3.2 Establishing and perfecting enterprise internal control system Currently the root of many distortingaccounting information depends on insufficient internal control system of enterprise, so that some illegal leader and accountant use the systemloophole to seek the benefit for themselves. The internal control systema complex system involves various departments, various levels, various links in the enterprise, the move of people, property and substance of enterprise and also involves assignment and arrangement of right,responsibility and benefit of enterprise. Therefore, it is important to establish and perfect an effective internal control system, which can guarantee the enterprise property security and integrity, the accountinginformation legitimate and fair and economic work legality, and enhance the management efficiency of the enterprise3.3 Perfecting accountant supervises system, enhancing punishment 1 Establishing accounting managesystem with the central of strengthening the internal management. In orderto establishing a good accountant the foundation of providing the real accounting information, we should enhance internal control, formulate finance finance supervision supervision and and internal internal internal investigation investigation system, system, perfect perfectenterprise interior accounting system, rigorously enforce accountingmain routine, perfect examination and approval system of each kind of property commodity and the financial revenue and expenditure Carrying out the accountant delegate system. Currently many accountants are unableto resist the leader’s instruct and conduct to corrupt practices, mostlybecause their own status and treatment have a very close relation with the the leader's leader's leader's opinion. opinion. opinion. Accountant Accountant Accountant delegate delegate delegate system system system may may may reduce reduce reduce the theattachment of accountant to the leader, thus strengthen accountantsupervise and improves the accounting information quality Chartered accountant should be developed vigorously, enterprise financial report audit verification system should be carrying out comprehensively,unaudited reports are illegally. Simultaneously we should strengthen legal liability surveillance of chartered accountant, urge chartered accountant to raise their occupational ethics level and service quality,clear about legal liability of accounting information examinationverification by chartered accountant, and establish concrete punishment measure for those482 chartered accountant who is derelict of duty or violates the occupational ethics3.4 Consummating employed qualifications system,enhancing enhancing following following following education, education, education, improving improving improving the the the accountant accountant accountant quality qualitycomprehensively Accountant’s quality will not only affec affect tthe effect of carrying out accounting guide line and business accounting system, butalso affects the accountancy quality, therefore, improving the accountant quality is the key of reducing accounting information distorts 1 Enforcing accountant employed qualifications system, enhancing the standard of present accountant employed qualifications. The people provided with corresponding qualifications are able to be engaged in the accountancy. accountancy. Strengthening Strengthening Strengthening accountant accountant accountant ranks ranks ranks from from from the the the source source source 2 Strengthening accountant's concept of legal system and occupationalethics idea. The accountant should be provided with intense sense of responsibility, disciplined and probity while line of duty, and never lose the principle and never scheme the personal gain whatever kind of situationMoreover, accountant must certainly observe accountant occupational ethics standard, namely loves the work, probity andself-discipline, objective fair, conservative secret, honest and keep faith, insistence criterion and enhances skill and so on, they should keeps these standard firmly in mind and the implementation in the routine work 3 Pay special attention to accountant's following education. first,opening up the content of following education, which include management and operation, occupational ethics and finance and economics law and discipline educations besides new accountant criterion and accounting system; second, pay attention to effect and quality of following education,preventing goes through the motions; third, closely unifies following education and professional qualifications management, practicescompulsory following educational system4 ConclusionsIn summary, there are various reasons of accounting information distortion; it will affect the fairness of public wealth assignment, the efficiency of social resources disposition, the establishment of social credit system. Therefore, we must establish and consummates accountant supervise system, establish and perfect enterprise internal control system, further standard standard accountant accountant accountant criterion, criterion, criterion, strengthen strengthen strengthen the the the accounting accounting accounting system system construction, Strengthens the the following following education, improve improve the the accountant’s accountant’s quality quality quality comprehensively. comprehensively. comprehensively. Then Then Then we we can guarantee guarantee the the authenticity, validity and legality of accounting information, and realize the goal of administer accounting information distortionReferences[1] Yang Hong. On the Reason and Countermeasure of Accountant Information Fault. Science &technology information. 2006.4[2]Jiang Yi biao. The formations of accountant information distortion. Finance & Accounting ForCommunications. 2003.2[3]Zhao Jing Ting. the countermeasures of accountant information distortion. Friends of accounting.2006.6[4]Cheng Shao Hua. Interior accounting control and accountingprofessional moral education. FuJian publishing company of Xia Men University. 2004.1 会计信息失真的原因与对策会计信息失真的原因与对策黄贤玲黄贤玲中南民族大学管理学院中南民族大学管理学院,,中国武汉中国武汉 430074 430074摘要摘要::这些年这些年,,会计信息失真已经影响到了社会经济秩序会计信息失真已经影响到了社会经济秩序,,本文主要分析了我国会计信息失真产生的原因国会计信息失真产生的原因,,及其对策。


中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Internal auditing's role in ERMAs organizations lay their enterprise risk groundwork, many auditors are taking on management's oversight responsibilities, new research finds.Internal audit departments have played a variety of roles in their organization's enterprise risk management (ERM) activities since The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO) released its Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework in September 2004. An IIA position paper issued in the wake of COSO ERM, "The Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise-wide Risk Management," indicates the roles that the internal audit function should and should not play throughout the ERM process, ranging from full involvement to no involvement. According to the paper, internal auditors should have a core role in five ERM-related assurance activities: giving assurance on risk management processes, giving assurance that risks are evaluated correctly, evaluating risk managementprocesses, evaluating the reporting of key risks, and reviewing the management of key risks.A recent IIA Research Foundation study examined the extent to which internal audit functions adhere to the ERM roles recommended in the IIA paper. During October 2005, researchers disseminated an online survey to 7,200 IIA members through The Institute's Global Auditing Information Network. The survey generated 361 responses from a mix of large, mid-sized, and small organizations in a variety of industries, including businesses, government agencies, and not for profit organizations. Nearly 60 percent of respondents identified themselves as a chief audit executive or audit director, 23 percent were audit managers, and 7.8 percent were staff or senior auditors. Approximately 90 percent were from the United States and Canada.Respondents' organizations are at different stages of implementing ERM, as defined by COSO. More than 11 percent say their organization's ERM infrastructure is mature or relatively mature, and 37 percent have recently adopted or are in the process of implementing ERM. Among all organizations surveyed, the internal audit function is primarily responsible for ERM-related activities in 36 percent of respondents' organizations, while 27 percent say the primary responsibility belongs to a chief risk officer (CRO) who is not part of the audit function. Nearly one-third of respondents say another executive or function oversees ERM..The hours and dollars internal audit functions spend on ERM-related activities are minimal for many respondents. Nearly half say their audit department spent 10 percent or less of its hourly and financial budgets on ERM-related activities during fiscal year 2004. More than one-third of audit departments spent II percent to 50 percent of their time on ERM, and 28 percent spent n percent to 50 percent of their financial budgets, while less than 10 percent of departments Spent more than 50 percent of their time and money.The IIA position paper categorizes 18 ERM-related activities according to the appropriate level of responsibility for the internal audit function. Survey respondents reported their current and ideal level of responsibility for these activities: no responsibility, limited responsibility, moderate responsibility, substantialresponsibility, and total responsibility.CORE ACTIVITIESDifferences between respondents' current and ideal responsibilities are greatest for the five core ERM assurance activities identified In the IIA paper. Respondents Indicated that their current responsibility for each of the core ERM related activities is moderate, but they say they should have a substantial level of responsibility. These views agree with the IIA guidance. Additionally, roughly half of internal audit functions surveyed currently have substantial or full responsibility for at least one core activity, and more than two-thirds say they should have till or substantial responsibility for at least one core activity.Within the core category, the audit function's two highest levels of current responsibility involve reviewing management of key risks and evaluating the risk management process. Evaluating the risk management process and giving assurance on risk management processes are the highest-rated ideal responsibilities. Conversely, giving assurance that risks are evaluated correctly is the lowest-rated current and ideal responsibility.The following respondent comments offer some insight into why audit departments are not currently involved in core ERM-related activities at the level they deem appropriate;"We have just recently begun implementing ERM activities in our company. We do not yet have complete understanding of the process and buy-in from management.""The audit committee and management are not aware of what ERM is.""The internal audit function has just initiated an awareness campaign among the audit committee members."These comments suggest that educating management and the audit committee on ERM issues can be critical to ensuring that the audit function takes on an appropriate level of responsibility for ERM.LEGITIMATE ACTIVITIESThe IIA paper prescribes seven legitimate ERM-related activities for which internal committee audit functions may be responsible as long as safeguards are inplace: facilitating the identification and evaluation of risks, coaching management in responding to risks, coordinating ERM-related activities, consolidating the reporting on risks, maintaining and developing the ERM framework, championing establishment of ERM, and developing risk management strategy for board approval. These activities are described as "consulting" activities. Although respondents' current responsibility for each of these legitimate activities ranges from limited to moderate, they say their ideal level should be moderate, which is consistent with the guidance.Within the legitimate category, the highest level of current internal audit responsibility involves facilitating the identification and evaluation of risks —the top-rated ERM-related activity, including core activities. This activity is also the highest-rated ideal activity among legitimate activities, suggesting that auditors consider it a core responsibility. This finding is not surprising. because risk detection and evaluation are traditional considerations in developing annual audit plans. The lowest-rated current and ideal activity is developing a risk management strategy for board approval, which is an activity that might best be handled by management.The IIA guidance cautions that when internal auditors undertake these legitimate consulting activities, safeguards should be in place to ensure that they do not take on management responsibility for actually managing risks. One possible preventive measure would include documenting the auditors' ERM responsibilities in an audit committee-approved audit charter. Further, if auditors take on any ERM-related activities that fall within this consulting role, they should treat these engagements as consulting engagements and apply the relevant IIA standards to help ensure their independence and objectivity.INAPPROPRIATE ACTIVITIESAccording to the IIA position paper. It is inappropriate for internal auditors to be responsible for six ERM-related activities: setting the risk appetite, imposing risk management processes, providing management assurance on risks, making decisions on risk responses, implementing risk responses on management's behalf, and having accountability for risk management. Overall, audit functions in the survey have greater responsibility for these activities than the IIA paper recommends. However,auditors say they should have some limited responsibility for the inappropriate activities.Within the inappropriate category, internal auditors' highest level of current and ideal responsibility is providing management assurance on risks, while their lowest level of responsibility is for setting the risk appetite. Respondents' comments suggest that auditors currently have greater responsibilities in these areas because the audit function is playing a leading role during the early stages of ERM development.ORGANIZATIONAL CHARACTERISTICSThe perceived current and ideal FRM roles for the internal audit function may vary across organizations, depending on the organization's industry, size, and audit department size, as well as the firm's need to comply with the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.INDUSTRY Respondents work in a variety of sectors, including financial services, manufacturing, transportation, communications, utilities, health care, retail and wholesale, government, and education. Researchers compared responses from the two largest industry groups: financial services and manufacturing. On average, financial service industry audit departments have greater current responsibility for core activities than those from manufacturing. With respect to inappropriate activities, manufacturing audit departments tend to say their ideal involvement should be higher than their current responsibility, while financial service industry audit departments rate their current and ideal responsibilities at the same level.ORGANIZATION SIZE Approximately half of respondents work in organizations that had 2004 revenues between US $500 million and US $5 billion. Nearly 25 percent of respondents work in organizations that had revenues under US $500 million in 2004, while a similar number of respondents work in organizations that had more than US $5 billion in revenue that year. Researchers compared responses from organizations with revenues of less than US $1 billion with organizations with revenues greater than US $1 billion. On average, auditors from both types of organizations have relatively equal levels of responsibility for current core activities. However, smaller organizations rated their ideal involvement for thesecore activities higher than large organizations. Smaller organizations have a slightly higher current level of responsibility for inappropriate activities than larger organizations and say their ideal involvement in these areas should be higher.AUDIT STAFF SIZE More than half of respondents work in audit departments with 10 or fewer auditors, slightly more than one-quarter work in departments with between 11 and 50 auditors, and approximately one-tenth of respondents work in departments with more than 50 auditors. Internal audit functions with more than 10 auditors currently have somewhat more responsibility for core activities than audit departments with 10 or fewer auditors. Both large and small audit functions have roughly equal levels of responsibility for all other ERM-related activities. However, unlike large audit organizations, respondents from small audit departments want to have more responsibility for activities in the inappropriate category.SARBANES-OXLEY Most respondents' organizations are required to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404. Researchers found few differences between those organizations and respondents from organizations that do not have to comply with the act. The primary difference related to core activities, where compliers report a higher level of current responsibility than non-compliers.Although the IIA guidance is equally applicable to all organizations, the research indicates that smaller internal audit departments and those from smaller organizations tend to take on ERM responsibilities that would be more appropriate for management. In these cases, internal auditing should work to develop an ERM implementation and maintenance plan that includes a stratcgy and timeline for migrating responsibilities for these activities to managementTHE AUDITOR'S ROLEAlthough the survey results suggest that the current levels of responsibility audit departments have may differ somewhat from that levels recommended by The IIA'S position paper, the respondents' comments offer some evidence that auditors understand the underlying concepts of the guidance:"There needs to be a shift in the 'doing' of the ERM to being an internal audit function that relies on and evaluates the ERM process. ERM should be in sync withthe audit universe and plan,""In the past i8 months, the corporation has appointed a CRO to provide oversight and guidance to evolving ERM processes. During this period, much of internal auditing's previous ERM roles have migrated to this officer." More importantly, respondents identified significant barriers in their organizations to following the guidance:"These ERM responsibilities and processes are not well defined in many organizations and should be more clearly articulated by senior management."'There is not enough emphasis from the top that risk management is important and must be done effectively. Management is still trying to hide things from internal auditing. It's not them against us, we're all in it together.""Most auditors and enterprise managers lack clarity on the distinction between responsibility for risk assurance implementation versus responsibility for risk assurance compliance and monitoring."These comments stress that a key element to establishing a successful ERM program is education on the importance of ERM and the appropriate roles management and internal auditing have in the process. Internal auditors can play a key role in providing this education. The audit department, management, hoard of directors, and audit committee need to be clear about which ERM related activities internal auditors should perform and which activities should always be performed by management. Relevant training should highlight that internal auditing could serve in a monitoring or consulting role throughout much of the ERM process, but the formal decision-making authority must reside with management if the audit department is to maintain its independence and objectivity.Auditors should take steps to ensure that the board and audit committee are aware of the COSO ERM framework and are actively engaged in overseeing the ERM process. Additionally, auditors should consider training senior management, the board, and others throughout their organization on COSO ERM and related guidance.Responses to the survey provide useful insights into additional steps that the internal audit profession should take. Auditors whose organizations are in the earlystages of adopting ERM or will be implementing ERM in the future have many opportunities to ensure that the process is effective and efficient. For example, audit departments that currendy perform ERM-related activities that should be management's responsibility can take proactive steps to open up the lines of communication between internal auditing and management, the board and audit committee, and external auditors about the risks of this situation. Such communication should encourage management to take on appropriate ERM responsibilities. One approach audit departments could take is to develop a business plan describing how management can assume responsibility for ERM related activities for which they should be accountable. However, internal auditors should recognize that completing this plan and convincing management to accept these ERM responsibilities might not occur quickly.With appropriate planning, communication, and education, internal auditors, management, the board, and external auditors should be ready to work together to achieve the many benefits of ERM. Ideally, this coordination will result in performing ERM-related activities at appropriate places within the organization, management accepting its responsibility for ERM, and that audit function playing a role that is consistent with appropriate professional guidance.译文:内部审计在企业风险管理中的作用新的研究发现:随着企业以组织风险为基础,许多审计人员对管理层采取职责监督措施。

文献信息:文献标题:New Product Development, Accounting Information, and Internal Audits: A Proposed Integrative Framework(新产品开发,会计信息和内部审计:一个拟议的综合框架)国外作者:Kanyamon Wittayapoom文献出处:《Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences》, 2014, 148(148):307-314字数统计:英文3375单词,19083字符;中文6023汉字外文文献:New Product Development, Accounting Information, andInternal Audits: A Proposed Integrative Framework Abstract Innovation activities and processes of an organization have been given considerable attention within the past decade by both managers and academics. The new product development (NPD) process is a critical innovation process that has been explored from different functional perspectives, such as marketing, engineering, finance and manufacturing, due to its interfunctional nature. As new product failure rates continue to remain high, management control systems have become an important issue. While perceptions of the ‘intervention’ of accounting practices in business processes have been widely regarded as unwelcome constraints on innovation (e.g. R&D), the view taken here is that accounting, particularly the tasks of auditing, becomes an integral internal information generating activity that enhances, rather than constrains, the NPD process and ultimately overall NPD team performance. The purpose of this paper is to identify and explain accounting information and accounting audit tasks that are essential for efficient execution of the NPD process. In doing so, a conceptual framework is presented, which integrates accounting information andpractices into the NPD process. Moreover, it is argued that the extent to which accounting information is actually utilized as part of the NPD process has an influence on the performance outcomes of the NPD process. Theoretical and practical contributions, as well as suggestions for future research are also discussed.Keywords: New product development; accounting information; accounting audit; team performance1.IntroductionNew product development (NPD) is an important process for a firm’s mar keting team to launch a meaningful innovative product (Racela, O. C., Chaikittisilpa. C., & Thoumrungroje, A. 2010), as an important potential source for competitive advantage (Sheng, S., Zhou, K. Z., & Lessassy, L. 2012), and for cross-functional integration within the organization. The NPD process requires organization resources to create new products with adaptations to interfunctional activity. As failure rates of new products continue to remain high, management control systems have become an important issue in NPD order to exploit new market opportunities and sustain firm profitability (Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wierenga, B. 2008). The more common management and marketing control systems are often ineffective and an internal audit may prove more useful activities (e.g. cost and financial budgetary into development process within NPD process) as a means of enhancing the NPD process and NPD team performance (Brownlie, D. 1996).A generic NPD process may have five stages including: 1) opportunity identification selection, which involves gathering preliminary information to assess risk and opportunity of a need in the marketplace that can be filled by a new product, 2) concept generation, that involves the generation of ideas for product innovation, 3) concept evaluation, which requires systematic procedures to rate and rank different concepts, 4) development, which implements both technical design and marketing strategy planning, and 5) launch, which is the execution of the marketing plan. During each of these NPD stages, accounting information and accounting audits are crucial in facilitating effective NPD team output and product design.While accounting practices have been widely regarded as unwelcome constraints on innovation (Song, M., & Montoya-Weiss, M. M. 2001, Clark., Kim, B. & Fujimoto, T. 1991), an internal audit process is critical to improve programs that are aimed at reducing error or fraud, to design and control resource allocation, and to evaluate organizational performance in order to reduce non-value adding activities (Sisaye, S. 1999) of the NPD process. Hence, the NPD process is relevant to all kinds of functions within organization, e.g. project management to organize the control system of NPD, the information technology (IT) team to implement and prepare needed software applications and systems, accounting information to estimate budgets, internal audits to control and appropriate approvals, which means organizations must adopt proper strategies to reduce unnecessary costs (Yang, L-R. 2012).According to organization theory, product team performance enhances the application of knowledge that is needed for the creation of innovative ideas for NPD (Ju, T. L., Li, C. Y., & Lee, T. S. 2006). From a resource-based view, organizational knowledge and expertise are valuable, rare, and non-substitutable resources. Different sources of knowledge, particularly from accounting information and internal audits, become a valuable means to achieve competitive advantage (Barney, J. B. 1991). The NPD process integrates different knowledge and perspectives from different functions (Poon, J. P. H. & MacPherson, A. 2005), thus applying tacit knowledge and codified knowledge of the organization (Boer, M. D., & Bosch, V. D. 1999).The purpose of this paper is to explore and discuss accounting information and accounting audit task that are essential for efficiency execution of the NPD process and better NPD team performance. In this paper, NPD team performance refers to effectiveness, efficiency, and economy based on NPD teamwork. The highlight of this paper is that it attempts to integrate accounting information and practices into the NPD process, particularly the tasks of auditing, and suggests that such information generating activities enhance, rather than constrains, the NPD process and ultimately overall NPD team performance. Moreover, it is argued that the extent to which accounting information is actually utilized as part of the NPD process has an influence on the performance outcomes of the NPD process.2.Theoretical FrameworkTo expand the conceptualization of the NPD process in order to integrate accounting information and internal audits, the relationships among concepts are based on the theoretical underpinnings of the resources-based view of the firm (RBV) and contingency theory. RBV posits that different resources within the organization, like those in marketing, human resource, accounting and financial management are deployed to execute processes, including the execution of the NPD stages (Morgan, N.A., Clark,B. H., & Gooner, R. 2002, Wernerfelt, B. 1984). NPD resources can include accounting knowledge and internal audits that the NPD team uses to learn and support part of NPD process (Durmuşoğlu, S. S., & Barczak, G. 2011) because the new product team relies on a variety of knowledge from different functions in order to proceed effectively through the NPD process. Therefore, accounting information and internal audits can be regarded as information that are used to facilitate knowledge creation in a NPD process.In general, the sources of knowledge, particularly accounting information, can help NPD team members to improve their contributions to NPD and to the team. Within organizations, knowledge from different sources may be necessary, thus the transferring and sharing of knowledge and practices within and between organizational units is related to the resource-based view of the firm (RBV). To explain the existence of knowledge, such as in project management, IT management, or accounting management in NPD processes, knowledge of and from the NPD process includes the management of different resources and considerations such as scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication risk, or procurement. RBV, which was initially established in organizational studies and widely used in the field of strategic management, helps to understand the internal resources of an organization that can be deployed to achieve a competitive advantage (Grant, R. M. 1996). Such resources include organizational processes, knowledge, and know-how from both tacit and codified knowledge from the organization and employees, which is regarded as tangible and intangible assets. Within the RBV, the different sources of knowledgecan help the organization to formulate strategy and to generate competitive advantage (Kaleka, A. 2002) to achieve superior marketing outcomes (McGrath, R. MacMillan, I. & Venkatraman, S. 1994) and team performance. Because innovation activities and processes of an organization have been given considerable attention, the new product development (NPD) process is considered a critical innovation process that has been explored from different functional perspectives. Therefore, sources of knowledge from different functional units within an organization are necessary. The NPD team needs a variety of knowledge and know-how from each professional function in order to reduce new product failure rates. The NPD team also needs a high degree of knowledge sharing from NPD team members. Hence, the sources of accounting knowledge practices and knowledge-sharing in business processes have been widely regarded, as the tasks of auditing become an integral internal information generating activity to enhance, rather than constrain, the NPD process and ultimately overall NPD team performance.Contingency theory argues that organizational behaviors and performance depends on contextual factors (McAdam, R. & McClelland, J. 2002) and suggests that organizational effectiveness is related to corporate characteristics (Chenhall, R. H., 2003). In academic studies, the literature in marketing management, accounting management, and internal auditing shows very little attention given to the role of contingencies within organizations (Morgan, N. A., Clark, B. H., & Gooner, R. 2002). To enhance the likelihood of new product success, management control systems have been adopted to align accounting information and internal audits to NPD. Therefore, in this paper, contingency theory explains how different contexts of internal audit activities influence the NPD process and NPD team performance (Chapman, R. & Hyland, P. 2004). The conceptual model is presented in figure 1.3.Conceptual and Proposition3.1.Sources of Accounting Knowledge and NPD ProcessIn this paper, ‘source of knowledge’refers to the relevant tacit and codified knowledge within an organization and used by organizational members. Sources of knowledge can come from all organizational functions. Accounting knowledge can be considered a source of knowledge that is very important for organizational strategy and management and which is critical to realize improvements in the NPD process (Jørgensen, B. & Messner, M. 2010).Tacit knowledge can be described as knowledge that cannot be easily articulated verbally and is therefore difficult to transfer to or to be understood by another person.Because of this difficulty, tacit knowledge is difficult to imitate and replicate and iseasier to protect (Saarenketo, S., Puumalainen, K., Kuivalainen, O., & Kylaheiko, K. 2004). For instance, a person’s ability that has developed over time through the accumulation of knowledge and gained through practical experience, are often considered forms of tacit knowledge.Tacit knowledge can be better understood by others or groups who are well versed in the particular subject matter and with the language that describes the information, such as a groups of practitioners or professionals of a field (Nightingale, O. 1998). Tacit knowledge also includes knowledge that is embedded in social networks that contains a higher tacit content due to the major mechanism of transferring is rooted in individuals or groups who are necessary for carrying out tasks and processes within the organization. Thus, tacit knowledge from different areas of the organization are necessary for the NPD process whereby the NPD team’s abilities, including those related to accounting and internal auditing, can be a valuable source of knowledge (Chen, S. 2005).Codified knowledge is organized around procedures, properties, facts or axiomatic proposition, transferred via teaching, and interpersonal interaction (Edmonson, A., Winslow, A. B., Bohmer, R. M. J., & Pisano, G. P. 2003). The use of codified knowledge allows persons to increase their knowledge, increase the quantity of information exchanged, clarify information content, and to reduce uncertainty in information sharing. Accounting is considered a main source of codified knowledge. Use of such knowledge also applies within the NPD process, as codified knowledge of accounting information is embedded in the product design (Carbonara, N., & Scozzi, B. 2006). Accounting information can be used to provide direction to the NPD team and in their formulation of strategies for NPD. For instance, knowing and understanding the product’s contribution margins ma y help the NPD team better coordinate proposed production schedules for a new product that will be added to a firm’s current product line. Therefore, based on the tacit and codified knowledge of accounting information, the following proposition is given:Proposition 1: Sources of accounting knowledge enhances the NPD process and NPD team performance.3.2.Internal Audits, NPD Process, Team PerformanceIn recent years, organizations continue to seek ways to improve their NPD process (e.g. reduced cost, and budget) and increase NPD team performance (e.g. effectiveness, efficiency, and economy of product quality). Management control systems are important to ensure better organizational performance (Jaworski, B. J. 1988). NPD team performance is essential for the execution of an efficient NPD process and activities. The NPD team must be comprised of a variety of skills and competence from members of different functions who can bring to the team different knowledge. The concept of internal audit can be useful for NPD team to organize NPD process such as risk assessment, control quality, or managing the team performance.In general terms, an internal audit is the process to examine, monitor, and analyze organizational activities in order to review what the firm is doing in order to assess its health and profitability, identify potential threats, and to advise on ways to mitigate risk of those threats in order to minimize costs. The internal audit is a part of the firm’s administrative structure and involves the tasks of audit planning, audit executing, and audit reporting with an emphasis on accounting information. As already mentioned, internal audit tasks can be related to the stages of the NPD process. The three distinct roles of the internal audit process are:•aud it planning, which involves the collection of preliminary information, the identification and evaluation of risk , and the review of sufficient and appropriate internal controls;•audit execution, which involves checking whether there is appropriate and sufficient audit evidence, selecting an audit sampling technique to collect information for analysis, choosing a number of audit techniques to apply, and documenting the audit; and•audit report, which involves communicating and disseminating information of the new product and the NPD process with which due diligence.From this internal audit process, the NPD team stays informed of the financial aspects of the NPD process and can apply such knowledge in subsequent NPD stages.Given the importance of the NPD process, an internal audit process can be implemented at each stage of the NPD. In the first stage of the NPD process, i.e. opportunity identification and screening of generated concepts, the launch of an internal audit project may appear as a set of key components which includes a plan to conduct the internal audit, with the aim to understand the NPD process and to know how the NPD team identifies market opportunities and how the team evaluates ideas/concepts for further consideration. The audit planning should arise from discussions between members of the NPD team in order to get ‘the big picture’ of the broad context of opportunities for new product development (Stewart, D. W. 2009). Based on this, the internal auditor in the NPD team should:•gather preli minary information by documenting the internal control environment and to obtain information and feedback from NPD team members;•evaluate potential risk related to the NPD process, define performance outcomes that will be used to assess NPD process success, and propose ways to decrease risk; and•conduct an internal control of all stages of the NPD process.Hence, the NPD team, particularly the internal auditor works from preliminary information gathering, risk evaluation, and internal control by making inquiries and reviewing information from interviews, questionnaires, and/or observations of the NPD process activities so that an audit program can be established.Second, when the NPD team evaluates concepts that can be pursued for further development, an internal audit would involve determining a formal audit objective directed at the NPD process and to review NPD team performance and to determine NPD activities that would support the audit objective. The NPD team would need to decide what appropriate information and tools are necessary for NPD (Buyukozkan, G. & Feyzioglu, O. 2004). In essence, for the NPD stage of concept evaluation, the audit activities could include:•ensuring there is appropriate and sufficient audit evidence, which requires the NPD team to collect and maintain documentation to support the internal audit objective and to ensure that documents are appropriate in terms of (i.e. quality andreliability) and sufficient (i.e. quantity) for analysis;•implementing an audit sampling technique w here the NPD team decides which audit sampling technique should be used as a tool for gathering sufficient information (e.g., probability sampling technique or non-probability sampling technique)•adopting several audit techniques in order to test intern al controls, and monitor data assurance, whereby the internal auditor in the NPD team would make inquiries and data from questionnaires, observation or other analytical procedures in order to ensure the NPD process is accurate; and•conducting‘audit’ paperwork with due diligence with the internal auditor of the NPD team applying ‘bookkeeping’ practices of their audit into formal documentation, ensuring accurate information. Due diligence also requires sufficient internal audit skills for the audit results to be given as a recommendation to the NPD team as a formal audit report.Finally, at the last stage of the NPD process, when the new product is ready for launch into the market, the launch should also be communicated within the organization as well as to selected target markets. Similar to the internal audit, after audit team analyzed the process of new product to ensure that NPD process is completed influence to team performance, internal auditor within NPD team should prepare an audit report. The audit reporting generated by the accounting information system on which analyzed the material errors, omissions, and fraud (Chan, D. Y. & Vasarhely, M. A. 2011). While the NPD team ensures that the process of new product system is educate and total quality assurance by internal control system. The total quality assurance refers to NPD team, particularly internal auditor to collections and gathers all activities of NPD process to facilitate the quality control as an internal audit portfolio. Therefore, the following proposition is given:Proposition 2: Internal audit of the NPD process enhances the NPD process and NPD team performance.3.3.Sharing of Accounting InformationAccounting information refers to information from financial statements that are generated from traditional ‘book- keeping’ and which are used for decision-making.While for the most part, accounting information is typically associated with clear and easily understood accounting ratios, it also includes qualitative information such as in the interpretations, implications, and economic consequences of trends and patterns (i.e., costs, expenditures, returns on investments, etc.) not easily detected from financial statements of one reporting period. Information sharing is an important factor that may moderate the influence of sources of accounting knowledge on the NPD process (Song, M., & Thieme, R. J. 2006). This is because the NPD process relies on information (e.g. upgrade product design efficiency) (Venkatasubramanian, V., Zhao, et al 2006) and is a foundation for collaborative NPD design (Kim, K.Y., Manley, D. G., & Yang, H. 2006, Zhanga, S., Shen, W., & Ghenniwa, H. 2004). As part of the NPD process, the internal audit generally is concerned with knowledge from several different functional units, and as such, the NPD team must adapt this shared information to reduce communication error (i.e. tacit and codified knowledge). Thus with improved quality of communication, the sharing of accounting information should enhance the NPD process and NPD team performance (Merminod, V., & Rowe.F. 2012). Therefore, the following proposition is given:Proposition 3: Greater sharing of accounting information within the organization and within the NPD team strengthens the influence of accounting knowledge on the NPD process and NPD team performance4.Implications and ConclusionThis paper discusses the NPD process, accounting knowledge, internal audits, and accounting information and posits that the NPD process can be enhanced through greater use of accounting knowledge and particularly the tasks of auditing. Moreover, greater use and sharing of accounting information as part of the NPD process enhances accounting’s role on the performance outcomes of the NPD process. In this paper, perspectives from RBV and contingency theory are applied to develop and propose a conceptual framework for the posited relationships among constructs. Therefore, this paper makes a theoretical contribution to the areas of knowledge as a resource and postulates that the NPD process needs accounting knowledge and thesharing of information by accounting professionals. This paper also offers managerial implications, since management and NPD team members must understand the need to for control systems to improve NPD and NPD team performance.This paper proposed a conceptual framework that integrates theories and concepts and therefore, future research is needed to conduct empirical analysis to test the posited relationships.中文译文:新产品开发,会计信息和内部审计:一个拟议的综合框架摘要在过去十年中,一个组织的创新活动和过程受到管理者和学术界的相当大的重视。

附录A:internal control systeminternal control the management of internal checking, with the development of society has put forward the accounting control, management control, internal control structure, internal control integrated framework, internal control risk management framework, concepts.1.internal checkingas recorded in the historical books, as early as in the year before 3600 left and right of the Mesopotamia Cultural period, which, at that time was extremely simple financial management activities, the author requested the money to be paid for by money payment list, and by another record will be the inventory reconciliation and summary reports; and in ancient Egypt, the oversight officer of the institution; and the ancient Roman Empire of the royal treasury, there has been a double account; my Western Zhou period there have been "a bit financial access, the tree, the eyes and ears had been chapter." The period during the Song dynasty in the main library and 3 in the easy. All of these are internal checking of the application. Therefore, internal checking a person is not safe disposal account, and another person cannot be independent of the control system, that is to say it must be two employees of mutual restraint and mutual inspection. internal checking the implementation of the system is to two is of universal significance of the basic assumption that: One is two or more than two persons or departments inadvertently committing the same the possibility of errors is very small, 2 is two or more than two persons or departments of conscious collusion collusion and fraud of possibilities is far lower than a single individual or department for fraud. As part of its internal control, internal checking requirements in management, all the assets and cash and cash equivalents of receipt and payment, clearing and its registration, it should be by two or more people to deal with, in order to check each other, and troubleshooting the disadvantages.2.internal control systemwith the industrial revolution, the AB, the market competition is becoming increasingly intense, the original simple internal checking system gradually by individual economic control to all economic activities. The United States registered accounting belonging to the Association of the audit procedures in the 1958 release of the 29 audit procedures bulletin the independent auditors evaluating internal control of the internal accounting controls, in the internal control in the internalaccounting control", and "internal management control, and the internal accounting control" is defined as: "The security of property and the accuracy of the accounting records, and reliability with direct contact of the methods and procedures. internal accounting control, including the authorization and approval system, the financial assets of the physical control; accounting and preparation of financial statements, their property assets, and other on-the-job separation; as well as the internal audit and control.In 1972, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in the Auditing Standards Bulletin No. 1 in accounting control and management control of the definition of a re-specification. The notice pointed out that the accounting control plans and procedures, in order to safeguard assets and financial data for reliability, and for the following points provide reasonable assurance that: 1. Implementation of the economic business must meet the level of a general authorization or special authorization requirements; 2. Record economic business must, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or other criteria based on financial statements, and the protection of assets; 3. To access assets, must be approved by the senior management; 4. accounting personnel must be in a certain interval period, the assets of the account number for the amount and the physical assets of the number and amount in the inventory stock, once it is found that difference, it is timely to take effective measures to remedy the situation. In 1973, the Auditing Standards Bulletin No. 1 of the amendment, it is necessary to further improve the accounting control of the definition and scope.3 internal control structure80's of the 20th Century, Western auditors gradually believe that internal control should be the focus of the internal control structure. In 1988 the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in the audit guidelines Bulletin No. 55 of the notice stated that: "The Enterprise Internal control structures, including the provision to meet enterprise-specific goals and establish the norms and procedures. Notice of the internal control structure of the 3 elements, namely the control environment, the accounting system and control procedures. control environment, including the establishment of, and the strengthening or weakening of specific policies and procedures that affect various factors; accounting system provides the economic business identification, analysis, classification, and registration, as well as a report of the method, at the same time it made clear the assets and liabilities of the operational and management responsibilities; and control procedures wherebymanagement guidelines and procedures, with a view to achieving a certain goal. internal control structure, there are no longer clear distinction between accounting control and management control, and the content and scope has expanded to include more management control of the content. The salient features of which are the control environment, the elements, and stressed that the management of internal control of the attitudes, awareness and behavior, and control of their environment, lease, and that these factors is to achieve control objectives of the environment that requires auditors to assess the risks involved, in addition to our concern about accounting system and control procedures, it is responsible for the internal and external environment for evaluation. From the accounting control" and "management control" of the case, and that the internal control structure of the building, so that internal control has expanded the scope and content, and, more importantly, from a single policy and procedural changes to the 3 elements of build Chongqing people have learned, + thesis into the "structure" in order to bring about the internal control of the heat sink to the system of change and development. This shift also led the internal control from the technology-oriented enterprise to guide development.4 internal control the overall research frameworkto the 1990s, in order to curb the ever fiercer accounting fraud activities, 1992 COSO Committee published the internal control integrated framework report, as a result of the 1994 revision, and the internal control is defined as: "The internal control is a business by the Board, the management and other staff, the management layer is designed to achieve the following objectives and provide reasonable assurance that the process: Improve business performance and efficiency, and ensure that the financial reporting reliable and relevant laws are followed. Report and the internal control of the "3 elements" to "5 elements, namely control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. Since then, internal control into the overall framework of the era. COSO consolidation of the internal control framework emphasized the following concepts: the first, internal control is a long-term process that is used to achieve the purpose of the tool, and not an end in itself; its 2, internal control is in the organization at every level of staff, and is not simply a policy, the manual and a table; its 3, the internal control of the board of directors and management to provide reasonable assurance that, rather than an absolute guarantee of its 4, the internal control by adjusting to achieve one or more independent, but there are cross-cuttingobjectives.5 risk-management frameworksince the start of the 21st century, there have been a few major events, in particular, the Enron bankruptcy, WorldCom's scandal and Xerox's take account of events, the heavy blow to the investor confidence in capital markets. Based on this, and in 2004 for the month of September, the Commission COSO published the enterprise risk management framework, the constructor has an internal risk control framework, internal control of 4 goals and 8 major elements. 4 goals, strategic objectives, operational objectives, objective of the report and the legitimacy of target. 8 elements, respectively, to control the environment, goals, risk identification, risk assessment, risk response, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. The report also pointed out that the risk to the business management is a process, and it is composed of a main body of the board of directors and management, as well as all of the other employees, and to the specified strategic and cross-cutting the enterprise production and management, and is designed to identify and assess the possible impact that the principal objectives of the potential issues and risk management, and to make it to the main goal of providing a risk capacity within reasonable assurance.The COSO for the enterprise risk management" concept of the State, has a strong emphasis on the following concepts: A. enterprise risk management is a process, and it flows to the business; B. enterprise risk management is applied to develop a strategy for the entire process; C. enterprise risk management is in the organization at all levels of all staff in the implementation of the; D. enterprise risk management throughout the business, at all levels and units, including the Enterprise at all levels of the risk portfolio;E. enterprise risk management to identify any in the event of a may affect business operations and production potential, and the risk to control the inclusion of risk capacity; F. enterprise risk management will be able to provide a corporate board and management to provide reasonable assurance that; G Enterprise Risk Management's goal was to achieve one or more different types, but also cross-cutting goals.附录B:内部控制制度发展内部控制源于企业管理的内部牵制,随着社会的发展先后提出了会计控制、管理控制、内部控制结构、内部控制整合框架、内部控制风险管理框架等概念。

一份1988 年国际会计师协会英国协会的研究报告就致力与研究内部审计作用价值中高级管理层和外部审计员的认知力。
在这项研究里,它强调了确保内部审计工作应遵从 SPP IA 的必要性。
在美国,1988 的A lbrec hta 研究过内部审计的地位和作用,还为了能有效的评估内部审计的效率特别制定出一套框架。
在英国,1997年,Ri dley和D’S ilva证明遵循专业标准的重要性是促进内部审计职能增值功能的最重要的因素。
遵循 SPPI A大量的研究都特别专注于内部审计部门对于 SPPI A 遵从性的研究。
1992 年,Powe ll et al 对11 个国家的国际会计师协会的成员进行了一项全球性的调查以证明是否有全球性的内部审计文化。
有他们发现对这11 个国家的国际会计师协会成员的调查中, 82的是遵循S PPIA的。
这个蛮高的百分比率促使学者们建议S PPIA提供内部审计这个职业全球化的证据。


会计内部控制中英文对照外文翻译文献会计内部控制中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)内部控制系统披露—一种可替代的管理机制根据代理理论,各种治理机制减少了投资者和管理者之间的代理问题(Jensen and Meckling,1976; Gillan,2006)。
内部机制包括董事会及其作用、结构和组成(Fama,1980;Fama and Jensen,1983),管理股权(Jensen and Meckling,1976)和激励措施,起监督作用的大股东(Demsetz and Lehn,1985),内部控制系统(Bushman and Smith,2001),规章制度和章程条款(反收购措施)和使用的债务融资(杰森,1993)。
外部控制是由公司控制权市场(Grossman and Hart,1980)、劳动力管理市场(Fama,1980)和产品市场(哈特,1983)施加的控制。
尽管有其相关性,但投资者不能直接观察,因此也无法得到内部控制系统设计和发挥功能的信息,因为它们都是组织内的内在机制、活动和过程(Deumes and Knechel,2008)。
由于投资者考虑到成本维持监控管理其声称的(Jensen and Meckling,1976),内部控制系统在管理激励信息沟通上的特性,以告知投资者内部控制系统的有效性,是当其他监控机制(该公司的股权结构和董事会)比较薄弱,从而为其提供便捷的监控(Leftwich et等,1981)。

在英国,1997年,Ridley 和D’Silva证明遵循专业标准的重要性是促进内部审计职能增值功能的最重要的因素。
1992年,Powell et al对11个国家的国际会计师协会的成员进行了一项全球性的调查以证明是否有全球性的内部审计文化。
Abdulrahman A. M. Al-Twaijry, John A. Brierley and David R. Gwilliam* Internal Audit Research1981年,Clark et al发现内部审计部门的独立性和内部审计人员所做报告的权威性是影响他们工作客观性的最至关重要的两个因素。

Ethical Aspects of Internal AuditingAsher FriedbergABSTRACTThis article is intended to emphasize several ethical issues relating to the activities of the internal auditor. The points of view expressed relate mainly to the public sector of Israel. Beyond the discussion of the specific issues against its unique Israeli background (Internal Audit Law), the discussion throws light on general problems that have not yet been solved.Internal audit began in the United States in the early Forties. The initial period was characterized by rapid and multifaceted growth in both the public and the private sectors, accompanied by failures, difficulties, and problems in many areas of management, particularly supervision and control. The situation required internal frameworks for examination and evaluation to aid management to accomplish its aims efficiently, improve administrative procedures, and safeguard organizational assets. A new function rapidly developed that the twenty-five “fathers” of the profession, who fir st convened in the United States in 1941, called “internal audit” (Brink and Witt, 1982).Asher Friedberg is Senior Lecturer in Auditing at Haifa University and Head of its graduate program in Public and Internal Audit. He holds an MSc. Soc. and Ph.D. and CIA certification. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Internal Auditor and is the Editor of the Israel Internal Auditor. He is a member of the research team of the Israel State Comptroller’s Office which edited the State Audit and Accountability (1991) and Studies in State Audit (1995). His articles have appeared in the International Journal of Government Auditing, Asian Journal of Government Audit, International Journal of Public Administration and Public Budgeting and Finance.The main impetus for the field of internal audit came from the United States. The American Institute of Internal Auditors defines the nature of internal auditing as an independent appraisal activity established within an organization as a service tothe organization. It is a control which functions by examining and evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of other controls (Statement of Responsibilities of Internal Auditing, 1981). That definition is more or less accepted today by all those working in the field.In order to identify the role and characteristics of internal audit in the management framework and to distinguish between different types of audit (e.g., public audit), experts have suggested a number of criteria such as: source of authority; degree of independence; lines of command; practical application; and the compass of the audited organization. Students of the field have also suggested a number of models for examining some of these criteria, e.g., the degree of independence (Friedberg, 1987). It is clear that we are dealing with a rapidly developing function which is becoming increasingly professionalized in many countries, both in the public and private sectors. Parallel to this development has been the recognition, at various echelons of judicial and governmental agencies, of the need to establish this function. It should be emphasized that Israel marked a milestone in the institutionalization of this function when it passed the Internal Audit Law of 1992. This law is unique and without parallel in other countries.In terms of institutionalization, the profession of internal audit is still young and its rate of development has not been uniform. Topics relating to the source of authority, independence, lines of command, and boundaries, present significant difficulties for anyone who wants to sketch the characteristics of internal audit, both on the international scene and on the Israeli scene. One of the main difficulties relates to the ethical underpinnings of internal audit.Surprisingly, professional literature dealing with internal audit has little to say on this aspect (Dittenhoffer and Klemm, 1983, p. 11). The pace of establishing clear, uniform, and institutionalized codes of professional ethics, both at the international level and in particular countries is a factor of the ongoing processes of development in this nascent profession. It has even been said that, given the great differences in responsibility granted internal audit in various organizations, there is no possibility of establishing a single code of ethics for the profession (Sawyer, 1988, pp. 58–59). Of 20 monographs published by the Research Foundation of the American Institute of Internal Auditors between 1983 and 1992, only one deals directly with the ethics of the internal auditor. The monograph evaluated the attitude of internal auditors to twenty different ethical issues (Dittenhoffer and Klemm, 1983, pp. 11–24). The findings of the monograph were reexamined ten years later (Dittenhoffer and Sennetti, 1994, p. vii). The scholars have found that there have been changes in attitudes of internal auditors towards ethical aspects of the profession, most of them positive. Another publication dealt with the development of a code of behavior for the internal auditor (Moore and Dittenhoffer, 1992).On December 13, 1968, the American Institute of Internal Auditors adopted a general code of ethics for all its members. It was updated in 1988. The code demands honesty, objectivity and industry in the performance of duties and the fulfillment of responsibilities; loyalty to the employer (however, members of the Institute may not knowingly participate in any illegal or improper behavior); abstention from any conflict of interest with the employer or from impairment of their objectivity; no acceptance of gifts from workers, customers, or clients; caution in the use of information and refraining from utilizing it for personal benefit; reliance on facts when carrying out audit and adopting positions or making evaluations; constant striving for professionalism and work effectiveness; upholding the regulations of the institute, its purposes and guidelines.The ethical code and writ of authority of the internal auditor are discussed in the professional literature (such as: Brink and Witt, 1982; Sawyer, 1988; Ratliff et al., 1992). The American Institute of Internal Auditors published an ethical codein 1981 when they first granted the title “CIA” (Certified Internal Auditor) to those who successfully passed the examinations to hold that title (Sawyer, 1988, p. 57). Th e role of the code of ethics for CIA‟s was examined by scholars at thebeginning and in the mid 90‟s (O‟Shaughnessy et al., 1993; Siegel et al., 1995). It should be emphasized that we are dealing with a relatively small selected group within the internal a uditors‟ population. Although a few other references could be mentioned concerning examination of ethical issues of the internal auditing profession (Ethics and Internal Auditors, 1989; Internal Auditor, 1993), it would not be a mistake to evaluate that only few significant articles and other publications have been addressed directly to these issues until now. In this context, it is fitting to indicate one of the most detailed comparative surveys on internal auditing, conducted in 1994her duties. Continuous nonperformance of his/her duties –as a result of professional or other conflicts –may be injurious to the objectivity and independence of the internal auditor. Objectivity and independence are the cornerstones of internal audit.The legal framework of internal audit –ethical aspectsThe most important factor in advancing the internal audit profession in Israel was the passing of the Internal Audit Law by the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) in 1992 (Internal Audit Law, 57521992). According to the law, every public organization (namely, ministries, government enterprises, organizations supported by the government, public companies, banks, insurance companies, and other companies whose shares are traded in the Israeli stock exchange) have to appoint internal auditors and conduct internal audits. A person shall not be appointed as an internal auditor in a public body unless he/she is an individual; a resident of Israel; has not been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude; has an academic degree; acquired two years auditing experience or has participated in further professional study approved by a special committee for further study in internal auditing. The duties of the internal auditor are to examine, inter alia – if the activities of the public body which he/her reporting procedures; to the exclusiveness of his/her access to all documents and information necessary for the discharge of his/her tenure (in order to protect his/her relationship to certain outside bodies. For example, “moral rectitude” is one of the standards that should be used by internal auditors. It is mentioned in all laws, regulations, and guidelines pertaining to internal audit, regardless of whether the organization concerned is subject to the Internal Audit Law or not. The internal auditor serves in his/her organization and him/her independence and objectivity, are vital to the examination of cases and presentation of audit findings. The internal auditor‟s findings are likely to have far-reaching implications, both inside and outside the organization, and that knowledge may affect the auditor‟s conclusions.The internal auditor must be aware of this possibility since otherwise it may lead to ethical blemishes in the audit function (such as turning a blind eye, under pressure, to dishonesty). Despite the problems surrounding this issue, the Internal Audit Law immeasurably improved the situation in organizations regulated by the law. Previously, the internal auditor either put up with impossible situations or violated his/her employer by passing on information to outside organizations, such as the Police or the Prosecutor‟s Office. An ethical issue, arising from the internal auditor‟s legally mandated duties, is connected to his/she has grounds to believe that a criminal offense has been committed. If the internal auditor has reason to believe that his/she must directly report the matter to an outsider – the State Comptroller. It must be emphasized that we are dealing with “public bodies”; this duty does not extend to the internal auditors of businesses (public corporations, banks, etc.). The activities of the internal auditor in these cases draw him/she serves as an internal auditor, except the task of handling complaints – and even that on condition that it does not detract from his/her job as internal auditor. It should be emphasized that the abovementioned situation is not a unique Israeli situation. The 1995 survey of Arthur Andersen and IFACI on Internal Auditing around the World shows clearly that . . . “more than one third of the auditors surveyed also carry out tasks in the company which are not related to internal audit assignments (loan of personnel within the company, replacements, etc.)”Access to internal audit documents –an ethical dilemmaThe issue of access may be one of the most difficult and complex issues in internal audit. How it is regarded depends on the answers to questions such as: Who is the auditor? Who is being audited? Who is likely to have access to these sensitive documents? To which documents is access required, and what procedures are involved? Who is entitled to receive these documents? To what use can they be put? These and other questions raise many ethical problems.At the beginning of the Nineties, the American Institute of Internal Auditors (for our purposes, the authority on internal auditing) set up a special subcommittee to discuss the issue of access to internal auditing work products (documents, reports, opinions, working papers, etc.). The Report of the Subcommittee on Access to Internal Auditing Work Products was issued in 1992. The issue touches the very heart of internal audit –the relationship between dependence and objectivity; theright of the public to know versus the right of the individual and the organization to privacy; whether the public interest is best served by openness or by confidentiality and where should the balance be struck; what is the role of the internal auditor as a servant of management, in the private sector, and as a public servant, in the public sector?The development of internal audit as a separate profession, both in the world at large and in Israel, has been rapid. Its status has been changing as a result of the growing recognition of its necessity and its contribution. Its professional level has also changed. The emphasis of internal audit has been moving from the traditional fields of legality and consistency to more advanced fields –economy, efficiency, effectiveness, evaluation of whether goals have been achieved, examination of decision making processes, examination of moral rectitude, etc. The personal and professional level of internal auditors has also risen noticeably. Audit has thus become a more significant factor in the organization and must be taken into account. For that reason, the auditor‟s doc uments and work products have taken on importance within the organization, and sometimes even more outside the organization. The abovementioned subcommittee commented: “Unlimited access to internal auditing work products by outside parties will have a chilling effect both on the scope of activities reviewed and the frankness with which results are communicated” (ibid., pp. 1–2).The ethical implications of internal audit’s multi-facetednessInternal audit covers a great many spheres. It examines, analyzes, and evaluates a range of activities, processes, events, and various complex situations. In order to carry out his/her duties, the internal auditor often needs specific knowhow and expertise beyond the accepted standard professional fields of internal auditors. A new field of internal audit is developing: “investigative auditing”. On the one hand, the ethical problems facing internal auditors differ substantially from the problems faced by professional investigators. On the other hand, internal audit deals among other things with the exposure of fraud and embezzlement. The thin and easily crossed line between internal audit‟s suspicion that the law has been violated and its continued investigation can give rise to complex and conflict-laden ethical situations.Experts Nich and Miller (1984) unambiguously state that: Recognizing auditors‟fascination with white-collar crime – which has the excitement of criminal investigation without the blood and gore of violent crime – we believe that the role of the internal auditor is dramatically overstated and this overstatement is harmful. (p.24).In their opinion:Internal auditors should temper their involvement in white-collar crime investigations. The role, strategy and approach described here . . . [of white collar crimes] . . . goes beyond the IIA‟s standards. (p. 27).Unchecked and unprofessional involvement in sensitive issues which do not fall within the internal auditor‟s sphere of authority may cause damage, both to the organization and to any criminal investigation necessitated by audit findings, aside from the professional and ethical damage caused by doing something for which the internal auditor has no professional qualifications or training.The multifaceted nature of internal audit also poses fundamental questions about the limits of audit. The professional level of the internal auditor and his staff are crucial in establishing the limits of their work. Dealing with matters beyond their professional expertise is liable to have ethical repercussions. For this reason, the Israeli Internal Audit Law (Clause 13(A)) and similar writs of authority in various organizations, permit the internal auditor to call on experts and consultants in the examination of specific professional areas. Such consultation has its own ethical aspects. Avoiding the use of consultants and experts may impair the work of the audit by leaving wide areas within the organization audit free. This diminishes the professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness of internal audit (see, for example: professional standards 200, 210, 220, 240, and 250 of the Institute of Internal Auditors).The internal auditor as an organizational role model – ethical aspectsThe Israeli Institute of Internal Auditors accepted the IIA‟s Code of Ethics in 1981 and the changes followed thereupon. It seems to be that the mere acceptance of an international professional code of ethics is not enough to assure its implementation. Cohen et al. (1992) indicated that cultural and socioeconomic factors could impede the acceptance and especially the implementation of a professions code of ethics. Thus, for example, we can identify collectivist approaches in segments and sectors of the public administration system in Israel (Friedberg,1989; Geist and Friedberg, 1995), which had, have and could have significant ethical implications on an internal auditor‟s activities. The internal auditor–the individual –will have to adhere sometimes to collectivist norms and to become an “organizational ornament”. Otherw ise, he could lose his organizational support or worse, lose his job (Friedberg, 1995). The State Comptroller of Israel acting in his capacity as Israel‟s public ombudsman (a unique combination, not known in other countries), dealt in the 80‟s and 90‟s wit h cases where internal auditors and other public employees in the public service system in Israel lost their jobs because they uncovered some of their organization‟s activities. It is in the State Comptroller‟s jurisdiction as ombudsman to intervene and pr event dismissal of public employees and internal auditors in such cases, after carrying out an investigation. The State Comptroller intervened in a few cases and prevented dismissal of internal auditors and other public employees who blew the whistle (Kalacheim, 1994).It should be emphasized that adopting a general international code of ethics could be ineffective in specific countries and especially in conflictive situations with which the internal audit profession is “blessed”. According to Cohen et al. (1992, p. 699) . . . “providing specific guidelines to be applicable worldwide is not likely to be useful. The range of ethical dilemmas that professionals in any given discipline could face is simply too great. Instead we suggest that the …Detailed Guidance‟ section of an international guideline be country specific and written by national committees to reflect more closely their own needs and circumstances”. The question arises of course, what did the Israeli Institute of Internal Auditors do until now to adjust the adopted IIA‟s code of ethics to the Israeli circumstances, and to make them implementable in the Israeli arena? The answer is very little.Paragraph VIII of the ethical code of the Institute of Internal Auditors states that “Members shall a bide by the bylaws and uphold the objectives of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. In the practice of their profession, they shall be ever mindful of their obligation to maintain the high standard of competence, morality and dignity which The Institu te of Internal Auditors, Inc., and its members have established”.The internal auditor‟s duties, rights, and responsibilities in an organization, require him/her to uphold the highest standards of behavior in order to serve as a role model for other employees. There have even been suggestions that the internal auditor be appointed Ethics Officer, in view of his special traits. Thus, slips in behavior and ethical violations by internal auditors may have long term repercussions on their authority and their ability to demand and enforce ethical standards.We can identify cases where internal auditors adopted negative norms of behavior rooted in their organizational culture, or consciously disregarded norms of behavior which they should have reported according to the Internal Audit Law.There are very few primary sources on the matter. For that reason, we must make do with secondary sources and in particular reports of public audit organizations, which examine among other things, the operation of internal audit in audited bodies.The Israel State Comptroller has more than once found ethical improprieties in the activities of internal auditors. For example, the State Comptroller described how the internal auditor of “Karta – Central Jerusalem Development Corpor ation” carried out his duties. The State Comptroller wrote: “Over the years, Karta paid the internal auditor according to monthly invoices, without receiving internal audit services as reflected in written audit reports. Karta did not provide the State Com ptroller‟s Office with a reasonable explanation for this situation. The State Comptroller views with gravity the violations of the principles of sound administration, which in part border on moral turpitude”.The State Comptroller also found that the part-time (80%) internal auditor of the City of Herzliya was not only paid according to the State Comptroller pay scale, but received in addition a 10.4% pay increment for “split shift” work and a 15% pay increment for managerial duties, neither of which he was entitled to .One more example: the State Comptroller discovered that some municipalities pay senior officials salary increments for additional tasks. The City of Lod paid five senior officials, including the city‟s internal auditor, a set monthly incre ment for “dealing with unions”.Until the Eighties, the findings of the Israel State Comptroller‟s Office concerning internal audit in government ministries and in government corporations, indicated many questionable situations from an ethical point of view. Thus, for example, the State Comptroller pointed to many government offices where internal auditors were granted executive responsibilities.The picture drawn by the State Comptroller‟s report on internal audit in government corporations is even worse. The State Comptroller quotes a February 1987 report by the Government Corporations Authority on the implementation of internal audit in this sector. “Most of the activities carried out by those appointed Internal Auditors in the corporations which were examined do not, in the opinion of the Government Corporations Authority, fit the definition of internal audit and do not deal with the central activities of the corporations.” The State Comptroller adds his own observation: “Based on the findings of the State Comptroller‟s Office and the Government Corporation Authority, it appears that internal audit suffers from marked neglect. In many government corporations, internal audit exists only on paper”.A survey conducted by the Australian State Comptroller on internal audit in the Australian public sector revealed that in many audited bodies, internal auditorsengage in duties beyond internal audit; preparing annual financial statements; investigation; development and planning. Those tasks are liable to conflict with internal audit, and therefore with the code of ethics. Data from Canada also point to a combination of internal audit activities with other executive tasks. The combination weakens internal audit and may cause conflicts of interest.ConclusionsThe article focuses on several factors which affect ethical issues within the internal audit profession in Israel and abroad, namely: the role and status of internal audit in the organization; its legal framework, especially the unique Israeli framework; access to internal audit documents; implications of the internal audit multi-faceted-ness; and the internal auditor as an organizational role model. The findings point to the paucity of professional research into the important area of internal audit ethics on one hand, and to the lack of significant activities to implement the existing code of ethics in Israel and probably in many other countries, on the other hand. Scholars Dittenhofer and Klemm give a number of possible reasons for the lack of research: lack of interest; the difficulty of being objective about ethics; the lack of practical application; the sensitivity of the subject; the ethical behavior, on the whole, of auditors; the fact that if there have been complaints about ethical problems, nothing w as done about them; if something was done about them, they weren‟t publicized. The lack of research in this field, both on the international scene and in Israel, makes it difficult to determine the attitudes of internal auditors and of the management of the organizations in which they operate. Internal auditors are markedly reluctant to participate in such research. Dittenhofer and Klemm point out in their monograph on ethics and the internal auditor, that of 1,211 questionnaires that they sent to internal auditors in the United States, Britain and Australia, only 343 (28.3%) were filled out and returned. Dittenhofer and Sennetti point out in their follow up monograph “Ethics and the Internal Auditor: Ten Years Later”, that of 1200 IIA members drawn at random for this survey, only 25.4% responded. Although the Israeli Internal Audit Law helped resolve a number of ethical problems, many questions raised in the abovementioned research by Dittenhofer and Klemm remain unanswered both in Israel and in many other countries: Do internal auditors relate to the ethical code of their profession? Are the dos and don‟ts of the ethical code clear and comprehensible? Are they similarly interpreted at different audit levels, in different organizations, in different regions, in different countries? What is the level of awareness of “ethical situations” by internal auditors and managements?Do internal auditors see the ethical code as a practical guide? What has been done to apply the ethical code of the Institute of Internal Auditors? Does the ethical code improve the ethical and professional level of internal auditors? In the words of the abovementioned scholars, “With so little literature available, there is a large vacuum surrounding the subject”. It seems to be that this conclusion, written in 1983, is still valid and the large vacuum still exists, in spite of the few works published and the few improvements observed since. It is not surprising therefore, that Dittenhofer and Sennetti concluded ten years later that . . . “little in-depth research has been performed in this area, and few publications, if any, are available on the topic of ethics as it relates to internal auditing.”第11 页。

外文文献及原稿原稿IntroductionInt ernal a ud it ef fe ctive n e s s, t h e ext e nt t o whic h an inte r nal a udit offic e me e ts i ts ra ison d'êt re, i s a r guably a result o f the i n t e rpla y a mong four fa c tors: in t erna l audi tq uali t y; management support; or gani z at i onal sett i ng; and attributes of the audi t or.An i nt ern al audit func t ion's capabil i ty to provi de us eful a udi t findi ngs and re commendations w oul d help ra isemanagement'sintere s ti n it s re c omm e ndation s.T he m a na gementsupportw i thresourcesandc om mi t me nt to i mplement t heinternal a udi t reco m me nd ationsi s essenti a l in attainingaudit e ffec t ive ne s s.A l s o,the o rganizati o nals et ting i n w hi c h i ntern a laudit ope rat e s,i.e.t he or ga nizatio na ls t at us ofth eof fi ce,i t si nt erna lor ganizatio n andthepoli c ie s andpr oc edure s applyi ng t o eachaudi t o r, sho ul d enable smooth audi t s t ha t l ea d to reaching us e f ul a udi tfindings.Furth e r,thecapab i li t y,at t itudesandl e velofcoopera t ionoftheaudi t or i mpacton t heeffec t ive ne ss ofaud i ts.T herefore, internal audit ef fe ct i veness s houl d be vie w e d as a dynamicprocessthat is c ontinuously s ha ped by t h e interac t ions among t he fo ur factors me ntionedabove.Thi s s t udy e xami n ed,u singcasestudyan a lysis,t heint e rnala udi ts e rvic eof ala rgepublicsectororganization.Thepaperisstructuredasfollows.Thenextsectionpresents a review of the related literature; introduces a model for analyzingauditeffectiveness; and provides the research question. The third section presentstheresearch methodology; fourth section provides empirical analysis based on acasestudy; and fifth section presents a summary of the findings. The paperthensummarizes the conclusions, noting limitations of the study and suggesting avenuesfor futureresearch. InternalauditeffectivenessThe Instituteof Internal Auditors (IIA, 1999a) defined internal auditing as:an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add valueandimprove an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish itsobjectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improvetheeffectiveness of risk management, control, and governanceprocesses.This definition signifies that internal audit has undergone a paradigmshift froman emphasis on accountability about the past to improving future outcomes tohelpauditors operate more effectively and efficiently (Nagy and Canker, 2002; Stern,1994;Goodwin, 2004). Since, the definition equally serves both the private and thepublicsectors (Goodwin, 2004), it is used in this study as a basis to analyze publicsectorinternal auditeffectiveness.Internal audit is effective if it meets the intended outcome it is supposed tobringabout.Sawyer(1995)states,“…internalauditor'sjobisnotdoneuntildefectsarecorrecte d and remain corrected.”Van Hansberger (2005) explains that internalauditeffectiveness in the public sector should be evaluated by the extent to whichitcontributes to the demonstration of effective and efficient service delivery, asthisdrives the demand for improved internal audit services. Based on the results ofaconsultative forum that focused on improving public sector internal audit [1],VanHansberger (2005) identified perceptionsandownership; organizationandgovernance framework; legislation; improved professionalism; conceptualframework;and also resources as factors influencing internal audit effectiveness.Effectiveinternal audit undertakes an independent evaluation of financial andoperatinginformation and of systems and procedures, to provide useful recommendationsfor improvements asnecessary.The effectiveness of internal audit greatly contributes to the effectiveness ofeachauditor in particular andthe organization at large (Dittenhofer, 2001).Dittenhofer(2001) has also observed that if internal audit quality is maintained, it will contributeto the appropriateness of procedures and operations of the auditor, and therebyinternal audit contributes to effectiveness of the auditor and the organization asawhole. Using agency theory, Dingdong (1997) explained the role that internalauditplays in an economy and points out that internal audit has an advantage over externalauditin obtaining information quickly and finding problems at an earlier stage; and Sparkman (1997), applying the theory of transaction cost economics, demonstratedhow internal audit recommendations are important to the management ofgovernmentorganizations.Priorliteraturerelatingtointernalauditeffectivenesshaseitherfocusedontheinternal audit's ability to plan, execute and objectively communicate usefulfindings(Dingdong, 1997 Sparkman, 1997;Dittenhofer, 2001); or taken a broader viewandincluded factors that transcend the boundary of a single organization (VanHansberger,2005). This paper attempts to introduce a new perspective for evaluation of internalaudit effectiveness by identifying factors within an organization that impact onauditeffectiveness. A model, which assumes that there is a common interest to achieveorganizational goals for auditor management, top management and internal audit,isused for analysis of this case study. Since, audit effectiveness fosters theachievementof a common goal; there would be a natural incentive in an organization to improveit.The model considers four potential factors –internal audit quality,managementsupport, organizational setting, and auditor attributes to explain audit effectiveness,and shows how the interaction of these factors improves audit effectiveness.Internal audit quality, which is determined by the internal audit department'scapability to provide useful findings and recommendations, is central toauditeffectiveness. Internal audit has to prove that it is of value to the organization and earna reputation in the organization (Sawyer, 1995). Internal audit has to evaluateitsperformance and continually improve its service .audit quality is a function ofthelevelofstaffexpertise,thescopeofservicesprovidedandtheextenttowhichaudits areprope rlyplanned,executedandcommunicated.Audit findings and recommendations would not serve much purposeunlessmanagement is committed to implement them. Adams (1994) used agency theorytoexplain that it is in the interest of management to maintain a strong internalauditdepartment. Implementation of audit recommendations is highly relevant toauditeffectiveness (Van Hansberger, 2005) and the management of an organization isviewed as the customer receiving internal audit services. As a result,management'scommitment to useaudit recommendations and its support in strengthening internalauditis vital to audit effectiveness (Sawyer,1995).Organizational setting refers to the organizational profile, internal organizationand budgetary status of the internal audit office; and also the organizationalpoliciesand procedures that guide operation of auditors. It provides the context inwhichinternal audit operates. Thus, organizational setting can exert influence on the levelofeffectiveness that internal audit could achieve. The auditor attributes relate tothecapability of the auditor to meet its intended objectives. Auditor attributeswithimplications on audit effectiveness include the auditors' proficiency to efficientlyandeffectively meet organizational sub-goals; their attitude towards internal audit; andthelevel of cooperation provided to the auditor .Since, the four factors discussed aboveare intricately linked, audit effectiveness is a dynamic process that results fromtheeffect of each factor and the interplay among all. audit quality andmanagementsupport strongly affects audit effectiveness. Better audit effectiveness, in turn, hasapositivebearingonthesetwofactors.Ifinternalaudit enhancesqualitytotheextent itelicits management's interest, management support would be a natural quid proquobecause the management would realize the contribution of internal audit totheachievement of organizational goals. This would positively reflecton auditqualityand enhance audit effectiveness. The management's commitment to implementauditrecommendations improves the operation of the auditor, as a result of whichtheauditor attributes would improve to the benefit of audit effectiveness.Further,management retains the authority to improve the organizational setting andinfluencethe auditor towards a positive effect on audit effectiveness, whichin turn,benefitsauditquality.ConcludingcommentsThis study investigated the internal audit service of a large public sectorhighereducational institution, to identify factors influencing internal audit effectiveness,using a model developed for the analysis. The model consisted of fourinterrelatedfactors: internal audit quality; management support; the organizational setting;andattributes of theauditors.The findings of the study reveal that the internal audit office of theorganizationstudied needs to enhance the technical proficiency of the internal audit staffandminimizestaff turnover so as to foster audit effectiveness. The organizational statusand internal organization of the internal audit office are fairly rated, butinternalaudit'slackofauthorityonbudgetsreducesitscontrolofresourceacquisitionandutil ization.The scope of internal audit services is limited to regular activities. Extendingthescopeofservicesbywideningtherangeofsystemsandactivitiesaudited,withappropr iateriskanalysis,wouldimprove auditeffectiveness. Management'scommitment in providing greater attention to internalaudit recommendations andstaffingtheofficewithwell-qualifiedemployeesdeservesattentioninthisstudy.Theinternalauditors,undertheimpressionthat theirreportsarenotsufficientlyutilizedbythe management, may not be encouraged to exert the maximum possible effort in their engagements. In addition, the lack of attention by management may send awrongsignal about the importance of internal audit services to the audited, which in turnadversely affects the auditedattributes.The study has shown that internal audit of the organization studiedneedsimprovement in the areas of audit planning, documentation of audit work,auditcommunications and follow-up of recommendations. Audit effectiveness couldbeenhanced by ensuring consistency in documenting audit work to enableimprovedreview of audit work; proper follow-up of the status of audit findingsandrecommendations; increased distribution of audit reports; and further improvementinthe quality ofreporting.The limitation of this study is readily apparent. As in all case studies,thegeneralisabilityof the findings and the conclusions drawn is limited, althoughthestudy does provide evidence of the problems internal auditors face in providinganeffective service to management. Further, research could be welcome tofullyunderstand the level of internal audit effectiveness in the Ethiopian public sectorvis-à-vis its private sector, with a view to highlighting differences, if any,andconclusively defining the variables affecting internal audit effectiveness inEthiopia.译文简介内部审计的有效性,在何种程度上满足了内部审计处其存在的理由,可以说是一个四因素之间的相互作用的结果:内部审计质量,管理支持,组织设臵,以及受审核方属性。

LNTU---Acc附录A国际会计准则第 37 号或有负债和或有资产目的本准则的目的是确保将适当的确认标准和计量基础运用于准备、或有负债和或有资产,并确保在财务报表的附注中披露充分的信息,以使使用者能够理解它们的性质、时间和金额。
5.如果其他国际会计准则规范了特定的准备、或有负债和或有资产,企业应运用该准则而不是本准则,例如,关于以下项目的准则也规范了特定的准备:(1)建造合同(参见《国际会计准则第11号建造合同》);(2)所得税(参见《国队会计准则第12号所得税》);(3)租赁(参见《国际会计准则第17 号租赁》),但是,《国际会计准则第17 号》未对已变为亏损的经营租质的核算提出具体要求,因而本准则应适用于这些情况;(4)雇员福利(参见《国际会计准则第19号一雇员福利》)。
6.一些作为准备处理的金额可能与收入的确认有关,例如企业提供担保以收取费用,本准则不涉及收入确认,《国际会计准则第18 号收入》明确了收入确认标准,并就确认标准的应用提供了实务指南,本准则不改变《国际会计准则第18 号》的规定。

The Optimization Method of Financial Statements Based on Accounting Management TheoryABSTRACTThis paper develops an approach to enhance the reliability and usefulness of financial statements. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was fundamentally flawed by fair value accounting and asset-impairment accounting. According to legal theory and accounting theory, accounting data must have legal evidence as its source document. The conventional “mixed attribute” accounting system should be re placed by a “segregated” system with historical cost and fair value being kept strictly apart in financial statements. The proposed optimizing method will significantly enhance the reliability and usefulness of financial statements.I.. INTRODUCTIONBased on international-accounting-convergence approach, the Ministry of Finance issued the Enterprise Accounting Standards in 2006 taking the International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter referred to as “the International Standards”) for reference. The Enterprise Accounting Standards carries out fair value accounting successfully, and spreads the sense that accounting should reflect market value objectively. The objective of accounting reformation following-up is to establish the accounting theory and methodology which not only use international advanced theory for reference, but also accord with the needs of China's socialist market economy construction. On the basis of a thorough evaluation of the achievements and limitations of International Standards, this paper puts forward a stand that to deepen accounting reformation and enhance the stability of accounting regulations.II. OPTIMIZA TION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SYSTEM: PARALLELING LISTING OF LEGAL FACTS AND FINANCIAL EXPECTA TIONAs an important management activity, accounting should make use of information systems based on classified statistics, and serve for both micro-economic management and macro-economic regulation at the same time. Optimization of financial statements system should try to take all aspects of the demands of the financial statements in both macro and micro level into account.Why do companies need to prepare financial statements? Whose demands should be considered while preparing financial statements? Those questions are basic issues we should consider on the optimization of financial statements. From the perspective of "public interests", reliability and legal evidence are required as qualitative characters, which is the origin of the traditional "historical cost accounting". From the perspective of "private interest", security investors and financial regulatory authoritieshope that financial statements reflect changes of market prices timely recording "objective" market conditions. This is the origin of "fair value accounting". Whether one set of financial statements can be compatible with these two different views and balance the public interest and private interest? To solve this problem, we design a new balance sheet and an income statement.From 1992 to 2006, a lot of new ideas and new perspectives are introduced into China's accounting practices from international accounting standards in a gradual manner during the accounting reform in China. These ideas and perspectives enriched the understanding of the financial statements in China. These achievements deserve our full assessment and should be fully affirmed. However, academia and standard-setters are also aware that International Standards are still in the process of developing .The purpose of proposing new formats of financial statements in this paper is to push forward the accounting reform into a deeper level on the basis of international convergence.III. THE PRACTICABILITY OF IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SYSTEMWhether the financial statements are able to maintain their stability? It is necessary to mobilize the initiatives of both supply-side and demand-side at the same time. We should consider whether financial statements could meet the demands of the macro-economic regulation and business administration, and whether they are popular with millions of accountants.Accountants are responsible for preparing financial statements and auditors are responsible for auditing. They will benefit from the implementation of the new financial statements.Firstly, for the accountants, under the isolated design of historical cost accounting and fair value accounting, their daily accounting practice is greatly simplified. Accounting process will not need assets impairment and fair value any longer. Accounting books will not record impairment and appreciation of assets any longer, for the historical cost accounting is comprehensively implemented. Fair value information will be recorded in accordance with assessment only at the balance sheet date and only in the annual financial statements. Historical cost accounting is more likely to be recognized by the tax authorities, which saves heavy workload of the tax adjustment. Accountants will not need to calculate the deferred income tax expense any longer, and the profit-after-tax in the solid line table is acknowledged by the Company Law, which solves the problem of determining the profit available for distribution.Accountants do not need to record the fair value information needed by security investors in the accounting books; instead, they only need to list the fair value information at the balance sheet date. In addition, because the data in the solid line table has legal credibility, so the legal risks of accountants can be well controlled. Secondly, the arbitrariness of the accounting process will be reduced, and the auditors’ review process will be greatly simplified. The independent auditors will not have to bear the considerable legal risk for the dotted-line table they audit, because the risk of fair value information has been prompted as "not supported by legalevidences". Accountants and auditors can quickly adapt to this financial statements system, without the need of training. In this way, they can save a lot of time to help companies to improve management efficiency. Surveys show that the above design of financial statements is popular with accountants and auditors. Since the workloads of accounting and auditing have been substantially reduced, therefore, the total expenses for auditing and evaluation will not exceed current level as well.In short, from the perspectives of both supply-side and demand-side, the improved financial statements are expected to enhance the usefulness of financial statements, without increase the burden of the supply-side.IV. CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY RECOMMENDATIONSThe current rule of mixed presentation of fair value data and historical cost data could be improved. The core concept of fair value is to make financial statements reflect the fair value of assets and liabilities, so that we can subtract the fair value of liabilities from assets to obtain the net fair value.However, the current International Standards do not implement this concept, but try to partly transform the historical cost accounting, which leads to mixed using of impairment accounting and fair value accounting. China's accounting academic research has followed up step by step since 1980s, and now has already introduced a mixed-attributes model into corporate financial statements.By distinguishing legal facts from financial expectations, we can balance public interests and private interests and can redesign the financial statements system with enhancing management efficiency and implementing higher-level laws as main objective. By presenting fair value and historical cost in one set of financial statements at the same time, the statements will not only meet the needs of keeping books according to domestic laws, but also meet the demand from financial regulatory authorities and security investorsWe hope that practitioners and theorists offer advices and suggestions on the problem of improving the financial statements to build a financial statements system which not only meets the domestic needs, but also converges with the International Standards.基于会计管理理论的财务报表的优化方法摘要本文提供了一个方法,以提高财务报表的可靠性和实用性。

密级:绝密外文翻译THESIS OF BACHELOR题目:浅析商业银行会计风险控制存在的问题及对策英文题目: Analysis of Commercial Bank Accounting Risk Control Problems and Countermeasures 学院: 系别:专业:班级:学生姓名:学号:指导老师:起讫日期:我国商业银行会计风险成因及防范对策历史资料表明:导致许多国家20世纪以来先后爆发银行危机的主要原因是未能妥善解决银行风险问题。

会计学中英文资料外文翻译文献外文资料原文Title:Future of SME finance(Background–the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery will depend on the possibility of Crafts,T rades and SMEs to exploit their potential for growth and employment creation.SMEs mak e a major contribution t o growth and employment in th e EU and are at the heart of the Lisbon Strategy,whose main objective is to turn Europe into the mos t competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.However,the ability of SMEs to grow depends highly on their potential t o invest in restructuring, innovation and qualification.All of these investments need capital and therefore access to finance.Against this back gr ound the consistently r epea t ed complaint of SMEs a bo u t their problems regarding access to finance is a highly relevant constraint that endangers the economic recovery of Europe.Changes in the finance sector influence the behavior of credit institutes towards Crafts,T rades and SMEs.R ecent and ongoing developments in the banking sector add t o the concerns of SMEs and will further en dan ge r their access to finance.The main changes in the banking sector which influence SME finance are:•Globalization and internationalization have increased the competition and the profit orientation in the sector;•worsening of the economic situations in some institutes(burst of the ITC bubble,insolvencies)str engthen the focus on profitability further;•Mergers and restructuring created larger structures and many local branches, which had direct and personalized contacts with small enterprises,were closed;•up-coming implementation of new capital adequacy rules(Basel II)will also change SME business of the credit sector and will increase its administrative costs;•Stricter interpretation of State-Aide Rules by the European Commission eliminates the support of banks by public guarantees;many of the effected banks arevery active in SME finance.All these changes result in a higher sensitivity for risks and profits in the finance sector.The changes in the finance sector affect the accessibility o f SMEst o finance.Higher risk awareness in the credit sector,a stronger focus on profitability and the ongoing restructuring in the finance sector change the framework for SME finance and influence the accessibility of SMEs t o finance.The mo s t important changes are:•In order t o mak e the higher risk awareness operational,the credit sector introduces new rating systems and instruments for credit scoring;•Risk assessment of SMEs by banks will force the enterprises t o pr esent mo r e and better quality information on their businesses;•Banks will try to pass thr ough their additional costs for implementing and running the new capital regulations(Basel II)t o their business clients;•due to the increase of competition on interest rates,the bank sector demands mo r e and higher fees for its services(administration of accounts,payments systems, etc.),which are no t only additional costs for SMEs bu t also limit their liquidity;•Small enterprises will lose their personal relationship with decision-makers in local branches–the credit application process will become mo r e formal and anonymous and will probably lose longer;•the credit sector will lose more and more its“public function”to provi de access to finance for a wide range of economic actors,which it has in a n u mbe r of countries,in order to support and facilitate economic growth;the profitability of lending be co mes the main focus of private credit institutions.All of these developments will mak e access to finance for SMEs even mo r e difficult and/or will increase the cost of external finance.Business start-ups and SMEs,which want t o enter new markets,may especially suffer from shortages regarding finance.A European Code of Conduct betw een Banks and SMEs would have allowed at least mo r e transparency in the relations betw een Banks and SMEs and UEAPME regrets that the bank sector was not able t o agr ee on such a commitment.T owards an encompassing policy appr o ach t o improve the access of Crafts, T rades and SMEs to financeAll analyses show that credits and loans will stay the main source of finance forthe SME sector in Europe.Access to finance was always a main concern for SMEs, bu t the recent developments in the finance sector worsen the situation even more. Shortage of finance is already a relevant factor,which hinders economic recovery in Europe.Many SMEs are no t able t o finance their ne eds for investment.Therefore,UEAPME expects t he new European Commission and the new European Parliament t o strengthen their efforts to improve the framework conditions for SME finance.Europe’s Crafts,Trades and SMEs ask for an encompassing policy approach,which includes not only the conditions for SMEs’access to lending,but will also str engthen their capacity for internal finance and their access to external risk capital.From UEAPME’s point of view such an encompassing approach should be based on three guiding principles:•Risk-sharing betw een private investors,financial institutes,SMEs and public sector;•Increase of transparency of SMEs towards their external investors and lenders;•improving the regulatory environment for SME finance.Based on these principles and against the back gr ound of the changing environment for SME finance,UEAPME pr oposes policy measur es in the following areas:1.New Capital Requirement Directive:SME friendly implementation o f Basel IIDue t o intensive lobbying activities,UEAPME,together with other Business Associations in Europe,has achieved some improvements in favour of SMEs regarding the new Basel Agreement on regulatory capital(Basel II).The final a gr ee ment from the Basel Committee contains a much mo r e realistic appr o ach toward the real risk situation of SME lending for the finance market and will allow the necessary room for adaptations,which respect the different regional traditions and institutional structures.However,the new regulatory system will influence the relations betw een Banks and SMEs and it will depend very much on the way it will be implemented into European law,whether Basel II be co mes bu r dens ome for SMEs and if it will reduce access to finance for them.The new Capital Accord form the Basel Committee gives the financial marketauthorities and herewith the European Institutions,a lot of flexibility.In a bo u t70 areas they have room to ad a pt the Accord to their specific n e eds when implementing it into EU law.Some of them will have important effects on the costs and the accessibility of finance for SMEs.UEAPME expects therefore from the new European Commission and the new European Parliament:•The implementation of the new Capital R equirement Directive will be costly for the Finance Sector(up t o30Billion Euro till2006)and its clients will have t o pay for it.Therefore,the implementation–especially for smaller banks,which are o ften very active in SME finance–has to be carried o ut with as little administrative bu r de ns o me as possible(reporting obligations,statistics,etc.).•The European Regulators must recognize traditional instruments for collaterals(guarantees,etc.)as far as possible.•The European Commission and later the Member S tates should take over the r ecommendations from the European Parliament with regar d t o granularity,access t o retail portfolio,maturity,partial use,adaptation of thresholds,etc.,which will ease the bur den on SME finance.2.SMEs need transparent rating proceduresDue to higher risk awareness of the finance sector and the need s of Basel II, many SMEs will be confronted for the first time with internal rating procedures or credit scoring systems by their banks.The bank will require mo r e and better quality information from their clients and will assess them in a new way.Both up-coming developments are already causing increasing uncertainty a mo n gs t SMEs.In order to reduce this uncertainty and to allow SMEs to understand the principles of the new risk assessment,UEAPME demands transparent rating procedures–rating procedures may not become a“Black Box”for SMEs:•The bank should communicate the relevant criteria affecting the rating of SMEs.•The bank should inform SMEs abo u t its assessment in order t o allow SMEs t o improve.The negotiations on a European Code of Conduct betw een Banks and SMEs, which would have included a self-commitment for transparent rating procedures by Banks,failed.Therefore,UEAPME expects from the new European Commission andthe new European Parliament support for:•binding rules in the framework of the new Capital Adequacy Directive, which ensure the transparency of rating procedures and credit scoring systems for SMEs;•Elaboration of national Codes of Conduct in order t o improve the relations betw een Banks and SMEs and to support the adaptation of SMEs to the new financial environment.3.SMEs need an extension o f credit guarantee systems with a special focus on Micro-LendingBusiness start-ups,the transfer of businesses and innovative fast growth SMEs also depended in the past very often on public support t o get access t o finance. Increasing risk awareness by banks and the stricter interpretation of S tate Aid Rules will further increase the need for public support.Already now,there are credit guarant ee schemes in many countries on the limit of their capacity and too many investment projects cannot be realized by SMEs.Experiences show that Public money,spent for supporting credit guarantees systems,is a very efficient instrument and has a much higher multiplying effect than other instruments.One Euro form the European Investment Funds can stimulate30 Euro investments in SMEs(for venture capital funds the relation is only1:2).Therefore,UEAPME expects t he new European Commission and the new European Parliament t o support:•The extension of funds for national credit guarantees schemes in the framework of the new Multi-Annual Pr ogra mme d for Enterprises;•The development of new instruments for securitizations of SME portfolios;•The recognition of existing and well functioning credit guarantees schemes as collateral;•More flexibility within the European Instruments,because of national differences in th e situation of SME finance;•The development of credit guarantees schemes in the new Member States;•The development of an SBIC-like scheme in the Member States t o close the equity gap(0.2–2.5Mio Euro,according t o the expert meeting on PACE on April27 in Luxemburg).•the development of a financial support scheme to encourage the internalizations of SMEs(currently there is no scheme available at EU level:termination of JOP,fading ou t of JEV).4.SMEs need company and income taxation systems,which strengthen their capacity for self-financingMany EU Member States have comp any and income taxation systems with negative incentives to build-up capital within the company by re-investing their profits.This is especially true for companies,which have t o pay income taxes. Already in the p ast tax-regimes was one of the reasons for the higher dependence of Europe’s SMEs on bank lending.In future,the result of rating will also depend on the amount of capital in the company;the high dependence on lending will influence the access to lending.This is a vicious cycle,which has to be broken.Even though company and income taxation falls under the competence of Member States,UEAPME asks the new European Commission and the new European Parliament t o publicly support tax-reforms,which will str engthen the capacity of Crafts,T rades and SME for self-financing.Thereby,a special focus on non-corporate companies is needed.5.Risk Capital–equity financingExternal equity financing do es not have a real tradition in the SME sector.On the one hand,small enterprises and family business in general have traditionally no t been very open towards external equity financing and are no t used to informing transparently abo u t their business.On the other hand,many investors of venture capital and similar forms of equity finance are very reluctant regarding investing their funds in smaller companies,which is mo r e costly than investing bigger a moun ts in larger companies.Furthermore it is much mo r e difficult t o set ou t of such investments in smaller companies.Even though equity financing will never become the main source of financing for SMEs,it is an important instrument for highly innovative start-ups and fast growing companies and it has therefore t o be further developed.UEAPME sees three pillars for such an appr o ach where policy support is needed:Availability of venture capital•The Me mber S tates should review their taxation systems in order to create incentives to invest private money in all forms of venture capital.•Guarantee instruments for equity financing should be further developed.Improve the conditions for investing venture capital into SMEs•The development of secondary markets for venture capital investments inSMEs should be supported.•Accounting S tandards for SMEs should be revised in order to ease transparent exchange of information betw een investor and owner-manager.Owner-managers must become mo r e aware a bo u t the need for transparency towards investors•SME owners will have t o realise that in future access to external finance (venture capital or lending)will depend much mo r e on a transparent and open exchange of information a bo u t the situation and the perspectives of their companies.•In order t o fulfil the new n ee ds for transparency,SMEs will have t o use new information instruments(business plans,financial reporting,etc.)and new management instruments(risk-management,financial management,etc.).外文资料翻译题目:未来的中小企业融资背景:中小企业融资已经改变未来的经济复苏将取决于能否工艺品,贸易和中小企业利用其潜在的增长和创造就业。

会计内部控制中英文对照外文翻译文献n:Internal control is an accounting re or control system ___ policies。
protecting assets。
and preventing fraud and errors。
It is an important component of nal management that includes planning。
and res used to meet tasks。
and objectives。
and in doing so。
supports performance-based management。
Internal control is equal to management control and can help managers achieve the expected effective management of resources。
designing and establishing effective internal control is not a simple task and cannot be achieved through quick fixes。
This article discusses the different aspects of the concept of internal control and management.Keywords: internal control。
management control。
control environment。
control activities。
n2.Internal Control Perspective: ___The environment requires new business control variables that are not responsive to any potential ___ control。
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1992年,Powell et al对11个国家的国际会计师协会的成员进行了一项全球性的调查以证明是否有全球性的内部审计文化。
1981年,Clark et al发现内部审计部门的独立性和内部审计人员所做报告的权威性是影响他们工作Abdulrahman A. M. Al-Twaijry, John A. Brierley and David R. Gwilliam* Internal Audit Research客观性的最至关重要的两个因素。
1989年,Harrell et al表明管理层对一些观点的认知能力以及欲望都可能会影响到内部审计人员的工作和判断力。
(1972年的Mints, 1996年的Flesher, 1998年的Ridley & Chambers,和1999年的Moeller & Witt)。
这些问题尤其对于多文化的商业环境是非常重要的例如像沙特阿拉伯这样审计人员和被审单位在文化和教育背景上有很大差异的地方( 1996年Woodworth & Said)。
THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN SAUDI ARABIA: AN INSTITUTIONAL THEORY PERSPECTIVEThe value of the internal audit functionPrevious studies have utilized a variety of approaches to determine appropriate criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal audit function. For example, considered the degree of compliance with standards as one of the factors which affects internal audit performance. A 1988 research report from the IIA-United Kingdom(IIA-UK,1988)focused on the perceptions of both senior management and external auditors of the value of the internal audit function. The study identified the difficulty of measuring the value of services provided as a major obstacle to such an evaluation. Profitability, cost standards and the effectiveness of resource utilization were identified as measures of the value of services. In its recommendations it highlighted the need to ensure that internal audit work complies with SPPIA.In the US, Albrecht et al.(1988)studied the roles and benefits of the internal audit function and developed a framework for the purpose of evaluating internal audit effectiveness. They found that there were four areas that the directors of internal audit departments could develop to enhance effectiveness: an appropriate corporate environment, top management support, high quality internal audit staff and high quality internal audit work. The authors stressed that management and auditors should recognize the internal audit function as a value-adding function to the organization. In the UK, Ridley and D’Silva (1997) identified the importance of complying withprofessional standards as the most important contributor to the internal audit function adding value.Compliance with SPPIAA number of studies have focused specifically on the compliance of internal audit departments with SPPIA. Powell et al.(1992) carried out a global survey of IIA members in 11 countries to investigate whether there was evidence of a world-wide internal audit culture. They found an overall compliance rate of 82% with SPPIA. This high percentage prompted the authors to suggest that SPPIA provided evidence of the internationalization of the internal audit profession.A number of studies have focused on the SPPIA standard concerned with independence.Clark et al.(1981) found that the independence of the internal audit department and the level of authority to which internal audit staff report were the two most important criteria influencing the objectivity of their work. Plumlee (1985) focused on potential threats to internal auditor objectivity, particularly whether participation in the design of an internal control system influenced judgements as to the quality and effectiveness of that system. Plumlee found that such design involvement produced bias that could ultimately threaten objectivity.The relationship between the internal audit function and company management more generally is clearly an important factor in determining internal auditor objectivity. Harrell et al. (1989) suggested that perceptions of the views and desires of management could influence the activities and judgement of internal auditors. Also, they found that internal auditors who were members of the IIA were less likely to succumb to such pressure.Ponemon (1991) examined the question of whether or not internal auditors will report sensitive issues uncovered during the course of their work. He concluded that the three factors affecting internal auditor objectivity were their social position in the organization, their relationship with management and the existence of a communication channel to report wrongdoing.Internal audit research in Saudi ArabiaTo date there has been relatively little research about internal audit in the Saudi Arabian corporate sector, exceptions, however, are Asairy (1993)and Woodworth and Said (1996). Asairy (1993)sought to evaluate the effectiveness of internal audit departments in Saudi joint-stock companies. He studied departments in 38 companies using questionnaire responses from the directors of internal audit departments, senior company management, and external auditors. The result of this study revealed that one significant factor in the perceived success of internal audit was its independence from other corporate activities. The service provided by the internal audit department was affected by the support it received from the management, other employees and external auditors. The education, training, experience and professional qualifications of the internal auditors influenced the effectiveness of internal audit. On the basis of his study, Asairy (1993) recommended that all joint-stock companies, should have an internal audit function, and that internal auditing should be taught as a separate course in Saudi Universities.Woodworth and Said (1996)sought to ascertain the views of internal auditors in Saudi Arabia as to whether there were differences in the reaction of auditees to specific internal audit situations according to the nationality of the auditee. Based on 34 questionnaire responses from members of the IIA Dhahran chapter, they found there were no significant differences between the different nationalities. The internal auditors did not modify their audit conduct according to the nationality of the auditee and cultural dimensions did not have a significant impact on the results of the audit.Given the importance of complying with SPPIA, the professional and academic literature emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the internal audit department and the rest of the organization in determining the success or otherwise of internal audit departments (Mints,1972;Flesher,1996;Ridley & Chambers,1998 and Moeller & Witt,1999). This literature focuses on the need for co-operation and teamwork between the auditor and auditee if internal auditing is to be effective.Bethea (1992) suggests that the need for good human relations’ skills is important because internal auditing creates negative perceptions and negative attitudes. These issues are particularly important in a multicultural business environment such as Saudi Arabia where there aresignificant differences in the cultural and educational background of the auditors and auditees Woodworth and Said (1996).ResultsReasons for not having an internal audit departmentOf the 92 company interviews examining the reasons why companies do not have an internal audit function, the most frequent response from 52 companies (57%) was that reliance on the external auditor enabled the company to obtain the benefits that might be obtained from internal audit. Typically, interviewees argued that the external auditor is better, more efficient and saves money. Interviews with the external auditors revealed that client companies could not distinguish clearly between the work and roles of internal and external audit. For example, one external auditor said,there is a misperception of what the external auditor does, they think the external auditor does everything for the company and must discover any problem.Having said this, one external auditor doubted that an internal audit function would add value in all circumstances. When referring to the internal control system he stated,as long as they are happy with the final output, I think the internal audit function will not add value. External auditing eventually will highlight any significant internal control weakness.The second most frequent reason mentioned by interviewees (23 firms, 25%) for not operating an internal audit department was the cost/benefit trade-off. Specifically, 17 firms considered that the small size of the company and the limited nature of its activities meant that it would not be efficient for them to have an internal audit department. The external auditors interviewed were of the opinion that the readily identifiable costs as compared with the more difficult to measure benefits was a factor contributing to this decision.A number of other reasons were given by interviewees for not having an internal audit department. As a consequence of the high costs of conducting internal audit activities, 14 firms used employees who were not within a separate internal audit department to carry out internal audit duties. Eight companies did not think there was a need for internal audit because they believed their internal control systems were sufficient to obviate the need for internal audit. Five companies did not think that internal audit was an important activity and three felt that their type of the business did not require internal audit. Three respondents mentioned that they did not operate an internal audit department because professional people could not be found to run the department, and six companies did not provide a reason for not having an internal audit department. In 10 companies an internal audit department had been established but was no longer operating because of difficulties in recruiting qualified personnel and changes in the organization structure. Having said this, eight companies without an internal audit department were planning to establish one in the future.The independence of internal audit departmentsCommentators and standard setters identify independence as being a key attribute of the internal audit department. From the questionnaire responses 60 (77%) of the internal audit departments stated that there was a written document defining the purpose, authority and responsibility of the department. In nearly all instances where there was such a document the terms of reference of the internal audit department had been agreed by senior management (93%), the document identified the role of the internal audit department in the organization, and its rights of access to individuals, records and assets (97%), and the document set out the scope of internal auditing (90%). Respondents were asked to assess the extent to which the relevant document was consistent with the specific requirements of SPPIA. In those departments where such a document existed 27 (45%) claimed full compliance with SPPIA, 23 (38%) considered their document to be partially consistent with SPPIA. In more than one-third of the departments surveyed either no such document existed (n=18, 23%) or the respondent was not aware whether or not the document complied with SPPIA (n=10, 13%).SPPIA suggests that independence is enhanced when the organization’s board of directors concurs with the appointment or removal of the director of the internal audit department, and that the director of the internal audit department is responsible to an individual of suitable seniority within the organization. It is noticeable that in 47 companies (60%) their responsibilities with regard to appointment, removal and the receipt of reports lay with non-senior management, normally a general manager. SPPIA recommends that the director of the internal audit department should have direct communication with the board of directors to ensure that the department is independent, and provides a means for the director of internal auditing and the board of directors to keep each other informed on issues of mutual interest. The interviews with directors of internal audit departments showed that departments tended to report to general managers rather than the board of directors. Further evidence of the lack of access to the board of directors was provided by the questionnaire responses showing that in almost half the companies, members of the internal audit department have never attended board meetings and in only two companies did attendance take place regularly.Unrestricted access to documentation and unfettered powers of enquiry are important aspects of the independence and effectiveness of internal audit. The questionnaire responses revealed that 34 (44%) internal audit directors considered that they did not have full access to all necessary information. Furthermore, a significant minority (n=11, 14%) did not believe they were free, in all instances, to report faults, frauds, wrongdoing or mistakes. A slightly higher number (n=17, 22%) considered that the internal audit function did not always receive consistent support from senior management.SPPIA identifies that involvement in the design, installation and operating of systems is likely to impair internal auditor objectivity. Respondents were asked how often management requested the assistance of the internal audit department in the performance of non-audit duties. In 37 internal audit departments (47%) surveyed such requests were made sometimes, often or always, and only 27 (35%) departments never participated in these non-audit activities. The interviews revealed that in some organizations internal audit staff was used regularly to cover for staff shortages in other departments.指导教师对外文翻译的评语:指导教师(签名)年月日建议成绩评阅小组或评阅人对外文翻译的评语:评阅小组负责人或评阅人(签名)年月日建议成绩外文翻译考核表。